C/l US m i P-i 2 D s z ■■ -v w" draiiIE' .y t tr* " "AV:,,^ I k L - »lli'i ■■ ■ :- - m v ;; ■ v i. i ii Slovenia is one of Europe's most diverse states for flora •') ■ jfj i r , CP T itt and fauna with one or the continent's best preserved natural environments. tiW kVS Having vast areas of pristine countryside constitutes a major advantage for Slovenian tourism, allowing its development potential to be heavily oriented towards visitor's desires for peaceful relaxation at close proximity to the natural world. For a relatively small area, Slovenia offers a unique mosaic of biological, geographical and cultural diversity, with dozens of major natural assets and items of significant European cultural heritage. Around 12,6% of Slovenia's territory is cover by protected natural areas, 36% of the territory is protected under Natura 2000, and almost 15,000 aspects of the country's nature have been awarded the status "valuable natural feature". By managing our country's resources carefully we ensure that nature's treasures are preserved for future generations, that local population development is planned responsibly, and that all economic development is sustainable. 02_ Introduction 14_ NOTRANJSKA Regional Park 26_ STRUNJAN Landscape Park 04_ Map NATURE PARKS IN 16_ GORIČKO Landscape Park 28_ LAHINJA Landscape Park SLOVENIA 18_ KOLPA Landscape Park 30_ ŠKOCJANSKI ZATOK Nature 06_ Nature parks in Slovenia Reserve 20_ SEČOVLJE SALINA Landscape 07_ TRIGLAV National Park Park 32_ RADENSKO POLJE Landscape Park* 10_ ŠKOCJAN CAVES Park 22_ LOGARSKA DOLINA Landscape Park 34_ KAMNIK and SAVINJA ALPS 12_ KOZJANSKO Regional Park Regional Park* 24_ LJUBLJANSKO BARJE Landscape Park ^establishment under way C (I MtiKt Konjiktn LJUBLJANA Nov j Goric p VJ I- .1 KKnj' ncshd x 0 I j i irrw^aH^Hf'. rrf) r rl r • M ' 1 - v- j.nriw ifotkim lmtetic tib PCWW • fed ' £ i i ^ U-Jr,n Rflgb ?S17 { ' Vcitujt m VI lr_l nH ■fjBHXUitUB WJifw^T* MariUor yjwi'.nrjin Qptotoa atrit** B Mn. ' . I % fir * ^ Sa Rrttpd CelJ# * -Vnt^r ■ i sal. .3 PS Mw? ■■. S A -: ^ > AmUns I^M Nov D VT O TRIGLAV National Park A ŠKOCJAN CAVES Park B KOZJANSKO Regional Park Q NOTRANJSKA Regional Park jQ} GORIČKO Landscape Park KOLPA Landscape Park Q SEČOVLJE SALINA Landscape Park Q LOGARSKA DOLINA Landscape Park Q LJUBLJANSKO BARJE Landscape Park ffljjl STRUNJAN Landscape Park Imp LAHINJA Landscape Park C") ŠKOCJANSKI ZATOK Nature Reserve Q RADENSKO POLJE Landscape Park* ffi KAMNIK and SAVINJA ALPS Regional Park *establishment under way tea vJm '4 ^ ' -K K tvtjz f /Jjy Nature Parks in Slovenia Nature parks are those areas of Slovenia where the level of natural and cultural preservation is highest and consequently they form a key part of the nation's tourism infrastructure. Spending free time amongst unspoilt nature is on the rise in today's modern society. Nature parks offer the perfect setting for peace and relaxation; enjoying natural beauty, observing wildlife, experiencing unique landscapes, learning about local culture and history, participating in activities (from hiking to skiing and photography). Slovenia's protected natural areas are divided into different categories according to the international IUCN categorization. The basic division is into large and small protected areas. Larger areas are those generally referred to as "nature parks". The following protected areas exist in Slovenia: Large protected areas or nature parks: • 1 national park (IUCN: II/V) • 3 regional parks (IUCN: V/II) • 44 landscape parks (IUCN: V) Small protected areas: • 52 nature reserves (IUCN: IV and I) • 1217 natural monuments (IUCN: III) Visitors to nature parks have various aids to help their experience including plentiful information available at information centers, on signs, on marked park trails, through guided tours etc. Hiking trails, cycle routes and wine-tourism roads offer links between natural beauty and cultural monuments and attract visitors in more specific ways. For visitors who wish to get to know the most beautiful pockets of our nature parks more intimately, professionally guided tours are available from our park rangers. Numerous events, both traditional and modern, exhibitions, workshops and concerts, throughout the calendar will add to any tourist's overall experience. Our nature parks are suitable for many different types of holiday length (from daytrips to overnights to multi-day family excursions) and holiday variety (from cultural heritage to outdoor leisure to adventure sports). Much of what's on offer is detailed in the present publication although for reasons of space it has not been possible to include everything. For further details in any specific area, please do not hesitate contact us. Enjoy our parks and the all the new experiences they bring you. Editorial board si V p*. X Surface area Establishment of the park northwest Slovenia, near the borders with Austria and Italy; covers almost the entire area of the Slovenian part of the Julian Alps. : 207,524 acres (839 km2) 1924, expanded in 1981 and 2010 Natural significance: Valuable natural features: 1013, the entire park is an ecologically important area, Natura 2000 (SPA) site for 17 bird species, Natura 2000 (SCI) site for nine animal and five plant species and 23 habitat types. International significance pean Diploma of Protected Areas 2004 • UNESCO - MAB biosphere reserve 2003 jr The Triglav National Park is the only national park in Slovenia and it protects an area of pristine nature within the Alps. The name itself comes from Triglav, Slovenia's highest mountain and an important national symbol that appears on the flag and elsewhere. Set amongst the spectacular peaks in the Julian Alps, the park is home to jagged ridges and vertical rock faces, deeply-carved valleys and hard-to-access gorges, stunning glacial lakes and dense forest, rolling carpets of alpine flowers and mountain patches of green grass - all combined with a lavish profusion of biodiversity. Management: Triglavski narodni park Ljubljanska 27, SI - 4260 Bled Phone: +386(0) 4 57 80 200, fax: +386(0) 4 578 02 01; email: triglavski-narodni-park@tnp.gov.si, website: www.tnp.si Info center Triglavska roža Bled Ljubljanska cesta 27, SI - 4260 Bled Phone: +386(0) 4 5780 200, +386(0) 4 5780 205; fax: +386(0) 4 5780 201; email: info.trb@tnp.gov.si Open: May to September, Tuesdays through Sundays, 10 AM to 6 PM; October to April, Tuesdays through Fridays, 12 PM to 4 PM and Saturdays and Sundays 10 AM to 6 PM Info center Dom Trenta: Na Logu Trenta, SI - 5232 Soča Phone and fax: +389(0) 5 388 93 30 (031 671 675) email: dom-tnp.trenta@tnp.gov.si Open: May to October, 10 AM to 6 PM Pocar Homestead in Zgornja Radovna Zgornja Radovna 25, SI - 4281 Mojstrana Phone: +386(0) 4 5780 200, fax: +386(0) 4 5780 201 email: triglavski-narodni-park@tnp.gov.si Open: May 16 to June 24 and in September, Saturdays and Sundays, 11 AM to 6 PM; from June 25 to August 31, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, 11 AM to 6 PM There is no charge to enter the park. Apart from preserved natural and cultural landscape, the Triglav National Park is a space for research, education, leisure and experiencing nature. Mountain peaks, wild and deep gorges, the riches of the plant world, cultural landscape with mountain pastures and picturesque villages with their rich cultural heritage all invite you to visit. WORTH SEEING • The amazing alpine world. North Face of Triglav, the second highest rock face in the Eastern Alps, numerous natural windows (one of the largest being Veliko okno in Prisank, Okno in Zadnji Prisank, Hornovo okno in Jalovec), Ajdovska deklica (pagan girl) - a stone face nature has carved in the north face of Prisank. • The diverse plant world, remains of virgin forests, dwarf pines above the tree line, bogs at Pokljuka, alpine flowers and numerous plant species. • Multiple rivers, in particular the emerald green Soča, considered by many the most beautiful river in the Alps; waterfalls and karst springs (Savica, Peričnik, Spodnji Mar-tuljkov slap and Zgornji Martuljkov slap, Šum in Vintgar, waterfall of Ribnica, Nadiža in the Tamar valley, the spring of the Soča river, waterfalls in the valley of Koritnica, waterfalls under Planina Zapotok and numerous smaller waterfalls on tributaries of the Soča and Tolminka rivers), glacial lakes (Lake Bohinj), groups of alpine lakes (Triglavska jezera, Kriški podi, Krn), etc. • Beautiful gorges and valleys, e.g. "fossilized" Pokljuka gorge (trail from Krnica or Zatrnik, 2 to 3 hours), Tolminka troughs and Zadlaščice on the marked circuit trail from the parking area above Zatolmin, can be combined with a visit to the village of Čadrg (1.5 hours, including visit to Čadrg, 3 hours), Martuljščica troughs, Martuljek waterfalls and Za Akom basin (starting from Gozd Martuljek, 4 hours), Vintgar gorge on the Radovna river, Mostnica troughs (starting from the parking area above Stara Fužina). • Natural assets, e.g. Zelenci nature reserve (the spring of the Sava Dolinka river between Rateče and Podkoren), Goreljek peat bog (starting from Mrzli Studenec). • Picturesque pasture meadows, e.g. Bohinj pasture meadows (starting from the parking area above Stara Fužina - Hudičev most - Mostnica troughs - mountain cabin at Voje - Voje gable - Planina Grintovica - Planina Krstenica - Planina Blato - Stara Fužina), sheep pastures Za Skalo (starting from Na skali village, Soča). • Visiting TNP info points, e.g. Stari Tamar on the way to Vršič, and ascending from Vršič through Vratca to Slemenova špica (3 hours). • Cross-country skiing on established tracks (Upper and Lower Bohinj valley, Zgornje Gorje, Zgornja Radovna, Gorjuše, Pokljuka, Gorjuše, Zgornja Radovna, Planica with Tamar, Trenta valley). • Historic Bohinj, the villages of Stara Fužina and Studor with their museums (Alpine dairy museum and Oplen house) and hay-racks. • Architecture - the typical Bohinj, Tolmin, Bovec-Trenta and Gornjesavska houses, shepherds' settlements, picturesque churches of St. John and Holy Spirit on Lake Bohinj, memorial chapel on Javorca, Russian chapel under Vršič, fortresses Kluže in Predel. Below are the principal marked park trails that guide visitors through many key points of interest in the park. • Triglavska Bistrica trail in the Vrata valley Experience one of the most beautiful glacial valleys in the Alps (starting from Mojstrana (at Ros), 4 to 5 hours). • Soča trail combines exceptional natural beauty and typical cultural heritage, and extends from the Soča spring along the valley of Trenta and Soča to the border of the park at Kršovec, Kal Koritnica (starting from Soča spring, to Info centre in Trenta, 2 to 3 hours, entire trail length is 20 kilometers). iva tU • Pokljuka trail through forests, alpine pastures and past many historic points of interest which connect into a thematic park trail (starting from Mrzli Studenec, 3 hour tour). • Goreljek peat bog education path to learn about the uniqueness and significance of peat bogs, among most precious natural environments in Europe (starting from Goreljek, 1 hour). • Radovna bike trail. Experience Radovna - the valley, the river and villages - on a bicycle, and get to know its natural and cultural peculiarities (starting from Krnica pri Zgornjih Gorjah, 2.5 to 3.5 hours of biking with stops at info points and visit to the Pocar Homestead (museum - 1 hour), undulating meadows and Gogala linden tree). REGULAR ANNUAL EVENTS • 18 May: Museum Day: Open-door day at the Info centre Dom Trenta, Info centre Triglavska roža Bled and Pocar Homestead in Zgornja Radovna. • 24 May: European Park Day: International Belar Natural Science Day - orienteering hike, tracking a system of hidden clues from the spring of the Soča River to the TNP Info center in Trenta (for elementary schools from the park region and from Austria, Italy and Croatia). • Second half of May: Guided tour of the Pokljuka Education Trail (European Park Day and Forest Week program). • June: Summer cultural evening at the Pocar Homestead. • Second half of July: Trenta fair with accompanying events, Trenta International Music Forum for talented young musicians from around the world sponsored by the Vienna Philharmonic with two concluding concerts for strings. Periodic events: • Friday afternoons in the park: last Friday of the month from May to September - creative workshops in nature for the young (and the young at heart) where you will discover the secrets of the park. • Triglav farmer's market and Brihta: the Triglav farmer's market is held every third Saturday of the month in front of the Triglavska roža Bled Info Center between 10 AM and 12 PM, where farmers sell crops and products from the Triglav National Park and surrounding areas. At the same time, there is a children's program called Brihta to discover, explore and learn about nature in creative-research workshops. • Wednesday evenings at the Triglavska roža Bled Info Center: every Wednesday at 7 PM - throughout the year: openings of visual arts and photo exhibitions, professional lectures ■■ i ■ r ,' Lake Bohinj and film evenings on the subject of mountaineering, theatre performances by drama groups from the Triglav National Park and surrounding area. • Lectures and children's workshops (Malo središče TNP) at Triglavska roža Bled Info Center, where adults can listen to lectures on protecting and conserving nature, while children create and play in educational workshops. • Presentations of the Triglav National Park in words and pictures, the legend of the Goldenhorn, organization of creative workshops in schools, in the outdoors or in Info centres (as agreed). • Photography workshops for amateur photographers, advice on how to best capture on film the natural, cultural and ethnological features of the park. PARK ACCESS Bus route from Ljubljana through Bled to Bohinjska Bistrica, Lake Bohinj and Zlatorog Hotel on the west shore of Lake Bohinj, to Jesenice and Mojstrana, Gozd - Martuljek, Kranjska Gora and Rateče. In summer, it's possible to take a bus from Kranjska Gora across Vršič pass to Bovec. There are also bus routes to Tolmin, Kobarid and Bovec from Nova Gorica, Idrija and Ljubljana. The train from Ljubljana will take you as far as the Lesce-Bled train station where you can continue your trip by local bus. There is also a train from Jesenice (connections to Ljubljana and Austria) that goes to Nova Gorica and back. Finally there is a car-train which travels between Bohinjska Bi and Most na Soči, with a dedicated space for bicycles. Safe ■- Jm o C S O Jm tg Jm CD C S u • lH tg cd C cd CO S O • lH Jm -M CO Mohorčič cave ABOUT THE PARK The deepest and largest underground canyon in Europe, Škocjan is an enchanting underground network in the mysterious depths of the Karst plateau where the Reka River disappears. A symbol of underground Slovenia and consisting of a maze of tunnels, caverns and abysses, the caves are decorated with magnificent stalactites and stalagmites of many forms and sizes. The Karst landscape on the surface of the caves with all the common karst features, such as dolines, caves, shafts and deep collapse dolines is itself an archaeologically rich area; there was a Bronze Age sacrificial site nearby and many valuable prehistoric finds have been made locally. Management: Javni zavod Park Škocjanske jame Škocjan 2, SI - 6215 Divača; Phone: +386 (0) 5 70 82 100, fax: +386 (0) 5 70 82 105; email: psj@psj.gov.si, www.park-skocjanske-jame.si Info Center Matavun 12, SI - 6215 Divača; Phone: +386 (0) 5 70 82 110, fax: +386 (0) 5 70 82 111; Reservations: Phone: +386 (0) 5 70 82 104, fax: +386 (0) 5 70 82 105; email: psj.info@psj.gov.si Open: Every day from 9 AM, Jan-Mar and Nov-Dec to 1 PM or 3 PM on Sundays and holidays, in April, May and October till 3:30 PM and Jun-Sept till 5 PM, cave viewings throughout the year from 10 AM (according to schedule). Škocjan Caves are open every day, during summer season (June-September) there are guided tours each hour, from 10 AM to 5 PM. During this time, you can also view museum collections which are freely accessible to all cave visitors. Location : southwest part of Slovenia, on he edge of the Karst ,021 acres (4.13 km2) : 1996 Natural significance: Valuable natural features: 52, the entire park is an ecologically important area, part of the Natura 2000 (SPA) area, part of the Natura 2000 (SCI) area UNESCO - World heritage 1986 UNESCO - Ramsar site (underground karst wetland) 1999 UNESCO - MAB karst biosphere reserve 2004 i Park Škocjanske fame, Slovenija The Škocjan Caves reveal the majestic contact between the earthly and the otherworldly, which has inspired people throughout millennia, from prehistory to modern times. You can take a look at the underground realms of the Škocjan Caves or take a walk on the trail around the natural monuments of Velika dolina and Mala dolina, where information signs fully explain the features and characteristics of this unique geographical environment. WORTH SEEING • Škocjan Caves, which can be seen every day throughout the year. The tour is guided and takes about an hour and a half. • Mahorčič and Marinič caves and Mala dolina (newly opened from 2011). • Velika dolina (a 163 m collapsed valley at the end of which the Reka River sinks into the caves), which in the summer season is combined with the a visit to the Škocjan Caves. • Microclimatic peculiarities in the two collapsed valleys, Velika and Mala Dolina, with an unusual mixture of alpine flora. • A number of large collapsed dolines with traces of former underground tributaries (Globočak, Sokolak, Lisičina etc.). • The picturesque, 116m deep Okroglica abyss in the middle of the Škocjan village. • A pastoral landscape of typical submediter-ranean vegetation. • Museum collections in Škocjan village include the ethnographic collection in J'kopin Barn, a history of discovering Škocjan Caves in Jurjev Barn, and the biology, geology and archeology collection in the Natural History Centre. • Local villages with typical Karst architectural features. • Numerous archeological sites. To further their learning about the Karst region and its unique features, visitors may like to take the Škocjan circuit education trail (medium difficulty), which leads them around the Velika and Mala valleys in the heart of the park in just over an hour and a half. Informational and educational signs outline the main characteristics of Karst phenomena, facts about local plant and animal life and the rich cultural heritage and history of these places. Guided excursions on the education trail are available to visitors, with prior arrangement, during the school year between Mondays and Fridays. REGULAR ANNUAL EVENTS April: Hike along the swallet of the Reka River, organized by Škocjan Tourist Association. Last Sunday in May: Day of Škocjan Caves Park - "Belajtnga". June: Škocjanfest - festival of theatre groups and choirs, organized by Škocjan Tourist Association. July/August/September: Creative workshops. PARK ACCESS The park is accessible in several ways. The simplest route is on the Ljubljana - Koper motorway, taking the exit to Divača and following road signs for Škocjanske jame for another 2 km. There is an exit for Škocjan off the regional road, and an info center sign in the village of Matavun. In Famlje on the Ribnica - Divača road, there is a sign for Park Škocjanske jame. An increasing number of travelers come to Divača by train or bus then walk the marked trail through the village of Dolnje Ležeče to the info center in the park (request the trail map at the Divača train station). You can also choose to take advantage of the free bus connection Divača - Škocjan Caves. Podsreda Castle At the junction of the Alps and the Pannonian plain, nature and people have created a unique mosaic of flowering meadows, tall-tree orchards, vineyards, homesteads and paths leading to them. In this micro-region, a cultural landscape strewn with castles, monasteries and churches is intertwined with steep wooded slopes, hidden brooks and picturesque gorges. Management: Javni zavod Kozjanski park Podsreda 45, SI - 3257 Podsreda; Phone: +386 (0) 3 800 71 00, fax: +386 (0) 3 800 71 08; email: kozjanski-park@kp.gov.si www.kozjanski-park.si Info Center Podsreda Podsreda 45, SI - 3257 Podsreda; every day 8 AM to 4 PM. Podsreda Castle Every day 10 AM to 6 PM, except Monday, dosed in winter. Expert guided tours per prior agreement available every day. There is no charge to enter the park. ABOUT THE PARK Location Surface area Establishment of the park: Eastern Slovenia, west of the Sotla (a border river with Croatia) : 50,904 acres (206 km2) 1981 Valuable natural features: 89, almost the entire park is an ecologically important area, Natura 2000 (SPA) site for 12 bird species, Natura 2000 (SCI) site for 15 animal species and seven habitat types. International significance UNESCO - MAB biosphere reserve Kozjansko - Obsotelje, 2010 f A Kusyansjki pMT'k Unique harmony of the Kozjansko landscape providing visitors with inimitable impressions. The park will adapt to the wishes and interests of the public in organizing nature days or project days for students (elementary, high-school, university) as well as guided tours of medieval squares and castles, old mills, pilgrimage churches and tourist farms for pre-arranged groups. WORTH SEEING • Wetlands along the Sotla, the picturesque Bistrica river gorge, Zelenjak gorge and the valley of Gruska. • Dry meadows in Vetrnik and Oslica with extremely diverse plant and animal species. • Nujčev hrast oak in Gregovce, the stoutest common oak (Quercus robur) in Slovenia. • Meadow tall-tree orchards. • Castles - Podsreda Castle, Bizeljsko and Pišece Castles, Kunšperk Castle ruins, Ol-imje monastery complex (entrance fee). • Restored square in Podsreda, Pilštanj square, pilgrimage point in Sveta gora, various churches and other religious landmarks. • Preserved and restored typical farmhouses and outbuildings, "repnice". Bistrica River both in the past and today. • Geology education trail (10 km, circuit) winds around the settlement and monastery of Olimje. Along with 21 information points that illustrate the geological history and features of Kozjansko, there are numerous natural and cultural points worth seeing. • Travnik-Vetrnik education trail (2 km, circuit) winds around the highest peak of Vetrnik (709 m). Along with amazing views of the Kozjansko landscape, visitors will take in the dry meadow habitat. The best time to visit is in June and July when the meadows are in full bloom. • Bizeljsko footpaths include the Repnica trail (from the Istenič wine cellar to the "repnice" area, 5 km), Vid trail (from "repnice" to Sv. Vid, 3 km), Castle trail (from the center of Bizeljsko to Bizeljsko Castle, 6.5 km) and Orešje trail (circuit, 5.7 km). • Slomšek trail - begins in Bizeljsko in the southern section of the Kozjansko Park, runs across the entire park to Olimje (northernmost point of the park) and onwards to Slom pri Ponikvi. • European Footpath E7 enters the park at Križe (at the southwest of the park), crosses the Orlica mounains, descends from Svete gore into the valley of Bistrica, and leads hikers through the winegrowing hills to Olimje, where it exits the park. REGULAR ANNUAL EVENTS January: A walk through the snow-covered landscape, along frozen brooks, for inimitable impressions of the park. February: The flowering of winter aconite and European cornel, pruning of tall apple trees, Valentine's hike to Bohor. March: Podsreda Castle, the most important royal castle in Slovenia, reopens its gate. April: Easter creative workshops (making Easter sheaves, eggs); 22 April: Earth Day: a celebration which takes place in Podsreda in cooperation with local elementary schools 18 May: Museum day - free entrance to all Kozjansko Park facilities; 24 May: nature conservation exhibition, organized hikes, open door day. June/July/August: Exhibitions at the Pod-sreda Castle, Musical Summer at the Podsreda Castle - seminars and concerts. Second weekend in October: Kozjansko apple festival - a multi-day event with a professional seminar, ex tempore photography shows and a fair with a cultural and entertainment program. November/December: Advent and Christmas creative workshops at the park administration building in Podsreda. KwBP' ■■a ■ ' fl ' WI . V ' Ml" 1 V f ' ! '' ' Dry meadows The Sotla river PARK ACCESS You can reach Kozjansko Park from Štajerska (turn off at Dramlje if coming from Ljubljana, or at Slovenska Bistrica if coming from Maribor) or Dolenjska (turn off at Krško or Brežice). To reach the park's Info centre in Podsreda, which is 120km from Ljubljana, requires an additional 30-minute drive on regional roads beyond the respective turn-offs. There are around 50 km of marked and established trails throughout the park. These are described in detail in various guides and brochures for visitors - which also include recommended places of interest: • Hemma pilgrimage trail, connecting locations related to the life of St. Hemma (before 995 - ca. 1045). The trail runs through Koroška, Štajerska, Dolenjska and Gorenjska, and is connected with a trail in Austria by the same name (Hemma Pilgerweg). • Podsreda Trail (32 km, circuit) links natural and cultural points of interest around the medieval borough of Podsreda. There are three starting points for this trail: Podsreda market, Podsreda Castle and Trebče. • Pilštanj Trail (4 km, circuit) connects the natural and cultural heritage of the medieval borough of Pilštanj with the viewpoint on the Vino gora hill. • Bistrica ob Sotli water education trail (3 km) includes seven points detailing the function and energy-related uses of the s i:. 7,- v.-. "■--■ it ' \ S A. - • J r - i ~ dHH^flB^1 1 " Intermittent Lake Cerknica This magical karst landscape, showing a different face for each season, is a haven of biological diversity due of the cyclical disappearance and re-emergence of Lake Cerknica, the largest intermittent lake in Europe. The highly preserved and exceptionally diverse natural habitats provide a paradise for various animal and bird species. Landscape characterized by traditional farming, and occasionally karst relief . The lake's recent history is an Iinstructive guide to human folly; attempts to dry the marsh and close swallow holes to preserve the water all year round were hopeless. Z < ei < Oh J < Z d2 O n ° 2 m Z Pi ABOUT THE PARK Location Surface area Establishment of the park Natural significance : Southern part of central Slovenia, the center of Notranjska. : 54,857 acres (222 km2) : 2002 Valuable natural features: 404, of which 297 are underground caves, the entire park is an ecologically important area, Natura 2000 (SPA) area for over 20 bird species, Natu-ra 2000 (SCI) area International significance: NESCO - Ramsar site Management: Javni zavod Notranjski regijski park Tabor 42, SI - 1380 Cerknica; Phone: +386 (0) 1 70 90 626, fax: +386 (0) 1 70 90 633; email: info@notranjski-park.si, website: www.notranjski-park.si There is no charge to enter the park. Lake Cerknica is certainly unique. When the lake is filled with water, it's easy to spot as it extends over almost 30km2 and is the largest lake in Slovenia. But at another time of the year you could also be standing in the lake and be completely unaware of it. That's when multi-coloured, flowering wet grasslands and amazing swallow holes are revealed. You can come here to watch birds, try your luck fishing, skate on frozen ice, witness the spectacular sunrise and much more. WORTH SEEING • Karst polje with an intermittent lake and picturesque Karst phenomena: boiling springs, estavelles, swallets and inflow caves, swallow holes, surface watercourses. • Picturesque Karst collapse valley Rakov Škocjan, with Veliki and Mali natural bridges. • Rich variety of plant and bird species (habitat for 250 bird types alone), amphibians, fish, invertebrates etc. • Picturesque landscapes with traces of prehistoric and ancient settlers on slopes and hills around the lake, "toplarji" - characteristic double hay-drying racks, remains of linden and pear tree avenues. Below are the marked park trails that allow visitors to learn about the many points of interest in the park. • Beekeeping education trail on Lake Cerknica. Starting from Pretržje (between Dolenje jezero and Otok) at the beehouse of the Beekeepers Association of Cerknica. Circular trail, 250 m (1 hour), 13 descriptive signs. The trail is easy and suitable even for people who have trouble walking regardless of season. (Information: Beekeepers Association of Cerknica, Popkova 1,1380 Cerknica, Phone: 041 657 297). • Rakov Škocjan natural science education trail Mali (Small) natural bridge, ruins of St. Kancijan chapel at the Veliki (Large) natural bridge. One way trail, 3 km (3 hours) and return to starting point, 16 descriptive signs. (Information: Hotel Rakov Skocjan, 1380 Cerknica, phone: 01 709 74 70, email: kancijan@ siol.net; and the Forest Service of Slovenia, Postojna Area Unit, Vojkova ulica 9, 6230 Postojna, phone: 05 700 06 10). • Menišija natural science education trail. Circular trail, 3 km (3 hours), nine descriptive signs (Information: Menišija Tourist Association, Begunje 28, 1382 Begunje pri Cerknici, phone: 031 599 523). • Biking trails inside the Notranjska Regional Park are well marked. (Information: Tourist and Information Center in Cerknica, Cesta 4. maja 51, 1380 Cerknica, phone: 01 709 36 36, email: tdrustvo@volja.net). REGULAR ANNUAL EVENTS January: Night hike to Mount Špička on closest Saturday to full moon in January. 27 April: Ornithological outing to Lake Cerknica. 1 May: Cross-country race to Mount Slivnica. First Saturday in June: Cross-country race along Lake Cerknica. Second Saturday in September: Rakov Škocjan cross-country race. Every third Thursday of the month from October to April you can attend lectures on nature. The lectures start at 7 PM at the Jože Udovič Library in Cerknica. PARK ACCESS Notranjska Regional Park is accessible from the Ljubljana - Fernetiči motorway, exiting at Unec. Good bus connections only exist from Ljubljana. Buses stop in all villages surrounding Lake Cerknica. Train connections are very good - to see the Notranjska Regional Park disembark at Rakek station. One advantage of travelling by train is that you can bring a bicycle with you and, indeed, this station is a popular departure point for bike rides to Rakov Škocjan or Lake Cerknica. .■5L.*" »S .a ; 3 11 -'L - - ■ gL ' X9 »Jm a-' Landscape in Motovilci Goričko is the Slovenian part of a tri-country cross-border park shared with Austria (Raab) and Hungary (Orseg - Porabje). It is the natural habitat for a number of endangered and rare European flora and fauna. It offers a picturesque and cultural landscape of self-sufficient farming with a diverse field crops grown including pumpkins, buckwheat, spelt, rye, sunflower, wheat, corn and barley. In Gorička man's primal relationship to the soil and harmonic co-existence with nature is for all to see - it is a paradise for hikers and cyclists. Management: Javni zavod Krajinski park Goričko Grad 191, SI - 9264 Grad; Phone: +386 (0) 2 551 88 60 +386 (0) 2 551 88 61; email: park.goricko@siol. net, website: www.park-goricko.org Visiting center: Grad Castle Grad 191, SI - 9264 Grad; Phone: +386 (0) 2 551 88 60; email: vodniki@goricko.info Time of visit: Guided tours of the Grad castle every day, except Mondays, for groups of at least ten visitors that announce their arrival in advance. The castle is open to visitors from April 1 to October 31 between 9 AM and 6 PM, and in March and November between 9 AM and 4 PM. There is no charge to enter the park. There is an entrance fee to the castle. Cei < 0-1 m O f\ ^ Q O < O J ABOUT THE PARK Location Extreme northeastern part of Slovenia, close to the border with Austria and Hungary 163 acres (462 km2) 2003 Valuable natural features: 47, the entire park is an ecologically important area, Natura 2000 (SPA) site for 11 bird species, Natura 2000 (SCI) site for 18 animal species and seven habitat types You can take a tour of Goričko in the company of local guides or Goričko Landscape Park employees. They offer nature and technical education days to groups that are eager to learn. WORTH SEEING • Get to know the wealth of biodiversity offered by the mosaic landscape; important nesting sites, migratory paths and wintering sites for birds (including the white and black storks); a habitat for the largest otter population in Slovenia, for 44 types of drag-onflies and numerous species of butterfly. • See typical folk architecture, thatched roofs, brick houses, religious buildings, historic memorials including watch-towers and guard posts from the Iron Curtain era. • Witness ethnological points of interest, watermills, collections of traditional craft tools and farming activities. • Visit Grad castle, the largest castle building in Slovenia with 365 rooms. Visitors' learning about the numerous points of interest in the park is assisted through marked short and long trails in the Goričko forests, along the waters around Hodoško, Ledavsko and Bukovniško lakes, through meadows and through the border area in ^ - REGULAR ANNUAL EVENTS January: "Pout po bregaj pa dolaj" - hike with the Three Kings from Budince to Andovci. February: Valentine's Day hike to Kugel, highest peak in the tri-country park. Third Saturday in February: demonstration of traditional local liquor-making techniques at the Smodiš fruit-growing farm in Otovci. March: The largest castle in Slovenia opens its doors and presents the Castle Festival. 22. March: World Water Day. April: Easter workshops at Grad castle. 22 April: World Earth Day; organized cleaning. May: Reaping competition with a manual scythe in Selo. Second Sunday in May: May song, choirs, skit festival, Pečarovci. 22 May: Biodiversity Day - walk in nature. 24 May: European Park Day - Day of open doors for Goričko Landscape Park and Grad Castle. 15 June: St. Vitus holiday - events along the banks of Bukovniško lake, Dobrovnik. Last Saturday in June: "Peli in plesali so jih mati moja", traditional song and dance, Moščanci. July: Castle festival - nature films and open-air concerts. 15 August: Assumption of Mary service at Grad, trades fair. First week in September: "A night with the bats" to coincide with the European Week of Bat Conservation. Second Saturday in September: tri-coun-try biking trip and marathon Goričko-Raab-Orseg/ Porabje. October: Autumn bazaar - holiday of Goričko cultural lanscape conservation (Grad), bird-watching in Goričko. First Sunday in October: "Dodolijada" festival and culinary exhibition to win "zlata kijanca" (Puconci). Last Sunday in October: Halloween (Grad castle). Second weekend in October: exhibition of local ancient apple varieties at Smodiš fruitgrowing farm, Otovci. Last Saturday in October: European walk along the border, Cankova. December: Christmas concert, Grad. Several cultural, tourist and sports associations, not to mention Goričko LP as a public institute, organize events showcasing traditions and customs, as well as leading hikes, biking trips and marathons. The Castle festival at the Grad castle is a concert venue that hosts exhibitions and nature film screenings. European otter Slovenian Porabje and Austrian Steiermark and Burgenland. Those who prefer shorter trails can choose among the following: Korovci-Fuks graba, Trdkova-Tromejnik, Bukovniško lake, "Otter Paradise", Sladka pot (Sweet trail) (Berkovci, Ratkovci, Ivanjševci), Zelena pot (Green trail) (Sebeborci), Pros-enjakovska pot (Prosenjakovci trail) (Pros-enjakovci), Pot vinotočev (Wine shop trail) (Moravske Toplice, Suhi vrh), Panonska pot (Pannonian trail) (Bogojina), Pot kulturne dediščine (Cultural heritage trail) (Bogojina, Filovci), Geografska pot (Geographic trail) (Selo), Olivinova pot (Olivin trail) (Grad), Bernardina pot (Bernarda trail) (Krašči), Vr-bova pot (Vrba trail) (Rogašovci, Nuskova), Zelena vez (an education trail along the former Iron Curtain boundary, Goričko), Pot sožitja (Harmony trail) (Kančevci, Ivanovci). Those who like longer hiking trails will learn about Goričko while walking on the marked Pomurje mountain trail or on European Footpath E7. Yellow Day-lily M M* A PARK ACCESS Regular passenger train Ljubljana - M. Sobota - Budapest: stops in M. Sobota, Mačkovci, G. Petrovci, Šalovci, Hodoš: www.slo-zeleznice.si. Regular bus line from M. Sobota to destinations throughout Goričko: www.apms.si. By car on the A5 motorway, access western Goričko and Grad (if coming from Ljubljana) through exits Vučja vas; Radenci, Petanjci, Geder-ovci, Cankova, heading towards Kuzma. Eastern Goričko is accessible, if coming from Ljubljana or Hungary, through the exits M. Sobota vzhod; Rakičan, M. Sobota, heading Hodoš. Entry to easternmost Goričko is via the Turnišče exit: heading toward Dobrovnik, natural landmark Bukovniško Lake. Location The mighty Kolpa River, which in places carves through the steep, rocky slopes of the wooded Karst while elsewhere flows gently through wide and verdant valleys, is one of Slovenia's most beautiful assets. Stretching along the river is the Karst plateau of Bela Krajina - a perfect demonstration of the balance that can be struck between traditional farming methods and a caring approach towards the natural environment. In addition to the valleys, you will witness a wonderfully diverse flora with fern and white birches being particularly well represented by this border river. Kolpa is a truly preserved paradise with flourishing craft traditions, unique customs and a precious cultural heritage. Extreme southeastern part of Slovenia, adjacent to the border with Croatia : 10,702 acres (43.31 km2) : 1998 : Valuable natural features: 67, the entire park is an ecologically important area, part of the Natura 2000 (SPA) area, part of the Natura 2000 (SCI) area for 12 animal species and four habitat types International significance Surface area Establishment of the park: Natural significance: EDEN 2010 - Kolpa River Management: Javni zavod Krajinski park Kolpa Adlešiči 15, SI - 8341 Adlešiči; Phone: +386 (0) 7 356 5240, fax: +386 (0) 7 356 5240; email: info@kp-kolpa.si, website: www.kp-kolpa.si Info Center: Šokčev dvor Žuniči 2, SI - 8341 Adlešiči; Phone: +386 (0) 7 356 5240, fax: +386 (0) 7 356 5240; email: info@kp-kolpa.si, website: www.kp-kolpa.si Open throughout the year with prior notice. There is no charge to enter the park. The main feature of the Kolpa Landscape Park is the Kolpa river with its valley. Visitors can enjoy unspoiled nature, immense biodiversity and a whole variety of differing landscapes in within a small area. WORTH SEEING • Šokčev dvor in Žuniči is a principle Info point offering visitors the most extensive information on the nature, culture, history and various ethnic groups of Bela Krajina. • Birdwatching along the river, among the ferns or from the forest. • River sports on the Kolpa, swimming and fishing, canoe and raft hire. • Bela Krajina landscape, view cultivated fields, vineyards, orchards and meadows and birch forests as they have existed for hundreds of years. • Visiting prehistoric settlements, see archaeological finds from the surroundings of Vinica, Zilje and Radenci. • Social history brought to life, visit courtyard farmhouses, watermills and sawmills. • Traditional handicrafts demonstrated at farms in Adlešiči, Damelj, Rim, Vrhovci, Žuniči etc (including linen making, needlework and basket weaving). Below are the marked park trails that allow visitors to learn about the main points of interest within the park: • Beekeeping education trail, Bela Krajina, Žuniči, visitors are guided by an experienced beekeeper and follow a series of descriptive signs to learn about the history and importance of beekeeping. • Žeželj forest education trail, a pleasant walk through the woods learning about the local tree species. • Herding and fruit growing education trail, a circular trail from Pobrežje through Velika Sela and Mala Sela to Adlešiči and the Kolpa river, where visitors encounter traditional cattle rearing practices, learn about indigenous breeds, see a sample of a tall-tree orchard and get a taste of viticulture. • Southern-most footpath from Radenci to Damelj, leading the visitors on an 11 km hike through the Kolpa canyon via the most southerly point of Slovenia's territory in Kot pri Damlju. • Milling footpath from Damelj to Vinica, learning about the rich tradition of water-mills and sawmills on the Kolpa river. • Fair footpath from Vinica to Žuniči preserves the tradition of old trails leading to fairs. • Castle footpath from Žuniči to Dragoše. A 25-kilometre-long easy walking trail in a gorgeous natural environment leading from Šokčev dvor through villages to the Pobrežje Castle and past Kuzmin mill to the final Info point in Dragoše. • Market footpath around Stari trg, exploring part of the Poljanska valley. There are three options for this trail with a total length of 10 km. • Župančič footpath, leading from Dragatuš to Vinica and connecting the two villages where Slovenian poet Oton Župančič spent his childhood as well as two natural parks: Lahinja and Kolpa. The total length is 13 km. • There are three biking trails in the park: Damelj biking trail (65 km, highest point 616 m alt., difference in altitude 466 m), Poljanska biking trail (51 km, highest point 622 m alt., difference in altitude 468 m) and Župančič biking trail (51 km, highest point 334 m alt., difference in altitude 150 m). Smooth snake REGULAR ANNUAL EVENTS January/February: Winter counting of fowl; craft workshops at various locations throughout the park. 22 March: World Water Day - activities related to preserving the most precious resource, hike along milling footpath. April: Sowing linseed, organized cleaning for World Earth Day. 23 April: St. George's Day - folk tradition. First Saturday after 23 April: George's hike on the castle footpath. May: Painting colony in Damelj: "Eno je Kolpa i Kupa". 9 May: Europe Day - hike on the southernmost trail from Damelj to Radenci. 22 May: World Biodiversity Day - expert conference on biodiversity. 24 May: International Natural Parks Day -Open door day in Kolpa LP. June/July/August: Summer events on the Kolpa including bonfire, linseed harvest swimming and boating. September: Open Door Day - anniversary of the public institute's establishment. October: dormousing, grape harvest in Bela Krajina. November: St. Martin's celebrations across Bela Krajina, chestnut picnic outside Šokčev dvor. December: Annual concert KUD Božo Račič Adlešiči, handicraft workshops at different locations throughout the park. PARK ACCESS The park is accessible from Ljubljana via the motorway, exiting either at Ivančna Gorica (through Žužemberk to Bela Krajina) or at Novo mesto. Coming from Kočevje, you enter the park around Stari trg. Arriving by train, the Črnomelj station is the closest to the park - from there take the bus to different locations within the park. The Croatian Zagreb - Reka motorway comes within 5 km of the park at the Bosanci exit. There is no direct bus connection from Ljubljana to Črnomelj, only from Novo Mesto. The park is accessible from all sides by bicycle, on horseback or on foot. mm. ■ Jap '--i*' ^ / / Abandoned salt pans Apart from the at Strunjan, Sečovlje is home to the only remaining active salt pans in Slovenia and, indeed, the only salt pans in this part of the Adriatic where salt is still produced according to traditional methods dating back some 700 years. Through the centuries unique geographical circumstances arose here with their own ecosystem of plant and animal species. The salt pan landscape is also rich in social history and provides a memory of flourishing Mediterranean cultural heritage. Management: Krajinski park Sečoveljske soline, SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o. Seča 115, SI-6320 Portorož; phone: +386 (0) 5 6721330, fax: + 386 (0)5 6721331; email: info@kpss. si, website: www.kpss.si Info Center on Lera Seča 115, SI-6320 Portorož Time of visit: In the warm half of the year, the park is open between 8 AM and 8 PM, in winter, it's open between 8 AM and 5 PM. An entrance fee must be paid at entry points to the park. An entrance fee must be paid at entry points to enter the park. J > O >u pq CO 1 V IS l-J £ ABOUT THE PARK Location: Extreme southwestern part of the Slovenian Adriatic coast, on the border with Croatia. : 1,730 acres (7 km2) 1990 i: Valuable natural features: 6, the entire park is an ecologically important area, Natura 2000 (SPA) site for 30 bird species, Natura 2000 (SCI) site for four animal species and six habitat types. Surface area Establishment of the park: 1 Natural significance The salt pans are an excellent place to observe the salt pan landscape, halophytic animal, bird, plant species and habitats, traditional procedures of producing salt. Organized groups may be accompanied by a guide (please give notice in advance). WORTH SEEING • Learning about numerous halophytic habitats, plants, animals, especially bird species. • An internationally significant migration zone and wintering site for birds. • View active and abandoned salt pans and remains of salt-maker's houses. • See the process of producing salt is throughout the year - the most fascinat- ing time comes between June and September when salt crystals form out of condensed brine. • Visit the multi-media centre to watch a film about the salt pans and view a scale model of them, also visit the salt shop where local produce is on sale. • Viewing platform overlooking Sečovlje. • Visiting the salt shop, salt-related products and other local products, and a space for art exhibits in the renovated saline building. • Visit the saltmaking museum, open to visitors between April 1 and October 31. Marked park trails allow visitors to learn about points of interest throughout the park - hiking and biking trails with descriptive signs. REGULAR ANNUAL EVENTS 2 February: World Wetlands Day, entry to the park is free, educational material available free to all visitors. Last weekend in April & during August: Salt-making festival illustrating the customs and traditions of life on the salt pans. The Lera park buildings also host regular local art exhibitions. 24 May: European Day of Parks, free entrance and promotional materials for all. Red-breasted Merganser - ir -^r^ - - ' jT! 'V k Brine shrimp Active salt pans PARK ACCESS ^ T iflEMiiittfcM Mr TWA B ■ W1 Lk IMnot h The landscape park is 130 km from Ljubljana. The areas of Sečovlje salt pans, Lera and Fontanigge, are currently not yet linked by land. To see both parts of the park, there are two separate land entrance points. There is no public transport from Portorož however it is possible to sail to the park by boat, where a docking pier is available. Logarska dolina CO U S ctf CO +J i s J 13 > < ABOUT THE PARK An inimitable, glacial alpine valley, settled with just a few farmsteads, right in the midst of the Kamnik and Savinja Alps. A vast natural amphitheatre of bright green grassland and forest surrounded by towering cliffs. A place where chamois roam peacefully, golden eagles arch through azure skies and the meadows are covered in beautiful flowers for much of the year. The great farms have been preserved and remain active to this day, complementing farming with tourism. Surface area Establishment of the park Natura North-central Slovenia, Kamnik and Savinja Alps 6,024 acres (24.38 km2) 1987 Valuable natural features: 43, the entire park is an ecologically important area, part of the Natura 2000 area International significance First prize in the protected areas category at the CIPRA - Future in the Alps 2005 international competition EDEN 2009 - Solčava region Management: Podjetje za razvoj Logarske doline, Logarska dolina d.o.o. Logarska dolina 9, SI - 3335 Solčava; phone: +386 (0) 3 838 90 04, fax: +386 (0)3 838 90 03; email: info@ logarska.si, website: www.logarska-dolina.si Info Center: TIC Logarska dolina Visiting Hours (also by arrangement): November-April: 10 AM to 1 PM, May-June and September-October: 9 AM to 3 PM, July-August: 8 AM to 6 PM, info screen in Slovenian, English and German is always on A parking fee is collected at the entrance point to the park. Logarska Dolina Landscape Park and its surroundings offer plenty of opportunities for actively spending your free time. Unforgettable views of are available from the meadows approaching the valley, from the Solčava panoramic road and from the peaks of the Kamnik and Savinja Alps. Guided tours are also available to visitors. WORTH SEEING • Take an adventure walk in Logarska dolina or Robanov kot - arguably the most picturesque glacial valley in the Kamnik and Savinja Alps, with peaks and vertical rock faces, natural springs, waterfalls, alpine flowers etc. • Watching alpine flowers, listening to the wood grouse's and black grouse's mating calls. • Experience the 90 m Rinka waterfall, one of Slovenia's highest, the Palenk waterfall and the Karst spring of Črna. • Seeing Potočka zijalka in Olševa. • Visit the renovated collier's hut, Logar granary and restored dairy cottage in Logarski kot - all examples of the valley's rich social history. • Bike along the Solčava panoramic road. Take part in the annual hay harvest or witness traditional mining and coal production methods. Another way for visitors to learn about Logarska Dolina is to take the natural-ethnographic path which guides you through the most beautiful corners of the valley to the majestic Rinka waterfall. You can continue on established mountain trails to climb to the local peaks. The park also offers a wide amount of recreational opportunities including hiking, mountaineering, rock-climbing, walks, crosscountry running, horse-riding, archery, biking, sledding and skiing. REGULAR ANNUAL EVENTS January: Cross-country skiing in Logarska dolina (sports event). June: Spring hiking days. July/August: Summer fun and cultural events - traditional Solčava days and summer activities programme. December: Christmas-New Year concert, Logarska Dolina, cultural events. Tour of the park by horse-drawn View from Solčava panoramic road PARK ACCESS From the larger population centres nearby (including Ljubljana, Celje and Celovec/Klagenfurt (AT)) it is approximately 75 km (ie. an hour's drive) to Logarska Dolina. Bus access is possible from Celje, which itself can be reached by train from Ljubljana or Maribor. In fact, with adequate preparation it's possible to organize transportation to Logarska dolina from almost any place within Slovenia. Mist at Ljubljansko Barje Right on the doorstep of Ljubljana and laying just a stone's throw from the city limits, Ljubljansko Barje is a beautiful park which extends to Vrhnika, Ig and Škofljica. Sited on over 150 km2 of bog plain, it is characterized by a mosaic of meadows, vast green spaces, birds and butterflies flying overhead and a rich stories from long past days of pile dwellers. The Ljubljanica, a historically significant river that was a commercial waterway during Roman times, flows through it. Best experienced by bicycle, Ljubljansko Barje can also be viewed from a lazy boat ride along the Ljubljanica, or even via a hot-air balloon ride. W PQ & o 3 ^ DQ S5 S § < ^ 00 s CO 1 ^ < J l-J ABOUT THE PARK £ s m \ : about 30,000 : 2008 Valuable natural features: 55, the entire park is an ecologically important area, Natura 2000 (SPA) site for 22 bird species, Natura 2000 (SCI) site for 23 animal and one plant species and seven habitat types. Management: Javni zavod KP Ljubljansko barje Podpeška cesta 380, SI - 1357 Notranje Gorice; phone: +386 (0) 8 20 52 350; email: info@ljubljanskobarje.si, website: www.ljubljanskobarje.si There is no charge to enter the park. Ljubljansko barje •- KIWJINSKf l"AW! -■ There are few capital cities in which require so little travel (whether on foot, by bike or by public transportation) to a natural area with such a rich history, archaeological heritage and ethnological uniqueness. Ljubljansko Barje is the lungs of the Ljubljana, offering the perfect getaway from the noise of the city and, in summer, the sultry urban temperatures. Ljubljansko Barje is an open class- WORTH SEEING • Learn about the extensive wet grasslands with their indigenous plant, animal and bird species common for long hedges of black alder trees, oak and willows between fields and meadows. • Learning about birds, the park is a nesting ground for numerous bird species and internationally significant migratory area and wintering site for birds. • See the bog rivers Ljubljanica, Iščica, Iška, Bistra and Borovniščica with their tributaries, numerous pools and karst springs. • Climb inselbergs, rocky outcrops raised above the bog plain, to enjoy the full sweep of the Ljubljansko Barje landscape. • The plain, with its crisscross of field paths, is ideal for a biking trip, which can last any time from an hour to several days but will not include a single demanding upward slope. • Take a ride on a horse-drawn carriage (by arrangement with a local farmer). • At Mali plac and Jurčevo šotišče, see the last remnants of a raised bog and its characteristic plant life while the Kucler and Podpeč quarries will shed light on Slovenia's geological history for those with a particular interest. • At Jezero v Podpeči view the circular karst lake which is up to 50 m deep in places. • Learning about numerous archaeological areas, especially crannogs. • Visit the former Carthusian monastery in Bistra which now serves as the Technical Museum of Slovenia. • In Črna vas, you can see one of the great central European architect Jože Plečnik's most beautiful churches, St. Michael's. • Stop for a refreshing rest alongside the cool fresh brook on the way to the Iški vintgar gorge. Below are the marked park trails that allow visitors to learn about the principal points of interest in the park. • Draga at Ig has a natural reserve with seven ponds, a set of walking trails and is the starting point for the forest education trail. ' SMI fif v . wJUU • Corn crake education trail in Iški morost is ideal for understanding the habitat of meadow bird species (including the rare curlew and the crake) which are most characteristic of Ljubljansko Barje. You can see Ljubljansko Barje alone or accompanied by a specialized guide provided by the Institute of Tourism Ljubljana, Ivan Cankar Vrhnika Institute or Ljubljansko Barje LP. REGULAR ANNUAL EVENTS February/March: Lent carnival in Ig March/April: organized cleaning initiative: "Stop illegal dumping", a set of lectures: "Barje, do I know you?" May: May 1st hike to Krim, hike in Ljubljansko Barje, biking on the "Ostrorogi jelen" trail, Cankar days, oldtimers meeting. June: Argonaut days, Barje night, hike on Svar-un trail, Children's boggy frogginess. July: Equestrian event in Vrbljene, blueberry harvest day. August: Barje ethnological event, Contest of "Kosci and Grabljice" for the Ljubljansko Barje prize, Crannog Day with a camp for children. September: Ig fair. October: Autumn farmer's market. Grasshopper Warbler Ljubljansko barje landscape PARK ACCESS iww ' ■ ^ t n ii^n You can enter Ljubljansko Barje by road from various directions: Ljubljana, Primorska (Vrhnika) and Dolenjska (Škofljica). Take the train heading towards Borovnica to Barje, alternatively take the Ljubljana municipal bus (no. 19B and 6B) or one a several suburban bus lines. From the centre of Ljubljana, it's a 30-minute cycle to the middle of Barje. Along the coast of Slovenia's Strunjan peninsula are some the highest cliffs on the Adriatic coast, the northernmost Mediterranean salt pans, the longest section of preserved nature in the Gulf of Trieste, indigenous growing sites for many Mediterranean plant varieties , and the prettiest bay in Slovenia. The park that hosts all this and more is a must-visit for tourists. Location Surface area Slovenian coast east of Piran 1,060 acres (4.3 km2) 1990 Valuable natural features: 11, the entire park is an ecologically important area, Natura 2000 (SCI) area for two animal species and seven habitat types. Establishment of the park Natural significance: Management: Javni zavod Krajinski park Strunjan Pacug 10, SI - 6320 Portorož; phone: +386 (0) 8 205 1880, fax: +386 (0) 5 674 69 80; email: info@parkstrunjan.si, website: www.park-strunjan.si Info center is being established at present. There is no charge to enter the park-Landscape Park Strunjan - the public institute will organize guided tours of the park for groups with prior arrangement. Javni zavod Krajinski park Strunjan Istituto pubWico Parco naiuraSe Strugnano WORTH SEEING • Wander along a 4 km section of naturally preserved Slovenian coast boasting an 80 m cliff, the highest on the Adriatic (or a pebble terrace at the foot of the cliff). • Witness the picturesque sub-Mediterranean landscape that constitutes the land part of the reserve. • Visit Stjuža lagoon and the nearby salt pans with specific ecological significance. • Visit Mesečev zaliv (Moon Bay), natural habitat of two marine flowering plants (Cimodocea nodosa and Zostera noltii), the noble pen shell (Pinna nobilis) and the date mussel (Lithophaga lithophaga). REGULAR ANNUAL EVENTS Last weekend in May: Artichoke days, organized by Solinar Tourist Association. 14 August: Procession of barges, takes place every year when the Strunjan Mary from the Piran church of St. George is brought by sea to the church of Mary's appearance. The event includes a cultural and religious program, concluding the next day with Mary's Assumption and holy masses in Strunjan. 15 October: Traditional "pandola" tournament, ancient Istria games, organized by Soli-nar Strunjan Tourist Association. 2nd weekend in November: Traditional Persimmon holiday with educational, cultural and entertainment program, culinary offerings and open-air market with Strunjan delicacies, organized by Solinar Strunjan Tourist Association. Talasa Strunjan Gallery (Terme Krka) in association with Insula Gallery from Izola organizes visual art exhibitions by renowned Slovenian artists every three months throughout the year. 1 f \ / / ■•V .. / ' i mmkiy !. ">4. 'r> "" *' Vv ,V .'i i"/v V 1 ; " . . l, V ■ . .V:-> . v - M Marine fauna and flora i < i: < Z £ < i-j A landscape of wet grasslands, fens, marshy woodlands, flooded plains and meadows along the meandering course of the Lahinja River and its tributaries. Offering great biodiversity, the reed beds are an oasis for. Karst features formed are visible at Bela Krajina while tiny villages of clustered houses are restricted to the hills and terraces on the edges of the park. It's also an exceptional archaeological site and bears testament to prehistoric culture of the area. southeast Slovenia, southeastern part of Bela Krajina in the upper course of the Lahinja river : 494 acres (2 km2) : 1988 :: Valuable natural features: 11, the entire park is an ecologically important area, Natura 2000 (SCI) area for 13 animal species and six habitat types. Establishment of the park Natural significance Manager: RIC Bela krajina ^^^^^^ Trg svobode 3, SI - 8340 Črnomelj; phone: +386 (0) 7 305 65 30, fax: +386 (0)7 305 65 31; email: info@ric-belakrajina.si, website: www.belakra-jina.si , , , LXHINJX mere is no charge to enter the park. p"tj.-;- ■■ i <. v j EMRK The most naturally preserved area is the original Lahinja river area which is protected as the Lahinjski Lugi natural reserve. A slightly larger marsh is Nerajski Lugi, a true botanic treasury that has the impression of a lake during high water periods. Walking through the park, you will encounter a number of rare and endangered plant and animal species. Pleasant sites to interest are the Klepec wa-termill and Venetian sawmill by the meander of the Lahinja in Pusti Gradec. Guided tours are available to visitors in addition to boat rides through the park on the Lahinja. WORTH SEEING • The naturally preserved Lahinja river, Nerajčica stream and other tributaries, with prominent meanders and diverse aquatic vegetation. • The wet grasslands and fens (Nerajski lugi, Lahinjski lugi), habitats for numerous aquatic and riverbank-dwelling animal and plant species including the European otter (Lutra lutra), many bird species and the European pond terrapin (Emys orbicularis). • Numerous limestone karst features: sinkholes, water caves, natural stone bridges, karst springs etc. I ■ — U ^ ^ Lahinja river spring • Prehistoric settlements, finds from the early Stone, Bronze and Iron ages have been made in the vicinity and remains from Antiquity discovered. • The Pusti Gradec settlement at one of the meanders of the Lahinja. • Info center in Veliki Nerajec (situated in a 200 year old property with an open-fire kitchen). • Handicrafts gallery by Vera Vardjan (clay products). • All Saints country church. • Halstatt burial mound Veliki Nerajec. REGULAR ANNUAL EVENTS 1 June: walk on Župančič trail from Dragatuš to Vinica 2 June: mowing festival at Nerajski lugi A traditional Bela Krajina house ACCESS TO PARK ■ Zv * l fy K& ' v i m 't The park is accessible in several ways. The simplest route is on the Ljubljana - Novo mesto highway and then through Dolenjske toplice to Črnomelj. It's possible also to take the way Ljubljana, Žužemberg, Črnomelj. In Črnomelj you proceed in the direction of Vinica. After 9 km you come to the village Dragatuš, and from there to the first point of entry into Lahinja Landscape Park. From the Croatian side is best route to cross the border Bosiljevo - Vinca and then drive for more than 8 km in direction to Črnomelj to reach Lahinja Landscape Park. w J ilSiWi- ' Juii ITf? Halophytic plants The largest semi-saline wetland in Slovenia was restored in 2007 after many years of deliberate draining in order to expand the city of Koper and its port. These days its a paradise for water fowl (and, of course, for birdwatchers!). Manager: Društvo za opazovanje in proučevanje Temporary Info Center NR Škocjanski zatok ptic Slovenije (DOPPS) Tržaška cesta 2, SI - 1000 Ljubljana; phone: +386 (0) 1 426 58 75, fax: +386 (0) 1 425 11 81; email: dopps@ dopps.si, website: www.ptice.si Staničev trg 16, SI - 6000 Koper; phone: +386 (0) 5 626 03 70, 051 680 442, fax: +386(0) 5 626 03 69; email: skocjanski@skocjanski-zatok.org, website: www.skocjanski-zatok.org Open: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10 AM to 12 PM and Wednesday from 3 PM to 5 PM Entrance to the nature reserve is free to individuals however the management reserves the right to charge for guided tours which should be arranged in advance for a specific time on a weekday. Škocjanski zatok nature reserve is open for visitors from sunrise to sunset every day of the year. o S tsi CO z < u o feti >oo f* 1 D a r w H o < § ^ O ABOUT THE RESERVE Surface area Establishment of the reserve Natural signifii southwestern Slovenia, immediate vicinity of Koper 301 acres (1.22 km2) 1998 significance: Valuable natural features: one (the entire natural reserve area), the entire reserve is an ecologically important area, Natura 2000 (SPA) site for four bird species, Natura 2000 (SCI) site for two animal species and five habitat types. Škocjanski zatok nature reserve is the perfect choice for anyone wanting to experience the rich biodiversity of Mediterranean wetlands in a relatively small space. Walking on the education trail, visitors will learn all about the flora and fauna of the reserve, with its many rare and endangered species. The animal aspect of the area is complemented by Camargue's horses and indigenous Istrian cattle which graze and thus provide a balance of vegetation in the freshwater part of the nature reserve. The reserve manager organizes expert guided tours, nature days and guided trips for visitors with special interests or requirements. These take place on the circular education trail in the freshwater part of the reserve. WORTH SEEING • Learn about the brackish lagoon with its nesting islets, semi-saline water holes and mudflats where different types of halo-phytes (i.e. salt-water plants) grow. • View the freshwater marsh with its grasslands and open water areas, surrounded by reeds and thermophilic shrubs. • Spot numerous birds: the reserve is the habitat for an estimated 225 bird species, of which around 50 nest there - it is also a very significant wintering and migratory resting site within Europe. The circular education trail, 2.2 km long, leads along the edge of the freshwater part of the reserve at Bertoška bonifika and expands at five key points into observation sites, set-up with educational content about the plant and animal world in Škocjanski zatok. Along the trail there are water holes set-up of various shapes and sizes allowing visitors to experience nature from up close. All access points, and the education trail itself, have been designed to accommodate those with disabilities. REGULAR ANNUAL EVENTS 2 February: Guided tour of the reserve on World Wetlands Day. March: Children's painting on Day of Waters. April: Beginning of nesting period. With some basic knowledge, it will be easy to recognize the singing of the nightingale, the blackcap and Ce-tti's warbler from the bushes along the circular education trail, as well as the tireless song of the great and Eurasian reed warblers. On the islets of the lagoon part of the reserve, you will see colonies of nesting black-winged stilts and common terns. 24 May: European Day of Parks, all visitors receive free information materials about the reserve. August/September: During this period flocks of several hundred great egrets, little egrets and grey herons are readily observable in the tamarix trees. First weekend in October: European Bird-watching Day. November: Arrival of first large flocks of overwintering water fowl to the reserve area. December/February: In this period, the number of overwintering water fowl increases day by day and reaches its peak at the beginning of February. After that, their numbers start to gradually diminish as the first flocks of winter visitors begin to move to their northern nesting sites. During this period, the most numerous species are gulls (Caspian, black-headed and common), Eurasian curlew, greenshank, common sandpiper, grebe, ducks and geese. After the new information centre is opened, which is expected to happen in 2012, the program of events in Škocjanski zatok nature reserve will expand significantly. RESERVE ACCESS By Car: the main entrance to Škocjanski zatok nature reserve is at Bertoška bonifika. Exit from the Ljubljana - Koper expressway at the Bertoki/Bertocchi exit. Head towards the AMZS base when you're on the Bertoki slip-road. Take the first exit on the left to get to the nature reserve which should already be visible on that side of the road. By train and bus: from Ljubljana, take the train or intercity bus to the main respective Koper stations, where you can continue on foot to the main entrance to the reserve or on the marked bike trail (Pot zdravja in prijateljstva - Porečanka/ Parenzana) along the semi-saline lagoon. When you get to the intersection with the Bertoki entry road, turn left and at the entrance to the reserve is only a further few hundred metres. V'- i pq V M View of Radensko polje [ J This 4.5 km long karst polje surrounded by wooded slopes, 1.2 km at its widest and 400 m at its narrowest, is host to three separate sinking river systems. After heavy rain a genuine lake forms which then disappears after a few weeks. Kopanj, the 392m-high inselberg in the middle of the karst polje, is the most beautiful example of its type in Slovenia. Information office: Center Grajski vrt Boštanj Veliko Mlačevo 59, SI - 1290 Grosuplje; phone: +386 (0) 40 655 795, +386 (0) 40 655 796, +386 (0) 40 655 797; email: info@radenskopolje.si, website: www.radenskopolje.si,www.grajski-vrt.si There is no charge to enter the park. *establishment under way j O O-i O CO Z m Q * < 0-1 pq P-i < U CO Q Z < i-j JM CD & & CO • w CO JM CD -u cd 1 S G S O) Jm CD M O JM tg JM £ CD fl • lH G S CO s +J CO O JM tla. —■— ^ URBAN URBANE The architecture of the famed Plečnik spread all over the capital city of Ljubljana. THE WISHING BELL Fascinating Lake Bled with its island, where you can ring the bell at the church and make a wish. 9 HOTTEST FACTS Come and take a closer look. . »fl l , l ■ . . lfe. v IP IfR. i ES ft' II 'IqWllT^ifl ifVepM, l. /SlElM • UNDERGROUND, OVERGROUND The unique Karst landscape stretches over approximately 500 square kilometres. MYSTIC MEDITERRANEAN The famous veduta of Piran, this medieval pearl, gives a memorable seaside view. DEEP FOREST The magical Kočevje virgin forest, our preserved natural heritage. .i .1 ---- .2 CULT CULTURE The creative crossroads of the European Alps, the Mediterranean and the Pannonian Plain. ALPINE DANCE MUSIC The Avsenik Brothers established a new kind of folk music by combining piano accordion, trumpet, clarinet, bass and guitar. inn- jatT^fc«. i 1*1 Hi! ^nlipJFWyflH GREAT-GREAT-GRANDVINE The oldest vine in the world, the 400-year-old vine in Maribor. HOT LINKS General: www.slovenia.info/lovebooking www.slovenia.info/lovemap www.slovenia.info/loveevents www.slovenia. www.slovenia.info/lovegreen www.slovenia.info/lovepress nfo/loveshop www.slovenia.info/lovepublications Business: www.slovenia.info/loveboard www.slovenia.info/lovephoto SLOVENIA GREEN Slovenia swears by sustainable development. Respect for the environment and nature is central to all our actions as a nation and we constantly looking to preserve the specific natural features of different locations. Join us in being green and help us keep our beautiful country unspoiled. The Slovenian Tourist Board (STO) is committed to green action. The "SLOVENIA GREEN" project is designed to promote our country and to encourage awareness and participation in environmentally friendly activities. GREEN FACTS Slovenia is a small country blessed with beautiful unspoiled nature which is appreciated by residents and tourists alike. Natural conditions are a prerequisite for developing green, responsible tourism. • With about 60% in forested areas, Slovenia is proportionately the second most forested nation in Europe. • More than 35% of Slovenia's territory is part of the Natura 2000 network. • One fifth of Slovenian coast is a protected area. • Slovenia is also a land of water. It ranks among the states with the highest volumes of river water per inhabitant in Europe and its drinking water in Slovenia some of the cleanest on the continent. • Slovenian flora and fauna is hugely diverse and with over 22,000 species among the richest in Europe • Just 60km from the capital Ljubljana exist virgin forests. P P WE ESPECIALLY WELCOME VISITORS TO OUR NATURAL PARKS WHO: • understand that a park is the habitat for endangered animals and plants and a space to preserve our natural and cultural heritage, • show their respect for plants growing in the park and animals living there - as well as geological features (stones, rocks, fossils), • prefer to experience the unique natural environments of protected areas on foot or bicycle while staying on marked trails, • do not take plants away with them, recognizing that they are endangered and best seen in nature, • respect the work and efforts of native inhabitants living in a park or around its borders, • leave their motor vehicles in the designated parking areas and when passing hikers and cyclists drive slowly and carefully, • walk their dogs on a leash so as not to disturb inhabitant wildlife, or indeed visitors, • keep the park clean by taking all rubbish home or at least to the closest disposal point. am . 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Issued and published by: Slovenian Tourist Board and Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning Editorial board: Jelena Hladnik, MESP, Lučka Letič, STB Design and layout: Alenka Miklavžin, MESP Texts: Jelena Hladnik, Suzana Zupanc-Hrastar, protected areas managers Photos: picture archives of the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, archives of protected areas managers and Slovenian Tourist Board, Borut Lozej, Branko Čeak, Jelena Hladnik, Matevž Lenarčič, Oskar Karl Dolenc, Aleš Zdešar, Jože Mihelič, Dagmar Wolf, Lucija Zorenč, Nada Vreže, Valentin Schein, Hrvoje Oršanič, Kristjan Malačič, Tomislav Urh, Iztok Škornik, Davorin Tome, Luka Pintar, Brina Knez, Dean Putrle, Tihomer Makovec, Vera Vardjan, Silvo Plavec, Anita Golubič Prosenjak, Alenka Mihorič, Boris Mozetič, Bojana Lipej, Kajetan Kravos, Primož Lajevec, Tina Mikuš, Borut Peršolja, Tomo Jeseničnik, Boris Grabrijan, Barbara Zupanc, Janez Božič, Lidija Ivanšek, Miha Krofel Map: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Environment Agency of the Republic of Slovenia Translation: Skrivanek d.o.o. Text editing: Ciaran Walsh Print: Delo TČR d.d. Number of copies: 57 000 www.slovenia.info Slovenian Tourist Board Dimičeva 13 SI - 1000 tel.: +386 1 589 85 50 f-v^-. ±3qc 1 czqq Qt; an