Happiness is in Books, Happiness is in Picture Books
Picture books are not an unconscionable quantity of books – they form a literary continuum, communicated through language, literature and culture. Valued are those expressing the spirit of time and humanist values for the benefit of people. They are magnificent expressions of personal and collective memory, carrying a personal and cultural identity.  

Slovenian Picture Book (1917-2017) due to its humanist values is of high literary and artistic level. It is an equal stone in the European picture book mosaic. Literary characters in picture books are active, noble, courageous, honest – they are heroes-seekers and not heroes-victims, they represent outer conflicts and desires of children, and adults as well. Their characters are both abstract, individualized, and conventional, referring to all people. They are immortal.

Number of hits: 400

2017 (400)odstrani
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica (400)odstrani
Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta (1)
Amalietti & Amalietti (3)
Association of the Slovene Literary Translators (1)
Audibook (39)
B. Kos (6)
Beletrina (42)
Cankarjeva založba (17)
Demat (1)
Didakta (3)
Društvo slovenskih pisateljev (6)
Družina (7)
DZS (2)
Genija (5)
Gimnazija (1)
Goga (11)
Hiša knjig, Založba KMŠ (38)
Huannes (2)
KGD Reciklaža (1)
Književno društvo Hiša poezije (17)
Knjižna zadruga (1)
KUD Logos (1)
KUD Sodobnost International (9)
Kultúregyesületek községi szövetsége (1)
Kulturno umetniško društvo Dramšpil (1)
Kulturno umetniško društvo Poiesis (3)
Kulturno-gledališko društvo Reciklaža (1)
Kulturno-umetniško društvo Poiesis (5)
Kulturno-umetniško društvo Police Dubove (9)
Litera (33)
Literarnica, zavod za izobraževanje, kulturo in založništvo (1)
LUD Literatura (5)
M. Jeršič (1)
M. Klemenčič (2)
Malinc (12)
Miha Mazzini (1)
Miš (4)
Mladinska knjiga (32)
Mladinski center (1)
Moje sanje (1)
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica (1)
Ocean (1)
OŠ Tončke Čeč (1)
Pivec (11)
Revija SRP (1)
samozal. (9)
samozal. B. Ekselenski (1)
samozal. I. Jurgec (1)
samozal. M. Brajer (1)
samozal. M. Mazzini (1)
samozal. Maja M. Taron (1)
Sanje (18)
selfpublisher T. Horvat (1)
Slovene P.E.N. (1)
Slovene Writers' Association (1)
Socialni demokrati (1)
University of Nova Gorica Press (1)
Univerza v Novi Gorici (1)
Univerzitetna založba (1)
Ustanova Velenjska knjižna fundacija (3)
Vseočesje (1)
Zala (5)
Založba Audibook (2)
Založba Obzorja (2)
Založba Ocean, d.o.o. (1)
Založba Pivec (4)
Zavod Baja (1)
Zavod Partizanka (1)
Zavod za razvijanje ustvarjalnosti (1)
Zveza kulturnih društev (1)
Ž. Borak (1)
Search in (400)