Prekmurian serial publications from 1875 to 1945
The first Prekmurian newspaper titled Prijátel: Znanost razserjüvajôcse mészecsne novine was published in Budapest by Imre Agustich from 1875 to 1879. Imre Agustich was born in Gornji Petrovci in Prekmurje. He worked as a stenographer in the Hungarian National Assembly, and his newspaper was written in the Prekmurian dialect using Hungarian alphabet. Later newspapers, periodicals, and calendars published in Prekmurje until the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were written in the Prekmurian dialect using Hungarian alphabet. During the interwar period, Prekmurian periodical publications were printed in Gaj's Latin alphabet. The periodicals that emerged before the outbreak of the Second World War again used the Prekmurian dialect and Hungarian script. Regarding religious affiliation, there were both Evangelical and Catholic publications, while in terms of purpose or content, they encompassed humoristic or entertaining, literary, economic, political, cultural, educational, social, and Slovene-national serial publications. Among them were also some Hungarian-language newspapers. Regarding editions, 17 titles are fully digitized, with only the two oldest newspapers, Prijátel (Friend) and the emigrant Amerikanszki Szlovenczov glász (American Slovenian Voice), being incomplete.

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