129 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Reliability of preoperative investigations in the treatment of endometrial cancer at the UMC Ljubljana Gynaecological clinic, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Correspondence/ Korespondenca: Katja Jakopič Maček, e: katja.jakopic@gmail.com Key words: endometrial cancer; transvaginal ultrasound; expert ultrasound; myometrial invasion; hystopathological examination Ključne besede: rak endometrija; transvaginalni ultrazvočni pregled; ekspertni ultrazvok; razrast raka v miometrij (invazija); histopatološka preiskava Received: 2. 3. 2020 Accepted: 18. 1. 2021 eng slo element en article-lang 10.6016/ZdravVestn.3044 doi 2.3.2020 date-received 18.1.2021 date-accepted Obstetrics, gynaecology, andrology, reproduc- tion, sexuality Porodništvo, ginekologija, andrologija, reproduk- cija, spolnost discipline Original scientific article Izvirni znanstveni članek article-type Reliability of preoperative investigations in the treatment of endometrial cancer at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana Zanesljivost preiskav, ki se izvajajo pred operacijo, za načrtovanje zdravljenja raka endometrija v UKC Ljubljana article-title Reliability of preoperative investigations in the treatment of endometrial cancer at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana Zanesljivost preiskav, ki se izvajajo pred operacijo, za načrtovanje zdravljenja raka endometrija v UKC Ljubljana alt-title endometrial cancer, transvaginal ultrasound, expert ultrasound, myometrial invasion, hys- topathological examination rak endometrija, transvaginalni ultrazvočni pre- gled, ekspertni ultrazvok, razrast raka v miometrij (invazija), histopatološka preiskava kwd-group The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest present. Avtorji so izjavili, da ne obstajajo nobeni konkurenčni interesi. conflict year volume first month last month first page last page 2021 90 3 4 129 138 name surname aff email Katja Jakopič Maček 1 katja.jakopic@gmail.com name surname aff Maja Krajec 1 Ivan Verdenik 1 eng slo aff-id Gynaecological clinic, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Ginekološka klinika, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija 1 Reliability of preoperative investigations in the treatment of endometrial cancer at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana Zanesljivost preiskav, ki se izvajajo pred operacijo, za načrtovanje zdravljenja raka endometrija v UKC Ljubljana Katja Jakopič Maček, Maja Krajec, Ivan Verdenik Abstract Background: Slovenian recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of pa- tients with endometrial carcinoma recommend a varied extent of surgical evaluation of disease progression: standard hysterectomy and adnexectomy without lymphadenectomy or with only sentinel lymph node biopsy respectively, or concomitant complete pelvic and para-aortic lymph- adenectomy. Classification of patients into risk groups of disease progression outside uterus is based on histological grading and the assessment of the depth of myometrial invasion and cer- vical stromal invasion by image analysis, and is crucial for planning the extent of surgery. The objective of our study was to define the reliability of preoperative investigations of endometrial carcinoma treatment. Methods: Data of 79 patients with histologically confirmed endometrial cancer, who underwent expert transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) examination in the period between January 2016 and September 2017 at The Division of Gyneacology and Obstetrics at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana, were analysed. Preoperative histological diagnosis and TVUS evaluation of myome- trial invasion and cervical stromal invasion were compared with the definite histological report. Results: The ultrasound evaluation of myometrial invasion reached a sensitivity of 76% (95% CI, 58–89%) and specificity of 81% (95% CI, 67–91%). The sensitivity of ultrasound evaluation of cervical stromal invasion was indicated to be 54.5% (95% CI, 23–83%) and specificity 75% (95% CI, 63–85%). The histological differentiation grade was postoperatively upgraded in 11.3% and downgraded in 7.5%. Using kappa coefficient to interpret the consistency of preoperative findings with postoperative ones, the results were 0.699 for histology, 0.564 for invasion into the myometrium and 0.203 for invasion into the cervical stroma. One patient was surgically over- treated; in all others staging was adequate. Conclusions: Preoperative histological results in our study were most reliable, while TVUS proved moderately reliable in estimating myometrial invasion and poorly reliable in estimating cervical stromal invasion. Izvleček Izhodišča: Slovenska priporočila za obravnavo bolnic z rakom endometrija svetujejo različen obseg preiskav za kirurško oceno o napredovanju bolezni glede dileme, ali ob standardni odstra- nitvi maternice s priveski opustiti limfadenktomijo oz. opraviti zgolj biopsijo varovalne bezgavke, ali pa opraviti kompletno pelvično in paraaortno limfadenektomijo glede na stopnjo tveganja za širjenje bolezni zunaj maternice. Bolnice razvrstimo v različne skupine glede tveganja na podlagi Slovenian Medical Journal 130 OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY, ANDROLOGY, REPRODUCTION, SEXUALITY Zdrav Vestn | March – April 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3044 1 Introduction Endometrial carcinoma–International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) code C54–is the most common malignant tumour of the female reproductive sys- tem in the developed world, including in Slovenia, with an estimated incidence of 33.2/100,000 (1,2). The incidence rate has been increasing due to the obesity epidemic and longer life expectancy (3). Most patients (75%) are diagnosed in the early stages of the disease (FIGO stages I and II) and the 5-year survival rate is 74– 91% (4). The standard treatment is with surgery – hysterectomy and adnexectomy histološkega gradusa po biopsiji maternice ter glede na slikovno oceno razširjenosti bolezni (ma- gnetno resonančno slikanje ali ekspertna ultrazvočna preiskava). V Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru Ljubljana smo leta 2015 uvedli ekspertno ultrazvočno preiskavo (TVUZ) za oceno razširje- nosti rakavih bolezni. Naš namen je bil oceniti zanesljivost preiskav, ki jih opravimo ob diagnozi raka endometrija v UKC Ljubljana pred operacijo. Metode: Pregledali smo dokumentacijo 79 bolnic s histološko potrjenim rakom endometrija, ki so opravile TVUZ od januarja 2016 do septembra 2017. Histološko diagnozo pred posegom in oceno razrasta (invazije) s TVUZ v miometrij in stromo materničnega vratu smo primerjali s konč- nim histološkim izvidom. Rezultati: Ultrazvočna ocena razrasta (invazije) raka v miometrij je imela 76 % (95 % IZ, 58 – 89 %) občutljivost in 81 % (95 % IZ, 67 – 91 %) specifičnost. Ultrazvočna ocena razrasta raka (in- vazije) v stromo materničnega vratu je imela 54,5 % (95 % IZ, 23 – 83 %) občutljivost in 75 % (95 % IZ, 63 – 85 %) specifičnost. Ocena histološke stopnje diferenciacije je bila po operaciji višja (angl. upgrading) v 11,3 %, nižja (angl. downgrading) pa v 7,5 %. Ocena ujemanja preiskav pred operacijo z dokončnim izvidom z uporabo koeficienta kappa je bila za histopatološko preiskavo 0,699, za razrast v miometrij 0,564 in za razrast v stromo materničnega vratu 0,203. Ena bolnica je prestala na osnovi izvidov pred operacijo preobsežno zamejitveno operacijo; ostale pa so bile ustrezno kirurško obravnavane. Zaključki: Kot najbolj zanesljiva se je izkazala patohistološka preiskava, sledi ji ultrazvočna oce- na razrasta (invazije) v miometrij, medtem ko je bila ultrazvočna ocena razrasta (invazije) v stro- mo materničnega vratu manj zanesljiva. Cite as/Citirajte kot: Jakopič Maček K, Krajec M, Verdenik I. Reliability of preoperative investigations in the treatment of endometrial cancer at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana. Zdrav Vestn. 2021;90(3–4):129–38. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3044 Copyright (c) 2021 Slovenian Medical Journal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. and includes surgical staging (5). The most important prognostic factor in en- dometrial carcinoma is metastasis to the regional lymph nodes. Histopathological factors in the uterus, such as the depth of myometrial invasion, histological differ- entiation grade, lymphovascular invasion and cervical stromal invasion, increase the risk for regional lymph node metas- tasis (6-9). Patients with a preoperative esti- mated depth of myometrial invasion < 50% of total myometrium thickness and good (G1) or moderate (G2) histological 131 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Reliability of preoperative investigations in the treatment of endometrial cancer at the UMC Ljubljana differentiation of endometrial carcino- ma are in the low-risk group for region- al lymph node metastasis. Patients with > 50% myometrial invasion and good (G1) or moderate (G2) differentiation are in the moderate-risk group for region- al lymph node metastasis. According to ESGO-ESTRO-ESMO guidelines from 2015, patients with low- or moderate-risk carcinoma (endometrioid adenocarcino- ma G1 and G2, without lymphovascular invasion, or myometrial invasion up to 50% or more, but limited to the uterus) have a roughly 1% risk of regional lymph node metastasis (10). Lymphadenectomy is thus not warranted as it does not have a therapeutic effect (10,11,12). In endo- metrial carcinoma with a high risk of re- gional lymph node metastasis (Slovenian recommendations: stage IA and IB en- dometrioid type G3, stage II, stage III – endometrioid type, without disease rem- nants, non-endometrioid type), surgery includes para-aortic lymphadenectomy up to the renal vasculature and infracolic resection of the omentum (in serous his- topathologic type) in addition to pelvic lymphadenectomy (11,13). Lymphadenectomy lengthens the du- ration of surgery and is a risk for signifi- cant bleeding. Sequelae also include low- er limb lymphoedema and lymphocysts (14). As per the literature, the incidence of lymphoedema is 5–38% (15,16). The compromise between standard pelvic lymphadenectomy, which was in use un- til 2015, and omission of lymphadenec- tomy in patients with low and moderate risk, is sentinel lymph node biopsy. If it is negative, it is presumed that there are no metastases in other lymph nodes. By eval- uating the presence of disease in the senti- nel lymph node, we fulfil the demands of surgical staging and lower the incidence of complications associated with lymph- adenectomy (17). The algorithm for sentinel lymph node biopsy is mentioned in the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) and ESGO-ESTRO- ESMO guidelines as a promising treat- ment option (5,13,17). Sentinel lymph node biopsy also enables an individual- ized approach to treating patients with endometrial carcinoma and increased safety if pelvic lymphadenectomy is omit- ted in patients with low and moderate risk for disease recurrence. Selecting the patients for such an omission is a diag- nostic challenge as the histological differ- entiation grade can be upgraded by 19% and upstaged by 18% after hysterectomy (18,19). Non-invasive imaging methods are used prior to surgery for local staging – MRI, expert transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS), as well as for detecting lymph node or distal metastasis (computer to- mography – CT, PET-CT). TVUS is the first diagnostic method for patients with irregular or postmenopausal bleeding. It is used to evaluate the size of the tumour, the depth of myometrial invasion, and cervical stromal invasion and rule out pa- thology of the ovaries (20,21). In patients with histologically confirmed endometri- al carcinoma, TVUS helps classify patients into risk groups of disease progression by evaluating myometrial and cervical stro- mal invasion, which affects surgical plan- ning and the need for lymphadenectomy (10,11,22,23). At the University Clinical Centre Ljubljana, we started using expert transvaginal ultrasound in 2015 as part of the standard preoperative work-up of patients with gynaecological carcinomas. The method differs from a regular ultra- sound in its scope and precision. A high- ly capable ultrasound scanner is required with a trained and experienced specialist operator as non-gynaecological tissues and organs (bowel, lymph nodes, blad- der...) also need to be evaluated. As one of 132 OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY, ANDROLOGY, REPRODUCTION, SEXUALITY Zdrav Vestn | March – April 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3044 the options for staging, the frozen section procedure is mentioned in the literature for use during surgery, but its use is still controversial, and it is the subject of fur- ther clinical trials (24-26). It is important for the operating sur- geon to know the reliability of preoper- ative diagnostic methods used in their institution. We try to reduce the number of incorrect surgical procedures in our patients–those with too extensive surgery when a less extensive one would suffice, and those who need subsequent surgery with more extensive lymphadenectomies. 2 Materials and methods We reviewed the medical records of patients with histologically confirmed endometrial carcinoma treated at the University Clinical Centre Ljubljana be- tween January 2016 and September 2017, who underwent expert transvaginal ultra- sound examinations (TRUS) during this time. All patients gave consent for the di- agnostic method and written consent for surgery. Expert TRUS was performed ap- proximately one month prior to surgery. It was performed by only one gynaecologist with certification in gynaecological oncol- ogy scanning (International Workshop on Ultrasound in Gynecologic Oncology). It was performed using the Voluson E8 scan- ner and with a 5–9 MHz vaginal transduc- er. With 2D TVUS, we subjectively evalu- ated the depth of myometrial invasion (< or ≥ 50%) and subjectively evaluated the cervical stromal invasion (present or ab- sent). We obtained the endometrial biopsy histology reports. The data on lymphatic vessel invasion with a preoperative biopsy could not be obtained, so we did not in- clude it in our study. All patients under- went a hysterectomy with adnexectomy and, depending on the preoperative evalu- ation, different levels of lymphadenectomy (sentinel lymph node biopsy, standard pel- vic lymphadenectomy, standard and pa- ra-aortic lymphadenectomy). The preop- erative histological diagnosis and TVUS evaluation of myometrial invasion and cervical stromal invasion were compared with the definitive histology report. We used the kappa coefficient to interpret the consistency of preoperative findings with postoperative ones. The study was approved by the Republic of Slovenia National Medical Ethics Committee (number 0120-353/2020/11), 15. 12. 2020. 3 Results A total of 80 women were included in the data analysis. One patient was ex- cluded because the final histology report did not confirm the carcinoma but atypi- cal endometrial hyperplasia. 3.1 Comparing preoperative and definitive histology reports Prior to surgery, 63 patients were his- tologically assessed to have endometrial carcinoma, and the remaining 16 had non-endometrioid tumours: 12 cases of serous tumours, 2 cases of carcinosarco- ma, and 1 case of stromal endometrial carcinoma and dedifferentiated carcino- ma. Of the 63 patients with a preopera- tive diagnosis of endometrial carcino- ma, 40 had a histological differentiation grade 1, 19 had grade 2, and 4 patients had a grade 3. The histological differentiation grade (G) was postoperatively upgraded in 11.3% (9/79) and downgraded in 7.5% (6/79). The consistency of histological differentiation grade before and after surgery was 0.699 (kappa coefficient). Seven patients with preoperative en- dometrioid adenocarcinoma G1 were 133 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Reliability of preoperative investigations in the treatment of endometrial cancer at the UMC Ljubljana upgraded to G2 with the final histolog- ical report, and 4 patients with G2 were downgraded to G1. Two patients with endometrioid adenocarcinoma G2 were upgraded to G3, and 2 patients with G3 were downgraded to G2. There were no upgrades from G1 to G3 or downgrades from G3 to G1 in the final histology re- ports (Table 1). If we took into account the percent- age in which such changes were clini- cally significant (transitioning from the endometrioid adenocarcinoma G1 and G2 groups to groups with more aggres- sive types – endometrioid carcinoma G3 and non-endometrioid carcinoma), the grade was 3.3% higher in the definitive histology report (2/59 of patients who were previously in groups with low and moderate risk for lymph node metasta- sis). Both patients had adequate staging operations based on higher disease stages found by imaging. Clinically significant changes from more aggressive preoper- ative histology to less invasive after sur- gery were present in 10% (2/20). In one patient, the disease was of higher grade, so the more extensive surgery was ap- propriate, and only one patient could have had less extensive surgery without lymphadenectomy. Table 1: Consistency of preoperative histology with definitive histology, based on total patient number in %. Legend: * Non-endometrioid carcinoma types. Preoperative biopsy Definitive histology report G1 G2 G3 G1 33 (41.8%) 7 (8.9%) 0 40 G2 4 (5.1%) 13 (16.5%) 2 (2.5%) 19 G3 0 2 (2.5%) 18 (22.8%) 4+16* 3.2 Comparing the TVUS evaluation of myometrial invasion and cervical stromal invasion evaluation with a definitive histology report After comparing histology results, the expert TVUS evaluation of myometrial invasion reached a specificity of 81% (95% confidence interval (CI), 67–91%) and sensitivity of 76% )95% CI, 58–99%); for cervical stromal invasion, the specificity was 75% (95% CI, 63–85%) and sensitivity 54.5% (95% CI, 23–83%). Using the kappa coefficient to interpret the consistency of preoperative findings with postoperative ones, the results were 0.564 for invasion into the myometrium and 0.203 for cervi- cal stromal invasion. Here we also tried to find differences that would significantly influence deci- sion making. Endometrioid adenocarci- nomas, especially of grade 1 and G2, are usually hormone-dependent, are formed from precancerous lesions and grow more slowly (27). They are more hyperechoic on ultrasound, so they are easier to demar- cate from the rest of the myometrium. The other histological types of carcinomas are less hormone-dependent, grow faster, are more aggressive and are iso- or hypoechoic on ultrasound (28-30). Some types invade the myometrium earlier with a microcys- tic, elongated and fragmented (MELF) invasion pattern, which ultrasonographi- cally resembles a very thin endometrium despite numerous micrometastases in the myometrium (31). Ultrasound evaluation of myometrial invasion depth is less reli- able with these carcinomas due to their ul- trasonographic characteristics (32). Comparing the depth of myometrial invasion in endometrioid adenocarci- nomas G1 and G2 and other histological 134 OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY, ANDROLOGY, REPRODUCTION, SEXUALITY Zdrav Vestn | March – April 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3044 types with definitive histology reports, the myometrial invasion depth matches in 84.1% with low-risk carcinomas (endome- trioid adenocarcinoma G1 and G2), and only in 56% with others (endometrioid adenocarcinoma G3 and non-endometri- oid carcinomas). 4 Discussion The degree of consistency of endo- metrial biopsy results with the definitive histology report was good at our centre (upgrade of histological grade in 11.3%, downgrade in 7.5%) compared to foreign studies (19% histological upgrade) (19). Clinically, it is better to sort patients into two groups – those with low and moder- ate risk (endometrioid adenocarcinoma G1 and G2) and those with other histo- logical types (endometrioid adenocarci- noma G3, serous, clear-cell, neuroendo- crine, mixed-cell, undifferentiated and dedifferentiated, carcinosarcomas). In this case, the change of histological grade was significant in 5% (4/79) of all patients (in 2.5%, it was a clinically significant up- grade and a clinically significant down- grade in 2.5%). Taking into account the imaging methods, only one patient was overtreated, and the rest received appro- priate treatment. Other Slovenian authors have discussed the importance of con- sistency of histology reports in a review article (33), but they cited a higher con- sistency in high-risk types. Our results do not confirm this; looking at the group with a preoperative high histological risk, there was a significant downgrade in 10% (2/20) of patients. Different types of sam- pling (fractionated abrasion, endometrial biopsy, outpatient or surgical hysterosco- py) also affect the consistency of results (33). Our patient group has already been included in a more extensive study, where the most reliable method was found to be fractionated abrasion (kappa coefficient 0.84), followed by outpatient hysteroscopy (kappa coefficient 0.77), aspiration biopsy (kappa coefficient 0.71), and surgical hys- teroscopy (kappa coefficient 0.68) (34). Close cooperation between the gynaecol- ogist and pathologist is key to avoiding wrong results. In our study, the sensitivity of the ul- trasound evaluation of myometrial inva- sion was 76% and the specificity was 81%. The sensitivity and specificity of cervical stroma invasion were 54.5% and 75%, re- spectively. As per the literature, the sub- jective evaluation of myometrial invasion has a sensitivity of 61–93% and specificity of 71.92% (32,35-38), and cervical stro- ma invasion has a sensitivity of 25–93% and a specificity of 85–99% (32,33,37). Comparing the TVUS evaluation of myo- metrial invasion in the low- or moder- ate-risk groups and the high-risk group with the definitive histology results, the results match in 84.1% in the first two risk groups and in 56% in the high-risk group. This confirms that non-endometrioid tu- mours are poorly visible on ultrasound, which does not change subsequent treat- ment, however (32,39). With TVUS and MRI, we can also evaluate the local extent of the disease. TVUS has its advantages and limits. Pelvic organs are only visible to a certain depth, and the whole female reproduc- tive system cannot be seen with changed anatomies as they lie outside the view range of the transvaginal transducer (32). According to the European Society of Urogenital Radiology guidelines from 2009, MRI is the best imaging option for preoperative evaluation of myometrial in- vasion. However, expert TRUS, which is gaining ground, also reaches comparable accuracy and, in the hands of an experi- enced operator, is an effective diagnostic method (20,21,32,40). In 2008, Savelli et 135 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Reliability of preoperative investigations in the treatment of endometrial cancer at the UMC Ljubljana al. published the results of a prospective study in which they compared the preop- erative accuracy of an MRI and TVUS in 74 patients with endometrial carcinoma. The diagnostic methods proved compara- ble. The sensitivity and specificity of myo- metrial invasion evaluation were 84% and 83% with TVUS, respectively, and 84% and 81% with an MRI (32). It would be interesting to compare the results of MRI and TVUS in our environment, especial- ly in patients with high-risk tumours, which are more difficult to visualize with ultrasound. Ultrasound is widely available, fast and also cheaper than MRI in our envi- ronment. Highly capable scanners are a requirement, and the method is also de- pendent on the operator and their experi- ence. All patients at our centre underwent an ultrasound prior to surgery, but this was different from an expert TVUS. The results of our study, poorer though still comparable to foreign studies, could be attributed to the learning curve because of limited experience with expert TVUS. Numerous studies of predictive mod- els and 3D ultrasound are ongoing, but so far, the subjective assessment of an expe- rienced operator has proved to be more accurate (30). There is a great need for a highly sen- sitive and specific diagnostic method for planning the extent of surgery and informing the patient of it. Good pre- operative histopathologic and imaging diagnostics lead to a more appropriate selection of patients in whom omission of lymphadenectomy or at least a sentinel lymph node biopsy could be performed. Between 2016 and 2017, a study was con- ducted at the Division of Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Ljubljana, in which the degree of success of surgical detection of the sentinel lymph node with intracervi- cal administration of indocyanine green dye in 32 patients with histologically con- firmed G1 and G2 endometrioid carci- noma was noted. The unilateral success rate was 85.7% and bilateral 80%, which is comparable to the rate of sentinel lymph node detection success in the literature – 80–90% (41). Sentinel lymph node bi- opsy is a promising method as per the ESGO-ESMO-ESTRO guidelines, but it is still only used for research purposes. At University Clinical Centre Ljubljana, it is the method of choice in patients with es- timated low- and moderate-risk endome- trial carcinoma in which lymphadenecto- my would otherwise be omitted. Taking into account the preoperative histological differentiation grade, staging, based on the expert TVUS, and the sen- tinel lymph node biopsy protocol (uni- lateral/bilateral pelvic lymphadenecto- my only in cases where a sentinel lymph node biopsy is not feasible, removal of macroscopically suspicious lymph nodes regardless of preoperative results), one patient underwent too extensive staging surgery, and all other patients had appro- priate surgery. 5 Conclusion Based on our preoperative results, on- ly one patient underwent too extensive surgery, and all other patients had appro- priate staging surgery. 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