Publications for Teachers and other Professionals published by The National Education Institute Slovenia
The National Education Institute Slovenia (Zavod RS za šolstvo) is the national central research, development and advisory institution in the field of preschool, primary and general secondary education. Its origins date back to the fifties of the past century when the Institute for the Study of the Educational System was set up. Since then, its activities have been focused on improving knowledge and achievements, outcomes of learning and teaching, and on the quality of lifelong learning. Its publications support professional and personal growth of teachers and other professionals in educational institutions.

Number of hits: 84

Source type
books (84)odstrani
1874 (84)odstrani
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica (84)odstrani
(Egerjeva Tisk.) (1)
= samozal. (1)
A.Tschinkel Söhne (1)
Aschendorff (1)
Blasnik's Erben (1)
Braumüller (1)
C. k založba šolskih bukev (1)
C. kr zaloga šolskih bukev (1)
C. kr. založba šolskih knjig (1)
Čarman (1)
Deželni odbor kranjski (1)
Dramatično društvo (4)
Druck. U. Verlag V. R. Oldenbourg (1)
Družba (1)
Družba sv. Mohora (2)
Duncker & Humblot (1)
E. Schroll (1)
Fed. Bamberg (1)
H. Ničman (3)
I. Kleinmayr & F. Bamberg (2)
I. Kleinmayr in F. Bamberg (1)
I. v. Kleinmayr & F. Bamberg (1)
Ig. V. Kleinmayer & Fed. Bamberg (1)
Ig. V. Kleinmayr (1)
Ig. V. Kleinmayr & Fed. Bamberg (1)
Imperatorskoe russkoe arheologičeskoe obščestvo (1)
J. Cimperman (1)
J. Giontini (1)
J. Gros (1)
J. L. Filli (1)
J. Tomažič (1)
J. Vošnjak (1)
K. Henn (1)
K. J. Trübner etc. (1)
K. k. Schulücher Verlag (1)
Kaiserlich-königlicher Schulbücher-Verlag (1)
Klein (1)
Kovač (Eger's Nachfolger) (1)
Krainische Industrie-Gesellschaft (1)
Krajno šolsko svetovalstvo v Terbovljah (1)
Kranjska deželna komisija za konjstvo (1)
L. Jurgela (1)
Leuschner & Lubensky (1)
M. Gerber (2)
M. Stergár (1)
M.Gerber (1)
Matica Slovenska (2)
Národna tiskarna (1)
pisatelj (1)
Politično društvo "Slovenija" (1)
R. Millitz (1)
Rud. Milic (1)
samozal. F. Pirc (2)
samozal. I. Zarnik (1)
samozaložba (2)
Selbstverl. (1)
sinova A. Tschinkela (1)
Sl. Nar. (1)
T. Krajec (1)
t. Tipografia emiliana (1)
Tiskarna družbe sv. Mohora (1)
Tiskarnica družbe sv. Mohora (1)
Tonkli (1)
v c. kr. zalógi šolskih bukev (1)
V. Boben (1)
V. Pfeifer (1)
W. Braumüller (2)
založnik izdajatelj (1)
Search in (84)