Happiness is in Books, Happiness is in Picture Books
Picture books are not an unconscionable quantity of books – they form a literary continuum, communicated through language, literature and culture. Valued are those expressing the spirit of time and humanist values for the benefit of people. They are magnificent expressions of personal and collective memory, carrying a personal and cultural identity.  

Slovenian Picture Book (1917-2017) due to its humanist values is of high literary and artistic level. It is an equal stone in the European picture book mosaic. Literary characters in picture books are active, noble, courageous, honest – they are heroes-seekers and not heroes-victims, they represent outer conflicts and desires of children, and adults as well. Their characters are both abstract, individualized, and conventional, referring to all people. They are immortal.

Number of hits: 103

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1883 (103)odstrani
A. Koblar (1)
B. Raič (2)
Blasnikovi nasledniki (1)
bratovščina (1)
Britanska in inozemska svetopisemska družba (1)
C. Gerold''s Sohn (1)
C. Graefer (1)
C. k. kmetijska družba (1)
C. k. založba šolskih knjig (1)
C. kr. kmetijska družba (1)
C. kr. Zaloga šolskih bukev (1)
Comel Edlen von Sočebran (1)
Die krainische Sparcasse (1)
Dramatično društvo (3)
Družba sv. Mohora (1)
F. Schumi (1)
H. Ničman (1)
Herder (1)
Hilarijanska tisk. (1)
Hilarijanska tiskarna (1)
I. Kleinmayr & F. Bamberg (2)
I. v. Kleinmayr & F. Bamberg (5)
Ig. v. Kleinmayr & Fed. Bamberg (1)
Ig. V. Kleinmayr & Fed. Bamberg (2)
J. Blasnika naslednikah (1)
J. Blasnikovi nasledniki (1)
J. Blasnik''s Nachf. (1)
J. Giontini (4)
J. Jesenko (2)
J. Krajec (6)
K. Rauch (1)
K. Stampfel (1)
Katoliška bukvarna (1)
Katoliška družba na Kranjskem (1)
Klein & Kovač (1)
Klein in Kovač (Eger) (1)
Kleinmayr & Bamberg (3)
Kopališče (1)
L. Rutar (1)
lastna založba (2)
Leuschner & Lubensky (1)
Leykam (1)
M. Gerber (2)
Matica Slovenska (1)
natisnila in založila Narodna tiskarna (1)
pisatelj (2)
Rohrschützen Gesellschaft (1)
samozal. (4)
samozal. Comel Edlen von Sočebran (1)
Selbstverlag (1)
Selbstverlag des Turn-Vereins (1)
Stadtmagistrates (1)
Tiskarnica Družbe sv. Mohora (1)
Uredništvo "Edinosti" (1)
v c. kr. zalogi šolskih bukev (1)
v c. kr. založbi šolskih bukev (1)
V c. kr. založbi šolskih bukev (1)
Vödáni po angluskom i zvönésnyem tüváristvi za Biblie (1)
vodstvo svetogorsko (2)
W. Blanke (1)
W. Braumüller (2)
W. Frick (1)
založil in na svetlo dal pisatelj (1)
Search in (103)