Eger's Ljubljana Printing Press and Publishing House

The Ljubljana Eger family of printers and publishers were active from 1765 until 1873. The first member, Johann Friderik Eger (1735–1799), married the widow of printer Johann Georg Heptner, Maria Theresa in 1765 and took over the Heptner company. He printed books, textbooks, newspapers as well as official publications and other material in Latin, German, Italian and Slovenian. He for example printed or published Linhart's An attempt at the history of Carniola, Pohlin's Carniolan grammar, Dev's Pisanice, Linhart's Županova Micka, as well as Vodnik's Velika pratika, Mala pratika, and his Lublanske novize. He was also mayor of Ljubljana between 1782 and 1786. After 1799, the printing press was run by his widow for some time. Of the sons, only Johann Leopold (1773–1829), who learned the craft from his father, survived his parents. He became the head of Degotardi’s printing press after the death of Anton Degotardi, and married his widow Regina, who was also the owner of former Merk’s printing press. After his mother's death in 1800, he probably united the two businesses. He was succeeded by his third wife Rosalia (1788–1871), who ran the printing press until her death. She for example printed Navratil's Vedež and Vilhar-Levstik's Naprej. She was succeeded by her stepdaughter Leopoldina, and by her daughter Julijana, who leased the printing works to its long-time managers Anton Klein and Ivan Kovač in 1873. They eventually bought it off.

The collection includes a selection of books and other prints by Johann Frederik, Maria Theresa and Johann Leopold Eger from the National and University Library, the Ljubljana City Library, the Jože Udovič Public Library in Cerknica, and The Slovenian Museum of Natural History, which were suitable for digitization. It will be completed with later prints by individual members of the Eger family, especially by the extensive opus of Johann Leopold's third wife, Rosalia Eger.

Number of hits: 124

Source type
books (124)odstrani
"Goriška tiskarna" A. Gabršček (1)
"Slavec" (1)
= C. k. deželna komisija kranjska za véliko razstavo (1)
Akad. društvo 'Slovenija' (1)
Akademsko društvo "Slovenija" (1)
apud Wolffgangum Gerle (1)
Aushilf-cassa Verein (1)
C. k. kmetijska družba (1)
C. k. Kmetijska družba (1)
C. k. kmetijska družba na Kranjskem (2)
C. Zois (1)
Casinovereins-Direction (1)
Čitalnica (1)
D. Hribar (1)
Deželno pomožno društvo za bolne na pljučih na Kranjskem (1)
Domoljubno pomóčno društvo dežélno (1)
Dramatično društvo (9)
društvo (1)
Društvo "Slovenije" (1)
Društvo upokojencev (1)
Društvo v brambo narodnih pravic (1)
Gremiums der Kaufleute (1)
I. v. Kleinmayr & F. Bamberg (1)
Ig. v. Kleinmayr & Fed. Bamberg (1)
J. R. Millitz (2)
Joseph Blasnik? (2)
Jugoslovenska sokolska matica (1)
Jugoslovensko učiteljsko udruženje, sekcija za dravsko banovino (1)
K. Gabriel (1)
K. k. Landw.-Gesellschaft (1)
K. k. Landwirtschaft=Gesellschaft in Krain (1)
K. k. Weltausstellungs-Landescomission für Krain (1)
Katoliška Liga (1)
Katoliška tiskarna (1)
Kleinmayr & Bamberg (1)
Kranjska kmetijska družba (1)
Laibacher deutscher Turnverein (1)
Landeshilfsverein für Lungenkranke in Krain (1)
Landes-Museum (1)
Lastna založba Narodne čitalnice (1)
Leonova družba (1)
Männergesangs-Verein (1)
Marine-Casino-Verein (1)
mit Edlen v. Kleinmayr'schen Schriften (1)
mit Ignaz Alois Edlen v. Kleinmayr'schen Schriften (1)
mit Ignaz Aloys Edlen v. Kleinmayr'schen Schriften (1)
Mohorjeva družba (1)
Muzejsko društvo (1)
natisnil Jožef Blaznik (3)
Občno rudarsko društvo avstrijskih planinskih dežel (1)
Odbor slavností sedemdesetletnice Stanka Vraza (1)
Pčela (1)
Philharmonische Gesellschaft (1)
Rohrschützen Gesellschaft (1)
s. n. (1)
Samopomoč (1)
samozal. (5)
Selbstverlag des Laibacher deutschen Turnvereines (1)
Selbstverlag des Laibacher deutschen Turnvereins (1)
Selbstverlag des Museal-Vereines (1)
Selbstverlag des Turn-Vereins (1)
Semeniška knjižnica (1)
Slovenic Publishing Co. (1)
Slovenska krščansko-socijalna zveza za Štajersko (1)
Slovenska kulturna akcija (1)
Slovenska sokolska zveza (1)
Slovensko pevsko in dramatično društvo "Domovina (1)
Slovensko trgovsko društvo (1)
Sokol (2)
Sokolsko društvo (1)
Stadtmagistrat (1)
Tujsko-prometna zveza za mariborsko oblast (1)
Uprava Sokola I. (1)
venales extant apud Iacobum Peeters ... (1)
Verein (1)
Verein zur Unterstützung... (1)
Verlag des Casino-vereins (1)
Verlag des Eisenbahner-Gesangvereines "Flugrad" (1)
Verlag des Kaufmännischen Kranken- und Unterstützungs-Vereines (1)
Vinarsko društvo za Dravsko banovino (1)
Založba železničarskega pevskega društva "Krilato kolo" (1)
Zgodovinsko društvo za Slovenijo (1)
Zveza kulturnih društev (1)
The Public Domain Mark (124)odstrani
Public (124)odstrani
Search in (124)