REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA STATISTIČNI URAD REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA STATISTIČNI URAD REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBUC OF SLOVENIA Names in Figures Author Tina Žnidaršič Translated by Boris Panič, Barica Razpotnik, Marina Urbas, Tina Žnidaršič Printed by Demat d. o. o. The publication is available at Information: Information Centre phone:+ 386 1 241 51 04 e-mail: CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 81 '373.23:311(497.4) ŽNIDARŠIČ, Tina Names in figures / [author Tina Žnidaršič]. - Ljubljana : Statistični urad Republike Slovenije = Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 2010. - (Collection Brochures) ISBN 978-961-239-216-1 1. Gl. stv. nasl. 253182720 Issued and published by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - © SURS - Use and publication of data is allowed provided by the source is acknowledged - Printed in 200 copies Introduction A name is given to us at birth so that we can be distinguished from other people. It is usually given by our parents and is the name they like. We respond to it, and we usually identify with it all our lives. Only few people change their names. We introduce ourselves by our names and are called by our names by other people. Our names are written in all official documents, as well as in school assignments and old love letters. What name we are given depends on many factors; the period in which we were born is one of the most important ones. This publication presents which names are the most common and how the fashion of giving names changed through the years. From a rich collection of names of people in Slovenia we tried to select as many statistics as possible. This was made for the first time in 1999 when "Kako ti je ime?" (What is Your Name?) was published. With this brochure the previous one is upgraded with many interesting features related to names statistics. In this way we rounded six years of annual updating of the interactive database of first names and family names in Slovenia, which is the most visited page on the website of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Because the data on names are the most frequently sought statistics and because they are mostly easy to understand, we expect that this publication will be interesting to a wide circle of readers: future parents may browse it to get an idea when selecting the names for their children, students may use it as a starting point for writing an interesting seminar paper and journalists may be able to use it in preparing various articles. And we all can use it to investigate if our names, the names of our parents, relatives, friends or colleagues were at any time among the most popular or common names in the country. In this publication the most common (top) name is the name given to the greatest number of people in Slovenia or a part of Slovenia on a certain date; and the most popular name is the name given to most newborns at a certain time (e.g. year, decade). We invite you to browse the publication and see for yourselves how rich in names Slovenia is, to find out which names were the most common on the first day of 2010 and also which were more frequent in some parts and less common in other parts of the country. You can learn more about names by browsing the mentioned interactive database of first names and family names on the website of the Statistical Office We hope you will enjoy browsing both this brochure and the interactive database as they complement one another. YmJI Irena Križman Director-General CONTENTS Names of people.................................................................................................................7 Frequency of names...........................................................................................................9 Names statistics......................................................................................................................................... 9 The most common male names..............................................................................................................10 The most common female names ..........................................................................................................11 Franc - the most common male name...................................................................................................12 Marija - the most common female name..............................................................................................13 Janez - the second most common male name.....................................................................................14 Ana - the second most common female name....................................................................................15 Anton - the third most common male name.........................................................................................16 Maja - the third most common female name.......................................................................................17 Population born until the end of World War II.................................................................................... 18 Population born after 1990 ...................................................................................................................... 19 People born between 1921 and 1940 .....................................................................................................20 People born between 1941 and 1960 .....................................................................................................21 People born between 1961 and 1970 .....................................................................................................22 People born between 1971 and 1980 .....................................................................................................23 People born between 1981 and 1990 .....................................................................................................24 People born between 1991 and 2000 .....................................................................................................25 People born between 2001 and 2009 .....................................................................................................26 Name diversity..................................................................................................................27 Combined names......................................................................................................................................27 Disappearing names................................................................................................................................28 New names.................................................................................................................................................29 Evergreen names......................................................................................................................................30 How the calendar affects naming....................................................................................................31-34 First name as a family name ..................................................................................................................35 Combinations of first name and family name.....................................................................................36 First names and family names by statistical regions................................................37 Regional diversity.............................................................................................................................. 37-39 Review by statistical regions.............................................................................................................40-51 Appendix............................................................................................................................52 Top 10 names by period of birth and sex........................................................................................52-55 Top 20 most common names by period of birth and sex..............................................................56-58 Sources and literature.....................................................................................................59 Škofija Ljubljanska Dioecesis Labacensis Štev. t^ Num. jstii in krstni list- Testimonium nativitatis et Iz rojstne in krstne knjige župnije (duhovnije) gac, ^ Extractus e libro nalorum el baplizatorum parochia^\/ Zvezek £//........ stran ......../jjfe..... štev. PS0SPI Tomus —pagina numerus * ' f Leto, mesec in dan Annus, mensis, dies rojstva i nativitatis krsta baptism i Kraj rojstva (ulica), h. št. Locus nativitatis Ime otrokovo Nomen infantis Zakonski, nezakonski, sin, hči Legitimus, illegitimus, filius, filia očeta patris Krstno in rodbinsko ime, stan in vera Nomen, cognomen, maiere conditio, religio matris Krstno in rodbinsko ime, stan botrov Krstitelj Baptizans // * V dokaz resničnosli lastnoročni podpis In quorum fidem subscriplio maun propria is in i radi^peč Zupni urad Ex officio pari Kolek in laksa Bol. cum laxa jr Št. 19. Jugoslovanska knjigarna. Ljubljana. — »o* 30 pečal, t sigillum officii. NAMES OF PEOPLE There is a large interest in the frequency of first names and family names but not many studies have been conducted on this issue. Older studies derived mostly from historical material, while new ones derive from data from the Central Population Register, which was established by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia in 1970 (Štuhec, 1999) but has been turned over to the Ministry of the Interior in 1998. First results of analyses of names from the Central Population Register were presented at the Statistical Days conference in Radenci in 1995. The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia issued a publication on this subject -entitled Kako ti je ime?, Imena državljanov Slovenije 31. 12. 1997 (What is Your Name?, Names of Slovene Citizens, 31 December 1997) - in 1999; prepared by Ms Snježana L. Štuhec. The latest printed list of names of citizens was published in 2008 in the fourth edition of Leksikon imen (Lexicon of Names) by Janez Keber, which deals with names etymologically, i.e. by describing their origin and meaning. The most common first names and their variations and the 500 most common family names are also included in the 2001 Slovenski pravopis (Slovenian Orthography), in which one can learn how to correctly decline Slovene names and how to form possessive pronouns from individual names. Our new publication entitled "Names in Figures" presents names of people in Slovenia by frequency as of 1 January 2010. The frequency of names is treated from various aspects and as a reflection of various factors: in addition to figures on how many people have certain names, it also gives the order (rank) of individual names among all names by frequency. The source of data for the publication (and for the database of first names and family names on our website) is the survey Population of Slovenia, which is conducted by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of data obtained from the Ministry of the Interior - Central Population Register. We have analysed names of people who were counted among the population of Slovenia on 1 January 2010 according to the statistical definition of population. According to this definition, population of Slovenia consists of persons (regardless of citizenship) with registered residence in Slovenia who live or intend to live in Slovenia for one year or more and are not temporarily absent from Slovenia for a year or more. Article 3 of the Personal Name Act (OJ RS, No. 20/2006), which deals with first names and family names of Slovene citizens, stipulates that a personal name is composed of a first name and a family name and that each can be composed of several words forming a whole. The first name and family name selected for legal matters can each be composed of two words or two indivisible units at the most (as stated in Article 4). A citizen whose first name and/or family name are/is composed of more than two words or indivisible units must give a statement about the selection of the personal name for legal matters and use the selected personal name in legal matters. In our publication only these names are dealt with, i.e. names that people use in legal matters. Each two-word name is counted as an indivisible unit, i.e. as one name and not as two separate names. The publication is divided into four parts. The first part presents the most common first names by ten-year periods of birth of persons who composed the population of Slovenia on 1 January 2010. Names that were more common than others in individual NAMES OF PEOPLE periods and for which statistical data show that they were characteristic of an individual period are graphically shown in a very clear and understandable way. The second part lists many interesting features related to names statistics, e.g. which first names are used as family names and vice versa, the situation with combined (double) names, disappearing names and names appearing for the first time, the impact of calendar on naming children, etc. The third part presents tables with the most common first names by statistical region. Because the frequency of a first name depends on the popularity of a name in the period when the child is born, and family names, especially some of them, are more common in certain parts of Slovenia, the tables by regions also include the most common family names. The last part of the publication is an Appendix in the form of a table presenting the appearance and disappearance of names in time and the list of top 20 most common names by five-year periods of birth of people with these names. FREQUENCY OF NAMES NAMES STATISTICS Table 1: First names by frequency, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Names of the same frequency Population with names of the same frequency (%) total male female total male female TOTAL 47,957 22,850 25,107 100.0 100.0 100.0 Frequency 1 32,631 15,346 17,285 1.6 1.5 1.7 2 4,966 2,412 2,554 0.5 0.5 0.5 3 2,089 1,022 1,067 0.3 0.3 0.3 4 1,242 640 602 0.2 0.3 0.2 5-9 2,512 1,247 1,265 0.8 0.8 0.8 10-99 3,294 1,565 1,729 4.7 4.5 4.9 100-999 875 452 423 13.6 14.0 13.1 1,000-9,999 320 146 174 55.3 48.2 62.4 10,000 or more 28 20 8 23.0 30.0 16.1 Source: SORS ■ In the beginning of 2010 people in Slovenia had almost 48,000 different names; 22,850 male names and 25,107 female names. ■ The list of names keeps getting longer every year; in the last 10 years it has grown by 10,000, in part due to the rising share of foreign population in Slovenia who carry on the names from their countries of origin to the next generation, but also due to the acceptance of names from other cultural settings and the adaptation of these names so that they sound like Slovene names, and mostly due to combining of several names, which has become fashionable in recent years (e.g. @an Luka, Ana Marija). ■ Over two thirds (32,600) of names of the Slovene population were unique (i.e. they appeared only once), yet only 1.6% of the population in Slovenia was named with them. ■ 28 names appeared on the list of names with the frequency 10,000 or more and with these names 23% of the population was named. Only 7 names had the frequency greater than 20,000: Marija, Ana, Franc, Janez, Anton, Ivan and Jožef. ■ About two thirds of the Slovene population had one of the top 100 names (i.e. 100 most common names), almost 50% of the population had one of the top 50 names and about 28% of the population had one the top 20 names. ■ Most names started with the letter M, followed by names beginning with the letter A. The fewest names started with letters that are either not part of the Slovene alphabet or with the Slovene letters C, @, Š and D@. ■ In the last 85 years the average length of a female name (combined names are excluded) became shorter by two letters (from 6.5 letters to 4.5 letters) and that of a male name shorter by one letter. ■ The longest name (Maksimilijana) had 13 letters. Its male version (Maksimilijan) was the longest male name. FREQUENCY OF NAMES THE MOST COMMON MALE NAMES Table 2: Top 40 male names, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Rank Name Number % of all men Rank Name Number % of all men 1 Franc 29,788 2.9 21 Matjaž 9,712 1.0 2 Janez 24,577 2.4 22 Gregor 9,563 0.9 3 Anton 21,361 2.1 23 Rok 9,485 0.9 4 Ivan 21,089 2.1 24 Martin 9,375 0.9 5 Jožef 20,046 2.0 25 Alojz 8,897 0.9 6 Andrej 17,504 1.7 26 Miha 8,646 0.9 7 Marko 17,243 1.7 27 Boris 8,485 0.8 8 Jože 15,743 1.6 28 Igor 8,474 0.8 9 Marjan 13,358 1.3 29 Dušan 8,421 0.8 10 Peter 12,998 1.3 30 Dejan 8,014 0.8 11 Milan 12,455 1.2 31 David 7,477 0.7 12 Matej 11,733 1.2 32 Uroš 7,010 0.7 13 Stanislav 11,505 1.1 33 Mitja 6,860 0.7 14 Tomaž 11,488 1.1 34 Jure 6,831 0.7 15 Branko 11,240 1.1 35 Jan 6,776 0.7 16 Aleš 10,725 1.1 36 Simon 6,725 0.7 17 Bojan 10,585 1.0 37 Blaž 6,604 0.7 18 Robert 10,499 1.0 38 Darko 6,245 0.6 19 Luka 10,222 1.0 39 Nejc 6,215 0.6 20 Boštjan 10,014 1.0 40 Žiga 6,158 0.6 Source: SORS ■ In the beginning of 2010, the list of the most common male names was much more balanced than that of female names. Among the top male names there was no such outstanding name as was the female name Marija. 10% of the male population of Slovenia had one of the top 4 male names (France, Janez, Anton and Ivan), while on the other hand 10% of the female population had only 2 names (Marija and Ana). ■ The most common male name was Franc. Franc was every 34th man in Slovenia. However, among the top 10 male names there were 2 names with the same root, namely the names Jožef (rank 5) and Jože (rank 8). If the men with these two names were to make another name group, they would have overtaken the men with the most common name (Franc) by 6,000. ■ Half of the Slovene male population had one of the top 48 male names in Slovenia. ■ The list of male names with a frequency greater than 10,000 included 20 names. FREQUENCY OF NAMES THE MOST COMMON FEMALE NAMES Table 3: Top 40 female names, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Rank Name Number % of all women Rank Name Number % of all women 1 Marija 69,314 6.7 21 Katarina 8,258 0.8 2 Ana 28,804 2.8 22 Tatjana 8,213 0.8 3 Maja 12,923 1.3 23 Tanja 7,916 0.8 4 Irena 12,650 1.2 24 Alenka 7,900 0.8 5 Mojca 11,455 1.1 25 Majda 7,827 0.8 6 Jožefa 10,709 1.0 26 Martina 7,746 0.7 7 Mateja 10,522 1.0 27 Vesna 7,652 0.7 8 Nataša 10,224 1.0 28 Tina 7,552 0.7 9 Barbara 9,684 0.9 29 Urška 7,372 0.7 10 Nina 9,671 0.9 30 Helena 6,902 0.7 11 Jožica 9,654 0.9 31 Angela 6,894 0.7 12 Frančiška 9,590 0.9 32 Anica 6,832 0.7 13 Andreja 9,569 0.9 33 Kristina 6,798 0.7 14 Petra 9,214 0.9 34 Antonija 6,736 0.7 15 Ivana 9,128 0.9 35 Dragica 6,691 0.6 16 Katja 8,678 0.8 36 Eva 6,633 0.6 17 Sonja 8,407 0.8 37 Nada 6,594 0.6 18 Anja 8,305 0.8 38 Spela 6,488 0.6 19 Milena 8,303 0.8 39 Sara 6,431 0.6 20 Terezija 8,291 0.8 40 Tjaša 6,314 0.6 Source: SORS ■ On 1 January 2010 half of the Slovene female population had one of the top 50 names in Slovenia, while two thirds of the Slovene female population had one of the top 100 names. ■ The most common female name was Marija. This was the name of almost 70,000 women (6.7%), which means that every 15th woman in Slovenia was Marija. ■ The second most common female name was Ana - the name of almost 29,000 women (2.8% of the female population in Slovenia). Every tenth woman in Slovenia was thus either Marija or Ana. ■ There were almost two times fewer women named Maja, which was the third most common female name, than those named Ana. ■ Apart from Marija and Ana, the names with the frequency greater than 10,000 were Irena, Mojca, Jožefa, Mateja and Nataša. FREQUENCY OF NAMES Chart 1: Men named Franc, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 FRANC, the most common male name year of birth Source: SORS ■ On 1 January 2010 there were significantly fewer men with the most common male name (Franc) than women with the most common female name (Marija). In the beginning of 2010, 29,788 men in Slovenia were named Franc; in the past year the number of men named Franc dropped by 700 and in the past 6 years by more than 5,000. ■ The majority of men named Franc was born until 1960. In the following decade the name was the third most common one. Among the population born after 2000, however, it ranked much lower (rank 299). ■ In the beginning of 2010, the mean age of men named Franc was 61.2 years. Among men aged 55 years or more every eleventh was Franc. ■ In 9 statistical regions (out of 12) the name Franc was at rank 1 or 2; in Jugovzhodna Slovenija it was at rank 4, in the Goriška statistical region at rank 5 and in the Obalno-kraška region at rank 12. ■ Many names are derived from the root Fran-, for example Fran~išek, Franci, Franjo, France, Fran~ek, Fran, etc. These names were not among the top 100 male names. FREQUENCY OF NAMES Chart 2: Women named Marija, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 MARIJA, the most common female name year of birth Source: SORS ■ Marija is the most common female name in Slovenia. In the beginning of 2010 this name was written in the personal documents of 69,314 women (6.7%), while in their daily life many times instead of the name Marija one of the following variations was used: Micka, Mari~ka, Mica, Meri, etc. ■ 55% of all women named Marija were born until 1944. Marija was the top female name among women born until 1969, yet after 2000 only 121 Marijas were born (rank 108). In the last year the number of women named Marija dropped by 1,700 and in the last 40 years by half; in 1971 there were 142,571 women named Marija in Slovenia (Keber, 2008). ■ Even though the number of women named Marija keeps decreasing, this name was still so numerous in the beginning of 2010 that no change is to be expected in the near future in the list of the most common female names. Namely, every 15th female in Slovenia was Marija. ■ Among women aged 75 years or more, every fifth was Marija, while among women aged less than 45 years, 1 in 100 was Marija. Among women younger than 20 years, however, only every 500th was Marija. At the beginning of 2010, Marijas were on average 65.5 years old. ■ From the 1970s on, instead of Marija other variations of this name were popular: Maja was the most common name in the 1980s, Mojca was the third most common name in the 1960s and 1970s and Maša was the tenth most common name in the last 9 years. ■ Marija was also the most common name in all the Slovene statistical regions. The share of Marijas among all women was the highest in Pomurska (9.4%) and the lowest in Obalno-kraška (4.6%). ■ If we seek in the sources, this name was mentioned relatively late. In the Middle Ages the name Marija was reserved for royalty and nobility. Since the 15th century, however, the name has become more common. The need to distinguish among a number of women named Marija led to combined names (Keber, 2008). Among the top 100 female combined names in Slovenia only in 21 cases the first or the second name was not Marija. ■ Marija was registered to be also the second name in 12 combined male names (e.g. Janez Marija). FREQUENCY OF NAMES Chart 3: Men named Janez, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 JANEZ, the second most common male name year of birth Source: SORS ■ In the beginning of 2010 Janez was the second most common male name in Slovenia. 24,577 men (2.4%) were named Janez. Most men named Janez were born in the 1960s, until 1970 the name was among the top 5 male names. After that the popularity of the name dropped, but never as much as to disappear from the top 100 list of male names. Since 2000, 188 men named Janez were born (rank 91 in the period after 2000). In the beginning of 2010, men named Janez were on average 54.4 years old. ■ Among the population born in the last few years, the short form of the male name Janez (Jan) became very popular. Jan was the second most common name for boys younger than 9 years. ■ The stereotype of »Janez from Carniola« or »Carniolan Janez«, i.e. in Slovene »Kranjski Janez«, is also comfirmed by statistical data: in the Gorenjska and Osrednjeslovenska statistical regions Janez was the most common male name in the beginning of 2010. In Gorenjska, every 25th man was Janez. In 10 statistical regions the name was among the top 7 male names, while only in the coastal and western parts of the country was the name less represented (in the Obalno-kraška region with rank 55 and in the Goriška statistical region with rank 46). FREQUENCY OF NAMES Chart 4: Women named Ana, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 ANA, the second most common female name year of birth Source: SORS ■ In the beginning of 2010 Ana was the second most common female name and as such the name of 28,804 women (2.8%). It is one of the evergreen names that have never disappeared from the top 100 list of female names. Contrary to all the other »old« names, the name Ana was common also in the last 20 years. One of the reasons for this name being so widespread is probably also its shortness. ■ Until the beginning of the 1960s Ana was the second most common female name, in the next 20 years it was between ranks 30 and 40, in the 1980s it was the tenth most common name, in the 1990s even the third most common and in the last 10 years the fourth most common female name. Among women named Ana, 16.5% were born after 1990. ■ In the beginning of 2010, Anas were on average 53.9 years old (11.5 years younger than Marijas). ■ Among combined names Ana appeared as the first name in 2,226 cases and as the second name in 1,144 cases. ■ In all statistical regions the name Ana ranked second - after Marija. The highest share of women named Ana lived in the Spodnjeposavska and Jugovzhodna Slovenija statistical region (3.6%) and the lowest in the Obalno-kraška statistical region (2.1%). FREQUENCY OF NAMES Chart 5: Men named Anton, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 ANTON, the third most common male name Source: SORS ■ In the beginning of 2010, the third most common male name, Anton, was the name of 21,361 men (2.1% in total). Already in the 1960s the popularity of the name began to drop and the name occupied rank 10. A decade later, it was at rank 35, similarly to the name Franc. ■ While the popularity of the name Franc dropped significantly after 1980, the name Anton was given to approximately twice as many men as the name Franc. Between 1991 and 2000, 113 boys named Anton were born (rank 109), and since 2001 only 41 boys named Anton have been born (rank 218). In the beginning of 2010 the mean age of men named Anton was 59.4 years. ■ In the regional distribution of the name Anton (as in the case of Janez) significant differences were noticed between the Obalno-kraška and Goriška statistical regions on one hand and the other statistical regions on the other hand. In all other 10 statistical regions the name ranked between second place (Notranjsko-kraška) and fifth place (Pomurska and Podravska), while in Goriška the name was eleventh most common and in Obalno-kraška 21st most common. FREQUENCY OF NAMES Chart 6: Women named Maja, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 number 800 600 400 200 MAJA, the third most common female name OSI RS year of birth Source: SORS ■ On 1 January 2010 Maja was the third most common female name in Slovenia. It has been gaining popularity since 2008, when it overtook the name Irena. In the beginning of 2010, 12,923 women were named Maja, i.e. every 80th woman in Slovenia. ■ Among the oldest women (aged 90 years or more) none was named Maja, while among those who were born before World War II, only 18 were named Maja. ■ The name Maja entered the top 10 list in 1971. In the 1980s this name was the most common name for newborns and 3.7% girls were named Maja at that time. ■ At the beginning of 2010 Majas were on average 24.6 years old. ■ Contrary to the names Marija and Ana, which were aproximately equally represented across all the statistical regions, women named Maja ranked lower (between ranks 3 and 25). As throughout Slovenia, also in the Osrednjeslovenska and Gorenjska statistical regions Maja was the third most common female name, while in the Podravska region it was at rank 25. In each statistical region on average between 0.8% and 1.6% of women were named Maja. FREQUENCY OF NAMES POPULATION BORN UNTIL THE END OF WORLD WAR II Word cloud 1: The most common names of people born until 1945, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Antonija ridMUSKd lvanJozefa Source: SORS The image was created by Wordle. ■ It is typical of the period until the end of World War II that only a small number of names appeared, but they were widely spread. The population was frequently named with names like Marija, Ana, Franc, Jožef, Anton, Janez, Frančiška and Jožefa. ■ Among the men who were at the beginning of 2010 aged 65 years or more, every 11th was Franc, every 18th Janez, every 14th Jožef and every 16th Anton. ■ Among the women who were at the beginning of 2010 aged 65 years or more, every fifth was Marija, every 15th Ana, and every 29th Jožefa or Frančiška. ■ Among the names which ranked among the top 100 names at that period are some names that are common even nowadays, for instance the male names Martin, Jakob and Peter and the female names Ana, Ema and Katarina. FREQUENCY OF NAMES POPULATION BORN AFTER 1990 Word cloud 2: The most common names of people born after 1990, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Source: SORS The image was created by Wordle. ■ The most common names of the population born after 1990 differ from the names of those born before World War II. Fashion is one of the most important factors that show how the trends concerning the popularity of names change over time. Among the names given to children born since Slovenia's independence, no name stands out so much as the name Marija does for people born before World War II. ■ The name Luka was the most common name given to boys born from 1998 onwards. ■ In the last two decades, short names were most common. This trend was first noticed in case of female names and after 1990 it expanded also to male names. ■ The 6 most common names among the population born after 1990 were names with no more than 4 letters, such as male names Luka, Jan, @an, Nejc, @iga and Rok and female names Sara, Ana, Nika, Eva, Anja and Nina. FREQUENCY OF NAMES PEOPLE BORN BETWEEN 1921 AND 1940 Chart 7: Population with selected most common names, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 number 800 600 400 200 / A i QSljRS 4 r \ \ * i 1" ■ < N \ \ r \ —. in in <7> tji o . Jožef Ivan > Frančiška Jožefa year of birth Source: SORS Table 4: The most common names of people born between 1921 and 1940, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 ■ The names of the population of Slovenia born before World War II have been rapidly disappearing from the list of the most common names since the 1970s. ■ The most common male name in the stated 20-year period in Slovenia was Franc, followed by Jožef. Among the men who were born until 1940 and lived in Slovenia on 1 January 2010, every tenth man was named Franc, whereas the second most common name, Jožef, was given to 7% of the men born until 1940. Later on, the name Jožef never again ranked so high on the list of common names. The third most common name was Anton, which is still the third most common name in the country. ■ The most common female names given to newborns in the stated period were Marija and Ana. Every fifth woman was Marija and every fifteenth woman was Ana. The third and fourth most common names were female versions of two male names: Frančiška and Jožefa. While Frančiška became less common after the stated period, the name Jožefa remained the fourth most common for the next 20 years (until 1960). ■ Out of the 10 most common male names, 4 appeared in their female forms on the top 10 list of female names (Jožef - Jožefa, Ivan - Ivana, Alojzij - Alojzija, Frančišek - Frančiška). Rank Male Female name name 1 Franc Marija 2 Jožef Ana 3 Anton Frančiška 4 Janez Jožefa 5 Ivan Ivana 6 Stanislav Terezija 7 Alojzij Angela 8 Alojz Antonija 9 Jože Ljudmila 10 Frančišek Alojzija Source: SORS FREQUENCY OF NAMES PEOPLE BORN BETWEEN 1941 AND 1960 Chart 8: Population with selected most common names, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 year of birth — Marjan — Milan — Majda Jožica Source: SORS Table 5: The most common names of people born between 1941 and 1960, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Rank Male Female name name 1 Franc Marija 2 Ivan Ana 3 Jožef Majda 4 Anton Jožefa 5 Janez Jožica 6 Marjan Irena 7 Milan Milena 8 Jože Dragica 9 Stanislav Nada 10 Branko Anica Source: SORS ■ The top 5 names of men born between 1941 and 1960 coincided with the top 5 male names in Slovenia, only the order was different. These 5 names were identical also to the top 5 names of the previous period, i.e. before World War II. Compared to the names given to newborns in the 1921-1940 period, in this period some new names entered the top 10 list: Marjan, Milan and Branko. ■ The names Marija and Ana remained at the top of the list of the most common female names in the 1941-1960 period. Compared to the previous 20-year period, the number of women with these names did not change substantially, but the shares of women with these names halved. Every tenth woman was Marija and every 30th was Ana. ■ On the top 10 list of female names three were from the previous period (1921-1940) - Marija, Ana and Jožefa - and seven were new. FREQUENCY OF NAMES PEOPLE BORN BETWEEN 1961 AND 1970 Chart 9: Population with selected most common names, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 number 800 600 400 N © SL RS A/ \ -'N J Vj i £ _. I J * * Robert Mojca Source: SORS year of birth Table 6: The most common names of people born between 1961 and 1970, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Rank Male Female name name 1 Janez Marija 2 Jože Irena 3 Franc Mojca 4 Robert Tatjana 5 Andrej Jožica 6 Marjan Andreja 7 Branko Alenka 8 Marko Darja 9 Bojan Sonja 10 Anton Milena ■ Some new names appeared on the top 10 list of names given to males in the 1960s: Robert, Andrej, Marko and Bojan. Jožef disappeared from the top 10 list, but the shortened version of this name, Jože, occupied rank 2. The name Janez was the most common male name in this period; later on it has never again been this popular. ■ The 1961-1970 period was the last decade when Marija was the most common female name, with only every 23rd woman born in the 1960s having this name. The second most common name in the previous period, Ana, in this period disappeared from the top 10 list and was replaced by Irena, which, never ranked this high again. The fourth most common name of the period was Mojca, which remained in that place in the next decade as well. Source: SORS FREQUENCY OF NAMES PEOPLE BORN BETWEEN 1971 AND 1980 Chart 10: Population with selected most common names, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 year of birth Boštjan Aleš > Nataša Mateja Source: SORS ■ The 1970s represented a big break in the tradition of naming children. The list of the top 5 names greatly differed from the lists in the previous two periods. The name Marija, which was the most common female name until 1969, dropped to rank 22 and Ana to rank 38. Among male names, Franc, Jože, Janez and Anton disappeared from the list of the most common names. Table 7: The most common names of people born between 1971 and 1980, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Rank Male Female name name 1 Boštjan Nataša 2 Andrej Mateja 3 Robert Mojca 4 Marko Petra 5 Aleš Barbara 6 Tomaž Andreja 7 Gregor Tanja 8 Matjaž Maja 9 Peter Simona 10 Matej Alenka Source: SORS ■ The most common female name in the 1970s was Nataša, which in the next decades lost much of its popularity. The name Mateja, the second most common name of the 1970s, remained close to the top in the following decade (rank 3). The third most common name, Mojca, also ranked third in the previous decade. Petra was the fourth most common name in both the 1970s and the 1980s - at rank 10 in the 1990s. The name Barbara, one of the evergreen Slovene names, was most common in the 1971-1980 period (rank 5) and the 1981-1990 period (rank 8). ■ In the 1970s the number of men named Boštjan increased significantly. This name became the most common name given to males born in this period. The other 4 of the 5 most common names (Andrej, Robert, Marko and Aleš) were about equally common. FREQUENCY OF NAMES PEOPLE BORN BETWEEN 1981 AND 1990 Chart 11: Population with selected most common names, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 number 600 400 200 > Matej Marko Source: SORS Table 8: The most common names of people born between 1981 and 1990, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Rank Male Female name name 1 Matej Maja 2 Marko Nina 3 Gregor Mateja 4 Rok Petra 5 Andrej Anja 6 Dejan Katja 7 Miha Tina 8 Aleš Barbara 9 Jure Urška 10 Tomaž Ana year of birth ■ Short names became popular among females born in the 1980s. The most common name was Maja, followed by Nina, Mateja, Petra and Anja. The popularity of Petra and Mateja continued from the previous period. The name Ana reappeared among the top 10 female names and kept gaining popularity each year. On the contrary, the name Marija appeared at rank 54, meaning that only every 250th woman born in that period was named Marija. ■ As every 33rd male born between 1981 and 1990 was named Matej, that was the most common male name. The second most common name, Marko, appeared on the top 5 list of names already in the previous decade. The top 10 list of male names included Rok, Dejan, Miha and Jure. Source: SORS FREQUENCY OF NAMES PEOPLE BORN BETWEEN 1991 AND 2000 Chart 12: Population with selected most common names, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 number 500 400 300 200 100 J est rs te =t year of birth > Luka Rok Source: SORS ■ Ana Sara Table 9: The most common names of people born between 1991 and 2000, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Rank Male Female name name 1 Luka Anja 2 Rok Nina 3 Jan Sara 4 Zan Ana 5 Matej Tjaša 6 Žiga Maja 7 Matic Katja 8 Nejc Eva 9 Blaž Nika 10 Miha Spela Source: SORS ■ In the 1990s the trend of giving short names to baby girls extended also to male names. The most common name of the period was Luka; it occupied rank 3 in 1995, and has been the top male name given to boys born from 1999 on. Since then about 3.3% newborns have been named Luka each year. The second most common male name, Rok, started the 1991-2000 decade as the most common name and remained among the top 5 names through the 1990s. Between 1995 and 2000 two names kept appearing in the third place: Jan and Zan. The most common male names had never been so short. ■ Between 1993 and 1997 the most common female name was Anja, while Nina occupied rank 5 in this period. Sara, the third most common name, gained 21 places since the previous period. The name Ana became quite common for newborns again. FREQUENCY OF NAMES PEOPLE BORN BETWEEN 2001 AND 2009 Chart 13: Population with selected most common names, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 number 400 300 200 100 / i ©SIRS A i h I T A i LJiLn<£>i^r^cocoi?>ooo 0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*000 rvi r*i rvj year of birth • Jan Nejc Nika Eva Source: SORS Table 10: The most common names of people born between 2001 and 2009, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Rank Male Female name name 1 Luka Nika 2 Jan Sara 3 Nejc Eva 4 Zan Ana 5 Ziga Lara 6 Nik Lana 7 Aljaž Nina 8 Matic Zala 9 Miha Maja 10 David Maša ■ Shortness is typical also of names in the 20012009 period, as the 10 most common female names had no more than 4 letters. Among the top 10 male names, only 3 names (Aljaž, Matic and David) had more than 4 letters. ■ Every fourth boy and every fourth girl born after 2000 were given one of the top 10 male or female names. The share of boys named Luka was especially high as every 25th boy born in the last 9 years was given that name. Source: SORS NAME DIVERSITY COMBINED NAMES Chart 14: Population with combined names, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 year of birth males females Source: SORS ■ On 1 January 2010 half of aH names were combined names, consisting of two names separated by a space or a hyphen. 14,798 men and 22,190 women or about 2% of the population had combined names. Almost all these names were unique; 85% of all combined names appeared only once and 10% only twice. ■ The most common combined name was a combination of two of the most common female names, Marija and Ana; 1,246 women were named Ana Marija. This was also the most common combined female name given to newborns in the last 10 years. With the frequency greater than 400 there were two more female names (Marija Magdalena - 467 and Marija Ana - 461). Among the top 100 female combined names only in 21 cases was the name Marija not included (as a first or second name). While the third most common female name Marija Ana appeared after 1950 only very rarely, the name Ana Marija was included in the top 150 female names given to girls born in the last few years. ■ The most common male combined name was @an Luka. All 98 men with this name were born after 1990. The names Peter Pavel (51) and Franc Jožef (44) are slowly disappearing from the list of top names. Yet just a few years ago these names were listed before the name @an Luka. Among men born after 1950 the names occurred only two or three times, respectively. ■ Combined names are more common among people born until the end of World War II and among people born in the last 10 years. In the past the use of combined names was introduced to distinguish among several girls named Marija. Many names are combined also because a saint's name is added (Keber, 2008). Recently combined names have been equally represented among boys, too. NAME DIVERSITY DISAPPEARING NAMES Table 11: The most common names not given to people born after 1990, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Rank Male names Female names name number rank among all names name number rank among all names 1 Karol 782 193 Hilda 723 224 2 Vilko 399 282 Leopoldina 565 249 3 Radoslav 336 317 Božica 449 281 4 Radivoj 268 356 Rozina 431 289 5 Rajmund 260 361 Slava 428 291 6 Vekoslav 255 366 Jozefa 328 329 7 Dragoljub 250 377 Ladislava 262 365 8 Jozo 243 385 Genovefa 258 368 9 Dragotin 235 393 Stefica 240 377 10 Jovo 232 397 Bronislava 233 381 11 S i lva n 214 418 Friderika 233 381 12 Ramo 204 430 Bosiljka 228 386 13 Bogomil 196 443 Ivka 225 390 14 Zuhdija 191 448 Jolanka 222 394 15 Venceslav 189 451 Borka 214 403 16 Zmagoslav 153 492 Bogomira 212 407 17 Milivoje 148 500 Božidara 183 434 18 Vladko 1 47 504 Mileva 183 434 19 Radko 1 44 511 Dubravka 182 436 20 Ferdo 1 40 523 Vekoslava 179 440 Source: SORS ■ A combination of the period when the name was selected and the name itself indicates name fashion. A name that was decades ago still common may now be highly uncommon. ■ After 1990 the parents stopped giving their children some of the names that are among the population of Slovenia not the rarest since they may occur more than 200 times, some of them even more than 700 times. Such male names are for instance Karol, Vilko, Radoslav, Radivoj and Rajmund and female names Hilda, Leopoldina, Božica, Rozina and Slava. NAME DIVERSITY NEW NAMES Table 12: The most common new names of people born after 1990, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Rank Male names Female names name number rank among all names name number rank among all names 1 Tian 408 276 Kiara 151 484 2 Mai 1 49 498 Adelisa 58 812 3 Zan Luka 98 619 Tanaja 55 841 4 Nej 52 843 Ronja 43 965 5 Tej 40 976 Erin 40 1,008 6 Job 39 988 Enya 23 1,357 7 Tinej 29 1,160 Robin 23 1,357 8 Kimi 26 1,239 Tajra 23 1,357 9 Timej 24 1,291 Nicol 18 1 ,553 10 Zal 24 1,291 Sumeja 18 1 ,553 11 Zan Mark 18 1 ,51 5 Altina 16 1,652 12 Lun 18 1 ,51 5 Mei 16 1,652 13 Noah 18 1,515 Emily 15 1 ,71 8 14 Jan Luka 17 1,561 Tineja 14 1,787 15 Nai 17 1,561 Alejna 13 1,860 16 Elias 15 1,670 Anais 13 1,860 17 Nicholas 15 1,670 Enia 13 1,860 18 Tobi 15 1,670 Taida 13 1,860 19 Davud 14 1,738 Anna Marie 12 1,939 20 Dion 13 1,803 Naya 12 1,939 Source: SORS ■ In each period, even in each year, the list of names is being extended with new ones. Most new names are formed by combining two names which are often assigned to one person only. The list of the names is longer every year also due to people who migrate to Slovenia from other countries and become its citizens, but name their children with the names originating from the country they emigrated from. Thus many names are given from other cultural settings and they are adapted so as to sound Slovene. Some names, however, appear also on the list of names for the first time or in large numbers because of a known literary or movie hero or a public figure. ■ More and more children are given new names. After 1990 the male name Tian appeared for the first time, but at the beginning of 2010 there were already 400 men with that name. The top 5 list of new male names also includes Mai, @an Luka (the most common male combined name), Nej and Tej. However, in the beginning of 2010 there were ten times fewer boys named Tej than boys named Tian. ■ Among girls, the most common new female name was Kiara (151 girls), about three times fewer girls were named Adelisa and Tanaja. The list of top 5 new female names includes also the names Ronja and Erin. NAME DIVERSITY EVERGREEN NAMES Chart 15: Selected evergreen names, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 rank 20. 40. 60. 80. 100. e SURS • Aleksander Janez . Andrej • Jurij > Marko Matija > Martin Mihael rank 20. 40. 60. 80. 100. L / r- T V SURS Y- p \ U f 1 I ""S Sl J \ --- © SURS \ / > ■Cs. \ / > ' \ v \ > Ana Barbara Katarina Kristina Martina year of birth Veronika ■ Some names have never been at the very top of the list of the most common names, and yet they were always among the top 100 most common names. These names are labelled 'evergreen'. Generally, these names are longer and at least partly connected to Christian, biblical or saint iconography. ■ In every decade since 1920 15 names have regularly been placed among the top 100 names. Male evergreen names so far have been Aleksander, Andrej, Janez, Jurij, Marko, Martin, Matija, Mihael and Peter. The list of evergreen female names is shorter: Ana, Barbara, Katarina, Kristina, Martina and Veronika. ■ Both most common names, Franc and Marija, have not been ranked as being evergreen. NAME DIVERSITY HOW THE CALENDAR AFFECTS NAMING Table 13: The most common male names, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Month Men born until 1969 Men born after 1970 of rank rank birth 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 J Anton Franc Jožef Janez Ivan Boštjan Marko Matej Andrej Luka F Jožef Franc Jože Janez Ivan Marko Matej Andrej Gregor Boštjan M Jožef Jože Franc Ivan Janez Marko Matej Gregor Luka Rok A Franc Stanislav Ivan Anton Janez Marko Matej Luka Robert Aleš M Anton Janez Ivan Franc Alojz Marko Matej Luka Aleš Rok J Anton Alojz Ivan Janez Franc Peter Marko Aleš Matej Rok J Franc Ivan Janez Anton Marjan Aleš Matej Marko Rok Luka A Franc Janez Ivan Marjan Milan Matej Rok Marko Luka Andrej S Franc Milan Ivan Janez Marjan Matej Marko Luka Andrej Miha O Franc Stanislav Ivan Janez Martin Andrej Luka Matej Marko Boštjan N Franc Janez Ivan Andrej Stanislav Andrej Matej Luka Marko Boštjan D Janez Franc Ivan Anton Stefan Boštjan Tomaž Andrej Matej Marko Source: SORS Table 14: The most common female names, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Women born until 1969 Women born after 1970 of birth 1 2 rank 3 4 5 1 2 rank 3 4 5 J Marija Antonija Veronika Jožefa Frančiška Maja Nina Mateja Petra Ana F Marija Jožefa Frančiška Jožica Irena Maja Mateja Nina Anja Petra M Marija Jožefa Jožica Frančiška Ana Maja Nina Mateja Mojca Petra A Marija Ana Angela Majda Helena Maja Nina Petra Mateja Katja M Marija Angela Ana Ivana Majda Maja Nina Petra Mojca Katja J Marija Ana Alojzija Vida Antonija Petra Maja Nina Ana Anja J Ana Marija Anica Marta Olga Ana Maja Nina Anja Petra A Marija Ana Ljudmila Rozalija Ivana Maja Mateja Nina Petra Ana S Marija Terezija Ljudmila Irena Frančiška Mateja Maja Nina Katja Anja O Marija Terezija Frančiška Elizabeta Sonja Nina Maja Urška Barbara Mateja N Marija Elizabeta Katarina Cecilija Frančiška Andreja Maja Martina Barbara Nina D Marija Štefanija Silva Ivana Kristina Maja Nina Barbara Katja Mateja Source: SORS ■ The calendar has always had an effect on people's lives: seasons dictated when the work was done, and church calendars with their name days affected how children were named. In the past the common tradition was to name a child after a well-known saint whose name day was the closest to the day of the child's birth or christening. ■ Among those born before 1970 on a saint's name day or two to three days prior to that the number of people named after the saint rose significantly. For example, 21% of men called Valentin who were born in February were born on 14th or 13th of that month. 18% of Jožefs born in March were born between 17th and 19th March. The same share of women named Vida was born on 15th and 14th June. ■ People born after 1970 were rarely named after saints whose name days are close to the date of their birth. Month NAME DIVERSITY HOW THE CALENDAR AFFECTS NAMING Chart 16: Men named Jožef and Jože, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 number 6000-, 5000. 4000 30002000. 1000- 1 1 Chart 17: Women named Jožefa and Jožica, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 J F M A M J JASOND month of birth ■ Jože O Jožef Source: SORS number 6000 5000. 4000 30002000. iooo-m Imriirfimmmmrn J F M A M J JASOND month of birth I I Jožefa I I Jožica ■ Especially among male names there are several names that are closely tied to a certain well-known and popular saint. ■ On 1 January 2010, 26% of all Jožefs were born in March; similarly every fifth Jože was born in March. Every third woman named Jožefa was born in March, as were 29% of all Jožicas. ■ One third (33%) of all men named Valentin and every fifth woman named Valentina was born in February. ■ 30% of all women named Vida were born in June. The same share of Uršulas was born in October, although the name itself was not very common. 27% of women named Neža were born in January. ■ 28% of all Anas and Anicas were born in July, the month of St. Ana's name day. In all other months the most common name given to those born before 1970 was Marija, but in July Ana was first and Anica third. Also among those born after 1970, Ana was the most common name given to girls born in July. ■ 23% of all men named Jakob or Jurij were born in July or April, respectively. The shorter versions of the names, Jaka and Jure, did not show to have such a strong connection to the church calendar. ■ While every fourth Mihael was born in September, the correlation was weaker for the shortened version of the name, Miha. Most men named Miha were also born in September, but only 1 out of 10. NAME DIVERSITY HOW THE CALENDAR AFFECTS NAMING Chart 18: Men named Silvester and Silvo, Chart 19: Women named Silvestra and Silva, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Slovenia, 1 January 2010 number 2500 -, 2000 1500. 1000. 500- m JlTn d~l rfl J F M A M J JASOND month of birth | Silvester I I Silvo number 2500 2000- 1500. 1000. 500- ii n n n n n n nJL J F M A M J JASOND month of birth Silva Silvestra Source: SORS ■ People who were born in the festive time between Christmas and New Year were more frequently given the names Silvester and Silvestra or their shorter versions Silvo and Silva than people who were born on other days of the year: one fifth of all men named Silvester or another name derived from it was born in the last few days of the year. Among men born in the days before the New Year, Silvester was the sixth most common name. Girls born on the last day of the year or a few days before were often named a shorter version of this name, Silva. Among women born in the last few days of the year, Silva was the second most common name, right after Marija. ■ Most Nikolajs (27%) were born in December. The shortened version of this male name (Niko) did not show such a strong correlation; among all the men named Niko, 16% were born in December. The shortest name derived from this name that has been hugely common in the last few years, Nik, which was the second most common name for boys born in 2007, does not seem to be connected to the calendar or name days. ■ Every fifth Martin and every fifth Martina were born in November. NAME DIVERSITY HOW THE CALENDAR AFFECTS NAMING Chart 20: Men named Maj, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Chart 21: Women named Maja, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 20. 16- 12. 8- m liNiniiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii J F M A M J JASOND month of birth ■ Maj Source: SORS 20. 16- 12. J F M A M J JASOND month of birth I I Maja ■ Among the names that were common after 1970, no names closely tied to a certain well-known saint could be found. According to statistical data, the female name Maja showed a connection between the month of birth and name. ■ Most girls named Maja (16%) were born in the month of May, about twice as many as in the other months. The male version of the name (i.e. Maj) has become common in the last 6 years. During this period the name was among the top 25 names, as every year more than 100 boys have been given this name. ■ The other most common first names that are the same as the names of months were Avgust (30% of all men named Avgust were born in August) and Julija (12% of all women named Julija were born in July). Names related to the months of January, April and October proved to be rare. NAME DIVERSITY FIRST NAME AS A FAMILY NAME Table 15: First names as family names (selection), Slovenia, 1 January 2010 First name, First name Family name family name number rank number rank Franc 29,788 1 174 2,516 Andrej 17,504 6 18 13,741 Aleš 10,725 16 222 1,886 Jan 6,776 35 479 649 Klemen 5,984 43 484 642 Vida 5,676 48 178 2,454 Rudolf 3,320 75 839 232 Avguštin 679 208 494 621 Lenart 497 248 472 668 Urh 473 260 754 280 Regina 489 272 61 6,517 Adam 407 277 348 1,052 Rozina 431 289 257 1,610 Gaber 260 361 663 366 Lazar 146 506 1,346 98 Zorko 121 565 1,851 42 Source: SORS ■ For a long time people have been given first names only. Family names appeared later, first among the upper classes in the Venetian Republic, mainly because of inheritance and property taxes. Due to the proximity of Italy, on the Slovene territory family names appeared relatively early, in the 13th century, especially in towns and cities. In the 16th century family names were already widespread but only in 1780 did they become legislated by the patent of Joseph II (Keber, 2008). ■ Since most female names are just a form of male names, it is not surprising that among the names that appeared also as family names male names proved to be more common. These names were Adam, Andrej, Aleš, Franc, Klemen, Jan, Rudolf, Urh, Lenart, etc. Female names that also may have a function of family names were for example Milena, Rozina, Slavica, Regina and Vida. The names Zorko, Lazar, Avguštin and Gaber were used less often as first names and more often as family names. ■ Among the population of Slovenia 28 people had their name composed of two equal words. The family name was thus the same as the first name. Most of such combinations were unique. NAME DIVERSITY COMBINATIONS OF FIRST NAME AND FAMILY NAME Table 16: The most common combinations of first names and family names, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Rank Males Females combination number combination number 1 Jožef Horvat 239 Marija Novak 421 2 Franc Novak 200 Marija Horvat 412 3 Franc Horvat 177 Marija Krajnc 225 4 Janez Novak 171 Marija Kovačič 205 5 Anton Novak 139 Marija Potočnik 205 6 Stefan Horvat 137 Marija Zupančič 201 7 Ivan Novak 133 Ana Novak 190 8 Jože Novak 125 Marija Kovač 174 9 Franc Krajnc 124 Marija Kos 165 10 Janez Horvat 121 Marija Mlakar 161 Source: SORS ■ Because every 15th woman was Marija and the most common family name in Slovenia was Novak, it was not surprising that on 1 January 2010 the most common combination of first and family name was Marija Novak (421). The name Marija appeared also in the most common combinations with top 9 most common family names. ■ Among the top 100 combinations of first and family names the name Marija was present in 78 cases. The name Ana occurred in 11 combinations. The personal name Ana Novak occurred 190 times. This was the seventh most common combination. 15% of all women named Ana Novak were born after 1990. On the other hand, the combinations like Marija Novak, Marija Horvat, Marija Krajnc, Marija Kova~i~ or Marija Zupan~i~ were very rare among those born after 1990 (less than half a percent). ■ In the first 8 most common combinations of male first name and family name appeared the family names Novak and Horvat and also the first names Jožef, Franc, Anton, Janez, Štefan and Ivan. Jožef Horvat was the most common (239) male combination. Janez Novak, which is often a synonym for an average Slovene, ranked as the fourth most common combination. ■ 29 first names and 22 family names occurred among the top 100 combinations for men, while on the other hand the list of the top 100 combinations for women consisted of 78 family names and only 11 first names. FIRST NAMES AND FAMILY NAMES BY STATISTICAL REGIONS REGIONAL DIVERSITY Map 1: Men named Franc, statistical regions, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 % of all men in the statistical region I I 0.99 or less □ 1.00-1.99 □ 2.00-2.99 □ 3.00-3.99 I I 4.00 or more Sources: SORS, SMA Map 2: Women named Marija, statistical regions, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 % of all women In the statistical region I I 4.99 or less □ 5.00-5.99 □ 6.00-6.99 □ 7.00-7.99 I I 8.00 or more 4 Sources: SORS, SMA ■ The shares of residents with the most common male and female names, Franc and Marija, were the highest in the northeast, in the Pomurska statistical region, and the lowest in the southwest, in the Obalno-kraška statistical region. FIRST NAMES AND FAMILY NAMES BY STATISTICAL REGIONS REGIONAL DIVERSITY Word cloud 3: The most common names in the Pomurska statistical region, 1 January 2010 Marta Moriika NinaRenata Martin v Milena Katla Kristina Martina David Kire| Katarina Mateja Andreja Daricil ■ Du5anElizabeta Majda Marjan Andrej narmka Drago nf Marjeta " Eons AntnnJož^ .Ivan Joze Aleš *Mr,L4i|Deni5 JaneZ Milena Tomaž ^ m suvica C* Suzana Stefan ?AnaFnnrV B"b*"Alojz F™ I d I I V-■ Jožica Brigita *J~" Dragica cvetka Dejan Miran Simona Stanislav Terezija 1 Nataša Rnhprl" ^ Marko Matej Mitja Usiavt0 Vladimir Source: SORS The image was created by Wordle. ■ The diversity of names is not only a reflection of time but also of regional factors. In the distribution of the most common names on 1 January 2010, the north-eastern and south-western parts of Slovenia stood out the most, with certain names much more common than in the rest of the country. ■ The name Marija was the most common female name throughout Slovenia; in the Pomurska statistical region every tenth female was named Marija, while in the Obalno-kraška statistical region only every 20th woman had been given this name. ■ The name Terezija was the third most common in the Pomurska region and 106th in the Obalno-kraška region. ■ The male name Marko ranked first in the Obalno-kraška region and only 21st in the Pomurska region. ■ The name Franc was first or second in 9 statistical regions, but ranked 12th in the Obalno-kraška region. ■ The names Igor and Boris were among the 5 most common names only in the Obalno-kraška region. There and in the Goriška region the name Janez was much less common than in the rest of Slovenia (ranks 55 and 46, respectively), while it ranked first in the Osrednjeslovenska and Gorenjska regions. In Jugovzhodna Slovenija the name Ivan was somewhat more common. ■ While the name Jože was among the 10 most common male names in most regions, it occupied rank 47 in the Obalno-kraška region and rank 80 in the Goriška region. FIRST NAMES AND FAMILY NAMES BY STATISTICAL REGIONS REGIONAL DIVERSITY Word cloud 4: The most common names in the Obalno-kraška statistical region, 1 January 2010 Olga , Simon Zdenka , . Danijela Dragan MatlJa Mirjana Mitja Wada Val?",inl . Anja Darko J Ivana Luka Mateja Safa sand,Vladimir Tjasa I Anton uragicauems Kristina Moira nr,d Andreja Davi dDu šanura feffl Ro be rtTftS Boj an Branko Martin lyiaiej Staiislav. Rnr;cJoieCregorjozef DUI I j Borut z-.r Katarina Andrej^_____ ' IrenaMajaMa rkO7^-13 AlenkaBarbi?DejanMarja| Via" jVU Soma Aleksander FranC an MatJazMllan Pptpr A eš BoStJan r?rJn Jan M,Martina Nika rele Turška M! Danica Danijel Lidija Majda Maxima SuzanaTomaž Alen Aloj Miroslav NinaPetraN^venk^ Va,ter Zoran Source: SORS The image was created by Wordle. ■ Compared to the other statistical regions, on 1 January 2010 the name Nataša was very common in the Obalno-kraška and Goriška regions, and Fran~iška was less common (rank 64 and 36, respectively). These two names also ranked similarly low in the Pomurska and Podravska regions, while they were among the top 5 female names in the Gorenjska and Notranjsko-kraška regions. ■ The name Maja, the third most common female name in Slovenia, was at rank 25 in the Pomurska region, while it was at rank 3 in the Osrednjeslovenska and Gorenjska regions. ■ Nika, the most common name given to girls born after 2000, occupied rank 99 in the Pomurska region, but in the Goriška and Obalno-kraška regions it was ranked 31 and 29, respectively. ■ In these 3 statistical regions similar differences were also observed as regards the name Anja, the most common name of girls born in the 1990s. For example, in the southwestern part of Slovenia (in the Goriška and Obalno-kraška regions) Anja was at ranks 15 and 24, whereas in the Podravska region it was at rank 55. ■ Luka was the most common name for boys born after 1990. Here also the occurrence of the name in the north-eastern part of Slovenia, including the Koroška region, was quite different (Luka ranked low - at rank 43) than in the Osrednjeslovenska and Gorenjska statistical regions (Luka was at rank 9). FIRST NAMES AND FAMILY NAMES BY STATISTICAL REGIONS POMURSKA Table 17: Top 20 first names and family names in the Pomurska statistical region, 1 January 2010 Rank name Males number % name Females number % Population family name number % 1 Jožef 3,311 5.7 Marija 5,788 9.4 Horvat 4,412 3.7 2 Franc 2,747 4.7 Ana 1,882 3.1 Novak 1,040 0.9 3 Stefan 2,440 4.2 Terezija 1,083 1.8 Zver 814 0.7 4 Janez 1,498 2.6 Irena 926 1.5 Kovač 803 0.7 5 Anton 1,344 2.3 Helena 724 1.2 Hozjan 741 0.6 6 Ivan 1,082 1.9 Olga 663 1.1 Gomboc 703 0.6 7 Alojz 1,040 1.8 Majda 660 1.1 Zadravec 605 0.5 8 Milan 1,000 1.7 Marjeta 642 1.0 Žižek 535 0.4 9 Marjan 910 1.6 Angela 626 1.0 Balažic 526 0.4 10 Andrej 901 1.5 Katarina 604 1.0 Lebar 456 0.4 11 Robert 845 1.5 Simona 602 1.0 Nemec 440 0.4 12 Branko 830 1.4 Jožica 597 1.0 Marič 427 0.4 13 Stanislav 755 1.3 Elizabeta 578 0.9 Casar 402 0.3 14 Drago 732 1.3 Marta 577 0.9 Klemenčič 390 0.3 15 Bojan 725 1.2 Dragica 574 0.9 Pintarič 379 0.3 16 Matej 614 1.1 Mateja 562 0.9 Smodiš 376 0.3 17 Simon 611 1.0 Jožefa 557 0.9 Kovačič 375 0.3 18 Boštjan 601 1.0 Suzana 555 0.9 Sobočan 375 0.3 19 Dejan 591 1.0 Andreja 553 0.9 Sever 368 0.3 20 Aleš 577 1.0 Kristina 542 0.9 Baranja 368 0.3 Source: SORS ■ As regards the distribution and frequency of names, the Pomurska statistical region differed from the other regions. In this region, the most common male name was Jožef and that was the name of every 17th man. This region had the highest share of Jožefs (5.7%) among all the statistical regions. ■ In this region the list of the top 20 male names included 4 names that did not appear on this list in any other region. These names were Štefan (the third most common name), Drago, Simon and Dejan. ■ This was the region with the highest share of Marijas (9.4%) among all the female residents of the region. Pomurska was also the region with the highest share of women called Terezija. ■ Five female names appeared only on the Pomurska region's list of top 20 female names - Olga, Marjeta, Simona, Marta and Suzana. All these names had the highest shares among women in the Pomurska region in comparison with the other regions. Only in the Pomurska region the name Maja, which was the third most common female name in the country, did not appear on the top 20 list of female names. FIRST NAMES AND FAMILY NAMES BY STATISTICAL REGIONS PODRAVSKA Table 18: Top 20 first names and family names in the Podravska statistical region, 1 January 2010 Rank Males Females Population name number % name number % family name number % 1 Franc 6,262 3.9 Marija 12,098 7.4 Krajnc 2,842 0.9 2 Ivan 4,420 2.8 Ana 4,269 2.6 Horvat 2,724 0.8 3 Jožef 4,124 2.6 Terezija 2,087 1.3 Novak 1,732 0.5 4 Anton 3,593 2.3 Irena 2,057 1.3 Petek 1,261 0.4 5 Janez 3,182 2.0 Jožica 1,956 1.2 Potočnik 1,164 0.4 6 Milan 2,683 1.7 Maja 1,917 1.2 Bezjak 1,162 0.4 7 Andrej 2,680 1.7 Jožefa 1,832 1.1 Mlakar 1,065 0.3 8 Branko 2,535 1.6 Mateja 1,696 1.0 Vidovič 1,051 0.3 9 Stanislav 2,417 1.5 Mojca 1,611 1.0 Lešnik 1,041 0.3 10 Marjan 2,403 1.5 Sonja 1,599 1.0 Fras 1,015 0.3 11 Marko 2,372 1.5 Angela 1,533 0.9 Golob 1,008 0.3 12 Alojz 2,081 1.3 Petra 1,524 0.9 Korošec 945 0.3 13 Bojan 1,971 1.2 Majda 1,523 0.9 Kovačič 936 0.3 14 Peter 1,955 1.2 Barbara 1,501 0.9 Kramberger 911 0.3 15 Robert 1,849 1.2 Dragica 1,483 0.9 Kolarič 841 0.3 16 Boštjan 1,820 1.1 Nataša 1,478 0.9 Čeh 809 0.3 17 Matej 1,763 1.1 Danica 1,449 0.9 Kokol 794 0.2 18 Aleš 1,712 1.1 Nina 1,430 0.9 Breznik 742 0.2 19 Dušan 1,673 1.0 Andreja 1,427 0.9 Petrovič 741 0.2 20 Boris 1,619 1.0 Elizabeta 1,420 0.9 Toplak 731 0.2 Source: SORS ■ In the beginning of 2010 the most common male name in Slovenia, Franc, was also the most common in the Podravska region. In this region the names Milan and Branko were somewhat more common than elsewhere in Slovenia (ranks 6 and 8, respectively). ■ The order of the most common four female names at the beginning of 2010 was here the same as in the Pomurska region. Marija was the most common name, followed by Ana, Terezija and Irena. There were only a few more Terezijas than there were Irenas, so the order can be expected to change in the next few years since newborn girls are very rarely named Terezija. ■ Every 13th woman in the region was named Marija. The second most common name, Ana, was three times rarer. The sixth most common name in the region, Maja, was at rank 25 in the neighbouring Pomurska region. FIRST NAMES AND FAMILY NAMES BY STATISTICAL REGIONS KORO[KA Table 19: Top 20 first names and family names in the Koroška statistical region, 1 January 2010 Rank name Males number % name Females number % Population family name number % 1 Ivan 1,264 3.5 Marija 3,073 8.5 Kotnik 853 1.2 2 Franc 1,135 3.1 Ana 943 2.6 Krajnc 471 0.6 3 Jožef 1,024 2.8 Jožefa 562 1.5 Pušnik 413 0.6 4 Anton 843 2.3 Irena 490 1.4 Potočnik 388 0.5 5 Janez 765 2.1 Andreja 445 1.2 Golob 339 0.5 6 Andrej 633 1.7 Jožica 420 1.2 Knez 332 0.5 7 Peter 629 1.7 Maja 380 1.0 Mori 315 0.4 8 Marko 586 1.6 Mateja 373 1.0 Paradiž 259 0.4 9 Branko 508 1.4 Antonija 371 1.0 Breznik 256 0.4 10 Jože 486 1.3 Danica 355 1.0 Ramšak 256 0.4 11 Milan 485 1.3 Terezija 328 0.9 Novak 238 0.3 12 Matej 483 1.3 Urška 328 0.9 Pečnik 225 0.3 13 Marjan 477 1.3 Helena 325 0.9 Hribernik 225 0.3 14 Stanislav 457 1.3 Sonja 321 0.9 Čas 219 0.3 15 Tomaž 428 1.2 Frančiška 321 0.9 Oder 217 0.3 16 Alojz 396 1.1 Ivana 317 0.9 Kac 213 0.3 17 Bojan 390 1.1 Nataša 313 0.9 Kolar 211 0.3 18 Matjaž 386 1.1 Nina 309 0.9 Založnik 211 0.3 19 Boštjan 362 1.0 Petra 307 0.8 Pečovnik 205 0.3 20 Robert 361 1.0 Katja 292 0.8 Jeromel 204 0.3 Source: SORS ■ On 1 January 2010 the top three male names, Ivan, Franc and Jožef, were quite equal in terms of their frequency. This was the region with the highest share of men named Ivan (3.5%), although this name occupied rank 1 also in the Goriška statistical region. ■ Koroška had the second highest share of women named Marija (8.5%). At rank 5, the highest among all regions, was the name Andreja. Apart from that, the name Urška, which appeared on the top 20 list of female names in this and two other regions, ranked the highest in the Koroška region, namely at rank 11. FIRST NAMES AND FAMILY NAMES BY STATISTICAL REGIONS SAVINJSKA Table 20: Top 20 first names and family names in the Savinjska statistical region, 1 January 2010 Rank Males Females Population name number % name number % family name number % 1 Franc 4,531 3.5 Marija 9,130 7.0 Novak 1,380 0.5 2 Ivan 3,683 2.8 Ana 3,694 2.8 Krajnc 1,256 0.5 3 Anton 3,031 2.3 Jožefa 1,809 1.4 Kolar 1,037 0.4 4 Jožef 2,973 2.3 Irena 1,614 1.2 Zupanc 958 0.4 5 Janez 2,420 1.9 Maja 1,441 1.1 Potočnik 935 0.4 6 Andrej 2,056 1.6 Jožica 1,433 1.1 Kovač 921 0.4 7 Marko 1,908 1.5 Frančiška 1,422 1.1 Kotnik 893 0.3 8 Jože 1,855 1.4 Mojca 1,373 1.1 Kovačič 752 0.3 9 Marjan 1,834 1.4 Terezija 1,336 1.0 Jelen 704 0.3 10 Peter 1,748 1.3 Milena 1,261 1.0 Pušnik 652 0.3 11 Stanislav 1,723 1.3 Mateja 1,249 1.0 Korošec 648 0.2 12 Milan 1,695 1.3 Barbara 1,181 0.9 Knez 632 0.2 13 Martin 1,626 1.3 Andreja 1,180 0.9 Ramšak 610 0.2 14 Branko 1,536 1.2 Nataša 1,175 0.9 Lesjak 606 0.2 15 Matej 1,443 1.1 Nina 1,170 0.9 Gajšek 571 0.2 16 Boštjan 1,384 1.1 Ivana 1,161 0.9 Turnšek 554 0.2 17 Alojz 1,361 1.0 Anja 1,085 0.8 Mastnak 540 0.2 18 Tomaž 1,337 1.0 Urška 1,078 0.8 Kos 528 0.2 19 Aleš 1,315 1.0 Katja 1,067 0.8 Pečnik 527 0.2 20 Rok 1,308 1.0 Angela 1,064 0.8 Romih 512 0.2 Source: SORS ■ The ten most common male names were the same as the most common names in the country, with the ranks between places 5 and 10 exactly the same. ■ The name Rok was the 20th most common name in the region. Every 100th man was Rok. The name ranked among top 20 male names only in two other regions, Osrednjeslovenska and Gorenjska. ■ The order of the top four female names was the same as in the neighbouring Koroška region. Marija was the most common name, followed by Ana, Jožefa and Irena. Every tenth woman was named either Marija or Ana. Quite high on the list was also the name Urška, which was only in the top 20 list in two other regions, and only 75th in the Pomurska region. FIRST NAMES AND FAMILY NAMES BY STATISTICAL REGIONS ZASAVSKA Table 21: Top 20 first names and family names in the Zasavska statistical region, 1 January 2010 Rank name Males number % name Females number % Population family name number % 1 Franc 750 3.4 Marija 1,377 6.0 Drnovšek 470 1.1 2 Ivan 550 2.5 Ana 588 2.6 Kovač 274 0.6 3 Janez 502 2.3 Frančiška 321 1.4 Zupan 244 0.5 4 Anton 404 1.8 Mojca 280 1.2 Hribar 217 0.5 5 Jože 378 1.7 Maja 271 1.2 Ocepek 215 0.5 6 Andrej 349 1.6 Irena 266 1.2 Jerman 205 0.5 7 Marko 346 1.6 Jožefa 262 1.1 Kos 196 0.4 8 Jožef 339 1.5 Ljudmila 229 1.0 Novak 192 0.4 9 Marjan 327 1.5 Mateja 220 1.0 Zupančič 191 0.4 10 Milan 291 1.3 Ivana 219 1.0 Knez 190 0.4 11 Stanislav 286 1.3 Nina 217 1.0 Vozel 172 0.4 12 Tomaž 259 1.2 Nataša 216 0.9 Razpotnik 170 0.4 13 Branko 237 1.1 Petra 208 0.9 Prašnikar 167 0.4 14 Alojz 237 1.1 Jožica 196 0.9 Juvan 153 0.3 15 Bojan 229 1.0 Milena 196 0.9 Klopčič 150 0.3 16 Matej 226 1.0 Urška 196 0.9 Žagar 144 0.3 17 Aleš 224 1.0 Anica 174 0.8 Kreže 142 0.3 18 Matjaž 208 1.0 Anja 171 0.7 Grošelj 142 0.3 19 Peter 200 0.9 Vesna 171 0.7 Žibert 139 0.3 20 Boštjan 199 0.9 Katja 169 0.7 Vozelj 134 0.3 Source: SORS ■ On 1 January 2010 the nine most common male names in the region were identical to the nine most common male names in the country. Most men were named Franc - that was the name of every 33rd man in the region. ■ Among all regions the name Frančiška ranked the highest in the Zasavska region (rank 3). That was the name of every 70th woman and in most cases she was elderly. In this region the names Mojca and Ljudmila ranked the highest (ranks 4 and 8, respectively) among all the Slovene statistical regions. FIRST NAMES AND FAMILY NAMES BY STATISTICAL REGIONS SPODNJEPOSAVSKA Table 22: Top 20 first names and family names in the Spodnjeposavska statistical region, 1 January 2010 Rank name Males number % name Females number % Population family name number % 1 Franc 1,507 4.3 Marija 2,787 8.0 Kovačič 409 0.6 2 Jože 1,461 4.1 Ana 1,272 3.6 Božič 405 0.6 3 Ivan 1,128 3.2 Jožefa 691 2.0 Pirc 389 0.6 4 Anton 1,084 3.1 Jožica 607 1.7 Zorko 386 0.5 5 Martin 754 2.1 Terezija 490 1.4 Novak 380 0.5 6 Jožef 752 2.1 Martina 461 1.3 Zupančič 367 0.5 7 Janez 709 2.0 Antonija 420 1.2 Kerin 345 0.5 8 Andrej 655 1.9 Irena 414 1.2 Mlakar 332 0.5 9 Marjan 568 1.6 Mojca 410 1.2 Kodrič 319 0.5 10 Alojz 558 1.6 Anica 403 1.2 Kozole 302 0.4 11 Marko 535 1.5 Mateja 401 1.1 Žibert 289 0.4 12 Stanislav 494 1.4 Maja 386 1.1 Tomše 285 0.4 13 Branko 489 1.4 Frančiška 372 1.1 Mirt 264 0.4 14 Milan 455 1.3 Milena 371 1.1 Rožman 253 0.4 15 Peter 399 1.1 Andreja 323 0.9 Bizjak 243 0.3 16 Bojan 397 1.1 Ivana 321 0.9 Molan 238 0.3 17 Robert 389 1.1 Barbara 309 0.9 Tomažin 232 0.3 18 Matej 386 1.1 Nataša 305 0.9 Prah 231 0.3 19 Aleš 365 1.0 Tatjana 289 0.8 Gorenc 222 0.3 20 Tomaž 337 1.0 Ljudmila 287 0.8 Urek 219 0.3 Source: SORS ■ On 1 January 2010 the two most common male names, Franc and Jože, were quite equally represented and 1 in 20 men was named with either of these two names. Every 50th man was named Martin and of all the regions, this name ranked the highest in the Posavska region, at rank 5. ■ The top four female names in Spodnjeposavska ranked as high as in the neighbouring region, Jugovzhodna Slovenija, only the order of Jožefa and Jožica switched. If all the women with these two names were counted, they would, as in Jugovzhodna Slovenija, outnumber the women named Ana (second most common name). Every 12th woman in this region was named Marija. ■ Among all the regions, the name Martina ranked the highest in the Spodnjeposavska region (rank 6), and so did the male name Martin (rank 5, the highest among all regions). Also the name Antonija ranked the highest in this region. Compared to other regions, Anica and Ljudmila ranked quite high in this region. The latter also appeared on the top 20 list of names only in the Zasavska region. FIRST NAMES AND FAMILY NAMES BY STATISTICAL REGIONS JUGOVZHODNA SLOVENIJA Table 23: Top 20 first names and family names in the Jugovzhodna Slovenija statistical region, 1 January 2010 Rank Males Females Population name number % name number % family name number % 1 Jože 3,093 4.3 Marija 5,247 7.4 Zupančič 1,241 0.9 2 Anton 2,537 3.5 Ana 2,522 3.6 Novak 1,231 0.9 3 Janez 2,261 3.2 Jožica 1,212 1.7 Turk 1,141 0.8 4 Franc 2,254 3.1 Jožefa 1,144 1.6 Hočevar 813 0.6 5 Ivan 1,403 2.0 Maja 978 1.4 Kovačič 742 0.5 6 Andrej 1,324 1.8 Anica 946 1.3 Kastelic 689 0.5 7 Marko 1,314 1.8 Mojca 899 1.3 Žagar 675 0.5 8 Jožef 1,307 1.8 Mateja 886 1.3 Brajdič 543 0.4 9 Marjan 1,135 1.6 Irena 797 1.1 Vidmar 526 0.4 10 Stanislav 1,016 1.4 Andreja 777 1.1 Lavrič 489 0.3 11 Martin 988 1.4 Martina 776 1.1 Plut 488 0.3 12 Peter 970 1.4 Frančiška 753 1.1 Hudorovac 486 0.3 13 Tomaž 886 1.2 Antonija 696 1.0 Kralj 445 0.3 14 Alojz 824 1.2 Milena 664 0.9 Gorenc 410 0.3 15 Robert 809 Nataša 654 0.9 Blatnik 404 0.3 16 Gregor 789 Petra 654 0.9 Papež 399 0.3 17 Matej 784 Katja 645 0.9 Mihelič 392 0.3 18 Aleš 763 Nina 637 0.9 Kos 389 0.3 19 Branko 754 Anja 612 0.9 Hrovat 374 0.3 20 Milan 749 1.0 Vesna 602 0.9 Golob 366 0.3 Source: SORS ■ The list of the nine most common male names in this region was identical to that for the entire country. Most men were named Jože, making this the only region where this name was the most common male name. Every tenth man was named one of the three most common names (Jože, Anton or Janez). The number of men named Franc (rank 4) was close to the number of men named Janez. The name Gregor, which appeared among the 20 most common male names in the region, was on the top 20 list in only one other region, Osrednjeslovenska. ■ The top four female names were the same as in the neighbouring Spodnjeposavska region. The names Marija and Ana were followed by Jožica and Jožefa. Rank 6 was occupied by the name Anica, which ranked among the top 20 names also in only two other regions, Spodnjeposavska and Zasavska. In the Obalno-kraška region, for example, Anica was at rank 59 of the most common names. There were only half as many Anas as there were Marijas. FIRST NAMES AND FAMILY NAMES BY STATISTICAL REGIONS OSREDNJESLOVENSKA Table 24: Top 20 first names and family names in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region, 1 January 2010 Rank name Males number % name Females number % Population family name number % 1 Janez 7,922 3.1 Marija 15,251 5.6 Novak 3,422 0.6 2 Franc 5,555 2.1 Ana 7,301 2.7 Zupančič 2,325 0.4 3 Marko 5,264 2.0 Maja 4,216 1.6 Hribar 1,831 0.3 4 Andrej 5,020 1.9 Mojca 3,579 1.3 Kastelic 1,651 0.3 5 Anton 4,850 1.9 Irena 3,270 1.2 Hočevar 1,349 0.3 6 Jože 4,092 1.6 Barbara 3,223 1.2 Horvat 1,271 0.2 7 Peter 3,617 1.4 Nina 3,104 1.1 Vidmar 1,249 0.2 8 Tomaž 3,595 1.4 Nataša 3,000 1.1 Kovačič 1,215 0.2 9 Luka 3,580 1.4 Frančiška 2,953 1.1 Cerar 1,210 0.2 10 Ivan 3,486 1.3 Mateja 2,883 1.1 Zajc 1,150 0.2 11 Miha 3,384 1.3 Petra 2,810 1.0 Kralj 1,115 0.2 12 Matej 3,089 1.2 Tina 2,649 1.0 Kovač 1,076 0.2 13 Rok 3,088 1.2 Andreja 2,643 1.0 Košir 1,029 0.2 14 Marjan 3,077 1.2 Ivana 2,601 1.0 Kos 991 0.2 15 Gregor 3,008 1.2 Alenka 2,572 1.0 Golob 941 0.2 16 Matjaž 2,947 1.1 Tatjana 2,496 0.9 Oblak 902 0.2 17 Aleš 2,928 1.1 Katarina 2,463 0.9 Kavčič 884 0.2 18 Jožef 2,674 1.0 Katja 2,422 0.9 Zupan 860 0.2 19 Bojan 2,665 1.0 Spela 2,363 0.9 Mlakar 852 0.2 20 Milan 2,632 1.0 Anja 2,332 0.9 Marolt 846 0.2 Source: SORS ■ The most common male name in the region was Janez. Among aH regions, the names Peter, Luka, Miha, Rok and Gregor ranked the highest here. While in most regions the name Jožef was placed among the top 10 names or was even the very first, it was at rank 18 in the Osrednjeslovenska region. ■ The three most common female names in Slovenia were also the three most common female names in the Osrednjeslovenska region. There were twice as many Marijas as there were Anas. In this region the share of women named Maja was also the highest. Some other names that ranked higher than in any other region were Mojca (rank 4), Barbara, Nina, Petra and Alenka. Among the names typical of elderly women only Frančiška and Ivana appeared besides Marija on the top 20 list of female names. FIRST NAMES AND FAMILY NAMES BY STATISTICAL REGIONS GORENJSKA Table 25: Top 20 first names and family names in the Gorenjska statistical region, 1 January 2010 Rank Males Females Population name number % name number % family name number % 1 Janez 4,121 4.1 Marija 7,074 0.7 Zupan 1,390 0.7 2 Franc 2,786 2.8 Ana 3,040 0.3 Potočnik 1,083 0.5 3 Anton 1,899 1.9 Maja 1,392 0.1 Rozman 1,020 0.5 4 Marko 1,832 1.8 Frančiška 1,381 0.1 Oblak 996 0.5 5 Andrej 1,672 1.7 Mojca 1,334 0.1 Novak 963 0.5 6 Jože 1,450 1.4 Irena 1,233 0.1 Kavčič 876 0.4 7 Peter 1,437 1.4 Ivana 1,220 0.1 Košir 868 0.4 8 Tomaž 1,415 1.4 Mateja 1,136 0.1 Bogataj 764 0.4 9 Luka 1,343 1.3 Nina 1,112 0.1 Jenko 698 0.3 10 Jožef 1,342 1.3 Nataša 1,059 0.1 Demšar 677 0.3 11 Matej 1,235 1.2 Petra 1,045 0.1 Kalan 677 0.3 12 Miha 1,224 1.2 Barbara 998 0.1 Meglič 673 0.3 13 Aleš 1,210 1.2 Katarina 985 0.1 Pogačnik 669 0.3 14 Marjan 1,188 1.2 Katja 979 0.1 Pintar 634 0.3 15 Matjaž 1,134 1.1 Andreja 975 0.1 Eržen 602 0.3 16 Milan 1,129 1.1 Spela 935 0.1 Dolenc 564 0.3 17 Rok 1,111 1.1 Tina 932 0.1 Mohorič 530 0.3 18 Boštjan 1,062 1.1 Anja 921 0.1 Hafner 509 0.3 19 Ivan 1,050 1.0 Eva 902 0.1 Jereb 499 0.2 20 Stanislav 1,027 1.0 Tatjana 874 0.1 Kokalj 485 0.2 Source: SORS ■ The list of nine most common male names for this region was the same as that for the Osrednjeslovenska region, but the order of some names was slightly different. The "Kranjski Janez" stereotype was confirmed by statistics: Janez was the most common male name in this part of Slovenia. This region had the highest share of men named Janez among all the regions (4.1%); Janez was every 25th man's name. Other top-ranking male names in the region were Peter, Luka and Aleš. ■ The most common female names in the region were quite similar to those for the Osrednjeslovenska region. The names Katja and Špela were among the highest ranked in the region. The latter was at rank 16 in the Gorenjska region, but only at rank 119 in the Pomurska region. Only in Gorenjska was Eva among the top 20 female names in the region (rank 19). FIRST NAMES AND FAMILY NAMES BY STATISTICAL REGIONS NOTRANJSKO-KRASKA Table 26: Top 20 first names and family names in the Notranjsko-kraška statistical region, 1 January 2010 Rank name Males number % name Females number % Population family name number % 1 Franc 832 3.2 Marija 1,564 6.0 Znidaršič 402 0.8 2 Anton 743 2.8 Ana 649 2.5 Tomšič 342 0.7 3 Janez 644 2.4 Ivana 408 1.6 Valenčič 266 0.5 4 Ivan 630 2.4 Irena 298 1.2 Penko 264 0.5 5 Jože 447 1.7 Frančiška 290 1.1 Mlakar 254 0.5 6 Jožef 432 1.6 Maja 280 1.1 Boštjančič 247 0.5 7 Marko 421 1.6 Mojca 265 1.0 Zalar 246 0.5 8 Andrej 418 1.6 Andreja 259 1.0 Frank 244 0.5 9 Peter 340 1.3 Nataša 254 1.0 Iskra 243 0.5 10 Marjan 338 1.3 Tanja 252 1.0 Logar 234 0.4 11 Matej 310 1.2 Antonija 250 1.0 Novak 228 0.4 12 Stanislav 307 1.2 Jožefa 247 1.0 Turk 228 0.4 13 Tomaž 304 1.2 Mateja 236 0.9 Cesnik 225 0.4 14 Bojan 275 1.0 Tina 233 0.9 Požar 224 0.4 15 Robert 265 1.0 Martina 232 0.9 Kovačič 223 0.4 16 Milan 264 1.0 Sonja 223 0.9 Rebec 210 0.4 17 Branko 254 1.0 Ivanka 216 0.8 Vičič 210 0.4 18 Luka 253 1.0 Anja 214 0.8 Sajn 208 0.4 19 Miha 242 0.9 Barbara 212 0.8 Sabec 208 0.4 20 Martin 237 0.9 Helena 212 0.8 Tomažič 207 0.4 Source: SORS ■ At the beginning of 2010, the ten most common male names were identical to the most common names in the country, although the order was somewhat different. Every fifth man in the region had one of these ten names. Men named Jože (rank 5) or Jožef (rank 6) together outnumbered men named Franc, which was the most common male name in the region. ■ The order of top four female names was the same as in the neighbouring Goriška region. Of all regions, the name Ivanka ranked the highest in the Notranjsko-kraška region. Ivanka appeared among the 20 most common names only in this region, at rank 17. FIRST NAMES AND FAMILY NAMES BY STATISTICAL REGIONS GORI[KA Table 27: Top 20 first names and family names in the Goriška statistical region, 1 January 2010 Rank name Males number % name Females number % Population family name number % 1 Ivan 1,480 2.5 Marija 3,373 5.7 Leban 999 0.8 2 Jožef 1,235 2.1 Ana 1,488 2.5 Bizjak 929 0.8 3 Marko 1,128 1.9 Ivana 695 1.2 Vidmar 729 0.6 4 Andrej 996 1.7 Irena 685 1.2 Furlan 729 0.6 5 Franc 920 1.5 Mojca 682 1.1 Kobal 644 0.5 6 Matej 823 1.4 Nataša 643 1.1 Suligoj 644 0.5 7 Tomaž 713 1.2 Tanja 613 1.0 Kavčič 641 0.5 8 Robert 661 1.1 Maja 602 1.0 Likar 564 0.5 9 Peter 655 1.1 Sonja 574 1.0 Uršič 559 0.5 10 Marjan 650 1.1 Tina 536 0.9 Vodopivec 553 0.5 11 Anton 631 1.1 Martina 512 0.9 Humar 534 0.4 12 Boris 616 1.0 Andreja 500 0.8 Božič 523 0.4 13 Matjaž 613 1.0 Mateja 489 0.8 Rupnik 513 0.4 14 Aleš 609 1.0 Jožefa 486 0.8 Rijavec 508 0.4 15 Branko 592 1.0 Anja 484 0.8 Rutar 493 0.4 16 Luka 591 1.0 Majda 476 0.8 Koren 483 0.4 17 Igor 559 0.9 Alenka 475 0.8 Gregorič 453 0.4 18 Bojan 557 0.9 Katarina 461 0.8 Bratina 447 0.4 19 Milan 514 0.9 Kristina 456 0.8 Simčič 443 0.4 20 Dušan 512 0.9 Jožica 450 0.8 Krapež 426 0.4 Source: SORS ■ In the beginning of 2010 every tenth woman had one of the four most common names in the region. The most common name in this region was, as in aH regions, Marija, while half as many women were named Ana. The names with ranks 3 to 6 (Ivana, Irena, Mojca and Nataša) were all about equally common. In this region there were two names (Tanja, Anja) that were ranked higher than in any other region. Counted together, Tina (rank 10) and Martina (rank 11) would have been at rank 3 on the list of top names. ■ The most common male name in this region was, as in the Koroška region, Ivan. The names Matej, Tomaž and Matjaž ranked highest in this region over the rest of the country. The second most common name in the country, Janez, did not rank among the top 20 male names in this region. Jože did not rank on this region's top 20 list either. FIRST NAMES AND FAMILY NAMES BY STATISTICAL REGIONS OBALNO-KRASKA Table 28: Top 20 first names and family names in the Obalno-kraška statistical region, 1 January 2010 Rank Males Females Population name number % name number % family name number % 1 Marko 968 1.8 Marija 2,552 4 6 Kocjančič 819 0.7 2 Ivan 913 1.7 Ana 1,156 2 1 Jerman 488 0.4 3 Andrej 800 1.4 Nataša 627 1 1 Hrvatin 480 0.4 4 Boris 660 1.2 Irena 600 1 1 Božič 452 0.4 5 Igor 654 1.2 Sonja 598 1 1 Babič 432 0.4 6 Robert 583 1.1 Maja 578 1 0 Novak 334 0.3 7 Matej 577 1.0 Vesna 500 0 9 Tavčar 319 0.3 8 Peter 566 1.0 Tanja 494 0 9 Furlan 316 0.3 9 Milan 558 1.0 Tina 490 0 9 Gregorič 307 0.3 10 Jožef 533 1.0 Sara 477 0 9 Kozlovič 292 0.3 11 Bojan 514 0.9 Mojca 470 0 9 Vatovec 266 0.2 12 Franc 509 0.9 Martina 434 0 8 Turk 250 0.2 13 David 489 0.9 Barbara 428 0 8 Jakomin 240 0.2 14 Branko 487 0.9 Tatjana 426 0 8 Ivančič 235 0.2 15 Luka 480 0.9 Kristina 421 0 8 Markežič 235 0.2 16 Dušan 456 0.8 Alenka 420 0 8 Pucer 231 0.2 17 Marjan 451 0.8 Katja 404 0 7 Mahnič 227 0.2 18 Aleš 443 0.8 Majda 392 0 7 Peroša 218 0.2 19 Matjaž 441 0.8 Mateja 391 0 7 Starc 217 0.2 20 Jan 437 0.8 Nada 386 0 7 Grmek 216 0.2 Source: SORS ■ Among the most common names in the Obalno-kraška region were names that were not as frequently found in other regions. ■ Although Marija was the most common female name, the share of women named Marija was the lowest in this region and half that in the Pomurska region. In this region, the most common male name in Slovenia, Franc, ranked lowest among all regions, at rank 12. ■ Third placed among the female names was Nataša. In no other region was this name placed so high. Among the 20 most common female names in the region, there were seven names that ranked highest among all regions (Sonja, Vesna, Tina, Sara, Tatjana, Kristina and Nada). The names Sara and Nada did not rank on the top 20 list in any other statistical region. ■ The most common male name was Marko (every 55th man). The Obalno-kraška region was the only region where this name was placed so high. The second most common name was Ivan, followed by Andrej at rank 3 which was the highest ranking of this name among all the regions. Compared to the other regions, besides Andrej, also Boris, Igor, Robert, Bojan, Dušan, David and Jan ranked highest in the Obalno-kraška region. David and Jan appeared only on this region's list of top 20 names. APPENDIX Table 29: Top 10 male names11 by period of birth, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Name until 1925- 1930- 1935- 1940- 1945- 1950- 1955- 1960- 1924 1929 1934 1939 1944 1949 1954 1959 1964 Franc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Jožef 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 9 - Anton 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 5 7 Ivan 4 4 4 5 4 3 2 3 6 Janez 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 3 Stanislav 6 6 6 6 7 6 10 - - Alojz 7 8 8 8 6 10 - - - Alojzij 8 7 7 7 - - - - - Jože 9 10 9 9 8 7 8 8 2 Frančišek 10 9 10 - - - - - - Stefan - - - - 9 - - - - Milan - - - - - 9 7 7 9 Peter - - - - 10 - - - - Andrej - - - - - - - - 10 Marjan - - - - - 8 6 6 5 Branko - - - - - - 9 2 4 Bojan - - - - - - - 10 8 Marko Igor Robert Tomaž Matjaž Aleš Boštjan Gregor Dejan Matej Miha Rok Denis Luka Blaž David Nejc Matic Žiga Jan Žan Aljaž Nik Jakob APPENDIX Table 29: Top 10 male names1) by period of birth, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 (continued) 1965- 1970- 1975- 1980- 1985- 1990- 1995- 2000- 2005- 1 Jan. 1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009 2010 6 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 5 - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - 4 2 8 - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - 13 - - - - - - - - - 25 - - - - - - - - - 64 - - - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - - - - - 104 - - - - - - - - - 42 - - - - - - - - - 11 - 9 10 9 - - - - - 10 3 3 2 2 7 - - - - 6 7 - - - - - - - - 9 8 - - - - - - - - 15 - - - - - - - - - 17 5 5 3 1 2 4 - - - 7 10 10 - - - - - - - 28 1 1 7 - - - - - - 18 9 6 6 8 - - - - - 14 - 7 - - - - - - - 21 - 4 4 5 - - - - - 16 - 2 1 7 - - - - - 20 - - 5 4 5 - - - - 22 - - 8 6 4 - - - - 30 - - 9 3 1 2 9 - - 12 - - - 10 6 9 - 9 - 26 - - - - 3 1 4 8 - 23 - - - - 8 - - - - 50 - - - - 9 3 1 1 1 19 - - - - - 8 8 - - 37 - - - - - - 10 - - 31 - - - - - 5 6 4 4 39 - - - - - 6 7 7 7 49 - - - - - 7 5 5 6 40 - - - - - 10 3 2 2 35 - - - - - - - 3 5 51 - - - - - - - 6 8 62 - - - - - - - 10 3 83 - - - - - - - - 9 70 1 The sign - means that the name was not among the top 10 names in the selected period of birth. Source: SORS APPENDIX Table 30: Top 10 female names11 by period of birth, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Name until 1925- 1930- 1935- 1940- 1945- 1950- 1955- 1960- 1924 1929 1934 1939 1944 1949 1954 1959 1964 Marija 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ana 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 - Frančiška 3 3 3 4 4 4 - - - Ivana 4 4 5 5 5 8 - - - Jožefa 5 5 4 3 3 3 - - - Angela 6 7 7 7 8 - - - - Terezija 7 6 6 6 6 5 - - - Antonija 8 8 8 8 7 - - - - Ljudmila 9 10 9 9 10 - - - - Alojzija 10 9 10 10 9 - - - - Olga - - - - - 7 - - - Nada - - - - - 6 9 10 - Majda - - - - - 9 3 3 5 Milena - - - - - 10 5 5 6 Anica - - - - - - 7 - 10 Jožica - - - - - - 4 4 3 Dragica - - - - - - 6 6 - Danica - - - - - - 8 - - Irena - - - - - - 10 2 2 Sonja - - - - - - - 9 7 Zdenka - - - - - - - 8 8 Tatjana - - - - - - - - 4 Mojca - - - - - - - - 9 Darja Alenka Andreja Nataša Suzana Mateja Barbara Simona Tanja Petra Maja Urška Katja Tina Nina Spela Anja Tjaša Sara Eva Nika Lara Maša Zala Lana Neža Ema APPENDIX Table 30: Top 10 male names11 by period of birth, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 (continued) 1965- 1970- 1975- 1980- 1985- 1990- 1995- 2000- 2005- 1 Jan. 1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009 2010 1 9 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 8 6 4 2 6 2 - - - - - - - - - 12 - - - - - - - - - 15 - - - - - - - - - 6 - - - - - - - - - 31 - - - - - - - - - 20 - - - - - - - - - 34 - - - - - - - - - 50 - - - - - - - - - 54 - - - - - - - - - 41 - - - - - - - - - 37 - - - - - - - - - 25 - - - - - - - - - 19 - - - - - - - - - 32 6 - - - - - - - - 11 - - - - - - - - - 35 - - - - - - - - - 43 2 7 - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - 17 - - - - - - - - - 47 4 - - - - - - - - 22 3 2 3 6 - - - - - 5 8 - - - - - - - - 42 7 8 - - - - - - - 24 5 4 8 - - - - - - 13 9 1 1 7 - - - - - 8 10 - - - - - - - - 51 - 3 2 3 2 - - - - 7 - 5 6 8 10 - - - - 9 - 6 9 - - - - - - 45 - 10 7 10 - - - - - 23 - - 4 2 7 - - - - 14 - - 5 1 1 3 9 8 3 - - 10 - 9 10 --- 29 - - - 5 5 5 8 - - 16 - - - 9 6 9 - - - 28 - - - 4 3 2 3 6 10 10 - - - 18 - 8 10 - - 38 - - - - 4 1 1 7 - 18 - - - - - 4 5 9 - 40 - - - - - 7 2 3 2 39 - - - - - - 6 4 3 36 - - - - - - 7 1 4 46 - - - - - - - 5 5 73 - - - - - - - 10 - 76 - - - - - - - - 7 104 - - - - - - - - 1 107 - - - - - - - - 8 63 - - - - - - - - 9 77 11 The sign - means that the name was not among the top 10 names in the selected period of birth. Source: SORS APPENDIX Table 31: Top 20 most common names by period of birth, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 Rank until 1924 1925-1929 1930-1934 1935-1939 1940-1944 1945-1949 MEN 1 Franc Franc Franc Franc Franc Franc 2 Jožef Jožef Jožef Jožef Jožef Jožef 3 Anton Anton Anton Anton Anton Ivan 4 Ivan Ivan Ivan Janez Ivan Anton 5 Janez Janez Janez Ivan Janez Janez 6 Stanislav Stanislav Stanislav Stanislav Alojz Stanislav 7 Alojz Alojzij Alojzij Alojzij Stanislav Jože 8 Alojzij Alojz Alojz Alojz Jože Marjan 9 Jože Frančišek Jože Jože Štefan Milan 10 Frančišek Jože Frančišek Milan Peter Alojz 11 Stefan Stefan Stefan Peter Rudolf Branko 12 Martin Milan Milan Stefan Martin Štefan 13 Milan Martin Martin Martin Alojzij Andrej 14 Rudolf Rudolf Rudolf Frančišek Andrej Vladimir 15 Ludvik Ludvik Peter Andrej Milan Martin 16 Mihael Viktor Viktor Marjan Marjan Dušan 17 Viktor Peter Andrej Vladimir Adolf Peter 18 Vladimir Ciril Vladimir Rudolf Karl Mirko 19 Jakob Andrej Marjan Viktor Viktor Boris 20 Ciril Vladimir Marijan Marijan Edvard Miroslav WOMEN 1 Marija Marija Marija Marija Marija Marija 2 Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana 3 Frančiška Frančiška Frančiška Jožefa Jožefa Jožefa 4 Ivana Ivana Jožefa Frančiška Frančiška Frančiška 5 Jožefa Jožefa Ivana Ivana Ivana Terezija 6 Angela Terezija Terezija Terezija Terezija Nada 7 Terezija Angela Angela Angela Antonija Olga 8 Antonija Antonija Antonija Antonija Angela Ivana 9 Ljudmila Alojzija Ljudmila Ljudmila Alojzija Majda 10 Alojzija Ljudmila Alojzija Alojzija Ljudmila Milena 11 Pavla Stefanija Stefanija Štefanija Štefanija Ivanka 12 Štefanija Pavla Pavla Pavla Olga Anica 13 Rozalija Kristina Kristina Vida Elizabeta Angela 14 Kristina Vida Vida Kristina Erika Antonija 15 Amalija Stanislava Stanislava Stanislava Katarina Jožica 16 Elizabeta Rozalija Rozalija Olga Marjeta Ljudmila 17 Katarina Elizabeta Veronika Elizabeta Rozalija Dragica 18 Justina Olga Elizabeta Ivanka Veronika Marta 19 Julijana Katarina Olga Veronika Helena Stanislava 20 Matilda Ivanka Matilda Katarina Marta Sonja APPENDIX Table 31: Top 20 most common names by period of birth, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 _(continued) Rank 1950-1954 1955-1959 1960-1964 1965-1969 1970-1974 1975-1979 MEN 1 Franc Franc Franc Robert Robert Boštjan 2 Ivan Branko Jože Janez Boštjan Andrej 3 Anton Ivan Janez Andrej Andrej Marko 4 Jožef Janez Branko Jože Aleš Aleš 5 Janez Anton Marjan Marko Marko Gregor 6 Marjan Marjan Ivan Franc Tomaž Tomaž 7 Milan Milan Anton Marjan Matjaž Robert 8 Jože Jože Bojan Branko Janez Dejan 9 Branko Jožef Milan Tomaž Peter Matej 10 Stanislav Bojan Andrej Igor Igor Peter 11 Alojz Stanislav Dušan Bojan Jože Matjaž 12 Dušan Dušan Marko Anton Bojan Uroš 13 Drago Drago Igor Ivan Gregor Simon 14 Boris Alojz Darko Matjaž Boris Janez 15 Bojan Boris Jožef Peter Marjan Igor 16 Andrej Andrej Drago Aleš Matej Mitja 17 Stefan Miran Miran Roman Franc Damjan 18 Vladimir Srečko Boris Boris Dejan Bojan 19 Slavko Slavko Stanislav Milan Simon Primož 20 Peter Darko Roman WOMEN Dušan Roman Miha 1 Marija Marija Marija Marija Nataša Nataša 2 Ana Irena Irena Irena Mojca Mateja 3 Majda Majda Jožica Mojca Mateja Mojca 4 Jožica Jožica Tatjana Tatjana Andreja Petra 5 Milena Milena Majda Andreja Barbara Maja 6 Dragica Dragica Milena Jožica Simona Barbara 7 Anica Ana Sonja Alenka Irena Tanja 8 Danica Zdenka Zdenka Darja Alenka Andreja 9 Nada Sonja Mojca Nataša Marija Simona 10 Irena Nada Anica Suzana Tanja Urška 11 Sonja Danica Darja Sonja Tatjana Katja 12 Zdenka Anica Dragica Mateja Suzana Vesna 13 Olga Tatjana Nada Vesna Petra Tina 14 Jožefa Darinka Alenka Milena Vesna Alenka 15 Ivanka Olga Danica Anica Darja Martina 16 Silva Cvetka Ana Martina Jožica Irena 17 Marta Silva Darinka Majda Martina Sabina 18 Frančiška Ivanka Vesna Helena Renata Nina 19 Cvetka Marta Andreja Zdenka Maja Lidija 20 Terezija Nevenka Nevenka Barbara Sonja Darja APPENDIX Table 31: Top 20 most common names by period of birth, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 (continued) Rank 1980-1984 1985-1989 1990-1994 1995-1999 2000-2004 2005-2009 MEN 1 Marko Matej Rok Luka Luka Luka 2 Andrej Marko Matej Zan Jan Jan 3 Matej Rok Luka Jan Zan Nik 4 Gregor Dejan Marko Rok Nejc Nejc 5 Aleš Gregor Nejc Ziga Ziga Zan 6 Dejan Miha Matic Nejc Aljaž Ziga 7 Boštjan Andrej Ziga Matic Matic Matic 8 Tomaž Denis Blaž Blaž Rok Aljaž 9 Peter Luka Miha Matej Miha Jakob 10 Miha Jure Jan David Nik Jaka 11 Uroš Aleš Klemen Miha David Anže 12 Matjaž Blaž David Klemen Gašper David 13 Jure Uroš Gregor Aljaž Tilen Gašper 14 Mitja David Jure Jure Blaž Miha 15 Simon Tomaž Denis Tilen Jaka Rok 16 Rok Tadej Tadej Gašper Matej Gal 17 Primož Klemen Gašper Anže Anže Mark 18 Jernej Nejc Tomaž Marko Jure Filip 19 Robert Jernej Anže Domen Domen Vid 20 David Simon Jernej Jaka Jakob Tim WOMEN 1 Maja Maja Anja Anja Nika Lana 2 Petra Mateja Nina Sara Ana Sara 3 Mateja Nina Maja Nina Sara Eva 4 Nina Anja Tjaša Ana Eva Nika 5 Katja Katja Katja Tjaša Lara Lara 6 Mojca Tina Ana Eva Nina Ana 7 Nataša Petra Sara Nika Anja Zala 8 Barbara Ana Spela Katja Maja Neža 9 Tina Urška Tina Maja Tjaša Ema 10 Tanja Barbara Urška Spela Maša Nina 11 Urška Spela Eva Urška Zala Maša 12 Andreja Andreja Petra Tina Klara Hana 13 Vesna Tjaša Barbara Lara Lana Maja 14 Ana Tanja Mateja Kaja Spela Julija 15 Anja Mojca Monika Klara Kaja Klara 16 Martina Jasmina Nika Maša Neža Zoja 17 Simona Sara Tamara Petra Katja Kaja 18 Spela Sabina Kaja Monika Hana Anja 19 Sabina Tamara Katarina Laura Ema Ziva 20 Jasmina Martina Tanja Katarina Lea Tjaša Source: SORS SOURCES AND LITERATURE Population, Slovenia, 1 January 2010. First Release. (30. 4. 2010). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Retrieved on 1. 6. 2010 from the website: = 3088 First names and family names, birthdays, Slovenia, 1 January 2010 - final data. First Release. (30. 8. 2010). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Retrieved on 1. 6. 2010 from the website: = 3353 First names and family names, Birthdays, Slovenia, 2008. First Release. (30. 6. 2009). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Retrieved on 1. 6. 2010 from the website: = 2457 Birth names and family names, birthdays, detailed data, Slovenia, June 2006. E-Release. (9. 3. 2007). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Retrieved on 1. 6. 2010 from the website: = 758 Statistics of names. (30. 6. 2004). Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Retrieved on 1. 6. 2010 from the website: = 262 First names and family names. Database on first names and family names. Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Retrieved on 1. 6. 2010 from the website: Demography and social statistics. Population. SI-STAT data portal. Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Retrieved on 1. 6. 2010 from the website: Keber, J. (2008). Leksikon imen. Celje: Celjska Mohorjeva družba Štuhec, L. S. (1999). Kako ti je ime? Imena državljanov Slovenije, 31. 12. 1997. Ljubljana: Statistični urad Republike Slovenije Rojstna imena in priimki, podrobni podatki, Slovenija, 31. 12. 2007.Elektronska objava. (30. 6. 2008). Ljubljana: Statistični urad Republike Slovenije. Retrieved on 1. 6. 2010 from the website: = 1729 Statistika rojstnih imen državljanov Slovenije. (2004). Novinarska konferenca 30. 6. 2004. Ljubljana: Statistični urad Republike Slovenije. Retrieved on 1. 6. 2010 from the website: Imena in priimki prebivalcev Slovenije v letu 2004. (2005). Novinarska konferenca 31. 1. 2005. Ljubljana: Statistični urad Republike Slovenije. Retrieved on 1. 6. 2010 from the website: Zakon o osebnem imenu (ZOI-1) (OJ RS, nr. 20/2006) The most frequently sought reviews of first names ■ Most frequent names by sex ■ Most frequent double names by sex ■ Most frequent names by statistical regions ■ Most frequent names by birth periods ■ Most frequent names that stopped appeanng after 1991 ■ Most frequent names that appeared after 1990 ■ Hare names (frequency from 5 to 14) The most frequently sought reviews of family names ■ Most frequent family names ■ Most frequent family names by statistical regions ■ Most frequent family names that appear in one statistical region only The most frequent combinations ■ Most frequent combinations of first names and family names by sex Babies' names ■ Most frequent babies' names in 2009 (XLS, 27 KB) ■ Less Frequent babies' names in 2009 (XLS, 23 KB)