Aleksander Videčnik
Aleksander Jakob Videčnik, a senior administrative officer and a retired director of the Celje City Savings Bank (Celjska mestna hranilnica), was born on 11 December 1920 in Celje.  He studied the system of cooperative societies and saving banks, especially the work of Mihael Vošnjak and the cultural history of the Upper Savinja Valley. He began writing and publishing in his early life. After arriving in Mozirje in 1977, he continued to write articles for the Celje local newspaper. He became secretary of the Mozirje Tourist Association, and was the editor of the local newspaper Savinjske novice and an active member and president of the Mozirje Cultural Association. He was awarded several national decorations, such as the Medal of Labour (1960), the Order of Labour with Silver Wreath (1988) and the Order for Merits of the Republic of Slovenia (2002). In 2013, the Public Fund for Cultural Activities of Slovenia (JSKD) bestowed him the silver reward for his lifetime contribution in preserving and studying the rich cultural heritage and folk tradition of the Upper Savinja Valley.

Resumed after: Roman Mežnar: Aleksander Videčnik,

Photo: Vlado Lamut

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