Libri prohibiti
The collection presents selected works from the National and University Library's collection, which were in the past marked as religiously, morally or politically controversial and listed on the Papal Index and other, mainly imperial censorship lists. The works were displayed at the exhibition And Yet They Read Them – Banned Books in the Early Modern Age. It was part of the Banned Books on Slovenian Territory in the Early Modern Age research project, and was prepared in 2018 by the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and NUL.

The virtual exhibition is available at:

Number of hits: 67

Source type
books (67)odstrani
1849 (67)odstrani
druck aus Rosalia Eger''s Buchdruckerei (1)
Druck und Verlag von Ignaz Alois v. Kleinmayr (1)
Druck von Ignaz Alois Kleinmayr (1)
gedruckt bei Joseph Blasnik (1)
gedruckt und zu finden bei Ig. Al. Kleinmayr (1)
im Verlage der J. Sigmund'schen Buchhandlung (1)
isdal in saloshil Fr. Metelko (1)
Jožef Blaznik (1)
kamnotiskarnica Eduarda Sieger (1)
llyr. Landes-Gubernium (1)
Mechitharisten-Buchdruckerei (1)
na prodaj in v založbi pri Janezu Giontini ... (1)
na prodaj pri E. Honu, kupčevavcu z papirjem in bukvovezu ... (1)
na prodej per Josefu Sirola, bukvovesu (1)
na prodej per starimu Weimanu ... (1)
natis od Leykamovih naslednikov (1)
natisnil Ign. A. Kleinmayr (1)
natisnil in založil Jožef Blaznik (1)
Natisnil ino na prodaj ima Janez Leon (3)
natisnil ino na prodaj imá Janez Leon (1)
natisnil ino naprodaj imá Janez Leon (1)
natisnil Jožef Blaznik (7)
natisnila Rosalja Eger (1)
natisnjene pri Rozaliji Eger (1)
natisnjeno per Rosalii Eger (1)
saloshil J. Giontini (1)
Schnellpressendruck von C. Tanzer's Buchdruckerei (1)
tisk pri J.K. Jeretin'u (1)
tiskano u c. k. pridvornoj tiskarnici sinov Bogumila Haaze (1)
tiskarnica Austr. Lloyda (1)
typis et sumptibus Josephi Blasnik (1)
v salogi in na prodaj pri J. Giontini ... (1)
v saloshbi in na prodaj pri Leopoldu Kremsherju ... (1)
v založbi in na prodaj pri Jurju Lerherju (1)
v založbi in naprodaj pri Eduardu Hohnu ... (1)
v založbi in naprodaj pri Janezu Giontinitu (1)
Verlag von Gustav Mayer (1)
Verlag von Ignaz Alois Kleinmayr (1)
Verlag von Leopold Kremscher ... (1)
zaloga pri Francu Dirnbök'u (2)
založil in na prodaj ima Janez Giontini (1)
Search in (67)