VESTNIK 2021 | VESTNIK 2021 | 343 VESTNIK 2021 | 345 VESTNIK 2021 | 347 VESTNIK 2021 | 349 VESTNIK 2021 | 351 25. NEDELJA MED LETOM 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 38/57 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 19. 9 . 2021 Fr. Drago Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ WEB PAGE HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ VESTNIK Jezusov ucenec je drugim služabnik Prejšnjo nedeljo smo slišali Petro-vo izpoved vere - »Ti si Kristus«. Jezus poskuša najprej ucencem razložiti, da on ni tak mesija, ki si ga vecina Judov predstavlja - namrec, da se bo z vojsko uprl Rimljanom. Jezus napo-ve svojo usodo, ki prav tudi ni v skla-du z njihovimi predstavami: »Sin clo-vekov bo izrocen v roke ljudem in ti ga bodo umorili.« Jezus pa je še dodal bolj pozitivno sporocilo, da bo »po treh dneh obujen«. Toda vse to se je njegovim poslušalcem dozdevalo kakor sen, bolj privid kakor upanje, vse prej kakor otipljiva pot v boju za osvoboditev in dokoncno zmago nad Rimljani, po kateri so tako hrepeneli. Ucenci so se ukvarjali z drugimi, bolj privlacnimi cilji: prav na poti, ki je vodila v trpljenje in k izgubi vsega, so oni razpravljali, kako doseci pomembne »stolcke« v prihodnji »vladi«. Sicer je ta vaja v razvršcanju »kdo je vecji oz. najvecji« splošno znana. Dobro poznamo naivno prošnjo dveh apostolov, Jakoba in Janeza: »Daj nama, da bova sedela v tvoji sla-vi, eden na tvoji desnici in eden na tvoji levici« (Mr 10,37). Jezus se odloci, da ucence pouci na samem. Uporabi besede in slog prerokov - simbolicno gesto. Tudi tokrat ne govori po ovinkih, ampak jasno: prvi v božjem kraljestvu je zadnji v kraljestvu tega sveta, je suženj, je preziran in zanicevan. Glede na te besede je prakršcanska Cer-kev, zacenši s Polikarpom, škofom v Smirni, zacela nazivati Kristusa »Služabnik vseh« Kolikokrat je Jezus pojasnil to svojo opredelitev pravega ucenca in tudi samega sebe: »Veste, da tisti, ki veljajo za vladarje, gospodujejo nad narodi in da ljudem njihovi velikaši vladajo. Med vami pa naj ne bo tako, ampak kdor hoce postati velik med vami, naj bo vsem služabnik. Saj tudi Sin clovekov ni prišel, da bi mu stregli, ampak da bi on stregel in dal svo-je življenje v odkupnino za mnoge« (Mr 10,42-45). »Ce sem torej jaz, Gospod in Ucitelj, vam umil noge, ste tudi vi dol-žni drug drugemu umivati noge« (Jn 13,14). Zdaj pa Jezus preide na simbolicno dejanje: poklical je k sebi enega izmed otrok in ga ljubez-nivo objel. Ta kretnja nas mocno preseneca, kaj-ti otrok v starem Orientu niso kaj prida cenili: imeli so za še nezrela bitja, trdoglave in nespa-metne, in zanje je bilo dovoljeno brez obotavlja-nja uporabiti palico. Prerok Sirah daje tole na-vodilo glede vzgoje otrok (30,1-13). Jezus nekoli-ko izzivalno obrne na glavo obicajno pojmova-nje. Sporocilo tega prizora pa ni bilo toliko tisto, ki ga poznamo, o lepoti nedolžnosti, temvec to, kaj pomeni biti pred Bogom majhen, preprost, zaupno razpoložen, predan brez racunice, dvo-reznosti in koristoljubja. V takem razpoloženju »kot otrok v narocju svoje matere« (Ps 131,2) Jezusov ucenec ne stopa v svet z napuhom, ki izvira iz oblasti, niti s prednostjo, ki jo daje de-narna moc, ali s silo, ki jo omogoca posest orož-ja, temvec kakor jagnje, v življenjskem slogu služabnika, s hotenjem cloveka, ki si prizadeva za mir, kakor oseba, ki ljubi in upa in se tako razdaja. Jezusove besede pa sežejo še dlje. Cerkev se mora tudi dejavno zanimati in zavzemati za vse otroke; za vse, ki so dejansko »sužnji«, ki jih dru-gi izkorišcajo, kajti ti so zares veliki pred Bo-gom, ti so zares prvi v božjem kraljestvu (kar štirikrat ponovi besedo »sprejeti«). S tem ko kristjan sprejme te, ki so majhni v oceh sveta, dejansko sprejme Kristusa in tako torej sprejme v svojo hišo Boga samega. Tistega velikega dne, ko bodo naše cloveške hierarhicne lestvice doživele silovit pretres in prerazporeditev, na dan, ko bodo prave vredno-te povzdignjene in skrivnosti razkrite, bo vsak-do, ki je sprejel popotnika, lacnega, ujetnika, trpecega in ubogega, slišal tiste odlocilne besede pravega in edinega Kralja: »Karkoli ste storili enemu od teh mojih najmanjših bratov, ste meni storili« (Mt 25,40). (Prim. Oznanjevalec 2006-2007, št. 1) 342 | VESTNIK 2021 344 | VESTNIK 2021 346 | VESTNIK 2021 348 | VESTNIK 2021 350 | VESTNIK 2021 352 | VESTNIK 2021 Illustration Pope Francis told the story of how, during Italy’s coronavirus lockdown, a boy called Andrea and his family had been watching the Pope’s Mass from the Santa Marta chapel in the Vatican online and had noticed that Francis had told the congregation to offer each other a sign of peace. The child was so concerned about the lack of social distancing that he wrote to Francis to tell him that he shouldn’t have said those words because, in the time of the pan-demic, people were not allowed to shake hands. Francis explained that Andrea could not have known that the members of the congregation merely bowed to each other without coming into physical contact. It says a great deal about Francis’ own hu-mility and simplicity that he could use this incident to praise the innocence and transparency of chil-dren, who react spontaneously without thinking about possible embarrassment to adults who might prefer diplomacy to truth. We all know the story told by Hans Christian Andersen of a vain emperor who didn’t like to admit that he couldn’t see for himself the magnificent suit which he’d been conned into buying from some rascally tailors. As he paraded around in the suppos-edly magical suit, his subjects also didn’t wish to appear foolish by admitting that they too couldn’t see the apparently wonderful clothes. It was only when a child declared that the emperor was not wearing clothes that others had the courage to ad-mit that he was right. Gospel teaching A Zambian proverb de-clares, “He who has a tongue does not get lost in the forest.” In other words, if someone is lost, they should ask for directions from someone who knows the right path to take out of the forest. If Jesus’ disciples had taken heed of the say-ing, they might have been less confused when Jesus foretold his approaching arrest, execution, burial and, most importantly, his resurrection. They could not understand what he was saying, but neither did they admit their igno-rance and ask Jesus to explain. When Jesus and his followers reached Caperna-um, Jesus asked them why they had been arguing. The disciples were too embarrassed to give him a straight answer. They didn’t want to admit that they had been fighting about who was the greatest among them. Jesus had probably overheard the dispute and knew the sort of mess that they had created for themselves – and also the irritation as they heard how important or unimportant they were in the eyes of their companions. So Jesus called a small child to himself and suggested that the little one could be an example to these grown men who certainly hadn’t behaved like responsible adults. If they wanted to know the qualities he con- sidered valuable, then they should try practising simplicity, humility, honesty. If they didn’t under-stand, they should ask for explanations. If they wanted status, then they should be childlike, not childish. Application Society declares that some people and post-codes and jobs are more important than others. How often do I listen to society rather than to Jesus, who ignores those unimportant distinctions? Young Andrea wrote to Pope Francis, informing the Pope that he’d made a mistake. To the youngster, other people’s health was more important than Francis’ papal status – and he had the courage to say so. His criticism was that of youth-ful concern and integrity – and Francis recognised it as such. The disciples showed their immaturity by not asking Jesus questions which would later have a big impact on their lives. Then they argued as if they were in a pantomime, “I’m better than you are.” “Oh no, you’re not!” “Oh yes, I am!” Their behaviour was childish – and yet we can identify with them. How many moments do we have in the course of our daily life when the possi-bility of embarrassment prevents us asking the right questions at the right time? How often have we cared unnecessarily about someone’s social status in the workplace or in society at large? Humility shows us the world and other people with greater realism. Admitting that we don’t un-derstand something offers a learning opportunity. Recognising our mistakes is a chance to put things right. That is being childlike – honest and simple – not childish: trying to look wiser and more im-portant than we are. Jesus came for “the least, the last and the lost”. Where do I stand? 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: The Lord upholds my life. First Reading Wisdom 2:12. 17-20 Wrongdoers are reluctant to trust people who focus on doing what is right and some-times try to catch them out. Second Reading James 3:16 – 4:3 Peacemakers, when they work for peace, sow the seeds which will bear fruit in holiness. Gospel Mark 9:30-37 Jesus says that anyone who welcomes a little child in his name welcomes Christ himself; and anyone who welcomes Christ welcomes not him but the Father who sent him. “Anyone who welcomes one of these little children in my name, welcomes me.” Cilj naše kampanje je v treh letih zbrati vsoto $200,000.00 za našo župni-jo. Nekateri še vedno ne razumejo, da vse, kar boste darovali preko te kampa-nje, bo prejela naša župnija in še 10% iz skupnega sklada. Škofijski uradi pa bo-do vodili vse racunovodske zadeve, ta-ko, da nam ne bo potrebno tega dela urejati. V Vestniku objavimo koliko ste »obljubili« da boste darovali za kampa-njo za našo župnijo preko škofijskega racuna in koliko je že dejansko »vplacanega«. Iz škofije so nam sedaj poslali kodo, da lahko sami pogledamo tekoce stanje na našem racunu. Na racunu »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega je (Sept. 1st, 2021): $105,900. - Pledged - obljubili $66,425. - Paid - ste že vplacali Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Smo že cez polovico zastavljenega cilja. VSKO & MOYA - ZIMSKI MARKET 2021 Dear Club/Organization Presidents and Com-munity Members, This year, Vseslovenski kulturni odbor [VSKO] and Moya Financial are proud to present Zimski Market 2021. This year's Zimski Market will be located at Black Creek Pioneer Village (North York) on November 27, 2021. We are hoping that this community event will get everyone in the Christmas spirit! At this time, we are looking for vendors to participate in the market. If you have a small business, are a creator and sell unique gifts or items or service, or are a Slovenian organization who would like to promote yourselves, then we would love to have you get involved! We are looking forward to supporting our amazing community and entrepreneurs. If you are interested or would like any addi-tional information please do not hesitate to ask. Additional details and advertising will begin shortly. For more information, please contact: . Emma Margutsch: . Millie Muhic-Dolenc: St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Parish Fund Raising Fall Picnic-Banquet Sunday September 26, 2021 FOR RESERVATIONS OR CURB SIDE PICK UP PLEASE CALL HEIDY NOVAK: 905-317-6002 NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, SEPT. 19. 10 AM – 11 AM - MASS (COMBINED SLOVENIAN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE) 11:30 AM - LUNCH, LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND PHOTOS WE WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU HERE FOR OUR FIRST SOCIAL EVENT IN 560 DAYS! Eat outside under the trees or in the hall Meal $40 each Tax receipt will be issued for $20 for each meal. Meal option 1. Cevape dinner & Meal option 2. Cabbage rolls Dinner We are over half way to reaching our $200,000 goal for our One Heart and One Soul account. When we reach that goal we will receive $220,000 for our parish projects – a gain of 10%. Bring in your “stuffed” piggy bank and take a new one home to continue saving. The two piggies with the most money inside will win a prize. A tax receipt will be issued for all donations received for our One Heart One Soul fund raising campaign. Take advantage of this occasion to make a pledge or donation to this campaign to help us reach our goal. A table will be set up at the event to receive your donation or pledge. Well, it’s been an interesting couple of years hasn’t it? Covid has changed a lot of things in everyone’s lives but in our communi-ty, Slovenska Sola has been continuing to op-erate throughout this time. Because of Covid, our school board and programme ended in-person classes in March, 2020, so Sola in 2020 basically ended in March that year while eve-rything got locked down and we all tried to get rid of Covid. In May, 2020 we couldn’t have our usual Mother’s Day Luncheon and Graduation, so we weren’t able to acknowledge or graduates from that year, Al-exandra Novak, and Lukas Tran. In September, 2020, the Sola teachers and students embarked on a new adventure: Slov-enska Sola Online. We switched our classes from Saturdays to Wednesday evenings to give everyone a break from their computers on the weekend. Lorie and I had a huge learn-ing curve learning the online platform but we soon became comfortable with it although the odd technical glitch would come around now and then. Although, it was tough not see-ing our students in person, the online plat-form allowed some new students from Toron-to and St. Catharines to join our programme. We persevered and completed the school year in early June, 2021 with 2 students graduating: Marcus Curkovic and Kyle Lukežic. We are now looking forward to the new school year. While we were hoping that we would be able to hold in-person classes, I was recently advised that we will be back on the online platform until Christmas with the hope of returning to the classroom in the New Year. We are still accepting registration for this school year. We will be starting classes on Wednesday October 13, 2021 and classes will run on Wednesday evenings. We are always looking for new students, so if you know a child who is interested in learn-ing about the Slovenian Culture, Language, and Heritage, or have any questions, please contact Sandy Ferletic at Why Should Your Child Learn Slovenian? Our lives are busy. Our children’s lives seem to be even busier than our own. Parents spend several evenings a week at music les-sons, dance class, soccer fields, baseball dia-monds, hockey rinks, pools, and volleyball courts. They spend several weekends every month at games and tournaments, meets, or recitals. They do this without blinking an eye because there is a benefit to children learning instruments or playing sports. Yet, when someone suggests that a child attend a language class for a few hours on a Saturday morning, everyone is “too busy” or doesn’t see the worth in doing so. You may wonder why should you wake up early on Sat-urday mornings to take your son or daughter to school when you could be sleeping-in in-stead? Several studies have been done look-ing at children who learn a second or third language in comparison with those who don’t. These studies show that there are clear benefits to children learning their mother tongue. I’m going to tell you about six: Greater Connection to their Cultural Back-ground and Heritage: Learning your mother tongue allows the speaker to have a closer tie to their own cul-tural and linguistic community. Language and culture go hand in hand; you cannot learn one without the other. This is particularly im-portant in smaller communities like ours. The greater the tie to the community, the stronger the community grows, and the longer it lasts. Learning Slovenian allows our children to de-velop a connection to our small community and allows them to learn the value of their culture and heritage. It fosters a sense of be-longing and teaches children the importance of cultural diversity to society as a whole. Our cultural uniqueness should be celebrated, not ignored. Better Brain Development: This is particularly true for young children. Learning additional languages plays a huge role in the development of the executive func-tioning of the brain: multi-tasking, concentra-tion, and focus. Studies have shown that chil-dren who learn multiple languages are better able to complete multiple tasks at the same time, are better able to focus their attention, and are better able to problem solve when compared to children who speak a single lan-guage. Brain scans of children who speak mul-tiple languages show more grey matter (the good stuff) in the regions of executive func-tions. Improved Academic Performance: Children who are bilingual or multilingual also perform better on school standardized tests. They have higher literacy rates and are more creative in their thinking. Greater crea-tivity in thinking leads to better problem-solving skills as they are better able to see multiple viewpoints. The ability to see a prob- lem from different sides is the cornerstone of problem-solving. Better Future Career and Earning Oppor-tunities: The ability to speak languages other than English literally opens doors for your child in his or her future. It increases your child’s fu-ture career opportunities as ability to speak other languages will distinguish your child from other applicants. Studies have also shown that bilingual/multilingual children earn on average 2% more per year that their single-language counterparts. That may not sound like a lot, but it adds up over your child’s future working years. Long-Term Health Benefits: All those benefits regarding brain develop-ment also have long-term health benefits for your child. They help prevent or delay age-related cognitive decline in your child’s later years. This would have a positive impact on any future Alzheimer’s or dementia. Most Importantly…It’s FUN!! (for parents too!): This is the most important reason!!! Slove-nian School is fun!! Your child will make new friends within in their own cultural communi-ty. Our classes are not like it was 20-30 years ago. We try to make them fun with games. The best learning happens when children don’t realize they’re learning and that’s what we try to do. There is of course the usual seat-work, but we also use games and singing to teach our students the Slovenian language and culture. If you don’t believe me, just ask some of our kids! It’s also fun for parents! You get 3.5 child-free hours to do whatever you want…literally! Go grocery shopping (imagine how much faster that will go without the kids!), go to the gym, enjoy a coffee without squabbling sib-lings, or just revel in the sound of a quiet home. Now that I’ve told you about all the bene-fits, here are the disadvantages of your child learning their mother tongue: NONE! Yup, zero disadvantages! Your child may not want to go to school on Saturdays. They’ll want to stay home and sleep-in, play video games, or pretty much anything else. But there’s a rea-son that kids generally can’t make decisions for themselves: they don’t know what’s in their best interest. It’s the same reason why you make your kids eat their veggies even if they don’t like them: because it’s good for them. In a similar way, learning Slovenian is also good for them. They don’t know it now, but they will understand when they’re older and they will appreciate it. I know this from personal experience. I hated going to Sola but now I’m glad my mom kicked my butt into the car every Saturday morning as a child. She knew better than I did. You know better than your child does. Registration for Slovenian School will be on Saturday September 7, 2019 from 10am to 12pm. The cost is $75.00 for 1 child, $140.00 for 2 children ($70.00 per child), and $195.00 for 3 children ($65.00 per child). The cost is for 1 full school year. We look forward to seeing everyone come back and especially look forward to meeting our new students. We accept any child from kindergarten to Grade 8, regardless of how much/little Slovenian they know. It may seem hard at first, but the long-term rewards are worth the effort. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at or 905-977-8464. Sandy Ferletic SLOVENSKA ŠOLA - update 1st Place -Team Benc 2nd Place - Team Pavlakovic 3rd Place - Team Erzar Special thank you to Clark Novak for clean-ing the bocce courts, and Vinko Benc and Mi-lan Zakrajšek for helping with levelling the courts. The $155 profit from the tournament is being donated to St. Gregory the Great Parish. Peter Novak TEKMOVANJU V BALIANJU - DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - FALL BACCE TOURNAMENT Društvo sv. Jožefa je v soboto, 18. septem-bra 2021, s pricetkom ob 10h dopoldne, orga-niziralo tekmovanje v balinanju. Na lepo sonc-no jesensko jutro so se 4 ekipe prijavile za tek-movanje, poleg njih pa so prišli tudi tistih, ki so navijali ali samo opazovali ali pa poklepeta-li. Na koncu pa se še podkrepili z klobaso in žemljo. Tekmovalci so zavzeto tekmovali, do-bre volje in smeha tudi ni manjkalo, pa tudi merjenja, katera krogla je bližja balincu. Poleg zgoraj omenjenih treh ekip ja sodelovala še ekipa Ferletic in zasedla castno cetrto mesto. Hvala Petru Novaku in vsem, ki so pomagali pri organizaciji, pripravi in izpeljavi tega sreca-nja. Po vsem tem casu korone, ko se normalno ni dalo srecevati, so danes mnogi imeli priliko, da so se pogovorili in srecali stare prijatelje. Ob koncu smo se še poslikali za gasilsko sliko, da bo nekaj ostalo tudi za spomin. Prvo mesto: Ekipa Benc OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS V nedeljo, 12. septembra smo se zbrali pri maši v Lon-donu v cerkvi St. John the Divine. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English - For the time of Covid-19 it is only one Mass on Sundays) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFES-SIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: - $100 - Julija Sagadin z družino V spomin na pokojno Terezijo Jeric: - $90 - Necakinja Anastazija in Aleksander Gomboc (BC) - $20 - Cynthia in Martino-John Coons - $15 - Regina Martino V spomin na pokojno Tino Davnorovic: - $50 Marija Hocevar Hvala vsem za vaše darove. Bog vam sto-terno povrni vašo dobroto. CIŠCENJE CERKVE - CLEANING OF THE CHURCH Sept. 25, 2021 Jožica Vegelj and team Oct. 9, 2021 Gosgnach Oct. 23, 2021 Groznik, Erzar, Rev, Lukežic Nov. 6, 2021 Lojzka Novak team Nov. 20, 2021 Lukežic, Volcanšek Dec. 4, 2021 Jožica Vegelj and team Dec. 18, 2021 Gosgnach 25. NEDELJA MED LETOM 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 19. SEPTEMBER JANUARIJ, ŠK-MUC. † †† †† † †† † † † † † Za žive in rajne župljane Matthew Kennedy Pokojni iz družine Balažic Mama Marija in sestra Vida, obl. Mama Barbara Oberman, obl. Brata Jože in Marko, obl. Ignac Prša Franc Kapušin Ignac Horvat Ann Božnar Marija Jakob 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - - - - Margaret Žagar in družina Matilda Bratuž Martin Malevic z družino Hci Stanka Malevic z družino Sestra Stanka Malevic z družino Milena Volcanšek z družino Janko in Anica Bubaš Marija Pangus (Mississauga) Family Božnar Tony Ferko z družino Ferk Karl September 21, 1994 Matkovic Marija September 21, 2019 Kolenc Marija Meta September 22, 1989 Horvath Anna September 22, 2002 Gomboša Slava September 22, 2020 Zorko Edward September 23, 1993 Drvaric Franc September 23, 2000 Grobelnik Viktor September 24, 2018 Malevich Marija September 26, 1996 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Od 20. 9. 2021 Do 26. 9. 2021 PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 20. SEPTEMBER Andrej Kim, mucenec † † †† Viktor Glavac Emilija Jazvic Viktorija in Miroslava Sagadin 7:00 P.M. Ivan in Rozina Doma Ana Tadic Julija Sagadin z družino TOREK - TUESDAY 21. SEPTEMBER Matej, apostol-evangelist † †† Jeric Terezija Ignac, Viktor in Danny Doma 7:00 P.M. Manja Erzetic Alois in Agata Sarjaš SREDA - WEDNESDAY 22. SEPTEMBER Mavricij, mucenec † †† † †† Ignac Horvat Jože in Tomaž Langenfus Slava Gomboša, obl. Vsi pokojni prijatelji 7:00 P.M. Mary in Joe Pelcar (Montreal) Žena in mama Terezija Kralj Julija Sagadin z družino CETRTEK - THURSDAY 23. SEPTEMBER Pij iz Pietrelcine, red. † † Matilda Berkovic Branko Ježovnik 7:00 P.M. Zlatko Berkovic z družino Žena Dorothea PETEK - FRIDAY 24. SEPTEMBER Anton Martin Slomšek, šk. † †† Viktor Grobelnik, obl. Za pokojne farane Mariji v priprošnjo 7:00 P.M. Rose Marie in Tony Vengar z dru. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Dragica Đondraš SOBOTA - SATURDAY 25. SEPTEMBER Sergij, menih Nikolaj, kmet Kvatre † † † †† †† † † † † † Martin Simoncic Joe Lackovic Maks Gricnik Pok. iz družine Mlacak Pok. iz družine Rožic Marija Markoja Štefan Kricaj Mirko Kosem Štefan Kricaj Štefan Kricaj 5:30 P.M. Lusi Zenoni Žena Vera in družina Marija Košir Družina Mlacak Družina Mlacak Jože in Marija Magdic z druž. Rada Kosem Rada Kosem Francis Stegne Marija in Steve Kranjec 26. NEDELJA MED LETOM 26TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 26. SEPTEMBER KOZMA IN DAMIJA, MUC. SLOMŠKOVA NEDELJA † † † † † † † † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Terezija Jeric Karel Volf Jože Pust, obl. Slavka Mramor Ignac Horvat Ignac Horvat Štefan Kricaj Stane Simrayh, obl. Pokojni iz druž. Kisner & Sagadin 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - - - - Necakinja Anastazija z druž. (BC) Žena Marija Družina Pust Mož z družino Olga Glavac Terezija in Ignac Sarjaš z druž. Ignac in Gabriela Robacer Kristijan Razpotnik Julija Sagadin z družino