kh.). V"k r.M- «*<* in pr»»nilu>». U.ued daily «cía Saturday Sundaya and H«üda7* PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE 1'rednlAki in upravnliki prostori: M67 South Lawndala Ava. Offlc« of Publication) 2067 South Uwndale Ara. Tslaphoiia, Rockwall 4904 I^YEAR XXXIII. Ooaa liata ja 96 00 m«!' ¿irrss CHICAGO. ILL. 8REDA. 2. APRILA (APRIL t). 1M1 In Two Parts—l'art I &TEV.~—NUMBER 85 fet mailing at spocial rata of postar« provided for tn section 1108, Act of Oct. 8, 1017, authorised oa J una 14, 1918. osvetovanja o akciji roti Jugoslaviji • Domače vesti gleii v bližini glav-ega mesta Eritreje nister e d e n v atenah ndon. 1 apr. - General Sig- fcdList, "usvojitelj Poljske daj vrhovni poveljnik nem-oborožene sile v Bolga-je odletel v Berlin, da se posvetuje s Hitlerjem in ge-li o pripravah glede napada ugoslavijo in Grčijo. Tukaj-diplomatični krogi so uver-da bo napad kmalu odrejen, krogi pravijo, da so naciji pričeli pritiskati na Fran-naj izroči bojne ladje osiš-Puročilom, da je Berlin na-nov ultimat Jugoslaviji in je ona že odločila proti ko-auji /. Nemčijo, posvečajo liko pozornost. Velika Bri-a je ponovno zagotovila Ju-vijo. da ji bo takoj prisko-na pomoč, če jo bo Nemčija dla. lgrad. I apr. — Nemčija je la formalno evakuacijo svo-ržavljanov v okolnostih, ki (jo, da oborožen konflikt z slavijo lahko izbruhne vsak Zadnji vlak, na katerem se hajalo čez tisoč Nemcev, je iz Belgrada. Govorice se , da je Hitler zahteval ta-jo demobilizacijo jugoslo-ke armade, ki šteje 1,200,000 in katera je pripravljena na Ii iro, Egipt, 1. apr.—Angle- ete prodirajo naprej v Eri-n Abesmiji in ujele so že o število italijanskih voja-ter zaplenile zaloge orožja ijnega materiala. Z okupa-I)uedawe, važnega železni-j ivdišra, so Angleži pre-/(le/niško zvezo med utijein, pnstanišcnim me-h Adonskem zalivu, in Abulxi, glavnim mestom inije. Vrhovno poveljstvo da nadaljnje angleške prinlirajo proti Addis / dveh drugih strani, vi angleški oddelki so le j milj oddaljeni od Asma Obnova obrata v jek-larnah v Johnstownu Oblasti odkrile sabotažo v elektrarni Johnstown. Pa.. 1. apr.—Tukajšnje jeklarno^ Bethlehem Steel Co. so obnovile obrat, ko se je 15,000 stavkarjev, članov jeklarske unije CIO, vrnilo včeraj na delo. Stavka je trajala samo dva dni. Kompanija se je podala in preklicala volitve glede reprezentancije pri pogajanjih, katere je oklicala Employes' Reprezentation Plan, kompa-nijska unija. Stavka v jeklarnah omenjene kompanije v Bethlehemu, Pa., je bila končana zadnji teden. Državni posredovalec Thomas Lambert je naznanil konferenco med reprezentanti unije CIO in kompanijo, na kateri bo razprava o sklenitvi pogodbe. Youngstown, O.. 1. apr.—Državne in federalne oblasti so odkrile sabotažo v elektrarni, ki zalaga z električnim tokom tukajšnjo tovarno Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. Prosekutor okraja Mahoning je dal aretirati 17 let starega fanta Williama J. Ambrosa na obtožbo sabotaže. Slednji je bil po aretaciji odpeljan v okrajno jetnišnico. Chicago. 1. apr.—Dve izmed ¿tirih tovarn International Harvester Co. sta včeraj obnovili obrat. Unija Farm Equipment Workers, včlanjena v Kongresu industrijskih organizacij, je preklicala več tednov trajajočo stavko zadnjo nedeljo. V glavni tovarni na Blue Island ave. in Western ave. je produkcija normalna. V tej dela zdaj 5600 delavcev. Tovarna v Richmondu, Ind., je tudi obnovila obrat. Izmed 1200 delavcev se je 1100 vrnilo na delo. Nadaljnja tovarna International Harvester Co. v Rock Fallsu, 111., bo obnovila glavnega me ta italijanske obrat v ¿elrtt*k ah F*1**- t fje To lezi 45 milj vzhod-Kerena, fašistične trdnja-dtero so Angleži okupirali Ji teden u^a vest pravi, da je Italija pila pet m morda osem boj-*iij v bitki / enotami an-1 '»ojiie 111>a otoka, med temi i*0-';", ko bojno ludjo Vit-Veneti, Skoro 3000 čast-" mornarjev je izgubilo bitki z Angleži. Več 'A m častnikov je ' K" o p»»skakali z ladij "J' Oku.g wju mož so An- 1. Andrew Cunning-' enot angleške " ki so napadle " ladje, je izja-hol.eha angleška kofiovana v bitki J.1I M Hov film Is Slovenije Chicago.—Zadnjo nedeljo je bil v Masonic Templu, Millard ave. in 23rd St., prvič predvajan novi film iz starega kraja, ki ga je snel znani slovenski umetnik Božidar Jakac in kateri je lastnina SSP7. Predvajanje so aranžirala čikaška društva SS-PZ. Film, ki traja dobri dve uri. kaže prizore iz Ljubljane, na Gorenjskem, Dolenjskem, v Mariboru in Prlekiji na Štajerskem, v Prekmurju in Beli Krajini; kaže delo na polju in v delavnicah, dalje parade in narodne igre ter plese v narodnih nošah; pokaže tudi mnogo prirodnih krasot. Film, ki je v barvah, ima mnogo tehničnih hib, vendar, če bi bil pravilno urejen in bolj pojasnjen ter sčasoma spojen z enakim filmom SNPJ—bi bil najpopolnejši in najboljši, kar smo jih doslej videli v Ameriki. Obiski Chicago.—Martin Serro in Leo Zornik iz Herminieja, Pa., ter Al Flere iz Nilesa, O., so 31. marca obiskali gl. urad SNPJ in uredništvo Prosvete. Čikaška vooti Chicago.—V bližnjem Lyonsu je 27. marca umrl Gabriel Volk, član društva 270 SNPJ, star 55 let in rojen na Bledu. Zapušča družino.—Theodore L. Gradi-šek, član društva 131 SNPJ in pevskega zbora Prešeren, je bil te dni vpoklican v vojaško službo.—Poroke: Fr. Lisjak in Ana Petrič (65—53). Razporoke: Alfred Tisol toži svojo ženo Emo Tisol za ločitev; Frances Maru-šič je iztožila ločitev od svojega moža Steveta; Matilda Kobe je iztožila ločitev od Toma Kobeta. —Margaret Snoj, članica Pionirjev 559 SNPJ in bivša name-ščenka ▼ uradu SNPJ, je 24. marca nastopila mesto učenke za bolničarko v okrajni bolnišnici (Cook County Hospital) v Chicagu. Is Južnega Illlnoiaa Benld, 111.—Družina Lockport je dobila hčerko prvorojenko. Mati, katere dekliško ime je bilo Mary Katalinič, je članica SNPJ, kar pomeni, da je mladinski oddelek naše jednote dobil novo članico. Čestitke! Čoška mladina čeatlta mladini v Jugoolavljl Chicago. — United Czechoslovak American Youth, čefooslova-ška mladinska organizacija, katere tajnik je Otto Safranek, je 30. marca poslala preko jugoslovanskega poslaništva v Wash-ingtonu pozdrav in čestitko mladini Jugoslavije na njenem krepkem odporu zoper pridružitev Jugoslavije nacljski Nemčiji. Češka mladina v Ameriki poziva mladino v Jugoslaviji, naj deluje za zmago demokracije in za splošen človečanski in demokratični mir. Novico It Jušno A mor l ko Buenos Aires, Arg—Semkaj je prišla vest, da je 18. januarja San Franclaco. Cal.. 1. apr. — t. 1. v Crničah na Goriškem umr l Federalna vlada je obdolžila Bovcon, star 65 let. V Ar- Harryja Bridgesa, voditelja unij|Kentini Mpušča tri sinove, Kar-CIO na zapadu, kot člana pre- (ja Raj|u, jn Srečka, v starem vratnih organizacij. Zaslišanje j(rajU pa fano, sina (ki je v ita- Washingtonu, D. C., se je včeraj pričela konferenca o situaciji med reprezentanti unij CIO in ADF in člani federalnega posredovalnega odbora. £ Zaslišanje proti Bridgesu otvorjeno Bivii komunist Gitlow nastopil kot priča DELO NA POLJU f MEHKEGA PREMOGA USTAVLJENO Roosevelt priporoča nadaljevanje pogajanj UNIJA RAZGLASILA PRAZNIK \ Chicago. 1. apr—Produkcija na polju mehkega premoga je bila ustavljena sinoči ob enajstih (čikaški čas), ko je 450,000 rudarjev, članov unije United Mine Workers of America, odložilo orodje. . V Hem številu je uključenih 39,000 rudarjev v II-linoisu. •, Predsednik Roosevelt je, ko je bil informiran, da so se pogajanja med reprezentanti unije in operatorji na konferenci v New Yorku razbila, takoj apeliral na obe grupi, naj jih obnove. "Nepretrgano obratovanje premogovnikov je važnega pomena," se glasi telegram, katerega je predsednik poslal Ezru Von Hornu, predstavniku operatorjev. "Nadaljujte pogajanja do zadovoljiveg4 sporazuma. Pričakujem porodila od Steel-mana pred polnoŠjo." Dr. John R. Steelman, član spravnega odbora federalnega delavskega departmenta, ki je posegel v konflikt, je dejal, da so se predstavniki rudarjev in senatorji odzvali Hooseveltove-mu pozivu in sa izrekli za obnovo pogajanj. Upanje je. da bo zastoj danes zloniljen. Danes je rudarski praznik in rudarji proslavljajo 43-leti osemurnika. 1 John L. Lewis, predsednik unije UMWA, je že prej izjavil, da bo ustavitev dela aktualna, ne tehtnična, kljub prazniku. Ko je bila konferenca zaključena včeraj po štirinajstih dnevih neuspešnih pogajanj, je Lewis instruiral rudarje, naj ostanejo doma, dokler ne bo sklenjjna nova pogodba. Rudarji zahtevajo zvišanje mezde na $7 na dan, letne počitnice s plačo in garancijo, da bo sleherni rudar delal najmanj dvesto dni v letu. Pravkar po-tečena pogodba je določala plačo $6 na dan na severu in $5.60 na jugu. V Iliinoisu, kjer produkcija mehkega premoga znaša $47,-600,000 ton letno, se je 15,000 rudarjev, članov progresivne unije ADF, pridružilo akciji unije UMWA-CIO. Vsi 80 odložili orodje. rancija obdolžena kršenja blokade Parniki dovaža jo bojni material Nemčiji London. 1. apr.—Eden Izmed štirih francoskih parnikov, za pletenih v incidentu, ki se je pripetil zadnjo nedeljo, ko so angleške bojne ladje skušale u-staviti te parnike, je bil naložen z bojnim muterialom, namenjenim Nemčiji, je včeraj izjavil minister za ekonomsko vojno. Izjava je sledila obdolžitvi v 11 stu Daily Telegraph, da skuša admiral Jan Darlan, podpredsednik francoske vlade, zabiti zagozdo med Anglijo in Ameriko s protestom, ki ga je poslal v Washington, N. C. Nakana se mu ne bo posrečila, ker v Ameriki vedo, da se je izrekel za sodelovanje z Nemčijo in ji obljubil, da jo bo zalagal z bojnim materialom. Francija skuša kršiti blokado pod pretvezo, da njeni parniki ne vozijo bojnega materiala, temveč živila. Angleški minister je odkril evidenco, du Petainova vlada igra vlogo v prilog osišču. Od 16. januarja do 1. marca je Nemčija dobila iz neokupirane Francije velike zaloge bojnega materiala. Ta je uključeval 30,000 ton baksita, 10,000 ton aluminija, 8000 ton magnezija, 10,000 ton alžirske volne, 2200 čllejskega nitrata in 60,000 ton sadja. Dalje je Nemčija dobila 5800 glav goveje živine in 105,000 galonov gasolina. Vicky. Francija, L apr,~Pa-tainova vlada je naslovila pro-Angliji zaradi napada as francoske parnike na Sredozemskem morju. MornariČni minister pravi, da parniki niso bili naloženi s kavčukom in drugim bojnim materialom, ki naj bi ga dobili sovražniki Anglije. Tovori so uključevali živila in druge potrebščine, namenjene francoskim prebivalcem. >ndon vodi Charles Seafs, upokojenr sodnik iz New Yorka. tožilec pa je odvetnik Clarence Goodwin, asistent federalnega justičnega tajnika Roberta H. Jacksona. Kot prva priča je nastopil Berv etalski mi- Gitlow, bivši komunistični vodja, v» angleški ki je povedal, da komunistična 1 nemških bom-¡stranka dobiva ukaze iz Moskve treh mesecih I in da propagira nasilno strmo-H'«zi pa m> v glavljenje ameriške vlade. Po Mal Zad-i položitvi prisege je Bridges pri-" «leski letalci i znal, da je podanik Velike Bri- lijanski armadi) in štiri hčere.— Iz slo¥fcni>ke naselbine v Monte-videju. Urugvaj, poročajo, da sta se tamkaj združili dve jugoslovanski kulturni društvi Bratstvo in Jugoslovanska zajednica v Jugoslovansko prosvetno in podporno društvo. It Ponnaylvanljo Johnatown. Pa.—Frauk Cvetan, zastopnik Proavete, je zbolel za pljučnico, vendar je že izven nevarnosti in želimo mu. da Iii est franco-! tanije in da je prišel v Ameriko . . - . , I 1IK0 <>b otvoritvi M»h*.nj.|fl* rtve opera, 1,1 "»-davno p '_'_ {na vratu m vse kaze, da bo še 'ku i r t n«i>a- ' > ...^.rli-sil N.hsis kj- v an- Angleški vrhovnega armadnega štaba, |t. 106. kjer ga naj rojaki obl-»"'fnl»ardirali Kta včeraj dospela v Atene U-j^jo PunUr Je ustanovni član i < alaiaa do radni komunike pravi, da ata društva 3 SNPJ — Največja -obnovila razgovore r grškimi akebska t «» v a r n a BHhlehem '(" Anthin voditelji o načrtih, katerih na Steel nr je ^niala C*-/ 40 let a/, • nanji mi men je preprečitev raztegnitve unije vidile lxij n tem velika- Juhi G Dill, vojne na baUumaki polotok. , norn, končno au pa le zmagale Norveški parniki vozijo blago v angleške luke New York, 1. apr. Cez tisoč norveških parnikov vzdržuje promet med Ameriko in Anglijo pod vodstvom in kontrolo norveške vlade v izgnanstvu v Londonu, je dejal Arm- Sunde, norveški minister za plovbo in zaloge, preden je odletel z letalom Yankee Clipper iz New Yorka v Evropo. Parniki vozijo ameriško blago v angleške luke Sunde je dalje r«-kel, da je bilo le nekaj parnikov, ki prevažajo blago, potopljenih po nemških podmornicah. Med delavci vlada veliko vese Ije Kompanljska unija je bila slovesno pokopana v Conemaugh Riverju . . . Nov grob v alarom kraju A m bridge. Pa -- Brata Fr in Anton R/iaenberK«*r ata prejela žalostno vest, da je v Gornjih I^akomnicah pri f^mihelu na Dolenjskem umrla njuna sestrs Pepra Hot*vc. stara M let, ki je bolehala štiri leta. V starem krsju zapušča moža, štiri male otročičke in dve M-strl—V Pittsburgh Je umrl Zvonko Jakše, atar «4 M »n rojen v ftkerjan-rih pri ftmihelu Pre^l leti je bil u|**l«*n pri Fr Saka< rju v New Yorku. Zamorci protestirajo proti zapostavljanju New York, 1, apr.—Zamorski Igralci, pevci, odvetniki, zdravniki in drugi profesionalci so po radiu opozorili ameriško javnost na zapostavljanje zamorcev in naglaslll, da ti sploh ne morejo dobiti dela v obrambnih industrijah. Poleg teh so govorili po radiu in podprli protest newyot ški župan La Guardia; Charles Poletti, newyorški podgovemar; Frank P. Graham, predaednlk državne univerze v Severni Ka rolini, in Kliner Carter, član prl-zlvnega o d b o r a federalnega brezpobelniMitnrga zavarovanja Slednji je poudarjal, da v času, ko se iz tovarniških dimnikov dvigajo oblaki dima In je Že na tisoče delavcev dobilo zaslužek, ne morejo zamorci dobiti dela v obrambnih industrijah. Vsi govorniki so naglašall, da mora vlada narediti konec tej situa cl ji. Federacija obsodila "neupravičene stavke* Chicago, I apr. — Kkaekutiva državne delavske federacij« Je na avoji seji naglaalla, da obao-ja "neupravičene stavke, ki ovirajo produkcijo v obrambnih industrijah." A, Olander. tajnik blagajnik federacije, je izjavil, da mu m znan noben slučaj v II linoisu, da katera unija AI)K o vira s atavko produkcijo bojn<< o preme t Nemška parnika pobegnila iz perujske luke i Callao, Peru. 1 apr — Dva nemška parnika Muencliori in Hemonthia ata sinoči pobegnila iz te luke, v kateri uta »e naha jala <*i l/bruha vojne v Kvro pi, brez dovoljenja avtoritet Poslanika Nemčije in Italije protestirata Grčija bo dobila ameriške topove Roosevelt obljubil dodatno pomoč Fort Bragg, N. C.. 1. npr.— Predsednik Roosevelt, ki se je ustavil tu na svojem povratku v Washington, je povedal repor-terjem, da bo Grčija dobila več 75-mllimetrsklh topov; Ti ne bodo tvorili edino orožje, ki ga dobi Grčija iz Amerike. Predsednik ni hotel pojasniti reporterjem, kakšne vrste orožja in v kako velikem obsegu bo Grčija dobila od Amerike. Kakor hitro je kongres sprejel zakonski načrt glede pomoči Velike Britaniji, Grčiji in drugim državam, je Roosevelt naznunil transferiranje orožja in bojnega materiala tem državam, Roosevelt se je na svoji poti ustavil tudi v Fort Jacksonu, S. C., vojaškem taborišču. Okrog 75,000 vojakov je paradiralo pred nJim. Vojaške parade so se vršile tudi v Fort Braggu Policija napadla stavkarje z bombami ADF odpravi juris-dikcijske stavke Milwaukee. Wia., 1. apr —Policaji in Šcrifski deputlji so včeraj napadli s plinskimi bombami okrog tisoč stavkarjev in njihovih simpatlčarjev, ki so se zbrali pred tovarno Allis-Chalmera Mfg. Co., da ustavijo stovkoku-ze. Stavko proti tej kompanijl, ki traja že 6tt dni, je oklicula avtna unija CIO. Cez 300 policajev in šerifsklh deputijev je ščitilo stavkokaze, ko so šli na delo v tovarno. Harold Christoffel, predsednik avt-ne unije, je izjavil, da Je policija napadla stavkarje brez vsake provokacije. Washington, D. C.. 1. apt.— Voditelji stavbnih unij ADF ao se izrekli za odpruvo jurlsdik-cljskih sporov in stavk, ki ovirajo produkcijo v obrambnih industrijah. Takoj po sprejetju zaključka na seji so bili o tem ibveščeni uradniki svetov stav-binskili unij v vseh ameriških mestih Sovraino razpoloienje oroti stavkam Prlnceton, N J , I. apr. — A-merlški /uvod zu javno mnenje (Gallup Poli) Je pravkar objavil rezultat novegu glasovanja glede sledečega vprašanja: "Ali at« za to, du kongres sprejme zakon, ki prisili delodajalce in delavske unije, du pred-lože svoje apore federalnemu delavskemu odboru v rešitev, pralno ae smejo /ateči k stavki v industrijah, ki služIjo programu rbrambe?" Odgovor je bil 85 od a to t kov glasovalcev je odgovorilo "da", aedem odstotkov "ne" in H'i ae ni hotelo odpito izraziti, Aretacije agentov -tujih vlad Toronto, Kunadu, I upr — Arthur G Hlaght, liln-tulec in član pailumeiitu j« včeraj v kvojem govoru pi»-bo iplonafe in i Initaže On je dalje rekel da amenški fiilerulni detektivski u tad in kanadak i policija koo|>» tu ata pri lovu na agtnle, Državni tajnik Hull zagovarja zasego parnikov MEHIKA PODPIRA AMERIKO Waahlngton. D. Cm 1. apr.— Poslaniku Nemčije in Italije sta včeraj protestirala pri driav-nem departmentu zaradi zasege nemških ln italijanskih parnikov v ameriški lukah. Ameriška vladu je odredila zasego po odkritju sabotaže na parnlkih Vsebina not ni bila objavljena. Število zaseženih italijanskih, nemških in danskih panlkov ja 69. Dansko poslaništvo v Waah-ingtonu je izjavilo, da ni in ne bo protestiralo proti zasegi 35 danskih parnikov. Predstavnik poslaništva je dejal, da Danska spada v drugačno kategorijo nego Nemčija in Italija, ker člani posadk danskih parnikov niso bili obdolženl sabotaže. Italijanski protest je osebno izročil pomožnemu državnemu tajniku Longu poslanik Colon-na, nemško noto pa Hans Thomson, načelnik poslaništva. U* rudniki državnega, vojnega in mornaričnega departmenta so se sestali na konferenci, ki Ja trajala več ur. Ali so razpravljali o zasegi parnikov ln protestih, ni znano. Državni tajnik Cordsll Hull Je ^pugovarjal zasego parnikov, ni hotel pa razpravljati o vprašanju, aH jih bo Amerika Izročila Veliki Britaniji. Pojasnjeno je bilo, da Je predsednik Roosevelt odredil zusego parnikov po odkritju sabotaže. Justičui department je odredil preiskavo sabotaže. Sto nemških in 775 italijanskih mornarjev J« bilo aretiranih. Proti njim je bilo odrejeno deporta-cijsko postopanje, ker so bivali več kot 60 dni v Ameriki ln s tem kršili zakon. Danski mornarji niso bili aretirani. Moxlco City, I. apr—Odgovorni krogi odobravajo zasego nemških, itulijansklh ln danskih parnikov v ameriških lu-kali in namignili so, da bo tudi Melilku odredila zasego dvanajstih nemških in Italijanskih parnikov, ki se nuhujajo v njenih lukuh. Člani moruarlčnlh oddelkov IhhIo prevzeli te parnike v soglasju t načelom kontinentalne obrambe In solidarnosti med Mehiko in Združenimi državami Skupna tonuža italijanskih in nemških parnikov, ki so v mehiških pristanih, znaša 74,546 ton. Buanoa Atroa. Argentina. 1. apt Vlade štirih južnoameriških republik, v katerih lukah ae nuhaju 60 painlkov, na katerih ao tezobešene nemške, itali-janake, fiancoake in danske za-stuve, študirajo |>oročlla o za« aegi parnikov oalšča v ameriških lukuh Doslej a« nI bilo objavljeno naznanilo, da bodo Algentina, Brazilija, Čil« in U-rugviij odredile zuaego parnikov Diet t vari delavske unije Waaliington, I) C I. apr — Martin Dlea, načelnik kotigroe-nega odaeku, ki ptelakuje neameriške aktivnosti, Jo dejal, da morajo delavske organizacije odločno naatopiti proti ruketlrjom ln prevratntm elementom ln počistiti s Vi »Jo hišo. Ce ne bodo |M*tv/el< nobene akcijo, bo kon-Hfe* iazveljavil Wagnerjov zakon m «iruge delavrk« zakone. Dir* ji nedavno rekel, da komunisti doimiiiiajo vec unij CIO. i - I I priglasijo. U ver jen sem, da bo'peč pa on*, kt jih imajo tor jih Federacije SNPJ I ta načrt prodrl na prihodnji 9 konvenciji. Aktivnosti čikaške federacija . Važno je tudi, da bomo na tej 80. Chlcago. I1L — Da bo ne- federacijski seji kaj sklenili tu- koliko spremembe, se bo prihod- di glede združenja društev v nja seja čikaške federacije vrši-j svrho izvolitve delegatov za pri-i„ u ChifMi/u »ri hodu 10 konvencijo, ln medae- la 3. aprila v So. Chicagu, br Johnu M. Tomekelnu na ](K)63 A ve. N. Pričetek ob 7 30 zvečer. Po seji bo nekoliko prigrizka. Udeleže naj se gotovo vsi zastopniki in vabljeni so tudi drugi člani, kajti vsak član in članica ima pravico priti na fe-dcracijsko sejo. In je zaželjivo, da pridejo tudi drugi člani ln slišali boste, kako velik') delo vrši federacija v korist članstva in jednote. Nekateri še vedno mislijo, da je federacija nekakšno peto kolo in se posmehujejo, namesti) da bi prevzeli delo ali šli zastopnikom in uradnikom na roko. Na tej seji boste slišali tudi poročilo e» ksekutivnega odbora, kako deluje za narodni dan SNPJ, ki se letos vrši v Chicagu. Člani či kuške federacije pridno delujejo za to priredbo in upamo, da bo velik uspeh in v veselje vsem. Takrat si bomo zopet roko pridali z rojaki iz različnih krajev dežele, s katerimi se mogoče nismo videli, odkar »mo se podali z rojaki iz različnih krajev dežele, s katerimi se mogoče še nismo videli, odkar smo se podali iz stare domovine. Oddaljeni boste imeli priliko ogledati si naše veliko mesto, za drugo bomo pa mi Čikažani skrbeli. Nekoliko o konvenčni razpravi. V Prosveti čitam razne dopise, ali na žalost nisem do danes čital Še nič koristnega in izvedljivega za SNPJ. Nekateri dopisovalci samo tratijo čas in se vidi, da jim je napredek jed note deseta briga. Samo gledajo, kako bi udarili po uredniku Molku in po drugih uradnikih. Bratje in sestre, če se bomo s tem pečali, ne moremo reči, da smo napredni. Če bi bili naši glavni uradniki čudaki, potom bi bilo nekaj drugega, ampak o-ni ne morejo delati čudežev. Kar nekateri priporočajo, bi morala konvencija zborovati ne samo 10 ali 12 dni, marveč šti ri ali pet mesecev, pa bi še ne bilo nič perfektnega. Nekateri priporočajo tudi krajše konvencije in da je treba glavne odbornike spremeniti. Bodimo bolj previdni In naše delo bo šlo veliko bol je naprej. Imamo delavce, ki trdo delajo za jednoto, toda mi jim ne damo priznanja. To je pač naša neozdravljiva bolezen. Veliko je tudi takih; ki samo pišejo v Prosveti, toda aktiv ni niso nič. To je meni osebno znano. Br. Vider, gl. tajnik, je doat jasno povodal v svojem članku da moramo dobro razumoti. Moje mišljenje je, da se moramo boli poglobili in več zaupat glavnim odbornikom, ki delajo za jednoto. To se pokaže vsakih m nt mesecev, ko podajo natančne račune. Bolje Je, du pišemo več o kampanji, ker delegatjc b'Kto ukrepali |x> svojem prepri čanju. --------~ Frank Gorence. R. pri hodnjo konvencijo. bojne združenja bodo potrebna, če hočemo, da bodo naša društva zastopana na konvenciji. V tem okrožju Je le šest društev, ki Štejejo nad sto članov, ostala pa se bodo morala združiti. Zastopniki naj bodo pripravljeni, da bodo lahko poročali, koliko članov štejejo njih društva, kar le na te način bo mogoče ukrepati glede spojitve. Na svidenje v Auburnu prihodnjo nedeljo. Louls M ah kov t s, predsednik. Seja minnecoiske federacije Ely. Min»*—Prihodnja seja minnesotske federacije SNPJ se bo vršila v nedeljo, 27. aprila, v Buhlu, pričetek ob 1. popoldne TVi seja bo zelo važna, ker bo razpravljala o pravilih za pri hodnjo konvencijo, kot tudi < drugih zadevah. Apeliram na vsa pridružena ln nepridružena društva, da poš-jejo svoje zastopnike na to a Clm več nas bo torn več bomo lahko storili za članstvo in odnoto. Andrew Pirts, tajnik. Sugeeilra federajsko farmo Co ver da le, Pa. — Pred par tedni sem ae Informiral, da ennsylvanlji večkrat spremene zakon glede opojnih pijač. Iz tega razloga hočem tudi nekaj napisati v korist naše federacije S. M, P. J. v zapadni Pennl. Torej kaj je s Jo postavo v Pennl? Prej si moral imeti čarter pet let, to je organizacija, da ai dobil dovoljenje za točenje pijače v družabnih klubih. Postava e bila toliko spremenjena, da je sedaj treba imeti čarter le eno cto, da organizacija dobi dovoljenje za točenje pijače v svojih prostorih in za svoje člsne. Spodaj podpisani ni velik prijatelj pijače, vseeno bom podal sugestijo našemu članatvu. Dobro bi bilo, če bi prihodnja seja naše federacije, ki se bo vršila v Prestu 27. aprila, poloiila temelj za nabavo federacijske farme. Zadostovalo bi 15 ali 20 akrov zemlje. Ce to storimo sedaj, bi lahko pobili dovoljenje 1. 1042 In bi lahko ubdržavall pcnnsylvanske dneve SNPJ na lastnih prostorih, kakor tudi imeli druge priredbe in zabave vsako nedeljo. Potem bi se nam no bilo treba bati, da ob nedeljah ne smemo imeti piknikov, ker bi bil član te farme sleherni član jednote v okrožju naše federacije. To bi mnogo koristilo tudi našim društvom in bi b|Ja dobra agitacija tudi za pridobivanje novih članov. Seveda bi morali farmo tako uredili, da bi odgovarjala našim potrebam. Kaj mislite o tem? Na vsa društva apeliram, da pošljejo »voje zastopnike ni prihodnjo sejo federacije v Presto zadnjo nedeljo dopoldne v aprilu in se bomo lahko tam pogovorili o tej sugestiji. Prav tako tudi o našem prihodnjem dnevu SNPJ, ki se vrši v juniju, ter o drugih stvareh, tikajočih se naše federacije, društev in SNPJ. Anton Ctpčič. predsednik. Glasovi iz' naselbin Seja llltnolske federacije Carlin vlilo. 111. — Obveščam vse zastopnike, da s«» vrši pri iiodnja seja federacije društev S N. P. J. v centralnem Illinoisu in St. 1 x tu ihti v nedeljo, 6 apri la v Auburnu, lil., 111 sicer v U leskijevi dvorani tik |>ouličnc železnice Začeti k ob 1C dopoldne A|H*lirain na vsa pridružena društva, da no gotovo zastopan» na tej važni seji. Prav tako želi mo, da pošljejo svoje zastopnike 0 vprašanju starostne pomoči tudi nepridružena društva in da chlcago. III. -Pri vseh slovcn zo,)et stopijo jmmI okrilje federa- hklh rKldporn|h organizacijah je cje Slišali boste odbor 7* pr« lrildk.lJ1| (|tt ,.l(in)*' ** " ILd,*od,• dfl,vl nvk"> kar bi bt- sklad /a onen^le'- in slutil le ,u tr'ko 'vodljivo, zato 8a v t m namen Priglašena naj bi j nr «nemo sumničiti ln plačevali <*1 p»t «to 7M KABEL IN RADIO V a« dan Jih kritičnih in naaigurnlh al h la racmarah nudita kabel la radio hitre la aaaealJlTO svase a našim rim krajam, aato nam Je mogot» livrfca-vati danama poiUJatva v ataram kraju ▼ teku aaaea tadna. ako sa poslana po braojavu. Tudi Vata poMIJka bo aaako hitro doapota. alte m poatuitta braojava la Bata tvrdka. Cona aa potlljka v Ju «oalarijo la Italijo aot Din. 1M SS.....I I.- Lir ltO sa I 4.7» MS "..... I.7S " 200 "...... t " 100 " —" MO *' ....„ 13.15 1000 ___17.M " 6M " ...... II. 1000 "..... 41 DELO DOBI Na delo sprejmem moftkega za lahka dela na farmi, ni izvzet tudi ako je pohabljen, lahko ostane stalno pri meni. Pišite za pojasnilo v slovenskem jeziku na John Kaučič, Star R., Crlwltz, Wia. —(Adv.) ,. ... 17.M • I..... K.— «2.50 M. SLOVENSKE GRAMOFONSKE PLOSCE vseh vrst in drugih jeaikov. Slovenske NOTE sa PIANO HARMONIKE . Pišite po brezplačni cenik. Se priporočam: ANTON MERVAR flk BON 8S21 SL CUir A ve.. Cle volani. Ohio Sugarite. N. Men.—Opozarjam članstvo društva 154 SNPJ, da se bolj redno udeležujete sej. Vsakemu je znano, da v naselbini tivt majhno število članov. Naj polovica teh Izostane od seje, pa je ne moremo odpreti, kar se je ie zgodilo. Vsakega člana je dolinost, da se udeleži društvene seje; ako tega v resnici nI mogoče, pa vsaj enkrat na tri mesece. Ta opomin se tiče tudi članov, kt žive izven naselbine in katerih je precejšnje Število. Tudi za vaa je potrebno, da se udeležujete društvenih sej po možnosti, Pripoaaba: — Prl votjlh snaakih aoraa maran popuat. — Navadaaa cana valjajo aa poMIJaaJa po Brate! pofttL — Za brso-Javno lavrMtav Ja traba poslati Sl Mi prl tmM poUlJki. — Za ItaUJo tprajama mo umo brtojim aakaalla. — Vaa po-SUJanre naalOvita aa: - LEO ZAKRAJ&EK General Travel Service Inc. 302 E. 72nd St., New York. N. Y. SREDA, 2. APRIU SEZNAM PRIREDB DRUŠTEV pri0tešenik k lederacij.« S. N. P. J. PRIREDITVE FEDERACIJE DRUŠTEV S.N.PJ. sapadne Pennsylvanlje DRUŠTVO ŠT. 210 SNPJ priredi v* čerjo in pleeno veselico dn* tL aprila v Srbski dvorani, na EUa is Munson Ave„ McKees Roclu. Pa. Pričetek ob 7. P. M. DRUŠTVO ŠT. 287 8NPJ pnra* svojo veselico 10. maja v Slov. Domu v Burgettslown Pa. Vabi na obilo udeleibo. DRUŠTVO ŠT. 427 SNPJ bo prano-' valo 20-letnico dne 25. maja t Narodnem domu na Coverdals, Pa. DRUŠTVO ŠT. S. SNPJ. vabi m slavnostno otvoritev novo prtne jenega doma. dna 30. maia aa 8ygan. Pa. DRUŠTVO ŠT. 168 SNPJ bo pru-novalo 30-letnico dne 4. julija v Slovenskem domu v Prešlo Pa. Drufttveni tajniki naj naznanijo svoje prireditve tajniku: JACOB AMBROZICH R D. No. 1 McKees Rocks, Pa. FEDERACIJA DRUŠTEV SNPJ ZA JUŽNI WISCONSIN Milwaukee. Wis. DRUŠTVO ŠT. 584 SNPJ ima «vol obletni ples v soboto dps II. aprila v K. P. Hali dvorani. KROŽEK ŠT. 4. "JR. ALL START 8NPJ priredi avoj koncert v «o* boto 28. aprila. Društveni tajniki naj m v sadovah federacije obrnejo na tajnico: JESSIE CHUCK. 1428-A So. Ith SL Milwaukee. Wis. nove KUPITI ŽELIM tri all štiri vrstno rabljene modele llervar harmonike. J. PILNY SS18 S. Lewndola Ave., Chicago ........-....................... "PROLET AREC" Socialist Ično-delavakl tednik Gloallo Jugoslovanske sos. sva se la Prosvetne matico. Plaaa v slovanskem la angleékem jeslko. ' Stane $S sa celo. S1.7S sa pel, 11 letrt leu naroČite si gai Naslov: PROLETAREC 2.101 So. (jawndale Avenue CHICAGO. ill. VELIKONOČNI PRAZNIKI SE BLIŽAJO Sedaj jc čas, da al naročite naših okuanih izdelkov, po domače nare jeno s Hickory lesom prokajeno me so, kar narodi izvrsten okus. Klobase so sveže narejene in prekajene vsak dan. Klobaae IS funtov eli več. cene______________________«..v.......30c funt šunko 10 do 15 funtov teške ceno _______________________SSc funt želodci od 3 do S funtov ■ težki, —— ta»* broskostno prokajeno meso 2 do 3 funte, cena........30c funt Sveše hrenovo korenine........25c funt NaroČite še danes, ker brez mojih okusnih Izdelkov vam bo nekaj manjkalo pri velikonočnih obedih. Denar pošljite z naročilom, celo vsoto ali po polovico, sa ootalo poš-ffcmo na C.O.D. Poštnina plačana. Pišite na naslov: JOSEPH LESKOV AR , 420 High Street - Racine. Wis. PRIREDITVE FEDERACIJE DRUŠTEV SNPJ ZA CLEVELAND IN OKOLICO DRUŠTVO ŠT. 814 SNPJ slsvi 14-letnico in pleeno veselico 2«. «pril» v SDD dvorani na Waterloo R4 DRUŠTVO ŠT. 814 SNPJ pri"* Initial AH States Headpin Tournament 8. In 10. maja v SDD na W»-terloo Rd. DRUŠTVO ŠT. 284 SNPJ pnwd proslavo 25-letnice 18. msia r Dt-mu Zapadlih Slovencev na M Denise» Ave. Sejo federacije SNPJ vsako *tr* nedeljo v mesecu v S. N. Domu ss SL Clair ave. OPOMBA TAJNIKA: Druitraji prirejajo svojo piknike ln naj to pravočasno nasnanijo !•)»" federacije, da se vredl » o«""* listu enkrat mesečno.—J. F. TCT» ŽAN. tajnik. 14707 Hale Ave. Clee-land. Ohio. »a»»»**»»»»»»*»»»»* REVMATIZRN Hitra ata vaa vaaaaHa Obaa^-Taba t» ta** 4 rajaaa aa bitra atmM a4 •badUlva la al _ pomaaa proti arthrttto. Scla«". drugih oblik ra»a*tlaa» C*» - ^ FoSUlta aa dolar v po*«-» aak.»«. VLOGE r tej pMojibiie« k«.i breme bi nosili Iv tuli. ki h »u knvda tistih, ki jih nimajo, kot smo ¿cifii. ¿ato je potreb- I Plačane obresti pa 1% ISt. Clair Savinfa 4 loan Co. mm St. Ctoir Avoneo • Nem CLEVELAND, OHIO POSKt HITE ČISTA FRIROOMA ZDRAVILA— ZRUŠČNE ČAJE štev. 1. PESNI ČAJ—oa ono, ki arpe «oleé košljs ali taškaga 41-ksa|s od preklada. Cena 91.00 sa paket itev. t. ŽELODČNI ČAJ-ea ona. ki trpe radi lelodčnega ali Ire-I plina kislino ta Oaoa $1.00 oa pohot s. DI JU RET IČEN ČAJ—00 M arpo 00 drianju vedet v mehurju In edvnjaajo vodo, 1er boloHa v hrbtu «enlk od prekloda.^ ^ ^ NamMio poftljtte aa: MBS. GRETA LESKOV AB le? R. 7Srd St. • New Terk. If. f BOLJŠA KAVA Dodajte Franckove cikorije v vašo škodelico ali perkolator kadar pripravljate kavo. FRANCKOVA CIKORUA bo napravila vašo kavo okosnej-šo in boljšo. Na paadaj • vaab baljaOi rroaarOab ta »radaialaab kava. kupita mm Uatiia la H KUHI. FRANCK SOI Muri aprila PROSVti A Društvene prireditve -„waid droit»» 299 Colo. - Pttd 25 ¿S. '"upaj v tejin.- zavednih moi m uiUnov «•^tjoii. r«znovr»tne novo društvom SNPJ- V tem ča- ^T^vu, Je večje Koliko je bilo iz. in, odškodnin J bolniške in druge podpo-^ano vsled pomanjka-tun, toda vsekakor vse to i lepe tisočake. Društvo je .j dobro napredovalo in ima kot eno najbolj aktivnih 'S^je gre največ Johnu in rlvTupichu. Joevu Cesarju rl iUaj v Trinid*iu, Šuštarji ki se sedaj nahaja nekje ^Uhu. Kot sem razvideliz gjitkov, so bili ti štirje ze čla-iSNPJ, toda želeli so postojan-9 v naselbini in šli m delo, do-¿k dovolj novih članov in ustalili društvo Srebrna gora 209. Sledeči so ustanovni člani: „hn Grabnar, Steve Vucetič |»tt Primožič, John Erjavec flton Ilnikar, Louis Shuster in Bilija Lepich. Zadnja dva in hn Lepich so še pri društvu, vem pa, kje so ostali, razen n Vucetiča, ki je pred par <1 odstopil od jednote iz nežna mi vzroka in živi na poseku v bližini. Prve seje so se šile pri br. Joevu Cessrju, po- v Poljski dvorani, nato ali dvorani zadružne prodajal-tedaj pa že precej časa v Ko-Švjevi dvorani [«j podam majhen pregled ro. Ob 15-letnici je društ-štelo 90 članov v odraslem tO v mladinskem oddelku. V največje depresije 1. 1933 je mrtvo padlo na 73 v odraslem ielku. Ob 20-letnici je štelo v odraslem in 47 v mladin-n oddelku, zdaj pa šteje 142 idraslem in 135 v mladinskem rikii. Torej je lep napredek ijih par let, aovina društva je bila naj-tja 1.1926. Takrat je društvo Ubilo nekaj nad $1600 v slo-etki zadružni prodajalni, ko je rla vrata. Sedaj je v blagaj-aekaj nad $500. V tem času izplačali veliko podpore dolžini in zunanjim članom, pri-li raznim kulturnim usta-wm, v kampanjah za nove in tudi za piknik. Vse to financirali iz društvene, jne. Društvo je vedno gle-\ da je imelo dobre in spole odbornike. to je majhen pregled društva gospodarstva. Če je kaj «te, mi oprostite, kajti težji dobiti natančne podatke, to pa ni, Jcot sem že omenil, ■ «e človek oprl nanje, ¡«ne bomo šli preko naše »e obletnice, je članstvo k. da proslavimo ta dan »ddjo, 20. aprila, z banketonv jogramom. Banket se prič-»1 uri popoldne v Commu-Halli. Na programu bo par in nastopili bodo «"teki krožki SNPJ iz Lud-Aguilarja in SValsenburga. ™ je vabljem), da se u-1 "kor tudi ziinanji poset-P^aebno prosim Amalijo "> "> br. Louisa Sušterja, da Mta te proslave. Vstop-'prosta vsem zunanjim ™ vsem povablje-r°rej na svidenje 20. a- naiem banketu. 14 Tonutc, predsednik. ki društva 49 SiS™* druStV0 ■TJvn SNPJ pripravlja svoje 35-letnice, ki ^ - maja s piknikom v ■J^ Podan bo tudi JF*Jm nastopili bodo _ ««^JšnjeKa mladinskegs Jf pesm.cami In de- ¡¿b,1° druitvo usta-bil napovedan ■^novljeno je bilo še ■Rte;da kr ^l»)« "a- CT Andyju ^ da b. pn društvu, ** tudi T druilv^ 49 C društva In "kro/ju na naše 3f,letnice. * dišiva pa „po- Jil * ^ prihod- ples- Nadalje pozivam vse delničar- smo položili k večnemu počitku Slo- je hDD, da se udeležite delniške člana našega društva V boj 53 selici feje, ki se vrši v nedeljo, 6. apri- Konrada Lavriča na pokopališču Ida še enkrat slišite lepe sloven-iske pesmi, po katerih slovenski narod vedno hrepeni. društvo 643 SNPJ bo imelo no veselico dne 12. aprila v venskem domu. Na tej veselici bo tudi proslavilo svojo 13-let nico. Člani tega društva vabijo vse članstvo SNPJ in druge v tem okrožju na obilen poset. Nudili bodo najboljšo postrežbo. Za ples bo igrala godba Louisa Tre-barja iz Clevelanda. Dne 4. julija pa se vrši v Avon Parku v Girardu ohijski dan SNPJ. Izdana bo spominska knjižica s programom in oglasi. Pisma glede oglasov so bila poslana vtem ohijskim društvom SNPJ. Cena oglasom je: cela stran £12 ool strani 17 r*trt iLoui5 Erate> Cleveland...... 901 SUalU CCtrt Prejšnji izkaz.............$»8.70 Smrt člana in reelgnaclja blagajnika Cleveland. O.—Dne 29. marca IZKAZ DOHODKOV IN IZDATKOV BOLNIŠKI H SKLADOV OD i. JULIJA DO 31. DEC. IStt STATEMENT ©I RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS oi SICK BENEFIT FUNDS Item JUL. 1 to DSC. 31. 1MQ (Nadaljevanje is slednje arvde) la na 437 Livernois. A. Dugar. tajnik. Nadaljnji prlapevki društvu 603 Samsula. Fla.—Naše društvo 603 snpj je prejelo nadaljnje prispevke za pomoč naši dvorani od sledečih društev: Društvo 13 48 198 08 96 vsota $1.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 Društvo - 72 29 44 62 296 vsota $1> 00 5.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 5.00 IZPLAČANO strani $4, osminka strani $2.50 Vsa društva so prošena, da upoštevajo ta pisma od pripravljalnega odbora. (Vsa pisma pošlji-ta naslov: John Rovan, 62 Smithsonian, Girard, O.) John Bogatay, predsednik društva 49. * 1imm- Koncert mladinskega zbora Milwaukee. — Federacij ski pevski zbor Junior AH Star Chorus priredi svoj drugi koncert v soboto zvečer, 26. aprila dvorani Harmonie. Sodelovali 3odo tudi drugi pevski zbori in xxiana bo šaloigra "Čarodejna >rivnica" v enem dejanju. Mladina se pod vodstvom federacij ske tajnice sestre Chuck pridno uči te igre in seveda tudi >etja pod vodstvom svojega pe-vovodje, kar nam zagotavlja po-x>ln uspeh v tem oziru.. Njen jrvi koncert je izpadel izvrstno n pričakujemo, da se bo naša mladina tudi to pot zopet izvrstno postavila, rpi pa bomo zopet imeli večer lepe zabave. Toda bratje in sestre SNPJ, uspeh naše mladine zavisi največ od nas samih. Vsled tega apeliram na vsa društva naše federacije in njih posamezne člane, da si rezervirate zadnjo so->oto v aprilu za našo mladino. Dolžnost naša je, da ji stojimo ob strani vedno in povsod in sodelujemo z njo na priredbah. S tem ji polagamo temelj spoštovanja in ljubezni do nas samih, obenem pa naraščaj jednote spodbujamo k večji aktivnosti. brej vsi na mladinski koncert 26. aprila zvečer. Joeeph Vidmar, predsednik federacije. Glasovi iz naselbin O društvu 80 Midway. Pa. — Veselje je gledati naše žene, ki pridno šivajo posteljno pregrinjalo, katerega bodo podarile mladinskemu krožku 22 SNPJ. To dela naš gospodinjski odsek, da razveseli mla-ino in ji pomaga do financ, ki ih tudi krožek potrebuje za svo-e aktivnosti. Delo je precej naporno, ali gotov sem, da vam bo mhdina hvaležna kot tudi dru-i tvo 89. Storili bomo vse, da tudi mi napolnimo vaša srca z ra-ostjo kot ste ve nas prcseneti-e. V nedeljo, 6. aprila ob 2. po-oldne bo izredna seja našega ruštva glede kegljišča. Ker ta stvar prihaja že skoro poldrugo eto na naše seje, je potrebno, da jo rešimo. In to bomo storili na tej izredni seji, ko bomo ime-dovolj čaaa. Naša dolžnost je, da ta problem rešimo pravilno in da ostanemo še za naprej složni. Dne 26. aprila bo naše društvo 89 priredilo veaelico, na katero ste vabljeni vsi od blizu in a leč. Imeli bomo dobro godbo in postregli vam bomo kar je v naši moči. Pripeljite tudi svoje sosede in prijatelje. Na svidenje 26. aprila zvečer v dvorani društva 89 na naši veselici. John Sire. 89. I>du*Ttlh «mm, Sbve tTl * Pb majs. •««iHko (Mitiujoče Koncert Naprej a Detroii. Mich. — Naš pevski zbor Nsprej se je vse leto pridno učil, da prinese na oder nekaj izvrstnega, in to so lepe slovenske pesmi in opereU "Kovačev študent*. Koncert se vrši na velikonočno nedeljo, 13. aprila ob 3. popoldne v Slovenskem delavskem domu, 437 Livernois ave. To bo zadnja kulturna priredba v naši naselbini v tej sezoni In vas uljudno vabimo, da nas V tem izkazu.............. 33.00 Skupaj ....................$241.70 Hvala vsem društvom za pomoč, kakor tudi br. Louisu Er stetu, ki se je nahajal tukaj na obisku in daroval navedeno vsoto. V prvem izkazu je bila pomota. Društvo 65 je poslalo $3, ne $2. Naj omenim, da gre delo pri našem društvenem domu lepo naprej, ker se poznajo prispevki, ki jih prejemamo od društev. Nadaljnji prispevki bodo objavljeni prihodnjič. Še enkrat hvala vsem skupaj. Mike Machek st., tajnik. Raapls službe In drugo Cleveland. O. — V koloni "Od časa do časa" večkrat poročam, kako je z našimi izletniškimi prostori elevelandskih društev SNPJ. Se vedno smo navdušeni za nje in bomo navdušeni o-stali. Harmonija med odborniki je lepa. Prostori so najeti za vso sezono. Sedaj napeljujemo novo elektriko. Letos bomo tudi izkopali nov vodnjak, ki ga bo gonila električna sesalka. V načrtu imamo tudi preurždUev stare hiše v dve družinski turistični stanovanji. Seveda za vse to potrebujemo denar. Dne 25. maja bomo imeli sezonsko otvoritev in če se bo naše splošno članstvo potrudilo in razprodalo "listke", bomo zopet dobili nekaj stotakov v blagajno. Pa še nekaj imam poročati. Do sedaj nam je oskrboval našo farmo John ftos, član društva Št. 53 SrtPJ. Toda na farmi je vedno več prometa, zato potrebujemo poleg moškega tudi žensko. Saj veste, da brez ženske ne more biti. Torej direktorij farme SNPJ razpisujejo službo upravitelja. Kandidati sa to službo morajo meti sledeče kvallilkacljei 1. Kandidat mora biti dober član SNPJ. Kandidat mora biti poročen. 3. Kandidat mora biti prillčno pripraven sa tako službo. Vse prošnje naj se čim prej pošljejo na naslov tajnika farme Franka Šušteršlča, 15726 Holmes Ave.. Cleveland. Ohlo. Oni. ki so Clevelanda. se lahko usime-no pogovore pri tajniku. Pogoji so lepil Torej kdor bi imel veselje za to mesto in je pripravljen, naj vloži prošnjo takoj! Za direktorij farme SNPJ, Milan Medvoiek. predsednik. pokopališču St. Mary's v Painsvillu, O. Star je bil 63 let in rojen v Moravčah na Gorenjskem in kot pravijo, je živel tudi v Kamniku. V Clevelandu je bil dobro poznan in je delal pri American Steel de Wire Co., potem pa se je preselil na farmo v Unionville vzhod no od Clevelanda. V starem kraju je bil izučen strojnik, ali kot tukaj pravimo mašinist. Bil je dolgoletni član našega društva, prej pa društva 142. Bolehal je več mesecev in umrl je v bolnišnici v Painsvillu. Pokojnik zapušča žalujočo soprogo Josephino, rojeno Tomšič v Podgozdu pri Žužemberku, sinova Theodorja in Adolpha, hčere Ann, omožona Koshan, Midred, omožena Kossick, Josephine, omožena Porter, Sally, omožena Brady, Olgo, omožena Debevc, Helen, omožena Rinto, Sylvijo, Almo in Dorothy. V starrdomovini zapušča brata ii* dve sestri. Pogreba se je udeležila tudi mrs. Frances Arch iz Moon Runa, Pa., ker je bil pokojni njen sorodnik. Navzočih je bilo več Clevelandčanov in prijateljev iz okolice Union villa. Naše društvo V boj je storilo svojo bratsko dolžnost napram pokojniku. Ohranimo mu blag spomin, njegovim sorodnikom pa naše soža-lje! Članom društva V boj tudi naznanjam, da ai bodo morali izvoliti novega blagajnika, ker je Ivan Jontez poslal resignacijo, ker se ni udeležil treh zaporednih sej. Kot vzrok navaja rahlo zdravje, zaposlenost in druge po-težkoče. Torej člani, ne pozabite priti na prihodnjo sejo, ki se vrši v nedeljo, 13. aprila, da bomo reševali društvene probleme kot se spodobi. Frank Barblč. predsednik. 1*AYMZNTS O I Skupaj Vpla- 1 Upi«, i Uradni *aiu> I 6ano 1 Aias. Avtnl karambol — dva člana mrtva Tacoma, ^faah.—Dne 14. marca ob 4:15 popoldne se je tukaj >ripetlla velika avtna nesreča. ?lana našega društva 403 SNPJ Matt Mattlch in njegova žena sta se peljala na obisk k znancem v 14 milj oddaljeni Puyal-up. Nesreča se je zgodila, ko je pokojni Matt ustavil avto na križišču pri znamenju "Stop". Pogledal je na obe strani in izgledalo je, da je cesta odprta. Pognal je svojo mašino, tedaj ga e pa z veliko brzino udarila na desni strsni druga mašina, da je t>ila žena na mestu mrtva, njen mož pa je živel ii 48 ur. Dne 19. marca ob 10. zjutraj smo imeli dvojen pogrebni spre- Prlredba dramskega društva Barberton, O.—Dramsko društvo Slovenija bo na velikonočno nedeljo, 13. aprila, podalo lep program v dvorani društva Domovine na 14. cesti. Na programu bo petje, godtyene točke In narodni plesi. Spevoprizor "Sirota" nam je podarila Francka Smrdel. V solospevü bo nastopil tudi Tony Podobnik iz Clevelanda. Igralci pa nam bodo podali tridejanko "Radi oreha". Igra je lepa in vzeta iz življenja dveh kmetov od Gorice na Primorskem. Prepletena je s petjem veselih koscev in grabljic ter ljubeznijo Marjetice in Tineta. Igralci in pevci, večinoma mladi, bodo skušali dati občinstvu dovolj užitka. V imenu dramskega društva vabim vae rojake od blizu in daleč, da pridete na velikonočno nedeljo v Barberton. Po igri bo ples, za katerega bo Igrala godba Domovina. Pričetek bo ob 3. popoldne. Naj še omenim, da imamo zdaj v naši naselbini celo vojsko, katero je povzročil "father" Jager, ker se "nevernikl" nismo udeležili misljona. Kot pravijo, so se vsi cerkvenjaki organizirali, da ne pridejo na to igro, ker je župnik Matija Jager dal povelje, "da mora ltl vse dol, kur nI cerkvenega." Bog se nas usmili! Skoda, ker ni Barbiča ln Jan-kovicha v naši naselbini, ampak mi se ne bomo pregovarjali z njim, toda z našim denarjem tudi on ne bo zidal cerkve in sa-luna pod njo. Vidite, to imamo od naših dušnih pastirjev. — Torej še enkrat vabimo vse ljubitelje lepih iger in lepegs petja na to prirodbo dramskegs društva Slovenije. Tončka Moše. Društvene vesli Harmarville, Pa,—Radi vell-vod — kakršnega naša naselbi-! konočnega praznika je članstvo na še ni videla. Ostavila sta dvs premestilo društveno sejo, ki bi sinova, 15 letnega Bobbyja in 12- se morala vršiti 13. aprila, toda etnega Eddieja, oba člana naše- se bo vršila 11. aprila ob 7. zve-ga društva. čer. Prosim upoštevajte to ln Pokojni Matt je bil rojen leta pridite na sejo v petek zvečer 1891 v vasi Ronjgi pri Kastavu pred velikonočno nedeljo. na Primorskem. V Ameriko, v Trinldad. Colo,, je prišel 1 1010. V Tacomi Je živel 23 let ln je bil voditelj tamburaškega zbora. V! starem kraju zapušča dva brata. Joeeph Fiele, tajnik. Lyona. UL—Seja društva George Washington 270 SNPJ se vrši v nedeljo, 6. aprila - ne dve sestri in več Sorodnikov na velikonočno nedeljo. Ta srja .... ......... __ _ Njegova žena je bila nemške ro- je važna radi 25-letnice, ki se poeetlte v owiem številu. Vstop-1dovlne ln zapušča tukaj svojegs vrši v soboto, 12. «prila. Pridite nlce so po 50c In dobite jih pri.očeta, v starem kraju pa brata. |na sejo v polnem številu vseh članih zbora. Pridite vsi, Joseph Marcelja. tajnik Frank Vidmar, tajnik. PROSV ETA PROSVETA THE EMUOHTEirMEMT GLASILO Ol LASTNIMA BLOVEMBKS JCO«OTE Narotnine M Zdniftene Brieve <1*-vw Chtcosa» tn Kanado * 00 M 1»*. MS» «A pol lata. »IJOt" «etrt toU; «a 1-hlMfo in Ctoffo rrso M o.k. wo. 93 7» u pol UU, IA inotematvo gubacrtption ra««: lor th. United Stoto, Concept Chicho) «s Canada «« tor W CW««9 and Cicero 91 S» por year. foreign countries to<* . Com oglaeov po dogovoru-aokopiel doptoov in nanarodenih ¿lankov ao no vroiajo Bokoptoi literarne vaebine «tuco. poveett. drama. peemi it*! h vrnejo pošiljatelju to v aluiaju. 6« to prltottl poštnino. Alwtoni roto« on agreement^-MuMcrtpU of communication» and unsolicited art ie lee will not be re-turned Other manuacrlpta. »uch aa «toriaa, play«, poetna. etc , will be returned to tender only when aocom-panted by •eUeddreaaad and atamped mvolopo. «aatov h vh. «> toi «k l Salom PROSVETA MST-M So. Lewndato At* Of TMK rCDCSATCD Datum v oklepaju na primer (April 30. i Ml), potog vaAega imana na naslovu pomeni, da vam Je • lom datumom potafc-la nanrfnina Ponovita jo pravotaano. da ao vam liât na uetavl. Urednikove '•'V pripombe Nate glasilo bo troba poročati Ob prilikah, kakor je zdaj, ko ae našim članom zbudi volja do piaanja In argumentiranja v Pro-sveti, ae kaj kmalu pokaže, kako smo revni a prostorom. Nekaj daljših dopisov in strsn je ie polna, zraven ps še običaj-na vsbila na veselice—zdsj že naznanjajo piknike—in na seje, uradna poročila in rsčunske tabele, katerih se je posebno zadnje čase spet precej nakopičilo, ps smo v stiski. Morda bo kdo rekel, zakaj ne dodamo priloge. Nsvadno so po štiri priloge v letu, kadar Imamo zapisnike gl. odbora v dveh jezikih in te priloge precej atanejo. Tehnično mora Prosveta Imeti najmanj štiri strani priloge in za same dopise—če nI ksj nujnega zrsven—se priloga ne Izplača. Moramo se torej stiskati In odlagati gradivo od tedna do tedna ali za dnevnik, če nI kakšna stvsr sbsolutno namenjena za tednik. To povzroča nejevoljno pri dopisnikih. Nekateri mislijo, da je nekaj narobe v uredništvu, pa drezajo urednika s pismi ali do-planlcaml, kaj je z dopisom aH razpravo, ki je bila poalana ie pred dvema ali tremi tedni; spet drugI se jeze, ker je bila stvar, katero so poslali za tednik, pri-občena v dnevniku. In aeveda—tako radi ae sklicujejo ns demokracijo ... •Ce bi bratje pomislili na fizične meje. v katerih se giblje naša demokracija, bi bili bolj potrpežljivi. Ako člani hočejo, da bo vse sproti objsvljeno, kar pošljejo. bodo morale biti vae razprave za konvencijo skrajšane za več ko polovico, nekatere pa celo za dve tretjini. Do danes še nismo dosti krsjšsll, vse pa kale, da bo to potrebno v prihodnjih mesecih. 0 0 0 Iz vsega tega aledi, da bo enkrat treba naše glasilo (tednik) povečati. ena stran več sa ie zdaj ne bi nič poznala. Povečanje pa pomeni več stroškov—in kako bo s temi stroški, je seveda drugo vprašanje. Zanimivo je to, da člani plačujejo za tednik eno in isto sta»v naročnino ($1.20 na leto; odkar ima SNPJ svoj tednik, torej ie več ko 30 let. V*Uh tridesetih letih so se stroški na papirju tlaku in drugem najbrie podesete-rili, toda cena lista je ostala stars in danes menda komaj še krije izdatke. Socialna zaščita in naša Jodnota V kolonah Prosvete debatiramo o pomoči za stare člane, istočasno pa zahtevamo, naj kongresna zbornica čim prej razširi socialno zavsrovsnje (starostno pokojnino) na vae one, ki do da-nea še niao uključeni med zavarovance in naj zniža starost za prejemanje podpore na 60 let. Nobenega dvoma ni, da je razširjeno aocialno zavarovanje prej izpeljivo kot pa je zadostna starostna podpora, katero bi mogla dati SNPJ svojim članom. Izboljšanje socialne zaščite, kakršnega ai mi želimo, najbrže pride že v tem kongresnem zasedanju in naši stari člani bodo tega izboljšanja deležni prej kot pa bodo deležni atarostne podpore od naše jednote, če naša letošnja konvencija ustanovi takšen sklsd. Kajti pri tuu bo vzelo leta, predno ae nabere v starostnem sklsdu toliko, da bo jodnota lahko začela z izplačevanjem podpore iz Istega. o o 0' V tem ozlru bi bilo za nas najbolje, če bi nekoliko potrpeli s to stvarjo. Vtis, ki gs delajo nekateri raz-pravljalci, kakor da je naša jed-nota zadnja in edina, ki lahko pomaga v tem oziru, nima real ne podlage. Glasovi iz naselbin Komentar o zapisniku Lincoln« 111.—Z veseljem čl-tam Proaveto že mnogo let, posebno pa prispevke v korist SNPJ. Tsko sem tudi z zanimanjem prečital ves zapisnik zadnjega zborovanja gl. odbora in videl, da ao vai odborniki podali dobra poročila. Iz njih je razvidno, da vae članatvo in gl. odborniki delujejo harmonično v korist jednote. Velikega pomena za našo organizacijo je poročilo predaed-niku gl. porotnega odaeka, ki pravi, da v zadnjih šestih mesecih nI bilo nobenih pritožb. Iz tegs se rszvidi, da je članstvo sprevidelo, ds nima koristi pritoževati sa ns glavno ppfoto. Po mojih mislih bo ta odi*k sčasoma odpadel ln vse pritoibe, ki jih rešuje glsvna porota, naj bi bile poalane gl. izvršneftiu odae-ku v rešitev. S tem bi sa prihranilo več stotakov upravnemu skladu ln denar naj bi šel za pomoč potrebnim. Naša jednota ima več izdstkov, ki bi se dali prikrajšati. O Um bo poročano od federacije srednjega Illlnolaa. Cltal aem tudi priporočilo br. Lotrtcha ln Petrovlcha, ki priporočata nekako šolo za društvene tajnike. To je zelo dobra ideja. Vsak društveni odbornik potrebuje Šole, poaebno ps tajniki, stari in mladi. TajnikoVo delo danea nl^eč tako kot je bilo pred leti, pa naj ae tiče pridobivanja novih članov ali poslovanja. Dvomim pa, da bi šola pri di z veseljem oprijel dela in se usposobil in delal po pravilih v korist članstva in jednote, ker je siguren, da bo prejemal dobro stalno plačo za svoje delo. Br. Vidrich je sproiil precej dobro idejo, ko je priporočal na letni seji gl. odbora, da bi jednota nekoliko plačala društvenim tajnikom za njihovo delo. Tudi meni ae zdi, če bi jednota to storila ali tajnikom dala vaaj nekaj nagrade na leto za njih delo, bi se njih poslovanje veliko izboljšalo in imeli bi več vesel js do tajništva; tudi sami bi se bolje izšolali in bi ne bilo težko dobiti člana za ta posel. A kako to urediti, je vprašanje, namreč da bi bila volk sit in koza cela, ker jednota bi imela več izdatkov. Da bi asesment zvišali, bi bilo še slabše, ker gs že sedaj nekateri težko zmagujejo. Mialim pa, da bo sčasoma prišlo do tega, da bodo društveni tajniki prejemali boljše plače za svoje delo, čeprav koza rep zgubi, to je, če bo članstvo hotelo, da bo jednota napredovala. Kar nas je starih društvenih odbornikov, posebno tajnikov, držimo naše postojanke še pri-lično v dobrem stanju, ker se zavedamo, da je SNPJ naša lastnins. VSe neksj drugeaa pa je pri mladini, in to posetmo v malih naselbinah. Oni se ne zanimajo toliko za SNPJ kot se mi stari. In ko bo prišel čas, ko bodo prisiljeni prevzeti naše delo, stavim, da ga ne bodo opravljali zs plsčo kot jo mi prejemamo. Uverjen sem, da ae bo o tem še več razpravljalo. ^ Še nekaj. V Proeveti kot tudi vekem drugem listu sem čltal, kako težka tovsrniška kladiv« razbijajo po St. Clairju v Cleve-landu ln ne dajo počitka delavcem niti ponoči. Tako se godi tudi po drugih industrijskih mestih. To se bo nsdsljevslo, dokler bo to klsnje onkrsj morja. Ko pa bo to klanje prenehalo, tedaj bodo tudi kladiva prene-hsls razbijati in delavci bodfo dobili dosti počitks ne samo ponoči, marveč tudi podnevi. Torej se lahko zavedamo, kaj bo prišlo; kriza, lahko še hujša kot je bila. Vse to bo morala imeti 12. konvencija pred očmi, da bo delala previdne zaključke za prihodnja štiri leta, ki bodo odgo-varjali problemom SNPJ v primeri depreaije. * Mika BrillL tajnik. kar jaz vseeno ne razumem. fa-!renca vseh tajnikov in predsed- krat preresni, večno pa tudi ne kega odgovora mi ni dal še no-lnikov, da bi na njej razpravlja- bodo trpeli. Popolnoma se stn-ben zdravnik. Navadno povedo1 U o društvenih problemih. Kaj njam z br. Molkom, da se Iz Pro-v lepem tonu. Seveda, zdravni- bi pa dosegli s tako konferenco? svete izključijo vsi politični spo- Po mojem mnenju nič, le nekaj tisočakov bi zapravili. Na primer društev je okrog 700, kar po- Ta potreba najbrže pride, če j"'", P". P"- ae letos združimo s SSPZ. Kajti !nwU. vrUko kortiU or«"n|- čtm več je članatva ln čim bolj /MyJI . . . â . . 4| komplicirano" je poslovanje, tem . ft dl1 £ik°dobitJ večje in pogt-tejše bodo račun- do.brC «^T ^bor?tke' ske tabele in druga ursdna pev ^ J r oči lit—in Um ml ho oronttua M ^ «V* «fr-Obni, ročila—in tem manj bo prostora za dopise ln drugo čtivo. pa tudi tsklh, ki nočejo biti apo- , "7 »•«•«k»—™ sobni, češ kaj bi al nakopaval Društvene zadeve « bi zmanj- df |o |n ^ ^ n| ^ šale edinole na ta način, ako bi primerne i plače. Seveda, če bi društveni ae društva SNPJ v enem kraju lnlWj .... , . »druiüa. da bi potem bilo manj b| WU) vp¿ BpoJbnlhPklin. mislite, da bo na društev. Te lokalne združitve ao pa zadeva društev samih ln če tega nočejo, jih ne more nihče prisiliti. Potem takem bo po združitvi a SSPZ še več društev ln didatov. Alt primer težko dobiti delegate za prihtidnjo konvencijo? Več jih bo "ronalo* kot bo izvoljenih, in če ni sposoben, ae bo pa napravil npoaobnaga; če bo šel na Ae več društvenih naznanil, va- konvencijo, bo tudi gledal da bil itd in računake tabele bodo deloval v korist članstvu ln še daljše ^ ^ ^ jednotl. Zakaj? Zato. ker se zs- vrd*. da bo plačan za avoje delo. Vse to kaže. da bo enkrat tr*- prav tako je prt volitvah gl ba povečati uradni tednik na 12 tabornikov, pooebno gl. uradni-atranl. tako da bo oaem strani kov Nič teiko nI dobiti aaptran-alovenaklh, štiri bodo pa angle- tov xa te pork-lj* Seveda mora ške AngIMka aekelja Prosvet«- hitt ?a Izvrševalni odbor ie s po- O tem in oaem..... Brldgeport, O.—Razprava o bodoči konvenciji, pravilih ln amemicah Prosvete sa je ie precej razvils. Vsžno vprašanje je tudi, kako pridobiti mladino, da bi se zaintereairala v delavske smernice Prosvete. Na angleških strsneh so vedno eni ln Isti dopisovalci, novih se zelo mslo priglasi. Njih dopisi sa tičejo večinoma priredb, atletike itd., z, resnimi problemi, pa naj se ie tičejo SNPJ sli delavakega gibanja, se bolj mslo bavljo. Gotovo je, da smo starejši člani ša v večini pri jednotl, toda naa Je z vaakim tednom, z vsakim mesecem manj. Torej Je veltko vprašanje, kateremu sa ne smemo izogniti, kako v bodoče obdriati Proaveto in kako preuameritl angleško aekcljo, da bi se mlsdlns bolj oprijela in razumavsla smernic« lista. Kdor lms iskušnje z mladino, bi seve-ds lahko naplaal knjigo o vzrokih, zakaj tako počaai zasleduje napredne smernice ln progresivne akcije. Je dosti faktorjev, s katerimi se pa jas na bom ba-vil, marveč jih prepuščam drugim, ki so bolj zmoinl. Piše se tudi o zavetišču. C« toga problema nlamo mogli rešiti tedaj, ko amo bili v jednotl Še aamo priseljenci, ga tudi aedaj ne bomo Mladini je i« aedaj teiko dopovedati ali jo obdriati v društvih, brez doklade ali svi-šanja aaeamenta pa bi ne šlo. Zniiane »o bile operacije a $100 na $7S, kar ni bila krivda glavnega odbora, pač pa tsplačil pred zadnjo konvencijo.' Vendar to slabo vpliva, ko agitlraš ln ti pravijo, koliko plačajo drugje. Seveda je treba pojasniti, zakaj Um plačajo Mogoče bi se dalo nekaj v tem ozlru storiti. Ksr ae tiče bolniških podpor, vem. da ne bo mogoče nič laboljšatl. Kako pa s zdravniki? Kot Uj-nlk bolnike navadno večkrat obiščem. zadnjič pa radi saposle-nootl nisem mogel nekoga obiskati. Vprašal aem telefonlčno zdravnika ker Je čUn rekel, da ki so dobri, ako jim je znano, če imaš denar, ako ai siromak, je pa drugače. Kar s Um mislim, je to, da bi bilo dobro kaj izboljšati, da bi zdravniki dajali bolj na-Unčna poročila, ker ao sedaj v dosti siučsjih zelo površni. Zadnje časa so v Proeveti zelo netolerantni kritični dopisi, kar fte dela čaeti ne listu ne onim, ki pišejo. Upošteva se svobodno izraianje, na kaUrega se sklicujejo; da ga izrabljajo, Uhko vaa-kdo vidi. ProaveU naj osUne pri Uh smernicah kot jih je določila zadnja konvkncija z resolucijo, ker, mislim, ae večina član-stva strinja z njo. Toda vsaka stvsr ima svoje meje. Koliko ae meni črU, toda nisem še noben-krat protestiral, daai me je ujezilo. Toda po par tednih premišljevanja sem sprevidel, da so imeli v uredništvu le prav, ko so črtali. Svoboda in demokracija aU dve najlepši stvsr i za slehernega, toda pri izrabljanju Uh čednosti ns škodo lista ali organizacije mora nekje biti tudi meja. Prosveta ne sme pod nobenim pogojem spremeniti smernic od prej omenjene resolucije, kar naj prihodnja konvencija v polni meri upošteva. Ne rečem, da je uredništvo nezmotljivo. Saj imamo gl. odbor, ki se snide dvakrat na leto in stvari izravna ali izboljša. Tako vidim v zapisniku, da je zadnja seja razpravljala tudi o pisanju Prosvete. Torej če se komu godi krivica, je še vedno inšUnca, da se obrne na gUvni odbor. Torej je nespametno pošiljati proteste kakšnemu zunanjemu članu. Je res žalostno. Štejemo se kot progresiven narod, todaJ smo zadnje čaae precej razkoaani in bo treba reano pričeti mialiti, kako bomo obdržali napredne atva-ri, da ne pridejo v roke reakciji. Naša bodočnost, sploh bodočnost vseh je Uka, da ne more nihče napovedati, kaj bo. Vendar smo še toliko svobodni, ds lshko kritiziramo ali se mslo y listih po-lasamo. Vprašanje je, če ae bomo lahko čez eno leto al^^lVe. In če pride do zaUmnitve, bo šla naša demi^racija po vodi. Ali zmotni krivi? Malo mogoče tudi, amp*k kaj fx>maga~kap-lja v morju. NamesU da bi akup-no delovali in dali mladini vzgled, se pa pikamo, pa naj bo na aejah, konferencah ali v listih in Uko jo še bolj odtujimo. Mi vemo, kjer je bil oče napreden, mati se pa ni udajstVdvala v gibanju in ko so prišli otroci, so sledili tjs, kamor bi mi najmanj želeli. In prej gredo tja, kjer Imajo več užitka, kot pa med naa. Zato bo Imela prihodnja konvencija zelo teike probleme pred seboj: ne samo smrtninako zavarovanje, bolniško podporo, operacije itd., marveč tudi mla ri in pričkanja vsaj za časa vojne. Čital sem tudi dopis sestre meni 1400 tajnikov" in predsed- ; Mary Udovich in se strinjam z nikov. Vsem bi bilo treba plačati vozne stroške in dnevnice, pa naj pride denar od koderkoli. Ce bi U stroške trpela društva njenim priporočilom, da bi tudi ženake imele zastopništvo v gl. odboru, ¿ene morajo imeti isto svobodo kot mi moški, ker le to bi jih bilo mnogo manj na kon-|je demokratično. Nikakor se pa ferenci, poUm bi pa nasUle go-1 ne strinjam, da bi se ženske vo-vorice, da so za druge agitirsli1 lile v glavni urad s splošnim gU-in da je bilo več tisočakov za- sovanjem. pravljenih po nepotrebnem. Ali nimamo drušUv, ki sešu-jejo svoje probleme? Drugič jih rešuje glavni odbor, tretjič porotni odsek, četrtič federacije, petič pa konvencija, na kaUri ima vsako društvo zastopnika, če več ne, vsaj pol. Med delegati so lahko tudi društveni predsedniki in Ujniki. Pravila so pa tudi dovolj stroga ln če jih bomo upoštevali, bo zmeraj o-kev. Čemu torej dvojne stroške, ker denarja za kaj drugega Uko primanjkuje, na primer za povečanje Prosvete? In ako ga je kaj odveč, naj ae da v aklad za stare in onemogle člane. ČiUm, da je gl. odbor zaključil, da pride to vprašanje na dnevni red na prihodnji seji. Jaz priporočam, naj gl. odbor to vrže z dnevnega reda, ker ne bo koristi, pač pa izguba. Čitam tudi v zapisniku poročilo glavnega Ujnika, da je po-slovanje med gUvnim uradom in društvenimi uradniki dobro, kot tudi kooperacija in da 'ni posebnih pritožb od članstva. To je dobro poročilo. Torej čemu je treba siliti nekam, kamor ni potrebno? Anton Valantlnčič. 262. Redna konvencija je najvišja zakonodajna zbornica, ki tudi izvoli glavne odbornike. In ako so ženske sposobne, imajo ravno toliko prilike biti izvoljene kot moški. S splošnim glasovanjem ali volitvami bi imeli še posebne stroške in tudi izvolili bi Uhko nesposobne gUvne odbornice, ker člani ne vemo, koga volimo. Ne vidi se mi niti braUko, da bi nekatere gUvne odbornike volili na konvenciji, druge pa s splošnim glaaovanjem. , i Anton Tratnik« 267. dinako vprašanje, ker se aklicu-jemo, da je mladina bodočnost organizacije. Ampak pri agiU-cljl za nove Člana «jin nič ne vprašamo, kaj so in kam spadajo, ssmo da jih pridobimo. Toda treba Jih je vzposobiti in pridobiti, da prihajajo na seje in po-stsnejo aktivni. Tukaj je potrebna previdnost. Gledati je treba, da novegs člana ali članico ne odtujiš. Josopk Snoy. 13. Se na strtnjs MkkUesea. Pa. — Ko aem čital zaplanik zadnjega zborovanja gl. odbora, sem videl tudi priporočilo: da bi SNPJ plačcvaU društvene Ujnika in da bi bil to velik napredek sa JednoU, ker bi se potem Ujniki bolj zanimali sa pridobivanj« novih članov. Meni ae to ne vkli umeatno in prav je, da Je Bilo odklonjeno. Ce bi bili Ujniki plačani od jednote. potem bi se drugI odborniki, ki so plačani od društev, nič ne sanimsll sa pridobivanje novih članov, čel ds so prezira-ni od jednote. Ce se plača enemu, naj se plača vsem Dolžnost pa Je vseh članov društva, da agitlrajo ta nove Člane. O federaciji in društvih Sygan, Pa.—Na zadnji seji federacije SNPJ za zapadno Pen-no je bil izvoljen publicijski odbor. Razvidno pa je, da se zanašamo drug na drugega in pa na tajnika. Društva so že ali bodo v kratkem od njega dobila povabila za izvolitev zastopnikov na priho4njo federacijsko sejo, ki se vrši na Prestu 27. aprlU. Upam, da bodo vsa društva poalala svoje aastopnike na to sejo. Želeti je, da se federaciji pridružijo tudi ostala društva, Uko da bomo vsi skupno delovali za procvit naše jednoU. Ta seja bo še posebno važna, ker smo pred konvencijo in je torej potrebno, da so zastopans vsa društvs. Tudi pri našem društvu Bratstvu 6 SNPJ imsmo polne roke dels. Predelovanje društvenega doma je že skorsj končano. Keg 1 j išče dobro uspeva in potrebovali bi šest ali osem slejev, ne samo štiri. Izkazalo ae je, da kegljanje nI aamo za mladino, ampak se tudi sUrejšl zanimajo. Torej, kjer imate priliko, da si napravite kegljišče, ne zbojte se stroškov. V Strabanu ga že pridno grade in tudi aem slišal, da ga mislijo posUvltl tudi na Mid-wsyju. S skupno kooperscijo se vse naprsvi. In prilike so sedsj tudi boljše rsdi dobrih cest. Tudi naši domovi so bili zgrajeni na slični podlagi. In čim več privlačnosti j« pri društvu, tem lažje je tudi dobiti mladino. Ponovno vas ielim opomniti ns slsvnostno otvoritev nsšegs doms, ki se vrši 30. maja. Upamo, da se bo takrat zbrala vss zapadna Penna v naši naselbini. Lorons Kaučič. O "politiki" in drugam Kemmerer. Wyo. — Ko ČiUm Proaveto, ai mialim, kam jadramo s to pogubno in nesmiselno politiko, namreč v škodo našemu llatu in naši jednotl. Ne vem, ali amo ie preveč učeni ali hočemo biti politični voditelji, da nika Za staro član« Milwauk«e. — Člani že pridno razpravljajo o bodočih pravilih in 80 v splošnem zato, da prihodnja konvencija atori nekaj za sUre člane, to je za one, ki so dali življenje "mrtvorojenemu detetu" in ga vzgojili v tolikega orjaka, da se danes ne boji nobenega njemu podobnega. Tako so govorili nekateri pionirji drugi pa, da "amo vsadili drevo na rodovitna tla, da bomo v zatonu našega življenja utrgali kakšen sadež z njega." Sedaj, ko to drevo lepo cvet i in rodi, pa ti pionirji nimajo toliko pravice do svojega sadeža kolikor bi jo morali imeti na podlagi principa: sdravi pomaga mo bolnim« mladi pa starim. Sklad izrednih podpor je res dobra usUhova, toda ne odgovarja povsem potrebam sUrih članov. Iz tega 8klada dobe neka, le oni člani, bodiai stari ali mla di, ki jih razmere potisnejo do skrajnosti. Šele potem prosijo nekaj pomoči iz tega sklada, da ai privežejo avoje življenje za nekaj časa. Dostikrat Čakajo zato, ker jih je'sram vložiti prošnjo pri svojih društvih in ne vidijo radi, da bi kdo čiUl njih ime v rubriki izrednih podpor. Po mojem mnenju naj bi prihodnja konvencija uaUnovila za sUre člane poseben sklad, v katerega naj bi vsak član prispeval nekaj centov na mesec. Koliko, naj konvencija določi na podlagi priporočila glavnega Uj nika, ki ve koliko ima jednota članov v starosti 60 ali več let Ko U aklad poatane dovolj močan, naj bi iz njega prejemali določeno podporo vai člani, ki prekoračijo 60. leto, in aicer ne da bi jim bilo zato treba delati ka ke prošnje pri ayojih društvih. To je moje priporočilo kon venciji. Uverjen aem, da je izvedljivo, treba je le dobre volje in akupnosti in bo šlo. To bi koriatilo vsem Članom, ker vs: se sUramo. i Joaoph Ulo. 16. "Povodni moi" na koncertu Zarja ClevoUnd. O.—Aha, v nedeljo, 6. aprila, bo zopet nekaj po-aebnega za elevelandako našel bino, na pomladanakem koncer tu Zarjanov. Krasna Vodopiv-čeva opereU "Povodni mož", ka tero je v jeseni uspešno uprizorila Sava v Chicagu, ae bo v nedeljo prvič predvajala na našem odru zaeno a pevakim prizorom "Na vasi", katerega ai je zami-allla mlada, nadarjena Zarjina pevka ln inaplratorlca Joaephlne Turk. Odigrava ae ob vodnja ku pod lipo Bredi vaai, kjer je kmečko iivljenje v polnem zanosu. Kot so bile toplo sprejeU SREDA, 2. APRn.A kramih kompozicij, katere aski zbori kaj radi prepevajo. V gah nastopijo Josephine Torb Tony Perušek Sophie in C Turkman m August Komar i V koncertnem programu m. stopi zbor s pol ducata kUaT nimi in delavakimi p«^" med temi tudi s slavno Grumol vo "V apomin Ivanu CankaHuT kaUra je pevcem prav m ^ jena. Jennie Peruiek-Fatur m njen brat Tony bosta zopet v duetu na programu in ravno isti dan na alovenakem radioDm. gramu WGAR ob 1. uri JZ dne. Tony mora obleči vojSko suknjo, zato bo to nekak posio. vilni dan predno nas zapusti do prihodnje pomladi. Zapustil nti bo in mora atopiti v vojaško službo tudi Zarjin tenorist in bivši podpredaednik Frank EUr-■ich. Uncle Sam ve, da ima Zarja v avojem krogu "fante od fare." ______ * Kot govornik nastopi Math Petrovich. Program se bo pričel ob 3:30 popoldne. Vstopnice v predprodaji so samo 40c in jih dobite pri "Zarjini družini". Z« ples igra Peconov orkester. Zarja je pred vami.s pestri« pevskim sporedom. Pridite"« prebite v nedeljo popoldne med veselimi in zavednimi ljudmi! Leo Poljšak, 147. kor nočemo vzeti teh razmer, f'Narodne v prizoru" na Zahval ,kot so danes. Časi ae spreminjs-1 ni dsn, Uko bo šls tudi U pev-jo in kar je bilo včersj dobro, je sks scena. PredsUvljali jo bo- danaa brez pomena Kar ae politike tiče, bratje ln sestre, smo sploh vsi Slovenci brez pomena, ker večina odločuje. In dokler večina ameriških do naši mladi Zarjani, na katere amo mi sUrejšl ponosni. Kot solisti nastopijo zopet: Zdenka Mahnič. Albert Tatur, ValerU Weaa ln Ivan Čeh. Čeh Je "aav-ber" fant Iz Prlmorja, še novinec državljanov ne spremeni svoje-Zdaj vaako društvo določa | ga mišljenja, ni pomoči. Mi Slo- v Uj deieli, poseduje pa baa plače avojlm uradnikom na l«t- venci amo le kaplja v morju. Ferlugovega kova. V duetih na-nl seji. Potem bi bila mogoče j Kaj torej moremo ml? 'atopijo Kathrine Jurman, Sophie premajhna aa tajnike ln bi gotovo odklanjali In bi še Uije dobili uradnike Pri pridobivanju novih čUnov v kampanjah amo pa lahko vai nagrajeni iz centralne blagajne, tudi Ujniki ni- bo moral k special lat u sa oblaki, j «o izvzeti kako je s bolnikom. Odgovorili Dalje čitam v zapisniku da bi ml I Priporočal bi Prosvetlnim do- Pskiš, Alice Vidmar,» Sophie pisni kom. da smo bolj toUrant- Turkman ln drugi, ni in da opustimo politično prič- OpereU "Povodni moi" je gro- kanje, ker je škoda prostora v teaka v enem dejanju, prirejena Proeveti Vzemimo politične po narodni pravljici, glaabeno atvari take. kakršne ao in ne bo- posrečena kompozicija, piaana v dlmo drug zoper drugegs. De- razkošnem stilu. Avtor tega de- lujmo raje sporazumno t br. la j« tudi avtor priznanih del Pomladanaki koncert P/tšarsi Chlcago.—Kat marsikje, take so tudi v Chicagu postale pevski priredbe zelo živahne. Glavo« je seveda, da je krožek navdu-šenih pevcev in igralcev, ki sc pripravljeni žrtvovati čas u stvar, ki jim je pri srcu. Pevd in igralci Prešerna se priprav ljajo, da podajo čim boljši pro gram v nedeljo, 27. aprila, \ Masonic Templu, 2300 S. Millarc ave. Program bo zelo bogat. Podi ne bodo klasične pesmi in pr nekaterih točkah bo pel solospei Frank Prijatelj. Podani bosti tudi dve komični igri, prva p starejšem odseku, druga po mla dinskem. Kot navadno, bock dobro proizvajane in se bodo ob činstvu dopadle. Saj se človel najbolje počuti med pevci ii igralci in pozabi na senčne urt Prešeren je bil vedno naklonjei raznim organizacijam in se od zval njih povabilu. V tej smer želi sodelovati še naprej, za svo je pUčilo pa je zadovoljen, aki občinstvo poseti njegove kon certe. Po programu bo ples v zgor nji in spodnji dvorani ob prvo vrstni godbi. Posetniki bodi imeli dosti lepega užitka na ten koncertu. Rojaki iz Chicaga ii okolice so prijazno vabljeni, di se udeleže v čim večjem števi lu, ker s tem daste pogum kul turnim delavcem. Vstopnina i 40c i davkom vred. Nabavite i vstopnice že sedaj—dobite jil pri vseh članih Prešerna. Ni svidenje 27. aprila ob 2:30 pop na koncertu. Frank Teropšii. Sava ao pripravila Chicago. — Radi neke druf priredbe se pomladanski ko« cert Save ne bo vršil na "bek nedeljo", kot prvotno določeno marveč je bil preložen - da m bo kompeticije — na drugo nt deljo v maju. Sava pripravki lep program, v katerem bod< prevladovale znane domače pe ami, ki Jih imamo vsi rsdi. J drugem delu bo podal» kom» nacijo dveh kratkih spevopru» rov, "Rožmarin" in "Snubaci Vatopnice ao že v predprodaj«" stanejo samo 35c, kar ukljucuj tudi plea po koncertu. Re^ rajU ai torej nedeljo popoldj« 11. maja, za Savin koncerl n** ljo pozneje pa gremo v Wauw gan na pomUdansk» vseh slovenskih pevskih v tem okrožju. g»vss. Ppeddv«ite»>",i,eti (Is ProaveU. 2. aprila 1 «H Domačo v~tL V Pa., je avto ubil 22-letneg» J Šenico. člana SNPJ. Zadevo SNPJ. Nsdslj^ kampanja za Književno m»«*- zasUvkalo čez milijo" Delavsko vesti- - ^^ InoBomatvo. KarkrM^J Ogrskem Je psdel v vodo. je pobegnil v ŠpsniJo Sovjetska je zelo arogantno, da ae bo- j bilo v Interesu jednote da ae en] Molkom ta"rt4Š lasten list In ns-' "Kovačevegs študentaoperete i sla H zlato v Ne* York » •a>a«u m i\Lu ■■ — an ai an ----< «IaA »i aa ■■ «I I........ ri Ž i i SaaAá L n aa ét m a S__A__ S _A_ a m. A a ** _ • . « tudi potrebuje več pr.totora in soben m če je izvoljen, se bo tu- sta sama a članom pogovorila,1 dan pred konvencijo vrši konfe- šo lastno jednoUT. Časi so as en- »Src« in den.r"1n več drugih^Viško blago. ¿»■niMBhajfa rgfttta jtofoorttalrimirtt GLAVNI ODBOR m IZVBŠEVALNI ...awT a. uwiiii Ais, ...MST I. liiiáili An, .. .tMT Uwrf>l| Ats^ .. .M87 8. Law ill i A»«.. ...MOT a. Leweéole Ave* ...mi a. Uwfch At«., rODPUMIDNIII« .................... Uiak*r ata t«» 7,7'k*«*»1 Uliti ft««r*tel P GOSPODARSKI ODSEKI ..........»M B. IUM •!.. Clirilial. Okie ..MOT S Lawagal« At«.. Cktoaae. ..MOT a. LovaSele Am. CMim, ..MAT S U-Sli Ave., CM—. .Ml S. Piiwiit Am. Cliwiw BBla. OL TiuM Ave. IwtaH Avsh. Benryn, rOBOTNI ODSBKi __414 W. Hay at.. aprincfl.M. III. ^...................................1M11 Moakeka Ait. CUrwUmi. Ohto ¡V iii«Mf»M*iM«/*M*f•••••»•••••••••(•ill Tim It, Lvimt, Fit NADZORNI ODSBKi ..................IMI a. Lawndal« Alt, ..........................M WMUIH At*., Pot«, ......................1UM Arcade Ave. CtovetonS. Ohl« »• 'rr¿.................IMT s. J ........ . ....................MM S. MM ................. Pojasnilo glede čl Glavnemu odboru, zbranemu ns zadnji polletni seji, je bilo pred (oceno vprašanje članov, ki stopijo v vojaško službo. O tem vpra-bnju se je vršila precej obširna razprava, iz katere je bilo razvidno da je zelja vseh glavnih odbornikov, da se osvoji zaključek, na podlagi katerega se ne bi delala diskriminacija prizadetim članom. Končno je bil glede te zadeve sprejet tudi predlog, kateri je bil priobčen v zapisniku glavnega odbora. V smislu pravil in zaključka glavnega odbora je dovoljeno članom, ki stopijo ali so pozvani v armado, obdržati zavarovalnino pri naši organizaciji, dokler je za isto plačan asesment po določbah pravil in certifikata. Priporoča se pa, ker točke 73, 81 in 83 omejujejo podpore takim članom, da opustijo zavarovanje za bolniško podporo in odškodnino ter ostanejo zavarovani le za smrtnino. Opozarjamo društvene tajnike, da se ravnajo v smislu pravil in tudi upoštevajo zaključek glavnega odbora ter v bodoče več ne črtajo člana, če tak član slučajno stopi v armado in hoče še nadalje sbdržati svojo zavarovalnino. F. A. VIDER, gl. tajnik. RAČUN MED DRUŠTVI IN JEDNOTO bmmcs februsrjs 1M1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT February 1M1 IZPLAČILA — - VPLAČILA —— t oddelek oddel. No ¡ Adult IJ uve le I I 1 1 , I • „ 1 . I -I S li u a a _ a M H M a . » a a M .. a r .. a a a a s a S _! r a » : s a « , ' a a K. ¡ a s a 8 i r s s a s a s « s a • a a a a , ti a s a a fr a a a • a a a a a • a a a a a • a S a • a " s ■ • 430 07,» 40»« -«114 133 62 UM«! 230 02 187.471 »14.141 101 52 «76.001 a 7» »2.63 283 44 »13 73 21.39 »22 93 307.23 112 A4* 343 03 34143 178 Ali 77 A») 142 JO »M, 'UMU 194 07. 133 91 184 63 1» 61. 281 M 408 68 30190 68.78 130 08 383 19 128 3« 136 87 m 71; ~ 133/M 134 63 47 13 333 22 »7 24 164 23 101 76 11190 444 81 1.137 S3 ' 116 17 »•«r »7 32 1*86 14 22 133 86 »6 91 14107 177 r 11831 188 71 i«sT 193(6 11 38 • 78 86' •04» » M »40 ♦4 61 »tO 41» H* 44 »4 71 I «H V 'ft 75 TI 7« "I ft 4»« iqh »•I IM »i Ml« »«»4 ** nt K '•ft »44 J* ft «• i»» "i i« 41» ft »» «•ft < rio »Ju 'a n »i * Odrasli oddelek Mlad. oddel. -Dlibummna- Adult Juve'to DM 13.98 IBM IM 2,-i M 334 •M 30 18 4.30; 10.64' 396 8 32 1803 .80 17.« 9 69 3.40 IM 1H 29 11.18 2.701 974 .801 230 17 02 4.42 848 »A4 1228 9 80 IJI| 4.181 10.471 1 48 9 02j 1.4oj 8.«] 2 84 290 680 ru 0.88 3.141 3J8i 948 «.411 H38 t .12 9 72 9 18 80* 4 10. 11 00 ; Mr IB 16 22 3 04* 280 IM 200 1107! .?«: a. ft* 38* I 32 1 18. 402 I IB 1» 242 13 14 198. 88* 11 »H* 444 3ft vuo* »170 4 88 3 34' lan I 88 172 • 87 ) 18 • M Ii H >a •84 • 38* lift 81« 37« I 4> rman 702 00 13150 1,134.00 108.00 492.00 32.00 1M.00 407.90 130.00 496.00 646.00 121.00 273.00 117.00 809.00 «72.00 148.00 290.00 1.177.00 74 AO 20 00 409.00 MOO 47.00 14.00 59.00 MM 1400 111.00 302 50 43 00 35.00 34 00 »00 34 215.00 49 M 32 00 82 00 1.453 00 163 00 „.,......... 103 00 ......;..... "o-------- 230 90 1.367.00 106 90 76 00 234 90 114.00 889 00 MOO 172 M 38 00 144 00 01 00 700 80 70 00 II7M 30 00 114 50 134M »00 MOO 116 50 30 00 30 00 303 00 38 00' 34 M' 384 M 330 00 58 00 110 80 47 00 IM 00 IM M 113 M Ml 00 84 08 iaa »M I88«S> »IM MM ma M«. MM M« '»»M MI '«i 118 00 VPLAČILA HI 111 114 115 116 117 IIS 119 120, 111 1M 123 IM 1M IM 117 1M 1M 131 132 1M 135 1M 137 1M 1M 140 141 141 141 144 141 1M 147 1M 145 1M 111 111 1M 1M IM 1M 111 162 183 1M 1M X 1M 170 171 171 171 174 171 17« in IM 111 183 IM IM 117 IM IM IM III IM IM IM 1*7 IM IM SM MI II« III III III 114 III II« 117 115 Ml 3 __VPLAČILA - St I Odrasli | Mlad. dr. I odd*tok [ oddel Lodge No I Adult (Juve'to - IZPLAČILA -- Odraall I Mlad oddelek ! oddel Adult ! Juvo'to POROČILO O NAKAZANI BOLNIŠKI PODPORI NAKAZAMA DNI II. MA*CA IMI report or sick azMzrrr payment PAYMENT OP MAaCN II. 1M1 1 Louis Koroaoc 114. 1 Eva Vellch |17. Theodore Chop M7. Edward Pejack 111 50. Jacob Orakstor 14. Nikola Bpanovlo MO. Ivan Simonie IM. Annlo Potruslch |5.' 4 Paulino Tolar M. Karl Dernao «M. Andrew Brlllh M0. Prank Zaje Ml. John Boetarlch |M. Uo Plahuta |M I Joseph Plsom M0 7 Joseph Plvoc IM. Lovrenc Sturm |M. Mary Smuk $10. Jennie Horvat M0. Tony rioronoe $M I Barbara K. Oulob M 10 ThorMa Pat tor M U Koman O rekov lc |14.M. II Stovo Barker Ml. Pauline Mlklavclch IM. Ignac Okoren M0. Edwin Zugel M. Joseph Isda Ml John Babllo $M 14 Lucille Hribar |M. Joseph Zupaneic IM. Marta Piro Ml. i'rartk Koalr |M. Victor Krajnc $17. Katie Waraek |M 11 Andrew Kanalec $14 90, Prank Luatlk |14, Mike Krevl |M. Joaeph Btrutsel IM. John Retolj |M. John Orloar |M. John Rabeel |M. John Wolgemut $14. Joeeph Certallc $14. Kunigunde Tratnik Ml. Antonia Trkaj |M. Kristina Bregant $40, John Jaklio IM 17 Prank Krištof |M. Mildred Blajnar 114. Mayme L. Oethln $14. Ivan Kra- RIJ |M. Joeeph Mramor |M. Agnes •gorele |M. Ivana Znldaralc $17, Stefan Koe |7«, Anna Mleto) $M M John Kovač |M. Frank Bevk |M. John Majnarlch $10. Anton Perma $14, Matt Indlhar |M. Atanaa Asloff |M. Louis Plnk M iS. Prank Turlna Ml II Elisabeth Kovač Ich M. M Julia Smollch M M Math Zadravec |M. Joeeph Trlnko $17. Anton Stanovnlk MS. M Prank Turk $M. Andrew Dresser Ml Maria Petornel $46. Louis Bank; $17, Prank Skufca $10 50 . M Andrew Drobnlc $28 M Mary Sluga M. Paulino Prudlch $13 Antonia Ogrlnc $17. Lou lee Ogrlnc $M Joseph Ponnic Ml. Maria Sega $M - Ivan Traven $41. Joeeph Champa $M Oregor Zorman |M. Prank Line |M Prank Malnar |44. M Margaret Metanleh $14, Alexander Stlmati M. Henry Xim 117, Anthony C Volkovich Ml. Cyril Oundure M0 M Kristina Roberta M 71 Katie Pera M 71 Rudolph Mateje |M M Ann Warner |l M John Kobe I |M. Carolina Strel $10. Joeeph D Oomllar HIM, Martin Logar $M, John Stuaek $1«. Ore gor Zgonc Ml. Frank Vavtar $41 M Marguerite Unetloh $14 50 M Anita Schavolt $M. Martin Klobcher |M. Rudolph Oorjup $14. Prenk Zagode $14, Oeorge Oewald $44 Valentino Jager $7«. •I John Sllvnlk $14. Joeeph Resnlk $1«. Andrew Krejnc $M, August Kortylak 174. M Peter Oeeel $M, Petor Vldmer $8. Ludvik Slkoto $11. M Prances Kotel) $M, John Suetorsle $M. John Senlca $M, Prank Kuhar |M. Joaeph Nograeek |M M Prenk Bejovtc |M. Ale* Sevei M. Mer to Borieek |M. Anne Prankovlch $7, Rose Cepus $11. Margaret M tk to veto |U. Mary Boslk $14. Louie Krlcel III, Kristine Dernaeh III, Mary Plrnat |M 101 John Pečjak $11. Prank Peterim $M IM Merle Poleak $11, Anne Oorenc $1«, Albert Zupon |M. Raymond Lomberdo |M. John Lombardo III. Anna Koee nlna |M. Mas Boclch $71. 107 Prank Kodelje 14, Toraalje Franko $M, Joseph rnskovec 111 Mertln Ju rlslc |M. Joseph Bkubto Ml. Jeenette Negmoff |7I IM Mery tonic M. Frances Volk III. Mol |y Schwege) $S7, Mary Pusevec $M, Jennie Teksvec $14, IM Antonio Btoeuttoh $M. Oiue*pt>« Sturem IM III Katharine Mlaineeh M0 114 Joeeph Cucultoh MS. Andrew Hubltoh MS, Anton MI hei ich $11, Bleie Konci« lye $17. 115 Joeeph Joke |M. Joeeph Veto $14. Prenk Btofonelc $M. Jennie Pecmen Ml. Joeephlne OetroeRe 114, Prenk Ml. , ktovelc |l 4M, KrtoOne Mlhek-lr III, John Belkovoe ML Anton Orgurtch |M. Msrtln B*rdlk $M. Jeoepi. Due I |74, Anum Jurjovae SM Philip Proger $14, Berber* Sicherte MO. John Ujete $M IM Frank Kukovlch $M. Prenk Kukovtoh 174 Marua Bervar $M Christine Demo!, sea $11, Mett llórale $38 Joeeph Korošec $M. Andrew Mltovec $M Stanley Neg lie M. Anton Opeke 114. Anton TeuieU $14. Anton Hribar $ft). Alexander Zabrlc $41 v , IM Mery Krmpottch $33, Anton Suklje $M, Lucy Ptoeha $17 IM Boja Svltor $M IM Mary Swelfer M IM Joeeph Kuklch $14. Victor Knaus »12 M>, Mary Mlhellch $14. IM Stephanie Champa M- ___ Ml Ivan Kavcioh $41 111 Frank Ksrlsh $35 111 Elisabeth Topoloaek $1«. Ill Lucille Vonder Hear M. Vlnko Sobol Ml 117 Louis O ruden $M M0 Matt Bister $M Ml Elisabeth latente $10, Mildred Skirt $M. Ml John Meelch $M Ml Prank Leban $3 Peregrin Burger $M. Frank apelser $41. John Slmonclc 141, John Hočevar |M. John Burger $14 110 Katherln Nemeth M IM Andrew BugaUj $M IM Mary Preblcevloh $11/ Stephen So- mere $M M7 Molile Vidmar M 153 Anna Qtogoveok $9 M4 Anna Medle $40. Anton Türnich $40 M. M7 rannte Bolta MM. IM Martin Sketel $M. Rasmo Shubat $M Ml Frank Paullc $M, Roee Qarm $14 50. Joevpti Qornik $1«, Joeeph Clmper-man M. Lovrenc Pertin |M. Elisa both Stambal |9. Frank Lutn $54, Josephine Kramer $34.50. Fréneos Zidan» sok $M, Stove Jellch |U. Steve Jellch $14. M4 Caroline Urbancic $M. Michael Erja* veo |MM. Anton Pintar |M. MS Hannah Voael $11, Vincent PeroeutU $41, Andy autarky $M M7 Joeeph Eeto $M. John Raapet $M IM Mary Mlhelloh $11M. Frank Stare $M. Roee Cernlvec $M. Bles Skrjanc $M IM Frank Jakovae M4. Anton Glad $M. Matt Prlmostoh $41. Walter Smodlc 114 170 Martin Potokar III. Oeorge Mlloa |14, Oabrtol Volk |17, Mertln Mlekue M0 171 Mark Kukoc M. Mary Kukec |ll. 171 Mary Otonlk M 17« Prank Slrak $1$. Michael Kublca $36 M7 Joeeph Orubar M>. Barbara Skof $M. Prank Nemeth $M. Harry Pouh $17. Joaeph Jelovtch $30, Anton Hribar $M Ml Joeeph Zelensek M Ml John CotoU $M. Mary Doltoar $1«. Sue Chllko |M IM Ulltan Dusenak M 100 Joeeph Jurtclc $M. Asnos Hroscak $M. MI tai Vukobretovlch $1$. • M« Anton Kavcle $M 111 Frank Muhlch $14 50 11« Anton Krusleh $46. John Bebet $17, Anton M usar Ml. John Kopecs $M. Kari Jakae $14. 117 Mtlloa Skeleč $M. John Roglne $M. Andrej Drtnjevtch $36 III John Resni k $17. Joeeph Deblock $M. Anton Rak $14. Ill Amelia Koe $1510. John Oalloio $40. John Jenko $41. 3M John Pavlovleh $17. MIlan Perlleh |M. Robert Ortvielch |M IM Margaret Jarta $M. Pranoee Oollk 814 50, John Llpar $M. Loula Rutar 114. IM Antonia Blatlna $10. Paul Osanlch $M M7 Jamee Kalllaun |M. Marko Odoreich M M1 MM 1 Mae Mie i 1 J MM' M 4P1 _____ !..... MM MAS' MM li ae las' MM M itffe 'J IM Ouetof Petoreon M. Anna Zopencto $M, John Ormek IM. Mary Iven« 117, Wrmme»s Kastelle IM. Karl Steiner $13 M LmiIh Sofren M8 Agne« Koeec flfi ajmflnš rimmmi m M Rudolf ( Velber «M. Uowlee Mutxmt $M, Stove Pevtc $14, Btoa Bad^vuii $14 M John Mlkltoh IM IM BerO.e HerbMh $M 117 Pronoee Opore SM M Anna Jeton IM. Amalie Ootoft 814 M Mary Be4wnlfc IHM, Ehiabeth M*dle $14 Lah $11M, Marger*t Btsjort $48 Mery Hodnik 114 M Antonia Bbrlep $14. Lswtoe K'wss $17. ToroalM Pen«» IM. Ivanke RMitou $M, Mary SmoWi $18 PreneM Cores* $44 Mary Vogt t». $M IM Mery Eeto* M IM Helen« Potovtr $M Joooph Don. u $M VUtimi Tofiiliii LjulHii AnIflR®* flHi M4 f IM Mary S4rekal $14 IM Ignsr Maaelj $14 Chortoe BfeUrtiun MS Frenk Sveto |M. Društvene vesti B s g g s 1 $ y« Pa.—Opozarjam članstvo druitva 318 SNPJ, da se vrii nsls prlhodnjs seja v nedeljo, 6. aprila, ob 2. popoldne namesto drugo nedeljo. Upoit«-vsjte to ln se udeleiite vsi, pt> sebno pa tisti, ki niste bili na zadnji seji. Ne pozsbite tudi na druitve-no veselico, ki se vrli v soboto zvečer, 12. sprlls, to je na veli kenočno soboto. Clsnstvo bo morilo plačati vstopnino, če se udeleijiali ne; torej je najbolje, da priflfte na veselico, ds se zopet enkrst skupaj pozabavamo Za ples bo igrsl trlo Joeva Kra merja lz Brownsvills. Ns svidenje v Plpetownu. Theress Metko, tajnica. Midway. Pa«—Pozivam člane druitva 80 SNPJ, da se gotovo udelele Izredne seje 6. aprila ob 2. popoldne. Reiltl moramo vei-no vpraftanje, sli zgradimo keg Ijiiče pri društveni dvorani ali ne. Če bi ga zgradili, bi druitvo imelo stslne dohodke. Torej je potrebno, da se te seje udeleiite v polnem številu in ssmi odločite, ali ste za ali proti. John Just, tajnik. Milwaukee.—Društvo Brato-ljub 234 SNPJ bo imelo svojo sejo v nedeljo, 13. sprils. Opozarjam vse Člane, da se gotovo udeležite, kajti slišali boste trimesečno poročilo, kot tudi poročilo zastopnikov organizacije Slovenski dom in federacije SNPJ. Tudi druge stvari pridejo na dnevni red. Ako imate kakšno sugestijo k prsvilom jednote, podajte jo na tej seji, da jo lahko zastopniki nesejo na federacijsko sejo, ki se bo vršila 27. aprila in bo razpravljsla o pravilih. Po seji bomo imeli malo prigrizka in pijače in tudi lahko kakšno zapeli. Posebno apeliram na one člane, ki se malokrat udeleie seje; udeležite se in prepričali se bo$te, da je vredno priti ns seje. Tudi spellram na zaatopnike in direktorij Slovenakega doma, da se udeMte seje, ki se vrši 17. aprila. Treba je kaj koristnega zaključiti, da bomo prišli do zaieljenega cilja, ker dom zelo rabimo. Naša mladina se je nekaj izučila, toda nima primernega proatora, da bi j$vno$ti pokazala. Svoj koncert bo imela 26. aprila v dvorani Harmony na So «th st jn W Mineral. Prosim vse rojake in rojakinje, da 110. Dreglce Yuklch IHM, Anne Crn> ele |14, Susto Turnara |7 SM Sophia Sedus $M. Stefan Uselec $M. Mary Ketolinich M 371 Mary Moekon $M. Anton Bresnlkar $40. MI Joeeph Manile $17 3M Anton Mauu IM. Mike Fajfar $M. Mary Dollner $11. Jacob Beaedlch $M. SM Amelle Pangerc $11. Raymond Selak Ml. Mettja Poropa t $13 50. Helen Poropa t $1«. Anton Volk MI M IM Eva SUnkus $M. Prank Ktonenlk $14. 3M Martin Prvonosoc M M. Merthe Yak-eekovlc $83 Helene Stoasjen $M: ' 407 Margareth O retchen M 411 Anton Carne HO 411 Anton Verbtc MO. Joeephlne Podml|. eek M. Johene Klopclc |M Anton Lesk ovlc |M. Jerry Mlktovclc MO. Albert Klopclc M. Charlee Podmllsok M. A malto Praanjkar |I0. Matthew Mlktov* ele M7 417 Mary Brown IM. Ivana Rupnlk IM. Ill j to Zagorac IM. John Bellan IM, Spiro Kerle $74. 4M Mary Renko M 441 Johanna Trevnlkar $11. Maria Zupan» ele $M. Mary Zdoleek $M. Mary Ru-deltk $81 447 Frank Hauptman 110. Mike Ferlln IM. Frank Renko |M. Joeeph Volker Itl 4M Frank Istlntch IM. John Kmc M. - Prank Murin IM. Anton Janestc IM 4M Mary Rellc $14. Mijo Yuklch $14 470 Joeeph Madol $U m^mm-rnimmmt iw.-- 4M Oeorge Storeevlch M 810 Mary L. Barley |M. Ivan Prleelac MI III Joeeph Roste MO 5M Mary Turich Ml. 8M Paul Butlna IM. Mllovan Jovanovtch |7I. Mary Kohoutek |M. Frank U^-sich |M 5M Mary Margóle MI. Frank Sabec |M. Michael Sarloh $14. John Mersel $M. John Kroll $M. Mike Mlstovleh $M 940 Mary Skarl $17 MI Louis Bergen! $50 Ml Anton Baveek $11. MM Sophia Benson $10, Joeephlne Jurlsh $M. Amelle Devyak $M. Mary Na» potnik |M 5M Verne Hodnik M 170 Anna Bhlne 117, Oabrtol Berich |M-MS John Cufer III. Anthony Clceone M IM Frank Frank $14. Francoe Jerleh $14. Anton Klemenclc $34, Anna ArtoC $m «11 Vincent Andreweon $18 M. John Ba* tla $11. $14 Edward Zaletel $M, Annto Hočevar $10, Mary Berka 110. He lea Spénko M. Mary Dolsak $17 11« Juhn Eator $M M «17 Veronica Strnlaha M «41 Franeee Luk* M 8M Anna Johnson M' Ml Julia Čepek $M «M Kethryn Llkovlch $1«. Loula Contla MI M4 Albina Jaeoby M «M« Oertrude File M 700 John Noee M. John Noae $M, Lmito Ouslch, Jr. ||7. 711 Mary Oblock M 71« John Truanovlc 17. Polly A. Btodteh |M. 711 Anne Btntay M 7M Btella Beibeck M 747 Ursula Rački |M BKUPAJ TOTAL |1I,MI.M. pumolnl tajnik Ass t. Boe'y sl nabavite vstopnice in pridete poslušat nsše malčke ln vam zagotovim, da boste zadovöljni z njimi. Joseph Prtts. tajnik. " :x Salem. O.—Vsi člani in članice društva 476 SNPJ naj se gotovo udeleše prihodnje seje 13. aprila, ker bo na dneynem redu več važnih zadev glede prihodnje konvencije. Bliža se pomlsd in s njo vred tudi piknišks sezona. Naše druitvo bo imelo svoj piknik 18. Junija ns navadnem prostoru, mladinski krožek it. 10 pa 27. julija. Zapomnite si torej tudi njih datum in otroci bodo veseli. Oni se zelo prizadevajo, da ojačajo svoj krožek s agitlranjem za nove člane in na druge načine. Pojdimo jim torej tudi ml na roko in sodelujmo z njimi» Sestry Mary Celin, želimo hitrega okrevanja, kakor tudi br. Franku Kordanu, ki si je pred par tedni pobil roko. Žal nam je, ker smo Izgubili Dermotove, ki so se preselili v Cleveland. Tukaj so bili med vsemi zelo priljubljeni in v novem okoliiu jim želimo vso srečo. Prsnk Hrvatln ml., tajnik. Presto. Pa.—Vse članstvo druitva Slap Peričnik 100 SNPJ je vabljeno, da Be udeleži v polnem iteviju prihodnje Beje v nedeljo, 0. aprila. Seja bo važna, ker na njej bomo ukrenili, b katerim druitvom se bomo združili v svrho Izvolitve skupnemu delegate za prihodnjo konvencijo jednote. Razpravljali bomo tudi o proslsvl nsie 30-letnice. Ol. tajnik br. Vider nam je Bporočil, da Be bo udeležil kot glavni govornik. Sodeloval bo tudi mladinski krožek it. 22 t Midwayja, ki nam bo podal igro. Kot vam je zneno, bo federacija SNPJ za zapadno Penno zborovala v Izobraževalnem domu 27. aprila. Tudi moramo gledati, da zastopnikom dobro postrežemo. Torej je potrebno, da ste vbI navzoči na prihodnji Bejt in da skupno delujemo sa pro-cvit druitva. Vsa bližnja druitva proeim, da ne prirejajo svojih zabav 4. julija, marveč t* dan rezervlrejo za našo proalavo. Vas že Beda j vabimo in tudi pot na Presto je epe Program objavimo posneje. Anton Petrovčtf. predeednik. Ali ate naročeni bb dnevnik Proftveto"? Podpirajte are j Ml - rj.r r j j uiiftJJJfrrrrrr------ • • j j j r/ j sj jfirrifirr rn...."................| SN Pi in 37th Year of Continuous Servie« i904 ..... 1941 ,100000000100000000000+—+ jjjj/j r rTi V r ..........................*....... ENGLISH SECTION MM »00**0000000004 ......... Fifteenth Anniversary of SNPJ English Speaking Lodget 000*0010+00* rrrrrrrrrrrrrr rnr ftmt u _ n,,,, ¿^ PAOE SIX For Members of Slovene National Benefit Society and American Slovenes WEDNESDAY, APRil 2 H Our Society Marks Another Milestone Sunday, Aprfl 6, marks the thirty-seventh birthday of the greatest Slovene fraternal society in America—the Slovene National Benefit Society. It was on that epochal date in 1904 that delegates of nine independent fraternal lodges assembled at a convention in Chicago to form a new progressive society dedicated to the task of administering mutual help and disseminating liberal thought Its formation was formally announced on April 9,1904. From a mere handful of less than 800 members at the time of the first convention in 1904, the new Society grew to more than 2000 and 27 lodges during its first year of existence. In spite of the many obstacles strewn in its path, the young organisation caught the imagination of our people and continued its rapid progress until a year after its 26th anniversary, in 1980, it surpassed the 08,000 mark in both departments, the highest membership attained by the SNPJ to date. The severe economic setback of the early 30's, however, reduced that number considerably but the succeeding years of economic recovery enabled the Society to gradually reclaim its former position. Today as the twelfth convention approaches the combined membership of the SNPJ is rapidly nearing the 53,000 mark, and with the current Jubilee Campaign at hand there are good prospects that it will easily surpass it Today the total assets of the SNPJ amount to $8,000,000. Today our Society continues to mainCain the enviable position of strongest and most influential fraternal organization among our people on this continent! It achieved this snd many other notable records, primarily because from its very inception it catered to the needs of our working people. Its manifold benefit features, its liberal concepts, and democratic form of govsmment were the outstanding factors which are responsible for its greatness. In short, it was its well rounded program plus a healthy idealism coupled with its free-thought principles which skyrocketed its prestige. To be sure, its official organ Prosveta played no small part in the success of our Society. For it was Prosveta Daily and Weekly that spread the message of the SNPJ among our people. In this connection it is timely to call the attention of our ESL members to the official minutes of the February meeting of the Supreme Board printed in a four-page supplement of today's Prosveta. We urge the members of the ESL's to read it carefully, for it contains interesting information, discussions on various vital problems, as well as reflections on our present Anniversary Campaign.. In connection with the Campaign, we are glad to be able to add that our ES lodge 700, of Roundup, Montana, according to complete campaign returns for March, secured a total number of 21 new members! They will celebrate their March record with a mass initiation this month. We are certain that the rest of the ESL's gladly join us in congratulating them on this singular success. They have secured 40 new members since the start of the drive and are a close second to ESL 55» for campaign honors! Roundup knows how to "roundup" new members, and it is expected that other ESL's will follow suit As we pause briefly to commemorate another milestone in the progress of our Society, let us firmly resolve that we will make our Campaign another success in the annals of the SNPJ. - Pennsy Pioneers STRABAJOC, PA.—Once again we are sending out an appeal for the entire membership of the Pioneers lodge to .Attend the monthly meeting. of the lodge on April 6 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. It is of tile utmost importance that every member should attend in order that thdy could discuss with the committee the proposed business merger with the Senior Lodge 138 which concerns the bowling alleys that are being built adjoining the present building. The building for the bowling alleys is rapidly nearing completion and when completed the entire building will be one of the best SNPJ Home« in the country, and the Pioneers should be proud of the part they are doing to make it so. On Sunday, June IS, the sixth annual Pennsylvania SNPJ Day will be held at Drenik Park, Strabane, Pa., the scene of the last National SNPJ Day. This year the committee plans to have a variety of athletic events, a singing program and a good speaking program. ■—---— • Badgerland News MILWAUKEE. WIS -It has happened! The one man we depended on U> remain as a Badger Bachelor, has left that great snd beloved title behind Otto Jerab. according to reliable in forma turn, said 1 do" a few weeks ago. In behalf of the Badgors snd his many friends I extend to him and his wife our heartiest con-grstulaUona and good wishes. We'U be looking forward to meeting the wife tn the near future The National SNPJ Bowling tournament in Detroit on May 3-3-4 Is approaching very rapidly. There was a discussion st the meeting last week in regard to entry and transportation. snd from the response received there should be s good slsod »ggragation of Badaers at the lour ney Entries for this event close on AprU 14. Cards will be sent out by our secretary as to a meeting tot this affair Those of you who are interested in going U> Detroit, wheth er you intend in howl or not. eon tact L Schweiger. or better still be at the nest regular meeting on April 18 - Wf wteh to thank Marko Schap-peck for bringing the filnM to the meeting, and Teddy Ktnpuaek for his splendid showing of the pictures Movies werr shown of the Wolver ine IOUi anniversary, the SNPJ Day oelebratlon on Labor day. and the bowling tourney at Cleveland. The pictures were very well received by the fair representation at the meet »«g ] T The Badgers' 18th anniversary dance is Just a few weeks sway, and It's lime now that we start selling those tickets st a good pacs. The dance will be held st the K P. Hall, H tOth and W. National, on Saturday April 18, with music furnished by Louis Bashell snd his orchestra Anyone wishing tickets tor the dsncr kindly contact your secretary Last week wo lost tour oI Badcers to Uncle Sam for a period of one year, namely, A1 Jeray, Vic Fresl. Lud Be hick, and Tony Btru kel We wtah you all good luck and hope you'll notify us of your station so that the members may eontact you from time to Umo. A. R VERB1CK. Congratulations to Anna Mozo, a Pioneer member who became the bride of Joseph Baits of Coverdale, Penna. i 1 Six Pioneers who qualified for the championship of Strabane are Jacob Chesnic, Jscob Tomsk, Joe Krall, Joe Holsey, Rudy Krulce and Char- las Koval. Frank Zusek up and around again after a brief illness. Jennie Tomsic and John Tershel Jr. on the sick list. Bowtlag News Tomsic Motors snd Pod boy's Tavern tied for first place in the lodgs league, with Jim Tomsic, O. Chesnic and Joe Krulee the leading bowlers Larry Cassol, the chamlpon duck-pin bowler of Verona, bowling the mighty score of 80 in a tenpin game at the local Elks alleys. A last reminder: Pioneer members, do not forget the important meeting on April 8 at 3 o'clock. FRANK PODBOY, 589. Lodge Slavija Reports Progress; Annual Event CHICAGO —It was incorrectly stated in the recent official report of local lodge activities that Slavija s vineysrd festivsl (vlnska trgatev) will take place on October 18. This svent will lake place on Saturday, Oct. 11, st the SNPJ Hall, and wo appeal to all lodges and clubs in Chicago to reserve this date tor our affair. Lodge Slavija, SNPJ No. 1, is pro-grossing satisfactorily. Our adult membership Is still above the 190 mark, and it consists of members whose ages range between 18 and 80 And we still have five original pioneers with us, namely, J. Wershay, L. Skublc. A. Trampuah, M. Skocir. and Ch. Foucek, whose certifioate numbers are below 80. Marie Pe-vec, Josephine Orsd snd Ruth Mrak were added to our rooter this year, and we hope to enroll several mors In the near future. In addition, three juvenile applications were filed thus far, snd it Is in this de-psrtmont where we need a substantial reinforcement Due to the foct that many , of our young members transforrsd to the ESL's, wo must see to it that we get new members to take their places. The present world events might help us s little in our csmpslgn. At least we don't have to explain to our proferís who the Slovenes or Jugoslavs are. Let's build up our ranks now before the campaign is ANTON TROJAR, Secy. Injured A bricklayer working on top of a high building carelessly dropped _ laick which landed on the head of his negro helper below. Golden Eagles' 13th Anniversary Draft Dance April 12 GIRARD, OHIO.—The days are drawing near to a gala event of the season Yes. sir, the Girard SNPJ Golden Ragles are celebrating their 13th anniversary with a Draft Dance, Saturday, April 11 The dance will be held at the Slovene Home, starting at 8:30 to 11:30. The music will be furnished by the popular Louis Treber orchestra of Cleveland. So come on, ladies and gents, don't miss the Drsft Dance. After all, look what Uncle Sam is getting. With Old Man Winter on his way out, snd Spring here, loosen up to the lively polkas, fox-trots, etc. Everyone is cordially invited. We are looking forward to having Struth-ers, Sharon, Universal, Verona, Cleveland, Bessemer, Pittsburgh, Power Point and many other towns prssent at our dance. Our slogan is, "We Aim to Pleaae," so with these words in mind we will do our best to make the evening an enjoyable one. Notice: The Social Committee and members wishif* to help a«* requested to be at the Slovene Home April 9 to decorate the hall. The last social of the season is to be held after the monthly meeting on April 14. Let's have a record turnout. The Social Committee have decided to hold a Spelling Bee. A prise is to be given to the winner. If a lady la the winner, the prize is a surprise; if a man is the winner, s strip of luncheon tickets will be given. Who are the best spellers, Indies or men? A general meeting for the Ohio SNPJ Day has been called by Chairman Rezek for AprU 8 at 8 o'clock at Nagoda's HaU. The Juvenile Circle is preparing a Mother's Day program for May 4. President Id Prevec snd Bill Seitl are soon to become fUests of Uncle Sam for a period of regret being here. Wc are ready to report that there will be a banqu* held on Saturday, September 20. anfl all the nice things thst accompany a banquet extra de luxe will «* (OaattaMi sa mm »1 Off the President's Bat Curda. It was ! r ,fl league act as clearing hou* f«rjs entries; however, many ^ bora felt they preferred to hana their own. The next .Tfai ot the> AtMg league will be on May 1' • SNH. Secreurytoconu^^ ent orchestras. Considers«' a -on was had relative to^ rhanmsnsh.p of different among the vsrtous rades who it wss daim^J* ¿ monopolized the thsnkl«-« handling the last su«J*»* readily agreed this would be • «P did — By J. F. FltolL Lodge 588 CLEVELAND —Meeting of the tion to Detroit's event, f^»*^ Cleveland Athletic League lasted far Into the night. The bowling dance was financially successful which will ens bie us to pay off all our old bills. Motion was made and passed thst 8100 be sppropriated to be divided among teems that Napred-ne Slovenke. Comrades, Loyalites. Stragglers, Commodores. V Boj. Cleveland and Nanos. members of the leegue, send to Detroit. Prize list drawn up by Geo. Curds spprovod; this will be published very soon with the nsmes of respective winners. Trophies received will be held pending ironing out of a slight misunderstanding. Secretary Stefanlc to Investigate dance dates fcaalias for future affairs and at next meeting, which will be held at Waterloo Home. AprU 11. 8:18 p. m. Many suggestions offered In order that the next bowling tournament will be a greater, smoother success Information relative to transports- Due to vsrious ^ an attempt to have l^"^ predne. Straggler» take over the May »7 t The writer finally *"** ^ Andy Sita from the StnüS*™ # act ae co-chairman, he wo**" the work and wo« ken TJTZn Comrade "" 1« rotate the honora AY AfML* My Week By Louis ^ •miracle" *hk5h 1 I™*?™* Tbe vnm happened! Jugo- ^rud^e Axis pact She fart that Ok blow was so et-J^r^- by U* Serb. S Jot mtaimize the importance ft£iT£taf the Jugoslav* tVe Serb, are in the majority Z such play the leading role. ^L pUy it well. In addition, ¿hive the overwhelming major-¿rfthe pwpie on their side. flu, blow marks the collapse of Miller's well-known plans to peace-Ljv ataorb Jugoslavia-as he did Smiua Hungary, Roumania and alcana—and thus to open the way to a blitzkrieg towards the Darda-mUcs and consequently for their ¡¡e-old dream, for a drive towarda tbr east. At this moment it is not quite gar what role the Croats and the Severn* will choose to play in the pment situation, but it is hoped Sit they will not follow Slovakia's 'fko However, it is encouraging to Bott that recent reports from Zagreb Id! at of their decision that "in his-krfc tunes which rriay be near, Croat rtnkj stand united" and that Jugo-*ria had found national unity 1 Dalenjka, London correspondent gPiwveU, continues her interest-mj, illuminating newsletters in the Proiveut Daijy. Recently, her month' ljrdspatches have become a weekly {■hire and oi late even daily. Her ^tep understanding of the entire virjituation and the problems in-rtl^eoSpresent an excellent picture, ad her views expressed therein are deifying. Lait Saturday President Roosevelt ipin emphasized his stand by offer-fc ill possible aid to all the nations vtuoh are resisting the aggressors. There is no doubt that his words are 4 tremendous importance to all na-tta threatened with invasion. And America is in a splendid position to live mch aid now that the obstacles been removed. the:, Ose of the beneficiaries of the praises is Jugoslavia. Her leaders •ere encouraged not to submit.' The hwdent's prestige is known kroufhout the world. For instance, nUced that in Jutro of Ljubljana, Jb seeches are being headlined (Ml it pages, his movements are as much prominence as if he their own national leader . . . • Pa. E. S. Federation (Continued from pag« I) BU The following day, Sunday nwwon, there wi\l be a concert PJnnf the best Slovene enter-Make your plans to spend . wefk-end of September 20 in But more details in the •»wding six months. Office it to say that this under-■N: will be the greatest in the m interesting and impressing »our federation has participated « will require a lot of work, 'WeWieve interesting work, and »ppeal now, first to otir federated and their members for assist-ij putting this affair over suc-Ul'y'^ndly, to the hun-■ wf SNPJ lodges to render sup-*hen requested. ~ Haw« and Visws m regular meeting of our Fed-"«heduted for Sunday li kiwl SNPJ Hall, Imperial titt1 dt 2 *This should far ^ l?ry ,mportant 35 , * ,n dddll>on to a frank and on the itemTmen IS* Wt' «hould consider a to study the by-laws KZrg('S and &dditlons at J meeting Attention «hould * !'Ven proble™ to be h ^at win problems which the youth iCrTnn; thM Wil1 for auiu Z nd gTatcr SNPJ. If ^ P ace O,red- th" conv®ntion to tHe 'inal •"♦ration-mi Wi.„ M f)Uw and our like-pre-wlH ihfiulH 7 " OWi*r * * beard from has word. E. S. thatv.'.u'" ",ura rr°m to in u"sNpj giv-to "ur mutual fraternal F^^^ 1 Ult"«I. .< KUMER. President "S^CC Enrollment toS^«- April 1—20 , Ko Selec- » * IS1 "nrol,^t. now * Nuartrrs at 2614 •nnounre. that over FLASHES n. m 'U rw fc ;n ccc will be * TV. , . . 1 youths this S ^ ' ;ri «ara S J to foe*. .Si 'cations ; - yfrran April 1 ^ kg... youths ba. I'J-.- Un 1! kr* rsars •> th. ( ^ ^»«Iweat. inn- ^ tktt , Hh an- CHICAOO, ILL.—The big news this week is that subscriptions for the Chicago District Federation of SNPJ have been printed and are being distributed among the various lodges. As previously fcanouoaed, a new Chevrolet sedan will be given away at the SNPJ Day picnic erated for ap pendix. Prances Itak had hers re moved last Saturday and Margaret Soiino. the early part of this week —Barbara Dinssn has been added to the sick list and Helen Vtdegar has returned home from the hospital.—The'strike at the International Harvester Co. which was pretty boi sterous in some respects, is now bo ing arbitrated. One of the condi tions which the CIO has conceded to was the return to their jobs of the employees while the demands are being discussed around the conference table. A good many of our members were affected by the strike which was broken by an injunction with subsequent police protection for the group who went back to work, which group enrolled In the AFL. It was pitiful to see what an injunction can do and It is rumored that everything was not legitimately done. Still, those who called the strike will be affected tremendously. —Louis CUrat, too, has taken on additional responsibilities by joining the matrimonial ranks. Congratulations to the newlyweds. Though v«?ry few people expected Jugoslavia to break her ties with Hitler, because she was so-to-speak wedgod in between three fires, yet the people of our little European country braved the conaequences. Regardless of what else happens to them, the Jugoslavs will be respected by all who can read and write and understand what it means to be an underdog. This may well be the turning point In the present conflict. If only they can stave off the German hordes, other explosions may follow In the Balkans, in Czechoslovakia, in Norway, and the other countries which have been overrun. We only hope that Jugoslsvia receives the proper support from its alliea, the Greeks and the English. DONALD J. LOTRICH, 558. PROSVITA an* An ExpMion Concerning Member-Soldiers A question waa presented to the Supreme Board at the August meeting regarding those mambors who may Joia or who will ba drafted for the military aarrica. The matte* waa thoroughly dia-cuaaod and the general sentiment among the members prevailed to adopt the decision by which there shall ba no dierlmiaation against those members who may join the army. Finally, a motion waa accepted with reference to this question which waa published in the minutes of tba Supreme Board. In accordance with the by-laws and the decision of the Supreme Board, members who join or are cailod into military service are allowad to retain their insurance with our Society as long aa the assessment for It la paid aa provided in the by-laws and their bane-fit certificate. But It la recommended that members who ara drafted or enlisted Into military service waive the right to sick and diaability insurance and retain only mortuary Insurance due to the fact that according to Sectionr 79. II, and »9. benefits a re restricted to those in military aervice. We call attention to our local lodge secretaries lo govern them •elves in conformity with the by-laws and also the decision of tho tup urns Beard, and la the future no longer cancel a n.anahar If he loins or Is drafted into military sorvlcs snd^aairas to retain hie Insurance. F. A. V1PFH Supreme Secretary. Juvenile Circles New Circle la Formed in Warren. Ohio» to Moot April 14 WAKKJCN, a—We are glad to announce that the SNPJ juveniles of this Community organized a Juvenile Circle on Sunday, March 16, 1941. Our Circle number is 31. The following officers will lead the new Circle group: John Pet rich, president; Joe Smuke, secre tary; Dorothy Tomarin, recording secretary; Jerry Banozich, treasurer. Frank Tomazin is reporter to the Mladinski List. It was deckled at the meeting to hold a contest to select a name for our Circle. The winner will receive a dollar. We wish to express our apprecla tion to Frank Rezek of Girard, O., who attended our meeting and helped us organise our Circle. A standing invitation is extended to all juvenile members of SNPJ lodge 321 of Warren, Ohio, to attend our meetings. Let us have your sup port. The next meeting will be held at the home of Dorothy Tomazin, 2285 Burton St. S. E. on Monday, April 14, at 7 p. m. " DOROTHY TOMAZIN, * " Rec. Sec'y. I ' tmamm^ Jolly Jafosatle Circle Has Marit Campaign; Moat April 4 WAUKEGAK, ILL.—The Jolly Juvenilfe Circle No. 24 held their regular monthly meeting on Friday, March 21. at 7 p. m. at the SNH. The majority of the members were present. But I want all the members If they possibly can to come to our next buslnssa meeting Friday, April 4. Our campaign for gaining the highest points got a fair start on March 21. . Mrs. Frank Stritar, our Adviser, told us that the contest Is to end on Sept. 1, 1941. We have about six months in which to earn our pointa. Come all you members—1st'■ esrn those points. She also told us that we are to take n, trip to Chicago in August. The Circle members are saving their mon^y now. At the meeting, Mrs. Stritar had the small children act the play which was published in the March issue of the M. L. The imall children also lave oral reports on the movies we ssw on March 7. Then we had a quiz from the If.1'u, and last of all we sang songs aryl played games. Our next meeihg, as mentioned above, is on April%. Let's all attend as we are all going to have lots of fun. DOROTHY GABROSEK, President JULIETTE GABROSEK, Circle 24. Circle "Voica oj.Youth" la Proud of Its Steady Progress MIDWAY, PA—Much hard work has made our Circle to be proud, and we members are. The constant and willing help, splendid cooperation and leadership of our Managers was certainly not in vain; we are steadily progressing. At our February meeting we wero glad to welcome into our group three assistant managers—Mrs. Pike, Mr. Sire, and Mr. Jujit. We have lx>en planning to have guests but this was postponed because of the inclement weathor. At the adjournment of the meeting a newly bought new Junior duplkator wan demonstrated to us. We played bingo, after which delicious refreshments were served. A new hour was set for the beginning of future meetings, which is 7 p. m. All members arc urged to attend the next meeting. Incidentally, this is my first letter to the Prosvo-ta. Some day soon I hope to mail another. ' VIRGINIA CAMPBELL, Circle 22. Jnnior All Star Circle to Hold 2nd Spring Concert April 26 MILWAUKEE. WIS.-The Junior All Star Circle members have been busy lately, running hither and thither getting ads and preparing to sell tickets—for our 2nd annual Spring Concert on Saturday, April 26, at the Harmonia Hall. Our plsy, "Caiodeina brivnica". Is msking progress The csst of chsr-scters Includes Stanley Stanch, John Vodnik. Leon Blrjak. Floretn Remit*, Bob Olsvsn. Kenneth Chuck, and Mary Pofcisr Rehearsals are held at Mrs, Chuck's house twice s week, ahvey* serves delicious refreshments to th* players The members ase showing great interest in this yesr's concert and there is every indication thst It will be even s bigger sucOsis theh last yesr's. ♦ In about s week the concert tickets will be distributed lo the mem Buckeyes^ Bits BARBERTOtf, OHIO.-A note to the Buckeyes: The time is nesting the deadline for the mailing of entry blanks to the National Bowling Tournament so get yuur names In to Sec'y Mary Apchak immediately. The kida with the highest averages will form the first teams in both ladies' and men's division, but the rest of you livlll be entered, too, so get set for the doings in Detroit. Why don't you all come out to the meeting this Thursday night and let's get things settled. See you all there. My dear Young Americans: We want to publicly acknowledge the fact that our gang of Buckeyes along with Taffy's orchestra enjoyed your dance of the lBth. We all had a marvelous time and the hoapitulity we met with at the SND that weekend was of the super variety. Mrs. Travnik and Mrs. Obranovlc were kept quite busy in the kitchen serving that hungry bunch, and to see Beachey devour a chicken dinner, which was a rare delicacy after some time in the army, was Indeed a sight to warm a cook's heart. Your neighbors and fellow SNPJers, the Wolverines, did their part, too, In entertaining the Barbertonians and Chi-cagoans, and so to you all our sincere thanks for a grand week-end. As ever, OH. Greetings, Chicago Plonoorsl Twas only a woek after our trip to Detroit but Mary, Nelle and I wero hell-bent for a visit witli all of you and ao It was a pleasure to attend your bowling dance and tournament tho we had to travel thoae many miles. Again, as in the past, we were welcomed with open aims, royal kindness and liberality. We salute you for the manner in which tho affair was handled and we feel that every one of the Badgers. Wolverines, YA's, Little Forts, Sentinels and all of your other visitors feci the same. It was fun meeting up with our friends the Badgers and to mast more of them for the first time. Twss fun, too, for a certain sextet of femmes to be taxied 'round Chi by F. Kern (Wolverine!) and Emll Hrast who made It a point to be home from the Capital for that event. And 'twas something extra special to be the guests of the Hu-dales where at least three of us almost fought to win the favor of young 'Butch" Hudsle, aged about 7 months. I won! We'll Just chalk this all up in our "Great Times" book and look forward to seeing you all in Detroit in May. Sincerely, O. Valencheck. 111, Marco Shappeck! What a Krand bunch your Badgers arc! Those of you whom we've known for u long, long time were always at the top of our list and now we'll have to add all those new people. Your Rudy lives up to all your rave, about hia bowling ability and after keeping score for your team, I can vouch for them all. The antics of Slim, Wally, Tony. Lenny, Stan, Johnny, etc., were most amusing and they're really a charming bunch of crsck-pots. They won't piind my calling them names affectionately, will they? Hope someone soon discovers a way to cut corners of dls lance so that msstlngs won't be so rare! Regards from a scribbler. Daar Julie: How long have we known each other? Five years? Oh, well, it must have bean the excitement that made you introduce me as Olga Knapich! Which reminda me that It was nice to nisei up wUh that young lady after reading und healing so much about her in the SNPJ world. A-Valuabk* member for the YA's. And who is this Frank Kern that waa listed in s certain column as a Young American? Yours, O. V. I Hsy. Lefty Lotrlch! I've |.>oked from cover to covsr of my Stral»ane souvenir booklet and nowhere run I find a clue as to what makes a dvoj-ni krtt You'll have to give m<* the answer or I'll Juat tell everybody why, for short, ws csll you Frsnk did • you-see-that-guy-back Into me Lotrich. So there. Very truly yours. My dear Ju Klarlch: That was a hectic birthday celebration at the Pioneers' affair, wasn't it? I wonder if you've ever had one like it before? After celebrating yours. Nella's and Lefty's at all of these sffairs It certsinly iaavss nothing lacking for the month At March! Which starts me to thinking of what's doing in April. Thought for s minute that things wars quiet for this month, The singing chorus is practicing many new songs for the occasion» Our Circle is planning to take a trip out of town but as yet it haa not been decided where we will go. Also, we sre planning for our summer sctivitias The older boys sre eager to get Into I heir baaebell suits sgatn. while our "squirts'' are rarin' to piav a rhallenfftng team Here's hopiog b(»th tos'its win WHs of game« this year. As s representative of the Junior All Stars 1 wish to ssy thst our Circle and Advisers sre highly in favor of Olga Knapich's plan to have a National Circle Day, and hop* It will be carried out. W* hear that Bob Gradtahei our former president, is coming back to Milwaukee for our eoneert and may stay for the summer. Ws are all hoping he can make It. Ruth Brink man is now a Bedgerette We also hear that the Detroit Circle is pro-giassing. How sbeut communicating witli our Circle. Olga? Two important dates to remember: Badger anniversary daner on April 19, and the Junior All Star eoneert on April 24 MARY POKLAR, Cirth 4 but Uiua bethought myaelf of the dance that the Golden Eagles of Girard are sponsoring on Easter eve We, oi course, want to be theiv and why don't you round up th«' gang and attctnd that affair, too? You sec, you wotild be killing two birds with one stone 'cause on Easter Sunday night we could all be in Barberton again fur the local Slovene Dramatic club's dance. That's the night Taffy and the lads take over on the bandstand and since yuu are all familiar with that swell bunch of orchestra, It shouldn't take much coaxing to have you visit with ua on that day. How dtMM that aound? After all. it's still four weeks till the bowling tournament ao let's get together before thenv huh? Affectlonatoly, OH. Note io the Grosor Family. There are gathering plaoes for youug and old Slovenes in one town and another and it haa boen.our pleasure to visit In many pfnhem but please believe me when I say that Chics-go's Slovene Labor Centsr Is a spot that many an SNPJer visits with an extra eugarness because of their contact with the Grosers. The wh#els go round with smoothness and always there Is a Frank, Luke, Anns, Mae or Mr. and Mrs. doing things for othsie while at the same time the Center is humming witli gay merrymakers or visitors. All of us who hsy,come in contact with yuu at one time or another look back upon It all as a pleasant interlude. Aocopt vur appreciation. Sinvsrely, OH Valenoheck_. By OH Re S. B. Decision PITTSBURGH, PA.-After hear. Ing and (aadlng that the 12th regular convention of the SNPJ la to be held in a downtown hotel hare In Pittsburgh, I aa a loyal SNPJ member wish to say a few words in regard to this decision. For I can't understand how a decision such aa thia could be made before a thorough Investigation of ths plaous available for such an aaarmbly could be mads. By this I do not mean that an investigation oould ba made through correspondence but by persons 1 contact with persona in charge. If the Supreme Board Intends to sand a representative to Pittsburgh to sign a contract for the renting of ths ho-tsl, It oould Just as wsll sund him here to lnvsstigate the Slovene halls and other places available. It sosms that In this rsspeot ths Vosrd could have acted rtufre wisely by finding out the possibilities offered by our hails. In the paat our Slovenes wsrs sat isfiod with their own clubs and halls, and I believe they still are. Pittsburgh has two SNPJ lodgss, tha Senior lodge consisting of sbout 300 members and the ESL of about 50 members. I know thst these members wsrc very disappointed to hsar thst the convention would not be hsld In ths locsl hall. The SNPJ is s society for ths benefit of Its Slovenes and let's keep It that way. I hope there will be a change in ths decision and that ths convention will b« hsld in the Slovene Hall In Pittsburgh JOHN E. FABEC JR., 665 Zar ja Group to Give Concert April 6 CLEVELAND.- The noted Zarja Chorus1 will present a concert, skit and Operetta, Sunday, April l|t at the SNII on Bl. Clair at 3:M) p. in , feu luring Johnny Pecon'a orchestra for danelng In the evening. Thia revue In reality often three big features. Ths operetta "Povodni Mot" is a fast-moving comedy and the leading roles will be portraysd by our wsll-known singers, Andy Turkman and Joaephine Turk. The skit will depict several old Slovene customs, and the entire chorus ss well ss ths men', snd women's will render s number of besutiful songs, si I fsvorttss. Refreshments will be plentiful snd will include "only the beet." A cordial Invitation la evtendsd to ons and all to attend. We of the Zarja group are counting on you being our guest for the dsy. ELVIRA PETRIC, Pub Com. SNPJ Lodge 270 Will Mark Amiiv. April 12 LYONS, ILL—Ail members of SNPJ Geo Washington lx>dgr 270 sre asked'to please attend the next meeting on Surulsy. April 6 Flnul arrangements will Ik* made for ths 25th Annlverssry Celebration which will be held on April 12 We wish to express our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Wouk, her aons and daughters upon the i eoarit' loss of their husband and fatlier, Bro. Gabriel Wouk. who passed away on March 27. Bro. Wouk was well liked by sll who knew him snd 1 am sure thst the memory of him will remMln with us always DOROTHY DOBRAVEC 270 Yew Set* III Ted My feet burn like the dick' ens Do you think s mustard bsth would help?" N«d: ' Sure' There's nothing bettor than muatard foi hot (bigs ' A Column By MARY JUOG * f • < Certainly the turn of affairs . in \ Jugoslavia during the past week has done as much as anything that can be thought of to help break down whatever "inferiority complex" may have eaiated among Americans of Jugoslav, ancostry und to build up a sense of pride. It will be an ambarraaaing mo- * mcnt for those who have tried to build standards of American-Jugo-slavs "up to" those of the Anglo-Saxona if the Jugoslavs will have been a definite aid In turning tho . tide of affairs In Britain', favor now. All of which damonatratoa once t more that human decency and love of liberty and respect for fellowman la not tho attribute or boaat of any particular nationality or people. Those who have gained liberty strive to rotaln It; thoae who are aubjuf | gated struggle to froe themselves. This la a spirit that recognises no man-made boundary, nationality, or race. It has perches ted peoples and inspired them with hope and a goal toward achievement. And alnce liberty ha. been ta.ted during the period of human history ths memory ol it cannot bs erased In one or two generation.. Tluate who heard Aaserloa's Town Ntatlng of Ihs Air laat Thursday " evening—from Dea Moines, lows, ,, may remsmber that tha apsaksr who unrolsntleosly defended "Ways Af na- • - turs" which he termed unchangeable, saying that ths farmsra and everyone must acoept everything that cumes their way with good will because you can't go against nature, and that federal relief haa tried to overstep the boundarlee of na- .i ture, etc,, etc., may aleo remember that he completely ignored one of the moat pertinent questions pertaining to hla discussion. "You are, I understand, a cattle- '•> man," aaid a member of the audience, "Whan disease ovsrtakss your ' cattle, do you let nature taks its course thsn, too, or do you take ac* ; , tion to save tho Uvea of your cattle?" ». The "defender of nature" did nut, M consider the quoatlnn at all. a- ^ oos« v 011 In her column of Sunday, March SO, wrote a paragraph which recelvea the approval i, of thia column, alnoe It broached a similar question a few wsska ago. "From the way people talk," aha aays, "I get the impression occasionally that it la not oonaldsrsd Important to be really well eduoatod, if they (the girls) ara going to marry and bring up a family. I would like to rsgiater here my thought thut marriage and the upbringing of ohlldren in the home, require aa well-trained a mind and as well die-up lined a charaoter aa any other occupation thut might bo conaideied a career." ., « Laat woek I rode slmoat dally '' past the striking International Harvester Plant In Chicago. To aay there was sacltement la putting it mildly. The entire aapeet of the vicinity hsd changed, and not tho least of those waa that of the parksd curs for blocks snd blocks surrounding the scons. The oars were large und new und shiny. They belonged to the uniformed polios, who looked every bit like those you sse in the movies. There Were enough police to msku a small-sired village in tho West At night the numbers had dwin- " died, but there were still many group« together on street corners, burning pupers—after the fashion of newsboys—to help keep them warm. They were noticeable through th« lighted windows of cafes and other plsces open for business, I wsa moving In the midst of the activity, but I heard H. V. Kalton > born, who was travsllng cross-country. interpreting the .ignifioanee of it. And ao it is slwsya: a long-range visw or outlook of s situstlon enables us to gst s better perpestlve of It. - SNH Choral Group of W'kegan Give Concert WAUKEGAN, ILL.-Concerts msy ' come, snd concerts may go, but ws've got the best buy, Jos, So lay , out your two bits snd s dime, conu> on along, and hava yourself a timet "Red Riding Hood"—ths nursery fable—will be presented, and most sble with "Dot" Judnich ss "Little Red' snd Msry Koslr—Grandma , sick in bed. Rudolph Sksls as the Wolf so bsd, f pity Little Red who looks so sad! The Hunter will be "Ollis" (Jsntur, tha girl thai', full of fiin and banter. Little Red's rnommie will bs Msy me Kirn who sends Jtod to visit Orsndms but then to lesrn! Won't tell you the rest, hut I'm sure you'll , enjoy ths fsbls thst is lovsd by every girl snd boy Ths pretty pees- , snt girls will sing especially for you, including Te»»e nsjrojli 'mam" and others, too, The day is Easter Sundsy, the time I p. m Ws hope you'll come snd stsy till the next a. m. The place is Wauksgan st the Slovene Hall, following the concert there's gonna bs a Bali Stanley Grsgorin will put you right in ths groove, Crane on. ull you people snd get on the moW PUS COMMITTSE. ï PROSV KTA WEDNESDAY. APTrn S.N.P.J. Sports 8th National SNPJ Bowling Tournament "^DETROIT, MICH —The Y o u n g American lodge »64 and Wolverine lodge 677 will be your hosts for the Eighth National SNPJ Bowling tournament which thia year take* place here in Detroit on the 3« alley« of the Palmer Park Recrealkm. Woodward at Six Mile Road, on Friday. Saturday and Sunday. May 2,3 and 4. Remember it is just one month away. • ' . Are your entry blanks on the way? Entry blanks, together with s letter requesting your lodge to participate in this tourney and also to advertise in our souvenir booklet have been mailed to all SNPJ lodges. In caae your lodge did not receive any entry blanks or wishes to have more, kindly write to Tourney Treasurer Alfred Maccani. 7182 Mackenzie Ave., Detroit, Mich., and your té-quest will be fulfilled at once. The tournament committee would like all lodges to get their entry blanks in as soon as possible so as to be able to arrange the schedule to make it convenient Sir all participan ta. The riNAL DEADLINE FOR ALL ENTRIES IS APRIL 14. Your entry blanks must be in by then. If we have all of your cooperation concerning this, we are sure you will be satisfied st the tourney. The schedule will be arranged so there will be no one bowling .after 7 p. m. on Saturday, May S. By doing this, it will give everyone plenty of time to prepare for the Bowlers' Dance, which begins at 8 p. m at the UAW Hall, 51 Sproat Street. Your favorite and most popular Slovene band, from Cleveland, Ohio, Frankie Yankovich, will play for your dancing. Headquarter« will be both at the Hotel Detroiter, Woodward at Adelaide. and the Slovene National Home, 17103 John R., with the 8ND as main headquarters. Those of you wishing hotel accommodations, please write to Alfred Maccani, stating the number of rooms you want reserved. Those of you who come to Detroit without reservation« will be taken care of at the Detroiter headquarters: There will always be some one st both headquarter* to furnish you with any information you de-ire. The bowling alleys are just s ten minute ride from the Hotel Detroiter, direct north on Woodwsrd Ave. to Six Mile Road. The UAW Hall is Just scross the street from the hotel, 51 Sproat, thia will make it very convenient for those staying at the hotel. To lodges wanting to participate in the tournament and for some unknown re aeon did not receive an entry blank or may need mora at the last minute: We sre publishing ■ duplicate copy, together with the rules so you will be able to make your own entry blanka. Remember Detroit in May. AL PETERNEL, Lodge 564. requests must be made to the Athletic Board member in their district or the Sec y of the Board. __ a ail »M>u/U,im mini have loined the SNPJ at least 3 months before the tournament, and their application for membership must have been approved by the National Office on or prior to March 1, 1041. 6. Transferred members must belong to the new lodge at least sixty daya prior to the tournament, and all bowlers must be in good standing. _ 1 ; 7. Anyone participating In any event under an aasumed name or otherwise ineligible, will be expelled from the tournament and scores forfeited; if team or doubles events, other members of the team will forfeit money in said events. 5. Special dates and time will be Canted when posaible. When al- i% sre filled on specially desired dates and time, the nearest opening will be given. Send your entries in st once, and be aasured that you will get the time desired. 0. AH bowlers' shirts must bear the SNPJ emblem, and none may bear any other advertiaement than emblem and lodge name and number. 1. 10. The English Section *f the weekly Prosveta should be read for further developments on the tournament 11. Team captains will be aent a schedule of the bowling time for their teams, and will be responsible for his or her bowlers appearing at the alleys resdy to bowl on scheduled time. 12. A space on the blank is for team averages; this will help the committee to have evenly averaged tea ma howling on the same alleys. Ixxlges msklng sleeping reservation should contact the Detroit committee as soon as possible. For further information as to bowling contact Alfred Maccani, 7182 Mackenzie, Detroit, Mich. We must alwaya understand that at all times the Athletic Board is open to suggestions to better our athletic program. Some time ago an announcement waa made that a golfing tournament was planned in connection with the National SNPJ Day in Chicago. All interested should notify their nearest board member. There is much that could bo written about the experiencea that I have had since being on the Athletic Board, but I think that the moat important thing that the Engliah speak* ing lodges can do for the continuation of the athletic fund, la to really take an active part in the preaent Membership Csmpaign and ahow the Convention that the. preaent fund must not only be continued, but must be increased. FRANK GROSER, Sec'y SNPJ Athletic Board. National SNPJ Bowling Tournament CHICAGO—All lodges should have received their entry blanks for the National SNPJ Bowling tournament to be held in Detroit May 2, 2. and 4. Lodges thst did not receive or need more entry blanks should write Tournament Treasurer Alfred Maccani. 7182 Mackenxie, Detroit, Mich From advance reports and enthus-lasm this year's tournament «hould be the greatest In HNPJ history. All lodgea planning on entering train* ate urged to get their entries in as soon as possible, lodges having the experience of running tour namerits know that the ctaiperation of all participants is absolutely nee easary in putting over any tourna ment The entries for the tournament close April 14. Thia will give the Detroit Committee sufficient time to make the complete arrangements for the tournament Rules for the tour nament were made as brief as poa sibV and are listed below with I brief explanation 1. All entry blanks muat tie signed by the financial secretary of the re specttve lodges, and muat tiear the lodge aeal Ixatge secretaries have the responsibility of seeing that all howlers are eligible to compete In this tournament. 2 Each bowler • SNPJ certificate number must appeal on the entry blanka. which makea it an easy matter to check the eligibility of the | bowlers with the National office. 3 Money received by the Itowling "Cleveland'« Humble Hercule«" In C. G. Because Qua Korach, an immigrant from Slovenia (Carnioia), believed "They can't treat people that way in thia country" when he waa taken for several hundred hard earned dollars in a graveyard swindle. Cleveland la a different place to live in. Elliot Nesa waa. able to accomplish s civic clean-up to rival Tom Dewey'a In New York, the $125.000 bribe-taking Police Captain Louis J. Csdek went to Jstl; and angry, and knew exactly how to handle ttiem. Moat of their victims were hu:able people like htm, without influence." As Gus walked down the street after his last encounter with the gang, his eyas came to rest on the big sign PRESS'' outside the Cleveland Press Building. "I stood looking at it a while," he later said. "I'd never been in an American newspaper of fide and waa kinds aeerod. I decided to try anyway." There he met Clayton Fritchey, and told his story. "You see, Gus," Fritchey told him, "you got chipped because others kept quiet. Every time a complainant gets near prosecution, the com plainer gets bought off and then there are no witnesses. If we go into this and you help, I think we can smash the racket. But if we succeed, you'll never get a cent back. If you let them know now thst you are in a position to make them trouble, they'll return some or all of your money, just as they've done with others to keep them quiet" Gus thought it over a minute, and, says Fritchey, "I don't blame him. He needed that money." Then he said "It's gone far enough." At first the job of getting witnesses seemed hopeless. The victims were suspicious of strangers. That was where Gus wss invaluable. After doing a hard day's work, he would join Fritchey lste in the day and make calla. "It waa Qua," the reporter says, "who 0ot us into homes, who interpreted, who soothed alarms, who made it poaaible, finally, to get coherent and effective testimony. Despite the secrecy of our work, news of it leaked back to the swindlers, and they swarmed upon theigvictims with big promises of payoffs or, if that did not succeed, with threats." In that criaia, the investigators turned to a second-generation Slovene American citizen, Judge Frank J. Leusche, who, by his record had won the confidence of the newer Slovenes and other immigrants. 'Tell the truth and nobody can harm you," he counseled those in doubt." They did, says Mr. Fritchey, and enabled the grand Jury to smaah one racketeer cemetery after another. The final chapter in the clean-up la remembered for its sensational mystery-story solution of the name of the political protector of the racketeers—the tranaposltion of DACEK, advertised holder of 4000 graves, into CADEK—Policy Captain Louia J. Cadek. A city has been made fit to live in because one immigrant didn't like being pushed around. Doea Gus regret that he didn't stop short and get hia money back? Mr. Fritchey broached the liibject last summer at baseball game: "There's Just one thing I regret, Gus—that you never got your money bsck." "It's all right," said Gus and grinned. 1 ~zech Youth Salutes Jugoslav Colleagues CHICAGO.—The following message waa aent by the United Caecho-Slovak American Youth to the Jugoslav Embassy, Washington, D. C., on March 30: Please convey -to the youth of Jugoslavia our most cordisl greetings and salute. They have sh9wn their will with dignity, and have shown us in the last few days tfcat theirs la no false sentimentality in the facing of the sad and bloody task that may lie before us all. We are glad In the way they have responded to the challenge thrown to the social progressive youth of the Harold WrUGrion, after two terms worW and have thus shown that aa Mayor of Cleveland, went to the United States Senate It is no Horatio Alger story that Clayton Fritchey. of the Cleveland Press, tells in his stirring story, "Cleveland's Humble Hercules?* in toe Kpnng number of Ground the magazine which alms to make the people better acquaint ed w*th their fellow Americana. Gus did not start out In rags and end up v/ith fabulous richea. He did start out at the age of eight "with atom ach after bread" (a trebuhom sa kruhom in hia native Slovene) cowherd on the farm of a better-to-do neighboring peaaent, but he ia still a laborer at White Motora, and the few hundred dollars he lost in the swindle still look. big. - There is a chance that Gua Korach rould have got the money back—or part of it—by «topping half-way In the exposure and applying a little pressure, but "It's gone far enough the said And that waa that It waa In the middle of the 1033 hard times that Gua, like a good many other simple (and some sup poaedly not so simple) people fell for the swindler's tale. < The atory of the exposure and prosecution no longer news, but the effect of the swindle on many poor immi grants and 'the part Oua Korach Sec y will not be refunded tlowlers hav ing aent in money and unable to played in cleaning up Cleveland are attend lierauae of sickness or work not an generally known Most of muel get substitute« who. report sue»« the *himkies" who Inst their sav Change at least 24 hours before tin* tngs did rwrt know what to do Most of said bowling evenV «This rule •»• ent Americans who did know d to. un EXPECTED AND ACTUAL MORTALITY ON GROSS AMOUNT AT IUSK 78. 70. fExpected mortality on amount at risk. —Adult— Juvenile .$338472.00 $25,122.00 •••Total death loases incurred during the year determined aa follows: Death loaaes paid during the year including the A258,852.83 commuted value of installment death loaaes $J 9,750.00 (Hem 1, page 3 of annual atatement), plus such death loaaes A23,088.28 unpaid December 31, of current year $J......none....„(line 1, cols. 1-4, incl., page 5 of annual statement), and leaa such A16,881.45 death losses unpaid December 31 of previous year $J 545.00 (line 1, cols. 1-4, incl., page 5 of annual atatement Lodge 53 MournPassing of Bro. K. Laurich CLEVELAND. O-We regret to re pott that our SNPJ Lodge No. 53 lost a loyal member, Bro. Konrad Laurich, who passed away In the Palnsvllle Hospital on Thursday. March 17, 1041. Funeral services were conducted al Webster's Fu neral Parlors. Geneva. O., and he was laid to rest in St Mary's Ceme tery in Palnsvllle. He waa a real-dent of Unionvtile, O. He la aur-vived by his wife. Josephine; two sons. Theodon- and Adolphe; daughters Mrs. Ann L Knschan, Mrs. Mildred O. Kossick. Mrs. Josephine a Porter. Mrs Sally E. Debevc, Mrs. Helen Rlnto. Sylvia, Alma and Dorothy. We extend our deepeat sympathy to the family and relatives. . FRANK BARB1C. Lodge 53. 80. for said ){ear), giving actual mortality on groaa amount of riak Ratio per cent of actual (item 70. aboye) to expected mortality (item 78, above) on groaa amount at riak during 1940. V< $202,839.44 S 9,205 00 38.84% 24.79% 20.05% 2821% 43.72% _____78.80% 1939...-.......75.84% 1938...........84.32% . , " 1937............95.88% , 1938...-.......98.24% INTEREST INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS (Excluding items belonging te general or expenae funds) NOTE —The figures entered in items 81 to 88, inclusive, below should relate to benefit funds only. The general or expense fund figures sre to be excluded from these items. For example: The interest, dividends and rents and investment expenses of general or expense funds a» to be excluded from items 81 to 87, inclusive, below; and in calculating the percentages shown in items 88, 87, and 88 tx low, ws assets of general or expenae funda are to be excluded. —Adult— Juvenile 81. Intereat, dividenda and renta received during the year, per items 18 to 23, inclusive, page 2 of the annual statement M (less item 4«, page 3, and less $....................amortisation and plus $....................accrual) ..................-.........................-............$174,770.85 I19.7M"« 82. Add the excess of interest and rents due and accrued over Interest and rents paid in advance December 31 of current year determined as follows: Item 18, page 4, leaa the sum of item 33B, page 4, item 12, page 5, and the interest in Item 10, page 5, of annual statement...................................................................................................Ji...................................^^. 81.858 01 83. •• Total .....................................................................................................................................................-«................$338.428 86 84. Deduct the exceaa of interest and renta due and accrued over interest and renta paid in advance December 31 of previous year determined as follows: Item 18, page 4, less the sum of Item 33B, page 4. item 12. page 5. and the interest in item 10, page 5, of previous year'a annual statement................................................................................................................ 85,652 4') 85 Intereat earned during the year, item 83 leas item 84, above (3.818 per cent of mean ledger sssets less one-half of Interest earned) ................ ................................................................................................................................................................$270,776.37 ✓ A30,882.08 A335.00 A255.00 88. flnveatment expenses paid during the year $J 1,585.74, plua $J none unpaid December 31 of current year, leas $J 40.00 unpaid December 31 of previous year, giving incurred investment expenses (averaging .271 per cent of mean ledger sssets) ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 20,842.08 5.245.71 25.000J4 87. 88. Net rate of intereat earned on benefit funda during 1940________.. 1 1939......... 1938 1937. 19M....................U.______ Instructions lev Calculating Expected Mortality ea the Gross Amount at Riak. Combined- Net Intereat (including renta) on Investments of benefit funds, item 85 less item 88, above (3.337 per cent of mean ledger »to leas one-half of net interest income from investments)..................-................... ..........................................................$250,134 29 3.337% ..... 3.352% 2.480% ... 2.440% ..... 2.888% 5.026M 19,973* 1.545.74 18.4H* by ApiU 14, 1041. Tin* j •<•* like Uus lomdtg in snd getting Special Meeting of Lodge 89 Sunday MIDWAY, PA —All members of SNPJ lodge 89 are asked to attend the special meeting Sunday. April 8, at I p. m The main topic of discus sum will be whether we shall build bowling alleys at the lodge hall. This project, If carried out. would he i source of .steady Income. Please at tend and voice your opinion on this important prop«»it Ion. JOHN JUST. Secretory Juvenile $25.353 00 " 34,840 00 - 51 00 $50.344 00 25.122.00 (a) (b) (c) $49 00. qx + n times Insurance In force December 31 of previous year. 331 J03.00, qx+n times insurance In force December 31 of current year. 5,292.00, qx + n times death losses Incurred during the current year, leaa reserve liens snd Interest thereon (dl 9888.34890. Sum of Items (a), (b) snd (c), above. Divide Item (d) by two to obtain: (e) $333,17100, Expected grass death loaaes during the current year. (f) The above calculatlona were made on basis of Am. Exp : N.F.C.: Standard Indus tobies of mortality State of Illinois \ County of Cook ( J*' the *** Ralph I. Booth, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he la the actuary who made the foregoing computations and answer« >" ^ ^ above set forth concern tog the condition of Slovens Nations! Benefit Society m al December 31, 1940. and that the same are correct Ham to the best of hia information, knowledge and belief. ^ ____^ 7 j Suiwrrihed and sworn to before me thia 19th day of March. 1*41. Ralph I Booth iBlsna«ure erf esSeoryt 175 W Jackson Blvd I Official! "'Beel if any > Frank Zordani Chicago. Illinois i Régna« u f# MlBfJf Bf (Notary Publie) tocnnsl Ulie) lOtjr «HCl DE PROSVETA Gimo SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE PART n liar Jumh 1«, IMS. aft «m paamrffU« Pf CHICAGO. ILL» WEDNESDAY. APRIL t 1M1 LETO—YEAR XXXIII. Acceptance tor mailing at special rata of posfrge prdrlded far ill fotion 1109, Act of Oct. I. HIT, awthorlaad oa Jw> 14. 1919. s of Meeting of Supreme Board of Slovene National Benefit Society Held February 13, 14, 15, 1941, at Headquarters, 2659 S, Lawndale Ave., Chicago, Illinois to r PrMident Cainkar calla meeting W"* 1 r" R()|i call shows these officers * ,l L* Sao^nr Treasurer John Vogrich 1 ^jK President Frank Bolka, de-L'^uTunion duties. 1st District Vice *by rrpodbov Who sent no excuse, 3rd gfv^e^John Klansek and finance Jacob Zupan, detained by their Bolka and Klansek sent written £ oi business is accepted as follows: j) Call to order I) Boll call . | j) Order of business 4, Time and period of session , S) Reports of supreme officers, committees, medical examiner and special com-[ mittees 9« Discussion and decision on reports 7) Official business |) Miscellaneous I) Adjournment efewns »hall be from 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 daily, i IS minutes intermissions. ■intermissions. Supreme President's Report ft »re assembled here for our annual meeting «new our business and accomplishments, and «cubs our problems and decide for the future, r report and those of the other officers will 11 review of our activities, and provide a t for our further tasks. k standing of its membership is of supreme etance to every organization, and while I tut report any sensational progress, I can say h view of the conditions and numeroua hin-ea, we have, nevertheless, gained many new ibrn and increased our ranks satisfactorily, oust consider, also, that we are competing i other organizations and companiea, some of cb staged very attractive membership cam- during this period. Mrever, we shall have to figure on such oom-tiuri. which is not only occasional but has be-i quite general. Therefore, it is necessary we, too, campaign unceasingly, and think up I to enroll juvenile members particularly, if 4o not want to fall behind in our mcmbar- juvenile department is our arsenal or reft* the adult department, and is therefore portanl In recent years our chief source ¡¡•bokoI of adult membershaa-bacn Jto» ntfe department. Nothing -to more eeaential to a* that this department keeps enrolling Jamton to maintain as high a level as pos-However. we have not been so successful recently. We have had considerable success Wiring adult members, but have had inereas- difficulty with the juvenile department » to the financial standing of our Society, I that we have had better success. We happy that our assets have increased in the I year. The details of administration and «"«of funds will be given in the reporta of win officers. Let me say only that we are financially, and the Society is sound, thai no special campaign last year, except ■»end of the year which saw the opening of loth anniversary campaign still in prog-L Ho*PVfr- we had many activities such as Mnoiverwrie,, SNPJ Days, ESL 15th anni- • -"««rs, tournaments and other athletic * The Ohio SNPJ Federation had ite SN-mrU well »« the western Penna. Federa- fcJr* the National SNPJ Day at J"*on Laboi Day. The supreme office sup-Jr? celcbiationa financjidly and morally FCf good "dvertUing and beneficial ■**"ty when properly handled. u? dirtrirt SNPJ Days will Uke place mJZ^r^ nati0Ml Will b7£ Z Z^i l ,?"y' 1 rocom*nend that the "PP0* these undertaking^ 1 ^ "T* mornberi 'h»" «tte"d mcS^ a pi"t,CuU,r,y the n«tion«1 Zll^r«''" iurnile circ,e« * Uo„,w(1R S'nce then we have organ-w rrl,.s ¡ind consolidated three Cleve- Hr opinr wm ** tw. *rt , ; , su:CeM,u1' Moat of the « of r,n ,V and ^ commendably J J;;," ***** « ^gc and federation S3 rdeb>ted ^ merier * the ski >7 lhe mergcr contract pre- ** funic, t, and that we ■tov«i ^ ,1 « xecutive committee was ^ U went im- 6tW Ir,m!ct,n«- The SSPZ merger Rt^P1' hut WP dld receive '^^ZT"::1 i,rit after * or,.,;" rUU<^ lh«t die SSPZ com- -nd the questions I ti, ,„ „ L" l«rwd nearly i •asuor, ,, J?",rver' wc «» hindered t^^lj;:1 their ""I" i4«^ SSP/ f h,n«e ^ conua 1 % ^ . ",,d ^«sible leaal oh^ r* ™ th, SSP7 >rt" <*«■*»«•. » W ^'""U Z n , ' '"mmlttee would at- * T>m »o • members' ref- T,? ^ rMttlt«- » their ft f«» Power L^ ^t^f f?ntrtet- ^ nefotia-M (>ur commKtee stands fc Tiw.JLjjf nwnikm wiU f tkr * ' "Ul1 Prrperat»ona and'soe offke, as well rn^Zi ' mretini. Varioua ques- tions and recommendations will be pr«i*ntad when we come to that in our order of busineja. It would be best if the supreme board which is experienced and has knowledge of the various phaaea would first Uke up these problems and give its opinions. The membership could then discuss the subjects more effectively. This is one reason why the discussion on by-laws has not been opened; another reason is that our by-laws are quite eontpT&ie and satisfactory at present, and will not require much diacuaaion. Among other supreme board officers absent from this meeting is Brother Vogrich, who is still ill. His duties are carried out as directed by the laat board meeting. We are happy to report, however, that his health has improved recently, and it is our sincere hope that hp will recover completely soon, and return to hia post. VINCENT CAINKAR. Report accepted. Report of Vice President There are many problems before us which we will discuss at this meeting and try to solve justly and in the best interests of the Society. We must plan to adapt our functions to the swiftly changing conditions. A workers' organisation like ours is also affected by the defense preparations, particularly our young members who are being called to service. It is important that we find a way to keep these members. Thought should be given alao to thoae members with NFC insurance with a view to solving their problem as far as possible. This should be discussed at the next convention. I have observed from my contacts with members that they are anxious for the merger. The feeling is that both societies are composed of practically the same people, and that combining them would lighten the financial burden considerably. Another important phase is also the increasing Interest and awareness of the purpose and principles of our Society which are dedicated to liberty and democracy. Our members are not to be deceived .by the tactics reaortqd to by varioiis agencies in times like these. No one can say what the future holds, and we need strong determination for a better and stronger SNPJ. My relations with the supreme office and executive committee hgve been harmonious, and I carried out all duties assigned Id me. There were WhfcH-twaakPUnitrtt* Most tie* between the lodges and 'supremek office, Hie members generally are well satisfied, and this is also a good sign for our future: I attended many affairs, anniversaries, etc., as representative and supreme board member, and alao as substitute for President Cainkar whan he waa unable to attend. ANDREW VIDRICH. Report accepted. , Report oi Second Vice President I did not receive any assignments from .the main office. I attended as many of the local Ktige functions as I possibly could. I also attended th> SNPJ Day celebration held in Strabane fast Labor Day. The celebration was very sUitteasfUl and beneficial in advertising our Society.1 TU^ meeting of the Athletic Board held at the time took up many problems and requests for financial assistance from various local lodges. The annual Bowling tournament which is to be held in Detroit was discussed. From all indications this tournament should be one U the biggest and best ever held by our Society. The meeting of the lodge representatives held in conjunction with the Labor Day celebration was very well attended and many helpful discussions took place in trying to promote more activity for the SNPJ. Chicago was designated as the place for the next SNPJ Day celebration. I suggest that in order to make the next SNPJ Day a real celebration, and this being a convention year, that the convention start right after the Labor Day celebration. Most of the lodge delegates who live north and west of Chicago have to go through Chicago to get to Pittaburgh. The delegates could aRehd the annual National SNPJ celebration and then go to the convention. This would make the 1941 8NPJ Day affair a Veal get-together of all the active members in our organisation. FRANK BOLKA Report accepted. Report of Vice President Second District The national campaign In our aociety to increase the memberships in our English speaking lodges is coming along very well in Cleveland and I believe that the results will compare favorably with thoae from the other dkatricta. The Cleveland Federation la offering a beautiful trophy to the Engliah speaking lodge securing the meat members. The Federation offered the trophy as an Incentive to greater activity for new members In the competing lodges. I alao arranged for the promotion of a Fifteenth Anniveraary Celebration dance of the English speaking Ipdges In which all of our seven lodges participated It was not only a great social and financial success but it helped to Increase the spirit of cooperation between all the lodgea. One of the other commendable raeulta of this dance waa a very definite increase in the attendance In our athletic activities I put all my effort behind the stabilizing and reorganizing of Lodge S73 which waa on th« verge of dlaaolutlon I alao helped to correct the mis-understanding which estated between Um mem bers of the Senior lodg^ and Lodge No HI. I attended the Combined Anniveraary Celebra tion of Lodges If and «40 of Bridgeport. Ohio, aa guest speaker delegated by the Supreme Office The spirit of friendlinifj and fine hospitality shown to me by the members of theae two lodgea will long remain in my ifceinory. As a guest speaker, I also attended anniveraary celebrations of the following lodgea: 135, 139, 142, and 147. I alao attended numerous other anniversary cflabratlons held by sNPjJ lodges. The Cleveland lodges were almost all celebrating either their 30th or 35th anniversaries, . These occasions, it seems to me, show a true spirit of fratamallsm t)id enthusiasm for SNPJ. Our Cleveland lodges a^ sponsoring an extensive bowling program with a tournament to be held here on March 8 and 9. This program will create a greater u\tff my own surroundings as you all may know. _ k. , ^ In our campaign which has been on now for about fqyr months, } believe the Engliah speaking lodgea are faring quite well. The Athletic Tournaments which have been jpqmored, I believe are very successful and will d&w in new members, naturally not in throngs as, some expected but a good percentage of members that are interested in frafe&p*) insurance. ,,At this time we can^llso expect a setback on account of the selective ftrv* ice and many of our eligible« are in this class, and sooner than join they withhold until this is over; or anyway, tt ia a good excuse for th* time being. Anyway, in my estimation it may mean war and they aren't anxious to take up Insurance of any kind. Hoping this meeting approves of this report, I JOHN KLANSEK goes Into thia question of our youth, the more one la forced to conclude that lack of that ideal lam for our Society which wjui and still is found among our older member«, is to blame for this apathy, particularly In aome placea. In apite of the sincere and honest suggestions offered to increase interest and activity lor Our organlsatlon, It la my firm opinion that We can expect action and success in scouring new members only from thoae members who posaaas ideal-lam for our Society and who arc convinced that they arc working for a good thing, for tbeir own organisation—or from paid members as practised by the commercial insurance companiea. Everything elae is more or leal speculative. - A member may be thoroughly inatructcd ln the Inaurance our Society offers, but if he has not the will, pride and loyalty for hia organisation and a aenae of hia responsibility, he will not go out campaigning, and no one can force htm to. Therefore It la esaential that wc awaken and eduoate our youth to the algnifioanoc to them of this enterprise of which they arc members. If we neglect to do this, the fault will be our own. • ADULT DEPARTMENT Membership as of Dec. 91, 1939..................37,807 New admitted members............................ 938 Tranaferred from Juvenile Dept...........1350 1,993 Total ............................. Deceased ......................... Cancelled ....................... 40,100 369 '799 1,184 Membership as of Dec. Il, Increase in six months... •MMltMlMt« 1,189 JUVENILE DEPARTMENT Membership as of Dec. II, 1939,.........14,111 New admitted members..................................... 1,138 4vVtt MlttM»l*N***«*Mf*Mi•••mho Mine accidenta ............................ Nephritic............ »MMMH*OI" ..w.MKMf Abdominal Inflammation Gastric ulcer« Automobil« accldants , MImMNI o»m»O*O»»>I»ioih«M«I Diabetes m • m* # vyfo mt. i Septicemia .................... Asthma .......... Indigestion .... Infection ........ Embolism Appendicitis Insanity ........ Meningitis ..., Anemia'.......... Hodgkinson's Paralysis »»• • »e s 9 • • • ee ee§ • ee«e« • • s see» • i «right's disease Gall stones ....... On operation .... Epilepsy ............ Osteomyelitis .... Inflammation of ovary. reas *«ee*ee«a*e* • »•eeta««»•»«.•••••■ 1 $ 78,300.00 34,950.00 21.550.00 19,100 00 19,990.00 11,900.00 19,800,00 10,790.00 19,180.00 • '4,900.00 f,100 00 8.100,00 4,400.00 8,100.00 M50.00 1,800.00 2.350.00 3,700.00 1,780.00 1*00.00 ' 990,00 1,800.00 ifrXMX) 1,000.00 1*90,00 1,200.00 1*90.00 «000.00 1,090*0 909.00 900.00 600.00 Total .................................388 9993.800 00 There were 72 more operationa than in l¿39, and 2 disability Diaabllittos Loaa of fingers -------------------------- 18 8 498.00 Loss of «yes—eyesight...........— 12 3,800.00 Loas of arm.................................... 3 900.00 Loaa of l«g .................................... 3 000.00 Loas of arm and leg.................... 1 900.00 Total....... ........................ 34 9 9,498.00 Total oper. L dlsabil..................784 881,807.90 Item Net Income from Investment« in Financial Report la after deduction of 8112,000.00 defaulted Lake Shore Athletic Club «nd Winnett, Montana. Water Works bonda, which ware in d«f«ult several years and w«r« not included ln lut year's state report. 95,000.00 defaulted Uke Shore Athletic Club bonds were «too chargad off from Minor Beneficlarlea Fund, or a total of 9117,000*0, FINANCIAL REPORT lor ported al July 1 to Dc—nhw 91. 1949 - / ADULT DEPARTMENT Mortuary Fund Disburse- Balance as of July 1»........97,080,981.00 9 Unpaid death claims Jul.l 11,493.28 Assessment ................................217,498.00 Net income from lnve«t- menta ..................................17,993.08 P«ld death claim«.................118,441,99 Paid oompromise claim«.. 1,714 an Transfer to expen«a fund 9,711.18 Unpaid death olaims Dec. 31.................................................23,088 28 Balanc« as of D«c. 31, 1940 ...r...........................................................7,140,198*1 |7.2qi,m5 8» 87,281,315 8» Balance a« of Ju^L^!** 131,878.38 9 Assessment ............ .......... Paid op«r. L disability " 17,112 50 Balance as of Doc. II, àl940 . tlMIMMIIlOOMIMMMOOMMt ^IN^MIPi^W tioroMjo f J3LML13 fund < II .. Balance as .of July 1 Regular assessment............100,417,40 Special assessment .. 471.00 P«ld sick benefit*...........................89,184.78 Balance as of Dec. 31, 1940 0»»OMM»«fHM«OMOOIOMMI BIBBI V, I 382.032 02 ♦ }83^>2.83 92 Olas« Balance as of July 1 8 94,290.11 9 Regular aasMamont ........ 77,804,00 Sp«cl«l aaaeaament.......... , 718.00 Paid sick benefit ...... 93,901.80 Balance as of Dec. 31, 1940 .................................. % 172,310 33 8 pyjo.ia 99 Class Balance aa of July 1......9 20,174.91 9 Regular aaaaasment.............10,999.90 Special asaea«m»nt iKtlllMlO . 18.00 Paid sick Iwiwflt ...............11,179*0 Jolino« aa of Doc. II, ........MM,..........'. . ; WMÊM iu40 > BU.....31.082,41 9«acial Benefit Fund Balance as «f July 1...... 9 77,999.99 9 Assessment ..............................19,199.70 Returned loan on assess 1,497.71 Death claim ................................................319 40 Special benefit ii asaeas. Balanoa as of Dec. 31, "1940 .................................. 9,949.71 94,919.92 REPORT ON OPERATIONS AND DISABILITIES Ne. cf Benefits Operations Ca«oa Appendectomy .........r,...............T. 194 Herni« .....................„.„,.........,,.,....119 Internal .................................... 91 Gall bladder ............................. 40 Hemorrhoids ...................„,.... 47 Hysterectomy ........................ . 37 Varlooee veins .„ ......................... 30 Thyroidectomy ................ . ...... 20 Open reduction h plating . .. 28 Exetolon of glanda........... ......... 22 Carcinoma .................................. 18 Cataract -......................................... 14 Oateomylltto ....................... II Cacea rea n operationa ................ 9 Gastric ulcers.........................., 7 Thoracoplasty ........................... 8 Nephrectomy _____ . .. 8 Threphinlng ..................... ....... 8 Mtoc naaal operation« .............. 8 Obstruction cf boweto -------------- 4 Mastoidectomy .».------------------------ 4 Empyema ............ ........................ 3 Laminectomy ......................... 3 Removal of breaet .......... 2 Hydrocele .....................2 Ectopic pregnancy,..,..,,,........ I __________790 $1012.60 7*86 00 8*00 00 3*87.80 2*76.00 2,412 00 J ,490-00 i.m.oo -^j900 oo 7104X) ' 1,17689 012 60 338.00 876 00 626.00 260.00 376 00 326.00 16000 . 202 60 200 00 ' 160.00 106 00 160 00 7000 76 00 linMftll Building Fund Balance aa of July 1..... 6 73,233 74 9 Réntala ,„,,.,............................................4,028 88 Building maintenance..........3*22.72 Depreciation ....................„ 1*01.02 Balance aa of Dec. 31, 1040 ........................................72,299*9 t "ffl'TM vmr Convention Fund Balance as of July I 6 46,898 31 9 Assessment , 4,888.99 Balance aa of Dec. 31, • 1949 ..;.....,........... 91*9119 toJMMA ii"'?*1 y1 Total 947.112.90 SgNosog intse' Balance aa 'if July 1», 9 43*13.93 9 Aaaeaament....... luv'nile circles Wall calendars (print * midline)--—- Pt*us* and express-....... Telephone and telegrams Mladpiski List .....—....... Supplement to ProaveU Supreme board meeting Litigations ....'..............- Furniture and fixtures -Actuary ahd accountant* Nafl Fraternal Congr«"« membership daas^ Burglary insurance torn . Various subventions Athletics..........r Balance aa of Dec. li. 1940 J 430 85 300 00 7,230 2« 460.00 18.00 40J7 23.50 1,777.85 181.80 48500 2X10 804.01 1,80000 . 1.120.93 158.34 1,700 30 1.174.13 800 00 4,130 88 1,04118 187.80 3.348.98 581.50 1,240 04 488.10 1.172.98 875.00 254.00 * 30.00 113.00 1,535.75 50,188.77 Total t t h!ifrl»'.S7 8JW.518.8? CgnVMlMn fund —-KapMtss faSS ——» (MM. o) Tunis ioCT>Mt July I, IM®. D*® 1,1 D*er»aa«* ^.fimmsi |7..40*sai VM.UBM | UM** lajjssa® •**» *U Ml *i umu waosaa 6.4SI Ja* mass wi MSttW IMS 7IJSSS9 M48T M.MI S3 4 SU.1SS.T1 VMM 91,770JSSJS ftJllJSIJS $141*888 Liabilities: Unp deaUi «lais» TOTAL ASSETS........Jf.TSSJSV.» »7.SIS.»«* 6149*671 Status of Assois Land and building..................■■....... Beal fatale -.....«---------—;................ Loans On first mortgages...................... FHA mortgages^ HOLc'binds* Federal FHA bonds Canadian bonds ,_______ Bute, county, municipal bonds not In default .......................—..........■■■ Bute, county, municipal bonda in default --------------------------—----------------- Industrial k utilities bonds not in default —------------------- Industrial * uUUtlas bonds In default.. Checking Account: Asaessmont ---------------1 89,558.11 Harris Trust k Savings Bank _____________101.ltt.04 Continental IlLNat'lBank 11,776.83 Montreal Bank_______ 2,584.59 82,381.19 8,874.28 352,281.29 588,058.01 13,718.78 2,559,491.21 482,842.75 3,850.00 25,087.50 2,787,072.92 4,000.00 440,01015 99,750.00 207,098.87 Lodge supplies receivable................25.87 Matured bonds receivable...............— 181.222,75 Interest warrant*------*----------------2,700.00 stocks ______________________________42.984.20 Building and Loan deposits...............135,000 00 TOTAL________-..........................87,938,204 05 JUVENILE DEPARTMEIfT Balance as of July 1, 1940 $566.240J6 $ Assessment _____________17.801.88 Net Income from Invest- L0W.1I 4.1'-'' 8,728.47 V 7,988.87 660 112.00 20 00 4166 583,958.11 Death claims paid............. Paid to members transferred to Adult Dept.___ Transfer to expense fund of Adult Dept. Exchange fees Awards for new members Medical exam, fees__________ Expenses with FHA mort- Balance as of Dee. 11, 1940 8601,744.41 8 603,744.41 FHA mortgage* - ,.r „„m.,.. n.-First mortgage real esUW Second mortgage real estate Unitod State« HOLC bonds Federal savings certifies tea.. Federal bonds Bute, county, municipal Industrial, utility bonda $1.177.76 Bank of Montresl.Chloafo. ».766.48 Bank of MonUesUTor«nlu 368 32 Butldmg and Loan depoaita Bonds receivable Stocks ........... 10.727. ?4 39.882 61 1.66000 38.966 83 18.600 00 236,078 86 139,649 18 47.231 25 7.214 52 25,006.00 16,11618 1,110.00 6 561,966 11 ASSETS OF INSURANCE DEPT Assets of Adult Department aa of December 11. 1940 A Mets of Juvenile Dept. as of Doe. II. 1940 «------------- 868.966.11 ToUl asaels of insurance depsrtment as of Dec 11, 1946 --------- 86.Slf.160 16 Total saasts of insurance dept. ss of Jan I, 1940 ......J--------------8.147.938 21 INCREASE IN 1940 6 17IJI7 93 As shown above aasets of insuranos department have increased in amount of 637 L227.93. Total net assets at end of year were $8jl21,85*1.40. The usual treasurer's report has been omitted-The finance committee will report on Inveatmegrta. I want to mention only that during the closing months of last year a number of our bonds wee» called due to decrease In interest rate, and we can probably expect more of this. Safe, reliable bonds are scarce, and are quickly bought up by the big insurance companies when they appear. This is one of the big problems of organizations like ours. This la our convention year, and soma members have emphasised the need (or discussion of bylaws. We have traditionally dtecuaaed our bylaws for six months or more before each convention, and almost every speciflg experience of g member or lodge was eventually incorporated therein. Our Idea seemed to be that every human, problem could be solved by u provision in the by-Iggsg. Naturally, some will find U hard to give up this tradition, but the sooner we do so the better off we will be, financially and morally. Thousands of our dollars were spent for lawyers and courts, aad there were numerous esses of unnsetsssry bitterness and slander of the Society and officials because of incidents which could not be settled out of court because no one had the power to do so. Finally we realised that the by-laws would have to be revised so that cases of dispute could be settled on the basis of mutual, fraternal understanding if at all possible. This was done, and the present by-laws have reduced Idw suita by 98%. Also, they have eliminated criticism of our dealings with members In certain misunderstandings. Shall we now start again to break up our bylaws aa set up by experts, and return to the former period of law suits? Is not the satisfaction of our members a sufficient indication that our present by-laws are good? I am sure that no one will recommend that the assessment be Increased at the neat convention nor in the by-laws discussion. Aa this will not happen, then—on the basis of financial reports published every six months, every interested member can know what ws are able to givs. Of course, sons minor by-law changss will bs necessary. But on the whole they should remain as they are. I sincerely hope that the members will not be excited by impossible promises In these serious times. On the other hand, members msy be sure that they will get everything our finances and standing permit in the form of benefits, assistance, etc. Let us rather give our efforts to our membership csmpaign for our mutual good, than perhaps argue about impractical and Impossible plans. The ESL 15th snnivamry campaign could undoubtedly be mors successful If the members of all ESL's would bs ss active In It ss some. It seems to me that this Is partly our own fault because we are apt to theorize on paper Instead of applying real, practical effort such as Is being practised by some lodges and members so com-inendably. Three lodges consolidated last year, and a new E8 lodge was organized at Brownaville, Pa. At the end of 1940 we had 608 lodges in 10 States and Canada. The supreme tressurer's heslth has improved, und under more favorable conditions he would ffrobably have returned to wbrk already. However, we hope that his recovery will be complete soon. Relatlona between lodges and officers and our office are excellent, business Is administrated promptly, and there are few complaints. Benefits and claims are paid as promptly as possible. The employees are capable and conacientious, and relations In the department harmonious. Certified accountants and our Supervisory commutes audited the books, snd their reports will be submitted here. Jn the nsms of the SNPJ I want to thank everyone who has helped our Society In any way in the past yesr, and particularly those who srs active In enrolling new members. It la our hope that they will continue with their work. F. A. VIDER. Report accepted. Report of Assistant Secretary Financial Statement of lick Benefit Funda from July I Is Dscembsr 11. 1641 II Class 16,86875 16,600 85 16,746.75 16.766 35 16,822 05 16,641.65 $100,427 40 473.00 5.00 I July .......T~ August ...... September October November DM'<'|III>ci Total regular Special assess................. Benefit returned............ Total $100,918.40 July August September October November Dseember Total Surplus Balance June 30 14,200.50 17,58150 11,66825 15,91250 12,619 00 14,287 00 8 88.289 75 11.628 68 251,622.22 Balance Dec. 21. — 8263,247.87 81 Claas .............. July August September October I November US6688IM9 Total regular Total July Auguat Septem I m i IMaIM* »mmns» «•».< onvrmnrr I IsiMM I Total _ Helene«- June 30 ... Deficit In 6 month« Balance Dec. 31__ 11975 00 12.680 50 11664.00 11665 00 11656 50 11642 00 77.304 00 716.00 6 11160 00 14.79300 _ 14.340 50 .... 17.667 00 1164400 1161660 62 Claas July ~ August 1,782.90 1.811J0 ~I.-746.7f) 1.760JO 1,788.66 1,756.00 1 10,869.50 18.00 $ 78.020 00 6 81.861 66 94.290 38 5.461 86 Total $ 10,667.50 Disbursements! July August September October November 4 1,82200 ■ ^07.50 1,672.00 2,124 JO 1,708.50 1,929.00 Total $ 11,173.50 Balance June 30 Deficit in 6 months..... Balance December 31. 20,174.91 486.00 19,888.91 Total receipts are $189,622.90, total disbursements $183,964.75 or $6,658.15 less than receipts which does not cover the $21.103.72 deficit of the first half of 1940. The $1 class has a surplus, and the $2 and $3 classes show deficits. Balance of all claases as of Dec. 31, 1940, Is $271,945.60. The next convention will have the task of amending the by-laws to conform to our needs Some change will have to be made In provisions for $2 class which has been operating at a loss; its reserve has been decreased by $59,187.40 in the past three years which means that on the basis of benefits paid the assessment per member for this class Is 20c per month too low. The $1 snd $3 classes are In fine shape and no change is recommended. The $1 class particularly has a strong reserve which must bs maintained because of insur-snce laws as well as for any eventuality. The question of our sick benefits has an Interesting history. In the paat the members-enthusiss-tically discussed the by-laws at lodge meetings and In Prosveto before every convention. In those times this was u good thing for the Society. At present the tendency is to use mors modern and simpler methods to accomplish this work. How ever, recommendations are still necessary even if they cannot all be considered. Many good ideas for the organization have come from members' suggestions. There is really only one way to change the provisions for the $2 class and that Is to decrease the benefit; an increase In assessment cannot be thought of. Also, from a business standpoint It Is necessary that we have a similar system for all three classes, and this precludes starting something new. My opinion Is thst the convention should pass the 1923 provisions, that is, the seals which provides according to membership period for 6 days less full benefit and restricts full benefit to 90 days per year. I will prepare these changes for the new by-laws for the convention to discuss and adopt as necessary. LAWRENCE ORADISEK. Report accepted. Manager's Report For Printing and Publications Dspsrlmsni No particular changes have taken place in these departmenta during the last six-month ported. PROSVETA—The official organ or Wednesday issue of ProsveU la now being printed in 29,000 copies. The other 12,000 srs included in the dsily subscriptions. All the members interested in the daily have taken advantage of this arrangement. Even though deatfi, poor eight and old age have cancelled a few subscribers, the daily Prosveta is still printed in 5,000 copies. Ws hsve gained about 400 new subscribers during the past year, obviously becauae of the slightly Improved working conditions throughout the country. With very few exceptions, the subscriptions are promptly paid up. Those delinquent In payments due to unemployment or other ressons, usually pay at their first opportunity. From the present outlook we can still hope that Prosveta will continue as dsily for at leaat the next two conventions, if not more. Q MLADINSKI LIST is printed In 7,800 copies monthly. It Is constsntly Improving snd enthusiastically supported and received by our juvenile members and readers. PRINTERY—For the past six months there were no chsnges In the printing department. Re cently we ordered new matrices for our linotype machines, because the old ones are worn out New type will enable clearer and better reading Shortly we slso expect insUllstioh of a new smsll press, replacing the old "Gordon" pre* which has been in use since we have the prlntory. The work between the lodges and office hss been hsrmonlous during the last six months On advice of the Society's finance committee. Printery and Proavete have each Invested $5,000 from their checking accounts In U. 8. Government B<»ndB. Proavete shows a two hundred dollar deficit for the laat half of the year, due mainly to the increased expenditures for cuts, cost of sup plies, purchase of several stories and translatioiiau We were also paying a special War Tax for each copy of Proavete mailed to Canada. After much correspondence with the Canadian Revenue Of flee, we ahall, effective January 1. 1941 be exempt of this tax. From the financial report you will observe that the Printery haa again shown a prof-it for the past half year. The future from the finsncial standpoint therefore, la very promiaing. To commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the daily Proavete this yesr, the executive board has decided to publish In addition to the regular size Pros vets, also s four or eight psge photogravure section with sppropriatr pictures and articles printed on s better grade of psper. The books of account for both departments have been m always, examined by professional mmmfmm snd alao by the society's auditing committees. For farther details snd questions on this report, I shall be available st the meeting PRINTING DEPARTMENT 31. If RECEIPTS Publications Sales (Prosvala snd Mladinski List)................... Sales to SNPJ,.____.________EI____Z7 Sales to Prosveta Rales to Customers House Sales ....... • - 21774.40 1.741T6 34.80 1.397 24 3971 Total Receipts for Completed Work $ 2 > »ki i i Waste Paper Sales «— Cash Discounts Earned Interest on Securities Interest on Mortgages Loans. TOTAL ALL RECEIPTS... DISBURSEMENTS: Paper Purchaaes .............. Ink Purchases «X»-,—---------- 10.50 33.80 501.72 362.35 » » 20.897,60 ...........-1 Miscellaneous Purchases Publications Postage — Factory Pay BolL............ Rent ................................... Fire Insurance ................. Depreciation .—... .¡¿..«i- \ Power ........................ Machine Metal Waste..... Liability Insurance —..........— Stock Handling Expense.......r— Departmental "Martllne" Work in Process June 30, 1940-------- 4,708.44 14195 1,115.30 662.73 13,428.87 1,800.00 89.46 106.89 508.24 58.10 119.73 50.00 395.31 399.99 WEDNESDAY, Postage Inventory .. Shipping Department Inventory Total ..................................... Less Reserve_______ TOTAL ALL ASSETS APK^ j T- m .«•a LIABILITIES, NET WORTH AND RESERVES: Accounts Payable .................... Accrued Wages and Salaries 131* Old Age Benefit Tax................ Unemployment Compensation Tux li311 Allowance for Depreciation........ ^State l<>r LOS* FUndS ^ Mil!a'"i OrigUal^SNPJ InvrsiS£I3~: ¿fi® Surplus ...................3 |............... i888517 Total -- ---^..................$128 942J7 ---------------------59,2(17.71 Total Factory Expenses-------------------4 23,592.03 Less Work in Process Doc. 31, 1940 ... 508.57 Manufacturing Cost of Sales......... Shipping and Mailing Department . pense .........«-----—--------—----------- Advertising Expense------------- Office Salaries---------------------- General and Office Expense............! Postage —.........................—-- Exchange on Checks-------------------— Old Age Benefit Tax —..................... Unemployment Compensation Tax Audit Fees ........w......—---------------- Dead Accounts ---------------- Discounts Allowed ________ 23,083.46 Ex- 174.55 366.78 1,200.40 72.93 ' 83.48 1.00 142.53 427.57 150.00 17.50 12.60 Total All Expenses.................................4 25,732.80 Profit in Department for six months.... 1,164.70 TOTAL .$ 28,897.60 FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT (PROSVETA and MLADINSKI LIST) Six months ending December 31. 1640 RECEIPTS: K Subscriptions—Daily .............................$ 5,735.84 Subscrip iona—Weekly -------------------- 23,329.00 Subscriptions—Magazine .......------------- 2.40 Advertising ..............................—....... 1,735.75 Maintenance Fund for Magazine (SNPJ) .................1______________________________ 2,860.98 Editors' and Office Service for Magazine (SNPJ) ........................................................ 480.00 Interest on Securities_________________________________ 451.72 TOTAL ALL RECEIPTS.....................$ 34,002.29 DISBURSEMENTS: Commissions and Discounts on Subscriptions and Advertiaing...........-......$ 1,133.50 Cost of Printing Prosveta and Mla- " dinskl List -----------------------------------------. 22,774.40 Editors' and Office Salaries.........................7,491.30 Stationery and Office Supplies™....... .. 35.03 Depreciation on Furniture and Fixtures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________49.93 General Expense ---------------------------------------5.50 Audit Fees ........;____________________________________________________100.00 Advertising Expense ------------------------------. 3.00 Rent _____________________________________________________________________________________300.00 Postage and Shipping Expense................137.59 Second Class Postage (Prosveta and Mladinkki List _______________________________________; 1,881.43 Publishing Expense ........................................................................809.48 Old Age Benefit Tax.......................................73.80 Unemployment Compensation Tax........ 221.35 Exchange on Checka...........................9.25 Dead Aeeounts ....................................3.00 TOTAL ALL EXPENSE.. Net Loss ........................... Total .............................. .....$ 34,829.22 226.93 ......f 34,602.29 DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS: Cash in Northern Trust Company Bank..$ 7,422.14 Caah In Millard State Bank (In receivership) ...........—________________________________1,850.04 Accounts Receivable—Advertisers ______________230.25 Accounts Receivable—Weekly Subscriptions due from SNPJ____________________________42.30 Deposit—Second Class Postage for Prosveta ---------------------------------------------------------------85.45 Deposit—Second Class Postage for Mladinski Llat ....." —-----------rr- qs.08 Securities (U. S. Treasury Bonds)____________32,201.88 Furniture and Fixtures (at cost)__________________6.227.31 Total Less Reserve for Lom on Millard Bank Funda_______1.818.68 TOTAL ALL ASSETS.. ----$ 46,610.74 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS: Accrued Salaries--------------------113.56 Old Age Benefit Tax........................ 73.84 Unemployment Compensation Tax.......... 144.32 Reserve for Depreciation on Furniture and Fixtures---------------- 5,670.58 Reserve for Lorn on Millard Bank Funds------------ 1,611.68 Surplus ------------ 40,608.44 Total --------------------1 48.124.42 Loss Reserve for Lom on Mlllsrd Bank Funds---------------_ ijit.68 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS: Balance in Amslgsmsted Trust snd Savings Bank----------------$ 12,148.72 Balance In Millard State Bank (In receivership) Accounts Receivable________ Inventory (Paper and Ink)! Work In Process Inventory____ Debit Balance« Accounts Payable Investments (Municipal. Industrial and Government Bonds) ■ __ Inveetmenta (First Mortgage Bonds) Real Estate —rp ................... Machinery snd Equipment (at coat) _ Unexpired Insurances _______ . Mailing Department Inventory______ 10.594 27 102.27 2.696.92 60867 1.44 *!760!00 6,278.22 61.756 46 211 28 24 28 111.04 Less Reserves TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NFT WORTH . jmm ---------------^Ji^Ui; PHILIP CODINA. Report accepted. Report of Editor of SNPJ Publications The situation in the editorial offices of our gJ ciety during the last six months has been voy much like that of the first six months. Ttu>re hu been scarcely anything worthy of special n* A few weeks ago the Supreme ExecuthJ Committee passed a decision that the official nun* ber of Prosveta, to be published the last WtdneS day of June, 1941, shall be the commemorative issue for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the daily Prosveta, which will be observed on July 1 0f thi year. The jubilee supplement which will be it. sued on this occasion on fine paper, illustrated, and from four to twelve pages, will contain, in general, the history of our daily newspaper, and, if possible, contributions from the pioneer agitaton for our daily paper. Further, we shall strive to include interesting and significant photograph* statistical data, and other historical material to make up a suitable and worthwhile issue—one of which every sttbaeriber can be proud and which he can retain. In the next number of the Mladinski List you will see a further improvement in our juvenile magazine, the only one of its kind in America. It will be the first issue in which the cover and the illustration will appear in colors. We shall con-tinue this novelty, and each month make uie of one illustration submitted by theanembers themselves. The interest manifested by our juvenile members in their monthly publication is greater now than ever before in the history of our So-ciety. The number of contributions in drawing» and articles continues to increase, and soon we shall be forced to select only the very best contributions or to enlarge the magazine. All these improvements, of course, mean greater expenm, but the interest in the magazine is correspondingly increased. The Juvenile Circles are demanding more and more space for their artieles and photographs; however, since the Circles are one of our most recent and most promising ventures, there cannot be the slightest doubt that all the im-provementa adopted by the Mladihski List will pay greater and greater dividends. However we may exercise frugality in regard to Prosveta, let us not curtail the Mladinski List; such a step might endanger our future advancement. We are living In trying times of a world eras. It Is echoed in all the press, and only natural that it should spread also to our PrOsveta. As long u we hove a democracy, and as long as we deal with controversial political, economic, and social questions in our publication, so long will we have disagreements. It is the duty of the editorial department to see that the disagreements among members stay within the boundaries of constructive criticiam and logic. IVAN MOLEK. Report accepted. Report of Finance Committee We are herewith submitting to you a report on our activities and a review of new investment» and changes which have taken place in our portfolio, during the six month period, from July 1 to Dec. 31, 1940, inclusive.. As customary in the past, almost all our business has been transacted at our monthly meeting! j These meetings were held every month, oxcepi in November. Through the publications of the minutes of these meetings, you are being continual!/ informed as to our actions and decisions. Nevertheless, in presenting you these figures, we fed it is necessary to give you some explanations, io order to make them clear and understandable. NEW PURCHASES.—The par value of all the securities purchased was $487,070.00. We have paid $497,463.87, or a premium of $10,393 87 far these securities. This par value of our investments Is about $80,000 higher than in previa* six month period. In breaking up the amount invested, we find that an avenge of $83.000 wm invested every month. Of course, not all of ths amount was new funds, as sohie of this money ws acquired from securities sold or dispo»ed of i" other ways. As to various types of securities purchased « compared to those purchased in the previous at i month period, the figures are as follows: Last half Fi^ of 1940 U. S. Government Bonds.........$213,850 Municipal Bonds_____ 180.000 F.H.A Insured Mt0L_______ 27.000 Public ytillty Bonds______L 40.000 Federal Saving Certificates...... 25.000 You will notice that the main change is. • ^ crease of $57.000 In purchaaes of U. 8 Gov W»» and an Increase of $60,000 In purchases o\ * nicipal Bonda. . . YIELD OBTAINED —For some years Finance Committee hss repeatedly about difficulty of finding sound and »»ff.,ff!v ties which would hsve s sstlsfsctory financial market haa not changed in ths during teat six months, except for the e«rw ^ dictions of financial experts notwithstanding figures below show, that the funds ***** ing teat six months will bring this incon* _ Y11.H Type of Bond ^ U. S. Government Bsrtis---i—- Municipal Bonda ----------------------- lW* Public UtiL Bonda...............V In figuring the average yield on ^ of INI $270.0* 120.066 j 11686 j Noe« Nos» ... . .sw, un - » > • -»- #---- ^ mint v r* Bonda. I hsve not Included Putnam co*^ M Robstown, Texas, and Fort Meyers, FU, «"—j* aprILL «change for ^ i**»' yiad on new mvartmenu HB*««^ nol only to our So- ^rwo* P^1""' in Life In- , irrw«» r ^ tioB engag«« in v**« all have their rat« rf UK» «^ssment. baaod on * P^lUmM' jvTTTw*. The in-iS^tt is an important part Moituary Fund. Accord-fe^SrtW m half o( 1M0. Secreurys repo in00flM waa de- i ^n^rlvestmente Itiaa** ^ incorm- on in thia income ^ in incroooed pay- available: due. ¡¡*,nu oi our member». AfiES —Our investment» in fTfA l"?1^«.! present time limited to I**13' We are able to obUin only a WoaIt?' (kL securities, as we are not ^riSSLnloans and most of the ^Lwtaned for construction purpoaes. ¡¿iJZ are made for 90% o/4 2 2% $ 50,000.00 ....... 25,000.00 ________ 60,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 3,850.00 103 7/32 102 8/32 103 19/32 103 31/32 104 9/32 100 fetal IT. S. Treasury.................-.....$188,850.00 |i Department: 1 1940 US Treasury........................$ 5,000.00 M, 1940 US Treasury......................' 5,000.00 1 1940 US Treasury....................... 15,000.00 loUi U. S. Treasury.........................$ 25,000.00 2 Vi 2Vi 2 103 7/32 103 19/32 104 9/32 I ü S TREASURY BOTH IRTMENTS ......................................$213,850.00 Amount Paid $ 51,609.38 25,502.50 62,156.25 25,9*2.19 26,074.22 3,850.00 $195,244.54 $ 5,160.94 5,179.69 18,644.53 $ 25,985.16 $221,229.70 Due Dale 112/15/53/51 6/15/56/54 6/18/56/54 6/15/86/54 6/15/55/53 7/1 /56 12/11/61/51 6/16/50/14 6/15/55/53 J ' Yield 1.97 2.06 1.97 2.03 1.63 2.75 1.97 1.97 1.63 MUNICIPAL BONDS k 1940 N.Y. City-Schools Constr.$ 25,000.00 2% 98.49 1 1940 Los Angeles, Calif., Wt. & K Power------------------------------------------------------50,000.00 2% 103.44989 1 1940 City of Chicago, Water Works, Ctf Indebt................ 25,000.00 * 2 101.16685 1 1940 Putnam County, Fla., Refunding ..........................................................26,920.00 4 Exchanged 26,920.00 6/ 1/43/56 I 1940 Robstown, Tex., Refund... 29,000.00 4Exchanged 29,000.00 4/15/59/73 1 1940 Fort Myers, Fla----------------------------25,000.00 2-5 Exchanged 25,000.00 , Jul. 1,1969 $ 24,622.50 Aug. 1,1960 51,724.95 Oct 1,1963 25,291.72 Apr. 1,1954 fatal Municipal............;.................... $180,920.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES 1*0 Michigan Public Service...* 15,000.00 4 102.5 1M0 So. Calif. Edison Co........... 25,000.00 3 104 foUl Public Utilities......................$ 40,000.00 WTAL NEW SECURITIES..........$434,770.00 $182,559.17 $ 15,375.00 Oct. 1,1965 26,000.00 Sep. 1,1965 ' ..........................a $ 41,375.00 . 2.85 2.55 1.90 4.00 4.50 2-5 3.84 2.78 $445,163.87 OTHER INVESTMENTS FHA Mortgages --Name of Mortgagee-No. of Mortgage > MO George & Anna Masek, Chicago, III... 13-016-036280 Z a? ~ Mar8uerite Willis, Chgo, 111. 13-016-036279 I Z AnnaitEdwaidMarlowe.ElmwoodPk. 13-016-036792 4 Z *nnaÄi* r* bounty, Fla W*\ .......- 8/ 1/37-50 * * r d County ■ ■ I?**., Rosrf 7' Denomination P*iee Received Classification $ 2,000.00 Par $ 2,000.00 Matured GUd fr* i, 1 lu,. 1" H'M Re KVl11" Tenn ..... 5*« ford 1/ 1/58 1/ 1/58 bat Kch. t/ 4/61 10/ 1/43 47/49 12/15/40 12,000.00 Par 12,660.00 Called 10,000.00 Par 10,000.00 Matured 1,000 00 60 800.00 Sold 5,000 00 Par 6.000.00 Matured 2,000 00 164 2,060.00 Called 17,000.00 104 17,666 00 Called 15,000 00 60 7,666.60 Sold 10,600 00 Per 10,006 00 ' Called 23,60000 Par 26.00060 Matured 11 Aug. 12,1940 Tessville, 111., bnpr. Spec. Asses't. T------ 11/31/36 Aug. 21,1940 Willacy County, Tex., Court k Jail.. 4/10/41-82 Oct. 20,1940 Michigan Public Service 1st Mtge Gold Bonds......-...... 4/ 1/47 Oct. 80,1940 Michigan Public Service 1st Mtge Gold Bonds...................4/ 1/47 Nov. 22,1940 Tiedtke Stores Realty Co.........8/1/39/43/44 2,310.00 67 1,591.20 Sold 15,000 00 108 16,100.00 Sold 15,000.00 101% 15,161.15-A Sold 15,000.00 101% 18.iei.25-J Sold 20,000.0p v Par 20,000.00 Sold TOTAL .. $166,910.00 Sep. 20,1940 Dec. 5,1940 Sep. 13,1940 Nov. 19,1040 Sep. 18,1940 Dec. 5,1940 Oct. 4,1940 Aug. 31,1940 Dec. 31,1940 Oct 29,1940 Dec. 18,1940 TOTAL REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES PAID -Name of M»t>owa Joseph in Mary Udovtch, Cleveland, O. Joseph k Antonia Pults, Gleveiend, O. Polonia Kralj, Detroit, Mich. Bertha Cemiggio, Cleveland, O. Frank in Mary Primožič. Weat Ailla, WiaJ Andrej in Fran«l*ka Korendiô, Cleveland O. FHA Mortgages Kvar A. k Fannie E. Nord, Elmwood Pk.. Ill-Edward N. «1 Dorothy Enroth, Chicago, 111. „ Daniel Contanni, Elm wood Pk., 11L.....«.......... ~ Louis Peters, Cleveland, O.................-_________________ Omer k Florence Brooks, Cleveland, O. _________ $100,773.70 r No. of Mtge. Amount paM 12-A $ 3.006.00 30-A 4,760.00 34-Â 500.00 47-A 8*1.90 130-A 100.00 4R-J 300 00 .13-016.161166 4,932.76 .13-016-066709 ' 6.081.00 13-614-100847 4.314.94 .41-106841 2,604.64 ..41-105513 3,871.66 .......$30,456.72 PROPERTIES SOLD Nov. 8,1940—Mortgage No. 119, Gary, Ind., cost $3.070 20, sold. ■ ■ . PROPERTIES OWNED BY THE SOCIETY Mortgage No. 18-A, Milwaukee. Wis. Mortgage No. 78-A, Detroit, Mich. ................v.......$2.600.00 $4,021.74 4,252.52 • ......................... idg =F Total > ...... -—- Report of Judicial Committal There were no complaints, charges or appeals since the last board mooting which would require settlement by our committee. - I shall describe the cases as we received them, however. < Lodge 289—A charge by a lodge member against another member was not properly pse* sented to the lodge. Also, entire matter proved to be peraonal, and oould not be considered. Lodge 730—Complaint by non-member on behalf of son, member of Lodge 730, in matter of rejected sick benefit. Non-member cannot file complaint, also matter was more than alx months old. Lodge 581—Complaint sent to our committee without being presented to lodge first. It was returned with Instructions, and filed with us again. There wa8 no truth in the charges, and complaint was rejected. * * Lodge 70—Complaint sent to our committee direct Member instructed to present it to lodge first. JOHN GORSEK, Chairman FRANK BARBIC, ANTON 8HULAR, ) FRANK VRATARICH, JOHN TERCELJ. Shular report* that he carried out several duties assignee) to him by the executive committee. Report accepted. Report of Supervisory Committee This committee began a three-day examination of accounts and administrstion on February 10. The committee's chairman waa present at the examination of bonda and valuables In the aafe-ty vaults of Harris Trust k Savings Bsnk. The committee authorized certified accountants Philip B. Heller dc Co. to conduct the examination. Oth* era present were President Calnksr, Secretary Vider and Frank Zordanl, bookkeeper. T ASSETS Total assets of SNPJ were $8,718,999.20 as of Dec. 31, 1940—$14t,9^2.32 more than at end of previous alx month period. Adult mortuary fund........... Juvenile Sick benefit fund............... Expense fund • Disability benefit fund....... Special benefit fund.......... Building fund____________ Convention fund ............. Prosvota and Printery......... Minora* ben'clary fund surp Minors' ben'ciary fund.................... Adult death benefit unpaid Accts. payable, accrued expenao.. $7,140,306.91 ■ 588,968.11 371.9U.60 60,168.77 140.862.60 84,886.92 72,666.86 61,661.26 100.403.61 16,406.60 72306.88 23,066.26 M Total -------------------------------------------------$6,716,606.20 The greatest gain is In mortuary fund, $109,-715.64. It will be explained lster in report why assets do not show grester increase in this period. ASSETS AND INVESTMENTS Since a year ago, the highest percentage of our funds Is Invested in federal bonds. Amount Pet. Federal bonds (tne. HOLC, FHA) ....................................Pi 309,620.66 39.00% State and municipal.......^.... 2.966,402.68 33.64 Real estate k first mortgage 966,016.06 11.42 Industrial k utility............... 626,118.60 7.20 Matured unpaid v.................... 180,360.06 2.07 Deposits in Bld^ k Loon Aoa'na................................. 155,000.00 1.78 Cosh } in banks and receivable ............- Building anneal ostat**...... Common 61 preferred stock Coaadian bonds »_______ Losu* «in policies.... Second mortgages Fixtures and inventories... Miscellaneous J 244,716.26 U,16166 46,114.20 26,067 96 16,436.76 ^5,60|J4 419.96 2.81 J1 62 .29 .19 M $8,718,996.20 100.00% Total .......................... In spite of constant improvement in ties, we hsve a o»m»ii1«mmIiU- number of doubtful bonds especially those in deist»*. The finance committee takes advantage ol every opportunity to aell theee securities ai the boot price obtainable. Our books show some lasses in this period The finance committee derided to shame off the f>2,0o<) Winnett County, Montana, bends and the Lake Shore Athletic Club bonds which cost about $60,000. We Loot $7,726.00 on the Loo Indios County, Tesos, bonds lor which we cssoiusi only 60% of nominal yfclue. Total lusses were mere than 6100,000 without interest AddiUocwl cancellations will be nececsory before we will hove only negotiable »ink .. We hove about $400,000 deferred bonds with due Interest of more thon Ï > 000 There woe little special investment expense} — .....$8,874.20 regular exlpenae was for finance committeo administration. EXPENSE FUND Total expenses ar« $39,330.10 or $287.57 less than In previous period. Detailed report was given by supreme secretary. CAMPAIGN EXPENSE Campaign expenses for now members, are $L-274.23; 689V40 of this is (or medioal examination feel, and 6616.00 for Mladinski List contestants. $3,646.08 was paid for printing Mladinski List, and $615.00 for juvenile circlea subsidy. ~ ATHLETICS We spent Jl,885.75 for athletics Including traveling expOnies of Athletic board members in the second half of 1940; $1,660.07 was spent In first halt ADVERTISING The ium of $1,769.39 was spent for sdvertislng, nearly $1000 more than in first half of year, as follows: Jul. to Dee. Jan. to ¿una Adv. In Prosvota • ••»»««ItHIMMniH $275.00 " " other publicstions.. 170.00 " " program books....... 80.00 1" " halls 67.ftO Films ............. ............................83.38 Donations....... . .................. • • 276.00 Emblems, circulars, etc......... 866.61 $275.00 130.00 70.00 99.00 10.89 100.00 20,00 UH.Öß 61.769,39 . 6773.64 Total advertising expenae for 1640 is $2,642.93 In item "Emblems, etc." is included vsrious printed matter, pocket calendar, buttons and badgea for lodge and federation affairs. Dona tions for sdvertislng arc contributions for the various SNPJ Day and similar celebrations. DONATIONS Those donations are of general nature to various Institutions; they wore only $113.00 In last half yesr, snd $462.76 in first half. SICK BENEFIT rUMD Our sick benefit system remslns a problem. Bro. Grsdlsek submitted a detailed report of this deportment. We recommend that a plsn which will put this fund on a sound lnsursnco basis be prepared fur the next convention. BUILDING FUND Rentals of offices and halls sro 64,066.85; ex nenses, Including depreciation, are 64,873.74 or $944.89 more than receipts. Hall rentals arc 6426.85, or 6417.97 loss than in first half of year Building manager Trojar submitted a written xe< port on this. MINOR BENEFICIARIES FUND- Total of fund Is given In table of assets. The Lake Shore Athletic Club bonds In smount of 64,667.60 were charged off. Bonds in default amount to%27,152.00. Liabilities are $72,806.71, and assets snd reserve arc 6*9,214.61. PUBLICATIONS AND PRINTERY ' Manager. Oodtna submitted detailed report. Both deportments ore profitable and financially sound. AD66!lf!fTRATION There have been no special changes either in employees or sdmlnistratlon. The work is capably executed. There have been no legitimate complaints. The executive officers end employees cooperated with the accountants end our committee In every way. MISCELLANEOUS FUNDS In President Catetkar's tftarge arc funds in smount of 6164.16 collected for various relief purpose« They ore depooitad with Prlklsd Bldg. k In*/ 367.83 166 80 24 27 0.76 JRS TRUST Wo audited accounts Of the JRZ Trust. The secretary, Chas. Pugoreiec submitted the following financial report. Baatipts Balance checking aec't Doc. 31, 1936.M..S Interest on JHPD deposit.....................$ m Kaspar Bonk depoclt............ " H federal securities Total .........._____- -,.„,„,„, Disbursements Surety bond of cee'y-trees. Safety deposit box Interest to Proletarec. •6 677.66 ~..41000 , 1.66 207 67 Balance check, oee't Dec. 61, 1940 Assets Loon. Ljudsko Uskeme. Maribor..... Prosvetna matico literature 219.62 367.63 9.342 96 I 667 04 Deposit Jugoslav Bldg. k Loan...........5,300.00 Deposit Priklad Bldg. k Loan..................1.890.00 Depoait Kaspar Bank ...........................1.776 85 Federal bonds ...........___________________300.00 Total..............................rr ;"r.jfl_iiji rrmn Other Funds _ Strike .......................................„...$520 88 Student ....................................... 2«.i 7| Total assets Dec. 31, 1040 ..................$20,168.31 Expenle, strike ind student funds are deposited aa follows: Expense fund: Kaspar Bsnk..................$ 357.83 Strike " » •• .................... Millard Bank (defunct).!™!!.!^. 48000 „ , Total ...............^.V..........................$ 520.68 Student fund: Kasf>ar Bank .................. 40.40 Millard Bank tdefunct),................. »17.71 Tot*1. ........................V..................$ 263.75 Chicago, Illinois, Dec. 31, 1940. CllAS. TOGORKl.EC, Secretary. PHILIP GODINA, Ti rasui-er. Auditing Committee.* For SNPJ: ror JSE: FRED MALGAI ANTON GARDEN MILAN MEUVKSEK JOSEPH DHASLRR * REMARKS TJiore la excellent oooperaticm between -the various committees. As already mentioned, wo received no complaints but only inquirica on by-luwa and suggestions for agitation. FRANK ZA1TZ, Chairman FRED MALGAI MILAN MEDVESEK. iport accepted. eport of Medical Examiner Since the last meeting the regulnr examlnntlon of all applications waa taken care of, both adult and juvenile, including new member«, increased insurance, reinstatement«, operations, disability benefits and tick benefit«. During the past year snd more 10 during the past alx month«, I have received numerous inquiries from members of the Society, Hying in various parts of tho country, aaking my advico for relief or euro of any number of diseases from which they might be suffering. According to the Information given me, and the aymptoma unci ailment« complained of, I have done my best to recommend the proper treatment. However, in tho majority of ca»es, even if the specific disease from which the patient is suffering 1« known to me, It 1« very difficult, or sometimes impossible, to prescribe treatment without giving the patient a thorough phy«lcal examination, since treatment prescribed In any «peclflc caae doe« not apply tu all Individuals. If I can be of any asalitance during your mooting, or at any other time, 1 will be glad to havu you call on me, JOHN J. ZAVERTNIK, M. D. Report accepted.—A. M. aesalon adjourned. BE8BION FEB. 13. 1 P. M. CHANOE OF CERTIFICATES Under official bu«ine«i, Secretary Vider submits question of paldup certificate« and automatic extended inauranoe. Actuary recommend« laauing these certificate* only ufter throe year« from date of transfer of member from Claaa A to Claa« D and E. To lisue certificates immediately on transfer 1« opt to lead to too great a burden for tho Society. Medvesek, Malgai, Vidrich, Petrovich, Lotrlch and Gradiaek take part In diacussion. Motion by Lotrlch carried to add provlalun to application for transfer from Cla«« A that «uch member has no right to puidup certificate or automatic extended Insurance for throe year« from date of transfer; insursnce department to bo notified of this decision. Supreme bosrd meeting of August 10, 1037, adopted provision that * member« with paid-up cecilflcotea or automatic extended insurance sro not insured for Rick or disability benefit but only for death benefit to be paid to their beneficiaries aa provided by certificate; the exception is mem* bars insured in Claaa C snd E whose lifu insursnoe is psid up st end of twenty years but who continue to psy ssseasment for all other benefita oxcept death benefit. POLICIES OF PROSVETA Secretary reads resolution of California HNPJ federation published In Proaveta concerning tho paper'« policy. Resolution ordered placed on file. President takes up question of material pub-llahed in Prosveta. Lotrlch cannot approve Pro-sveta'« present policy and statea his objections. Petrovich believes that to be champions of democracy we must practise democracy by allowing everyone fioedom of expression which was the main reason for establishing Prosveta. Obviously everything sent in Is not fit to be published but sll articles dealing with our economic and social problems and fraternal societies should appear. Material on wot Id political que«, turns should be limited; Prosvota's main role Is the SNPJ snd not world i>olltlcs. Medvesek recommenda editor take a middle course In «uch question« aa members and correspondents ore of vsrying opinions. Vldrlch points out unpopulsrlty of editor'« comment« to article« snd suggests cxplsnstory articles instead. Barbie wan always opposed to censorship of artlclao which tends to discourage active member« and Prosveta egitators. Humorous materiel is deal »able and popular. He has si ways worked for Prosveta and the Society but asks no privileges for himself, but a free press for ell, Gradiaek recalls the many protests on Prosvota under Jotc Zavertnik's editorship aa againat the present. Nothing la perfect, and In view of the chaotic eonditlona, it la difficult to determine the paper's policy absolutely. Shulsr agrees that Proaveta must keep abreast of tho changaa as far aa peaslble. Olip finds comments to political articles Inestimable. articles on the Society sometimes require comment which ahould be prepared by the officer concerned with question dlacuaaed. Certain art idea would better. be unpubJlahed, and others would require drastic cutting. : Malgai doubts if it would ever ba'poadble to setiafy everyone Most harmful to the paper Ia tlie practise of editors arguing with each other on world problems instead of discuosing SNPJ problems and affairs closer to ua. Vider explains that he has had to comment on untruthful article which waa published. Editors should write more on the SNPJ which pub J tabes the paper in the Intareats of the Society, end this consideration ahould be primary in U*e Daily aa well oa Weekly. Tercel) recalls our stand In the tact wor. Many among ua have loot faith and hope in the diaap- Jll^ pointxiHfit following Uh- war and «MM * j0»| fact that we all want the downfall af the delators, wr are nol united on the way this is to be sc-iLplished. Neither our Society nor Proevf "LTr^Z «Tpnnc^ ^ ^ P™-v*t* is U> defend democracy, but the trouble Sv. pSSi. Th, «nd b. -fc- * Ck—« Ur„ tJSTSi jrr«l«t difficulty ta U»t eyerr- Tw,".« u> Z»t «»n, u, made only where necessary to «11 attention to iTiakea. We are careful to delete from article. whaTcannot be publuhed. and moat contributor. '^ittl. to talk of cenwrship which doe. not even cxat in our paper. murt have order, lidwe cut only what la" absolutely necewary. yZn tbi' debate it i. apparent that not enou^ b S%e only solution ^ Prosveta would ceaw to he a political paper, and It appear» probable that the tune will come when thi* will be necewary. Bro Vogrlch who i. present addreww the routing He >. happy to hear from the ^«tonthat tta officer, have the Interests of the Society at heart. He egrets that hi. tllnew ha. forced him to be inactive for a whole year, but he hope, to return to hi. duties won, and to be prewnt at tne neat board meeting. _ In the name of the entire board the president expreue. the hope that Bro. Vogrlch will return to activity won. __ Cainkar state. that the question of Prosveta policy Is sn old one, and that many published article, add nothing to our prestige or program. The Prosveta ahould serve the Society a. a medium to .pread it. ideal, and principle., and to ac- complwh our purpow. Godina state« that It would be harmful to the Society to change the policy of Prosveta. The SNPJ became the Urgeat Slovene fraternal organization chiefly because of progrewlve policy of Its paper. The last convention assigned the task of editing Prosveta to Bro. Molek who I. doing thi. with due consideration of clrcumstancw and the wlshw of the supreme board. SESSION FEB. 14. 9 A. M. Minute, of opening wwlon approved with correction.. Minute, of p. m. sewion approved a. read. Debate on Prosveta policy continued. Petro-vich, Barbie, Lotrich, Tomsk:, Godlng, Medvesek, ZaiU, Tercel) and Vlder take part Motion carried a. follow.: Majority of SNPJ supreme board is of opinion Uiat the editor shall continue the preoent democratic policy, but that Proeveta Daily shall carry more original article, and contribution. concerning our problem, which are more important to our Society and our immigrants than article, and letters on international politic* CONVENTION Vlder move, that the twelfth regular convention shall open September 1ft, 1041. Motion seconded. Lotrich reports that Chicago SNPJ Federation recommends that convention open Sept • because of SNPJ Day in Chicago Aug. 80, 11 and Sept. 1 which delegate, from the West and North could attend on their way to the convention. Vider explains that Septomber 15 date !« beat becauw of the work in the office.. Malgai, Barbie and Zarnik talk on motion. Carried unanimously. Rewlutlon of SNPJ Federation of Western Pa. and of Fayette and Greene Counties ask. that convention be held In Slovene Home In Pittsburgh. Vlder explain, that Western Pa. Federation elected a special committee which Mnt Its recommendation, to the supreme office, as did the federation which has now Mnt resolution to hold convention In 8lovene Home; that 1., the recommendation was changed later. Originally the committee sent estimates from Hotel Roosevelt and Hotel Fort Pitt, as well a. letter from d I roc tor. of Slovene Home without any prkes. Executive committee has considered this question from various angles, which i. finally to be decided by the whole board. We ahall need a proper aised hall for the main awembly, In addition, we shall need at least ft con unit tee-meeting rooms and a room for official documents and material. These facilities are not available at the Slovene Home It I. doubtful alao that the delegate« could be given sleeping quarters and their meal, in the vicinity of the Slovene Home. All them thing, must be considered. The prestige of the Society I. also Involved. The estlmstes from the hotels show thst assembly and meeting rooms would be free if a certain number of delegates reserves rooms in the hotel Majority present take, part in debate. Tercelj was present at meeting which unanimously sdopted resolution to hold convention in Slovene home every attempt would be made to satisfy the needs, and the feeling wa. that as hail was Slovene owned It should be supported. Medvesek believe, it would probably be best to hold convention in Slovene Home to please the member.; alw. some delegates would feel more at home there. . _ Vidrich, Molek, Vratarich. Sbulai. Barbie, Cor-sek, Petrovich, Gradisek talk on subject. Cainkar points out that executive committee took up this whole matter and obtained particulars on what the Home and the hotels can offer; we are submitting all the facto and it is up to the whole Supreme Board now to decide. Other, point out that the convention will benefit if it i. held In hotel since the Home can not offer what our convention require.. Otherwise no one ha. anything against the Home and It is recommended that programs be held there during the convention. and that the delegatos congregate there In their free time. Barbie moves to hold twelfth regular convention in Hotel; all arrangements to be made by exocuUve committee. Motion seconded. Tercelj moves that twelfth regular convention be held In Slovene Home. Medvesek second* Two vote, cast for contrary motion. Balance of votes for motion. Session adjourned. SESSION FEB. 14, 1 P. M. CONVENTION REPORTS Secretary moves that supreme officers' reports to convention shall be In the Supreme office not later than June 30, 1041. Zalts .uggerts that report. .hall be of each officer's jurisdiction only. Eupan suggest, that reports be published in book form; each officer to include desired amendment* to by-laws. Cainkar, Petrovleh, Malgai, Medvesek, Shular, Barbie and Vratarich talk on subject. Zupan moves to publish reports to Slovene and English. Carried. Vider'. motion carried, and also that executive committee shall arrange distribution of reports. TENTATIVE BY-LAWS Zaitz recommends thft the usual provisional by-laws be prepared. Vider states he cannot see necessity for this, and the money would be wasted. The prewnt by-law. have proved good, and we have few complaint, and misunderstandings. The necenMry amendments can be presented in pamphlet form with old section on one page and propowd section on opposite page. SO YEAR ENDOWMENT Last convention decided that a 20 Year Endowment plan was to be submitted to the next convention for consideration. Vlder reports that executive committee has prepared this plan. He doubts that .lt will be as popular a. claimed if we compare rmulta of our Juvenile endowment insurance. Thl. ha* been In effect since July I, 1037, and has only 400 members in spite of the fact that we know of no organization which offers such good insurance, and that at age of 16 amount paid In Is paid out in full. The feeling Is that assessment Is too high, and such policies are very often changed to ordinary insurance after a few months. Adult endowment insurance will cost twice as much as present Insurance, and even now there are complaints on the ■■■.■■ment. The majority of juvenile, tranaferrlng to adult clsu take out the 6800 certificate on which parent, pay aaseosment. Also, We must consider that state legislation In many oases Is becoming more strict, with many states already proposing taxation of fraternal societies, very poMibly because of the fact that fraternal, are entering the commercial insurance field more and more. He i. convinced that even if adopted, endowment Insurance will not be especially successful Cainkar state, that taxation of fraternal societies Is being discussed in msny state loglalatures, and If passed our Society will be affected If we have undownment Insurance or not. Medvesek believes It Is aboslutely necessary to have. endowment Insurance In addition to the other clame«. Lotrich was alway. in favor of endowment Insurance as the more types of policies we have to offer, the ea*ler it 1« to get new member*. Vratarich, Malgai, Barbie, Tómale, Zarnik and Petrovich believe that thl. Insurance should be available for those who want it PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Vlder recommends rewording of section 44 which will make the provision clearer in certain respects. Approved. Vider recommend, change in section 46, "Applicant .hall pay $1 admission fee into expense fund upon admission to membership" to read "Admission fees of new members shall be determined by the supreme board as neoossary." Motion by Zupan to accept amendment oarrled. PROSVETA ........| Mcdvtisk recommends correction of section 61 to stele that member is entitled to disability benefit for lose of limb whether due to accident or disease. Vider explains executive committee ha. made thi. change. Approved. In section 83 Vider recommend, major operations benefit increased 8ft; medical examiner is preparing certain suggestions for this section. Debate follow, in which ail present talk on powibllity of improvement with present receipt.; improvement io desirable baeause of competition. Malgai move, that member, transferring from juvenile to adult class be entitled to full operation benefit from date of transfer. Motion carried. Zupan moves that aertion 83 last sentence, lart paragraph, shall be changed to read that member. will be entitled to full operation benefit re-gardleas of operation benefit, previously received. Carried. Malgai move, that section 83, first paragraph, tfr«n read that six months after admittance to disability insurance member is entitled to half benefit for operation, and to full benefit after one year. Motion seconded. Taking part in debate are Gradisek, Medvesek, Zarnik, Petrovich, Barbie, Tomsic, Tercelj, Sular and Vlder who calls attention to the danger of Increasing payments from disability fund too much. Tercelj states that since we have had no complaint, about operation benefit, we may believe that member, are satisfied with present provisions. 0 votes ca#t for motion, 10 votes contrary. Tomalc recommend, that all serious women's diwaw. claused as .uch by modern medical practise be included in list for which operation benefits are paid. This will be done wherever possible. Medvesek moves change in section 102 to read that a secretary of another organization cannot be secretary of SNPJ lodge but can hold other office. Vider, Gorsek, Barbie, Lotrich, Godlna, Zarnik and Shular believe that present provision, are in order. Motion not carried. Vider reports that executive committee will re port to convention the adoption of provision that juvenile applicants may be aeeeptod to membership without medical examination in States where this Is permitted. Zkitz, Malgai, Petrovich, Zupan and Medvesek talk on .Object. Malgai recommends this only for children up to six; Zaitz suggests that applications shall .tote that no benefit will be paid if fahe statement is made concerning health of child. Vidrich recommends change in section 37, for which Zupan's motion to delete words "At the next meeting" .... carried. P. M. session adjourned. SESSION FEB. 16.1A.M. Minutes of Feb. 14 session approved with oor rection.. Molek question, provisions of sections 10, 11 an 23 as concerning editors of publications. Section 10 specifies alternates of all supreme officers except editor; sections 11 and 23 are almost identical In providing for removal of officers, and therefore repetitious. He moves to combine thaw provision, into one section, that is, to cover all supreme officers. Zupan seconds motion. Zaits, Cainkar and Vkler explain that section 11 has general provisions for recall of officers; mors specific provision, for important office, appear later because of past experience, in thi. respect Section 23 Is not a repetition but only more specific provision and should be retained. Motion ndt carried. Si1 !■■ In diwuMing section, 10 officer, are of opinion that it is.impractical and undesirable to elect al ternatos for all supreme offices at the convention where thi. 1. often done superficially, and with out regard for the qualification. neceMory particularly for executive and finance committee.. ZaiU move, that executive committee .ahall draft a section for neW by-law. providing that vacancy of an executive office or in finance committee .hall be filled by supreme j>oard appointment of one of Its member, or any other member of the Society qualified for the particular office. Motion carried. Molek states that, resolution defining Prosveta policy adopted by last convention should have been Included in section 34. However, since the rapidly changing condition, make It impossible to specify a definite policy for the four-year period, the Supreme board should have the right to define the policy of Prosveta. Zaifk' motion that Molek prepare a new provi .ion and prewnt it to the executive committee for the new by-laws carried Provision of section M ha. oauwd considerable confusion; suspended members may not receive sick benefit; suspension Is figured from first of month but member has until last day to pay a>-sesment, with result that .ick benefit may be paid before his standing Is known. Gradisek move, to delete last six lines of first paragraph. ■ Vider Is of opinion that this Important question will require careful study. Zupan'. motion that execuUve committee prepares the required new provision for by-laws carried. Gradisek report, that the 82 .ick benefit ctoss is operating at a loss which might have been averted if the last convention had adopted the provision, submitted by the execuUve committee instead of thow of the convention by-laws committee. The execuUve committee has studied this problem and consulted the actuary who prepared a new wale of assessments and benefits which Is undoubtedly too drastic to be acceptable. Cainkar, Petrovich, Vlder, Olip, Tercelj and Barbie talk on subject. Unanimously decided to submit the same provisions for 82 class to the contention as submitted by executive committee to the last convention. Barbie brings up question of sick benefit of members in care of osteopaths and chiropractors. Gradisek explains that by-laws state that members treated by licensed doctors of medlcinc shall be entitled to sick benefit. Barbie jdates that prewnt sick benefit application. are Cbo comprehensive and often members find It difficult to have them filled in full by hospital. and clinic. Gradisek explains that even more information should be required in wme cases. The certificate, issued by wme hospitals and clinic, are considered sufficient for payment of sick benefit Vider explains that the rules for sick benefit must necessarily be strict Vidrich believes it .would be beneficial to change our lodge officers system w that at least secretaries would be paid for their work from the supreme office at w much per member; thi. would act as an Incentive to work for new member.. Vider believe, that the idea would be good, but would require increased aswsment for expense fund as prewnt rate of 13c per iponth would be insufficient. Cainkar agrees. Tercelj points out that tills would perhaps cause dissatisfaction among the other lodge officers. Board is of opinion that our prewnt system is most practical everything considered, and no change is recommended. Malgai states that provisions will have to be made for members called to military service. Vider explains that executive committee is working on a rewlutlon for'the convention which will provide special privileges on sick and disability benefit to member, in military wrvice. HOSPITALIZATION Lotrich aak. for a report on the hospitalization plan. Vider explain, that thi. Insurance 1. not desirable for our orgai&ation. There is a great deal of racketeering iivjonnection with this, and the ones to J&eaeflt most are doctor, and hospitals. Not long ago, a doctor stated that 50% of all operation, are unnecessary. The SNPJ offers health and disability Insurance, which can in part be considered a hospitalization plan. Lotrich believes that some of these plans are very good and honest Barbie state, thi. would cauw many a member to consider the alternatives of the Hospital Plan or the Society', .ick and disability benefits. Question is deferred for further study. '' MISCELLANEOUS Cainkar reads protest of Zupan against executive committee decision to have a film made In technicolor and sound of SNPJ supreme office various departments, and activities at a cost iff 81,500. Zupan gives thwe reasons: 1) It is not impossible that a first class film would be made with first class equipment expert direction end proper wttlng; 2) A talkie would be worthless in smaller communities, and we know from experience that even in larger cities it i. very costly to d>tain projection facilities, alw that .uch film would won be out-dated. Our Jugoslavia film was torn at least a- hundred times, and If wund film Is torn it is practically useless; 3) It would probably be Impractical to produce the film for the summer wawn just ahead, and also because of powibllity of change, brought about by the next convention. Zupan explain, that hi. letter alw has a recommendation that the supreme board approve purchase of film "The New* Parade of 1040" for 86.70 which he had. hoped to be able to .how at the Lodge 156 affair. Vlder states that executive committee has no far only approved the filming of SNPJ building Interior and activities, but ha. not signed contract; thl. was done In conformity with supreme board decision which allowed up to 84000 to be spent for such film document of the Society, and only after careful consideration of bids from two firms. Zaitz would approve purchaw of new. parade film at the price stated. He Is skeptical about film proposed by executive committee becauw of the difficulties Involved and the fact that It might WTONESmvj^ not be a. popular as expected, or as th» u try film. are. He move, to toer Sct^t? new supreme board. MotionT^Jed Zupan states that he is In favur 0f| really good film, but that it is uvc^J^' the advice of someone in this line of work at the dt equipment, u»^ "J rection. It i. quite possible that in the cheapest job would prove to be th« ¿J* He could arrange for free technical sui*. such a film, and is preparing mater«? filming, important phases of SNPJ acUvito^ is intended primarily for Prosveta. Petrovich states that 81,500 is too much i. film, and Would prefer that money would be * to compensate our campaign worken.•¡¿22 lieves that movie, have great advwtkZv, for the Society and not only in fettL member, but alw in keeping them and iaZl! them in our work. Gradisek, Cainkar, J* Ollp talk on topic. Zaitz' motion carried states he wdl not be in favor of purchi^ more films. Medvewk reports that commit to* 0f f0Ur a federations promoting the Ohio SNPJ Dsy h* cided on an English and a Slovene speaker i moves that supreme board approves both one of whom i* not a board member MntuT onded. 011 Vider explain, that executive committst m ered thi. matter, and in view of previous decs and the rule, that only one speaker be author and that he .hall be a board member, It«« elded to approve a speaker In the Sloveta guage. The committee does not object to speaker, if second speaker is paid by the bp« ing lodge or group. Supreme board memb« responsible speaker, who are able to talk oe Society; alw, in the best interest of the SNPJ must have control over who shall represent it Zaitz states that there were two instance year where non-board members were paid too at Society affair., which would indicate that rule no longer stand.. The SNPJ was built iq loyal members Who worked unselfishly Ut wherever such a member appears particui among our youth, and if he is a good speak« sides, he should be used and encouraged. Vider explains that one non-member m was paid only one per diem; lodge invited and later asked for expense money. Petrovich state, it i. unquestionably desinb approve request of committee for the E* speaker they want. It i. our duty to encou thow who show interest in working among young people,( If we do not do this, we will! no capable leader, among our youth. Cainkar denies that executive officers haw thought of belittling others in their own favor has alway. supported the youth and belie* should be given every chance to develop. H ever, our young supreme board members ih have first consideration for such assignments.' celj, Olip, Vidrich and Lotrich emphasize the i of using our young agitators. Barbie and Qi sek ask why federations could not pay the exp of second speaker themselves. Medvesek's mc carried, which shall Qpyer only this instance is not valid for future caw.. Lotrich believe, that it would b« advanUg to hold a lodge wcretarie. and presidents i ference on day before convention opens far purpose of instructing these officers in our li of insurance, administration and agiUtio. diwuwing current Society and lodge probli Question deferred to next supreme board mM Vider submit, rewlutlon of Chicago die federation of SNPJ adopted at its regular ■ ing and appealing to the SNPJ supreme k meeting that it shall instruct the executive e mittoe to prepare a rewlutlon and distribute! the lodges with information for action and warding to senators and reprewntatives who i be requested to vote for the proposed ameodi to Improve the pension law so that age be l| ered from 65 to 60 years, and workers in ^ classification be entitled to pension. Medvesek move* to accept resolution and struct executive committee to carry out its | vision.. Carried. • t J Godina move. that supreme officers in ChS and vicinity shall approve minutes of closing I sion. Carried.' Meeting adjourned. MEETING FEB. II. 7 P. M. Present are Vincent Csinkar, F. A. Vider Molek, Philip Godina, Frank Zaitz, LswrenccC dosek, Donald J. LOtHch. Minutes of closing session spproved with 4 rection.. Motion thst Cainkar shall pm minute, for publication carried. Meeting journed at 8 p. m. VINCENT CAINKAR, Supreme Pre«*. F. A. VIDER, Supreme SecretstyB PETER BERNIK, Recorder. Office of Collector of Internal Revenue Chicago. Illinois Notice Relating to the Printing of Admission Tickets Pi inters are required to promptly notify thta office whenever admiaalon ticket* of 21 cent* or more are printed or sold. The lettor of notification should contain the following Information: (1) Thr name and addrse. of the person or organlwtlon to whom the ticket« air furntdted, and of the printer. (J) The number of tickets furnished. (S> Tlte first and last number« if serially numbered. <4> Sample copie« of the ticket«, together with a translation If printed in a foreign language. The Federal admi««ion tax is one cent for each 10 cent, of fraction thereof nf the amount paid for admiaston. If such amount exceed. 10 cent.. For example Admuaions of SI to 30 cent., inclusive, tax 3 cent.; 31 to 40 eonta. inclusive. 4 cent.; 41 to Aft cento,», ft rente; etc. Free or reduced pi ice admlwlon« are subject to a tax bassd on the regular price chatg»d for «unllar accommodations, except as ta children or per «on* on Official luuineaa, etc In the bitter cases tax U baaed on the amount i»aid, and if it U lew than 21 rent* the admission Is not taxable. Not* that "advance' tickets are thus subject to tax baaed on the fftab-liahed door price The establtahfd pi ice, the tax t*«ed thereon, and the total must be printed or mat bed on l he face of that part of the ticket which Is token Up at the place of udmlaaton AI«o th* name of the place of admission must U dff»ign«trd -nd ticket« must either show the date for whMh they are valid, or br serially numbered If th* ticket «how* th* seat or hon th* location and Mat or boa number must appear on that part of the ticket which Is token up by the management as w*ll aa on the stub which Is given to the patron Ticketa may be printed with th.- notation tax free" or "tea exempt" thereon only after an exemptM>n mtifieat* has been laaued hy this office F.«eruption m allovabl* wher* a claim on Form 7S6 has been fttod establishlng that all th* proceed» ..f the admission chares* mure to an ex*mpt beneficial y such as a iHigiou« educsttonal sr charitable organ-list ion. not fw pivlit, m wai vein ens assotiaUQn, etc. ' Ticket* printed contrary to the regulations shall be subject to Mlsure or required to be corrected and when the violation amounts to an attempt to defeat collection of the tax, the violators will be liable for a specific penalty equivalent to the tax and In addition shall upon conviction be subject to a fine (maximum 810,000) or imprisonment (maximum 5 years) or both together with costs of prosecution. * This tax is payable on the amount of tickets wld by any lodge, club, etc., to the Collector of Internal Revenue at the nearest Internal Revenue office. For further information, pleaw Inquire at your post office, where you can alw make money order to pay this tax. CARTER HARRISON, Collector. Official Proceedings SNPJ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of February ft Meeting ww called to order at 1 p. m. Present wore officers Vtneent Cainkar. F. A. Vlder. Lawrence Ore-dtsek, Ivsn Molek and Philip Oo-dtna; John Vogrlch was absent becauw of Illness. Minutes of the Jan. 38 aseetlng approved. Prwtdent Csinkar received a letter from the Detroit Federation ad-vialng of organlwtlon of a new Juvenile Circle, for which they aak for some financial contribution: 135 approved Report from the sscrsta-ry of th* Juvenile Circle in Rtatne. Ohio, in which they a bo requset some financial help; ftlft approved. la the Stat* of Wyoming, according to lettor received from the National Fraternal Congress, they have pioposed a law to abolish exemption of frstern«!« to psy th* tax on collection The Society Is uraed to appeal to the proper authorities In defenw of the Fraternal Societies' Interests. / Secretary Vlder submitted letter from the commtttss for the Ohio 8NPJ Day to be held Jwty 4 In Ot-rard. They aak for Frank ZaiU and Mlchwl Kumer aa speakers and tor two different kind, of posters, tick-eta, ribbons and financial help. Decided II Is cuatoawry only one member of the Supreme Board Is delegated tor speaker at such affair; la Beo. Salts ft. approved w Secretary should explain to thl. committee In regard to second spssker for the affair, aleo far-ntah them with pastors and .tickers for odfvertiaing en earn; the ticketa muet be paid hy the Federation; financial help Is granted In amount of 3100, Applieotlenc tor bsatflikl preme medical examiner, were approved: Rudolph Mata ja, lodge 70, 826; Anton Jurjevlc, lodge 118, 835; Amallja Sagadin, lodge 102, 825. John Majdich, deceased, member of lodge 283, designated the entire sum of 8260 insurance for his funeral. His son, who apparently provided the funeral for this member, sug-g es ted that we make the check directly to the undertaker. The bylaws do not allow more than 8300 for payment of funeral expenw., the entire sum approved as payment of funeral expenses. Assistent Sec'y Grsdlsek submitted the following: Florljan Skrak. deceased, member of lodge 247, left unpaid sick benefit and Ms attendants ask If H would be possible to pay the rem* Inder of hi. .ick benefit According to explanation of lodge secretary, decided the remaining sick benefit should be pakL ; . Api lestions for .sat—meat loon and specie I benefit were alw approved. (Details la Slovene min tttos.) Meeting adjourned at 3J8 p. m of Fsbeftary 16 Meeting woe called to order at 1 p. m. Prewnt were officers Vincent Cainkar, F. A Vlder. Lawrenw Ora-dieott Ivan Molek and Philip Godina; Jdha Vogrlch. wha is still III ww not prewnt Minutos of the February ft meeting approved. President Cainkar received lettor tor SNPJ films Re-correspondence r r I « live to the matter to be conducted by the prasftdent Lodge SI; a coa troveny arose relative to the election of lodge officers. President Cainkar Is instructed to request the officers of the lodge to call a special meeting, for which Invitation to all members should be sent by postcards. At this meeting members should elect new lodge officers for the year 1041 and elections should be supervised by a representative of the Society, and In this caw Bro, Edward Tomsic, District Vlce-Presl-dent Is delegated. Letter of lodge 447 with reference to s letter which the Supreme Offlee received from a member of their »Supreme Secretary had rote consent to the request of the lodge and return that letter. Decided that since the letter contained the facts, he had acted properly and his action was withheld, therefore, the request of the lodge wee not granted. Secretory Vlder submitted lettor from secretary of lodge 40 Informing that their lodge will have Its 36th anniversary May 30, aad they desire Brother Molek w speaker Brother Molek reported that he alw received a letter from the lodge and that he had replied to them that he will not be able to attend their affair becauw he would be too buey at that time. Lodge 262 wUI eele brato their 28th anniversary on May 10. at which affair they desire Brother Petrovich w speaker, Request approved. Lodge HO will celebrate their 38th anniversary on April 13. and they d&tre two epeakers, one to in Slovene and the other In Englleh; also, for Ml for thdr | gram book. A one-page »i granted, and It was decided a vise them that they should U the speaker, for the sffair ■ selves. Letter from lodge w formed that they will their 10th anniversary Msy » they desire Brother Petrovw speaker. Request .pproved _ Ah explanation was receives! the secretary of lodge SIMm erence to donation from the »m fund towsrds the Mldw«t ^ ment tor which $100 Is *P* Applications for If»J*? tion were epproved Slovene minutes I Meeting edjourr.«! atJP VINCENT CAIW^* Supreme r"**» F A VIDER. , Supreme Se«^ SNPJ Athletic Bo*r ______PresidefM*»^ ¿¿. Milwaukee Wis ; T*** Secretary. 287 N■ FJ^i Chicago. Ï1L; St. Cleveland. O; I 617 Woodland Ave. JeJ^-J Frank FoAer Pennsylvania _ Ugh« Oel -Hew s busin«» •On the rocks Too bad " ^ m,-**' "O, no I build ¿ightkW^