86 AR 2010/1 AR 2010 / 1 Domen Zupančič ECONOMY AND COMMON SENSE: SIMPLE SOLUTIONS FROM PAST FOR TODAY AND BEYOND Mediterra 2009, 1 st Mediternean Conference on Earth Architecture DiArch Facolta di Architectura, Italy Escola Superior Gallaecia, Portugal CRATerre-Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture de Grenoble, France 13. – 16. marec 2009, Sardinija, Italija http://www.uni-terra.org/events/mediterra-2009 Mediterra 2009 je bila prva mednarodna konferenca, kjer smo se srečali raziskovalci glinene arhitekture (eng. earthen architecture), graditelji, konservatorji in drugi. V štirih dneh je bilo predstavljenih preko 45 referatov na temo gline, arhitekture, ekonomije, upravljana, raziskav gradiv. Konferenca je bila organizirana na pobudo treh organizacij (fakultete in inštitut). Referati so bili strnjeni v zborniku. Izvleček The builder used constructing material due to rational reasons: source at hand with short delivery pathways; nature of material is verified from forefathers; handling with material is imparted through childhood. The last one has the most significant role in vernacular architecture. Why? In childhood way of thinking and solving problems are raised. Sincere constructional solutions in architecture are result of logic and local knowledge. Local knowledge may be concerned as variable resulting variances of solutions of the same problem - clay ceiling in Egypt and Yemen. The following paper shows how solutions from nowadays have origin in “past” architecture. Smart materials using low tech, with no artificial ener gy have much in common with smart materials “invented” in modern age. Clay and pine tree branch has much in common with reinforced concrete; soft soil and straw has much in common with fibreglass flooring; thin gypsum layers covering rammed earth may extent life span of construction as thin façade coating protect insulation from decay. ZUpANČIČ, Domen. Economy and common sense simple solutions from past for today and beyond. V: ACHENZA, maddalena (ur .), CORREIA, mariana (ur .), GUILLAUD, Hubert (ur .). mediterra 2009, (Architettura sostenibile / documenti). 1a ed. monfalcone: EdicomEdizioni, cop. 2009, str. 537-547, ilustr. ISbN 978-88-86729-95-6. Tadeja Zupančič COMMUNICATING (BY) CURRICULUM DESIGN: THE INTEGRAL TRADITION ON DOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIP IN ARCHITECTURE Communicating (by) Design Chalmers University of Technology 15. – 17. april 2009, Göteborg Izvleček The intensive programmes offer an opportunity to introduce fast changing and developing fields into the experience of architectural students regardless of the flexibility level of curricular structures and institutional contexts. The main aim is to enhance and promote place-sensitive interventions in physical and virtual worlds. The paper concludes with a discussion of intentions, experience gained, some sobering moments as well as the learning curves of participants and organizers when it comes to design culmination of sensitive physical and virtual realities. ZUpANČIČ-STROjAN, Tadeja. Communicating (by) curriculum design : the integral tradition on doctoral scholarship in architecture. V: VERbEKE, johan (ur.), jAKImOWICZ, Adam (ur.). Communicating (by) design : proceedings of the colloquium "Communicating (by) Design" at Sint-Lucas brussels from 15th - 17th April 2009. brussels: Hogeschool voor Wetenschap & Kunst; Gent: School of Architecture Sint-Lucas; Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology, 2009, str. 675-685, ilustr. [CObISS.SI-ID 2279812] Tadeja Zupančič Matevž Juvančič VIRTUAL SPACE DESIGN : A FLEXIBLE LEARNING MODEL 27th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe Yildiz Technical University 16.-19. september 2009, Istanbul, Turkey Izvleček Studies on ‘the Unthinkable Doctorate’, focused on the development of doctoral scholarship in architecture, have shown three types of scientific research approaches: ‘conservative’, ‘pragmatic’ and ‘liberal’. The aim of this contribution is to indicate that the integration of all the three ‘perspectives’ is possible even within the ‘conservative’ complex larger institutions (institutional contexts). This can be explained through the discussions and the results of the recent curricular Bologna renewal endeavours in Ljubljana/Slovenia: communicating (by) curriculum design. Identifying its own research tradition, to be continued and enhanced. AR 2010/1 87 2010 / 1 AR ZUpANČIČ-STROjAN, Tadeja, jUVANČIČ, matevž. Virtual space design : a flexible learning model. V: ÇAĞDAŞ, Gülen (ur.), ÇOLAKOĞLU, birgül (ur.). Computation : the new realm of architectural design : proceedings of the 27th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, September 16-19, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. 1st ed. Istanbul: Istanbul Technical University faculty of Architecture: yildiz Technical University, cop. 2009, str. 137- 144, ilustr. [CObISS.SI-ID 2325380] Borut Juvanec EARTH ARCHITECTURE AND SLOVENIA Mediterra 2009, 1 st Mediternean Conference on Earth Architecture DiArch Facolta di Architectura, Italy Escola Superior Gallaecia, Portugal CRATerre-Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture de Grenoble, France 13. – 16. marec 2009, Sardinija, Italija http://www.uni-terra.org/events/mediterra-2009 Na povabilo prof Mariane Correia iz ESG Gallaecia (Portugalska) sva se s kolegom dr Domnom Zupančičem udeležila 1ere Conference Mediterraneenne sur L'Architecture de Terre med 13. in 16. marcem 2oo9 na Univerzi v Cagliariju, Sardinija, Italija. Kongres so organizirali pod pokroviteljstvom UNESCO World Heritage Centre, ICCROM Roma, ICOMOS Paris, GCI Getty Conservation Institute Los Angeles: Universita di Cagliari, RAS Regione Autonoma di Sardegna, ESG Escola Superior Gallaecia, CRATERRE-ENSAG Centre Int. de la Construction en Terre pri L'Ecole Nationale Superiere sur l'Architecture de Grenoble, France (UNESCO Chair for Earthen Architecture). Sam sem član Comitato Scient ifico kongresa, recenziral sem štiri prispevke za objavo, bil sem v predsedstvu 4. seje. Kongres je tekel tri dni s predavanji in en dan z vodenim ogledom. Na kongresu je bilo 2oo udeležencev s 14o nastopi, od tega je natisnjenih 75. Na kongresu smo sodelovali strokovnjaki iz 36 držav sveta. S kolegom sva na Sardiniji zbirala gradivo o kamnitih konstrukcijah, predvsem na temo 'pozzo sacro' ali 'sveti vodnjak'. Dokumentirala sva vodnjake iz obdobja nuragijske kulture (17oo do 385 pred štetjem): Santa Vittoria (Serri), Su Tempiesu (Nuoro), Predio Canopoli (Perfugas) in grobnico Campu Lontanu (Sassari). Izvleček Theory on building materials includes all the natural row materials: all between water and stone. Cut or undressed stone can be composed directly, wood has to be hewed, clay can be moulded, dried or burned. The first two techniques need technical, the last one needs technological work. Techniques depend on material. Turf, a combination of two layers: soil and grass, can be composed in layers only. Moulded clay has to be reinforced, with branches of oily shrubs mostly. Ramned clay is the same material, but built-in between wooden wainscot and pressed hard. Adobe system is made of raw clay block, dried on air or on the sun. All these compositions need maintaining during all the use. After the use can clay in these constructions become strewed material again. Construction of raw clay needs water for forming as well as for its effect. Burned bricks are technologically changed material and can not be returned into clay after burning. The point of elements with the same dimensions is proportional system. For bricks are mostly in use the formula 1 : 2 : 4 (width : height : length), which enables forming of corners, and variable thickness of the walls. Clay can be usefull material for connection between wooden beams, stones and bricks. On the surface clay can be used as plaster or coating, technically; with technological changes clay appears as enamel or even as kaolin in porcelain. Examples from Mediterranean and Near East can be found as moulded walls in all the North Africa,Yemen. Ramned clay can be seen from Morocco to Caucasus Today too, as well as adobe. T iles as roofing material can be of burned clay , but better tiles have enamel surface, with double burning. Not only quality , tiles appearance with coloured surface is very typical for all the Mediterranean part of Europe, and is important part of its architecture. Porcelain techniqu e for enamel plates or glazed tiles is used mostly on the Western part of Europe, in Spain and in Portugal, with its typical ajuleisos. In Slovenia, clay architecture is very often, especially in its Nort-East part, also in combination with the wood, mostly with thatched roofs. T oday it is matter of scientific work only . j UVANEC, borut. Earth architecture and Slovenia. V: ACHENZA, maddalena (ur .), CORREIA, mariana (ur .), GUILLAUD, Hubert (ur .). mediterra 2009, (Architettura sostenibile / documenti). 1a ed. monfalcone: EdicomEdizioni, cop. 2009, str . 71-84, ilustr . Borut Juvanec MAN'S FIRST STEPS INTO PROPORTION THEORY Symmetry: Art and Science International Society for the Indisciplinary Study of Symmmetry ISIS 14. – 19. september 2009, Wroclaw – Cracow, Poland Kongres Symmetry of Forms and Structures je tekel v Wroclawu in v Cracowu v okviri ISIS (International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry, Melbourne, Budapest). Na kongres me je povabil profesor Denes Nagy , udeležila sva se ga s kolegom dr Zupančičem, žal le zadnje tri dni kongresa. Na kongresu je presenetilo izjemno mednarodno zastopstvo, s poudarkom na Japonski. Tradicija teorije je tam posebno pomembna in še vedno živa, tudi na področju proporcijskih sistemov.