27 Članek prispel / Received 2. 9. 2020 Članek sprejet / Accepted 20. 5. 2021 Abstract Purpose: Large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ) under lo- cal anaesthesia has almost replaced cold knife conisation in the treatment of cer- vical squamous intraepithelial dysplasia (SIL). Thermal artefacts in specimens after LLETZ may be so severe, that they prevent histopathological interpretation and evaluation of the radicality of the procedure. There are limited data regar- ding the prevalence of severe thermal artefacts after LLETZ and their clinical relevance regarding the need for reope- ration. Methods: In this retrospective study, we included 314 consecutive patients who were treated with LLETZ or cold knife conisation for cervical SIL in 2016 Izvleček Namen: Pri zdravljenju ploščatocelične intraepitelijske lezije (PIL) maternične- ga vratu je odstranitev transformacijske cone v lokalni anesteziji z diatermično zanko (ang. LLETZ) skoraj nadome- stila klasično konizacijo s skalpelom. Po LLETZ je lahko prisotna termična okvara vzorca, ki je lahko tako obsežna, da preprečuje histopatološko interpreta- cijo in oceno radikalnosti postopka. V literaturi je trenutno malo podatkov o prevalenci obsežnih termičnih poškodb po LLETZ in njihovi klinični pomemb- nosti glede potrebe po ponovni operaciji. Metode: V retrospektivno raziskavo smo vključili 314 zaporednih bolnic, ki so bile v letu 2016 zdravljene na naši kliniki zaradi PIL, in sicer z LLETZ ali Ključne besede: predrakave spremembe materničnega vratu, pooperativni zapleti, kirurški rob preparata. Key words: precancerous lesions of the uterine cervix, postoperative complications, surgical margins. Klinični pomen obsežno termično poškodovanih robov stožca po LLETZ The clinical relevance of severe thermal artefacts in specimens after LLETZ Avtor / Author Andrej Cokan1, Ivan Žebeljan2, Tamara Serdinšek3, Maja Pakiž1,4 Ustanova / Institute 1Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor, Klinika za ginekologijo in perinatologijo, Oddelek za ginekološko onkologijo in onkologijo dojk, Maribor, Slovenija; 2Zdravstveni dom Lenart, Dispanzer za ženske, Lenart, Slovenija; 3Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor, Klinika za ginekologijo in perinatologijo, Oddelek za splošno ginekologijo in ginekološko urologijo, Maribor, Slovenija, 4Univerza v Mariboru, Medicinska fakulteta, Katedra za ginekologijo in porodništvo, Maribor, Slovenija; 1University Medical Centre Maribor, Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Department for Gynaecological Oncology and Breast Oncology, Maribor, Slovenia; 2Health Centre Lenart, Clinic for Women, Lenart, Slovenia; 3University Medical Centre Maribor, Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Department for General Gynaecology and Urogynaecology, Maribor, Slovenia, 4University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine, Department for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Maribor, Slovenia; Klinična študija / Clinical study ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2021; 14 (1): 11–19 28 Klinična študija / Clinical study ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2021; 14 (1): 11–19 INTRODUCTION Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer and the fourth most common cause of death due to cancer in women worldwide (1). Following the introduction of screening programmes, the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer have decreased. During screening, the Papanicolaou (Pap) smear and HPV tests are used. In the case of an abnormal screening test, colposcopy with biopsy is indicated (2) and in the case of high–grade squamous (HSIL) or glandular lesions, treatment is indicated. Either ablation or excision of klasično konizacijo. Primarni cilj razi- skave je bil ugotoviti pojavnost obsežnih termičnih poškodb robov po LLETZ in vpliv na ponovitev bolezni ali potrebo po ponovni operaciji. Sekundarni cilj razi- skave je bil ugotoviti pojavnost poopera- tivnih in kratkoročnih zapletov. Rezultati: Zaradi PIL smo operirali 314 bolnic. V 95,2 % primerov smo naredili LLETZ, od teh smo v 89,3 % posegov opravili v lokalni anesteziji. Ponovno operacijo smo morali izvesti v 3,8 % primerov. Pozitivni ali obsežno termično poškodovani robovi so bili pri- sotni v 20,4 % primerov. V 10,7 % pri- merov so bili termični artefakti po LLE- TZ tako obsežni, da jih ni bilo mogoče natančno histopatološko interpretirati, vendar je v tej skupini le ena od bolnic potrebovala ponovno operacijo. Zara- di patološkega izcedka ali krvavitve je bilo v pooperativnem obdobju potrebno obravnavati 4,7 % oz. 6,7 % bolnic. Zaklju~ek: Čeprav je imelo približno 10 % bolnic po LLETZ–u termično obsežno poškodovane robove, so le 3 % bolnic potrebovale ponovno operacijo. Po naših izkušnjah obsežno termično poškodovani robovi niso povezani z večjo potrebo po ponovni operaciji. Za odločitev o ponovni operaciji je tako pomembnejše redno sledenje, in sicer s citološkimi brisi, testiranjem na prisot- nost visokorizičnih HPV in kolposkopijo z biopsijo. at our clinic. The primary outcome of the study was to determine the prevalence of severely damaged surgical margins after LLETZ and if these thermal artefacts can predict residual disease or the need for reoperation. The secondary outcome was the prevalence of postoperative and short–term complications. Results: Three hundred and fourteen women underwent surgery for cervical SIL. In 95.2% of cases, we performed LLETZ, and 89.3% of women had this procedure under local anaesthesia. The reoperation rate was 3.8%. Positive or inconclusive margins were present in 20.4% of specimens. In 10.7% of all LLETZ cases, thermal artefacts were so severe that they interfered with histo- pathological interpretation. However, only one of these patients needed reope- ration. Postoperative vaginal discharge and mild bleeding requiring therapeu- tic intervention occurred in 4.7% and 6.7% of cases, respectively. Conclusion: Although approximately 10% of patients had severe thermally damaged margins after LLETZ, only 3% required reoperation. In our experience, severely damaged margins were not associ- ated with higher reoperation rate. On the other hand, a carefully planned follow–up visit with cytology, human papillomavirus (HPV) testing and colposcopy with biopsy after the procedure is of utmost importan- ce in the evaluation of residual disease.. Naslov za dopisovanje / Correspondence Asist. Andrej Cokan, dr. med., Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor, Klinika za ginekologijo in perinatologijo, Oddelek za ginekološko onkologijo in onkologijo dojk, Ljubljanska ulica 5, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija Telefon: +386 23212195 E–pošta: cokan.andrej@gmail.com 29 Klinična študija / Clinical study ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2021; 14 (1): 11–19 the transformation zone where the lesion is located is performed. However, ablation techniques are rarely used since they have only a few advantages compared to excisional techniques (3). The excisional procedures performed are cold knife conisation or large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ). These procedures provide a diagnostic specimen, which is a significant advantage. Although cold knife conisation usually removes a larger volume of tissue than LLETZ (4) and avoids thermal damage of the cone margins, LLETZ under local anaesthesia has almost completely replaced cold knife conisation, which is traditionally performed under general anaesthesia. Several studies have shown that patients with negative margins after excision are at significantly lower risk of residual disease (5–7). Although studies have evaluated thermal artefacts of margins after LLETZ (8–12), the data on the effect of severe thermal artefacts which interfere with pathological interpretation and their impact on the need for reoperation are scarce. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of severe thermally damaged surgical margins after LLETZ and to evaluate if these thermal artefacts can predict residual disease or the need for reoperation. METHODS This was a single–centre retrospective study, which was conducted at the Department for Gynaecological Oncology and Breast Oncology, University Medical Centre (UMC) Maribor, Slovenia. The primary outcome of the study was determination of the prevalence of severely damaged surgical margins after LLETZ and if these thermal artefacts can predict residual disease or the need for reoperation. The secondary outcome was the occurrence of immediate postoperative and short–term complications, which were assessed at an unscheduled visit at our outpatient clinic. All consecutive patients who were surgically treated for squamous (SIL) or glandular cervical intraepithelial lesions at our clinic from January 1st to December 31st, 2016 were included in the study. Patients were treated with one of two excisional techniques, either LLETZ or cold knife conisation. Cold knife conisation was used in cases with large lesions, which could not be sufficiently excised with an electrical loop. The indication for treatment (high–grade glandular lesions, persistent low–grade squamous or glandular lesions or mismatch between high–grade cytological and low–grade histological preoperative diagnosis with unsatisfactory colposcopy with transformation zone 2 or 3) was based on Slovenian national guidelines (13). LLETZ was performed in an outpatient setting under local anaesthesia with 0.5–1% lidocaine or under general anaesthesia in patients who did not consent to local anaesthesia. The procedure was performed using KLS Martin Maxium® with loop devices ranging from 10 mm to 20 mm in size, using a monopolar current with the cut frequency set to 100–150 W. The wound surface was then coagulated with the coagulation frequency set from 60 W to 80 W. Cold knife conisation was performed under general anaesthesia. After the procedure, histopathological analysis of the surgical specimen (conus) was performed by a team of experienced pathologists from the same hospital. Short–term postoperative complications (30 days after procedure) were determined. Following our national guidelines, colposcopy with Pap smear with or without biopsy was performed at the first follow–up 6 months after the procedure. In the case of high–grade dysplasia, either squamous or glandular, reoperation was performed. We obtained written informed consent forms from the patients who agreed to the use of their medical records for research purposes, quality control and retrospective statistical analysis of the data. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Statistics software 25.0 (IBM, United States of America). Descriptive statistics were calculated based on the patients’ characteristics. The Chi–square test, Fisher’s exact test, Mann Whitney and Kappa tests were used to compare data between groups. Statistical significance was set at a p–value <0.05. RESULTS In 2016, we surgically treated 314 patients with SIL or glandular cervical intraepithelial lesions. Of these patients, 95.2% (299/314) underwent LLETZ and 4.8% (15/314) underwent cold knife conisation. The median 30 Klinična študija / Clinical study ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2021; 14 (1): 11–19 age of the patients was 38±12.5 years (range 20–77 years). LLETZ under local anaesthesia was performed in 89.3% (267/299) of patients, while the remaining 10.7% (32/299) had general anaesthesia. All cold knife conisations were performed under general anaesthesia. After the procedure, histopathological analysis of the cone was performed, and the excision margins were assessed. The excision margins were negative in 79.6% (250/314) of cases, positive in 9.9% (31/314) of cases and inconclusive in 10.5% (33/314) of cases. Of the 33 specimens with inconclusive margins, 32 were after LLETZ (10.7% (32/299) of all patients after LLETZ) in which severe thermal artefacts of the specimen interfered with histopathological interpretation. The remaining one specimen with inconclusive margins was after cold knife conisation due to severe fragmentation of the specimen. Altogether, 3.8% (12/314) of patients underwent reoperation, 10 after LLETZ and 2 after cold knife conisation. When analysing patients who were reoperated after LLETZ, 21.4% (6/28) of them were Table 1. Comparison between LLETZ and classical conisation regarding number of procedures, type of anaesthesia, margin status, postoperative complications and the need for reoperation. LLETZ N (%) Conisation N (%) Total N (%) Variable 299 (95.2) 15 (4.8) 314 (100) Anaesthesia Local 267 (89.3) 0 (0) 267 (85.0) General 32 (10.7) 15 (100) 47 (15.0) Margin status Negative 239 (79.9) 11 (73.3) 250 (79.6) Positive 28 (9.4) 3 (20.0) 31 (9.9) Inconclusive 32 (10.7) 1 (6.7) 33 (10.5) Postoperative complications Isolated vaginal bleeding 10 (3.3) 1 (6.7) 11 (3.5) Isolated vaginal discharge 5 (1.7) 0 (0) 5 (1.6) Vaginal bleeding and discharge 9 (3.0) 1 (6.7) 10 (3.2) Total 24 (8.0) 2 (13.3) 26 (8.3) Reoperation 10 (3.3) 2 (13.3) 12 (3.8) reoperated after showing positive margins, 1.3% (3/239) after showing negative margins and only 3.1% (1/32) after severe thermal artefacts in the primary specimens (Table 1). In the group of patients who underwent reoperation after cold knife conisation, one patient had positive margins, and another had a severely fragmented specimen. Two patients were reoperated immediately after the first LLETZ due to cervical carcinoma, and the others were reoperated six months after the primary procedure when a scheduled follow–up visit was performed and histological HSIL was confirmed. In the postoperative period, the most frequently observed complications were vaginal bleeding and discharge. Overall, complications occurred in 8.3% (26/314) of cases. Isolated bleeding occurred in 3.5% (11/314) of cases, isolated discharge in 1.6% (5/314) of cases, and both symptoms in 3.2% (10/314) of cases (Table 1). With regard to the impact of the type of procedure on the occurrence of postoperative complications, we discovered that the type of 31 Klinična študija / Clinical study ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2021; 14 (1): 11–19 procedure (LLETZ or cold knife conisation) did not significantly affect vaginal bleeding (6.4% vs 13.3%, respectively, p=0.265) or vaginal discharge (4.7% vs. 6.7%, respectively, p=0.528). However, we found that bleeding occurred more often in younger (U=3033; p=0.914) and discharge (U=1994; p=0.469) in older patients, but the impact was not statistically significant. DISCUSSION In this retrospective study, 10.7% of patients after LLETZ had severe thermal artefacts in the specimen that interfered with histopathological evaluation. However, only one of these patients (3.1%) required reoperation. In comparison, in patients with positive margins after LLETZ, the reoperation rate was 21.4%, and in patients with negative margins, the reoperation rate was 1.3%. The overall reoperation rate was 3.8% and most patients (58.3%) who needed reoperation had positive margins after the primary procedure. Since its introduction in 1989, LLETZ has become the most commonly used method for the surgical treatment of cervical high–grade squamous or glandular cervical lesions. The idea behind LLETZ was to combine the advantages of local destructive techniques with those of classic cold knife conisation (14). One of the biggest concerns when performing LLETZ is inadequate histopathological interpretation due to thermal injury of the tissue that occurs due to the use of electricity which simultaneously cuts and cauterizes the lesion. In 1994, Messing et al. divided thermal injury of the tissue into three grades (slight, moderate and severe). Slight thermal injury was defined as a thermal alteration that allowed histological evaluation to be performed without any difficulty. Moderate thermal injury was defined as thermal alterations that resulted in some difficulty in correctly interpreting the severity of the neoplasia and in evaluating the actual involvement of the resection margins. Severe thermal injury was defined as intense thermal damage in which histopathological evaluation of the specimen was not possible (15). Although a slight degree of thermal injury can be seen in almost all LLETZ specimens (8), the prevalence of severe thermal injury is much lower, up to 26%, depending on the loop size, speed of cutting, electrical energy, tissue conductivity and perhaps even the surgeon’s experience (8,15,16). Many studies have emphasized the importance of surgical margins after surgical treatment of cervical lesions. The presence of high–grade dysplasia in the margin (endocervical, ectocervical and lateral) is associated with a higher risk of disease relapse and the need for additional surgical treatment in the future. Therefore, the aim of the surgeon should be to excise the lesion completely (5,7,17), but in the case of severe thermal artefacts, we suggest that follow–up visits are performed in an experienced colposcopy centre as colposcopy with biopsy is crucial in determining the success of treatment. In addition, there is known inter– and intra–observer variability in colposcopy, cytology and pathology, causing different predictive values of the methods (18–20). Nevertheless, our experience shows that patients with artefacts due to severe thermal damage are not at increased risk for reoperation. We hypothesise that this might be due to complete thermal destruction of the cells around the cut surface of the cone. Therefore, even if the precancerous cells were located close to the surgical margin, the thermal energy of the loop would destroy them. Surgical treatment is associated with the possibility of postoperative complications. In our study, the overall incidence of postoperative complications was low (4.7−6.7%) and there were no statistically significant differences in postoperative vaginal bleeding or discharge between the types of surgical procedure. Patients who developed bleeding were younger and patients who presented with discharge were older; however, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups. Some studies have shown that classical conisation is associated with a higher incidence of postoperative bleeding and vaginal discharge than LLETZ (5−15% vs. 0−8% and 0.2−6.8% vs. 0−2%, respectively) (10,21–27), but others have not confirmed these results (28). Other possible short–term side effects reported in the literature such as pelvic pain and stenosis of the cervical canal (29) were not observed in our group of patients. Also, long–term side effects or complications such as preterm labor were not an endpoint of this study; therefore, they were not included in the analysis. The major limitations of this study are its retrospective nature and the relatively small number of included 32 Klinična študija / Clinical study ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2021; 14 (1): 11–19 patients. Moreover, the patients were not equally distributed between the groups and the number of postoperative complications was low. These drawbacks restricted the statistical analysis, and major conclusions should be drawn with caution. Although every tenth patient after LLETZ had severe thermal artefacts that prevented histopathological interpretation, only 3% of them required reoperation. In our experience, severely damaged margins were not associated with higher reoperation rate; therefore, a carefully planned follow–up visit with colposcopy and cytology 6 months after the procedure is of utmost importance in the evaluation of residual disease. FUNDING ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial and not–for– profit sectors. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The authors declare there are no conflicts of interest. 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