AKTA Trilar 6-2006.xp 12/21/06 1:37 PM Page- ¦e 1 ¦175 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2006 Vol. 14, ot. 2: 175-182 CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE SINGING CICADAS (AUCHENORRHYNCHA: CICADOIDEA) OF ROMANIA Tomi Trilar1, Matija Gogala2 and Valentin Popa3 1 Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Preoernova 20, P.O.Box 290, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia; e-mail: ttrilar@pms-lj.si 2 Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Art, Novi trg 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; e-mail: matija.gogala@guest.arnes.si 3 116 Desmarchais, ap. 8, Ville de Longueuil, J4J 2X9, Quebec, Canada and Babes-Bolyai University, Department of Zoology, Clinicilor 5-7 Street, 3400-Cluj Napoca, Romania; e-mail: pp_valentin@yahoo.com Abstract - The fauna of singing cicadas (Cicadoidea) of Romania has been investigated on a single field excursion in 2004 with classic and bioacoustic methods, using recording equipment for sonic range and ultrasonic detectors. Nine species were recorded for Romania in the past: Lyristes plebejus (Scopoli 1763), Cicada orni Linnaeus 1758, Cicadatra atra (Olivier 1790), Cicadetta tibialis (Panzer 1798), Cicadetta montana s. lat. (Scopoli 1772), Cicadetta podolica (Eichwald 1830), Pagiphora annulata (Brulle 1832), Tettigetta brullei (Fieber 1876), and Tibicina haematodes (Scopoli 1763). We discovered 3 additional species: Cicadatra hyalina (Fabricius 1798), Cicadetta brevipennis Fieber 1876, and Cicadetta iphigenia Emeljanov 1996. These are the first records for Romania, for Cicadetta iphigenia this is also the first record outside the Krimean Peninsula. Key words: Romania, singing cicadas, Cicadoidea, fauna, bioacoustics Izvleoek - PRISPEVEK K POZNAVANJU POJOOIH OKRAADOV (AUCHENORRHYNCHA: CICADOIDEA) ROMUNIJE Na enotedenski terenski ekskurziji v letu 2004 smo raziskovali favno pojooih okraadov Romunije s klasionimi in bioakustionimi metodami. Uporabljali smo naprave za snemanje v nam slionem obmooju in ultrazvoone detektorje. V literaturi smo za Romunijo naoli podatke za 9 vrst: Lyristes plebejus (Scopoli 1763), Cicada orni Linnaeus 1758, Cicadatra atra (Olivier 1790), Cicadetta tibialis (Panzer 1798), Cicadetta montana s. lat. (Scopoli 1772), Cicadetta podolica (Eichwald 1830), 175 AKTA Trilar 6-2006.xp 12/21/06 1:37 PM Page-^176 Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (2), 2006 Pagiphora annulata (Brulle 1832), Tettigetta brullei (Fieber 1876) in Tibicina haematodes (Scopoli 1763), ki smo jih dopolnili s tremi novo odkritimi vrstami: Cicadatra hyalina (Fabricius 1798), Cicadetta brevipennis Fieber 1876 and Cicadetta iphigenia Emeljanov 1996. To so prvi podatki za favno Romunije, Cicadetta iphigenia pa je prvio najdena izven polotoka Krim. Kljuone besede: Romunija, okraadi, Cicadoidea, favna, bioakustika Introduction The singing cicadas (Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadoidea) of Romania are poorly known. There are published records for 9 species (Alexinschi 1955; Bacescu 1937; Cantoreanu 1960, 1968a, 1968b, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1975d; Drugescu 1983; Frivaldszky 1865 quoted by Horváth 1889; Horváth 1897; Lörincz 1906; Marcu 1929; Montandon 1897, 1900; Soós 1956; Szilády 1870). The present paper provides new faunistic data which significantly extend the earlier knowledge about the fauna of singing cicadas in this part of Europe. Material and Methods In the year 2004 we investigated the singing cicadas (Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadoidea) of Romania with the use of classical and bioacoustic methods. From June 22nd to 29th, 2004 we visited the Tulcea and Constan#a counties. For sound recordings we used microphones sensitive in sonic range (Telinga Pro 5 stereo and Telinga Pro Science - parabola diameter 57 cm) and in ultrasonic range (ultrasonic detector Pettersson D-200) in combination with DAT-recorder Sony TCD-D10 and Solid State recorder Marantz PMD670. Computer programs for the analysis of acoustic data were Canary 1.2.4 and Digidesign ProTools 5.0. With the use of these methods we were able to get much more representative data about the presence and distribution of Cicadoidea. The specimens collected are preserved in the collections of Slovenian Museum of Natural History (PMSL) in Ljubljana, Slovenia; all sound recordings are stored in the Sound archive of this museum. Selected sound samples are available also on the web pages »Songs of the European singing cicadas«: Results Faunistic data collected in Romania from June 22nd to 29th, 2004 are presented below. All recordings, observations and collections have been made by the three authors. 176 AKTA Trilar 6-2006.xp 12/21/06 1:37 PM Page- 'e~^1 177 T. Trilar, M. Gogala, V. Popa: Contribution to the knowledge of the singing cicadas of Romania CICADIDAE Cicadatra hyalina (Fabricius 1798) Constanja County: Albegti, Rezervatie Padurea Hagieni; 26. 6. 2004, recorded and collected TIBICINIDAE Cicadetta tibialis (Panzer 1798) Tulcea County: Horia, General Praporgescu; 25. 6. 2004; recorded and collected Constanja County: Albegti, 2 km E; 26. 6. 2004; recorded and collected Constanja County: Albegti, Rezervatie Padurea Hagieni; 26. 6. 2004; recorded and collected Cicadetta brevipennis Fieber 1876 (Fig. 1) Constanja County: Negru Voda, Rezervatie Padurea Negru Voda; 26. 6. 2004; recorded and collected Constanja County: Albegti, Rezervatie Padurea Hagieni; 26. 6. 2004; recorded and collected Cicadetta iphigenia Emeljanov 1996 (Fig. 2) Constanja County: Basarabi, Rezervatia Naturala Fântânija Murfatlar; 27. 6. 2004; recorded Tettigetta brullei (Fieber 1876) Tulcea County: Macin Mt., Isaccea, Revarsarea; 24. 6. 2004; recorded Tulcea County: Horia, General Praporgescu; 25. 6. 2004; recorded and collected Tibicina haematodes (Scopoli 1763) Tulcea County: Macin Mt., Isaccea, Revarsarea; 24. 6. 2004; singing observed Tulcea County: Horia, General Praporgescu; 25. 6. 2004; recorded Constanja County: Albegti, Rezervatie Padurea Hagieni; 26. 6. 2004; recorded Discussion We recorded and/or collected 6 species: C. hyalina, C. tibialis, C. brevipennis (Fig. 1), C. iphigenia (Fig. 2), T. brullei and T. haematodes. There are published records for three of them: C. tibialis (Szilády 1870; Montandon 1897, 1900; Cantoreanu 1960, 1968a, 1968b, 1969, 1972, 1974, 1975d), T. brullei (Horváth 1897) and T. haematodes (Montandon 1887, 1900; Horváth 1897; Lörincz 1906; Marcu 1929; Cantoreanu 1960, 1968a, 1968b, 1969, 1972, 1975; Drugescu 1983). For C. hyalina, C. brevipennis and C. iphigenia these are first records for the fauna of Romania, for Cicadetta iphigenia this is also the first record outside terra typica on Krimean (=Crimean) Peninsula (Emelyanov 1996; Popov 1997). In the literature we can find records for additional 5 species: Lyristes plebejus (Scopoli 1763) (Bacescu 1937; Alexinschi 1955; Cantoreanu 1960), Cicada orni 177 AKTA Trilar 6-2006.xp 12/21/06 1:37 PM Page- e 1 \178 Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (2), 2006 Fig. 1: Spectrogram and oscillogram of a calling song of Cicadetta brevipennis Fieber 1876 from the forest reserves Negru Voda, Romania. Since the microphone was not calibrated, there is no scale on oscillogram Y-axis (valid also for Fig. 2). Linnaeus 1758 (Horváth 1897; Lörincz 1906; Marcu 1929; Cantoreanu 1960; Drugescu 1983), Cicadatra atra (Olivier 1790) (Horváth 1897; Soós 1956), Cicadetta podolica (Eichwald 1830) (Horváth 1897; Soós 1956) and Pagiphora annulata (Brulle 1832) (Frivaldszky 1865 quoted by Horváth 1889). Altogether 11 species of singing cicadas are registered until now for Romania. Among the three big European loud singers (L. plebejus, C. orni and T. haematodes) we registered only T. haematodes, most probably due to early season. The same may be the case for C. atra. To find P. annulata and C. podolica we either did not visit the suitable habitats or were simply too early. Citations in the literature of Cicadetta montana s. lat. (Scopoli 1772) (Szilády 1870; Horváth 1897; Cantoreanu 1971) cannot be assigned to the species level since a definite proof of identity is possible only with bioacoustic or/and molecular methods (Gogala & Trilar 2004). Cicadetta brevipennis is the only species of the C. montana complex that has been found during our field work (Fig. 1). The species was first acoustically detected, later recorded and also collected in the forest reserves Negru Voda and Padurea Hagieni. This is the first record for the fauna of Romania and the most eastern locality of the known distribution. Tettigetta brullei is characterized by the highest-pitched song among Palaearctic singing cicadas, hardly audible for the unaided human ear, even at short distance of 1 to 2 m (Popov et al. 1997). Therefore, and due to protective coloration and different forms of escape behaviour, this species was overlooked in the Romanian fauna by previous researchers and was only ones cited for Romania by Horváth (1897) as Cicadetta transsylvanica Fieber 1876. C. transsylvanica was synonymized with 178 AKTA Trilar 6-2006.xp 12/21/06 1:37 PM Page-^179 T. Trilar, M. Gogala, V. Popa: Contribution to the knowledge of the singing cicadas of Romania Tettigetta pygmea (Olivier 1790) by Boulard (1973). Boulard later (1995) published the song pattern of T. pygmea, which corresponds nicely with one of the two song phrases described from Slovenia as T. brullei by Popov et al. (1997), following the nomenclature of Schedl (1986). We are not sure if the T. pygmea (sensu Boulard) despite similarity in song is identical with T. brullei from Slovenia, but we can say with certainty that the song characteristics of Romanian T. brullei (sensu Schedl) do not differ from the Slovenian ones. In General Praporgescu, T. brullei was very abundant and co-occurring with C. tibialis. It is interesting that the specimens of C. tibialis collected in this locality are of normal size, while T. brullei was bigger than C. tibialis. Material in our collection from various localities showed that C. tibialis is usually bigger than T. brullei. Cicadetta iphigenia was described from the Krimean (=Crimean) Peninsula by Emeljanov (1996), while the song is described by Popov (1997) on the basis of the recordings from the same area. Popov (1997) also assumed that the species could be a Krimean endemic. Fig. 2: Song of Cicadetta iphigenia Emeljanov 1996 from the nature reserve Fântânija Murfatlar, Romania: a) Oscillogram of a typical song; b - part enlarged below. b) Spectrogram and oscillogram of one phrase (according to Popov 1997). 179 AKTA Trilar 6-2006.xp 12/21/06 1:37 PM Page- 'e~^1 180 Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (2), 2006 We recorded two singing males (Fig. 2) in a steppe area in natural reserve Fântânija Murfatlar, Constanja County. Due to unsuitable weather the males stopped singing and we were not able to collect them. Our recordings were long enough for the unambiguous determination of the species. This is the first record for the fauna of Romania and outside terra typica on the Krimean Peninsula (Emelyanov 1996; Popov 1997). The recorded two males were singing in grass in the last remnants of the steppe habitat of the nature reserve Fântânija Murfatlar, which is filling up with garbage of the neighbouring rubbish dump. 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