Typographia Mayriana Labacensis

Nearly a century's break in the field of printing activity in Carniola since Joannes Manlius's extradition ended by the arrival of typographer and bookseller Joannes Baptista Mayr from Salzburg (1634–1708). He came to Ljubljana in 1678 at the invitation of the Carniolan states, and theologian and historian Johann Ludwig Schönleben. During more than fifty years of its operation, Mayr's printing house published several Latin, German and Slovenian scientific, educational, literary, philosophical and religious works, including those written by the members of Academia Operosorum. After Mayr’s death, his son Joseph Thaddaeus took over the printing press and the bookshop. His widow Anna Barbara ran the printing house until 1705, and was followed by her son Johann Georg. Around 1731, Adam Friderik Reichardt took over the company.

Presented in the collection is a selection of prints from the National and University Library's collections that were suitable for digitization, as well as some copies of Mayr's prints that are kept at the Miran Jarc Library in Novo mesto, and in the Ljubljana City Library.

Number of hits: 66

Source type
books (66)odstrani
Doba Epis (1)
Društvo Pravnik (1)
Evropska pravna fakulteta (2)
Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security (2)
Fakulteta za družbene vede (1)
Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV (3)
Fakulteta za državne in evropske študije (1)
Fakulteta za management (1)
Fakulteta za upravo (1)
GZS, Center za poslovno usposabljanje (5)
Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement (16)
Inštitut za lokalno samoupravo in javna naročila (2)
Inštitut za pravne rešitve informacijske družbe (1)
Inštitut za slovensko literaturo in literarne vede ZRC SAZU (1)
Intelyway webmedia (1)
Jugoslovenski Novinski d. d. (Ivan Malinar) (1)
Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti (1)
Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve (5)
Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve RS (1)
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije (2)
NALAS - Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South East Europe (1)
Naravni začetki, združenje za informiranje, svobodno izbiro in podporo na področju nosečnosti, poroda in starševstva (1)
Odsek za zasedeno ozemlje (1)
Pedagoški inštitut (1)
Permanent secretariat of the Alpine Convention (1)
Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention (1)
Pravna fakulteta (1)
s.n. (1)
Savet Evrope, Kancelarija u Beogradu (1)
Skopje (1)
Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti (1)
Socialnovarstveni zavod Hrastovec (1)
SOS, Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia (1)
Stalni sekretariat Alpske konvencije (3)
Šola za ravnatelje (1)
Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo (1)
Zavod za varnostne strategije pri Univerzi Maribor (1)
Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa ZRC SAZU (1)
Copyright Not Evaluated (66)odstrani
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