Strojniški vestnik
Journal of mechanical engineering

  1. 1999

    številka: 7/8 (1999)
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    Zmanjšanje hrupa pralnih strojev z uporabo dušilnih materialov (številka: 7/8, 1999)
    Parametri optimizacije varjenja za novo stržensko žico tipa RD 971 (številka: 7/8, 1999)
    Razvoj modela procesa in strukture krmilnega sistema delovne enote za indukcijsko kaljenje (številka: 7/8, 1999)
    Analiza dinamičnih sistemov s povezovalnimi grafi (številka: 7/8, 1999)
    Tehnično ekonomska analiza izrabe odpadne toplote pri hlajenju strojev (številka: 9, 1999)
    Preskušanje gredi kolesnih dvojic na dizelskih motornih vlakih (številka: 9, 1999)
    Günther Schuster, Plama-pur in slovenska industrija poliuretanov (številka: 9, 1999)
    Osnove za konstrukcijo algoritmov minimalne porabe goriva pri vleki (številka: 9, 1999)
    45 let Strojniškega vestnika (številka: 10, 1999)
    Profesor Franček Kovačec (številka: 10, 1999)
    Prvi vpis na Tehniško fakulteto Univerze v Ljubljani v šolskem letu 1919/1920 (številka: 10, 1999)
    Študij strojništva na Univerzi v Ljubljani (1919 -1960) (številka: 10, 1999)
    30 let visokošolskega študija strojništva pri nas (številka: 10, 1999)
    Zasl. prof. dr.h.c. Albert Struna, strokovnjak in človek - nekaj spominov nanj (številka: 10, 1999)
    40 let študija tehnike v Mariboru (številka: 10, 1999)
    Moje delovanje na Univerzi v Ljubljani (številka: 10, 1999)
    Pregled vpisanih študentov na nekdanji Tehniški fakulteti in naslednici, sedanji Fakulteti za strojništvo Univerze v Ljubljani (številka: 10, 1999)
    Študijski programi strojništva na Univerzi v Ljubljani 1919 - 1999 (številka: 10, 1999)
    Lega svečke v simetričnem zgorevalnem prostoru (številka: 11, 1999)
    Homologacija vozil na Hrvaškem - zasnova sistema in prvi rezultati (številka: 11, 1999)
    Analiza laserskega rezanja hladno valjane pločevine za zahteven globoki vlek (številka: 11, 1999)
    Avtomobilizacija srednjeevropskih držav in usmeritve (številka: 11, 1999)
    Simuliranje prehodnih režimov delovanja motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem (številka: 11, 1999)
    Ugotavljanje nosilnosti materialov za aluminijska platišča (številka: 11, 1999)
    Študija dinamičnih karakteristik sklopa radialnega rotorja in vležajenja ventilatorja hladilnega sistema borbenih vozil M 84 in T 72 (številka: 11, 1999)
    Računalniško preverjanje ustreznosti zaščitne naprave pred podletom motornih tovornih vozil (številka: 11, 1999)
    Matematični model za numerično simuliranje procesa vbrizgavanja v visokotlačnem vbrizgalnem sistemu ECD-U2 (številka: 12, 1999)
    Trdnostna analiza rotorja ventilatorja borbenega vozila (številka: 12, 1999)
    Varjenje polizdelkov za nadaljnjo obdelavo - tehnologija prihodnosti v avtomobilski industriji (številka: 12, 1999)
    Numerična analiza zaporednega tlačnega polnjenja pri hitrotekočih dizelskih motorjih (številka: 12, 1999)
    Raziskave nosilnega okvira vozila Šinkovec MM (številka: 12, 1999)
    Preskuševališče za testiranje pedalnega sklopa (številka: 12, 1999)
    Optimiranje motorjev - priprava motorja za elektronsko krmiljenje vbrizgavanja (številka: 12, 1999)
    Homologacija elementov prototipnega vozila (številka: 12, 1999)
  2. 2000

    številka: 1 (2000)
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    številka: 11/12 (2000)
    Simuliranje odgovora zadrževalnega hrama jedrske elektrarne med veliko izlivno nezgodo (številka: 46, 2000)
    ISO 14000 - Namen okoljskega standarda in njegove posledice (številka: 1, 2000)
    Procesni model v novih standardih skupine ISO 9000 : 2000 (številka: 1, 2000)
    Določanje odzivne površine z optimalnim statističnim cenilnikom (številka: 1, 2000)
    Model strateškega odločanja distribucije orodij z uporabo pravil mehke logike (številka: 1, 2000)
    Hiša kakovosti v srednjem poklicnem izobraževanju (številka: 1, 2000)
    Tehnologija in skrajševanje časov razvoja novih izdelkov (številka: 2, 2000)
    Pretočni čas operacije (številka: 2, 2000)
    Obvladovanje kakovosti pri sanaciji armirano betonskih silosov za cement (številka: 2, 2000)
    Hitra izdelava prototipov (številka: 2, 2000)
    Postopek izbire sistema načrtovanja in krmiljenja proizvodnje (številka: 2, 2000)
    Obdelovalnost vroče stisnjenih samomazalnih kompozitov Fe-MnS in Fe-MoS2 (številka: 2, 2000)
    Nova uparjalnika za Jedrsko elektrarno Krško (številka: 3, 2000)
    Projekt zamenjave uparjalnikov Jedrske elektrarne Krško (številka: 3, 2000)
    Pomen varjenja pri izdelavi uparjalnikov za jedrsko elektrarno Krško (številka: 3, 2000)
    Staranje cevi uparjalnikov v Jedrski elektrarni Krško (številka: 3, 2000)
    Termohidravlične varnostne analize v podporo zamenjavi uparjalnikov in povečanju moči v jedrski elektrarni Krško (številka: 4, 2000)
    Specifični simulator JEK - orodje za učinkovito usposabljanje operaterjev (številka: 4, 2000)
    Pridobivanje dovoljenj za zamenjavo uparjalnikov in povečanje moči JE Krško (številka: 4, 2000)
    Mehanske in trdnostne analize v podporo zamenjavi uparjalnikov in povečanju moči JE Krško (številka: 4, 2000)
    Numerična analiza kazalnikov izkoristka nosilnosti cestnih vozil (številka: 5, 2000)
    Novo biorazgradljivo splošno traktorsko transmisijsko olje na osnovi oljne repice (številka: 5, 2000)
    Šolski robot SLR 1500 - razvoj in simulirni program (številka: 5, 2000)
    Analiza poškodbe cevovoda iz nerjavnega jekla (številka: 5, 2000)
    Ojačanje krmilnega ventila s poligonsko pretočno značilnico (številka: 5, 2000)
    Prerotacijski tok na vstopu v radialni rotor (številka: 5, 2000)
    Analiza kinematike toka za utripajočim profilom spremenljive geometrijske oblike z uporabo računalniške vizualizacije (številka: 6, 2000)
    Sistemizacija, organizacija, razvoj in uporaba podatkovne baze urnih postavk metereološkega leta za območje Damaska (številka: 6, 2000)
    Dinamični model nadzora temperature prostora s stropnim hlajenjem (številka: 6, 2000)
    Numerično simuliranje površinske utrujenostne razpoke na zobeh zobnikov (številka: 6, 2000)
    Inteligentni računalniški sistem za pomoč pri poučevanju konstruiranja (številka: 6, 2000)
    Razvoj uporabnih termografskih metod (številka: 7, 2000)
    Dinamična analiza klimatizacijskega sistema s toplotno črpalko (številka: 7, 2000)
    Ponazoritev enofaznega toka v križnih ploščnih prenosnikih toplote (številka: 7, 2000)
    Kogeneracija v sodobnih sistemih za ogrevanje, prezračevanje in klimatizacijo (številka: 7, 2000)
    Poraba energije v gospodinjstvih (številka: 7, 2000)
    Določanje porabe energije gospodinjstev v okviru regionalnega načrtovanja porabe (številka: 7, 2000)
    Model določitve kritične hitrosti ventilacije v primeru požara v cestnem predoru pri izotermnih pogojih (številka: 7, 2000)
    Tehnologije toplotnih črpalk (številka: 7, 2000)
    Optimiranje ravnega sončnega sprejemnika z nepremičnim zrcalom (številka: 7, 2000)
    Kakovosten zrak v pisarnah povečuje produktivnost (številka: 7, 2000)
    Koncentracija radona v prezračevanih notranjih prostorih v Hong Kongu (številka: 7, 2000)
    Zmanjšanje tlačnih izgub v vročevodnih cevnih mrežah (številka: 8, 2000)
    Kombinirano daljinsko ogrevanje in hlajenje v mestu Gera (Nemčija) s tehnologijo parnih kotlov (številka: 8, 2000)
    Spremenjeno kristaljenje vodnega kamna pri magnetni obdelavi vode (številka: 8, 2000)
    Analiza eksergijskih tokov absorpcijske hladilne naprave (številka: 8, 2000)
    Analiza obratovalnega hrupa in vibracij okrova radialne črpalke (številka: 8, 2000)
    Določitev optimalne debeline izolacije cevnih sistemov za transport hladilnega sredstva (številka: 8, 2000)
    Možnosti za znižanje temperature toplotnega vira z absorpcijskimi hladilnimi napravami (številka: 8, 2000)
    Preprečevanje izločanja vodnega kamna na površinah za magnetno obdelavo vode (številka: 8, 2000)
    Računalniška analiza ogrevalnih in hladilnih obremenitev za različne tipe stavb (številka: 8, 2000)
    Energetska učinkovitost daljinskega hlajenja za klimatizacijo prostorov (številka: 8, 2000)
    Analitična določitev srednje sevalne temperature zapletene geometrijske oblike prostora (številka: 8, 2000)
    Kogeneracija z gorilnimi celicami v stanovanjskih poslopjih (številka: 8, 2000)
    Modeliranje ponavljajoče se prevozne poti cestnega vozila (številka: 9, 2000)
    Računalniško simuliranje postopka kovanja (številka: 9, 2000)
    Vpliv natančnosti numeričnih metod na rezultate simuliranj mešalne faze parne eksplozije (številka: 9, 2000)
    Razsipanje moči curka vode v umirjevalni posodi z iglastim zasunom (številka: 9, 2000)
    Uporaba referenčnih arhitektur pri gradnji informacijsko integriranega podjetja (številka: 9, 2000)
    Vpliv sreženja uparjalnika na rabo energije za hlajenje (številka: 10, 2000)
    Dimenzioniranje in izvedba sodobne dvostopenjske hladilne naprave (številka: 10, 2000)
    Zvečanje učinkovitosti krovnega procesa z zvišanjem tlačnega nivoja uparjanja (številka: 10, 2000)
    Energijska učinkovitost naprav za hlajenje bivalnih prostorov (številka: 10, 2000)
    Termodinamična analiza procesov z bogato nasičenimi raztopinami voda-amoniak v absorpcijskih toplotnih napravah (številka: 10, 2000)
    Analiza občutljivosti toplotne obdelave jekel (številka: 11/12, 2000)
    Vpliv vibriranja med varjenjem in po njem na mehanske lastnosti zvarov, zavarjenih v zaščiti močno ioniziranega večkomponentnega plina (številka: 11/12, 2000)
    Analiza vibracij gonilnika turbopuhala (številka: 11/12, 2000)
    Izkušnje pri uvajanju računalniško podprtega konstruiranja in smeri razvoja v ADRIA Mobil d.o.o. (številka: 11/12, 2000)
    Razvoj in preskušanje odbojnikov železniških vozil z elastomernim vzmetnim paketom (številka: 11/12, 2000)
    Prednosti in omejitve pri uporabi materialov z oblikovnim spominom za praktične uporabe (številka: 11/12, 2000)
  3. 2001

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    Spremljanje trenutne frekvenčne vsebine pri zagonu pralnega stroja (številka: 1, 2001)
    Ocenjevanje zahtevnosti postopkov (številka: 1, 2001)
    Stabilnost antenskega stebra ob upoštevanju hkratnega delovanja lastne teže in zunanje obremenitve (številka: 1, 2001)
    Analiza temperatur in toplotne energije pri odrezavanju (številka: 1, 2001)
    Značilnosti radialnih malih vodnih turbin s prečnim tokom (številka: 1, 2001)
    Analiza raznosa tlaka pri uporabi prilagodljivega pridrževala z možnostjo nadzora pridrževalne sile med globokim vlekom (številka: 2, 2001)
    Analize kakovosti pridrževanja pločevine pri globokem vleku (številka: 2, 2001)
    Napoved izkoristka francisove turbine z numeričnim izračunom toka (številka: 2, 2001)
    Tribokemijske spremembe med jeklom in keramiko v fretinških razmerah (številka: 3, 2001)
    Izračun kontaktnih temperatur v fretinških razmerah (številka: 3, 2001)
    Primerjava triboloških lastnosti mineralnih in repičnih mazalnih olj (številka: 3, 2001)
    Vpliv kemotermične obdelave podlage na tribološke lastnosti trdih prevlek (številka: 4, 2001)
    Obrabna odpornost konstrukcijskega jekla, nitriranega v plazmi (številka: 4, 2001)
    Primerjava triboloških lastnosti mineralnih in repičnih mazalnih olj (številka: 4, 2001)
    Drugačna metoda določevanja koncentracij plinov zaprtih prostorov v odvisnosti od časa (številka: 5, 2001)
    Tok tekočine skozi reže v hidravličnih sestavinah (številka: 5, 2001)
    Identifikacija sezonskih modelov temperatur zraka v področju glavnega mesta Sirije Damask (številka: 5, 2001)
    Primerjava triboloških lastnosti mineralnih in repičnih mazalnih olj (številka: 5, 2001)
    Gonilni mehanizmi kavitacijskega vrtinca v vstopnem vodu radialne črpalke (številka: 6, 2001)
    Načrtovanje razvoja vodovodnih sistemov z uporabo genetskih algoritmov (številka: 6, 2001)
    Potenčni zakon kot model zmesi elektrofilterskega pepela in vode (številka: 6, 2001)
    Optimizacijski postopek v procesu zasnove zobnikov (številka: 7, 2001)
    Toplotne izgube v tla pri stavbah glede na standard SIST EN ISO 13370 - poenostavljena metoda izračuna (številka: 7, 2001)
    Analiza delovnega postopka pri praktičnem pouku s poudarkom na projektni nalogi (številka: 7, 2001)
    Model in simuliranje delovanja odprtega hladilnega postopka brez uporabe CFC (številka: 7, 2001)
    Izbočitev krožnega kolobarja v elastoplastičnem področju: elastičen linearno utrjevalni reološki model (številka: 9, 2001)
    Analiza poškodb na površini orodja za tlačno litje nosilca iz aluminijeve zlitine AlSi9Cu3 (številka: 9, 2001)
    Vloge orodjarn v dobavni verigi (številka: 9, 2001)
    Uporaba numeričnih simuliranj pri razvoju orodij za izdelavo pločevinastih sestavnih delov avtomobilov (številka: 10, 2001)
    Modeliranje padavinskih matrik z mešanico Gaussovih funkcij (številka: 10, 2001)
    Obravnavanje curka plinskega olja (številka: 10, 2001)
    Analiza sistemov za neposredno vbrizgavanje goriva v sodobne hitrotekoče dizelske motorje (številka: 10, 2001)
    Izdelava in optimizacija nove tehnologije varjenja pedala za avtomobilsko zavoro (številka: 11, 2001)
    Določitev imenske moči motorja s poskusom pospeševanja vozila (številka: 11, 2001)
    Elasto-plastična analiza deformiranja naprave za zaščito pred podletom za motorna vozila (številka: 11, 2001)
    Priprava motorja za tekmovalni razred (številka: 11, 2001)
    Razvoj izdelave avtomobilov in prevozov v Srednji Evropi v letih 2000 do 2020 (številka: 12, 2001)
    Krmiljenje temperature hladilne vode motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem v preskuševališču (številka: 12, 2001)
    Računalniško obvladovanje kakovosti v avtomobilski industriji (številka: 12, 2001)
    Optimizacija konstrukcije okvira za terensko tovorno vozilo (številka: 12, 2001)
  4. 2002

    številka: 1 (2002)
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    Rezalne sile in njihov vpliv na gospodarnost obdelave (številka: 3, 2002)
    Šest sigm: zahtevna pobuda kakovosti (številka: 3, 2002)
    Identifikacija dinamičnih lastnosti sestavljenih nosilnih strojnih delov (številka: 3, 2002)
    Informacijska podpora pospeševanju postopkov (projektov) (številka: 3, 2002)
    Prehod iz običajne v zelo hitro obdelavo in analiza oblikovanja odrezkov (številka: 3, 2002)
    Upravljanje tehnologije - ključ konkurenčnosti (številka: 3, 2002)
    Primernost reakcije magnezijevega oksida z vodo za uporabo v kemičnem hranilniku toplote (številka: 4, 2002)
    Naprava s pnevmatično aktivno površino - razvoj prototipa in Ljapunovova analiza stabilnosti (številka: 4, 2002)
    Projektna naloga kot strategija vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela (številka: 4, 2002)
    Računsko reševanje inverznega problema oblikovanja nadzvočne šobe (številka: 4, 2002)
    Naprava s pnevmatično aktivno površino: Tehnike krmiljenja lege togih objektov s povratno zvezo in brez nje (številka: 5, 2002)
    Računski model za preračun upogibne trdnosti zobnikov (številka: 5, 2002)
    Tokovne razmere v avtomobilski lakirnici: numerična in eksperimentalna analiza (številka: 5, 2002)
    Prispevek k obvladovanju neuravnoteženosti krempljastih polov alternatorjev (številka: 5, 2002)
    Prispevek k parameterski identifikaciji dinamičnih sistemov z eno prostorsko stopnjo (številka: 6, 2002)
    Energijska bilanca občine Tolmin (številka: 6, 2002)
    Prostorska porazdelitev faktorja ugodja na temelju numeričnega modeliranja naravne konvekcije (številka: 6, 2002)
    Naprava s pnevmatično aktivno površino: Tehnike krmiljenja gibljivih predmetov (številka: 6, 2002)
    Proizvodna strategija, podprta s teorijo proizvodnih virov (številka: 7, 2002)
    Vpliv kavitacijskih struktur na erozijo na simetričnem krilu v kavitacijskem predoru (številka: 7, 2002)
    Gradnja uporabniškega vmesnika na temelju programskega paketa MATLAB za študij sistemov (številka: 7, 2002)
    Rekonstrukcija odvaljnega bata zračne vzmeti (številka: 7, 2002)
    Vpliv računskega polmera obračanja goseničnega vozila na potrebno moč motorja pri obračanju (številka: 8, 2002)
    Simuliranje izotermnega QUEOS preskusa mešalne faze eksplozije pare Q08 (številka: 8, 2002)
    Sinteza orodij za analizo človeške napake po metodi analize spoznavne zanesljivosti in napak ter analize drevesa odpovedi (številka: 8, 2002)
    Izviren kombiniran večfazni model mešalne faze eksplozije pare (številka: 8, 2002)
    Analiza prenosa toplote v postopku sintranja feritov (številka: 9, 2002)
    Nekateri vidiki terenskih preskusov peltonovih turbin v HE "Perućica" (številka: 9, 2002)
    Struženje navarov z orodji podjetja Walter (številka: 9, 2002)
    Analiza vezanega prenosa toplote v hladilniku elektronskega čipa (številka: 9, 2002)
    Analiza shranjevanja toplote v vodonosnikih - možnost uporabe v Sloveniji (številka: 10, 2002)
    Analiza parametrov reverzibilne črpalne francisove turbine (številka: 10, 2002)
    Analiza porazdelitve toplote pri brušenju titanove zlitine VT 9 in njena povezava do zaostalih napetosti (številka: 10, 2002)
    Simuliranje nastajanja gruč dispergiranih delcev pod vplivom zunanjega magnetnega polja (številka: 10, 2002)
    Optimiranje pogonskega mehanizma stiskalnice za globoki vlek (številka: 11, 2002)
    Vogalna singularnost torzije kompozitne palice (številka: 11, 2002)
    Optimiranje oblike konstrukcij: tristranični projektni element (številka: 11, 2002)
    Izboljšana razpoznava dušenja z uporabo zvezne valčne transformacije (številka: 11, 2002)
    Vpliv zrnate strukture na elasto-plastični odziv polikristalnega skupka (številka: 11, 2002)
    Določanje kritične obremenitve krožnih kolobarjev v elasto-plastičnem območju (številka: 11, 2002)
    Analiza kinematike toka v rotirajočem difuzorju (številka: 12, 2002)
    Vpliv Prandtlovega števila na turbulentni prenos toplote ob ravni steni (številka: 12, 2002)
    Metoda robnih elementov za dinamiko viskoelastične Maxwellove tekočine (številka: 12, 2002)
    Metode prepoznave poplavnega stanja pri aeraciji v posodi s turbinskim mešalom (številka: 12, 2002)
    Siskov model toka nenewtonskih tekočin z metodo končnih prostornin (številka: 12, 2002)
    Mehanski in elektronski merilnik hitrosti delcev v stroju za peskanje (številka: 12, 2002)
  5. 2003

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    številka: 4 (2003)
    številka: 5 (2003)
    številka: 6 (2003)
    številka: 7/8 (2003)
    številka: 9 (2003)
    številka: 10 (2003)
    številka: 11 (2003)
    številka: 12 (2003)
    Računalniško upravljanje z obdelovalnimi orodji v orodjarni, podprto s simulacijo (številka: 1, 2003)
    Nekaj novih algoritmov za računalniško podprto načrtovanje montaže (številka: 1, 2003)
    Določitev zaporedja montažnih operacij s hevrističnim sistemom HAP (številka: 1, 2003)
    Robotiziran montažni sistem kot sodelujoča večdelna organizacija (številka: 1, 2003)
    Načrtovanje izdelovalnih sistemov, podprto s simulacijo (številka: 1, 2003)
    Entropijska analiza sotočnih prenosnikov toplote (številka: 2, 2003)
    Eksperimentalno preskušanje prenosa toplote v Lorenzovem postopku z uporabo zeotropnih zmesi (številka: 2, 2003)
    Tehnološke zahtevnosti pri izdelavi plinskega odvodnika (številka: 2, 2003)
    Izbrani vidiki celovitosti površine aluminijeve zlitine pri običajni in obdelavi z velikimi hitrostmi: Spremembe mikrotrdote in hrapavosti površine (številka: 2, 2003)
    Laserski anamorfni profilomer (številka: 2, 2003)
    Optimizacija aksialnih vodnih turbin (številka: 3, 2003)
    Dvodimenzijsko modeliranje gibanja drobirskega toka v Logu pod Mangartom kot primer nenewtonske tekočine (številka: 3, 2003)
    Matematično modeliranje hidravličnega ovna (številka: 3, 2003)
    Dvodimenzijski matematični model transporta lebdečih plavin (številka: 3, 2003)
    Obratovanje hidravličnega turbostroja med prehodnimi pojavi (številka: 3, 2003)
    Hitri algoritem za rekonstrukcijo in odvoj digitaliziranih ploskev (številka: 4, 2003)
    Ocenjevanje natančnosti napovedi termohidravličnih programov (številka: 4, 2003)
    Uporaba trdih prevlek PVD v strojništvu - možnosti in omejitve (številka: 4, 2003)
    Kako zagotoviti konkurenčnost majhnega podjetja (številka: 4, 2003)
    Analiza požara pri prometni nezgodi (številka: 5, 2003)
    Primerjava masnega ter magnetnega neuravnoteženja rotorja glede na vibracije enosmernih elektromotorjev (številka: 5, 2003)
    Predlog funkcijskih značilnosti faze zasnove v konstrukcijskem postopku (številka: 5, 2003)
    Sledenje pretokov po energetskih omrežjih (številka: 5, 2003)
    Raven hrupa v delovnem okolju ob upoštevanju različnih poprav (številka: 6, 2003)
    Razvoj programskega orodja za izbiro obrisnih postopkov rezanja (številka: 6, 2003)
    Možnosti stabilizacije preoblikovalnih lastnosti žice z ravnanjem med valji (številka: 6, 2003)
    Termohidravlična analiza obratovanja uparjalnika za ukapljeni naftni plin (številka: 6, 2003)
    Model za učinkovito upravljanje proizvodnje po naročilu (številka: 7/8, 2003)
    Geometrijska optimizacija pri uklonu palice (številka: 7/8, 2003)
    Negotovosti zaradi modeliranja pri ocenjevanju kvarljivosti komponente (številka: 7/8, 2003)
    Razvejitve pri Van der Pol-Duffingovem nihalu (številka: 7/8, 2003)
    Konvektivni prenos toplote v vrtečem kanalu kaskade z ravnimi lopaticami (številka: 9, 2003)
    Optimizacija postopka razreza materiala (številka: 9, 2003)
    Model predora in simulacija prezračevanja v primeru požara (številka: 9, 2003)
    Simulacija domnevne nezgode z izgubo napajanja uparjalnikov v posodobljeni jedrski elektrarni (številka: 9, 2003)
    Računalniško podprto konstruiranje cestne varnostne ograje (številka: 10, 2003)
    Vpliv tlačnih utripanj v sesalni cevi na dinamiko kavitacijskega vrtinca v francisovi turbini (številka: 10, 2003)
    Optimiranje pretoka naročil v prilagodljivih obdelovalnih sistemih z genetskimi algoritmi (številka: 10, 2003)
    Hiter algoritem za poenostavljanje in obnovitev trikotniških mrež za prenos rezultatov MKE preko svetovnega spleta (številka: 11, 2003)
    Zasnova trosilnika za hlevski gnoj z matematičnim modelom (številka: 11, 2003)
    Okoljski nadzorni sistem - model vrednotenja zakritih zavetij (številka: 11, 2003)
    Oblikovanje dirkalnika (številka: 12, 2003)
    Dinamična analiza deformiranja cestne varnostne ograje pri naletu vozila (številka: 12, 2003)
    Simulator vožnje vozila pri mejnem zdrsu (številka: 12, 2003)
    Sočasno inženirstvo v teoriji in praksi (številka: 12, 2003)
  6. 2004

    številka: 1 (2004)
    številka: 2 (2004)
    številka: 3 (2004)
    številka: 4 (2004)
    številka: 5 (2004)
    številka: 6 (2004)
    številka: 7/8 (2004)
    številka: 9 (2004)
    številka: 10 (2004)
    številka: 11 (2004)
    številka: 12 (2004)
    Obravnavanje curka plinskega olja in nadomestnih goriv (številka: 1, 2004)
    Numerične analize preoblikovanja cevi z visokim notranjim tlakom (številka: 1, 2004)
    Obravnava motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem in vbrizgavanjem plinskega goriva (številka: 1, 2004)
    Analiza visokotlačnega in nizkotlačnega vračanja izpušnih plinov v tlačno polnjenem dizelskem motorju (številka: 1, 2004)
    Možne vrste cenenih motorjev s prostornino 50 kubičnih centimetrov z majhno emisijo (številka: 1, 2004)
    Metode za oblikovanje elementov sesalnega zbiralnika batnega motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem (številka: 1, 2004)
    Trenutne smeri razvoja pri spajanju materialov v avtomobilski industriji (številka: 2, 2004)
    Eksperimentalno določanje temperaturnega polja površine žarometa z uporabo uporovnih zaznaval (številka: 2, 2004)
    Vključitev numeričnih analiz v zgodnjih fazah konstrukcijskega postopka (številka: 2, 2004)
    Izboljšanje dinamične karakteristike tlačno polnjenega motorja z uporabo električnih podpornih naprav (številka: 2, 2004)
    Numerično modeliranje hladilnega sistema na motorju z notranjim zgorevanjem (številka: 2, 2004)
    Metoda robnih elementov v akustiki - primer ovrednotenja zvočnega polja enosmernega elektromotorja (številka: 2, 2004)
    Krmiljenje hladilnih sistemov (številka: 3, 2004)
    Meritev izkoristka in nastavitev krmilnih parametrov kaplanove turbine z dolgim cevnim sistemom s primerjalno metodo (številka: 3, 2004)
    Možnosti uporabe trdih prevlek na preoblikovalnih orodjih (številka: 3, 2004)
    "Šest sigm" v razvoju postopka izdelave (številka: 3, 2004)
    Pregled brušenja z velikimi hitrostmi in učinkovitih abrazivnih orodij (številka: 4, 2004)
    Obraba orodij pri odrezovanju z velikimi hitrostmi (številka: 4, 2004)
    Raziskave postopka neposrednega laserskega sintranja (številka: 4, 2004)
    Mreža inovativne odličnosti mladih - model spodbujanja inovativnosti mladih (številka: 4, 2004)
    Zmanjšanje stroškov v odpremi z uporabo metodologije šest sigem (številka: 4, 2004)
    Relativne prečne vibracije valjev tiskarskega stroja, ki pritiskajo drug ob drugega preko gumijaste obloge (številka: 5, 2004)
    Modeliranje elektromotorjev za potrebe zaznavanja napak (številka: 5, 2004)
    Sistem za razporejanje in zmanjševanje stroškov proizvodnje (številka: 5, 2004)
    Določevanje značilnih tehnoloških in gospodarskih parametrov med postopkom odrezovanja (številka: 5, 2004)
    Primerjava trigeneracijskih sistemov (številka: 6, 2004)
    Shranjevanje toplote z geosondami in testi za ugotavljanje toplotnih lastnosti zemlje - primer uporabe v Turčiji ter stanje v Sloveniji (številka: 6, 2004)
    An investigation of slipping in Rolamite-type mechanisms (številka: 6, 2004)
    Analiza vetrnega potenciala na Primorskem z vidika možnosti za proizvodnjo električne energije (številka: 6, 2004)
    Računalniški program za uravnoteženje letala (številka: 7/8, 2004)
    Ugotavljanje občutljivosti ultrazvočnega toplotnega merilnika s programskim paketom ANSYS (številka: 7/8, 2004)
    Temperaturne razmere v dotikih z jeklenimi in kompozitnimi zavornimi diski C/C-SiC (številka: 7/8, 2004)
    Inteligentni transportni sistemi pri načrtovanju in usklajevanju gibanja in parkiranja letal na ploščadi letališča (številka: 7/8, 2004)
    Meritve tokovnega polja okrog osamljenega mehurja pare nad umetno ustvarjenim zarodnim mestom s tehniko meritve hitrosti s sliko sledilnih delcev (številka: 9, 2004)
    Primernost optičnih lastnosti slovenskih premogov za uplinjanje s koncentriranim sončnim sevanjem (številka: 9, 2004)
    Logično mehko krmiljenje aktivnega vzmetenja brez upada njegove zračnosti (številka: 10, 2004)
    Napredni mehatronski postopek načrtovanja odprtega krmilja strojev (številka: 10, 2004)
    Parameterizacija momenta na krmilnem obroču in optimizacija vodilniškega mehanizma cevne turbine (številka: 10, 2004)
    Sistem za spremljanje in optimiranje postopka frezanja z uporabo genetskih algoritmov (številka: 10, 2004)
    Načrtovanje avtomatiziranih regalnih skladiščnih sistemov z uporabo simulacijskega postopka (številka: 11, 2004)
    Vpliv oskrbe z energijo na sonaravno uravnotežen razvoj Slovenije v obdobju do leta 2020 (številka: 11, 2004)
    Order-picking routing policies (številka: 11, 2004)
    Raziskava vpliva naprave za magnetno obdelavo vode na izločanje vodnega kamna v industrijskem stroju za pomivanje steklenic z uporabo vrstične elektronske mikroskopije (številka: 11, 2004)
    Analiza zvočnih lastnosti kompozitnih materialov (številka: 12, 2004)
    Numerična simulacija toka delovne tekočine v razpoki stene cevi uparjalnikove membrane parnega kotla (številka: 12, 2004)
    Dinamični model rotorskega sistema z gibkim členom in dvema neosnima gredama (številka: 12, 2004)
    Nov pristop k preračunu aritmetičnega srednjega odstopanja profila pri kopirnem frezanju (številka: 12, 2004)
    Uporaba vodnega curka za postopno preoblikovanje pločevine (številka: 12, 2004)
    Spremljanje obrabe rezalnega orodja z uporabo signalov krmilnega sistema (številka: 12, 2004)
  7. 2005

    številka: 1 (2005)
    številka: 2 (2005)
    številka: 3 (2005)
    številka: 4 (2005)
    številka: 5 (2005)
    številka: 6 (2005)
    številka: 7/8 (2005)
    številka: 9 (2005)
    številka: 10 (2005)
    številka: 11 (2005)
    številka: 12 (2005)
    Ustvarjanje modela rezalnih sil z uporabo umetne inteligence (številka: 1, 2005)
    Časovno odvisna simulacija, vizualizacija in meritve kavitacije z metodo PIV-LIF na različnih osamljenih profilih (številka: 1, 2005)
    Prenos toplote v toku ledene brozge (številka: 1, 2005)
    Oblikovanje prilagodljivega obdelovalnega sistema z genetskimi algoritmi (številka: 1, 2005)
    Izrazi za popis upogibnega nihanja palice nespremenljivega prereza (številka: 2, 2005)
    Eksperimentalno numerična analiza kavitacijskega toka okoli lopatičnega profila (številka: 2, 2005)
    Prehodni pojavi pri postopku brušenja (številka: 2, 2005)
    Odvijanje preje z navitka - obravnava kinematičnih in dinamičnih lastnosti preje (številka: 2, 2005)
    Vpliv količine plinov v vodi in hitrosti toka na agresivnost kavitacijske erozije (številka: 3, 2005)
    Uporabnost obdelave z abrazivnim vodnim curkom v orodjarstvu (številka: 3, 2005)
    Ekspertni sistem za nadzor kota upogibanja na numerično krmiljeni upogibni stiskalnici (številka: 3, 2005)
    Dvostopenjska vetrna turbina (številka: 3, 2005)
    Uporaba tehnologije eksplozijskega navarjanja v postopku izdelave hidravličnih valjev (številka: 4, 2005)
    Pregled tehnologije brizganja prašnatih materialov (številka: 4, 2005)
    Motnje v postopku hlajenja koruznega zrnja v vertikalnih gravitacijskih sušilnicah (številka: 4, 2005)
    Povečanje signala nihanja kotalnih ležajev z uporabo prilagodljive krmilne zanke za zmanjševanje šuma (številka: 4, 2005)
    Zmanjševanje emisij dušikovih oksidov z rekonstrukcijo zgorevalnega sistema kotlov v Termoelektrarni toplarni Ljubljana (številka: 5, 2005)
    Reševanje problemov zlaganja z uporabo simuliranega izničenja in genetskih algoritmov (številka: 5, 2005)
    Vpliv mikroklimatskih in svetlobnih obremenitev na uspešnost učencev (številka: 5, 2005)
    Zmogljivost nove Siemensove lokomotive na Slovenskih železnicah (številka: 5, 2005)
    Nova metoda za določevanje krivulje mejnih deformacij v digitalnem okolju (številka: 6, 2005)
    Simulacija bočnega nihanja potniških vagonov (številka: 6, 2005)
    Ugotavljanje in izkoriščanje skritih logističnih zmožnosti podjetja (številka: 6, 2005)
    Analiza pogojev zgorevanja v sekundarni komori pilotne sežigalnice na podlagi računske dinamike tekočin (številka: 6, 2005)
    Simulation of void fraction profile evolution in subcooled nucleate boiling in a vertical annulus with a bubble-tracking model (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Numerical computation of turbulent conjugate heat transfer in air heater (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Energy consumption analysis of domestic oven (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    A numerical study of thermo solutal melting (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Modelling of vertical wall influence on the single bubble motion (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Experimentation and simulation of thermal energy storage system with non-phase change materials (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Effect of asymmetry on the steady thermal convection in a vertical torus filled with a porous medium (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Numerical simulation of scalp cooling to prevent chemotherapy-induced alopecia (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Analysis of loop heat pipe performance under varying wick load (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Heat transfer distribution for a free/porous system with forced convection and heat generation (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Heat transfer during transverse air flow around a cylinder (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    The Galerkin method solution of the conjugate heat transfer problems for the cross-flow conditins (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Numerical analysis of heat transfer and fluid flow in rotary regenerative air pre-heaters (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Comparison of flow characteristics of centrifugal compressors by numerical modelling of flow (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Numerical investigation on the effects of nozzle geometry on the performance of a pulse detonation engine (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Evaluation of compact heat exchanger technologies for hybrid fuel cell and gas turbine system recuperators (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Radiative water-cooling in maritime and moderate continental climatic conditions (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Thermal characterisation of rectangular cooling shapes in heat generating mediums - a three-dimensional investigation (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Some features of flow and particle transport in porous structures (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Investigations of combustion process in stove fired on biomass (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    An improved form for natural convection heat transfer correlations (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    The use of a phase change material within a cylinder wall in order to detect knock in a gas SI engine (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Modelling of flow boiling process in small diameter tubes (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    A novel concept for boiling heat transfer enhancement (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Numerical simulation on mixed convection in a porous medium heated by a vertical cylinder (številka: 7/8, 2005)
    Application of meshless methods for thermal analysis (številka: 7/9, 2005)
    Analiza merilnih sistemov za zagotavljanje kakovosti v procesu šest sigm (številka: 9, 2005)
    Optimizacija oblike prostorske palične konstrukcije (številka: 9, 2005)
    Statistična analiza gospodarsko enakovrednih nalivov (številka: 9, 2005)
    Viskozno dušene prečne vibracije osno gibajoče se strune (številka: 9, 2005)
    Kombiniran sistem ločenega optimiranja in prilagodnega nastavljanja rezalnih parametrov med procesom oblikovnega frezanja (številka: 9, 2005)
    Nov način predstavitve tehnološkega znanja na konstrukterski ravni v orodjarstvu (številka: 10, 2005)
    Model stenskega uparjanja za popis podhlanejega vrenja toka pri nizkih tlakih (številka: 10, 2005)
    Mikro nepravilnosti kovinskih površin (številka: 10, 2005)
    Namen in uporaba mednarodne baze podatkov o materialih v avtomobilski industriji (številka: 10, 2005)
    Statistični pristop k analizi hladilnih sistemov s hladilnimi stolpi na naravni vlek (številka: 11, 2005)
    Diskretni plinski kavitacijski model z upoštevanjem vpliva nestalnega kapljevinskega trenja v cevi (številka: 11, 2005)
    Vodenje robota na temelju zaznaval sile in računalniškega vida (številka: 11, 2005)
    Hevristični model razvoja proizvodnih zmogljivosti (številka: 11, 2005)
    Razvoj proizvodnih zmogljivosti v industrijskih grozdih - primer Slovenski avtomobilski grozd (številka: 12, 2005)
    Model za učinkovito upravljanje podatkov iz uporabe - primer proizvodnje izdelkov bele tehnike (številka: 12, 2005)
    Analiza in določanje lastnosti parametrov nadomestnega sistema vzvojnih nihanj, ki se pojavljajo tudi na dizelskih motorjih za pogon tovornih vozil (številka: 12, 2005)
    Numerično modeliranje mešanja v posodi z Rushtonovim mešalom (številka: 12, 2005)
    Analiza tokovnih struktur v vstopnem sistemu motorjev - primerjava rezultatov meritev in numerične simulacije (številka: 12, 2005)
  8. 2006

    številka: 1 (2006)
    številka: 2 (2006)
    številka: 3 (2006)
    številka: 4 (2006)
    številka: 5 (2006)
    številka: 6 (2006)
    številka: 7/8 (2006)
    številka: 9 (2006)
    številka: 10 (2006)
    številka: 11 (2006)
    številka: 12 (2006)
    Izboljšan algoritem za simulacijo turbine avtomobilskega turbopolnilnika (številka: 1, 2006)
    Primerjalna analiza preračuna prednje preme po metodi končnih elementov in standardu DIN743 (številka: 1, 2006)
    Vpliv biodizla na vbrizgavanje goriva, zgorevanje, nastanek emisij in značilnice dizelskega motorja z neposrednim vbrizgom (številka: 1, 2006)
    Meritve voznikovega odzivnega časa (številka: 1, 2006)
    Vpliv različnih parametrov na trdnostni preračun toplotno obremenjenega žarometa (številka: 1, 2006)
    Modeliranje naključnih termomehanskih napetostno-deformacijskih stanj (številka: 2, 2006)
    Modeliranje in analiza dinamike ščetke elektromotorja (številka: 2, 2006)
    Vibroakustično modeliranje alternatorja (številka: 2, 2006)
    Računalniško modeliranje gibanja goriva in njegov vpliv na konstrukcijo rezervoarja (številka: 2, 2006)
    Simulacija naleta tovornega vozila ob cestno varnostno ograjo (številka: 2, 2006)
    Simuliranje preizkusa težke nesreče Phebus FPT1 s programom MELCOR (številka: 3, 2006)
    Uporaba gladilnih funkcij za glajenje podatkov podanih v diskretni obliki (številka: 3, 2006)
    Izvedba sistema za avtomatsko končno kontrolo kakovosti elektromotorjev za sesalnike (številka: 3, 2006)
    Analiza deformacij vrtal po analitični metodi in s končnimi elementi (številka: 3, 2006)
    Regionalni vidiki inoviranja kot osnova konkurenčnosti podjetja znotraj države in EU (številka: 3, 2006)
    Merjenje izvedbe pri prenovi poslovnih tokov (številka: 4, 2006)
    Izbira gladilne spremenljivke z optičnimi napetostnimi nanosi (številka: 4, 2006)
    Raziskave možnosti uporabe porozne keramike kot podstave ali filtrirne snovi pri čiščenju odpadnih vod (številka: 4, 2006)
    Obvladovanje delovne zastarelosti strojev in opreme: količnik ozdravljivosti delovne zastarelosti kot osnova za odločitve o obnovi ali zamenjavi strojev in opreme (številka: 4, 2006)
    A damper of torsional vibrations and an investigation of its efficiency (številka: 4, 2006)
    Correction coefficients for calculating the Young's modulus from the resonant flexural vibration (številka: 5, 2006)
    Simbolno-številčno analiziranje nihanj sistemov z velikim številom stopenj prostosti (številka: 5, 2006)
    Simuliranje eksplozije pare v reaktorski votlini s splošnim programom za računsko dinamiko tekočin (številka: 5, 2006)
    Načrtovanje in optimiranje avtomatiziranih regalnih skladiščnih sistemov (številka: 5, 2006)
    Teoretične in eksperimentalne osnove za izdelavo mehanskih izolacijskih pen (številka: 5, 2006)
    Ocena natančnosti satelitske navigacije pri upravljanju naravnih virov (številka: 6, 2006)
    Model požara ob prometni nesreči v bližini jedrske elektrarne (številka: 6, 2006)
    The application of an atypical neural network when quantifying the modeling of environmental aspects (številka: 6, 2006)
    Modeliranje razslojene atmosfere v eksperimentalni napravi jedrske elektrarne s popisom z zgoščenimi parametri (številka: 6, 2006)
    Ocena vpliva vhodnih parametrov v analizi toplotnega prehodnega pojava pod tlakom v reaktorski posodi Nuklearne elektrarne Krško v primeru majhne izlivne nezgode (številka: 6, 2006)
    Analiza vpliva prometnega toka pešcev na prepustno zmožnost krožišča z uporabo diskretnih simulacij (številka: 6, 2006)
    The role of virtual networks in a virtual enterprise (številka: 7/8, 2006)
    Cutting performance and obtainable quality when applying 6000-bar abrasive water-jets (številka: 7/8, 2006)
    Spremljanje obrabe vijačnega svedra (S390) z uporabo nevronskih mrež (številka: 7/8, 2006)
    Microforming - current status and future demands (številka: 7/8, 2006)
    Mechanical micro-machining using milling, wire EDM, die-sinking, EDM and diamond turning (številka: 7/8, 2006)
    Hybrid dry-ice blasting laser processing (številka: 7/8, 2006)
    Dvanajst "znakov umiranja" rastočega proizvodnega podjetja (številka: 7/8, 2006)
    Investigation and development of a fiber-optic vibrometer for use in totally implantable hearing aids (številka: 7/8, 2006)
    The constructive and geometrical optimization of the junctions in structures made from laminated composite materials (številka: 7/8, 2006)
    Integrated design of mycro-electro-mechanical systems (številka: 7/8, 2006)
    Implementation of information technology for the purpose of quality management system improvement (številka: 7/8, 2006)
    Characterization of a pure water-jet cleaning process - process simulation (številka: 7/8, 2006)
    The effect of pressure fluctuations on the cutting ability of pure water jet (številka: 7/8, 2006)
    An introduction to the diagnosis of the delamination process for glass/epoxy composites during high-presure abrasive water-jet cutting (številka: 7/8, 2006)
    Heat generation during abrasive water-jet osteotomies measured by thermocouples (številka: 7/8, 2006)
    Povezava modela podnebnih sprememb z modelom toplotnega odziva stavb - primer Slovenije (številka: 9, 2006)
    Izdelava politetrafluoretilenskih membran in njihovo laminiranje na tekstilne podlage (številka: 9, 2006)
    A variational approach to the establishment of a lubrication equation for a non-Newtonian thin film (številka: 9, 2006)
    Razvoj generične strukture in programskih modulov elementarnega delovnega sistema porazdeljenega tiskanja (številka: 9, 2006)
    The strength of as cast iron and normalized cast iron subjected to cyclic loading (številka: 9, 2006)
    The universal grey transfer matrics method and its application in calculating the natural frequencies of systems (številka: 9, 2006)
    Metoda raziskave nelinearnih upogibov valjev pri rotacijskem ofsetnem tiskarskem stroju (številka: 10, 2006)
    Some possibilities for determining cutting data when using laser cutting (številka: 10, 2006)
    The dynamic behaviour of a turbine rotating system (številka: 10, 2006)
    Energijska analiza pridelave oljne ogrščice za potrebe proizvodnje biodizla na Hrvaškem (številka: 10, 2006)
    Prilagodljivi sistem za hlajenje orodij za brizganje plastike s pomočjo termoelektričnih modulov (številka: 10, 2006)
    Lasersko sintranje orodja za tlačno litje aluminija (številka: 11, 2006)
    Umerjanje in preverjanje geometrijske natančnosti računalniško krmiljenih obdelovalnih strojev (številka: 11, 2006)
    Razvoj sistema za nadzor obrabe orodja pri struženju na temelju nevronskih mrež (številka: 11, 2006)
    Odrezovanje mehkih materialov z velikimi hitrostmi (številka: 11, 2006)
    Vrednotenje stabilnosti pri struženju v trdo (številka: 11, 2006)
    Analiza delovanja pnevmatičnega ventila s predkrmilnim piezoventilom (številka: 12, 2006)
    Izbira merilnih mest v vodovodnih sistemih z genetskimi algoritmi (številka: 12, 2006)
    Programljivi logični krmilniki na temelju rešitve algebraične Riccatijeve enačbe (številka: 12, 2006)
    Experimental study otof the effects of different exhaust gas recirculation ratios on the flame temperature and soot formation when using diesel fuels with different T90 distillation temperatures (številka: 12, 2006)
    Preskok sistema plitve osnosimetrične bimetalne lupine z uporabo nelinearne teorije (številka: 12, 2006)
  9. 2007

    številka: 1 (2007)
    številka: 2 (2007)
    številka: 3 (2007)
    številka: 4 (2007)
    številka: 5 (2007)
    številka: 6 (2007)
    številka: 7/8 (2007)
    številka: 9 (2007)
    številka: 10 (2007)
    številka: 11 (2007)
    številka: 12 (2007)
    Teoretična in eksperimentalna analiza dinamike mehanizmov Rolamite (številka: 1, 2007)
    Določitev tornega količnika v brazdah z napetostno funkcijo (številka: 1, 2007)
    Optimizacija neprekinjenega postopka sušenja v težavnostnih sušilnicah (številka: 1, 2007)
    Numerično modeliranje notranjih zvokov v železniških vozilih (številka: 1, 2007)
    Vzporedni vplivi pospeška in površinskega ogrevanja na stisljiv tok (številka: 1, 2007)
    Matematični modeli dinamike helikopterskega letenja (številka: 2, 2007)
    Določanje vijačnih lastnosti motorja z merilnimi lističi in osebnim računalnikom v ustaljenih razmerah plovbe ladje (številka: 2, 2007)
    Modeliranje sestavov kovine in elastomerov z uporabo postopka končnih elementov (številka: 2, 2007)
    Ugotavljanje in vrednotenje potreb kupcev v postopku razvoja izdelka (številka: 2, 2007)
    Vpliv pravokotnosti mreže na konvergenco programa SIMPLE za reševanje Navier-Stokes-ovih enačb (številka: 2, 2007)
    Uporaba zvočne jakosti in preskusne načinovne analize za določitev hrupa dizelskega motorja (številka: 2, 2007)
    Iskanje okvar ležajev z uporabo Meyerjevih algoritmov (številka: 3, 2007)
    Mrežne organizacije - novi vzorec 21. stoletja (številka: 3, 2007)
    Metodologija načrtovanja zanesljivosti vozil med zasnovo (številka: 3, 2007)
    Energijska in eksergijska analiza sotočnih in protitočnih prenosnikov toplote z uporabo merilnih podatkov (številka: 3, 2007)
    Numerični pristop toplotnih neporušnih preiskav skritih okvar (številka: 3, 2007)
    Funkcijsko usmerjeni teoretični okvir za načrtovanje mehatronskih sistemov (številka: 4, 2007)
    Raziskave vodno jedkanih površin s svetlobnim zaznavanjem (številka: 4, 2007)
    Vpliv lastnosti cestišča na zavorne lastnosti avtomobila (številka: 4, 2007)
    Uporaba logično mehkega krmiljenja za izboljšanje udobja vožnje vozil (številka: 4, 2007)
    Določevanje parametrov utrujanja jekla z veliko trdnostjo S1100Q (številka: 4, 2007)
    Izboljšanje termodinamičnih lastnosti hladilnih stolpov na naravni vlek (številka: 5, 2007)
    Položajno zaznavalo za premični robot (številka: 5, 2007)
    Overitev trajnosti aluminijastih sestavnih delov (številka: 5, 2007)
    Izpopolnjena metoda uravnoteženja modela propelerja v vetrnem kanalu (številka: 5, 2007)
    Vzroki nezanesljivosti vzorčnih meritev pri določevanju koncentracije delcev v plinastem okolju (številka: 5, 2007)
    Izboljšanje kakovosti - krog PDCA v primerjavi z DMAIC in DFSS (številka: 6, 2007)
    Učinki kemične sestave orodja na njegovo delovanje pri struženju Inconela 718 s keramičnimi vstavki (številka: 6, 2007)
    Vpliv okrova na hrup batnega kompresorja (številka: 6, 2007)
    Optimiranje značilnih parametrov frezanja z uporabo razvojne tehnike optimizacije jate delcev (številka: 6, 2007)
    Dinamično odzivanje valjaste cevi na gibajoči se tlak (številka: 6, 2007)
    Prenos vibracij po ukrivljenih cevovodih v prostoru (številka: 6, 2007)
    Optimiranje debeline brizganih plastičnih delov na podlagi simulacije Moldflow (številka: 7/8, 2007)
    Proučevanje konstruiranja proizvodnih strojev s postopkom temelječim na modeliranju omejitev (številka: 7/8, 2007)
    Boljše izluščevanje informacij s pomočjo metode verjetnosti (številka: 7/8, 2007)
    Konstruiranje izdelka s pomočjo tehnike optimizacije stika (številka: 7/8, 2007)
    Omejitve, ki vplivajo na konstrukcijo stebla z ramenom in uporaba natančne geometrije (številka: 7/8, 2007)
    Ocena tlaka v kalupu za stroškovni model obstojnosti stroja za batno brizganje (številka: 7/8, 2007)
    Uporaba metode premičnih najmanjših kvadratov za gladko aproksimacijo vzorčnih podatkov (številka: 9, 2007)
    Analiza poznavanja in uporabe metod presoje investicijskih projektov v strojništvu (številka: 9, 2007)
    Toplotno-gospodarsko optimiranje toplovodnega sistema (številka: 9, 2007)
    Modelno podprt sistem za dinamično nastavljanje rezalnih parametrov pri postopku frezanja (številka: 9, 2007)
    Razvoj postopkov in naprav za uporabo pri suhem obdelovanju (številka: 9, 2007)
    Parametrična analiza Stirlingove soproizvodne enote na biomaso za uporabo v hišni tehniki (številka: 9, 2007)
    Razvoj varnega sedeža vozila (številka: 10, 2007)
    Večkriterialno optimiranje avtomobilske konstrukcije z uporabo metode končnih elementov (številka: 10, 2007)
    Napoved zbirnega števila okvar popravljivega izdelka na podlagi poteka delovanja (številka: 10, 2007)
    Učinkovitost energijskih pretvorb v hibridnih pogonskih sestavih (številka: 10, 2007)
    Časovno odvisno vedenje pogonskih jermenov pod vplivom periodične mehanske obremenitve (številka: 10, 2007)
    Prenos vibracij preko prostorsko ukrivljenih jeklenih vrvi z oplaščenjem (številka: 10, 2007)
    Vrednotenje termomehansko obremenjenih izdelkov z deformacijskim pristopom (številka: 10, 2007)
    Analiza vibracij usmernika alternatorja (številka: 10, 2007)
    Vpliv biodizla na zgorevanje in emisijske značilke dizelskih motorjev (številka: 10, 2007)
    Razvoj sklopke s spremenljivim trenjem z uporabo delovnega sredstva (številka: 11, 2007)
    Določanje poti orodja površin nepravilnih oblik z zlepki (številka: 11, 2007)
    Preizkusna raziskava sinhronizacije dvovretenske stružnice (številka: 11, 2007)
    Nenehno izboljševanje tlačnega litja s postopkom Šest sigem (številka: 11, 2007)
    Določevanje nevtralne točke pri ploskovnem valjanju (številka: 11, 2007)
    Vzdrževanje v zasnovi celovitega obvladovanja kakovosti (številka: 11, 2007)
    Nevronske mreže za napovedovanje sile pri vrtanju (številka: 11, 2007)
    Analitično spremljanje razvoja elastoplastičnega stanja med upogibom nosilcev pravokotnega prereza (številka: 12, 2007)
    Alternativna strategija za izdelavo mikroorodij v masovni proizvodnji (številka: 12, 2007)
    Oblikovanje in izdelava polirne naprave ter polirni postopek z uporabo materiala Al 7075 T6 (številka: 12, 2007)
    Razvoj naprednih metod za vodenje proizvodnih postopkov (številka: 12, 2007)
    Predvidevanje nelinearnega lezenja izdelkov (številka: 12, 2007)
    Analitični model določevanja mehanskih lastnosti biopolimernih kompozitov - mikromehanski postopek (številka: 12, 2007)
    Izboljšanje dinamičnih značilnosti rotorskega sistema z razvojnim algoritmom (številka: 12, 2007)
    Računalniški in strojni vid v robotizirani montaži (številka: 12, 2007)
  10. 2008

    številka: 1 (2008)
    številka: 2 (2008)
    številka: 3 (2008)
    številka: 4 (2008)
    številka: 5 (2008)
    številka: 6 (2008)
    številka: 7/8 (2008)
    številka: 9 (2008)
    številka: 10 (2008)
    številka: 11 (2008)
    An attempt to detect various types of stress-corrosion cracking on austenitic stainless steels by simultaneous measurements of acoustic emission and electrochemical noise (številka: 1, 2008)
    Laser supported optical control of high pressure aluminium cast products (številka: 1, 2008)
    Analysis of hydraulic characteristics of guard-gate for hydropower plant (številka: 1, 2008)
    Control of the cutting forces in turning by entry angle and cutting inserts geometry (številka: 1, 2008)
    Exponential tracking control of an electro-pneumatic servo motor (številka: 1, 2008)
    Vibration analysis to determine the condition of gear units (številka: 1, 2008)
    Optimum selection of information terminals for production monitoring in manufacturing industries (številka: 1, 2008)
    Production scheduling model in aluminium foundry (številka: 1, 2008)
    Models of reliability for cutting tools (številka: 2, 2008)
    Development of a snake-like robot (številka: 2, 2008)
    Teleoperation of SCARA with neural network based controller (številka: 2, 2008)
    Flow analysis through the centrifugal impeller of a vacuum cleaner unit (številka: 2, 2008)
    Investigation of stress concentration factor for finite-width orthotropic rectangular plates with a circular opening using three-dimensional finite element model (številka: 2, 2008)
    Simulation methods in shipbuilding process design (številka: 2, 2008)
    Using buckling analysis to predict wrinkling in incremental sheet metal forming (številka: 2, 2008)
    Artificial neural networks application in duplex/triplex elevator group control system (številka: 2, 2008)
    Fuel properties of biodiesel produced from different raw materials in Croatia (številka: 3, 2008)
    Improved solution approach for aerodynamics loads of helicopter rotor blade in forward flight (številka: 3, 2008)
    Influence of technological factors on physical and mechanical properties of laminated prints (številka: 3, 2008)
    Application of neural networks in evaluation of technological time (številka: 3, 2008)
    Quality and cost in production management process (številka: 3, 2008)
    The performance and mechanisms of DLC-coated surfaces in contact with steel in boundary-lubrication conditions - a review (številka: 3, 2008)
    Influence of blade deformation on integral characteristic of axial flow fan (številka: 3, 2008)
    Equivalent stress analysis of processing tube tension reducing of the new steel 33Mn2V for oil well tubes (številka: 3, 2008)
    Large thermoplastic parts quality improvements using monitorized nozzle (številka: 4, 2008)
    Impact of Young's modulus degradation on springback calculation in steel sheet drawing (številka: 4, 2008)
    Experimental and numerical analysis of side forces in a forging die (številka: 4, 2008)
    The analysis of complex tribological system of single point incremental sheet metal forming - SPIF (številka: 4, 2008)
    CAM algorithm as important element by achieving of good machined surface quality (številka: 4, 2008)
    Robust design of forming processes (številka: 4, 2008)
    Feature extraction from CAD model for milling strategy prediction (številka: 5, 2008)
    Predicting order lead times (številka: 5, 2008)
    The use of micro-simulation in determining the capacity of a roundabout with a multi-channel pedestrian flow (številka: 5, 2008)
    Fuelling the car of the future (številka: 5, 2008)
    Hyper-chaotic mapping Newton iterative method to mechanism synthesis (številka: 5, 2008)
    Examination and modelling of the influence of cutting parameters on the cutting force and the surface roughness in longitudinal turning (številka: 5, 2008)
    PI+PD type fuzzy logic controlled dual-arm robot in load transfer (številka: 5, 2008)
    Modern deformation measurement techniques and their comparison (številka: 5, 2008)
    Coupling functions treatment in a Bi-Level optimization process (številka: 6, 2008)
    Cognitive product development (številka: 6, 2008)
    Methodical development of innovative robot drives (številka: 6, 2008)
    A feature-based framework for semantic interoperability of product models (številka: 6, 2008)
    How to adapt information technology innovations to industrial design and manufacturing to benefit maximally from them (številka: 6, 2008)
    Understanding the mechanical properties of self-expandable stents (številka: 6, 2008)
    Enabling interactive augmented prototyping by a portable hardware and a plug-in-based software architecture (številka: 6, 2008)
    Improving repair management of bucket wheel excavator SRs1200 by application of project management concept (številka: 7/8, 2008)
    Experimental investigations of porosity and permeability of flocs in the suspensions of biological water treatment plants (številka: 7/8, 2008)
    Modelling and analysis of a combined electronic and micro-mechanical system (številka: 7/8, 2008)
    Tailoring functionality and durability of polymeric products by modifying processing conditions (številka: 7/8, 2008)
    Experimental examination of main cutting force and surface roughness depending on cutting parameters (številka: 7/8, 2008)
    Laser multiple line triangulation system for real-time 3-D monitoring of chest wall during breathing (številka: 7/8, 2008)
    The research of the number of accidents with the agriculture and forestry tractors in the Europe and the main reasons for those accidents (številka: 7/8, 2008)
    The effects of cutting speed and feed rate on Bue-Bul formation, cutting forces and surface roughness when machining Aa6351 (T6) alloy (številka: 7/8, 2008)
    Results research of energetics characteristics of convection drying (številka: 9, 2008)
    Uncalibrated visual servo control with neural network (številka: 9, 2008)
    A device for simulating the thermoregulatory responses of the foot (številka: 9, 2008)
    Assembly initiated production as a prerequisite for mass customization and effective manufacturing (številka: 9, 2008)
    Project management of product development (številka: 9, 2008)
    Relative decrease of tracer gas concentration as a measure of the ventilation effectiveness (številka: 9, 2008)
    Geometric accuracy by 2-D printing model (številka: 10, 2008)
    Numerical and experimantal analysis of a shaft bow influence on a rotor to stator contact dynamics (številka: 10, 2008)
    Influence of the waste oil concentration in water on the efficiency of the aeration process in refinery wastewater treatment (številka: 10, 2008)
    Dynamic analysis of the load lifting mechanisms (številka: 10, 2008)
    MINLP optimization of a single-storey industrial steel building (številka: 10, 2008)
    Simple feedback structure of active noise control in a duct (številka: 10, 2008)
    Impact of the guard grill on the integral and local characteristics of an axial fan (številka: 10, 2008)
    Strength of pressure vessels with ellipsoidal heads (številka: 10, 2008)
    Machining process optimization by colony based cooperative search technique (številka: 11, 2008)
    Radio frequency identification technology application in disassembly systems (številka: 11, 2008)
    Flexibility and complexity of effective enterprises (številka: 11, 2008)
    Mechanical and metallurgical properties of aluminium and copper sheets joined by cold pressure welding (številka: 11, 2008)
    Product development through multi-criteria analysis (številka: 11, 2008)
    Reliability and efficacy of identification systems and supply chain management (številka: 11, 2008)
    Safe operation of welded structure with cracks at elevated temperature (številka: 11, 2008)
    Economic design of control charts (številka: 12, 2008)
    Using of acoustic models in mechanical diagnostics (številka: 12, 2008)
    Characterization of the vibrations and structural noise of a suction unit's cover (številka: 12, 2008)
    Multiple parametric models of heat transfer in lightweight building elements with ventilated cavities (številka: 12, 2008)
    Advances in water power-control hydraulics experimental research (številka: 12, 2008)
    Comparative analyses for different modeling methods in high speed turning operations for hardened steel (številka: 12, 2008)
    Usage of the yield curve in numerical simulations (številka: 12, 2008)
    Effects of the variation of torque motor parameters on servovalve performance (številka: 12, 2008)
  11. 2009

    Basic quality tools in continuous improvement process (številka: 5, 2009)
    Condition monitoring of milling tool wear based on fractal dimension of vibration signals (številka: 1, 2009)
    Optimization of the unloading bridge working cycle (številka: 1, 2009)
    The integrating role of simulation in modern manufacturing planning and scheduling (številka: 1, 2009)
    Application of artificial neural network for modeling the flash land dimensions in the forging dies (številka: 1, 2009)
    Mathematical modeling and experimental verification of operating parameters of vane pump with double effect (številka: 1, 2009)
    Cylindrical wormgearings with progressively curved shape of teeth flanks (številka: 1, 2009)
    A model of surface roughness constitution in the metal cutting process applying tools with defined stereometry (številka: 1, 2009)
    Risk assessment and managing technical systems in case of mining industry (številka: 2, 2009)
    Dynamic equipment deployment at a container terminal (številka: 2, 2009)
    Morphological-functional aspects of electro-discharge machined surface textures (številka: 2, 2009)
    Effects of couple stresses on the unsteady performance of finite lubricated bearings (številka: 2, 2009)
    Dynamic response of mobile elevating work platform under wind excitation (številka: 2, 2009)
    The influence of hardening related deformations on selection of abrasion inhibition process (številka: 2, 2009)
    Functional and information modeling of production using IDEF methods (številka: 2, 2009)
    Using balanced scorecard to improve environmental management system (številka: 4, 2009)
    Enhancing gesture dictionary of a commercial data glove using complex static gestures and an MLP ensemble (številka: 4, 2009)
    Mathematical modeling and experimental research of characteristic parameters hydrodynamic processes of a piston axial pump (številka: 4, 2009)
    Integration framework to support cooperation in product development process (številka: 4, 2009)
    Boundary layer of dissociated gas on bodies of revolution of a porous contour (številka: 4, 2009)
    Quantification of flow kinematics using computer-aided visualization (številka: 4, 2009)
    Determination of pressure losses in hydraulic pipeline systems by considering temperature and pressure (številka: 4, 2009)
    Experimental investigations and modeling of the rubber-asphalt sliding pair dynamics (številka: 5, 2009)
    Magnetic cooling - development of magnetic refrigerator (številka: 5, 2009)
    Spatial-mode-shape-identification using a continuous wavelet transform (številka: 5, 2009)
    Phenomenological sedimentation model for an industrial circular settling tank (številka: 5, 2009)
    Measurement uncertainty in calibration of measurement surface plates flatness (številka: 5, 2009)
    The influence of some parameters on the flow properties of bulk solids (številka: 5, 2009)
    A novel pelton turbine model for water hammer analysis (številka: 6, 2009)
    Availability management of complex technical systems (številka: 6, 2009)
    Research on the influence of the cutting speed on the specific cutting force during turning (številka: 6, 2009)
    Variation of normal anisotropy ratio "r" during plastic forming (številka: 6, 2009)
    Internet based teleoperation for cooperative navigation and manipulation (številka: 6, 2009)
    STEP-NC (številka: 6, 2009)
    A reverse engineering technique for creating virtual robots (številka: 6, 2009)
    Uniform power transmission gears (številka: 7/8, 2009)
    Particularities of an incremental forming application in multi-layer construction elements (številka: 7/8, 2009)
    Automatic detection of spring faults during assembly of reciprocating compressors (številka: 7/8, 2009)
    Function and functionality in the conceptual design process (številka: 7/8, 2009)
    A company's readiness for concurrent product and process development (številka: 7/8, 2009)
    Model-based investigation of flight qualities (številka: 7/8, 2009)
    An investigation of the number of inserts effect on the machining time and metal removal rate during the milling of AISI D3 steel at high cutting speeds (številka: 7/8, 2009)
    Modelling and analysis of thermal and stress loads in train disc brakes - braking from 250 km/h to standstill (številka: 7/8, 2009)
    Intelligent interfacing module of process capability among product and process development systems in virtual environment (številka: 9, 2009)
    Emergent synthesis based multi-objective design of the manufacturing system shop-floor (številka: 9, 2009)
    Numerical simulation of crack modeling using extended finite element method (številka: 9, 2009)
    Performance analysis of the reheat-stop-valve mechanism under dimensional tolerance, misalignment and thermal impact (številka: 9, 2009)
    Reward level evaluation of parallel sytems (številka: 9, 2009)
    The application of the root locus method for the design of pitch controller of an F-104A aircraft (številka: 9, 2009)
    Some statistical aspects of firecracker noise (številka: 9, 2009)
    The effects of blade angle on blade stresses during cutting of different kinds of paper materials (številka: 10, 2009)
    Homodyne quadrature laser interferometer applied for the studies of optodynamic wave propagation in a rod (številka: 10, 2009)
    Properties of thermally treated CuZn27Al3 shape memory alloy (številka: 10, 2009)
    Numerical simulation of stress relieving of an austenite stainless steel (številka: 10, 2009)
    Test and parameters design of a novel reinforced cymene-oil isolator for reinforcement scheme of flimsy equipment system in moving conveyances (številka: 10, 2009)
    Application of 'data envelopment analysis' in ecological research of maintenance of forestry mechanisation (številka: 10, 2009)
    Translation of extended Petri net model into ladder diagram and simulation with PLC (številka: 10, 2009)
    Modular design and its application to overhead traveling crane (številka: 11, 2009)
    Analysis of product development on large-scale production with multi-criteria approach (številka: 11, 2009)
    Application of optimization techniques to determine parameters of the Vibe combustion model (številka: 11, 2009)
    Qaulity! audits of management systems (številka: 11, 2009)
    The issue of Strouhal number definition in cavitating flow (številka: 11, 2009)
    High pressure cooling in the machining of hard-to-machine materials (številka: 11, 2009)
    Point data pre-processing based on fuzzy logic for reverse engineering modelling (številka: 12, 2009)
    Visual control of an industrial robot manipulator (številka: 12, 2009)
    Improvement of the statical behaviour of pressure controlled axial piston pumps (številka: 12, 2009)
    An analytical solution of the Navier-Stokes equation for flow over a moving plate bounded by two side walls (številka: 12, 2009)
    Diamond tools for machining of granite and their wear (številka: 12, 2009)
    Theory and application of naturally curved and twisted beams with closed thin-walled cross sections (številka: 12, 2009)
    An approach to the optimization of a thin-walled Z-beam (številka: 12, 2009)
  12. 2010

    Risk analysis methodology for road tunnels and alternative routes (številka: 1, 2010)
    The influence of surface topology on the accuracy of laser triangulation scanning results (številka: 1, 2010)
    A Multi-criteria assessment of energy crops for biogas production (številka: 1, 2010)
    Modelling metal cutting parameters using intelligent techniques (številka: 1, 2010)
    Muscular-skeletal diseases require scientifically designed sewing workstations (številka: 1, 2010)
    Influence of the graphite absorber during laser surface hardening (številka: 2, 2010)
    Predictions of mechanical properties of quenched and tempered steel (številka: 2, 2010)
    Evaluation of hardening performance of cooling media by using inverse heat conduction methods and property prediction (številka: 2, 2010)
    Effect of antioxidants and corrosion inhibitor additives on the quenching performance of soybean oil (številka: 2, 2010)
    The effect of heat treatment on the stability of centerline segregation (številka: 2, 2010)
    Vegetable oil quenchants (številka: 2, 2010)
    A simulation of the quenching process for predicting temperature, microstructure and residual stresses (številka: 2, 2010)
    Extension of isothermal time-temperature parameters to non-isothermal conditions (številka: 2, 2010)
    Prediction of quench-hardness within the whole volume of axially-symmetric workpieces of any shape (številka: 2, 2010)
    Calculations of the unloading operation in liquid cargo service with high density on modern product and chemical tankers equipped with hydraulic submerged cargo pumps (številka: 3, 2010)
    Practical implementation of load sharing and anti skew controllers for wide span gantry crane drives (številka: 3, 2010)
    Feature models in virtual product development (številka: 3, 2010)
    Machining of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V for biomedical applications (številka: 3, 2010)
    An experimental investigation on effect of cutting fluids in turning with coated carbides tool (številka: 3, 2010)
    Integration of information for manufacturing shop control (številka: 3, 2010)
    Practical tracking control of the electropneumatic piston drive (številka: 3, 2010)
    The possibility for FMEA method improvement and its implementation into bus life cycle (številka: 3, 2010)
    Static behaviour of air plane pads (številka: 4, 2010)
    Influence of the oil churning, the bearing and the tooth friction losses on the efficiency of planetary gears (številka: 4, 2010)
    Impact of solid particulate on brittle materials (številka: 4, 2010)
    EHL-squeeze in highly loaded contacts (številka: 4, 2010)
    Wear particle classifier system based on an artificial neural network (številka: 4, 2010)
    Logarithmical crowning for spur gears (številka: 4, 2010)
    Characterisation of high-carbon steel surface welded layer (številka: 5, 2010)
    Application of non-discrete boundaries with friction to smoothed particle hydrodynamics (številka: 5, 2010)
    Experimental analysis of the deviation from circularity of bored hole based onthe Taguchi method (številka: 5, 2010)
    Optimim design of hybrid-driven mechanical press based on inverse kinematics (številka: 5, 2010)
    A multi-objective optimization of a robotic arm for service tasks (številka: 5, 2010)
    Solving JSSP by introducing hamilton similarity and time dependent fitness scaling (številka: 5, 2010)
    A novel technique for spatial objects shaping with a high-pressure abrasive water jet (številka: 5, 2010)
    The optimization of machining parameters using the Taguchi method for surface roughness of AISI 8660 hardened alloy steel (številka: 6, 2010)
    Simulation of transient flow in hydroelectric power plants using unsteady friction (številka: 6, 2010)
    Methods of shaping the metrological characteristis of air gages (številka: 6, 2010)
    Analysis of ex-vessel steam explosion pressure loads (številka: 6, 2010)
    Analysis of die casting tool material (številka: 6, 2010)
    Conceptual framework for NPN logic based decision analysis (številka: 6, 2010)
    An optimal main helicopter rotor projection model obtained by viscous effects and unsteady lift simulation (številka: 6, 2010)
    Application of artificial neural networks in the prediction of critical buckling loads of helical compression springs (številka: 6, 2010)
    The effects of machining parameters on cutting forces, surface roughness, built-up edge (BUE) and built-up layer (BUL) during machining AA2014 (T4) alloy (številka: 9, 2010)
    Robust IMC controllers with optimal setpoints tracking and disturbance rejection for industrial boiler (številka: 9, 2010)
    Pressure stimulated current emissions on cement paste samples under repetitive stepwise compressional loadings (številka: 9, 2010)
    Infrared thermography of cavitation thermal effects in water (številka: 9, 2010)
    Determination of a light helicopter flight performance at the preliminary design stage (številka: 9, 2010)
    Air-coupled lamb and rayleigh waves for remote NDE of defects and materiala elastic properties (številka: 9, 2010)
    Alternative to the Conventional Heating and Cooling Systems in Public Buildings (številka: 9, 2010)
    Application of group technology in complex cluster type organizational systems (številka: 10, 2010)
    A numerical and experimental study on buckling of cylindrical panels subjected to compressive axial load (številka: 10, 2010)
    Strength and fracture strain of resin/filler systems using two models (1) of perfect and (2) of low adhesion quality (številka: 10, 2010)
    Gear vibrations in supercritical mesh-frequency range caused by teeth impacts (številka: 10, 2010)
    Thread gauge calibration for industrial applications (številka: 10, 2010)
    Generation simulation of involute spur gears machined by pinion-type shaper cutters (številka: 10, 2010)
    Lockin thermography with optical or ultrasound excitation (številka: 10, 2010)
    A software system for "design for X" impact evaluations in redesign processes (številka: 11, 2010)
    Adaptive change management for industrial product-service-systems (številka: 11, 2010)
    Computer aided design and finite element simulation consistency (številka: 11, 2010)
    A user-centered approach for a tabletop-based collaborative design environment (številka: 11, 2010)
    The upcoming and proliferation of ubiquitous technologies in products and processes (številka: 11, 2010)
    Cloud computing for synergized emotional mode evolution in multi-agent learning systems (številka: 11, 2010)
    The effect of visual feedback on learnability and usability of design methods (številka: 11, 2010)
    Analysis of innovation concepts in Slovenian manufacturing companies (številka: 12, 2010)
    Reduction of machine setup time (številka: 12, 2010)
    Fatigue life estimation of notched structural components (številka: 12, 2010)
    Biodiesel production from ricinus communis oil its blends with soybean biodiesel (številka: 12, 2010)
    Analysis of deformation characteristics of magnesium AZ80 wrought alloy under hot conditions (številka: 12, 2010)
    Fuel economy of hybrid electric heavy-duty vehicles (številka: 12, 2010)
    Entropy generation and exergy efficiency in adiabatic mixing of nitrogen and oxygen streams of different temperatures and environmental pressures (številka: 12, 2010)
  13. 2011

    Analysis of company development factors in manufacturing and service company (številka: 1, 2011)
    Nonlinear approach to thin-walled beams with a symmetrical open section (številka: 1, 2011)
    Fatigue life analysis of aluminum wheels by simulation of rotary fatigue test (številka: 1, 2011)
    Comparison between elastic-perfectly-plastic interfacial free-edge and crack tip singular fields (številka: 1, 2011)
    The effect of electroless Ni coating of SiC particles on the corrosion behavior of A356 based squeeze cast composite (številka: 1, 2011)
    Shaping of face toothing in flat spiroid gears (številka: 1, 2011)
    Measuring dynamic loads on a foldable city bicycle (številka: 1, 2011)
    Rotating-mirror Q-switched Er:YAG laser for optodynamic studies (številka: 1, 2011)
    Interrelation between ERP modification and modification scheduling (številka: 1, 2011)
    Energy savings in building with a PCM free cooling system (številka: 2, 2011)
    Application of genetic algorithm into multicriteria batch manufacturing scheduling (številka: 2, 2011)
    Improvement of business processes performances through establishment of the analogy (številka: 2, 2011)
    System approach to vehicle suspension system control in CAE environment (številka: 2, 2011)
    Energy saving cooling-unit for plastic moulding machine (številka: 2, 2011)
    The influence of chip breaker geometry on tool stresses in turning (številka: 2, 2011)
    FPGA-based control system of an ultrasonic phased array (številka: 2, 2011)
    Real-time cutting tool condition monitoring in milling (številka: 2, 2011)
    Monitoring gas metal arc welding process by using audible sound signal (številka: 3, 2011)
    Surface defect detection on power transmission belts using laser profilometry (številka: 3, 2011)
    Application of ultrasonic C-scan techniques for tracing defects in laminated composite materials (številka: 3, 2011)
    NDT based process monitoring and control (številka: 3, 2011)
    New opportunities for NDT using non-linear interaction of elastic waves with defects (številka: 3, 2011)
    Electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation (številka: 3, 2011)
    Study of weak electric current emissions on cement mortar under uniaxial compressional mechanical stress up to the vicinity of fracture (številka: 3, 2011)
    Focus variation - a robust technology for high resolution optical 3D surface metrology (številka: 3, 2011)
    Lockin-interferometry (številka: 3, 2011)
    Electromagnetic imaging using probe arrays (številka: 3, 2011)
    Surface integrity after mechanical hardening of various aluminium alloys (številka: 4, 2011)
    Fatigue failure study of the lower suspension vehicle arm using a multiaxial criterion of the strain energy density (številka: 4, 2011)
    Optimization of trapezoidal cross section of the truck crane boom by Lagrange's multipliers and by differential evolution algorithm (DE) (številka: 4, 2011)
    Taguchi-based and intelligent optimisation of a multi-response process using historical data (številka: 4, 2011)
    Modeling techniques of nested helical structure based geometry for numerical analysis (številka: 4, 2011)
    Position control with parameter adaptation for a nano-robotic cell (številka: 4, 2011)
    A study of quality parameters and behaviour of self-piercing riveted aluminium sheets with different joining conditions (številka: 4, 2011)
    Melt volume flow measurement in the mineral-wool production process (številka: 4, 2011)
    A secondary source configuration for control of a ventilation fan noise in ducts (številka: 6, 2011)
    A methodology for quantifying the kinematic position errors due to manufacturing and assembly tolerances (številka: 6, 2011)
    Mathematical model of an autoclave (številka: 6, 2011)
    Numerical methods for TMF cycle modeling (številka: 6, 2011)
    Criticality analysis of the elements of the light commercial vehicle steering tie-rod joint (številka: 6, 2011)
    Theoretical analysis of stiffness constant and effective mass for a round-folded beam in MEMS accelerometer (številka: 6, 2011)
    Fault detection of an industrial heat-exchanger (številka: 6, 2011)
    Numerical prediction of non-cavitating and cavitating vortex rope in a Francise turbine draft tube (številka: 6, 2011)
    Integrated design for fatigue life estimation of structures (številka: 7/8, 2011)
    Design and testing of an ultrasound system for targeted spraying in orchards (številka: 7/8, 2011)
    Study of adaptive model parameter estimation for milling tool wear (številka: 7/8, 2011)
    Mesh smoothing with global optimization under constraints (številka: 7/8, 2011)
    Integrating R&D and marketing in new product development (številka: 7/8, 2011)
    Virtual engine (številka: 7/8, 2011)
    Numerical modelling of crack growth in a gear tooth root (številka: 7/8, 2011)
    Computation of stress intensity factor in functionally graded plates under thermal shock (številka: 7/8, 2011)
    Validation of a flexible multibody belt-drive model (številka: 7/8, 2011)
    Simulating nonlinear materials under centrifugal forces by using intelligent cross-linked simulations (številka: 7/8, 2011)
    Sustainability assessment (številka: 9, 2011)
    Length variation of toothed belt during exploitation (številka: 9, 2011)
    FE-modeling of cold rolling by in-feed method of circular grooves (številka: 9, 2011)
    Application of numerical simulations in the deep-drawing process and the holding system with segments' inserts (številka: 9, 2011)
    Influence of input parameters on the characteristics of the EDM process (številka: 9, 2011)
    Surface topography modelling for reduced friction (številka: 9, 2011)
    Signal model-based fault detection and diagnosis for induction motors using features of vibration signal in two-dimension domain (številka: 9, 2011)
    Aspects of using tool axis inclination angle (številka: 9, 2011)
    Global optimization of lateral performance for two-post ROPS based on the Kriging model and genetic algorithm (številka: 10, 2011)
    Overall structure calibration of 3-UCR parallel manipulator based on quaternion method (številka: 10, 2011)
    Development of a part-complexity evaluation model for application in additive fabrication technologies (številka: 10, 2011)
    The influence of airflow inlet region modifications on the local efficiency of natural draft cooling tower operation (številka: 10, 2011)
    Optimal control of workpiece thermal state in creep-feed grinding using inverse heat conduction analysis (številka: 10, 2011)
    Development of prosthetic knee for alpine skiing (številka: 10, 2011)
    Application of Promethee-Gaia methodology in the choice of systems for drying paltry-seeds and powder materials (številka: 10, 2011)
    The formation of saw toothed chip in a titanium alloy (številka: 10, 2011)
    Implementation of automatic identification technology in a process of fixture assembly/disassembly (številka: 11, 2011)
    Possibilities of using three-dimensional optical scanning in complex geometrical inspection (številka: 11, 2011)
    Quality managers' estimates of quality management principles application in certified organisations in transitional conditions - is Serbia close to TQM? (številka: 11, 2011)
    Structural analysis of an articulated urban bus chassis via FEM (številka: 11, 2011)
    CW fiber laser for second harmonic generation (številka: 11, 2011)
    On the particles size distributions of diatomaceous earth and perlite granulations (številka: 11, 2011)
    Calculation of the combined torsional mesh stiffness of spur gears with two- and three-dimensional parametrical FE models (številka: 11, 2011)
    Effects of hot-water-pipeline renovation in a district heating system (številka: 11, 2011)
    Experimental equipment research for cryogenic Joule-Thompson cryocoolers comparison in IR technology sensors (številka: 12, 2011)
    Pipistrel Taurus G4 (številka: 12, 2011)
    Finite element analysis of a tire steady rolling on the drum and comparison with experiment (številka: 12, 2011)
    Influence of the milling strategy on the durability of forging tools (številka: 12, 2011)
    Investigation on the high vacuum tribological characteristics of surface treated nuclear grade stainless steel type AISI 316 LN at 25 to 500°C (številka: 12, 2011)
    Polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN) tool life and wear in turning of amorphous-crystalline iron-based coatings (številka: 12, 2011)
    Simulation of water-gas shift membrane reactor for integrated gasification combined cycle plant with CO2 capture (številka: 12, 2011)
    Kinematics and dynamics of the quasi-passive biped "PASIBOT" (številka: 12, 2011)
  14. 2012

    Dynamic model for the stress and strain state analysis of a spur gear transmission (številka: 1, 2012)
    Design and feasibility analyses of morphing airfoil used to control flight attitude (številka: 1, 2012)
    Comparison of thermo-hydraulic properties of heat regenerators applicable to active magnetic refrigerators (številka: 1, 2012)
    Experiments on a modular magnetic refrigeration device (številka: 1, 2012)
    Control of separation flow over a wind turbine blade with plasma actuators (številka: 1, 2012)
    Correlation between incident angle, measurement distance, object colour and the number of acquired points at CNC laser scanning (številka: 1, 2012)
    Thermal load of multidisc wet friction assemblies at braking regime (številka: 1, 2012)
    Dynamic ID model of an active magnetic regenerator (številka: 1, 2012)
    Application of CFD simulation in the development of a new generation heating oven (številka: 2, 2012)
    Finite mixture estimation algorithm for arbitrary function approximation (številka: 2, 2012)
    Backward hole-flanging fechnology ! using an incremental approach (številka: 2, 2012)
    A dynamic rescheduling model with multi-agent system and its solution method (številka: 2, 2012)
    Effect of agitation work on heat transfer during cooling in oil ISORAPID 277HM (številka: 2, 2012)
    Neural-network estimation of the variable plant for adaptive sliding-mode controller (številka: 2, 2012)
    Description and modeling of the additive manufacturing technology for aerodynamic coefficients measurement (številka: 2, 2012)
    Analysis of building electric energy consumption data using an improved cooling degree day method (številka: 2, 2012)
    Radio controlled sailplane flight (številka: 3, 2012)
    Theoretical and experimental study of fatigue strength of plain woven glass/epoxy composite (številka: 3, 2012)
    Use of genetic algorithms for optimal design of sandwich panels subjected to underwater shock loading (številka: 3, 2012)
    Tool-edge wear and wavelet packet transform analysis in high-speed machining of Inconel 718 (številka: 3, 2012)
    Numerical analyses to investigate the feasibility and effectivness in using heat pipe embedded end mills (številka: 3, 2012)
    Application of Taguchi method for surface roughness and roundness error in drilling of AISI 316 stainless steel (številka: 3, 2012)
    CFD-based investigation of the response of mechanical ventilation in the case of tunnel-fire (številka: 3, 2012)
    Synthesis of truss structure designs by NSGA-II and NodeSort algorithm (številka: 3, 2012)
    Two-dimensional mathematical modelling of a dam-break wave in a narrow steep stream (številka: 4, 2012)
    Increased efficiency of hydraulic systems through reliability theory and monitoring of system operating parameters (številka: 4, 2012)
    Improving products' ergonomic value using intelligent decision support system (številka: 4, 2012)
    Testing of concrete abrasion resistance in hydraulic structures on the lower Sava river (številka: 4, 2012)
    Application of an instrumented tracer in an abrasion mill for rock abrasion studies (številka: 4, 2012)
    Experimental analysis of the impact of particles on the cavitating flow (številka: 4, 2012)
    Dynamic behaviour of air valves in a large-scale pipeline apparatus (številka: 4, 2012)
    An evaluation of formed maintenance programme efficacy (številka: 5, 2012)
    Universal model of a biomass gasifier for different syngas compositions (številka: 5, 2012)
    Dynamics of polymer sheets cutting mechanism (številka: 5, 2012)
    Gear unit housing effect on the noise generation caused by gear teeth impacts (številka: 5, 2012)
    Experimental performance evaluation of a photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) air collector and its optimization (številka: 5, 2012)
    Anti-sway system for ship-to-shore cranes (številka: 5, 2012)
    Low-frequency sonoporation in vitro (številka: 5, 2012)
    Global criterion method based on principal components to the optimization of manufacturing processes with multiple responses (številka: 5, 2012)
    Experimental and simulation testing of flight spin stability for small caliber cannon projectile (številka: 6, 2012)
    Experimental research on new grade of steel protective material for light armored vehicles (številka: 6, 2012)
    AFV vetronics (številka: 6, 2012)
    A model for shaped charge warhead design (številka: 6, 2012)
    Experimental investigation of high-strength structural steel welds (številka: 6, 2012)
    Nanotechnological enhancement of infrared detectors by plasmon resonance in transparent conductive oxide nanoparticles (številka: 6, 2012)
    Acoustic experimental data analysis of moving target echoes observed by Doppler radars (številka: 6, 2012)
    The influence of part dimensions and tolerance size to trigger characteristics (številka: 6, 2012)
    Exergy analysis of conventional and low exergy systems for heating and cooling of near zero energy buildings (številka: 7/8, 2012)
    Non-Newtonian blood flow around healthy and regurgitated aortic valve with coronary blood flow involved (številka: 7/8, 2012)
    Boundary layer method for unsteady transonic flow (številka: 7/8, 2012)
    Dressing the hybrid bond CBN wheels using short-pulse fiber laser (številka: 7/8, 2012)
    Modelling of thrust forces in drilling of AISI 316 stainless steel using artificial neural network and multiple regression analysis (številka: 7/8, 2012)
    Mechanical design optimization for multi-finger haptic devices applied to virtual grasping manipulation (številka: 7/8, 2012)
    Online monitoring, analysis, and remote recording of welding parameters to the welding diary (številka: 7/8, 2012)
    AdSR based fault diagnosis for three-axis boring and milling machine (številka: 9, 2012)
    Railway axle analyses (številka: 9, 2012)
    A method to determine the impact of geometrical deviations on product performance (številka: 9, 2012)
    Computation method in failure analysis of mechanically fastened joints at layered composits (številka: 9, 2012)
    Competitive Hopfield neural network model for evaluating pedicle screw placement accuracy (številka: 9, 2012)
    Teamwork in the simultaneous product realisation (številka: 9, 2012)
    Autofluorescence bronchoscopy image processing in the selected colour spaces (številka: 9, 2012)
    Influence of laser surface remelting on Al-Si alloy properties (številka: 10, 2012)
    Nautical risk assessment for LNG operations at the Port of Koper (številka: 10, 2012)
    Vacuum insulation panels - an assessment of the impact of accelerated ageing on service life (številka: 10, 2012)
    Manipulability of a haptic mechanism within the cylindrical space of an MR scanner (številka: 10, 2012)
    An improved torque method for preload control in precision assembly of miniature bolt joints (številka: 10, 2012)
    Determination of surface qualities on inclined surface machining with acoustic sound pressure (številka: 10, 2012)
    Repair preparation of fiber-reinforced plastics by the machining of a stepped peripheral zone (številka: 10, 2012)
    Investigation on machining performance of Inconel 718 under high pressure cooling conditions (številka: 11, 2012)
    Modeling of the influence of cutting parameters on the surface roughness, tool wear and cutting force milling in off-line process control (številka: 11, 2012)
    Enhanced heat transfer on thermo active cooling wall (številka: 11, 2012)
    Design of Space-Curve Meshing-Wheels with unequal tine radii (številka: 11, 2012)
    Assembly/disassembly analysis and modeling techniques (številka: 11, 2012)
    Probabilistic thermal and electromagnetic analyses of subsea solenoid valves for subsea blowout preventers (številka: 11, 2012)
    Integration of simulation and lean tools in effective production systems - case study (številka: 11, 2012)
    Hobbing strategy and performance analyses of linkage models for non-circular helical gears based on four-axis linkage (številka: 12, 2012)
    Designs and optimizations of active and semi-active non-linear suspension systems for a terrain vehicle (številka: 12, 2012)
    Modeling and simulation of a chip load acting on a single milling tool insert (številka: 12, 2012)
    Nonlinear model for the instability detection in centerless grinding process (številka: 12, 2012)
    Customizing products through application of group technology (številka: 12, 2012)
    Phase transformations in high alloy cold work tool steel (številka: 12, 2012)
    Tribological behaviour of coated carbide tools during turning of steels with improved machinability (številka: 12, 2012)
  15. 2013

    Neural network-based model for supporting the expert driven project estimation process in mold manufacturing (številka: 1, 2013)
    Design and materials selection for environmentally friendly ship propulsion system (številka: 1, 2013)
    Detection of flooding and drying inside a PEM fuel cell stack (številka: 1, 2013)
    Measurement uncertainty assessment in remote object geolocation (številka: 1, 2013)
    Numerical and experimental study of frictional behavior in bending under tension test (številka: 1, 2013)
    Model development and dynamic load-sharing analysis of longitudinal-connected air suspensions (številka: 1, 2013)
    Characterizing effective d sub 31 values for PZT from the nonlinear oscillations of clamped-clamped micro-resonators (številka: 1, 2013)
    The effect of surface roughness of end-mills on optimal cutting performance for high-speed machining (številka: 2, 2013)
    A study on the derivation of parametric cutting force equations in drilling of GFRP composites (številka: 2, 2013)
    Combined cutting-deforming taps (številka: 2, 2013)
    A multi-axis biodynamic measuring handle for a human hand-arm system (številka: 2, 2013)
    Multivariable predictive functional control of an autoclave (številka: 2, 2013)
    Nonlinear control of a hybrid batch reactor (številka: 2, 2013)
    Experimental research and computer simulation of face grind-hardening technology (številka: 2, 2013)
    Numerical simulation of cold forming of a-titanium alloy sheets (številka: 3, 2013)
    3D numerical analysis of 2D profile bending with the torque superposed spatial bending method (številka: 3, 2013)
    Characterisation and processing of reinforced PA 6 with halloysite nanotubes (HNT) for injection molding (številka: 3, 2013)
    Characteristics of hard coatings on AZ61 magnesium alloys (številka: 3, 2013)
    Final manufacturing process of front side metallisation on silicon solar cells using conventional and unconventional techniques (številka: 3, 2013)
    Enhancing micro-EDM using ultrasonic vibration and approaches for machining of nonconducting ceramics (številka: 3, 2013)
    Resource efficient injection moulding with low environmental impacts (številka: 3, 2013)
    A method for optimal blank shape determination in sheet metal forming based on numerical simulations (številka: 4, 2013)
    On the convergence, stability and computational speed of numerical schemes for 0-D IC engine cylinder modelling (številka: 4, 2013)
    Measurement of involute profile with small clamping eccentricity in a gear measuring center (številka: 4, 2013)
    The use of the cavitation effect in the mitigation of CaCO sub 3 deposits (številka: 4, 2013)
    Study of a flowerlike deployable structure (številka: 4, 2013)
    Exergy based performance analysis of a shower cooling tower (številka: 4, 2013)
    Experimental identification of overall structural damping of system (številka: 4, 2013)
    A functional reasoning cube model for conceptual design of mechatronic systems (številka: 5, 2013)
    Analysing kinematics of a novel 3CPS parallel manipulator based on Rodrigues parameters (številka: 5, 2013)
    Microstructural analysis of laser coated ceramic components TiB sub 2 and TiC on aluminium alloy EN AW-6082-T651 (številka: 5, 2013)
    A new parameter of statistic equality of sampling lengths in surface roughness measurement (številka: 5, 2013)
    Design for reliability based methodology for automotive gearbox load capacity identification (številka: 5, 2013)
    A study of thermal behaviour during submerged arc welding (številka: 5, 2013)
    Evaluation of fluid flow over stepped spillways using the finite volume method as a novel approach (številka: 5, 2013)
    Selecting the most adaptable work equipment (številka: 6, 2013)
    A theoretical and numerical study of an additional viscosity term in a modified elasto-plastic friction model for wet friction clutch simulations (številka: 6, 2013)
    Study of vibration milling for improving surface finish of difficult-to-cut materials (številka: 6, 2013)
    Detecting groan sources in drum brakes of commercial vehicles by TVA-FMEA (številka: 6, 2013)
    Modeling nonlinear viscoelastic nanoindentation of PVAc at different unloading rates (številka: 6, 2013)
    Dynamic reliability analysis of mechanical components based on equivalent strength degradation paths (številka: 6, 2013)
    Analysing energy and material saving technologies' adoption and adopters (številka: 6, 2013)
    Effect of scratch velocity on deformation features of C-plane sapphire during nanoscratching (številka: 6, 2013)
    Pure waterjet drilling of articular bone (številka: 7/8, 2013)
    Modification of conductive material AA6101 of OPGW conductors against lightning strikes (številka: 7/8, 2013)
    Speed-control of energy regulation based variable-speed electrohydraulic drive (številka: 7/8, 2013)
    Flow characteristic of staggered multiple slotted tubes in the passage of a fin tube heat exchanger (številka: 7/8, 2013)
    Optimal design based on dynamic characteristics and experimental implementation of submersible electromagnetic actuators (številka: 7/8, 2013)
    A contribution for a pragmatics-based approach to concurrent engineering implementation (številka: 7/8, 2013)
    An experimental study of the tribological characteristics of engine and gear transmission oils (številka: 7/8, 2013)
    Freight forward agreement timeseries modeling based on artificial neural network models (številka: 9, 2013)
    Sensitivity analysis for identifying the critical productivity factors of container terminals (številka: 9, 2013)
    Modelling of multi-mitigation strategies for maritime disruptions in the wheat supply chain (številka: 9, 2013)
    Traffic modelling and performance evaluation in the Kotor cruise port (številka: 9, 2013)
    Ports sustainability (številka: 9, 2013)
    Experimental and numerical investigations of the jaw crusher supporting structure fatigue failure (številka: 9, 2013)
    Scheduling for a single-terminal intermodal system recovery with Poisson arrivals (številka: 9, 2013)
    Experimental investigation on road vehicle active suspension (številka: 10, 2013)
    Integral characteristics of hydrogen production in alkaline electrolysers (številka: 10, 2013)
    Closed-loop handling stability of 4WS vehicle with yaw rate control (številka: 10, 2013)
    Parametric optimization of the output shaft of a portal axle using finite element analysis (številka: 10, 2013)
    Reducing the computational time of the SPH method with a coupled 2-D/3-D approach (številka: 10, 2013)
    On-line oil monitoring and diagnosis (številka: 10, 2013)
    Hardness effects on abrasive flow machining (številka: 10, 2013)
    Injection-moulding compounding of PP polymer nanocomposites (številka: 11, 2013)
    Methods for improved flexural mechanical properties of 3D-plotted PCL-based scaffolds for heart valve tissue engineering (številka: 11, 2013)
    Densification and geometrical assessments of alumina parts produced through indirect selective laser sintering of alumina-polystyrene composite powder (številka: 11, 2013)
    Polypropylene/clay nanocomposites produced by shear controlled orientation in injection moulding (številka: 11, 2013)
    An initial study of Aerosol Jet printed interconnections on extrusion-based 3D-printed substrates (številka: 11, 2013)
    Monitoring of injection moulding of thermoplastics (številka: 11, 2013)
    Influence of rapid mould temperature variation on the appearance of injection-moulded parts (številka: 11, 2013)
    The influence of processing on the aesthetic, morphological and mechanical properties of structural foam mouldings of high-impact polystyrene (številka: 11, 2013)
    Systematic development of a device for bituminous layer application (številka: 12, 2013)
    A new method for machinery fault diagnoses based on an optimal multiscale morphological filter (številka: 12, 2013)
    Research on levitation coupled with standing wave levitation and electromagnetic levitation (številka: 12, 2013)
    Comparison of alcohol and fatty acid adsorption on hydrogenated DLC coatings studied by AFM and tribological tests (številka: 12, 2013)
    An experimental and numerical investigation of a grid composite cylindrical shell subjected to transverse loading (številka: 12, 2013)
    Powder-mixed electro-discharge diamond surface grinding process (številka: 12, 2013)
    Influence of different cooling and lubrication techniques on material machinability in machining (številka: 12, 2013)
  16. 2014

    Corrosion analysis of friction stir-welded AA 7075 aluminium alloy (številka: 1, 2014)
    Topology optimization for continua considering global displacement constraint (številka: 1, 2014)
    Optimization of the shape of axi-symmetric rubber bumpers (številka: 1, 2014)
    Frictional conditions of AA5251 aluminium alloy sheets using drawbead simulator tests and numerical methods (številka: 1, 2014)
    Optimization of a product batch quantity (številka: 1, 2014)
    Surface integrity characterization based on time-delay of the magnetic Barkhausen noise voltage signal (številka: 1, 2014)
    Pitting fault detection of a wind turbine gearbox using empirical mode decomposition (številka: 1, 2014)
    Fine-structured morphology of a silicon steel sheet after laser surface alloying of Sb powder (številka: 1, 2014)
    The mathematical model of spiral bevel gears (številka: 2, 2014)
    Fatigue life analysis of crane K-type welded joints based on non-linear cumulative damage theory (številka: 2, 2014)
    Adaptive pulsed-laser welding of electrical laminations (številka: 2, 2014)
    Supervised visual system for recognition of erythema migrans, an early skin manifestation of lyme borreliosis (številka: 2, 2014)
    Improvement of efficiency prediction for a Kaplan turbine with advanced turbulence models (številka: 2, 2014)
    Advanced modelling of sheet metal forming considering anisotropy and youngs modulus evolution (številka: 2, 2014)
    Modelling of hydraulic spool-valves with specially designed metering edges (številka: 2, 2014)
    Prediction of wall thickness distribution in simple thermoforming moulds (številka: 3, 2014)
    A method for optodynamic characterization of Erbium laser ablation using piezoelectric detection (številka: 3, 2014)
    Forced vibration analysis of milling machine's hexapod table under machining forces (številka: 3, 2014)
    Sea-wave dynamic loading of sailing yacht's retractable keel (številka: 3, 2014)
    Tuned-sinusoidal method for the operational modal analysis of small and light structures (številka: 3, 2014)
    The experimental analysis of cavitating structure fluctuations and pressure pulsations in the cavitation station (številka: 3, 2014)
    A detailed analysis of the resonant frequency and sensitivity of flexural modes of atomic force microscope cantilevers with a sidewall probe based on a nonlocal elasticity theory (številka: 3, 2014)
    Electric or hydraulic energy recovery systems in a reach truck (številka: 4, 2014)
    Application of constant amplitude dynamic tests for life prediction of air springs at various control parameters (številka: 4, 2014)
    Experimental chatter characterization in metal band sawing (številka: 4, 2014)
    Improved integration of renewable energy sources with the participation of active customers (številka: 4, 2014)
    Determination of fatigue crack growth trajectory and residual life under mixed modes (številka: 4, 2014)
    Creep-feed grinding (številka: 4, 2014)
    Emission evaluation of different types of liquefied wood (številka: 4, 2014)
    Parametric study of a permanent-magnet stepper motor's stepping accuracy potential (številka: 4, 2014)
    Parameter identification of multistorey frame structure from uncertain dynamic data (številka: 5, 2014)
    System model modes developed from expansion of uncoupled component dynamic data (številka: 5, 2014)
    Feasibility of energy harvesting using stochastic resonance caused by axial periodic force (številka: 5, 2014)
    Review and upgrade of a bulk flow model for the analysis of honeycomb gas seals based on new high pressure experimental data (številka: 5, 2014)
    Measurement of wave attenuation in buried plastic water distribution pipes (številka: 5, 2014)
    Vibrational fatigue and structural dynamics for harmonic and random loads (številka: 5, 2014)
    Finite element formulations applied to outer ear modeling (številka: 5, 2014)
    PGD-VTCR (številka: 5, 2014)
    Reflection and transmission coefficients from rectangular notches in pipes (številka: 5, 2014)
    Evaluating the statistical significance of a fatigue-life reduction due to macro-porosity (številka: 6, 2014)
    Optimization of the energy efficiency of a piston compressed air engine (številka: 6, 2014)
    Influence of plying strategies and trigger type on crashworthiness properties of carbon fiber laminates cured through autoclave processing (številka: 6, 2014)
    A simple method for evaluating the sustainable design of energy efficient family houses (številka: 6, 2014)
    Analysis of the influence of contaminants on the biodegradability characteristics and ageing of biodegradable hydraulic fluids (številka: 6, 2014)
    The trends in usage and barriers of innovation management techniques in new product development (številka: 6, 2014)
    Structure formation of hypereutectic Al-Si-alloys produced by laser surface treatment (številka: 6, 2014)
    RBF neural network based sliding mode control of a lower limb exoskeleton suit (številka: 6, 2014)
    Dynamic modeling and simulation of a rotating single link flexible robotic manipulator subject to quick stops (številka: 7/8, 2014)
    Stored energy predictions from dislocation-based hardening models and hardness measurements for tensile-deformed commercial purity copper (številka: 7/8, 2014)
    Modeling thermal oxidation of coal mine methane in a non-catalytic reverse-flow reactor (številka: 7/8, 2014)
    Flow image velocimetry method based on advection-diffusion equation (številka: 7/8, 2014)
    Evaluation of the Young's modulus of rubber-like materials bonded to rigid surfaces with respect to Poisson's ratio (številka: 7/8, 2014)
    Design and optimization of PSD housing using a MIGA-NLPQL hybrid strategy based on a surrogate model (številka: 7/8, 2014)
    Comparison of vertical and inclined toothbrush filaments (številka: 7/8, 2014)
    Manufacturing cycle time analysis and scheduling to optimize its duration (številka: 7/8, 2014)
    Dynamic simulation of variable-speed valve-controlled-motor drive system with a power-assisted device (številka: 9, 2014)
    A method for gas identification in thermal dispersion mass flow meters (številka: 9, 2014)
    Position-parameter selection criterion for a helix-curve meshing-wheel mechanism based on sliding rates (številka: 9, 2014)
    Study on the correction of S-N distribution in the welding fatigue analysis method based on the battelle equivalent structural stress by rough set theory (številka: 9, 2014)
    Numerical investigations of quenching cooling processes for different cast aluminum parts (številka: 9, 2014)
    High-cycle fatigue behavior of austenitic steel and pure copper under uniaxial, proportional and non-proportional loading (številka: 9, 2014)
    The snaking stability of passenger cars with light cargo trailers (številka: 9, 2014)
    An enhanced control technique for the elimination of residual vibrations in flexible-joint manipulators (številka: 9, 2014)
    Optimization of machining performance in high-pressure assisted turning of Ti6Al4V alloy (številka: 10, 2014)
    Description and analysis of adsorption heat storage device (številka: 10, 2014)
    Design and research for the water low-pressure large-flow pilot-operated solenoid valve (številka: 10, 2014)
    A computational model for bending fatigue analyses of sintered gears (številka: 10, 2014)
    Design of a prototype system operant in lunar environment (številka: 10, 2014)
    Optimization of intervening variables in microEDM of SS 316L using a genetic algorithm and response-surface methodology (številka: 10, 2014)
    Wind turbine seismic load analysis based on numerical calculation (številka: 10, 2014)
    Investigating fatigue life effects on the vibration properties in friction stir spot welding using experimental and finite element modal analysis (številka: 11, 2014)
    Mechanics and dynamics of helical milling operations (številka: 11, 2014)
    Valve-induced water hammer and column separation in a pipeline apparatus (številka: 11, 2014)
    Investigating prior parameter distributions in the inverse modelling of water distribution hydraulic models (številka: 11, 2014)
    Three-dimensional foot scanning system with a rotational laser-based measuring head (številka: 11, 2014)
    The use of computed tomography to analyse grinding smudges and subsurface defects in roller bearing rings (številka: 11, 2014)
    Experimental model-based linearization of a S.I. engine gas injector flow chart (številka: 11, 2014)
    Flow driven analysis of a Darrieus water turbine (številka: 12, 2014)
    Trajectory planning of an end-effector for path with loop (številka: 12, 2014)
    Hybrid self-organization based facility layout planning (številka: 12, 2014)
    An instrument for measuring the degree of lean implementation in manufacturing (številka: 12, 2014)
    Towards the maintenance principles of cyber-physical systems (številka: 12, 2014)
    Evaluation of the influence of upset stage on joint properties of friction welded dissimilar aluminum-copper cast alloys (številka: 12, 2014)
    Managing vehicle acceleration properties by programming functions for engine torque control (številka: 12, 2014)
  17. 2015

    številka: 1 (2015)
    številka: 2 (2015)
    številka: 3 (2015)
    številka: 4 (2015)
    številka: 5 (2015)
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    številka: 6 (2015)
    številka: 6 (2015)
    številka: 6 (2015)
    številka: 6 (2015)
    številka: 6 (2015)
    številka: 6 (2015)
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    številka: 7/8 (2015)
    številka: 7/8 (2015)
    številka: 7/8 (2015)
    številka: 7/8 (2015)
    številka: 7/8 (2015)
    številka: 7/8 (2015)
    številka: 7/8 (2015)
    številka: 7/8 (2015)
    številka: 9 (2015)
    številka: 9 (2015)
    številka: 9 (2015)
    številka: 9 (2015)
    številka: 9 (2015)
    številka: 9 (2015)
    številka: 9 (2015)
    številka: 9 (2015)
    številka: 10 (2015)
    številka: 10 (2015)
    številka: 10 (2015)
    številka: 10 (2015)
    številka: 10 (2015)
    številka: 10 (2015)
    številka: 10 (2015)
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    številka: 11 (2015)
    številka: 11 (2015)
    številka: 11 (2015)
    številka: 11 (2015)
    številka: 11 (2015)
    številka: 11 (2015)
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    številka: 12 (2015)
    številka: 12 (2015)
    številka: 12 (2015)
    številka: 12 (2015)
    številka: 12 (2015)
    številka: 12 (2015)
    številka: 12 (2015)
    številka: 12 (2015)
    nr. 10 (2015)
    Surface defect detection on optical devices based on microscopic dark-field scattering imaging (številka: 1, 2015)
    Analysis of energy efficiency of a test rig for air springs (številka: 1, 2015)
    The effect of dynamic local self-preheating in laser cladding on grey cast iron (številka: 1, 2015)
    Crack fault detection for a gearbox using discrete wavelet transform and an adaptive resonance theory neural network (številka: 1, 2015)
    Configuring a mini-laboratory and desktop 3-axis parallel kinematic milling machine (številka: 1, 2015)
    Applying thermomechanical analogy to predict the arterial residual stress state (številka: 1, 2015)
    Mechanical failure mode causes of in-wheel motors (številka: 1, 2015)
    Estimation of transient temperature distribution during quenching, via a parabolic model (številka: 2, 2015)
    Study of stability of precise tiled-grating device (številka: 2, 2015)
    Failure prediction of cross-ply laminated double-serial mechanically fastened composites using fuzzy expert system (številka: 2, 2015)
    Modelling and analysis of step response test for hydraulic automatic gauge control (številka: 2, 2015)
    The mechanical properties of moulded and thermoformed denture resins (številka: 2, 2015)
    Effect of initial residual stress and machining-induced residual stress on the deformation of aluminium alloy plate (številka: 2, 2015)
    Statistical evaluation of the corrosive wear of fuel injector elements used in common rail systems (številka: 2, 2015)
    Integrated electro-hydraulic machine with self-cooling possibilities for non-road mobile machinery (številka: 3, 2015)
    The effect of billet wall thickness on the rotary compression process for hollow parts (številka: 3, 2015)
    Investigations on the effects of different tool edge geometries in the finite element simulation of machining (številka: 3, 2015)
    Selection of optimum process parameters in high speed CNC end-milling of composite materials using meta heuristic techniques - a comparative study (številka: 3, 2015)
    Deterministic mathematical modelling of platform performance degradation in cyclic operation regimes (številka: 3, 2015)
    Study of an energy regeneration system with accumulator for hydraulic impulse testing equipment (številka: 3, 2015)
    Adaptive fuzzy-PI control for active front steering system of armoured vehicles (številka: 3, 2015)
    BEM-based algorithm for URANS simulations of flow over a square cylinder (številka: 4, 2015)
    Mechanical characteristics of two environmentally friendly resins reinforced with flax fibers (številka: 4, 2015)
    Design method of dual phase Hy-Vo silent chain transmission system (številka: 4, 2015)
    Surface roughness control simulation of turning processes (številka: 4, 2015)
    Research on the position-pressure master-slave control for a rolling shear hydraulic servo system (številka: 4, 2015)
    Study of an annular two-phase thermosyphon used as an isothermal source in thermometry (številka: 4, 2015)
    Identification of out-of-plane material characteristics through sheet-metal blanking (številka: 4, 2015)
    Handheld optical system for skin topography measurement using Fourier transform profilometry (številka: 5, 2015)
    Six-axis linkage strategy and its models for non-circular helical gears based on diagonal hobbing (številka: 5, 2015)
    Numerical cooking for pasteurized soft boiled eggs (številka: 5, 2015)
    The study of abrasive water jet cutting front development using a two-dimensional cellular automata model (številka: 5, 2015)
    Conceptual design and preliminarily structural analysis of inflatable basket for an asteroid capturing satellite (številka: 5, 2015)
    Three-dimensional characterization of concrete's abrasion resistance using laser profilometry (številka: 5, 2015)
    Numerical calculation of tooth profile of a non-circular curved face gear (številka: 5, 2015)
  18. 2016

    številka: 1 (2016)
    številka: 2 (2016)
    številka: 3 (2016)
    številka: 4 (2016)
    številka: 5 (2016)
    številka: 6 (2016)
    številka: 7/8 (2016)
    številka: 9 (2016)
    številka: 10 (2016)
    številka: 11 (2016)
    številka: 12 (2016)
    Optimization of SAE formula rear wing (številka: 5, 2016)
    Do organisational innovations have impact on launching new products on the market? (številka: 6, 2016)
    Prediction of cutting forces in ball-end milling of multi-layered metal materials (številka: 6, 2016)
    Auxetic cellular materials - a review (številka: 9, 2016)
    The influence of extrusion ratio on contact stresses and die elastic deformations in the case of cold backward extrusion (nr. 1, 2016)
    An algorithm of form deviation calculation in coordinate measurements of free-form surfaces of products (nr. 1, 2016)
    Using sandwich composite shells for fully pressurized tanks on liquefied petroleum gas carriers (nr. 1, 2016)
    Investigation of rotor-stator interaction and flow unsteadiness in a low specific speed centrifugal pump (nr. 1, 2016)
    Correcting the periodic optical distortion for particle-tracking velocimetry in corrugated-plate heat exchangers (nr. 1, 2016)
    A review of the extrapolation method in load spectrum compiling (nr. 1, 2016)
    Analysis of the accuracy of reconstructed two teeth models manufactured using the 3DP and FDM technologies (nr. 1, 2016)
    Taking in account measuring errors of volume conversion devices in measuring of the volume of natural gas (nr. 2, 2016)
    Manufacturing and properties of a magnesium interpenetrating phase composite (nr. 2, 2016)
    Analysis of the influence of pavement irregularities on the lifespan of a vehicle's drive-wheel half shaft (nr. 2, 2016)
    WEDM manufacturing method for noncircular gears, using CAD/CAM software (nr. 2, 2016)
    Design and analysis of double-side meshing and dual-phase driving timing silent chain system (nr. 2, 2016)
    An improved quasi-dynamic analytical method to predict skidding in roller bearings under conditions of extremely light loads and whirling (nr. 2, 2016)
    Investigation of non-Newtonian fluid effects during transient flows in a pipeline (nr. 2, 2016)
    Analysis of the effect of process parameters on part wall thickness variation in conventional metal spinning of Cr-Mn austenitic stainless steels (nr. 3, 2016)
    Nonlinear response of cantilever beams due to large geometric deformations (nr. 3, 2016)
    Experimental study regarding the cavitation and corrosion resistance of Stellite 6 and self-fluxing remelted coatings (nr. 3, 2016)
    Design of Lyapunov based nonlinear position control of electrohydraulic servo systems (nr. 3, 2016)
    Mineral wool primary layer formation in collecting chamber (nr. 3, 2016)
    Influence of non-productive operations on product quality (nr. 3, 2016)
    Pulse-echo ultrasonic testing of adhesively bonded joints in glass façades (nr. 3, 2016)
    Flow unsteadiness and pressure pulsations in a nuclear reactor coolant pump (nr. 4, 2016)
    Estimating the strain-rate dependent parameters of Cowper-Symonds and Johnson-Cook material models by Taguchi arrays (nr. 4, 2016)
    Ultra-precision machining of a large amplitude sinusoidal ring surface based on a slow tool servo (nr. 4, 2016)
    Effect of refrigerant type and insulation thickness on refrigeration systems of land and sea vehicles (nr. 4, 2016)
    Adaptive robotic deburring of die-cast parts with position and orientation measurements using a 3D laser-triangulation sensor (nr. 4, 2016)
    Determination of coulomb's friction coefficient directly from cylinder compression tests (nr. 4, 2016)
    Modelling and analysis of the mechanical properties of agave sisalana variegata fibre / vinyl ester composites using box-behnken design of response surface methodology (nr. 5, 2016)
    Effects of laser shock peening on the surface integrity of 18 % Ni maraging steel (nr. 5, 2016)
    Adaptive empirical mode decomposition for bearing fault detection (nr. 5, 2016)
    Using Newton's method to model the spatial light distribution of an led with attached secondary optics (nr. 5, 2016)
    Ductile behaviour characterization of low carbon steel (nr. 5, 2016)
    Study on the performance and control of a piezo-actuated nozzle-flapper valve with an isothermal chamber (nr. 5, 2016)
    Lumped parameter modelling of cavitating orifice flow in hydraulic systems (nr. 6, 2016)
    Measuring selected parameters of polypropylene fibre heat exchangers (nr. 6, 2016)
    Nonlinear vibrations of a rotor-fluid-foundation system supported by rolling bearings (nr. 6, 2016)
    The procedure of solving the inverse problem for determining surface heat transfer coefficient between liquefied nitrogen and inconel 718 workpiece in cryogenic machining (nr. 6, 2016)
    Direct diode laser cladding of Inconel 625/WC composite coatings (nr. 6, 2016)
    Measurement precision and spatial resolution with kriging digital image correlation (nr. 7/8, 2016)
    Volume flow characterization of PWM-controlled fast-switching pneumatic valves (nr. 7/8, 2016)
    Optimization of the vibro-impact capsule system (nr. 7/8, 2016)
    Elastic metamaterials making use of chirality (nr. 7/8, 2016)
    Nonlinear MDOF system survival probability determination subject to evolutionary stochastic excitation (nr. 7/8, 2016)
    Modelling the belt-envelope interactions during the postal mail conveying by a sorting machine (nr. 7/8, 2016)
    Assessment of the fatigue parameters from random vibration testing (nr. 7/8, 2016)
    Evaluation of substructure reduction techniques with fixed and free interfaces (nr. 7/8, 2016)
    The bond graph method for analysis of the micro-motion characteristics of a micro gripper (nr. 9, 2016)
    Numerical investigation of the nanoparticle volume fraction effect on the flow, heat transfer, and entropy generation of the Fe3 O4 ferrofluid under a non-uniform magnetic field (nr. 9, 2016)
    Dynamic characterization of microcantilevers with a shock wave excitation method under high temperature (nr. 9, 2016)
    Slip flow of nanofluids between parallel plates heated with a constant heat flux (nr. 9, 2016)
    Optimization of the brake factor for an S-cam foundation brake using RSM (nr. 9, 2016)
    Design and evaluation of a hierarchical control algorithm for an electric active stabilizer bar system (nr. 10, 2016)
    Numerical simulation of transient pressure control in a pumped water supply system using an improved bypass pipe (nr. 10, 2016)
    A numerical analysis of fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of zno-ethylene glycol nanofluid in rectangular microchannels (nr. 10, 2016)
    Natural convection of non-newtonian fluids in a square cavity with a localized heat source (nr. 10, 2016)
    Parameters influencing the dynamic behaviour of the carrying structure of a type h portal crane (nr. 10, 2016)
    Multi-objective optimization of cloud manufacturing service composition with cloud-entropy enhanced genetic algorithm (nr. 10, 2016)
    The comprehensive energy resource management for essential reduction of the total cost (nr. 11, 2016)
    Influence of shunting current on the metallurgical and mechanical behaviour of resistance spot-welded joints in AA2219 joints (nr. 11, 2016)
    Local corner smoothing transition algorithm based on double cubic nurbs for five-axis linear tool path (nr. 11, 2016)
    Dynamic simulation of wind turbine planetary gear systems with gearbox body flexibility (nr. 11, 2016)
    Chip formation mechanism using finite element simulation (nr. 11, 2016)
    Application of thermographic measurements for the determination of the impact of selected cutting parameters on the temperature in the workpiece during milling process (nr. 11, 2016)
    Stiffness and damping model of bolted joints with uneven surface contact pressure distribution (nr. 11, 2016)
    On the fatigue of steel catenary risers (nr. 12, 2016)
    Robust visual touch-up calibration method in robot laser spot welding application (nr. 12, 2016)
    Isomap and deep belief network-based machine health combined assessment model (nr. 12, 2016)
    A novel universal reducer integrating a planetary gear mechanism with an RCRCR spatial mechanism (nr. 12, 2016)
    Primary energy factor of a district cooling system (nr. 12, 2016)
    An energy-saving control strategy with load sensing for electro-hydraulic servo systems (nr. 12, 2016)
    A new multi-body dynamic model of a deep ocean mining vehicle-pipeline-ship system and simulation of its integrated motion (nr. 12, 2016)
  19. 2017

    številka: 1 (2017)
    številka: 2 (2017)
    številka: 3 (2017)
    številka: 4 (2017)
    številka: 5 (2017)
    številka: 6 (2017)
    številka: 7/8 (2017)
    številka: 9 (2017)
    številka: 10 (2017)
    številka: 11 (2017)
    številka: 12 (2017)
    Research of planetary gear fault diagnosis based on multi-scale fractal box dimension of CEEMD and ELM (številka: 1, 2017)
    Improvement of the lubrication performance of rbd palm stearin as an alternative lubricant under different sliding speeds (številka: 1, 2017)
    Model reduction of a load-sensing hydraulic system via activity index analysis (številka: 1, 2017)
    Linear and quadratic solid-shell elements for quasi-static and dynamic simulations of thin 3D structures (številka: 1, 2017)
    Robust fault-tolerant control of in-wheel driven bus with cornering energy minimization (številka: 1, 2017)
    Optimal wavelet selection for the size estimation of manufacturing defects of tapered roller bearings with vibration measurement using shannon entropy criteria (številka: 1, 2017)
    Modelling length/pressure hysteresis of a pneumatic artificial muscle using a modified Prandtl-Ishlinskii model (številka: 1, 2017)
    MHD boundary layer behaviour over a moving surface in a nanofluid under the influence of convective boundary conditions (številka: 2, 2017)
    Influence of hydrodynamic cavitation on intensification of laundry aqueous detergent solution preparation (številka: 2, 2017)
    Comfort improvement of a novel nonlinear suspension for a seat system based on field measurements (številka: 2, 2017)
    Investigation of mechanical properties of horn powder-filled epoxy composites (številka: 2, 2017)
    Effects of nozzle inner surface roughness on the performance of self-resonating cavitating waterjets under different ambient pressures (številka: 2, 2017)
    Inverse method for controlling pure material solidification in spherical geometry (številka: 2, 2017)
    Work hardening of non-axisymmetric die-less spinning (številka: 2, 2017)
    Dynamic model and analysis of nonlinear vibration characteristic of a curve-face gear drive (številka: 3, 2017)
    Modelling and control of a fixed calliper-based electronic wedge brake (številka: 3, 2017)
    The development of a recognition geometry algorithm for hybrid-subtractive and additive manufacturing (številka: 3, 2017)
    Determination of the threshold for extreme load extrapolation based on multi-criteria decision-making technology (številka: 3, 2017)
    Vehicle aerodynamic stability analysis under high crosswinds (številka: 3, 2017)
    Efficiency improvement of agricultural winch machines (številka: 3, 2017)
    Failure analysis of the multi-level series rotary seal device under high-pressure water (številka: 4, 2017)
    Performance index in MHD duct nanofluid flow - past a bluff body at high Re (številka: 4, 2017)
    A Surveillance of direct-firing system for pulverized-coal using statistically treated signals from intrusive electrostatic sensors (številka: 4, 2017)
    Pneumatic muscle-actuated adjustable compliant gripper system for sssembly operations (številka: 4, 2017)
    Reliability assessment of bearings based on performance degradation values under small samples (številka: 4, 2017)
    The validation of numerical methodology for oven design optimization using numerical simulations and baking experiments (številka: 4, 2017)
    An Experimental investigation and numerical simulation in SPF of AA 5083 alloy using programming logic control approach (številka: 4, 2017)
    Influence of quasi-steady wind loads on the fatigue damage of wind turbine gearboxes (številka: 5, 2017)
    The Calculation of meshing efficiency of a new type of conical involute gear (številka: 5, 2017)
    Critical Failure Analysis of Superheater Tubes of Coal-Based Boiler (številka: 5, 2017)
    Drop-in performance analysis and effect of IHX for an automotive air conditioning system with R1234yf as a replacement of R134a (številka: 5, 2017)
    Machine-vision-based human-oriented mobile robots (številka: 5, 2017)
    A PRACTICAL method to detect a transverse cracked rotor using transient response (številka: 6, 2017)
    In-situ observations of a multi-asperity real contact area on a submicron scale (številka: 6, 2017)
    Analysis of the influence of laser power on the microstructure and properties of a titanium alloy-reinforced boron carbide matrix composite (Ti6Al4V-B4C) (številka: 6, 2017)
    The influence of airflow characteristics and accumulation grid velocity on the formation of a stone wool primary layer (številka: 6, 2017)
    Mixed convection heat transfer in a square lid-driven cavity filled with Alsub2Osub3 - water nanofluid (številka: 6, 2017)
    Control-oriented modelling with experimental verification and design of the appropriate gains of a PI speed ratio controller of chain CVTs (številka: 6, 2017)
    Development of a servo-based broaching machine using virtual prototyping technology (številka: 7/8, 2017)
    Methodology to facilitate successful lean implementation (številka: 7/8, 2017)
    LBM analysis of micro-convection in MHD nanofluid flow (številka: 7/8, 2017)
    Absolute nodal coordinate formulation in a pre-stressed large-displacements dynamical system (številka: 7/8, 2017)
    Thermal optimization and comparison of geometric parameters of rectangular and triangular fins with constant surfacing (številka: 7/8, 2017)
    Modelling study on stiffness characteristics of hydraulic cylinder under multi-factors (številka: 7/8, 2017)
    Wall roughness influence on the efficiency characteristics of centrifugal pump (številka: 9, 2017)
    Electric-thermo-mechanical analysis of Joule heating in dilatometric specimens (številka: 9, 2017)
    The Effect of the thickness-to-die diameter ratio on the sheet metal blanking process (številka: 9, 2017)
    The Effect of process parameters on the microstructure and mechanical performance of fiber laser-welded AA5182 aluminium alloys (številka: 9, 2017)
    Application of a force model adapted for the precise turning of various metallic materials (številka: 9, 2017)
    Neural network-based high-accuracy motion control of a class of torque-controlled motor servo systems with input saturation (številka: 9, 2017)
    The Yield-point phenomenon and cyclic plasticity of the console beam (številka: 9, 2017)
    Optimization of hybrid manufacturing for surface quality, material consumption and productivity improvement (številka: 10, 2017)
    Automatable splicing method for steel cord conveyor belts - evaluation of water jetting as a preparation process (številka: 10, 2017)
    Obtaining the selected surface roughness by means of mathematical model based parameter optimization in abrasive waterjet cutting (številka: 10, 2017)
    Effects of continuous and pulsating water jet on CNT/concrete composite (številka: 10, 2017)
    Low cost printer for DLP stereolithography (številka: 10, 2017)
    Determining focusing nozzle wear by measuring AWJ diameter (številka: 10, 2017)
    Influence of variously modified surface of aluminium alloy on the effect of pulsating water jet (številka: 10, 2017)
    Manufacturing space homogeneity in additive manufacturing - electron beam melting case (številka: 10, 2017)
    The effects of milling strategies on forces, material removal rate, tool deflection, and surface errors for the rough machining of complex surfaces (številka: 11, 2017)
    Chip fragmentation in the milling of AZ91HP magnesium alloy (številka: 11, 2017)
    Modelling of the relationship of adiabatic shear and cutting conditions for higher cutting speed ranges (številka: 11, 2017)
    Bolted connection of an end-plate cantilever beam (številka: 11, 2017)
    Analysis of criteria for determining a TNT equivalent (številka: 11, 2017)
    Hysteresis modelling and compensation of pneumatic artificial muscles using the generalized Prandtl-Ishlinskii model (številka: 11, 2017)
    A novel excitation approach to ultrasonically-assisted cylindrical grinding (številka: 12, 2017)
    Rapid and automatic zero-offset calibration of a 2-DOF parallel robot based on a new measuring mechanism (številka: 12, 2017)
    Classification of malignancy in suspicious lesions using autofluorescence bronchoscopy (številka: 12, 2017)
    Fabrication of high chromium white iron surface layers on ductile cast iron substrate by laser surface alloying (številka: 12, 2017)
    An analysis of continuous sandwich panels with profiled faces (številka: 12, 2017)
    A novel axial modification and simulation analysis of involute spur gear (številka: 12, 2017)
    A novel robotic neuronavigation system (številka: 12, 2017)
  20. 2018

    številka: 1 (2018)
    številka: 2 (2018)
    številka: 6 (2018)
    številka: 7/8 (2018)
    številka: 9 (2018)
    številka: 10 (2018)
    številka: 11 (2018)
    številka: 12 (2018)
    Analysis of the bulk coal transport state of a scraper conveyor using the discrete element method (številka: 1, 2018)
    Studying the fatigue life of a non-pneumatic wheel by using finite-life design for life prediction (številka: 1, 2018)
    Numerical study of heat transfer enhancement for low-pressure flows in a square cavity with two fins attached to the hot wall using Al2O3-air nanofluid (številka: 1, 2018)
    Nonlinear control of a flexible joint robotic manipulator with experimental validation (številka: 1, 2018)
    The application of LCS and information entropy as a novel fusion algorithm for degradation feature extraction (številka: 1, 2018)
    Integrative CAE-driven design process in the embodiment design phase of L7e vehicle structures (številka: 1, 2018)
    The effect of internal heat exchanger using R1234ze(E) as an alternative refrigerant in a mobile air-conditioning system (številka: 2, 2018)
    Optimization of oil pads on a hydrostatic turntable for energy conservation based on particle swarm optimization (številka: 2, 2018)
    Judging method of tooth damage behavior of the high speed milling cutter (številka: 2, 2018)
    Introduction of welds into dynamic model of laminated structures (številka: 2, 2018)
    Surface modification and wear properties of direct metal laser sintered hybrid tools used in moulds (številka: 2, 2018)
    Compressive response determination of closed-cell aluminium foam and linear-elastic finite element simulation of micro CT-based directly reconstructed geometrical models (številka: 2, 2018)
    Effects of joint clearance on the motion accuracy of robotic manipulators (številka: 2, 2018)
    Exergetic performance prediction of a roughened solar air heater using artificial neural network (številka: 3, 2018)
    A weighted mean square error approach to the robust optimization of the surface roughness in an AISI 12L14 free-machining steel-turning process (številka: 3, 2018)
    A novel dorsal trimline approach for passive-dynamic ankle-foot orthoses (številka: 3, 2018)
    Impact of LNG Vapor Dispersion on Evacuation Routes inside LNG Terminals (številka: 3, 2018)
    Wear rate vs dynamic and material properties at elevated temperatures for a copper-graphite brush (številka: 3, 2018)
    Investigation of the energy regeneration and control strategy of a crane hoisting system (številka: 3, 2018)
    Optimization of the flow path efficiency in a vacuum cleaner fan (številka: 4, 2018)
    Comparative experimental and numerical investigation on electrical discharge drilling of AISI 304 using circular and elliptical electrodes (številka: 4, 2018)
    Design of an apple-picking end effector (številka: 4, 2018)
    Analysis on damage to rolling bearings at small turning angles (številka: 4, 2018)
    An integrated approach to characterize the dynamic behaviour of a mechanical chain tensioner by functional tolerancing (številka: 4, 2018)
    Accuracy of model force prediction in closed die coining process (številka: 4, 2018)
    Effect of energy consumption in the contact zone on machining condition optimization in precision surface grinding (številka: 4, 2018)
    Angle of twist of a double-bent leaf flexure under torsion (številka: 5, 2018)
    Effects of multiple factors on water hammer induced by a large flow directional valve (številka: 5, 2018)
    Consideration of body forces within finite element analysis (številka: 5, 2018)
    Parametric analysis of PCM thermal storage system in an annual period (številka: 5, 2018)
    Study on grindability of Inconel 718 superalloy fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) (številka: 5, 2018)
    Geometric error measurement and identification for rotational axes of a five-axis CNC machine tool (številka: 5, 2018)
    Computational and numerical analysis of ductile damage evolution under a load-unload tensile test in dual-phase steel (številka: 5, 2018)
    A trajectory compensation model for roll hemming applications (številka: 6, 2018)
    New hybrid system of machine learning and statistical pattern recognition for a 3D visibility network (številka: 6, 2018)
    Design methodology for coplanar axes line gear with controllable sliding rate (številka: 6, 2018)
    A parametric thermal analysis of triangular fins for improved heat transfer in forced convection (številka: 6, 2018)
    Pneumatic muscle actuated wrist rehabilitation equipment based on the fin ray principle (številka: 6, 2018)
    Fatigue design of ferritic-pearlitic nodular cast iron components with surface discontinuities (številka: 6, 2018)
    Modelling and prediction of thrust force and torque in drilling operations of Al7075 Using ANN and RSM methodologies (številka: 6, 2018)
    An improved bearing fault diagnosis method using one-dimensional CNN and LSTM (številka: 7/8, 2018)
    Hydraulic actuator selection for a compliant surgical bone drill (številka: 7/8, 2018)
    The comparison between two high-temperature heat-pumps for the production of sanitary water (številka: 7/8, 2018)
    The influence of external conditions on the mechanical properties of resin-bonded grinding wheels (številka: 7/8, 2018)
    A weighted gradient projection method for inverse kinematics of redundant manipulators considering multiple performance criteria (številka: 7/8, 2018)
    Influence of laser power on improving the wear properties of laser-deposited Ti-6Al-4V+B sub 4C composite (številka: 7/8, 2018)
    Control system design for a centrifuge motion simulator based on a dynamic model (številka: 7/8, 2018)
    Experimental hydraulic analysis of intake structure for cooling towers pumps (številka: 9, 2018)
    Construction of water surface topography using LIDAR data (številka: 9, 2018)
    Asymmetric blade disc turbine for high aeration rates (številka: 9, 2018)
    Analysis of flow in a curved channel using the curvilinear orthogonal numerical mesh (številka: 9, 2018)
    Unsteady pressures influenced by trapped air pockets in water-filled pipelines (številka: 9, 2018)
    Numerical predictions of cavitating flow around a marine propeller and kaplan turbine runner with calibrated cavitation models (številka: 9, 2018)
    Water hammer and column separation induced by simultaneous and delayed closure of two valves (številka: 9, 2018)
    Heating by flat plate collector combined with a heat pump (številka: 10, 2018)
    A gage study applied in shear test to identify variation causes from a resistance spot welding measurement system (številka: 10, 2018)
    Integrating a new software tool used for tool path generation in the numerical simulation of incremental forming processes (številka: 10, 2018)
    Research of crack detection and delay crack propagation on a nonlinear rotor (številka: 10, 2018)
    Force control of hydraulic actuators using additional hydraulic compliance (številka: 10, 2018)
    Performance characteristics research on power system of a four-valve compressed air engine (številka: 10, 2018)
    Influence of cellular lattice body structure on gear vibration induced by meshing (številka: 10, 2018)
    Acoustic emission signal analysis for the integrity evaluation (številka: 11, 2018)
    Nondestructive determination of stresses in steel components by eddy current method (številka: 11, 2018)
    Lateral damage identification in RC slabs by several tomographic approaches with rainy induced elastic waves (številka: 11, 2018)
    Mechanical and surface properties of lignocellulosic fibres reinforced composites (številka: 11, 2018)
    Effective methods for structural health monitoring of critical zones of scalable wind turbine blades (številka: 11, 2018)
    Complementary methods for evaluation of yttria stabilized zirconia coatings used as thermal barrier coating (številka: 11, 2018)
    Characterization of impact damage in composite plates (številka: 11, 2018)
    Research on the microscopic mechanism of the bond breakage of cemented carbide tools (številka: 12, 2018)
    Effects of advanced manufacturing technologies on manufacturing company performance (številka: 12, 2018)
    The importance of friction coefficient between vehicle tyres and concrete safety barrier to vehicle rollover (številka: 12, 2018)
    Buckling analysis of axially functionally graded tapered nanobeams resting on elastic foundations, based on nonlocal elasticity theory (številka: 12, 2018)
    A study on the plasma actuator electrode geometry configurations for improvement of the aerodynamic performance of an airfoil (številka: 12, 2018)
    LDM compact (številka: 12, 2018)
  21. 2019

    številka: 1 (2019)
    številka: 2 (2019)
    številka: 3 (2019)
    številka: 4 (2019)
    številka: 5 (2019)
    številka: 6 (2019)
    številka: 9 (2019)
    številka: 10 (2019)
    številka: 11/12 (2019)
    Research on the hill-start assist of commercial vehicles based on electronic parking brake system (številka: 1, 2019)
    Experimental investigation of newtonian and non-newtonian liquid flow in wavy and straight mini-channel cross-flow plate heat exchangers (številka: 1, 2019)
    Deteriorated indoor environmental quality as a collateral damage of present day extensive renovations (številka: 1, 2019)
    A fault feature extraction method for a gearbox with a composite gear train based on EEMD and translation-invariant multiwavelet neighbouring coefficients (številka: 1, 2019)
    Impact forces occurring in a forced damped multi-body system with clearances (številka: 1, 2019)
    Study on the eligibility of introducing hybrid-drive buses into the public passenger transport (številka: 1, 2019)
    An analysis of the surface geometric structure and geometric accuracy of cylindrical gear teeth manufactured with the direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) method (številka: 2, 2019)
    Multi-objective optimization of the dressing parameters in fine cylindrical grinding (številka: 2, 2019)
    A novel approach for identifying gas cavitation in oil jet pumps for lubrication systems (številka: 2, 2019)
    Fault diagnosis method based on modified multiscale entropy and global distance evaluation for the valve fault of a reciprocating compressor (številka: 2, 2019)
    Numerical and experimental study of a novel valve using the return stream energy to adjust the speed of a hydraulic actuator (številka: 2, 2019)
    A cyber-physical system for surface roughness monitoring in end-milling (številka: 2, 2019)
    Physical-mechanical characterization of moriche natural fibre (Mauritia flexuosa) and composite with bio-epoxy resin (številka: 3, 2019)
    Active structural derivator in the design crystallization phase of L7e vehicle structures (številka: 3, 2019)
    An exacting wall-penetration pipe analysis (številka: 3, 2019)
    Motion planning for highly automated road vehicles with a hybrid approach using nonlinear optimization and artificial neural networks (številka: 3, 2019)
    Impact of contaminated fluid on the working performances of hydraulic directional control valves (številka: 3, 2019)
    Effect of coating thickness on a solid-liquid two-phase flow centrifugal pump under water medium (številka: 4, 2019)
    Research on surface roughness of hardox steels parts machined by abrasive waterjet (številka: 4, 2019)
    Feature enhancement method for drilling vibration signal by using wavelet packet multi-band spectral subtraction (številka: 4, 2019)
    Experimental investigation of an automotive air conditioning system using R444A and R152a refrigerants as alternatives of R134a (številka: 4, 2019)
    Functionality assessment of building a microclimate system utilising solar energy in a cold climate (številka: 4, 2019)
    Nonlinear dynamic force balance mass-spring-damper model of laser droplet generation from a metal wire (številka: 4, 2019)
    An improved model for predicting the scattered S-N curves (številka: 5, 2019)
    Study on the effects of hierarchical wavy morphology on clearance flow (številka: 5, 2019)
    Innovative design of a vertical and transverse elevator in double shafts, based on TRIZ theory (številka: 5, 2019)
    Grounding characteristics of a non-pneumatic mechanical elastic tire in a rolling state with a camber angle (številka: 5, 2019)
    Determination of the effect of cold working compression on residual stress reduction in quenched aluminum alloy 2219 block (številka: 5, 2019)
    Development of a mixing mechanism with a complex motion of the end-effector (številka: 5, 2019)
    Cutting forces and surface roughness in face-milling of SKD61 hard steel (številka: 6, 2019)
    The influence rules of cutter parameters on the contact characteristics of tooth surfaces by five cut processes and the duplex Helical method (številka: 6, 2019)
    Trajectory tracking study of track vehicles based on model predictive control (številka: 6, 2019)
    Analysis of the influence parameters on the support structure stiffness of large radial-axial bearings (številka: 6, 2019)
    Numerical simulation-based effect characterization and design optimization of a micro cross-flow turbine (številka: 6, 2019)
    Residual stress-induced distortions in laser powder bed additive manufacturing of nickel-based superalloys (številka: 6, 2019)
    Influence of grinding on the residual stress measurements of shot peened aluminum alloy AA7075 (številka: 7/8, 2019)
    Images of the machined surface in evaluation of the efficiency of a micro-smoothing process (številka: 7/8, 2019)
    A brief survey of preparation and heat transfer enhancement of hybrid nanofluids (številka: 7/8, 2019)
    Research of response difference on coal cutting load under different cutting parameters (številka: 7/8, 2019)
    Water hammer investigation of shut-down of high-head hydropower plant at very high Reynolds number flows (številka: 7/8, 2019)
    A systematic literature review of Poka-Yoke and novel approach to theoretical aspects (številka: 7/8, 2019)
    Selected microstructural and mechanical properties of open-cell metal foams (številka: 9, 2019)
    Experimental assessment of turbulence convective heat transfer and pressure drop in annuli using nanoporous graphene non-newtonian nanofluid (številka: 9, 2019)
    Double-layer control of an automatic mechanical transmission clutch during commercial vehicle start-up (številka: 9, 2019)
    Fatigue of Cellular Structures - a Review (številka: 9, 2019)
    Structure-borne noise at PWM excitation using an extended field reconstruction method and modal decomposition (številka: 9, 2019)
    Fuzzy hybrid method for the reconstruction of 3D models based on CT/MRI data (številka: 9, 2019)
    Improvements in machinability of zinc oxide ceramics by laser-assisted milling (številka: 10, 2019)
    An experimental study of composite plain bearings (številka: 10, 2019)
    Analysis of EDM process parameters on Inconel 718 using the grey-Taguchi and topsis methods (številka: 10, 2019)
    Suppression of self-excited vibrations in rotating machinery utilizing leaf springs (številka: 10, 2019)
    Studying the effect of thermal fatigue on multiple cracks propagating in an SS316L thin flange on a shaft specimen using a multi-physics numerical simulation model (številka: 10, 2019)
    Buckling of joined composite conical shells using shear deformation theory under axial compression (številka: 10, 2019)
    Study of influential parameters of the sphere indentation used for the control function of material properties in forming operations (številka: 10, 2019)
    Elastocaloric cooling (številka: 11/12, 2019)
    Harmonic equivalence of the impulse loads in vibration fatigue (številka: 11/12, 2019)
    Green tribology for the sustainable engineering of the future (številka: 11/12, 2019)
    Sustainability assessment of advanced machining technologies (številka: 11/12, 2019)
    Pulses on demand in fibre and hybrid lasers (številka: 11/12, 2019)
    Cavitation as a potential technology for wastewater management (številka: 11/12, 2019)
    Semi-analytical multidimensional algorithm for aircraft design optimisation (številka: 11/12, 2019)
    Distributed manufacturing systems with digital agents (številka: 11/12, 2019)
    The beginning of a great age for the small Slovenian nation: the hearth and home of science and (technical) culture is born (številka: 11/12, 2019)
    Multi-physics and multi-scale meshless simulation system for direct-chill casting of aluminium alloys (številka: 11/12, 2019)
    Revealing the thermodynamic background of the memory effect in phase separating cathode materials (številka: 11/12, 2019)
    The effect of population aging on heating energy demand on national level (številka: 11/12, 2019)
  22. 2020

    številka: 1 (2020)
    številka: 2 (2020)
    številka: 3 (2020)
    številka: 4 (2020)
    številka: 5 (2020)
    številka: 6 (2020)
    številka: 7/8 (2020)
    številka: 9 (2020)
    številka: 10 (2020)
    številka: 11 (2020)
    številka: 12 (2020)
    Design and performance analysis of airbag-soft-manipulator according to characteristic parameters (številka: 1, 2020)
    The influence of machining parameters on the surface porosity of a closed-cell aluminium foam (številka: 1, 2020)
    Heat dissipation from stationary passenger car brake discs (številka: 1, 2020)
    A cyber-physical approach to the management and control of manufacturing systems (številka: 1, 2020)
    Overheating reduction in lightweight framed buildings with application of phase change materials (številka: 1, 2020)
    Stress analysis of a pipeline as a hydropower plant structural element (številka: 1, 2020)
    The loading characteristics of bulk coal in the middle trough and its influence on rigid body parts (številka: 2, 2020)
    Evaluation of clogged hydropower plant trash rack losses (številka: 2, 2020)
    Mathematical modelling study of Hardox400 steel parts' roughness and hardness, cut with CO2 laser (številka: 2, 2020)
    Uneven load contact dynamic modelling and transmission error analysis of a 2K-V reducer with eccentricity excitation (številka: 2, 2020)
    Transient flow of liquid in plastic pipes (številka: 2, 2020)
    Quality of the surface texture and mechanical properties of FDM printed samples after thermal and chemical treatment (številka: 2, 2020)
    Experimental investigation of the micro-hardness of EN-31 die steel in a powder-mixed near-dry electric discharge machining method (številka: 3, 2020)
    Control system for a tensile-testing device using low-cost hardware and open-source software (številka: 3, 2020)
    Power-following control strategy of a wheel-drive hydraulic hybrid vehicle (številka: 3, 2020)
    Dynamic characteristics and stability prediction of steam turbine rotor based on mesh deformation (številka: 3, 2020)
    Effect of gangue distributions on cutting force and specific energy in coal cutting (številka: 3, 2020)
    Experimental analysis of process parameter effects on vibrations in the high-speed grinding of a camshaft (številka: 3, 2020)
    Internal friction of ball bearings at very low temperatures (številka: 4, 2020)
    Study on the influence of metallic powder in near-dry electric discharge machining (številka: 4, 2020)
    Gaussian mixture model based classification revisited (številka: 4, 2020)
    Deep stacked auto-encoder network based tool wear monitoring in the face milling process (številka: 4, 2020)
    Pitch stability analysis for mechanical-hydraulic-structural-fluid coupling system of high-lift hoist vertical shiplift (številka: 4, 2020)
    Experimental investigations of thin-layer drying of leaves in a heat-pump assisted tray-type batch drying chamber (številka: 4, 2020)
    Analogue experimental study of fiber formation on two-wheel spinner (številka: 5, 2020)
    Application of the thin slice model for determination of face load distribution along the line of contact and the relative load distribution measured along gear root (številka: 5, 2020)
    Data-driven model-free control of torque-applying system for a mechanically closed-loop test rig using neural networks (številka: 5, 2020)
    Research on a path-tracking control system for articulated tracked vehicles (številka: 5, 2020)
    Preliminary comparison of the performance of thermodynamic models of the subsonic ejector and turbofan (številka: 5, 2020)
    Analysis of the screening accuracy of a linear vibrating screen with a multi-layer screen mesh (številka: 5, 2020)
    Influence of local porosity on the mechanical properties of direct metal laser-sintered 1.2709 alloy (številka: 6, 2020)
    An experimental and numerical investigation of an improved shearing process with different punch characteristics (številka: 6, 2020)
    Needleless electrospinning of PA6 fibers (številka: 6, 2020)
    Structural analysis and size optimization of a fine-blanking press frame based on sensitivity analysis (številka: 6, 2020)
    A transient feature learning-based intelligent fault diagnosis method for planetary gearboxes (številka: 6, 2020)
    Peak temperature correlation and temperature distribution during joining of AZ80A Mg alloy by FSW (številka: 6, 2020)
    Mechanism research and discussion of the quality of precision machining of a fifth-order variable-diameter pipe using abrasive flow (številka: 6, 2020)
    Comparative analysis of static and dynamic performance of nonpneumatic tire with flexible spoke structure (številka: 7/8, 2020)
    A study for the nanofinishing of an EN-31 workpiece with pulse DC power supply using ball-end magnetorheological finishing (številka: 7/8, 2020)
    Characterization of the bonding zone in AZ91/AlSi12 bimetals fabricated by liquid-solid compound casting using unmodified and thermally modified AlSi12 alloy (številka: 7/8, 2020)
    A new design solution for aircraft wheels that reduces overpressure in the tire while retaining its absorption power and its dimensions (številka: 7/8, 2020)
    3D FE modelling of machining forces during AISI 4140 hard turning (številka: 7/8, 2020)
    Numerical analysis with experimental validation of single-phase fluid flow in a dimple pattern heat exchanger channel (številka: 9, 2020)
    Bristle motion, forces, and related vertical translation for a novel electric toothbrush design (številka: 9, 2020)
    Convective drying of sewage sludge layer in through-flow (številka: 9, 2020)
    Microstructure and property modification of cold sprayed coatings using different grain sizes of Cr3C2-25 (Ni20Cr) composite powder (številka: 9, 2020)
    Research on the lubrication characteristics of harmonic gear transmission meshing areas (številka: 9, 2020)
    Enhancing the optimization of the selection of a product service system scheme (številka: 9, 2020)
    Dynamic instability of a wind turbine blade due to large deflections (številka: 9, 2020)
    Research on a noise reduction method based on DTCWT and the cyclic singular energy difference spectrum (številka: 10, 2020)
    Prediction of strain limits via the Marciniak-Kuczynski model and a novel semi-empirical forming limit diagram model for dual-phase DP600 advanced high strength steel (številka: 10, 2020)
    Effect of blade coating on a centrifugal pump operation under sediment-laden water flow (številka: 10, 2020)
    Effect of thermal barrier coating on the thermal stress of gas microturbine blades and nozzles (številka: 10, 2020)
    Numerical study of stress analysis for the different widths of padding welds (številka: 10, 2020)
    How to experimentally monitor the fatigue behaviour of vibrating mechanical systems? (številka: 10, 2020)
    Temperature and heat partition testing in the cutting zone for turning AISI 321 steel (številka: 11, 2020)
    Thermodynamic analysis of a cascade heat pump incorporated in high-temperature heating system (številka: 11, 2020)
    A loaded analysis method for RV cycloidal-pin transmission based on the minimum energy principle (številka: 11, 2020)
    Research on the performance of a new external occlusion device for pressure vessel leakage (številka: 11, 2020)
    Fundamentals of odour assessment in Slovenia (številka: 11, 2020)
    Plough-extrusion forming for making micro-groove heat pipes on hydrostatic thrust bearings of heavy machinery (številka: 12, 2020)
    Influence of wear and tool geometry on the chatter, cutting force, and surface integrity of TB6 titanium alloy with solid carbide cutters of different geometry (številka: 12, 2020)
    Experimental identification of optimized process parameters for FSW of AZ91C Mg alloy using quadratic regression models (številka: 12, 2020)
    RBF neural network sliding mode control method based on backstepping for an electro-hydraulic actuator (številka: 12, 2020)
    Single-step heat treatment for the restoration of the mechanical properties of cold-strained mining support steel 31Mn4 (iss. 12, 2020)
  23. 2021

    številka: 1/2 (2021)
    številka: 3 (2021)
    številka: 4 (2021)
    številka: 5 (2021)
    številka: 6 (2021)
    številka: 7/8 (2021)
    številka: 9 (2021)
    številka: 10 (2021)
    številka: 11 (2021)
    številka: 12 (2021)
    Demonstration of interference patterns by the random walk of particles (številka: 1/2, 2021)
    Relationship between tire ground characteristics and vibration noise (številka: 1/2, 2021)
    A model for material strengthening under the combined effect of cavitation-bubble collapse and Al2O3 particles, and its test verification (številka: 1/2, 2021)
    Media flow analysis of single-channel pre-mixed liquid CO2 and MQL in sustainable machining (številka: 1/2, 2021)
    Dynamic analysis of hydraulic support with single clearance (številka: 1/2, 2021)
    An investigation on laser welding parameters on the strength of TRIP steel (številka: 1/2, 2021)
    Evaluation of mechanical, microstructures and wear behaviours of aluminium alloy reinforced with mussel shell powder for automobile applications (številka: 1/2, 2021)
    Optimization of running blade prosthetics utilizing crow search algorithm assisted by artificial neural networks (številka: 3, 2021)
    Reduction of stresses and mass of an engine rubber mount subject to mechanical vibrations (številka: 3, 2021)
    Optimization of a self-excited pulsed air-water jet nozzle based on the response surface methodology (številka: 3, 2021)
    Hot incremental forming of biocomposites developed from linen fibres and a thermoplastic matrix (številka: 3, 2021)
    Residual stress and deformation analysis in machining split straight bevel gears (številka: 3, 2021)
    Studying the performance of cutting carbon fibre-reinforced plastic using an abrasive water jet technique (številka: 4, 2021)
    Residual, corrosion & tribological behavior of HVOF sprayed sustainable temperature-dependent carbon-based hybrid composite coating (številka: 4, 2021)
    HIL evaluation of a novel real-time energy management system for an HEV with a continuously variable transmission (številka: 4, 2021)
    Design of a throat-extended FDM extruder for multi-axis 3D printing (številka: 4, 2021)
    A strain-based method to estimate longitudinal force for intelligent tires by using a physics-based model (številka: 4, 2021)
    Optimization of the internal roller burnishing process for energy reduction and surface properties (številka: 4, 2021)
    Determining optimum rotary blade design for wind-powered water-pumping systems for local selected sites (številka: 5, 2021)
    Investigation on the modeling and dynamic characteristics of a novel water hydraulic proportional valve driven by Voice Coil Motor (številka: 5, 2021)
    Operating performance of external non-involute spur and helical gears (številka: 5, 2021)
    Ultrasonic scattering attenuation in nodular cast iron (številka: 5, 2021)
    Flat specimen shape recognition based on full-field optical measurements and registration using mapping error minimization method (številka: 5, 2021)
    Virtual minimization of residual stress and deflection error in the five-axis milling of turbine blades (številka: 5, 2021)
    Experimental investigation of a cryogenically cooled oxygenmist near-dry wire-cut electrical discharge machining process (številka: 6, 2021)
    Reliability-based design optimization of pump penetration shell accounting for material and geometric non-linearity (številka: 6, 2021)
    Process parameters optimization for maximizing tensile strength in friction stir-welded carbon steel (številka: 6, 2021)
    Minimization of the lifecycle cost of a rotary heat exchanger used in building ventilation systems in cold climates (številka: 6, 2021)
    Dynamic analysis of line gear pair based on numerical manifold method (številka: 6, 2021)
    Dynamic modelling, experimental identification and computer simulations of non-stationary vibration in high-speed elevators (številka: 6, 2021)
    Characterization of the AZ31/AW-6060 joint fabricated using compound casting with a Zn interlayer at relatively low temperature conditions (številka: 7/8, 2021)
    Ultra-precision single-point diamond turning of a complex sinusoidal mesh surface using machining accuracy active control (številka: 7/8, 2021)
    Experimental investigation and mathematical modelling of heat transfer coefficient in double slope solar still (številka: 7/8, 2021)
    Basic theory and design method of variable shaft angle line gear mechanism (številka: 7/8, 2021)
    Mechanical properties of adhesive joints made with pressure-sensitive adhesives (številka: 7/8, 2021)
    Predictive estimation of sliding bearing load-carrying capacity and tribological durability (številka: 7/8, 2021)
    Trajectory-tracking control for manipulators based on fuzzy equivalence and a terminal sliding mode (številka: 9, 2021)
    Control of an anthropomorphic manipulator using LuGre friction model - design and experimental validatio (številka: 9, 2021)
    Multi-parametric dynamic analysis of a rolling bearings system (številka: 9, 2021)
    Active vibration control of a mechanical servo high-speed fine-blanking press (številka: 9, 2021)
    Predictions of friction coefficient in hydrodynamic journal bearing using artificial neural networks (številka: 9, 2021)
    Nonlinear control of a pneumatic actuator based on a dynamic friction model (številka: 9, 2021)
    Response analysis of a scraper conveyor under chain faults based on MBD-DEM-FEM (številka: 10, 2021)
    Investigation on the depth of slip hanger teeth bite into casing and the mechanical properties of casing under different suspension loads in ultra-deep wells (številka: 10, 2021)
    Effectiveness of automatic cam programming using machining templates for the manufacture of special production tooling (številka: 10, 2021)
    Optimization of laser parameters and dimple geometry using PCA-coupled gRG (številka: 10, 2021)
    Mechanical characterization and structural attributes of biohybrid composites derived using hemp, bamboo, and jute fibres (številka: 10, 2021)
    Fault diagnosis of rotation vector reducer for industrial robot based on a convolutional neural network (številka: 10, 2021)
    Synchronization and stability of a three co-rotating rotor system coupled with springs in a non-resonance system (številka: 11, 2021)
    A method for calculating elliptic gear transmission efficiency based on transmission experiment (številka: 11, 2021)
    Performance study of EDM process parameters using TiC/ZrSiO sub 4 particulate-reinforced copper composite electrode (številka: 11, 2021)
    Investigation of hydrodynamic flow characteristics in helical coils with ovality and wrinkles (številka: 11, 2021)
    Applicability of MCDM algorithms for the selection of phase change materials for thermal energy storage heat exchangers (številka: 11, 2021)
    Electro-hydraulic drive of the variable ratio lifting device under active load (številka: 11, 2021)
    Modelling and multi-objective optimization of elastic abrasive cutting of C45 and 42Cr4 steels (številka: 12, 2021)
    Investigation of cutting performance of a circular saw blade based on ANSYS/LS-DYNA (številka: 12, 2021)
    Study of Bondura® expanding PIN system (številka: 12, 2021)
    Review of peridynamics (številka: 12, 2021)
    Extremal-micro genetic algorithm model for time-cost optimization with optimal labour productivity (številka: 12, 2021)
  24. 2022

    številka: 1 (2022)
    številka: 2 (2022)
    številka: 3 (2022)
    številka: 4 (2022)
    številka: 5 (2022)
    številka: 6 (2022)
    številka: 7/8 (2022)
    številka: 9 (2022)
    številka: 10 (2022)
    številka: 11 (2022)
    številka: 12 (2022)
    Research on the traction and obstacle surmounting performance of an adaptive pipeline plugging robot (številka: 1, 2022)
    Numerical and physical models of specimens with self-pivoting rivet joints and clinch joints before the simulation/testing for the determination of static properties (številka: 1, 2022)
    Incorporation of a simplified mechanical joint model into numerical analysis (številka: 1, 2022)
    Detection of outer wall defects on steel pipe using an encircling Rotating electromagnetic Field Eddy Current (RFEC) technique (številka: 1, 2022)
    Early detection of defects in gear systems using autocorrelation of morlet wavelet transforms (številka: 1, 2022)
    Research on real-time reliability evaluation method integrated with online fault diagnosis (številka: 1, 2022)
    Novel unsteady state method of measuring permeability tested on fabric materials (številka: 2, 2022)
    The measurement of the wear of tie rod end components (številka: 2, 2022)
    Simulation and experimental research on electrical control anti-backlash based on a novel type of variable tooth thickness involute gear pair (številka: 2, 2022)
    Nonlinear coupled dynamic modelling of driver-seat-cab system and biomechanical behaviour prediction (številka: 2, 2022)
    Statistical modelling and optimization of TIG welding process parameters using Taguchi’s method (številka: 3, 2022)
    Optimisation of PLA filament consumption for 3D printing using the annealing method in home environment (številka: 3, 2022)
    Adaptive electromagnetic vibration absorber for a multimode structure (številka: 3, 2022)
    Error prediction for large optical mirror processing robot based on deep learning (številka: 3, 2022)
    Optimization of FSW processing factors on hardness for dissimilar AA6061-T6 and AZ31B O alloys (številka: 3, 2022)
    Thermal mechanical coupling analysis of a flexible spoke non-pneumatic tire (številka: 3, 2022)
    Investigation and optimization of MQL system parameters in the roller-burnishing process of hardened steel (številka: 3, 2022)
    Analysis of educational building’s ventilation suitability to prevent the spread of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) (številka: 4, 2022)
    Optimization of tuned mass damper location for enhanced chatter suppression in thin-wall milling (številka: 5, 2022)
    Numerical analysis on a constant rate of kinetic energy change based a two-stage ejector-diffuser system (številka: 5, 2022)
    Switch semi-active control of the floating raft vibration isolation system (številka: 5, 2022)
    Effect of vibration and noise measuring points distribution on the sensitivity of pump cavitation diagnosis (številka: 5, 2022)
    Measuring the efficiency of reduction gearboxes for electric utility vehicles during specific driving cycles (številka: 5, 2022)
    Multi-response optimization of the tribological behaviour of PTFE-based composites via Taguchi grey relational analysis (številka: 5, 2022)
    Fatigue life prediction of butt weld joint with weld defects at multiple locations (številka: 5, 2022)
    Investigation of dynamic behaviour of four-leg hydraulic support under double-impact load (številka: 6, 2022)
    Indices to evaluate the performance of force transmission and constraint for parallel mechanisms (številka: 6, 2022)
    Determination of Limiting Dome Height (LDH) values for Inconel 718 alloy sheet using FEA and hemispherical punch method (številka: 6, 2022)
    Enhancing the performance of a vapour compression refrigerator system using R134a with a CuO/CeO2 nano-refrigerant (številka: 6, 2022)
    Optimization of friction stir welding operation using optimal Taguchi-based ANFIS and genetic algorithm (številka: 6, 2022)
    Effect of Immersion media for polyester composite reinforced with chicken feathers on creep behavior (številka: 6, 2022)
    Nitriding HS6-5-2 steel in inductively coupled plasma (številka: 7/8, 2022)
    Optimization in the resistant spot-welding process of AZ61 magnesium alloy (številka: 7/8, 2022)
    Preparation and thermal characterization of nanographene- enhanced fatty acid-based solid-liquid organic phase change material composites for thermal energy storage (številka: 7/8, 2022)
    Effect of dual-stage ageing and RRA treatment on the three-body abrasive wear of the AW7075 alloy (številka: 7/8, 2022)
    Short-term creep behaviour of different polymers used in additive manufacturing under different thermal and loading conditions (številka: 7/8, 2022)
    Optimization of in-vehicle carbon dioxide level in a 5-seat car (številka: 7/8, 2022)
    Limit-protection method for workspace of a parallel power head (številka: 9, 2022)
    Nonlinear vibration analysis of functionally graded porous plates reinforced by graphene platelets on nonlinear elastic foundations (številka: 9, 2022)
    Fractal geometry as an effective heat sink (številka: 9, 2022)
    Industrial experimental research as a contribution to the development of an experimental model of rolling bearing vibrations (številka: 9, 2022)
    MTPA- and MSM-based vibration transfer of 6-DOF manipulator for anchor drilling (številka: 9, 2022)
    Functional surface layer strengthening and wear resistance increasing of a low carbon steel by electrolytic-plasma processing (številka: 9, 2022)
    A new device proposed for industrial measurement of rolling bearing friction torque (številka: 10, 2022)
    Scalability solutions in blockchain-supported manufacturing (številka: 10, 2022)
    Development of a new expert system for diagnosing marine diesel engines based on real-time diagnostic parameters (številka: 10, 2022)
    Thermal evaluation of multilayer wall with a hat-stringer in aircraft design (številka: 10, 2022)
    The nickel aluminide coatings obtained on small holes produced with the EDD method (številka: 10, 2022)
    Comparison of load-carrying capacity, wear, and resource of metal-polymer corrected spur gears with a gear made of polyamides ??6 or PA6+30CF (številka: 11, 2022)
    Optimization techniques for green layout design in manufacturing industries (številka: 11, 2022)
    Production of the design developed to assembly filter parts, optimization of welding and field test (številka: 11, 2022)
    Rigid-hyperelastic coupling dynamic model and dynamic characteristics of spring type of traction robot (številka: 11, 2022)
    Effect of tool geometry in stir zone for hook formation of dissimilar aluminium alloys (številka: 11, 2022)
    Experimental research on transmission characteristics of elliptic gear transmission systems (številka: 11, 2022)
    Multi-objective optimization of the chebyshev lambda mechanism (številka: 12, 2022)
    Investigation of laser ablative micromachining of Al/TiB sub 2 nanocomposite (številka: 12, 2022)
    Adaptive super-twisting sliding mode control of hydraulic servo actuator with nonlinear features and modeling uncertainties (številka: 12, 2022)
    Investigation of machining parameters in thin-walled plate milling using a fixture with cylindrical support heads (številka: 12, 2022)
    Design, manufacturing, and thermodynamic analysis of a gamma-type stirling engine powered by solar energy (številka: 12, 2022)
    The prevalence of COVID-19 among health care personnel in a University Hospital by the end of 2020, and ambient air CO2 in hospital rooms ventilated by window-opening in 2021/22 (številka: 4, spec. iss.: sars-cov-2, 2022)
    Bacterial filtration efficiency of different masks (številka: 4, spec. iss.: sars-cov-2, 2022)
    Correlation between air pollution and the spread and development of COVID-19 related disease (številka: 4, spec. iss.: sars-cov-2, 2022)
    Robust and intuitive model for COVID-19 epidemic in Slovenia (številka: 4, spec. iss.: sars-cov-2, 2022)
    Comparison study of four commercial SARS-CoV-2-rapid antigen tests (številka: 4, spec. iss.: sars-cov-2, 2022)
    Measurements of air quality in kindergartens and schools in the Republic of Slovenia before the COVID-19 epidemic (številka: 4, spec. iss.: sars-cov-2, 2022)
    Cavitation erosion modelling on a radial divergent test section using RANS (iss. 2, 2022)
    Public handling of protective masks from use to disposal and recycling options to new products (iss. 4, spec. iss.: sars-cov-2, 2022)
    Surveying healthcare workers to improve the design, wearer experience and sustainability of PPE isolation gowns (iss. 4, spec. iss.: sars-cov-2, 2022)
  25. 2023

    številka: 1/2 (2023)
    številka: 3/4 (2023)
    številka: 5/6 (2023)
    številka: 7/8 (2023)
    številka: 9/10 (2023)
    številka: 11/12 (2023)
    Influence of the side branch structure pattern of the imitation cat’s claw function on the vibration and noise of tires (številka: 1/2, 2023)
    The Application of neural networks to modular arrangements of predetermined time standards (številka: 1/2, 2023)
    Analytical formulae and applications of vertical dynamic responses for railway vehicles (številka: 1/2, 2023)
    Angstrom-Prescott type models for predicting solar irradiation for different locations in Zimbabwe (številka: 1/2, 2023)
    Analysis of the dynamic characteristics of a gear-rotor-bearing system with external excitation (številka: 1/2, 2023)
    Study on the dynamic characteristics of bit anchor cable drilling in the gravel sediments of a soft rock bottom hole (številka: 1/2, 2023)
    Design of a self-folding composite variable-diameter wheel structure based on 4D printing technology (številka: 3/4, 2023)
    Inverse curves (številka: 3/4, 2023)
    Effects of single/compound pit texture on the friction-induced vibration and noise of thrust cylindrical roller bearings (številka: 3/4, 2023)
    Effect of the curvature angle in a conduit with an adiabatic cylinder over a backward facing step on the magnetohydrodynamic behaviour in the presence of a nanofluid (številka: 3/4, 2023)
    Influence analysis and performance optimization of a pneumatic actuator exhaust utilization system (številka: 3/4, 2023)
    Thermal investigations on a CNC lathe fitted with a dynamically enhanced steel-reinforced epoxy granite bed (številka: 3/4, 2023)
    Impacts of burnishing variables on the quality indicators in a single diamond burnishing operation (številka: 3/4, 2023)
    Prioritizing the key actors of an organization for business excellence using the efficient interpretive ranking process (številka: 5/6, 2023)
    The dynamic behaviour of symmetrical laminated nano-composite containing equal numbers of glass and carbon fibre layers (številka: 5/6, 2023)
    Experimental study and numerical analysis on windage power loss characteristics of aviation spiral bevel gear with oil injection lubrication (številka: 5/6, 2023)
    A case study of a methodological approach to the verification of UAV propeller performance (številka: 5/6, 2023)
    A study using the hybrid fuzzy AHP&TOPSIS method in the conversion of a LEED-certified education building into a nearly zero-energy building in a cold climate (številka: 5/6, 2023)
    An improved MSCNN and GRU model for rolling bearing fault diagnosis (številka: 5/6, 2023)
    Diffusion equation generalized for modeling of chladni patterns (številka: 5/6, 2023)
    Wear behaviour of a Cu-Ni-Sn hybrid composite reinforced with B4C prepared by powder metallurgy technique (številka: 5/6, 2023)
    Machining of hard-to-cut AISI 4462 duplex stainless steel with an environmentally friendly approach with vortex tube (številka: 7/8, 2023)
    Applying parametric analysis in enhancing performance for double-layer scissor lifts (številka: 7/8, 2023)
    Inventory risk decision-making techniques using customer behaviour analysis (številka: 7/8, 2023)
    Finite element analysis of notch depth and angle in notch shear cutting of stainless-steel sheet (številka: 7/8, 2023)
    Recent advancement via experimental investigation of the mechanical characteristics of sisal and juncus fibre-reinforced bio-composites (številka: 7/8, 2023)
    The dynamics of tapered-roller bearings – a bottom-up validation study (številka: 7/8, 2023)
    Effect of vibrator parameters and physical characteristics of parts on conveying velocity (številka: 7/8, 2023)
    Mechanical and microstructural properties of B4C/W reinforced copper matrix composite using a friction stir-welding process (številka: 9/10, 2023)
    Design and optimization of an umbrella-type shield based on 3D CFD simulation technology (številka: 9/10, 2023)
    Fuzzy and Matlab/Simulink modelling of the air compression refrigeration cycle (številka: 9/10, 2023)
    Optimization of abrasive waterjet cutting by using the CODAS method with regard to interdependent processing parameters (številka: 9/10, 2023)
    Fuzzy logic approach to predict surface roughness in powder mixed electric discharge machining of titanium alloy (številka: 9/10, 2023)
    Research on an analytical method for the forming force of external spline cold roll-beating (številka: 9/10, 2023)
    Active disturbance rejection control algorithm for the driven branch chain of a polishing robot (številka: 11/12, 2023)
    Grinding of cemented carbide using a vitrified diamond pin and lubricated liquid carbon dioxide (številka: 11/12, 2023)
    Vehicle technical inspection results in relation to EU directives and selected EU countries (številka: 11/12, 2023)
    Aerodynamic analysis of mathematically modelled propeller for small UAV using CFD in different temperature conditions (številka: 11/12, 2023)
    Surface quality of AZ91D magnesium alloy after precision milling with coated tools (številka: 11/12, 2023)
    Impact behaviour modelling of magnetorheological elastomer using a non-parametric polynomial model optimized with gravitational search algorithm (številka: 11/12, 2023)
    Optimization method of multi-parameter coupling for a hydraulic rolling reshaper based on factorial design (številka: 11/12, 2023)
  26. 2024

    številka: 1/2 (2024)
    številka: 3/4 (2024)
    Roughness parameters with statistical analysis and modelling using artificial neural networks after finish milling of magnesium alloys with different edge helix angle tools (številka: 1/2, 2024)
    Multi-performance optimization of the rotary turning operation for environmental and quality indicators (številka: 1/2, 2024)
    Improvement of the dimensional accuracy of a Ti-6Al-4V ripple disc during electric hot incremental sheet forming (številka: 1/2, 2024)
    Investigation on the application of worn cutting tool inserts as burnishing tools (številka: 1/2, 2024)
    Investigation of the titanium alloy turning process with prime a tools under high-pressure cooling conditions (številka: 1/2, 2024)
    A modified approach to the rack generation of beveloid gears (številka: 1/2, 2024)
    Overview of principles and rules of geometrical product specifications according to the current ISO standards (številka: 1/2, 2024)
    A new calculation method for instantaneous efficiency and torque fluctuation of spur gears (številka: 1/2, 2024)
    Experimental testing system for adsorption space heating (številka: 3/4, 2024)
    Design optimization of mechanical valves in dishwashers based on the minimization of pressure losses (številka: 3/4, 2024)
    Nonlinear free vibration analysis of functionally graded porous conical shells reinforced with graphene nanoplatelets (številka: 3/4, 2024)
    Transient flow characteristics of a pressure differential valve with different valve spool damping orifice structures (številka: 3/4, 2024)
    An eigenfrequency-constrained topology optimization method with design variable reduction (številka: 3/4, 2024)
    Forced vibration of time-varying elevator traction system (številka: 3/4, 2024)
    Service performance optimization and experimental study of a new w-w type non-circular planetary gear train (številka: 3/4, 2024)
    Research on the adaptability of packers for integrated string fracturing operations in low porosity and low permeability reservoirs (številka: 3/4, 2024)