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MELICHAR et al.: DURABILITY OF MATERIALS BASED ON A POLYMER-SILICATE MATRIX ... 758 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 751–758 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... 759–768 INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR OF NEW Fe-Al BASED ALLOYS WITH FINE Al2O3 PRECIPITATES VPLIV TERMOMEHANSKE OBDELAVE FeAl ZLITIN S FINIMI Al2O3 IZLO^KI NA RAST ZRN Bohuslav Ma{ek1, Omid Khalaj1, Hana Jirková1, Jiøí Svoboda2, Dagmar Bublíková1 1University of West Bohemia, Regional Technology Institute, Univerzitní 22, 306 14 Pilsen, Czech Republic 2Institute of Physics of Materials, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, @i`kova 22, 616 62 Brno, Czech Republic svobj@ipm.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2016-07-20; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2017-04-20 doi:10.17222/mit.2016.232 To obtain the superior-high-temperature creep strength, a transformation of a fine-grained structure to large grains due to abnormal grain growth or recrystallization is an important process in oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) alloys. The processing of steel is enabled with powder metallurgy, which utilizes powders consisting of a Fe-Al metal matrix with a large O content, prepared with mechanical alloying, and their hot consolidation due to rolling. The thermomechanical characteristics of new ODS alloys with a Fe-Al matrix are investigated in terms of the changes in the grain-size distribution. The recrystallization and grain growth were quantified after heating up to 1200 °C, which is the typical consolidation temperature for standard nanostructured ferritic steels. The results show that new ODS alloys are significantly affected by the thermomechanical treatment leading to microstructural changes. Recrystallization is mostly affected by decreasing the deformation and increasing the holding time, which leads to a growth of the grain size. Keywords: grain growth, ODS alloys, steel, Fe-Al, Al2O3 Da bi pridobili najvi{jo temperaturo mo~i lezenja, je transformacija drobnozrnate strukture v ve~ja zrna ali celo v abnormalno velika oziroma rekristalizacija pomemben proces pri zlitinah, oja~anih z oksidno disperzijo (angl. ODS). Obdelava jekla je omogo~ena z metalurgijo v prahu, ki pomaga prahom, ki vsebujejo metalno matrico Fe-Al z veliko vsebnostjo kisika, pripravljeno z mehanskim legiranjem in njihovo vro~o konsolidacijo pri valjanju. Termomehanske karakteristike novih ODS-zlitin s Fe-Al matrico so bile preiskovane, ker je pri{lo do sprememb v velikosti porazdelitve zrn. Rekristalizacija in rast zrn sta bili ovrednoteni po segretju do 1200 °C, ki je tipi~na temperatura konsolidacije za nanostrukturirana feritna jekla. Rezultati ka`ejo, da na ODS-zlitine zelo vpliva termomehanska obdelava, ki pripelje do sprememb v mikrostrukturi. Na rekristalizacijo najve~krat vpliva deformacija in pove~anje ~asa zadr`anosti, ki povzro~i rast velikost zrn. Klju~ne besede: rast zrn, ODS-zlitine, jeklo, Fe-Al, Al2O3 1 INTRODUCTION Historically, ODS alloys have been employed to improve high-temperature mechanical properties. In 1910, the first utilization of an oxide dispersion was reported by W. D. Coolidge. Using the classical powder metallurgy, a tungsten-based alloy reinforced with tho- rium oxides was developed to impede high-temperature grain growth and therefore increase the life span of a tungsten-filament lamp.1 After this first development, several other applications with various metallic matrices such as aluminium or nickel were implemented over the decades. A notable improvement in the field was made by J. S. Benjamin at the International Nickel Company (INCO) laboratory: he proposed a new process based on high-energy-milling powder metallurgy – later called mechanical alloying.2 This process was introduced to obtain a fine and homogeneous oxide dispersion within a nickel matrix. Its aim was to produce high-temperature- resistant materials for gas-turbine applications.3 Currently, mechanical alloying is still considered to be the most effective process for obtaining fine and homogeneously distributed particles. The volume frac- tion of dispersed spherical oxides (usually Y2O3) is typically below 1 % and the oxides typically have a mean size of 5–30 nm. The mechanically alloyed powder is then consolidated at high temperatures and pressures to produce the bulk material in the form of a bar or tube stock. Subsequently, different thermomechanical treat- ments are applied to optimize its microstructure and mechanical properties. Oxides are much more resistant to coarsening in the coarse-grained ferrite than the ’-precipitates in super- alloys, and the limiting temperature for a long-term operation is between 1000 °C and 1100 °C when the mean size of oxides is 20–30 nm. This clearly indicates that oxides are extremely stable and the microstructural stability of ODS alloys is much higher than that of nickel-based superalloys. However, a loss of mechanical properties due to the coarsening of oxides was also Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 759 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 67.017:621.78:669.15 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(5)759(2017) observed in fine-grained ODS steels at temperatures of about 800 °C for the systems with an extremely fine oxide dispersion (about 5 nm).4 Thus, the size of oxides as well as the grain size are also important for the stability of the microstructure – coarser oxides are much more stable than fine ones, which is in line with the cubic law for coarsening kinetics. In the consolidation step, the processing temperatures are critical in order to retain the nanocrystalline structure generated during the mechanical alloying and to impede the particle coarsening and grain growth.5–9 The Ni- and F-based ODS alloys rely on the formation of slowly growing and strongly adherent chromium and aluminium scales for their high temperature oxidation/corrosion resistance. In the present study, the ODS alloys consist of a ferritic Fe-Al matrix strengthened with about 4 % volume fraction of Al2O3 particles.10–15 In order to obtain a more detailed insight into these new groups of materials, this paper will concentrate on both the general microstructure and mechanical properties of ODS steels, the phenomenon of recrystallization and the related microstructural evolutions. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Material preparation The classical processing route used to produce Fe-Al based alloys with fine Al2O3 precipitates is highly dependent on powder metallurgy (Figure 1). The first step of the elaboration is the mechanical alloying of powders consisting of Fe-11 w/% Al matrix (90 w/% Fe and 10 w/% Al) and 1 w/% of O2 in gas, which is absorbed, in a low-energy ball mill developed by the authors, enabling evacuation and filling with oxygen. It has two steel containers (each holding 24 L) and each container is filled with 80 steel balls with a diameter of 40 mm. The revolution speed varies between 20–75 min–1. However, the speed for our research was kept constant (75 min–1) for all the material preparations. This step allows the powder to be forced into a solid solution. The milled powder is then deposited into a steel container with a diameter of 70 mm, evacuated (degassed) and sealed by welding. The steel container is then heated up to a temperature of 750 °C and rolled in a hot rolling mill to a thickness of 20 mm in the first rolling step, then heated up to a temperature of 900 °C and rolled to a thickness of 8 mm in the second step. A 6-mm-thick sheet of the ODS alloy covered on both sides with a 1-mm-thick scale from the rolling container was produced in this way. Afterwards, the specimens were cut with a water jet (Figure 5). Eight types of material were used in this research as described in Table 1. They are all based on a Fe-10w/% Al ferritic matrix with different particle sizes and 4 % volume fraction of Al2O3. Al2O3 powder was added to prepare the composite; fine oxides in the ODS alloys were obtained with the internal oxidation during mechanical alloying and precipitated during hot consolidation. It should be noted that in the case of Material 1, the Al2O3 particles were added, but in all the other materials, oxides were pro- duced due to internal oxidation as shown in Figure 1. Different sizes of the oxides in ODS steels are due to different heat treatments after hot rolling. SEM obser- vations indicated several inhomogeneities due to the material sticking to the walls of the milling container during mechanical alloying. Table 1: Material parameters Material No. Material type Milling time (hours) Ferritic matrix Vol.% of Al2O3 Typical particle size (nm) 1 ODS Alloy 100 Fe10wt%Al 10 300 2 ODS Alloy 100 Fe10wt%Al 6 50-200 3 ODS Alloy 150 Fe10wt%Al 6 50-150 4 ODS Alloy 200 Fe10wt%Al 6 30-150 5 ODS Alloy 245 Fe10wt%Al 7 20-50 6* ODS Alloy 245 Fe10wt%Al 7 20-50 7* ODS Alloy 245 Fe10wt%Al 7 20-50 8* ODS Alloy 245 Fe10wt%Al 7 20-50 * Different rolling conditions B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... 760 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 1: Material-preparation process These inhomogeneities can also influence the mecha- nical properties of the material, but the mechanical alloying process is steadily optimized with respect to the homogeneity of the materials. 2.2 Specimen preparation Two specimen types (Figure 2) were selected from several examples, which exhibited the most homo- geneous temperature fields for specimen type 1 and simplicity of tests for specimen type 2. Specimen type 1 was chosen from six types of specimen shapes with different active parts in the middle. All the samples were carefully monitored using a thermal camera to see how the temperature field is distributed within the active part when heated up to 1200 °C. So, regarding the results, specimen type 1 (5a) has the best homogeneity regarding the temperature distribution. On the other hand, speci- men type 2 is designed to have four different deforma- tions (5, 8, 20 and 50) % at the same time. The shortest part (9 mm) is designed to have no deformation during the pressing and the rest have appropriate values of deformation. This specimen is held in a hydraulic forging press with two positioning side plates (10 mm thick) (Figure 3) in order not to apply more deformation than required. The prepared containers were annealed at 1000 °C over 16 h. After normal cooling at room tem- perature, all the specimens were cut by a water-jet ma- chine in the longitudinal direction (Figure 4) and then all the specimens were removed from the steel containers. After grinding, the thickness of the specimens was approximately 6 mm. 2.3 Testing equipment In order to speed up the tests, a hydraulic forging press (Figure 5) was used to apply four different defor- mations at the same time on the type-2 specimens. Also, in order to investigate the thermomechanical treatment of the specimens, a servo-hydraulic MTS thermomecha- nical simulator (Figure 6) was used, which allows various temperature-deformation paths to be run in order to find the conditions leading to, e.g., the most effective grain coarsening due to recrystallization. The thermo- B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 761 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 4: Positions of specimens on a rolled semi-product: a) type 1, b) type 2 Figure 2: Specimen dimensions in mm: a) type 1, b) type 2 Figure 3: Positions of specimens between holding plates Figure 5: Hydraulic forging press observed in fine-grained ODS steels at temperatures of about 800 °C for the systems with an extremely fine oxide dispersion (about 5 nm).4 Thus, the size of oxides as well as the grain size are also important for the stability of the microstructure – coarser oxides are much more stable than fine ones, which is in line with the cubic law for coarsening kinetics. In the consolidation step, the processing temperatures are critical in order to retain the nanocrystalline structure generated during the mechanical alloying and to impede the particle coarsening and grain growth.5–9 The Ni- and F-based ODS alloys rely on the formation of slowly growing and strongly adherent chromium and aluminium scales for their high temperature oxidation/corrosion resistance. In the present study, the ODS alloys consist of a ferritic Fe-Al matrix strengthened with about 4 % volume fraction of Al2O3 particles.10–15 In order to obtain a more detailed insight into these new groups of materials, this paper will concentrate on both the general microstructure and mechanical properties of ODS steels, the phenomenon of recrystallization and the related microstructural evolutions. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Material preparation The classical processing route used to produce Fe-Al based alloys with fine Al2O3 precipitates is highly dependent on powder metallurgy (Figure 1). The first step of the elaboration is the mechanical alloying of powders consisting of Fe-11 w/% Al matrix (90 w/% Fe and 10 w/% Al) and 1 w/% of O2 in gas, which is absorbed, in a low-energy ball mill developed by the authors, enabling evacuation and filling with oxygen. It has two steel containers (each holding 24 L) and each container is filled with 80 steel balls with a diameter of 40 mm. The revolution speed varies between 20–75 min–1. However, the speed for our research was kept constant (75 min–1) for all the material preparations. This step allows the powder to be forced into a solid solution. The milled powder is then deposited into a steel container with a diameter of 70 mm, evacuated (degassed) and sealed by welding. The steel container is then heated up to a temperature of 750 °C and rolled in a hot rolling mill to a thickness of 20 mm in the first rolling step, then heated up to a temperature of 900 °C and rolled to a thickness of 8 mm in the second step. A 6-mm-thick sheet of the ODS alloy covered on both sides with a 1-mm-thick scale from the rolling container was produced in this way. Afterwards, the specimens were cut with a water jet (Figure 5). Eight types of material were used in this research as described in Table 1. They are all based on a Fe-10w/% Al ferritic matrix with different particle sizes and 4 % volume fraction of Al2O3. Al2O3 powder was added to prepare the composite; fine oxides in the ODS alloys were obtained with the internal oxidation during mechanical alloying and precipitated during hot consolidation. It should be noted that in the case of Material 1, the Al2O3 particles were added, but in all the other materials, oxides were pro- duced due to internal oxidation as shown in Figure 1. Different sizes of the oxides in ODS steels are due to different heat treatments after hot rolling. SEM obser- vations indicated several inhomogeneities due to the material sticking to the walls of the milling container during mechanical alloying. Table 1: Material parameters Material No. Material type Milling time (hours) Ferritic matrix Vol.% of Al2O3 Typical particle size (nm) 1 ODS Alloy 100 Fe10wt%Al 10 300 2 ODS Alloy 100 Fe10wt%Al 6 50-200 3 ODS Alloy 150 Fe10wt%Al 6 50-150 4 ODS Alloy 200 Fe10wt%Al 6 30-150 5 ODS Alloy 245 Fe10wt%Al 7 20-50 6* ODS Alloy 245 Fe10wt%Al 7 20-50 7* ODS Alloy 245 Fe10wt%Al 7 20-50 8* ODS Alloy 245 Fe10wt%Al 7 20-50 * Different rolling conditions B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... 760 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 1: Material-preparation process These inhomogeneities can also influence the mecha- nical properties of the material, but the mechanical alloying process is steadily optimized with respect to the homogeneity of the materials. 2.2 Specimen preparation Two specimen types (Figure 2) were selected from several examples, which exhibited the most homo- geneous temperature fields for specimen type 1 and simplicity of tests for specimen type 2. Specimen type 1 was chosen from six types of specimen shapes with different active parts in the middle. All the samples were carefully monitored using a thermal camera to see how the temperature field is distributed within the active part when heated up to 1200 °C. So, regarding the results, specimen type 1 (5a) has the best homogeneity regarding the temperature distribution. On the other hand, speci- men type 2 is designed to have four different deforma- tions (5, 8, 20 and 50) % at the same time. The shortest part (9 mm) is designed to have no deformation during the pressing and the rest have appropriate values of deformation. This specimen is held in a hydraulic forging press with two positioning side plates (10 mm thick) (Figure 3) in order not to apply more deformation than required. The prepared containers were annealed at 1000 °C over 16 h. After normal cooling at room tem- perature, all the specimens were cut by a water-jet ma- chine in the longitudinal direction (Figure 4) and then all the specimens were removed from the steel containers. After grinding, the thickness of the specimens was approximately 6 mm. 2.3 Testing equipment In order to speed up the tests, a hydraulic forging press (Figure 5) was used to apply four different defor- mations at the same time on the type-2 specimens. Also, in order to investigate the thermomechanical treatment of the specimens, a servo-hydraulic MTS thermomecha- nical simulator (Figure 6) was used, which allows various temperature-deformation paths to be run in order to find the conditions leading to, e.g., the most effective grain coarsening due to recrystallization. The thermo- B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 761 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 4: Positions of specimens on a rolled semi-product: a) type 1, b) type 2 Figure 2: Specimen dimensions in mm: a) type 1, b) type 2 Figure 3: Positions of specimens between holding plates Figure 5: Hydraulic forging press mechanical simulator also allows a combination of tensile and compressive deformation, thus accumulating a high plastic deformation (and a high dislocation den- sity) in a specimen. 2.4 Testing programme The testing programme involved two different groups. The tests are summarized in Table 2. Tests in group A were carried out to investigate the thermomechanical behaviour of different materials (1–8) at different temperatures, looking at a single tensile and compression loading with a constant strain rate of 1 s–1 (Figure 7). In order to give a clearer comparison of the results, only the results at room temperature (RT), (800, 1000 and 1200) °C are presented. Tests in group B were performed to investigate the effects of the holding time at 1000 °C and the defor- mation percentage on materials 7 and 8 with the type-2 specimen shape (Figure 2b). The specimen was de- signed in order to apply four different deformations (5, 8, 20 and 50 %) at the same time (Figure 8), and sub- sequently one specimen from each material was quenched in water for immediate cooling and the rest were kept in the furnace at three different holding times (10, 20, 40) h, after which they were cooled slowly to room temperature. Treatment No. 1 was designed to apply three different single deformations on each sample at different temperatures. The specimen is first heated up to the desired temperature in 5 min and is then held for another five minutes. Immediately after these 10 min, the first deformation (5 % compression) is applied to the speci- men and then the temperature is held for another five minutes. The second deformation (3 % tension) is applied immediately after 5 min and again the tempe- rature is held for five minutes and after that the last deformation (50 % tension) is applied and the specimen is left to cool down to room temperature. Treatment No. 2 was designed to apply four different deformations (5, 8, 20 and 50) % at the same time on a specimen. First, the specimen is heated to the desired temperature in 5 minutes and immediately after that, the deformation is applied. The temperature is kept for different holding times (0, 10, 20, 40) h and then the specimen is left to cool down to room temperature. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Test group A Figure 9 shows the stress-strain curves for all the materials at different temperatures, with 5 % com- pression, corresponding to Treatment No. 1. Material 2 exhibits better strength at 30 °C (almost 500 MPa) and 800 °C (almost 300 MPa); at 1200 °C, material 1 still B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... 762 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 Figure 7: Treatment No. 1 Figure 6: Treatment with a thermomechanical simulator Table 2: Parameters of the testing programme Test group MaterialNo. Treatment No. Holding time (h) Maximum temperature (°C) Number of tests Purpose of tests A 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8 1 – 1200, 1100, 1000, 900, 800, RT 48 Investigation of thermomechanical behaviour B 7,8 2 0, 10, 20, 40 1000 40 Investigation of grain-size growth Figure 8: Treatment No. 2 shows better strength (almost 60 MPa), but not very different from material 2 (almost 50 Mpa). It seems that the difference in the compression strength between these two materials is almost 37 % at RT; however, this difference increased to 137 % at 800 °C. On the other hand, all the materials have almost the same elastic modulus and none of them fails at the 5 % compression. However, material 4 shows a strange behaviour at 800 °C. The microstructure analysis shows that this occurred because of an inhomogeneous formation of the particles in the specimen. The hot-working behaviour of alloys is generally reflected by flow curves, which are a direct consequence of microstructural changes: the nucleation and growth of new grains, dynamic recrystallization (DRX), the gene- ration of dislocations, work hardening (WH), the rearrangement of dislocations and their dynamic recovery (DRV). In deformed materials, DRX seems to be the prominent softening mechanism at high tempe- ratures. DRX occurs during the straining of metals at high temperatures, characterized by a nucleation of low- dislocation-density grains and their posterior growth, producing a homogeneous grain structure when dynamic equilibrium is reached. Material 4 showed a strange curve shape at 800 °C. The test was repeated several times and similar behaviour was observed each time. It was concluded that this happens because of the inhomogeneity of the microstructure of this material. Figure 10 shows the stress-strain curves at different temperatures corresponding to the 3 % tension of Treat- ment No. 1. As can be seen in Figure 10, material 2 shows a higher strength at 30 °C (almost 650 MPa) and 800 °C (almost 270 MPa), but at 1200 °C, material 1 again shows a better strength (almost 65 MPa). This value was 35 % lower when the temperature was in- creased. In Figure 10, the strain at the maximum tension is almost 2 % at RT (Figure 10a), then it increases to almost 3 % at 800 °C (Figure 10b); however, it de- creases to almost 1 % at 1200 °C (Figure 10c). All the materials have almost the same elastic modulus and none of them failed at the 3 % deformation. The yield stress and the shape of the flow curves are sensitive to tempe- rature. Comparing all these curves, it is found that decreasing the deformation temperature increases the yield-stress level. In other words, it prevents softening due to dynamic recrystallization (DRX) and dynamic recovery (DRV) and allows the deformed metals to exhibit work hardening (WH). For every curve, after a rapid increase in the stress to the peak value, the flow stress decreases monotonically towards a steady-state regime with a varying softening rate, which typically indicates the onset of DRX, Figure 10c. Figure 11 shows the stress-strain curves at different temperatures for the 50 % tension of Treatment No. 1. All eight materials failed at RT, but only four materials failed below the 50 % tension at higher temperatures. Material 2 failed at the 34 % strain, materials 4 and 5 failed at around 45 % strain and material 8 failed at around 50 % at 800 °C. At 1200 °C, only material 1 failed at 41 % and material 2 failed at the 45 % strain. From these curves, it can also be seen that the stress evo- lution with strain exhibits three distinct stages. Work hardening (WH) predominates in the first stage and causes dislocations to polygonise into stable sub- grains. The flow stress exhibits a rapid increase with the increasing strain up to the critical value. Then DRX occurs due to a large difference in the dislocation density within subgrains or grains. When the critical driving force of DRX is attained, new grains are nucleated along the grain boundaries, deformation bands and disloca- tions, resulting in the formation of equiaxed DRX grains. In the second stage, the flow stress exhibits a smaller and smaller increase until the peak value, or an inflection of the work-hardening rate is reached. This shows that thermal softening becomes more and more important due to DRX and dynamic recovery (DRV) and it exceeds WH. B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 763 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 10: Stress-strain curves (3 % tension) for: a) RT, b) 800 °C, c) 1000 °C, d) 1200 °C Figure 9: Stress-strain curves (5 % compression) for: a) RT, b) 800 °C, c) 1000 °C, d) 1200 °C mechanical simulator also allows a combination of tensile and compressive deformation, thus accumulating a high plastic deformation (and a high dislocation den- sity) in a specimen. 2.4 Testing programme The testing programme involved two different groups. The tests are summarized in Table 2. Tests in group A were carried out to investigate the thermomechanical behaviour of different materials (1–8) at different temperatures, looking at a single tensile and compression loading with a constant strain rate of 1 s–1 (Figure 7). In order to give a clearer comparison of the results, only the results at room temperature (RT), (800, 1000 and 1200) °C are presented. Tests in group B were performed to investigate the effects of the holding time at 1000 °C and the defor- mation percentage on materials 7 and 8 with the type-2 specimen shape (Figure 2b). The specimen was de- signed in order to apply four different deformations (5, 8, 20 and 50 %) at the same time (Figure 8), and sub- sequently one specimen from each material was quenched in water for immediate cooling and the rest were kept in the furnace at three different holding times (10, 20, 40) h, after which they were cooled slowly to room temperature. Treatment No. 1 was designed to apply three different single deformations on each sample at different temperatures. The specimen is first heated up to the desired temperature in 5 min and is then held for another five minutes. Immediately after these 10 min, the first deformation (5 % compression) is applied to the speci- men and then the temperature is held for another five minutes. The second deformation (3 % tension) is applied immediately after 5 min and again the tempe- rature is held for five minutes and after that the last deformation (50 % tension) is applied and the specimen is left to cool down to room temperature. Treatment No. 2 was designed to apply four different deformations (5, 8, 20 and 50) % at the same time on a specimen. First, the specimen is heated to the desired temperature in 5 minutes and immediately after that, the deformation is applied. The temperature is kept for different holding times (0, 10, 20, 40) h and then the specimen is left to cool down to room temperature. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Test group A Figure 9 shows the stress-strain curves for all the materials at different temperatures, with 5 % com- pression, corresponding to Treatment No. 1. Material 2 exhibits better strength at 30 °C (almost 500 MPa) and 800 °C (almost 300 MPa); at 1200 °C, material 1 still B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... 762 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 Figure 7: Treatment No. 1 Figure 6: Treatment with a thermomechanical simulator Table 2: Parameters of the testing programme Test group MaterialNo. Treatment No. Holding time (h) Maximum temperature (°C) Number of tests Purpose of tests A 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8 1 – 1200, 1100, 1000, 900, 800, RT 48 Investigation of thermomechanical behaviour B 7,8 2 0, 10, 20, 40 1000 40 Investigation of grain-size growth Figure 8: Treatment No. 2 shows better strength (almost 60 MPa), but not very different from material 2 (almost 50 Mpa). It seems that the difference in the compression strength between these two materials is almost 37 % at RT; however, this difference increased to 137 % at 800 °C. On the other hand, all the materials have almost the same elastic modulus and none of them fails at the 5 % compression. However, material 4 shows a strange behaviour at 800 °C. The microstructure analysis shows that this occurred because of an inhomogeneous formation of the particles in the specimen. The hot-working behaviour of alloys is generally reflected by flow curves, which are a direct consequence of microstructural changes: the nucleation and growth of new grains, dynamic recrystallization (DRX), the gene- ration of dislocations, work hardening (WH), the rearrangement of dislocations and their dynamic recovery (DRV). In deformed materials, DRX seems to be the prominent softening mechanism at high tempe- ratures. DRX occurs during the straining of metals at high temperatures, characterized by a nucleation of low- dislocation-density grains and their posterior growth, producing a homogeneous grain structure when dynamic equilibrium is reached. Material 4 showed a strange curve shape at 800 °C. The test was repeated several times and similar behaviour was observed each time. It was concluded that this happens because of the inhomogeneity of the microstructure of this material. Figure 10 shows the stress-strain curves at different temperatures corresponding to the 3 % tension of Treat- ment No. 1. As can be seen in Figure 10, material 2 shows a higher strength at 30 °C (almost 650 MPa) and 800 °C (almost 270 MPa), but at 1200 °C, material 1 again shows a better strength (almost 65 MPa). This value was 35 % lower when the temperature was in- creased. In Figure 10, the strain at the maximum tension is almost 2 % at RT (Figure 10a), then it increases to almost 3 % at 800 °C (Figure 10b); however, it de- creases to almost 1 % at 1200 °C (Figure 10c). All the materials have almost the same elastic modulus and none of them failed at the 3 % deformation. The yield stress and the shape of the flow curves are sensitive to tempe- rature. Comparing all these curves, it is found that decreasing the deformation temperature increases the yield-stress level. In other words, it prevents softening due to dynamic recrystallization (DRX) and dynamic recovery (DRV) and allows the deformed metals to exhibit work hardening (WH). For every curve, after a rapid increase in the stress to the peak value, the flow stress decreases monotonically towards a steady-state regime with a varying softening rate, which typically indicates the onset of DRX, Figure 10c. Figure 11 shows the stress-strain curves at different temperatures for the 50 % tension of Treatment No. 1. All eight materials failed at RT, but only four materials failed below the 50 % tension at higher temperatures. Material 2 failed at the 34 % strain, materials 4 and 5 failed at around 45 % strain and material 8 failed at around 50 % at 800 °C. At 1200 °C, only material 1 failed at 41 % and material 2 failed at the 45 % strain. From these curves, it can also be seen that the stress evo- lution with strain exhibits three distinct stages. Work hardening (WH) predominates in the first stage and causes dislocations to polygonise into stable sub- grains. The flow stress exhibits a rapid increase with the increasing strain up to the critical value. Then DRX occurs due to a large difference in the dislocation density within subgrains or grains. When the critical driving force of DRX is attained, new grains are nucleated along the grain boundaries, deformation bands and disloca- tions, resulting in the formation of equiaxed DRX grains. In the second stage, the flow stress exhibits a smaller and smaller increase until the peak value, or an inflection of the work-hardening rate is reached. This shows that thermal softening becomes more and more important due to DRX and dynamic recovery (DRV) and it exceeds WH. B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 763 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 10: Stress-strain curves (3 % tension) for: a) RT, b) 800 °C, c) 1000 °C, d) 1200 °C Figure 9: Stress-strain curves (5 % compression) for: a) RT, b) 800 °C, c) 1000 °C, d) 1200 °C In the third stage, three types of curves can be re- cognized: • A gradual decrease to a steady state with DRX soft- ening (Figure 11c). • A continuous increase with significant work-harden- ing (Figure 11a). • A continuous decrease with significant DRX soften- ing (Figure 11b). 3.2 Test group B Figures 12 to 19 show the microstructures of materials 7 and 8 without deformation and with the 50 % deformation at different annealing times of (0, 10, 20 and 40) h at 1000 °C. It can be seen that by increasing the annealing time, the number of low-angle grain boun- daries (<15°) decreased. This indicates that recrystalli- zation does not occur at the zones with shorter annealing times (Figure 12a). A few banding zones with a high density of low-angle grain boundaries are observed in Figures 14a and 16a showing that recrystallization occurs in most zones. Figure 18a shows that the banding zones with a high density of low-angle grain boundaries cannot be observed, indicating that almost completely recrystallized ferrite grains can be obtained after annealing at 1000 °C for 40 h. Similar results were achieved for the rest of the specimens; however, there is a major difference between the microstructures. Material 7 is partially recrystallized, but material 8 retained fine grains. Both materials were prepared using the same procedure, but with different rolling pressures during the hot-rolling process. During the rolling process, a specimen passes through different stages. In the first stage of rolling, the material is under a considerable mechanical stress, resulting from an in- ternally balanced elastic strain. This elastic strain is B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... 764 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 11: Stress-strain curves (50 % tension) for: a) RT, b) 800 °C, c) 1000 °C, d) 1200 °C Figure 12: Microstructure for material 7 without annealing a) without deformation, b) with 50 % deformation Figure 13: Microstructure of material 8 without annealing: a) without deformation, b) with 50 % deformation B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 765 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 16: Microstructure for material 7 with 20 h annealing: a) with- out deformation, b) with 50 % deformation Figure 14: Microstructure for material 7 after 10 h annealing: a) with- out deformation, b) with 50 % deformation Figure 17: Microstructure for material 8 h with 20 h annealing: a) without deformation, b) with 50 % deformation Figure 15: Microstructure for material 8 after 10 h annealing: a) with- out deformation, b) with 50 % deformation In the third stage, three types of curves can be re- cognized: • A gradual decrease to a steady state with DRX soft- ening (Figure 11c). • A continuous increase with significant work-harden- ing (Figure 11a). • A continuous decrease with significant DRX soften- ing (Figure 11b). 3.2 Test group B Figures 12 to 19 show the microstructures of materials 7 and 8 without deformation and with the 50 % deformation at different annealing times of (0, 10, 20 and 40) h at 1000 °C. It can be seen that by increasing the annealing time, the number of low-angle grain boun- daries (<15°) decreased. This indicates that recrystalli- zation does not occur at the zones with shorter annealing times (Figure 12a). A few banding zones with a high density of low-angle grain boundaries are observed in Figures 14a and 16a showing that recrystallization occurs in most zones. Figure 18a shows that the banding zones with a high density of low-angle grain boundaries cannot be observed, indicating that almost completely recrystallized ferrite grains can be obtained after annealing at 1000 °C for 40 h. Similar results were achieved for the rest of the specimens; however, there is a major difference between the microstructures. Material 7 is partially recrystallized, but material 8 retained fine grains. Both materials were prepared using the same procedure, but with different rolling pressures during the hot-rolling process. During the rolling process, a specimen passes through different stages. In the first stage of rolling, the material is under a considerable mechanical stress, resulting from an in- ternally balanced elastic strain. This elastic strain is B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... 764 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 11: Stress-strain curves (50 % tension) for: a) RT, b) 800 °C, c) 1000 °C, d) 1200 °C Figure 12: Microstructure for material 7 without annealing a) without deformation, b) with 50 % deformation Figure 13: Microstructure of material 8 without annealing: a) without deformation, b) with 50 % deformation B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 765 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 16: Microstructure for material 7 with 20 h annealing: a) with- out deformation, b) with 50 % deformation Figure 14: Microstructure for material 7 after 10 h annealing: a) with- out deformation, b) with 50 % deformation Figure 17: Microstructure for material 8 h with 20 h annealing: a) without deformation, b) with 50 % deformation Figure 15: Microstructure for material 8 after 10 h annealing: a) with- out deformation, b) with 50 % deformation added to the jamming of the dislocation, which occurred during cold forming. In Figures 12, 14, 16 and 18, there is a visible alter- nation in the distorted shape of the cold-work crystals at the stress-relief stage (Figures 12a, 14a, 16a and 18a). In this stage, new crystals begin to grow in the deformed crystals. In the next stage (Figures 12b, 14b, 16b and 18b), the small crystals that formed in the previous stage gradually grow into bigger crystals by absorbing each other in the cannibal fashion, thus making the structure relatively coarse grained. Figures 12 to 19 show that with the increasing strain, a cellblock structure gradually develops and the sizes of the cellblocks and the cells decrease. In other words, in material 7 (Figures 12, 14, 16 and 18), there is a great transformation. It can be seen that with the increasing strain, there are changes in the spacing of the dense dislocation walls and micro-bands (DDW-MBs) and in the cell size. It is seen that after a 50 % deformation, the spacing of the DDW–MBs decreased to almost 50 μm, close to the cell size. In addition, the rate of the decrease in spacing with the increasing strains is much larger for geometrically necessary boundaries (GNBs) than for incidental dislocation boundaries (IDBs). However, in material 8 (Figures 13, 15, 17 and 19), there was no serious transformation and the structure still shows ferrite and pearlite. The grain size is relatively similar for both deformations. The grain boundaries can no longer be seen clearly, as the ferrite precipitated with the pear- lite, creating a grey shade instead of a clear black-and- white contrast. Figure 20 gives an overview of the grain sizes of materials 7 and 8 with different deformations and annealing times. It can be seen that as material 7 is almost recrystallized, it has a bigger grain size than material 8. From Figure 20 it is clear that by increasing B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... 766 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 20: Grain size for: a) material 7, b) material 8 Figure 19: Microstructure for material 8 h with 40 h annealing: a) without deformation, b) with 50 % deformation Figure 18: Microstructure for material 7 with 40 h annealing: a) with- out deformation, b) with 50 % deformation the annealing time, the grain size increases significantly for material 7 (Figure 20a), however the rate of increase in grain size is lower for material 8 (Figure 20b). The grain size reached almost 120 μm after 40 hours annealing without any deformation in material 7, while the grains in material 8 reached almost 10 μm under the same conditions. On the other hand, by increasing the applied deformation, the grain size of both materials decreased smoothly. Material 7 reached 50 μm by apply- ing 50 % deformation without annealing while material 8 reached almost 3 μm under the same conditions. One can thus conclude that the stability of grain microstructure can be significantly influenced by the processing. The analysis of the reasons for this will be the topic of future work by the team. 4 CONCLUSIONS If you mean that why we didn’t present the micro- structe of material 1-6, because all the materials except 7 has fine microstructure similar to material 8, that is why we decide to present only the microstructure results from material 7 and 8 and compare them in this view point. This paper outlines the influence of thermomecha- nical treatment on the grain growth of new Fe-Al based alloys with fine Al2O3 precipitates. Eight materials differing in the amount and size of the oxides embedded in the ferritic matrix were tested under different condi- tions. The advantages of all the materials are their low-cost, simplicity of preparation and significant me- chanical properties together with micro structures, due to the Fe-Al based ferritic matrix of the ODS alloy. The results from material 1-6 described in the relevant section (3.1. test group A) and the results from material 7-8 in case of microstructure described in section (3.2 test group B). As all the materials except 7 has fine microstructure similar to material 8, only the micro- structure results from material 7 and 8 compared in this view point. It can be concluded that in general the oxide dispersion significantly strengthens the material. However, the typical form of the flow curve with DRX softening, including a single peak followed by a steady state flow as a plateau, is more recognizable at high temperatures than at low temperatures. This is because at high temperatures the DRX softening compensates for the work hardening (WH), and both the peak stress and the onset of steady state flow are therefore shifted to lower strain levels. The characteristics of softening flow behaviour coupled with DRX were investigated for eight materials and can be summarized as follows: Decreasing deformation temperature causes the flow stress level to increase. In other words, it prevents the occurrence of softening due to DRX and dynamic recovery (DRV) and causes the deformed metals to exhibit work hardening (WH). For every curve, after a rapid increase in the stress to a peak value, the flow stress decreases monotonically towards a steady state regime (a steady state flow as a plateau due to DRX softening is more recognizable at higher temperatures). A varying softening rate typically indicates the onset of DRX, and the stress evolution with strain exhibits three distinct stages. At higher temperatures, a higher DRX softening compensates the WH, and both the peak stress and the onset of steady state flow are therefore shifted to lower strain levels. The elastic part of the total strain amplitude is always higher than the plastic part in all specimens tested, even for the highest total strain amplitudes of 15 %. This is further confirmation of the strong strengthening effect of oxide particles. Material 7 is more crystallised than material 8. Thus, it has a larger grain size compared to the fine grains of material 8. Acknowledgements This paper includes results from projects 14-24252S Preparation and Optimization of Creep Resistant Submicron-Structured Composite with Fe-Al Matrix and Al2O3 Particles subsidised by the Czech Science Founda- tion. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. Mohan, R. Subramanian, Z. Alam, P. C. Angelo, Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties OF A Hot Isostatically Pressed Yttria- Dispersed Nickel-Based Superalloy, Mater. Tehnol., 48 (2014) 6, 899–904 2 W. Quadakkers, Oxidation of ODS alloys, Journal de Physique IV, 03 (1993) C9, 177–186, doi:10.1051/jp4:1993916 3 F. Pedraza, Low Energy-High Flux Nitridation of Metal Alloys: Mechanisms, Microstructures and High Temperatures Oxidation Behaviour, Mater. Tehnol., 42 (2008) 4, 157–169 4 O. Khalaj, B. Ma{ek, H. Jirkova, A. Ronesova, J. Svoboda, Investi- gation on New Creep and Oxidation Resistant Materials, Mater. Tehnol., 49 (2015) 4, 173–179, doi:10.17222/mit.2014.210 5 F. D. Fischer, J. Svoboda, P. Fratzl, A thermodynamic approach to grain growth and coarsening, Journal of Philosophical Magazine, 83 (2003) 9, 1075–1093, doi:10.1080/0141861031000068966 6 M. J. Alinger, G. R. Odette, D. T. Hoelzer, On the role of alloy com- position and processing parameters in nanocluster formation and dispersion strengthening in nanostuctured ferritic alloys, Acta Material, 57 (2009) 2, 392–406, doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2008.09.025 7 P. Unifantowicz, Z. Oksiuta, P. Olier, Y. de Carlan, N. Baluc, Microstructure and mechanical properties of an ODS RAF steel fabricated by hot extrusion or hot isostatic pressing, Fusion Engi- neering and Design, 86 (2011), 2413–2416, doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes. 2011.01.022 8 M. A. Auger, V. de Castro, T. Leguey, A. Muñoz, R. Pareja, Micro- structure and mechanical behavior of ODS and non-ODS Fe-14Cr model alloys produced by spark plasma sintering, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 436 (2013) 5, 68–75, doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.01.331 9 M. Kos, J. Fer~ec, M. Brun~ko, R. Rudolf, I. An`el, Pressing of Partially Oxide-Dispersion-Strenghtened Copper using the ECAP Process, Mater. Tehnol., 48 (2014) 3, 379–384, UDK 621.777.2:669.35’71 10 B. Ma{ek, O. Khalaj, Z. Nový, T. Kubina, H. Jirkova, J. Svoboda, C. [tádler, Behaviour of New ODS Alloys under Single and Multiple Deformation, Mater. Tehnol., 50 (2016) 6, 891–898, doi:10.17222/ mit.2015.156 B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 767 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS added to the jamming of the dislocation, which occurred during cold forming. In Figures 12, 14, 16 and 18, there is a visible alter- nation in the distorted shape of the cold-work crystals at the stress-relief stage (Figures 12a, 14a, 16a and 18a). In this stage, new crystals begin to grow in the deformed crystals. In the next stage (Figures 12b, 14b, 16b and 18b), the small crystals that formed in the previous stage gradually grow into bigger crystals by absorbing each other in the cannibal fashion, thus making the structure relatively coarse grained. Figures 12 to 19 show that with the increasing strain, a cellblock structure gradually develops and the sizes of the cellblocks and the cells decrease. In other words, in material 7 (Figures 12, 14, 16 and 18), there is a great transformation. It can be seen that with the increasing strain, there are changes in the spacing of the dense dislocation walls and micro-bands (DDW-MBs) and in the cell size. It is seen that after a 50 % deformation, the spacing of the DDW–MBs decreased to almost 50 μm, close to the cell size. In addition, the rate of the decrease in spacing with the increasing strains is much larger for geometrically necessary boundaries (GNBs) than for incidental dislocation boundaries (IDBs). However, in material 8 (Figures 13, 15, 17 and 19), there was no serious transformation and the structure still shows ferrite and pearlite. The grain size is relatively similar for both deformations. The grain boundaries can no longer be seen clearly, as the ferrite precipitated with the pear- lite, creating a grey shade instead of a clear black-and- white contrast. Figure 20 gives an overview of the grain sizes of materials 7 and 8 with different deformations and annealing times. It can be seen that as material 7 is almost recrystallized, it has a bigger grain size than material 8. From Figure 20 it is clear that by increasing B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... 766 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 20: Grain size for: a) material 7, b) material 8 Figure 19: Microstructure for material 8 h with 40 h annealing: a) without deformation, b) with 50 % deformation Figure 18: Microstructure for material 7 with 40 h annealing: a) with- out deformation, b) with 50 % deformation the annealing time, the grain size increases significantly for material 7 (Figure 20a), however the rate of increase in grain size is lower for material 8 (Figure 20b). The grain size reached almost 120 μm after 40 hours annealing without any deformation in material 7, while the grains in material 8 reached almost 10 μm under the same conditions. On the other hand, by increasing the applied deformation, the grain size of both materials decreased smoothly. Material 7 reached 50 μm by apply- ing 50 % deformation without annealing while material 8 reached almost 3 μm under the same conditions. One can thus conclude that the stability of grain microstructure can be significantly influenced by the processing. The analysis of the reasons for this will be the topic of future work by the team. 4 CONCLUSIONS If you mean that why we didn’t present the micro- structe of material 1-6, because all the materials except 7 has fine microstructure similar to material 8, that is why we decide to present only the microstructure results from material 7 and 8 and compare them in this view point. This paper outlines the influence of thermomecha- nical treatment on the grain growth of new Fe-Al based alloys with fine Al2O3 precipitates. Eight materials differing in the amount and size of the oxides embedded in the ferritic matrix were tested under different condi- tions. The advantages of all the materials are their low-cost, simplicity of preparation and significant me- chanical properties together with micro structures, due to the Fe-Al based ferritic matrix of the ODS alloy. The results from material 1-6 described in the relevant section (3.1. test group A) and the results from material 7-8 in case of microstructure described in section (3.2 test group B). As all the materials except 7 has fine microstructure similar to material 8, only the micro- structure results from material 7 and 8 compared in this view point. It can be concluded that in general the oxide dispersion significantly strengthens the material. However, the typical form of the flow curve with DRX softening, including a single peak followed by a steady state flow as a plateau, is more recognizable at high temperatures than at low temperatures. This is because at high temperatures the DRX softening compensates for the work hardening (WH), and both the peak stress and the onset of steady state flow are therefore shifted to lower strain levels. The characteristics of softening flow behaviour coupled with DRX were investigated for eight materials and can be summarized as follows: Decreasing deformation temperature causes the flow stress level to increase. In other words, it prevents the occurrence of softening due to DRX and dynamic recovery (DRV) and causes the deformed metals to exhibit work hardening (WH). For every curve, after a rapid increase in the stress to a peak value, the flow stress decreases monotonically towards a steady state regime (a steady state flow as a plateau due to DRX softening is more recognizable at higher temperatures). A varying softening rate typically indicates the onset of DRX, and the stress evolution with strain exhibits three distinct stages. At higher temperatures, a higher DRX softening compensates the WH, and both the peak stress and the onset of steady state flow are therefore shifted to lower strain levels. The elastic part of the total strain amplitude is always higher than the plastic part in all specimens tested, even for the highest total strain amplitudes of 15 %. This is further confirmation of the strong strengthening effect of oxide particles. Material 7 is more crystallised than material 8. Thus, it has a larger grain size compared to the fine grains of material 8. Acknowledgements This paper includes results from projects 14-24252S Preparation and Optimization of Creep Resistant Submicron-Structured Composite with Fe-Al Matrix and Al2O3 Particles subsidised by the Czech Science Founda- tion. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. Mohan, R. Subramanian, Z. Alam, P. C. Angelo, Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties OF A Hot Isostatically Pressed Yttria- Dispersed Nickel-Based Superalloy, Mater. Tehnol., 48 (2014) 6, 899–904 2 W. Quadakkers, Oxidation of ODS alloys, Journal de Physique IV, 03 (1993) C9, 177–186, doi:10.1051/jp4:1993916 3 F. Pedraza, Low Energy-High Flux Nitridation of Metal Alloys: Mechanisms, Microstructures and High Temperatures Oxidation Behaviour, Mater. Tehnol., 42 (2008) 4, 157–169 4 O. Khalaj, B. Ma{ek, H. Jirkova, A. Ronesova, J. Svoboda, Investi- gation on New Creep and Oxidation Resistant Materials, Mater. Tehnol., 49 (2015) 4, 173–179, doi:10.17222/mit.2014.210 5 F. D. Fischer, J. Svoboda, P. Fratzl, A thermodynamic approach to grain growth and coarsening, Journal of Philosophical Magazine, 83 (2003) 9, 1075–1093, doi:10.1080/0141861031000068966 6 M. J. Alinger, G. R. Odette, D. T. Hoelzer, On the role of alloy com- position and processing parameters in nanocluster formation and dispersion strengthening in nanostuctured ferritic alloys, Acta Material, 57 (2009) 2, 392–406, doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2008.09.025 7 P. Unifantowicz, Z. Oksiuta, P. Olier, Y. de Carlan, N. Baluc, Microstructure and mechanical properties of an ODS RAF steel fabricated by hot extrusion or hot isostatic pressing, Fusion Engi- neering and Design, 86 (2011), 2413–2416, doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes. 2011.01.022 8 M. A. Auger, V. de Castro, T. Leguey, A. Muñoz, R. Pareja, Micro- structure and mechanical behavior of ODS and non-ODS Fe-14Cr model alloys produced by spark plasma sintering, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 436 (2013) 5, 68–75, doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.01.331 9 M. Kos, J. Fer~ec, M. Brun~ko, R. Rudolf, I. An`el, Pressing of Partially Oxide-Dispersion-Strenghtened Copper using the ECAP Process, Mater. Tehnol., 48 (2014) 3, 379–384, UDK 621.777.2:669.35’71 10 B. Ma{ek, O. Khalaj, Z. Nový, T. Kubina, H. Jirkova, J. Svoboda, C. [tádler, Behaviour of New ODS Alloys under Single and Multiple Deformation, Mater. Tehnol., 50 (2016) 6, 891–898, doi:10.17222/ mit.2015.156 B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 767 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS 11 Marmy, P., Kruml, T., Low cycle fatigue of Eurofer 97, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 377 (2008) 1, 52–58, doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat. 2008.02.054 12 M. Mi{ovi}, N. Tadi}, M. Ja}imovi}, M. Janji}, Deformations and Velocities during the Cold Rolling of Aluminium Alloys, Mater. Tehnol., 50 (2016) 1, 59-67, doi:10.17222/mit.2014.250 13 A. Grajcar, Microstructure Evolution of Advanced High-Strength Trip-Aided Bainitic Steel, Mater. Tehnol., 49 (2015) 5, 715–720, doi:10.17222/mit.2014.154 14 B. [u{tar{i~, I. Paulin, M. Godec, S. Glode`, M. [ori, J. Flasker, A. Koro{ec, S. Kores, G. Abramovi~, DSC/TG of Al-based Alloyed Powders for P/M Applications, Mater. Tehnol., 48 (2014) 4, 439–450 15 F. Tehovnik, J. Burja, B. Podgornik, M. Godec, F. Vode, Micro- structural evolution of Inconel 625 during hot rolling, Mater. Tehnol., 49 (2015) 5, 899–904, doi:10.17222/mit.2015.274 B. MA[EK et al.: INFLUENCE OF THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE GRAIN-GROWTH BEHAVIOUR ... 768 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 759–768 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS K. MATUS et al.: ANALYSIS OF PRECIPITATES IN ALUMINIUM ALLOYS WITH THE USE OF HIGH-RESOLUTION ... 769–773 ANALYSIS OF PRECIPITATES IN ALUMINIUM ALLOYS WITH THE USE OF HIGH-RESOLUTION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND COMPUTER SIMULATION RAZISKAVE OBORIN V ALUMINIJEVIH ZLITINAH Z VISOKORESOLUCIJSKO ELEKTRONSKO MIKROSKOPIJO IN RA^UNALNI[KO SIMULACIJO Krzysztof Matus, Anna Tomiczek, Klaudiusz Go³ombek, Miros³awa Pawlyta Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, 18A Konarskiego Str., 44100 Gliwice, Poland krzysztof.matus@polsl.pl Prejem rokopisa – received: 2016-07-27; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2017-01-27 doi:10.17222/mit.2016.226 This paper presents the results of the tests using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) with both transmission and scanning modes, as well as energy-dispersive-spectroscopy (EDS) investigation of the AlSi9Cu alloy after laser surface remelting. The possibility of using a computer simulation to identify precipitates in the analysed alloy was also explored. The obtained results and computer simulations were compared. Moreover, this article presents the advantages of the computer aid in solving the diffraction patterns and precipitates in supercell simulations. Keywords: precipitation, crystallography, TEM, computer simulations V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati preiskave AlSi9Cu zlitine z laserskim pretaljevanjem povr{in z uporabo transmisijske elektronske mikroskopije z visoko lo~ljivostjo (angl. HRTEM) na dva na~ina: s transmisijskim skeniranjem, kot tudi z energijsko disperzijsko spektroskopijo (angl. EDS). Z uporabo ra~unalni{ke simulacije je bila preiskana mo`nost identifikacije delcev v analizirani zlitini. Dobljeni rezultati in ra~unalni{ke simulacije so bili primerjani. Poleg tega ~lanek predstavlja prednosti ra~unalni{ke simulacije pri {tudiji vzorcev difrakcije in oborin v posameznih stanjih celic. Klju~ne besede: oborine, kristalografija, TEM, ra~unalni{ke simulacije 1 INTRODUCTION Aluminium alloys are the most widely used alloys in modern technology, mainly due to high specific strength and low density. Other factors behind the widespread distribution of aluminium alloys are their excellent electrical conductivity and high corrosion resistance.1,2 The use of laser surface treatment to improve the utility properties of aluminium alloys allows the remelting of the surface layer of the material or its enrichment with alloy elements. The remelting of the material surface and rapid crystallisation allow an improvement of the mecha- nical properties of alloys, mainly in the field of abrasion resistance and tribological properties of the surface. Through the generation of plenty of fine precipitates, the strength is increased as well. The influence of alloying element precipitates on aluminium alloys is a complex issue and it is still one of the most promising topics in materials science.3–7 Laser surface treatment ensures that the processed material obtains new properties due to the rapid disper- sion of the heat from the melted zone. This phenomenon enables the crystallisation of very fine precipitates to occur. Laser remelting can be used for small and large elements. The most common alloyed layers have a thick- ness from 0.3 3 mm to about 3 mm. A layer formed by remelting usually has a high homogeneity as well as a fine crystalline structure. The use of the laser technology makes it possible to obtain surface layers with high con- tents of alloying elements and a unique combination of elements that conventional alloys rarely contain.8–11 Generally, the laser surface treatment is accom- plished with two methods, which differ from one another based on how the alloying addition is introduced to the surface layer (which is schematically presented in Figure 1). When the surface of a material is subjected to a laser beam and then melted, the process is called remelting (Figure 1a). When an alloying material is applied to a surface and then melted with a laser beam (most of the materials are added in the forms of tapes, pastes or powders), the process is called alloying (Figure 1b).12,13 This article aims to identify the precipitates in an alu- minium alloy after the laser treatment using transmission electron microscopy and computer simulations. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART For the experimental procedure, cast AlSi9Cu alumi- nium alloy was used. Its average chemical composition is shown in Table 1. This alloy was subjected to Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 5, 769–773 769 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 620.1:669.715:621.385.833:004.942 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(5)769(2017)