Johann Ludwig Schönleben
Theologian and historian Johann Ludwig Shönleben (1618–1681) was author of numerous orations, theological works, sermons, historical works, genealogies of Carniolan noble families, as well as philosophical works and plays. He was also among the initiators of Mayr's Ljubljana printing press. Among his most important historical works are Aemona vindicata (Salzburg: Haan, 1674) and Carniolia Antiqua et Nova (Ljubljana: Mayr, 1680–1681), which comprises a chronicle of Carniolan territory from the late antiquity until the year 1000. Schönleben invited Johann Wiechard Valvasor to help him with the cronicle's preparation and their cooperation later resulted in one of the most important works of Slovenian historiography – Valvasor's Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain.

The collection contains Schönleben's works from the National and University Library, and the Ljubljana City Library that were suitable for digitization.

Number of hits: 68

Source type
2009 (68)odstrani
= ZRC Publishing (1)
Andragoški center Republike Slovenije (2)
Bird Publisher (19)
DZS (1)
Evropska hiša (1)
Faculty of Arts (1)
Faculty of Social Sciences (2)
Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za kineziologijo, Katedra za košarko (1)
Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria (1)
Institute of Oncology (1)
Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU (3)
Inštitut za hmeljarstvo in pivovarstvo Slovenije (1)
Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut (1)
Mirovni inštitut - Inštitut za sodobne družbene in politične študije (2)
Moderna organizacija (1)
National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station (1)
National Institute of Public Health (1)
Onkološki inštitut (2)
Pedagoški inštitut (1)
Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention (1)
samozaložba (1)
Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing (1)
Slovenian Library Association (1)
Slovenian Society Informatika, Section for Operational Research (1)
Slowenisches Institut für Hopfenanbau und Brauereiwesen (1)
Statistical Office of Republic of Slovenia (1)
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (3)
Statistical Society of Slovenia (1)
Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (5)
Statistično društvo Slovenije (1)
Technical Museum of Slovenia (1)
Tehniški muzej Slovenije (1)
Višja strokovna šola Academia (1)
Založba ZRC (5)
Zavod IRC (2)
Zavod za ustvarjalnost Hymnos (2)
Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije (2)
Zavod za zdravstveno varstvo (1)
Zgodovinski arhiv (1)
Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete (2)
ZRC Publishing (2)
Zveza bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije (1)
Search in (68)