233 A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species Abstract Paper presents a systematic global review of Acer negundo, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Ailanthus altissima, Robinia pseudoacacia invasions focusing on the Scopus and Web of Science databases. We examined the data on papers, study areas, habitat studied, topic discussed. We hypothesized that these species were studied evenly throughout their invaded ranges and, as such, indexed by international databases. We asked whether four selected species are presented evenly in publications related to their invaded ranges, and whether both selected databases cover well a content of these papers. We found 48 papers for A. negundo, 14 – for F . pennsylvanica, 83 – for A. altissima, 96 – for R. pseudoacacia. A high percentage of the studies were conducted in Central Europe and USA (for A. altissima), while Eastern Europe, Russia, Western United States were poorly represented. Most studies were conducted in forests, and focused on impacts or distribution of aliens in invaded range, and their control and management. We encountered habitat types invaded by trees, factors influencing tree invasions, consequences of invaders’ impact on ecosystems, counteracting measures. We concluded that the use only Web of Science and Scopus is not sufficient to obtain the complete data about the invasion biology. Izvleček Predstavljamo sistematičen globalen pregled literature o invaziji vrst Acer negundo, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Ailanthus altissima in Robinia pseudoacacia na podlagi baz podatkov Scopus in Web of Science. Pregledali smo podatke v člankih, preučevanih območjih, habitatih in temah raziskav. Postavili smo hipotezo, da so bile vrste preučevane enakomerno v celotnem arealu naselitve in da so objave indeksirane v mednarodnih bazah podatkov. Predvidevali smo, da so izbrane štiri invazivne vrste zmerne cone v člankih zastopane enakomerno v njihovem arealu nove poselitve in da so primerno zbrani v obeh bazah. Kot rezultat smo našli 48 člankov o A. negundo, 14 člankov o F . pennsylvanica, 83 člankov o A. altissima in 96 člankov za R. pseudoacacia. Velik delež raziskav je bil opravljen v zahodni Evropi in ZDA (za A. altissima), medtem ko so bile raziskave iz vzhodne Evrope, Rusije in zahodnih ZDA slabo zastopane. Večina raziskav je bila narejenih v gozdovih in so se osredotočile na učinke ali razširjenost tujerodnih vrst, pa tudi na njihovo omejevanje in gospodarjenje z njimi. Posebej izpostavljamo najpomembnejše informacije o habitatnih tipih, ki jih tujerodne vrste naseljujejo, dejavnikih, ki vplivajo na njihovo naselitev, posledicah na naravne ekosisteme in merah omejevanja invazij. Zaključimo lahko, da samo uporaba baz Web of Science in Scopus ni dovolj za posplošene zaključke o biologiji invazije, še posebej, če ocenjujemo območja izven Severne Amerike in Zahodne Evrope. Key words: Acer negundo, Ailanthus altissima, Alien plant species, Biological invasion, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Robinia pseudoacacia. Ključne besede: Acer negundo, Ailanthus altissima, tujerodne rastlinske vrste, biološka invazija, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Robinia pseudoacacia. Received: 4. 1. 2019 Revision received: 3. 5. 2019 Accepted: 10. 5. 2019 1 Tyumen State University, 625003, Volodarskogo Street, 6, Tyumen, Tyumen region, Russian Federation. 2 Joint Directorate of the Mordovia State Nature Reserve and National Park “Smolny”, 430011, Dachnyi Lane, 4, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russian Federation. E-mail: hapugin88@yandex.ru Anatoliy Khapugin1 , 2  DOI: 10.2478/hacq-2019-0005 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 234 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species Introduction Biological invasions are a threat to biodiversity conserva- tion on all levels (populations, species, communities, eco- systems) (Dumalisile & Somers 2017, Fateryga & Bagrik- ova 2017). Invasive species impact affects ecosystem services and decrease native species abundance through numerous mechanisms such as predation, hybridization, competition and indirect effects (Simberloff et al. 2013). They are considered as one of the major drivers of global biodiversity change (Bellard et al. 2013, Pyšek et al. 2015, Seebens et al. 2015, Dawson et al. 2017). There are more than 13,000 naturalized vascular plant species globally (van Kleunen et al. 2015). In Europe, more than 12,000 species of alien plants and animals are known (Vilà et al. 2010). In other Eurasian areas including the territory of the Russian Federation, 354 plant species were considered as invasive, including 277 invasive plants in European Russia (Vinogradova et al. 2018). Among functional groups of invasive plant species, woody plants are distinguished by their long life cycle (Richardson 1998, Richardson & Rejmánek 2011). In- vasions by woody plants often alter the functioning of invaded ecosystems (Richardson et al. 2000, Bottollier- Curtet et al. 2011, Lazzaro et al. 2018). Moreover, these plants present one of the frequently used test groups in studies of biological invasions (Reichard & Hamilton 1997, Richardson 1998, Pyšek et al. 2014, Nuñez et al. 2017, Shackleton et al. 2017, Zimmermann et al. 2017, Dyderski & Jagodziński 2018). Here we focus on field ecological studies of woody plant invasions globally, in- cluding natural and semi-natural systems, excluding non- field studies, i.e. the roles of these invaders, for example in herbal medicine, in fallow agriculture or as objects of greenhouse or laboratory studies. This review aimed to document data presented in the internationally published literature concerning the inva- sion biology of four invasive plant species, Fraxinus penn- sylvanica Marshall, Acer negundo L., Robinia pseudoacacia L., and Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle, recognized as the most invasive tree species in the temperate zone of Eurasia. For example, in Russia, covering a large area of Eurasia, Vinogradova et al. (2018) recognized A. negundo and F. pennsylvanica as the first and thirty-fourth species respectively in a list of the most invasive plants of Russia, while Lambdon et al. (2008) indicated R. pseudoacacia (ranked 9 th ), A. altissima (ranked 14 th ), and A. negundo (ranked 23 rd ) among 150 of the most widespread alien plant species in Europe. In addition, A. negundo, R. pseu- doacacia and A. altissima were one of the most invasive trees influencing the environment in T urkey (Yazlık et al. 2018), while the first two species were included in the list of the most common alien plant species in European woodlands (Wagner et al. 2017). Robinia pseudoacacia has been included in a list of 26 plant invaders with the great- est impacts in Europe (Rumlerová et al. 2016), as one of ‘‘100 of the worst’’ global list of alien species (Nentwig et al. 2018), the list of the 200 most widely distributed naturalized plant taxa (Pyšek et al. 2017), and in the list of invasive alien species of China (Xu et al. 2012). All four invaders were assessed for the need to prevent or reverse their profound impacts on biodiversity (Carboneras et al. 2018). Among them, major impacts on biodiversity were indicated for A. altissima and R. pseudoacacia, while A. negundo and F . pennsylvanica had minor impacts. One compelling reason for obtaining a better under- standing of invasive species in temperate Eurasia is their potential impact on native species and natural ecosystems susceptible to invasion of alien organisms, and to identify knowledge gaps in invasive species and their habitats in different worldwide regions. Knowledge gaps occur in dif- ferent temperate areas because of the limited availability or accessibility of published data from these areas to research- ers in other parts of the world, or because there are fewer resources for invasive biology research in these regions. Limitations on the accessibility of the data for researchers in North America, Europe and other developed countries may also be due to huge number of non-English-language publications or publications in regional journals which are not indexed in major international databases. This issue potentially introduces a bias in understanding of biologi- cal invasions globally (Hulme et al. 2013), and limiting cooperative research on biological invasions among re- searchers from different countries and regions. We hypothesized that the four studied species, consid- ered as globally invasive plants of temperate zone, are likely to be studied evenly throughout their invaded ranges, and, as such, indexed by international databases. If so, combin- ing the results of a literature search from the Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection (WoS CC) databases may help to form a modern and complete picture of the most important results for these four temperate plant invaders. We focused on these species because of their widespread distribution and frequently reported impacts. Summariz- ing what is known about a target species can be used to de- velop questions for future research. While in recent years, several important review papers on one or more of these species have been published (Kowarik & Säumel 2007, Lambdon et al. 2008, Cierjacks et al. 2013, Sladonja et al. 2015, Vítková et al. 2017). A complete global systematic review has not yet been carried out on these species. To document the global research on these important temperate invasive plants, we used a search approach on the Scopus and WoS CC databases. We used the meth- 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 235 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species odology of systematic reviews, well established in biologi- cal and medical sciences, including ones introduced in ecology and conservation (Pullin & Stewart 2006, Cook et al. 2013, 2017, Haddaway et al. 2015, Westgate & Lindenmayer 2017, Januchowski-Hartley et al. 2018). Compared with traditional narrative reviews, systematic reviews exhibit many advantages, such as more compre- hensive literature searches, more objective and transparent study selection, and contribution to update and general- ize of data (Littell et al. 2008). We performed a systematic review with the goal of summarizing and categorizing the invasive biology literature on these four species through- out their invaded ranges. We conducted a systematic review using two the most authoritative international databases, Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection. We aimed to: (1) conduct a broad search for Acer negundo, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Ailanthus altissima, Robinia pseudoacacia invasion litera- ture using both well-known databases; (2) qualitatively summarize the literature on their invasion including pub- lication information, study area location, habitat studied and topic discussed; (3) determine the quality of journals where results on the invasion biology of A. negundo, F. pennsylvanica, A. altissima, R. pseudoacacia were published and indexed in international databases selected; and (4) based on our findings, propose areas for future study. Methods We generated a list of peer-reviewed journal articles, con- ference papers, book chapters, which assessed the inva- sion biology of target species using the WoS CC and Sco- pus databases (Figure 1). To obtain field studies on Ailanthus altissima, Acer ne- gundo, Robinia pseudoacacia, Fraxinus pennsylvanica pub- lished in WoS CC, on 23 April 2019 we used the specific search strings (Appendix A). Synonyms for the search were extracted from CABI (2018) database. We used all results from WoS CC citation indices. We then delimited the search by relevant research areas of study by using the “exclude” function for exclusion studies in the irrelevant fields (see Appendix A). As an alternative, we used the search function in data- base Scopus. Although the search and exclusion options are not identical between the two databases, we used the same search terms. We carried out the Scopus search on 23 April 2019. Like WoS CC, we delimited the search by relevant areas of study by using the “Limit to” function to exclude studies in the all areas apart from: Agricultural and Biological Sciences OR Earth and Planetary Sciences OR Environmental Science. Non-related publications were excluded by title, ab- stract and/or a careful reading of full text if necessary. We only included literature that reported on these spe- cies as invasive organisms in field studies in their invaded ranges, excluding laboratory, genetic and cytological studies, reviews, and other studies that did not record or study plants in their invaded ranges in the field. We also excluded studies that did not occur in natural or semi-natural systems, such as studies of the effects on agricultural crops. We then extracted the following information from all remaining studies: (1) publication journal; (2) year of publication; (3) country in which the study was conduct- ed; (4) location of study area within country; (5) coordi- Records identified initially by both databases: Ailanthus altissima: 509 (WoS CC, 249; Scopus, 260). Acer negundo: 204 (WoS CC, 85; Scopus, 119). Fraxinus pennsylvanica: 287 (WoS CC, 126; Scopus, 161). Robinia pseudoacacia: 675 (WoS CC, 307; Scopus, 368). Records removed by WoS CC and Scopus “refine” functions to eliminate non-related topics: Ailanthus altissima: –57 (WoS CC, –42; Scopus, –15). Acer negundo: –16 (WoS CC, –11; Scopus, –5). Fraxinus pennsylvanica: –32 (WoS CC, –23; Scopus, –9). Robinia pseudoacacia: –129 (WoS CC, –55; Scopus, –74). Records refined trough elimination of non-related topics: Ailanthus altissima: 452 (WoS CC, 207; Scopus, 245). Acer negundo: 188 (WoS CC, 74; Scopus, 114). Fraxinus pennsylvanica: 255 (WoS CC, 103; Scopus, 152). Robinia pseudoacacia: 546 (WoS CC, 252; Scopus, 294). Records screened using title, abstract and/or full text with exclusion of duplicate papers): Ailanthus altissima: –310 (WoS CC, –144; Scopus, –166). Acer negundo: –107 (WoS CC, –39; Scopus, –68). Fraxinus pennsylvanica: –233 (WoS CC, –95; Scopus, –138). Robinia pseudoacacia: –391 (WoS CC, –185; Scopus, –206). Records included in systematic review: Ailanthus altissima: 83 (WoS CC, 63 + Scopus, 79 – dupli- cates, 59). Acer negundo: 48 (WoS CC, 35 + Scopus, 46 – duplicates, 33). Fraxinus pennsylvanica: 14 (WoS CC, 8 + Scopus, 14 – dupli- cates, 8). Robinia pseudoacacia: 96 (WoS CC, 67 + Scopus, 88 – dupli- cates, 59). Figure 1: Diagram documenting search and inclusion process and criteria for the global systematic review of the invasion biology of four temperate tree species. Slika 1: Iskalni kriteriji in proces vključevanja v globalni sistematični pregled invazivne biologije štirih drevesnih vrst. 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 236 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species nates of study location; (6) habitat in which the species of interest were found; and (7) focus of the study (see below). We classified the studies included in our review into five focus categories: (1) testing a specific invasion mecha- nism; (2) studies devoted to the distribution and spread of the invasive species; (3) surveys focused on the control and management of the invaders; (4) impacts of the in- vaders on other organisms, the communities or the eco- systems; and (5) others (studies that do not fit into any of these focuses). We used Google Maps (https://www.google.com/ maps) to locate the study areas according to their names and then specified their latitude and longitude. When study sites were identified by more than one location, we characterized each of them by their mid-point. We ob- tained these mid-points using the Geographic Midpoint Calculator (http://www.geomidpoint.com). In addition, we compared the 2017 bibliometric data for included journals from the Scopus and WoS CC. For this purpose, we analyzed 2017 JCR Impact Factor (IF) of journals from WoS CC and 2017 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) scores of journals from Scopus (available at http://www.scopus.com/). We then ranked all journals by quartiles of both databases to demonstrate the quality of journals dealing with the invasion biology of the four studied plant species. Results For Fraxinus pennsylvanica, we initially identified 287 re- cords across the WoS CC and Scopus databases accessed. After refining, we reduced the records to 255. We then excluded studies with unrelated topics, or those conduct- ed in the laboratory or greenhouse, or those with genetic or molecular data, reviews and duplicates after reading abstracts and/or full texts, if needed. Eventually, we in- cluded 14 papers that meet our criteria, of which eight were from WoS CC, fourteen from Scopus (Figure 1 and see Appendix B). There was an overlap of eight records between tested databases, which were excluded from anal- ysis at the last stage of selection. Using our search terms, we initially identified 204 publications for Acer negundo across the both databas- es used, which were reduced to 188 after refining. We then perused the titles and abstracts and/or full texts (if needed) of the papers, and excluded records that were reviews, cell, molecular or genetic studies, or laboratory/ greenhouse experiments with potted plants, or unrelated topics. After excluding papers step by step, we obtained a total of 48 publications on A. negundo: 35 from WoS CC, 46 from Scopus (Figure 1 and see Appendix C). There was an overlap of 33 records between WoS CC and Scopus. For Robinia pseudacacia, 675 records were initially identified across the WoS CC and Scopus databases. Af- ter refining, we reduced the records to 546. We then ex- cluded studies with unrelated topics, or those conducted in the laboratory/greenhouse, those with unclear data, reviews and duplicates after reading abstracts and/or full texts (if needed). Eventually, we included 96 papers that met selected criteria, of which 67 were from WoS CC, 88 from Scopus (Figure 1 and see Appendix D). There was an overlap of 59 records between tested databases, which were excluded at the last stage of selection. Using selected search terms, we initially identified 509 records for Ailanthus altissima across the both databas- es used, which were reduced to 452 after refining. We then investigated the titles and abstracts or full texts (if needed) of each of the papers, and excluded records con- ducted review articles, cell, molecular or genetic stud- ies, or laboratory/greenhouse experiments with potted plants, or unrelated topics. After excluding papers step by step, we obtained a total of 83 publications devoted to A. altissima invasion: 63 from WoS CC, 79 from Scopus (Figure 1 and see Appendix E). There was an overlap of 59 records between WoS CC and Scopus, which were excluded from list of analyzed publications. Journals and years of publication The 14 papers on Fraxinus pennsylvanica invasion were published in 13 different journals and one book chapter. Of these 13 journals, nine were indexed in WoS CC, and all 13 journals – in Scopus. The 96 articles on Robinia pseudacacia were published in 54 different journals. Of these, 35 journals were indexed in WoS CC, 53 – in Scopus. The 48 papers on Acer negundo invasion were published in 31 different journals. Of these, 22 titles were indexed in WoS CC, and 31 journals were indexed in Scopus. The 83 papers on Ailanthus altissima invasion were published in 57 different journals. Of these, 45 titles were indexed in WoS CC, and 57 titles – in Scopus (Table 1). The 14 papers on Fraxinus pennsylvanica identified by the databases and included in our review were published from 2005 to 2018 (Figure 2). Due to the small number of records for this species there was no discernible temporal trend for F. pennsylvanica invasion. The first study on Robinia pseudacacia was published in 1991. The remarkable increase in number of field studies started since 2009. The 48 articles on Acer negundo were published between 2003 and 2019 with highest number 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 237 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species (87.5%) in the period of 2010–2018. Curiously, the number of publications per year was relatively stable for this invader with a little increase since 2014 (Figure 2). Finally, our review included 83 papers on Ailanthus altissima which were published from 1994 to 2019. However, the greatest number of field studies (78.3%) was published in 2008–2018 (Figure 2). Invasions indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index database, and Canadian Field-Naturalist, Ohio Jour- nal of Science excluded from WoS CC after 2012 and 2008, respectively. In general, 2017 IF JCR of all includ- ed journals varied between 0.300 (Lazaroa) and 7.828 (Ecological Monographs). Considering invaders target- ed, we found no remarkable differences between mean values of 2017 IF JCR: 2.157 ± 1.876, 2.134 ± 1.192, 1.913 ± 1.192, 2.012 ± 1.304 for Ailanthus altissima, Acer negundo, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Robinia pseudaca- cia, respectively. Of the 10886 Scopus titles, the journal Glasnik za Šumske Pokuse was excluded from analysis as discounted in the database after 2011, and Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Biologiya does not still have SJR value because it has been included in Scopus database at June 2018. Among analyzed jour- nals, 2017 SJR scores varied between 0.104 (Humans and Nature) and 4.912 (Ecological Monographs). Tak- ing into account the separate invasive tree species, there were not remarkable differences between mean values of 2017 SJR: 0.922 ± 1.033, 0.834 ± 0.841, 0.834 ± 0.841, 0.664 ± 0.574 for A. altissima, A. negundo, F. pennsyl- vanica, R. pseudacacia, respectively. The arrangement of journals included in both databases showed that the larg- est number of field studies was published in Q1-journals followed by Q3-journals, and then other groups. It indi- cated the significance of different-level journals in high- lighting the issues of biological invasions of these four alien tree species (Figure 3). Species No. of journals No. of publications Mean no. of publications per journal (M±m) Ailanthus altissima 57 83 1.3 ± 0.2 Acer negundo 31 48 1.4 ± 0.2 Robinia pseudoacacia 54 96 1.6 ± 0.2 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 13 14 1.0 ± 0.0 Table 1: The number of journals and publications identified through a global literature search from 1975 to late April 2019 using WoS CC and Scopus databases for invasion biology research on Ailanthus altissima, Acer negundo, Fraxinus pennsyl- vanica, and Robinia pseudacacia Tabela 1: Število izbranih revij in publikacij v globalnem pregledu literature od leta 1975 in konec aprila 2019 v bazah podatkov WoS CC in Scopus o raziskavah invazivne biologije vrst Ailanthus altissima, Acer negundo, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, in Robinia pseudacacia Figure 2: The number of publications per year. Global literature identified through a search from 1975 to late April 2019 using WoS CC and Scopus databases for invasion biology research on Ailanthus al- tissima, Acer negundo, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, and Robinia pseudacacia. Slika 2: Število publikacij na leto. Literaturni viri od leta 1975 do konca aprila 2019 v bazah WoS CC in Scopus o invazivni biologiji vrst Ailanthus altissima, Acer negundo, Fraxinus pennsylvanica in Robinia pseudacacia. The 2017 JCR IF was available for 73 of the 80 journals included for all studied invasive species with exception of Acta Scientiarum Polonorum – Formatio Circumiectus, Journal of Central European Agriculture, Mathemati- cal and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences, Poljoprivreda, Russian Journal of Biological Figure 3: Number of journals per quartiles (Q1–Q4) of both databases (Scopus – 2017 SJR, Web of Science Core Collection – 2017 JCR IF) analyzed. Figure 3: Število revij, razvrščenih v kvartile (Q1–Q4) v obeh ana- liziranih bazah podatkov (Scopus – 2017 SJR, Web of Science Core Collection – 2017 JCR IF). No. of publications per year Year No. of journals per quartile Quartile and databases: Scopus (SJR) and Web of Science Core Collection (JCR) 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 238 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species Location of study areas, habitats and study focuses Based on analysis of records included, the presence of Fraxinus pennsylvanica as an invader was studied in 19 habitats as reported in 14 papers included in the anal- ysis. At the same time, one paper did not provide any information on habitat preference. Habitats investigated included forests, grasslands, farmlands and roadsides (Figure 4). The largest number of studies across both da- tabases on Acer negundo as an alien plant were in forest ecosystems, followed by roadsides, farmlands, and grass- lands respectively, while seven articles didn’t provide any data on habitat invaded (Figure 4). About half of all studies on Ailanthus altissima invasion (47.1%) were conducted in forests. Around half of other studies were devoted to the invader records in either farmlands or roadsides, while 11 papers did not include information on habitat preference. The highest proportion (55.6%) of studies on Robinia pseudoacacia invasion were also in forest ecosystems, while 12 papers did not provide any information on habitat invaded. Eleven to twenty one papers included data on its invasion in grasslands, road- sides and farmlands. The most common focuses of the studies on Robinia pseudoacacia invasion were its impacts on and interaction with native species, populations and plant communities, and distribution and spread of the invader, followed by other focuses (Figure 5). Similar pictures were demon- strated for other three invaders with slight variations be- tween the categories Distribution & Spread and Impact & Interaction (Figure 5). There were 44 locations, in which research on Acer negundo invasion was studied. Geographically, 38 study sites (86.4%) were located in Europe (Figure 6B), while other six were located in Canada and Asia (Figure 6A). For Fraxinus pennsylvaica, only 15 areas were identified. Of these, 86.7% of the studies were conducted in Europe (Figure 7B). At the same time, one study was conducted in Eastern Africa (Kenya), and one – in Siberia (Figure 7A). The Robinia pseudoacacia invasion was studied in 143 locations (Figure 8A). There were two main clusters of records – East Asian (Figure 8C) with 22.4% of total number of locations (in China, South Korea, Japan, Russian Far East), and European – West Asian (Figure 8B) with 109 locations and with high numbers in Italy (20 sites), Slovakia (17 sites), Hungary (9 sites), Ukraine (8 sites), Croatia (7 sites), Slovenia (7 sites), Poland (6 sites). Interestingly, two studies on R. pseudoacacia invasion were conducted close to its native range – in United States of America (Figure 8A). For the East Asian Ailanthus altissima, 143 locations were identified. Of them, 44.7% of the studies were conducted in European countries – Slovenia (25 sites), Croatia (24 sites), Spain (7 sites), Italy (11 sites), Greece (7 sites); other countries were represented by lesser number of locations identified (Figure 9C). Also, 20.3% locations were situated in USA (Figure 9B), while six sites were identified in Asia (Figure 9C). No. of habitats surveyed Names of habitats Figure 4: Habitats investigated (Plots include studies from Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus). Slika 4: Preučevani habitati (ploskve vključujejo raziskave iz baz Web of Science Core Collection in Scopus). Figure 5: Focus of study (Plots include studies from Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus). Figure 5: Namen raziskave (ploskve vključujejo raziskave iz baz Web of Science Core Collection in Scopus). Focus of study Numbers of publications 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 239 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species Figure 6: Study areas of Acer negundo in included papers. A – global distribution; B – enlarged distribution in Europe. Slika 6: Območja raziskav v objavah za vrsto Acer negundo. A – globalna razširjenost; B – povečan prikaz za Evropo. Figure 7: Study areas of Fraxinus pennsylvanica in included papers. A – global distribution; B – enlarged distribution in Europe. Slika 7: Območja raziskav v objavah za vrsto Fraxinus pennsylvanica. A – globalna razširjenost; B – povečan prikaz za Evropo. 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 240 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species Discussion Our systematic review documents evidence for the four invasive plant species considered as widely spread and aggressive invaders in the temperate zone of Eurasia and Northern Hemisphere as a whole. Undoubtedly, this un- dercounts areas where the species are invasive, because the analyzed databases, WoS and Scopus, do not include all studies. In addition, published research might not be conducted on these invaders in all areas where they are present. Finally, a systematic review, carried out across numerous international and regional scientific databases may offer insights into the general literature on plant in- vasions in both hemispheres. Research investigating the biological invasions of Acer negundo, Ailanthus altissima, Robinia pseudoacacia has in- creased substantially in the 21 st century (Figure 2), while data on Fraxinus pennsylvanica invasions are insufficient to provide some conclusions. This tendency is similar to the results of recent scientific reviews on biological invasions in different ecosystems (Lowry et al. 2013, Stricker et al. 2015, Liebhold et al. 2017, Mačić et al. 2018). A large proportion of studies included in our systematic review for all invaders was conducted in areas located mainly in European countries (Figure 3), excluding, however, East- ern Europe from which there was a lack of field ecological studies published. This is particularly the case in the Rus- sian Federation which is characterized by an extreme lack of field ecological studies on biological invasions in se- lected databases, despite of numerous national statements and publications (e.g. Black Data Books (Vinogradova et al. 2010, 2011, Notov et al. 2011, Vinogradova & Ku- prianov 2016)) and the presence of a specialized journal (Russian Journal of Biological Invasions) indexed in the Scopus and WoS CC (ESCI) databases. This is in accord with worldwide assessments of biological invasions re- cently published (Lowry et al. 2013, van Kleunen et al. 2015, Dawson et al. 2017, Pyšek et al. 2017, Seebens et al. 2017). Our knowledge of biological invasions may be biased due to the inaccessibility of publication records, either due to language restrictions or due to the non-in- dexing of journals by the more widely used databases (e.g. Figure 8: Study areas of Robinia pseudoacacia in included papers. A – global distribution; B – enlarged distribution in Europe and Western Asia; C – enlarged distribution in East Asia. Slika 8: Območja raziskav v objavah za vrsto Robinia pseudoacacia. A – globalna razširjenost; B – povečan prikaz za Evropo in zahodno Azijo; C – povečan prikaz za vzhodno Azijo. 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 241 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species Figure 9: Study areas of Ailanthus altissima in included papers. A – global distribution; B – enlarged distribution in North America; C – enlarged distribution in Europe and Western Asia. Slika 9: Območja raziskav v objavah za vrsto Ailanthus altissima. A – globalna razširjenost; B – povečan prikaz za Severno Ameriko; C – povečan prikaz za Evropo in zahodno Azijo. Yu et al. 2016). Hence, to obtain the complete picture of studies, there is a need to involve national and regional bibliographic databases. Across both the databases, a large number of these field studies on the four invasive species were conducted on bioinvasions in forests rather than along farmlands and roadsides, which are traditionally known to be favora- ble habitats for invasive species establishment (Yan et al. 2004, Hulme 2009). Hence, the selected alien plants can invade and then impact forested areas, as these invaders are recognized not only as naturalized plants, but often as transformers sensu Richardson (2000) (e.g., Vinogradova et al. 2010, Berg et al. 2017). However, this does not sug- gest that non-woodland habitats are not invaded severely. Overall, a large percentage of studies measured the im- pacts of the invaders on either the native species, or the communities invaded. In this regard, we did not sepa- rately analyze Scopus- and WoS-indexed papers due to the insignificant differences between the both databases. Papers on invader distribution or evidence of the new re- cords were also numerous for all selected alien species. This indicates both the continuing spread and the high level of invasiveness of these alien trees in temperate zone of Eurasia and North America. Hence, we can expect on increasing the number of papers dealing with invaders’ impact and their interactions with other organisms or ecosystems inhabited, as well as investigations on control and/or management of the invasive plants. Based on the review of the quality of journals included in our systematic review, we conclude that most papers indexed in both databases were published in journals of 1 st (1Q) and 3 rd (3Q) quartiles, while 2 nd and 4 th quartiles are also presented by many journals dealing with differ- ent research fields. Among all journals included in review, there were five titles (NeoBiota, Preslia, Biological Inva- sions, Invasive Plant Science and Management, Russian Journal of Biological Invasions) indexed in WoS CC and/ or Scopus, which are specialized on publications devoted to biological invasions. The WoS CC journals are high- quality titles of the 1 st or 2 nd quartiles, while Russian Jour- nal of Biological Invasions is a journal of the SJR 3 rd quar- tile. T wenty-four papers were published in these journals. 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 242 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species Thus, a significant percentage of papers on invasion of Acer negundo, Ailanthus altissima, Robinia pseudoacacia and Fraxinus pennsylvanica were published in specialized “bioinvasion-related” journals. However, a high number (32) of articles on these invaders were published in 14 forestry-related journals: Annals of Forest Science (SJR: Q1, JCR: Q1), Canadian Journal of Forest Research (SJR: Q1, JCR: Q2), Dendrobiology (SJR: Q2, JCR: Q3), Forest Ecology and Management (SJR: Q1, JCR: Q1), Forest Science (SJR: Q1, JCR: Q3), Forests (SJR: Q1, JCR: Q2), IForest (SJR: Q2, JCR: Q3), Journal of Forest Research (SJR: Q2, JCR: Q3), Journal of Forestry (SJR: Q1, JCR: Q1), New Forests (SJR: Q1, JCR: Q1), Small-Scale Forestry (SJR: Q2, JCR: Q3), Urban For- estry & Urban Greening (SJR: Q1, JCR: Q1), Arbori- culture and Urban Forestry (SJR: Q2), Journal of Forest Science (SJR: Q3), and Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society (SJR: Q4). Relatively low-quality (Q4) journals are almost absent. Publications on invasion biology of the four species are presented mainly by Q1–Q3 titles in both databases. Thus, we can assume that the choice of a journal for publication was more clearly reflected in the studied habitat (here is a forest as more preferable habitat for studied species, Figure 4), than in the study subject to biological invasions. From this review, we show the utility of systematic re- views in both indicating and filling gaps in the literature. If a review is based on the international highest-quality databases, it is possible to identify a range of the most im- portant and comprehensive studies within certain scopes, particularly related to biological invasions. It is obvi- ous that in Eastern Europe and Russia, there is a need to include more bioinvasion-related studies in analyzed databases. It is also important to note that despite of the national statements on high-degree invasiveness of Acer negundo and Fraxinus pennsylvanica, there are relatively few studies of these species indexed in the WoS CC and Scopus databases. Therefore, it is urgent to fill large gaps in the knowledge on distribution these alien plants in in- vasive range. Since the publication of Elton (1958), studies on re- search topics and ecological systems related to biological invasions differed in different parts of the world. In one area in our review, (mainly Western Europe and Eastern United States) there is a satisfactory investigation level, while Central Europe is characterized by higher level of knowledge on invasion of the tree species. Other areas present the white gaps in terms of invasion biology of the four studied tree species based on WoS CC and Scopus. In our view, the national peculiarities of research in dif- ferent countries, the accumulation of the most results in national-language publications, and the underestimation of local and regional alien floras can explain these gaps. Thus, to obtain a full picture of biological invasions, it is necessary to take into account regional differences in study focuses, habitats invaded, and attempt to access non-Eng- lish-language literature and a wider range of scientific re- gional and national databases. Finally, our review suggests a need to involve the wider range of literature in most underestimated regions, especially that which concerns research questions on poorly studied and/or most aggres- sive invaders within the framework of prevailing invasion hypotheses (Catford et al. 2009, Gurevitch et al. 2011). These actions will potentially broaden our knowledge and understanding of biological invasions worldwide. Species-specific insights Using publications included in the review for studies in- vasive trees, we generalized the most important data by focusing on habitat types invaded, factors influencing tree invasion, consequences of each invader impact on natural ecosystems, measures for counteracting plant invasions. For all species, we noted the higher invasiveness in ur- ban habitats in comparison with natural and semi-natural ecosystems because last ones are more susceptible to plant invasions. Therefore, we focused on overview of invaders’ features in natural ecosystems. Finally, we did not discuss the publications devoted to distribution and new records of invasive tree species. Acer negundo invasion Based on the identified studies, we can state that this species is considerably more confined to both natural (Tabacchi et al. 2003, Lamarque et al. 2012) and urban (Straigytė et al. 2015) riparian forest ecosystems. Acer negundo not only invaded riparian zones, but also forms Acer-dominated forest communities on the place of for- mer riparian phytocenoses. Acer negundo represented a well competitive advantage over native species by showing both a high survival in the shade and a high growth in full light habitats (Saccone et al. 2010a). Saccone et al. (2010b) demonstrated that tree and shrub canopy of Salix and then of Acer negundo itself facilitated the survival and establishment of invader by negative affecting of herb layer acting as a suppressor of Acer negundo invasion (Saccone et al. 2013). Addition- ally, Acer negundo negatively affected the abundance of seedlings from soil seed bank in invaded habitat (Veselkin et al. 2018). Concerning a role of environmental factors, the wa- ter was the most impactful factor determining invader 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 243 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species survival, more specifically precipitation during certain months (Zajpler et al. 2018), habitat moisture (Dyakov & Zhelev 2013). Säumel & Kowarik (2013) demonstrat- ed importance of hydrochory as a dispersal vector for the invader in urban riparian ecosystems. Among counteracting measures used to control this invader in secondary range, destroying spontaneous seed- lings seems to be more preferable since cutting of the grown trees was not effective as the species can re-grow from the stumps (Valantinaite et al. 2011). Also, at a local scale, Merceron et al. (2016) showed higher effectiveness of the yearly repeated girdling, and removing seedlings of the invader from understory layer when applying girdling on adult and sapling individuals for induction of higher mortality of Acer negundo. For urban ecosystems, Säumel & Kowarik (2010) demonstrated that a risk of Acer ne- gundo invasion could be prevented with help of plant- ing native tree species along river corridors. Kostina et al. (2016) suspected that progressing affection of A. negundo leaves by fungus Phyllosticta negundinis and noninfectious leaf toxicosis can decrease its invasive potential. Fraxinus pennsylvanica By generalizing data on Fraxinus pennsylvanica in sec- ondary range, we noted a large number of publications (95.1% of total number of ones initially identified from both databases) excluded from the analysis. The use of key words “invasion”, “alien” often led to the selection of high number of publications, which did not aim studying its invasion in secondary range. As a rule, the mentioned cas- es could be explained by the fact that in its native range, F. pennsylvanica is affected by the invasive insect the em- erald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, 1888) (e.g. Flower et al. 2018). From one side, it would be guessed that Agrilus planipennis may act as biotic agent against Fraxinus pennsylvanica invasion. However, Orlova-Bien- kowskaja (2014) demonstrated that in West Russia the emerald ash borer damaged both invasive Fraxinus penn- sylvanica and, although in lesser degree, native Fraxinus excelsior L. Thus, there are already two issues – invasive tree invaded by invasive insect, which need to be consid- ered nowadays. Concerning Fraxinus pennsylvanica invasion in sec- ondary range, fourteen field studies identified in result of analysis were concentrated predominantly in Central Europe. Although the invader can inhabit different forest types, F . pennsylvanica invades predominantly floodplains. The confinement of F . pennsylvanica to floodplains is also related to its enhanced regeneration in flooded areas and the increase in seed germination rate with the duration of the inundation (Schmiedel & T ackenberg 2013). A threat to natural ecosystems in Croatia and Poland also dem- onstrated on the basis of radial growth rates studies (e.g. Zajpler et al. 2018) with a lack of floristic and phytoso- ciological studies (e.g. Mullah et al. (2014) in Kenya, and Kremer et al. (2006b) in Croatia). However, as a result of one of field studies, new Fraxinus pennsylvanica-formed syntaxon was described (Batanjski et al. 2015). Despite the recognized negative role of the invader, its useful role in management and amelioration of habitats is sometimes underlined (e.g. Kremer & Čavlović 2005). As the most effective measure to counteract the F. pennsylvanica invasion was the removal single trees and seedlings of the invader and from plantation with short rotations (Kremer et al. 2006a, Drescher & Prots 2016). Robinia pseudoacacia The highest number of identified studies demonstrated R. pseudoacacia invasion in forest ecosystems (Figure 4). This can be manifested either in forming of invader-dominated forest on the place of abandoned agricultural lands (Sitzia et al. 2018) or in its penetration in different existing for- est ecosystems. The European mixed oak-hornbeam forest was recognized as the forest type most influenced by re- placement with R. pseudoacacia, whereas floodplain forest was changed the least (Slabejová et al. 2019), although many of analyzed studies of R. pseudoacacia invasion were conducted exactly in floodplain forests. At the same time, Çoban et al. (2019) demonstrated that total invasion cover was considerably higher on the clear-cut area com- pared with the forest area and did not make a significant effect on forest interior species. This is consistent with statement that the invasion severity into the forest depth decreases with increase of the distance from forest edge in Protected Areas (Slodowicz et al. 2018). Robinia pseudoacacia invasion affects numerous dif- ferent components of natural ecosystems, first of all, the content of soil nitrogen causing many of consequent modifications (e.g. Staska et al. 2014). The invaded for- ests are characterized by increase of bacterial richness, de- crease of abundance and richness of arthropods, richness of nematodes, and richness and diversity of plant com- munities (Lazzaro et al. 2018), change in plant species di- versity (Benesperi et al. 2012) and even local bird species composition (Hanzelka & Reif 2015). Berg et al. (2017) demonstrated strong affecting forest communities by Ro- binia pseudoacacia as a result of building up high mean cover values in these habitats. However, in contrary to the most of analyzed studies, Masaka et al. (2013) found no statistical differences in number of understory plant spe- cies between Robinia pseudaocacia plantations and white birch plantations in Japan, as well as Sitzia et al. (2012) 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 244 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species found no evidence that the presence of R. pseudaocacia in secondary stands plays a major role in shaping the diver- sity of the understory plant groups compared to native stands. So large number of contradictions in research re- sults of R. pseudoacacia influence on invaded ecosystems indicates its comprehensive and still difficultly recognized nature, which requires further studies. Concerning ecological factors, Robinia pseudoacacia was capable to grow in a wide range of water availability gradient in Spain (Nadal-Sala et al. 2013). However, a lack of moisture had negative effect on R. pseudoacacia in China (Wei et al. 2018). Finally, Terwei et al. (2013) demonstrated that under the closed canopy inside the for- est stands, i.e. with a lack of light, R. pseudoacacia regen- erated very scarcely. Among measures to control Robinia pseudoacacia inva- sion, the cutting of invader’s canopy trees can be success- fully applied to counteract its invasion in riparian forest ecosystems (Sakio 2003). According to Masaka et al. (2015), R. pseudoacacia trees should be cut during the dor- mant season to facilitate coppicing and in the summer to facilitate control or removal with additional conservation of herbaceous vegetation cover, together with consecutive sprout clipping, will aid the complete removal of the in- vasive species. Buffer zones around forests were suggested as a very effective passive method in controlling R. pseudo- cacia invasion (Crosti et al. 2016). An interesting way was suggested by Motta et al. (2009) who noted that the best strategy to control the R. pseudoacacia spread is to support conditions favorable for its colonization, and to wait for natural suppression of the tree invader by other trees. Ailanthus altissima invasion The generalization of the entire set of identified studies al- lowed considering Ailanthus altissima as a highly invasive tree species in Europe (e.g. Constán-Nava et al. 2015), while in North America it seems to be less aggressive, but also requiring attention (e.g. Kasson et al. 2013). It can form monodominant secondary forest and invade success- fully natural forest communities. Höfle et al. (2014) dem- onstrated that among softwood and hardwood forests, A. altissima more frequently colonizes hardwood floodplain forests. Berg et al. (2017) showed that A. altissima also rare invaded montane beech forests, coniferous mountain forests and forests at extremely dry sites, swamp and bog forests dominated by willows and ash. Within all forest types, it has higher invasion activity along fire-damaged and opened areas (Kowarik 1995), thus exhibiting a “gap- obligate” strategy of forest recruitment (Knapp & Can- ham 2000). Obviously, Ailanthus altissima benefits from a loss of its competitors in forest communities. At a local scale, the invader is not evenly distributed in forests. So, the number of A. altissima stems and its basal area de- creased with increased distance from the woodlot edge (Espenschied-Reilly & Runkle 2008), although the rela- tively low light conditions are sufficient for the growth and survival of generative regeneration of A. altissima at early development stages (Knüsel et al. 2017). The invasion rate of this wind-dispersal can be in- creased, if its populations border roadsides and could serve as seed sources for further local and landscape spread (McAvoy et al. 2012). Allocation of A. altissima populations along water courses may contribute for long- distance dispersal more than two orders of magnitude far- ther than recorded primary dispersal due to the retained high seed germination rates even after five months in the water (Kaproth & McGraw 2008). By considering for- est ecosystems, A. altissima invasion is also supported and intensified by fresh clear-cuts, especially repeated ones (Radtke et al. 2013). Despite the generally high preference to forest ecosys- tems, some studies indicated the higher invasiveness of Ailanthus altissima in coastal forest ecosystems (Novak & Novak 2018), which are obviously characterized by more mild and perhaps favorable climatic conditions. This as- sumption is partially supported by data on spatial distri- bution of A. altissima in a local scale (Slovenia), where the tree species invades more actively forest communities that appear in warm areas with pronounced climatic seasonal- ity (Čarni et al. 2017). The distribution of studies identi- fied in the review (Figure 9) can additionally indicate that A. altissima is more abundant in coastal areas, and seems to be occasional in the depths of mainland. Together with Robinia pseudoacacia, Ailanthus altissima strongly affected forest communities of invaded sites due to the building up high mean cover values in invaded for- ests (Berg et al. 2017) and seedling success in canopy gaps and the formation of persistent clumps of clonal sprouts around canopy trees (Espenschied-Reilly & Runkle 2008). Concerning forest biota, the invasion of A. altissi- ma in France associated to lower soil microbial activity, decreasing abundance of litter Acari and Collembola, and aboveground predatory Coleoptera, and decreasing ter- restrial Gastropoda species richness. At the same time, the increased A. altissima density corresponded with greater abundance of litter Lumbricidae and aboveground co- prophagous Coleoptera (Motard et al. 2015). Among all four studied invasive tree species, Ailanthus altissima had the highest diversity of studies devoted to control its invasion. The herbicide imazapyr together with prescribed burn treatment seems to be one of the most effective ways in killing large saplings and trees of Ailanthus altissima. In addition, the late growing season 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 245 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species application of imazapyr was highly effective in killing the invader and subsequent sprouts (Rebbeck et al. 2019). The cut stump and glyphosate treatment have been con- sidered as the most effective and efficient in its control of young A. altissima shoots because it limits disturbance and has acceptable capital and operating costs, while the EZJect Capsule Injection System (using glyphosate) was effective at managing mature, seed-producing shoots, although last method had higher capital costs (Meloche & Murphy 2006, Constán-Nava et al. 2010). The coun- teracting measures could include a combination of me- chanical (e.g. cutting) and chemical (e.g. stem injection) means (Ferrero & Vidotto 2015). In favor of this, Burch & Zedaker (Burch & Zedaker 2003) also noticed the pre- ferred role of herbicides for controlling Ailanthus altissina invasion because they successfully kill the trees and pre- vents resprouting. As a biotic controlling factor, Harris et al. (2013) proposed the recently isolated strain of the fun- gus Verticillium albo-atrum causing near 100% mortality of Ailanthus altissima in laboratory and field tests, and thus this fungus appears to be a promising tool in targeted control of the invasive tree species. Conclusions The generalization of analyzed studies demonstrated a higher habitat confinement of all species to forest systems. Among these, Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudoaca- cia were recognized as the most aggressive invaders, which are able to modify invaded habitats, change their environ- mental conditions, as well as form new secondary forest communities. At the same time, Acer negundo and Fraxi- nus pennsylvanica were less impactful invasive species, since they are able to penetrate into a limited number of habitats. The physical removal (cutting) of single trees and seedlings, sometimes together with chemical impact methods and prescribed burning were recognized as the most effective counteracting measures. Despite the undoubted significance of WoS CC and Scopus databases for searching and accumulation of most important data, the use of only these sources is not suf- ficient to generalize the complete data about the invasion biology of certain alien plant species. It especially con- cerns the regions outside of North America and Western Europe. A large portion of important information on distribution, invasion success, invasion biology and ecol- ogy of alien plant species is obviously stored in national, non-English, databases. We propose the necessity to use additionally other, English or non-English-language, re- gional databases to conduct most comprehensive system- atic reviews on invasion biology of certain alien plants. Acknowledgements I am grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their con- structive and valuable comments and feedback on an ear- lier version of this review paper. Anatoly Khapugin , https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6059-2779 References Batanjski, V., Kabaš, E., Kuzmanović, N., Vukojičić, S., Lakušić, D. & Jovanović, S. 2015: New invasive forest communities in the riparian fragile habitats: The case study from Ramsar site Carska bara (Vojvodina, Serbia). Sumarski List 139(3–4): 155–169. Bellard, C., Thuiller, W., Leroy, B., Genovesi, P ., Bakkenes, M. & Courchamp, F . 2013: Will climate change promote future invasions? 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Acta Ecologica Sinica 38(22): 8040–8050. https://doi.org/10.5846/ stxb201801100079 Westgate, M.J. & Lindenmayer, D.B. 2017: The difficulties of systematic reviews. Conservation Biology 31(5): 1002–1007. https:// doi.org/10.1111/cobi.12890 Xu, H.G., Qiang, S., Genovesi, P ., Ding, H., Wu, J., Meng, L., Han, Z.M., Miao, J.L., Hu, B.S., Guo, J.Y., Sun, H.Y., Huang, C., Lei, J.C., Le, Z.F ., Zhang, X.P ., He, S.P ., Wu, Y., Zheng, Z., Chen, L., Jarošík, V. & Pyšek, P . 2012: An inventory of invasive alien species in China. Neobiota 15: 1–26. https://doi.org/10.3897/neobiota.15.3575 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 250 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species Yan, X.E., Zhenyu, L., Gregg, W.P . & Dianmo, L. 2004: Invasive species in China – an overview. Biodiversity and Conservation 10(8): 1317–1341. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1016695609745 Yazlık, A., Pergl, J. & Pyšek, P . 2018: Impact of alien plants in T urkey assessed by the Generic Impact Scoring System. NeoBiota 39: 31–51. https://doi.org/10.3897/neobiota.39.23598 Yu, F ., Akin-Fajiye, M., Thapa Magar, K., Ren, J., Gurevitch, J. & Rejmánek, M. 2016: A global systematic review of ecological field studies on two major invasive plant species, Ageratina adenophora and Chromolaena odorata. Diversity and Distributions 22(11): 1174–1185. https://doi.org/10.1111/ddi.12481 Zajpler, M., Tyborski, J., Dyderski, M.K. & Jagopziński, A.M. 2018: Dendroclimatological analysis of radial increments of invasive Acer negundo L. and Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall from the Warta river valley. Sylwan 162(7): 547–554. Zimmermann, T.G., Andrade, A.C.S. & Richardson, D.M. 2017: Abiotic barriers limit tree invasion but do not hamper native shrub recruitment in invaded stands. Biological Invasions 19(1): 109–129. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-016-1267-2 Appendix The search strings and criteria used to summarize the invasive biology literature on Acer negundo, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Ailanthus altissima, Robinia pseudoacacia in Web of Science Core Collection. Search strings Ailanthus altissima Topic: [(invasi* OR invader OR alien OR exotic OR ruderal OR weed OR non-native OR introduced OR naturaliz*) AND (“Ailanthus altissima” OR “Tree of heaven” OR “tree-of-heaven” OR “Ailanthus cacoden- dron” OR “Ailanthus giraldii” OR “Ailanthus glandu- losa” OR “Ailanthus peregrina” OR “Ailanthus sutch- uensis” OR “Ailanthus vilmoriniana” OR “Albonia peregrina” OR “Pongelion glandulosum” OR “Rhus cacodendron” OR “Toxicodendron altissimum” OR “China sumac” OR “copal tree” OR “varnish tree”)]. Acer negundo Topic: [(invasi* OR invader OR alien OR exotic OR ruderal OR weed OR non-native OR introduced OR naturaliz*) AND (“Acer negundo” OR “Ashleaf maple” OR “American maple”)]; Robinia pseudoacacia Topic: [(invasi* OR invader OR alien OR exotic OR ruderal OR weed OR non-native OR introduced OR naturaliz*) AND (“Robinia pseudoacacia” OR “Robin- ia pringlei” OR “robinia akacjowa” OR “yellow locust” OR “robiner faux-acacia” OR “black locust” OR “Post locust” OR “Chinese scolartree”)]. Fraxinus pennsylvanica Topic: [(invasi* OR invader OR alien OR exotic OR ruderal OR weed OR non-native OR introduced OR naturaliz*) AND (“Fraxinus pennsylvanica” OR “Green Ash” OR “downy ash” OR “Fraxinus lanceolata” OR “Fraxinus pubescens” OR “Fraxinus viridis” OR “red ash” OR “swamp ash” OR “water ash”)]. Research areas excluded from analysis for each species Ailanthis altissima “acoustics OR “pharmacology pharmacy” OR “bio- chemistry molecular biology” OR “geology” OR “his- tory philosophy of science” OR “physiology” OR “bio- technology applied microbiology” OR “imaging science photographic technology” OR “chemistry” OR “integra- tive complementary medicine” OR “energy fuels” OR “life sciences biomedicine other topics” OR “engineer- ing” OR “science technology other topics” OR “social sciences other topics” OR “meteorology atmospheric sci- ences” OR “microbiology or water resources” OR “food science technology” OR “mycology” OR “oncology”. Acer negundo “geology” OR “life sciences biomedicine other topics” OR “science technology other topics” OR “mycology” OR “water resources” OR “fisheries” OR “paleontology”. Robinia pseudoacacia “nutrition dietetics” OR “biochemistry molecular bio- logy” OR “genetics heredity” OR “parasitology” OR “biophysics” OR “geology” OR “physics” OR “bio- technology applied microbiology” OR “imaging sci- ence photographic technology” OR “cell biology” OR “life sciences biomedicine other topics” OR “computer science” OR “science technology other topics” OR “engineering” OR “materials science” OR “meteorolo- gy atmospheric sciences” OR “veterinary sciences” OR “microbiology” OR “water resources” OR “mycology” OR “food science technology”. Fraxinus excelsior “meteorology atmospheric sciences” OR “biochemistry molecular biology” OR “food science technology” OR “microbiology” OR “physics” OR “biotechnology ap- plied microbiology” OR “genetics heredity” OR “chem- istry” OR “instruments instrumentation” OR “science technology other topics” OR “dermatology” OR “life sciences biomedicine other topics” OR “veterinary sci- ences” OR “engineering” OR “materials science”. 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 251 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species Bibliography of included papers on Fraxinus pennsyl- vanica listed in alphabetical order of records (asterisk “*” indicate publications indexed in both databases) Bibliography of included papers from WoS CC 1 *Batanjski, V., Kabaš, E., Kuzmanović, N., Vukojičić S., Lakušić, D. & Jovanović, S. 2015: New invasive forest communities in the riparian fragile habitats: The case study from Ramsar site Carska bara (Vojvodina, Serbia). Sumarski List 139(3–4): 155–169. 2 *Chindyaeva, L.N., Belanova, A.P. & Kiseleva, T.I. 2018: Patterns of Natural Regeneration of Alien Spe- cies of Woody Plants in Novosibirsk. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions 9(3): 273–285. https://doi. org/10.1134/S2075111718030025 3 *Kremer, D. & Čavlović, J. 2005: Distribution of in- troduced North American ash species and their role in lowland forest management in Croatia. Journal of Forestry 103(6): 309–313. 4 *Kremer, D., Čavlović, J. & Bozic, M. 2006: Growth characteristics of introduced green ash (Fraxinus penn- sylvanica Marshall) and narrow-leaved ash (F. angus- tifolia L.) in lowland forest region in Croatia. New Forests 31(2): 211–224. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s11056-005-5176-y 5 *Mullah, C.J.A., Klanderud, K., Totland, Ø. & Odee, D. 2014: Community invasibility and invasion by non-native Fraxinus pennsylvanica trees in a degraded tropical forest. Biological Invasions 16(12): 2747– 2755. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-014-0701-6 6 *Schmiedel, D., Huth, F. & Wagner, S. 2013: Using data from seed-dispersal modelling to manage invasive tree species: The example of Fraxinus pennsylvanica Mar- shall in Europe. Environmental Management 52(4): 851–860. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-013 -0135-4 7 *Schmiedel, D. & Tackenberg, O. 2013: Hydrochory and water induced germination enhance invasion of Fraxinus pennsylvanica. Forest Ecology and Man- agement 304: 437–443. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. foreco.2013.04.027 8 *Zajpler, M., Tyborski, J., Dyderski, M.K. & Jago- pziński, A.M. 2018: Dendroclimatological analysis of radial increments of invasive Acer negundo L. and Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall from the Warta river valley. Sylwan 162(7): 547–554. Bibliography of included papers from Scopus 1. *Batanjski, V., Kabaš, E., Kuzmanović, N., Vukojičić S., Lakušić, D. & Jovanović, S. 2015: New invasive forest communities in the riparian fragile habitats: The case study from Ramsar site Carska bara (Vojvodina, Serbia). Sumarski List 139(3–4): 155–169. 02. *Chindyaeva, L.N., Belanova, A.P. & Kiseleva, T.I. 2018: Patterns of Natural Regeneration of Alien Spe- cies of Woody Plants in Novosibirsk. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions 9(3): 273–285. https://doi. org/10.1134/S2075111718030025 03. Drescher, A. & Prots, B. 2016: Fraxinus pennsylvan- ica – an invasive tree species in Middle Europe: case studies from the Danube basin. Contributii Botanice 51: 55–69. 04. Glišić, M., Lakušić, O., Šinžar-Sekulić, J. & Jovanović, S. 2014: GIS analysis of spatial distribu- tion of invasive tree species in the protected natural area of Mt. Avala (Serbia). Botanica Serbica 38(1): 131–138. 05. Hale, B.W. & Adams, M.S. 2011: Historical change and management of the floodplain forests of the Middle Elbe River. In: H.S. Elliot, L.E. Martin (eds.): River Ecosystems: Dynamics, Management and Conservation, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, pp. 149–178. 06. Idžojtić, M. & Zebec, M. 2006: Distribution of the tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) and spreading of invasive woody alien species in Croatia. Glasnik za Sumske Pokuse 5(Special Issue): 315–323. 07. *Kremer, D. & Čavlović, J. 2005: Distribution of in- troduced North American ash species and their role in lowland forest management in Croatia. Journal of Forestry 103(6): 309–313. 08. *Kremer, D., Čavlović, J. & Bozic, M. 2006: Growth characteristics of introduced green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall) and narrow-leaved ash (F . an- gustifolia L.) in lowland forest region in Croatia. New Forests 31(2): 211–224. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s11056-005-5176-y 09. Kremer, D., Pernar R. & Ančić, M. 2006: Distribu- tion of North American ash species in the Drava Riv- er basin and Danube basin (Croatia). Acta Botanica Croatica 65(1): 57–66. 10. Möllerová, J. 2005: Notes on invasive and expansive trees and shrubs. Journal of Forest Science 51: 19–23. 11. *Mullah, C.J.A., Klanderud, K., T otland, Ø. & Odee, D. 2014: Community invasibility and invasion by non-native Fraxinus pennsylvanica trees in a degraded tropical forest. Biological Invasions 16(12): 2747– 2755. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-014-0701-6 12. *Schmiedel, D., Huth, F. & Wagner, S. 2013: Us- ing data from seed-dispersal modelling to manage invasive tree species: The example of Fraxinus penn- sylvanica Marshall in Europe. Environmental Man- agement 52(4): 851–860. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00267-013-0135-4 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 252 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species 13. *Schmiedel, D. & T ackenberg, O. 2013: Hydrochory and water induced germination enhance invasion of Fraxinus pennsylvanica. Forest Ecology and Man- agement 304: 437–443. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. foreco.2013.04.027 14. *Zajpler, M., Tyborski, J., Dyderski, M.K. & Jagopziński, A.M. 2018: Dendroclimatological anal- ysis of radial increments of invasive Acer negundo L. and Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall from the Warta river valley. Sylwan 162(7): 547–554. Bibliography of included papers on Acer negundo listed in alphabetical order of records (asterisk “*” indicate publications indexed in both databases) Bibliography of included papers from WoS CC 01. *Akatov, V.V., Akatova, T.V. & Shadzhe, A.E. 2012: Species richness of tree and shrub layers in riparian forests of the Western Caucasus dominated by alien species. Russian Journal of Ecology 43(4): 294–301. https://doi.org/10.1134/S1067413612040030 02. *Batanjski, V ., Kabaš, E., Kuzmanović, N., Vukojičić S., Lakušić, D. & Jovanović, S. 2015: New invasive forest communities in the riparian fragile habitats: The case study from Ramsar site Carska bara (Vojvo- dina, Serbia). Sumarski List 139(3–4): 155–169. 03. *Bennett, B.A., Catling, P.M., Cody, W.J. & Argus, G.W. 2010: New records of vascular plants in the Yukon Territory VIII. Canadian Field-Naturalist 124(1): 1–27. 04. *Berg, C., Drescher, A. & Essl, F . 2017: Using relevé- based metrics to explain invasion patterns of alien trees in temperate forests. Tuexenia 37(1): 127–142. https://doi.org/10.14471/2017.37.012 05. *Berg, C., Drescher, A., Wagner, V. & Essl, F . 2016: Temporal trends in the invasions of Austrian wood- lands by alien trees. Preslia 88(2): 185–200. 06. *Bottollier-Curtet, M., Charcosset, J.Y., Poly, F., Planty-Tabacchi, A.M. & Tabacchi, E. 2012: Light interception principally drives the understory re- sponse to boxelder invasion in riparian forests. Bio- logical Invasions 14(7): 1445–1458. https://doi. org/10.1007/s10530-011-0170-0 07. *Chindyaeva, L.N., Belanova, A.P. & Kiseleva, T.I. 2018: Patterns of Natural Regeneration of Alien Spe- cies of Woody Plants in Novosibirsk. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions 9(3): 273–285. https://doi. org/10.1134/S2075111718030025 08. *Dragotă, C.-S., Grigorescu, I., Dumitraşcu, M., Năstase, M. & Herlo, G. 2015: Climate variables for the assessment of the invasive terrestrial plant species in the Mureş floodplain natural Park. Romania. In: International multidisciplinary scientifc geoconfer- ence “SGEM. Surveying Geology and Mining Ecol- ogy Management”, vol. 2(5), pp. 103–110. 09. *Dyakov, N. & Zhelev, P . 2013: Alien species inva- sion and diversity of riparian forest according to envi- ronmental gradients and disturbance regime. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 11(2): 249– 272. https://doi.org/10.15666/aeer/1102_249272 10. *Dyderski, M.K., Gdula, A.K. & Jagodziński, A.M. 2015: “The rich get richer” concept in ripar - ian woody species – A case study of the Warta River Valley (Poznań, Poland). Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 14(1): 107–114 https://doi.org/10.1016/j. ufug.2014.12.003 11. *Erfmeier, A., Böhnke, M. & Bruelheide, H. 2011: Secondary invasion of Acer negundo: The role of phenotypic responses versus local adaptation. Bio- logical Invasions 13(7): 1599–1614. https://doi. org/10.1007/s10530-010-9917-2 12. *Fagúndez, J. 2007: New data of some exotic vascu- lar plant species from Galicia (northwestern Iberian Peninsula). Lazaroa 28: 111–114. 13. *Golovanov, Y.M., Abramova, L.M. & Petrov, S.S. 2018: Invasive species in phytocenosis of Sterlitam- ak town (Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sci- ence 107(1): 012085. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755- 1315/107/1/012085 14. Grigorescu, I., Dumitrascu, M., Kucsicsa, G., Doroft- ei, M., Dragota, C.S. & Nastase, M. 2014: Assessing invasive terrestrial plant species in the Mures Flood- plain Natural Park, Romania. In: 14 th nternational Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference (SGEM) “Geoconference on Ecology, Economics, Education and Legislation”, vol. 1, Albena, pp. 51–58. 15. *Höfle, R., Dullinger, S. & Essl, F. 2014: Different factors affect the local distribution, persistence and spread of alien tree species in floodplain forests. Basic and Applied Ecology 15(5): 426–434. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.baae.2014.07.007 16. *Horvat, G. & Franjić, J. 2016: Invasive plants of Kalnik forests. Sumarski List 140(1–2): 53–64. 17. *Kowarik, I., Von Der Lippe, M. & Cierjacks, A. 2013: Prevalence of alien versus native species of woody plants in Berlin differs between habitats and at different scales. Preslia 85(2): 113–132. 18. *Krevš, A., Kučinskienė, A., Mačkinaitė, R. & Manusadžianas, L. 2017: Microbial colonization and decomposition of invasive and native leaf litter in the littoral zone of lakes of different trophic state. Limnologica 67: 54–63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. limno.2017.08.002 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 253 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species 19. *Lamarque, L.J., Delzon, S., Sloan, M.H. & Lortie, C.J. 2012: Biogeographical contrasts to assess local and regional patterns of invasion: A case study with two reciprocally introduced exotic maple trees. Ecog- raphy 35(9): 803–810. https://doi.org/10.1111/ j.1600-0587.2011.07300.x 20. *Marozas, V., Cekstere, G., Laivins, M. & Straigyte, L. 2015: Comparison of neophyte communities of Robinia pseudoacacia L. and Acer negundo L. in the eastern Baltic Sea region cities of Riga and Kaunas. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 14(4): 826– 834. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2015.08.003 21. *Porté, A.J., Lamarque, L.J., Lortie, C.J., Michalet, R. & Delzon, S. 2011: Invasive Acer negundo out- performs native species in non-limiting resource en- vironments due to its higher phenotypic plasticity. BMC Ecology 11: 28. https://doi.org/10.1186/1472- 6785-11-28 22. *Saccone, P ., Brun, J.J. & Michalet, R. 2010: Chal- lenging growth-survival trade-off: A key for Acer ne- gundo invasion in European floodplains? Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40(10): 1879–1886. htt- ps://doi.org/10.1139/X10-134 23. *Saccone, P ., Pagès, J.P ., Girel, J., Brun, J.J. & Micha- let, R. 2010: Acer negundo invasion along a succes- sional gradient: early direct facilitation by native pioneers and late indirect facilitation by conspecif- ics. New Phytologist 187(3): 831–842. https://doi. org/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03289.x 24. *Saccone, P ., Girel, J., Pages, J.P ., Brun, J.J. & Micha- let, R. 2013: Ecological resistance to Acer negundo in- vasion in a European riparian forest: Relative impor- tance of environmental and biotic drivers. Applied Vegetation Science 16(2): 184–192. https://doi. org/10.1111/j.1654-109X.2012.01227.x 25. *Säumel, I. & Kowarik, I. 2010: Urban rivers as dispersal corridors for primarily wind-dispersed in- vasive tree species. Landscape and Urban Planning 94(3–4): 244–249. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lan- durbplan.2009.10.009 26. *Säumel, I. & Kowarik, I. 2013: Propagule morphol- ogy and river characteristics shape secondary water dispersal in tree species. Plant Ecology 214(10): 1257–1272. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11258-013- 0249-z 27. *Spáčilová, B. & Stredová, H. 2014: Disputed rec- reational and ecological stabilization functions of ce- lected windbreaks. In: D. Pernicova, J. Fialova (eds.): Public Recreation and Landscape Protection – With Man Hand in Hand? Mendel University in Brno, Brno, pp. 85–91. 28. *Straigytė, L., Cekstere, G., Laivins, M. & Marozas, V. 2015: The spread, intensity and invasiveness of the Acer negundo in Riga and Kaunas. Dendrobiology 74: 157–168. https://doi.org/10.12657/denbio.074.016 29. *Tabacchi, E. & Planty-Tabacchi, A.M. 2003: Re- cent changes in Riparian vegetation: Possible conse- quences on dead wood processing along rivers. River Research and Applications 19(3): 251–263. https:// doi.org/10.1016/10.1002/rra.755 30. *Tafra, D., Pandža, M. & Milović, M. 2012: Woody plants of the Omis. Sumarski List 136(11–12): 605 – 617. 31. Valantinaite, A., Straigyte, L. & Jurksiene, G. 2011: Comparative Analysis of Invasion Intensity of Box Elder (Acer negundo L.) and Sosnowskyi Hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden.). In: 5 th Interna- tional Scientific Conference “Rural Development in Global Changes”, vol. 5(2), pp. 161–166. 32. *Veselkin, D.V., P’yankov, S.V., Safonov, M.A. & Betekhtina, A.A. 2017: The structure of absorbing roots in invasive and native maple species. Russian Journal of Ecology 48(4): 303–310. https://doi. org/10.1134/S1067413617040166 33. *Veselkin, D.V., Kiseleva, O.A., Ekshibarov, E.D., Rafikova, O.S. & Korzhinevskaya, A.A. 2018: Abun- dance and Diversity of Seedlings of the Soil Seed Bank in the Thickets of the Invasive Species Acer negundo L. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions 9(2): 108– 113. https://doi.org/10.1134/S2075111718020133 34. *Zajpler, M., Tyborski, J., Dyderski, M.K. & Jagopziński, A.M. 2018: Dendroclimatological anal- ysis of radial increments of invasive Acer negundo L. and Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall from the Warta river valley. Sylwan 162(7): 547–554. 35. *Zelnik, I., Haler, M. & Gaberscik, A. 2015: Vulner- ability of a riparian zone towards invasion by alien plants depends on its structure. Biologia 70(7): 869– 878. https://doi.org/10.1515/biolog-2015-0110 Bibliography of included papers from Scopus 01. *Akatov, V.V., Akatova, T.V. & Shadzhe, A.E. 2012: Species richness of tree and shrub layers in riparian forests of the Western Caucasus dominated by alien species. Russian Journal of Ecology 43(4): 294–301. https://doi.org/10.1134/S1067413612040030 02. *Batanjski, V ., Kabaš, E., Kuzmanović, N., Vukojičić S., Lakušić, D. & Jovanović, S. 2015: New invasive forest communities in the riparian fragile habitats: The case study from Ramsar site Carska bara (Vojvo- dina, Serbia). Sumarski List 139(3–4): 155–169. 03. *Bennett, B.A., Catling, P.M., Cody, W.J. & Ar- gus, G.W. 2010: New records of vascular plants in 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 254 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species the Yukon Territory VIII. Canadian Field-Naturalist 124(1): 1–27. 04. *Berg, C., Drescher, A. & Essl, F . 2017: Using relevé- based metrics to explain invasion patterns of alien trees in temperate forests. Tuexenia 37(1): 127–142. https://doi.org/10.14471/2017.37.012 05. *Berg, C., Drescher, A., Wagner, V. & Essl, F . 2016: Temporal trends in the invasions of Austrian wood- lands by alien trees. Preslia 88(2): 185–200. 06. *Bottollier-Curtet, M., Charcosset, J.Y., Poly, F., Planty-Tabacchi, A.M. & Tabacchi, E. 2012: Light interception principally drives the understory re- sponse to boxelder invasion in riparian forests. Bio- logical Invasions 14(7): 1445–1458. https://doi. org/10.1007/s10530-011-0170-0 07. *Chindyaeva, L.N., Belanova, A.P. & Kiseleva, T.I. 2018: Patterns of Natural Regeneration of Alien Spe- cies of Woody Plants in Novosibirsk. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions 9(3): 273–285. https://doi. org/10.1134/S2075111718030025 08. *Dragotă, C.-S., Grigorescu, I., Dumitraşcu, M., Năstase, M. & Herlo, G. 2015: Climate variables for the assessment of the invasive terrestrial plant species in the Mureş floodplain natural Park. Romania. In: International multidisciplinary scientifc geoconfer- ence “SGEM. Surveying Geology and Mining Ecol- ogy Management”, vol. 2(5), pp. 103–110. 09. *Dyakov, N. & Zhelev, P . 2013: Alien species inva- sion and diversity of riparian forest according to envi- ronmental gradients and disturbance regime. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 11(2): 249– 272. https://doi.org/10.15666/aeer/1102_249272 10. *Dyderski, M.K., Gdula, A.K. & Jagodziński, A.M. 2015: “The rich get richer” concept in ripar- ian woody species – A case study of the Warta River Valley (Poznań, Poland). Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 14(1): 107–114 https://doi.org/10.1016/j. ufug.2014.12.003 11. Ebone, A., Cristaldi, L., Buzio, S. & Chiarabaglio, P.M. 2015: Invasive alien species management in forest and protected areas. Italian Botanist 47(2): 370–371. 12. *Erfmeier, A., Böhnke, M. & Bruelheide, H. 2011: Secondary invasion of Acer negundo: The role of phenotypic responses versus local adaptation. Bio- logical Invasions 13(7): 1599–1614. https://doi. org/10.1007/s10530-010-9917-2 13. *Fagúndez, J. 2007: New data of some exotic vascu- lar plant species from Galicia (northwestern Iberian Peninsula). Lazaroa 28: 111–114. 14. 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Dudkiewicz, M., Dabski, M., Durlak, W., Dudk- iewicz, M., Dabski, M. & Durlak, W. 2015: Den- droflora of historic park in Kijany. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum – Formatio Circumiectus 14(1): 15–25. https://doi.org/10.15576/ASP .FC/2015.14.1.15 14. *Dyderski, M.K. & Jagodziński, A.M. 2018: Driv- ers of invasive tree and shrub natural regeneration in temperate forests. Biological Invasions 20(9): 2363– 2379. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-018-1706-3 15. *Dyderski, M.K. & Jagodziński, A.M. 2018: Low impact of disturbance on ecological success of in- vasive tree and shrub species in temperate forests. Plant Ecology 219(11): 1369–1380. https://doi. org/10.1007/s11258-018-0885-4 16. Dyderski, M.K. & Jagodzinski, A.M. 2019: Func- tional traits of acquisitive invasive woody species differ from conservative invasive and native species. 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Basic and Applied Ecology 15(5): 426–434. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.baae.2014.07.007 23. *Horvat, G. & Franjić, J. 2016: Invasive plants of Kalnik forests. Sumarski List 140(1–2): 53–64. 24. *Hruška, K. 1991: Human impact on the forest vegetation in the western part of the Pannonic Plain (Yugoslavia). Vegetatio 92(2): 161–166. https://doi. org/10.1007/BF00036036 25. *Ivajnšič, D., Cousins, S.A.O. & Kaligarič, M. 2012: Colonization by Robinia pseudoacacia of various soil and habitat types outside woodlands in a traditional Central-European agricultural landscape. Polish Journal of Ecology 60(2): 301–309. 26. *Kolyada, N.A. & Kolyada, A.S. 2018. Robinia pseudoacacia L. (Fabaceae Lindl.) in the South of the Russian Far East. 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Biological Invasions 12(8): 2537–2548. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-009-9662-6 02. *Akatov, V.V., Akatova, T.V. & Shadzhe, A.E. 2012: Species richness of tree and shrub layers in riparian forests of the Western Caucasus dominated by alien species. Russian Journal of Ecology 43(4): 294–301. https://doi.org/10.1134/S1067413612040030 03. *Anderson, M. & Crosby, M.K. 2018: An assessment of invasive plants on Shorter University’s Campus. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natu- ral Resource Sciences 10(1): 24–29. 04. *Berg, C., Drescher, A., Wagner, V. & Essl, F . 2016: Temporal trends in the invasions of Austrian wood- lands by alien trees. Preslia 88(2): 185–200. 05. *Berg, C., Drescher, A. & Essl, F . 2017: Using relevé- based metrics to explain invasion patterns of alien trees in temperate forests. Tuexenia 37(1): 127–142. https://doi.org/10.14471/2017.37.012 06. *Cabra-Rivas, I., Saldaña, A., Castro-Díez, P . & Gal- lien, L. 2016: A multi-scale approach to identify inva- sion drivers and invaders’ future dynamics. Biological Invasions 18(2): 411–426. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s10530-015-1015-z 07. *Čarni, A., Mastnak, N.J., Dakskobler, I., Kutnar, L., Marinšek, A. & Šilc, U. 2017: Prediction of the appearance of tree of heaven in forestcommunities in western Slovenia. Periodicum Biologorum 119(4): 261–283. https://doi.org/10.18054/pb.v119i4.4483 08. *Celesti-Grapow, L. & Blasi, C. 2004: The role of alien and native weeds in the deterioration of archae- ological remains in Italy. Weed Technology 18(Sup- pl.1): 1508–1513. https://doi.org/10.1614/0890- 037X(2004)018[1508:TROAAN]2.0.CO;2 09. *Constán-Nava, S. & Bonet, A. 2012: Genetic vari- ability modulates the effect of habitat type and en- vironmental conditions on early invasion success of Ailanthus altissima in Mediterranean ecosystems. Biological Invasions 14(11): 2379–2392. https://doi. org/10.1007/s10530-012-0236-7 10. *Constán-Nava, S., Bonet, A., Pastor, E. & Lledó, M.J. 2010: Long-term control of the invasive tree Ailanthus altissima: Insights from Mediterranean protected for- ests. Forest Ecology and Management 260(6): 1058– 1064. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2010.06.030 11. *Constán-Nava, S., Soliveres, S., T orices, R., Serra, L. & Bonet, A. 2015: Direct and indirect effects of inva- sion by the alien tree Ailanthus altissima on riparian plant communities and ecosystem multifunctional- ity. Biological Invasions 17(4): 1095–1108. https:// doi.org/10.1007/s10530-014-0780-4 12. *Crandall, R.M. & Knight, T .M. 2018: Role of mul- tiple invasion mechanisms and their interaction in regulating the population dynamics of an exotic tree. Journal of Applied Ecology 55(2): 885–894. https:// doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13020 13. *Espenschied-Reilly, A.L. & Runkle, J.R. 2008: Dis- tribution and changes in abundance of Ailanthus altissima (Miller) swingle in a southwest Ohio wood- lot. Ohio Journal of Science 108(2): 16–22. 14. *Essl, F ., Milasowszky , N. & Dirnböck, T . 2011: Plant invasions in temperate forests: Resistance or ephem- eral phenomenon? Basic and Applied Ecology 12(1): 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.baae.2010.10.003 15. *Facelli, J.M. 1994: Multiple indirect effects of plant litter affect the establishment of woody seedlings in old fields. Ecology 75(6): 1727–1735. https://doi. org/10.2307/1939632 16. *Fotiadis, G., Kyriazopoulos, A.P. & Fraggakis, I. 2011: The behaviour of Ailanthus altissima weed and its effects on natural ecosystems. Journal of Environ- mental Biology 32(6): 801–806. 17. *Gómez-Aparicio, L. & Canham, C.D. 2008: Neigh- borhood models of the effects of invasive tree spe- cies on ecosystem processes. Ecological Monographs 78(1): 69–86. https://doi.org/10.1890/06-2036.1 18. *Guthrie, S.G., Crandall, R.M. & Knight, T.M. 2016: Fire indirectly benefits fitness in two invasive species. Biological Invasions 18(5): 1265–1273. htt- ps://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-016-1064-y 19. *Hadjikyriakou, G. & Hadjisterkotis, E. 2002: The adventive plants of Cyprus with new records of inva- sive species. Zeitschrift für Jagdwissenschaft 48(Sup- pl.1): 59–71. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02192393 20. *Harris, P .T., Cannon, G.H., Smith, N.E. & Muth, N.Z. 2013: Assessment of plant community restora- tion following Tree-of-Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) control by Verticillium albo-atrum. Biological Inva- sions 15(9): 1887–1893. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s10530-013-0430-2 21. *Hill, S.R. 1996: The flora of Latimer Point and vi- cinity, New London County, Connecticut. Rhodora 98(894): 180–216. 22. *Höfle, R., Dullinger, S. & Essl, F. 2014: Different factors affect the local distribution, persistence and 18/2 • 2019, 233–270 265 Anatoliy Khapugin A global systematic review of publications concerning the invasion biology of four tree species spread of alien tree species in floodplain forests. Basic and Applied Ecology 15(5): 426–434. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.baae.2014.07.007 23. *Horvat, G. & Franjić, J. 2016: Invasive plants of Kalnik forests. Sumarski List 140(1–2): 53–64. 24. *Huebner, C.D., Regula, A.E. & McGill, D.W . 2018: Germination, survival, and early growth of three invasive plants in response to five forest management regimes common to US northeastern deciduous forests. Forest Ecology and Management 425: 100– 118. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2018.05.037 25. *Kaproth, M.A. & McGraw, J.B. 2008: Seed vi- ability and dispersal of the wind-dispersed invasive Ailanthus altissima in aqueous environments. Forest Science 54(5): 490–496. 26. Kasson, M.T., Davis, M.D. & Davis, D.D. 2013: The Invasive Ailanthus altissima in Pennsylvania: A Case Study Elucidating Species Introduction, Migra- tion, Invasion, and Growth Patterns in the North- eastern US. Northeastern Naturalist 20: 1–60. 27. *Knapp, L.B. & Canham, C.D. 2000: Invasion of an old-growth forest in New York by Ailanthus altissima: Sapling growth and recruitment in canopy gaps. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 127(4): 307–315. https://doi.org/10.2307/3088649 28. *Knüsel, S., Conedera, M., Rigling, A., Fonti, P . & Wunder, J. 2015: A tree-ring perspective on the inva- sion of Ailanthus altissima in protection forests. For- est Ecology and Management 354: 334–343. https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2015.05.010 29. *Knüsel, S., De Boni, A., Conedera, M., Schleppi, P ., Thormann, J.J., Frehner, M. & Wunder, J. 2017: Shade tolerance of Ailanthus altissima revisited: novel insights from southern Switzerland. Biological In- vasions 19(2): 455–461. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s10530-016-1301-4 30. *Knüsel, S., Conedera, M., Zweifel, R., Bugmann, H., Etzold, S. & Wunder, J. 2019: High growth po- tential of Ailanthus altissima in warm and dry weather conditions in novel forests of southern Switzerland. T rees – Structure and Function 33(2): 395–409. htt- ps://doi.org/10.1007/s00468-018-1785-x 31. *Kota, N.L., Landenberger, R.E. & McGraw, J.B. 2007: Germination and early growth of Ailanthus and tulip poplar in three levels of forest disturbance. Biological Invasions 9(2): 197–211. https://doi. org/10.1007/s10530-006-9026-4 32. *Kowarik, I. 1995: Clonal growth in Ailanthus altissima on a natural site in West Virginia. Journal of Vegetation Science 6(6): 853–856. https://doi. org/10.2307/3236399 33. *Landenberger, R.E., Kota, N.L. & McGraw, J.B. 2007: Seed dispersal of the non-native invasive tree Ailanthus altissima into contrasting environ- ments. Plant Ecology 192(1): 55–70. https://doi. org/10.1007/s11258-006-9226-0 34. *Lookingbill, T.R., Minor, E.S., Bukach, N., Fer- rari, J.R. & Wainger, L.A. 2014: Incorporating risk of reinvasion to prioritize sites for invasive species management. Natural Areas Journal 34(3): 268–281. https://doi.org/10.3375/043.034.0303 35. Marris, E. 2005: Invasive species: Shoot to kill. Nature 438(7066): 272–273. https://doi. org/10.1038/438272a 36. *Martin, P.H. & Canham, C.D. 2010: Dispersal and recruitment limitation in native versus exotic tree species: Life-history strategies and Janzen-Con- nell effects. Oikos 119(5): 807–824. https://doi. org/10.1111/j.1600-0706.2009.17941.x 37. *Martin, P .H., Canham, C.D. & Kobe, R.K. 2010: Divergence from the growth-survival trade-off and extreme high growth rates drive patterns of exotic tree invasions in closed-canopy forests. Journal of Ecology 98(4): 778–789. https://doi.org/10.1111/ j.1365-2745.2010.01666.x 38. *Marwat, K.B., Hashim, S. & Ali, H. 2010: Weed management: A case study from north-west Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 42(Special Issue): 341–353. 39. *Mayoral, O., Mascia, F., Podda, L., Laguna, E., Fraga, P ., Rita, J., Frigau, L. & Bacchetta, G. 2018: Alien Plant Diversity in Mediterranean Wetlands: A Comparative Study within Valencian, Balearic and Sardinian Floras. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agro- botanici Cluj-Napoca 46(2): 317–326. https://doi. org/10.15835/nbha46210470 40. *McAvoy, T.J., Snyder, A.L., Johnson, N., Salom, S.M. & Kok, L.T. 2012: Road survey of the invasive tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) in Virginia. Inva- sive Plant Science and Management 5(4): 506–512. https://doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-12-00039.1 41. *Meloche, C. & Murphy, S.D. 2006: Managing tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) in parks and pro- tected areas: A case study of Rondeau Provincial Park (Ontario, Canada). 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Biological Conser- vation 143(1): 182–194. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. biocon.2009.10.002 48. *Planchuelo, G., Catalán, P . & Delgado, J.A. 2016: Gone with the wind and the stream: Dispersal in the invasive species Ailanthus altissima. Acta Oe- cologica 73: 31–37. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ac- tao.2016.02.006 49. *Radtke, A., Ambraß, S., Zerbe, S., Tonon, G., Fon- tana, V. & Ammer, C. 2013: Traditional coppice forest management drives the invasion of Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudoacacia into deciduous forests. Forest Ecology and Management 291: 308– 317. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2012.11.022 50. *Rebbeck, J., Hutchinson, T., Iverson, L., Yaussy, D. & Fox, T. 2017: Distribution and demographics of Ailanthus altissima in an oak forest landscape man- aged with timber harvesting and prescribed fire. 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Applied Ecol- ogy and Environmental Research 14(3): 161–182. https://doi.org/10.15666/aeer/1403_161182 58. *Traveset, A., Brundu, G., Carta, L., Mprezetou, I., Lambdon, P ., Manca, M., Médail, F., Moragues, E., Rodríguez-Pérez, J., Siamantziouras, A.S.D., Su- ehs, C.M., Troumbis, A.Y., Vilà, M. & Hulme, P .E. 2008: Consistent performance of invasive plant spe- cies within and among islands of the Mediterranean basin. Biological Invasions 10(6): 847–858. https:// doi.org/10.1007/s10530-008-9245-y 59. *Tsiotsiou, V. & Christodoulakis, D. 2010: Woody plants in urban biotopes: Studies in Patras (Greece). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 19(12A): 2958– 2965. 60. *Vilà, M., Siamantziouras, A.S.D., Brundu, G., Camarda, I., Lambdon, P., Médail, F., Moragues, E., Suehs, C.M., Traveset, A., Troumbis, A.Y. & Hulme, P.E. 2008: Widespread resistance of Medi- terranean island ecosystems to the establishment of three alien species. 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Ambrass, V.S., Radtke, A., Zerbe, S., Fontana, V. & Ammer, C. 2014: Propagation and management of ailanthus and black locust in coppice forests: Insights from a case study on invasive species in South Tyrol. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 46(2): 45–51. 04. *Anderson, M. & Crosby, M.K. 2018: An assessment of invasive plants on Shorter University’s Campus. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natu- ral Resource Sciences 10(1): 24–29. 05. *Berg, C., Drescher, A., Wagner, V. & Essl, F . 2016: Temporal trends in the invasions of Austrian wood- lands by alien trees. Preslia 88(2): 185–200. 06. *Berg, C., Drescher, A. & Essl, F . 2017: Using relevé- based metrics to explain invasion patterns of alien trees in temperate forests. Tuexenia 37(1): 127–142. https://doi.org/10.14471/2017.37.012 07. Burch, P.L. & Zedaker, S.M. 2003: Removing the invasive tree Ailanthus altissima and restoring natural cover. 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