Državni senator Ackerman toži upljivne republikance nerednosti v poslovanju V petek je državni senator iz Clevelanda, Joseph N. Ackerman, vložil na Common Pleas sodniji v Clevelandu tožbo proti 18 jako poznanim in upljivnim osebam v Clevelandu. Med drugimi obtoženimi so tudi Edward A. Wie-gand, ki je župan v Lake-woo d u in L. G. Collister, okrajni blagajnik. Obtožba je pa v prvi vrsti naperjena proti John A. Dubois, ki je glavar republikanske stranke v Lakewoodu. Slednji je šel iz doma še ob Božiču in se od-tedaj še ni vrnil. Vsi obtoženi so bili direktorji propadle "County Mortgage Co." in obtožnica pravi, da so vodili posle zemljiške družbe na tak način, da je kompanija propadla. Župan Wiegand se je izjavil, da je že leta 1925 prekinil vsako zvezo z omenjeno družbo, in tudi okrajni blagajnik Mr. Collister je izjavil, da je izstopil iz družbe že leta 1927. Tožba proti omenjenim osebam se smatra kot senzacija prve vrste v Clevelandu. -o-■ Španski diktator bo spremenil vlado Madrid, 3. jan. General Pri-mo de Rivera, španski diktator, je danes predložil javnosti načrt, potom katerega se vrne Španija zopet k ljudskemu zastopstvu in parlamentarni vladi, in sicer septembra meseca. De Rivera se je nahajal sedem let na krmilu španske vlade. Laška banka v California ima 1000 milijonov San Francisco, 3. jan. The Bank of Italy je prekoračila svoto $ danes, ko je bilo priobčeno letno poročilo, ki izkazuje $1.055.000. 000 premoženja. Banka posluje že 60 let. Njeno premoženje je v enem letu narastlo za preko $200.000.000. Ta banka je sedaj četrta največja v Zedinjenih državah. Ropar, ki je hotel posnemati sv. Miklavža Chadds Ford, Pa., 2. jan. Neki ropar je skušal priti v hišo John D. Schiedta, toda niti pri oknih niti pri vratih ni mogel noter. Zato je splezal na streho in je skušal skozi dimnik priti v notranje prostore. Dimnik pa je bil preozek, in ropar je obtičal med ozkim zidovjem dve uri. Kričal je na vs,o moč, in vzelo je dolgo časa, predno so ga ljudje slišali. Mr. Schiedt je poklical policijo, a policija je poklicala požarno brambo, ki je nerodnega roparja rešila mučnega položaja, nakar je bil aretiran. Konferenca S. N. Doma se prične 8. jan. V sredo 8. januarija bo otvorjena letna konferenca delničarjev S. N. Doma na St. Clair Ave. Kakih 50 delegatov in delegatinj je dose-daj priglašenih, ki zastopajo, posamezna društva. Konferenca ima opraviti z mnogimi važnimi zadevami glede poslovanja S. N. Doma, in je prav želeti, da pridejo vsi na zborovanje v največjem številu. Boston, 3. jan. V tem mestu se je vršil velik protestni shod napram obrežnim stražnikom, ki so pred nekaj dnevi s strojnimi puškami umorili tri osebe na morju, o katerih se je sumilo, da so tihotapci z žganjem. Množica je napadla rekrutno vojaško postajo, kjer so ljudje uničili pohištvo in plakate in pretepli rekrut-nega častnika. Do 10.000 oseb se je udeležilo protestnega shoda proti obrežnim stražnikom. Po shodu se je množica navalila proti rekrut-ni postaji. Slišali so se klici: "Doli z morilci! Sramota vam!" Častnik Briggs, ki se je nahajal na rekrutni postaji, je bil silovito pretepen, toda končno se mu je posrečilo pobegniti z avtomobilom. Na protestnem shodu se je silovito udrihalo po prohibiciji po Anti-Saloon~ligi, po suhačih in po obrežnih stražnikih, katere se je obdolžilo, da so "najeti morilci." Sprejeta je bila resolucija, v kateri se predsednik Hoover pozivlje, da upelje takoj preiskavo radi streljanja. Kako bo kaj z dielom in industrijo v letošnjem letu Laški kralj izpustil 6000 iz zaporov Rim, 3. jan. Ob priliki bližajoče se poroke laškega prestolonaslednika je laški kralj Viktor Emanuel pomilostil 6000 kaznencev iz zaporov. Izpuščeni so pa bili le oni kaznenci, ki niso obsojeni več kot eno leto v zapor. Med izpuščenimi ni bilo nobenega jetnika, ki je^ bil poslan v ječo iz političnih ozirov. * 31 oseb je bilo v Lorainu, Ohio, ubitih v letu 1929 od avtomobilov. (Mdajnost radio postaje WJAY spremenjena Vodstvo radio postaje WJAY nam sporoča, da se je oddajnost postaje spremenila za deset stopinj. Kot znano, se razpošilja po tej postaji slovenski radin program vsako nedeljo. Sprememba od-dajnosti je pa komaj opazlji-va. Pazite le, da ako na onem prostoru, katerega ste bili doslej vajeni, ne boste začuli godbe, da obrnete kolešček na radio aparatu le ,za spoznanje, pa boste dobili takoj postajo. Kot zatrjujejo bo sprememba povzročila, da se bo še nekoliko bolje slišalo kot doslej. Plača župana v New Yor- ku bo šla siromakom New York, 3. jan. Župan v New Yorku, James J. Walker, ki je dobil pred kratkim povečano plačo, ki znaša sedaj $40.000 na leto, je izjavil, da bo vse povečanje, ki znaša $15.000 na leto, šlo siromakom. . Župan je moral slišati več napadov, češ, zakaj si je povišal plačo, ki je bila že prej precej visoka. Newyorški župan je za predsednikom Zedinjenih držav najboljše plačani javni uradnik. 15-letni fantič prijet radi umora dveh North Platte, Neb., 1. jan — Tu so aretirali 15-letnega Joy-Crow, ki je obtožen, da je umoril iz nasprotstva radi dekleta dva svoja tovariša. Štrajk šivilj v Cleveland« je naznanjen za prihodnji teden Prihodnji teden se začne v Clevelandu generalni štrajk Šivilj, katerih je kakih 5000 po številu, namreč, kar jih spada unijo. Slednja je naredila načrte, da se tekom štrajka ne bo v nobeni ne-unijski delavnici delalo. Štrajk se bo razširil tudi na bližnja mesta. Unijski uradniki so najeli več dvoran, vkaterihse bodo štrajkarji zbirali. Štrajk šivilj je nastal, ker vladajo v nekaterih delavnicah skrajno žalostne razmere. Poleg tega so plače tako nizke, da dekleta, ki delajo v tovarnah, ne morejo se pošteno preživljati, tudi če bi bile zaposljene vsak teden v celem letu. Sezona šivilj, ko so v resnici zaposljene, traja le kakih 30 tednov v letu. Ukraden avtomobil Na novoletni večer je bil ukraden Mr. Primož Kogoju, glavnemu tajniku Slovenske Dobrodelne Zve.ze, njegov avtomobil. Doslej Primož še ni dobil nobene vesti, kje bi bil avto. Ogromen kotel Policija je v četrtek večer prišla v neko hišo na 3579 E. 116th St., kjer je dobila ogromen kotel žganja, ki je držal 1000 galon, in kotel je bil do vrha napolnjen z alkoholom. Policija pravi, da je žganje vredno $14.000, kotel pa z vsemi pripravami vred $5000. Aretiran je bil neki moški, ki je izjavil, da se piše John Puccio. Država Ohio je potrošila $70,931,911 v preteklem letu za izdatke Columbus, Ohio, 3. jan. Stroški državne uprave države Ohio so znašali letu 1929 ogromno svoto '$70.931.911 glasom poročila državnega avditorja. Dohodki državne uprave so znašali nekaj nad 88 milijonov dolar jev. Za gradnjo novih cest je država Ohio v preteklem letu plačala $10.299.000, dočim so veljala popravila starih cest nekaj nad štirinajst milijonov dolarjev. Samo davek na gaso-lin je prinesel državi v preteklem letu ogromno svoto $18. 168.047. Šolska uprava je veljala državo Ohio v preteklem letu nad $37.000.000. Zahvala Mrs. Julija Makše, 1025 E. 61st St. je prišla v naš urad in povedala, da se prav iz srca zahvaljuje slovenskim trgovcem in vsemu odboru, ki je družino tako obdaril za Božič z jestvinami in oblekami. Novi uradniki Dr. Napredni Slovenci št. 5 S. D. Z. je izvolilo za leto 1930 sledeče uradnike: predsednik Andrej Tekauc, podpredsednik Anton Zaje, tajnik Geo. Turek, 16011 Waterloo Rd., blagajnik Frank Weiss, zapisnikar Jakob Kol-man. Nadzorniki: Tom Kraič, John Pirnat in Matt Verbič. Zdravniki: dr. F. J. Kern, dr. Oman in dr. Perme. Vreme Vremenski prerok pravi, da je bilo leto 1929 najbolj mokro v Clevelandu. Da, in sicer znotraj in zunaj. Senatorji napadajo in hvalijo predsednika Hoover ja radi prohibicije Trije sinovi, ki so dospeli Ogenj je nastal v kapitolu na pogreb matere iz raz- v Washingtonu, kjer zbo-nih državnih zaporov ruje kongres V četrtek se je vršil v Clevelandu pogreb Mrs. Mary Smerk. Bil je to skrajno [ nenavaden pogreb, ki se ga je udeležilo šest sinov ranjke, izmed katerih so trije prišli iz raznih zaporov, potem ko so dobili posebno dovoljenje, daj smejo ječo zapustiti in se udeležiti pogreba matere. Rakev Mrs. Smerk, ki je imela 13 otrok, izmed katerih jih je 7.j že umrlo, so prinesli v cerkev na W. 1 lth St. Ljudje so sim-patizirali z družino in so po-| slali toliko cvetlic, kot jih ranjka žena menda v vsem svojem življenju ni videla. Cerkev je bila nabasana od1 občinstva. Oče, priprost delavec, ki že 32 let dela v neki livarni, je milo jokal v cerkvi, ko je sedel poleg svojih šest sinov, trije izmed katerih so bili obsojeni kot roparji. A oče še danes trdi, da so to "njegovi fantje," in da so le | po nesreči prišli v zapore. | Mike Smerk je star 28 let. V ječi se nahaja že šesto leto, in bo moral biti tam še 19 let. Potem je Martin, star 19 let, ki.se nahaja v zaporih šele eno leto in je bil obsojen v 15 let zapora, in Nikolaj, star 24 l^t, ki je že peto leto v zaporih. Presedeti jih bo moral še i 20. Najstarejši sin je oženj en i in ne stanuje pri očetu. Doma sta le dva fanta, stara po j 12 in 16 let. Stari oče je izjavil, da sedaj, ko mu je žena umrla, je postal prava sirota. | Sinovi v ječah, namesto pri delu, a njegov zaslužek tudi ni kaj prida. Sinovi so dobili dovoljenje, da ostanejo tri dni pri očetu. Washington, 3. jan. Senator Fess iz države Ohio je danes govoril v senatu, da naj senator Borah prevzame v roke izvrševanje prohibicijske postave. Kot vzrok je senator Fess navedel to, da senator Borah neprestano napada predsednika Hooverja, češ, da slednji ne izpolnjuje prohibicije. Senator Fess je predlagal, da naj senator Borah pokaže kaj zna. Borah bo mogoče imenovan za načelnika skupne kongresne komisije, ki bo preiskala, kaj je narobe s prohibicijo, in kako bi se dala bolje spolnovati. "Jaz se nikakor nečem prepirati s senatorjem Borah," je izjavil senator Fess, toda ker neprestano kritizira, in ker mu je vse bolje znano kot predsedniku, sem pripravljen staviti predlog, da Borah skrbi za izpolnjevanje prohibicije. Potem bomo imeli mir, ko bo senator Borah odgovoren." Borah ni ničesar odgovoril na ta napad. Zaostali davki Okrajni blagajnik Collister naznanja, da ljudje v Clevelandu in o k o li c i dolgujejo $28.000.000 na zaostalih davkih. Urad okrajnega blagajnika se sedaj pripravlja, da bo sodniskim potom iztirjal to svoto. 75 aretiranih. Policija je v petek prišla v hišo na 2239 E. 55th St., kjer je aretirala 75 oseb, med njimi dvajset žensk radi hazar-diranja. Zaplenila je v hiši tudi 15 "sanjskih knjig." Mr. Miller bolan. Mr. B. C. Miller, ki je clerk zvezne sodnije že od leta 1912, je nevarno zbolel. Poznan je stoterim našim rojakom, ki imajo opraviti po uradnih poslih na zvezni sodniji. Leustig trgovina Rojakinje prav vljudno opozarjamo na veliko razprodajo, ki se vrši te dni v trgovini Beno B. Leustig, 6424 St. Clair Ave. Suknje in obleke se prodajajo sedaj nižje kot veljajo v tovarni. Rojakom to podjetje jako toplo priporočamo. Maškeradna veselica Skupna dru"štva S. S. P. Z. priredijo 18. jan. v S. N. Domu veliko maškeradno veselico. Dobitki za to veselico so razstavljeni v i z 1 o ž benem oknu Mrs." Kushlan v S. N. Domu. Premikajoče slike V nedeljo zvečer, 5. jan. se bodo kazale zanimive slike Katoliškega shoda in Orlovske telovadbe in sicer v Slov. Domu na Holmes Ave. Sodelovalo bo tudi pevsko društvo Ilirija. Začetek ob 7. uri zvečer. Hčerka novorojenka Novoletni dan je prinesel družini Anton Zgonc na 1083 E. 67th St. vesel dogodek, ko se je teta štorklja tam oglasila prvič v desetih letih in prinesla zalo hčerko. Družina je imela doslej 5 fantov. Iskrene čestitke! Washington, 3. jan. Ogenj je nastal nocoj v kapitolu v tem mestu, in je nekaj časa grozil, da uniči vse poslopje. Toda ognjegasci so prišli nemudoma na lice mesta z več kotNdvajset gasilnimi stroji, in imeli so ogenj pod kontrolo tekom pol ure. Ogenj je nastal v takozvani "umetniški sobi" kapitola, kjer hranijo važne spise poslanske zbornice. Slikar Moberly, star 61 let, je bil najden v dotični sobi nezavesten. Precej olja in drugih gorljivih predmetov se nahaja v tej sobi. Smatra se, da je nekdo kadil blizu omenjenih gorljivih predmetov, in da je tako nastal ogenj. Skupna škoda znaša $35.000. Odkar so Angleži v letu 1814 zažgali kapitol, v poslopju še ni gorelo. -—o- Predsednik Hoover je GOOOkrat segel v roke Washington, 2. jan. Predsednik in njegova soproga sta danes počivala po "napornem delu" novoletnega sprejema v Beli hiši. Nad 6000 oseb se je včeraj oglasilo v Beli hiši, kjer so čestitale predsedniku k Novemu letu. Predsednik je vsem svojim obiskovalcem segel v roke. Seganje v roke je trajalo od poldvanajste ure dopoldne do treh popoldne. Zjutraj so bili sprejeti diplomati, sodniki in kongresmani, popoldne pa je bila Bela hiša odprta za splošno občinstvo. Mesto Lorain je toženo za $35,000 Lorain, O., 3. jan. Charles Filbert in Rose McAvena, oba iz Elyrije, sta vložila na Com mon Pleas sodniji tožbo za $35.000 odškodnine, katero naj plača mesto Lorain. Oba trdita, da sta z avtomobilom zadela v neko hišo, katero so selili po Erie Ave., in sta pri tem dobila večje poškodbe. Telefonska družba The Ohio Bell Telefonska družba bo potrošila letos $60. 000.000 v državi Ohio za zboljšanje telefonskega sistema. Od te svote odpade na Cleveland $9.000.000. Državni pravdnik Državni pravdnik Ray Miller v Clevelandu naznanja, da je imel v letu 1929 za rešiti 1439 slučajev na kriminalni sodniji. Izmed teh jih je dobil 1243, ali 86 procentov, kar je pač lep rekord. Nova naseljenka V četrtek je dospela iz stare domovine Miss Marica Hribar. Prišla je iz Žerovnice pri Rakeku. Nahaja se pri Mrs. Karolini Modic na 6201 St. Clair A v e. Dobrodošla med nami! Voščila iz daljave. Poznani Mr. Frank Stupar, po domače poznan kot "Stubby" je za Novo leto telefoniral iz Santa Monica, California, kjer se že delj časa mudi po poslih, svojim staršem in vsem prijateljem prav iskrena voščila. O Pri nas lahko plačate vse račune za plin, elektriko, vodo in telefon. Prihranite si pot v mesto. ameriška!!n>OM©YINA AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN t&V^^V/jO SLOVENIAN MORNING IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERICAN HOME DAILY NEWSPAPER NO. 3. CLEVELAND, OHIO, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4th, 1930. LETO XXXII.—VOL.XXXII. Množica je pretepla obrežne stražnike, ki so umorili tri osebe v Bostonu Novo desetletje. S prvim januarijem smo stopili v novo desetletje. Vsakdo seveda pričakuje, da bo to desetletje doba miru, prosperitete in napredka. Gotovo je tudi, da bo novo desetletje zlasti v znanstvenem oziru najbolj plodovito, kar smo jih doslej še imeli. Svet gre s silnimi koraki naprej. Skoro vsak dan se odkrije ali iznajde kaj novega. Na svetu je še mnogo problemov, katerih ne razumemo, ki niso še rešeni, in kateri, ko bodo enkrat rešeni, prinesejo človeštvu nove dobrote in koristi. V političnem oziru je danes v Zedinjenih državah pravi kaos. Predsednik Hoover, za katerega je glasovalo devetnajst milijonov državljanov, in kongres, se še vedno ne razumeta. Versko prepričanje še vedno dela napotje v političnih strankah, in zlasti v južnih državah še niso fnogli pozabiti nasprotstva iz zadnje politične kampanje. Letos se bo vršilo ljudsko štetje, kot ga zapoveduje ustava Zedinjenih držav, da se mora vršiti vsakih deset let. Na podlagi raznih preiskav, se je dognalo, da biva v Zedinjenih državah nekako 122.000.000 ljudi, ali za sedem milijonov več kot ob zadnjem ljudskem štetju. Zagovorniki kontrole porodov torej niso v Zedinjenih državah še nikamor prišli. Dasi je naseljevanje skoro ustavljeno, pa se je prebivalstvo Amerike pomnožilo za sedem milijonov oseb. Gotovo je, da bomo tudi letos, kar se tiče javnosti, imeli največ opraviti s prohibicijo. Ta je stalni gost med nami. In baš ob Novem letu so se začeli prepirati radi nje v kongresu. Predsednik Hoover sam se boji prohibicije kot vrag križa. Ravno radi prohibicije mora poslušati neprestane napade, in njegovi lastni politični vrstniki udrihajo po njem, češ, zakaj, da ne izpolnuje prohibicije. Hoover pri tem seveda ni kriv. 'Krivi so v prvi vrsti kongresmani, ker so naredili postavo,, katere ni mogoče izpolnjevati, krivi so v drugi vrsti vsi oni, ki ne verujejo, da bi imel kongres pravico zapovedati, kaj se sme jesti ali piti Radi prohibicije je prišla vlada Zedinjenih držav že ne^ štetokrat v neprilike z drugimi državami. Zato pa vse z napetostjo pričakuje, kaj bo poročila komisija odličnih mož, katere je imenoval Hoover, da preiskujejo delovanje prohibicije. Report te komisije se pričakuje začetkom julija. Suhači, ki kujejo politični in osebni kapital iz prohibicije, skušajo že naprej uoljivati na to komisijo, da bi oddala taka poročila, ki bodo suhačem ugodna. Vendar je upati, da je v komisiji dovolj poštenih mož, ki bodo poročali resnico tako, kot so jo odkrili tekom preiskave. ' DOPISI | . ,...........-.............-................. ,■.._.—,.—»—..—.—.■—■ ,...............................M-■■-I- ■■ - NEWBURŠKE NOVICE Novo leto 1930 je tu. Kaj nam vse prinese, ne vemo. Želimo si srečo in veselje v tem letu, kakor v vsakem drugem. Prineslo pa nam bo skoraj gotovo nekaj lepih, nekaj težkih dni. Pa kaj bi! Dokler je Bog v nebesih, tako dolgo smo lahko brez skrbi. Če tu pa tam oblaki zakrijejo soln-ce posvetne sreče, duševnega miru in sreče ne morejo zoper našo voljo. Zato pa se bomo ravnali, kakor mali otroci, ki imajo popolno zaupanje v svoje starše, da bodo za nje skrbeli. Mi si lahko kruh služimo, a žita, iz katerega je kruh, tega si ne moremo delati. Obleko si služimo, a ma-terijala, iz katerega je obleka, ne moremo ustvariti Vse je odvisno od Boga. Če pa Bog skrbi za črva v prahu, da se preživi, bo tudi nas preživel kakor nas je v preteklosti. — Torej, SREČNO NOVO LETO! V nedeljo, prva nedelja v novem letu, je nedelja farnih računov. Zato vabimo vse farane, naj bodo gotovo navzoči pri eni ali drugi maši. Pri vseh se bodo brali računi od leta 1929. Tudi novi načrti bodo napovedani za leto 1930. Naša dolžnost je, da vam podamo račune od vašega denarja, katerega ste v preteklem letu darovali za cerkvene« namene. Vaša dolž- nost pa je, da jih pazljivo poslušate, potem pa pametna razpravljate o njih. Pozneje bodo računi tiskani in dani vsakemu v roke, kakor tudi vsota, katero je kdo daroval. Ali se veselite tega, ali. . .? Društvo sv. Imena bo v nedeljo 5. januarja, to je na večer sv. treh Kraljev, priredilo krasno božično igro "The Prince of Peace," in šaljivo slovensko igrico "Gospa Kor-dula." Obe igri sta zelo zanimivi in pomembni. Društvo vabi vse k udeležbi in bo po igri dalo mladim nogam nekaj časa, da se sprehodijo po taktu krasne godbe. Prvič v svojem življenju je John Winter starejši preživel vse božične praznike doma v postelji. Ko je pred par tedni mislil iti na delo, ga je podrl avtomobil, in ga pustil ležati na cesti nezavestnega. Šele drugi dan so ga pobrali in ga spravili v bolnišnico. Winter je bil hudo udarjen, pa se zdravi počasi in bo čez nekaj dni popolnoma okreval. Jeza pograbi človeka, ko sliši o takih slučajih. Vsakemu se lahko pripeti, da koga zadene z avtomobilom. Taki slučaji se pač ne dado odpraviti. A, da se dobijo ljudje, kateri pustijč nesrečnega 16-žati na cesti, to pa hi ravno v kredit novodobni civiližacijl Takega človeka bi človek kar z veseljem postavil pred dirjajoč avto, pa naj sam občuti, kako se človek počuti, če ga kdo zbije pred vrata večnosti in ga pusti ležati na mestu. George, Ferdinand Pistot-nik je po svojih botrih obljubil, da bo živel kot kristjan, ko se je pred nekaj dnevi vpisal v našo župnijo. Sledil mu je D an i e 1 Turk iz Park Heights. Daniel je prišel kot božično darilo k svojim staršem. Čestitamo družinam! IKar se tiče tukaj dela, gre še vedno po malem. Vendar Da se čuje tu in tam, da bo cmalu bolje. Upamo, da se te nade uresničijo in bo čez nekaj tednov vse na delu, kar eze in gre. V premnogih slučajih sedaj delajo ženske, matere, katere imajo doma otroke. To ni dobro. Nobena mati ni iz železa, da bi mogla ponoči delati pri čiščenju jo uradih, podnevi pa skrbeti za otroke. Tudi otroci so premnogih takih slučajih preveč prepuščeni samim sebi. Materina dolžnost je v orvi vrsti pri otrocih. A kaj, ko je v nekaterih slučajih velika potreba. V drugih pa je tudi nekaj lakomnosti. Starši naj bi se vedno zavedali, da ni na tem, koliko bodo zapustili otrokom, pač pa je vse na tem, kakšne otroke bodo zapustili. V pondeljek se pričnejo šole. Tudi krščanski nauk bomo zopet učili po vseh okrajih. V Brooklyn v pondeljek po šoli. V Maple Heights v torek po šoli. V Randall v soboto, zjutraj ob 9. uri. Za vse druge otroke, ki pohajajo v public šole in še niso dopolnili 15. leta, pa v naši šoli v soboto zjutraj ob 9. Vsi ti otroci pa morajo priti v nedeljo k šolarski maši in po maši v šolo k nauku. To je edini način, po katerem morejo zadostiti cerkvenim pravilom, ki drže pod strogo dolžnostjo otroke iz public šol, da prihajajo vsaj dvakrat na teden k nauku, pa naj so bili pri prvem obhajilu in birmi, ali ne. Gre za to, da bodo otroci vedeli nekaj o Bogu in svoji sveti veri. Gre za izveličanje otrok in vsi izgovori staršev ali otrok, so prazni in nespametni; pred Bogom ne bodo veljali. Bog bo sodil tudi tiste starše, ki imajo danes vse polno izgovorov, da ne pošiljajo otrok nauku. Še najbolj prazen in nespameten pa je izgovor, "saj nočejo iti." Otroci nimajo pameti, starši pa bi jo morali imeti! Ali bi otroci sami od sebe šli vsak dan v šolo? Ali jih kdo vpraša: hočeš ali nočeš? ma jih odvračal od tega. Izjavljam, da je to podla laž, ki ima prozoren in nizkoten namen, očrniti pred javnostjo mene, oziroma Orla. Saj so celo voditelji nameravanega "Pasijona" še vedno člani Orla in ni niti meni osebno, niti odboru Orla niti na misel prišlo, na kak način jih ovirati pri tem ali celo postopati proti njim! Orel je vedno stremel za tem, z vsemi, celo njemu nasprotnimi društvi in organizacijami, živeti v miru, jim pustiti svobodo razvoja, kakor jo tudi Orel zase zahteva. Ni še tako nizkoten Orel, pa jaz sam tudi ne, da bi hotel škodovati, in to celo kato liškemu društvu, ki ima iste najvišje ideale, kakor Orel sam, namreč širiti katoliško zavest med ljudstvom. Najsi jih je na drugi strani dovolj, ki se ponosno trkajo na svoje katoliške prsi, ponašajo s svo jim "katoliškim" prepričanjem, pa udarjajo čez Orla, kjer le morejo, in se vesele vsakega nesoglasja v njem brez katerih pač trajno ni nobeno društvo — in ga škode željno razbobnavajo kot znak najbližjega razpada! Ni me sram povdariti pred javnostjo žalostno, pa resnično dejstvo, da so ravno tisti najbolj proti Orlu, ki so v njem preživeli marsikatero prijetno uro, pač za malenkostno ceno enega samega kvodra na mesec! Njih samih naj bo! Značaji pa taki! Dovolj naj bo blata, ki so ga nametali name in na Orla ob tistem nesrečnem Mence-jevem slučaju, ko so premotili še marsikaterega dobrega farana, da se je — nepoučen in enostransko informiran zgražal nad "krivicami," ki da jih je storil Orel, dovolj naj ga bo! Svaka sila do vremena! Prosim javnost, da sprejme to mojo izjavo blagohotno v informacijo in opozorilo, brezobzirno pa naj udarijo te besede tiste, ki se čutijo prizadete! Rev. Matija Jager. -—o- Naša mlada generacija Cleveland, O. — Po nasvetu glavnega predsednika K. S. K. J., sobrata Antona Gr-dine, naj bi se ustanovil katoliški Orel pod okriljem naše matere KSKJ, je društvo Kristusa Kralja, št.. 226 KSKJ, na redni seji dne 1. januarja 1930 soglasno sklenilo, pri tem sodelovati. V soboto, 4. januarja, točno ob 7:30 zvečer je sklican shod v Knauso-vi dvorani. Priglašenih je že več slovenskih mladeničev in mož. Nadaljnje se bo upisa-lo na shodu. Vsak Slovenec ali Slovenka, ki je član ali članica K. S. K. J., je vljudno vabljen v naš krog. Naš namen je Orla razširiti pod okriljem K. S. K. J. po vseh naselbinah Zedinjenih držav in sploh povsod, kjer je razširjena naša mati Jednota. Za društvo Kristusa Kralja, št. 226 KSKJ, Frank Kosten, zapisnikar. -o-- IZJAVA Opozorjen sem bil, da se trdovratno širijo V javnosti govorice, češ, da sem jaz prepovedal članom Orla, da ne smejo sodelovati pri "Pasijonu," ki ga namerava prirediti društvo Kristusa Kralja, oziro- Sinovi in hčere starejšh priseljencev v Zed. državah so že odrasli in si morda že sami služijo svoj kruh. Drugi so morda še v šolah in študirajo, da bodo nekega dne dospeli do svojega cilja, ko bodo zdravniki, zobozdravniki, odvetniki, inženjerji itd. Tudi oni naši mladi, ki niso študirali visokih šol, ker jim razmere niso dopuščale, delajo po tovarnah, raznih uradih, kjer si bodo s svojo pridnostjo in znano slovensko uka-željnostjo pomagali lepo naprej. Tako bodo nekega dne ti naši mladi stopili na naša mesta, vzeli" bodo v roke vodstvo slovenskih podpornih organi-' zacij, katere so jim ustanovili njih starši in dali tem organizacijam tako podlago, da jih bo naša mlada generacija vodila naprej, ne da bi se jim bilo treba toliko truditi za obstoj teh organizacij, kot je bilo to potrebno njih staršem, .ki šo orali ledino. Prevzeli bodo vodstvo raznih gospodarskih podjetij, trgovin, Narodnih domov itd. Vsak dobro ve, da se bo to zgodilo, zato pa delamo sedaj na vse kriplje, da damo našim ustanovam dobro, kre-menito podlago, da poskušamo že sedaj uvajati našo mla-dinov društveno življenje, v trgovino itd. Tudi naša slovenska, North American Trust banka bo prišla nekoč v roke našim in vašim otrokom. Delničarji, ki so vložili svoj denar v slovensko banko, bodo zapustili dobro se obrestujoče delnice svojim otrokom, Ti bodo nekoč gospodarji in direktorji banke, te naše slovenske ban- ke, ki ji je vsled dobrega gospodarstva sedanjih direktorjev, zagotovljen obstoj. In ne samo delničarji, tudi oni, ki imajo svoje prihranke na tej slovenski banki, bodo zapustili svoje hranilne knjižice svojim otrokom, dali jim bodo lepo dedščino, ki je bodo otroci veseli. In s tem jih bodo navajali, da bodo tudi oni poslovali s slovensko banko, da bodo tudi njih otroci pomagali vzdrževati slovensko bančno podjetje, katerega ste vi s svojo slovansko zavednostjo spravili na tak višek. Marsikateri vaših otrok bo dobil svoj kruh pri tej banki, direktor bo, morda predsednik banke, blagajnik. . . Zato pa moramo gledati že sedaj, da ima vsak Slovenec in Hrvat svoje prihranke naložene pri North American Trust banki. Morda bo marsikateri ravno s tem pomagal svojemu otroku do boljšega obstoja v življenju. Ako imate svoj denar shra njen na kaki ameriški banki, ali bodo imeli vaši otroci od tega kako drugo korist kot. da bodo dobili vaš denar in vaše obresti? Ali bo uspelo kateremu vaših otrok, da bo izvoljen za direktorja na eni teh ameriških bank? In tudi če bi bil, delati bo moral za tujce, ne za svoje bližnje slovanske brate, potomce vaših sorojakov. Glejmo, da vsi skupaj po-moremo, da bo naša mlada generacija, ko odraste, imela v Clevelandu svojo lastno banko, od katere bodo imeli oni sami korist, ne pa tujec. Močan, soliden bančni zavod bo najlepša dedščina našim fantom in dekletom! In vse to se lahko doseže le na ta način, da vsi poslujemo s slovensko banko, da vlagamo samo tja svoje prihranke. • - Recimo, da vaš sin študira. Zdravnik bo. Kje bo odprl svoj urad, kot med Slovenci, p^ naj bo to sedaj, ko je še stara generacija pri življenju, ali pa potem, ko nas več ne bo. Koliko prilike bo imel, ako odpre svoj urad med samimi Amerikanci? Saj veste, koliko že samo ime pomeni tukaj. In kakor se mi držimo kompaktno skupaj, tako se bodo naši otroci, ker bodo živeli v istem gnezdu, ki sta jim ga sezidala oče in mati. In če vi veste, da bo imel vaš otrok svoj kruh med Slovenci in Hrvati, zato bi morali tudi vi že sedaj gledati, da podpirate, kar je slovenskega, pa naj bo to že banka, trgovina, ali Narodna čitalnica, ali Narodni dom. Vi, osebno, morda ne boste imeli nobenih posebnih koristi od tega, kot lepo zavest, tfa ste storili svojo narodno dolžnost, da ste storili to, kar zahteva narodna zavest, ker kri ni voda. Slovenska banka, North American Trust banka ima sedaj kampanjo za nove vloge. In reči se mora, da zgleda kampanja jako dobro. — Ljudje, narod se je odzval in nove vloge kar dežujejo v banko. Tako je prav! Še en dober teden je ta kampanja in upam, da bo še najboljša, kar jih je bilo do sedaj. Jaka Debevec. •»•■ - - ■ ........—- - ..... Ce verjamete, al' pa ne... Aprila meseca so poslali našo stotnijo gori v Kanalske hribe, da bomo gledali polen-tarjem na prste in jih motili v njih pregrešnih slinah in željah po naši zemlji. To je bilo še v mirnem času, vendar bili smo pripravljeni, da Lahom preštejemo suha rebra, če se kateri tako daleč izpo-zabi, da bi pozabil, kje "so naše meje." Na Kanalskem je bilo še precej gorko, toda ko so nas nekega dne nagnali na Krn, kjer je bilo še precej snega, so nam šklepetali zobje kot bi nam Bošnjaki igrali "rariecki-marš." ZNATI JE TREBA V zgornjeitalski hribovski vasi Devagna se je bil zvonik župne cerkve nevarno nagnil. Prišli so skupaj podeželski inženerji in izjavili, da se mora zvonik takoj podreti. To pa župniku don Piccardu ni hotelo v glavo. Ko so inženerji odšli, je, za prihodnjo nedeljo sklical vaščane na delo. Prišli šo z močnimi naVo-rami in tramovi in V teku dveh ur je bil 35 metrov visoki zvonik zopet popolnoma pravilno navpično uravnan. VABILO na ogled PREMIKAJOČIH SLIK in PLES Tisti čas se je bilo prigodi-lo, da je bil komandiran v kuhinjo za second class kuhar ja Janez Podržaj, ki je bil pre cej mršav in suh, kot treska.' Ravno zato so ga dali "v rejo" v kuhinjo, da se odebeli in opaše, da bo ložje nosil tor-nistro in puško. Bila je takrat sploh navada pri vojakih, da so deli v kuhinjo samo take, ki so bili bolj pri slabi moči. In vsak tak se je v par tednih opasel v kuhinji, da so mu lica bliščala kot gumb na vojaški čepici. Dva dni pred odhodom na Krn je pa vrhovni kuhar zbo lel in na njegovo mesto je stopil Janez Podržaj in je postal on glavni mojster v kuhanju kavine in drugih konzerv. Razumljivo je, da je Janez Podržaj, ki je postal tako po naključju car stotnijske kuhinje, hodil po kuhinji, kot maček po plotu. Prva dva kosila, juho in meso, je še dobro zmašil skuhaj. Saj ni bilo treba1 drugega, kot da je pazil, da je juha zavrela, potem je pa strese notri nekaj pesti riža za kuho pa je bila vsa umetnost pri kraju. Ko smo pa priplezali na Krn in so fantje zmrzovali, je zaukazal stotnik, naj se skuha fantom čaj. Ta priboljšek je nekaj izvanrednega in fantje so se že oblizovali v sladkem pričakovanju dobrega priboljška. Stotnik je ukazal, naj bo čaj gotov, kakor hitro se vrne moštvo s kratkega pohoda. Janez Podržaj, vsemogočni in edini kuhar naše stotni-je, si je praskal glavo, ko je cul povelje, da mora skuhati čaj. Še nikdar v življenju ga ni videl, ne slišal o njem, kaj šele, da bi ga bil pokusil. "Hudič," je rekel, "pa ga vrag moti hauptmana, da ravno danes ukaže kuhati čaj? Pa kako se naj to skuha? Pa kaj, čaj je čaj, kakor je klobasa klobasa. Ga bom že napravil, da bodo fantje videli, kakšnega kuha imajo." In Janez Podržaj nalije poln kotel vode in strese .nekaj kil čajevih zrn notri, vsega, kar ga je premogla stot-nija. Potem je pa mešal in mešal, stresel notri sladkorja, kakor mu je bil stotnik naročil, naj nikar ne pozabi. V tem se je pa že vrnila stotnija domov in Janez Podržaj se hitro zasuče, da pripravi čaj. Nasloni kotel na kamen in zlije vso vodo proč tako, da so ostali na dnu sami čajevi listi, lepo zgoščeni, kot bi bil skuhaj žgance. Stotnik ukaže moštvu, naj pride s šalcami nred kuhinjo, Janez se moško drži in prične z veliko šef-Ijo deliti gosti čaj, vsakemu dobro porcijo. Stotnik nekaj časa gleda začudeno to godljo, potem pa prime skodelico bližnjega Vojaka in jo zabrusi Janezu Podržaju v glavo s pripombo: "Sedem ur v špange! Abtreten!" NEDELJO ZVEČER 5. JANUARJA Kazale se bodo zanimive slike Katoliškega shoda in Orlovske telovadbe SLOVENSKEM DOMU na Holmes Ave. Sodelovalo bo tudi Pevsko društvo ILIRIJA Začetek ob 7. uri zvečer Leopold Kushlan SLOVENSKI ODVETNIK Čez dan: 513 ULMER BLDG. ' Zvečer od 8—8 «411 ST. CLAIR AVE. soba št. 7. Tel. Rand. 5195 Tel. Cherry 3982 DR. J. V. ŽUPNIK ZOBOZDRAVNIK «131 st. CLAIR AVE. V Koausovem poslopju Nad North Americas banka Vhod samo lx 02. ceata Govorimo elovenako. 10 lat aa St. Clair Ave. ,__1 GRDINA'S SHOPPE Popolna (»loga oblek in vse opreme xa neve-Hte in družice Beauty Parlor Vedno najmodernejši ženski klobuki. Tr*avlaa aaprta vsaka arada HI-akaal cela lata. Nti 6111 ST. Telefone: CLAIR AVE. Randolph 8030. DNE 12. JANUARJA SE VRŠI PLESNA VESELICA združenih društev FARE SV. VIDA v Slovenskem Narodnem Domu "AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA" (AMERICAN HOME) SLOVENIAN DAILY NEWBPAPER Published daily except Sundays and Holidays _NAROČNINA:_ Za Ameriko, celo leto------$5.501 Za Cleveland, po poŠti, celo leto $7.00 Ca Ameriko, pol leta-------M.oolza Cleveland, po pofitl, pol leta »3.50 Za Cleveland po raznašalcih: celo leto $5.50; doI leta »3.00 Za Evropo ln Kanado Je ista cena kot za Cleveland po poŠti. Posamezna številka 3 cente. Vsa pisma, dopise ln denarne pošiljatve naslovite: Ameriška Domovina, _6117 St. Clair Ave.. Cleveland. O. Tel. Henderson 0828._ JAMES DEBEVEC and LOUIS J. PIRC, Editors and Publishers Entered as second class matter January 5th, 1909, at the Post Office at Cleveland. Ohio, under the Act of March 3rd. 1878._ ^»»83_No. 3. Sat. Jan. 4th, 1930. AMERICAN HOME JUNIOR Hay J. Grdina Sayf FRAN KI E SIMMS KAYOES WIST0RT AT PUBLIC HALL Bout Ends in Fourth Slovenian Heavy Stages Comeback in Main Bout of New Year Card By THE INQUIRING REPORTER Prankie Simms, the socking Slovene, started off the new year right. Or should we say with a mess of rights? But whether it was ohe right or a flock of rights, the fact remains that Mr. Simms got credit for a kayo when a long Lithuanian from Chicago, one Peter Wistort, failed to answer the beckoning call of the gong for the fifth round of their main bout at the Public Hall New Year Day. However, the Chicagoan can not be accused of a breach of ring etiquet, for he probably would have come out for the fifth chapter had he heard the bell, but he didn't—being just Our modern newpapers present an interesting study in life, or perhaps it would be more correct to say a _stoppage of life. Years ago, a murder story was good for at least a week's continuous run on the top of the first page. Today, a murder is just good enough for a small item at the bottom of the first page of just a single edition. It really must be something big in the loss of life, to get a run on the front page for more than a single day. Why, as it is, the front page of any one of our modern newspapers looks like a mortuary column, except that the deaths recorded here, carry a little more interest than do those that are relegated to somewhere in the back sheets of the paper and are put in the somber attired death section. To get a front page headline, at least five people must be killed or are so badly injured that by the time you read about it they have passed into the beyond. An exceptionally good disaster, one that would entail the loss of over a 100 lives might make the front page streamer twice in a row, but it would have to be a mighty good story say something like, "Graf Zeppelin Palls; All Killed," or "Submarine Sinks," or possibly "150 Lives Lost in Mine Cave-In." And if you don't believe it, just take hold of any newspaper: count the number of news stories on the first page, then count the number of these stories that entail deaths and see if we're not right. You'll find over 75% of them are murder, accident, suicide or ordinary death of a prominent person. (The person has to be prominent, or a relative of the editor to make the front page with just an ordinary death.) \ But don't get the impression, that we are pessimistic? or anything like that, because we really are not. We'll admit that occasionally some humorous story sneaks into the first page, besides Will Roger's daily letter; something like "Boston Red Sox Win Ball Game" or "Husband Granted Divorce." Oh yes, we almost forgot about that one story you find on every front page. That's the one that's got a domestic animal as the hero or goat. That's what they call the human interest story and no well balanced editor will leave it off the front page. A dog is usually the main character in the episode, which usually has something to do with biting the grocery boy, or saving the entire family from burning to death by waking them up so that they al] can be dressed by the time the firemen come to make the rescue. Why even the highly respected editorial page is being contaminated. In the good old days, our high priced editorial writers used to busy themselves, panning the city officials and trying to increase the subscription list. Today, they direct their editorial efforts toward cleaning up crime from their particular city and at the same time manage to get in their political cracks by bemoaning the fact that the much abused Mr. John H. Citizen is not afforded ample protection. But nobody reads the editorial page, so it doesn't do a bit of good anyhow. Candidly though, there is one page that at least proves a little interesting, even if it is only for the women. That's the women's page, which bs-sides the beauty and household hints, features' an "Advice To The Love-Lorn Column." But ,that only interests the girl who is "in her late teens," is , considered good-looking, dresses well, has her own car, very popular with her own sex but still has no boy friends. She usually wants to know what's wrong. You don't have to write to any newspaper to find the answer to that, just read some of the advertisements, they give, you the low-down on the whole works. So you see, after all is said and done, there is re«lly only one. Yes, Oscar, it's the comic section! --O- EASTERNS STARS TO HOLD DANCE STUDENT WINS PRIZE IS ST. VITUS PUPIL / Miss Zamejc Wins $20 Prize in Nation-Wide Contest Prankie topped off the afternoon's fireworks with a midsection left and a short right to the chin, with but seven seconds to go in the fourth round. Peter kept up his part of the program by gracefully gliding to the canvas, where he remained till the round was over and his seconds bad come to his rescue. During the one-minute i n t e r m i s s ion between stanzas the Chicagoan's backers worked frantically over the corpse, but it failed to respond to treatment. And the start of the fifth round found it mute testimony of the devastating power of Simms' right. But it all wasn't as easy as the above would indicate, for the Cleve-lander had to do a comeback to romp in ahead. Prankie started the battle in his characteristic, bullish manner and found himself on the receiving end of a left hook and a split second later on the canvas. He took a count of nine and then started retaliating, but another wild left found parking space on his chin and he decoratecj the canvas for the scccnd time during the round. Prankie took a seven count and was up just at the bell. . And that, gentle reader, concluded Mr. Wistort's broadcasting program. From then on he was on the receiving end of a three-round concert of lefts and rights, featuring Prankie Simms. The Slovene at the start of the second found the invader's receiving apparatus tuned perfectly to his wavelength. And from this point to the end of the fourth Mr. Wistort showed the customers what a great little receiver he had in his anatomy. His reception was perfect, he missed nothing, and the only static marring the left-right concert conducted by Professor Simms was the gong at the beginning and end of each round. Expert ringside, critic assured your correspondent that the boy from the gunmen's heaven assumed punishment in the second, third and fourth rounds to have made any of our highest-priced, leading heavies go into a dive. All in all, the bout was a choice dish for Cleveland's bloodthirsty fight maniacs, and both the principles made a big hit Wistort for his courageous stand and Frankie for his comeback and hitting ability. --O- St. Vitus School scores again. In a contest conducted recently by the associated laundries of. 13 cities, Miss Dorothy Zamejc, Room 14, Grade 7, and the Seventh Grade pupils as a whole won second and third prizes respectively. Miss Zamejc received $20 as a prize in the "Girls of Other Nations" cut out contest in which each contestant put together 30 disected dolls dressed in the national costumes of as many nations. Accuracy, neatness, appearance and legibility decided the judgment. Dorothy submitted her dolls in a booklet form which was very attractive. The seventh grade pupils together won the third prize in the poster award contest also sponsored by the combined laundries. The poster was forty inches high and advertised the contest proper. The thirty dolls were arranged in a horseshoe fashion and each doll was hand colored. Although there were a multitude of rich hues a beauty rather than a clash ..of colors was evident. The award "for the poster was likewise $20 cash. Both the doll booklet and the poster are now on display at the association headquarters at Syracuse, N. Y. Sister Mary Azeveda, S. N. D., who teaches the seventh grade is responsible for the general interest and per-severence manifested by the pupils in the contcst. >-O---- CLAIRWOODS WHIP SPARTANS Fresh Air Camp Has Party Santa and Everything American Home Junior Society Editor Becomes a Kid for a Day "LINDY" MERHAR DIES BURIED THURSDAY Popular Orel and Clairwood Member Dies Suddenly Collinwood Boosters Stop Comrades' Win Streak College Students Back to School Tomorrow Is Exodus Day for Collegiates Once again the Eastern Stars, No. 51 S. D. Z., come to the fore. This time it's a dance that they are sponsoring. The frolic will be held Saturday, Jan. 18 at the Slovenian Home in Holmes Ave. The Stars will offer for the musical end, Johnny Gribboijs and his orchestra, who need no introduction to local dance followers. The committee also announces that refreshments will be on hand in abundance. -o- Have you seen the camel hair coats, the Mallory derbies and ebony pipes, and have you heard the petite coeds broadcasting the latest collegiate brogue? Oh yes, to be sure, the collegiate set is in town. But, alas, tomorrow it embarks again for the "grind," after days of revelry, parties, and the renewal of acquaintances. The students Who are returning back to school after the holidays recess are August Urankar, Harold R. Lausche and Edward Blatnik, Ohio State University; Fred Makovic and Louis Zele, Chicago University; John Schneller, Notre Dame University; Anthony Garbas, Louisville College; Lodi Mandel, Ohio Northern; the Misses Annabelle Kekic and Josephine Modic, Cedarville College, and Miss Jeanette Perdan, Baldwin-Wallace College. --—0- PARTY AT HALL TONIGHT Once again the Clairwoods were called upon to stave Off an attack upon their kingly position at the top of the Inter-Lodge heap, and once again they come out with colors flying. Two weeks ago they had to drub the • Boosters from Collinwood twice to stay in first, and last Sunday it was the Spartans they had to keep from the regal portals. And just as they did the week before, the S.D.Z. boys dropped the first- encounter only to come back and win the last two. Singularly, the boys are not turning in any spectacular scores in winning, but have been consistently rolling around the 850 mark. In the other big match of the day, the Collinwood Boosters put a halt to the Comrade's winning streak by taking them over twice. By winning the Boosters kept right at the pace setter's heels, being just one game behind. In losing the Comrades fell into a triple tie for third with Spartans and the Loyalites. By winning two from the Betsy Ross aggregation, the Loyalites moved up into that third place tangle, while the losers dropped into place just a single game behind the third place contenders. In the other match of the day the rejuvenated George Washington quintet spotted the tail end Progressives fifty pins and then beat them three straight. Tomorrow's card is another hum-ninger, bringing the Clairwoods up against the climbing Comrades, while the Collinwood Boosters will have their hands full taking care of the Spartans. These games bring together four of the top five teams and should bring about some change in the standing. The Loyalites stand a beautiful chance of moving up when they tangle with the George Washington men as have the Plagmakers who meet the' Progressives. —--o-- KLEVER KIDS GO FOR REDHEADS By CINDERELLA JANE It was Christmas morn at the Children's Fresh Air Camp. Instead of the usual gong that beckoned the tiny sleepers from dreamland, today, they heard the soft and sweet notes of the "Adeste Fidelis" on the violin, played by Miss Kater, one of the instructors. One by one, they rubbed their drowsy eyes as they looked about in bewilderment and askance. Whence and why this beautiful music? Was this heaven, and were the angels themselves toying their celestial harps? The enigma was solved as soon as bright eyed Walter, gave cut an actual yell, "Come on fellers, it's Christmas. Gosh, how could you forget? Merry Christmas, Miss Kater and everybody!" E're anybody could say another word the sixty youngsters were halfway in their uniforms, shoes were being laced, and some beds Were already made. Then with the briskness of little cadets they filed ranks and made for the breakfast hall. How pretty the tables were with their sprigs of holly and lighted crimson tapers that cast even a more radiant glow on the excited faces. The pine boughs that hung from the ceiling, formed a canopy of winter woodland green under which the tots bent their heads is they moved their lips in reverent prayer. The breakfast was dainty and delicious that's true, but who cares about breakfast on Christmas morn. Between bits, the children kept asking questions galore, "Will Santa be late? Do you think I'll get that train? I wonder if he'll bring me that baby doll . . . .?" In the midst of the noise and the prolonged anticipation, the jingle of Eleigh bells was becoming more and (Continued on page 4) TWO HOUR RADIO PROGRAM 10 BE »TOMORROW Frank Merhar, better known to his chums and friends as "Lindy," is dead. According to reports he died suddenly Monday morning of a cerebral hemorrhage. The premature death of "Lindy" was a blow to all his associates and especially to the members of the Orel Club of St. Vitus Church. On New Year Eve while hundreds of boys and girls made merry at gay parties and dances the Orels assembled in the little house on 63rd St. and knelt in prayer at the feet of their pal. Father Andrej an intimate friend of "Lindy's," recited the prayers for the dead. "Lindy," only twenty years of age, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merhar, 919 E. 63rd St. He received his elementary training at St. Vitus School. In 1928, he was graduated from Cathedral Latin High School following which he took up the position of teller at the London Road branch of the Cleveland Trust bank. He was continuing his education at night school. Besides the Orel Club, he was also a member of the Clairwood Lodge, No. 40 S. D. Z. The solemn high requiem mass was sung at 9 o'clock Thursday morning by Father Ponikvar, with Father Andrej and Father Jager acting as deacon and sub-deacon respectively. Messrs. Louis Baznik and Joseph Ce-lesnik, seminarians, assisted in the sanctuary. The priests, sisters and parishioners of St. Vitus Church all miss "Lindy." For he was well-beloved and his spirit will linger long, e'en though he has reached the end of the road that leads to that "Great Beyond." BASKEmLLLEAGUE FORMED Lausche, Kogoj Direct Many Prominent Stars Will Be Heard Over Station WJAYTomorrow The Open Mail ON WITH THE BATTLE And the "Battle of the Mails" keeps growing more and more interesting, Miss Gabrenya started it all with a challenge to all the male readers of the American Home Junior. Ralph "Hy-Hat" Butala' took up the chal-'enge and the battle was on! But in che excitement "Hal," one of the ringsiders, climbed through the ropes and took swings at both of them. "Battling" Butala comes back with a roundhouse right directed at both cf his opponents, in today's communication. So now it looks like a three-cornered affair, with the ref- 1 eree being about the only one sure;c of coming cut whole. Hal, Miss Gabrenya, et al., Of course we're thankful to * know that "brother is preparing for West Point" and that Hal reads gobs of "aesthetic arts." In fact we "Hy-Brows" enjoy it. As for my type of rhetoric—if you expect an apology you shall be sadly disappointed. First, I am without doubt a master in literary discourse; of ' that I am positive. The clas- j sical artists are mere mites when ' compared to me. Sccond, I detest adherence to ! strictly conventional form s. It ' would indeed be a sad world if 1 the news page were to be rc- j tricted to one literary style. Variation in style exerts a healthy influence upon other articles. This influence has been increasingly apparent in - the last few letters. (Spnd letters of thanks care of American Home Junior^) Third, indiscreet actions may be motivated by a desire to produce a specific result. I wanted a fight because I enjoy one and I fully anticipated one when I wrote my letter. I doubt whether any other approach would have produced such prolific results. I have received the greatest compliment in noting that response to the Open Mail has been so greatly stimulated. New Hal, you old reprobate, read the articles carefully. I never supported the "bachelors;" I merely criticized women in general and their man-grabbing tactics. There is a certain mildly pleasant humor in this topic that everyone enjoys and I sincerely hope that more of you self-styled intelligentsia are lured into the discussion. As for your sound, practical and sensible reasoning, "Let's start some kind of club," permit me to remind you that a few foolish and enterprising souls are forever organizing clubs. In fact, it's becoming a mania and the reading public's cussing vocabulary 3 has been substantially enriched as i. a result. Whatta life! Ralph "Hy-Hat". Butala. Yep, "Hy-Hat," you're'right when you say, "Whatta life!" But it's all a in fun, anyhow, so what's the use - worry ins? Confidentially, though, t We'r,e inclined to believe that the e "Battle of the Mails" is going to de-s vclop into a free-for-all before long, r But, as the fellow remarked when :s offered another drink, "The more the merrier!" Seven Teams to Enter Girls' Inter-Lodge League By RAY JAY Two hours of delightful Slovenian music are in store for the listeners of the weekly Slovenian radio program over Station WJAY tomorrow. Formerly the Slovenian Horn- was broadcast from two to three each Sunday and was then followed by the Steiger Radio Hour, but the latter hour passed out of existence along with 1929 and the members of the Slovenian Merchants Radio Club, who have been sponsoring the series, lost no time in booking that open hour for tomorrow's New Year program. But they didn't stop there, when it came to starting in 1930 in real high class manner. No sir, they are going to offer their host of listeners quality and quantity tomorrow. Just look over the array over artists they have scheduled to appear before the "mike" during their two hours on the air, and we're sure you'll agree with us. The popular Hoyer Trio, Mitzi Grdina (the Slovenian Sophie Tucker), Lausche-UdoVich duet, Johnny Grib-bons and his Jazz Joy Boys, Louis Grdina, Zora Ropas, Charles Lausche, Slovenian Trio, Zimsek, Blatnik, Žagar, Kogoy, Mauer and Mrs. Zagar. Some line up, isn't it? 21/Y.x About Them The first meeting of the Inter-Lodge Girls Basketball League was held Thursday evening at the St. Clair Bath, House. Representatives from the Spartaou, Comrades, Sokols, St. Ann's and K.S.K.J. girls were present. Word was received that the Orels and George Washington teams were going to enter the league, bringing the entry list of girl teams up to seven. A schedule is being made and active play will begin on Monday, Jan. 13. Due to the absence of some of the team managers and captains an executive board could not tie chosen. There will be a meeting held Thursday night for this purpose, and all those who are concerned are asked to be present without fail or" be excluded from the league. This call is final and it is therefore imperative that those interested be present at the meeting. --O- Don't forget when you tune in for the big radio program tomorrow at 2 o'clock that the wave length of Station WJAY has recently been changed from the original 630 meters to 610. You'll find the station at a slightly lower point than what you tuned in last week, So don't be fooled when WJAY doesn't come in at the same point on your tuning dial. Just tune in a little lower and you'll have it. JUST DRIBBLES The Arrow Letter Service Girls started off the New Year with a decisive 22 to 12 win over the Ol-Bur-Dean girls from Mount Dover College at Dover, Thursday night. In winning, the team staged a complete reversal of form, from that displayed against the Success Club at the Pub-lib Hall, last Sundav. when the team took a bad trimming. In a Class D Community Center Game, the Orel Jrs. took over the Alloy Jrs., 21 to 7. Bogovic was the We noise for the winners, while Ulery was the Alloy's best bet. It's going to be Red Hea'd's night at the Slovenian Workingmen's Home, Saturday, Jan. 18. But you dont have to be sorrel-topped to gain admittance to the Klever Kids Dance held there that evening. But if you are fortunate enough to be red from the ears up, you stand a fine chance to cop one of the prizes that the Kids are offering those lucky ones. And incidental to the contest, there is going to bs a big dance. The Arcadian Melody Pilots will grind out the rhythmic tunes for the occasion. Refreshments? Sure, plenty! --O- SISTERS GIVE PARTY A number of Slovenians will attend the annual W. S. Tyler Co. New Year party for the employees and their friends at the Public Hall this evening. The event will be the traditional elaborate affair. There will be a stage show followed by an organ recital and lastly dance music, furnished by a sixteen-piece orchestra. The women and children will receive candy gifts. -_o- The Misses Sophie Gerdanc, Mary Legan and Prances Bukovec were imong the guests at the informal Christmas party given by Miss Al- Miss Dorothy Karhnger, who is a bina Gabrenya at her home in Eu- nurse at Charity Hospital is quar-clid Village, Saturday. antined there because of the scarlet fever epidemic that broke out in the ward where she is oil duty. Miss Karlinger's confinement spoiled her trip to Sharon, Pa., and her folks missed her during the holidays. The Misses Alice and Vida Bellinger gave a charming party at their home on Parkgrove Ave., for their friends, Saturday. The guests included Vera Kushlan, Mildred and Julia Tomsic, Mary Novak, John Alich, Henry Martin, Anthony Sulak, John Richter and Anthony Kushlan, who amused the crowd with his usual lineup of jokes. toughTuck "Pests I would like to annihilate." Mr. Louis Spehek, the accordionist, who asks "WHY" for your every question and answer. FREE SPEECH By NOAII FENTZ There is a time-honored custom, said to have originated somewhere in Patagonia, which requires anyone who feels called upon to give tongue to his ideas and opinions to establish and make known some sort of premises upon which his utterances are based and according to which their validity and worth may be judged. This column, when, as and if it appears, and as long as it may last, will be the free expression of the opinions and views of one man. Neither the Editor of this page nor the Publishers of "Ameriška Domovina" assumes any resposibility for what may or may not be written in this column. It is necessary, therefore, to. lay down a foundation for it. Not a platform. A platform is a set of promises made by a politician which no one expects to see fulfilled. We make only one promise: To try to observe the Golden Rule. CORNER STONE FOR A COLUMN OF FRREE SPEECH We Believe —In God. —In cleanliness. —In carefully hiding the dirty side of one's mind until it can be scrubbed. " —In free speech; free from malice, meanness or injustice to anyone. Not the clatter of an unbridled tongue. —In due respect for those who are old enough to know, even if they don't. It is probably not their fault. And they do know some important things it will take you many years more to learn. —In the proposition that minding one's own business is one of the cardinal virtues and in the corollary to that: that one's own business is sanctuary against prying, a very unlovely trait. —In permitting the other fellow to discover l'or himself how yastly superior to him and his arc you, your talents, your possessions, your nationality and your religion, if any. If his mentality is not equal to the task of appreciating quality when he sees it, it's no great loss. Let it go at that for the time being. Platitudes? Granted. Original? Cer-Continued on Page 4 The program is going to be divided into two parts. The first, under the supervision of Dr. William Lausche, will offer the Hoyer Trio in several numbers of their own and as acccm-paniests for some of the solo nurrw bers. The Lausche-Udovich duet will present five new numbers, while Mitzi Grdina will be heard in two English songs. Louis Grdina will sing o/ie number and Charles Lausche will present a violin solo. Hie second half is arranged by Primož Kogoy, who has been taking charge of the programs to date. This second part will feature the popular Johnny Gribbons and his Jazz Joy Boys, a male quartet composed of Messrs. Zimsek, Blatnik, Zagar and Kogoy, and a mixed quartet. And the popular Slovenian Trio, of course, will offer some more of their delightful numbers. With the exception of Mitzi Grdi-na's songs, the program will be entirely Slovenian, and will offer, besides many of the old popular Slovenian folksongs, some of the latest Slovenian marches, waltzes and polkas. Yes, it's going to be a real Happy New Year program, and everybody should tune in and takq advantage of it. Don't forget, it starts at 2. --_0--- Jugoslav-Slovene Club Entertains Magyar Girls to Be Guests at Reciprocal Party is that so? Hey! Hey! The holidays are a thing of the past—just a memory or possibly a Regret. And here we have a whole, brand new year to start working on. Fired with ambition, fortified with a million and one good resolutions (to be broken later), we're all set for a big banner yea r.. Last year's slate is wiped off clean (excepting one, two or nineteen Christmas bills) and we're sailing a calm sea under bright, blue skies; feeling happy, gay and very news-getty. In fact, your gifted correspondent started getting precious, little bits the very first minute of 1930 and we've got enough right now to fill this whole page. nize fresh fish Marian Mihaljevich, talented tug and rowboat man, in little lecture to npwiy acquired wife, upon the competency of the neighborhood merchants, wound up the discourse with. "Why, you even can get as nice, fresh fish right here on St. Clair Ave. as you can downtown." To which the female of the story very sweetly replied, "I know, dear, that's where I got you." (Paste that in your hat and chalk one up for the Mrs.) wait till he gkows up Business is picking up for Leo Virant, Lorain's newly elected councilman, football player, etc. Mr. Virant lifted a 600-pound safe off the floor unto his knees to win a $5.00 bet. U n f o rtunately the owner of the safe was in the office at the time and Leo was unable to walk away with It. (Accompanying out is Ike Enpaint's conception of the weakling in training for the bet.) s'lonk 1929! Ladies beautifully arrayed in stup-nlng evening gowns; stiff gentlemen in white shirt fronts (beg pardon, we mean gentlemen in stiff, white, shirt fronts), gay, merry voices; sparkling laughter'; tinkling glasses; paper hats; noise-makers galore; dance music, and a spirit of good-fellowship were in order at the Triglav New Year Eve party. Bits and stories galore could be written just about that party, but space says, "Nay, nay," so we'll try tc give you at least a glimpse of some of it all: "Snitz" Schneider shooting everybody with his gigantic revolver—Louis J. Pirc dancing with his finger in his mouth—Joe Ogrinc parked aside the stove to get warm—John Breskvar calling for a camera—Mrs. Oman cleaning up in card game—Freddy Makcvec disappearing—Dr. Lausche playing piano by "request" of Leo Virant—Matt Grdina smoking a cigaret—the two Eds, Poscsh and Kalish. treating one another back stage—Frank Verbic wishing everybody "Happy New Year"—"Chief" Kclar looking after Junior—and everybody laughing at everybody else. The Jugoslav Slovene Club is entertaining the Magyar Girls Club with a return social at the International Institute Monday evening. The Magyar girls it will be remembered were hostesses to the Slovenian girls at a "hobo" party in ihe late fall. The affair Monday evening will acquaint the guests with the Slovenian social customs and they will also be taught the favored poke schottische.". Miss Martha Suhadolnik is in charge of refreshments and Miss Honey Mandel will play the aceor-dian. COMRADESELECT do you know that Menart, the coach, and Baker, the basketball player, is the one and same person? Mary Milner is working at the main office of the North American Trust Co? Frances Okorn kinda goes for a Painesville sheik? John Roper has a bad cold? At the last meeting of the Comrade ledge, the officers for the year 1930 were elected. They are as follows: John Alich, president; John Spehek, vice president; Frank Stritoff, secretary; Alice Bellinger, recording secretary, and Marie Zakrajsek, treasurer. BOWLERS NOTICE The Thirtieth Internati onal Tournament of the American Bowling Congress will be held in Cleveland this year, March 1 to April 6. The affair will be held in the Public Auditorium Anne x, where 32 alleys will be built for the. occasion. ! And if Joe Pozelnik has anything to say about it, Slovenian teams will take the floor, all at one time, and use every one of these 32 alleys. But to put his plans through, he'll have to line up 32 teams to enter the meet, and that's going to be quite a job. Anyone interested in bowling in the meet or having his team entered is requested to get in touch with Joe at the Norwood Alleys, and get all the particulars. Just one word of warning, all teams must be In a sanctioned league. The Misses Maxine Stemetz and Genevieve Schneller, both of the Jugoslav Club, are visiting with friends in Astabula, O. Ambulance Service Day or Night A. GRDINA & SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1053 e. 62d St. FIRST SLOVENIAN UNDERTAKERS IN CLEVELAND Hfenderson 2088 New Ambulance Cars for All Occasions KILLS PAIN FREE SPEECH (Continued from page 3) tainly not. It's all old stuff. Old as the principles of logic, neighborly charity and common sense. And so are the banalities of superficial minds, frequently headlined as "revolutionary ideas" or "modern thinking," old stuff many times discredited and as often revived by Sunday supplement students. You take your choice. Harmonike! Prva slovenska šola za poučevanje v igranju na harmonike. Pri nas se dobro izučite. Oglasite se pri J. Rus, 1062 E. 62nd St. (Sat. 21.) 71 let skušnje naše trgovine vam zagotavljajo pravi premog za vaš furnez, peč ali grelnik, po pravi ceni. The Yates Coal Co. I-IEnderson 0280. MAin 7878. GArfield 1900. Thur.-Sat.-Tue. Naznanilo Vsem delničarjem in delničarkam Slovenskega Narodnega Doma v Mewburgu se tem potom naznanja, da se vrši glavna letna seja v nedeljo 19. januarja 1930, ob 1. uri popoldne. Pridite vsi delničarji in delničarke, da slišite poročilo o poslovanju v pretečenem letu. Ob enem bo treba odločiti, kako bomo praznovali 10-letnico otvoritve in obstanka našega doma, ki se vrši v mesecu juniju.—F. Cesar, tajnik. (7) Sedaj je čas da naročite cementna dela v notranjosti. V vaši kleti mogoče potrebujete novo prevleko cementa, ali pa vam naredimo popolnoma novo delo. Glede cementiranjaali konkretnega dela se vedno obrnite do nas. Mi vam delo izvršimo točno, pošteno in po zelo zmernih cenah. i Se vam vljudno priporočamo 25a vsa enaka dela. Pokličite po telefonu FLorida 6353-W. Anton Malnar 1119 Addison Rd. j__(4) Priletna ženska išče delo. Sprejme vsako hišno delo. 6311 Carl Ave. (7) Stanovanje se da v najem, štiri jako lepe sobe, kopališče in vse udobnosti. 6203 Edna Ave. (3) Got any Christmas spirit left? The New Year's spirits evaporated at break of day Jan. 1. Speaking of Christmas spirit, last week we observed a motorist stalled in the middle of the street. Along came a gentleman full of good-will, saw the other in trouble and made a dangerous turn to come up from behind and give the luckless one a push. In the meantime another driver beat him to it. The first one seemed disappointed over the loss of a good turn. However, it ended up with a cheerful grin all around. Brother Elks, perhaps. We beg to propose our candidate for a life term in a sanitarium for imbcciles: The radio announcer who chuckles, chortles and chokes with artificial laughter over his own wisecracks. In case some well-deserwcd accident should occasion our candidate's premature demise, we suggest as alternates the radio team who tell each other bearded jokes of Joe Miller's time—something on the order of "That wasn't a lady; that was my wife"—and then laugh and laugh! Finally, we have an outstanding reason for contentment and satisfaction: This week a goodly number of the members of our City Council sank back into the obscurity, which is their native habitat. The new ones cannot be worse, and they may be better. STRUGGLERS FROLIC The Strugglers are staging a gala New Year party this evening at the Slovenian Workingmen's Home in Collinwood following a regular monthly meeting. Members and their friends will be admitted only. According to Miss Josephine Podpadec, chairlady, there will be cards, bunco and a surprise feature followed by dancing. The music will be furnished by the Harmony Aces under the direction of Louis Simoncic. PARENTS ENTERTAINED The children of St. Christine School presented a delightful Christmas program in the school auditorium for their parents and friends preceding their vacation. Father Vukonic complimented the children's work in his address to the audience. The Altar Society of the parish sponsored a successful dance for the young and old folks on New Year Eve in the church hall. A. J. ŽUŽEK ODVETNIK Urad: 210 Engineers Bldg. — Main 8038 Stanovanje: 15708 Parkgrove Ave. — Kenmore 2857-J Išče se mož star nad 21 let, ki govori slovensko in angleško, in ki je vajen med ljudmi. Najbolje, da ima svoj avtomobil, toda ni neobhodno potrebno. Pišite na urad "Ameriške Domovine." Le pi-s m e n e prošnje se vpoštevajo. Naslovite: Salesman, Box 25, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Statement of Condition of the Society for Savings in the City of Cleveland Pred začetkom poslovanja, 1. januarja 1930 VABI ŠE NA VELIKO maškeradno veselico katero priredijo SKUPNA DRUŠTVA S. S. P. Z. DNE 18. JANUARJA 1930 V SLOV. NAR. DOMU, CLEVELAND, O. Krasne dobitke si oglejte v oknu Mrs. Kushlan, kateri bodo razdeljeni med maske. Vabi se cenjeno občinstvo in članstvo na veliko udeležbo. 1 Igra Ellis Bros. Orkester Vas vabi % ODBOR. What a Chance for Pictures! THE family picnic. Everybody has a good time. What a chance for pictures that everybody will enjoy! Kodaks are handy to carry and easy to use. Get one and keep it with you this summer. You have a complete line to choose from here, Including the Modern Kodaks—they get good pictures even when the aun doesn't shine. Vabilo na udeležbo! % T£m potom naznanjam, da se mi je posrečilo dobiti k sedanjim slikam Katoliškega shoda in Orlovske telovadbe, še druge zelo zanimive slike v katerih se bo v nedeljo večer videlo tudi ljubljanskega škofa Anton Bo-naventura Jegliča in druge duhovnike v procesiji v Lemontu za časa kronanja Marije Pomagaj in birmanja, kakor tudi procesij. Poleg teh tudi slike iz stare domovine, katere mi je posodil Mr. John Bukovnik. Ne zamudite te redke prilike! Čas bo dobro uporabljen. Pri tem se boste pa še lahko naplesali in na-veselili. P. S. Kazanje slik in ples se bo vršil v zgornji dvorani Slov. Doma na Holmes Ave. Začetek ob 7. uri zvečer v nedeljo dne 5. januarija. Anton Grdina. AKTOVA Gotovina na banki in v drugih bankah.................$ 11,599,639.34 Vladni bondi ................................................................4,371,675.76 Mestni, državni, železniški in drugi bondi...,.. — ... 41,957,580.34 Posojila na prvo vknjižbo na zemljišča....................37,313,380.26 Posojila, osigurana z bondi in delnicami...................12,685,352.50 Zemljišče, bančno poslopje..................................................1,250,000.00 Druga zemljišča lastovana..............................................19,528.12 Druga, aktiva .....................................................................................15,175.63 Skupaj ............................................................$109,212,331.95 PASIVA Preostanek ............................................................$.7,750,000.00 Nerazdeljen dobiček ...........:.................. ............ 377,656.78 Rezervirano za davke............................................ 213,502.04 Hranilne vloge ......................................... .......... 100,871,173.13 Skupaj ...........................................................$109,212.331.95 incorporated (84$ $utiet§ for £atfta$* in:ttie Citij of- Cleveland) PUBLIC SQUARE VLOŽITE PRIHRANKE V HRANILNICO Load up with Kodak Film F. BRAUNLICH lekarna vogal 55thSt. Clair Ave NAZNANILO Pred kratkim se je poročalo v naših listih, da se vrši seja delničarjev Slovenskega Doma na Holmes Ave., dne 29. januarja. Ker je pa nemogoče, da bi se seja vršila omenjenega dne, je direktorij na svoji iz-vanredni seji izpremenil datum in sicer še bo vršila delničarska seja dne 26. januarja, točno ob 1. uri popoldne. Cenjene delničarje in delničarke se vljudno vabi, da se udeležijo v polnem številu. — Tajnik. (Jan. 4. 11. 18. 25) Prijazno je vabljeno cenjeno članstvo SSPZ in ostalo občinstvo na "Satellite" ples katerega priredi DRUŠTVO SPARTANS ŠT. 198 SSPZ V SOBOTO, 4. JANUARJA, 1930 v spodnji dvorani Slov. Nar. Doma Obilo zabave za vse, kot tudi izborna postrežba v vsakem oziru. Vstopnina 50c. Vljudno vabi Odbor. DNE 12. JANUARJA SE VRŠI PLESNA VESELICA združenih društev FARE SV. VIDA v Slovenskem Narodnem Domu IGNAC OKORN SLOVENSKI KROJAČ 980 E. 70th St. Tel. FLorida 3992-J Izdelujemo obleke po meri. čistimo, likamo in popravljamo ženske in moške obleke. Se vljudno priporočamo. CHRISTMAS PARTY (Continued from page 3) more audible. "He's coming," was the unanimous cry, as the tots hastened to form into groups and proceeded to ling their Christmas carols for Santa. They were singing at the top of their voices when they reached the recreation hall. The portals were thrown open and all of a sudden the singing ceased. The youngsters were crowded in the doorway, petrified with joy. Their mouths were wide open as if in song. And as they held the pose Santa called in a hearty voice, "Come right in boys and girls and a Merry Christmas." That was all that was necessary. Like a group of birds they flew in and circled about the mammoth tree and the sleigh. Poor Santa. Words can't express the actual scene that followed. Such shrieks of laughter and delight as each tot made off to some corner with his gifts. The air was rent with "Ohs," and "Ahs." For some of the boys the cord and wrappings were too much. One good pull and a big tear and then "Gee isn't this the swellest train, oh, look at this aeroplane! Aren't these skates great?" On a near-by bsnch a little girl was caressing a huge mamma doll and at the same time, speaking words of love, like a real mother. Three of the still younger children had already organized an orchestra, made up of a harmonica, horn and xylophone. What mirth and happiness were here indeed. Every body was happy, every body was busy now and Santa Claus was left all by himself. How utterly alone and forsaken he looked. Yet his " face portrayed a picture of reminis-ence and a smile was in evidence. ' He was most probably living in mem-1 ory again his own days at the camp. 1 For "Clancy" as every body calls him ' Was there ten years ago, but he re-' turns at least once each year now to play Santa at Christmas time. While he was still in his pensive mood a leud cheer burst forth from the youngsters which brought him from his reverie. Quickly he collected his 1 empty sock and with a fond farewell ; he vanished. ] As the tinkle of the sleigh bells was becoming fainter and fainter, the a burly camp siren announced dinner ; and put me in mind of my own ' Christmas dinner. I left the tots be-; hind me munching drumstick with * one hand and mince pie with another. " Then I thought "Gee it's wonderful I to be a kid, but it's just as wonderful to be with the kids and pretend you're a kid." ► Le za zunanjo uporabo pri J |> Bolnih mišicih L Prvotnih prehladih . Bolečinah v prsih 4! Okorelem tilniku ^ Bolečinah v hrbtu . • Izvinih in * 1 Prevlečenjih i Nevralgiji ( Dobite pristnega! A N C H O R ( trgovska znamka na vsakem zavoju vas zavaruje. Knjižica, ki nudi polna navodila ter opisuje številne uporabe PAIN-EX PELLER-ja, je priložena vsaki steklenici. V vseli lekarnah 35c in 70c. Ali direktno iz: The LuborafOn'ot of F.Ad RICHTER & CO. BERRY ANO SOUTH FIFTH 6TS. BROOKLYN, N.V -0- *Španski diktator De Rivera je bil baje prisiljen odstopiti. * "Graf Zeppelin," orjaški nemški zrakoplov, obišče maja meseca Ameriko. * Papež se bo udeležil pogreba svojega umrlega brata, grofa Ratti-ja. INTER-LODGE Standing Team W. L. Pet. Clairwoods S. D. Z...........17 7 708 Collin. Boosters JSKJ ....16 8 667 Spartans SSPZ ..................14 10 583 Comrades SNPJ ................14 10 583 Loyalites SNPJ ..................14 10 583 Botsy Ross JSKJ ..............13 11 542 George Washington JSKJ 7 17 292 Progressives SNPJ ............ 1 23 043 Schedule for Sunday Jan. 5. Comrades vs. Clairwood, on 13 and 14 alleys. Collinwood Boosters vs Spartans, on 15 and 16 alleys. George Washington vs. Loyalites, on 17 and 18 alleys. Betsy Ross vs. Progressives, on 19 and 20 alleys. Oglasi v "Ameriški Domovini" imajo vedno dober vspeh. MALI OGLASI FINANCIAL STATEMENT of THE INTERNATIONAL SAVINGS & LOAN CO. OF CLEVELAND, OHIO. Main Office Branch Office 6235 St. Clair Ave. 819 E. 185th Street ' i, - jj v ; " ; ■{■ i f }"■ ■ i'1'-'' I ' ' ' Showing the condition of the company at the close of-the fiscal year ending December 31, 1929 ' ASSETS Cash on hand................................................$ 148,046.94 Loans on FIRST MORTGAGE SECURITY 1,846,530.22 Loans on Other Security............................................................69,442.87 Furniture and fixtures.............................................7,689.75 Real Estate ....................................................................................................51,153.40 Real Estate—Office Buildings.................................229,336.59 TOTAL ASSETS............................................................$2,352,199.77 LIABILITIES SAVINGS DEPOSITS ................................$2,006,077.49 Running Stock ............................................................................................11,628.20 Paid-up Stock ............................................................................................195,600.00 Christmas Clubs ....................................................................................2,001.00 Due borrowers on unfinished buildings............55,685.41 Undivided Profit....................................................23,207.67 Reserve Fund ............................................................................................58,000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES...................................................$2,352,199.77 INCREASE IN DEPOSITS FOR 1929—$340,000.00 We pay 5% interest ' from date of deposit. 5% ON SAVINGS t » Deposits made up to Jan. 15 draw interest from Jan'. 1, 1930.