Municipal bulletins of Spodnje Podravje
The area of Spodnje Podravje consists of three natural units: Haloze, plains along the Drava river and Slovenske gorice. It is recognizable by its agrarian orientation, especially by viticulture, which has an essential economic role and for which the entire area is known in Slovenia and abroad. The center of the region is Ptuj, not only because of its history, but because of today's administrative, educational and business functions.
Until the independence of Slovenia, Ptuj was the seat of one of the largest municipalities in Slovenia, but in 1995 a reform took place and new smaller municipalities began to emerge. Today, Spodnje Podravje consists of 19 municipalities: the municipalities of Cirkulane, Destrnik, Dornava, Gorišnica, Hajdina, Juršinci, Kidričevo, Majšperk, Markovci, Ormož, Podlehnik, the municipality of Ptuj, Sveti Andraž in Slovenske gorice, Središče ob Dravi, Sveti Tomaž, Trnovska vas, Videm, Zavrč and Žetale.
In the collection, municipal bulletins are collected in one place, which are a source of current news for local residents, but also an important source for researching the past of each local community. The project of digitization of municipal bulletins and their placement in dLib was carried out by Ivan Potrč Ptuj Library  and Franc Ksaver Meško Ormož Library, which perform library activities in the area and were collaborating with municipalities.

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