*Corr. Author’s Address: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Trg D. Obradovića 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia, djokic@uns.ac.rs 287 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)6, 287-301 Received for review: 2021-03-21 © 2021 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. Received revised form: 2021-05-06 DOI:10.5545/sv-jme.2020.7179 Original Scientific Paper Accepted for publication: 2021-05-07 Dynamic Modelling, Experimental Identification and Computer Simulations of Non-Stationary Vibration in High-Speed Elevators Đokić, R. – Vladić, J. – Kljajin, M. – Jovanović, V . – Marković, G. – Karakašić, M. Radomir Đokić 1,* – Jovan Vladić 1 – Milan Kljajin 2 – Vesna Jovanović 3 – Goran Marković 4 – Mirko Karakašić 5 1 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Serbia 2 University North, University Center Varaždin, Croatia 3 University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Serbia 4 University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in Kraljevo, Serbia 5 University of Slavonski Brod, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Croatia Modelling the dynamic behaviour of elevators with high lifting velocities (contemporary elevators in building construction and mine elevators) is a complex task and an important step in the design process and creating conditions for safe and reliable exploitation of these machines. Due to high heights and lifting velocities, the standard procedures for dynamic exploitation are not adequate. The study presents the method of forming a dynamic model to analyse nonstationary vibrations of a rope with time-varying length with nonholonomic boundary conditions in the position where the rope is connected with the cabin (cage) and in the upcoming point of its winding onto the pulley (drum). A unique method was applied to identify the basic parameters of the dynamic model (stiffness and damping) based on experimental measures for a concrete elevator. Due to the verification of this procedure, the experiment was conducted on a mine elevator in RTB Bor, Serbia. Using the obtained computer-experimental results, the simulations of the dynamic behaviour of an empty and loaded cage were shown. In addition, the study shows the specific method as the basis for forming a control program that would enable the decrease in vertical vibrations during an elevator starting and braking mode. Keywords: high-speed elevators, dynamic analysis, a rope with time-varying length, mechanical characteristics of steel ropes, longitudinal oscillations, control program Highlights • The complexity of the dynamic analysis of elevators is because these are systems for lifting (lowering) people and load to great heights (depths) with high velocities and variable parameters. • Determining the critical hoisting velocity of the elevator car can be performed in the function with mechanical characteristics of ropes, such as the elasticity modulus and damping and loads in steel ropes. • Based on the theory of free harmonic damping oscillations, the mechanical characteristics of steel ropes can be determined through the oscillation diagrams obtained by measurement. • By defining the basis for the driving mechanism control program, it is possible to provide minimum dynamic loads of elevators based on adequate models and simulations of their operation in real conditions. 0 INTRODUCTION Mines with underground exploitation and operating levels up to 2500 m, along with the rising number of exceptionally tall buildings, with heights reaching up to 850 m nowadays - such situations require electric elevators with specific characteristics, whose velocity reaches up to 20 m/s, and load capacity up to over ten tons. The elevator quality is estimated according to several important indicators. Safety, comfort, and reliability are especially important features [1]. These indicators depend on, first of all, vibrations occurring while the elevator is in motion. Vibrations are a consequence of driving parameters, inertial characteristics and elasticity of the binding elevator elements. Fig. 1 shows the elements with the greatest impact. An elevator can be divided into two basic parts according to the dynamic impact on the vibration values. The first part is a driving mechanism (engine, reductor, brake, and couplings), while the second part is a cabin lifting system, mostly made of steel ropes for lifting the counterweights on one end and cabin (cage) on the other end and their guide rails. The driving mechanism comprises elements that are much more rigid (c 1 , c 2 , Fig. 1) and have a smaller mass than the cabin lifting system (c, Fig. 1), which in turn causes the oscillations in smaller amplitudes and higher frequencies. As well as that, bearing in mind that the oscillations are indirectly transferred to the cabin (cage) via ropes, it can be deduced that the lifting system has a much bigger influence on the comfort during the motion than driving mechanism elements does. Deep shaft mines require special mining ropes to hoist personnel and materials safely and efficiently. They are made of round wires that must be either bright or galvanized. The values of the rope safety Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)6, 287-301 288 Đo kić, R. – Vladić, J. – Kljajin, M. – Jo v ano vić, V . – Mar k o vić, G. – K arak ašić, M. factors for hoisting in mines depend on shaft depth and rope number and are higher in the case of personnel hoisting. According to ISO standards for the area of mine elevators, safety factors vary between 4 and 8 for new ropes and between 3.6 and 6.4 for ropes to be discarded, depending on shaft depth. The highest value of 13 is required by special regulations for hoisting people to depths of up to 600 m. Fig. 1. Elements with the biggest impact on vibration occurrence in elevators While the elevator is in operation mode, the hoist ropes increase and decrease their free length, so the parameters, such as rope stiffness and damping, are constantly changing [2] to [4]. In high-speed elevators, dynamic instability may occur during lifting (reducing free length) due to increased relative deformation. This instability seriously impacts the safety of the passengers. Since classic models are based on elastic body (rope) oscillations with constant dynamic parameters (mass, stiffness and damping), it is necessary to form dynamic models that will enable the analysis and definition of the dynamic behaviour of elevators with variable parameters [5] and [6]. Because special attention has to be paid to the accuracy of installing and making of cabin guide rails and counterweight in high-speed elevators, the following conclusion arises. Without the addition of external influences, it can be concluded that longitudinal oscillations are dominant, as opposed to transversal oscillations [7] and [8]. Taking into consideration that up until this moment, the problems in driving mechanism vibrations were the subject of a great number of scientific and research papers, with standard analyses as the most frequently applied method, it seems logical that the main focus of dynamic research of elevators should be pointed towards innovative methods for analysing the longitudinal oscillations with variable parameters [9]. 1 DYNAMIC MODELS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF ELEVATOR LONGITUDINAL OSCILLATIONS 1.1 Standard Models Many researchers are interested in studying longitudinal oscillations, and their studies have been based on the general theory about the application of oscillation of elastic bars with constant parameters (mass, stiffness, and damping). These are the so- called standard models [8] and [10]. Those models are acceptable for analysing elevators with low lifting velocities and heights. Figs. 2a and b show models with one and two degrees of freedom and a rope of constant lengths, represented here as Hook’s, i.e., Calvin‘s body. A certain improvement has been made with the analysis of high-lift elevators (≥ 35 m) and low velocities (till 3 m/s) by using the model represented in Fig. 2c. The model represents a bar of a constant length with an equally spread mass q (kg/m), i.e., it is a model of an elastic body with an unlimited number of degrees of freedom and a concentrated mass at the bottom end as the boundary condition. Based on the analysis which was shown in detail in [11] to [14], in the case when the free rope length is small compared to the cabin mass, it is possible to significantly simplify the dynamic model analysis. Fig. 2. S tandar d dynamic mo dels; а) with o ne degree o f freedo m; b) with two degrees of freedom; c) a “heavy” constant length bar Fig. 3 shows an oscillation diagram for the first three harmonics. Due to the very small oscillation amplitudes in higher harmonics, their influence can be neglected. Thus, the total oscillation process with infinite degrees of freedom, whose total oscillation Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)6, 287-301 289 Dynamic Mo delling, Experimental Id entif icatio n and Co m put er Simulatio ns o f N on-S tatio nar y Vibratio n in High-Speed Ele v at o r s form is shown in Fig. 3 with a dashed line (d), can be replaced with a straight line (a), with satisfactory accuracy. In other words, it is replaced with a system with one degree of freedom and constant dilatation (ε) along the free rope end. Fig. 3. Oscillation shapes (forms) of the first three harmonics (a, b and c), and the summary oscillation form for α = 0.1 In accordance with the above, regarding high-lift elevators (≥ 35 m) and low velocities (to 3 m/s), it is roughly possible to create load oscillation models with one degree of freedom, with a “heavy” spring, which was studied in general literature. Also, it is necessary to replace the total mass (of both load and rope) with an equivalent mass M e = M + (1/3) ∙ qL, reduced in the cabin place, [15] and [16]. 1.2 Dynamic Elevator Models with Dynamic Variable Parameters Fig. 4a shows the most common solutions of the lifting systems for high-speed elevators with a driving pulley, while the corresponding dynamic model is shown in Fig. 4b. Fig. 4. Ele v at o r mo dels; a) Kö epe sys t em, b) a dynamic model of a high-speed elevator In order to secure comfort during the motion, control programs are used in contemporary elevators. They define the circumferential velocity of the pulley. Thus, they also define the cabin motion velocity (a kinematic condition), as opposed to the previous period when the motion velocity depended a great deal on the driving electromotor’s mechanical characteristics and brake system (the dynamic equilibrium condition). In the earlier periods, replacing one-speed engines with two-speed engines was observed as a significant improvement. This improved the motion comfort in braking instances and aided the accuracy of stopping the cabin. As for the process of a regular elevator, in cases in which there is no slipping of the steel rope on the driving pulley and when the driving characteristic is represented via a rope velocity at the meeting point of the rope and pulley, the elevator model can be simplified and represented in the form shown in Fig. 5. Upon observing just the upcoming rope end, the model can be represented as a system with an unlimited number of degrees of freedom; at one end it is rolling onto the pulley at a v(t) velocity, while on the other it is burdened with concentrated mass. Due to the variable rope length during the motion, the stiffness (c = EA/L) changes. This is a characteristic of parametric oscillations and contributes to the possible occurrence of resonance. To this end, it is necessary to complete certain steps in the analysis of dynamic behaviour. The critical lifting velocity, during which the unstable motion occurs, i.e., the rope strain is increased when its free length is reduced, needs to be determined. Fig. 5. Elevator model with a rope of a variable length with boundary conditions The deformation of an arbitrary cross-section represents the function of the position x, and the time t, i.e.: uf xt = (,). (1) Upon observing the equilibrium of the elementary part (dx), it can be deduced that: Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)6, 287-301 290 Đo kić, R. – Vladić, J. – Kljajin, M. – Jo v ano vić, V . – Mar k o vić, G. – K arak ašić, M. qd x g uxt t SxtS xt S x dx qd x qd x g a              2 2 (,) (,)( ,) . (2) By representing the rope as Calvin’s model, where the influence of internal friction can be taken into consideration via the so-called rope resistance force factor (b f ), the dependence of the inner force in the rope on its deformation can be noted in this form: SxtE A x uxtb uxt t (,)( ,) (,) .              f (3) If the Eq. (2) is divided with (q·dx) / g and a replacement for S(x,t), this is obtained:                  2 2 2 2 uxt t gEA q x uxtb uxt t ga (,) (,) (,) . f (4) In Eqs. (2) and (3), (E) is the rope elasticity modulus whose magnitude depends on the elasticity modulus of wires (E r = 2.1 ∙ 10 5 MPa) and the construction of the rope [17] and [18], whose value can be twice smaller (stranded wire ropes). By using the differential equation, (Eq. (4)) and the equilibrium condition of moments on the driving pulley, it is possible to form a system of equations that describes a dynamic equilibrium on the driving pulley in the case of a model shown in Fig. 4b in this form [12] and [19]: q g ux t t EA x ux tb ux t t q                   2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 (,) (,) (,) f a a g       , (5) q g ux t t EA x ux tb ux t t q                   2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 (,) (,) (,) f a a g       , (6) M R i EA x ultu lt b t ultu lt m f            11 22 11 22 (,)( ,) (,)( ,)          J ai R r . (7) 1.3 Boundary Conditions In order to solve a partial differential equation, (Eq. (7)), i.e., an equation system (Eqs. (5) to (7)), it is necessary to define the boundary conditions in the incoming point of the rope to the pulley in the meeting point of hoist ropes and the elevator cabin. Boundary conditions at point C, where the rope makes the first contact with the pulley, are dependent on whether the winding is with or without rope slipping. Fig. 6a shows the distribution of the forces on the wrap angle of the pulley (α) for a quasistatic case of elevator operation (without the influence of dynamic forces). The regular elevator operations must not allow for the rope to slip in the whole wrap angle (α), which is regulated with a safety degree against slipping, i.e., with the existence of a suitable angle (α M ) with the so-called relative abeyance of the rope on a driving pulley. It should be noted that, in quasistatic conditions, the zone with the elastic slipping of the rope on a driving pulley (α K ), Fig. 6a, always occurs on the descending side. However, due to the oscillation, the force in the incoming end changes, so slipping is probable in the pulley’s incoming zone. The change of force in the wound rope part can only be maintained if this change is smaller than the adhesive force making it possible. Fig. 6d shows different cases of force distribution over the wound rope length as a function of elevator velocity. With high-speed elevators, it should be expected that the force change in the wound part of the rope is smaller than the friction force change in the incoming zone (curve v 3 , Fig. 6d). Basically, in this case, it can be accepted that there is no slipping in the rope and rope pulley meeting point. The problem is analysed in great detail in [12] and briefly summarized in [20]. Fig. 6. Boundary conditions; a) force distribution on the wrap angle of the pulley, b) driving pulley without slipping, c) cage (cabin), d) different cases of the force distribution Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)6, 287-301 291 Dynamic Mo delling, Experimental Id entif icatio n and Co m put er Simulatio ns o f N on-S tatio nar y Vibratio n in High-Speed Ele v at o r s The boundary condition at the meeting place of the rope and the pulley without slipping, Fig. 6b (point C), is presented in this form: 0 (,) d (, ) d. d t ult l ult t xt ∂  =  ∂  ∫ (8) The boundary condition in the meeting point of the rope and elevator cabin (mine elevator cage) or counterweight is given in this form: QE A x uLtb uLt t Q g uLt t a                   (, ) (, ) (, ) f 2 2      F f , (9) where is FFv fN sign    () friction force between sliding guide shoes and guide rails. 1.3.1 Estimation of Critical Velocity The non-integrated boundary condition (Eq. (8)) prevents the solution of the partial differential equation (Eq. (5)) so that the solution can be sought through the formation of integral equations, which contain both the differential equations and the corresponding boundary conditions. Simplifying the mathematical model, friction within the boundary condition is omitted in Eq. (9). In Fig. 7, a weightless fibre is shown, loaded at point (S) by the force S i , where the displacement of the rope point (without sliding over the drive pulley) in the region s