Slovenian library statistics
Are library collections growing bigger or are they diminishing in size? How many people have used library services in the year 2000 and how many members do libraries have nowadays? Are libraries keeping up with the demands of their users in terms of modern types of library materials and more modern approaches?
The answers to these questions, and many others, can be found in the comprehensive set of statistical data on the operation of libraries, which the National and University Library has been collecting and presenting for years. Standardized search variables and unified methodology allow for the longitudinal comparison of individual data as well as insight in trends in the field of library operations. The main part of the collection consists of annual reports about activities of public, special, national and academic libraries of the Republic of Slovenia starting in 1990, which contain detailed overview of collected statistical data for every participating library.
Combined with the reports on the operation of school libraries, various statistical reports reaching back to the beginning of statistical evaluation of libraries in this area, and articles written on the subject, the collection provides valuable information for researchers and general public and aims at being the most complete set of Slovenian library statistic.

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