SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 9/59 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 26.2. 2023 1. POSTNA NEDELJA 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Skušnjave Na današnjo prvo postno nedeljo nam liturgija govori o skušnjavah, o bojevanju s hudim duhom. Post naj bo torej čas duhovnega boja, da bi mogli napredovati na Gospodovi poti, da bi se mogli bolj odločno pridružiti božji volji, ki je ljubezen; odločneje naj bi se torej bojevali proti svojemu samoljubju, ki se razodeva na najrazličnejše načine. Prvo berilo nam prikazuje, kako sta Adam in Eva podlegla skušnjavcu; nasprotno pa evangelij izpričuje, kako se je Jezus skušnjavcu upiral in zmagal. Drugo berilo pa govori o zmagi milosti nad grehom; vse to dokaj optimistično: Jezus je skušnjavca premagal za nas in prav zato lahko k zmagi hodimo tudi sami, pogumno in z velikim zaupanjem. Pripoved o izvirnem grehu je zelo znana. Že takoj lahko ugotovimo, da skušnjavec od vsega začetka navaja stvari, ki niso resnične. Prvo vprašanje: »Ali je res, da je Bog rekel: 'Ne smeta jesti od nobenega drevesa v vrtu?'« Že s tem vprašanjem je hotel podtakniti sumničenje Boga. Na to prvo vprašanje je Eva znala odgovoriti. Zatem skušnjavec zatrjuje, da ni res tisto, kar je Bog povedal. Bog je naročil Adamu in Evi, da ne smeta jesti od drevesa, ki je na sredini vrta, sicer bosta morala umreti; vendar pa skušnjavec pravi: »Nikakor ne bosta umrla! Nasprotno, Bog ve, da bi se vama tisti dan, ko bi jedla z njega, odprle oči in bi postala kakor Bog, poznala bi dobro in hudo«. Satan tukaj cilja na željo postati pomemben in pravi: »Postala bi kakor Bog, poznala bi dobro in hudo.« Dejansko pa je res, da kdor podleže skušnjavi, nikakor ne postane kakor Bog, temveč postane vsega usmiljenja vreden. Preberimo si namreč besedilo: »Tedaj so se obema odprle oči in spoznala sta, da sta naga.« Adam in Eva sta se ovedela svoje krhkosti, slabotnosti in nesposobVESTNIK 2023 | nosti obrambe; namesto da bi postala kakor Bog, sta spoznala človeško slabotnost, krhkost in umrljivost. V evangeliju pa Jezus nasprotuje skušnjavcu. Ta začenja z dokaj prefinjeno skušnjavo: »Če si Božji Sin, reci, naj ti kamni postanejo kruh.« Jezus je Božji Sin. Ob njegovem krstu tik pred bivanjem v puščavi ga je Bog razglasil za svojega Sina. Ker je Božji Sin, more delati čudeže. Hudič mu ponuja, da bi mu kot uslugo naredil čudež. Prav v tem je skušnjava. Dejansko je moč »delati čudeže« - ki jo ima Jezus kot Božji Sin - v službi Boga in bratov, ne pa, da bi z njo zadovoljeval svoje želje. - Ta skušnjava velja tudi za nas. Vsi imamo dragocene darove in sposobnosti, s katerimi si lahko pridobimo mnogotere prednosti. Če jih uporabljamo za svoj dobiček, živimo pač v samoljubju, ne pa po božjem načrtu. Naš življenje postaja nerodovitno. Jezus zavrne to prvo skušnjavo in odgovarja: »Pisano je: 'Človek ne živi samo od kruha, ampak od vsake besede, ki prihaja iz Božjih ust.'«. Jezus navaja odlomek iz 2. Mojzesove knjige, ki prikazuje, da za človeka ni najpomembnejša materialna hrana, temveč je to pripadnost hotenju božje ljubezni. Hudič je spreten. V odgovoru na prvo skušnjavo je Jezus navedel Sveto pismo; v drugi skušnjavi tudi hudič navaja Sveto pismo, s katerim predlaga dejanje, ki se zdi kot popolno zaupanje v Boga: »Če si Božji Sin, se vrzi dol, kajti pisano je: »'Svojim angelom bo zate zapovedoval' in: 'Na rokah te bodo nosili, da z nogo ne zadeneš ob kamen.' « Kje je tu skušnjava? Jezus jo prepozna in tudi razkrinka: »Pisano je tudi: 'Ne preizkušaj Gospoda, svojega Boga!'« Nazadnje hudič predloži še skušnjavo, ki zadeva samo Jezusovo poslanstvo. Hudič mu ponuja zelo preprosto pot, da bi dosegel vse to. Pokaže mu vsa kraljestva sveta in njihovo slavo in mu pravi: »Vse to ti bom dal, če padeš predme in me moliš.« Na to skušnjavo Jezus odgovori še odločneje: »Poberi se, satan, kajti pisano je: 'Gospoda, svojega Boga, moli in njemu samemu služil'«. Jezus ne pusti, da bi ga hudič prekanil, in mu odgovori: »Pisano je: 'Gospoda, svojega Boga, moli in njemu samemu služil'« Moliti Boga in le njemu služiti: tu gre za temeljni odnos. - (Primerjaj: Oznanjevalec 2008 ) 78 | VESTNIK 2023 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT Response: Have mercy, O Lord, for we have sinned. First Reading Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7 Adam and Eve yield to temptation in the garden of Eden. Second Reading Romans 5:12-19 Jesus’ gift of divine life more than outweighs the loss suffered by Adam when he fell. Gospel Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus sees off Satan in the wilderness and shows us how to walk in the path of life. “All the kingdoms of the world.” Illustration Those of us of a certain age are often struck by the skill with which young people get to grips with new technology. Let’s suppose we’ve got ourselves a new television, one of those that talks to the internet and is connected to a satellite dish. It comes with an instruction manual that seems to have been translated badly out of Chinese. When we’ve failed to figure out how it all works, what we need is a teenager. They’ll know what to do, and will be able to show us – and being shown is much better than being told or reading the instructions. As we enter upon our Lenten journey, our instructions are clear: pray, fast and give alms. We are told this in our liturgy, and we read it in the scriptures and the teaching of the Church. But who better than the one who wrote our instructions – the Word of God himself – to actually show us what to do? Gospel Teaching In today’s Gospel, we see Jesus living out the instructions we have received in the way that he resists the temptations of Satan. “Man does not live on bread alone”: we don’t fast during Lent because we want to make ourselves miserable – Lent is, after all, a joyful season – but to direct our minds and bodies towards the love of higher things, the things of heaven. Notice how the devil begins his temptation of Jesus by saying, “If you are the Son of God…” In other words, take advantage of being special; but Jesus’ reply places himself in perfect solidarity with his fellow human beings: “man” – in other words, every human being – does not live on bread alone. In the temptations in the wilderness, we see Jesus living out what St Paul says about him in the letter to the Philippians: he does not cling to his equality with God, but empties himself, taking the form of a servant. Notice that all of this happens in the wilderness. In the scriptures, the wilderness or desert is a place of temptation, of trial, but it is also a place of revelation, where prophets like Moses and Elijah encounter the living God. As we read about Jesus’ temptations, we are encountering God living as a human being, tempted in all things as we are, and showing us how to live without sin. To live like this is to walk the path that leads to heaven, and so we must focus on God. Not putting God to the test, we must instead worship God, serving God alone. The goal of Jesus’ earthly life was to lead us to heaven, and the goal of our lives, and of our Lenten observances, is to follow in the path that he has trodden for us. When Satan offers Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth, Jesus rejects that offer because he is laying claim, on our behalf, to something much greater: the kingdom of heaven. This last temptation of Jesus points towards the very end of St Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus and the apostles find themselves not in the desert but on a high mountain – another place of revelation. Here Jesus says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” By walking the way of the cross, Christ has won, for himself and for us, far more than Satan ever pretended to offer. Application When we undertake our Lenten penances, let us remember that we are doing so in imitation of Christ. He has shown us how to live, how to fulfil the instructions that God has been offering since the call of Abraham. If we forget this, there is a danger that Lent can be for us a moment of temptation: the temptation to think that if we work hard enough, if we pray hard enough, if we make ourselves miserable enough, we can earn ourselves a place in heaven. Imitating Christ means letting go of pride, letting go of a sense of our own achievements. Instead, everything has been achieved for us by Jesus, and in particular by his death and resurrection. In a few weeks we will be celebrating that paschal mystery on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The purpose of Lent is to prepare us for that celebration by reminding us that through this mystery he has opened for us the gate of paradise. Letting go of pride and rejoicing to share in the path of life opened up for us by Jesus is the real meaning of our Lenten observances VESTNIK 2023 | 79 80 | VESTNIK 2023 CWL - KŽZ: BAZAAR We are exciting that the Bazaar is just around the corner. To ensure you have a spot, call and make your table reservations and join our long tradition of enjoying our CWL Bazaar. Lunch, Raffle, Penny Sale, Pecivo, Strudel and Noodles will all be available. As per usual, we will have a children’s center for kids of all ages to enjoy. Remember to reserve your noodles - 1 bag limit unless there are noodles still available on the day of the bazaar! Noodles are $20 per bag and made with the TLC of our ladies! Please call Pamela Gosgnach or Terezija Sarjaš for your order and reservations! We also welcome participation from our parish community. If you have any prizes, gifts or toys that you can donate to our cause, please bring them on Saturday morning (March 4th) - the day before the bazaar. If you are able to do any baking, Pecivo will also be accepted and appreciated on Sunday morning - March 5th before mass. This is our Slovenian Parish event and hope that you will all not only help with donations, but participate and enjoy the day with us! See you all at our Parish Bazaar on March 5th! 50th Wedding Anniversary Koloman & Kristina Mes Čestitke za 50 let skupnega življenja. Naj vaju še naprej spremlja božji blagoslov in priprošnja nebeške Matere Marije. VESTNIK 2023 | 81 Sunday, February 19, Slovenski Park held its annual Family Day celebration. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon, and even though a bit chilly, it was not quite wintry enough for ice skating or snowballs! Thanks to our member volunteers, we were still able to enjoy some great food, drink and entertaining activities, both indoors and outdoors. Our amazing event organizers started the afternoon off with a pie eating contest. The first place winner was very hardcore, unshakable and strongly competitive! Determined to win this contest, which was obvious with the runaway win she achieved, was Amanda Purdon! Honorable mentions to Cam Bellemore, who came in second, and the rest of our pastry pounding players, Joe Pust, Dan Demšar, Leah Škerl, Heidy Novak and Laura Pinter. I think Laura still hasn’t got all the blueberries out of her hair. That’s what I heard. Next up was an outdoor Scavenger Hunt. Six diehard teams participated. The team that came in first place was not really much of a 82 | VESTNIK 2023 surprise, but this team finished SO QUICKLY, the judge could not believe they actually managed to find everything on the Scavenger Hunt list! The athletic and energetic, baš-nisogrdi, Team “Grdi Brothers”, consisting of Aaron, Lucas and Thomas Grdadolnik, SMOKED the remaining 5 teams. Our second place winners were definitely not kitten around when they entered this competition! The cat’s meow of all teams, the ameowzing “Team Josie and the Pussycats”, which included Heidy Novak, Leah Skerl and Josie Dubeé. Adorable mention goes to baby Emma Chlan, great granddaughter of long-time member, Ljudmila Pinter. Emma was our youngest, and by far sweetest and most fashionably dressed participant at only 18 months old! Kudos as well to those Scavenger Hunt participants who were forcefully compelled by their younger and noticeably more-fit teammates, to actually “run” while engaging in this competition, and who may have subsequently suffered from stinging lungs and shin splints. Good effort everyone. Annual General Meeting and Elections Sunday March 5, 2023 Please note that the meeting and elections will take place on a Sunday this year in order to encourage participation. Only active members in good standing will be eligible to vote. The meeting is restricted to members only, however, membership renewals and new memberships will be available that day. A complimentary lunch will be served at 12:00 p.m., and the Annual General Meeting and Elections will begin at 1:00 p.m. Thankyou for your continued support/ The kitchen, bar and event coordinating volunteers did a terrific job as usual, although little Jax Pace tried to sneak in a nap while on kitchen duty so we took away his applesauce and gave him a good talking to. Appreciation and acknowledgement as well to all those unseen members who reliably and consistently work in the background, cleaning, prepping, stocking... There is so much that happens behindthe-scenes that most members are not even aware of to make our events successful. Our sincerest thanks to you all for your hard work! We had a great turnout of members and their families this year! Na zdravje vsem, and sincere gratitude to everyone who was able to join us and make this day a successful one! Saturday, March 25, 2023 3-piece Breaded Chicken with Potatoes and Coleslaw OR Meatloaf with Potatoes and Vegetables $25 Also: Apple Strudel $20 and Potica (limited... call for price) Call to place your order from March 13 to 23: Anica Orešar 905-684-0036 Mary Verhovšek 905-682-7055 Martina Malevich Bellemore Reporting on Behalf of Your 2023 Executive Committee Pickup time to be advised...come inside to pick up your order Cases of beer available for purchase on pickup day, for details call Frank Chermaz at 905-964-6055 VESTNIK 2023 | 83 84 | VESTNIK 2023 Pustovanje at St Gregory the Great was a fun event as always. We had little kids and we had big kids all dressed up! It was amazing to see so much creativity and imagination in one room. There were princesses, beauty queens, goblins, priests, monsters, scarecrows, shepherds, cowboys, cowgirls and so many more creative costumes who came together to celebrate before the start of the Lenten season! Congratulations to all our costume winners, and thanks to everyone who joined in the fun. Thanks to everyone who made this event happen - from set up to clean up - from kitchen to bar help! - Thank you Elka, Marianne Š. Mary M. Tony, Nancy, Alyssa, Joe P., Dragica and Lojze F. And let’s not forget to thank our band Slo-Beat who never disappoint! They had the costumes marching in the judges parade and kept the dance floor grooving all night long. Looking forward to seeing you all at our next parish event! - Heidy N. VESTNIK 2023 | 85 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA KOLEDAR DOGODKOV Villa Slovenia - Tuesday’s night social gatherings from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. V Villa Slovenia se nadaljujejo »torkovi večeri«. Vabljeni, da pridete skupaj in preživite nekaj uric v dobri družbi prijateljev. Na mizi v cerkveni veži so kuverte za članarino. V kuverti je članska izkaznica za leto 2023. Dajte denar za članarino ($15) v kuverto in kuverto oddajte v nabiralnik za nedeljsko nabirko. St. Joseph Society Meeting - Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday March 5th after the 10 AM Mass at the Villa. The Annual St. Joseph's Banquet will be held on Sunday March 19th. Please join us for lunch after the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Tickets ($25.00) Students ($10.00) will be available before and after Mass on Sunday March 12, Tuesday nights at Villa Slovenia or call Peter Novak 905-928-9984. Ticket deadline is Thursday March 17th. No sales at the door. - Peter Novak - March 5, 2023 - CWL-KŽZ - Bazaar - Mass at 10:00 a.m. - March 19, 2023 - Društvo sv. Jožefa - Banquet - Mass: 10:00 a.m. - March 26, 2023 - Breslau - Maša za Slovensko skupnost ob 1:00 p.m. READERS - BRALCI BERIL February 26th, 2023: Slovenian Mass - Frank Novak English Mass - Mary Ann Demšar GIFT BEARERS - SLOVENIAN MASS Feb. 26th - Sue & Zdravko Augustin March 5th - CWL members March 12th - Albina in Jože Antolin March 19th - St. Joseph’s Society 86 | VESTNIK 2023 CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - ČIŠČENJE CERKVE March 4th - Gosgnach team March 11th - Lukežič, Volčanšek team PRVI PETEK - FIRST FRIDAY V sredo začnemo mesec marec. Prvi petek je 3. marca in zvečer bo priložnost za spoved in molitev pred Najsvetejšim. Tokrat bo prilika za spoved že ob 5:30 p.m., ob 6:00 p.m. rožni venec, ob 6:30 p.m. križev pot in ob 7:00 p.m. sveta masa. VEČNA LUČ V mesecu marcu bo večna luč svetila po namenu Olge Hanc in družine za pokojnega moža Joe Hanc. CWL - KŽZ Please note that we will not be having a general CWL meeting on March 1st. The date of our next meeting will be posted in the Vestnik. February 19, 2023 Na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 17. februarja 2023: - $146,620. - Obljubili / Pledged - $140,660. - Vplačali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Naš cilj je, da dosežemo vsoto 200.000,- V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Mozetič Kovič Slovenska skupnost v London pri maši v St Pavlič John the Divine cerkvi. Lepa priložnost za vse Slovence v Londonu, da pridemo skoraj meseč- Tompa Virant no skupaj vsaj pri daritvi svete maše. Gonza Tompa Svete maše - Masses † †† † 1. POSTNA NEDELJA † † 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT † †† 26. FEBRUAR † Aleksander (Branko) † † škof † † † DON BOSCO Za žive in rajne župljane Maks Pavlič Martin in Matija Zelko Ann Božnar Francka Pust Marica Majzelj Julijana Sagadin, 30. dan Marija in Alojz Mes, obl. Cecilia Sobočan Cecilia Sobočan Cecilia Sobočan Ivan in Cecilia Sobočan Joe Lackovič Slavko Intihar Ljudmila Thu., February 27, 2003 Vinko Thu., February 28, 2013 Maks Fri., February 28, 2020 Eufemija Fri., March 5, 1993 Sophia Wed., March 5, 2014 Štefan Thu., March 5, 2015 Joyce Helen Thu., March 5, 2020 9:30 A.M. - - - - - - - Žena Milena z družino Marija in Toni Franc John Božnar z družino Družina Pust Tereza Prša Družina Kisner (Slovenija) Družina Mes Družina Mes 11:00 A.M. Heidy, Adam in Rosemary Mary in Ryan Tocher z družino Vera Gonza z družino Žena z družino Jožica Novak z družino SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2023 | 87 27. 2. 2023 - 5. 3. 2023 PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 27. FEBRUAR Gabrijel Žal. M.B., red. TOREK - TUESDAY 28. FEBRUAR Roman, opat SREDA - WEDNESDAY 1. MAREC Albin (Zorko), škof ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 2. MAREC Neža Praška, dev. SVETE MAŠE - MASSES † Anton Vengar † Tilka Vengar †† Pok. sorodniki in prijatelji 7:00 P.M. Rose Marie & Tony Vengar z druž. Rose Marie & Tony Vengar z druž. Rose Marie & Tony Vengar z druž. † Frank Pinter † Julijana Sagadin † Eileen MacKenzie Po namenu 7:00 P.M. Društvo sv. Jožefa (5) Marija Korošec z družino N.N. Ivka Pašalić Po namenu CWL † Cecilia Sobočan † Na čast sv. Jožefu † Bridge Mike Dazsco 7:00 P.M. CWL - KŽZ Jožica Novak z družino K.H. Sonja Langenfus † Marica Majzelj †† Franc in Marija Rantaša † Bronco Balažic, obl. 7:00 P.M. Family Štajduhar Družina Miklavčič Jenny Antolin z družino Križev pot 6:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. PRVI PETEK - FIRST FRIDAY † Joe Hanc Special intention 3. MAREC Kunigunda, cesarica Special intention † Zoltan Gergyek † Marija Bukvič 5:30 P.M. SOBOTA - SATURDAY † Manja Erzetič 4. MAREC † Karel Volf Kazimir, kralj † Joe Kolenko kvatre Za zdravje Za žive in rajne župljane 10:00 A.M. † Cecilija Sobočan † Louie Kopač † Matija Petek 2. POSTNA NEDELJA † Marica Majzelj †† Pok. Žumberger in Razpotnik †† Bratje in Sestre Zupančič 2ND SUNDAY OF LENT † Štefan Gonza, obl. † Julijana Sagadin 5. MAREC Eufemija in Jožef Tompa †† Hadrijan, mučenec † Eddy Kodarin † Mira Špiler † Eddy Kodarin †† Ignac in Marija Horvat 88 | VESTNIK 2023 Stations of the Cross Marija Korošec z družino Louise Kunkel Louise Kunkel Žena Ana z družino Anton Bukvič z družino Milena Pavlič z družino Joe Fotivec Žena in otroci N.N. -------Slavko Miklavčič z družino Slavko Miklavčič z družino Stan in Elizabeth Peter Franc Pleško Joe in Magda Razpotnik Sestra Vera Sampl z družino Žena Vera in hči z družino Amalij Štadler z družino Alojz in Agata Sarjaš z družino Žena Stanka z družino Mož z družino Mihael Špiler z družino Mihael Špiler z družino