RADIOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY Radiology and Oncology is a journal devoted to publication of original contributions in diagnostic and interventional radiology, computerized tomography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy, clinical and experimental oncology, radiophysics and radiation protection. Editor in chief Tomaž Benulic Ljubljana, Slovenia Associate editors Gregor Serša Ljubljana, Slovenia Viljem Kovac Ljubljana, Slovenia Editorial board Marija Auersperg Ljubljana, Slovenia Haris Boko Zagreb, Croatia Nataša V. Budi/zna Ljubljana, Slovenia Malte Clausen Kiel, Germany Cl,ristopl, Clemm Milnchen, Germany Mario Corsi Udine, Italy Christian Dittricl, Vienna, Austria Ivan Drinkovic Zagreb, Croatia Gillian Ducl,esne London, Great Britain Bela Pomet Budapest, Hungary Tullio Giraldi Branko Palcic Udine, Italy Vancouver, Canada A11drija Hebrang ]urica Papa Zagreb, Croatia Zagreb, Croatia Durtla Horvat Dušan Pavcnik Zagreb, Croatia Ljubljana, Slovenia Laszlo Horvati, Pecs, Hungary Stojan Ples11icar Ljubljana, Slovenia Berta Jereb Ljubljana, Slovenia Ervin B. Podgoršak Montreal, Canada Vladimir Jevtic Ljubljana, Slovenia Jan C. Roos H. Dieter Kogelnik Amsterdam, The Netherlands Salzburg, Austria Horst Sack Ivan Lovasic Essen, Germany Rijeka, Croatia Slavko Šimunic Marija11 Lovre11cic Zagreb, Croatia Zagreb, Croatia Lojze Šmid Luka Milas Ljubljana, Slovenia Houston, USA Maja Osmak A11drea V ero11esi Zagreb, Croatia Gorizia, Italy Publishers Sloveniar1 Medica/ Society -Section of Radiology, Section of Radiotherapy Croatian Medica/ Association -Croatian Society of Radiology Affiliated with Societas Radiologorum Hungarorum Friuli-Venezia Giulia regional groups of S.I.R.M. (ltalian Society of Medica! Radiology) Correspondence address Radiology and Oncology Institute of Oncology Vrazov trg 4 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Phone: +386611320068 Fax: +386611314180 Readers for English Olga Shrestha Vida Kološa Design Monika Fink-Serša Key words und UDC Eva Klemencic Secretaries Milica Harisc/1 Betka Savski Printed by Tiskarna Tone Tomšic, Ljubljana, Slovenia Published quarterly Bank account number 50101678 48454 Foreign currency account number 50100-620-133-27620-5130/6 LB -Ljubljanska banka d. d. -Ljubljana Subscription fee for institutions 100 USD, individuals 50 USD. Single issue for institutions 30 USD, individuals 20 USD. According to the opinion of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Puhlic Relation and Media Office, the journal RADIOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY is a publication of informative value, and as such subject to taxation by 5 % sales tax. Indexed and abstracted by: BIOMEDICINA SLOVENICA CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS EXCERPTA MEDICAIELECTRONIC PUBLISHING DIV/SION CONTENTS NUCLEAR MEDICINE 1s quantitative salivary gland scintigraphy a mandatory examination prior to and after radioiodine therapy? Bohuslavizki KH, Brenner W, Tinnemeyer S, Lassmann S, Kalina S, Mester J, Clausen M, Henze E 5 Relative DNA concentration in thyrocytes from scintigraphycally hot nodi Budihna NV, Zupanc M, Zorc-Pleskovic R, Porenta M, Vraspir-Porenta O 13 Diagnostic value of currently available tumor markers in thyroid cancers Brenner W, Bohuslavizki KH, Klutmann S, Henze E 18 Value of scintigraphic imaging in the detection of pancreatic tumors ­role of FDG-PET Bohuslavizki KH, Mestner J, Brenner W, Buchert R, Klutmann S, Clausen M, Henze E 21 Nuclear medicine IBM PC PIP-GAMMA-PF computer system Fidler V, Prepadnik M, Fettich J, Hojker S 27 EXPERIMENTAL ONCOLOGY Study of blood perfusion with Patent Blue staining method in LPB fibrosarcoma tumors in immuno-competent and immuno-deficient mice after electrotherapy by direct current Jami T, An DJ, Belehradek J Jr, Mir LM, Serša G, Cemažar M, Kotnik T, Pušenjak J, Miklavcic D CLINICAL ONCOLOGY REPORTS Superficial thermoradiotherapy: Clinical results favor immediate irradiation prior to hyperthermia Lešnicar H, Budi/zna M 39 Radiotherapy in nephorblastoma. Pre-and postoperative combination treatment. Radiotherapy in localized (stage II, III, IV) and metastatic disease. Acute and long-term side effects. Jereb B 48 Thre-layer template for low-dose-rate remote afterload transperineal interstitial brachytherapy Kuhelj J, Strojan P, Burger J 54 ESTRO teaching course in Basic Clinical Radiobiology Cemažar M 56 Study tour in Cambridge: A report Weninger C 60 SLOVENIAN ABSTRACTS 62 NOTICES Radiology and Oncology is now available on the itemet at: http:/ / l .htm Radio/ Oncol 1997; 31: 5-12 Is quantitative salivary gland scintigraphy a mandatory examination prior to and after radioiodine therapy? Karl Heinz Bohuslavizki,1 Winfried Brenner,1 Stephan Tinnemeyer,1 Stefan Lassmann,1 Sonia Kalina,1 Janos Mester,2 Malte Clausen,2 Eberhard Henze1 1 Clinic oj Nuclear Medicine, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany, 2 Department oj Nuclear Medicine, University Clinic Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany The aim of this study was to evaluate possible deterioration of saliva,y gland function due to low dose radioiodine therapy using quantitative saliva,y gland scintigraphy (qSGS). In addition, the prevalence of salivary gland impairment (SG[) was estimated in thyroid patients. Prior to routine thyroid scintigraphy, qSGS was pe1formed after i.v. injection of 36-126 MBq Tc-99m-pertechnetate, and the uptake was calculated asa measure of parenchymalfunction. 144 patients unde1went qSGS prior to and 3 months after radioiodine therapy. The prevalence of SGI was estimated from qSGS in another 674 patients submitted to thyroid scintigraphy. Despite salivary gland stimulation with ascorbic acid during radioiodine therapy a significant dose related parenchymal impairment of 15-90 % could be measured after the application of 0.4-24 GBq of l-131. The prevalence of SGJ was 77/674 = 11.4 % and 52/674 = 7.7 % in one/two and threelfour glands, respectively. Thus, qSGS should be applied in all patients prior to and after radioiodine therapy to quantify and to document both the preexisting and the treatment induced SGJ even by low dose /-131. With respect to forensic reasons qSGS might even be applied mandat01y. Key words: salivary glands -radionuclide imaging -iodine radioisotopes -adverse effects Introduction Radioiodine therapy using I-131 has been known to be effective for almost 50 years both to reduce hypetthyroidism or to treat differentiated thyroid carcinoma and its iodine trapping metastases. De­spite an almost selective uptake of iodine in thyroid cells it can be mistaken for chlorid due to its similar atomic diameter and its comparable electrical charge. This leads to an undesired accumulation of I-131 via an energy consuming Na•/K+/2c1--co­transport1-4 in acinar cells of salivary glands as well as in gastric parietal cells. Therefore, a parenchy­mal impairment of salivary glands is a well-known Con-espondence to: Dr. Karl H. Bohuslavizki, Christian­Albrechts-University of Kiel, Amold-Heller-Str. 9, D-24105 Kiel, Germany, Tel.: +49 431 597-3076, Fax: -3065. UDC: 616.3!6-001.29:539.163 undesired side effect of high dose radioiodine ther­apy as used in thyroid cancer with cumulative ac­tivities up to 40 GBq I-131.5-7 Consequently, radio­iodine therapy is performed under salivary gland stimulation using sialogoga, e.g. chewing gum or vitamin C drops in order to minimize the intraglan­dular transit tirne of I-131 and, thus, to minimize salivary gland impairment.6-11 However, there are only rare data on parenchy­mal damage in salivary glands after low dose radio­iodine therapy as used for the treatment of benign thyroid diesease. This is mainly due to the Jack of an easy to perform method which yields quantita­tive data on parenchymal function of ali major sali­vary glands. However, recently a normal data base for quantitative salivary gland scintigraphy has been established12· 13 on a large number of healthy sub­jects, and its value for the detection of mild paren­chymal impairment has been demonstrated success­ 17 fully in Sjogren's syndrome.14­ Bohuslavizki KH et al. The aim of this study was therefore first to enlarge this normal 02 (%) Type 1 16 94±6 5±6 0.25 ±O.S 1 1.7 Type 2 21 94±5 4±4 0.7 ± 1.4 0.1 0.4 Type 3 12 68 ± 19 5±3 23.9 ± 17 2.7 2.8 Type4 18 78 ± 13 8±8 14± 12 1.7 2.9 Controls 4 96 ± 3.6 1-8 o o Leucocytes 67 100 o o o --­ Legend: 01, 02, S(%) -percentage of thyrocytes in individual phases of celi division cycle >02 -percentage of thyrocytes with more than tetraploid DNA concentration Budihna NV et al. Table 4. The comparison of cytomorphologic results in different types of DNA frequency distribution histograms in 67 hot nodi. Histogram Patients Active Aniso- Oncocytes Degenerated Microfollicles (N) thyrocytes (% pts) nucleosis (% pts) (% pts) thyrocytes (%pts) (%pts) Type 1 16 100 o o o 10 Type 2 21 80 5 o 10 15 Type 3 12 83 42 8 33 25 Type4 18 94 17 6 39 II cytomorphology was more frequent in nodi with the signs of proliferation in the DNA frequency distribution histogram. In a recent study the somatic mutation of TSH receptor gene was shown in the major part of auton­omous nodi. The proof of this mutation might have an implication on the prognosis of thyroid adeno­ma.6 According to standards somatic mutation is present in 58 % of autonomous nodi in our study. It is apparently more frequent among solitary hot nodi where the average relative DNA concentration was slightly higher than in groups with 2 or 3 hot nodi. Severa! authors assume the aneuploidy character­istics of true adenomas.1· 10 Also Lukasz found pre­dominant hyperdiploidy in thyroid adenomas. 11 Ac­cording to these authors it is conceivable that among hot nodi in our patients those with the DNA fre­quency distribution histograms of Types 2 and 4 are true adenomas. In favour of this it is also the cytomorphology, which showed higher grades of atypia in these nodes. Among 67 hot nodi in our patients 2 (2.8%) were malignant. Citomorphologically one patient had fol­licular carcinoma (solitary hot node) and the other one (3 hot nodi) oncocytoma. In both cases the single celi cytophotometry showed the DNA distri­bution histograms reflecting proliferation and hy­perdiploidy. Since similar changes were found in some benign follicular nodi as well, such changes can not be considered a proof of malignancy. Con­trary to our experience, Bengtsson et al. 12 considers the DNA cytophotometry convenient for the differ­entiation of malignant from benign lesions in the thyroid. Most other authors believe that DNA cyto­photometry cannot reliably differentiate between 91314 thyroid cancer and benign thyroid adenoma,7•• • The percentage of malignant hot nodi in our pa­tients was small but significant. After our opinion cytomorphology is therefore mandatory in ali dom­inant, especially solitary, hot nodi before the thera­py, especially if the radioiodine therapy is consid­ered. When cytomorphology is inconclusive, the DNA cytophotometry can be of a help in the fina! decision about the therapeutic plan. Conclusion Two types of DNA frequency distribution histo­grams are found in scintigraphically hot nodi of the thyroid: one with diploid and the other with the hyperdiploid moda! DNA value. Increased prolifer­ation was noted in some hot nodi. Both, benign and malignant hot nodi in the thyroid could be diploid or hyperdiploid. The DNA cytophophotometry can be useful as an additional diagnostic tool in the assessment of hot nodi before the therapy, especially when the results of cytology are ambiguous. References l. Wahl A. Operative Therapie der nichtimmunogenen Hyperthyreose. Krankenhausartzt 1988, 61: 392-4, Suppl. Schielddruese 1987. 2. Ingbar SH. The thyroid gland. In: Wilson JD, Poster DW, eds. Williams Textbook of endocrinology. Phila­delphia: W.B.Saunders Company, 1985: 682-815. 3. Riccabona G. Thyroid Cancer. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1987: 6-17. 4. Auersperg M, Šoba E, Vraspir-Porenta O. Intravenous chemotherapy with synchronisation in advanced can­cer of oral cavity and oropharynx. Krebsforsch 1977, 90: 149-59. 5. Auersperg M, Us-Kra'ovec M, Petrie M, Oblak­Rupareie M, Zorc-Pleskovie R. Osteogenic sarcoma of the temporal bone: case report. Treatment with individ­ualised intraarterial chemotherapy and irradiation. Reg CancerTreat 1989; 2: 9-15. 6. Porcellini A, Ciullo I, Laviola L, Amabile G, Fenzi G and Avvedimento V. Novel mutations of thyrotropin receptor gene in thyroid hyperfuntioning adenomas. Ciin Endocrinol Metah 1994; 79: 657-61. Relative DNA concentration in thyrocytesfrom scintigraphically hot nodi 7. Wallin G, Askensten U, Backdahl M, Grimelius L, Lun-deli G, Auer G. Cytochemical assessments of the nucle­ar DNA distribution pattern by means of image and flow cytometry in thyroid neoplasms and in non-neoplastic thyroid lesions. Acta Chir Scand 1989; 155: 251-58. 8. Sprenger E, Lowhagen T, Vogt-Schaden M. Differen­tial diagnosis between follicular adenoma and follicu­lar carcinoma of the thyroid by nuclear DNA determi­nation. Acta Cytol 1977; 21: 528-30. 9. Haemmerli G, Strauli P, Schltiter G. Deoxyribonucleic acid measurements on nodular lesions of the human thyroid. Lab lnvest 1968; 18: 675-80. 1 O. Joensuu H, Klemi P, Eerola E. DNA aneuploidy in follicu-!ar adenomas of the thyroid gland. AJP 1986; 124: 373-6. 11. Lukasz G L, Balazs Gy, Nagy IZs. Cytofluorimetric measurements on the DNA contents of tumour cells in human thyroid gland. J Cancer Res Ciin Oncol 1979; 95: 265-71. 12. Bengtsson A, Malmaeus J, Grimelius L et al. Measure­ment of nuclear DNA content in thyroid diagnosis. World J Surg 1984; 8: 481-6. 13. Haemmerli G Zytophotometrische und zytogenetische Untersuchungen an knotigen Veranderungen der men-schlichen Schilddriise. Schweiz Med Wschr 1970; 100: 633-41. 14. Johannessen JV, Sobrinho-Simoes M Weil differentiat­ed thyroid tumours. Problems in diagnosis and under­standing. Pathol Ann 1983;18: 255-85. Radio/ Oncol 1997; 31: 18-20. Diagnostic value of currently available tumor markers in thyroid cancers Winfried Brenner, Karl Heinz Bohuslavizki, Susanne Klutmann, Eberhard Henze Clinic oj Nuclear Medicine, Christian-Albrechts-University oj Kiel, Germany In the jollow-up management oj cancer patients, tumor markers are a power:ful and essential tool jor both early detection oj tumor progress, i.e. relapse ar metastases, and monitoring therapy response. In thyroid cancer well-established tumor markers are available jor the most common tumor types such as papillary and jollicular carcinomas oj the thyroid epithelium and jor medullary thyroid carcinoma, which arises jrom the parajollicular C-cel/s oj the thyroid gland. The tumor markers thyroglobulin, calcitonin, and carcinoembryonic antigen and their employment in routine clinical work-up in patients with thyroid cancer are presented. Furthermore, tissue polypeptide antigen and neuron-specific enolase as potential tumor markers in selected cases oj thyroid cancer are discussed. Key words: thyroid neoplasms -diagnosis; tumor markers, biological; thyroglobulin calcitonin -carcinoembryonic antigen -tissue polypeptide antigen neuron-specific enolase Introduction Carcinomas are the most common tumor type of thyroid malignancies. They may be classified into two varieties depending on whether the tumor aris­es in thyroid follicular epithelium or from the para­follicular C-cells. The general histologic types of the former one are the well-differentiated papillary and follicular carcinoma including the oxyphilic celi subtype, and, least common, the histologically undifferentiated anaplastic carcinoma. The tumor type arising from the C-cells is the so-called med­ullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), which occurs fa­milial at least in 10%. It usually appears as a com­ponent of multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) tpye Ila or Ilb. The thyroid may also be the site of other rare tumors such as squamous celi carcinomas, var­ious kinds of sarcomas and lymphoproliferative dis- Correspondence to: Dr. Winfried Brenner, Clinic of Nu­clear Medicine, Christian-Albrechts-University, Arnold­Heller-Str. 9, D-24105 Kiel, Germany, Tel.: +49 431 597­3147, Fax: +49 431 597-3150. UDC: 6l6.441-006.6-074 eases, and metastases from primary tumors else­where. Tumor markers in thyroid cancer The term tumor marker in connection with thyroid cancer implicates a somewhat different and unique quality showing that the most important markers i.e. thyroglobulin and calcitonin -are not specific antigens of tumor tissue but common specific com­ponents of normal thyroid tissue. Their use is based on a unique option in thyroid cancer treatment, namely on the possibility of completely removing any thyroid tissue by combined surgical and radio­iodine therapy. Thus, the appearance of any thy­roid-specific substrate in the patients plasma after total thyroid ablation is highly indicative of recur­rence and/or metastases. Next to the mostly used tumor markers thyroglo­bulin and calcitonin applied in the sense mentioned above, "classical" tumor markers such as carci­noembryonic antigen, tissue polypeptide antigen, and neuron-specific enolase, which are mainly used Diagnostic value oj currently available tumor markers in thyroid cancers in others than tumors of the thyroid gland, may be useful for follow-up examinations in selected cas­es. In the following short review, the tumor mar­kers and their indications in thyroid cancers are described. Thyroglobulin (TG) TG is an iodinated glycoprotein peculiar to the thy­roid, which is essential for synthesis and storage of thyroid hormones. 1 Under physiological conditions usually small amounts of TG can be found in the blood with normal serum levels of less than 50 ng/ ml. Since TG is exclusively produced by thyroid epithelium cells, serum concentrations should be less than 2 ng/ml in athyrotic state. For follow-up examinations the total absence of thyroid tissue is required as achieved by thyroidectomy and subse­quent ablative radioiodine therapy.2 Since TG re­lease is stimulated by TSH, TG measurements should be performed under TSH elevation, i.e. 2-4 weeks after stopping exogenous thyroxin hormone substitution.3 Under TSH supression there may be low TG serum concentrations and, thus, false ne­gative results in 10-20% of the patients with even extended thyroid cancer including metastases or local recurrences. Since false negative results may also be caused by plasma antibodies directed against TG, the de­termination of TG antibody concentrations and re­covery measurements after adding a defined amount of TG are essential for reliable TG measurements.4 Taking these prerequisites into account, any post­therapeutic TG elevation indicates either remnant thyroid tissue requiring further ablative treatment or it is indicative of metastases or local recurrenc­es. TG plasma concentrations correlate well with tumor mass thereby indicating successful therapy. Thus, TG is a useful tumor marker for both therapy monitoring and follow-up examinations in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma, i.e. follicu­lar, papillary, and oxyphilic celi carcinomas.3 Since TG is usually produced only by differentiated thy­roid carcinomas, TG is neither of use in nearly ali cases of anaplastic carcinomas nor in MTC. Tissue Polypeptide Antigen (TP A) TP A is a cytokeratin-related non-specific proli­feration marker for nearly ali kinds of carcinomas. Its sens1t1V1ty for thyroid cancer including papil­lary, follicular, and medullary thyroid carcinoma, however, is only about 40-60% showing a good correlation to tumor progression or therapeutic res­ponse with a high positive predictive value of 90%.4 In combination with more specific tumor markers such as TG or calcitonin both the sensitivity and the specificity for thyroid cancer can be increased. Ad­ditionally, TPA may be used as a substitute for standard thyroid tumor markers in patients with non-reliable tumor marker values, e.g. in patients with high levels of anti-thyroglobulin antibodies. Calcitonin (CT) CT, a peptide hormon for regulating calcium me­tabolism, is produced in the C-cells of the thyroid gland, and, to some extent, in the central nervous system. CT release is stimulated by increasing cal­cium levels as well as by pentagastrin and other hormones of the gastrointestinal tract. In thyroid cancer CT is a highly specific and sensitive tumor marker for diagnosis and follow-up of MTC. In patients with clinically manifested MTC the serum levels of CT are elevated in about 90% of the cases so it can be used for differential diagnosis in sus­pected thyroid cancer.4 Furthermore, CT measure­ment in side-specific jugular venous blood samp­ling may be helpful for the localization of occult MTC.3.4 After tumor removement normal serum concentrations indicate successful therapy. How­ever, for follow-up examinations as well as for screening tests in patients with suspected MEN Ila/ IIb or their relatives a pentagastrin stimulation test is mandatory for efficient diagnosis.4 After intrave­nous injection of 0.5 µg pentagastrin per kg body weight only normal serum levels with no signifi­cant increase up to 5 min p.i. as compared to basic CT levels sufficiently exclude MTC or any relapse while a more than 2-fold increase of CT is evident for MTC. Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) CEA is an unspecific tumor marker with a good sensitivity for colorectal cancer, breast cancer, and MTC. Since up to 10% of extended MTC have no increase of CT serum concentrations even after sti­mulation with pentagastrin a combination of CT and CEA is recommended for the follow-up of pa­ Brenner W et al. tients with MTC. The diagnostic sensitivity of CEA ranges from 1 O to 80 % for MTC depending on the stage of disease. However, there is only a weak correlation of CEA serum concentration and tumor relapse with a positive predictive value of 70 %.4 Therefore, CEA provides essential information only in those subjects with no CT release and, thus, false negative CT tests. Furthermore, CEA may serve as a tumor marker in anaplastic thyroid carcinomas in which TG serum levels are in the normal range in most cases. However, increased CEA serum concen­trations are often found in extended disease only. Neuron-specific Enolase (NSE) Another marker for neuro-endocrine tumors includ­ing MTC is NSE. While this enzyme of the glyco­lysis, the y-enolase of neuro-endocrine cells, is high­ly sensitive for small celi Jung cancer and neuro­blastomas, only a sensitivity of about 15% is re­ported for MTC. Furthermore, the positive predictive value for a relapse in NSE positive pa­tients with MTC averages only 70% and there is no strong 'correlation of NSE serum levels and tumor spread as compared to CT.4 NSE therefore, may be of clinical use only in those patients with non­reliable CT values and it cannot be recommended for routine clinical follow-up examinations. Conclusion In agreement with the recommendations of the Ger­man Society of Endocrinology the following regi­men of routine tumor marker measurements in pa­tients with cancers of the thyroid gland is suggest­ed:3 Thyroglobulin: for the follow-up in patients with papillary, follicular, or oxyphilic carcinoma Calcitonin: for diagnosis and follow-up in pa­tients with medullary thyroid carcinoma as well as for screening of the relatives of patients with mul­tiple endocrine neoplasia type II CEA: for the follow-up in patients with medul­Iary thyroid carcinoma In contrast, there is no general recommendation for the use of TP A and NSE. These tumor markers, however, may be useful for the follow-up in select­ed patients with thyroid cancer. References 1. Wartofsky L, Ingbar SH. Diseases of the thyroid. In: Wilson JD, Braunwald E, Isselbacher KJ et al. (eds.) Harrison's principles ofinternal medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1991: 1692-712. 2. Mazzaferri EL. Radioiodine and other treatment and outcomes. In: Braveman LE, Utiger RD ( eds.) The Thy­roid. A fundamental and clinical text. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott. 1991: 1138-65. 3. Pickardt CR, Griiters-KieBlich A, GruBendorf Metal. Schilddriise. In: Ziegler R, Pickardt CR, Willing RP (eds.) Rationelle Diagnostik in der Endokrinologie. Stuttgart: Thieme. 1993: 42-78. 4. Liithgens M, Wagener C, Lamerz R, Raue F, Hiifner M. Tumormarker. In: Thomas L (ed.) Labor und Diag­nose. Marburg: Medizinische Verlagsgesellschaft. 1992: 1142-240. Radio! Oncol 1997; 31: 21-6. Value of scintigraphic imaging in the detection of pancreatic tumors -the role of FDG-PET Karl Heinz Bohuslavizki,1 Janos Mester,2 Winfried Brenner,1 Ralf Buchert,2 1 Susanne Klutmann, Malte Clausen, 2 Eberhard Henze 1 1 2 Clinic oj Nuclear Medicine, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany, Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Eppendoif, Hamburg, Germany One of the main challenges in diagnostic radiology is the early and the accurate detection of pancreatic carcinoma, which is indeed difficult by morphologically orientated methods, i.e. US, CT, MRI. Therefore, functional imaging using nuclear medicine procedures may be useful. In patients with suspected pancreatic cancer, severa/ imaging procedures have been investigated i.e. immunoscintigraphy, receptor scintigraphy, unspecific pe,fusion scintigraphy. However, none of them convinced in routine patient management. Best diagnostic results with an overal accuracy of about 80% were obtained using F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emmission tomography (F-18-FDG-PET). Due to inherent technical limitations PET probably cannot depict lesions smaller than 10-15 mm in diameter even when using a high resolution PET scanner. Thus, it is probably not suitable far early detection of pancreatic carcinoma. It is not yet clear, whether the performance of FDG-PET is high enough to reduce the current number of diagnostic laparotomies. Prospec­tively pe,formed comparative studies with CT, US, ERCP and MRI using state of the art equipment are stili needed to establish an optimal diagnostic strategy. Beside lesion detection, FDG-PET may offer valid data on both the prognosis of pancreatic masses, and the effectiveness of therapeutic procedures. However, further effort is stili necessary to define the exact position of nuclear medicine in the management of pancreatic cancer. Key words: pancreatic -neoplasms -radionuclide imaging; tomography, emission computed methods, fenorine radioisotopes; FDG-PET -diagnostic value The clinical problem One of the current challenges in diagnostic radio­logy is the early and the accurate detection of pan­creatic carcinoma and its differentiation from mass­forming pancreatitis using noninvasive imaging methods. 1• 2 The diagnostic accuracy of morpholo­gically oriented imaging techniques is presently sub­optimal. Ultrasonography is hampered by the dor­sal position of the pancreas in the abdomen and the Correspondence to: Dr. Karl H. Bohuslavizki, Christian­Albrechts-University of Kiel, Arnold-Heller-Str. 9, D-24105 Kiel, Germany, Tel.: +49 431 597-3076, Fax.: -3065. bowel located in front of it. CT and MRI have an excellent geometric resolution, but the differentia­tion between malignant and benign lesions remains difficult even with this leading edge technology. On the other hand, functionally oriented nuclear medicine procedures offer the possibility of imag­ing organ metabolism when using appropriate radio­labelled tracers. At the beginning, the aim of radio­isotope studies was merely the visualization of the pancreatic tissue. For this pmpose Selenium-75­selenmethionine and (1-125)-N,N,N' -trimethyl-N' (2-hydroxy-3-methyl-5-iodobenzyl)-1,3-propanedi­amine (1-123-HIPDM) were tested. Both tracers are accumulated in the normal pancreatic tissue, but UDC: 616.44l-006.6-073.756.8 they can not differentiate between malignant tu­ Bohuslavizki KH et al. mors and benign lesions. 3· 4 Thus, in the era of high resolution radiological methods they are of a more historical value. Recently, the introduction of sev­era! new types of tracers opened exciting perspec­tives. Therefore, the possibilities of these radio­pharmaceuticals will be discussed. Immunoscintigraphy Since the mid eighties big expectations have been connected to the introduction of radiolabelled mo­noclonal antibodies against tumor associated anti­genes in oncologic nuclear medicine. The charac­teristic feature of these antibodies is their extreme­ly high specificity. Using chemical procedures, they can be broken either into Fc and F(ab')2 fragments or into Fc and Fab fragments. The F(ab')2 of Fab fragments are responsible for the antigen specifici­ty of the antibodies. These antibodies can be _la­belled with I-123, I-131, In-111 or, recently with Tc-99m. Different types of monoclonal antibodies have been tested for the detection of pancreatic cancer. A coctail of I-131 labelled F(ab')2 fragments of anti­bodies directed against the tumor associated anti­genes CA 19-9 and CEA was used by Montz.5 De­spite the detection of some large tumors without elevated leve! of tumor markers in the peripheral blood, this tracer is considered of only limited diagnostic value due to its relatively poor sensitivi­ty. Using In-111 for labelling and SPECT acquisi­tion at least 3 days after the tracer injection some increase in diagnostic accuracy, due to elimination of unspecific early tracer accumulation, was report­ed by Bares in various gastrointestinal carcinomas.6 As a further attempt, preliminary results have been reported with the I-131 labelled murine monoclonal antibody AR-3-IgG 1 directed against the mucin­like antigen CAR-3.7 Investigations with the In-111 or I-131 Iabelled F(ab')2 fragments of the monoclonal antibody BW 494/32, the corresponding antigene which is often expressed by pancreatic carcinomas, failed as well in presenting a break through in immunoscintigra­phy .8 Nevertheless, in a study with only 3 patients, Abdel Nabi and coworkers presented favourable images of primary tumors as well as of their metas­tases using In-111 labelled monoclonal anti CEA antibody ZCE 025.9 In conclusion, at present there is no radiolabelled monoclonal antibody available with clearly docu­mented high clinical performance necessary for routine patient management. Despite of this, immunoscintigraphy can be considered as a pos­sible investigation in diagnostically problematic cases. Receptor scintigraphy New possibilities in tumor imaging have been of­fered recently by the introduction of small receptor analogue molecules. A subgroup of these com­pounds, the radiolabelled somatostatine analogues can be used for imaging of endocrine tumors i.e. of those derived from the so called APUD cells. So­matostatine analogues have been primarily used for imaging of carcinoids and islet cell tumors of the pancreas. Bakker and coworkers reported the suc­cessful Iocalization of pancreatic tumors in rats with I-123-Tyr-3-octreotide. 10 However, the main disad­vantage of this radiopharmaceutical is its predomi­nantly hepatic clearance and therefore its high !iver accumulation, which may mask pancreatic tracer uptake. When labelling octreotide with In-111-DTPA, the Ionger halflife of In-111 can be combined with the facilitated renal clearance of the DTPA-containing compound. These features offer the advantage of 24 hours imaging when interferring background activi­ty is already minimized by renal clearance. Bakker and coworkers reported successful investigations of pancreatic tumors in a rat model using (In-111­DTP A-D-Phe 1 )-octreotide. 11 They documented an increasing tracer uptake with tirne within the tumor tissue, which could be clearly visualized by gamma camera scintigraphy in somatostatin receptor posi­tive rat pancreatic carcinoma. 11 As an attempt for supporting surgical interventions, Ohrvall and cow­orkers introduced a non imaging method for the intraoperative detection of tumors and its metastas­es by using a hand-held gamma probe. However, the feasibility of this interesting method is limited by the relatively high background activity. 12 Unspecific perfusion tracers Thallium-201 uptake is considered to reflect the regional perfusion as well as the viability of tumor cells. 13 The theoretical background of this feature of TI-201 is the correlation of the growth of ma­Iignant transformed cells and the activity of the Na/K-ATPase. 14 In 1993 Suga and coworkers demonstrated the possibility of monitoring the efficacy of antineopla­ Value oj scintig raphic imaging in the detection oj pancreatic tumors -the role oj FDG-PET stic treatment using quantified TI-201 uptake in pancreatic cancer. In three patients, the TI-201 up­take by the tumor correlated well with the serum leve! of the tumor marker CA 19-9.15 In a subse­quent publication of this group results with subtrac­tion scintigraphy were presented. 16 When the bound­ary between abnormal TI-201 uptake and adjacent !iver activity was unclear on the TI-201 SPECT image a SPECT image of the !iver using Tc-99m­phytate was acquired and subtracted from the TI­201 image in order to separate hepatic and pancre­atic TI-201 uptake. Using this technique a favo­rable sensitivity of 91 % could be demonstrated. However, in the same study, four of sixteen pa­tients with benign pancreatic disorders exhibited abnormal increased TI-201 uptake. Based on these PC LOGIC AND PORT 1 CONTROL Penistence d;,pl,~ . / ' irnl _-----",. -·~, MaTk.erfor T E o ) UDC: 538.163:621.383.8 Diagram 1.1. Functional diagram of interfacing board. Fidler Vet al. -generally non-symmetric signals in relation to ov -signal variation means the X -Y range (Sie­mens BASICAM : ± 2V, GE 300 A : ± 1.5 V, Nuclear Chicago Searle : ± 2 V) -commonly constant values of X -Y signals until they are changed by Z sampling signal -coaxial cabling from gamma camera console to computer interfacing card with 70 Q impedance of BNC connector -amplifier needed for more than 1 O m long X ­Y cables -IC designed for O V in the middle of the matrix -non-symmetric variation of X -Y signals relat­ed to O V means the image offset y \______J ~ z_JL Diagram 1.2. Gamma camera signals: definition of X and Y offset and gain 2. Logical energy signal The logical signal Z, which represents the correct gamma ray energy, starts the X and Y conversion and sampling (Diagram 2.1.). X y nonsymmetric X -Y signals offset ov tirne z tirne Diagram 2.1. Shape of Z signal and offset and gain of X and Y signals 3. Analogue-digital conversion of X and Y signals The digitalisation of X and Y signals is character­ised by the following features: -the accuracy improvement of signal conver­sion: the AD converter with more bits is used for more reliable higher bits (pp. 12 bits for 1 byte magnitude conversion; after conversion the 4 less significant bits are rejected), dynamic linearity is improved -in high count seans ( > 2 million counts) the correction for dynamic non-linearity of ADC should generally be applied -each AD converter has its own characteristic linearity curve 4. Autoadjustment of inte,facing board's gain and offset for input gamma camera signals The position signals X and Y from camera to the inte1facing card must fit ter matrix. the the gamma compu­ This can be done basically by two methods either by manual adjustment of the gamma camera posi­tion signals on the interfacing card or by the feed­back intervention "interfacing card -computer" (Di­agram 4.1.). The last method considerably improves the effec­tiveness and simplicity of the whole acquisition system. We developed the logica circuit for a con­tinuous change the gain of input X and Y signals from the gamma camera prior the analogue-to-dig­ital conversion. The mean value of the gain setting 128 (range 0-255) corresponds to the range of x,y ± 1.5 V for the whole matrix size. If the input signal's range varies up to ± 3 V, then at this gain setting half of the image will be cut in diameter (dia­gram 4.2.). With such a range, which can be manually changed for really extremely non-standard gamma camera signals, all the available gamma cameras can be used. When the input signals come from the gamma camera with a range of ± 0.75 V and the chosen gain is 128 then the image in the matrix will have half of the diameter' s value of the gamma camera with signals in the range of ± 1.5 V. To set up the interfacing gain we shall start with the highest possible value of gain parameter (255). In this case we shall normally get a minimized image for most gamma cameras. Our task is now to increase Nuclear medicine, IBM PC PIP-GAMMA-PF computer system A. Offset adjustment A. Offset adjustment X,Y input X,Youtput 00 DI Dl D3 from PC 110 port D4 o, .. 07 B. Gain adjustment B. Gain adjustment X~ Y signal input X-Y signaloutput + >--------------.-­ ------0 / D/A converter from PC 1/0 port Diagram 4.1. Digital gain and offset control of X and Y. A. Fixed IC setting B. Initial gain value for iterative loop X,Y range=± 1.5 V X,Y ranges : ± 0.5 V -±3 V GAIN= 128 GAIN·= 255 /,,,,,---------...... ,, ./-~ 3V ' ' ' ( ,.-r ~ .......................... ~\ \. ./j 1 ... _ .. .........__ f ! ' ' ' 0.5 V ......... _____ ..... ,,.,." C. Iterative loop GAIN l . 2r j Diagram 4.2. Adjusting the interfacing card's gain and offset values the image size step by step by decreasing the in­terfacing gain value. The problem of non-central positioning of the image in the matrix can be solved simply by moving the image centre to the matrix centre. To start the image position in the matrix centre we set the offset to 128. If the image is not centred (non-symmetrical X,Y range), then we change the offset to a new value which is equal to the displacement of the image centre from the matrix centre. Instrumenta[ needs To start the gain and offset set-up, the uniform radioisotope source (Co57 plate on collimator or point source 2 m from gamma camera without col­limator) is used. Algorithm far autoadjustment of interfacing board's gain and offset Initial values The following starting values are chosen: For iter­ative loop gain = 255, offset in both directions = 128 Main loop The scan of 50000 counts in the matrix 256x256 is acquired. The activity profile in X and Y direc­tion with thickness of 3 lines is formed, the maxi­mum number of counts per profile element is searched for and the coordinates of this maximum are used to find the scan edges by applying thresh­old criteria. Displacement of the scan centre from the matrix centre (Diagram 4.3.) is computed on the basis of the following formulas: Xds= (XI + Xr)/2 -Xm Yds = (Yu + Yl)/2-Ym where XI, Xr are the x co-ordinates of the left and the right scan edge Yu, Yl are the co-ordinates of the upper and lower scan edge Xm, Ym are co-ordinates of the matrix centre Xds, Y ds are displacements of the scan from the matrix centre These values are subtracted from the current off­sets. Similarly, the deviations from the scan and matrix size in both directions are computed using the following formulas: Dx = (Md -(Xr-Xl))/2 Dy = (Md -(Yl-Yu))/2 where Md is one dimensional matrix size Dx, Dy are halves of the difference between the matrix size and the scan size These values should be subtracted from the cur­rent gain values if the edge coordinates are comput­ed with high precision. But the smaller the starting image's diameter the less exact computation for edge coordi-nates is possible. The subtracted gain Fidler Vet al. Dx T(Xl,YI ) C(Xrn,Ym) T(Xd,Yd) Dy Diagram 4.3 Definition of iterative loop vaiiables. values can lead to the image size greater than the matrix size and therefore it is difficult to find the optimal gain setting using the software technique described above. Because of this we prefer to sub­tract only half of the Dx and Dy and the image size is slowly approaching the matrix size and the cor­responding gain values the optimal settings. Stopping condition If Dx and Dy are smaller than 2, the procedure for gain/offset-up is stopped and the coITesponding val­ues for gain and offset stored in the calibration file and set to the interfacing card .. To visually check the algorithm's success, ali intermediate seans are displayed during software adjustment of the gain settings until the scan size equals to the matrix size. Problems The following problems arise most frequently durign the autoadjustment of gain and offset: -insuflicient radioactivity in flood or point source, -nonadequately calibrated gamma camera with "holes" or "hot spots" in the scan (the edge co­ordinates can be miscomputed). 5. Correction oj dynamic non-linearity At high count images (over 2 million counts) this correction is necessary to remove the stripes which appear at some horizontal and vertical matrix lines. The stripes in the image appear at ali horizontal and vertical lines where the bit content of the co-ordi­nate is changing from total "l" to "O" in most bit positions ( e.g. from X(Y) = 11111 to X(Y) = 100000) because of the so called bit flipping.The effect of "bit flipping" is not the same for ali co-ordinates in question. Higher content of the "l" bits leads to Udig Uanalogue Diagram 5. Dynamic non-linearity curve. more frequent flipping (diagram 5.). To coITect this ADC "malfunction", the uniform distribution of input signals in X and Y direction is applied and the extent of bit flipping is measured in each posi­tion. 6. Acquisition software It consists of four basic units: -entering the patient population, instrumen­ta! and acquisition data (part of the PIP system). For clinical work we built a set of predefined studi­es which can be called up to avoid the tirne con­suming input of instrumenta! and acquisition pa­rameters for each patient. A new study protocol can be easily added to the existing set.. -functioning as persistence scope for checking the patient positioning, the adjust­ment of the zoom and the image orientation and, if necessary (in the installation phase) the adjustment of the image size, offset and pixel size. -starting the predefined acquisition During the acquisition we have a possibility of finishing the complete study (static and dynamic studies) of finishing the current scan (in static mode acquisition). Each scan is currently displayed if the acquisition tirne is exceeds I O seconds for static acquisition or 2 seconds for dynamic acquisition, otherwise only the frame and group numbers, the tirne, the countrate and the total tirne are displayed (the reason for this is to prevent the count loss in fast framing and scan displaying). -storing the sequence of images from virtual memory to hard disk and returning to the main PIP menu (part of PIP system). This phase can be upgraded if required in such a way that the 200 o E ~ 100 70 50 o "'E .s Q) E :, ~ o E ~ III ET0.6mN1h A ET 1.0mN1h 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Time after treatment (days) 1000 700 500 300 200 100 70 50 LPB in Swiss nudes • Control III ET0.6mN1h A ET 1.0mN1h o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Time after treatment (days) Blood perfusion of tumors after electrotherapy Discussion Acknowledgement In this study it was demonstrated that low-level direct current electrotherapy induces significant re­tardation of LPB fibrosarcoma tumors growing in immuno-competent C57Bl/6 mice and that this ef­fect is also dose dependent. This is in agreement with our previous work on this and other tumor 14•20 models. 12•When LPB tumors were treated in immuno-deficient animals, electrotherapy appeared to be much less effective. In another tumor model of SA-1 fibrosarcoma growing in immuno-compe­tent A/J mice the electrotherapy of the same type as in this study produced similar growth retardation as observed in C57Bl/6 mice. An extensive study on A/J mice by means of Patent Blue staining showed rapid decrease in perfusion during electrotherapy (data not shown). 16•19 Staining was decreased to the mean value of approximately 20% in treated tu­mors and even three days after treatment tumors were only partially reperfused (approximately 50% of stained tumor cross-section), which is very dif­ferent from perfusion of 80% found in LPB tumors for the same treatment (0.6 mA for 60 minutes). That means that vascular occlusion due to electro­therapy in SA-1 tumors was much more expressed than in LPB tumors. Since the dynamics of deper­fusion and reperfusion of SA-1 tumors was in good correlation with dynamics of growth retardation of that particular tumor model it was suggested that vascular occlusion occurring at the site of insertion of the electrodes might be the main factor of antitu­mor effectiveness. The presented study has raised some doubt to this hypothesis because the same extent of LPB tumor growth retardation was ac­companied by a much less expressed occlusive ef­fect. Furthermore, LPB tumors in immuno-deficient animals were significantly less affected by electro­therapy than the same type of tumors in immuno­competent animals, which indicates that host's im­mune response might play an important role in ef­fectiveness of electrotherapy.20 In our opinion, oc­clusion of supplying blood vessels outside the tumor inevitably occurs at the site of electrode insertion due to extreme pH changes that were measured in immediate vicinity of electrodes.12 The extent of this occlusion is probably significantly tumor mod­el-dependent, as indicated by the difference in Pat­ent Blue staining between the two fibrosarcoma models. Some other factors beside interrupted blood supply are probably responsible for the observed tumor retardation and immune system of the host organism is one of them. The presented research was supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Slov­enia, by CNRS, Institute Gustave-Roussy, Villejuif, France, and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of France. Two authors wish to ac­knowledge their individual grants; D.J.A. from the Government of the People's Republic of China and D.M. from European Commission's Tempus-Phare Programme. References 1. Humphrey CE, Seal EH. Biophysical approach towards tumor regression in mice. Science 1959; 130: 388-90. 2. David SL, Absolom DR, Smith CR, Gams J, Herbert MA. Effect of low leve! direct current on in vivo tumor growth in hamsters. Cancer Res 1985; 45: 5626-31. 3. Marino AA, Morris D, Arnold T. Electrical treatment of Lewis lung carcinoma in mice. J Surg Res 1986; 41: 198-201. 4. Samuelsson L, Jonsson L, Lamm IL, Linden CJ, Ewers SB. Electrolysis with different electrode materials and combined with irradiation for treatment of experimen­tal rat tumors. 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Bioelectro­chem Bioenerg 1997 (in press). 20. Miklavcic D, An DJ, Belehradek J, Jr, Mir LM. Host's immune response in electrotherapy of murine tumors by direct current. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris (submitted for publication). Radio/ Oncol 1997; 31: 39-47. Superficial thermoradiotherapy: Clinical result favor immediate irradiation prior to hyperthermia Lešnicar H, Budihna M Institute oj Oncology, Ljubljana, Slovenia Purpose. The aim of the present paper is to report the analysis of some relevant tumor andlor therapeutic parameters and to compare different treatment strategies used in our patients treated by local thermoradiotherapy (TRT). Methods and materials. In the period 1989-1995, fifty-two patients with locally advanced tumors accessible to local TRT were treated at the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana, Slovenia. A majority of 39 (75%) patients failed to respond to previous radiotherapy, while in 13 patients TRT was used as primary treatment. Interstitial TRT (JTRT) as primary treatment was used in I 3 (25%) patients, interstitial hyperthermia combined with simultaneous external irradiation (STRT) in 7 (14%), and external TRT (ETRT) was applied in 32 (61%) patients. Results. In ali 52 patients a complete response ( CR) rate of 60% was achieved, while 2-year recurrence-free and disease-specific survivals were 51% and 45%, respectively. Among tumoral and therapeutic parameters tested, CR rate was found to be significantly influenced by histology other than squamous celi carcinoma (p=0.045), tumor volume < 55 ccm (p=0.02), minimum intratumoral temperature (T,,,;,,);;: 42.5C ( p=0.015), total tumor dose (TTD) of radiotherapy ;;: 45 Gy (p=0.048), fraction size of irradiation used concurrently to hyperthermia > 3 Gy (p=0.03), and by those TRT treatments where irradiation preceded hyperthermia (p=0.026). Repeating of hyperthermia (HT) treatments did not improve the CR rate. The use of RT immediately prior to HT resulted in a 2-year recurrence-free survival (RFS) of 66% compared to 38% for patients in whom HT treatment was followed by irradiation (p=0.07). For the subgroup of 20 patients in whom fraction size of >3 Gy was delivered immediately before HT treatment, an even better RFS of 85% was achieved (p=0.03) . The enhancement ratio of 1.7 was found between the dose response curves for 29 patients receiving RT prior to HT and 23 patients in whom HT was used before RT. Acute and late toxicity of grade 3 and/or 4 were recorded in 28% and 23% of treated patients, respectively. TRT-related acute toxicity was more pronounced in patients with maximum temperature measurements inside the heated volume (T,,,a) 45C (p=0.006), while a higher grade of late toxicity correlated with a tumor volume ;;: 55 ccm (p=0.02) and TD of RT> 45 Gy (p=0.04). There was no significant correlationfound between a higher toxicity grade and CR rate. Conclusions. Our clinical results are in javor of an application of somewhat higher fraction size of RT than conventional, employed immediately before heating, when combined with HT. Key words: neoplasms-radiotherapy; hyperthermice, induced; local thermoradiotherapy; advanced tumors; clinical results; prognostic parameters Correspondence to: Hotimir Lešnicar, M.D.,The Institute of Introduction Oncology, Zaloška c. 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Phone: +386 61 13 14 225, Fax: +386 61 13 14 180, E-mail ad­ When introduced to clinical practice, local thermo­ dress: radiotherapy (TRT) proved useful first of ali in the UDC: 616-006.6:615.849:615.832.8 treatment of advanced and recurrent/residual tu­ Ldnicar H and Budihna M mors, either applied with invasive technique, 1•7 non­invasive technique,8· 12 or in combination of both.U· 14 The advantage ofTRT over radiotherapy (RT) alone was proved in some non-randomized,8• 9• 14· 16 as well as in a few randomized clinical trials. 11-20 Believing in biological reasons for combining RT and hyper­thermia (HT) treatment,21 ·25 at the Institute of On­cology in Ljubljana, efforts were made to devel­op technical equipment and our own treatment strat­egies for the application of TRT prevalently in or­der to overcome radioresistance of locally advanced tumors26 and tumor lesions which failed to respond to previous RT. The aim of the present paper is to report the analysis of some relevant tumor and/or therapeutic parameters in our patients treated by local TRT. Materials and methods The patients Altogether 52 patients (42 male and 10 female) were treated by TRT between 1989-1995 at the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana, Slovenia; 39 of these were with recurrent and/or residual tumors after previous standard RT and 13 with primary advanced malignancy. Tumor sites were as follows: head and neck region in 46 patients, breast and/or thoracic wall in 5, and inguinal lymphnodes in 1 patient. Histologically, 38 (73%) tumors were sq­uamous celi carcinoma, 8 (15%) adenocarcinoma, 5 (10%) malignant melanoma, and 1 (2%) Mb Hodgkin. By the tirne of combined HT and RT treatment, patients were free of distant metastases and were not receiving any other concurrent cancer therapy. Only patients with Karnofsky performance score ;::a: 70% were eligible for TRT. Tumor volume ranged from 10 -180 ccm (median 54 ccm). Hyperthermia devices Interstitial heating was performed by means of in­terstitial water hyperthemia system. Prior to clini­cal utilization our device had been tested on experi­mental animals. The results of animal experiments were published elsewhere.27• 28 First clinical experi­ence using interstitial water hyperthermia system showed acceptable homogeneity of temperature dis­tribution inside the heated vol ume. 29• 30 Intratumoral insertion of plastic or metal tubes for application of interstitial water hyperthermia technique was done under a general anesthesia in 20 patients. Percuta­neous heating was pe1formed in 32 patients by non­invasive 432 MHz microwave unit using two dif­ferent antennae to cover adequately the total tumor surface within safety margins. In the majority of cases no water bolus was used. Extensive local anesthesia using 2% Xylocain was utilized with percutaneous application of thermotherapy. Radiotherapy In 13 patients brachytherapy was applied in combi­nation with interstitial HT. Ir-192 wires were in­serted through the same plastic tube implant as used for HT. In all implants, X-ray and/or ultra­sound verification was used to assure that the im­plant encompassed the whole tumor volume. A dose-rate of O.S -0.7 Gy/h was delivered to the tumor periphery. Tota! tumor dose (TTD) in pa­tients treated by interstitial TRT (ITRT) ranged from 20 -70 Gy (median 60 Gy). In 39 patients percuta­neous RT was applied using a fraction size of 1.8 ­3 Gy. The fraction size of brachyradiotherapy was estimated from dose-rates at the tumor periphery given within 4 hours after HT treatment. In 7 patients interstitial heating using metal tubes was performed combined with simultaneous irradi­ation (STRT) by teleradiotherapy using electron beam. In one patients STRT using single fraction of 5 Gy was the only therapy, while in 6 patients TTD of RT ranged from 25 -60 Gy (median 55 Gy). Por the rest of 32 patients percutaneous HT combined with external RT using either electron beam or Co­60 was employed with TTD of 20 -70 Gy (median 40 Gy). TTD of RT depended on the tirne interval from previous RT and TTD of previous RT. Tota! cumu­lative dose of radiotherapy did not exceed 100 Gy. Thirteen patients without previous ilrndiation re­ceived 45 -70 Gy (median 60 Gy), while TTD for 39 previously irradiated patients ranged from 5 -66 Gy (median 40 Gy). Fraction size of RT used con­cmTently with HT differed from 1.8 -8 Gy (median 3.5 Gy). Thermoradiotherapy and thermometry Thirteen patients receiving interstitial hyperthermia were treated under general anesthesia once only. Hyperthermia session started after steady state tem­perature distribution inside the tumor volume had been reached and lasted 60 minutes. Placement of Ir-192 wires followed immediately after the heating session in 9 cases, while in 4 patients brachythera­ Supe1ficial thermoradiotherapy py had to be postponed for more than one hour due to a substantial swelling of the heated region. Seven patients were treated with simultaneous interstitial hyperthermia and external irradiation. This specific therapeutic approach has been pre­sented previously.31 On the day before HT treat­ment, metallic tubes were implanted through the tumor volume under a general anesthesia. The next day, the patient was placed in a room close to the linear accelerator, and the implant was connected to a water HT unit. Approximately 30 minutes after the beginning of HT session, the patient and the HT device were moved together to the linear accelera­tor unit and irradiation using electron beam was performed while uninterrupted heating continued. After completed RT session, the patient was moved again to the nearby location and heating proceeded until total HT treatment tirne of 60 minutes elapsed. In ali 7 patients treated simultaneously TRT was not repeated. Combined percutaneous HT and RT was per­formed in 32 patients. After a TD of l0-20 Gy had been reached, the first HT treatment was performed. A single session of HT during the RT course was performed in 13 patients whereas 19 patients re­ceived 2-3 HT treatments. Repeated HT was ap­plied once weekly. The total heating tiine depended on maximum and minimum temperature measured inside the heated volume and lasted 45 -60 minutes for each HT session. Owing to technical problems, in 5/32 patients the tirne interval between the appli­cation of both modalities exceeded one hour. In 3 patients HT was performed immediately before ir­radiation while in the remaining 29 patients HT followed RT. Altogether, there were 23 patients treated with HT preceding RT, and 29 patients in whom HT followed RT treatment. Invasive thermometry was performed in 20 pa­tients treated by interstitial HT using five-point manganin-constantan thermocouple probes which were moved stepwise through 2-3 (depending on tumor volume) plastic tubes inserted perpendicular­ly to the implant. It was considered that HT treat­ment started when intratumoral temperature of >=42.5°C was obtained at the tumor periphery. Temperatures were registered every five minutes during the heating session; minimum and maxi­mum temperatures were recorded. In 32 patients heated with an external HT device, 2-3 (depending on tumor volume) plastic tubes were inserted through the heated volume, and tempera­ture measurements performed by means of a one­point non-conducting temperature probe. The same protocol for temperature monitoring as in invasive HT treatments was used. with the exception of an extra thermal probe on the skin surface. Tmin i.e., mean minimum temperature measured in 3-5 measurement points at the tumor periphery during entire heating session was taken as a refer­ence for estimation of HT treatment quality. In patients with multiple HT treatments, the highest Tmin observed was recorded. The mean value of maximum temperatures measured intratumorally and/or on skin surface was expressed as Tmax and was used for treatment toxicity estimation. Estimation oj response to treatment and toxicity Only complete clinical disappearance of the treat­ed tumors (CR-complete response) 2 -3 months after completion of TRT was estimated as a thera­peutic success. Ali other responses were considered as treatment failures. The results were analyzed using Biomedical Statistical Software Package (BMDP);32 the survival was calculated from the end of treatment using Kaplan-Meier's method.33 A log-rank, X2-test, and Fisher exact tests were used to analyze the difference between groups. Sigma-plot computer program was used for the dose-response curves drawing. In order to estimate treatment re­lated toxicity RTOG/EORTC system was used,34 introducing HT related formati on of blisters as grade 3 early toxicity. Only the most severe grade of toxicity for each patient was recorded. Results In ali 52 patients treated with TRT at the Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, a CR rate of 60% and a 2-year recurrence-free survival of 43% were achieved. The observation tirne ranged from 3 -42 months (median 11 months). The prognostic signif­icance of some tumoral characteristics is evident from Table 1 while the prognostic importance of the observed therapeutic parameters is apparent from Table 2. Next to tumor histology, tumor vol­ume was found to be the most prominent prognostic factor among tumoral parameters. The only signifi­cant parameter among hyperthermic factors was T ;n while neither the type of HT used nor the 111 number of HT treatments showed any prognostic significance. Among radiotherapeutic treatment pa­rameters, except for the type of RT used, ali three Lešnicar H and Budihna M Table l. Prognostic importance of patients' and/or tumor characteristics. Tested N° ofpts. CR(o/o) p-value parameter Sex Men 42 23 (55%) Women 10 8 (80%) 0.11 Tumor site Head & neck 34 19 (56%) Other 18 12 (67%) 0.65 Histology scc 38 19 (50%) Other 14 12 (86%) 0.045 Tumor volume < 55 ccm 31 23 (74%) ~ 55 ccm 21 8 (38%) 0.02 Previous RT Yes 39 24 (62%) No 13 7 (54%) 0.8 s;50 Gy 22 15 (68%) >50Gy 17 9 (53%) 0.5 CR -complete response, SCC -squamous celi carcinoma, RT -radiotherapy Table 2. Prognostic significance of therapeutic parameters Tested N° ofpts. CR(o/o) p-value parameter Type ofHT Interstitial 20 10 (50%) Percutaneous 32 21 (66%) 0.4 Type ofRT Interstitial 13 6 (46%) Percutaneous 39 25 (64%) 0.1 N°ofHT 1 33 23 (70%) > 1 19 8 (42%) 0.1 Tmin ~ 42.s0 c <42.5°C 43 9 29 (67%) 2 (22%) 0.015 TTDofRT ~45Gy <45 Gy 30 22 21 (70%) 10 (45%) 0.048 Fraction size/HT > 3 Gy s;3 Gy 28 24 21 (75 %) 10 (42%) 0.03 Sequence RT+HT 29 21 (72%) HT+RT 23 10 (43%) 0.026 CR-complete response, RT -radiotherapy, HT-hyperther­mia, T . -minimum intratumoral temperature, TTD -total tumor ct'ose, Fraction size/HT -fraction size of RT concur­rent to HT remaining tested parameters, i.e. total dose of RT, fraction size of immediate irradiation, and sequence of RT showed a significant influence on local treat­ment outcome. While, ali patients in RT + HT group were treated by external TRT (ETRT) only, CR rates in HT + RT group differed regarding the type of TRT applied. There were 6/13 (46%) CR recorded in patients using ITRT, 4/7 (57%) using STRT, while no CR was obtained in 3 patients treated by ETRT. Figure 1 presents a 2-year recur­ 100 l (N=20) .., tl ............... ················· .. ······ ~ 80 > j a: 1'7 N=29 ::, "' 60 w w a: 1 7 N=23 : 40 o (>3Gy RT+ HT) > J z -RT+HT'-_ p=0.03 120 -HT+RT/p-o.o7 a: o o 10 20 30 MONTHS Figure l. A 2-year recurrence-free survival (RFS) of 38% achived in 23 patients treated by TRT using HT prior to an immediate irradiation is compared to 66% for 29 patients in whom HT followed RT (p=0.07). Among those 29 patients in the latter group, there were 20 patients, refered in brack­ets, receiving a fraction size of > 3 Gy immediately before the heating. A significantly better RFS of 84% achieved in this subgroup of patients is presented by a dotted line (p=0.03). rence-free survival of 66% for the patients in whom RT was used immediately before HT, vs. 38% achieved in patients where RT followed HT (p=0.07). For 20 patients in whom an immediate fraction size of >3 Gy preceded HT, a recurrence­free survival of 84% was achieved (p=0.03). In Table 3 the two groups of patients treated with different sequence of the two modalities are com­pared regarding some prognostic parameters. It is shown that both treatment groups are acceptably comparable. Figure 2 presents dose response curves for the two groups of patients in whom different sequencing of both modalities was used. An en­hancement ratio of 1.7 was found for the group of 29 patients in whom RT was used immediately prior to HT when plotted against those 23 patients in whom RT followed HT. The majority of our patients tolerated TRT treat­ment well, and there was no reason to terminate the therapeutic session before 45-60 min of HT treat­ment was reached. In 39 interstitial and/or percuta­neous HT treatments, where no general anesthesia was used, generous infiltration of the heated vol­ume with 2% Xylocain was employed. In a few patients pressure over the heated area was used in order to diminish the cooling effect of enhanced blood flow. Using RTOG/EORTC system, there were 29% of acute and 23% of late toxicities grade 3-4 recorded in our patients. Tables 4 and 5 present the prevalence of tested tumor and/or therapeutic Supe1:ficial thermoradiotherapy Table 3. The prevalence of prognostic parameters within the two groups of patients treated by different sequencing of the two treatment modalities. Sequence T. Volume TTDofRT Fr.size/HT N°ofHT Histology ofRT & HT ~2.58C (%) <55 ccm (%) <'.40 Gy (%) >3Gy(%) > 1 (%) noSCC (%) RT+HT 24/29 (83%) 19/29 (66%) 16/29 (55%) 19/29 (66%) 13/29 (45%) 8/29 (28%) HT+RT 19/23 (83%) 12/23 (52%) 18/23 (78%) 9/23 (39%) 6/23 (26%) 6/23 (26%) p-value 0.9 0.5 RT -radiotherapy, HT -hyperthermia, T . minimum intratumoral temperature, TTD of RT -totafiumor 1 19 7 1 33 8 0.2 TTD ofRT >45 Gy 30 11 :::;45 Gy 22 4 0.1 Rcsporn:ic CR 31 9 noCR 21 6 0.2 T maximum temperature measured in heated volume, I-if' hyperthermia, TTD -total tumor 45°C <45°C 28 21 8 4 0.2 TTDofRT >45 Gy 27 7 :::;45 Gy 22 5 0.3 Cumulative TTD <'.85 Gy 29 10 <85 Gy 20 2 0.04 * In 3 patients evaluation of late toxicity was not possible because they died shortly after 3 months following TRT. T . , -maximum temperature measured inside the heated vofume, TTD-total tumor 3 Gy of RT was used immediately before the heating (p=0.03) (Figure 1). When the 42.5°C), achieved in the majority of our patients, the therapeutic effect, obtained by HT + RT sequence, yielded the treatment results compa­rable only to those achieved by RT alone. The pos­sible explanation for these findings is that the mech­anism of thermal efficiency in clinical TRT most probably acts prevalently by inhibiting the ability of repair system for radiation induced damage. Be­cause of somewhat greater sensibility of human tumors, in clinical conditions, to the heat, even non-cytotoxic HT could enhance an immediately preexisting radiation damage, however, sufficient heating probably results in better enhancement. Therefore, it looks like, it is not HT itself to be blamed for the disappointing treatment results ob­tained by ITRT, but more likely the placement and the amount of immediate irradiation used concur­rently with HT. Our CR rate achieved in patients, where RT + HT sequencing has been used (i.e., CR rate of 72%), were even slightly better when com­pared to other randomized trials with similar se­quencing employed. 15 Except for malignant melano­ma, the positive influence of a higher fraction size of immediate RT, which in our case resulted in CR rate of 84%, in former clinical trials had not been found relevant. If radiosensitization induced by HT is a consequence of disturbances in DNA repair,51 then only irradiation applied immediately before HT could result in the potentiation of radiation damage. A larger fraction size of RT should, there­fore, result in more expressed potentiation of in­duced radiation damage. It is likely that higher intratumoral temperatures, rather than mild, inter­fere with the ability of repairing processes more effectively. Presumably, the recorded influence of somewhat higher fraction size on CR rate in our report is also related to the substantially higher leve! of intratumoral temperatures achieved in our HT treatments. Taking into account that in our re­port fairly good treatment results were achieved when RT was used immediately prior to somewhat more intense HT, even our higher rate of toxicity reported (Tables 4 and 5) could stili be acceptable, considering the fact that the treatment by TRT was the only chance of prolonged survival due to a local cure in our patients. It is true that a variety of tumor types and differ­ent treatment schedules used in our report can bias the fina! results. However, it is also true that by using strict protocols the differences would proba­bly never show up. It is our conclusion, that in the treatment of su­perficial human tumors by HT, either "mild" or "sufficient" heating, could be an important additive to RT, when appropriately employed. In our pa­tients a significant influence of reasonably higher fraction size of RT on treatment results, when ap­plied immediately before the heating session, was detected. Most likely, the low-dose irradiation, by having no ability to provide a productive amount of instant radiation damage to be increased by heat, rather than insufficient heating, was responsible for a poor expression of thermal enhancement in ITRT clinical trials. Acknowledgements This work was supported by grant J3-5254 from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Slovenia. We are much obliged to Othmar Handl, his wife Le­onore Handl-Zeller and Kurt Schreier from Vienna, Austria, for ali the technical support and collabora­tion during our experimental work. Special thanks to Maja Cemažar for estimation of Sigma-plot curves. References 1. Cosset JM, Dutreix J, Haie C, Gerbaulet A, Janoray P, Dewar JA. 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Radiotherapy in localized (stage II, III, IV) and metastatic disease. Acute and long-term side effects. * Berta Jereb Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana, Slovenia Nephroblastoma, an embryonic type of malignant tumor in the kidney found in infancy and early childhood is sometimes associated with congenital anomalies. In recent years the research in genetics of this tumor has been extremely active. For decades radiation has generally been accepted as a valuable supplement to surgery in the treatment of nephroblastoma. Unfortunately it may produce undesirable late effects. With the survival rates steadily improving from about 25% before up to 80% and more, the problem of late sequelae is becoming the most important one. With the aim to diminish late sequelae with adjustment of treatment to known variables severa! clinical trials have been conducted in Europe, USA and Great Britain. The results of these are presented together with adverse e.ffects and second malignancies. Further prospects are discussed. The success of therapy for children with nephroblastoma has resulted in growth to adulthood of a large population of former patients. Radiation therapy is considered responsible for a great deal of early and late toxicities. However, the number of children at risk for this has certainly diminished. Key words: nephroblastoma-radiotherapy General aspects Nephroblastoma is a term used for an embryonic type of malignant tumor in the kidney, found in infancy and early childhood, seldom seen beyond the age of 10 and very rarely in adult life. Wilms suggested in 1899 that the tumor arises from undifferentiated mesoderm. This was accept­ed and his name has been associated with the tumor ever since. Nephroblastoma comprises 10% of ma­lignant diseases in children and afflicts one in 10.000 children. * Presented at ESTRO/SIOP teaching course on paediatric radiooncology, AKH Vienna University, Vienna, Austria. 27-28 September, 1996. Correspondence to: Berta Jereb M.D., Ph.D. Institute of Oncology, Zaloška 2, 1105 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Tei: +386 61 323 063, Fax: +386 61 131 41 80. UDC: 616.61-006.85:615.849 Nephroblastoma is sometimes associated with congenital anomalies. Children with aniridia, geni­to-urinary malformations and mental retardation (W AGR), Denys-Drash syndroma or Beckwith­Wiederman syndroma are considered to run a high­er risk for nephroblastoma. 1 In Wilms' tumor associated with specifical con­genital syndromes, WT 1 germ-line mutations are frequently detected, while in sporadic Wilms' tu­mor WT 1 -DNA mutations are present only in 6% of the cases. Possible molecular markers for prog­nosis, using DNA techniques, are being developed. The loss of heterozygosity for chromosomes in Wilms' was seen for chromosomes 11 p, 16 q and 1 p in 33,17 and 12% respectively. Patients with loss of heterozygosity for chromosome 16 q had mortal­ity rates 12 times higher than those without it. How­ever, the correlation of chromosome 16 q and poor prognosis seems related to tumor progression rather than initiation, as there is no constitutional deletion Radiotherapy in nephrob/astoma of the chromosome in Wilms' tumor. Whether IGF binding protein -2-levels will be a useful serum marker of Wilms' tumor activity is no yet estab­lished.2·3 Radiation treatment -development The first cure of a child with nephroblastoma was reported in 1894, the report on the first child treated for nephroblastoma by radiation therapy (RT) alone in 1916 and in 1945 the first cures of children with nephroblastoma treated with RT were reported. It has since then been generally agreed upon that RT is a valuable supplement to surgery for nephroblas­toma. A beneficial effect of preoperative radiation has been first shown in 194 7 and later by many others. Opponents, however, warned of the delayed sur­gery and thereby risk for metastases. They also denied that preoperative shrinkage of the tumor was of importance for the surgeon. The discussion on whether radiation should be used preoperatively or postoperatively has been continued until 2 decades ago, when more systematical studies provided evi­dence of the value of preoperative radiation and of the value of preoperative treatment of nephroblast­oma in general. This expeiience is stili not general­ly used outside Europe, preoperative chemotherapy (ChT) is at present widely accepted as a mode of treatment for the great majority of children with malignant solid tumors. The optimal dose of radiation for nephroblasto­ma was also a matter of discussion for decades. It was shown more than 20 years ago that 20 Gy to the tumor bed postoperatively was sufficient for tumor control. The decision, that in the great majority of cases not more than that is necessary, was made only after the introduction of Actinomycin D. A significant influence of preoperative RT in locally advanced tumors on the cure rate was shown in a retrospective multivariate analysis in 1973 and was the basis for the first study to determine whether preoperative radiation improves survival as com­pared to postoperative radiation, in a prospective randomized trial.4 Postoperative radiation was stili much more in use. The technique of RT as regard the design of the treatment volume, frnctionation schemes, daily dose and planning has not changed much during the dec­ ades. Two opposing fields are used to cover the tumor bed. After recognizing the risk for scoliosis, when irradiating only one half of the vertebral body, the 2 opposing fields were enlarged to cover the whole vertebral bodies. Fields for treatment of the whole abdomen or the whole Jung in disseminated tumors have also remained essentially the same, although the dose had to be reduced because of additional ChT. Nephroblastoma being a rare con­dition; studies have been conducted in cooperative groups: The National Wilms' Tumor Study (NWTS) 5 started in 1969 in the USA by the Children Cancer Study Group (CCSG). The Nephroblastoma SIOP 1 in Europe in 1971 6 and in 1979 the United Kingdom Children's' Cancer Study Group Wilms' tria! (UKW) in Great Britain and Norway.7 The stage of the tumor and its histological type have been recognized as the most important factors for the prognosis in nephroblastoma. Consequently, the criteria applied for randomization were mainly the same in the thrce trials, the questions asked, however, varied, as they wcre based on previous experiences and traditions at the 3 different re­gions. Recognizing the importance of lymph node involvement for prognosis8, the staging has been slightly modified, from that which was first accept­ed by the NWTS 1, and in the SIOP 1 Study tria!. The significant difference in the outcome of tu­mors with favourable histology (FH) and unfavour­able histology (UH) (10% of all cases), has been confirmed in the trials.9 For further randomization, only localized stages with FH were included; in­fants and stage IV, Stage V and ali tumors with UH were dealt with in other ways. 10 In the course of these studies severa! histological subtypes have been recognized e.g. the Stockholm histological classifi­cation of nephroblastoma (Table 1). Table l. The Stockholm working classification of renal tumors of childhood (1994). I. LOW RISK TUMOURS ("FAVOURABLE") -Cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma Nephroblastoma with fibroadenomatous-like structures Ncphroblastoma of highly differcntiated epithelial type -Nephroblastoma -completely necrotic (after preopera­tive chemotherapy) -Mesoblastic nephroma II. INTERMEDIATE RISK TUMOURS ("STANDARD") -Non-anaplastic nephroblastoma with its variants -Nephroblastoma -necrotic but some features left ( < 10%) III. HIGH RISK TUMOURS ("UNFAVOURABLE") -Nephroblastoma with anaplasia -Clear celi sarcoma ofthe kidney Rhabdoid twnour of the kidney 50 Jereb B Groups of patients with very good prognosis have been identified; e.g. children younger tban 2 years witb tumors of FH, not greater tban 550 ccm (NWTS) or stage I tumors 11 in wbicb after preoper­ative cbemotberapy no vita! tumor cells were found (SIOP). In such cases postoperative treatment could possibly be omitted. Also, groups witb very poor prognosis bave been identified; tbose with advanced tumors and UH. For tbose, more aggressive treat­ment schemes were designed. 12 By increasing the rate of Stage I tumors witb preoperative cbemotherapy in the ongoing SIOP tria!, postoperative radiation is given only to 20% of ebildren as eompared to 80% in tbe first SIOP study. 13 The number of ebildren reeeiving postoper­ative RT has diminisbed in the UKW when tbe study eonfirmed that omittanee of postoperative RT for Stage I tumor is safe and RT was given to Stage II and Stage III tumors only if at tbe second look operation no residual tumor was found. Fewer ebil­dren reeeive RT in the NWTS as well and also the doses in general are lower. After tbe most important questions were resolved: on tbe value of preoperative treatment in the SIOP, on tbe effeet of cbemotherapy combinations VCR, VCR -AMD, VCR + AMD + Doxo in tbe NWTS, on tbe safe omittance of postoperative RT for Stage I tumors in tbe UKW, tbe main goal, tbat is, to decrease tbe number of ebildren reeeiving postop­erative radiation seemed to be acbieved. Tbe experienee of tbe different trials was con­stantly exchanged and incorporated into treatment scbemes. Preoperative treatment is used in tbe on­going SIOP tria! for ali eases, in tbe USA it is given to cbildren witb "unresectable" tumors and its ben­eficial effect is reported in selected groups of pa­tients witb intracaval and intraatrial tumor exten­sion. 14 Also, in the UKW study, preoperative treat­ment is given to individually considered unresecta­ble tumors. The main drawback, aecording to the opponents of preoperative ehemotherapy, is the dif­ficulty of histological elassification. Tbey accept, however, a 100% tumor response to preoperati ve chemotherapy as a good prognostic sign. There is stili no known effeetive treatment for some of the tumors of UH, especially if disseminated. For these children with poor prognosis, RT is stili used to reduce the risk of abdominal recurrence, while new chemotherapeutic agents or new combinations are being introduced to reduce the risk for metastases. In the majority of cases, radiotherapy has been replaced by ehemotherapy. For advanced tumors and those with UH, Doxorubicin is usually added. It has also been a part of treatment for UH and recurrent tumors, often in eombination with RT. Fatal late effects of eardiotoxicity have been ob­served after treatment with Doxorubicin. The an­swer to the question how best to balance the merits and demerits of ehemotberapy vis-a-vis tbose of RT has yet to be found. Adverse ef'fects of treatment With the survival ratcs of Wilms' tumor steadily improving from about 25% before the introduetion of chemotherapy, with the amounting knowledge and treatment tailored to age, stage, histology type, tbe survival rates are now up to 80% and more in some good risk groups; tbe problems of late seque­lae are becoming the most important ones. The tolerance for RT of different organs has been agreed upon after deeades of experienee and obser­vation, the late effects of ebemotherapy are stili being recognized and the effeets of combination of chemotherapy and RT are a rather new ehapter of radiobiology. Radiation nephrotoxicity In general, the tolerance to radiation of the kidney in the child is similar to tbat in the adult. It is about 20.0 Gy when radiation has been delivered to both kidneys in 3-5 weeks, using redueed daily fractions, wben delivered without chemotherapy. The dura­tion of follow-up is eritical, signs and symptoms of late radiation damage to tbe kidney may not devel­op for years. The underlying process of late radia­tion damage is progressive nephrosclerosis. It bas been suggested that renal function compat­ible with clinieal health in nephrectomised patients can be preserved as long as the remaining kidney bas received less the 12.0 Gy. It bas been reported tbat one ebild out of four, who received 14-15 Gy, experieneed transient nephropathy, and one ehild in tbe NWTS has developed fatal nephropathy. Tbus, tbe dose of 14 Gy appears relatively safe even ona long-term basis. An exeess of diastolic hyperten­sion has been reported in the long-term survivors (5 years from diagnosis) of the NWTS, notably among younger children. The results of this retrospective study bave to be taken witb caution for severa] 15 reasons. It has been suggested tbat moderate doses of radiation (14.5 -20.0) may reduee or eliminate the Radiotherapy in 11ephrohlasto111a ability of a remaining kidney to hypertrophy. The enhancing effect of AMD on radiation ncphropathy is controversial, but in animal experiments BCNU, cisplatinum and Doxorubicin showcd this effect. Iphosphamide may produce nephropathy, but it is not clear if it enhances the effects of RT. 1" Radiation hepatotoxicity Hepatotoxicity is one of the major acute rcactions to combined postoperative treatment in nephroblas­toma patients. 30.0 Gy is considered a safe RT dose to the whole ]iver. The tolerance of the Iiver varies a great deal depending on the volume irradiated and on additional chemotherapy. Hcpatotoxicity identi­cal in prcsentation and course to radiation hepatitis occurred in children who received postoperative chemotherapy only, in about 10%. In the SIOP group of patients who received postoperative radia­tion and AMD it occurred in 11 out of 58 children (19%) who had major parts of the Iiver or whole ]iver within the irradiation fields. Four of them had veno-occlusive discase (VOD). The dosc range was 12.0 -22.5 Gy with a few who had a boost up to 30 Gy. Ali four patients who had VOD had received doses > 20 Gy and AMD on 5 consecutive days (15 y/kg). None of the patients who received a singlc dose of AMD (0/13) developed ]iver toxicity but 11/24 with AMD on 5 consecutive days dicl. Ali children recovered from toxicity with conscrvative treatment and dosc reduction of AMD. 17• 18 Radiation pnewnonitis Radiation induced interstitial pneumonitis and pul­monary fibrosis are common complications of treat­ment for Jung metastases in Wilms' tumor patients. A safc dose to the whole Jung is considered to be 20 Gy when given in convcntional fractionation and without chemotherapy; 1400 Gy in 10 fraction in combination with ChT havc resulted in no compli­cations. In the NWTS, however, with 14 Gy to the wholc Jung plus AMD and VCR, pneumopathy was foundin 10-13%. Whether Doxorubicin addition increased the rate of late pulmonary dysfunction is not clear. Radia­tion pneumonitis has been seen as a "rccall effect" of AMD after RT. 19 Cardiac toxicity Congestive heart failure is a known complication of therapy with antracyclines. lts frequcncy is directly proportional to thc cumulativc dose of doxorubicin, with a reported incidence of congestive heart fail­ure of about 5% in patients who received a cumula­tive dose of 400-500 mg/m2 or more. Although the initial reports of cardiac failurc were Iimited to the first year after completion of therapy, rcports of heart failurc and dysarrhytmias, leading in some cases to sudden death, are now appearing in pa­tients trcated 4-20 years earlier. In patients from the NWTS 1, 2 and 3, 8 cases ( 1.7%) were found of congestive heart failure after doxorubicin treatment. Additional risk factors included whole Jung irradia­tion and concurrent thcrapy with cyclophosphamide. Only further follow-up will define the magnitude of the risk for different combinations of chemotherapy and RT.20 Reproductive syslem Damage to the male and female reproductive sys­tem caused by cancer therapy may result in infertil­ity or hormona] dysfunction. Up to 12% of female survivors of childhood cancer who received abdom­inal radiation have ovarian failure. In males, gonad­al radiation may result in temporary azoospermia and elevated levels of follicle stimulating and lutci­nizing hormones. A study of pubertal development in children treated for Wilms' tumor found that 3 out of 1 O girls and I out of 6 boys had delayed development associated with elevated hormone lev­els. Thc relative fertility of the 20 Wilms' tumor survivors was 1.49%. Serious adverse pregnancy outcomes have been observed in women who had received abdominal radiation for Wilms' tumor. Perinatal mortality has been cstimated to be eight limes higher than among USA whitc women in general and thc rates of low births weight 4 limes higher. Similar observations regarding the effect of abdominal radiation on low birth weight have been made in babics born to other childhood cancer sur­vivors. Thc risk for children born to Wilms' tumor patients who had chemothcrapy, but no RT, is not known. Second malignancies Children trcatcd for cancer are at increased risk for both malignant and bcnign second tumors. Cyclo­phosphamide, doxorubicin and cisplatin currently used to treat high risk Wilms' tumor patients, or those who had recurrences, have been implicated in leukemogenesis and carcinogenesis. Radiation and chemotherapy in combination may be more onco­ 52 Jereb B genic than either agent alone. Studies of second malignant neoplasms in Wilms' tumor survivors have documented a 1 % cumulative incidence at 10 years from diagnosis and rising thereafter. Ali but 2 of the 26 SMN identified in 2 studies occurred in iITadiated patients, most within the radiation field. In the NWTS, among 5415 patients treated, 46 developed SMNs, 34 of these had RT and 12 had no RT. Radiation, doxorubicin and recurrence, alone or in combination appear to account for 86% of the SMN cases recorded.21 These 46 cases represent a 8.5 times higher rate than excepted. One possible cause of SMN might also be related to genetic predisposition; there are some observation that sug­gest such correlation: patients with congenital anom­alies have an increased risk of SMN, the patients who experienced SMN were relatively young (5 out of 7 less the 2 years old and in one study of 36 patients with SMN after Wilms', eight had first degree relatives with Wilms' tumor or congenital anomalies associated with Wilms' tumor.22 How much the risk for SMNs has decreased by decreasing the use of RT only tirne will show. Much work is stili needed to define the risks depending on treatment modality, doses of RT and particular chemotherapy agents. The success of therapy for children with Wilms' tumor has resulted in growth to adulthood of a large population of former patients. The quality of their lives and the lives of their offspring must be our first concern after saving their lives. RT is considered responsible for a great deal of early and late toxicities and the most serious late sequelae -second malignant tumors. The number of children at risk for this has certainly diminished. References l. Coppes M, Huff V, Pelletier J. Denys-Drash syndrome: relating a clinical disorder to genetic alterations in the tumor suppressor gene WTJ. Pediatrics 1993; 123: 673-8. 2. Grundy P, Telzerow P, Breslow N, Mokness J, Huff V, Paterson M. Loss of heterozygosity for chromosomes 16q and lp in Wilms' tumors predicts an adverse out­come. Cancer Res 1994; 54: 2331-3. 3. Varanasi R, Bardeesy N, Ghahremani M et al. Fine ucture analysis of the WTI gene in sporadic Wilms' tumors. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1994; 91: 3554-8. 4. Jereb B, Eklund G. Factor influencing the cure rate in nephroblastoma: a review of 335 cases. Acta Radio/ Ther Phys Biol 1973; 12: 1-23. 5. D' Angio GJ, Beckwith JB, Breslow NE, et al.. Wilms' tumor: an update. Cancer 1980; 45: 1791-8. 6. Jereb B, Burgers JMV, Tournade MF et al.. Radiother­apy in the SIOP (International Society of Pediatric On­cology) nephroblastoma studies: a review. Med Pedi­atr Oncol 1994; 22: 221-7. 7. Pritchard J, Imeson J, Barnes J et al. Results of the United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group first Wilms' tumor study. J Ciin Oncol 1995; 13: 124-33. 8. Jereb B, Tournade MF, Lemerle J, et al.. Lymph node invasion and prognosis in nephroblastoma. Cancer 1980; 45:1632-5. 9. Beckwith JB, Palmer N. Histopathology and prognosis ofWilms' tumor: results ofthe National Wilms' Tumor Study. Cancer 1981; 41: 1937-48. 10. de Kraker J, Lemerle J, Vofite PA, Zucker MF, Tour­nade MF, Carli M for the Internati ona! Society of Pedi­atric Oncology Nephroblastoma Tria! and Study Com­mittee: Wilms' tumor with pulmonary metastases at diagnosis: the significance of primary chemotherapy. J Ciin On col 1990; 8: 1 l 87-90. 11. Green D, Beckwith J, Weeks D, Moksness J, Breslow N, D' Angio G. The relationship between microsub­staging, age at diagnosis, and tumor weight of children with stage I/favorable histology Wilms' tumor. Cancer 1994; 74:1817-20. 12. D' Angio GJ, Breslow N, Beckwith JB et al.. Treatment ofWilms' tumor: Results of the Third National Wilms' Tumor Study. Cancer 1989; 64: 349-60. 13. Tournade MF, Com-Nougue C, Vofite PA, et al.. Re­sults of the Sixth Internati ona! Society of Pediatric On­cology Wilms' Tumor tria! and study: A risk-adapted therapeutic approach in Wilms' tumor. J Ciin Oncol 1993; 11: 1014-23. 14. Ritchey ML, Kelalis PP, Haase GM, Shochat SJ, Green DM, D' Angio G. Preoperative therapy for intracaval and atrial extension of Wilms Tumor. Cancer I 993; 71: 4104-IO. 15. Finklestein JZ, Norkool P, Green DM, Breslow N, D' Angio GJ. Diastolic hypertension in Wilms' tumor survivors: a late effect of treatment? A report from the National Wilms' Tumor Study Group. Am J Ciin Oncol 1993; 16: 201-5. 16. Cassady JR. Clinical radiation nephropathy. /nt J Radi­at Oncol Biol Phys 1995; 31:1249-56. 17. Flentje M, Weirich A, Potter R, Ludwig R. Hepatotox­icity in irradiated nephroblastoma patients during post­operative treatment according to SIOP9/GPOH. Radi­other Oncol 1994; 31: 222-8. 18. Raine J, Bowman A, Wallendszus K, et al. Hepatopath­ythrombocytopenia syndrome -a complication of ac­tinomycin-D therapy for Wilms' tumour. J Ciin Oncol 1991; 9: 268-73. 19. Green DM, Finklestein JZ, Breslow NE, et al.. Remain­ing problems in the treatment of patients with Wilms' tumor. Pediatr Ciin North Am 1991; 38: 475-88. 20. Green DM, Breslow NE, Moksness J. Congestive heart failure following initial therapy for Wilms tumor: a report from the National Wilms Tumor Study. Pediatr Res 1994; 35:161A. Radiotherapy in nephrob/astoma 21. Breslow NE, Takashima JR, Whitton JA, Moksness J, 22. Hartley AL, Birch JM, Blair V, Morris Jones P, Gatta­D' Angio GJ, Green DM. Second malignant neoplasms maneni HR, Kelsey AM. Second primary neoplasms in following treatment for Wilms' tumor: a report from a population-based series of patients diagnosed with the National Wilms' Tumor Study Group. J Ciin Oncol renal tumours in childhood. Med Pediclfr Oncol 1994; 1995, 13: 1851-9. 22: 318-24. Radio/ Oncol l 997; 31: 54-5. Three-layer template for low-dose-rate remote afterload transperineal interstitial brachytherapy Janez Kuhelj, Primož Strojan, Janez Burger Institute of Oncology, ˝iuh(jana, Slovenia Our experience with a low-dose-rate ( LDR) remote qfierload device (RAD) for transperineal interstitial brachytherapy with 192lr wires has shown that in commercially available templates the smallest distance between individual need/e guides is JO mm due to the fixation teclmique used; the JZxation of the guides also turnecl out inadequate since these tended to move uncontrollably when attached to the LDR RAD. Therefore, a special three-layer template was developed at our Institute. The two outer plates of the device are _joined to form a rigid unit; there is a third, longitudinally movable plate placed in between the other two. The distribution c~l holes for guides insertion is identical in ali three plates, and can be adjusted as required. By tightening two screws mounted on the outer plates, the mediwn plate is moved longitudinally, thus simultane­ously _fixing ali the guides inserted. We believe that this device proves ve,y useful, thanks to the simplicity of technical solution, more suitable distribution of ho/es for guides as well as firm and simultaneous jixation of ali guides. Key words: brachytherapy-methods; interstitial brachytherapy, transperineal template Introduction According to the rules of Paris system for dose calculation, 1• 2 a template for needle guides fixation in the interstitial brachytherapy using low-dose-rate (LDR) remote afterloading device (RAD) with 192Ir wires should provide a geometrically correct distri­bution of needle guides in the treated volume, and also ensure strong fixation of the guides during implantation. Evaluating our previous work,3 we found com­mercially available templates imperfect as a result of the guide fixation method used.4·6 The distribu­tion of holes for guides in these templates permit­ted for a minimum distance of 10 mm between guides. Taking into account the irregular shape of Correspondence to: Janez Kuhelj, M.D., Ph. D., Institute of Oncology, Dept. of Brachytherapy, Zaloška 2, l 105 Ljubljana, Slovenia; Fax: +386 61 1314180. UDC: 615.849.5 tumors implanted, this would not always enable an optimum distribution of guides in the implanted area. Besides, the fixation of guides in these tem­plates was insufficient as they would move uncon­trollably while attached to RAD during implanta­tion. Therefore, at the Department of Brachytherapy of the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana, we have made a template which is devoid of the previously mentioned drawbacks. Design We have cleveloped ancl constructed a three-layer template presented in Figure 1. The two thinner, 3 mm thick outer plates are joined in four corners with screws and distance washers to form a rigid unit. The third, median 5 mm thick plate is movable longitudinally with respect to the outer plates. Ali three plates have identical perforations, the bole diameter being the same as the outer diameter of Template for transperineal brachytherapy the guides. The guides are inserted through the three plates and fixed by tightening of the two screws mountecl on the outer plates. At cloing this, the median plate slicles longituclinally; the movement is gradual which allows precise exertion of pressure on the guicles ancl thus simultaneously fixing ali the guicles insertecl. This is necessary to prevent guicle clistortion ancl at the same time ensure sufficient shear forces required for stable fixation of the guides inserted. Generally, we use a template with regular 5-mm square hole clistribution pattern which en­sures goocl coverage of the treated volume. Its low weight, simple construction ancl solicl fixation of conveniently clistributed guicles solve the problems associated with massiveness, elaborate construction, ancl inadequate distribution of holes which results in inappropriate clistribution of guicles in the exist­ ing commercially available templates. Conclusion Our experience with the presented template indi­cates that this meets the requirements for LDR re­mote afterload interstitial brachytherapy. It enables greater flexibility as to the selection of distance between guicles, and their clistribution with respect to the shape ancl size of the volume treatecl. Also, the fixation of the guicles insertecl is simultaneous, whieh prevents the guides from being clistortecl. Accordingly, when attached to RAD tubes, no un­controllable movements may occur during implan­tation. Figure lA. Template assembly for LDR RAD interstitial brachytherapy with 1'J2lr wires designed and worked out in the Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana, Slovenia. @ @ o r ? ~ ~ o jP------------! ~ Figure 1 B. Schematic dcscription of template. We believe that the template clesigned ancl worked out in the Institute promotes the quality of work with LDR RAD in our transperineal interstitial brachytherapy. Acknowledgment The authors thank Mrs. O. Shrestha, E.A., for her English translation. Referenccs 1. Dutrcix A, Marineilo G. The Paris system. In: Picrquin B, Wilson JF, Chassagnc D, eds. Modem brachythera­py. New York: Masson Publishing, 1987: 25-42. 2. Dutreix A, Marincilo G, Wambersie A. Dosimetric du systeme de Paris. In: Dutreix A, Marineilo G, Wamber­sie A, eds. Dosimetrie en curietherapie. Paris: Masson Publishing, 1982: 109-61. 3. Kovac V, Kuhelj J. Complications at interstitial raclio­thcrapy of gynecological carcinoma. Radio/ lugos/ 1990; 24: 181-5. 4. Martinez A, Cox RS, Edmunclson GK. A multiple-site perineal applicator (MUPIT) for the treatment of pros­tatic, anorectal and gynecologic malignancies. !nt J Radia/ Oncol Bio/ Phys 1984; 10: 297-305. 5. Fleming P, Nisar Syed AM, Neblett D, Puthawala A, George FW, Townsencl D. Description of an afterload­ing l 92lr interstitial-intracavitary technique in the treat­mcnt of carcinorna of the vagina. Obstet Gyneco/ 1980; 50: 525-30. 6. John B, Scarbrough EC, Nguyen PD. A diverging gyne­cological template for radioactive interstitial/intracavi­tary implants of the ccrvix. lnt J Radia/ Onco/ Biol Phys 1988; 15: 461-5. Radio/ Oncol 1997; 31: 56-9. ESTRO teaching course in Basic Clinical Radiobiology November 24-28, 1996, lsmir, Turkey This year ESTRO Teaching course in Basic Clini­cal Radiobiology was organized in co-operation with the Dukuz Eylul University of Ismir and The Turkish Radiation Oncology Society. Almost 150 medica! doctors, physicists and biologists from different European countries and also from Japan, the United States of America and Australia attend­ed this very well prepared teaching course. The course provided an introduction to radiation biolo­gy as applied to radiotherapy. The first day of the course was dedicated to the basic lectures introducing radiobiology. Prof. Dr. A. van der Kogel from Institute for Radiotherapy, the Netherlands described the concept of clonogen­ic cells and celi survival. The clonogenic cells could be ascribed as the cells that form colonies exceed­ing 50 cells (5-6 divisions) within a defined growth environment. He gave an overview of different as­says of clonogenic tumor and normal tissue cells. By these assays one can detect the stem cells since they have the ability to form a colony. Models of radiation celi killing were mathematically explained by Dr. M. C. Joiner from the CRC Gray laboratory, United Kingdom. Three models were explained as follows: a) Single target single hit model; the idea of this model is that just one hit by radiation on a single sensitive target leads to celi death. The survi val curve is exponential and the probability of survival can be calculated by means of Poisson statistics. b) Multi-target single-hit model. This model as­sumes that there is more than one sensitive target and again a Poison statistics can be applied to de­termine the probability of celi survival. c) Linear-quadratic model gives a better descrip­tion of radiation response in the low-dose region (0-3 Gy). The shape of the curve is deterrnined by the a/fJ ratio; the rt 59 ciated with differentiation between normal and tu­mor eells. Another assay is the measurement of survival at 2 Gy. The disadvantage of this assay is its long duration and a lot of cxperimental noise due to the presence of fibroblasts. The measure­ment of pO2 shows in general a positive correlation with outcome, but is suitable only for aecessible (and large) tumors only. Severa] new methods, in­cluding the use of PET, NMR, and p53 mutations, are foreseen as predicti ve assays for tumor response to radiotherapy. On the last day of the course Dr. M. C. Joiner held a lecture on linear energy transfer (LET) and relative biological cffcctiveness (RBE). LET is a term used to dcscribe the density of ionization in particle traeks. LET is defined as the average ener­gy (in keV) released by a charged particle travers­ing a distance of 1 µm. X and y-rays have a low LET while some particle radiations (ncutrons, a­particles) have a high LET. High-LET radiations are biologically more cffeetive than low-LET radi­ations. Biological effectiveness is measured by RBE, which is defined as the ratio of dose of the reference low-LET radiation (usually 250 kV X­rays) and the dose of tested radiation that produce equal effect. RBE is not constant, but depends on the leve! of biological damage (dose Jevci). RBE dependcnce on radiation dose is different in differ­ent tissucs. Stages in process of damage produced by radia­tion was presented by Prof. G.G. Steci in his lecture on "Molecular Aspects of Radiation Biology''. These processes can be divided into induction (ion­ization and formation of free radicals), processing (initial DNA damage and fixation/misrepair on these damages) and manifestation (chromosomal aberra­tions, fragment loss, micronuclci and celi death). During the course, some practical ealculations based on the linear-quadratic model and clinical examples were discussed. A particular attention was paid to unplanned gaps that could occur during ongoing fractionated radiotherapy. It was stressed that an increased dose per fraction in order to deli v­er the same total dose, as well as adding an addi­tional dose at the end of therapy, are not satisfacto­ry solutions. The best way to overcome an un­planned gap is to accelerate radiotherapy by treat­ing the patient twice per day till the planned schedule is obtained. It is important that the overall treatment time is not changed. This very educational course ended with course cvaluation, examination and announcement that a new edition of "Basic Clinical Radiobiology" with some new chapters and the !atest devclopments in radiothcrapy will be published next year ( 1997). Maja Cemažar M.Se. Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana Radio! Oncol 1997; 31: 60-1. Study tour in Cambridge: A report With the help of Cambridge Colleges Hospitality Scheme for Central and Eastern European Scholars I spent a month at the Department of Radiology of the Cambridge University Teaching Hospital in July, 1996. There are over 5000 people employed in the hos­pital, daily treating 900-1000 patients, which makes about 60 000 patients, and 290 000 outpatients per year. The hospital has approximately 30 depart­ments and clinics, one of them is the Department of Radiology dealing with medica! imaging. Within the hospital complex there are also Blood Transfu­sion Centre, Clinical School with Medica! Library, Molecular Biological Laboratory and Ambulance Station. The Department of Radiology has the following units: conventional radiology, angiography, US-, CT-, MR-unit and a department of Nuclear Medi­cine. Sixten consultants and twenty junior radiolo­gists (registrar, senior registrar) work in the Depart­ment together with fifty radiographers (including ultrasonographers). The radiotherapeutical depart­ment works independently of the department of ra­diology. The Brain lmaging Centre which houses the PET Unit is a Neurosurgery collaborative unit. At the Department of Radiology the work with the patients starts at 9 a.m., but the radiologists come one hour earlier to attend conferences, meet the consultants, demonstrate new techniques and tutor their junior colleagues. I spent the majority of my tirne in CT-, MR-, US­units. In the US-unit there are 5 US-machines avail­able, ali suitable to perform color, Doppler investi­gation and facilities for intracavitary examinations. Comparable to the Hungarian US routine, this hos­pital did not perform "total abdominal" investiga­tions, but smaller regions were investigated (e.g. !iver + biliary tract, kidneys + bladder; thoracic fluid, child hip, neck). The US investigations were performed by three-four persons, some radiologists, some ultrasonographers. In the CT-unit there are two CT-scanners, a scanner for head and spine (Ge­neral Electric High Speed Advantage GE 9800), and another body-scanner (Siemens Somatom plus4 spiral CT). In both units interventional radiological procedures were performed, e.g. biopsy, abscess and empyema drainage, etc. In the MR-unit there are 2 General Electric Signa machines (0.5, 1.5 T). The main indication fields were the nervous sys­tem, the abdomen, the joints. These machines are capable MR spectroscopy also. I had the opportuni­ty to see for the first time MR investigation of the biliary and pancreatic ducts, MRCP and the 3D-box technique. Computers are used extensively being the part of the information system within the hospi­tal. Each unit has a reception; part of the adminis­trative work is made by the reception staff. The application of the computer is very useful in admin­istrative work. Comparable to the Hungarian prac­tice, this hospital has many more radiographers and nursed, therefore the physicians do not waste tirne with non-medical work. Aboute the Cambridge Colleges Hospitality Scheme for Central and Eastern European Scholars: in the beginning of the l 980's a linquist of the Uni­versity of Cambridge originating from Hungary de­cided to promote the study tour of scientists and teachers from universities of Central and Eastern Europe. Since 1984 there bas been an opportunity to spend a month in Cambridge during summer for 7 countries from this region. The University and the Colleges provide free accommodation, food and tu­toring. The applicant can apply for a trave! grant at the Soros Foundation. Visitors get a bursary from the Soros Foundation and the British Council for profes­sional purposes (xeroxing, books). In 1996 the number of the visitors from Central and Eastern Eu­rope was approx. 20, and 4 or 5 of us from Hungary. The majority of the visitors deal with human scienc­es and arts, I was the only one spending my time in the Cambridge University Teaching Hospital. I was there as an observer, it was necessary to avoid the clinical contact with the patients, but nevertheless, I was able to increase my expertise. Report 61 I'm very grateful to professor Dixon and his col­visit (the Cambridge Colleges Hospitality Scheme leagues for the kind welcome and permission to for Central and Eastern European Scholars). participate in the work of the Department of Radio­logy; to Sir John Meurig Thomas, The Master of Scaba Weniger M. D. radiologist Peterhouse for his invitation to live in his House Department of Radiology University and to Mrs. M. Ferguson-Smith for organizing my Medica! School, Pecs Radio/ 011co/ 1997; 31: 62-6. Ali je kvantitativna scintigrafija pri žlezah slinavkah primerna preiskava pred in po radiojodnem zdravljenju? Bohuslavizki KH, Brenner W, Tinnemeyer S, Lassmann S, Kalina S, Mester J, Clausen M, Henze E Namen pricujoce preiskave je bil s kvantitativno scintigrqfijo ugotoviti zmanj.fonje .fimkcije pri žlezah slinavkah, ki lahko nastane zaradi nizkodoznega radic~jodnega zdravlje11ja. Prav tako smo ugotavljali pogostnost okvar žlez slinavk pri .//citnicnih bolnikih. Kvantitativno scintigrafijo pri žlezah slinavkah smo delali pred rutinsko §citnicno scintigrqfijo. b1jicirali smo intravenozno 36-126 MBq Tc-99m-pertehnetata in s kopice1;je111 izotopa v slinavkah izracunali paren/zimsko funkcijo. Preiskavo smo naredili pred radiojodnim zdravlje11je111 in 3 mesece po njem pri 144 bolnikih. Pri 674 drugih bolnikih, ki so bili napoteni na §citnicno scintigrqfijo, pa smo s predhodno kvantitativno scintigra.fijo ugotavljali pogostnost okvar žlez slinavk. Kljub spodbujanju delovw1ja žlez slinavk med radioiodnim zdravlje1;jem z askorbinsko kislino, smo izmerili 15­90% parenhimske okvare žlez slinavk pri bol11ikih, ki so z radiojod11im zdravljenjem prejeli 0,4-24 GBq J­ 131. Pogostnost okvar žlez slinavk pa smo na§li v l 1,4% (771674) v eni ali dveh žlezah in 7,7% (52/674) pri treh ali §tirih žlezah. Menimo, da je kvantitativna scintigra.fija pred in po radir~jodnem zdrav(jenju primerna preiskava za kvantitativno ugotavljanje .fimkcijskih okvar žlez slinavk -tako predhodnih okvar kot okvar zaradi zdrav(jenja, kar je pomembno tudi pri uporabi nizkih doz J-13 l. Posebc(j priporocamo kvantitativno scintigrq/ijo pri žlezah slinavkah zaradi forenžicnih razlogov. Radio/ 011co/ 1997; 31: 5-12. Relativna koncentracija DNK v tirocitih scintigrafsko vrocih nodusov Budihna NV, Zupanc M, Zorc-Pleskovic R, Porenta M, Vraspin-Porenta O Cilj raziskave je ugotoviti citolo§ko sliko in izmeriti relativno koncentracijo DNK v tirocitih dominantno scintigrqf.i·ko vrocih nodusov §citnice. Metode: Preiskali smo 67 bolnikov z hipertirozo zaradi lokaliziranega avtonomnega tkiva (vrocih nodusov). Relativno koncentracijo DNK v vrocih nodusih smo dolocili s pomocjo celicne citofotometrije in jo primerjali z rezultati citologije, sci11tigrqfije, TT4, TT3, TSH in tiroglobulinom v serumu bolnikov. Rezultati: Modalna vrednost relativne koncentracije DNK v tirocitih je bila v 16 vrocih nodusih diploidna (tip J), v 21 hiperdiploidna (tip 2). 12 nodusov v diploidno (tip 3) in 18 z hiperdiploidno (tip 4) modalno vrednostjo relativne koncentracije DNK je imelo hkrati znake povec'ane prol(feracije celic. Tirociti 4 normalnih .fcitnic so bili diploidni. Citom01/olo§ki znaki atipije in degenerativne spremembe so bili signifikantno boU pogosti pri tipih DNK distribucije 3 in 4 kot pri tipih l in 2. Sklepi: Dominantni scintigrajs·ko vroci nodusi v §citnici so diploidni ali hiperdiploidni. Nekateri vroc'i nodusi so v fazi proliferacije. DNK cito.fotometrija je lahko koristna kot pomožna diagnosticna metoda v primerih, ľier citolo.ška slika (vrocih) .šcitnicnih nodusov ni zanes(iiva, zlasti kadar nacrtujemo radiojodno zdrav(ie11je hipertiroze z lokaliziranim avtonomnim tkivom. Radio/ Oncol 1997; 31: 13-7. Abstracts Diagnosticna vrednost razpoložljivih tumorskih oznacevalcev pri šcitnicnem karcinomu Brenner W, Bohuslavizki KH, Klutmann S, Henze E Pri sledenju onkolo.'iikih bolnikov so tumorski oznacevalci pomembno sredstvo -tako za zgodnje ugotavljanje napredovanja ali ponovitve bolezni in za ugotavUmije oddaljenih metastaz, kot tudi za ugotavljanje ucinkovitosti zdravljenja. Za najbolj pogoste vrste .'iicitnicnih karcinomov so na razpolago preizku.frni twrwrski oznacevalci. Uporab!jamo jih pri papilarnem in folikulamem. karcinomu, ki izhqjata iz .'iicitnicnega epitela ter pri medularnem karcinomu, ki nastane iz parqfblikularnih C-celic žleze šcitnice. V c