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Documenta Praehistorica
Dostop do celotnega besedila:
od 1998, letnik 25 do 2023, letnik 50
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Documenta Praehistorica
Arheološke najdbe
Oddelek za arheologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica
(Obvezni izvod spletne publikacije)
Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta (oddelek za arheologijo)
(Obvezni izvod spletne publikacije)
Documenta Praehistorica
je revija, ki objavlja izsledke arheoloških raziskav. Revijo, ki izhaja od leta 1998, izdaja
Oddelek za arheologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
220673792 (Spletna izd.)
98765312 (Tiskana izd.)
New achievements in the study on the transitional period from the Palaeolithicto the Neolithic in China (številka: 5, 1998)
Fish, faces and fingers: presences and symbolic identities in the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Carpathian basin (številka: 5, 1998)
Ältestbandkeramische Kultur, La Hoguette, Limburg, and ... What else? - Contemplating the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in southern (številka: 5, 1998)
The northern periphery of the Early Neolithic Starčevo culture in south-western Hungary: a case study of an excavation at Lake Balaton (številka: 5, 1998)
The socio-economic structure of Prehistoric communities in the Southern Levant, ca. 13 000-8000 BP (številka: 5, 1998)
Uvodnik (številka: 5, 1998)
Çatalhöyük, Turkey: a summary of some recent results (številka: 5, 1998)
On the problem of the Anatolian-Balkan relations during the Early Neolithic in Thrace (številka: 5, 1998)
Slighting the sea: stable isotope evidence for the transition to farming in northwestern Europe (številka: 5, 1998)
The Circumpontic cultural zone during the 6th millennium BC (številka: 5, 1998)
Neolithic sequence: the upper Stryama valley in western Thrace (with an appendix: radiocarbon dating of the Balkan Neolithic) (številka: 5, 1998)
New observations on Paleolithic in China reflected by three sites (številka: 5, 1998)
Einkorn wheat domestication site mapped by DNA fingerprinting (številka: 5, 1998)
Searching for the Early Neolithic in China (številka: 5, 1998)
A comparative outline of the Early Neolithic cultures in China and in the Near East (številka: 5, 1998)
Clay tokens - accounting before writing in Eurasia (številka: 25, 1998)
Introduction remarks (številka: 6, 1999)
Concerning the transition to farming in the East Baltic (številka: 26, 1999)
Trajectories towards the neolithisation of NW Turkey (številka: 26, 1999)
Places that created time in the Danube Gorges and beyond, c. 9000-5500 BC (številka: 26, 1999)
The built environment: pit-huts and houses in the Neolithic (številka: 26, 1999)
Funeral rites at Zagheh: a neolithic site in the Qazvin plain, Iran (številka: 26, 1999)
Stable isotope evidence of the diet of the Neolithic population in Slovenia - a case study: Ajdovska jama (številka: 26, 1999)
"Neither person nor beast" - dogs in the burial practice of the Iron Gates Mesolithic (številka: 26, 1999)
The ecology of Neolithic environmental impacts - re-evaluation of existing theory using case studies from Hungary & Slovenia (številka: 26, 1999)
Landscape dynamics on the Ljubljana Moor (številka: 26, 1999)
Tokens: the cognitive significance (številka: 26, 1999)
The transition to farming in Mediterranean Europe - an indigenous response (številka: 26, 1999)
The mesolithic and the neolithic in China (številka: 26, 1999)
Pattern and mobility in the prehistoric settlements of the Edirne region, Eastern Thrace (številka: 26, 1999)
Pots, symbols and territories: the archaeological context of neolithisation in Mediterranean Spain (številka: 26, 1999)
The mesolithic in South China (številka: 27, 2000)
The late Starčevo and the earliest linear pottery groups in Western Transdanubia (številka: 27, 2000)
Thessaly, Franchthi and Western Turkey: Clues to the Neolithisation of Greece? (številka: 27, 2000)
Painted pottery from East Macedonia, in North Greece: technological analysys of decorative techniques (številka: 27, 2000)
Anthropological approaches in Neolithic studies in Iran (številka: 27, 2000)
The Mesolithic/Neolithic Transition in Greece as Evidenced by the Data at Theopetra Cave in Thessaly (številka: 27, 2000)
Between Foragers and Farmers in the Iron Gates Gorge: Physical Anthropology Perspective (številka: 27, 2000)
A prehistoric stone axe production site in turkish Thrace: Hamaylitaria (številka: 27, 2000)
The Lepenski Vir Fauna: Bones in Houses and Between Houses (številka: 27, 2000)
The dating of Chinese early pottery and a discussion of some related problems (številka: 27, 2000)
Measuring Change: the Neolithic pottery Sequence of Vinča-Belo brdo (številka: 27, 2000)
A new painted pottery assemblage at Ismailabad: a late Neolithic site in the Central Plateau of Iran (številka: 27, 2000)
On the Bailiandong Culture (številka: 27, 2000)
The Problems of Dating Prehistoric Axe Factories and Neolithisation in Turkish Thrace (številka: 27, 2000)
Stable Isotopes, Radiocarbon and the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition in the Iron Gates (številka: 27, 2000)
The "when", the "where" and the "why" of the Neolithic revolution in the Levant (številka: 28, 2001)
Recent research on early farming in central Europe (številka: 28, 2001)
Celestial symbolism in the Vučedol culture (številka: 28, 2001)
Technology, mythology and the travels of the agricultural package in Europe (številka: 28, 2001)
The architecture of Early and Middle Neolithic settlements of the Starčevo culture in Northern Croatia (številka: 28, 2001)
Feast of famine? Epipalaeolithic subsistence in the northern Adriatic basin (številka: 28, 2001)
Mesolithic to Neolithic in Greece. Continuity, discontinuity or change of course? (številka: 28, 2001)
The transition to farming in Southeast Europe (številka: 28, 2001)
The beginning of the Neolithic in Austria - a report about recent and current investigations (številka: 28, 2001)
Re-thinking the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Iberian peninsula: a view from the West (številka: 28, 2001)
The Holocene vegetation dynamics and the formation of Neolithic and present-day Slovenian landscape (številka: 28, 2001)
The agricultural transition and the origins of Neolithic society in Europe (številka: 28, 2001)
Another Neolithic in Holocene Japan (številka: 29, 2002)
The earliest centres of pottery origin in the Russian Far East and Siberia: review of chronology for the oldest Neolithic cultures (številka: 29, 2002)
Changes in the production and use of pottery from the Early Neolithic to the 'secondary products revolution': some evidence from LN Makriyalos, Northern Greece (številka: 29, 2002)
The Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in western Scotland and its European context (številka: 29, 2002)
The development of dairying in Europe: potential evidence from food residues on ceramics (številka: 29, 2002)
Defining function in Neolithic ceramics: the exmaple of Makriyalos, Greece (številka: 29, 2002)
Identification of animal fats via compound specific d13C values of individual fatty acids: assessemnts of results for reference fats and lipid extracts of archaeological pottery vessels (številka: 29, 2002)
The discovery of early pottery in China (številka: 29, 2002)
Diet and cuisine: farming and its transformations as reflected in pottery (številka: 29, 2002)
Direct dating of Neolithic pottery: progress and prospects (številka: 29, 2002)
The Neolithic transition in Europe: archaeological models and genetic evidence (številka: 30, 2003)
Stone age transitions. Neolithisation in central Scandinavia (številka: 30, 2003)
A study on an early Neolithic site in North China (številka: 30, 2003)
A new model for the spread of the first farmers in Europe (številka: 30, 2003)
The latest results from the technological and typological analysis of chipped stone assemblages from Ilipinar, Pendik, Fikir tepe and Menteş, NW Turkey (številka: 30, 2003)
Migration, acculturation and culture change in western temperate Eurasia, 6500-5000 cal BC (številka: 30, 2003)
Who did it? Perspectives on the beginning of the Neolithic in Greece (številka: 30, 2003)
An alternate (and old-fashioned) view of Neolithisation in Greece (številka: 30, 2003)
Seals, contracts and tokens in the balkans early neolithic: where in the puzzle (številka: 30, 2003)
Early herders of the Eastern Adriatic (številka: 30, 2003)
Early polished stone tools in South China evidence of the transition from palaeolithic to neolithic (številka: 31, 2004)
An aspect of neolithisation in Mongolia (številka: 31, 2004)
The nature of early farming in Central and South-east Europe (številka: 31, 2004)
Are land snails a signature for the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition? (številka: 31, 2004)
Modelling the neolithic dispersal in northern Eurasia (številka: 31, 2004)
Building a method for the study of the mesolithic-neolithic transition in Portugal (številka: 31, 2004)
Current debates on the mesolithic-neolithic transition in Britain and Ireland (številka: 31, 2004)
Expected palaeoanthropological and archaeological signal from a Neolithic demographic transition on a worldwide scale (številka: 31, 2004)
Farming and feasting in the neolithic of Greece (številka: 31, 2004)
The transition to farming and the "revolution" of symbols in the Balkans (številka: 31, 2004)
The neolithic in Almería (številka: 31, 2004)
Usewear analysis of mesolithic and neolithic stone tools from Mala Triglavca, Trhlovca and Pupičina peć (številka: 31, 2004)
Archaeographic and conceptual advances in interpreting Iberian neolithisation (številka: 31, 2004)
Cueva de El Toro (Antequera, Málaga-Spain) (številka: 31, 2004)
Archaeometrical analysis of neolithic pottery from the Divača region, Slovenia (številka: 31, 2004)
The challenge of the abstract mind (številka: 32, 2005)
Symbolic behaviour at places of social activity beyond the domestic area in the Ionian neolithic (številka: 32, 2005)
Antropomorphic statuettes from Cucuteni-Tripolye (številka: 32, 2005)
If the Vinča script once really existed who could have written or read it? (številka: 32, 2005)
Pigeon-Raven and sperm whale, magical objects and domestic horned (številka: 32, 2005)
Semiotic approach to the features of the 'Danube Script' (številka: 32, 2005)
Mesolithic-neolithic contacts as reflected in ritual finds (številka: 32, 2005)
Small anthropomorphic figurines in clay at Gipka neolithic settlements (številka: 32, 2005)
The process of Neolithisation in South-eastern Europe (številka: 32, 2005)
Miniature vessels from the Neolithic site at Čatež-Sredno polje (številka: 32, 2005)
The concept of "Neolithic package" (številka: 32, 2005)
The ethnography of the Cyclops (številka: 32, 2005)
The transfer of symbols and meanings (številka: 32, 2005)
Sexual symbolism in the Early Neolithic of the Southern Levant (številka: 32, 2005)
Homo habitus (številka: 32, 2005)
New archeological data refering to Tartaria tablets (številka: 32, 2005)
Settlement of the early linear ceramics culture at Brunn am Gebirge, Wolfholz site (številka: 32, 2005)
Ambiguous symbols (številka: 32, 2005)
Another aspect of figurine function (številka: 32, 2005)
The language of symbols in prehistoric Anatolia (številka: 32, 2005)
Tracing symbols of life and symbols of death in neolithic archaeological contexts (številka: 32, 2005)
Eastern, central and western Hungary - variations of neolithisation models (številka: 33, 2006)
Shamanic and/or cognitive evolution (številka: 33, 2006)
Neolithisation in southwest Asia - the path to modernity (številka: 33, 2006)
The role of Southeastern Europe in origins and diffusion of major paternal lineages (številka: 33, 2006)
Neolithic skull shapes and demic diffusion (številka: 33, 2006)
Further notes on mesolithic-neolithic contacts in the Iron gates region and the central Balkans (številka: 33, 2006)
Light at the end of the tunnel (številka: 33, 2006)
Gene-flows and social processes (številka: 33, 2006)
Clash of cultures? (številka: 33, 2006)
The transition to farming and the ceramic trajectories in Western Eurasia (številka: 33, 2006)
Y-chromosome haplogroup I prehistoric gene flow in Europe (številka: 33, 2006)
Most recent investigation of peopling of Bosnia and Herzegovina (številka: 33, 2006)
Spondylus and Glycymeris bracelets (številka: 33, 2006)
Early Neolithic jar burials in southeast Europe (številka: 33, 2006)
Violence in the mesolithic (številka: 33, 2006)
Red, black or white? (številka: 33, 2006)
The late glacial ancestry of Europeans (številka: 33, 2006)
Transformations in east-central Europe from 6000 to 3000 BC (številka: 33, 2006)
The spread of farming in the Eastern Adriatic (številka: 33, 2006)
Pushing it back (številka: 33, 2006)
Complex settlement and the landscape dynamic of the Iščica floodplain (Ljubljana Marshes, Slovenia) (številka: 33, 2006)
The domestication of human birth (številka: 33, 2006)
A Pan-European model of the neolithic (številka: 34, 2007)
The earliest neolithic complex in Siberia (številka: 34, 2007)
Middle and late holocene hunter-gatherers in East Central Europe (številka: 34, 2007)
The Lengyel culture settlement in Bučany (številka: 34, 2007)
Bridging the gap (številka: 34, 2007)
Jomon pottery: cord-imitating decoration (številka: 34, 2007)
Reassessing the concept of the "Neolithic" in the Jomon of Western Japan (številka: 34, 2007)
The mesolithic at the Danube's Iron Gates (številka: 34, 2007)
The Grotta dei Cervi (številka: 34, 2007)
The 8200 calBP "climate event" and the process of neolithisation in south-eastern Europe (številka: 34, 2007)
Notes on some cultic aspects of Italian prehistory (številka: 34, 2007)
Social aspects of the transition to farming in the Balkans (številka: 34, 2007)
"Sheep are your mother" (številka: 34, 2007)
Phase and chemical composition analysis of pigments used in Cucuteni neolithic painted ceramics (številka: 34, 2007)
Early and middle neolithic figurines - the migration of religious belief (številka: 34, 2007)
Unravelling ground stone life histories (številka: 34, 2007)
Mesolithic heritage in early neolithic burial rituals and personal adornments (številka: 34, 2007)
Indo-Europeanization - the seven dimensions in the study of a never-ending process (številka: 34, 2007)
Is it goddess or bear? (številka: 34, 2007)
Digging the Neolithic stamp-seals of SE Europe from archaeological deposits, texts and mental constructs (številka: 34, 2007)
Why were the Neolithic landscapes of Bela krajina and Ljubljana marshes regions of Slovenia so dissimilar? (številka: 34, 2007)
When did the "Neolithic package" reach Lepenski vir? (številka: 34, 2007)
The Stonehenge riverside project (številka: 35, 2008)
Micro-regions of the Lepenski Vir cultur (številka: 35, 2008)
Reassessing the mesolithic/neolithic "gap" in southeast European cave sequences (številka: 35, 2008)
Embodiment and visual reproduction in the neolithic (številka: 35, 2008)
Holocene paleoclimatic and paleohydrological changes in Lake Balaton as inferred from a complex quantitative environmental historical study of a lacustrine sequence of the Szigliget embayment (številka: 35, 2008)
Imprints of the neolithic mind - clay stamps from the Republic of Macedonia (številka: 35, 2008)
Communities, households and animals (številka: 35, 2008)
Becoming neolithic (številka: 35, 2008)
Vlasac revisited (številka: 35, 2008)
Warfare in late neolithic\early chalcolithic Pisidia, southwestern Turkey (številka: 35, 2008)
Early herding practices revealed through organic residue analysis of pottery from the early Neolithic rock shelter of Mala Triglavca, Slovenia (številka: 35, 2008)
Archaeological research in Miercurea Sibiului - Petriş (Sibiu county, Romania) (številka: 35, 2008)
The catastrophic final flooding of Doggerland by the storegga slide tsunami (številka: 35, 2008)
Cultural landscapes in the lower Danube area (številka: 35, 2008)
Settlements, landscape and palaeoclimate dynamics on the Ižica floodplain of the Ljubljana Marshes (številka: 35, 2008)
Spiral patterns on the neolithic pottery of East Asia and the Far East (številka: 35, 2008)
Holocene paleoclimatic and paleohydrological changesin in the Sárrét basin, NW Hungary (številka: 35, 2008)
Towards an understanding of Early Neolithic populations (številka: 35, 2008)
Colour, form, animals and deception in the ice age (številka: 35, 2008)
Feasting and inter-village networks (številka: 35, 2008)
Phylogeography of Y chromosomal haplogroups as reporters of neolithic and post-neolithic population processes in the Mediterranean area (številka: 35, 2008)
Funerary rites in a neolithic nomad community in Southeastern Arabia (številka: 35, 2008)
The impact of rapid climate change on prehistoric societies during the holocene in the eastern Mediterranean (številka: 36, 2009)
Demographic model of the neolithic transition in central Europe (številka: 36, 2009)
Mesolithic cremations as elements of secondary mortuary rites at Vlasac (Serbia) (številka: 36, 2009)
Climate fluctuations and trajectories to complexity in the neolithic (številka: 36, 2009)
Neolithic/eneolithic settlement patterns and holocene environmental changes in Bela krajina (south-eastern Slovenia) (številka: 36, 2009)
The materiality of dung (številka: 36, 2009)
Implications of the role of southeastern Europe in the origins and diffusion of major Eurasian paternal lineages (številka: 36, 2009)
The mesolithic background for the neolithisation process (številka: 36, 2009)
Tradition and innovation between the mesolithic and aerly neolithic in the Adige valley (northeast Italy) (številka: 36, 2009)
Lithics in the neolithic of northern Greece (številka: 36, 2009)
Palaeolithic art in Slovenia (številka: 36, 2009)
Lithic raw material procurement in the Moravian neolithic (številka: 36, 2009)
Climate variations in the circum-Alpine region and their influence on neolithic-bronze age lacustrine communities (številka: 36, 2009)
Geo-pedological and climatic impact on the distribution and organization of neolithic settlements in eastern Croatia (Western Syrmia) (številka: 36, 2009)
Three successive waves of neolithisation (številka: 36, 2009)
Representing people, constituting worlds (številka: 36, 2009)
Early neolithic pottery dispersals and demic diffusion in southeastern Europe (številka: 36, 2009)
The neolithization of northern Black sea area in the context of climate changes (številka: 36, 2009)
The action of the masticatory muscles and cranial changes in pigs as results of domestication (številka: 36, 2009)
The relationship between early holocene climate change and neolithic settlement in central Anatolia, Turkey (številka: 36, 2009)
Some thoughts on social versus cultural complexity (številka: 36, 2009)
Climate change and population dynamics during the late mesolithic and the neolithic transition in Iberia (številka: 36, 2009)
The representation of phalli in neolithic Thessaly, Greece (številka: 37, 2010)
Bodies, houses and gardens (številka: 37, 2010)
The story of the only (?) megalith grave on Gotland island (številka: 37, 2010)
Neolithic anthropocentrism (številka: 37, 2010)
The archaeology of death (številka: 37, 2010)
The way we bury our dead (številka: 37, 2010)
Burial clothing in neolithic cemeteries of the Ukrainian steppe (številka: 37, 2010)
Empty graves in LBK cemeteries - indications of special burial practises (številka: 37, 2010)
Messing with the dead (številka: 37, 2010)
Ceramics in the burial rites of the neolithic-early bronze age in the Ukrainian steppe (številka: 37, 2010)
(Un)usual neolithic and early eneolithic mortuary practices in the area of the north Carpathian basin (številka: 37, 2010)
Dance in prehistoric Europe (številka: 37, 2010)
Early neolithic burials of Starčevo culture at Galovo, Slavonski Brod (northern Croatia) (številka: 37, 2010)
The manipulation of death (številka: 37, 2010)
Göbekli Tepe - the stone age sanctuaries (številka: 37, 2010)
Hamzan Tepe in the light of new finds (številka: 37, 2010)
Zgornje Radvanje, cluster 10 (številka: 37, 2010)
In search of rituals and group dynamics (številka: 37, 2010)
Pattern and diversity in the early neolithic mortuary practices of Britain and Ireland (številka: 37, 2010)
Mesolithic fish and fishermen of the lower Danube (Iron gates) (številka: 37, 2010)
People, dogs and wild game (številka: 37, 2010)
Social and biophysical vulnerability of prehistoric societies to rapid climate change (številka: 37, 2010)
On the correlation of natural and cultural processes in the neolithic - Volga-Kamna area (številka: 37, 2010)
Rituals and death cults in recent prehistory in central Portugal (Alto Ribatejo) (številka: 37, 2010)
Mounds and rituals in the Jomon period (številka: 37, 2010)
Monuments and monumentality (številka: 37, 2010)
The neolithic-chalcolithic sequence in the SW Anatolian lakes region (številka: 37, 2010)
A new approach to the problem of the neolithisation of the North-Pontic area (številka: 38, 2011)
Karahan Tepe (številka: 38, 2011)
What can bodies do? (številka: 38, 2011)
Different ways of using space (številka: 38, 2011)
In search of past identities (številka: 38, 2011)
Arrangement of Vinča culture figurines (številka: 38, 2011)
An exercise in archaeological demography (številka: 38, 2011)
The "disappearance" of Trypillia culture (številka: 38, 2011)
Mr. Blademan (številka: 38, 2011)
Figurines in Pietrele (številka: 38, 2011)
Water and fire as transformation elements in ritual deposits of the Scandinavian neolithic (številka: 38, 2011)
Can we reconcile individualisation with relational personhood? (številka: 38, 2011)
Early neolithic settlement patterns and exchange networks in the Aegean (številka: 38, 2011)
Time and palaeoenvironment in the neolithisation of the Povolzhye forest-steppe (številka: 38, 2011)
A glimpse of human life from the neolithic cemetery at Tell el-Kerkh, Northwest Syria (številka: 38, 2011)
Containers and grains (številka: 38, 2011)
Architecture of Lasinja culture settlements in the light of new investigations in northern Croatia (številka: 38, 2011)
Anthropomorphic figurines from Vinča excavations 1998-2009 (številka: 38, 2011)
Adaptation of settlement strategies to environmental conditions in southern Slovakia in the neolithic and eneolithic (številka: 38, 2011)
Ein Qedem 2 (številka: 38, 2011)
Burial practices and social complexity (številka: 38, 2011)
The petroglyphs of Dowzdaghi, northwestern Iran (številka: 38, 2011)
Late neolithic cultural elements from the Danube and Carpathian regions of Precucuteni - Trypillia A culture (številka: 38, 2011)
Marek Zvelebil (09.01.1952-07.07.2011) (številka: 38, 2011)
The supply system of siliceous rocks between the Drava, Sava and Danube rivers during the Starčevo culture (številka: 38, 2011)
Burial practices at the mesolithic-neolithic transition in Britain (številka: 38, 2011)
O-pi e-de-i (številka: 38, 2011)
Concepts of probability in radiocarbon analysis (številka: 38, 2011)
The absolute chronology of east Chia Sabz (številka: 38, 2011)
Monte d'Accoddi and the end of the neolithic in Sardinia (Italy) (številka: 38, 2011)
Plastic raw materials in neolithic pottery production (številka: 39, 2012)
Towards reassessing the neolithisation process in western Iran (številka: 39, 2012)
Alsónyék-Bátaszék (številka: 39, 2012)
Neolithic flat-based pots from the Carnac mounds in the light of Cycladic "frying pans" (številka: 39, 2012)
"Austronesian" and "Jomon" identities in the neolithic of the Ryukyu islands (številka: 39, 2012)
Creating identities in the mortuary arena of the Greek final neolithic (številka: 39, 2012)
Group identities in the central Balkan late neolithic (številka: 39, 2012)
New evidence of the neolithic period in west central Zagros (številka: 39, 2012)
Did shamans always play the drum? (številka: 39, 2012)
A hoard of flint items from Verbicioara, Romania (številka: 39, 2012)
"Skeuomorphs" (številka: 39, 2012)
Houses, pots and food (številka: 39, 2012)
The white beauty - Starčevo culture jewellery (številka: 39, 2012)
Gentes groups in the structure of neolithic cultures of the central Russian plain (številka: 39, 2012)
Cattle to settle - bull to rule (številka: 39, 2012)
Place and identity (številka: 39, 2012)
Emerging craft production and local identity (številka: 39, 2012)
Stone age hunter-gatherer ceramics of North-eastern Europe (številka: 39, 2012)
Interpretative trajectories toward understanding personhoods in prehistory (številka: 39, 2012)
Man, animal or both? (številka: 39, 2012)
The earliest appearance of domestical plant species and their origins on the western fringes of the Eurasian steppe (številka: 39, 2012)
Early villages and prehistoric sites in the Abharroud basin, northwest of the Iranian central plateau (številka: 39, 2012)
Another facet of man - red deer relationship in prehistory (številka: 39, 2012)
Periphery or land of cultural dynamics (številka: 39, 2012)
Social complexity and inequality in the late neolithic of the central Balkans (številka: 39, 2012)
Palaeolithic occupation of the Mehran plain in southwestern Iran (številka: 39, 2012)
Indications of the presence of middle neolithic pottery kilns at Magoula imvrou pigadi, SW Thessaly, Grecce (številka: 39, 2012)
Pots and lipids (številka: 39, 2012)
Models and scenarios of the neolithic in Central Europe (številka: 39, 2012)
A technological study of Hassuna culture ceramics (Yarim tepe I settlement) (številka: 39, 2012)
The system of local supply of stone tools in Amzabegovo-Vršnik culture from neolithic Macedonia (številka: 39, 2012)
Not meant to last (številka: 39, 2012)
Personal ornaments, neolithic groups and social identities (številka: 39, 2012)
14C calendar chronologies and cultural sequences in 5th millennium BC in Slovenia and neighbouring regions (številka: 39, 2012)
Origin and contacts of people buried at the LBK graveyard at Kleinhadersdorf, Austria (številka: 40, 2013)
X-ray computed tomography investigations of Cucuteni ceramic statuettes (številka: 40, 2013)
Lactase persistence and milk consumption in Europe (številka: 40, 2013)
New pre-pottery neolithic sites and cult centres in the Urfa region (številka: 40, 2013)
The bioarchaeology of the neolitic transition (številka: 40, 2013)
The beginnings of the prehistoric agriculture in the Russian far east (številka: 40, 2013)
A new look at old material (številka: 40, 2013)
Deciphering later neolithic stamp seal imagery of northern Mesopotamia (številka: 40, 2013)
Neolithic pots and potters in Europe (številka: 40, 2013)
Managing raw materials in Vinča culture (številka: 40, 2013)
Flesh or fish? (številka: 40, 2013)
Will the real specialist please stand up? (številka: 40, 2013)
Transition to farming - transition to milk culture (številka: 40, 2013)
Pots and food (številka: 40, 2013)
Navigating disciplinary challenges to global sustainability science (številka: 40, 2013)
The problem of the neolithisation process chronology in Povolzhye (številka: 40, 2013)
14C dates and stratigraphy (številka: 40, 2013)
The role of linear pottery houses in the process of neolithisation (številka: 40, 2013)
Interdisciplinary studies of the Cis-Ural neolithic (Upper Kama basin, lake Chashkinskoe) (številka: 40, 2013)
Towards configuring the neolithisation of Aegian Turkey (številka: 40, 2013)
The necklace from the Strážnice in the Hodonín district (Czech republik) (številka: 40, 2013)
Neolithic and chalcolithic settlement patterns in central Moldavia (Romania) (številka: 40, 2013)
Interdisciplinary research of the neolithic Volga-Kama pottery (številka: 40, 2013)
Pietrele in the lower Danube region (številka: 40, 2013)
The beginnings of dairying as practised by pastoralists in 'green' Saharan Africa in the 5th millennium BC (številka: 40, 2013)
Socialn change at the end of the middle Jomon (številka: 40, 2013)
Lipids, pots and food processing at Hočevarica, Ljubljansko barje, Slovenia (številka: 41, 2014)
Archeological evidence for 9th and 8th millennia BC at Girmeler cave near Tlos in SW Turkey (številka: 41, 2014)
Neolithic pottery and the biomolecular archaeology of lipids (številka: 41, 2014)
The neolithic-eneolithic sequence and pottery assemblages in the fifth millennium BC in north-eastern Slovenia (številka: 41, 2014)
A new look at the introduction of the neolithic way of life in Southeastern Europe (številka: 41, 2014)
Neolithic and eneolithic activities inferred from organic residue analysis of pottery from Mala Triglavca, Moverna vas and Ajdovska jama, Slovenia (številka: 41, 2014)
"Pre-neolithic" in Southeast Europe (številka: 41, 2014)
Ceramic petrography, mineralogy and typology of eneolithic pottery from Krašnja, Slovenia (številka: 41, 2014)
Simulating cultural transmission (številka: 41, 2014)
"Temples" in the neolithic and copper age iin Southeast Europe? (številka: 41, 2014)
Beginnings of the neolithic in Southeast Europe (številka: 41, 2014)
Different models for the neolithisation of Albania (številka: 41, 2014)
A hoard of astragals discovered in the cooper age settlement at Lepureşti, Giurgiu County, Romania (številka: 41, 2014)
Neolithisation of the Aegean and Southeast Europe during the 6600-6000 calBC period of rapid climate change (številka: 41, 2014)
Farmers' spatial behaviour, demographic density dependence and the spread of neolithic agriculture in Central Europe (številka: 42, 2015)
Preceramic, aceramic or early ceramic? (številka: 42, 2015)
Archaeology and rapid climate changes (številka: 42, 2015)
Neolithic ceramic spoons - indicators of dietary distinctiveness in the eastern Adriatic neolithic? (številka: 42, 2015)
Vessel guardians (številka: 42, 2015)
Some remarks on the cognitive impact of metallurgical development in promoting numerical and metrological abstraction in Europe (številka: 42, 2015)
Salt exploitation in the later prehistory of the Carpathian basin (številka: 42, 2015)
New neolithic cult centres and domestic settlements in the light of Urfa region surveys (številka: 42, 2015)
Hard water and old food (številka: 42, 2015)
The origins of agriculture in Iberia (številka: 42, 2015)
Modelling the initial expansion of the neolithic ot of Anatolia (številka: 42, 2015)
The 8200 calBP climate event and the spread of the neolithic in Eastern Europe (številka: 42, 2015)
The origins of pottery in East Asia (številka: 42, 2015)
First salt making in Europe (številka: 42, 2015)
Analysis of late mid-neolithic pottery illuminates the presence of a corded ware culture on the Baltic island of Gotland (številka: 42, 2015)
The beginnings of salt exploitation in the Carpathian basin (6th-5th millennium BC) (številka: 42, 2015)
Cultural and demic diffusion of first farmers, herders, and their innovations across Eurasia (številka: 42, 2015)
The oldest pottery in hunter-gatherer communities and models of neolithisation of Eastern Europe (številka: 42, 2015)
Pottery from the Volga area in the Samara and south Urals region from eneolithic to early bronze age (številka: 42, 2015)
Archaeological culture, please meet yoghurt culture (številka: 42, 2015)
Fifth and fourth millennium BC in north-western Iran (številka: 42, 2015)
Identifying neolithic animal management practices in the Adriatic using stable isotopes (številka: 42, 2015)
Forms, function, and use of early eneolithic pottery and settlement structures from Zgornje Radvanje, Slovenia (številka: 42, 2015)
Foodways architecture (številka: 42, 2015)
The origin of farming in the lower Volga region (številka: 42, 2015)
letnik: 43 (2016)
A social perspective on the neolithic in western Iran (številka: 43, 2016)
Neolithisation in the NE Sea of Azov region (številka: 43, 2016)
The swan chariot of a solar deity (številka: 43, 2016)
Neolithisation of technology (številka: 43, 2016)
Archery by the Apaches (številka: 43, 2016)
An experimental case of wood-working use-wear on quartzite artefacts (številka: 43, 2016)
Becoming sedentary? (številka: 43, 2016)
A network of the steppe and forest steppe along the Prut and lower Danube rivers during the 6th millennium BC (številka: 43, 2016)
The power of the dead in neolithic landscapes (številka: 43, 2016)
Marine shell hoard from the late neolithic site of Čepin-Ovčara (Slavonia, Croatia) (številka: 43, 2016)
Genomic approaches and their contributions to understanding the European neolithisation (številka: 43, 2016)
Tools tell tales (številka: 43, 2016)
Reconstructuring late neolithic plant economies at the eastern Adriatic site of Velištak (5th millennium cal BC) (številka: 43, 2016)
Keep on walking (številka: 43, 2016)
Neolithisation of Sava-Drava-Danube interfluve at the end of the 6600-6000 BC period of rapid climate change (številka: 43, 2016)
Comparing different sampling methods in order to reconstruct plant economies at the eneolithic lake dwelling site Stare gmajne, Slovenia (številka: 43, 2016)
The Cretan mesolithic in context (številka: 43, 2016)
New theoretical discourses in the discussion of the neolithisation processin South Scandinavia during the late 5th and aearly 4th millennium BC (številka: 43, 2016)
Tell communities and wetlands in neolithic Pelagonia, Republic of Macedonia (številka: 43, 2016)
A Vinča potscape (številka: 43, 2016)
Function and behaviour (številka: 43, 2016)
Initial stages of two neolithisation models in the lower Volga basin (številka: 43, 2016)
The exploitation of animal resources in Şoimuş-La Avicola (ferma 2) settlement (Romania) (številka: 43, 2016)
Diversity and homogeneity among the early farming communities of western Anatolia (številka: 43, 2016)
What is a lunar standstill III? (številka: 43, 2016)
Landscape construction and time reckoning in iron age Celtic Iberia (številka: 43, 2016)
A small-scale cult centre in Southeast Turkey (številka: 43, 2016)
Ceramics among Eurasian hunter-gatherers (številka: 43, 2016)
letnik: 44 (2017)
The earliest villages in iron age Iberia (800-400 BC) (številka: 44, 2017)
Neolithic Thessaly (številka: 44, 2017)
Chronology of neolithic sites in the forest-steppe area of the Don river (številka: 44, 2017)
Periodisation of the neolithic and radiocarbon chronology of the early neolithic and the beginning of the middle neolithic in Finland (številka: 44, 2017)
The past in the past in the mortuary practise of hunter-gatherers (številka: 44, 2017)
Modelling the earliest north-western dispersal of Mediterranean impressed wares (številka: 44, 2017)
Niche construction and theory of agricultural origins (številka: 44, 2017)
Radiocarbon chronology og the neolithic in the Povolzhye (Russian eastern Europe) (številka: 44, 2017)
Radiocarbon chronology of the neolithic-eneolithic period in the Karelian Republic (Russia) (številka: 44, 2017)
Chronology of early neolithic materials from Sakhtysh Ila (central Russia) (številka: 44, 2017)
A new pre-pottery neolithic site in southeastern Turkey (številka: 44, 2017)
Diet and subsistence at the late neolithic tell sites of Sopot, Slavča and Ravnjaš, eastern Croatia (številka: 44, 2017)
Chronological timeframes of cultural changes in the Dnepr-Dvina region (številka: 44, 2017)
Radiocarbon chronology of neolithic in the lower Don and North-eastern Azov Sea (številka: 44, 2017)
Chronology and development of the chalcolothic necropolis of Varna I (številka: 44, 2017)
Early neolithic population dynamics in the Eastern Balkans and the great Hungarian plain (številka: 44, 2017)
Do 14C dates always turn into an absolute chronology? (številka: 44, 2017)
I remember (številka: 44, 2017)
Chronology of Kama neolithic culture (številka: 44, 2017)
Depiction of hairstyle, reflection of identitiy? (številka: 44, 2017)
Introduction to the absolute chronology of neolithic cultures in Eastern Europe (številka: 44, 2017)
The erly and middle neolithic in NW Russia (številka: 44, 2017)
An examination of the woekd bone and antler assemblage at Ugurlu (Gökçeada, Turkey) (številka: 44, 2017)
Discrepancies between archeological and 14C-based chronologies (številka: 44, 2017)
First isotope analysis and new radiocarbon dating of Trypillia (Tripolye) farmers from Verteba cave, Bilche Zolote, Ukraine (številka: 44, 2017)
Hillforts, rocks and warriors (številka: 45, 2018)
Pigs and humans in early neolithic Southeastern Europe (številka: 45, 2018)
The process of cultural change in the chalcolithic period in the highlands of western Iran at Tepe Gheshlagh (številka: 45, 2018)
The ground stone industry at Pericei-Keller tag (številka: 45, 2018)
The epipalaeolithic-neolithic as the pivotal transformation of human history (številka: 45, 2018)
Identity and fear (številka: 45, 2018)
An eneolithic pottery hoard from Turnišče, NE Slovenia (številka: 45, 2018)
Contextualising Karaburun (številka: 45, 2018)
Characteristics of early iron age pottery from north-eastern Slovenia through the prism of ceramic technology and petrography (številka: 45, 2018)
Insignia of power (številka: 45, 2018)
Pivoting East (številka: 45, 2018)
Evidence of an early accounting system found at Tal-e Mash Karim, a chalcolithic site in Iran (številka: 45, 2018)
Seeking the holly grail (številka: 45, 2018)
Redefining the role of metal production during the bronze age of south-eastern Iberia (številka: 45, 2018)
Early ceramic styles and technologies in the Aegean and the Balkans: retrospect and prospects (številka: 46, 2019)
New Uruk finds in NW Iran (številka: 46, 2019)
The Kargopol type ceramics - the first pottery of the northern part of the East European Plain? (številka: 46, 2019)
The development of Neolithic pottery technology in Eastern Jazira and the Zagros mountains (številka: 46, 2019)
Towards a prehistory of the Great Divergence (številka: 46, 2019)
Barcin Höyük, a seventh millennium settlement in the Eastern Marmara region of Turkey (številka: 46, 2019)
Neolithisation process in the central Zagros (številka: 46, 2019)
The cronology of Jäkärlä Ware (številka: 46, 2019)
Personal adornments from the Eneolithic necropolis of Chirnogi-Şuviţa Iorgulescu (Romania) (številka: 46, 2019)
Long and short revolutions towards the Neolithic in western Anatolia and Aegean (številka: 46, 2019)
Obsidian provenance studies in the far eastern and northeastern regions of Russia and exchange networks in the prehistory of Northeast Asia (številka: 46, 2019)
Quantifying prehistoric physiological stress using the TCA method (številka: 46, 2019)
The early Eneolithic burial ground at Ekaterinovsky Cape in the forest-steppe Volga region (številka: 46, 2019)
Neolithic and Copper Age settlement dynamics in the Western Carpathian Basin and Eastern Alps (številka: 46, 2019)
The meaning of projectile points in the late Neolithic of the Northern Levant (številka: 46, 2019)
New AMS dates from the Sub-Neolithic sites in the Southern Buh area (Ukraine) and problems in the Buh-Dnister Culture chronology (številka: 46, 2019)
The Early Neolithic pottery of Keçiçayiri and its place in the North-western Anatolian Neolithisation process (številka: 46, 2019)
Real and ideal European maritime transfers along the Atlantic coast during the Neolithic (številka: 46, 2019)
The beginning of the Neolithic on the Upper Volga (Russia) (številka: 46, 2019)
Impressed ware blade production of Northern Dalmatia (Eastern Adriatic, Croatia) in the context of Neolithisation (številka: 46, 2019)
Understanding the specific nature of the East Asia Neolithic trasition (številka: 46, 2019)
Probable evidence of a Middle Palaeolithic site in the northern parts of the Susiana Plain, Khuzestan, Iran (številka: 46, 2019)
"Robust chronologies" or "Bayesian illusion"? (številka: 46, 2019)
New interdisciplinary research on Neolithic-Eneolithic sites in the Low Volga river region (številka: 46, 2019)
The state of early linear pottery culture research in Slovakia (številka: 46, 2019)
Use-wear experimental studies for differentiating flint tools processing bamboo from wood (številka: 46, 2019)
The first vs. second stage of neolithisation in Polish territories (to say nothing of the third?) (številka: 46, 2019)
The megalithic builders (številka: 47, 2020)
From the Epipalaeolithic into the earliest Neolithic (PPNA) in the South Levant (številka: 47, 2020)
Global Processes, Regional Dynamics? (številka: 47, 2020)
Early neolithic settlement of the Po plain (northern Italy) (številka: 47, 2020)
The Starčevo culture horizon at the site of Kneževi Vinogradi (Eastern Croatia) (številka: 47, 2020)
Bell beaker cultural package in the East European periphery of the phenomenon (številka: 47, 2020)
Bayesian 14C-rationality, Heisenberg uncertainty, and Fourier transform (številka: 47, 2020)
The beginning of the Neolithic in southeast Anatolia (številka: 47, 2020)
Are we creating our past? (številka: 47, 2020)
On the term 'Jomon' and the contribution of Russian scholars to Jomon studies (številka: 47, 2020)
Maharski prekop, Stare gmajne and Blatna Brezovica settlements and the vegetation of Ljubljansko barje (Slovenia) in the 4th millennium cal BC (številka: 47, 2020)
Habitat selection and the evolutionary aesthetics of landscape preference (številka: 47, 2020)
Chris Doherty, The clay world of Çatalhöyük: a fine-grained perspective (številka: 47, 2020)
The Neolithic evolution and cultural transformations in the Povolzhye region (Eastern Europe) (številka: 47, 2020)
Kobuleti site (številka: 47, 2020)
The oldest pottery of the Para-Neolithic Zedmar culture at the site Szczepanki, Masuria, NE-Poland (številka: 47, 2020)
Daily practices and special events (številka: 47, 2020)
The concept of the 'stage of reduction and concentration of settlements' in Neolithic studies (številka: 47, 2020)
Approaching the unification and diversity of pottery assemblages (številka: 47, 2020)
Understanding diversity in early Neolithic pottery production (številka: 47, 2020)
A large copper artefacts assemblage of Fazael, Jordan Valley (številka: 47, 2020)
Why keep the old dead around? (številka: 47, 2020)
Settlement mound Tepecik and the Karaz culture in Eastern Anatolia (številka: 47, 2020)
The Sarmatian 'horseback-riding' burial tradition (številka: 47, 2020)
Ulucak Höyük (številka: 47, 2020)
The Argaric pottery from burial at Penalosa (Jaén, Spain) (številka: 47, 2020)
Dynamic adaptations of the Mesolithic pioneers of Gotland in the Baltic Sea (številka: 47, 2020)
Late Holocene climatic events, the main factor of the cultural decline in north central Iran during the Bronze Age (številka: 47, 2020)
Between the hearth and the store (številka: 47, 2020)
The Argaric pottery from burial at Penalosa (Jaén, Spain) (številka: 47, 2020)
Fables of the past (številka: 47, 2020)
How do we avoid imposing the present on the past when modelling spatial interactions? (številka: 47, 2020)
Beyond the Jordan (številka: 47, 2020)
Revisiting prebuilding Dodona (številka: 47, 2020)
letnik: 48 (2021)
Revising the chronology of Stanovoye 4 in the Upper Volga Region (Western Russia) (številka: 48, 2021)
The archaeology of garlic (Allium sativum) (številka: 48, 2021)
Pile dwellings in the Circum-Baltic area (številka: 48, 2021)
Bone tools at the Late Pre-Hispanic site Boyo Paso 2 (Sierras of Córdoba, Argentina) (številka: 48, 2021)
New radiocarbon dates, stable isotope, and anthropological analysis of prehistoric human bones from the Balkans and Southwestern Carpathian Basin (številka: 48, 2021)
Chronological modelling of the Chalcolithic settlement layers at Tell Yunatsite, Southern Bulgaria (številka: 48, 2021)
Archaeological traces of hunter-gatherer seasonal occupation in Western Coastal Estonia from the second half of the 6th millennium to the end of the 3rd millennium BC (številka: 48, 2021)
Enclosures of death in the Early Iron Age (številka: 48, 2021)
The development of early pottery in the forest zone of the Middle Volga region (Eastern Europe) (številka: 48, 2021)
The Iron Gates Mesolithic in a regional context (številka: 48, 2021)
Implements of wild boar canines during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic at the Lower Danube (številka: 48, 2021)
Knap & keep (številka: 48, 2021)
Early Neolithic ritual funerary behaviours in the Westernmost regions of the Mediterranean (številka: 48, 2021)
Appetite for destruction (številka: 48, 2021)
Insights into the funerary practices in the dolmen of Cabecinha (Figueira da Foz, Portugal) (številka: 48, 2021)
Dating the ladies (številka: 48, 2021)
From a concentration of finds to Stone Age architecture (številka: 48, 2021)
Including explicit priors on phase duration in Bayesian14C dating (številka: 48, 2021)
Population dynamics and human strategies in Northwestern Patagonia (številka: 48, 2021)
Elateia 1 in northeastern Thessaly 8000 years ago (številka: 48, 2021)
Dealing with the outside (številka: 48, 2021)
The Freston causewayed enclosure (številka: 48, 2021)
Combining relative chronology and AMS 14C dating to contextualize ‘megasites’, serial migrations and diachronic expressions of material culture in the Western Tripolye culture, Ukraine (številka: 48, 2021)
Radiocarbon dating of Holocene archaeological sites in the Far Northeast of Europe (številka: 48, 2021)
letnik: 49 (2022)
Pottery firing in the Early Iron Age in western Slovenia (številka: 49, 2022)
letnik: 50 (2023)
50th Documenta Praehistorica (vol. 50, 2023)
Archaeology, rapid climate changes in the Holocene, and adaptive strategies (vol. 50, 2023)
The earliest glass from the territory of Slovenia (vol. 50, 2023)