Radiology and oncology

  1. 1992

    številka: 1 (1992)
    številka: 2 (1992)
    številka: 3 (1992)
    številka: 4 (1992)
    Management of a patient with solitary brain metastasis of unknown origin (številka: 1, 1992)
    Survival and disease-free interval of malignant melanoma patients in relation to the prognostic factors (številka: 1, 1992)
    The history of nuclear medicine in the Republic of Slovenia - pioneering age from 1954 to 1968 (številka: 1, 1992)
    An outline of the development of radiotherapy in Slovenia (številka: 1, 1992)
    Possibilities and limitations of computed tomography in diagnosis of thoracic organs (številka: 2, 1992)
    Clinical advances of contrast-enhanced MR imaging (številka: 2, 1992)
    The influence of a moderately increased dose of vitamin E on 20-methylcholanthrene induced tumorigenesis in mice (številka: 3, 1992)
    The importance of computed and conventional tomography in pulmonary diseases (številka: 3, 1992)
    Contribution of mammography to diagnosis of breast tumours in women under the age of 30 (številka: 3, 1992)
    Serum TNF-alpha levels in melanoma-bearing and healthy mice (številka: 3, 1992)
    Inflammatory breast cancer. Five-year survival of patients with inflammatory breast cancer treated in the period 1986-1987 at zhe Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana (številka: 4, 1992)
    The role of radiation in the treatment of childhood malignancies (številka: 4, 1992)
    Resolving of mammographically visible though clinically undetectable lesions suspicious for breast cancer (številka: 4, 1992)
    Computerized tomography of the orbit (številka: 4, 1992)
    The history of nuclear medicine in the Republic of Slovenia - spread in the new medical speciality into peripheral hospitals from 1960-1974 (številka: 4, 1992)
  2. 1993

    številka: 1 (1993)
    številka: 2 (1993)
    številka: 3 (1993)
    številka: 4 (1993)
    suppl. 6 (1993)
    To the problem of second primary tumor in long-term survivors of small-cell lung cancer (številka: 1, 1993)
    Postirradiation intraabdominal adhesions (številka: 1, 1993)
    Effects of irradiation and THP-Adriamycin on the proteinase activity profiles in cultured V79 cells (številka: 1, 1993)
    The rate of natural killer cells and their cytotoxic activity in patients with advances pharyngeal and laryngeal cancer (številka: 1, 1993)
    Viral tumor inhibition (številka: 2, 1993)
    Etiology and primary cancer prevention (številka: 2, 1993)
    Invasive cervical adenocarcinoma: An analysis of 67 treated cases vs squamous carcinoma (številka: 2, 1993)
    Transcatheter balloon valvuloplasty (številka: 3, 1993)
    Radionuclide studies of the reproductive system and their significance in clinical practice (številka: 3, 1993)
    New prototype 99mTc extraction system (številka: 3, 1993)
    Leiomyosarcoma of the maxilla: report of a case (številka: 3, 1993)
    Breast cancer screening (številka: 3, 1993)
    Natural IFN-alpha for non-small-cell lung cancer with pleural carcinosis (številka: 4, 1993)
    Combined treatment of murine SA-1 tumors by human leukocyte interferon alpha and electrotherapy (številka: 4, 1993)
    Changes in the quantity of cathepsin D in irradiated human cells following treatment with hyperthermia and interferon alpha (številka: 4, 1993)
    Biological activity of rat fibroblast interferon beta (številka: 4, 1993)
    Interactions of interferon and vinblastine on experimental tumor model melanoma B-16 in vivo (številka: 4, 1993)
    Anti-tumor effect of interferon alpha in combination with cisplatin - animal experiments (številka: 4, 1993)
    Adjuvant treatment of malignant melanoma with human leukocyte interferon after radical surgery (številka: 4, 1993)
    Serum interleukin-2 levels in malignant melanoma patients (številka: 4, 1993)
    Antitumor effect of interferon-alpha administered by different routes of treatment (številka: 4, 1993)
    Natural porcine interferon gamma (PoIFN gamma) (številka: 4, 1993)
    Antitumor effect on interferon-alpha administered by different routes of treatment (številka: 4, 1993)
    Our experience with alpha 2-b interferon in the treatment of chronic active hepatitis B (številka: 4, 1993)
    Merjenje serumskega tiroglobulina za ocenjevanje uspešnosti kemoterapije in obsevanja pri bolnikih z rakom ščitnice (suppl. 6, 1993)
  3. 1994

    številka: 1 (1994)
    številka: 2 (1994)
    številka: 3 (1994)
    številka: 4 (1994)
    On the 70th birthday of professor dr. Ludvik Tabor (številka: 1, 1994)
    Epidemiological features of cervical carcinoma in young women of Slovenia (številka: 1, 1994)
    Risk factors connected with the appearance of chronical diseases and cancer in the Republic of Slovenia (številka: 1, 1994)
    Prognosis of patients with non-Hodkin's lymphoma (NHL), the influence of Kiel classification on survival (številka: 1, 1994)
    Breast tumor aspiration biopsy with a multihole needle (številka: 2, 1994)
    Results of nonoperative treatment for esophageal cancer (številka: 2, 1994)
    Human papilloma viruses 16 and 18 in patients under 40 years of age with operable squamous cancer of the uterine cervix (številka: 3, 1994)
    Adjuvant treatment of malignant melanoma with interferon after radical surgery (številka: 3, 1994)
    Malignant lymphoma mimicking metastatic adenocarcinoma (številka: 3, 1994)
    Diagnosis and treatment of malignant mesothelioma of the peritoneum (številka: 3, 1994)
    Extracorporeal shock - wave lithotripsy in the management of bile duct stones (številka: 3, 1994)
    Biological behaviour of lung carcinoids (številka: 4, 1994)
    The role of radiotherapy in lung cancer treatment (številka: 4, 1994)
    P53 and lung cancer - more frequent p53 overexpression in patients with multiple primary tumours (številka: 4, 1994)
    Methodology and results of bronchopulmonary cancer detection in Slovenia 1970-1992 (številka: 4, 1994)
    Prof. dr. Božena Ravnihar: Her 80th anniversary (številka: 4, 1994)
    Importance of surgery in the multimodality treatment for small cell lung cancer (SCLC) (številka: 4, 1994)
    Epidemiological features of lung cancer in Slovenia (številka: 4, 1994)
    Accordance of clinical versus pathological stage (pTNM) in patients with surgically treated non-small cell lung cancer (številka: 4, 1994)
    Transbronchial needle aspiration with fiberoptic and rigid bronchoscope in thediagnosis and staging of lung cancer (številka: 4, 1994)
    Possibilities and limitations of cytology in the diagnosis of lung tumors (številka: 4, 1994)
  4. 1995

    številka: 1 (1995)
    številka: 2 (1995)
    številka: 3 (1995)
    številka: 4 (1995)
    Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha): biological activities and mechanisms of action (številka: 1, 1995)
    Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha): Biological activities and mechanisms of action (številka: 1, 1995)
    Transcatheter occlusion patent ducts arteriosus in adults (številka: 1, 1995)
    Residual carcinoma of the uterine cervix after low-dose preoperative intracavitary irradiation (številka: 1, 1995)
    Edge-enhancement performance of the histogram shifting filter (številka: 1, 1995)
    Determination of the breast volume after breast conservating surgery (številka: 1, 1995)
    Outcome of pneumonectomy for primary non-small cell lung cancer: a ten-year experience (številka: 1, 1995)
    Parameterization of megavoltage transmission curves used in shielding calculations (številka: 1, 1995)
    Quantitative analysis of terminal blood network in human spinal cord and progressive radiation myelopathy (številka: 1, 1995)
    Postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracyl, adriamycin and cisplatin (FAP) in resectable gastric cancer (številka: 2, 1995)
    Age-related changes of renal vascular resistance in normal native kidneys: color duplex Doppler ultrasound assessment (številka: 2, 1995)
    The air kerma-rate constant of high dose-rate Ir-192 sources (številka: 2, 1995)
    Survival of stage I lung cancer patients with previous or subsequent primary malignant neoplasms (številka: 2, 1995)
    Role of CT guidance in the biopsy of the spine and paravertebral soft tissue (številka: 2, 1995)
    Improved therapeutic effect of electrochemotherapy with cisplatin by intratumoral drug administration and changing of electrode orientation for electropermeabilization on EAT tumor model in mice (številka: 2, 1995)
    Transesophageal echocardiography - a new diagnostic method in cardiology (številka: 2, 1995)
    Analytical representations of clinical electron beam central axis depth doses (številka: 3, 1995)
    European code against cancer (številka: 3, 1995)
    Changes in some collon mucosal cells after irradiation (številka: 3, 1995)
    Venous thrombosis of the portal system: etiology, diagnosis and treatment - analysis of 225 cases (številka: 3, 1995)
    Color-Doppler in the diagnosis and postoperative follow-up of varicoceles (številka: 3, 1995)
    European code against cancer (številka: 3, 1995)
    Glutathione concentration and glutathione S-transferase activity in gynecological normal and tumor tissues: a preliminary report (številka: 3, 1995)
    Cytostatic chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer in patients of age 75 years or older (številka: 3, 1995)
    Staging laparotomy for Hodgkin's disease in adults: one center experience (številka: 3, 1995)
    Value of ultrasound in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis (številka: 3, 1995)
    Laser angioplasty and thrombolytic treatment for femoral artery occlusion (številka: 3, 1995)
    Electrochemotherapy with bleomycin (številka: 3, 1995)
    High rate of complications in patients with carcinoma of the cervix surgically treated after radical radiotherapy (številka: 3, 1995)
    High rate of complications in patients with carcinoma of the cervix surgically treated after radical radiotherapy (številka: 3, 1995)
    Prognostic factors in breast cancer (številka: 4, 1995)
    Standardized immunohistochemistry of estrogen receptors in human breast carcinoma in routinely processed tissue (številka: 4, 1995)
    Clinical features as a predictor of laparotomy findings in supradiaphragmatic stage I and II Hodgkin's disease (številka: 4, 1995)
  5. 1996

    številka: 1 (1996)
    številka: 2 (1996)
    številka: 3 (1996)
    številka: 4 (1996)
    Carinal resection and reconstruction double-barrelled type for bronchogenic and metastatic carcinoma (številka: 1, 1996)
    A simplified technique for aligning radiation fields in portal imaging (številka: 1, 1996)
    Pneumatosis intestini and pneumoperitoneum in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (številka: 1, 1996)
    Ultrasonically guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy in early detection of regional lymph-node involvement in patients with primary planocellular (squamous-cell) carcinoma of oral cavity (številka: 1, 1996)
    Pneumonitis after bronchoplastic surgery in stage I lung cancer (številka: 1, 1996)
    Uptake kinetics of radiolabelled 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone and acridinone derivatives in cultures of breast cancer cells (številka: 1, 1996)
    Incidence, latency period, and survival of mice bearing 20-methyl cholanthrene induced tumours do not change after Cyclosporin treatment (številka: 1, 1996)
    Duplex-Doppler ultrasound of intrarenal arteries in the assessment of the percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of renal artery stenosis - a case report (številka: 1, 1996)
    Causes of fertile disturbances in oncological male patients (številka: 1, 1996)
    The role of phases of the moon in the development of spontaneous pneumothorax (številka: 1, 1996)
    Risk for recurrence of intracranial germinoma (številka: 1, 1996)
    Insulin dependency of F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose accumulation in breast carcinomacells compared to TI-201 uptake (številka: 2, 1996)
    Complementariness of the radiological finding and transbronchial lung biopsy for definitive diagnosis of diffuse interstitial lung diseases (številka: 2, 1996)
    Effect of the type of application of Newcastle disease virus on the Ehrlich ascites tumor (številka: 2, 1996)
    Papillary thyroid cancer in two sisters (številka: 2, 1996)
    Ionization gradient chamber in absolute photon and electron dosimetry (številka: 2, 1996)
    Percutaneous drainage of a pancreatic pseudocyst into the stomach (številka: 2, 1996)
    Cathepsins and their endogenous inhibitors in clinical oncology (številka: 2, 1996)
    Positron emission tomography (PET) in ischemic heart disease (številka: 2, 1996)
    Langerhans cell histiocytosis: five new cases and review of the literature (številka: 2, 1996)
    Differential diagnosis between bone metastases and osteomalacia (številka: 3, 1996)
    Prognostic value of staging laparotomy in supradiaphragmatic clinical stage I and II Hodgkin's disease (številka: 3, 1996)
    In memoriam dr. Tatjana Šumi-Križnik (številka: 3, 1996)
    Effects of verapamil on cardiac uptake of radiolabeled doxorubicin and iodo-doxorubicin in rabbits (številka: 3, 1996)
    Advantages and disadvantages of hormone replacement therapy (številka: 3, 1996)
    Radiation toxicity - bone marrow and leukemia (številka: 3, 1996)
    Gastric emptying in rats with gastroduodenal disease induced by N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine and alcohol (številka: 3, 1996)
    Chemotherapy of small cell lung cancer (številka: 3, 1996)
    Dose delivery uncertainty in photon beam radiotherapy (številka: 3, 1996)
    Scatter correction in hippuran clearance estimation with the modified Oberhausen tecnique (številka: 3, 1996)
    Routine versus selective intraoperative cholangiography during open cholecystectomy? (številka: 3, 1996)
    Color doppler for the evaluation of puncture site complications after percutaneous coronary interventions (številka: 3, 1996)
    Vegetarian diet and cancer (številka: 4, 1996)
    Seventh international symposium on neutron capture therapy for cancer (številka: 4, 1996)
    Prof. Krsto Kolarič (številka: 4, 1996)
    Introduction to ethical analysis (številka: 4, 1996)
    Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the thymus - a care report (številka: 4, 1996)
    Ethical principles of autonomy and beneficence in genetic screening for breast cancer (številka: 4, 1996)
    Technetium labeled autologous polyclonal immunoglobulin G (IgG) for scintigraphy of inflammation (številka: 4, 1996)
    Monte Carlo simulations of a metal/a-Se portal detector (številka: 4, 1996)
    Current approaches to gene therapy in oncology: construction of tumor vaccines (številka: 4, 1996)
    Incidence of spontaneous cytogenetic changes in peripheral blood lymphocytes of a human population sample (številka: 4, 1996)
    Influence of exogenous hormones on the recurrence and progresion of cancer (številka: 4, 1996)
    Follow-up study of autonomous thyroid adenoma treated with I-131 (številka: 4, 1996)
    Metastases to the breast from melanoma: a rare manifestation of an unpredictable malignant disease (številka: 4, 1996)
    Use of computed tomography as an aid to hepatic resections (številka: 4, 1996)
    Prevention of fertility disturbances in oncological male patients (številka: 4, 1996)
  6. 1997

    številka: 1 (1997)
    številka: 2 (1997)
    številka: 3 (1997)
    številka: 4 (1997)
    Value of scintigraphic imaging in the detection of pancreatic tumors - the role of FDG-PET (številka: 1, 1997)
    Diagnostic value of currently available tumor markers in thyroid cancers (številka: 1, 1997)
    Nuclear medicine, IBM PC PIP-GAMMA-PF computer system (številka: 1, 1997)
    Is quantitative salivary gland scintigraphy a mandatory examination prior to and after radioiodine therapy? (številka: 1, 1997)
    Study of blood perfusion with patent blue staining method in LPB fibrosarcoma tumors in immuno-competent and immuno-deficient mice after electrotherapy by direct current (številka: 1, 1997)
    Superficial thermoradiotherapy: clinical result favor immediate irradiation prior to hyperthermia (številka: 1, 1997)
    Relative DNA concentration in thyrocytes from scintigraphically hot nodi (številka: 1, 1997)
    Radiotherapy in nephroblastoma. Pre- and postoperative combination treatment. Radiotherapy and localized (stage II,III,IV) and metastatic disease. Acute andlong-term side effects (številka: 1, 1997)
    Three-layer template for low-dose-rate remote afterload transperineal interstitial brachytherapy (številka: 1, 1997)
    Treatment of malignant tumors of the oral cavity - state of the art (številka: 2, 1997)
    Conservative treatment in head and neck cancer (številka: 2, 1997)
    Conservative treatment of the carcinoma of the anal canal (številka: 2, 1997)
    Quality of life after neck-dissection (številka: 2, 1997)
    Local excision of flat adenomas of the rectum in the period from 1987 to 1991 (številka: 2, 1997)
    Brachytherapy (Ru 106) in the treatment of malignant melanoma of the choroid (številka: 2, 1997)
    Conservative treatment of anal canal cancer : retrospective study (številka: 2, 1997)
    Malignant bone tumours of the extremities (številka: 2, 1997)
    Breast conserving operations, prognostic factors and life quality (številka: 2, 1997)
    Preface (številka: 2, 1997)
    Ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: evaluation of the treatment options (številka: 2, 1997)
    MR imaging in primary irradiated prostatic carcinoma (številka: 2, 1997)
    Early glottic cancer (številka: 2, 1997)
    Resections of pelvic bone and sacrum, Ljubljana experience (številka: 2, 1997)
    Surgical treatment of advanced oropharyngeal cancer by preservation of the larynx (številka: 2, 1997)
    Combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy in head and neck cancer: hopes and facts (številka: 2, 1997)
    Factors of local recurrence rate after whole breast irradiation with and without boost radiotherapy after conserving surgery (številka: 2, 1997)
    Conservative surgery of the breast (številka: 2, 1997)
    Bladder preservation after radiochemotherapy for muscle invasive bladder cancer (številka: 2, 1997)
    Laser surgery as the organ sparing treatment for vocal cord carcinoma. Cost benefit relation in 100 cases (številka: 2, 1997)
    Quality of life in oncology (številka: 2, 1997)
    Long term local control and survival in breast cancer patients stage I and II after breast conserving treatment (številka: 2, 1997)
    Preservation of the lung function after thoracic irradiation (številka: 2, 1997)
    Treatment of early epilaryngeal tumours by CO2 laser with preservation of laryngeal function (številka: 2, 1997)
    Conservative treatment evolution in breast cancer (številka: 2, 1997)
    Chemo-radiotherapy in the elderly and/or poor performance status patients with advanced head and neck cancer (številka: 2, 1997)
    Combined radiation and chemotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal: results and prognostic variables in a multiinstitutional series of 173 patients (številka: 2, 1997)
    Update on use of expandable prostheses in limb salvage surgery for children's bone sarcomas of lower limb (številka: 2, 1997)
    Combined application of cisplatin, vindesine, hyaluronidase and radiation for treatment of advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (številka: 2, 1997)
    Preoperative intraarterial chemotherapy with cisplatin for locally advanced high grade soft tissues sarcomas of the extremities (številka: 2, 1997)
    Organ-sparing surgery in supraglottic cancer (številka: 2, 1997)
    A case of recurrence of the malignant mixed tumor of the palate after 16 ears (številka: 2, 1997)
    Pathological examination for quality assurance in breast conserving therapy for breast cancer (številka: 2, 1997)
    Voice quality after radiation therapy of early glottic cancer (številka: 2, 1997)
    Tumor surgery in the pelvic region (številka: 2, 1997)
    Treatment of epidermoid anal canal carcinoma (številka: 2, 1997)
    Supraglottic laringectomy! (številka: 2, 1997)
    Lung-sparing resection instead of pneumonectomy in patients with wide spread lung cancer (številka: 2, 1997)
    Early pyriform sinus cancers removed by vertical partial pharyngectomy with preservation of the larynx (številka: 2, 1997)
    Bladder perservation by combined modality treatment in invasive bladder cancer (številka: 2, 1997)
    Combined therapy of undifferentiated carcinoma of nasopharyngeal type (številka: 2, 1997)
    Selection of impalpable breast cancer for conservative surgery (številka: 2, 1997)
    Combined chemo-radiotherapy with organ preservation for invasive bladder cancer (številka: 2, 1997)
    Cytomorphology and flow cytometry in monitoring patients treated for bladder cancer (številka: 2, 1997)
    Functional results after partial vertical laryngectomy (številka: 2, 1997)
    Concomitant radiotherapy and mitomycin C with bleomycin in inoperable head and neck cancer (številka: 2, 1997)
    Carcinoma of the posteior pharyngeal wall - larynx preservation with the radial forearm flap or transoral resection (številka: 2, 1997)
    Limb sparing in osteosarcoma of the extremity treated by neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Fifteen-year experience at the Rizzoli institute (številka: 2, 1997)
    Concomitant radio-chemotherapy for larynx preservation (številka: 2, 1997)
    Adenocarcinoma of the prostate treated by definitive high-dose external radiotherapy (številka: 2, 1997)
    Minimally invasive therapy in carcinomas of the head and neck - an updated overview (številka: 2, 1997)
    Radiation therapy after conservative surgery in the treatment of early breast cancer (številka: 2, 1997)
    Comparison of sequential and simultaneous chemo-radiotherapy for advanced hypopharyngeal carcinoma - Results of a randomized study (številka: 2, 1997)
    Treatment of intraductal carcinoma of the breast with conservative surgery andradiotherapy: an Italian multicenter retrospective study (številka: 2, 1997)
    Place of bank allograft with pattelar tendon in prosthetic reconstructions of the upper tibia after en bloc resection and gastrocnemius flap (številka: 2, 1997)
    "Hand on" prostheis reconstruction after peri-acetabular resection for malignant bone tumors. Our experience (številka: 2, 1997)
    Diagnosis and treatment of radiation damage - the acute radiation syndrome (številka: 3, 1997)
    Diagnostic value of planar myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in patients with coronary artery disease (številka: 3, 1997)
    Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography in the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis (številka: 3, 1997)
    Comparison of TDF and LQ models using the bioeffects algorithm of a treatment planning system (številka: 3, 1997)
    Radioprotection of salivary glands by amifostine in high-dose radioiodine therapy investigated in a new rabbit animal model (številka: 3, 1997)
    Prof. Ludvik Tabor (številka: 3, 1997)
    Active bleeding due to pancreatitis diagnosed by contrast enhanced CT (številka: 3, 1997)
    The urokinase-type plasminogen activator, its inhibitors and its receptor - the new prognostic factors in solid cancers (številka: 3, 1997)
    Interstitial fluid pressure as an obstacle in treatment of solid tumors (številka: 3, 1997)
    Interferon alpha (IFN-alpha) in treatment of malignant diseases (številka: 3, 1997)
    Tl-201 SPECT for the detection of viable hybernating myocardium in chronic coronary occlusion (številka: 4, 1997)
    Requirements for a clinical electrochemotherapy device - electroporator (številka: 4, 1997)
    Congenital depression of the skull. A case report (številka: 4, 1997)
    Long term follow-up after radiosynovectomy with yttrium 90 in patients with different rheumatic diseases (številka: 4, 1997)
    Vinblastine increases antitumor effectiveness of bleomycin (številka: 4, 1997)
    Cytology of mediastinal tumors (številka: 4, 1997)
    A role of gender in the occurrence of dimethylhydrazine induced colorectal tumors in Wistar rats (številka: 4, 1997)
    Early piriform sinus cancer - results of treatment with partial vertical pharyngectomy (številka: 4, 1997)
    Influence of the radiation source on the quality of transmission bone phantomimages (številka: 4, 1997)
  7. 1998

    številka: 1 (1998)
    številka: 2 (1998)
    številka: 3 (1998)
    številka: 4 (1998)
    suppl. 7 (1998)
    The number of mitoses in simple and complex type carcinomas of the mammary gland in dogs (številka: 1, 1998)
    Direct delivery of chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of hepatomas and sarcomas in rat models (številka: 1, 1998)
    Molecular alterations induced in drug-resistant cells (številka: 1, 1998)
    On mechanisms of cell plasma membrane vesiculation (številka: 1, 1998)
    Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the early detection of tumourresponse to therapy (številka: 1, 1998)
    Plasma membrane fluidity alterations in cancerous tissues (številka: 1, 1998)
    Genetic polymorphisms of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes in human colorectal cancer (številka: 1, 1998)
    Bone marrow toxicity and antitumor action of adriamycin in relation to the antioxidant effects of melatonin (številka: 1, 1998)
    Digression on membrane electroporation and electroporative delivery of drugs and genes (številka: 1, 1998)
    Image cytometry analysis of normal buccal mucosa smears: influence of smoking and sex-related differences (številka: 1, 1998)
    Differential expression of Bcl-2 protein in non-irradiated or UVC-irradiated murine myleoid leukaemia (ML) cells (številka: 1, 1998)
    Influence of UV-B radiation on Norway spruce seedlings (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) (številka: 1, 1998)
    Monitoring drug release and polymer erosion from therapeutically used biodegradable drug carriers by EPR and MRI in vitro and in vivo (številka: 1, 1998)
    Tertiary collimator system for stereotactic radiosurgery with linear accelerator (številka: 1, 1998)
    Longitudinal study of malignancy associated changes in progressive cervical dysplasia (številka: 1, 1998)
    In vitro generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes against mutated ras peptides (številka: 1, 1998)
    Carcinoma of the thyroid (številka: 2, 1998)
    Obstruction of the duodenum due to a biliary calculus (Bouveret's syndrome) (številka: 2, 1998)
    The cause of testicular cancer (številka: 2, 1998)
    MDP desmuramyl analogue LK-404 protects bone marrow and spleen cells from cyclophosphamide induced apoptosis (številka: 2, 1998)
    Pectoralis major flaps for reconstruction of the head and neck defects (številka: 2, 1998)
    In vivo electroporation of the urinary bladder in mice (številka: 2, 1998)
    Polymerase chain reaction procedures in the diagnosis of lymphoproliferative disorders (številka: 2, 1998)
    A rare case of symmetric bifemoral fractures in battered child syndrome and overview over the literature (številka: 2, 1998)
    Lymphotropic staining of the sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer - with what, when, how? (številka: 2, 1998)
    Flow cytometric pitfalls in immunophenotyping of lymphomas (številka: 3, 1998)
    Simple but extremely effective autologous tumor vaccines (številka: 3, 1998)
    Apparatus for positron emission tomography (številka: 3, 1998)
    Role of color Doppler US in the diagnosis of focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver (številka: 3, 1998)
    Invasive oncoradiology in the diagnosis of breast tumor. Case report (številka: 3, 1998)
    Acceptability of simultaneous irradiation and mono/polichemotherapy with cis/carboplatin (številka: 3, 1998)
    Recent developments in nuclear medicine instrumentation (številka: 3, 1998)
    I-131 total body burden in postsurgical patients with thyroid cancer (številka: 3, 1998)
    Diagnosis of childhood intussusception (številka: 3, 1998)
    Palliation of painful osseous metastases in patients with prostate cancer usig Re-186-HEDP (številka: 4, 1998)
    Micronuclei in cytokinesis-blocked lymphocytes as an index of occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs (številka: 4, 1998)
    Systemic lupus erythematosus diagnosed with extreme skin reaction during radiation therapy: a case report (številka: 4, 1998)
    Hypertropic pyloric stenosis: ultrasound diagnosis (številka: 4, 1998)
    Phase II study of fluorouracil, leucovorin and interferon alpha-2a in patients with advanced colon cancer (številka: 4, 1998)
    Thyroid doses due to stereotactic radiosurgery of the brain (številka: 4, 1998)
    High-resolution ultrasound and power-Doppler - advances in pre-invasive diagnosis of solid breast lesions: our one-year experience (številka: 4, 1998)
    The role of thyroid radiation carcinogenesis in rats (številka: 4, 1998)
    The assessment of telemedical procedures in countries of transition (številka: 4, 1998)
    P53 - the paradigm of tumor-suppresor genes? (številka: 4, 1998)
    Anatomija dojke (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Tehnologija mamografij (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Nekaj napotkov za začetnike (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Prva šola mamografske diagnostike v Sloveniji (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Metode v nuklearni medicini v diagnostiki raka dojk (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Kirurški posegi pri raku na dojki (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Mamografske spremembe v dojkah po operativnih posegih in radioterapiji (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Asimetrije dojk, strukturni nemir in zvezdaste lezije (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Potek in prognoza raka dojk (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Pregled slikovnih diagnostičnih metod pri boleznih dojk (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Epidemiologija raka dojk in presejanje (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Diagnostika difuznih procesov v dojki (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Klinični pregled dojk (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Analiza mamograma (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Rentgenska anatomija normalne dojke (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Citodiagnostika tumorjev dojke (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Kalcinacije in mikrokalcinacije (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Ultrazvočna diagnostika obolenj dojke (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Zagotavljanje in preverjanje kakovosti v mamografiji (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Intervencijski posegi v dojki (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Okrogle lezije v dojki (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Ultrazvočna anatomija dojke, instrumentacija in tehnika sonomamografije (suppl. 7, 1998)
    Patologija malignih tumorjev dojke (suppl. 7, 1998)
  8. 1999

    številka: 1 (1999)
    številka: 2 (1999)
    številka: 3 (1999)
    številka: 4 (1999)
    supl. 1 (1999)
    supl. 2 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 1 (1999)
    suppl. 2 (1999)
    suppl. 2 (1999)
    suppl. 2 (1999)
    suppl. 2 (1999)
    suppl. 2 (1999)
    suppl. 2 (1999)
    suppl. 2 (1999)
    suppl. 2 (1999)
    Spectral characteristics of the high-resolution liver CT data (številka: 1, 1999)
    Epithermal neutron beam for BNCT at the JSI TRIGA reactor - modelling and experimental verification (številka: 1, 1999)
    Prognostic relevance of urokinase plasminogen activator and its inhibitors in patients with breast cancer (številka: 1, 1999)
    Detection of lymph node metastasis from osteosarcoma with 99mTc-MDP scintigra (številka: 1, 1999)
    Radiotherapy for choroidal neovascularisation of age-related macular degeneration (številka: 1, 1999)
    A correlation of NK cytolitic test and BLT esterase test in determining activity of NK cells, stimulated by tumor target cells (številka: 1, 1999)
    Pharmaco-mechanical technique for selective thrombolysis in peripheral vessels (številka: 1, 1999)
    Second malignancy after radiotherapy for seminoma (številka: 1, 1999)
    Sarcomas of the bladder (številka: 1, 1999)
    Standardized image documentation in nuclear medicine (številka: 1, 1999)
    Micronuclei in cytokinesis-blocked lymphocytes of patients following iodine-131 radiotherapy (številka: 1, 1999)
    Quantitative and qualitative assessment of contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the parotid gland in Sjoegren's syndrome (številka: 2, 1999)
    Assessment of renal function from creatinine clearance measurement and 131I-hippuran renography in cancer patients before chemotherapy (številka: 2, 1999)
    Positron emission tomography (PET) in clinical routine (številka: 2, 1999)
    Ultrasound diagnosis of gallstone ileus - a case report (številka: 2, 1999)
    Evaluation of intrarenal arterial Doppler spectra in healthy children (številka: 2, 1999)
    Cathepsin H in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (številka: 2, 1999)
    Intensity-modulated radiotherapy with a multileaf collimator (številka: 2, 1999)
    Predictive assays of tumor response to chemo and radiotherapy (številka: 2, 1999)
    Biochemical failure of surgical stage T3N0 prostate carcinoma with or without adjuvant radiotherapy (številka: 2, 1999)
    Chemical radioprotection (WR-2721) in patients with head and neck cancer (številka: 2, 1999)
    Surgical treatment of advanced oropharyngeal cancer with preservation of the larynx (številka: 2, 1999)
    Sonographic diagnosis of soft-tissue foreign bodies in children (številka: 3, 1999)
    Renal transplant blood flow in patients with acute tubular necrosis (številka: 3, 1999)
    A modified half-block breast irradiation technique using a CT-simulator (številka: 3, 1999)
    Evaluation of silicona microstrip detectors as X-ray sensors in digital mammography (številka: 3, 1999)
    Ultrasonographic diagnnosis of obstructive ileus in a patient with Meckel's diverticulum (številka: 3, 1999)
    When do heterogeneous splenic enhancement patterns occur in contrast-enhanced CT studies of abdomen? (številka: 3, 1999)
    Value of F-18-FDG PET in patients with cervical lymph node metastases of unknown origin (številka: 3, 1999)
    Treatment of hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules with ultrasound guided percutanous ethanol injection - 30 months experience (številka: 3, 1999)
    Cryosurgery combined with radiotherapy of tumors in mice (številka: 3, 1999)
    Indium-111-DTPA-octreotide scintigraphy in patients with carcinoid tumor (številka: 4, 1999)
    Comparison of colorimetric MTT and clonogenic assays for irradiation and cisplatin treatment on murine fibrosarcoma SA-1 cells (številka: 4, 1999)
    Computer system for determination of hip joint contact stress distribution from antero-posterior pelvic radiograph (številka: 4, 1999)
    Acute subarachnoid haemorrhage (številka: 4, 1999)
    Adenocarcinoma skin metastases treated by electrochemotherapy with cisplatin combined with radiation (številka: 4, 1999)
    How reliable is classic chest radiography in the diagnosis of small pleural effusion (številka: 4, 1999)
    Comparison of four models for calculation of collimator scatter factors of linac photon beams (številka: 4, 1999)
    Reorganization of microtubules in V-79 cells after treatment with cytohalasin B (številka: 4, 1999)
    Ultrasound in diagnosis and treatment of anal fistulas (številka: 4, 1999)
  9. 2000

    številka: 1 (2000)
    številka: 2 (2000)
    številka: 3 (2000)
    številka: 4 (2000)
    Combined modality treatment with organ preservation in invasive bladder cancer (številka: 1, 2000)
    Influence of hydralazine on interstitial fluid pressure in experimental tumors - a preliminary study (številka: 1, 2000)
    Correlation of sub18F-FDG-PET and histopathology in patients with malignant melanoma (številka: 1, 2000)
    Value of sub18F-FDG-PET in clinical management of patients with osteosarcoma (številka: 1, 2000)
    Cathepsin D and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 in normal, benign and alignant ovarian tissues (številka: 1, 2000)
    Antitumor effectiveness of bleomycin on SA-1 tumor after pretreatment with vinblastine (številka: 1, 2000)
    Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphomas of bone (številka: 1, 2000)
    A paraungual tumor? - No, just tungiasis (številka: 1, 2000)
    Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) (številka: 2, 2000)
    Diagnostic imaging, indications and measurements for the treatment of aortic aneurysm by endoprosthesis (številka: 2, 2000)
    Magnetic resonance of cardiac tumors and masses (številka: 2, 2000)
    Defecography (številka: 2, 2000)
    Endovascular treatment of aortic aneurysm by endoprosthesis (številka: 2, 2000)
    Strictures of the male urethra: how to perform and evaluate radiourethrography and sonourethrography to avoid mistakes (številka: 2, 2000)
    Prof. Mira Vurnik-Žumer, M. D., Ph. D. (številka: 2, 2000)
    The role of sonographic evaluation of spinal canal in children (številka: 2, 2000)
    Ultrasound-guided aspiration biopsy of subclinical regional metastases of head and neck carcinoma (številka: 2, 2000)
    Hydrocolonic sonography in the detection of large bowel disease (številka: 2, 2000)
    Magnetic resonance of the thoracic aortic disease (številka: 2, 2000)
    Renal cell carcinoma in the ectopic kidney prospects of diagnosting and treatment of the carcinoma of the kidney (številka: 2, 2000)
    Computed tomographic angiography in intracranial vascular diseases (številka: 2, 2000)
    Computed tomographic angiography of body vasculature (številka: 2, 2000)
    Prof. Ivo Obrez, M.D., Ph.D. (številka: 2, 2000)
    Magnetic resonance arthrography of the glenohumeral joint (številka: 2, 2000)
    The impact of local recurrence on the survival of operable breast cancer patients treated conservatively (številka: 3, 2000)
    Sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer (številka: 3, 2000)
    Antibodies to p53 - can they serve as tumor markers in patients with malignant lymphomas? (številka: 3, 2000)
    Improving the quality of life of patients with TCC by sequential chemoradiothrapy (številka: 3, 2000)
    The intraoperative examination of axillary sentinel nodes (številka: 3, 2000)
    Conservative treatment of anal canal cancer (številka: 3, 2000)
    Advanced course on ethics in oncology (številka: 3, 2000)
    Breast biopsy with needle localization: factors influencing complete excision of nonpalpable carcinoma (številka: 3, 2000)
    Limb salvage in soft tissue sarcomas (številka: 3, 2000)
    History and evolution of endocrine therapy of breast cancer (številka: 3, 2000)
    Advanced breast biopsy instrument (ABBI) system (številka: 3, 2000)
    Initiation of sphincter sparing treatment for squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal in a North American community hospital (številka: 3, 2000)
    Local excision of pT1 and pT2 carcinomas of the rectum from 1996 to 1999 (številka: 3, 2000)
    Breast sparing treatment of mammary cancer (številka: 3, 2000)
    Sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients with malignant melanoma (številka: 3, 2000)
    Old middle cerebral infarction in a neonate (številka: 3, 2000)
    Do we need axillary dissection in early breast cancer? (številka: 3, 2000)
    Preface (številka: 3, 2000)
    Intraoperative radiotherapy in breast cancer (številka: 3, 2000)
    Combined application of cisplatin, paclitaxel and radiation in the treatment fadvanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (številka: 3, 2000)
    Ependymomas in adult patients (številka: 3, 2000)
    Cancer of the lower third of the rectum: dilemmas between the low anterior resection and the abdominoperineal excision (številka: 3, 2000)
    Can axillary treatment in selected breast cancer patients be avoided? (številka: 3, 2000)
    First clinical data of a natural immunomodulator in colorectal cancer (številka: 3, 2000)
    Partial nephrectomy in kidney tumors - our 5-year experiences (številka: 3, 2000)
    HDR brachytherapy in the treatment of cancer of the uterine cervix: Results and complications in 346 patients (1980 - 1995) (številka: 3, 2000)
    Organ sparing for rectum and quality of surgery for preventing local recurrences (številka: 3, 2000)
    Breast and axilla conserving surgery in the management of eary-stage breast cancer (številka: 3, 2000)
    The role of conservative therapy in invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast (številka: 3, 2000)
    Factors influencing rehabilitation in patients with head and neck cancer (številka: 3, 2000)
    192-Iridium HDR boots in breast cancer treatment - experience from 644 patiens(1984-1995) (številka: 3, 2000)
    Quality of life issues related to organ sparing (številka: 3, 2000)
    Tikhoff-Lindberg operation and major resections of the shoulder girdle standard procedure for limb salvage in sarcoma patients (številka: 3, 2000)
    Algorithm for percutaneous stenting in patients suffering from superior vena cava syndrome (številka: 4, 2000)
    Logit modeling of the modulation transfer function (MTF) of metal/film portal detectors (številka: 4, 2000)
    Current trends in diagnostic nuclear medicine instrumentation (številka: 4, 2000)
    Duplex-Doppler ultrasound evaluation of intrapancreatic blood flow in patientswith insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (številka: 4, 2000)
    Electrochemotherapy with cisplatin of breast cancer tumor modules in a male patient (številka: 4, 2000)
    The relationship between DNA methylation and expression of three different DNA methyltransferases in ovarian cancer (številka: 4, 2000)
    Magnetic resonance cholangiography in patients with bile duct obstruction (številka: 4, 2000)
    Synchronous and metachronous bilateral germ cell tumours of the testis (številka: 4, 2000)
    Renal vascular resistance in patients with chronic renal failure (številka: 4, 2000)
    Bone marrow protection by amifostine in Re-186-HEDP treatment (številka: 4, 2000)
  10. 2001

    številka: 1 (2001)
    številka: 2 (2001)
    številka: 3 (2001)
    številka: 4 (2001)
    suppl. 1 (2001)
    Design considerations for direct and indirect active matrix flat-panel portal imagers (številka: 1, 2001)
    What is current practice in soft tissue sarcoma grading? (številka: 1, 2001)
    Biliary small intestinal submucosa covered Z-stents (številka: 1, 2001)
    Diagnostic imaging of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS) (številka: 1, 2001)
    Intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) to the tumor bed only for breast cancer (številka: 1, 2001)
    Sentinel lymph nodes identification in early breast cancer - peritumoral or subareolar injection of lymphotropic blue dye? (številka: 1, 2001)
    Ultrasonography of pleural effusion (številka: 1, 2001)
    Computer systems for determination of pressure distribution in the hip joint articular surface (številka: 1, 2001)
    Bone scintigraphy in clinical routine (številka: 1, 2001)
    Upgrading of gamma cameras for developing countries (številka: 1, 2001)
    Color duplex-Doppler ultrasonography of lower extremities veins - types of findings (številka: 2, 2001)
    Radical irradiation of the prostate. Combination of percutaneous irradiation and irradiation with LDR Ir-192 implants (številka: 2, 2001)
    MRI macromolecular contrast agents as indicators of changed tumor blood flow (številka: 2, 2001)
    Opportunities for up to date treatment of the colorectal cancer (številka: 2, 2001)
    Comparison of CT analyses of primary renal cell carcinoma and of metastatic neoplasms of the kidney (številka: 2, 2001)
    Dividing patients with brain metastases into classes derived from the RTOG recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) with emphasis on prognostic poorer patient groups (številka: 2, 2001)
    Conventional staging and 18F-FDG-PET staging of malignant melanoma (številka: 2, 2001)
    Sigmoid diverticulitis (številka: 2, 2001)
    Predictors of recurrence in stage I invasive breast carcinoma (številka: 2, 2001)
    Ranking radiotherapy treatment plans (številka: 3, 2001)
    Cell electropermeabilization to small molecules in vitro (številka: 3, 2001)
    Ultrasound-guided central venous cannulation in patient with radical dissection on both sides of neck (številka: 3, 2001)
    Bone metastases from malignant melanoma (številka: 3, 2001)
    Electroporator for in vitro cell permeabilization (številka: 3, 2001)
    Bifocal primary intracranial germinoma in a child (številka: 3, 2001)
    Percutaneous drainage of abdominal fluid collections that require laparotomy or relaparotomy with ultrasound giudance (številka: 3, 2001)
    Breath-hold times in patients undergoing radiological examinations (številka: 3, 2001)
    Artifacts and non-osseous uptake in bone scintigraphy (številka: 3, 2001)
    Communication after laryngectomy (številka: 4, 2001)
    Legislation on the protection of experimental animals (številka: 4, 2001)
    Combined therapy for oral cavity and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (številka: 4, 2001)
    Persistent chromosomal aberrations in somatic cells in testicular cancer patients after different therapies (številka: 4, 2001)
    Evolving strategies in the treatment of childhood rhabdomyosarcoma (številka: 4, 2001)
    Standardisation of laboratory animals for biomedical research in Poland (številka: 4, 2001)
    The technique of craniospinal irradiation of paediatric patients in supine position (številka: 4, 2001)
    Can we rely on cancer mortality data? Checking the validity of cervical cancer mortality data for Slovenia (številka: 4, 2001)
    Anal ultrasound in the diagnosis of anal carcinoma (številka: 4, 2001)
    Diagnostic value of pneumoperitoneum on plain abdominal film (številka: 4, 2001)
    First experience with a novel luminescence-based optical sensor for measurement of oxygenation in tumors (številka: 4, 2001)
    Tehnologija mamografij (suppl. 1, 2001)
    Ciljana kompresija in povečava (suppl. 1, 2001)
    Anatomija in histologija dojke (suppl. 1, 2001)
    Klinična presoja kakovosti mamogramov (suppl. 1, 2001)
    Naše izkušnje z dnevno kontrolo razvijanja filmov (suppl. 1, 2001)
    Slikanje dojke in kontrola kakovosti (suppl. 1, 2001)
    Najpogostejše bolezni dojk in njihove mamografske značilnosti (suppl. 1, 2001)
    Stereotaktična biopsija - cytoguide (suppl. 1, 2001)
    Dodatne projekcije (cleveage, tangencialna projekcija, slikanje vsadkov, moška dojka) (suppl. 1, 2001)
    Vsakodnevna kontrola kakovosti mamografij (suppl. 1, 2001)
    Različne stiske ob mamografiji (suppl. 1, 2001)
    Mamografski videz normalne dojke (suppl. 1, 2001)
    Zakon o merilih kakovosti pri mamografiji (suppl. 1, 2001)
    Zagotavljanje kakovosti pri razvijanju mamogramov (suppl. 1, 2001)
    ML, LM, XCC, rolled-on projekcije (suppl. 1, 2001)
  11. 2002

    številka: 1 (2002)
    številka: 2 (2002)
    številka: 3 (2002)
    številka: 4 (2002)
    A brief overview of the tumor vaccines through the last decade (številka: 1, 2002)
    Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (številka: 1, 2002)
    Endosonography of the puborectalis muscle - interobserver comparison of the anal and vaginal ultrasonography (številka: 1, 2002)
    Modulation of radiotherapy- and chemotherapy-induced normal tissue response as prophylaxis of their side effects (številka: 1, 2002)
    Infantile myofibromathosis of the maxilla (številka: 1, 2002)
    Endosonographic appearance of the anal sphincters in patients following colostomy (številka: 1, 2002)
    Carotid angioplasty with cerebral protection (številka: 1, 2002)
    Primary non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the cecum (številka: 1, 2002)
    Environment and breast cancer - the role of xenooestrogens in breast cancer (številka: 1, 2002)
    In vitro invasion of transfected human breast epithelial cells MCF10A-neoT (številka: 2, 2002)
    Natural inhibitors of tumor-associated proteases (številka: 2, 2002)
    Co-opeative effects in tumorigenicity (številka: 2, 2002)
    Genetic toxicology (številka: 2, 2002)
    The effect of E-64 and monoclonal antibodies on proliferative and invasive activity of ras transformed human breast epithelial cell line MCF10A neT tested in vitro assys (številka: 2, 2002)
    Radiotherapy- and chemotherapy-induced normal tissue damage (številka: 2, 2002)
    Tumor progression and invasion (številka: 2, 2002)
    Characterization of monoclonal antibodies against MHC class II-associated p41 invariant chain fragment (številka: 2, 2002)
    Efficacy of weekly trastuzumab and paclitaxel in the treatment of women with HER-2/neu overexpressing metastatic breast cancer (številka: 2, 2002)
    Cysteine proteinase inhibitors stefin A and stefin B in operable carcinoma of the head and neck (številka: 2, 2002)
    Immunohistochemical analysis of cathepsin B and cathepsin S in tumors, parenchyma and regional lymph nodes of the lung (številka: 2, 2002)
    Gastroparesis in a young diabetic patient (številka: 2, 2002)
    Incomplete spontaneous ureteral disruption (številka: 2, 2002)
    Circadian rhythms of cysteine proteinases and cystatins, potential tumour markers, in normal sera (številka: 2, 2002)
    In vitro genotoxicity of microcystin-RR on primary cultured rat hepatocites and Hep G2 cell line detected by Comet assay (številka: 2, 2002)
    Cadmium induced DNA damage in human hepatoma (Hep G2) and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells (številka: 2, 2002)
    In vitro and in vivo angiogenic assays (številka: 2, 2002)
    Cathepsins and cystatins in extracellular fluids - useful biological markers in cancer (številka: 2, 2002)
    Chronic exposure to cyanobacterial lyophilisate reveals stronger effects than exposure to purified microcystins - a MRI study (številka: 2, 2002)
    Brain tumour migration and invasion (številka: 2, 2002)
    Advances in contrast-enhanced MR-angiography (številka: 2, 2002)
    Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (številka: 2, 2002)
    Prof. Stanko Hernja, M.D., Ph.D., (1918-2002) (številka: 3, 2002)
    Pseudoaneurysm of the celiac trunk following acute pancreatitis (številka: 3, 2002)
    Endosonographic and manometric assessment of the anal sphincters in patients operated on for Crohn's disease of the colon (številka: 3, 2002)
    Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the larynx (številka: 3, 2002)
    Effects of 5-Gy irradiation on fertility and mating behaviour of Nezara viridula (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) (številka: 3, 2002)
    Endovascular treatment of intracranial arteriovenous malformations (številka: 3, 2002)
    Anal ultrasound in patient with leukoplakia of the anal canal (številka: 3, 2002)
    Static dosimetry space image in which urology diagnosis are performed (številka: 3, 2002)
    European project BRAPHYQS (številka: 3, 2002)
    Breast MRI of ductal carcinoma in situ (številka: 4, 2002)
    Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome after carotid angioplasty (številka: 4, 2002)
    Magnetic resonance microscopy of trabecular bone (številka: 4, 2002)
    F-18-FDG PET in presurgical oro-maxillofacial carcinomas (številka: 4, 2002)
    The Alpe Adria radiological group - past, present and future (številka: 4, 2002)
    Foreword (številka: 4, 2002)
    Radiologic-pathologic correlation of the mammographic findings retrospectively detected in inflammatory breast cancer (številka: 4, 2002)
    Endovascular management of splanchnic arteries bleeding in pancreato-biliary disease (številka: 4, 2002)
    Real time compound ultrasound of the shoulder (številka: 4, 2002)
    Cortico-basal ganglionic degeneration (številka: 4, 2002)
  12. 2003

    številka: 1 (2003)
    številka: 2 (2003)
    številka: 3 (2003)
    številka: 4 (2003)
    The accuracy of chest sonography in the diagnosis of small pleural effusion (številka: 1, 2003)
    Mammographic oblique views 45° versus 60° (številka: 1, 2003)
    Scintigraphic detection of peptic lesions with the method of radiolabelled sucralfate (številka: 1, 2003)
    Breast cancer in the Czech Republic (številka: 1, 2003)
    Tumor blood flow modifying effects of electrochemotherapy (številka: 1, 2003)
    Malignant lymphomas of the testis (številka: 1, 2003)
    Prof. Božena Ravnihar, MD, PhD (1914-2002) (številka: 1, 2003)
    Primary breast tuberculosis (številka: 1, 2003)
    The urokinase plasminogen activator and its inhibitors PAI-1 nad PAI-2 in primary cutaneous melanoma (številka: 1, 2003)
    Endosonographic and manometric assessment of the anal sphincters after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (številka: 1, 2003)
    Prognostic outcome of local recurrence in breast cancer after conserving surgery and mastectomy (številka: 2, 2003)
    Effect of electroporation on radiosensitization with cisplatin in two cell lines with different chemo- and radiosensitivity (številka: 2, 2003)
    Dedicated small bowel follow-through - experience of Clinical institute of radiology in Ljubljana (številka: 2, 2003)
    Telomerase in lung cancer diagnostics (številka: 2, 2003)
    Radioactive sources in brachytherapy (številka: 2, 2003)
    Early postoperative serum carcinoembryonic antigen levels in patients operated for colorectal carcinoma (številka: 2, 2003)
    Prostate IMRT fractionation strategies (številka: 2, 2003)
    Cathepsin L in human meningiomas (številka: 2, 2003)
    Transrectal and transperineal sonography in the diagnosis of hydradenitis suppurativa (številka: 3, 2003)
    Pneumonia as a cause of death in patients with lung cancer (številka: 3, 2003)
    Radiotherapy for stage IAE non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the testicle (številka: 3, 2003)
    Long-term disease-free interval after irradiation for locally advanced lung cancer (številka: 3, 2003)
    Unexpected diagnosis for preauricular swelling - two case reports (številka: 3, 2003)
    Survivin - an inhibitor of apoptosis and a new therapeutic target in cancer (številka: 3, 2003)
    The role of cyclooxygenase-2 in the malignant tissue and possible applicability of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors in the therapy of cancer (številka: 3, 2003)
    Ten years of the journal Radiology and oncology (številka: 3, 2003)
    Expression of cathepsin B is related to tumorigenicity of breast cancer cell lines (številka: 4, 2003)
    Cysteine and aspartic proteases cathepsins B and D determine the invasiveness of MCF10A neoT cells (številka: 4, 2003)
    Endobronchial metastasis as first manifestation of renal cell carcinoma (številka: 4, 2003)
    Experiencing professional strains of nurses, radiation engineers and physicians working at the Institute of oncology in Ljubljana (številka: 4, 2003)
    An outline of the history of radiotherapy at the Institute of oncology in Ljubljana from its beginning till 1980s (številka: 4, 2003)
    Brain metastases in lung cancer (številka: 4, 2003)
    Detection of apoptotic cells in tumour paraffin sections (številka: 4, 2003)
    Pubic bone metastasis as first manifestation of lung cancer (številka: 4, 2003)
  13. 2004

    številka: 1 (2004)
    številka: 2 (2004)
    številka: 3 (2004)
    številka: 4 (2004)
    suppl. 1 (2004)
    suppl. 1 (2004)
    Evaluation of water equivalency of Plastic waterTM for high-energy electron beams using IAEA TRS-398 code of practice (številka: 1, 2004)
    Neuron specific enolase - selective marker for small-cell lung cancer (številka: 1, 2004)
    Comet assay in the assessment of the human genome damage induced by gamma-radiation in vitro (številka: 1, 2004)
    Rituximab affects the prognosis of patients with nonHodgkin's lymphomas (številka: 1, 2004)
    Psychosocial coping strategies in cancer patients (številka: 1, 2004)
    A web-application that extends functionality of medical device for tumor treatment by means of electrochemotherapy (številka: 1, 2004)
    MR imaging of aortic coarctation (številka: 1, 2004)
    Breast cancer and breast health awareness as an evolving health promotion concept (številka: 1, 2004)
    Boerhaave's syndrome: a case with an atypical right-sided oesophageal perforation (številka: 1, 2004)
    New saccharide derivatives of indolo2,3-bquinoline as cytotoxic compounds and topoisomerase II inhibitors (številka: 2, 2004)
    Ex vivo flow mammalian cell electropulsation (številka: 2, 2004)
    Cathepsins and their inhibitors as tumor markers in head and neck cancer (številka: 2, 2004)
    Tumor markers in clinical oncology (številka: 2, 2004)
    Regional comparison of cancer incidence (številka: 2, 2004)
    Pharmacogenetics of thiopurines (številka: 2, 2004)
    Development of quantitative RT-PCR assays for wild-type urokinase receptor (uPAR-wt) and its splice variant uPAR-del5 (številka: 2, 2004)
    Immunohistochemical expression of HER-2/neu in patients with lung carcinoma and its prognostic significance (številka: 2, 2004)
    Chemotherapy for small-cell lung cancer with paraneoplastic nephrotic syndrome (številka: 2, 2004)
    Clinical utility of serine proteases in breast cancer (številka: 2, 2004)
    Sonographically guided fine-needle aspiration biopsies of adrenal masses in lung cancer patients, eleven-year experience (številka: 3, 2004)
    Keratocysts in the jaws (številka: 3, 2004)
    Computer assisted diagnosis of benign bone tumours (številka: 3, 2004)
    Use of preneoplastic lesions in colon and liver in experimental oncology (številka: 3, 2004)
    Diagnosis and classification of spontaneously developed and radiation-induced murine haematopoietic neoplasms. The murine models for the research on the human haematopoietic neoplasms (številka: 3, 2004)
    Spontaneous perirenal and subcapsular haematoma - report of 5 cases (številka: 3, 2004)
    Comparison of Wistar vs. Fischer rat in the incidence of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine induced intestinal tumors (številka: 3, 2004)
    Psychological distress and intervention in cancer patients treated with radiotherapy (številka: 3, 2004)
    Multileaf collimator in radiotherapy (številka: 3, 2004)
    Choroid plexus carcinoma (številka: 3, 2004)
    Radiologic imaging of acute pancreatitis (številka: 4, 2004)
    Sonographycally guided hydrostatic reduction of childhood intussusception (številka: 4, 2004)
    Clinical importance of portal venous gas detected by abdominal sonography (številka: 4, 2004)
    Demonstration of evolution of hemispherical spondysclerosis by contrast enhanced Gd-DTPA magnetic resonance imaging (številka: 4, 2004)
    Interventional radiology in haemodialysis fistulae and grafts (številka: 4, 2004)
    A calcified cervical intervertebral disc in child and a thoracic disc calcification in an adult with posterior herniation-radiographic, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings (številka: 4, 2004)
    Unusual radiographic changes of a gout patient (številka: 4, 2004)
    History of the Clinical institute of radiology in Ljubljana on its 80th anniversary (1923-2003) (številka: 4, 2004)
    Magnetic resonance angiography of the portal venous system (številka: 4, 2004)
    Annular pancreas causing extrahepatic biliary obstruction (številka: 4, 2004)
    Interventional radiological management of complications in renal transplantation (številka: 4, 2004)
    Radiographic, computed tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging appearances of primary V-cutting zone of resorption of lumbar vertebral body in Paget's disease (številka: 4, 2004)
    The contribution of new US technologies to US differential diagnosis of nonpalpable lesions (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Vacuum biopsy of the breast (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Presejanje za odkrivanje raka dojk (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Mamografska klasifikacija (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Citodiagnostika netipljivih lezij v dojkah (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Diagnostični algoritem tipljivih lezij v dojkah (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Analog and digital image quality (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Bolečina pri mamografiji (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Intervencijski posegi v dojkah (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Ultrazvočna preiskava pazduhe (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Prognoza netipljivih invazivnih rakov dojke (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Rentgenska in ultrazvočna anatomija dojke (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Presejalni program zgodnjega odkrivanja raka dojk (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Epidemiologija raka dojk v svetu in v Sloveniji (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Novejši nuklearno-medicinski postopki pri netipljivih lezijah v dojki (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Sodobno kirurško zdravljenje raka dojk (suppl. 1, 2004)
    3D/4D breast ultrasound (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Pozicioniranje in kontrola kakovosti mamograma (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Stanje na področju presejanja raka dojk in vzpostavitev organiziranega programa v Sloveniji (suppl. 1, 2004)
    Ultrazvočna klasifikacija lezij v dojki (suppl. 1, 2004)
  14. 2005

    številka: 1 (2005)
    številka: 2 (2005)
    številka: 3 (2005)
    številka: 4 (2005)
    Cranium eroding sweat carcinoma (številka: 1, 2005)
    Is quadrant biopsy adequate as first-line sampling scheme in men likely to have non-organ-confined prostate cancer (številka: 1, 2005)
    Multiple primary malignancies in patients with lung cancer (številka: 1, 2005)
    IMRT point dose measurements with a diamond detector (številka: 1, 2005)
    The MR imaging as a one-way shopping tool for detecting and staging renal tumours (številka: 1, 2005)
    Injury of the axillary artery (številka: 1, 2005)
    Sonography of pleural space in healthy pregnants - preliminary results (številka: 1, 2005)
    Symptomatic imperforate Cowper's syringocele in a 5-year-old boy (številka: 1, 2005)
    Ultrasound signs of acute appendicitis in children - clinical application (številka: 1, 2005)
    The dimethylhydrazine induced colorectal tumours in rat - experimental colorectal carcinogenesis (številka: 1, 2005)
    Managing anemia with epoetin alfa in patients with rectal cancer (številka: 2, 2005)
    Chronic nonischemic ileo-ileo-colic intussusception (številka: 2, 2005)
    Multislice computed tomography of pulmonary embolism (številka: 2, 2005)
    Cytogenetic analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes after arteriography (exposure to x-rays and contrast medium) (številka: 2, 2005)
    Osteosarcoma of the maxilla (številka: 2, 2005)
    Metastatic thymoma (številka: 2, 2005)
    Rapid detection of most frequent Slovenian germ-line mutations in BRCA1 gene using real-time PCR and melting curve analysis (številka: 2, 2005)
    Characterization of lung cancer patients, their actual treatment and survival (številka: 2, 2005)
    Surgical treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma (številka: 2, 2005)
    Molecular biology of the lung cancer (številka: 3, 2005)
    Diagnostics and operative treatment of retrorectal cysts - description of five cases (številka: 3, 2005)
    Small-bowel carcinoid presenting with acute bleeding detected upon wireless capsule endoscopy (številka: 3, 2005)
    Communicating saccular pyloroduodenal duplication (številka: 3, 2005)
    Coronary artery calcium scoring in myocardial infarction (številka: 3, 2005)
    Setup and its effect on safety margin in conformal radiotherapy of the prostate (številka: 3, 2005)
    Endosonography in the diagnosis of recurrent anal fistulas (številka: 3, 2005)
    Missing tissue compensation with wax filter compensators in radiotherapy of the head and neck region (številka: 3, 2005)
    Ultrasonography of gallbladder in surgical patients with a prolonged stay (>14days) in the intensive care unit (številka: 4, 2005)
    MHC class II molecules and tumour immunotherapy (številka: 4, 2005)
    Imaging of small amounts of pleural fluid (številka: 4, 2005)
    Correlation of clinical target volume and the margins to define planning target volume with beam arrangements for three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy delivery for prostate cancer (številka: 4, 2005)
    The usefulness of transrectal endosonography in differentiating an anal abscess from a rectal carcinoma (številka: 4, 2005)
    Quantitative analysis of fine needle aspiration biopsy samples (številka: 4, 2005)
    New marker of angiogenesis CD105 (endoglin): diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic role (številka: 4, 2005)
  15. 2006

    številka: 1 (2006)
    številka: 2 (2006)
    številka: 3 (2006)
    številka: 4 (2006)
    suppl. 1 (2006)
    Erlotinib in previously treated non-small-cell lung cancer (številka: 1, 2006)
    Phytohaemagglutinin as a modelator of DNA repair measured by chromosome aberration analysis in micronucleus assay in ionizing radiation biodosimetry (številka: 1, 2006)
    Locoregional control and survival after breast conserving therapy (številka: 1, 2006)
    Neck extensor muscle weakness (dropped head syndrome) following radiotherapy (številka: 1, 2006)
    Imaging of small amounts of pleural fluid (številka: 1, 2006)
    The estimation of the value and mobility of Parks' angle in case-series of patients with defectory disorders - prospective clinical examination supplemented with the defecographic examination (številka: 1, 2006)
    Lhermitte-Duclos disease and pregnancy (številka: 1, 2006)
    The role of p38 MAP kinase in cancer cell apoptosis (številka: 1, 2006)
    Ameloblastic fibroma (številka: 1, 2006)
    Cysteine cathepsins and their inhibitors in head and neck cancer (številka: 2, 2006)
    Complete yearly life tables by sex for Slovenia, 1982-2004, and their use in public health (številka: 2, 2006)
    Complement resistance impairs anti-tumour therapy (številka: 2, 2006)
    3T MR-based treatment planning for radiotherapy of brain lesions (številka: 2, 2006)
    Apoptosis of human malignant glioma-derived cell cultures treated with clomipramine hydrochloride, as detected by annexin-V assay (številka: 2, 2006)
    The role of tricyclic drugs in selective triggering of mitochondrially-mediated apoptosis in neoplastic glia (številka: 2, 2006)
    Early radiological diagnostics of gastrointestinal perforation (številka: 2, 2006)
    Diagnostic reference levels for X-ray examinations in Slovenia (številka: 3, 2006)
    Different localisation of cystatin C in immature and mature dendritic cells (številka: 3, 2006)
    The cardiotoxicity of chemotherapy (številka: 3, 2006)
    Electrochemotherapy of tumours (številka: 3, 2006)
    Partial subclavian steal syndrome in congenitally anomalous subclavian artery (številka: 3, 2006)
    Duplication cyst of the esophagus (številka: 3, 2006)
    Fertility preservation methods for female neoplastic patients (številka: 3, 2006)
    Tumor vaccines (številka: 4, 2006)
    Cysteine cathepsins, stefins and extracellular matrix degradation during invasion of transformed human breast cell lines (številka: 4, 2006)
    Intracapsular and para- articular chondroma of knee (številka: 4, 2006)
    Body mass index and lung cancer risk in never smokers (številka: 4, 2006)
    Preoperative concomitant chemoradiotherapy in esophageal cancer (številka: 4, 2006)
    Schedule-dependency of doxorubicin and vinblastine in EAT tumours in mice (številka: 4, 2006)
    Carcinoma of the lower lip (številka: 4, 2006)
    Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis and follow-up of the muscle rupture and an arteriovenous fistula of the thigh in 12 year boy (številka: 4, 2006)
    Pomen humanih virusov papiloma pri odkrivanju in preprečevanju raka materničnega vratu - kje smo danes (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Vloga histopatologa pri odkrivanju malignih tumorjev kože (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Pomen kakovosti pri delovanju citoloških laboratorijev za učinkovito presejanje (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Vloga histopatologa pri odkrivanju predstopenj in raka ustne votline, žrela in grla (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Zgodnje odkrivanje pljučnega raka (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Contributions of cytology examination and methods in lung cancer diagnostic (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Vloga sekundarnega in terciarnega centra za bolezni dojk (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Presejanje za raka dojk - kje smo danes (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Slikovna diagnostika pri zgodnjem odkrivanju pljučnega raka (suppl. 1, 2006)
    New discoveries in prostate cancer pathogenesis (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Presejanje za raka debelega črevesa in danke pri asimptomatski populaciji v starosti 50 do 69 let (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Vloga in delovanje preventivnih/presejalnih centrov za dojke (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Odkrivanje in preprečevanje zgodnjih oblik raka debelega črevesa in danke (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Odkrivanje in zdravljenje predstopenj raka ter raka ustne votline in ustnega dela žrela (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Odkrivanje in zdravljenje predstopenj in raka spodnjega žrela in grla (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Preprečevanje raka debelega črevesa in danke (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Detection of early lung cancer lesions in surgical resections and in bronchial and transbronchial biopsies (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Klinična slika malignih tumorjev kože (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Zgodnje odkrivanje, zdravljenje in spremljanje bolnikov z rakom prostate (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Presejanje za raka materničnega vratu v Sloveniji in državni program ZORA (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Vloga patologa pri diagnostiki karcinoma prostate (suppl. 1, 2006)
    Vloga dermoskopije v diagnostiki pigmentiranih sprememb kože (suppl. 1, 2006)
  16. 2007

    številka: 1 (2007)
    številka: 2 (2007)
    številka: 3 (2007)
    številka: 4 (2007)
    suppl. 1 (2007)
    Zgodnje prepoznavanje melanoma kože (Str. S18-S21, 2007)
    Implementing of the offline setup correction protocol in pelvic radiotherapy (številka: 1, 2007)
    Paratesticular adenocarcinoma (številka: 1, 2007)
    Radiofrequency ablation of lung tumours - new perspective in treatment of lung neoplasms (številka: 1, 2007)
    Recurrence of carcinoma of the lower lip treated by interferon and irradiation (številka: 1, 2007)
    Basic Clinical Radiobiology Course Ljubljana (Slovenia), 21.-25. May 2006 (številka: 1, 2007)
    Editoral ! (številka: 1, 2007)
    Testing of mechanisms of action of rituximab and clinical results in high-risk patients with aggressive CD20+ lymphoma (številka: 1, 2007)
    Computed tomography and magnetic resonance colonography (številka: 1, 2007)
    Subchronic exposure of rats to sublethal dose of microcystin-YR induces DNA damage in multiple organs (številka: 1, 2007)
    Analytical investigation of properties of the iso-NTCP envelope (številka: 1, 2007)
    Case report from Mayo clinic (številka: 2, 2007)
    Basal cell carcinoma on the left cheek (številka: 2, 2007)
    Kidney cancer (številka: 2, 2007)
    Adenocarcinoma of the small bowel (številka: 2, 2007)
    Triple synchronous cancers (številka: 2, 2007)
    Functional form comparison between the population and the individual Poisson based TCP models (številka: 2, 2007)
    Mediastinitis and bilateral pleural empyema caused by an odontogenic infection (številka: 2, 2007)
    Diagnostic and treatment problems with parosteal osteosarcoma (številka: 3, 2007)
    Adult obstructing ileocolic intussusception (številka: 3, 2007)
    Basal cell carcinoma in the inner canthus (številka: 3, 2007)
    Adjuvant treatment of breast cancer patients with trastuzumab (številka: 3, 2007)
    3D-conformal radiotherapy for inoperable non-small-cell lung cancer (številka: 3, 2007)
    CT-guided percutaneous transthoracic needle biopsy of lung lesions (številka: 3, 2007)
    Ionising radiation and trans-generational instability (številka: 3, 2007)
    Quality of life following thoracotomy for lung cancer (številka: 3, 2007)
    Cardiac tamponade as the initial manifestation of pulmonary adenocarcinoma (številka: 4, 2007)
    Mb. Bowen and squamous-cell carcinoma on the eczematous skin (številka: 4, 2007)
    Assessment of differential expression of oncogenes in adenocarcinoma of stomach with fluorescent labeling and simultaneous amplification of gene transcripts (številka: 4, 2007)
    The role of sentinel lymph node detection in vulvar carcinoma and the experiences at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana (številka: 4, 2007)
    In vivo dosimetry with diodes in rectal cancer patients (številka: 4, 2007)
    Retrospective analysis of dose delivery in intra-operative high dose rate brachytherapy (številka: 4, 2007)
    Role of the cancer registries in determining cancer mortality in Asia (številka: 4, 2007)
    Epidemiologija malignega melanoma (suppl. 1, 2007)
    Mesto radioterapije v zdravljenju melanoma (suppl. 1, 2007)
    Melanom - algoritmi diagnostike in zdravljenja (suppl. 1, 2007)
    Melanom - kirurško zdravljenje (suppl. 1, 2007)
    Sistemsko zdravljenje metastatskega melanoma (suppl. 1, 2007)
    Odkrivanje in zdravljenje melanoma (suppl. 1, 2007)
    Dopolnilno sistemsko zdravljenje melanoma (suppl. 1, 2007)
    Elektrokemoterapija pri lokalnem zdravljenju napredovalega melanoma (suppl. 1, 2007)
    Patologija malignega melanona (suppl. 1, 2007)
  17. 2008

    številka: 1 (2008)
    številka: 2 (2008)
    številka: 3 (2008)
    številka: 4 (2008)
    Planocellular carcinoma of the right cheek (številka: 1, 2008)
    Treatment of complicated case with subclavia steal syndrome and stenosis of common iliac artery (številka: 1, 2008)
    Current system of childhood cancer registration in Belarus (številka: 1, 2008)
    Solid tumors in young children in Moscow region of Russian federation (številka: 1, 2008)
    A method on theoretical simulation of chromosome breaks in cells exposed to heavy ions (številka: 1, 2008)
    Malignant spinal cord compression (številka: 1, 2008)
    Radiation effects on skeletal muscle (številka: 1, 2008)
    MRI diagnosis of Baker cyst and significance of associated medical compartment knee osteoarthritis (številka: 2, 2008)
    Evaluation of shRNA-mediated gene silencing by electroporation in LPB fibrosarcoma cells (številka: 2, 2008)
    Ecotoxicologically relevant cyclic peptides from cyanobacterial bloom (Planktothrix rubecens) - a threat to human and environmental health (številka: 2, 2008)
    Cysteine cathepsins and stefins in head and neck cancer (številka: 2, 2008)
    Optimization of electrode position and electric pulse amplitude in electrochemotherapy (številka: 2, 2008)
    The ovine jugular vein as a model for interventional radiology procedures (številka: 2, 2008)
    Lateral ventricle epidermoid (številka: 2, 2008)
    Prognostic value of immunohistochemical expression of HER-2/neu in patients with lung carcinoma (številka: 3, 2008)
    Targeted gene therapy in radiotherapy (številka: 3, 2008)
    In search of the shortest regimen: fractionation of a fully isoeffective combination of hyperfractionated and hypofractionated treatment (številka: 3, 2008)
    MR rectum imaging with ultra sound gel as instrumental contrast media in tubulovillous adenoma (številka: 3, 2008)
    Influence of magnesium sulphate infusion before total thyroidectomy on transient hypocalcemia (številka: 3, 2008)
    Numerical modeling in electroporation-based biomedical applications (številka: 3, 2008)
    Extensive squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lid (številka: 3, 2008)
    Pituitary metastasis of renal cell carcinoma (številka: 4, 2008)
    Obliterative hepatocavopathy - ultrasound and cavography findings (številka: 4, 2008)
    Management of cutaneous side effects of cetuximab therapy with vitamin K1 creme (številka: 4, 2008)
    A phantom to assess the accuracy of tumor delineation using MRSI (številka: 4, 2008)
    What is the most common mammographic appearance of T1a and T1b invasive breast cancer? (številka: 4, 2008)
    Time dependence of electric field effects on cell membranes (številka: 4, 2008)
    Gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumour (številka: 4, 2008)
    Quality of life in patients after combined modality treatment of rectal cancer (številka: 4, 2008)
  18. 2009

    številka: 1 (2009)
    številka: 2 (2009)
    številka: 3 (2009)
    številka: 4 (2009)
    Advances in the treatment of metastatic colorectal carcinoma (številka: 1, 2009)
    Deep dorsal vein embolization with N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate and lipiodol mixture in venogenic erectile dysfunction (številka: 1, 2009)
    The sigmoid colon and bladder shielding in whole pelvic irradiation at prostate cancer (forward planned IMRT from Institute of Oncology Ljubljana) (številka: 1, 2009)
    Acrospiroma of the left temporal region (številka: 1, 2009)
    Retroperitoneal perforation of the rectum during double-contrast barium-enema examination (številka: 1, 2009)
    Presence and role of Simian Virus 40 (SV40) in malignant pleural mesothelioma (številka: 1, 2009)
    MRI-based texture analysis (številka: 1, 2009)
    Irradiation of regionally advanced carcinoma of the penis (številka: 1, 2009)
    Is there any progress in routine management of lung cancer patients? A comparative analysis of an institution in 1996 and 2006 (številka: 1, 2009)
    Angiosarcoma of the liver after multimodality therapy for gallbladder carcinoma (številka: 2, 2009)
    Increased late urinary toxicity with whole pelvic radiotherapy after prostatectomy (številka: 2, 2009)
    Usage of the standard and modified comet assay in assessment of DNA damage in human lymphocytes after exposure to ionizing radiation (številka: 2, 2009)
    Cancer cachexia-anorexia syndrome and skeletal muscle wasting (številka: 2, 2009)
    Spinal subdural haematoma in von Willebrand disease (številka: 2, 2009)
    Cell size dynamics and viability of cells exposed to hypotonic treatment and electroporation for electrofusion optimization (številka: 2, 2009)
    How well are clinical gross tumor volume DVHs approximated by an analytical function? (številka: 2, 2009)
    Cisplatin-induced non-convulsive posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in a 41-year-old woman with metastatic malignant melanoma (številka: 2, 2009)
    Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis remains a challenge in medical practice (številka: 2, 2009)
    Diagnostic evaluation and surgical management of recurrent hydatid cysts in an endemic region (številka: 3, 2009)
    Treatment of patients with "high grade" extremity localized chondrosarcoma (številka: 3, 2009)
    Locally recurrent rectal cancer (številka: 3, 2009)
    Pineal gland metastasis of auricular squamous cell carcinoma (številka: 3, 2009)
    Dosimetric implications of two registration based patient positioning methods in prostate image guided radiation therapy (IGRT) (številka: 3, 2009)
    Transcatheter embolization of bronchial arteries in the treatment of haemoptysis (številka: 3, 2009)
    Segmenting CT images of bronchogenic carcinoma with bone metastases using PET intensity markers approach (številka: 3, 2009)
    60 years of the Slovenian association of radiology (številka: 3, 2009)
    A case with myasthenia gravis, brain stem multiple infarcts, fracture of vertebrae Th6 and discal hernia to the Th7/Th8 (številka: 3, 2009)
    Comparison between hypoxic markers pimonidazole and glucose transporter 1 (Glut-1) in murine fibrosarcoma tumours after electrochemotherapy (številka: 3, 2009)
    Imaging in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (številka: 4, 2009)
    Postoperative radiochemotherapy for gastric adenocarcinoma (številka: 4, 2009)
    Enhanced cytotoxicity of bleomycin and cysplatin after electroporation in murine colorcetal carcinoma cells (številka: 4, 2009)
    Budd-Chiari syndrome associated with liver hydatid disease (številka: 4, 2009)
    Radiotherapy in palliative treatment of painful bone metastases (številka: 4, 2009)
    Negative predictive value of F-18-FDG coincidence PET in patients with Hodgkin's disease and a residual mass after therapy (številka: 4, 2009)
    Quality of life in patients with cervical cancer FIGO IIb stage after concomitant chemoradiotherapy (številka: 4, 2009)
    Migration of enterprise stent in treatment of intracranial aneurysms (številka: 4, 2009)
    Influence of surgical treatment and radiotherapy of the advanced intraoral cancers on complete blood count, body mass index, liver enzymes and leukocyte CD64 expression (številka: 4, 2009)
    Abscess of C1/C2 cervical vertebrae - errors in diagnosis and therapy (številka: 4, 2009)
  19. 2010

    številka: 1 (2010)
    številka: 2 (2010)
    številka: 3 (2010)
    številka: 4 (2010)
    Genetic testing for young-onset colorectal cancer (številka: 1, 2010)
    Diffusion weighted MR imaging in the differential diagnosis of haemangiomas and metastases of the liver (številka: 1, 2010)
    A neutron track etch detector for electron linear accelerators in radiotherapy (številka: 1, 2010)
    CT colonography in detection of colorectal carcinoma (številka: 1, 2010)
    Development of human cell biosensor system for genotoxicity detection based on DNA damage-induced gene expression (številka: 1, 2010)
    Genetic markers in oligodendroglial tumours (številka: 1, 2010)
    Role of radiotherapy in melanoma management (številka: 1, 2010)
    Percutaneous transcatheter arterial embolization in haemodynamically stable patients with blunt splenic injury (številka: 1, 2010)
    Numerical study of the electroporation pulse shape effect on molecular uptake of biological cells (številka: 1, 2010)
    Attitudes of midwifery students towards teaching breast-self examination (številka: 1, 2010)
    Hyperhomocysteinemia and the role of B vitamins in cancer (številka: 2, 2010)
    Hemostatic efficacy of chitosan-based bandage for closure of percutaneous arterial access sites (številka: 2, 2010)
    Effect of 905 MHz microwave radiation on colony growth of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains FF18733, FF1481 and D7 (številka: 2, 2010)
    Reliability of diffusion weighted MR imaging in differentiating degenerative and infectious end plate changes (številka: 2, 2010)
    Frequent MGMT (Osup6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase) hypermethylation in long-term survivors of glioblastoma (številka: 2, 2010)
    Post-traumatic high-flow priapism treated by endovascular embolization using N-butyl-cyanoacrylate (številka: 2, 2010)
    3T MRI in evaluation of asbestos-related thoracic diseases (številka: 2, 2010)
    A fully electronic intensity-modulated radiation therapy quality assurance (IMRT QA) process implemented in a network comprised of independent treatment planning, record and verify, and delivery systems (številka: 2, 2010)
    Radiotherapy in combination with vascular-targeted therapies (številka: 2, 2010)
    Antigen expression on recurrent meningioma cells (številka: 2, 2010)
    A clinical case of the penile metastasis from the rectal carcinoma (številka: 2, 2010)
    Fluorescence imaging agents in cancerology (številka: 3, 2010)
    Infrahepatic ! caudal/inferior vena cava interruption with azygos/hemiazygos continuation. Vascular anomaly in swine (številka: 3, 2010)
    Gonadal function in patients treated for Hodgkin's disease in childhood (številka: 3, 2010)
    Direct coronary stenting in reducing radiation and radiocontrast consumption (številka: 3, 2010)
    Radiological considerations in von Hippel-Lindeau disease (številka: 3, 2010)
    Linear array measurements of enhanced dynamic wedge and treatment planning system (TPS) calculation for 15 MV photon beam and comparison with electronic portal imaging device (EPID) measurements (številka: 3, 2010)
    Study of radiation induced changes of phosphorus metabolism in mice by sup 31 P NMR spectroscopy (številka: 3, 2010)
    Post-treatment surveillance in colorectal cancer (številka: 3, 2010)
    Diagnostic imaging of traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the thoracic aorta (številka: 3, 2010)
    Prophylactic cranial irradiation in patients with small-cell lung cancer (številka: 3, 2010)
    Loss of heterozygosity of CDKN2A (p16INK4a) and RB1 tumor suppressor genes in testicular germ cell tumors (številka: 3, 2010)
    Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) in bilateral retinoblastoma (številka: 3, 2010)
    Lymphedema following cancer therapy in Slovenia (številka: 4, 2010)
    Urine and bladder washing cytology for detection of urothelial carcinoma (številka: 4, 2010)
    Evaluation of clinical interventions made by pharmacists in chemotherapy preparation (številka: 4, 2010)
    Management of cetuximab-induced skin toxicity with prophylactic use of topical vitamin K1 cream (številka: 4, 2010)
    MRI in evaluation of perianal fistulae (številka: 4, 2010)
    Mammographycally occult high grade ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) as second primary breast cancer, detected with MRI (številka: 4, 2010)
    Digital ischemic events related to gemcitabine (številka: 4, 2010)
    Imaging findings in bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaws (številka: 4, 2010)
    Effect of response quality and line of treatment with rituximab on overall and disease-free survival of patients with B-cell lymphoma (številka: 4, 2010)
    Second primary cancers in patients with gastric cancer (številka: 4, 2010)
    Ureteral metastasis as the first and sole manifestation of gastric cancer dissemination (številka: 4, 2010)
  20. 2011

    številka: 1 (2011)
    številka: 2 (2011)
    številka: 3 (2011)
    številka: 4 (2011)
    Triple negative breast cancer (številka: 1, 2011)
    Role of sup 18F-choline PET/CT in evaluation of patients with prostate carcinoma (številka: 1, 2011)
    Verification of quality parameters for portal images in radiotherapy (številka: 1, 2011)
    Electrogene therapy with interleukin-12 in canine mast cell tumors (številka: 1, 2011)
    Pelvic hemangiopericytoma (številka: 1, 2011)
    Image cytometric nuclear texture features in inoperable head and neck cancer (številka: 1, 2011)
    Magnetic nanoparticles as targeted delivery systems in oncology (številka: 1, 2011)
    Mesenteric fibromatosis with intestinal involvement mimicking a gastrointestinal stromal tumour (številka: 1, 2011)
    Metastatic tumours to the thyroid gland (številka: 1, 2011)
    (Mis)placed central venous catheter in the left superior intercostal vein (številka: 1, 2011)
    Dosimetric evaluation of a 320 detector row CT scanner unit (številka: 1, 2011)
    Target and peripheral dose from radiation sector motions accompanying couch repositioning of patient coordinates with the Gamma Knife Perfexion (številka: 2, 2011)
    Microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer (številka: 2, 2011)
    Diffusion differences between pilocytic astrocytomas and grade II ependymomas (številka: 2, 2011)
    CD133/prominin1 is prognostic for GBM patient's survival, but inversely correlated with cysteine cathepsine' expression in gliobastoma derived spheroids (številka: 2, 2011)
    Analysis of peripheral artery velocity tracing in a porcine model (številka: 2, 2011)
    Chemotherapy increases caspase-cleaved cytokeratin 18 in the serum of breast cancer patients (številka: 2, 2011)
    Thyroid volume's influence on energy deposition from sup 131 calculated by Monte Carlo (MC) simulation (številka: 2, 2011)
    Croatian society of radiology (1928-2008), the Croatian medical association (številka: 2, 2011)
    Comparison of CT and MRI in diagnosis of cerebrospinal leak induced by multiple fractures od skull base (številka: 2, 2011)
    Giant Brunner's gland adenoma as an unusual cause of anaemia (številka: 2, 2011)
    Clinical efficacy of local targeted chemotherapy for triple-negative breast cancer (številka: 2, 2011)
    Magnetic resonance urography in children - when and why? (številka: 3, 2011)
    New developments in surgery of malignant gliomas (številka: 3, 2011)
    With computed tomography confirmed anterolateral left ventricular pseudoaneurysm in patient with dilatative alcoholic cardiomyopathy (številka: 3, 2011)
    Pipette tip with integrated electrodes for gene electrotransfer of cells in suspension (številka: 3, 2011)
    Feasibility study on effect and stability of adaptive radiotherapy on kilovoltage cone beam CT (številka: 3, 2011)
    Differences in plasma TIMP-1 levels between healthy people and patients with rectal cancer stage II or III (številka: 3, 2011)
    3-D conformal radiotherapy with concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide for temozolomide for patients with glioblastoma multiforme and evaluation of prognostic factors (številka: 3, 2011)
    Polydimethylsiloxane (številka: 3, 2011)
    Scatterogram (številka: 3, 2011)
    Knockdown of stat3 expression by RNAi inhibits in vitro growth of human ovarian cancer (številka: 3, 2011)
    Cathepsin H indirectly regulates morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP-4) in various human cell lines (številka: 4, 2011)
    Comparison of survival of patients receiving laparoscopic and open radical resection for stage II colon cancer (številka: 4, 2011)
    Brain meningioma invading and destructing the skull bone (številka: 4, 2011)
    Hepatocellular carcinoma with subcutaneous metastasis (številka: 4, 2011)
    Efficacy of first-line systemic treatment in correlation with BRAF V600E and different KRAS mutations in metastatic colorectal cancer (številka: 4, 2011)
    Genotyping of BRCA1, BRCA2, p53, CDKN2A, MLH1 and MSH2 genes in a male patient with secondary breast cancer (številka: 4, 2011)
    Sinonasal inverted papilloma associated with squamous cell carcinoma (številka: 4, 2011)
    Expression of NF-kB p65 phosphorylated at serine-536 in rectal cancer with or without preoperative radiotherapy (številka: 4, 2011)
    Assessing renal function in children with hydronephrosis - additional feature of MR urography (številka: 4, 2011)
    Dosimetric verification of compensated beams using radiographic film (številka: 4, 2011)
    Periampullary localized pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia-3 (PanIN-3) (številka: 4, 2011)
    Titanium dioxide in our everyday life (številka: 4, 2011)
  21. 2012

    številka: 1 (2012)
    številka: 2 (2012)
    številka: 3 (2012)
    številka: 4 (2012)
    Intra- and inter-observer variability in measurement of target lesions: implication on response evaluation according to RECIST 1.1 (številka: 1, 2012)
    The development of nuclear medicine in Slovenia and Ljubljana; half a century of nuclear medicine in Slovenia (številka: 1, 2012)
    Human tooth pulp anatomy visualization by 3D magnetic resonance microscopy (številka: 1, 2012)
    Genetic polymorphisms in homologous recombination repair genes in healthy Slovenian population and their influence on DNA damage (številka: 1, 2012)
    Percutaneous transthoracic CT guided biopsies of lung lesions; fine needle aspiration biopsy versus core biopsy (številka: 1, 2012)
    Recurrent invasive lobular carcinoma presenting as a ruptured breast implant (številka: 1, 2012)
    The false-positive radioiodine I-131 uptake in the foreign body granuloma located in gluteal adipose tissue (številka: 1, 2012)
    A comparison of virtual touch tissue quantification and digital rectal examination for discrimination between prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia (številka: 1, 2012)
    Efficacy of high-energy collimator for sentinel node lymphoscintigraphy of early breast cancer patients (številka: 1, 2012)
    Assessment of the tumourigenic and metastatic properties of SK-MEL28 melanoma cells surviving electrochemotherapy with bleomycin (številka: 1, 2012)
    Outcome of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) patients with brain metastases in a routine clinical setting (številka: 1, 2012)
    Lower tumour burden and better overall survival in melanoma patients with regional lymph node metastases and negative preoperative ultrasound (številka: 1, 2012)
    Outcome of MRI-guided vacuum-assisted breast biopsy - initial experience at Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Slovenia (številka: 2, 2012)
    What sampling device is the most appropriate for vaginal vault cytology in gynaecological cancer follow up? (številka: 2, 2012)
    Dosimetric characterizations of GZP6 sup 60 Co high dose rate brachytherapy sources (številka: 2, 2012)
    Improved survival after introduction of chemotherapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma in Slovenia (številka: 2, 2012)
    The diffuse large B-cell lymphoma - where do we stand now in everyday clinical practice (številka: 2, 2012)
    Lucifer Yellow uptake by CHO cells exposed to magnetic and electric pulses (številka: 2, 2012)
    Differentiation of malignant and benign lung lesions with diffusion-weighted MR imaging (številka: 2, 2012)
    Evaluation of penile erection rigidity in healthy men using virtual touch tissue quantification (številka: 2, 2012)
    Double BioDisk: a new bioprosthetic device for transcatheter closure of atrial septal defects - a feasibility study in adult sheep (številka: 2, 2012)
    The optimization of needle electrode number and placement for irreversible electroporation of hepatocellular carcinoma (številka: 2, 2012)
    Long term outcome after combined modality treatment for anal cancer (številka: 2, 2012)
    Effectiveness of L-thyroxine treatment on TSH suppression during pregnancy in patients with a history of thyroid carcinoma after total thyroidectomy and radioiodine ablation (številka: 2, 2012)
    Fluctuating portal velocity tracing with rhythmicity (številka: 3, 2012)
    miR-54bc-5p inhibits proliferation and migration and promotes apoptosis in CD90+ HepG2 cells (številka: 3, 2012)
    Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for the treatment of unicentric Castlemans disease (številka: 3, 2012)
    The antitumor efficiency of combined electrochemotherapy and single dose irradiation on a breast cancer tumor model (številka: 3, 2012)
    Inguinal or inguino-iliac/obturator lymph node dissection after positive inguinal sentinel lymph node in patients with cutaneous melanoma (številka: 3, 2012)
    The clinical value of combined use of MR imaging and multi-slice spiral CT in limb salvage surgery for orthopaedic oncology patients (številka: 3, 2012)
    Comparison of 3D MRI with high sampling efficiency and 2D multiplanar MRI for contouring in cervix cancer brachytherapy (številka: 3, 2012)
    Cetuximab in preoperative treatment of rectal cancer - term outcome of the XERT trial (številka: 3, 2012)
    Imaging primary prostate cancer with 11C-Choline PET/CT (številka: 3, 2012)
    Contrasting effect of recombinant human erythropoietin on breast cancer cell response to cisplatin induced cytotoxicity (številka: 3, 2012)
    Cathepsin X in serum from patients with colorectal cancer: relation to prognosis (številka: 3, 2012)
    Staurosporine induces different cell death forms in cultured rat astrocytes (številka: 4, 2012)
    Is rectal MRI beneficial for determining the location of rectal cancer with respect to the peritoneal reflection? (številka: 4, 2012)
    Usefulness of F-18 FDG PET/CT in subcutaneous panniculitis-like T cell lymphoma (številka: 4, 2012)
    Potentiation of electrochemotherapy by intramuscular IL-12 gene electrotransfer in murine sarcoma and carcinoma with different immunogenicity (številka: 4, 2012)
    Application of a color scanner for sup 60 Co high dose rate brachytherapy dosimetry with EBT radiochromic film (številka: 4, 2012)
    Treatment outcomes and survival in patients with primary central nervous system lymphomas treated between 1995 and 2010 (številka: 4, 2012)
    Angiogenin and vascular endothelial growth factor expression in lungs of lung cancer patients (številka: 4, 2012)
    Multiple brain metastases - current management and perspectives for treatment with electrochemotherapy (številka: 4, 2012)
    5-HTTLPR polymorphism and anxious preoccupation in early breast cancer patients (številka: 4, 2012)
    Interstitial lung disease in a patient treated with oxaliplatin, 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin (FOLFOX) for metastatic colorectal cancer (številka: 4, 2012)
    Doses in organs at risk during head and neck radiotherapy using IMRT and 3D-CRT (številka: 4, 2012)
    Ultrasound elastography as an objective diagnostic measurement tool for lymphoedema of the treated breast in breast cancer patients following breast conserving surgery and radiotherapy (številka: 4, 2012)
  22. 2013

    številka: 1 (2013)
    številka: 2 (2013)
    številka: 3 (2013)
    številka: 4 (2013)
    Hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for large or involving critical organs cerebral arteriovenous malformations (številka: 1, 2013)
    Oral treatment with etoposide in small cell lung cancer - dilemmas and solution (številka: 1, 2013)
    Distance deviation measure of contouring variability (številka: 1, 2013)
    p38 MAPK regulates the expression of ether a go-go potassium channel in human osteosarcoma cells (številka: 1, 2013)
    The effect of breast shielding during lumbar spine radiography (številka: 1, 2013)
    Tumor size and effectiveness of electrochemotherapy (številka: 1, 2013)
    Thoracobiliary fistulas (številka: 1, 2013)
    Radiotherapy for inverted papilloma (številka: 1, 2013)
    Analysis of new N-category on prognosis of oesophageal cancer with positive lymph nodes in a Chinese population (številka: 1, 2013)
    The value of the sagittal-oblique MRI technique for injuries of the anterior cruciate ligament in the knee (številka: 1, 2013)
    Iodine based radiopacity of experimental blood clots for testing of mechanical thrombectomy devices (številka: 1, 2013)
    Epirubicin and docetaxel as neoadjuvant treatment of hormone receptor positive, HER-2 negative breast cancer (številka: 1, 2013)
    Long term follow-up report of cardiac toxicity in patients with multiple myeloma treated with tandem autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (številka: 2, 2013)
    Central low-grade osteosarcoma with an unusual localization in the diaphysis of a 12-year old patient (številka: 2, 2013)
    Development and characterization of a novel mAb against bilitranslocase - a new biomarker of renal carcinoma (številka: 2, 2013)
    Uterine perforation - 5-year experience in 3-D image guided gynaecological brachytherapy at Institute of Oncology Ljubljana (številka: 2, 2013)
    Evaluation of acute/late toxicity and local recurrence in T1-T2 glottic carcinoma treated with accelerated hypofractionated 3D-conformal external beam radiotherapy (3D-CRT) (številka: 2, 2013)
    Brain and whole-body FDG-PET in diagnosis, treatment monitoring and long-term follow-up of primary CNS lymphoma (številka: 2, 2013)
    A review of the treatment options for skin rash induced by EGFR-targeted therapies (številka: 2, 2013)
    Poor outcome of comprehensive therapy in a case of laryngeal synovial sarcoma (številka: 2, 2013)
    MRI evaluation of tibial tunnel wall cortical bone formation after platelet-rich plasma applied during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (številka: 2, 2013)
    Comparison of continuous local anaesthetic and systemic pain treatment after axillary lymphadenectomy in breast carcinoma patients - a prospective randomized study (številka: 2, 2013)
    Does initial 45Gy of pelvic intensity-modulated radiotherapy reduce late complications in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer? A cohort control study using definitive chemoradiotherapy with high-dose rate brachytherapy (številka: 2, 2013)
    An incidental case of biliary fascioliasis with cubtle clinical findings (številka: 2, 2013)
    The correlation between the levels of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 in plasma and tumour response and survival after preoperattive radiochemotherapy in patients with rectal cancer (številka: 2, 2013)
    The role of Fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in staging and restaging of patients with osteosarcoma (številka: 2, 2013)
    Prediction of 2 years-survival in patients with stage I and II non-small cell lung cancer utilizing sup18-FDG PET/CT SUV quantification (številka: 3, 2013)
    Inhibition of cathepsin X enzyme influences the immune response of THP-1 cells and dendritic cells infected with Helicobacter pylori (številka: 3, 2013)
    Evaluation of safety and analgesic consumption in patients with advanced cancer treated with zoledronic acid (številka: 3, 2013)
    Early outcome in endoscopic extended endonasal approach for removal of supradiaphragmatic craniopharyngiomas (številka: 3, 2013)
    Magnetic resonance imaging of vulvar dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans - report of a case (številka: 3, 2013)
    Intrathoracic malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (številka: 3, 2013)
    The potential value of the neutral comet assay and gamma H2AX foci assay in assessing the radiosensitivity of carbon beam in human tumor cell lines (številka: 3, 2013)
    Estimated collective effective dose to the population from nuclear medicine examinations in Slovenia (številka: 3, 2013)
    Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of superior mesenteric artery embolism (številka: 3, 2013)
    Definitive radiotherapy for uterine cervix cancer (številka: 3, 2013)
    Usability application of multiplex polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis of microorganisms isolated from urine of patients treated in cancer hospital (številka: 3, 2013)
    Comparison between whole-body MRI and Fluorine-18-Fluorodeoxyglucose PET or PET/CT in oncology (številka: 3, 2013)
    The role of extracellular vesicles in phenotypic cancer transformation (številka: 3, 2013)
    Advanced ultrasonography technologies to assess the effects of radiofrequency ablation on hepatocellular carcinoma (številka: 3, 2013)
    Effect of ionizing radiation on human skeletal muscle precursor cells (številka: 4, 2013)
    Role of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in evaluating the efficiency of ultrasound guided percutaneous microwave ablation in patients with renal cell carcinoma (številka: 4, 2013)
    The usefulness of F-18 FDG PET/CT-mammography for preoperative staging of breast cancer (številka: 4, 2013)
    Expansive growth of two glioblastoma stem-like cell lines is mediated by bFGF and not by EGF (številka: 4, 2013)
    Impact of CD133 positive stem cell proportion on survival in patients with glioblastoma multiforme (številka: 4, 2013)
    Emerging clinical importance of the cancer biomarkers kallikrein-related peptidases (KLK) in female and male reproductive organ malignancies (številka: 4, 2013)
    Dual time point imaging fluorine-18 flourodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography for evaluation of large loco-regional recurrences of breast cancer treated with electrochemotherapy (številka: 4, 2013)
    Dosimetric evaluation of an ipsilateral intensity modulated radiotherapy beam arrangement for parotid malignancies (številka: 4, 2013)
    Electrochemotherapy as a new therapeutic strategy in advanced Merkel cell carcinoma of head and neck region (številka: 4, 2013)
    Minimally invasive treatment of peristomal metastases from gastric cancer at an ileostomy site by electrochemotherapy (številka: 4, 2013)
    MicroRNAs and long non-coding RNAs (številka: 4, 2013)
    Biological evaluation of trans-dichloridoplatinum(II) complexes with 3- and 4-acettylpyridine in comparison to cisplatin (številka: 4, 2013)
    Recombinant human erythropoietin alters gene expression and stimulates proliferation of MCF-7 breast cancer cells (številka: 4, 2013)
    Heterogeneity of uroplakin localization in human normal urothelium, papilloma and papillary carcinoma (številka: 4, 2013)
  23. 2014

    številka: 1 (2014)
    številka: 2 (2014)
    številka: 3 (2014)
    številka: 4 (2014)
    Glioblastoma patients in Slovenia from 1997 to 2008 (številka: 1, 2014)
    Results of photon radiotherapy for unresectable salivary gland tumors (številka: 1, 2014)
    Impact of respiratory motion on breast tangential radiotherapy using the field-in-field technique compared to irradiation using physical wedges (številka: 1, 2014)
    The role of ultrasound and ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy of lymph nodes in patients with skin tumours (številka: 1, 2014)
    Individual radiosensitivity in a breast cancer collective is changed with the patients' age (številka: 1, 2014)
    Oral cavity and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma in young adults (številka: 1, 2014)
    Evaluation of undiagnosed solitary lung nodules according to the probability of malignancy in the American college of chest physicians (ACCP) evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (številka: 1, 2014)
    Increased expression of SHP-1 is associated with local recurrence after radiotherapy in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (številka: 1, 2014)
    Evaluation of a software system for estimating planned dose error in patients, based on planar IMRT QA measurements (številka: 1, 2014)
    Semirigid thoracoscopy (številka: 1, 2014)
    Minimally invasive CT guided treatment of intraspinal synovial cyst (številka: 1, 2014)
    Consequence of the introduction of routine FCH PET/CT imaging for patients with prostate cancer (številka: 1, 2014)
    Balloon aortic valvuloplasty (BAV) as a bridge to aortic valve replacement in cancer patients who require urgent non-cardiac surgery (številka: 1, 2014)
    Detection of neuroendocrine tumours in the small intestines using contrast-enhanced multiphase Ga-68 DOTATOC PET/CT (številka: 2, 2014)
    Inter-application displacement of brachytherapy dose received by the bladder and rectum of the patients with inoperable cervical cancer (številka: 2, 2014)
    Prevalence and malignancy risk of focal colorectal incidental uptake detected by sup 18F-FDG-PET or PET/CT (številka: 2, 2014)
    Proteomic analysis of effects by x-rays and heavy ion in HeLa cells (številka: 2, 2014)
    Clonality analysis of lymphoid proliferations using BIOMED-2 clonality assays (številka: 2, 2014)
    Global diffusion tensor imaging derived metrics differentiate glioblastoma multiforme vs. normal brains by using discriminant analysis (številka: 2, 2014)
    Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) of vertebral column - an additional tool for evaluation of aggressiveness of vertebral haemangioma like lesion (številka: 2, 2014)
    Xp 11.2 translocation renal carcinoma in young adults; recently classified distinct subtype (številka: 2, 2014)
    Polymorphisms in folate pathway and pemetrexed treatment outcome in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma (številka: 2, 2014)
    Cardiotoxicity of concomitant radiotherapy and trastuzumab for early breast cancer (številka: 2, 2014)
    Long-term remission of a Her2/neu positive primary breast cancer under double monoclonal antibody therapy with trastuzumab and bevacizumab (številka: 2, 2014)
    Lung scintigraphy in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (številka: 2, 2014)
    Brain metastases in lung adenocarcinoma (številka: 2, 2014)
    Preoperative radiotherapy for rectal cancer (številka: 2, 2014)
    Capecitabine in adjuvant radiochemotherapy for gastric adenocarcinoma (številka: 2, 2014)
    Olfaction and gustation abilities after a total laryngectomy (številka: 3, 2014)
    Microinvasive cervical squamous cell carcinoma in Slovenia during the period 2001-2007 (številka: 3, 2014)
    Osteoblastic bone metastases from renal cell carcinoma (številka: 3, 2014)
    MRI-assisted cervix cancer brachytherapy pre-planning, based on application in paracervical anaesthesia (številka: 3, 2014)
    MRI to delineate the gross tumor volume of nasopharyngeal cancers (številka: 3, 2014)
    Segmentation of hepatic vessels from MRI images for planning of electroporation-based treatments in the liver (številka: 3, 2014)
    Post-mastectomy radiotherapy benefits subgroups of breast cancer patients with T1-2 tumor and 1-3 axillary lymph node(s) metastases (številka: 3, 2014)
    The effect of radiation dose on mouse skeletal muscle remodeling (številka: 3, 2014)
    Clinical and radiologic features of extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma including initial presentation, local recurrence, and metastases (številka: 3, 2014)
    The role of fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in evaluating the response to tyrosine-kinase inhibitors in patients with metastatic primary renal cell carcinoma (številka: 3, 2014)
    Incidental uptake of 18F-fluorocholine (FCH) in the head or in the neck of patients with prostate cancer (številka: 3, 2014)
    Identification of plasma biomarker candidates in glioblastoma using an antibody-array-based proteomic approach (številka: 3, 2014)
    Circulating serum sVCAM-1 concentration in advanced ovarian cancer patients (številka: 3, 2014)
    The influence of folate pathway polymorphisms on high-dose methotrexaterelated toxicity and survival in children with non-Hodgkin malignant lymphoma (številka: 3, 2014)
    Identification of three anatomical patterns of the spinal accessory nerve in the neck by neurophysiological mapping (številka: 4, 2014)
    Slovenian experience from diagnostic angiography to interventional radiology (številka: 4, 2014)
    A method for generating large datasets of organ geometries for radiotherapy treatment planning studies (številka: 4, 2014)
    Effectiveness of adjuvant trastuzumab in daily clinical practice (številka: 4, 2014)
    Induction gemcitabine in standard dose or prolonged low-dose with cisplatin followed by concurrent radiochemotherapy in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (številka: 4, 2014)
    Accuracy of 18F-flurodeoxyglucosepositron emission tomography/computed tomography in the staging of newly diagnosed nasopharyngeal carcinoma (številka: 4, 2014)
    Distant metastasis of rectal adenocarcinoma in a temporary tracheostoma (številka: 4, 2014)
    Differential S-phase progression after irradiation of p53 functional versus non-functional tumour cells (številka: 4, 2014)
    Intercalated chemotherapy and erlotinib for advanced NSCLC (številka: 4, 2014)
    Survival of patients treated with radiation therapy for anaplastic astrocytoma (številka: 4, 2014)
    Mediastinal teratoma with hydrops fetalis in a newborn and development of chronic respiratory insufficiency (številka: 4, 2014)
    Searching for primaries in patients with neuroendocrine tumors (NET) of unknown primary and clinically suspected NET (številka: 4, 2014)
    The role of elastosonography, gray-scale and colour flow Doppler sonography in prediction of malignancy in thyroid nodules (številka: 4, 2014)
  24. 2015

    številka: 1 (2015)
    številka: 2 (2015)
    številka: 3 (2015)
    številka: 4 (2015)
    Clinical value of whole-body magnetic resonance imaging in health screening of general adult population (številka: 1, 2015)
    Bevacizumab and irinotecan in recurrent malignant glioma, a single institution experience (številka: 1, 2015)
    EGFR-expression in primary urinary bladder cancer and corresponding metastases and the relation to HER2-expression. On the possibility to target these receptors with radionuclides (številka: 1, 2015)
    A new instrument for estimating the survival of patients with metastatic epidural spinal cord compression from esophageal cancer (številka: 1, 2015)
    Higher levels of total pepsin and bile acids in the saliva as a possible risk factor for early laryngeal cancer (številka: 1, 2015)
    Dynamic contrast-enhanced computed tomography to assess early activity of cetuximab in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (številka: 1, 2015)
    Hypodontia phenotype in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer (številka: 1, 2015)
    Estimated collective effective dose to the population from radiological examinations in Slovenia (številka: 1, 2015)
    Treatment of tongue cavernous haemangioma with direct puncture and sclerotization with ethanol (številka: 1, 2015)
    Appearance of Hürthle cell carcinoma soon after surgical extirpation of Hürthle cell adenoma and follicular adenoma of the thyroid gland (številka: 1, 2015)
    Adjuvant TNF-a therapy to electrochemotherapy with intravenous cisplatin in murine sarcoma exerts synergistic antitumor effectiveness (številka: 1, 2015)
    Dosimetric comparison for volumetric modulated arc therapy and intensity-modulated radiotherapy on the left-sided chest wall and internal mammary nodes irradiation in treating post-mastectomy breast cancer (številka: 1, 2015)
    The role of PET-CT in radiotherapy planning of solid tumours (številka: 1, 2015)
    Mild hyperthermia influence on Herceptin properties (številka: 1, 2015)
    Consolidation electrochemotherapy with bleomycin in metastatic melanoma during treatment with dabrafenib (številka: 1, 2015)
    Efficacy of intensity-modulated radiotherapy with concurrent carboplatin in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (številka: 2, 2015)
    Doppler ultrasound for diagnosis of soft tissue sarcoma (številka: 2, 2015)
    Clinical applicability of biologically effective dose calculation for spinal cord in fractionated spine stereotactic body radiation therapy (številka: 2, 2015)
    Feasibility and safety of electrochemotherapy (ECT) in the pancreas (številka: 2, 2015)
    Blood-brain barrier permeability imaging using perfusion computed tomography (številka: 2, 2015)
    The cost of systemic therapy for metastatic colorectal carcinoma in Slovenia (številka: 2, 2015)
    Mesenteric ischemia after capecitabine treatment in rectal cancer and resultant short bowel syndrome is not an absolute contraindication for radical oncological treatment (številka: 2, 2015)
    Primary central nervous system lymphoma (številka: 2, 2015)
    Preoperative treatment with radiochemotherapy for locally advanced gastroesophageal junction cancer and unresectable locally advanced gastric cancer (številka: 2, 2015)
    Artery of Percheron infarction (številka: 2, 2015)
    Febrile neutropenia in chemotherapy treated small-cell lung cancer patients (številka: 2, 2015)
    Thyroid lesions incidentally detected by sup 18F-FDG PET-CT (številka: 2, 2015)
    Evaluation of radiographic and metabolic changes in bone metastases in response to systemic therapy with sup 18FDG-PET/CT (številka: 2, 2015)
    Dynamic CT angiography for cyberknife radiosurgery planning of intracranial arteriovenous malformations (številka: 2, 2015)
    Impact of tumour volume on prediction of progression-free survival in sinonasal cancer (številka: 3, 2015)
    Rounded leaf and effect of multileaf collimator on penumbra width and radiation field offset (številka: 3, 2015)
    Correlation of diffusion MRI with the Ki-67 index in non-small cell lung cancer (številka: 3, 2015)
    Careful treatment planning enables safe ablation of liver tumors adjacent to major blood vessels by percutaneous irreversible electroporation (IRE) (številka: 3, 2015)
    Comparison of hybrid volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) technique and double arc VMAT technique in the treatment of prostate cancer (številka: 3, 2015)
    A comparison of the quality assurance of four dosimetric tools for intensity modulated radiation therapy (številka: 3, 2015)
    The influence of cytokine gene polymorphisms on the risk of developing gastric cancer in patients with Helicobacter pylori infection (številka: 3, 2015)
    Gamma-enolase: a well known tumour marker, with a less-known role in cancer (številka: 3, 2015)
    Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the pancreatic head (številka: 3, 2015)
    Central nervous system imaging in childhood Langerhans cell histiocytosis (številka: 3, 2015)
    Fibulin-3 as a biomarker of response to treatment in malignant mesothelioma (številka: 3, 2015)
    The concept of radiation-enhanced stem cell differentiation (številka: 3, 2015)
    The impact of reconstruction algorithms and time of flight information on PET/CT image quality (številka: 3, 2015)
    Estimation of cell response in fractionation radiotherapy using different methods derived from linear quadratic model (številka: 4, 2015)
    Optimal scan time for evaluation of parathyroid adenoma with 18F-fluorocholine PET/CT (številka: 4, 2015)
    Urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) in breast cancer (številka: 4, 2015)
    Analysis of risk factors for perifocal oedema after endovascular embolization of unruptured intracranial arterial aneurysms (številka: 4, 2015)
    Impact of comorbidity on the outcome in men with advanced prostate cancer treated with docetaxel (številka: 4, 2015)
    Release of growth factors after mechanical and chemical pleurodesis for treatment of malignant pleural effusion (številka: 4, 2015)
    Giant solitary fibrous tumour of the pleura (številka: 4, 2015)
    Prognostic value of some tumor markers in unresectable stage IV oropharyngeal carcinoma patients treated with concomitant radiochemotherapy (številka: 4, 2015)
    Endobronchial ultrasound elastography strain ratio for mediastinal lymph node diagnosis (številka: 4, 2015)
    F-18 FDG-PET/CT parameters as predictors of outcome in inoperable NSCLC patients (številka: 4, 2015)
    Immunotoxin - a new treatment option in patients with relapsed and refractory Hodgkin lymphoma (številka: 4, 2015)
    Clinical impact of post-progression survival on overall survival in patients with limited-stage disease small cell lung cancer after first-line chemoradiotherapy (številka: 4, 2015)
    Cutaneous melanoma frequencies and seasonal trend in 20 years of observation of a population characterised by excessive sun exposure (številka: 4, 2015)
    Clinical results of proton beam therapy for twenty older patienst with esophageal cancer (številka: 4, 2015)
    Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in 13 patients with locally advanced poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma based on Turin proposal (številka: 3, 2015)
  25. 2016

    številka: 1 (2016)
    številka: 2 (2016)
    številka: 3 (2016)
    številka: 4 (2016)
    Medical physics in Europe following recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (številka: 1, 2016)
    A statistical model describing combined irreversible electroporation and electroporation-induced blood-brain barrier disruption (številka: 1, 2016)
    Evaluation of dosimetric effect caused by slowing with multi-leaf collimator (MLC) leaves for volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) (številka: 1, 2016)
    A prototype of a flexible grid electrode to treat widespread superficial tumors by means of electrochemotherapy (številka: 1, 2016)
    The impact of anaemia on treatment outcome in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of anal canal and anal margin (številka: 1, 2016)
    Electrochemotherapy in pancreatic adenocarcinoma treatment (številka: 1, 2016)
    Antioxidant defence-related genetic variants are not associated with higher risk of secondary thyroid cancer after treatment of malignancy in childhood or adolescence (številka: 1, 2016)
    Recommendations for improving the quality of reporting clinical electrochemotherapy studies based on qualitative systematic review (številka: 1, 2016)
    Diagnostic accuracy of MRI to evaluate tumour response and residual tumour size after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients (številka: 1, 2016)
    Obstructive urination problems after high-dose-rate brachytherapy boost treatment for prostate cancer are avoidable (številka: 1, 2016)
    Combined local and systemic bleomycin administration in electrochemotherapy to reduce the number of treatment sessions (številka: 1, 2016)
    Effectiveness of electrochemotherapy after IFN-alpha adjuvant therapy of melanoma patients (številka: 1, 2016)
    Prognostic factors of choroidal melanoma in Slovenia, 1986-2008 (številka: 1, 2016)
    Cerebral toxoplasmosis in a diffuse large B cell lymphoma patient (številka: 1, 2016)
    Electrochemotherapy by pulsed electromagnetic field treatment (PEMF) in mouse melanoma B16F10 in vivo (številka: 1, 2016)
    18F-FET and 18F-FCH uptake in human glioblastoma T98G cell lines (številka: 2, 2016)
    Treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma using simultaneous modulated accelerated radiation therapy via helical tomotherapy (številka: 2, 2016)
    Early medical rehabilitation after neurosurgical treatment of malignant brain tumours in Slovenia (številka: 2, 2016)
    Effect of photon energy spectrum on dosimetric parameters of brachytherapy sources (številka: 2, 2016)
    Hepatic splenosis mimicking liver metastases in a patient with history of childhood immature teratoma (številka: 2, 2016)
    Imaging of human glioblastoma cells and their interactions with mesenchymal stem cells in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryonic brain (številka: 2, 2016)
    Malignant gliomas (številka: 2, 2016)
    The dosimetric significance of using 10 MV photons for volumetric modulated arc therapy for post-prostatectomy irradiation of the prostate bed (številka: 2, 2016)
    Screen-detected ductal carcinoma in situ found on stereotactic vacuum-assisted biopsy of suspicious microcalcifications without mass (številka: 2, 2016)
    The prognostic value of whole blood SOX2, NANOG and OCT4 mRNA expression in advanced small-cell lung cancer (številka: 2, 2016)
    Diffusion tensor MR microscopy of tissues with low diffusional anisotropy (številka: 2, 2016)
    Bevacizumab plus chemotherapy in elderly patients with previously untreated metastatic colorectal cancer (številka: 2, 2016)
    CA19-9 serum levels predict micrometastases in patients with gastric cancer (številka: 2, 2016)
    Tenckhoff tunneled peritoneal catheter placement in the palliative treatment of malignant ascites (številka: 2, 2016)
    Identification of differentially expressed genes associated with the enhancement of X-ray susceptibility by RITA in a hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma cell line (FaDu) (številka: 2, 2016)
    Functional polymorphisms in antioxidant genes in Hurthle cell thyroid neoplasm - an association of GPX1 polymorphism and recurrent Hurthle cell thyroid carcinoma (številka: 3, 2016)
    Interdisciplinary consensus statement on indication and application of a hydrogel spacer for prostate radiotherapy based on experience in more than 250 patients (številka: 3, 2016)
    Discovery of 'click' 1,2,3-triazolium salts as potential anticancer drugs (številka: 3, 2016)
    Metastatic sebaceous cell carcinoma, review of the literature and use of electrochemotherapy as possible new treatment modality (številka: 3, 2016)
    Electrochemotherapy with bleomycin is effective in BRAF mutated melanoma cells and interacts with BRAF inhibitors (številka: 3, 2016)
    Association between polymorphisms in segregation genes BUB1B and TTK and gastric cancer risk (številka: 3, 2016)
    Recurrence rate in regional lymph nodes in 737 patients with follicular or Hürthle cell neoplasms (številka: 3, 2016)
    Non-contrast computed tomography in the diagnosis of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (številka: 3, 2016)
    Excellent outcomes after radiotherapy alone for malignant spinal cord compression from myeloma (številka: 3, 2016)
    Uncertainties in target volume delineation in radiotherapy (številka: 3, 2016)
    Pancreaticoduodenectomy for ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreatic head with venous resection (številka: 3, 2016)
    The role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with advanced (stage IIIC) epithelial ovarian cancer (številka: 3, 2016)
    The proliferation marker Ki67, but not neuroendocrine expression, is an independent factor in the prediction of prognosis of primary prostate cancer patients (številka: 3, 2016)
    18F-fluorodeoxyglucose and 18F-flumazenil positron emission tomography in patients with refractory epilepsy (številka: 3, 2016)
    Somatic mutations of isocitrate dehydrogenases 1 and 2 are prognostic and follow-up markers in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia with normal karyotype (številka: 4, 2016)
    Anatomic variations of the pancreatic duct and their relevance with the Cambridge classification system: MRCP findings of 1158 consecutive patients (številka: 4, 2016)
    Red blood cell transfusion and skeletal muscle tissue oxygenation in anaemic haematologic outpatients (številka: 4, 2016)
    The ratio of weight loss to planning target volume significantly impacts setup errors in nasopharyngeal cancer patients undergoing helical tomotherapy with daily megavoltage computed tomography (številka: 4, 2016)
    Long-term survival in glioblastoma (številka: 4, 2016)
    Outcome of severe infections in afebrile neutropenic cancer patients (številka: 4, 2016)
    Mobilization with cyclophosphamide reduces the number of lymphocyte subpopulations in the leukapheresis product and delays their reconstitution after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with multiple myeloma (številka: 4, 2016)
    Endovascular treatment of unruptured aneurysms of cavernous and ophthalmic segment of internal carotid artery with flow diverter device Pipeline (številka: 4, 2016)
    Granulomatosis after autologous stem cell transplantation in nonHodgkin lymphoma (številka: 4, 2016)
    Prognosis estimation under the light of metabolic tumor parameters on initial FDG-PET/CT in patients with primary extranodal lymphoma (številka: 4, 2016)
    Dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasound of the bowel wall with quantitative assessment of Crohn's disease activity in childhood (številka: 4, 2016)
    Virtual modelling of novel applicator prototypes for cervical cancer brachytherapy (številka: 4, 2016)
    Tracheal cancer - treatment results, prognostic factors and incidence of other neoplasms (številka: 4, 2016)
    Survival of patients with intermediate stage hepatocellular carcinoma treated with superselective transarterial chemoembolization using doxorubicin-loaded DC Bead under cone-beam computed tomography control (številka: 4, 2016)
  26. 2017

    številka: 1 (2017)
    številka: 2 (2017)
    številka: 3 (2017)
    številka: 4 (2017)
    In vitro and in vivo evaluation of electrochemotherapy with trans-platinum analogue trans-PtCl2(3-Hmpy)2 (številka: 3, 2017)
    Effects of electrochemotherapy with cisplatin and peritumoral IL-12 gene electrotransfer on canine mast cell tumors (številka: 3, 2017)
    Implant-prosthetic rehabilitation after radiation treatment in head and neck cancer patients (številka: 1, 2017)
    Primary pulmonary choricarcinoma (številka: 1, 2017)
    Cancer burden in Slovenia with the time trends analysis (številka: 1, 2017)
    Leiomyosarcoma of the renal vein (številka: 1, 2017)
    Treatment-related cardiovascular toxicity in long-term survivors of testicular cancer (številka: 2, 2017)
    Perioperative increase in neutrophil CD64 expression is an indicator for intra-abdominal infection after colorectal cancer surgery (številka: 2, 2017)
    Carotid artery stiffness, digital endothelial function, and coronary calcium in patients with essential thrombocytosis, free of overt atherosclerotic disease (številka: 2, 2017)
    Genetic counselling, BRCA1/2 status and clinico-pathologic characteristics of patients with ovarian cancer before 50 years of age (številka: 2, 2017)
    Dynamic susceptibility contrast enhanced (DSC) MRI perfusion and plasma cytokine levels in patients after tonic-clonic seizures (številka: 3, 2017)
    Expression of LOC285758, a potential long non-coding biomarker, is methylation- dependent and correlates with glioma malignancy grade (številka: 3, 2017)
    A novel mutation in the FOXC2 gene (številka: 3, 2017)
    Phytotherapeutics oridonin and ponicidin show additive effects combined with irradiation in pancreatic cancer in vitro (številka: 4, 2017)
    Quality assurance procedures based on dosimetric, gamma analysis as a fast reliable tool for commissioning brachytherapy treatment planning systems (številka: 4, 2017)
    Clinical significance of fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography in the follow-up of colorectal cancer (številka: 4, 2017)
    Focused transhepatic electroporation mediated by hypersaline infusion through the portal vein in rat model (številka: 4, 2017)
    The relationship between chondromalacia patella, meniscal tear and medial periarticular bursitis in patients with osteoarthritis (številka: 4, 2017)
    Association between SLC19A1 gene polymorphism and high dose methotrexate toxicity in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and non Hodgkin malignant lymphoma (številka: 4, 2017)
    Long term results of radiotherapy in vulvar cancer patients in Slovenia between 1997-2004 (številka: 4, 2017)
    Evaluation of deformable image registration (DIR) methods for dose accumulation in nasopharyngeal cancer patients during radiotherapy (številka: 4, 2017)
    Metformin enhanced in vitro radiosensitivity associates with G2/M cell cycle arrest and elevated adenosine-5'-monophosphate-activated protein kinase levels in glioblastoma (številka: 4, 2017)
    Minimally invasive electrochemotherapy procedure for treating nasal duct tumors in dogs using a single needle electrode (številka: 4, 2017)
    Carcinogenesis induced by low-dose radiation (številka: 4, 2017)
    Impact on radiation dose and volume V57 Gy of the brain on recurrence and survival of patients with glioblastoma multiformae (številka: 4, 2017)
    Is there a role for contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the detection and biopsy of MRI only visible breast lesions? (številka: 4, 2017)
    Baseline tumor Lipiodol uptake after transarterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma (številka: 4, 2017)
    Echocardiography and cardiac biomarkers in patients with non-small cell lung cancer treated with platinum-based chemotherapy (iss.1, 2017)
    Long-term outcomes of high dose treatment and autologous stem cell transplantation in follicular and mantle cell lymphomas - a single centre experience (iss. 1, 2017)
    Electrotransfer of plasmid DNA radiosensitizes B16F10 tumors through activation of immune response (iss. 1, 2017)
    Health-related quality of life assessed by the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire in the general Slovenian population (iss. 3, 2017)
    PD-L1 expression in squamous-cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the lung (iss. 3, 2017)
    Selection of non-small cell lung cancer patients for intercalated chemotherapy and tyrosine kinase inhibitors (iss. 3, 2017)
  27. 2018

    številka: 1 (2018)
    številka: 2 (2018)
    številka: 3 (2018)
    številka: 4 (2018)
    Early cardiotoxicity after adjuvant concomitant treatment with radiotherapy and trastuzumab in patients with breast cancer (številka: 2, 2018)
    Nutrition of patients with severe neurologic impairment (številka: 1, 2018)
    Outcomes of the surgical treatment for adenocarcinoma of the cardia (številka: 1, 2018)
    Electrochemotherapy with bleomycin of different types of cutaneous tumours in a ferret (Mustela putorius furo) (številka: 1, 2018)
    Impact factors for perioperative morbidity and mortality and repercussion of perioperative morbidity and long-term survival in pancreatic head resection (številka: 1, 2018)
    Computed tomographic perfusion imaging for the prediction of response and survival to transarterial chemoembolization of hepatocellular carcinoma (številka: 1, 2018)
    Helicobacter pylori treatment results in Slovenia in the period 2013-2015 as a part of European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management (številka: 1, 2018)
    Prognostic significance of tumor regression in locally advanced rectal cancer after preoperative radiochemotherapy (številka: 1, 2018)
    Preoperative intensity-modulated chemoradiation therapy with simultaneous integrated boost (številka: 1, 2018)
    Simultaneous pure laparoscopic resection of primary colorectal cancer and synchronous liver metastases (številka: 1, 2018)
    Premalignant gastric lesions in patients included in National colorectal cancer screening (številka: 1, 2018)
    The influence of genetic variability on the risk of developing malignant mesothelioma (številka: 1, 2018)
    Ocular changes in metastatic melanoma patients treated with MEK inhibitor cobimetinib and BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib (številka: 2, 2018)
    Matrix metalloproteinases polymorphisms as baseline risk predictors in malignant pleural mesothelioma (številka: 2, 2018)
    Glioblastoma in patients over 70 years of age (številka: 2, 2018)
    In silico selection approach to develop DNA aptamers for a stem-like cell subpopulation of non-small lung cancer adenocarcinoma cell line A549 (številka: 2, 2018)
    Is carotid stiffness a possible surrogate for stroke in long-term survivors of childhood cancer after neck radiotherapy? (številka: 2, 2018)
    Sclerosing melanocytic lesions (sclerosing melanomas with nevoid features and sclerosing nevi with pseudomelanomatous features) - an analysis of 90 lesions (številka: 2, 2018)
    Three-dimensional ultrasound evaluation of tongue posture and its impact on articulation disorders in preschool children with anterior open bite (številka: 3, 2018)
    Is postmastectomy radiotherapy really needed in breast cancer patients with many positive axillary lymph nodes? (številka: 3, 2018)
    Prevalence of BRAF, NRAS and c-KIT mutations in Slovenian patients with advanced melanoma (številka: 3, 2018)
    Pharmacogenomic markers of glucorticoid responses in the initial phase of remission induction therapy in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (številka: 3, 2018)
    Breast size impact on adjuvant radiotherapy adverse effects and dose parameters in treatment planning (številka: 3, 2018)
    Long-term survival of locally advanced stage III non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with chemoradiotherapy and perspectives for the treatment with immunotherapy (številka: 3, 2018)
    Primary debulking surgery versus primary neoadjuvant chemotherapy for high grade advanced stage ovarian cancer (številka: 3, 2018)
    Epidemiology of oral mucosal lesions in Slovenia (številka: 3, 2018)
    Induction chemotherapy, chemoradiotherapy and consolidation chemotherapy in preoperative treatment of rectal cancer (številka: 3, 2018)
    Dynamics of CT visible pleural effusion in patients with pulmonary infarction (številka: 3, 2018)
    Comparison of anteroposterior and posteroanterior projection in lumbar spine radiography (številka: 4, 2018)
    Locoregional disease control after external beam radiotherapy in 91 patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma and pT4 tumor stage (številka: 4, 2018)
    Interval cancers after negative immunochemical test compared to screen and non-responders' detected cancers in Slovenian colorectal cancer screening programme (številka: 4, 2018)
    Nuclear magnetic resonance metabolic fingerprint of bevacizumab in mutant IDH1 glioma cells (številka: 4, 2018)
    Randomised trial of HPV self-sampling among non-attenders in the Slovenian cervical screening programme ZORA (številka: 4, 2018)
    Localization patterns of cathepsins K and X and their predictive value in glioblastoma (številka: 4, 2018)
    Optic nerve ultrasound for fluid status assessment in patients with severe preeclampsia (številka: 4, 2018)
    Immune RECIST criteria and symptomatic pseudoprogression in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with immunotherapy (številka: 4, 2018)
    Dendritic cell profiles in the inflamed colonic mucosa predict the responses to tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors in inflammatory bowel disease (številka: 4, 2018)
    Dynamic expression of 11 miRNAs in 83 consecutive primary and corresponding recurrent glioblastoma (številka: 4, 2018)
    Ultrasonographic changes in the liver tumors as indicators of adequate tumor coverage with electric field for effective electrochemotherapy (številka: 4, 2018)
  28. 2019

    številka: 1 (2019)
    številka: 2 (2019)
    številka: 3 (2019)
    številka: 4 (2019)
    Infarct-core CT perfusion parameters in predicting post-thrombolysis hemorrhagic transformation of acute ischemic stroke (številka: 1, 2019)
    Molecular biomarkers and histological parameters impact on survival and response to first-line systemic therapy of metastatic colorectal cancer patients (številka: 1, 2019)
    Pericardial disease after breast cancer radiotherapy (številka: 1, 2019)
    Increased cystatin F levels correlate with decreased cytotoxicity of cytotoxic T cells (številka: 1, 2019)
    Potential of osteopontin in the management of epithelial ovarian cancer (številka: 1, 2019)
    NADPH oxidase inhibitor VAS2870 prevents staurosporine-induced cell death in rat astrocytes (številka: 1, 2019)
    Prognostic role of diffusion weighted and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in locoregionally advanced head and neck cancer treated with concomitant chemoradiotherapy (številka: 1, 2019)
    Genetic polymorphisms in aquaporin 1 as risk factors for malignant mesothelioma and biomarkers of response to cisplatin treatment (številka: 1, 2019)
    Swallowing disorders after treatment for head and neck cancer (številka: 2, 2019)
    Multiparametric MRI (številka: 2, 2019)
    Diagnostic accuracy of haemophilia early arthropathy detection with ultrasound (HEAD-US) (številka: 2, 2019)
    Cisplatin and beyond (številka: 2, 2019)
    The influence of genetic variability of DNA repair mechanisms on the risk of malignant mesothelioma (številka: 2, 2019)
    Impact of perioperative treatment on survival of resectable gastric cancer patients after D2 lymphadenectomy (številka: 2, 2019)
    The use of high-frequency short bipolar pulses in cisplatin electrochemotherapy in vitro (številka: 2, 2019)
    Long term survival in 200 patients with advanced stage of colorectal carcinoma and diabetes mellitus (številka: 2, 2019)
    The biology and clinical potential of circulating tumor cells (številka: 2, 2019)
    Transcription factors gene expression in chronic rhinosinusitis with and without nasal polyps (številka: 3, 2019)
    Health-related quality of life in Croatian general population and multiple myeloma patients assessed by the EORTC QLQ-C30 and EORTC QLQ-MY20 questionnaires (številka: 3, 2019)
    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in patients with early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer after surgical resection (številka: 3, 2019)
    Inquiry and computer program Onko-Online (številka: 3, 2019)
    Multigene expression signatures in early hormone receptor positive HER 2 negative breast cancer (številka: 3, 2019)
    Factors affecting the morbidity and mortality of diverting stoma closure (številka: 3, 2019)
    Clinical relevance of the borderline results of the Hybrid Capture 2 High-Risk HPV DNA assay with cervical samples collected in Specimen Transport Medium (številka: 3, 2019)
    Cytokine CCL5 and receptor CCR5 axis in glioblastoma multiforme (številka: 4, 2019)
    Radiological findings of porcine liver after electrochemotherapy with bleomycin (številka: 4, 2019)
    Total neoadjuvant treatment of locally advanced rectal cancer with high risk factors in Slovenia (številka: 4, 2019)
    Factors affecting voice quality in early glottic cancer before and after radiotherapy (številka: 4, 2019)
    Advances in the management of craniopharyngioma in children and adults (številka: 4, 2019)
    Definitive radiochemotherapy in esophageal cancer (številka: 4, 2019)
    Retrieved cerebral thrombi studied by Tsub2 and ADC mapping (številka: 4, 2019)
    Incorporation of EGFR mutation status into M descriptor of new TNM classification influences survival curves in non-small cell lung cancer patients (številka: 4, 2019)
    Health-related quality of life in Slovenian patients with colorectal cancer (iss. 2, 2019)
    Efficacy and durability of radiopaque gelified ethanol in management of herniated discs (iss. 2, 2019)
  29. 2020

    številka: 1 (2020)
    številka: 2 (2020)
    številka: 3 (2020)
    številka: 4 (2020)
    Retrospective analysis of treatment-naive Slovenian patients with metastatic melanoma treated with pembrolizumab (številka: 1, 2020)
    Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy in patients with high-risk pulmonary embolism and contraindications for thrombolytic therapy (številka: 1, 2020)
    Surgical options in treating patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (številka: 1, 2020)
    Long term response of electrochemotherapy with reduced dose of bleomycin in elderly patients with head and neck non-melanoma skin cancer (številka: 1, 2020)
    Molecular heterogeneity in breast carcinoma cells with increased invasive capacities (številka: 1, 2020)
    Socioeconomic inequalities in cancer incidence in Europe (številka: 1, 2020)
    Three-dimensional MRI evaluation of the effect of bladder volume on prostate translocation and distortion (številka: 1, 2020)
    Evaluation of soluble mesothelin-related peptides and MSLN genetic variability in asbestos-related diseases (številka: 1, 2020)
    Pulsed low dose-rate irradiation response in isogenic HNSCC cell lines with different radiosensitivity (številka: 2, 2020)
    Current and innovative approaches in the treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (številka: 2, 2020)
    Dietary iodine intake, therapy with radioiodine, and anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (številka: 2, 2020)
    The prevalence of occult ovarian cancer in the series of 155 consequently operated high risk asymptomatic patients (številka: 2, 2020)
    Significance of nuclear factor - kappa beta activation on prostate needle biopsy samples in the evaluation of Gleason score 6 prostatic carcinoma indolence (številka: 2, 2020)
    Mechanical recanalization for acute bilateral cerebral artery occlusion - literature overview with a case (številka: 2, 2020)
    Sorafenib for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (številka: 2, 2020)
    Evaluation of the training program for p16/ Ki-67 dual immunocytochemical staining interpretation for laboratory staff without experience in cervical cytology and immunocytochemistry (številka: 2, 2020)
    Diagnostic accuracy of (1-3)-beta-D-glucan to predict Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia in non-HIV-infected patients (številka: 2, 2020)
    Sarcopenia and myosteatosis at presentation adversely affect survival after esophagectomy for esophageal cancer (številka: 2, 2020)
    Care of patients with non-small-cell lung cancer stage III (številka: 2, 2020)
    Breast cancer risk based on adapted IBIS prediction model in Slovenian women aged 40-49 years (številka: 3, 2020)
    Consensus molecular subtypes (CMS) in metastatic colorectal cancer (številka: 3, 2020)
    Transarterial embolization of the external carotid artery in the treatment of life-threatening haemorrhage following blunt maxillofacial trauma (številka: 3, 2020)
    18FFDG PET immunotherapy radiomics signature (iRADIOMICS) predicts response of non-small-cell lung cancer patients treated with pembrolizumab (številka: 3, 2020)
    Percutaneous image guided electrochemotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma (številka: 3, 2020)
    Analysis of damage-associated molecular pattern molecules due to electroporation of cells in vitro (številka: 3, 2020)
    Impact of COVID-19 on cancer diagnosis and management in Slovenia (številka: 3, 2020)
    Assessment of set-up errors in the radiotherapy of patients with head and neck cancer (številka: 3, 2020)
    Consolidation radiotherapy for patients with extended disease small cell lung cancer in a single tertiary institution (številka: 3, 2020)
    Influence of concurrent capecitabine based chemoradiotherapy with bevacizumab on the survival rate, late toxicity and health-related quality of life in locally advanced rectal cancer (številka: 4, 2020)
    Does regular quality control improve the quality of surgery in Slovenian breast cancer screening program? (številka: 4, 2020)
    Combining radiotherapy and immunotherapy in definitive treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (številka: 4, 2020)
    Treatment patterns and real-world evidence for stage III non-small cell lung cancer in Central and Eastern Europe (številka: 4, 2020)
    The influence of genetic variability in IL1B and MIR146A on the risk of pleural plaques and malignant mesothelioma (številka: 4, 2020)
    Treatment of rhabdomyosarcoma in children and adolescent from four low health expenditures average rates countries (številka: 4, 2020)
    Modern treatment of vulvar cancer (številka: 4, 2020)
    Adrenal vein sampling for primary aldosteronism (številka: 4, 2020)
    Experimental validation of Monte Carlo based treatment planning system in bone density equivalent media (številka: 4, 2020)
    Breast size and dose to cardiac substructures in adjuvant three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy compared to tangential intensity modulated radiotherapy (številka: 4, 2020)
  30. 2021

    številka: 1 (2021)
    številka: 2 (2021)
    številka: 3 (2021)
    številka: 4 (2021)
    Adverse events during immunotherapy in Slovenian patients with metastatic melanoma reveal a positive correlation with better treatment outcomes (17 str., 2021)
    MRI of the Morel-Lavallée lesion - a case series (v tiskustr. 1-6, 2021)
    Breast cancer during pregnancy (, 2021)
    Preoperative serum CA-125 level as a predictor for the extent of cytoreduction in patients with advanced stage epithelial ovarian cancer (, 2021)
    The importance of flaps in reconstruction of locoregionally advanced lateral skull-base cancer defects (, 2021)
    Sialendoscopy and CT navigation assistance in the surgery of sialolithiasis (, 2021)
    Trends in population-based cancer survival in Slovenia (številka: 1, 2021)
    Physical activity and cancer risk. Actual knowledge and possible biological mechanisms (številka: 1, 2021)
    Effect of the oral intake of astaxanthin on semen parameters in patients with oligo-astheno-teratozoospermia (številka: 1, 2021)
    Efficacy of breast shielding during head computed tomography examination (številka: 1, 2021)
    Radiotherapy-associated angiosarcoma in the breast reconstructed by autologous free-flap and treated with electrochemotherapy (številka: 1, 2021)
    Completely resected stage III melanoma controversy (številka: 1, 2021)
    The role of polymorpisms in glutathionerelated genes in asbestos-related diseases (številka: 2, 2021)
    Typical air kerma area product values for trauma orthopaedic surgical procedures (številka: 2, 2021)
    The outcome of IVF/ICSI cycles in male cancer patients (številka: 2, 2021)
    Long term results of follow-up after HPV self-sampling with devices Qvintip and HerSwab in women non-attending cervical screening programme (številka: 2, 2021)
    Surgical treatment and fertility perservation in endometrial cancer (številka: 2, 2021)
    Breast cancer during pregnancy (številka: 3, 2021)
    Can dynamic imaging, using 18F-FDG PET/CT and CT perfusion differentiate between benign and malignant pulmonary nodules? (številka: 3, 2021)
    MRI of the Morel-Lavallée lesion - a case series (številka: 3, 2021)
    Preoperative serum CA-125 level as a predictor for the extent of cytoreduction in patients with advanced stage epithelial ovarian cancer (številka: 3, 2021)
    The importance of flaps in reconstruction of locoregionally advanced lateral skull-base cancer defects (številka: 3, 2021)
    Sialendoscopy and CT navigation assistance in the surgery of sialolithiasis (številka: 3, 2021)
    A protocol for accurate radiochromic film dosimetry using (številka: 3, 2021)
    Robotic versus laparoscopic surgery foro colorectal cancer (iss., 2021)
    Five-year follow-up and clinical outcome in euthyroid patients with thyroid nodules (iss., 2021)
    Simvastatin is effective in killing the radioresistant breast carcinoma cells (iss. 3, 2021)
    Five-year follow-up and clinical outcome in euthyroid patients with thyroid nodules (iss. 3, 2021)
    Morphological features of breast cancer circulating tumor cells in blood after physical and biological type of isolation (iss. 3, 2021)
    Adverse events during immunotherapy in Slovenian patients with metastatic melanoma reveal a positive correlation with better treatment outcomes (iss. 3, 2021)
    MitomiRs: their roles in mitochondria and importance in cancer cell metabolism (iss. 4, 2021)
    Robotic versus laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer (iss. 4, 2021)
    Diagnostic performance of p16/Ki-67 dual immunostaining at different number of positive cells in cervical smears in women referred for colposcopy (iss. 4, 2021)
    Clinical outcomes in stage III non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with durvalumab after sequential or concurrent platinum-based chemoradiotherapy (iss. 4, 2021)
    Preoperative intensity-modulated chemoradiotherapy with simultaneous integrated boost in rectal cancer (iss. 4, 2021)
    Artificial intelligence in musculoskeletal oncological radiology (issue 1, 2021)
    Surgical resection of synchronous liver metastases in gastric cancer patients (issue 1, 2021)
    TIPS vs. endoscopic treatment for prevention of recurrent variceal bleeding (issue 2, 2021)
  31. 2022

    številka: 1 (2022)
    številka: 2 (2022)
    številka: 3 (2022)
    številka: 4 (2022)
    Reliability of new radiographic measurement techniques for elbow bony impingement (številka: 1, 2022)
    Lack of association between cortical amyloid deposition and glucose metabolism in early stage Alzheimer's disease patients (številka: 1, 2022)
    Assessment of hyperbaric oxygenation treatment response in parotid glands by T2 mapping following radiotherapy for head and neck tumours (številka: 1, 2022)
    In vitro maturation of immature oocytes for fertility preservation in cancer patients compared to control patients with fertility problems in an in vitro fertilization program (številka: 1, 2022)
    Cancer gene therapy goes viral (številka: 1, 2022)
    Ultrasound-guided carpal tunnel injections (številka: 1, 2022)
    Sunitinib potentiates the cytotoxic effect of electrochemotherapy in pancreatic carcinoma cells (številka: 2, 2022)
    Expression of DNA-damage response and repair genes after exposure to DNA-damaging agents in isogenic head and neck cells with altered radiosensitivity (številka: 2, 2022)
    Various clinical presentations of uveitis associated with durvalumab treatment (številka: 2, 2022)
    Single centre experience with Excluder stent graft (številka: 2, 2022)
    Cervix-Online computer program: 27 years of hospital-based clinical registry for cervical cancer at the University Medical Centre Maribor (številka: 2, 2022)
    Image reconstruction using small-voxel size improves small lesion detection for positron emission tomography (številka: 2, 2022)
    The dose accumulation and the impact of deformable image registration on dose reporting parameters in a moving patient undergoing proton radiotherapy (številka: 2, 2022)
    Ribociclib plus letrozole in patients with hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative advanced breast cancer with no prior endocrine therapy (številka: 2, 2022)
    Trends in treatment of childhood cancer and subsequent primary neoplasm risk (številka: 3, 2022)
    Cone-beam computed tomography guided nusinersen administrations in adult spinal muscular atrophy patients with challenging access (številka: 3, 2022)
    Treatment of skin tumors with intratumoral interleukin 12 gene electrotransfer in the head and neck region (številka: 3, 2022)
    Real-world outcomes, treatment patterns and T790M testing rates in non-small cell lung cancer patients (številka: 3, 2022)
    Abbreviated 13C-mixed triglyceride breath test for detection of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency performs equally as standard 5-hour test in patients after gastrectomy performed for gastric cancer (številka: 3, 2022)
    Cancer immunotherapy with CAR T cells (številka: 4, 2022)
    Detection and localization of hyperfunctioning parathyroid glands on 18Ffluorocholine PET/CT using deep learning – model performance and comparison to human experts (številka: 4, 2022)
    Imaging perfusion changes in oncological clinical applications by hyperspectral imaging (številka: 4, 2022)
    Impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on cancer burden and cancer care in Slovenia (številka: 4, 2022)
    Crystalloids vs. colloids for fluid optimization in patients undergoing brain tumour surgery (številka: 4, 2022)
    Cardiac myxoma (številka: 4, 2022)
    Residual disease in lymph nodes has no influence on survival in patients with incidental gallbladder cancer (številka: 5, 2022)
    Clinical impacts of copy number variations in B-cell differentiation and cell cycle control genes in pediatric B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (iss. 1, 2022)
    Early isolated subarachnoid hemorrhage versus hemorrhagic infarction in cerebral venous thrombosis (iss. 3, 2022)
    Real-life long-term outcomes of upfront surgery in patients with resectable stage I-IIIA non-small cell lung cancer (iss. 3, 2022)
    Identification of women with high grade histopathology results after conisation by artificial neural networks (iss. 3, 2022)
    Nanosecond electric pulses are equally effective in electrochemotherapy with cisplatin as microsecond pulses (iss. 3, 2022)
    Safety and efficacy of drug-eluting microspheres chemoembolization under cone beam computed tomography control in patients with early and intermediate stage hepatocellular carcinoma (iss. 3, 2022)
    Reliability of haemophilia early arthropathy detection with ultrasound (HEAD-US) in children (iss. 4, 2022)
    Advances in diagnostics and management of gestational trophoblastic disease (iss. 4, 2022)
    Pre-treatment risk assessment of women with endometrial cancer: differences in outcomes of molecular and clinical classifications in the Slovenian patient cohort (issue 1, 2022)
    The learning curve of laparoscopic liver resection utilising a difficulty score (issue 1, 2022)
  32. 2023

    številka: 1 (2023)
    številka: 2 (2023)
    številka: 3 (2023)
    številka: 4 (2023)
    Ultrasonography of peripheral nerve tumours (številka: 1, 2023)
    Treatment of vulvar cancer recurrences with electrochemotherapy (številka: 1, 2023)
    Does concurrent gynaecological surgery affect infectious complications rate after mastectomy with implant-based reconstruction? (številka: 1, 2023)
    Oral verrucous carcinoma (številka: 1, 2023)
    The five-year KRAS, NRAS and BRAF analysis results and treatment patterns in daily clinical practice in Slovenia in 1st line treatment of metastatic colorectal (mCRC) patients with RASwild-type tumour (wtRAS) (številka: 1, 2023)
    The five-year KRAS, NRAS and BRAF analysis results and treatment patterns in daily clinical practice in Slovenia in 1st line treatment of metastatic colorectal (mCRC) patients with RASwild-type tumour (wtRAS) (številka: 1, 2023)
    Association of OPRM1, MIR23B, and MIR107genetic variability with acute pain, chronic pain and adverse effects after postoperative tramadol and paracetamol treatment in breast cancer (številka: 1, 2023)
    The spine and carina as a surrogate for target registration in cone-beam CT imaging verification in locally advanced lung cancer radiotherapy (številka: 1, 2023)
    Association between PIK3CA activating mutations and outcomes in early-stage invasive lobular breast carcinoma treated with adjuvant systemic therapy (številka: 2, 2023)
    Bleomycin electrosclerotherapy (BEST) for the treatment of vascular malformations (številka: 2, 2023)
    Cognitive functioning in a cohort of high-grade glioma patients (številka: 2, 2023)
    ADC values as a biomarker of fetal brain maturation (številka: 2, 2023)
    CD56-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (številka: 2, 2023)
    Changes in the quality of life of early breast cancer patients and comparison with the normative Slovenian population (številka: 2, 2023)
    Awake craniotomy for operative treatment of brain gliomas - experience from University Medical Centre Ljubljana (številka: 2, 2023)
    The effects of normobaric and hyperbaric oxygenation on MRI signal intensities in T1-weighted, T2-weighted and FLAIR images in human brain (številka: 3, 2023)
    Monitoring the effect of perioperative nutritional care on body composition and functional status in patients with carcinoma of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary system and pancreas (številka: 3, 2023)
    Modern approach to the management of genitourinary syndrome in women with gynecological malignancies (številka: 3, 2023)
    Breast cancer risk assessment and risk distribution in 3,491 Slovenian women invited for screening at the age of 50 (številka: 3, 2023)
    Does tumor rupture during robot-assisted partial nephrectomy have an impact on mid-term tumor recurrences? (številka: 3, 2023)
    Treatment and outcome of patients with Graves’ disease and metastatic differentiated thyroid cancer (številka: 3, 2023)
    Efficacy and safety of nintedanib and docetaxel in patients with previously treated lung non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer (številka: 3, 2023)
    Correlation of t(14;18) translocation breakpoint site with clinical characteristics in follicular lymphoma (številka: 4, 2023)
    Phase angle as a prognostic indicator of surgical outcomes in patients with gastrointestinal cancer (številka: 4, 2023)
    Assessment of short-term effect of platelet-rich plasma treatment of tendinosis using texture analysis of ultrasound images (številka: 4, 2023)
    The association of genetic factors with serum calretinin levels in asbestos-related diseases (številka: 4, 2023)
    Imaging microvascular changes in nonocular oncological clinical applications by optical coherence tomography angiography (številka: 4, 2023)
    Post-radiation xerostomia therapy with allogeneic mesenchymal stromal stem cells in patients with head and neck cancer (številka: 4, 2023)
    Retropharyngeal calcific tendinitis in the neurological emergency unit, report of three cases and review of the literature (številka: 4, 2023)
    The prognostic significance of tumor-immune microenvironment in ascites of patients with high-grade serous carcinoma (številka: 4, 2023)
    Estimating exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields near high-voltage power lines and assessment of possible increased cancer risk among Slovenian children and adolescents (iss. 1, 2023)
    Radiological assessment of skeletal muscle index and myosteatosis and their impact postoperative outcomes after liver transplantation (iss. 2, 2023)
    Two-stage hepatectomy in resection of colorectal liver metastases - a single-institution experience with case-control matching and review of the literature (iss. 2, 2023)
    Erector spinae plane block versus intercostal nerve block for postoperative analgesia in lung cancer surgery (iss. 3, 2023)
    Local control and survival after stereotactic body radiation therapy of early-stage lung cancer patients in Slovenia (iss. 3, 2023)
  33. 2024