IS BASIC CAPABILITY IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN GROUPS OF DIFFERENT COMPETITIVE PERFORMANCE LEVELS IN WILD-WATER SLALOM? ALI JE OSNOVNA ZMOGLJIVOST KAJAKA[EV V SLALOMU NA DIVJIH VODAH TAKO POMEMBNA, DA RAZLIKUJE SKUPINE Z RAZLI^NIM TEKMOVALNIM RANGOM? Anton U{aj 57 U{aj, A. (2001). Is basic capability important enough to distinguish betveen groups of different competitive… KinSI 7(1–2), 57–61 Abstract The aim of the study was to test a hypothesis that paddlers in wild-water slalom, who reached a higher level of competitive performance (Olympic games level), also have a higher level of basic endurance and basic speed endurance performance than those who compete on lower levels. Four groups of four paddlers were tested: National Olympic team (OLYMPIC), a group of paddlers in the national team who failed to qualify for the Olympic games (NON-OLYMPIC), a group of national ju- niors group (JUNIOR A) and a group who failed to be selected to the national juniors group (JUNIOR B). All performed two tests: incremental paddling test on flat water for assessment of basic endurance performance and »8« test for assessment of basic speed endurance performance. The results showed that basic endurance characteristics: vLT, vOBLA and vmax and basic speed endurance characteristic t8 did not differentiate the OLYMPIC group (2.26±0.02 m/s, 2.37±0.05 m/s, 2.58±0.07 m/s, 110.5±7.1 s) from the NON-OLYMPIC (2.26±0.07 m/s, 2.39±0.08 m/s, 2.62±0.04 m/s, 113.1±1.6 s). The results showed that both groups were so close, accor- ding to results, that they practically represented a homogene- ous single group. Significant differences occurred when the OLYMPIC group was compared to JUNIORS A (2.17±0.06 m/s (P<0.05), 2.27±0.08 m/s, 2.47±0.07m/s, 121.2±5.7 s), but only in vLT and JUNIORS B (2.07±0.02 m/s (P<0.01), 2.18±0.09 m/s (P<0.01), 2.37±0.09 m/s (P<0.01), 126.5±3.5 s (P<0.01)). When both seniors groups were com- bined into one SENIOR group, then the differences with each of the juniors groups became highly significant in all the para- meters. Therefore, the hypothesis of the study was supported. When the differences between paddlers in competitive perfor- mance became substantial, then basic endurance and basic speed endurance performance followed suit. Key words: wild-water slalom kayak, endurance, speed endu- rance Izvle~ek Cilj raziskave je bil preizkus domneve, da se vrhunski kajaka- {i na divjih vodah v slalomu razlikujejo od tistih, ki tega nivo- ja ne dosegajo, tudi po osnovnih zmogljivostih: vzdr`ljivosti in hitrostni vzdr`ljivosti in ne le samo po tistih, ki ka`ejo specifi~- no kajaka{ko zmogljivost. Sodelovale so {tiri skupine s po {ti- rimi kajaka{i: olimpijska ekipa (OLYMPIC), del nacionalne eki- pe, ki se ni uvrstil v kvalifikacijah na Olimpijske igre (NON-OLYMPIC), del juniorske nacionalne ekipe (JUNIORS A) in del ekipe ki se ni uvrstila v nacionalno juniorsko ekipo (JU- NIORS B). Vsi kajaka{i so opravili dva testa: standardni test z enakomernim pove~evanjem hitrosti veslanja za oceno osnov- ne vzdr`ljivosti in test »8« za oceno osnovne hitrostne vzdr`- ljivosti. Rezultati ka`ejo, da so kazalci osnovne vzdr`ljivosti: vLT, vOBLA in vmax ter osnovne hitrostne vzdr`ljivosti t8 ne diferencirajo skupine OLYMPIC (2,26±0,02 m/s, 2,37±0,05 m/s, 2,58±0,07 m/s, 110,5±7,1 s) od skupine NON- OLYMPIC (2,26±0,07 m/s, 2,39±0,08 m/s, 2,62±0,04 m/s, 113,1±1,6 s). Rezultati ka`ejo tak{no podobnost med skupi- nama, da ju ni mogo~e lo~iti, torej spadata k eni homogeni skupini. Statisti~no zna~ilne razlike dobimo {ele pri primerja- vi OLYMPIC skupine z JUNIORS A (2,17±0,06 m/s (P<0,05), 2,27±0,08 m/s, 2,47±0,07m/s, 121,2±5,7 s), toda le pri ka- zalcu vLT in skupini JUNIORS B (2,07±0,02 m/s (P<0,01), 2,18±0,09 m/s (P<0,01), 2,37±0,09 m/s (P<0,01), 126,5±3,5 s (P<0,01)). Ko obe seniorski skupini zdru`imo v eno SENIOR, se razlike z obema juniorskima skupinama izra- zito pove~ajo pri vseh kazalcih. S tem je hipoteza naloge po- trjena. Kadar obstajajo razlike v tekmovalni zmogljivosti kaja- ka{ev v slalomu na divjih vodah, potem se te razlike preslikavajo ne samo v specifi~nih sposobnostih kajaka{ev tem- ve~ tudi v osnovni vzdr`ljivosti in osnovni hitrostni vzdr`ljivo- sti. Klju~ne besede: kajak slalom na divjih vodah, vzdr`ljivost, hi- trostna vzdr`ljivost (Received: 13. 11. 2001 – Accepted: 13. 12. 2001) Contact address Anton U{aj University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Sport Gortanova 22, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: +386 1 540-10-77, Fax: +386 1 540-22-33 E-mail: INTRODUCTION Wild water slalom competition consisted of two runs of approximately 2 minutes duration of high intensity exercise. Such exercise was assessed to be dependent on about 50% energy coming from aerobic processes and about 50% from anaerobic (Astrand, & Rodahl, 1986). The endurance part of competitive performan- ce is based on aerobic energy release. Anaerobic en- ergy release is the background for speed endurance, which can be realised through the speed, strength and power of paddling. Both may be important basic com- petition performance characteristics. From the point of view of specific performances, the wild-water sla- lom competition is strongly dependent on technique and tactics (Vest, 1996). It may be assumed that dif- ferent levels of basic performance of paddlers give them the possibility to compete on different levels of intensity. This optimal intensity permits the highest paddling velocity at which fatigue occurs as late as possible during the competition. If it is dependent al- so on basic competition performance characteristics, then better paddlers should have basic endurance and speed-endurance performances on a higher level than paddlers, who do not reach such high competition performance level. This permits them to compete with higher absolute velocity throughout the slalom course, and be similarly fatigued as paddlers who reached a lower level of competition performance and lower basic performance. If this hypothesis is cor- rect then one may expect a significant difference in basic endurance and speed endurance characteristics of paddlers of different competition performance, in spite of their lower importance in relation to specific kayak slalom performances, technique and tactics. The aim of the study was therefore to ascertain if the differences in basic performance characteristics ac- companied different competition performance level (quality) of wild water paddlers. METHODS The four groups of four paddlers (Table 1) recruited from the Slovenian national senior and junior teams with addition of one Italian athlete in the OLYMPIC group, participated in the study. The Olympic group (OLYMPIC) consisted of paddlers who competed at the Olympic games in Sydney (2000) and Atlanta (1996). The non-Olympic group (NON-OLYMPIC) consisted of paddlers who failed to qualify for the Olympic team. In spite of that, they compete on the highest international level. The national junior team members were included in the first juniors group (JU- NIOR A) and the second junior group (JUNIOR B) consisted of juniors who failed to qualify for the na- tional junior team. All subjects participated in the test of incremental paddling velocity on flat water (U{aj, 1998 a). They performed 5 repetitions on a 600 m distance with a constant pre-determined heart rate (HR). The padd- ling intensity was controlled to be constant according to constant HR. It increased from 110 b/min during the first 600 m repetition, to 130, 150, 165 and conc- luded in the final repetition with maximal possible in- tensity. Of all the subjects, just one from the OLYMPIC group, failed to participate in the second test. This test of »eight« (»8«) simulated the competition effort on flat water (U{aj, 1998b). There were two gates separated by a distance of 50m, which should be paddled in a figure of eight, with the maximal possible intensity. During the incremental test, the time to complete each 600 m distance was measured in addition to HR measuring, which was also used to control the inten- sity of the effort. After each repetition, capillary ear lobe blood samples (10 µ l) were sampled and dissol- ved in LKM140 lactate solution and measured for lac- tate concentration with a MINI8 photometer (dr. Lan- ge, Germany). A similar technique was also used for blood sampling after the »8« test, however with a de- lay of about 3 min. The [LA] and HR from the incre- mental test were plotted against paddling velocity for the determination of the Lactate Threshold (LT) (Bea- ver, Wasserman, & Whipp, 1985; U{aj, 1990; U{aj, 1998a), Onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA) (Karlsson, & Jacobs, 1982; U{aj, 1998a) and maximal values. LT was described as velocity (v LT ), HR (HRLT) and [LA] (LA LT ). OBLA was described as velocity (v OBLA ) and HR (HR OBLA ). Maximal intensity was des- cribed as velocity (v max ), HR (HR max ) and [LA] (LAmax). Additionally, the steeper slope of two regression lines in a diagram of log[LA] dependent to log (v) was used for calculating the rate of [LA] increase (LA rate ). Using t-test, the significance of the differences bet- ween OLYMPIC and the other three groups were te- sted. The limit of 5 % significance was used. RESULTS The paddling velocity determined by LT (vLT) reached similar values in OLYMPIC and NON-OLYMPIC groups (Table 1, Fig 1). The JUNIOR A group achie- ved a velocity about 0.09 m/s lower (P<0.05) (Table 1, Fig. 1) and the JUNIOR B group about 0.19 m/s (P<0.01) (Table 1, Fig. 1). The velocity v OBLA reached similar values in OLYMPIC and NON-OLYMPIC groups (Table 1, Fig.1), similarly as for the JUNIOR A group, however close to the limit of significance (P=0.08). There was only a tendency for lower inten- sity (Table 1, Fig. 1). Differently, the JUNIOR B group achieved a velocity about 0.14 m/s lower (P<0.01) 58 U{aj, A. (2001). Is basic capability important enough to distinguish betveen groups of different competitive… KinSI 7(1–2), 57–61 (Table 1, Fig. 1). The maximal velocities in the incre- mental test (vmax) of NON-OLYMPIC and JUNIOR groups were not different from the OLYMPIC group (Table 1, Fig. 1) in spite of a tendency of lower values (P=0.07) in JUNIOR A. Only the JUNIOR B group showed about 0.27 m/s lower vmax (P<0.01)(Table 1, Fig. 1). 59 U{aj, A. (2001). Is basic capability important enough to distinguish betveen groups of different competitive… KinSI 7(1–2), 57–61 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BASIC ENDURANCE PERFORMANCE GROUP NAME v LT v OBLA v max LA LT LA max HR LT HR OBLA HR max ∆ LA/∆ v (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (mmol/l) (mmol/l) (b/min) (b/min) (b/min) OLYMPIC 2.26 2.37 2.58 2.0 13.5 138 156 181 15.77 (0.02) (0.05) (0.07) (0.6) (0.4) (6) (8) (5) (3.35) NONOLYMPIC 2.26 2.39 2.62 1.7 14.5 139 157 185 14.53 (0.07) (0.08) (0.04) (0.4) (3.5) (4) (4) (6) (2.85) JUNIORS A 2.17 2.27 2.47 2.1 13.2 133 155 188 14.50 (0.06) * (0.08) (0.07) (0.4) (1.8) (7) (10) (3) (2.14) JUNIORS B 2.07 2.18 2.37 2.10 12.0 140 154 182 13.04 (0.02) ** (0.09)** (0.09)** (1.2) (2.3) (9) (14) (9) (2.37) Table 1 COMPARISONS BETWEEN FOUR GROUPS OF PADDLERS ACCORDING TO THEIR BASIC ENDURANCE PREPARATION CHARACTERISTICS LEGEND: For abbreviations see the text. * – different than OLYMPIC (P<0.05) ** – different than OLYMPIC (P<0.01) Fig. 1 Comparisons between velocities, [LA] and HR determined by criterions Lactate Threshold (lt), Onset of Blood Lactate Accumu- lation (obla) and maximal intensity (max) of four groups of sub- jects during incremental test. * - means different from OLYMPIC (P<0.05), ** - different from OLYMPIC (P<0.01). Fig. 2 Comparisons between velocities, [LA] and HR determined for four groups of subjects during »8« test. * - means different from OLYMPIC (P<0.05), ** - different from OLYMPIC (P<0.01). Note that only JUNIOR B was significantly different than OLYMPIC group. [LA] determined by the criterion LT (LALT) and that determined at the end of the incremental test (vmax) did not show any significant differences between groups (Table 1,Fig. 1). Similarly, heart rate, determi- ned by using different criterions, was also not different (Table 1, Fig. 1). The LA rate in diagrams of log [LA]/log (v) also did not show any significant difference bet- ween groups (Table 1). The increase of HR during the incremental test (HR/v) did not show any significant differences between groups (Table 1). The duration of paddling during the »8« test (t8) did not differentiate between OLYMPIC and NON- OLYMPIC nor JUNIOR A groups, even if the JUNIOR A group showed a clear tendency for longer duration (Table 2, Fig. 2). This tendency increased for about 16 s in the JUNIOR B group (P<0.01) (Table 2, Fig. 2). In contrast, [LA] and HR did not show any signifi- cant differences between the OLYMPIC and the other groups (Table 2, Fig. 2). All observed velocities showed very similar values for the OLYMPIC and NON-OLYMPIC groups. More pre- cisely, analysis of subjects of both groups showed that maybe both groups were practically the same group. If both groups were combined into one group (SE- NIOR) then, v LT , v OBLA and vmax reached the following values: 2.26±0.05 m/s, 2.38±0.06 m/s, 2.60±0.06 m/s. Compared with the JUNIOR A and JUNIOR B groups, differences in all velocities v LT , v OBLA and vmax became significant (P<0.01) (Fig. 3). Additionally al- so t8 (112.2±3.6 s) passed its significance (P<0.01). All other parameters used in the study did not show significant differences. DISCUSSION The main hypothesis of the study was that paddlers who reached a higher level of competition perfor- mance (OLYMPIC) also have higher basic endurance and basic speed endurance levels than those who did not reach such high competition performance. Our results support the assumption that a higher level of basic endurance and basic speed endurance perfor- mance makes possible a higher paddling speed during competition. In our study two basic performances, basic enduran- ce and basic speed endurance, were estimated by us- ing Lactate Threshold, Onset of Blood Lactate Accu- mulation and maximal performance during an incremental test and by using characteristics of the »8« test (U{aj, 1998a; U{aj, 1998b). Results showed that basic endurance performance estimated by velo- cities v LT , v OBLA and vmax and basic speed endurance estimated by time reached in the «8« test (t8) differen- tiates between paddlers only if the difference in their competition performance is also substantial. There 60 U{aj, A. (2001). Is basic capability important enough to distinguish betveen groups of different competitive… KinSI 7(1–2), 57–61 LEGEND: For abbreviations see the text. * – different than OLYMPIC (P<0.05) ** – different than OLYMPIC (P<0.01) Table 2 COMPARISONS BETWEEN FOUR GROUPS OF PADDLERS ACCORDING TO THEIR BASIC SPEED ENDURANCE PREPARATION CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BASIC SPEED ENDURANCE PERFORMANCE GROUPNAME t 8 HR [LA] (s) (b/min) (mmol/l) OLYMPIC 110,5 175 14,4 (7.1) (11) (1.4) NONOLYMPIC 113.1 178 13.1 (1.6) (1) (1.7) JUNIORS A 121.2 178 13.4 (5.7) (6) (3.2) JUNIORS B 126.5 178 11.5 (3.5) ** (9) (2.6) Fig. 3 Comparisons between velocities, [LA] and HR determined by criterions Lactate Threshold (lt), Onset of Blood Lactate Accumu- lation (obla) and maximal intensity (max) of four groups of sub- jects during incremental test. * - means different from SENIOR (P<0.05), ** - different from SENIOR (P<0.01). was no difference between both groups of senior paddlers (OLYMPIC and NON-OLYMPIC). The selec- tion, which separates them into one of two groups was based on ranking their competition results (com- petition time and penalty time) and not just on the dif- ferences between achieved competition times. The limit, which selects paddlers to the OLYMPIC group, was set at two best-ranked paddlers from the qualifi- cation competitions. It was declared by national Olympic Committee and may be unfair to the next one or more subjects who reached similar competi- tion results, however, they have been ranked to pla- ces following the second because of the penalty time reached when mistakes were made. Grouping of all seniors into one group may therefore be better for a scientific analysis of differences between different groups of paddlers. Repeated analyses give a different result when only one joint SENIOR group was com- pared with JUNIOR A and JUNIOR B than in the case when only the OLYMPIC group was used in the analy- sis. The differences observed in all speeds and t8 sup- ported the hypothesis that also basic endurance per- formance and basic speed endurance performance differentiate between paddlers similarly as do compe- tition times. Paddlers, who reached a higher compe- tition level, showed also a higher level of basic endu- rance and basic speed endurance performance. Additionally, their HR and LA response during the tests was similar in spite of a clear difference in the abso- lute intensity of paddling. Therefore, in addition to dominant specific paddling skills, also basic enduran- ce and basic speed endurance seems to be very im- portant in differentiating paddlers according to their competition performance. This conclusion has impor- tant practical application for wild-water slalom trai- ning. It showed that basic endurance and basic speed endurance performance have to receive enough at- tention during training also in competition periods and not only during preparatory training periods. This is however in contrast to the training philosophy of a certain number of slalom paddlers and coaches. Ac- cording to our results this philosophy should be chan- ged. Acknowledgments Special thanks to Andrej Jelenc, coach of the Slove- nian National Team and Robert Krko~, assistant coach of the Italian National Team REFERENCES 1. Astrand, P.O., & Rodahl, K. (1986). Textbook of work physiology. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 2. Beaver, W.L., Wasserman, K., & Whipp, B. (1985). Improved de- tection of lactate threshold during exercise using a log-log transfor- mation. J Appl Physiol, 59(6), 1936-1940. 3. Karlsson, J., & Jacobs, I. (1982). Onset of blood lactate accumula- tion during muscular exercise as a threshold concept. Int J Sports Med, 3, 190-201. 4. U{aj, A. (1990). Poskus uskladitve dveh konceptov anaerobnega pra- ga pri testiranju vzdr`ljivosti teka~ev [An attempt to establish two anaerobic threshold concepts in endurance testing at runners]. 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Is basic capability important enough to distinguish betveen groups of different competitive… KinSI 7(1–2), 57–61