When the Dead teach the Living - History of Anatomy

Following the chronological order of their creation, the collection presents some prominant works from the field of anatomy that were displayed at the National and University Library's exhibition When the Dead Teach the Living in 2015. Scientific studies, manuals, anatomical atlases and other materials, which are kept at the National and University Library of Slovenia, and the Seminary Library represent the development of anatomy from the first known systematic attempts to discover the structure and functioning of the human body until the 20th century. The authors of the works feature many world-famous and renowned names such as Hippocrates, Galenus, Avicenna, Mesue, Vesalius, Bartholin, Eustahius, Hunter and Zinn, as well as two local authors - Alojzij Homan and Janez Plečnik, who significantly contributed to the development of anatomy in Slovenia.

Numerous handwritten notes and additions on front pages and on the margins of the exhibited books bear witness to strong interest in medicine and anatomy in today's Slovenian territory throughout history. Many of the books presented were once owned by important individuals and institutions.

The virtual exhibition is also available at: http://www.dlib.si/razstave/anatomija/

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[s. n.] (1)
= im Selbstverlage der freiwilligen Feuerwehr (1)
A. Klein & Comp. (2)
Andreas Freitag (1)
appresso Domenico Occhi (1)
Apresso Lucio Spineda (1)
apud Guilielmum Rouillium (1)
apud Guilielmum Simonem (1)
apud haeredes Lucaeantonii Iuntae (1)
Apud Iacobum Faure (1)
Apud Iacobum Sarcinam (1)
apud Iuntas (1)
apud Petrum Guilielmum Cavelier (1)
apud viduam B. Abrami Vandenhoeck (1)
Badeverwaltung (1)
Banovinska zaloga šolskih knjig in učil (1)
bei Ignaz Merk ... (1)
bei Iohann Georg Licht (1)
bei Johann Georg Licht (1)
bei Jos. Franz Kaiser (1)
bey Joseph Thadaeo Mayr ... (1)
Braumüller (2)
Cesarska kraljeva zaloga šolskih knjig (1)
Curanstalt (1)
Cur-Commision Abbazia (1)
Deželni odbor kranjski (1)
Deželni odbor Kranjski (1)
Druck von Rosalia Eger & Sohn (1)
Druck. U. Verlag V. R. Oldenbourg (1)
Družba sv. Mohora (1)
Družba sv. Mohorja (1)
durch Josiam Rihel (1)
Eduardus Colloretto (1)
Eger (1)
ex officinâ Hackiana (1)
ex officina Petri Horst (1)
ex officina Plantiniana, apud Christophorum Raphelengium (1)
ex typographéo Mayriano (1)
ex typographia Cribelliana (1)
Ex typographia J. E. Akkermann ... (1)
excudebat Christophorus Kraus (1)
excudebat Joannes Baskerville ... = by John Baskerville ... (1)
excusus typis Christophori Kraus chalcographi Campodunensis (1)
Freiw. Feuerwehr (1)
Gasilska župa korotanska (1)
Gasilsko društvo (1)
gedruckt bei Ignaz Aloys Edlen v. Kleinmayr (1)
gedruckt bei Joseph Blasnik (1)
gedruckt bey Ignaz Aloys Edlen v. Kleinmayr (1)
gedruckt bey Johann Friedrich Eger (2)
gedruckt bey Johann Georg Mayr ... (1)
gedruckt bey Joseph Blasnik (1)
gedruckt bey Joseph Edlen von Kurzböck ... (1)
gedruckt bey Leopold Eger ... (2)
gedruckt in der Eger''schen Gubernial-Buchdruckerei (1)
gedruckt mit Retzerischen Schriften (1)
gedruckt, durch Johann Georgen Mayr ... (1)
Gerold (1)
Glavni odbor društva Rdečega križa kraljevine Jugoslavije (2)
Glavni odbor Podmladka RK (1)
Gollner (1)
Goričar & Leskovšek (1)
Goriška matica (4)
Goriška Matica (1)
I. Kleinmayr & F. Bamberg (1)
I. v. Kleinmayr & F. Bamberg (3)
Ig. pl. Kleinmayr & Fed. Bamberg (2)
Ig. V. Kleinmayr & Fed. Bamberg (1)
im Selbstverlage des Verfassers (1)
impensis Octaviani Scoti (1)
in Commision bei Jakob Fr. Dirnböck (1)
in der Akademischen Buchhandlung (1)
in der Arnoldischen Buchhandlung (1)
in der Baumgärtnerschen Buchhandlung (1)
in Kommission bei H.W. Korn (1)
in Kommission bei I. A. Edlem v. Kleinmayr (1)
in verlegung Lazari Zessners seligen Erben (1)
J. Blasnik (3)
J. Blasnika nasl., Univerzitetna tiskarna in litografija (1)
J. Blaznik (1)
J. Hensel (1)
J. Leon (1)
J. Murray (1)
J. R. Millitz. (1)
J. Šafář (1)
Jacobus de Fivizano (1)
Jugoslovanska gasilska zveza Ljubljana (1)
Jugoslovanska knjigarna (1)
K. Henn (1)
K. K. Landes-Sanitätsrat (1)
Klein & Kovač (Eger) (1)
Klein in Kovač (2)
'Knjigarna tiskovne zadruge' (1)
Kočevar (1)
Krainischer Landes-Feuerwehrverband (1)
Krajevna protituberkulozna liga (1)
Kranjska deželna zaveza gasilnih društev (1)
L. C. Zamarski (1)
L. Fernau (2)
Leykam (1)
Lichtenthurnov zavod sirotih deklic (1)
Lichtenthurnovi zavod sirotih deklic (1)
Ljubljansko prostovoljno gasilno in reševalnego društvo (1)
M. Schell''shen Buchdruckerei (1)
MANZ''ova c. k. dvorna založna in vseučiliška knjigarna I. Kohlmarkt (1)
Matica Slovenska (4)
Merkantile (1)
Merkur (4)
Mestni magistrat (1)
natiskal sa vtroshik pisavzhov, Joseph Skarbina bukvotis, ima na prodaj pisaviz (1)
natisnen per Joa. Fridr. Egerju na Polanah (1)
natisnil Eger (2)
natisnil ino na prodaj ima Janes Leon (1)
natisnil ino na prodaj ima Joan Leon (1)
natisnil Janes Leon, natiskaviz (1)
natisnil Joshef Sassenberg (1)
natisnila in založila Klein & Kovač (1)
natisnjene per Rosalii Eger (1)
nella Stamperia de Giunti (1)
Neva (1)
Oosthoek (1)
opera et impensis Reinaldi Novimagii ... (1)
opere et impensis Dionysij Berthocum (3)
per Ioannem Oporinum (1)
per Joshefu od Bacho (1)
per La stamperia camerale (2)
per magistrum Andream Parmensem ... (1)
per presbyterum Bonetum Locatellum Bergomensium mandato & sumptibus heredum ... Octauiani Scoti ciuis modoetiensis (1)
Pichler`s Witwe & Sohn (1)
Pisarna kn. šk. ordinarijata (1)
pisatelj (2)
pismen' Kralevskago vseučilišča Peštanskago (1)
Pokrajinsko gasilsko poveljstvo (1)
prireditelj (1)
prostant venales apud Gulielmum Creech (1)
Prostovoljna požarna bramba (1)
published by Effingham Wilson, Royal exchange: Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh; John Cumming, Dublin (1)
R. Korpar (1)
s. n. (1)
samozal. (2)
samozal. D. Hribar (1)
samozal. Ivan Jan (1)
samozal. J. Leban (1)
samozal. M. Prelog (1)
samozal. pisatelj (1)
Schell (1)
'Section Krain' des deutschen und österreichischen Alpenvereines (1)
Selbstverl. des Verfassers (1)
Selbstverlag (2)
Selbstverlag des Verfassers (1)
suis sumptibus excudi curavit Johannes Adolphus Stock (1)
Sumptibus Friderici Volke (1)
sumtibus Leopoldi Vossii (1)
T. Grieben (2)
tipografia della Minerva (1)
tiskal in založil D. Hribar (1)
Tiskarna sv. Cirila (1)
typis Antonii de Haykul (1)
typis Bartholomaei Locatelli (1)
typis Caroli Ueberreuter (1)
typis Cartallier (1)
typis Joannis Baptistae Mayr (1)
Typis Joannis Thomae de Trattnern ... (1)
typis Johannis Baueri (1)
typis Josephi Thaddaei Mayr ... (2)
typis Leopoldi Eger ... (1)
Typis Leopoldi Grund (1)
typis Math. Andr. Schmidt (1)
typis Matthaei Cosmerovij, S.C.M. Typogr. (1)
typis Valentini Crescinii (1)
typis, Joannis Thoma Trattner ... (1)
Unione editoriale goriziana (1)
uredništvo "Rogača" (1)
v ces. kralj. založbi šolskih bukev (1)
v'' salogi ino na prodaj per Franz Ferftli. Janes Lovrenz Greiner (1)
v založbi deželn. patrijotičnega društva za Kranjsko (1)
Verein der Ärzte (1)
Verfasser (1)
Verlag der Landes-Kuranstalt (1)
Verlag der Renger'schen Buchhandlung (1)
Verlag des Verfassers (1)
Verlag von Ignaz Alois Kleinmayr (1)
W. Braumüller (3)
Wagner (1)
Zavod za socialno zavarovanje Ljubljanske pokrajine (1)
zbral, tiskal in založil Dragotin Hribar (1)
Zdravilišče (1)
Zdravniška zbornica kranjska (1)
Zdravstveni odsek za Slovenijo (1)
zu finden bei Heinrich Willhelm Korn, Buchhändler (2)
zu finden bei Johann Michael Promberger ... (1)
Zvezna tiskarna in knjigarna (4)
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