RMZ - Materials and Geoenvironment, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 453-466, 2003 453 Todorokite - a 10 A manganate from the Jabuka Pit (Central Adriatic) o Todorokit - 10 A manganat z Jabuške kotline (srednji Jadran) Tadej Dolenec Department of Geology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia and Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia (tadej.dolenec@ntfgeo.uni-lj.si) Received: June 27, 2003 Accepted: September IS, 2003 Abstract: Additional studies of ferromanganese crusts and coatings from the Jabuka Pit, a depression up to 275 m deep in the Central Adriatic, revealed the presence of todorokite. This mineral was recognized as the major constituent of an Fe-poor and Mg-rich 10 A manganate phase, forming an up to 1 mm high stalactitic structures composed of about 4:m long plate-like crystals, as well as of collomorph-banded and botryoidal aggregates, found on shells and shell fragments of Ostrea cochlear Poli exposed to seawater. The exact mechanism of todorokite precipitation in the Jabuka Pit is still unknown. However, we hypothesized its hydrogenous precipitation at the sediment-water interface in oxygenated conditions at Eh = 0.5 V and pH around 8.18. Izvleček: V okviru nadaljnih raziskav feromanganovih prevlek in skorij, iz do 275 m globoke Jabučke kotline v srednjem Jadranu, smo ugotovili prisotnost todorokita. Gre za 10 A manganat reven z Fe in obogaten z Mg, ki smo ga našli na lupinicah in odlomkih školjke Ostrea cochlear Poli, kjer v glavnem tvori do 1mm velike stalaktitom podobne tvorbe sestavljene iz okrog 4 ^m velikih ploščic in kolomorfne oblike ter sferične aggregate. Njegov nastanek na območju Jabučke kotline še ni povsem jasen. Zaenkrat predpostavljamo, da se izloča pri oksidacijskih pogojih in sicer pri Eh = 0,5 V ter pH okrog 8,18 na meji sediment - morska voda. Key words: todorokite, XRD, SEM and EDS study, Jabuka Pit, Central Adriatic Ključne besede: todorokit, XRD, SEM in EDS študij, Jabučka kotlina, srednji Jadran Introduction Todorokite is a 10 A hydrated manganese oxide mineral first reported from the Todoroki mine, Hokkaido, Japan (Yoshimura, 1934). It was later found in manganese ores from many locations such as Cuba (Frondel et al., I960; Levinson, I960; Straczek et al., 1960), Portugal, Austria, the Saipan Islands, Brazil, New Jersey, France and Australia (Frondel et al., 1960; Perseil & G iovanoli, 1982; Ostwald, 1993). Todorokite was further identified in sea floor manganese nodules and crusts (Hewett et Scientific paper 454 Dolenec, T. al., 1963; Burns & Burns, 1978; Chukhrov et al., 1978, 1979, 1981, 1983; Turner et al., 1982; Siege & Turner, 1983; Piper et al., 1984; Pattan and Mudholkar, 1990; Nath et al., 1994). In the Adriatic Sea todorokite was first recognized as the major manganese mineral of the ferromanganese coatings found in the Jabuka Pit of the Central Adriatic (Dolenec & Faganeli, 1996). Coated structures from the Jabuka Pit comprise a complex assemblage of materials, including 10 A manganate, mostly todorokite, amorphous iron oxyhydroxides, as well as several detrital and authigenic minerals and hard parts of marine organisms (Dolenec, 1999). Mollusc shells and other biogenic detritus appear to be essential for the nucleation and intimate intergrowth of hydrated Mn and Fe oxides, as already observed by Burns and Burns (1975). This paper presents the results of further mineralogical and geochemical studies of todorokite bearing ferromanganese coated structures from the Jabuka Pit and discusses the possible mechanism of its deposition on mollusc shells and on other biogenic detritus. Materials And Methods Deep water molluscs shells and shell fragments with ferromanganese incrustations and coatings were collected during summer cruises in the years 1997 - 1999 by dredging the floor with fisherman's net in the central part of the Jabuka Pit (Fig. 1). For the present XRD and SEM - EDS study only stalactitic aggregates on Ostrea cochlear shells were chosen. In the laboratory the stalactitic aggregates were removed from 15 mollusc shells by a plastic knife and dried at ambient temperature and then homogenized by grinding in an agate mortar for X-ray diffraction analysis. For characterization of the microstructure and composition of the coated structures a Jeol JSM 5800 SEM instrument with Link ISIS 300 EDS was used. Quantitative analyses were performed using SEM Quand software and a virtual standard package library (VPS). Measured peak intensities in the spectra were corrected and quantified using a ZAF matrix correction programme. For oxygen, semi-quantitative estimation is possible only by comparison between the peak areas of the oxygen peaks in different spectra without exact quantification. The relative random errors of EDS were less than 6 % for the trace metals Ni, Co and Ba, and better than 3 % for major and selected minor oxides. The mineralogy of the composite sample of stalactitic aggregates (TOD-I) was determined by X-ray powder diffractometry using a Philips PW 3710 diffractometer and Cu K" radiation. Powdered sample was scanned at a rate of 2° per minute, over the range of 2 - 70° (20). The results were stored on a PC computer and analysed by PC-APD diffraction software. The manganese phases in the diffraction pattern were identified using the following minerals from the JCPDS system: todorokite (JCPDF card numbers: 38-475, 13-164, 18-1411), birnessite (JCPDF card numbers: 43-1456, 23-1046, 23-1239), buserite, a hydrous manganate from the 10 Â todorokite group with 10 Â spacing, but with a layered rather than a tunnel structure (JCPDF card number 32-1128), vernadite (JCPDF card number 15-604) and data for synthetic todorokite from Bilinski et al. (2002). RMZ-M&G 2003, SO Todorokite - a 10 A manganate from the Jabuka Pit (Central Adriatic) 455 Figure I. Map of the Adriatic Sea, showing the position of the Jabuka Pit and the sampling area (•). Slika I. Poenostavljena geografska karta Jadranskega morja s položajem Jabučke kotline in vzorčevanega območja (•). Results Phase analysis and microscopic investigations The heterogeneity, cryptocrystallinity or very fine particle size of the crusts and ferromanganese coatings as well as of the stalactitic structures from the Jabuka Pit made identification of their mineralogy by means of X-ray diffraction difficult. The characteristic diagnostic peaks were frequently broad and indistinct and did not not serve as a satisfactory basis for identification. However, in our suite of stalactitic agregates selected for this study todorokite (sample TOD-I) was recognized by two relatively strong diagnostic peaks at 9.62 A and 4.85 A and weaker ones at 7.13 A , 2.46 A, 2.35 A, 2.13 A, 1.98 A and 1.42 A RMZ-M&G 2003, SO 456 Dolenec, T. (Fig. 2). These values correspond well to the similar reflections of the