A Thousand Years of Words
A thousand years of words collection represents history of Slovenian language and literature and is intended for the widest circle of users. It was primarily designed as an educational tool for e-learning for primary and secondary school students and it will be further developed to become a teaching tool for university students and researchers. The most important works of Slovenian written cultural heritage will be continuously added to it. By digitizing library materials and the publication thereof on the dLib.si portal, free access to the oldest written works, critical texts and images will be provided.

Number of hits: 50

Medicine (50)odstrani
Andreas Freitag (1)
apud Guilielmum Rouillium (1)
apud Guilielmum Simonem (1)
apud haeredes Lucaeantonii Iuntae (1)
Apud Iacobum Faure (1)
apud Iuntas (1)
apud Petrum Guilielmum Cavelier (1)
apud viduam B. Abrami Vandenhoeck (1)
Eduardus Colloretto (1)
ex officinâ Hackiana (1)
ex officina Petri Horst (1)
ex officina Plantiniana, apud Christophorum Raphelengium (1)
ex typographéo Mayriano (1)
Ex typographia J. E. Akkermann ... (1)
excudebat Christophorus Kraus (1)
excudebat Joannes Baskerville ... = by John Baskerville ... (1)
excusus typis Christophori Kraus chalcographi Campodunensis (1)
gedruckt bey Johann Georg Mayr ... (1)
gedruckt bey Leopold Eger ... (1)
gedruckt in der Eger''schen Gubernial-Buchdruckerei (1)
gedruckt, durch Johann Georgen Mayr ... (1)
Gollner (1)
impensis Octaviani Scoti (1)
J. Murray (1)
Jacobus de Fivizano (1)
opera et impensis Reinaldi Novimagii ... (1)
opere et impensis Dionysij Berthocum (3)
per Ioannem Oporinum (1)
per magistrum Andream Parmensem ... (1)
per presbyterum Bonetum Locatellum Bergomensium mandato & sumptibus heredum ... Octauiani Scoti ciuis modoetiensis (1)
prostant venales apud Gulielmum Creech (1)
Selbstverlag (1)
suis sumptibus excudi curavit Johannes Adolphus Stock (1)
Sumptibus Friderici Volke (1)
sumtibus Leopoldi Vossii (1)
typis Antonii de Haykul (1)
typis Bartholomaei Locatelli (1)
typis Caroli Ueberreuter (1)
typis Cartallier (1)
typis Joannis Baptistae Mayr (1)
Typis Joannis Thomae de Trattnern ... (1)
typis Johannis Baueri (1)
typis Josephi Thaddaei Mayr ... (2)
typis Leopoldi Eger ... (1)
Typis Leopoldi Grund (1)
typis Math. Andr. Schmidt (1)
typis Matthaei Cosmerovij, S.C.M. Typogr. (1)
typis Valentini Crescinii (1)
Založba ZRC (1)
Public (50)odstrani
Search in (50)