123 Documenta Praehistorica XLIII (2016) Neolithisation of technology> innovation and tradition in the Star;evo culture osseous industry Selena Vitezović Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, SRB selenavitezovic@gmail.com< s.vitezovic@ai.ac.rs Introduction Although often considered as being completely de- termined by environmental constraints and ergo- nomic factors, technology is actually a social phe- nomenon closely linked with diverse social, cultural and economic aspects (cf. Lemonnier 1992; 1993; see also Killick 2004). According to Pierre Lemon- nier (1992), the study of technology should not be limited to its effects on society; technologies must be considered in a general anthropological perspective as social productions that are determined by, and compatible with, other social phenomena. Technolo- gies must not be seen only as constraints; the social aspect of material culture must also be taken into consideration (Lemonnier 1992; 1993; Pfaffenber- ger 1992). An important characteristic of all technologies is their systemic aspect. Every technique has five relat- ABSTRACT – The earliest Neolithic cultures in Southeast Europe brought significant changes in many aspects of everyday life, in subsistence, settlement patterns, architecture, and also ritual aspects. Technological changes are also very important – the introduction of completely new technologies, such as clay working, or new techniques in existing industries, e.g., lithic, osseous, etc. The osseous industry is especially informative for questions on innovations and traditions, since it was well developed in both the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods. In Star≠evo culture, certain Mesolithic tradi- tions may be observed, such as techniques for antler manufacture; however, numerous innovations are also visible, particularly techno-types of Near Eastern origin such as spatula-spoons, the most characteristic bone techno-type of the Early Neolithic in South-east Europe, as well as diverse deco- rative items. Furthermore, new raw materials (bones from domestic animals) are introduced, and new techniques for manufacture and new tools. It is also interesting to observe that, although osseous materials remain the dominant raw material for personal ornaments, they are no longer used for artistic expression. IZVLE∞EK – Najstarej∏e neolitske kulture jugovzhodne Evrope so prinesle bistvene spremembe v as- pektih vsakodnevnega ∫ivljenja, v gospodarstvo, poselitvene vzorce, arhitekturo, pa tudi v ritualne vi- dike ∫ivljenja. Tehnolo∏ke spremembe so prav tako pomembne – uvajanje povsem novih tehnologij kot je obdelava gline ali vpeljava novih tehnik v obstoje≠e tehnologije obdelave npr. kamna, kosti itd. Predvsem obdelava kosti je izpovedna pri vpra∏anjih, ki so vezana na inovacije in tradicije, saj je dobro razvita tako v mezolitiku kot v neolitiku. V kulturi Star≠evo lahko tako opazujemo nekatere mezolitske tradicije, kot je obdelava rogovja; kljub temu pa prepoznamo tudi ∏tevilne inovacije, pred- vsem pri tehnolo∏kih tipih, ki imajo izvor na Bli∫njem vzhodu kot so ∫lice, najbolj zna≠ilen tip v zgod- njem neolitiku jugovzhodne Evrope, isto pa velja za raznorazne dekorativne izdelke. Zna≠ilna pa je tudi uporaba novih vrst surovin (kosti doma≠ih ∫ivali) in uporaba novih tehnik obdelave in izdela- va novih orodij. Zanimivo je, da izdelki iz kosti ne predstavljajo ve≠ umetni∏ko izra∫anje, ≠eprav ostaja kost poglavitna surovina za izdelavo osebnih izdelkov oz. okraskov. KEY WORDS – osseous raw materials; technological choices; technological innovations; Star≠evo- Körös-Cris culture DOI> 10.4312\dp.43.5 Selena Vitezović 124 ed components: matter, the material on which tech- nique acts; energy, i.e. the forces which move objects and transform matter, tools or means of work; ges- tures, which move the objects involved in a techno- logical action, and, finally, specific knowledge, which may be conscious or unconscious. Furthermore, all these techniques form a system, and, within this sys- tem, multiple interactions exist between the tools, the material that is being transformed, the actions and the knowledge needed to transformation it. All these elements are interdependent; diverse techni- ques in a given society can share the same resources, the same knowledge, the same tools and the same actors. One technique may use the products of the others; techniques may share operational sequences or technical principles. This creates multiple relations of interdependence among them; variations in any of the five technical elements causes changes in oth- ers, and any alteration within one technology influ- ences modifications in others (cf. Lemonnier 1986; 1992). In terms of the meaning and importance of some technology within a given society, we may group them into practical and prestigious ones (cf. Hayden 1998). Practical technologies are used to solve prac- tical problems of survival and basic comfort, such as providing food or shelter, and their most impor- tant principle is to perform required tasks in an effi- cient and effective way. However, there are different kinds of constraints operating in the development of solutions for each problem, such as functional requi- rements, material properties, availability, and pro- duction costs. It is unlikely, therefore, that there will be a single optimal solution for every problem. The criteria used in choosing between alternative techno- logical solutions are how effective and how costly each solution is, but also the choice of the solution that is adopted may largely depend on culture tradi- tion, ideological values, style, etc. (Hayden 1998). Prestigious technologies, on the other hand, display power, wealth, prestige, success. Prestigious artefacts are not created to perform a practical, but a social, task, and they play a key active role in the acquisi- tion of status and power. The purpose is to solve a social problem or to accomplish a social task, such as attracting allies, or bonding members of social groups together. Therefore, the logic and strategy for creating prestige artefacts are fundamentally dif- ferent from the logic and strategy for creating prac- tical ones. Prestige technologies employ as much sur- plus labour as possible to create objects that will at- tract and draw attention, status and prestige to the owner (Hayden 1998). Analysing the appearance and development of prestigious technologies among hunter-gatherer communities, Brian Hayden (1998. 17–18) also argued that many, perhaps even all, of the technological achievements were initially devel- oped as prestige technologies and only later evolved into more practical applications such as pottery, me- talworking, domestication of plants and animals, etc. Not only are technological choices influenced, even directed, by cultural and social phenomena, but spe- cific technological traits may be cultural and chrono- logical markers, and the technology itself may be used to display identity, status and/or prestige, to emphasise group identity, for example (e.g., Wake 1999). Even a skill itself may be valued (cf. Sinclair 1995; 1998), and it may have been used to display or increase the prestigious status of the artisan who produced certain skill-demanding items. The archaeological background The Early Holocene in the central Balkan area is marked by a specific Mesolithic culture, labelled after the eponymous sites Lepenski Vir or Lepenski Vir-Schela Cladovei culture. All the sites were disco- vered in the Iron Gates region, part of the Danube valley and present-day border between Serbia and Romania: Lepenski Vir, Vlasac, Padina, Hajdu≠ka Vo- denica and Kula on the Serbian side of the Danube, and on the Romanian side sites at Alibeg, Cuina Tur- cului, Icoana, Ostrovul Banului, Ostrovul Corbului, Răzvrata, Schela Cladovei, Ostrovul Mare, etc. (Bon- sall 2008; Bori≤ 2002; Boroneant 1970; 2000; Ra- dovanovi≤ 1996). Absolute dates for the Lepenski Vir site show that the earliest Mesolithic occupation began around 9400 cal BC, while the trapezoidal houses had been abandoned by around 5900 cal BC (Bori≤, Dimitrijevi≤ 2007; for more dates see also Bonsall 2008 and references therein). Whether these communities were mobile or seden- tary is still a subject of research; a certain level of sedentarism, however, may be observed. These com- munities practiced hunting of the game abundant in the forests in the area, and also fishing, in particu- lar fishing for large migratory fish (Bökönyi 1978; Bartosiewicz et al. 2008; Clason 1982; Dimitrije- vi≤ 2008; Dinu 2010). A very peculiar material culture is the hallmark for the Iron Gates Mesolithic, with spectacular non-util- itarian items, which included ornamented stones discovered at several sites, and even sculptures Neolithisation of technology> innovation and tradition in the Star;evo culture osseous industry 125 placed within trapezoidal structures at the Lepen- ski Vir site. Also, rich and diverse lithic and bone in- dustries were uncovered (cf. Antonovi≤ 2006; Ba≠- kalov 1979; Beldiman 2007; Radovanovi≤ 1981; 1996; Vitezovi≤ 2011b). The Early Neolithic introduced numerous innova- tions – not only farming and animal husbandry, new plant and animal species, but also changes in ways of life and worldviews (cf. Hodder 1990; Cauvin 1997). The earliest Neolithic communities in the cen- tral Balkan region were part of the Star≠evo-Körös- Cris cultural complex (for absolute dates, cf. Whittle et al. 2002). The Neolithic settlers were a new pop- ulation in the region; however, the nature of their relations with the Mesolithic communities is still not entirely clear (cf. Bonsall 2008.267–278). Star≠evo communities were agricultural; they prac- tised farming and animal herding, although hunting and gathering also played a certain role in subsis- tence (cf. Filipovi≤, Obradovi≤ 2013; Clason 1982; Greenfield 2008). Settlements consisted of semi- dugout pit-dwellings and huts above ground made from wattle and daub. Their material culture brought in numerous innovations, the most important and most conspicuous being the introduction of clay technology: ceramics were used for daily and stor- age pots, everyday artefacts such as weights, but also figurines and other cult objects (so-called altars, etc.) (e.g., Vukovi≤ 2013). Changes in other technologies may be observed as well; lithic and osseous tools are now adapting to new materials and new tasks connected with agri- cultural activities, life in villages, etc. We can as- sume that perishable technologies changed as well (leather, textile, wood working). In the lithic indus- try we may note in particular the introduction and more widespread use of polished stone artefacts (axes, adzes, chisels, etc.) and ground stone artefacts (whetstones, grindstones, etc.) (Antonovi≤ 2003). Bone technology in Star≠evo culture Osseous tools had an important role in craft pro- duction and daily activities, and also other utensils and personal ornaments were made from these raw materials. The bone industry shows certain traits that can be characterised as Mesolithic traditions, but also numerous innovations, including Near-East- ern influences. The bone industry from the follow- ing sites was included in the ana- lysis: Donja Branjevina, Star≠e- vo-Grad, Golokut-Vizi≤, Obre∫-Ba∏- tine, Luda∏-Bud∫ak, Divostin, Gri- vac, Te≠i≤, Drenovac, U∏≤e Kame- ni≠kog Potoka, Knjepi∏te, Veles- nica, Bubanj, Pavlovac-Kova≠ke Njive (Vitezovi≤ 2011a; 2011c; 2012a; 2013a; 2014) (Map 1). Some of these sites were exca- vated in the first half of the 20th century and not all of the faunal remains were carefully collected, so the data are not of equal qual- ity, but these assemblages still yielded important information on the osseous industries. Choice of raw material Osseous raw materials used for craft production may be acquired directly, obtained either from ani- mals killed for food, or collected (for example, shed antlers or mol- lusc shells), or indirectly, acquired through trade and exchange (for example, mollusc shells from dis- tant regions). In all prehistoric Map 1. Star≠evo culture sites mentioned in the text: 1 Luda∏-Bud∫ak, 2 Donja Branjevina, 3 Golokut-Vizi≤, 4 Obre∫-Ba∏tine, 5 Star≠evo-Grad, 6 Grivac, 7 Divostin, 8 Velesnica (U∏≤e Kameni≠kog Potoka and Knje- pi∏te are located near-by) and 9 Pavlovac-Kova≠ke Njive. Selena Vitezović 126 communities, locally and directly acquired raw mate- rials comprise the majority within osseous industries. However, this does not imply that all the available skeletal elements were unselectively used, but cer- tain choices among available raw materials were made, directed by their physical and mechanical traits as well as by cultural preferences (cf. Choyke 2013 and references therein). The Mesolithic bone industry in the Iron Gates re- gion is marked by the predominant use of red deer antlers (chiefly from killed animals, although shed antlers were present as well) and also diverse bones from hunted animals (auroch, red deer, roe deer), especially large long bones from large mammals used for diverse cutting and burnishing tools, fol- lowed by boar tusks and the occasional use of im- ported mollusc shells (cf. Ba≠kalov 1979; Beldiman 2005; 2007; Cristiani, Bori≤ 2012; Vitezovi≤ 2011b; precise numerical data are not available for all the sites; see Table 1 for the data from the sites at Kula and Vlasac, after Vitezovi≤ 2022b and Radovanovi≤ 1996.253). In Star≠evo culture, the situation is somewhat dif- ferent, as the antler ratio decreases and bones are predominant, particularly those of domestic animals prevail (for the antler and bone ratio, see Table 2). We may also observe a strict selection of both ske- letal elements and species. Ovicaprine bones (espe- cially metapodia and tibiae) were best represented, followed by cattle metapodia and other ungulate long bones and ribs, mainly from domestic cattle and occasionally aurochs, red deer and roe deer (however, for ribs and some long bone segments, it is not possible to determine the species with certain- ty, so the percentages cannot be calculated accurate- ly) (Vitezovi≤ 2011a; 2011c; 2013a). Antlers were mainly from red deer, with the occasional use of roe deer antlers, in most cases shed, probably collected in the relative vicinity of the settlement. There are certain differences between the Star≠evo sites in the antler ratio; for example, they are abundant at some of sites, while almost completely absent at others, probably reflecting regional differences in economic aspects (cf. Vitezovi≤ 2011a; 2013a; 2014). Boar tusks (of wild and domestic pig) were used for tools and decorations, and also diverse teeth of other spe- cies, mainly wild (such as red deer canines), served as decorative items (Vitezovi≤ 2012a; 2014). Denta- lium, Spondylus and Glycymeris mollusc shells were present; Dentalium beads were found only at Star- ≠evo, while Spondylus and Glycymeris bracelets and other ornaments were found at the sites of Star≠e- vo, Divostin and Drenovac (Vitezovi≤ 2012a). It is interesting to note that the domestic animal bones were the most prevalent raw material at all Star≠evo culture sites (however, as mentioned above, exact ratios cannot be determined), although there is a difference between the sites in the wild/domes- tic animal ratio. At Golokut, for example, wild ani- mals were predominant, but exploited raw materials do not differ significantly from, for example, Donja Branjevina, where domestic fauna were dominant (cf. Bla∫i≤ 1984–1985 and Bla∫i≤ 2005.74–76 res- pectively). At Star≠evo site, the ratio of wild pigs is notable (Clason 1982), although boar tusks do not stand out particularly in quantity in comparison with other sites. This prevalence of domestic species in the raw ma- terial choices certainly points to cultural attitudes to species. An interesting case study comes from the southern Levant, where the bone tool assemblages from several subsequent periods were analysed, with the focus on the change from gazelle bones to capri- nae bones (Le Dosseur 2010). During the Natufian and PPNA, gazelle bones were the predominant raw material. During the middle PPNB, an increasing number of caprines is noted in the faunal record, while the gazelle were still the preferred choice of raw material, even though goats were much more Tab. 1. The use of different osseous raw materials in the Mesolithic. Examples from the sites of Kula and Vlasac. Neolithisation of technology> innovation and tradition in the Star;evo culture osseous industry 127 numerous in the faunal assemblage. An important change occurred during late PPNB; caprine bones became the main choice of raw material, in particu- lar those of sheep, which also increased in the fau- nal assemblage. Although some of this change may be purely technological (gazelle bones may be longer and thus more convenient, etc.), such a change also includes changes in attitude to the newly introduced animals. This shows that a certain time is needed for domestic animals to be fully adopted and included in all segments of life and in diverse aspects of con- sumption. Manufacturing techniques Most of the manufacturing techniques encountered within the Star≠evo culture have much in common with techniques practised throughout prehistoric Europe (cf. Beldiman 2007; Sidéra 2005; Stratouli 1998, inter alii). Some of the débitage techniques for antler artefacts show certain similarities with Me- solithic technology, in methods of detaching blanks, in shaping cutting tools, etc. (cf. Vitezovi≤ 2014). Several distinct technological features may be ob- served in the manufacturing process, including some technical procedures typical of the Early and Mid- dle Neolithic in Southeast Europe. The main innovation in Neolithic technology was the widespread use of abrasion, directly linked with the introduction and widespread use of abrasive stone tools (cf. Antonovi≤ 2003). Most of the bone Tab. 2. The use of different osseous raw materials in the Early Neolithic. Examples from the sites of Gri- vac, Divostin, Star≠evo, Donja Branjevina, U∏≤e Kameni≠kog Potoka and Velesnica. Selena Vitezović 128 and antler objects were finished by ab- rasion; their distal ends are modelled by grinding and burnishing with diverse, coarse- and fine-grained stone tools, or entire surfaces are finely burnished and polished. Pointed tools (awls, needles) made from small ruminant metapodials present a particularly interesting method of shap- ing. This tool type was widespread in Europe throughout the Neolithic period (e.g., Ba≠kalov 1979; Beldiman 2007; Makkay 1990; Sidéra 2005; Stratouli 1998). Three distinctive manufacturing methods were in use: (1) manufacture using abrasion only; (2) manufacture by first sawing the metapodia in half and then abrading it; and/or (3) manufacture by first abrading and then by sawing (cf. Murray 1979, Sidéra 2005) (Figs. 1, 2). All three techniques for shaping were quite well re- presented in Star≠evo-Körös-Cris culture and the Early and Middle Neolithic in the region (cf. Beldiman 2007; Beldiman, Sztancs 2011; Makkay 1990; Tóth 2012; Stratouli 1998). In the first and third method, the metapodial bone is first ground with an abra- sive stone on both sides (dorsal and ventral) until it becomes flat. It may then be further shaped by ab- rasion only, or by a combination of cutting with a flint tool and abrasion (Figs. 1, 2). This results in very thin, fine points (Fig. 3). The distal epiphysis, usually preserved at the base, may be reduced to a very small, almost flat knob or simply ground from all sides, thus obtaining a more or less regular square shape. This method allowed more precise shaping, but limited the number of artefacts which could have been fashioned from a single piece of raw material. The second method may enable a maximum of four tools from a single bone, while the results were not so fine, but more resilient, stronger awls. In later pe- riods, methods that included abrasion as the first step disappeared, and the second technique became predominant (cf. Ba≠kalov 1979; Russell 1990; Vi- tezovi≤ 2007). Also, the method of transver- sal division into segments was new; this was done by mak- ing a groove along the circum- ference of the bone and then the final millimetre or so of the bone was simply snapped or broken off. A groove could have been made with a flint tool, or by abrasive fibre, or a combination of the two (Fig. 4). The transversal cutting of bones, es- pecially large and thick long bones of large mammals was quite difficult, but this method produced blanks of regular shape, which was not possible by breaking or chopping. This technique was not noted in the Me- solithic and seems to be disappearing with the Late Neolithic period in the region (cf. Ba≠kalov 1979; Russell 1990; Vitezovi≤ 2007). Another specific technique is the method for mak- ing large perforations. Besides the widespread me- thod of making perforations by drilling with a flint borer (with sand added) to obtain smaller holes (5– 8mm in diameter), there was another method for making larger holes (1–1.5cm in diameter) with a tubular, hollow tool instead (perhaps some sort of reed tube or something similar), with an abrasive substance added (e.g., sand) (Fig. 11; Vitezovi≤ 2013b). These large perforations leave distinctive debris in the form of small circles, as discovered at several sites of the Star≠evo-Körös-Cris cultural com- Fig. 1. Reconstruction of methods of making pointed tools from metapodial bones (after Sidéra 2005). Fig. 2. Ovicaprine metapodial bone, completely ground – blank for pro- ducing pointed tools from Star≠evo-Grad. Neolithisation of technology> innovation and tradition in the Star;evo culture osseous industry 129 plex (cf. Beldiman, Sztancs 2011; Makkay 1990; Tóth 2012; see also Vitezovi≤ 2013b and references therein). Techno-types Numerous tools have simple, widespread shapes that are not culturally or chronologically characte- ristic such as awls from longitudinally split long bones, scrapers from ribs, etc. The morphological traits of most antler tools do not differ significantly from their Mesolithic counterparts such as chisels, wedges, axes, adzes, hammers, small punching tools (cf. Vitezovi≤ 2014). In particular, retouching tools may be considered as result of much longer tradi- tions. Also, some other tools have the same or mini- mally modified morphology, such as boar tusk scra- pers, spatulae and other burnishing tools, etc. Several new techno-types are introduced with the Star≠evo culture. According to Isabelle Sidéra (1998), Anatolian influences, present in the osseous indus- tries in Southeast Europe, included the presence of some or all of the following techno-types: pointed tools and tools with a cutting edge made from small ruminant tibiae, antler sickles, elaborated fishhooks, needles with perforation made by incision, buckles, crude axes, beads from bird bones, and spoons (cf. also Dekker 2014; Marinelli 1995; Russell 2006; 2012). The presence and quantity of these techno-types varies at different Star≠evo culture sites; for exam- ple, at some, none were identified, while they were relatively numerous at the others (see Table 3 for details). From Star≠evo culture, only one antler sickle has been discovered, a fragmented piece from Luda∏- Bud∫ak (Vitezovi≤ 2014.168). Needles with perfora- tions made by incision are virtually unknown, with only one being found at Pavlovac-Kova≠ke Njive (Vu- kovi≤ et al. 2016), while crude axes and beads from bird bones have not been encountered. Elaborated fishhooks are also rare; only a few were discovered at Donja Branjevina (Vitezovi≤ 2011a; 2011c) (Fig. 5). Spatulae-chisels from ovicaprine tibiae were discov- ered at Grivac, Divostin, Rudnik near Srbica and Pav- lovac-Kova≠ke Njive (Vitezovi≤ 2011a; Vukovi≤ et al. 2016) (Fig. 6). The largest number was noted at Di- vostin; however, they are not numerous and, in ge- neral, not as important as, for example, in Bulgarian Karanovo I–II culture (cf. Lang 2004). The most important techno-types of Anatolian ori- gin among the Star≠evo bone artefacts are spatulae- spoons and several decorative items. Spatulae-spoons were widespread in the Near East (cf. Dekker 2014), and are abundant throughout the entire Star≠evo-Kö- rös-Cris cultural complex (cf. Beldiman 2007; Beldi- man, Sztancs 2011; Makkay 1990; Nandris 1972; Tóth 2012; Vitezovi≤ 2011a; 2011c; 2013a) as well Fig. 3. Fine awls obtained only by abrasion from Donja Bra- njevina. Fig. 4. Manufacture debris with traces of unfin- ished transversal cutting, from Star≠evo-Grad. Selena Vitezović 130 as within Karanovo I–II culture (cf. Lang 2004; Zi- darov 2014). Spatulae-spoons were made exclusively from large ungulate metapodial bones, probably all from Bos. Although it was suggested by John Nandris (1972) that only bones of the wild species Bos primigenius were in use, it seems that Star≠evo examples were probably all from Bos taurus. Spatulae-spoons have elongated handles with cylindrical or oval cross-sec- tions, straight or gently curved, and a bowl at the dis- tal end, usually completely flat or slightly concave. Bowl shapes vary: they may be elongated, leaf-shap- ed, shorter, triangular, or, rarely, oval (Figs. 7, 8). Zoomorphic handles, known from Anatolian sites, have not been discovered; however, it should be noted that one projectile-shaped artefact from Donja Branjevina, probably a re-worked spoon, had a zoo- morphic base (Vitezovi≤ 2011c.31). Also from Donja Branjevina, one fragmented piece has a peculiar base, decorated with two rows of incisions (Vitezo- vi≤ 2011c.Fig. 18/2), and from Te≠i≤ may be men- tioned one example with incisions on both sides on basal part of the bowl (Fig. 8). No other decorations were discovered (for example, notches, known from Anatolian sites, cf. Dekker 2014). Spatula-spoons were produced through several stages of cutting, scraping, burnishing, polishing, etc. (cf. Nandris 1972; Sidéra 2013), and, according to the experimental work of Isabelle Sidéra (2013.174), this manufacturing technique demanded a lot of time, over 25 hours of work in total, and also a lot of skill. All these artefacts were used intensively; the bowls show high polish and shine, and at the same time, the bone is flattened, worn out and abraded from use. Edges are sometimes broken or damaged from use, and on some bowl segments it may be seen that they continued to be in use even after the breakage. Also, a high level of polish and shine, as well as fine striations, often spread over entire sur- faces, may be noted. Their function is still not clear; the intensive usewear, especially damage, was inter- preted as being related to contact with either clay or stone (cf. Georgiev 1967; Nandris 1972). They may have been used on special occasions, and their original purpose may have been related to process- ing different plants, perhaps ‘special’ plants, such as medicines or spices. They might have also served as cosmetic tools (cf. also Dekker 2014; Russell 2006; 2012). In Star≠evo culture, they were used for a long time and often repaired, so it may be assumed that their original function was rather important (Vitezo- vi≤ 2011a). Their final function was probably as Sites Spatulae-chisels from Spatulae-spoons Buckles in shape of open bracelet ovicaprine tibiae Donja Branjevina \ 42 (out of 344 total osseous artefacts ) 2 (out of 6 total decorative items) Star;evo-Grad \ 41 (out of 250 total osseous artefacts) 5 (out of 21 total decorative items) Golokut-Vizić \ 1 (out of 39 total osseous artefacts ) 4 (out of 7 total decorative items) Obre/-Ba[tine \ 3 (out of 27 total osseous artefacts ) 2 (out of 3 total decorative items) Divostin 17 1 (out of 96 total osseous artefacts ) \ Grivac 1 1 (out of 58 total osseous artefacts ) 2 (out of 6 total decorative items) Te[ić \ 1 (out of 4 total osseous artefacts ) \ Bubanj \ 1 (out of 16 total osseous artefacts ) \ Velesnica \ 3 (out of 39 total osseous artefacts ) \ U[će Kameni;kog Potoka \ \ (total of 23 osseous artefacts) \ Tab. 3. The presence of different tool types of Near Eastern origin at Star≠evo culture sites. Fig. 5. Elaborated fishhooks from Donja Branje- vina. Neolithisation of technology> innovation and tradition in the Star;evo culture osseous industry 131 some sort of burnisher, as suggested by the presence of the high level of polish and shine consistent with prolonged contact with soft organic materials, such as leather, hide and plant fibres (cf. Peltier 1986; Maigrot 2003; Legrand 2007; also cf. observations by Tóth 2012.175). Projectile points comprise a very interesting group of artefacts, among which three sub-types may be outlined: two of these show technological and mor- phological connections with Mesolithic ones, but the third subtype is technologically connected with spa- tulae-spoons; furthermore, some of these are re- worked broken spoons (Fig. 9) (Vitezovi≤ 2012b). The new artefact types also include several decora- tive items. This includes buckles in the form of an open bracelet, all made from long bones of consi- derable size, from large ungulates, probably Bos. Bones were cut transversally by making a groove with abrasive fibre, and then by cutting the bone with a flint tool. All these objects have carefully shaped heads made by cutting with a flint tool, and all the surfaces were carefully polished with some fine-grained stone. However, their original shape is unknown – whether they were in the form of a half- circle or almost full circle – as they are all broken in the middle. This breakage is probably due to use; these peculiar artefacts may have been used as some sort of belt buckle or clasp for clothing (Fig. 10). Si- milar to those, probably a morphological variation, Fig. 6. Spatula-chisel from ovicaprine tibia from Pavlovac-Kova≠ke Njive. Fig. 7. Spatula-spoons from Star≠evo-Grad. Fig. 8. Spatula-spoon from Te≠i≤. Selena Vitezović 132 are buckles in the form of buttons with a rounded head made from a piece cut out from a long bone, finely polished. Among the region- and culture-specific decorative items rings, disks and rectangular plates with large holes may also be included, all of similar morphol- ogy with slight variations, obtained by use of the above-mentioned specific techniques of transversal cutting or making large perforations (Fig. 11). They were made either by transversally cutting large long bones (ring-shaped pieces) or from diverse flat pieces of bones, mainly from diaphyses of large long bones, by cutting, burnishing and polishing and by making large holes with a hollow tool (discs and rectangular perforated plates) (Vitezovi≤ 2013b). There is one more trait that shows Near Eastern in- fluences – tools with serrated (denticulated or notch- ed) edges. Different artefact types may have one or more edges with dents or notches that are either purely decorative or may have certain function. Two artefacts from Divostin of unknown function (Fig. 12), as well as several diverse artefacts, spoons, awls, burnishers, have certain parts with wide U- shaped notches or dense incisions that create wavy or denticulated edges. The level of use wear differs in them and it is difficult to determine their func- tion. They may have been used for making decora- tions on other, soft materials (such as textile); how- ever, no experimental work has been conducted yet. Similar serrated artefacts are encountered in other Pre-Neolithic and Neolithic cultures in the Near East and in Southeast Europe. Several morphologically similar artefacts were discovered at the site of Tell Mureybet with traces of use that cover the range from modest polish up to com- pletely used dents. Several hypotheses on use were offered; however, the expe- rimental work conducted by Rozalia Christidou was inconclusive (Stordeur, Christidou 2008.522–528). As for our examples, a small number of finds and large variations in form further compli- cate the interpretation of the function and must await future new finds and ex- perimental work. The most important difference in the use of osseous raw materials between the Mesolithic and Star≠evo populations in the Balkans is in their symbolic use. In the Mesolithic, decorations may occa- sionally be found on non-worked skele- tal elements (such as antler segments, such as a roe deer antler from Vlasac, Srejovi≤, Letica 1978.T LXX) or finished and used tools (such as a possible retou- ching tool from Vlasac, Srejovi≤, Letica 1978.T. LXXVI, and more examples in Boroneant 1970; 2000; Radovanovi≤ 1996). These were mainly incis- ed decorations that formed net, zig-zag or wavy mo- tifs. In Star≠evo culture, decoration has not been dis- covered on any bone artefacts. However, in both cul- tures, osseous raw materials were widely used for decoration (Ba≠kalov 1979; Vitezovi≤ 2012a), as in Fig. 9. Projectile points manufactured as spatula- spoons from Star≠evo-Grad. Fig. 10. Buckles in a shape of an open bracelet from Golokut, Ba∏tine, and Star≠evo-Grad. Neolithisation of technology> innovation and tradition in the Star;evo culture osseous industry 133 numerous other prehistoric cultures across Europe and the Near East (cf. Taborin 2004). Discussion and conclusion The bone industry in the Star≠evo culture was a well- developed and important craft, and osseous raw ma- terials were important for producing diverse items, everyday tools and decorative objects. The osseous industry was also closely connected with other tech- nological aspects of Star≠evo crafts, displaying inno- vations connected with the introduction of the Neo- lithic way of life. The acquisition and management of raw materials changed significantly as the economy changed. Sheep, goat and cattle bones now prevail, showing that domestic animals had been fully adopt- ed and accepted in all aspects of the econ- omy and consumption, and were not only ac- ceptable, but preferable raw material for most daily tools. The predominant acquisi- tion of shed antlers demonstrates close know- ledge of the environment, as the red deer tend to shed their antlers in the same place every year (cf. Clutton-Brock 1984). Manufacturing techniques also show innova- tions connected with modifications in other technologies. The most important change is the adoption and widespread use of ground stone tools for several finishing steps, burnishing and po- lishing. Furthermore, the application of this new me- thod created technical procedures that may be con- sidered as cultural-chronological markers. Mesolithic traditions are present to a relatively low extent, and the question of their origin remains open. Some of Mesolithic traits may be considered characteristic of several Mesolithic populations, not only those from the Iron gates region; therefore, the question of contact with the Mesolithic Iron Gates population and its nature remains open. The increased quantity of fine- and medium-sized pointed tools (needles, awls) (see Tab. 4), including Fig. 11. Decorative rectangular plates with large holes from Grivac. Fig. 12. Artefacts with notches from Divostin. Tab. 4. The ratio of fine and medium pointed tools versus other artefacts. Examples from the sites of Vlasac (Mesolithic) and Star≠evo (Early Neolithic). South-East European Transect, vol II: Early Neolithic (Star≠evo-Cris) Sites on the Territory of Romania. Bri- tish Archaeological Reports IS 2188. Archaeopress. Ox- ford: 57–70. Beldiman C. 2005. Paleotechnology of antler working in the Mesolithic of the Iron Gates, Romania. In H. Luik, A. Choyke, C. Batey and L. Lõugas (eds.), From Hooves to Horns, from Mollusc to Mammoth – Manufacture and Use of Bone Artefacts from Prehistoric Times to the Pre- sent. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group at Tallinn, 26th–31st of August 2003. Muinasaja teadus 15. Tallinn: 33–46. 2007. Industria materiilor dure animale în preistoria României. Resurse naturale, comunită ti umane si tehnologie din paleoliticul superior până în neoliticul timpuriu. Asociatia Română de Arheologie. Studii de Preistorie, Supplementum 2. Editura Pro Universitaria. Bucuresti. Selena Vitezović 134 very thin awls obtained through abrasion only, per- haps point to an increased production of perishable technologies, i.e. in processing plant fibres, leather, and hides. Techno-types of Near-Eastern origin were present in most of the bone industries in Southeast Europe, but with significant differences in distribution, impor- tance and technological modifications. In her analy- sis of new elements of Near-Eastern origin in Eastern Balkan bone industries, Sidéra (1998) noted that the style of production changes rapidly from one site to another. In the case of the Star≠evo culture bone in- dustry, we may note that only some of the ‘package’ of Anatolian influences was adopted; furthermore, some of what was adopted had already been partially altered (such as the forms and functions of spatulae- spoons). It is particularly interesting to note that deco- rative items, probably used to display status and/or prestige, show important Near-eastern influences, but again, in a somewhat modified way. The most interesting examples are the projectile points, where a symbiosis of tradition and innova- tion may be observed: subtypes with Mesolithic forms and the introduction of a new subtype closely con- nected with the most important Near-Eastern arte- fact type, the spatula-spoon. The most important difference between the Mesoli- thic (and earlier Palaeolithic traditions) is in the cul- tural attitude to osseous raw materials: they are no longer used for figural representations or decora- tions, while the new material, clay, is now preferred for diverse figural presentations and for objects of possible cultic function. Osseous raw materials are now predominantly used for daily tools, but retained their role for producing personal ornaments (cf. Vi- tezovi≤ 2012a). The Star≠evo culture osseous industry shows an in- teresting mix, preserving some techno-typological traits connected with Mesolithic tradition while in- troducing new techno-types, mainly of Near-Eastern origin, but somewhat altered during the process of adoption into the new cultural milieu. 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