Life in Numbers

What kind of people are the Slovenes and how do we live? In what ways are we similar to other Europeans and how do we differ? Is our country really covered with woods? What is the movement of petrol prices? How many tourists visit Slovenia yearly and what are the most visited attractions? What was the temperature in the last 60 years? 

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia collects and processes a wide range of data about Slovenia and its inhabitants, as well as about Europe and the world. The collection includes the publications from 1953 onward, from dull index tables to modern user-oriented official figures that are always transparent and interesting, and sometimes even amusing.

Number of hits: 78

Source type
2010 (78)odstrani
= Institute of Slovenian Ethnology at ZRC SAZU (1)
= Karst Research Institute at ZRC SAZU (1)
author (1)
Biotehniška fakulteta (1)
Bird Publisher (24)
Civic Library (1)
Društvo Humanitas (1)
Evropska svetovalnica (1)
Faculty of Social Sciences (1)
Faculty of Sport (1)
Fakulteta za arhitekturo (1)
Fakulteta za družbene vede (2)
Fakulteta za logistiko (1)
Fakulteta za upravo (1)
Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC (3)
Inštitut za hmeljarstvo in pivovarstvo Slovenije (1)
Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU (1)
Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje ZRC SAZU (1)
Knjižnica Ivana Potrča (1)
Krajevna skupnost (1)
Ljubljana : DZS (1)
Mengeš: Bird Publisher (1)
Mestna knjižnica (1)
Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor (1)
Miška (1)
Moderna organizacija (1)
Movit NA Mladina (1)
Municipality (1)
Muzej Miklova hiša (1)
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica (1)
National Institute of Public Health (1)
Občina (1)
Onkološki inštitut (4)
Osnovna šola (1)
Paleontološki inštitut Ivana Rakovca (1)
Primary School (1)
Sekcija za internistično onkologijo pri SZD (1)
Slovenian Association Melbourne (1)
Slovenian Evaluation Society (1)
Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing (1)
Slovenian Religious and Cultural Centre Sts Cyril and Methodius (2)
Slovenska turistična organizacija (1)
Slowenisches Institut für Hopfenanbau und Brauereiwesen (1)
Stalni sekretariat Alpske konvencije (1)
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (6)
Statistical Society of Slovenia (1)
Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (8)
Statistično društvo Slovenije (1)
Veterinary Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (1)
Založba ZRC (1)
Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU (2)
Zavod Voluntariat (1)
Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije (1)
Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa (1)
Zveza bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije (1)
Search in (78)