Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/4, 1–4, Ljubljana 2021 doi:10.14720/aas.2021.117.4.2066 Short communication / kratek prispevek Development of efficient integrated management package against sweet potato weevil (Cylas formicarius [Fabricius, 1798]) Mohammad Monirul Hasan TIPU 1, 2 , Raunak JAHAN 3 , Jubaidur RAHMAN 4 , Md Mizanur RAHMAN 5 , Md Ariful ISLAM 6 , Md Mosiur Rahman Bhuyin APU 7 Received January 26, 2021; accepted September 10, 2021. Delo je prispelo 26. januarja 2021, sprejeto 10. septembra 2021 1 Plant Pathology Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh 2 Corresponding author, email: 3 Department of Aquaculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh 4 Agronomy Division, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Jamalpur, Bangladesh 5 Tuber Crops Research Centre, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Jamalpur, Bangladesh 6 Oilseed Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh 7 Horticulture Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh Development of efficient integrated management package against sweet potato weevil (Cylas formicarius [Fabricius, 1798]) Abstract: The sweet potato weevil (Cylas formicarius , 1798) is one of the most damaging sweet potato pests. To pre- vent an economic crop loss, it is very important to develop a suitable and efficient integrated pest management strategy. A field experiment was set up with three replications at Ja- malpur to select the best integrated management package from eight different treatments against sweet potato weevil. The results showed that the lowest percentage of infestation by number (2.94 %) and mass (3.22 %) was found when the crop was planted on November 01; earthing-up for two times, Carbofuran 5G was sprayed @ 15 kg ha -1 at 60 days after planting with irrigation and tuber was harvested at 130 days after planting. The marketable yield (23.75 kg) and percent in- crease of yield than control (50.86 %) performed the highest in the same combination. These findings suggested an effec- tive integration of different management strategies to reduce sweet potato weevil infestation in Bangladesh successfully. Key words: sweet potato; sweet potato weevil; integrated management; marketable tuber yield Razvoj učinkovitega integriranega načina zatiranja hrošča Cylas formicarius (Fabricius, 1798) na sladkem krompirju Izvleček: Hrošč Cylas formicarius (Fabricius, 1798) je najpomembnejši škodljivec sladkega krompirja. Za prepreči- tev izpada pridelka je potrebno razviti ustrezen in učinkovit način integriranega zatiranja škodljivca. V ta namen je bil v Jamalpurju izveden poljski poskus s tremi ponovitvami za izbor najustreznejšega načina integriranega zatiranja ško- dljivca med osmimi obravnavanji. Rezultati so pokazali, da je bil najmanjši odstotek napada, tako v številčnosti škodljivca (2,94 %) kot v masi pridelka (3,22 %) ugotovljen v obravna- vanju, ko je bil sladki krompir posajen prvega novembra in dvakrat osipan, poškropljen s karbofuranom 5G 15 kg ha -1 60 dni po saditvi, z namakanjem in spravilom gomoljev 130 dni po saditvi. Tržni pridelek (23,75 kg) in odstotek povečanja pridelka v primerjavi s kontrolo (50,86 %) sta bila največja v istem obravnavanju. Te ugotovitve nakazujejo učinkovito vključevanje različnih načinov zatiranja za učinkovito zmanj- šanje napada sladkega krompirja od hrošča Cylas formicarius v Bangladešu. Ključne besede: sladki krompir; škodljivec sladkega krompirja; integrirano varstvo; tržni pridelek gomoljev 2 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/4 – 2021 M. M. H. TIPU et al. 1 INTRODUCTION The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) has an important role in transforming the nutrition and food security for developing countries significantly in recent years (Korada et al., 2010). The scientific in- formation developed in the sweet potato research has enabled the growers to boost productivity and quality. There are some fundamental needs facing farmers in all major sweet potato producing countries, but there are other significant needs specific to certain regions. The sweet potato weevil (SPW) (Cylas formicarius [Fab- ricius, 1798]) has become widely dispersed, mainly in tropical and subtropical areas of the world (Hue and Low, 2015), and it recently has been found in higher latitude areas as well. It is the most severe pest of sweet potato in Bangladesh. It causes damage both in the field and in storage. The larvae mine the sweet potato tu- ber and damage the inside tissue. The tuber becomes spongy in appearance, riddled with cavities, and dark in color (Uritaini et al., 1975; Kyereko et at., 2019). The sweet potato larvae make a tunnel inside the root tis- sue, which is the primary cause of inviting several soil- borne pathogens. Once these pathogens enter the tuber, they become responsible for causing further damage like secondary infection by different pathogenic bacte- ria and fungi (Onwueme and Charles, 1994). Besides, the sweet potato weevil larvae have an ability to cause damage to the vascular system of the plant. As a result, the number and size of tuber roots those are stored for the future become drastically reduced (Hue and Low, 2015). Sweet potato weevil is causing about 50 to 100 % yield loss in the field (Sorensen, 2009). It is challenging to deal with sweet potato weevils when they are already in the crop. Cultural practices have proven to be effective control against the sweet potato weevil, but insecticide applications remain the primary basis of control (Muruvanda et al., 1986; Sutherland, 1986). Management of this pest through the shifting of the planting dates could be one of the best ways. The weevil population reaches a peak at the beginning of the dry season because of the high tem- perature and rainfall (Ladanyi and Hufnagel, 2006; Gomi et al., 2007). So, if it may be possible to harvest two weeks earlier, it may reduce the yield loss. Another way of reducing the sweet potato weevil infestation is to hail-up of soil by re-ridging around the plant-base to fill soil cracks (Beyene, 2015). Pheromone traps are usually used as monitoring, training, and management tools. Many effective traps have been designed by farm- ers using locally available materials. Different traps are so delicate that they fail to catch weevils make mislead- ing information that the pest is not present (Beyene, 2015). Many insecticides control sweet potato weevil as a foliar spray or basal granular applications. The only chemical method cannot solve the weevil infestation, but good husbandry can control them by prevent- ing spreading. So, management of this pest by using a suitable integrated management strategy is important to save the environment. Yet, no effective integrated management practice against sweet potato weevil has so far been developed or recommended. Therefore, we designed the present study to select the best integrated management package against sweet potato weevil for higher yield. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was conducted during the winter sea- son of 2015 at Regional Agricultural Research Station, BARI, Jamalpur, as it was reported to be the hot spot area. Jamalpur is located between 24°55′10″ North and 89°56′53″ East, and the soil is neutral in pH and silty loam in texture. The experiment comprising eight treat- ments were replicated thrice following RCBD. Eight treatments namely, T 1 (Earthing-up one time + Plant- ing 01 Nov. + Pheromone trap + harvest 130 DAP), T 2 (Earthing-up one time + Planting 15 Nov. + Pheromone trap + harvest 120 DAP), T 3 (Earthing-up two times + Planting 01 Nov. + Carbofuran 5G @ 15kg ha -1 at 60 days after sowing with irrigation + harvest 130 DAP), T 4 (Earthing-up two times + Planting 15 Nov. + Carbo- furan 5G @ 15kg ha -1 at 60 days after sowing with irri- gation + harvest 120 DAP), T 5 (Earthing-up three times + Planting 01 Nov. + harvest 130 DAP), T 6 (Earthing- up three times + Planting 15 Nov. + harvest 120 DAP), T 7 (Farmer’s practice) and T 8 (Control) were evaluated. BARI SP-8 sweet potato variety was used for this ex- periment. The spacing between plants was 30 cm and rows 60 cm. The plot size for each treatment was 3 m x 3 m. All plantings were from vine cuttings, and stand- ard horticultural procedures were followed. The roots in each plot were counted and weighed, and evaluated for severity of weevil damage. A sampling of adult wee- vils using a sweeping-net was carried out six times at 30 days intervals starting from 30 days after planting. The stem and roots were taken as samples from different plants of respective plots and then they were dissected to count the number of adult weevils, pupae, and larvae. The data on the extent of damage on root tubers and stem (vines) was recorded according to the rating scale described by Rangi et al. (1994). The data on the infes- tation percentage on the stem (vine) and tuber were calculated. Data were statistically analyzed in the MStat program, and means were separated by DMRT. 3 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/4 – 2021 Development of efficient integrated management package against sweet potato weevil (Cylas formicarius [Fabricius, 1798]) 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The different integrated treatments were tested for evaluating the efficacy in controlling sweet potato weevil. The effects of all treatment combination on root infestation by sweet potato weevil were presented in Table 1. Significant variation in controlling sweet po- tato weevil was observed in the combination of various management packages. In the case of percent infestation of the root by number, the lowest percentage of infestation was found in T 3 (2.94%), which was statistically identical with T 6 (3.56 %) and followed by T 1 (5.53 %), T 2 (4.38 %), T 4 (6.71 %) and T 5 (4.42 %), respectively. Correspondingly, the lowest percentage of infestation of the root by mass was also found in T 3 (3.22 %), which was followed by T 1 (8.20 %), T 2 (7.52 %), T 4 (9.81 %), T 5 (5.78 %), and T 6 (5.32  %), respectively. Among all the treatments, marketable yield per plot was ensured significantly the highest in T 3 (23.75 kg), which was followed by T 2 (18.36 kg), T 4 (20.26 kg), T 5 (20.33 kg), and T 6 (21.51 kg), respectively. The lowest yield per plot was found in T 8 (11.67 kg), which was statistically identical with T 7 (13.17 kg) and followed by T 1 (15.04 kg) and T 2 (18.36 kg), respectively. Among all the treatments, the percent increase of yield over control was found the highest in T 3 (50.86 %) and the lowest in T 7 (11.39 %). Our present study suggested that early planning on November 01, earthing up for two times, applying Carbofuran 5G @ 15kg ha -1 at 60 DAP with irrigation and harvesting after 130 days of planting worked the best to manage sweet potato weevil successfully. Bohinc et al. (2019) found combination of calcium cyanamide (1000 kg ha -1 ), propolis (5 ml 1 -1 H 2 O) and limestone dust (345 kg ha -1 ) was effective against different potato pests in summer. Hue and Low (2015) described earth- ing up as an excellent approach that prevented the entry of weevils into tuber and oviposition by female weevils. Palaniswami and Mohandas (1994) also observed that the weevil infestation was significantly reduced by this method. Timely harvesting also reduces weevil infes- tation at a significant level. Ebregt et al. (2005) found that harvesting 14 days earlier decrease the yield loss of sweet potato by weevil attack. The findings of the pre- sent study were strongly supported by Taye and Tadesse (2013), where they reported that carbofuran could ef- ficiently manage sweet potato weevil infestation when this chemical was used with other pesticides. Table 1: Effect of different integrated treatments against sweet potato weevil infestation at Jamalpur In a column, treatment means having a common letter(s) are statistically identical by LSD at 5 % level of significance. Figure in the parenthesis indicates square root transformation Treatments Infestation by number (%) Infestation by mass (%) Marketable yield/plot (kg) Increase/decrease yield over control (%) T 1 (Earthing-up (One time) + Planting 01 Nov. + Pheromone trap + harvest 130 DAP) 5.53 bc (2.32) 8.20 bc (2.78) 15.04 bc 22.41 T 2 (Earthing-up (One time) + Planting 15 Nov. + Pheromone trap + harvest 120 DAP) 4.38 bc (2.09) 7.52 bc (2.71) 18.36 abc 36.44 T 3 (Earthing-up (Two times) + Planting 01 Nov. + Carbofuran 5G @ 15kg/ha at 60 DAP with irrigation + harvest 130 DAP) 2.94 c (1.65) 3.22 c (1.75) 23.75 a 50.86 T 4 (Earthing-up (Two times) + Planting 15 Nov. + Carbofuran 5G @ 15kg/ha at 60 DAP with irrigation + harvest 120 DAP) 6.71 bc (2.46) 9.81 bc (3.01) 20.26 ab 42.40 T 5 (Earthing-up (Three times) + Planting 01 Nov. + harvest 130 DAP) 4.42 bc (2.09) 5.78 bc (2.40) 20.33 ab 42.60 T 6 (Earthing-up (Three times) + Planting 15 Nov. + harvest 120 DAP) 3.56 c (1.80) 5.32 bc (2.20) 21.51 ab 45.75 T 7 (Farmer’s practice) 9.13 b (2.98) 12.39 b (3.47) 13.17 c 11.39 T 8 (Control) 15.12 a (3.88) 19.82 a (4.42) 11.67 c 4 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/4 – 2021 M. M. H. TIPU et al. 4 CONCLUSION Understanding the insights of sweet potato wee- vil and their infestation is crucial so that a precise pre- ventive method could be designed. Integrating several cultural practices and chemicals like early planting, earthing up at the proper time, timely harvesting, and appropriate chemical insecticide can manage sweet po- tato weevil infestation in the crop field. The combina- tion of various IPM strategies that we explained in the study could be an efficient package to prevent the wee- vil infestation for achieving the nation’s fundamental demand of ensuring food and nutrition security. 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This experiment was funded by Bangladesh Agri- cultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh from the GoB fund. 6 REFERENCES Beyene, K. (2015). Destitution, biology, yield loss and manage- ment of sweet potato weevils (Cylas formicaries (Fabrcius) Insecta: Coleoptera) in Ethiopia. Journal of Biology, Agri- culture and Healthcare, 5(22), 65-72. 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