When the Dead teach the Living - History of Anatomy

Following the chronological order of their creation, the collection presents some prominant works from the field of anatomy that were displayed at the National and University Library's exhibition When the Dead Teach the Living in 2015. Scientific studies, manuals, anatomical atlases and other materials, which are kept at the National and University Library of Slovenia, and the Seminary Library represent the development of anatomy from the first known systematic attempts to discover the structure and functioning of the human body until the 20th century. The authors of the works feature many world-famous and renowned names such as Hippocrates, Galenus, Avicenna, Mesue, Vesalius, Bartholin, Eustahius, Hunter and Zinn, as well as two local authors - Alojzij Homan and Janez Plečnik, who significantly contributed to the development of anatomy in Slovenia.

Numerous handwritten notes and additions on front pages and on the margins of the exhibited books bear witness to strong interest in medicine and anatomy in today's Slovenian territory throughout history. Many of the books presented were once owned by important individuals and institutions.

The virtual exhibition is also available at: http://www.dlib.si/razstave/anatomija/

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