Življenje v številkah

Kakšni smo prebivalci Slovenije in kako živimo, v čem smo podobni preostalim Evropejcem in v čem se od njih razlikujemo? Res živimo v deželi gozdov? Kako se gibljejo cene naftnih derivatov? Koliko turistov obišče Slovenijo in kaj si ogledujejo? Kakšne so bile temperature in koliko oblačnih ter sončnih dni je bilo v naših krajih v šestdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja?

Statistični urad Republike Slovenije zbira in obdeluje najrazličnejše podatke o Sloveniji in njenih prebivalcih, pa tudi o Evropi in svetu. Zbirka vključuje njihove publikacije od leta 1953 dalje, od suhoparnih tabel pa vse do sodobne, na uporabnika naravnane uradne statistike. Ta je vedno pregledna in zanimiva, na Statističnem uradu pa znajo poskrbeti tudi za to, da je zabavna.

Število rezultatov iskanja: 99

Tip gradiva
Barrois (1)
C. Reichard (1)
Calcutta printed, and London reprinted for Geo. Kearsley ... (1)
Carniolan Tourist - Office (1)
ex tpographia Rev. Cam. Apostol. (1)
excudebat Joannes Baskerville ... = by John Baskerville ... (1)
Fratelli Treves (1)
Hurst, Robinson, And Co. (1)
J. A. Hermann (1)
J. Fox (1)
J. Pavlin (1)
John Murray ... (1)
Liberty Publishing Corporation (1)
printed and fold by J.J. Tourneisen (1)
printed and sold by Allin and Ridge; sold also by G.G.J. and J. Robinson ... and J. Stockdale ... London (1)
printed and sold by James Philips ... (1)
printed and sold by James Phillips, George Yard ... (1)
printed at the Logographic press; and sold by J. Walter (1)
printed by and for W. Richardson ... also for J. Robson ... and N. Conant ... (1)
printed by G. Scott; and sold by J. Robson (1)
printed by J. Nichols, for T. Cadell ... (1)
printed by J. Ruthven, for G.G.J. and J. Robinson (1)
printed by J.G.A. Stoupe and sold by J.N. Pissot and Barrois, junior ... (1)
printed by James and Johnson (1)
printed by W. and A. Strahan: for G. Nicol ... and T. Cadell ... (1)
printed by W. Mowbray, and sold by Mr. Jordan (1)
printed for A. Strahan and T. Cadell: and sold by T. Cadell jun. and W. Davies (1)
printed for A. Strahan, and T. Cadell Jun. and W. Davies ... (1)
Printed For Archibald Constable And Co. (1)
printed for B. White ... J. Robson ... P. Elmsly ... and G. Robinson (1)
printed for Benj. Tooke, at the Sign of the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard (1)
printed for C. Dilly ... (1)
printed for Charles Stalker ... (1)
printed for Cullen and company ... (1)
printed for E. and C. Dilly ... and J. Almon ... (1)
printed for Edward and Charles Dilly ... (1)
printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson (3)
printed for G. Nicol (1)
printed for G. Robinson (1)
printed for G. Robinson ... and C. Elliot ... (1)
printed for G. Robinson ... and Pearson and Rollason ... (1)
printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson (1)
printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson ... (2)
printed for J. Debrett (3)
printed for J. Debrett ... (1)
printed for J. Johnson (2)
printed for J. Johnson ... et al. (1)
printed for John Stockdale (2)
printed for R. Blamire ... (1)
printed for R. Morison and son ... G. Mudie ... and T. Vernor ... London (1)
printed for Richard Phillips ... by J.G. Barnard (1)
printed for Stanfield Parkinson, the editor (1)
printed for T. Cadell (1)
printed for T. Cadell ... (2)
Printed For The Author (1)
printed for the author and sold by J. Edwards ... (1)
printed for the author by C. Clarke (1)
printed for the author by Robert and Andrew Foulis (1)
printed for the author, and sold by E. & C. Dilly, London (1)
printed for the author, and sold by Thomas Payne ... (1)
printed for the author, by Darnton and Harvey ... and sold by G. Nicol ... et al. (1)
printed for the author's widow; and sold by T. Payne ... (1)
printed for the editor ... (1)
printed for the proprietor; sold by H. D. Symonds (1)
printed for W. Faden ... J. Robson ... and R. Sewell (1)
printed for W. Faden ... J. Robson ... and R. Sewell ... (1)
Printed for W. Innys, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, E. Comyns, D. Browne, T. Longman, H. Whitebridge, C. Hitch, J. Hodge, S. Austen, R. Manby and H.S. Cox, A. Millar, J. and J. Rivington, and J. Ward (1)
printed for W. Lowndes ... (1)
printed for W. Strahan, and T. Cadell ... (1)
printed for W. Strahan; and T. Cadell (1)
printed for William Lane (1)
printed for, and sold by the editor; J. Ridgway ... and W. Button ... (1)
published by Effingham Wilson, Royal exchange: Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh; John Cumming, Dublin (1)
reprinted for J. Johnson ... (1)
Robinson (1)
samozal. (1)
samozaložba (1)
sold by G. Nicol ... and J. Sewell ... (1)
sold by J. Robson ... I. Owen ... and Balfour, Edinburgh ... (1)
sold by Richardson et al. (1)
The Austrian Lloyd''s (1)
Tipografia del Lloyd Austriaco (1)
Tiskarna Amerikanskega Slovenca (1)
W. Braumüller (1)
W.S. Orr ... (1)
William Clowes and sons (1)
Župnijsko predstojništvo (1)
javna domena (99)odstrani
Išči med rezultati (99)