Slaoana Nat"! Banafit Socimty in 45th Y oar ot Fraternal Sarvice-1904.1948 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY MMfMMtiNiMtVMMniStH ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SATURDAYS. SUNDAYS Md HOLIDAYS Office of Publication» 1SS7 SOUTH LAWNDALK AYS. TCLCPHONEi ROCKWELL 4904 YEAR XL SSM Yearly CHICAGO St. ILL*. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER S. IUI second class metier January 1«, (»3». y lh# iKnl ufflw Illlnuia. uMkr tha Act of i\mgr«ss of March t. 1ST» NUMBER IN BAD6ERLAND NEWS MILWAUKEE, Wi«.—Note to Anne Zele of the Smugglers' lodge. We certainly agree with the first paragraph of your last week's article. Your scribe had attempted to stir up some action on this subject a few months back, but the response was nU. so we let it drop. The idea is very good and if the Supreme Board would offer some inducement mayhap we would get more action. After 4 years of constant writing for the Prosveta, I would certainly welcome relief once in a while. Talent there must be aplenty amongst the different lodges and a little award may be one way to bring this talent into the open. Let's hear from more of the old-time writers on this subject. Dear members: The membership drive is fast drawing to a close. What say we all get on the beam and each bring in at least one member. Talk to your butcher, barber, grocer and any number of prospects you meet in your daily routine and explain the advantages of joining our fraternal order. Get their names on the dotted line and let's really build the Badger lodge up and up. Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zorc who are now the proud parents of a baby girl. Better late than never, so we hope you people will excuse us for overlooking this addition to your family. Mrs. Zorc is the former Mary Fritz. Two five-year-olds, Tommy Ob luck and Susan Lamonie, acted as escorts at the wedding of Emil Zorc and Ann Luzar on Sept. 25. These two youngsters really put on a dig nified performance what with Tom my dressed in tails and little Susie Nin a pale green pastel formal gown, the reception being hteld at the Harmony hall. " v A special invitation is extended to all Badgers to make sure you are in atteadance at the Oct. meeting. After the usual routine of business there will be real pelebrstion in store for you as we sgain return to the entertainment field that we always absolve during Ike summer months. The seven lean members of the Redskin clan will set ss host« and promise you something new and different. So keep this dste in mind. Oct. 22. Bowling Taps The Badger bowlers went thru their paces at the Silver City Lanes and some pretty good scoring wss the result. Redeeming himself for the dismsl showing the previous week. Tony Psulin wss top kick with his 589 with a 210 gsme. His tcsmmate Ed Evanich was next in line with 587 and a 216 game. Matt Levar had a nice series of 568 with a 203 finish. Tony Obluck had 561 with Joe Glavan posting a 547 set. Thetop Redskin tesm took two on the chin from the Town Taps to put them in a tie for /irst place with the Illiria Markets who captured two from the Debelak plumbers. They have a 6-3 standing with the Town Tap 5-4 one game behind. Rebernisek Bar and Remic ^lleys hold 4-5 and the bottom rung Is held by the Debelak Plumbers with 2-7. High three team is held by the Illiria Markets with 2633. High team single goes to the Redskins with 964. Ed Evanich holds too three with 648 and Frankie Verbick high single with 247. The gals again showed some healthy scoring Mickey Nowak showed the way with a nice 484 set with a top 171 game. Mamie Er-menc and Lilly Bakke tied for the second spot as they both posted 463 (Continued on page 7) Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provides lor In section ¿103. Act of Oct 3, 191T, authorized on June 4. ISIS. "VIEWING WITH ALARM" Elsewhere in this issue of Prosveta members of Lodge Spartans ot Cleveland are "viewing with growing alarm the many' articles of a controversial nature appearing in the Prosveta within recent months." They are dreaming with nostalgia about the "good ole' days" when there was hardly any room in the Eng-j lish Section to publish any "controversial" material or "personal opinions and prejudices" on "political and religious subjects."' Then the organization and its official organ were apparently "tolerant, democratic and progressive." Somewhere there is evidently something wrong: either with the Editor who publishes "controversial" articles and "personal opinions and prejudices", or with the policy of the paper, or with the last SNPJ Convention which adhered to the well established traditions of the organization when it prescribed the policy ot Prosveta and of the Society. Or perhaps it is something wrong with those who object to and "view with alarm" our present policy and therefore the enlightened traditions which have made the SNPJ a great labor fraternal organization. Be that as it may. Let us, however, examine why we publish "controversial" material and "personal opinions" to which some members object. Before we do this we might add parenthetically that no paper will please all its readers, for each of us has his or her own predilections, opinions and prejudices; or ideas, ideala and aspirations, or none. • * Since we had in mind writing a series of articles explaining in historical perspective the broader nature of SNPJ to our English speaking members, this perhaps might as well be the starting point. The Slovene speaking members who have built the organization from its inception in 1004, most of them now in rapidly declining years, know the history of the organization quite well, for they have been a part of It. They likewise know what it stands for, namely its ideas, ideals and aspirations. The same, however, could not be said, nor expected, of most, but not all, of the English speaking members. And the fault is not theirs either. The fault is raher on the part of the older, immigrant generation, now disappearing more and more to the great beyond, and especially on the part of the official organ, that is in the leadership. We have too long ignored, or rather not placed sufficient importance upon the question of educating, broadly speaking, our younger generation about the breeder aspects and history of our Society. That was the reason your Editor proposed in the pro-conven tion discussion in 1946 the enlargement of the Engliah Section of Prosveta* to four pages. In its pre-convention session in Eveleth, Minn., the Supreme Board approved the idea and decided to submit it to the delegates in the lorp of a resolution. This was done and the Convention approved It unanimously. The salient part of this resolution, giving directions to the editor-in-chief, and which is alao germaine to the question raiaed by Lodge Spartana of Cleveland, reads aa follows: "The enlarged Engliah Section should serve ike educational purpoeee by publishing informative, articles dealing with economic, political, eocial and similar prob- I Slavija to Mark 45th Anniversary Sunday, 0ft 10 CHICAGO.—'Thlg Sundsy. Oct. 10. Slsvija Lodge No. 1 SNPJ will be celebrating a most auspicious occasion. thst of its 4Sth anniversary As befitting an Important affair such as this, a very outstanding pro-grsm has been prepared, one that we are sure wilt be very entertaining. Milan Medveeek will serve as master of ceremonies and the program is scheduled as follows» Speaker and representaUve for the lodge will be its genial president. Bro. Frank Zaitz. Preseren Singing Society will render several tine selections. Mi lens Medvesek, pint-sice Slavija member, will recite an appropriate declamation. Circle 16. under the direction of Mrs. Terry Alesh. will perfone. snd the Adsm dancer« will close the first portion of the program. Opening the set*.mi half of the program will be the, singing society "Zarja" who will make the trip from Cleveland, Ohio, ta appear on this program. Bra Fref Vider, Supreme Secretary of the SNPJ, will be the guest spesker, after which the ceremony presenting the ehsrter members of Slavija *ill take piece. Zarjs will then spppar once sgain,____ thus ending the program for the!nter vice president,'we will most afternoon. ' I likely have to change our meeting Supper refreshment* will be' date to Friday, Oct 22 Incidental-served. both liquid and solid, while ly. the understgnsd was selected dancing, will tallow In the evening cheirman of the committee of eight to the music of popular Joe Kovic units which are sponsoring the FLASHES By Donald I. Latrlek CHICAGO.—What wss perhaps the largest funersl among our progressive people In Chipsgo we have ever had, was held Mondsy sfter-noon, Sept. 27, for the President of Uie SNPJ, Vincent Csinksr. The SNPJ Hsll was filled to capacity to listen to prominent folks relate their experiences snd their opinions of the many good things Brother Csinksr did, during his long term in office. The Modern Woodmen of Americe participated In the ceremonies also, with Anton Duller reading the ritual at the grave. Milan Medvesek did the corresponding job for Lodge Slavta. Reciting eulogies is s hsrd tssk snd is s specialised field. 1 hsve often ststed that the SNPJ can still improve on Its ritual, add to it the things that need to be added and bring It in line with the present era. Brother Cainkar was buried at the Bohemian National Cemetery. Our Brother Louis Zefran was in charge. Many folks from far and near attended. Many more came to pay theij respects. To the family our condolences. a a • Because of the Wellsce-Tsylor rslly st,Sokol Chicsgo HsU on Friday, Oct. * IS. which would involve the Pioneer secretary and the Pio and his orchestra Slavija is oordially extending an Invitation to all the SNPJ family to come and help oelebrate this important occasion with them. The program will start st 3:30 p. m. Tickets are one dollar, and you won't regret it ana bit ss a good time is in store tor alL Slavija will hold Its regular lodge meeting this Friday evening. Oct. I, at f p. ip sharp Members are requested to sttead as the above affair will only be Wo days off snd muoh must still he dene to take care of the many details involved. * Help of all kinds is needed to make the affair a sueoaas. so let's ail pitch in and do our part Ray Travnik Resigns as Supreme President Since the sudden deelk ot our Supreme President Viocenl Csinksr. conditions in the Mein Office ere still in flux. Our Supreme Secretary. Bro Vider. who underwent e double operation two weeks s#o. is beck ia the Office, not quite well. Bro. Rey Trevnlk. erstwhile first Vice-President who sue ceeded Bre. Cainkar. resigned, however, lest Fridsy. Lest Wednesdey he returned home lo Detroit le pul his etfeirs In order and return to Chisago ever the weekend. I a* toad of this we. si the Main OMtee. receded e t*le«rem end a letter le the effect that he beeeme suddenly 1IL thet he went le e hosplisl lest rridey end that he resigns es the Supeeme President of SNPJ. The EsecuHve Commit, tee Informed Bro. Joseph Cut bat. his successor, el Ihta feet Wa sre now awaiting hi« re This was the mandate of the SNPJ Thirteenth Regular Con« vention, held in Eveleth, Minn., in August, 1946. The mandate, together with other policy resolutions, is clear, your Editor understands it perfectly and he is trying to carry it out to the best of his ability and resources. The English Section was enlarged from three to four pages soon after the Convention. Since then the laatjpage of Prosveta has served as our "educatioal" or "feature" page. On this page, as well as in other available columna, are appearing "informative, labor slanted articles dealing with economic, political, social and similar problems," as per the Convention directives. To Lodge Spartans, and perhaps to some mother members, the "educational" material we have been publiahing is of "controversial nature." Perhaps it Is. But what la not controversial pertaining to life, more specifically to labor, economic, political, social and similar problems? Even Infinitely leaa important problems are often very controversial. Yet we shall indulge in them, without thinking about launching a protest against—ourselves! It is generally always the other fellow who la wrong. ★ A word, finally, as to why we publish "controversial" material. For ovef 20 years, until the enlargement of the Engliah Section to four pages, this part of the official organ waa devoted almost entirely to the lodge news and "friendly gossip". Of necessity this is still and will continue to be the caao. Consequently the "good ole' days" are still and will continue to be with us. But there is manifestly a need also for more serious and en lightened reading matter in Prosveta on current problems and events. That is why the English Section was enlarged. It is needed, first, if we want the organization to be progressive and democratic; second, because times are serious, the immediate as well as more distant future uncertain and dark and it be hooves each of us to be aa well informed about tha complex national and international problems as possible. The third reason is we have a group of serious minded members, tha so-called 'intelligent minority', who need and crave for something more than 'friendly gossip' and lodge news, Important as the latter ia. in older to keep them interested and active in the organize tion. In fact the so-called "controversial" malarial is meant pr! manly for them, that is for anyone who is interested in social, economic and labor problems and current eventa. The more members we have of this type the more intelligent and pro-greaaive will be the organization That is why our Society has been publishing iU dally for the Slovene speaking members since 1916 Aa to the advice that we disclaim editorial res|>onsJbility for the published material as far as opinions are concerned, this Is not necessary. First, anyone writing under his or her own name expresses his or her own opinion with which the reader may or mav not agree, .Second, as 1** the other material, selected or written by the Editor, wr are not trying to jam anything down the throat of anyone, Take it or leave It. We are merely presenting I arts and o|Mni lie a mystery to the American financiers snd, as in every other case, they begin to guess snd to cslculsle what the Russisns sre up to. They do know thst the Russisns sre mining s lot of gold snd one of the guesses Is that thev wsnt to set up s "ruble bloc" in the (Continued on page 7) News and Comments By J. F. Flfell CLEVELAND, Ohlo.-Our dance, Sept. 25, wss successful from every stendpoint A cool evening brought mehy Indivldusls to dsnce to the lively tunes of Mickey Rysnc snd Í5? J7Phy tHgn ■nV-.hls hoys The re.ponse to csrds foi workers brought splendid cooperation. riches could ever be. This wss proved to me msnv, many times over in the past week when our mutual friends, SNPJ and otherwise, responded so sympsthe-tlcslly snd geneiously with offers of help, csrds. flowers, visits, cslls. etc.. to do whst they could in this time of beresvement. It helped grestly to know thst our greet loss was so deeply shared by so verv msny others It is something thst is hard to express, and sll I csn say is thst we sre sincerely grsteful lo everyone, for eveiything. ANN SANNEMANN Msny who were unsble to make it were kind enough to cell stsling their lesson, such ss Mrs. Mslovac. Marie Zsk, Ceilis Mtrltof linger. Bright snd esrly came Frank Rosa lo check up on the her, Istei on Mike Preseren. Frank Tushsi. Bill Tushsr, Joe Koren. Joe Prijetel, Kd f'rljstel. Frsnk Prtjstel, Heib Tuik. Ed Grum and Lou Jsrtz. Here snd Ifeliouieen Purl|/, Oct 30 The next socisl event on the csl endsr will be the llelloween Party at the HNPJ Farm, llesth Rd , Char don. Invitation csids hsve been printed, msny passed out st dues rolled ion night, st the dsnce, slso st the slieys, to dlstilhute among their friends There is s lot of In teiest litis yeai In the Psrty snd msny sre plsnnlng group sffsirs Maybe Stisbsne and otliers from Pennsylvsnis will be on band poa sibly the five guys fiom Milwaukee The hall will lie decoialed In the tame splendid fashion as last year. Frsnkle Msuer snd his (lohlineers will be on Ihe stage to piovldv the music Mother A/men told m<* thet there and everywhere helping out ! boys and then wives will Be Prompt! TO ALL CONTRIBUTORS— Due le Ihe feet thai s number ef members heve I alien Into Ihe hshil el mailing their tollers. Intended for publtoetton to the eHtotol er«en. the lest minute Of u>" lato to anuble us to print lime. It is absolutely the! the deadline he by ell esnesmsd. All leaded fee Ihe Wednea. doy pepe* MUST he to our office en Monday ef eeeh week. Time yeur meilinf eecerdinq to your distance Work to Ihe office end Ihe prtntoey toceos ell el as to he prompt -or olee ell Nelp espedito «er werk la Ihe ma prompt I were Mali Beljsn, Jeen Beljen Mol-lie Keren, Helen Grum. Ann Prijetel, Pauline Hpik, Pauline lloaa Jeen Preseren. Rose Hkok. Anton! ette Skok. Albma Veher. Mary Tuik Sophie Mi ark Fienk Preset en, Jennie Presi-ren Agnes Flanders Ju-llsn Z.srk. Mickey Mow, Vers Belie, ink Msry Kri/numcic. Mat y Asms«« Frsnk Grkmsn wa» there with hut gang, we likewise apolU-d Al Simon-t ic snd his wife, Ann Plnsaky sll aet agsln, the Tushsrs, Vehsrs, Tony Stare, Mike Suhudolc snd sister Ann Oprks snd her gioup of Spartans stayed with us until the end Members of Ihe Federation who were holding theli meeting were invito lo slU-nd and ('em Eerniek ■ bowed up, Fine r'loperulinn was received from John iuveer, aecretery of the IVok eeretaker Tony and Tony Zeck director on Ihe floor After (the den«* a group of tja w*nt over In llie Hpik residence lo di*r-u»e preliminary plena for (he llelloween Party We eerept with thanks Im i knel hospitably. tie piesent, they told her to gel busy on the cistumes In the pumpkin pie baking contest we already have the following entients Pauline Rom, Dani Fifolt, I lietty Jarts, Mary Suinaa, Album Vehai, Veia Selienlk, and Helen Grum, with moie welkn lalkiea lo heai from Aggie Flanders Is still In there piU hrng Jennie p| car ten Is step, ping into tjie race Mickey Mose made some returns Saturday eiao Ia»u Jail/ Veia Selienlk asked foi additional book* The lest of the bowlers and others should shift then gear Into second and atait going Oi town Out I.air Presides! Everyone In ('liveland was deep, ly ahorked el Ihe sudden passing ewey of our leedcr and President Vimt-nl Cainkar The girl* who wrre In Milwaukee bed iemeike«1 at his good nsture during Ihe last SNPJ f>ey "Pop", es he Was affectionate■ ly i al'ed by Ihv younger groop wea w» II liked Ilia |ieaeing will he e distinct loss to Ihe organirellon To loa family . . and it is mure intimately a symbol .of our government than the most magnificent building In Wsshlng-ton—and yet it needs a coat of paint. Even when it comes to life periodically for the space of a day, it lacks the suitable and honorable trippings it deserves. Before dswn the light* go on, small flsgs are posted, identifying posters era tacked outside, dust I* swept swsy, pencil* sre ahsrpened, snd thv tiny-old- fashioned stove Is lighted . . . sll humble chores, not st all indicative of the enormous function which will lake place that day. Thsie Is, howsver, a persons! wonder st the moment when you hsve your own ballot In your hand, in the privscy of your own small booth, snd by the simplest of msrks. indicate your own will snd preference. For st thsl moment, s patriotic phrsne, so familiar that the »••id« aceni to be as deep as our bones, come* to life while you nisrk thst bsllot: government of the people, by ths people, and for the people , , , For a long time, a pet idea of mine ha* bean that we should, as responsible citiiens In s country with the U edition of liberty and justice for all, be fined If we do ear vote—a poll-tax In reverse, you ___* I believe this custom is al- ready observed In some countries. If. s* in our own Cuyahoga County, only one-third of our ciUsens hsve taken the trouble to register to vote, we hsve litorslly. one-third of a democracy. It makes me fu-nous when our newspepers report thst sn smsnlngly large number of people have voted in a certain election, and then report the figure as s frsction of our population. I fervently believe thsl s citisen who regulsrly neglects to vole hss lost his right Ui critic ire his government snd his elected repieeenta» lives; for instance, we sll complsln shout t the rising cost of the goods end food we buy, yet we would he quick enough to report e dollsr missing fiom our billfold! Our government hss, It seems U> me. much mors lo ssy sbout ths state of our personsl fineness, present end future, then we ourselves do. And yet. two-thirds of ouK cltisens think lliey sre tesponsible, law-uhiding. snd demoerstic Amerlcsns. and still fail to vote, year sfter yesr, This negligence I* dangerous, and insane. Above all, do not underestimate yourself As a (cfcistered voter, you should regsid your single hello! sll-powerful, sll-irnportsnt. If you do nol believe thst, consider whst an enormous, dramstic, and expensive campaign Is tieing weged to woo end court your single ballot Tons of newspnnt, years of radio time, oceens of woids, words, woids, are beamed at you, to influence your opinion, your decision on the ballot - not the opinion of a pal ty group, for Ihe csndldstes sre quite suie a taint thsl vole, remember Ho, if Dewey and Thornes. snd Thurmond and Tiumsn, snd Wsl-la STAN IIKIIiAR, «43 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1948 S. N.P.J. SPORTS Every bowler must be a member in food »tending of the lodge to which he belongs, having joined the SNPJ at least ninety (90) days before tfee tournament. The deadline shall be not later than two weeks prior to the open* ins date. Payment of bowling fees by the Soetety for fter-person teams shall be discontinued. The tournament secretary shall mail him a complete report along with the official score* heeta by the third day following the tournament. (The lime limit is extended two days.) National Duckpia Bowling Tourney The national duckpin bowling tournament shall be conducted under the rules and regulations of the NATIONAL DUCKPIN BOWLING CONGRESS, except as otherwise provided in the SNPJ rules. Aid for Bowling Teams The rules governing financial aid for bowling teams provide as follows; Any SNPJ lodge is entitled to the sum of three dollars ($3.80) towards the purchase of bowling outfits (shirts, blouses or dresses) for each member of its bowling team or teams. Such financial assistance may be applied for not more than once every year." The lodge shall receive this aid only for those members who are in good standing and represent it in a local bowling league. The league must be composed of four or more teams, each consisting of not less than four bowlers. The Society and local lodge only shall be advertised on each bowler's outfit All appi:calions for this iorm of aid shall be forwarded by the lodge secretary to the Athletic Director of SNPJ on or before NOVEMBER 1 in the season when the new bowling ' outfits are worn for the first time. Duplicate purchase receipts, ¿showing that such transaction hai been completed, shall also be sent to him before payment is made by the Society. All such requests for financial aid shall be made on special forms furnished by the Athletic Director and approved by the local lodge. Mail Vote of Athletic Board All members of the National Athletic Board must vote on questions submitted to them by mail, whether one votes negative, affirmative or abstains from designating his choice or opinion. The ballot must be returned within ten days after date mailed from the Main Office. ' Permission for Tournaments All tournaments must haue the approval of the National Athletic Board. A written notice statin« when, where and by whom it is to be sponsored shall be sent to the AtheltiQ Director at least 90 days prior to the proposed tournament date. A mottttrr ii made by TWfin*, seconded by Shappeck, that $26 additional be given to this year's national golf tournament for prizes. Approved. The prize list for the golf tournament is presented and, after a few minor changes' are made, is approved. An estimate of probable expenses for 1949 is submitted by the Athletic Director, showing that at the' present rate of spending well over $10,000 would be needed. He suggested that certain items be reduced. After a lengthy discussion and some scaling down, the estimate was accepted. It was also decided that, W necessary, a request shall be made to the Supreme Board for additional funds. There being ^no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:45 p. m. Michael Vraevnlk, Ath. Dir. frank Ovoser, Rec. Sec'y Viflman was highly elated as she hit the highest gsme of her short bowling csreer. Hubby must be setting an example, or is she trying to our-bowl him? The Woodchopper-Loyalite fracas gave the Woodchoppers two games. M Zakely dropped the pins for a 400 series, which was high for the tesm. Trailing her was J. Tomsic with a 394 series. Capt. J. Bebar o (the Loyalites was high for her squad with a 423 series and H. Zim-mermann with a 404. The scores are looking better, girls. By the Way: D. Pike of Lodge V Boj and C. Lisch of the Utopians are (he asaistant directors of the Juvenile Circle 3, They are doing a grand job with the children as most of you parents who have participated in their activities, know. How about a big hand for their efforts? Belated greetings are in order for Mr. and Mrs, II. Zorman and Mr. and Mrs. R. Lisch as they celebrated their tenth wedding anniversaries. Many happy returns, folks! Fay Mocilnikar is the possessor of the "Bar Five Hat" for the week. JEAN JELINEK. Sec'y 2 gang are intent on fattirig the pig every Sunday night. That is, the pink piggy bank that the lads have on display at the alleys for the "kitty" money assessed to each errins ixfwler The miniature replica wa« don»Iwi (end printed on porky with compliments) by Stan Centa who operates a floral shop on Hayden ave. and also bowls with the team. . . . Mrs. Turmsn and two sons cheering for Daddy Walter of the Cleevland No. 2's , . , Ann, Rose and Mama Opeka strolling in for a short visit . . . Dorothy (Mickey) Miklich all smiles as her B B. (best beau) barrelled in a 231 beauty . . . Mrs. Joyce Plemel also elated and maybe surprized as hubby poured in that hefty 247 .. . You can't win. if you're not in. fellas! Stan Za-gar's 234 and Henry Jeglich's 259 copped the respective jackpots . . . Ed "Birchie" Kromar of the Loyalites on the beam in his debut with a 232 iri a 552 series .' . . The two H'S. Harry Shaver and Harvey Volimen bowling considerably over their averages to upset their Utopian No. 2 members. Then some body hollered "the Utopian's win again!" . , . Nice people, here! More on the sociable side was the Utopi an No. 1 and No. 3 buttle in which the former won total pins by one stick for a two point split. Did you say something. Captain Ed Tomsic! ... Michael Zlate. the Utopian's butcher man from down East 140th way was the proud father of a I mi by girl, the third offspring in the Zlate household. Congrats, Mr. and Mrs. Zlatel Southside SNPJ Interlodge News CHICAGO— Note to all bowlers of the Southside Bowling league: The Inlet lodge League games start at 6 30 p rn. All bowlers are urged to be present before starting lime. Also, some of the bowlers signed up for the league have failid to show up. The l<>bgu«' uiges all bowlers to be regular in their attendance. It is a hardship on a team to have a player or two who fail to show up. There are a few positions open yet for bowlers. Any persons Ink-rented in joining the league can do so by coming Ui the alleys next Sunday evening. The league bowls esrh Sunday evening at Lagen's Bowling Lanes, just a few steps south of 79th ft. on S. Chicago ave. Some good scores were rolled In last week's matches. L. Hencinski's 639 series was a big help as 490's Panthers took all 33 games from 100's Sox; Zack's «14 series led the way for H's Mustangs in taking 3 games from H's Lions; S. Tome's 000 series was high as I (Mi's Cougars won 3 games from 100's Ramblers; J. Zatkovich's 620 series aided 490's Rangers to take 2 game« from 100's Tigdts; Joe Kosich's 004 UHals were high as 8's Hears took 2 games from I's Royals; B's Cubs took 2 games from fllO's Sentinels aa M Chandick rolled a 500 series. Some of high scores of the week for the men included Hencinski's 630 (521), J Zstkovich's 026 (211), Stincich's 625 (236) Zack'l 014 (241), Joe Kosich's 004 (230), S. To-' rite's 000 ( 211), E. Klibel's 594 (215), Forslund'a 500 ( 305), Hauptman's 502 (217), Chandick's 500 (195), Channic's 500 (200), E. Laz/eri's 564 (191), Gorence's 550 (209), Peloza's 552 (197) and E Vrhovnik's 544 (197). High marks for women included B Vrhovnik's 540 (202), D Lazze-rl'S 536 (161), Matushek's 532 (201) and K. Sodetz's 509 ( 200), ALL THAT SORT OF THING Lodge Delavec will hold its next montly meeting on Oct. 13 at the I OB Hall at 7 30 p. m. , . . Secy Chandick reported that I.od|(c 0 Signed up 0 new udulta because of interest In the bowling league . Sister M. Turico of l^odge Delavec will leave Chicago for California for reasons of health ... A packed hall greeted «Boris Zlatieh on the occasion of his concert recently at the Croatian Hall in South Chicago. Balina Tournament Hi Friday Nite Bowlerettes CLEVELAND—We have completed our first round of bowling and the summary is as follows; < Team standings, W. L. and averages: Utopians 7, 16-5, 720; Con-cordians 0, 12-6. 722; Utopians 4, 12-9, 073; Strugglers I, 12-9. 614; Loyalites 2, II 10,005; StrugRlers 3, 10-11, 092; Loyalites 5, 6-13, 040; Utopians 0, 3 10,562. Team hi 3: Utopians 7, 2316; Con-cordians S,"2333; Strugglers 1, 3176. Team hi I; Utopians * 029; Strugglers 1, 001; Strugglers 3, 001; Utopians 4. 779. Ind. hi 3: L. Ber-sin 562, M. Strazisar 636, F. Hurt-man 535. Ind. hi 1: M. Strazisar 220, M. Son 216, V. Smerdel 214. The first hi ten individual averages : M. Strazisar 100 4, M Main 161 16, M. Son 166.7, F. Hartman 156-3, G. Dusa 150 II, H Becht 147-12, F. Peruaek 140 0, L. 146 0, V. Smerdel 146 5, H. Smerdel 143-19. You girls have been howling very nicely and every one of you are swell spoils. Win or lose you all have the same expression on your faces. That means s lot in a league. Keep it up. Mary Strazisar on the Utopians 7 team lias not been bowling for the Isat five weeks due to u minor operation. Hope you will be with us soon, Mary. Two bowlcicttea have gone into the "Mrs." tank. Mary Kuza, u member on the lioyalitea 2 team has changed her name to Mrs. Joseph Kidel. and Mollle Tomsric, a member of the Utopian 0 team, has changed her name to Mis. Richard Kvan*. Congiatulations to all four of ynu and tots of health, wealth und luek Don't forget, Conconlians and Loyalites 5, to make your games up Saturday, Oct », at 7 110 p m on alley» ,H and 4. 1 A VFItNK F. BERZIN, Sec 'y By J. J. Spilar CLEVELAND, O h i u.—Southpaw Henry Jeglieh of the Comrades heki the honor of the first bowler to record a 600 series in this third session of the Sunday good time squabbles Hank blasted out a 024 set that also included a league high 269 game That was the bright side of Hank's brilliant conquest. The had feature of the entire affair was thet his team lost all three frays to the Utopian No 4 keglers who were sparked by Bernie Zalar's 560 series and over the average scores by the rest of his troupe Tain t right, so help me, 'tain't right! Henry verifies solemnly. The Spartan No, 2 live took over the league leadership with an easy shutout job against the Stiuggler No I clan Stan Zagat was the big gun with a 234 shot In a 593 series that »ranks second in the individual three game column Johnny Ma roll's 434 wss best for the victims who were "off by plenty. "Jolting" Joe Plemel jarred the maples vigorously in the last game to rark up a 247. count, runnerup mark on the single game Ixiard Joey's 603 series wa» ably sup potted by Frank Skaitar'a 544 and Vic Lundet's 642 that gave their Spat tan No. I warriors a fcoosegr. triumph over the No. Zdruftertl Btaljes Tony l>et»el)ak'a 502 wan top« lot the lo«era The foutth and final blanking of the evening found the V ltoj No 2'a squashing the Kurhd No 150 era 653 and 519 set ie* by the Starman boys, Tony and l»ht< No 2 1 H Knerevic 642 F Za man 471 V H»| No I 2. Cleveland No 2 1 F Lkra 449, W format* 617 Loyalile No I < ..n<.>tdian No I I F Ma roll 5S7 1' Stu/en 544 Stiusgler No 2 2 Lund« i A damn I E ftadch MM M Pokier 526 l^oyalite No 3 2 Z Rr atje No i 2 1 J Strasirar 52« M l*o#un 456 Utopian No 12. Utopian No III E. Tomsu- 521. J Zupanu 628 t'to Gifcpe Festival in Springfield Oct. 9 SPRINGFIELD. IU.—Harvest time is again with us and it brings the festivity of festivities, namely, the annual Grape Festival or "Vinsko Trgatev" which will be held this Saturday evening, Oct. 9, at the Slovene Workers Home. 11th and Kansas. , This annual affair becomes more popular each year here in Spring field and the committee in charge is working very hard to make it very successful this year. There will be fun for both young and old —fun for everyone. There will be plenty of refreshments and John Go roe k and his band will provide the music. A cordial invitation is extended to all Slovenea in Springfield and the surrounding communities to be with us Saturday ere. Oct. 9. To the family of our late Supreme President Vincent Calnkar. we here in Springfield wish to ex-tend our heartfelt sympathy. The SNPJ has indeed lost a wonderful leader The many fine achieve, menu he attained should be an 4n-spiratlon to the members of our organization AMELIA V CHURCH Bowling Bettys CLEVELAND Ohio The league leading Timber toppers tightened their hold on first place as thev spanked the Bur Five for three games U Grill found the light groove as she hit a 164 105-190 for a 527 «erica, taking thud in high three C Kebe, who haa l>eeh doing some nice bowling, came in with u 463 acnes and a in« high game Oos gone ||t the shrimp got lost in the shuffle again Fot the Hut Five, K Mocilniküi waa the hright light aa she acattered the maple-i tor a 4M series The gal ta doing nil right, even if ahe la hungty every Wednesdsy. The fine auppfit I ot i'apt M /.oi man's 341. A Mlklsvlc a 426 and F. Gt dnlnik's 425 series, netted the team no gain Oh well, we have hits of fun any way "Yours tiulv" put in her bid tor the 'gutter-ball" banquet last night K«ie m me. what a same' Guess I should have worn the hat The Live Wires trounced the Bollen«.« for i wo games as H Poling donated a 401 set tea, J llonney a 41H seile« and M It upnik a 400 reue- to (he raus«- Keep up the uoo.i howling. Her nice, you're right on th« I* am Wondei what package J I tonne v (ui the blue t iblton from? lot the Rolletles. II Komik is keep uif in atnde as she hit a 4US serira and a I S3 average That girl la reallv topphns the timber I .end off J Kronik hit a line 411 series V I to) ginned Ihtre points their dr light i aa they aet back the G Londonu In očitno Je, da ne bo mogla hraniti zapadne Evrope "Zapadne, dižave mi demonstrirale nesposobnost pri reševanju berlinske krize," je rekel general. "Sem proti kapitulaciji teh držav pred Rusijo ln nočem. da bi se Pariz uklonil. Ve. iistično agresijo proti Jugoalavi ji. Izjavili so, da bi taka agresija pomenila vojno brez omejitve in bi neizbežno ogrožala velik del demokratičnega sveta. Borba, glasilo jugoslovanske komunistične stranke, pravi, da kampanja proti Jugoslaviji, v kateri so udeležene Rusija in druge države v vzhodni Evropi, je dosegla konec slepe ulice. KominJorma je pred nekaj me seci napadla maršala Tita in druge voditelje jugoslovanske komunistične stranke ln jih obdolžila, da so se izneverili Marks-Leninovi liniji. Članek v Borbi naglaša. da Jugoslavija noče biti izolirana, kar je namen Rusije in drugih komunističnih držav. Čeprav bi bila izolirana, bo ostala neodvis na. se razvijala kot komunistična država in ae odločno borila proti imperializmu. Rusija omejila potovanje diplomatov Washington. D C.. S okt,— Državni department je nezna- odbtia njihovo zahtevo za zviša 1 mil m Nemčijo 1 januarja pri ■Ji plače Apelirali ao na člane hod njega leta Nemški ujetniki stanujejo barakah v bližini premogovni kov >n so stalno pod vojaško stražo. Poročilo pravi, de ao proti stavki. Delali ao mrzhčno nI», da je sovjetska vlada uvelja-v premogovnikih, da bi dobili,vila nove omejitve glede poto* zedostno število Uičk v roekai- vanje zunanjih diplomatov tn malni produkciji v upanju, da članov njihovih štabov v Ruaiji In ae lahko vr- Ameriško poslaništvo v Moskvi je bilo' informirano o lestnkci jah zadnji petek, Diplomati ne Ray Travnik reelgnlral Chicago. — Članatvu SNPJ je znano, da smo zadnji teden pokopali gl. predsednika Vlncenta Cainkarja. Njegovo mesto Je v smislu pravil avtomatično prevzel prvi podpredsednik br. Ray Travnik i* Detroita. Br. Trav-nik je prišel na pogreb br. Cain-karja in po pogrebu nastopil njegoyo službo. Zadnjo sredo popoldne se je vrnil v Detroit, da doma uradi zadeve in ae v nekaj dneh vrne v Chicago. Zadnji četrtek pa je njegova žena poslala telegram, da Je Ray nenadoma zbolel, da se v petek poda v bolnišnico ln da sledi pismo o njegovi resignacijl kot gl. predsednik. Njegovo pismu z resignacljo je dospelo v glavni urad v petek. V pondeljek zjutraj se je vršila seja eksekutlve, ki je vzela resisnacijo br. Travnika na znanje ln sklenila, da obvesti prvega (prej drugega) podpredsednika br. Joscpha Cul-karja iz Johnstowna, Pa., da v smislu pravil on avtomatično postane gl. predsednik, br. Tony, ja Verblca is Milwaukeeja pa, da Je avtomatično postal prvi podpredsednik (na konvenciji Je bil Izvoljen za namestnika drugega gl. podpredsednika in zavzel tç mesto po Cainkarjevl smrti. - Ako bi se ta lista izprai-nila, to je, da bi noben gl. podpredsednikov ne hotel prevzeti službe gl. ptedaednika, bo slednjega v smislu pravil izvolil gl, odbor.) Paketi aa atarl kraj proett carine s-* Chicago.—Proaveta Je od jugoslovanske ambaaade v Wash-ingtonu prejela obvestilo, da je jugoslovanska vlada ukinila carino nu darilne pakete, ki Jih umeriški Jugoslovani pošljejo svojcem v stari kraj. Nov grob v Chlcagu Chicago —Dne 4. okt. je umrla Anna Harey, stara 47 let, rojena v Sloveniji. Zapušča moža in dve hčeri. Na mrtvaškem odru leži v pogrebnem zavodu na 2110 W. 21st Place. Pokopa-na bo v četrtek. Nagla smrl Chicago.—V torek zjutraj je v bolnišnici umrla Mary Kržan, stara 68 let, doma od Domžal. Podleglu (e operaciji na razlitem slepiču—enako kakor br. Cainkar. Zapušča moža Martina in dva poročena pastorka. Leži na mrtvaškem odru v po grobnem zavodu na 3821 W, 26 st. Pogreb bo v petek ob 1:80 popoldne pod vodstvom Zefrs novega zavoda. Is Clevelanda Cleveland,—Po dolgi bolezni je v bolnišnici umrla Louis« Ja drich, U Euclida. rojena Sotlar, stara 53 let, doma od Bv. Duh« pri Krškem, v Ameriki 43 let, članica društva 129 SNPJ \n S2Z Zapušča moža Johns, si na, poročeno hčer ln vnukinjo.-Poročila sta se Agnes C. Jerič ln Edward Stefanlč, kakor tudi Mary Kavas ln Raymond A St reiner. Is Mllwaukeela Mllwaukee.—Zadnjo soboto mi bili pokopani na pokopališču Arlington zemeljski ostanki 22 letnega Johna J Zamiene, ki j" padel na Filipinih 15. aprila 1945 Tukaj zapušča starše in brata Mil je član društva 16 SNPJ -Dne 28 sept je po dolg« bolezni umrl John Shoster, star 96 let, rojen na Spodnjem Sta jerskem, v Ameriki blizu 40 ief, po poklicu meear. Tukaj zapušča tri brate,—Dne 12, sept je Peticija progresiv-cev pred sodiščem Odločitev bo padla v četrtek Chicago, 5. okt.—Trije člani federalnega sodišču so vzeli v pretres peticijo progresivne stranke, naj pridejo njeni kan-didati na glasovnico pri volitvah 2. novembra. Člani sodišču so Otto Kerner, MlchueU L. Igoe in Philip L. Sulllvaiv, Richard Watt, odvetnik pro gresivne stranke, je argumentira) pred sodniki, du je državni ameriška delegacija odbila ruski predlog Izrekla se je proti sklicanju konference zunanjih ministrov DIREKTNE D1SKUZI-JE BREZPLODNE Parls. 5. okt —Ameriška dele gucija ie informirali! varnostni volilni" zukun, ki določa, "ds Yno-1 MV?t, Wru4enlh narodov da je ra nova stranka dobiti najmanj 200 podpisov registriranih volil« cev v vsakem izmed 5(1 okrajev, neustaven. Progresivna stranka je dobila 75,000 podpisov na svoje peticl Je, toda državni volilni odbor Je odločil, da njeni kandidati ne bodo prišli na glasovnico. Člunl federalnega sodišča so naznanili, da bodo podali odločitev o pe-ticiji stranke v četrtek. Čistka v poljski kmečki stranki Varšava, Poljaku, 5. okt.—Pro-komunistična kmečka stranka je odredila čistko v svojih vrstah. Odločila se je za iztrebitev vseh elementov, ki so proti komunističnemu programu podržavljanja pridelkov. Pridružila se je komunistum in levičarskim so ciallstom. Kmečka stranka Je tratju največja stranka na Poljskem. Nemčija bo obdriala tovarne London, 5. okt.—Velika Britanija Je ugodila šelji Amerike ln naznanila, da ne bo odredila podil anju tovarn v svoji okupacijski coni v Nemčiji. To pomeni, da bo Nemčija obdržala tovarne. Izdelovale bodo blago za države v okviru Murshullovegu načrta. Spopad med stavkarji in stavkokazi Richmond, Cal., B. okt - Stav karji in stavkokazi so se ponov no spopadli pred čistilnico Standard Oil Co. Stavkokazi pod zaščito policije *o skušali pi'Kireti vrsto piketov pred čistilnico, kar pa se Jim ni posrečilo. Dewey in Dulles se sestala Albany, N. Y , 5 okt,-Guverner Thomas E Dewey, predsed ruški kandidat republikanske republikanske stranke, In John Foster Dulles, ameriški delegat pri Združenih narodih, atu se le Stala, Slednji se je vrnil domov (Hibila ruski predlog glede sklicanja konference zunanjih ministrov štirih velesil v svrho diskusij o berlinski krizi. Delegut Philip G. Jcssup je dejal, da hi bile uirektne diskuzije z Rusijo o berlinski krizi brezplodne, ker je znano, da sovjetska vlada st« sistematično izognuje danim obljubam Amerika, Velika Britanija In Francija so vložile pritožb« proti Rusiji pri vurnostnefn svetu. Izjavile so, du lUMku blokada Berlina ogroža mednarodni mir. Ruski predlog glede sklicanja konference zunanjih ministrov ni spremenil situacije, ker se sovje-ti niso odločili za preklic blokade, Andrej Višinski, rtiNkl pomožni zunanji minister, Je ponovil trditev, da berlinska blokada ne apudu v območje vurnoNtnegu sveta, saeno pa Je obdolžil Ameriko, Veliko Hritunijo in Francijo kršenja sklenjenih dogovorov. "Mi ne bomo razpravljali vsebini spornega vprašanju, ker ne spada v območje varnosU nega sveta," je dejal. Prva seja članov varnoatnegu sveta je trajala tri ure in 20 minut. Sprejet nI bil noben zaključek Sejo je odprl umeriški delegat Warren R Austin, predsednik sveta, Višinski je urgumentiral, du dogovori, sklenjeni v Jultl in Potsdamu, uključujejo politična ln ekonomsku načela, nanašajo* ču se nu okupacijo Nemčije, Tu določajo kontrolo štirih velesil Nemčije. Svet zunanjih ministrov je bil ustunovljeu, da ae-stuvi mirovno pogodbo za Nemčijo, Višinski je odločno zavrnil obdolžitve zapudniti držav, da ruska blokad» za|iudnega Berlinu ogroža mednarodni mir, De-jul je, du mi absurdne m brez isiiilage, Namen Amerike je zlorabljanje oiguni/ucljc Združenih narodov za dosego agieslv-•lili ciljev. iz Pariza, kjer zaseda generalna kupAciiia Združenih narodov. Düllos Je informiral guvernerju o odnošujih med Ameriko in Rusijo. rusua ni za kontrolo -atomskih bomb. pravi austin lika Britanija se zanima ie za svojo obrambo, ne za obrambo umr| Martin Križan, star 58 let, drugih držav v zapadni Kvro- ,joln4l blizu hrvaške meje. Tu pi" kaj zapušča ženo, dva sinova in N. vpiašanje, kakšne korake hčer - Dne 1. okt. je v West bi podvzel za tešitev Francije,I AIHau nenadoma umrl Mihael le De Gaulle odgovoril, da čaa še ni dozorel za razkritje njegovih načrtov Krašonja, star 65 let, rojen v bližini Slatine na Hrvaškem Ponoči Je še delal, na priti do- _ mov i »s se je zgrudil mrtev ' ' Zdravnik )e konštatlral le smrt bodo mogli potovati zunaj kroga Tukaj zapušča ženo sina In hčer M milj od Moakve brez posebne-1 —Vse pogrebe je oskrbel Krmen-ga dovoljenja ruskih oblaett i cev zavod Parls, 5. okt,—Ameriški delegat Warren R Austln Je dejal, da je Rusija odprto demonstrirala, da ni zu učinkovito medna rodno kontrolo atomskih bomb. To dokazujejo govori ln Izjave ruskih delegatv. Austln Je pozval Sovjetsko unijo, naj pojasni svoje stališče Dejal je, da M*daj lil čas za metanje ct kil jenih mačk v teku debat na zasedanju generalne skupščine Zdiu)enlh narodov. Austin je govoill, preden je politični (albor generalne skupščine komentiial novo lusko po ni učinkovita kontrola, omenjena v resoluciji. Dejal je, da je Ainenka zu učinkovito kontrolo atomske energije Ako obe strani mislita isto, bi bila nalogu lahke in izvedljiva "Rusi so nam dali razumeti, tla iiimi /a učinkovito mednarodno kontrolo utomske energije," je tekel Austin. "Se vedno na glasajo ust lonallzem, Prod nami Je piepad, kateiega je treba piemoatiti v donati o ruski resoluciji. Sovjeti vztrajajo pri zahtevi, da tnoiu Amerika uničiti vse atomuke bombe " tezo in revizijo taktike Ruski Austinu Je odgovoril Dimitrij delegat Andrej Višinski je pre- '/. ManulUky, zunanji minister senetil odbor s piedloJltvijo re- sovjetske Ukrajine, Ponovil Je solucije On Je sugerirul skleni- argumente Višinskega Švedska tev dveh paktov. Kden naj bi In Nove Zelandija sta podprli prepovedal Izdelovanje ln p*ndirali disku-energije ' zi|e o atomski bombi in nazna- Ameriška delrgarija je Izjavi- mil. da se bodo udeležili aeje Is da je resolucija nov ruski1 varnostnega »veta, ored katerim manever Austln je jmikvbI VI- > Je problem ruske blokade zapad šinskega. naJ pojasni, kaj pome nega Berlina PROSVETA aa »•«•. UM se prt Uta. IUI aa tatet Mai aa Cask C«. 9M# unUUU. »4.71 aa prt Mai aa ianiftii ULM. IraiMt far tka. Urttad lutea (easept CM nafa) aa« «c fNt. CoicAfa aa« Ceek Ceaaty KM pav ymm. Ill JO par 7MT. aa aa viečaje. lUkoptal Uterarae vsebftae (J peaaal lté.) m »ešlljstrtje la v slučaja, še Ja prilrtU •a« uaaeUcitatf articles will art be returaad. Other plays. potmi, ata. vili ka retaras* ta ipaalad kr «all- IM7 PROSVETA M Se. Lawndale Ar». Ckleage tt, II Ha ala Glasovi iz naših naselbin K 45-letnici Slavije Prihodnjo nedeljo bo matično društvo nate jednote praznovalo svojo 45-letnico. To društvo, ki je dalo življenje Slovenski narodni podporni jednoti, je čikaška Slavija, ki tudi nosi številko ena. Ustanovljena je bila 23. septembra 1903. Kakor je br. Peter Bernik dognal in zadrjjič poročal, se je ustanovne seje udeležilo 62 rojakov. To število kaže, da se je med našim delavstvom v Chicagu takrat čutila velika jx>trek*a po naprednem podpornem društvu. Pomaknimo se nekoliko v tisto dobo. Pred 45 leti je bila ameriška Slovenija še relativno majhna in mlada. Večina izmed nas še živečih alovenskih priseljencev smo bili takrat še v starem kraju; mnogi izmed nas še v detinskih ali šolskih letih, drugi pa na pragu fantovske in dekliške dobe Mar sikomu izmed nas se takrat še sanjalo ni, da bo kdaj zapustil svo je rodne kraje in šel za srečo ali s trebuhom za kruhom v daljno deželo preko "luže". O Ameriki smo sicer slišali že v detinskih ali šolskih letih, kajti množično izseljevanje v Novo deželo je ta krat zajelo tudi naše rodne kraje, prelestno Slovenijo. Tudi mar siksk "Ameriksnec" se je takrat že vrnil, se postavljal z zlato ve rižico, žvenketal s srebrnimi dolarji ali cekini, dajal za pijačo in pripovedoval bajne stvari o Ameriki. Drugi so pisali domov in se večinoma hvalili, koliko zaslužijo (v groših in kronah), da ar mastijo r mesom vsak dan in da,so že ali bodo sigurno kmalu postali — "bogati". Sem pa tam se je tudi kdo vrnil, ki je podsl drugačno sliko: — da je treba v Ameriki garati, trdo garati za vsak cent in da ni vse tako kakor pripovedujejo — bahači; brez trdih žuljev da ni ne mesa niti dolarjev, pa tudi delo se včasih težko dobi In revež je tisti, kdor je v tujini brez dela Naj je bilo že prvo ali drugo, dejatvo je, da je proti koncu zad nJega stoletja klic Amerike zajel tudi našo Slovenijo in prtčelo se je množično izseljevanje. Manija po Ameriki je zajela tudi one, ki niao imeli nobenega namena zapustiti rodne grude. Va ga je zajel bodisi radi tega, kyr so odhajali njegovi prijatelji, s kaici mu i|(in]j,Ygl(iina«k Mi» ga ^unca ni marala ali radi Staršev nismela poročiti; lanko tu di to, da je sanjal o poroki a avojo uvoljenko, ako se oba podasta v Ameriko; lahko tudi dolgovi, vojaščina, strah pred vojno, gola potreba kruha ali pa kaj drugega. , * Naj bo že to ali ono, dejatvo je, da smo se tisoči odločili za od hod in se podali v daljno Ameriko. Nekateri že proti koncu zaü njega stoletja, večina pa po nastopu sedanjega stoletja. Val iz seijevanja v Ameriko je v Sloveniji dosegel svoj višek v letih lik pred prvo svetovno vojno. V tistih leüh, od 1908 do izbruha vojne, se je sploh valil največji val naseljencev v Ameriko, glavnem iz vzhodne Evrope in Italije. Vrata naseljevanju so bila takrat na široko odprta. Od 191U do 1913 (vključivši) je Amerika vsako leto sprejela čez milijon novih priseljencev, večinoma mladih, krepkih, zdravih delovnih moči. Prijel ai za kramp ali lopato, sekiro ali žago In pričel graditi Ameriko. Dežela ni po trosila niti centa /a tvojo šolsko vzgojo, ali da te odredi kot otroka, Dobila je milijone krepkih in pridnih delovnih moči brez vseh stroškov, nuni njuni mnogo |>odjetnih, razumnih, ukuželje-nih m poštenih fantov in deklet, cvet delovnegu nuroda vsake dežele. Na te svoje graditelje m nove državljane jc Amerika lahko ponosna Slovenci, ki smo prišli skoraj izključno s kmetov, smo sc veči noma oprijeli težkega delu po prcmogorovth in rudnikih, po jek lernah in tovarnah in gozdovih štrom dežele Izvzcmši Južnih dr žav. Pot naših prvih naseljencev, po večini Belokranjcl, Je drla la v deželo misijonarja Barage nu bukieno okrožje Gornjega M chiguna kjei ji v Culumelu ziusla ena naših prvih naselbin. tc| naselbini so se |>ojuvile tudi naše prve orgumzuctje pred 6fi leti Stoteri naši naseljenci so v tamkajšnjih bakrenih rudnikih glrtboko |nmI zemljo prvič okusili Ameriko, Gurull so kot črna živina /a mizemo plačo in bili Izkoriščani po Calumet lleckla in drugih diuibah kot pravi sužnji. V realnosti v resnici niao bi diugega nego sužnji, le toliko na boljem, du so smeli zapustiti bakieno okrožje lu lil drugum za ti dim kruhom Ce so bili količ kaj "ne\aint". m> bili Iztiranl in lahko so prišli tudi'na črno listo Calumet lleckla, last bostonske gospode, ki je samo Iz enega ba krenega luduiku potegnila $182 milijonov dividend. Je bila absoluten gos|M>dar. imela v /akupu posvetno m cerkveno (katoliško) oblast Todu to je druga povest ★ - V tistih časih in še pozneje ludi v marslkakem drugem kraju kjer so garali naši piiseljencr, lil bilo doatl bolje kakor na bakle nem okrožju Gornjega Mlchigana Ako niso bili v kleščah fev dalnega ka|irtulizma. jeklatsklh in |tiemogarsklh ali lesnih baro nov, kji r j« vladala črn.» Usta in vi te zasledovali kompanljski šptoni. je v poPujajočlh se slovenskih naselbinah pa vladala večl mima prava srednjeveška tema. /a katero )e skibela ignorant na in /a sužnje vzgojena slovenska duhovščina Poleg teh srednj vt.,kih "dušebi ižnikov", hlapcev Vatikana in kompanljsklh val petov, s«, imeli glavno besedo gostilničarji, ki so bili večinomp tudi v vlužbi istih interesov kakor duhovščina Življenje v naših naselbinah je bilo takrat v glavnem m tudi izključno — garanj po 12 ur na dan ali še dalj popivanje pretejutnje in /ahajanje cerkev če ne sta te p« go*|>odai in go»|>odtnja grd«* gledala ali celo spodila z "borda" V takih okolšctnah, k< t irvolta proti tistim srednjeveškim ra/ meram s strani našega moialno /diavejšega delavstva je bila pt rojena Slovenska narodna pod pot na jed not a Bila je revolta lju di. ki s«» se z lastnimi moialnitm silami hoteli dvigniti iz velikega miK Viija ki s«i našli v tej deželi, odnoano. ki je bilo /aaejano po atlah tgt.oiance in izkoriščanja človeka |mi človeku In plameni« o tiste revolte proti temni reakciji je ptižgalo tistih 62 pionirje\, ki se bili picd \j lili ¿biah pil Košicku v Chi 10-LETNICA ML. KROŽKA ŠTEV. U Arma. Kanaas.—V nedeljo popoldne, 10. oktobra, gremo v Franklinako dvorano na deaet-letnico kansaškega ml. krožka SNPJ. Začetek ob 2. uri popoldne. Ne pozabite! Zdaj imamo epe jesenske dneve, ki so kot nalašč za to, da gre človek ma-o ven. Pozimi pa bomo sedeli doma za pečjo. Večkrat mi je že kateri član odgovoril na moje vprašanje, zakaj ni prišel na krožkovo priredbo, takole: "Sem mislil, da je samo za mlade, sicer bi bil gotovo prišel." Ml. krožek je pod oskrbo in kontrolo kansaške federacije in tako popolnoma odvisen od podpore in naklonjenosti starejših članov. Ako članstvo, posebno od bližnjih dru-iitev, ne pride na krožkovo priredbo, potem seveda ne moremo pričakovati uspeha. Za 10-letnico smo pripravili primeren program, v katerem bomo predvajali fudi jednotine slike. Zabave bo torej dovolj "za stare in mlade". Na zadnji majniški priredbi nismo moglj kazati jednotinih slik, ker nam jie nevihta tisti čas pokvarila e-ektrični tok. Vse to pa bomo lahko nadomestili v nedeljo popoldne, 10. oktobra. V tej okolici smo v sedanji kampanji dobili precejšnje število novih članov v mladinski oddelek. Poleg rednih krožko-vih članov, pričakujemo tudi te nove člane, da pridejo na 10-etnico in se tako seznanijo z našo organizacijo in krožkovimi aktivnostmi) Obenem ponovno vabimo tudij U*t* b»vše aktivne krožkove Člane, ki so v teku let prestopili v odrasli oddelek, da pridejo kot gostje na našo 10-ietnico. Ker bo imel odbor dela čez glavo, nam ne bo mogoče skrbeti za transportacijo otrok. Naj bo torej skrb staršev samih, da pripeljejo otroke pravočasno na priredbo» Odbor.« selici, pa naj bo poleti ali pozi-bi, slabo ali lepo vreme. Naj ie omenim, da se je 26. septembra vršila tederacijska seja pri Jacku Mihevcu v Salemu, oziroma pri J. Križaju. Ko smo zastopniki prihajali skupaj in se raznesla vest, da je umrl gl. predsednik Vincent Cainkar, je predaednik federacije takoj pozval navzoče, da vstanejo v znak so žal j a. Na seji je podal lepo poročilo zastopnik Križaj, namreč da ao pridobili 22 novih članov. Zastopnik Jež iz Warrena je tudi poročal, da je njih društvo pridobilo 14 novih članov. Edino ti dve društvi sta dosegli določeno kvoto. Končno je bilo čitano poročilo Fr. Režka, kakor tudi iz glasila Prosvete, da se bo prihodnji narodni dan SNPJ vršil v Girar-du. O. Zastopniki so poročilo vzeli z veseljem na znanje iri da bomo o tej stvari razpravljali na prihodnji aeji, ki se bo vršila 26. decembra v Girardu. Na tej aeji bomo morali izvoliti vsaj nekaj članov v posebni odsek, kateri bodo imeli nalogo, da pripravijo najvažnejše stvari za dan SNPJ. Naj še omenim, da smo imeli po zadnji federacijski seji malo zabave. Franca Mihevc je rekla: "Malo piva, malo žganja, malo godbe, pa bo prilezel kakšen deset a k v federacijsko blagajno." In res je bilo tako. Godba je igrala v garaži. Pod je sicer iz cementa, zato je nekdo natresel ovsa in tako se ie plesalo in hodilo, kakor da bi mlatili. Na koncu pa pohovijo vabim člane in rojake na federacijsko veselict^kine 9. oktobra v Slovenskem domu v Girardu. John Tancek. kino-slike iz stare domovine. Naše društvo se prav lepo zahvaljuje zanje SNPJ in organizaciji S AN S, kakor tudi operatorju, ki je tudi preskrbel zastonj projektor. Po predvajanju filmov pa se je vršil ples, za katerega je igral John Krek iz Sygana. Članstvo našega društva se prisrčno zahvaljuje vsem, ki so pripomogli do tako lepega uspeha, ustanoviteljem pa kličemo: Živeli in da bi dočakali tudi zlati jubilej! Jacob Ambrosic. predsednik. PIKNIK DRUŠTVA 273 PRAV LEPO USPEL Sheldon, Wls.—Dasiravno pozno, vendar pa moram poročati o pikniku društva 273 SNPJ, kateri se ft vršil 5. septembra in prav dobro izpadel. Naredili smo $243 čistega dobička, kar je rekord za vse prejšnje priredbe našega društva. Da se nisem fjoprej oglasil, je vzrok, ker sem zelo zaposlen s spravljanjem pridelkov. Letos je koruza izredno dobro obrodila, tako da so že polne vse "si le" ali shrambe, dasiravno še ni Priporočal je, da bi se ob času Vsa koruza oličkana. To je za 45-letnice izdala primerna spo- nas, tukajšnje farmarje nekaj minska knjiga z zgodovinsko novega. Obenem pa je moja že-vsebino iz preteklosti SNPJ. To na v bolnišnici že od 16. septem-priporočilo je popolnoma na me-' bra in tako mi ni bilo mogoče stu in priznanja vredno in pod- poprej poročati o priredbi. JEDNOTA NAJ BI IZDALA -SPOMINSKO KNJIGO OB 45-LETNICI Sprlngfleld, IIL—Zapisnik polletnega zborovanja gl. odbora SNPJ sem prečita!, kakor vselej poprej. Posebno me zanima či-tati poročila posameznih odbornikov. Akoravoo je le gl predsednik v tem času preminul, se vseeno želim dotakniti njegovega poročila, katerega je podal na zadnji gl. seji Med drugim je v njegovem poročilu tudi omenil in priporočal, da bo prihodnje leto preteklo petinštirideset let. od kar Je bila ustanovljena SNPJ. Omenil je. da bo važna obletnica in da bi bilo dobro, da bi jo dobro proslavili Omenil je tudi, da SNPJ ima pestro zgodovino za seboj, o kateri pa večina članov bolj malo ve, nekateri pa sploh nič. Podpisani se temu izrszu gl. predsednika pri druiuje, ker je dokaj resničen. Kdor je imel opravek s članstvom in ga ima danes, mora priznati, da je to čista resnica, da je taka nevednost pri mnogih članih globoko ukoreninjena VABILO NA FEDERACIJSKO VESELICO Youngstown. O. — Že meseca junija so društveni zastopniki na seji federacije za vzhodni Ohio in Penno razmotrivall, du bo treba prirediti kako priredbo v korist blagajne in da sc malo oživimo. Po navadi je federacija skoro vsako leto imela piknik v Salemu, ker pa jc tamkajšnje društvo letos imelo že aranžirano za proslavo 20-letnicc, amo se morali odločiti za drug kraj. Zastopniki so na seji dali nalogo zastopnikom girardakih društev, da naj oni preskrbe vse potrebno in da se naj bi priredba vršila v mesecu oktobru. To nalogo so zastopniki is Glrarda dobro izvršili in jo predložili na fed. seji 26. septembra v Salemu. Seja je poročilo sprejela. Torej naša federacija bo priredila vuaelico dne 9. »oktobra v Slovenskem domu v Girardu. Za ples bo Igrulu poznima Umkova godba Vstopnina je nizka, aamo 8.V. Želja zastopnikov društev 49 in 64.1 je, du bi se člani teh društev številno udeležili veselice. Seveda, vabimo tudi člane okoliških društev, ki so včlanjena v federaciji. Z udeležbo pokažemo. da smo lojalni federa ciji In SNPJ, poleg tega moramo pokazati drugim bolj oddaljenim društvom, na primer iz Sharona Pa., kjer ko v začetku tega leta vsa tri društva, 31, 262 In 755. na avojo Iniciativo priredila ve sellco v korist federacije. Prebitek te veselice je bil Jako lep Poglejmo Salem' Kakor *em še v začetku omenil, je imela federacija že več priredb v tej na selbini In tamkajšnji člani so delali od zjutraj do večera Prt-«nanje moram dati tudi zaatop-nikoma društva 358. ki Ima svoj sedež v P«»wer Pointu. Daairav-no Je ta naaelbtna daleč na za-padnl strani Obla. sta dva zastopnika tega društva vedno navzoča na federacijski aeji ali ve- VABILO NA RAZNE DRUŠTVENE PRIREDBE IN SEJE V ZAPADNI PENNI Harwick. Pa.—Sezona pikni-( kov je končana za adne Pen ne. Društva naj gotovo poš ljejo zastopnike na to sejo, kajti I>odano bo tudi poročilo našega delegata, ki sc jc udeležil zborovanja Ameriško • slovanskega kongresa v Chlcagu. Dne 31. oktobra pa se bo vršila seja organizacije "Ameriško-slovenski dan". Na dnevnem redu tynlo važne stvari. Raz pravljaii bomo tudi o slovenskem radijskem programu. Vabimo vsa društva, klube in tudi posameznike, da se udeleže te važne seje, ki ae bo pričela ob dveh jX)f>oldne v Slovenskem domu v Pittsburghu. Na svide nje na vseh teh .priredbah in sejah! Mary P- Praanlkar. pisani se popolnoma strinja z njim. Medtem pa br. Lish omenja in priporoča, da bi bilo bolje pripraviti se« za 50-letnico, ker x> bolj važna in pomembna kot pa 45-letnica. Po mnenju podpisanega je vsaka obletnica ppmenljiva in važna, ker vsaka ima svoje delo za seboj, kar spričuje pomeni j i-, vost obletnic. Nedvomno bo 50-etnica tudi velikega pomena, ne more se pa zanikati, da 45-letnica ni pomenljiva za članstvo SNPJ. Priporočljivo bi bilo izdati ob času 45-letnice primerno spominsko knjigo» toda v manjši obliki kot je bila izdana ob časir 20-letnice SNPJ. ; 4*o, \>i se izdala knjiga v manjši obliki, obenem pa tudi z bolj primerno ceno, bi to omogočilo, da bi knjiga zašla v roke večjemu številu članstva. Knjiga je koristna, ašio se jo razproda ali razpeča med članstvo. Ničesar pa ne koristi, ako je še tako dobra, če leži v omarah. Seveda, končno je pa vse odvisno od skupnega članstva, koliko zanimanja pokaže pri ob-hajanju društvenih ali pa jedno tinih obletnic. Priporočljivo je, da bi se priporočilo pokojnega br. Cainkarja upoštevalo in delovalo na to, da bi se ob času 45-letnice SNPJ izdala primerna spominska knjiga, in tako bi tudi pri SNPJ in njenemu član stvu ostal dolgotrajen sjx>min na pokojnega br. Vincenta Cankarja, kot dolgoletnega predsed nika SNPJ. John Ooriek st. VABILO NA VESELICO DRUŠTVA 200 SNPJ Hermlnla. Pa. — Društvo št 200 SNPJ v Herminie št. 2 bo priredilo veselico dne 9 oktobrs v Božičevi dvorani, začetek ob sedmih zvečer. Vabimo vse člane in članice, kakor tudi prlja telje in znance. Za ples bo Igrala Klunova god ba if lam berja. Vstopnina je 12 za m«»ške In $1 za ženske. Pivo in prigrizek s kranjskimi kloba sami prost Mike Paetok. tajnik &E ENO POROČILO O PROSLAVI DRUŠTVA M SNPJ Moon Run. Pa.—Čas hitro teče, posebno nam, ki smo že priletni. Tako sem zakaanil s poročilom o proslavi našega društva 88 SNPJ, katera se je vršila 6. aeptembra. Proslava nam bo ostala v trajnem spominu. Nekoliko sta že poročala o njej br. Anton Zor« nik in aeatra Gorjup, tajnica na šega društva. V kolikor ae jaz Naj prvo se moram zahvaliti eksekutivnemu odseku SNPJ, ki nam je preskrbel govornika Naj prvo sem dobil sporočilo, da pride br. Vider, ker pa je preje nekaj dni pred našo priredbo sporočilo od zdravnika, da bo poklican vsak čas v bolnišnico je bil poslan glavni odbornik John Kobi iz Dulutha, Minn Hvala br. Vidru ij^jprav tako br. Kobi ju. On je s seboj tudi VELIK WALLACEV SHOD V PITTSBURGHU- Herminie, Pa. — V pondeljek, 18. oktobra, bodo imeli državljani v Pittsburghu in iz bližnje okolice slUati velikega |x>borni-ka za malega človeka Henry j a Wallacea, predsedniškega kandidata progresivne stranke. Shod se bo vršil v Duquesne Gardensu, ki ima prostora za 6,000 oseb. Na tem shodu se bodo tudi ]x>birali prispevki za progresivno stranko. Za Slovence je določena vsota $2,000. Potrebno je, da naša društva, organizacije in posamezniki zberemo skupaj to vsoto. Tudi druge narodnosti bodo prispevale po svojih močeh. Denar lahko pošljete na glavni stan stranke, ali pa ga izročite podpisanemu, ki je poverjen za to. Apeliram na vse zavedne Slovence, da ne zaostanejo za drugimi narodnostimi, ter pomagajo po svojih močeh. Udeležite se tudi shoda v velikem številu. Pokažimo nazadnjakom, da smo za progresivno stranko in njene kandidate. Naslov urada progresivne stranke za zapadno Penno je: 111 Ninth st., Pittsburgh 22, Pa. Vstopnice za ta shod lahko dobite tudi pri jaodpisanemu. posežite jx) njih! Shod lokalne prog. stranke v Herminieju pa se bo vršil 10. oktobra v Slov. domu. Anton Zornilc. VINSKA TRGATEV V SPRINGFIELDU Sprlngfleld, 111. — V Prosveti je bilo že poročano, da bomo imeli vinsko trgatev • v našem Slovenskem delavskem domu. Da pa ne bi kdo pozabil na ta pripeljal br. Williama Brun- dan, še enkrat vabimo, da nas schmida. Njega sem že veliko-1 gotovo posetite v soboto zvečer, krat povabil na našo društveno 9. oktobra, sejo, pa ga ni bilo, to pot pa je Trgatev se bo vrgila' prav po prišel med nas. On je izvrsten govornik, naj bo v slovenščini ali, pa angleščini.. Prw l*po hvala, William! Upam, da bi pre-obrnil kakšnega poslušalca za progresivno stranko. Za Brunschmidom je nastopil John Kobi. On je dobro raztol-mačil razliko med navadno za-varovalninsko družbo i/i našo jednoto. Povedal je prav dobro in poudaril pomoč, ki jo daje SNPJ članstvu, dočim je od privatnih zavarovalninskih družbah čestokrat težko dobiti zavarovalnino. Priporočal je tudi, kaj naj volita farmer in delavec, če hočeta dobro samemu sebi. Lepa hvala br. Kobiju za njegov trud 1 Če prej ne, se bomo videli na konvenciji CCW v Su-periorju. Lucaa Dernovaek, blagajnik. starokrajskem običaju. Pokusili bomo tudi letošnjega, na razpolago pa bo tudi jrotica, klofease in druge dobrote. Da boste dobre volje, bodo pa poskrbeli vi-ničarji in viničarke. Seveda, tudi plesali bomo, da se bo kar kadilo! Vstopnice gredo hitro od rok, torej pričakujemo veliko udeležbo. Na svidenje v soboto zvečer. Joaeph Ovca. MAŠKERADNA VESELICA V YUKONU Yukon. Pa. — Društvo Novi dom 117 SNPJ bo priredilo maš-Jceradno veselico v Slovenskem domu dne 30. oktobra, začetek ob pol devetih zvečer. Za ples bodo igrali Kubičevi bratje iz Lowberja. Na naši zadnji seji 19. septembra je bilo sklenjeno, da mora vsak član plačati 75c za vstopnice, pa če se udeleži veselice ali pa ne, kajti ves dobiček gre v društveno blagajno. Obvezne vatopnine so izvzeti samo člani in članice, ki so na bolniški listi. Prijatelji is sosednjih našel spominjam, nismo imeli tu še nobene priredbe, na kateri bi bi- j bin, oblečite se v maškeradno la tolikšna udeležba kot na tej. objeko In pridite na našo vese-Prav tako Je bilo veliko dobrega Hco. Maškare bodo deležne treh razpoloženja in veaelja. Na pri- i nagrad. sicer prva $10. dru redbo ao prišli člani in članice Ka $7.50 in tretja $5. Pridite v mnogih bližnjih sosednjih druš- velikem številu, ker bo veliko tev Počastili so nsše uatandvi-1 zabave in smeha Kdor pa ne telje in izkazali lojalnost SNPJ more plesati, mu bomo pa po-Kot predsednik društva ae vsem stregli z jedačo in ječmenov-naj lepše zahvaljujem, še poaebej pa članom pripravljalnega odae- N« svidenje 30 oktobra! ka. ženskemu klubu in delavcem Frank Kovačič al. tajnik. In delavkam, ki ao pridno delali - In stregli posetnikom SOŽALJE DRUŠTVA 347 SNPJ Program je bil pester in po- McKeesport. Pa. — Društvo setnlkl so bili zelo zadovoljni i Dalmatinako slovenska sloga 347 Prav lepo je deklamtrala peaem SNPJ Izraža aožalje nad izgubo "Thee. SNPJ" članica mladinake- gl. predsednika Vincenta Cain- ,. _____________^ ga oddelka France« Ambrožlč. karja Kakor njegova žena In i vrinila pomota v "tretienTod l«..«.»L a m mi 11 m a K*» »m L a A L.1. 1 _s__ _a a _ a_ i _ « a« s • . . POZIV ČLANSTVU DRUŠTVA LILIJE 764 SNPJ Mllwaukee. Wla.—Vsemu članstvu našega društva na znanje, da se sigurno udeleži izredne društvene seje, katera se bo vršila prihodnjo nedeljo, 10. oktobra, začetek ob 2. uri popoldne v navadnih Lenko-Magistrovih prostorih, 739 W. National ave. Seja bo ena najvažnejših, kar smo jih še imeli v Milvvaukeeju. Na dnevnem redu bo namreč odobritev nakupa tako zvanega "Arcadia Parka" na W. Green-field ave., katerega je kupil pred nekaj dnevi poseben odbor, ki je bil f>overjen za to nalogo na lanski letni seji. Ker ima ta seja odločiti o pri-hodnjosti naše slovenske naselbine. je nujno potrebno, da se je udeleži vse članstvo! Torej še enkrat: Na svidenje na seji! Frank Ermenc. predsednik. WALLACE 15. OKTOBRA NA ZAPADNI STRANI CHICAGA Chicago. 111.—Slovenci na za-padni strani bomo imeli priliko slišati Henry j a Wallacea in G lena Taylor ja. ko bosta nastopila kot govornika 15. oktobra v Sokolski dvorani, 2345 S. Kedzie ave. Vstopnina samo 50c. Zapomnite si 15. oktober mči-tajte nadaljnja poročila o tem shodu v prihodnjih številkah Prosvete. L. Z. POPRAVEK Dululh. M Inn. V mojem dopisu z dne 29 septembre se je cagu (na Center ave in zapadna 18 cesta, blizu Halateda. kjer ae hčerka družine Franka Ambroži- otroci tako je tudi jednota iz je pred 50 leti pričela slovenska naaelbina) in ustanovili društvoma Lepa hvala govornikom An gubila dobrega voditelja Večna Slavijo. Velika zasluga za prižig tiste revolte gre pokojnemu tonu Čtpčiču. predsedniku fede- slava bratu Catnkarju' Njego Martinu Kondi in njegovemu Glasu Svobode, ki je marsikstere- racije. Marv Prašnikar. podpred- vega velikega dela ne bomo nik- mu starejšemu naseljencu odprl očt. -t s» jaednici tretjega okrožja, in Phl- dar pozabili, njegovo delo bo na- Tem pionirjem novega življenja v ameriški Sloveniji bomo u-Jtpu Godim upravitelju Prosve- prej živelo! kazali čast, ako se v nedeljo popoldne udeležimo Slavtjtne 45-,te z» društvo 347 SNPJ: letnice v leOnotuu d\otani. Pottm pa ao bUc predvajane Marko Sabich. tajnik. stavku se bi moralo glasiti, da •mo šli drugi dan, v nedeljo, SPET v Sheldon. ne SPAT. Pomota sama na sebi ni reana. vendar pa bi se lahko kdo norce bril. češ da smo šli spat na izlet društva 273 SNPJ. Toliko v po jaanilo.- . John Kobi. SREDA, 6. OKTOBRA 1948 PROS V KT A Zadnje vabilo na proslavo 45. obletnice društva Slavije št 1 SNPJÏ Chicago. — Nedelja je skoraj tu, dan zgodovinske obletnice društva Slavije. O priredbi smo že precej pisali in tudi v današnji Prosveti je več člankov o njej. Danes nimam ničesar posebnega dodati, kakor da bo slavnostni govornik gl. tajnik Fred Vider, kateri sicer še ni popolnoma zdrav, vendar pa se mu je zdravje temeljito zboljšalo in bo torej med nami v nedeljo. Br. Vider bo v imenu SNPJ izročil tudi spominska darilca našim vrlim pionirjem br. Verščaju, Sko-čirju in Trampušu. Največja atrakcija na programu bodo vsekakor pevci in pevke zbora Zarje iz Clevelanda. Seve, naši Prešernovci bodo zopet zapeli nekaj lepih pesmi. Neki moj prijatelj, ki je sam dober pevec, mi je pravil, da so Prešernovci zapeli naravnost nebeško lepo v zadnje slovo pokojnemu br. Cainkarju. Nedvomno nam bodo zopet podali kaj lepega člani in članice mladinskega krožka št. 26, katerega sedaj vodi mrs. Terry Alesh. Ona je žena Bojana Aleshl, ki je član Slavije, kakor tudi njegov oče Frank in brat Vladimir. Po programu bo sledila prosta zabava in ples, za katerega bo igral Kovičev orkester. Odbor bo skrbel za splošno postrežbo. Se stra Macerle s svojimi pomočnicami bo pripravila dobro večer jo, ki bo stala samo 75c, torej vam ne bo treba iti večerjat domov. Macerlova družina je veli ka in bodo vsi pomagali na proslavi. Prepričan sem, da bomo imeli veliko sideležbo, saj se ne zavedajo pomena te obletnice samo člani Slavije, ampak tudi član stvo drugih društev. Prav tako bodo prišli na proslavo tudi naši prijatelji iz bližnjih slovenskih naselbin. S sporedom bomo pri-' čeli točno ob pol štirih popoldne Pridite zgodaj, da boste dpbili boljši sedež. Na naše delavce pa apeliram naj bodo točno na mestu in po .žrtvovalno izvrše vsak svoje delo......... • Sedaj pa še nekaj društvenih novic. Prihodnja seja se bo vr šila v petek, torej dva dni pred priredbo. Asesment bom priče pobirati že ob sedmih, kakor obi čajno. Zadnje čase tepe bolezen veli ko naših članov in članic. V bol nišnici so John Težak, Julia Mer sol, Josephine Mautz, Magdica Brucher, pred nekaj dnevi pa je bila odpeljana v bolnišnico tudi Elizabeth Udovich, žena našega blagajnika, kjer se je morala podvreči težki operaciji. Na domu pa se zdravijo Leonora Fe rek, Mike Sifrer, Anton Kuk man, Matt Pintar, sestra Bravc Frank Švab in Frank Rakovic Vsem bolnikom želimo čimprejšnje okrevanje. K našemu diuštvu Je prestopila sestra Mary Belaj od št. 198 v Willardu, Wis. Dobrodošla! Kadar se kdo preseli v Chicago, naj pride k našemu društvu in ga bomo bratsko sprejeli v svojo sredo. Milan Medvešek. tajnik. Pisec teh vrstic bi rad pomagal pri tem častnem delu. Rad bi pomagal tajniku in drugim aktivistom društva za čim sijaj-nejšo proslavo, a žal, da okol-ščine, v katerih se nahajam, mi ne dovoljujejo, da bi izvršil, kar oi zelo rad, kar je moja dolž nost in kar je potrebno. Oni, ki stvar razumejo, mi bodo oprostili. Torej, kar se tiče priprav, so v dobrih rokah, program bo izvrsten in sem prepričan, da bo vsem ugajal. Saj je bil že opisan in vem, da ga bo še bolj natančno opisal M. Medvešek. Ena točka bo sicer spremenjena na programu. Kot glavni govornik v imenu SNPJ bi imel nastopiti glavni predsednik Vin-cent Cainkar, ki je bil obenem tudi član društva Slavije, kakor e večina v Chicagu živečih glavnih odbornikov. A žal—Vincen-ta Cainkarja ni več! -Žal, da ne bomo nikdar čuli, kaj je imel namen povedati. Vem, da bi bil s x>nosom pozdravil vse navzoče podal času in slavnosti primeren govor. Vem, da bi bil z iskrenostjo in ponosom pozdravil še živeče pionirje društva, ter navdušil vse navzoče k bratskemu in narodnemu sodelovanju. Usoda ni hotela, da bi doživel to kar si je nedvomno želel. Ne vem; kateri glavni odbor nik bo nadomestil pokojnega br V. Cainkarja. Kdor bo to storil bo s težkim srcem, ker bo vedel da zavzema mesto brata in moža, ki je bil na splošno priljub ljen, borec za delavske in na rodne pravice, ter dober brat in prijatelj. Tega brata ni več, ta brat ni samo odsoten od slavnosti, pač pa nas je zapustil za vedno. Kdor ga bo nadomestil na slav nosti in v bodoče, se bo nedvom no vprašal: "Kaj bi brat V. Cain kar storil, v tem slučaju?" Vpra šal se bo: "Ali bom mogel pri dobiti in obdržati ugled, ki ga je imel brat V. Cainkar? Ali bom mogel obdržati ugledno in v brat skem duhu ter sporazumno drugimi glavnici odb^rn\kM# organizacijo na onem višku, kot ga je imela do sedaj? Šele ob tem pomisleku se zavedamo, ka ko veliko delo je vršil pokojn V. Cainkar. Poleg članstva SNPJ- tudi vsa napredna slovenska ; avnost in mnogi drugi obialu-jejo njegovo izgubo. Nsj mi čitatelji oprostijo, da vabilu na 45-letnico društva Slavije pride toliko pisanja, ki vas odvrača od mišljenja na slav-nost. Vendar pa upam, da si je v tolikih letih brstskegs delova-nja Slavija pridobila toliko vpliva med člani SNPJ in prijatelji, da bo dvorana nabito polna, da se dostojno proslavi častna ob-etnica najstarejšega društva SNPJ! Na svidenje! Anion Udovich. blagajnik BR. CAINKARJA^BOMO OHRANILI V TRAJNEM SPOMINU I La Salle-Pem. 111.—Ko smo v petek, 24. septembra prejeli telefonsko porodilo od hčere in se-. ta U Chicaga, da je brat Cainka, £ neka dru/ preminul, nismo mogli verjetl ^v, k sicer pošiljs o zastopnici, ali je resnična ali ne. Po ** ™ ^Z^nlt* ponovnem zatrdilu, da je vest člana ne tnWr»i noiri/n.l n, J O" je mnenja, da se jih opozori ČESTITKE DRUŠTVU SLAVIJE NJENIH BIVŠIH ČLANOV Foniana. Callf. — Nisem bila dolgo časa v tej deželi, ko je društvo Slavija praznovalo svojo 10. obletnico obstoja. Tedaj so bili člani še mladi in navdu Šeni za vsako delavsko stvar. Ob priliki omenjene desetlet niče mi je Matt Kure prinesel pesem, ter mi naročil, naj se jo naučim, da bom čestitala društvu Slaviji ob njeni 10-letnici Seveda sem bila ponosna, da sem lahko šla na oder in čestitala društvu, ki je izrastlo iz delavskega duha. Tiste vrstice so se tako glasile Danea dene! let Je minilo, od kar sbudil naš narod na tujih se nejo v znak sožalja.' Tajnik prečita prošnjo brata Johna Marčuna, člana društva št. 315. On prosi, da bi unu federacija pomagala za trimesečni asesment. Prošnji se ugodi. Na resničns, sem takoj poklical posamezne odbornike društev št. 2, 98, 337, 573 ter Slovenski narodni* dom, da smo mu poslsli cvetlice, ds < iskažemo svoje prijateljstvo do pokojnika. Pokoj-1 nik je bil v naši naselbini večkrat ter se vaako pot oglasil tudi v naši hiši. Da se nisem mo- v Prosveti. Br. Slanovec je proti temu in stavi predlog, da jih tajnik opozori pismeno, naj poravnajo članarino. V slučaju, da društvo, ki nima plačane članarine, pošlje prošnjo za člana ali članico, se prošnji ne ugodi. Zastopniki nato razpravljajo o priredbi v zimski sezoni, nakar madi lovcev, 80,000 po številu, ki gredo nad rogače in medvede, toda ne ruske, temveč amerikan-ske oz. coloradske. Torej bratje in sestre društva 218, na svidenje na redni seji dne 28. oktobra. John Malovrh, tajnik. lonček $.100. na BRAXON CO Dopt. P, 31! Se. Clark si« Chicago. IUM in ml vam pošljemo to, poltnine prosto. Povrnitev denar Is Jamčena. po snsncev vmes. O mstl jednota. podtvoje okrilje aa shiramo mil Ne sabi naa v bolesnl. nesreči, o. mail Jednota. podpira), tolašl. gel udeležiti njegovega pogreba, sk|enjeno da raxmotrlvamo o U sa I ounce $1.78, ali sa 4 ounce je vzrok, ker še ni dolgo, ko sem |em na |hodnj| ^ ■ —.............. sam prestal operacijo in izmuči- Kw ni nohenf d glvari na i jo me dolga pota Njegovi dru- dnevnem redU| predaednik za-žini najiskrenejše sožalje pokoj-L, ^ . ob ,uo dopoldne! nemu Cainkarju pa časten spo« prihodnjs federacijska saje se bo| , , Jt_ . vršila 26. decembra v Harber S pokojnikom sem se prvič se- xačvtek ob 10. uri dopol- znanll, ko sva bila z ženo na že- dne v dvorani druÄtVa Domo-| nitovanjsksm potovanju to je vine Mary Šuštaršlč. bilo v juniju 1919 Predstavil aaplsnlkarica. nama ga je moj stric Paul Ber- , ger, ki je bil takrat bolniški taj- VABILO NA FEDERA nik. Oba sta bila izvoljena na CIJSKO SEJO springfieldski konvenciji. Moon Run. Pa,—Prihodnja se-| Ko sem pozno leta 1920 prevzel ha federacije društev SNPJ za tajništvo pri št. 2, je bilo pri zapgdno Pennsylvanljo se bo vr« društvu razburjenje, a br. Caln-Ujia 24. oktobra v Slovenskem ksr in Bergar sts veliko pripo-|domu v Unlversalu, začetek ob mogla, da so se razmere ublaži* FARMA POSESTVO NA PRODAJ Ako bi želel kateri rojak živeti v solnčni Floridi, tu imate izvrstno dobro priliko kupiti si jx>-sestvo obsegajoče 22 akrov zemlje ob glavni prometni cesti Highway #90, vogal je ob tej glavni cesti in poleg je tudi SRAXON PASTS "krog 2Vfc akrov jezero, tu bi je koristno sdravllo | lahko postavili 10 kabin In ga-u atletlčne nog«, brivno srbečico, 11-Saje In druge manjše kotne srbečlos Da takojšnjo pomoč ta srbečo kolo Bret duha in breimadet-no. PolIJite ta en ounce lonček $1.00 Ustavite tisto srbečico KOLAR FLORAL CO. Slovene Florist» CVETLIČARNA SHI W. Cernsak Rd. CICERO IS. ILL. Talagiapk as PkssMi OLYMPIC 1IN • SM Dai to Chicago, Berwyn, Oak Park, Lyons. J solin postajo, ter na jezeru pa gojili race, ki t>l se samo dobro izplačalo. Hiša Je kmečke vrste 5 sobna, okoli hiše je dosti velikih (Pecans) orehovih dreves in drugo sadnjo drevje in trte za grozdje. Prodam, ker sem sam in že prileten in se ne bom mogel dolgo več baviti s tem. Prodam za nizko ceno za $18,000.00 v gotovini. Za nadaljna pojasnila se lahko oglasite osebno pri meni, ali pa pišite v slovenskem ali angleškem jeziku lastniku na naslov: THOMAS DIX, P. O. Wellborn, Florida. —(Adv.) NA PRODAJ JE 2\% akra semljs, Urape Fruit vrt. dve hiài, ena 4 sebna in druss Je Ö sob in s vsem pohištvom, le I miljo itd mesta. Cena le samo $10,500 in lahko takoj xaaedete. ANTON JORDAN 4tU) W Arrow Blvd., Kontana Calif. ^ I i'e"in "da" je "pri društvu prišlo do I ^Društva Razpošljejo čim več po število, bratov in aaater In iporazuma. «.stopnlkov, kajti na dnevnem Pokojni brat Cainkar js bil redu bo več važnih zadev. V Pro- diplomat, da je jako malo takih MVeti Je bilo poročeno, da se bo med nami. Imel sem priliko Vršll prihodnji narodni dan SN-opazovati ga sko*i 15 let moje- pj v Girardu, O., in ne v Penn- ÄTSa äää I ponosno tvoje Imel" Pesem je imela še več vrstic, a se jih po tolikih letih več ne spominjam. Žal mi je, da ne bom mogla slišati slavnostnega govornika, ki bo čestital ustanoviteljem in dejal: "Danes pred 45 leti je, odkar se je zbudil naš narod na tujih tleh . . Tudi z mojim možem najis-kreneje čestitava društvu Slaviji ob prilike njene 45-letnice. On je bil njen član čez 35 let in je še vedno ponosen nsnjo. Čestitam njenim ustanoviteljem, ki še vedno žive, onim, ki y hlad-gr*>toi,spe,(pe,*lava;,,fyjih delo še vedno živi in rastu! , Pozdravljava vse brate in sestre SNPJ! Rose in John Rudman. nega odseka. Lahko bi veliko I Na seji bo podal poročilo o več pisal o njegovem delovanju, zborovanju Ameriškega slovan pa ni potrebno, ker dobra dela *k*ga kongresa naš delegat An ton Člpčlč. Želja federacije je, da bi ae nam pridružila še ostala društva, ki še ne spadajo k federaciji. Jacob Ambroslc. Društvene vesti Glasovi iz naselbin V NEDELJO POHITIMO VSI NA PROSLAVO MATIČNEGA DRUŠTVA SNPJI Chicago. IlL-"Tajnik je duša To je število, kateregajie zmo- VARIJANTNI PROGRAM PODRUŽNICE 39 SANSa Cleveland. O.—Dne 24. oktobra se postavi podružnica št. 39 SANSa z varietno predstavo v avditoriju Slov. nar. doma. To je tista aktivna skupina Sansa, zborujoča v SND, katera je v kritični uri uspešno, liki čebelice zbirala relifno pomoč svojcem onstran luže in pozneje rekordno nabrala vsoto za otroško bolnišnico. Prispevke za otroško bolnišnico še vedno nabira. Podružnica sestoji največ iz društvenih zastopnikov, kateri skrbijo pri svojih društvih, da članstvo ve, za kaj gre in da pomaga za dobro stvar, kjer le more. Pri podružnici pomagajo pa tudi posamezniki in to še prav dobrodušno. Najbolj razveseljiva je udeležba na sejah. Po petintrideset nas pride povprečno. društva", to je star pregovor pri naših organizacijah. Z vsskim letom se to bolj dokazuje, ker rejo še večja društva. Da je vse tako uspešno kot Je, gre predvsem zasluge nsšemu tajniku- nam pove, kakšni fantje so to in kaj nam prikažejo. Frank Česen s svojo režisersko roko jih privede na oder, drugo pa slišimo in vidimo. Vstopnice so v predprodaji po 85c in krožijo po naselbini. Se-zimo po njih in se udeležimo priredbe podružnice 39 SANSa Leo. Poljšak. se sama izkažejo. Pogrešali ga bomo vsi. Naj mu bo lahko gruda! Fred Malgal SOŽALJE DRUŠTVA 47« SNPJ 8alom. O.—Zakonu narave se ne more nihče upirati in prej ali slej nas vse dohiti smrt, a vse-eno nas je pretresla žalostna Cleveland. O.-Clanatvo dru-vest, ko smo čitali, da Je umrl *tva M SNPJ opozarjam, naj ne naš glavni predsednik Vinfcent P"*ibl priti na sejo v nedeljo, Csinksr.v Misli j vseh članov na- oktobra, začetek ob pol de-šega društva *> bile na proslavi »etih dopoldne v Slovenskem de-našega društva, katera se je vr-1 lavskem domu na Waterloo rd. šila. 20. JunJjailn f*1 Je pokojnik zabaval med nami ter bil zelo. ^^ Colo. -Članstvo dru dobro razpoložen. Tedaj nismo |tV|| Co,umblne 2|8 SNPJ obve-slutlll, da ga vidimo zadnjikrat.dH bo vr4i|a rjhodnja Članstvo društva 476 SNPJ iz- k j reka globoko sožalje pokojnikovi družini! Joka Dermota, predsednik, Frances Mihevc. tajnica, Joaepk Celin ml., blagajnik. LISTNICA UREDNIŠTVA Radi pomanjkanja prostora v današnji Prosveti, bo objavljen drugi del potopisa br. Edwarda Tomšiča šele jutri. V blagi spomin dru«e obletnice smrti našeea dragefa strica In brala ANDREJ 4 K0CIJAN kateri js sa vedno preminul I. oktobra 1141. Za Teboj so se saprla groba vraia Meaec oktober res bU js krut. ki v sel js Tebe ed nas. Vsekana nam šalost )e globoko v srca naša. ko vama. da sa ne vrneš več naša). Počival v miru. Tabo se vedno spominja več nečakov in tri sestre v Mulberry. Kansas. čedalje teže se dobi član pri blagajniku Johnu Pollocku za društvih, ki bi marljivo in vneto delal za društvo, kot to dela naš tajnik Milan Medvešek. Že normalno je za tajnika dovolj posla pri društvu, a kadar pridejo pa kake proslave, je tajnik oni, ki nosi največjo odgovornost in breme. Tako je tudi pri društvu Slivijl št 1 SNPJ. ki bo proslavilo 45-letnico svojega obstanka prihodnjo nedeljo, 10. okt., v dvorani SNPJ na Lawn-dale ave. in 27. ulici. Izmed vseh tajnikov društev SNPJ je do sedaj Milan Medvešek edini, ki se lahko ponaša s tem, ds z vso vnemo dela in pripravlja za kar najbolj uspešno proslsvo 45-letntce svojega društva. ki je bilo prvo ustanovljeno sedaj največje slovenske podporne organizacije. S tako častno proslavo je mnogo dela in odgovornosti, ki leti na ramah tajnika Četudi ima nekaj dobrih pomrtf»:»4*ev |«dr nanj glavno breme njegovo vzpodbudo in požrtvovalnost. So pa tudi drugi, ki pripomorejo. da so seje privlsčne, Zadnjič smo jo prav radi slišali in nas je prav imenitno zabavala naša mlada članica Vida šifrer. Poročala nam Je o poteku konvencije progresivne stranke v Philadelphlji. Da bi jo le slišali. Podala nam je na svoj način sliko zborovsnja tako slikovito, ds smo ob njenem poročilu uživsli. Vids je graduirana učiteljica in čeravno tukaj rojena, govori čisto naš jezik. Sedaj je z dušo v kampanji za izvolitev Wallacea. Vsa čast Ji! Sedaj pa spet k programu Sanaa, kateri se bo vršil ob 4. uri popoldne v avditoriju Povabljena ao bila pevska društva. da nam podajo sad svojega truda. Na oder pa pridejo še druge «tvari. med temi "Navihani študentje'*, že sarna lM*wda V SPOMIN BR. CAINKARJU St. Louls, M©.—V petek zvečer me je pokllcsl telefonično John Spiller in povedal, da je umrl glavni predsednik Vincent Csinksr. Žslostns vest me je jako Iznenadila in nisem se mogel dvigniti s stola. S pokojnikom sva bila velika prijatelja. Naj prvo svs bila skupaj na stanovanju, potem pa sva si kupila domove in bilo zopet soseda. Tedaj je v St. Louis prišel John Lipovš iz Loraina, O., ki je bil že član SNPJ. Skupaj z Vlncem je dejal: "Zdaj pa na delo. pa bomo ustanovili društvo SNPJ." Vinc pa Je dejal: "Takoj na delo." Z ustanovitvijo se je pričelo pri Antonu Bukovicu, ki Je imel "boardarje". Tam sva bila z Vincem na stanovanju. In tedaj sta John Lipovš in Vincent Cain kar ustanovila društvo Planinski raj 107 SNPJ. Vinca sem poznal od leta 1908 On me je pridobil v društvo I 1910. Zmeraj svs skupaj delala na društvenem in delavskem polju. Naj omenim, da sem v St Louisu že od 6 msres 1906 Bil sem vedno skupsj z ustanovite Iji društva 107 SNPJ. Drsgi Vincent, nsj ti bo lahka ameriška gruda' Ti al mrtev, tvoje delo j?a bo živelo na vekoma). Na koncu pa pozdravljam vse brste In sestre SNPJ in člsnstvo društvs Špirit of St I/ml«, k.nkor tudi v«e flavne f«lbornike? Anion Petrovič Federacije SNPJ IZČRPEK ZAPISNIKA FEDERACIJE ZA SEVERNI OHIO Bsrberton. O.—Predsednik odpre sejo ob desetih dopoldne v klubovlh prostorih v Kenmor-ju. Uradniki so vsi nsvzoči. Čl-tan je zapisnik zadnje seje in sprejet kot čltan. Tajnik poroča o finančnem stsnju. Poročilo vzeto ns znanje. Tajnik tudi poroča o pik niku, ki se je vršil 25, julija. Čisti preostsnck znaša $10616. Predsednik se zahvali vs/m, ki so delali In pripomogli do tako lepega uspeha. Na seji so nsvzoči zsstopnikl sledečih društev: Za društvo št. 48: Leo ftregar, Lovrenc Frank In John Slanovec, društvo 73: F. Markovich, M Suštaršlč, dru štvo 170: F. Zakely; 315: Peter Chufar, Mary Poles; društvo 456; Matt Peklaj: društva 178, 535, 484, 615 In 626 niso zastopana Poročila zastopnikov ae vzame-ne na znanje. Predsednik poroča, da je pre menil naš gl. predsednik Vin cent Cainkar Vsi navzoči vsta- NA NOVO SO SB NAROČILI NA PROsvrro« Dei 1er Jake San Francisco 19. Californie Peadtrc Je&n Wlnon* Of) Canada KrflJ Tkem«» La Salle, III. Yukiceln Soda Lewietewn. III. Homar Kiementina Neva Oerie«. Joeoelaelja Sopar Mary * Detroit t. Mick. Cesleenlk John Jobnalewn. Pa. Ol,Uli Meli M< Donald Vm. redna seja dne 28. oktobra mesto 21. oktobra, torej mesto tretji četrtek četrti četrtek v oktobru. I Vzrok za premestitev seja je, ker bosts predsednik in tajnik odsotna radi zelo važnega opravila. Pridružiti se morata ar- Da se poCutito dobro izglodato dobro.. gibljete dobro V blagi spomin sedme obletnice smrti našega ljubega brata in strica PAULA ROŽICA t kateri Is preminul 10. avgusta 1141. Sodom dolgih lat ša Tebe samita krije. Um v »omili lihi mirna spiš Na Tvo) erob slalo sonca sila. a TI med nami v duhu vedno šo Siviš.—Šalujoči ostali PsAlels Rošič. brat in mnogo prijateljev luka), ter Janas Belič, brat in Mary Orebsk. satira, lav dasei nečakov in prenačskov, pa v stari demoelnl. West Newton. Ps. V blagi spomin druge obletnice smrti • mojega ljubega mola tn očala FRANKA P0DB0YA kateri j« preminul dae 7. oktobra l$4l. Dve leii so minuli, odkar si TI scpualll nas sa vodne—nt ga na dneva ne ure. da no bil bi v naših mislih. Tvo| spomin šivi med nami tn šivel bo dokler ludl ml pridemo sa Tabo).—Žalujoči oalalit Oerlrude Podboy, soproga tn društna v Waukeganu. Illinois. M er s ta lmatll pravo črevesno odvajalno«! AS« m peinilla mSa-Im MtvMRl la t ret l« j etleS glaveSel«. «Um, esSágenl«, IiMn u ««S«. «mrSI)l* ««Sta. i|S«M|a «»«m«. V blagi spomin druge obletnice smrti naloes ljubega soproga in očala FRANKA GR0SSEKA kaleri |« preminul dne I. oktobra 1141 Dve leti so I« minuli, odkar •! TI saputill nasi odnesli so T« v hladni grob, l|a od kodor več vrnitve nt. Počiav) v miru in lahka na| TI bode amerllka semlllaa.—Žalu|očl otlalli Joaophlno OrotMok. soproga in otroci v Mondersonvillu. Pa. VftteS MpriMl«* Sretf M»rial«t M I« us«mi Or. P««wls« ikrifi MmmmU prt*«|«iM Srni rt aiM p*rt|«4e. o«, m pravilne. Seb—n« e"»« p « M « i MlMItl« Mil« moaobo U <*Mt v vaét matte «a pm retitw pe POSEBNO POZNANSTVENO PONUDBO Il M «MSI ém vaMb vre«. i« si as, Pošllite ta "POSEBNE PONUDBE" kupon oeda) f nas „ e«êt/»u mi •an« poé*M»ma pu* u» Il o« I (J Prltotane nevi 9ICS «MfclMOe« Q C O D iBtreSbl S«<««i|. I I Petuit er «S l| . sa rtras massiv s isai ce Irr|ii Ml — ji •Ml WMM«ex ai»« CMmu II III [ || m «laaMf II., eto»l»»| M.« « »» j V blagi spomin prve obletnice smrti naloga ljubljenega soproga In očeta ANTONA TAUZELY kaleri je preminul dne I. oklobra 1147. Minulo le lelo dni. odkar si na» saputlll >« vedno A nai tpomln na Tebe še vedno Itvi. Ni |e ure, da M ne bil nam pred očmi. V ved nem spominu nam bodo* e«l«l. dokler «o no snidemo • Tebo). dragi soprog ia oče. Počivaj v miru^-taluioči oclalii Mary Tausely. «oprogat Anthony, sin; Mary Savdek. ChrUlin« Hrabcsak. Pauline Srenec, Teroaa Shade, .In Emily. A »ne« in Oenoviovo. hčere i Frank in Rulh Savdek vnuka. Windber. Pa. V blagi spomin prve obletnice smrti nale ljubeč« «oproge in malero MARY GAUClC (rej. psek) kelera Jo sa vedno preminula dne 3. oklobra IMT. Sojena Jo bila 11. lobruar)e UM v veel Koprtvntk. lara tiri e Jugo«i«vt|i Pokojnico jo bila danlc« drullva II. 1)1 SNPJ v Whtle Valley. Pa. Droga «^rog« in mali. odlU «i od na« prorano in nas sopuctlte samo. ali nal spomin na Tebe livl In llvol bo mod nami do konca nellh dni Preteklo |e le leto dni odkar pogreloaso Te ml. Prehitro si sallanlla svoje irudne oči In no« pustita v bridki laioAll. Zemlileo hladno Tobe krljo In votrU KUdni pihlja, nam pa so I s« Is oči II Jo. tugo no ulololi nem srca. Ob. ko odprla M so erala in prtkesel Tvoj obras, k Tebi bi «o oklonUi In % Tebo| so sdrullll. Poči e a) v miru.~i«lui«*i oalaili Simon Oaličič. soprogi Chorlo«. Willlam. frenk In Vineonl. «inovli Mary. hči. peročena Oblakr Seul. sol. ter Patricia in Sobby «nukar Helen hči. peroren« Jtlmhrn I r«nk sel la) Norme Joon m Stlly. vnokai sineho Helen. Iona Vinoonio la Jeyčo. vnuklnia. vsi v Whilo Valley. Po~ ter mnoga drugih «ecodnikev v stari domovini Slovenska Narodna Podporna Jodnoia M57 59 to. Lawndgle At.. Chicago 31. lUlaoto O LA VITI ODBOB JOBCPH CL'LKAR «1 r. A. VIDE», «t tajalk---------------- ANTON TROJAR. ft »Mote« t*)«»* MIRKO O. KUMEL. O. >ln»)n* .— LAWRENCE ORADISEK. tajni* bol i MICHAEL V1HOVWK. dlrefct mM PHILIP CODINA. uersvUelj Rroevele ANTON OaRDEM. urednik ANTON a VERRICK prvi podpredsednik 3S37 I«, I.a»ndaie Av« Chicago S3. Ill > La we da I« Ava.. Chicho Ml III » Lawndala Ava.. Chicago SS, III MS7 Sa Lawndala Ava. Ctdaagn SS. B1 S6S7 So Lewndale Ava. Chicago SS. III. SWT So LawaOala Ava. Ckliioa SS. III SSS7 So Lawndala Ava.. Cteaaea SS. U1 ■ Sa. Lewndale Ava. CSIaapa SS. Ol M IM So 93rd St.. Milwaukee. Wit john V. CEBOLA R. prva akretle-------- ERANK ORaOISEK. drugo okrotie ._ MARY r PRASNIKAR. trotje okrolje JOSEPH nroLT. tetrto okrožja JOHN SPftXAR. pao akratja URSULA AMBROXICH. tea t o ok rot)* JOHN PETRITZ. aedmo okrotje ERANK POLÄAK. oemo okrotje MATH EBTROVHJH. JOSEPH CULKAH E. A. VIDER MIRKO O. KUHEL ..... JACOB ZUPAN----- RUDOLPH USCH----------- DONALD J. LOTRICM.-- ANTON snULAR, predaednlk ERANK VRATARICH ............ ANDREW VIDRICH JOHN KOBI, SR....... CAMILUS ZARMIGK SIM ShallcroM St. M. Pa Box SS. ttae.atole. Ea |..... Box SIS. Harwick. Pa. 1397 E sota St da—laa< S. Or,io ....... JV7» Ran dal) St. St LmS IS. Mo „.............41« Pkrci St. Bvelatk. Mlnn Carmona Ava« Loa Ansalaa 1«. CaUf. 300 3rd Sl W . Roundup. Maat. ERANK ZArTZ MICHAEL R- KUM «Jaaonlk MATTHEW J. TURK LOUla K A PERLE — Andrew anuu E lSSta St.. Cleveland >S. So Lawndai* Ava.. Oiieege S3. III. So. Lawndela Ava.. CMaáso SI. 111 So Lawndala Ava. Chicago II. III ___1400 S. Lombard Ava.. Berwyn. III. ________MO B. SSOth S». Euclid. Ohio 1S97 So TrumUtU Ava.. Chlcaee SS. III Bus SI, Arma. Kanaaa . 313 T»o*r St.. Luaerne. Pa. OS Poraal Ava., Johnalown. Pa. Sind Ava W . Dulutli 7. Mmn W 17th St . Clavaland S. Ohio S301 So Lawndala Ava. Chicago IS, III. ________________________ Bom «4. Uolvaraal. Pa MM S. Lawndala Ava. Chicago SS. Iii. ISS01 Baal Park Drtva. Clavaland. Ohio 171S3 Snewden. Detroit SI. Mlak. SOS So. Zapisniki sej gl. izvršnega odseka SNPJ Seja 31 avffutta I Ml Sklicana je bila izredna soja iz-vrlevalruga odbora, na katar) so bili navzo«) vgl gl. uradniki izvzem-I) pomožnega tajnika, ki (o bil ns počitnicah. Urat gl. tajnik je porota!; da zaradi nepredvidenih o količin ne bo mogel nastopiti kot govornik na prireditvi društva It. 273, Sheldon. Wis., dne ft. septembre. Vsled tega Je želel biti oproščen in namestnik imenovan. Sprejet jo bil predlog, da se Želji brata tajnika ugodi, nakar je bil goglssno imenovan brst John Kobi, Clan porotnega odaeks, da govori na omenjeni priredbi. Gl. tajnik nadalje porota, da je Ralph 1. Booth, jednotin aktuar, nenadoma umrl ter da bo treba postaviti drugega. 1/vrlevalnt odbor nato pAoblastt gl. predsednika, ta)-Bika in blagajnika, da izberejo novega ektuarja. katerega ima kaane-Je (idobriti aejd tega odbora, ter zaključi. da vtH začasno aktuarake poale za jed noto Harry 8. Treaael. Ker je s tem dnevni red izčrpan, se aeja zaključi. f, tfyli iftbru IMEftrr* GL predsednik odpre sčjo ob 1. C »poldne V hsvročnosti vseh Članov vilevalnega odboru razen brata pornoZnega tajnika. Zapianik prej-Inji* seje je titan in sprejet. Bi at predsednik porota glede govornika, ki ga je zaprosilo društvo II. 254. Bon Air, Pa, tet da ae Je obrnil na vae gl. odbornike, ki Jih je društvo zaporedno imenovalo za nadomestne. Nobeden ni mogel apre-jtti zaradi drugih poalov. Drultvo pa je prireditev preklicalo do kasnejše dobe. Pretitano je piamo od Mlaaouri State fraternal-koagrasa, ki vabi jednoto, da polije svojega zaalopni-ka na letno aejo v Kanaaa City. Mo., vi teto ae 10. in II. novembra. Ker ae brat Anton Aular, predaednlk porotnega odseka. na I taja v neposredni blitini, ga aeja pooblasti, da za-»lop« jednoto. Bi at gl tajnik predloži v letitev Aaalednje zadeve: Proliija za oglas v oktobrski iz daji magazina The Fraternal Moni U»r Ker amo Irtoa te dali oglaa tej reviji, je zaključeno, da ae ardaj odkloni Priporota. da ae zopet poloti no lotilo /a tu tltkrf /epitlh koledart< kov ra leto W4M <«1 tvrdke J II Car io! A Company Piedlaguno m »pie-jeto, da ae to irvrtt. Hi at tajnik i.ato prečita vabilo na letno konvencijo Ameriškega narod liga biutaki-gu kongresa. ki ae bn vrtita v Pittsburgh«*, Pa.. 21. 2U in 3d m pli mbla S«ja izvoli biata Vidi a /a ihlrguta. brala piedae tluhom Jo-aepbom /^cketjem. ki je bil zavarovan le /m llftd(K) p<»amrtnine na |Hi«l tm izredno p«nn«i^ za plati-lev pogr*t>nih atrofkov odklo- ni to pioAn|o tz t .»r I'>gn da »klad ' Igiednih podpoi m lili ustanovljen za take namonr. pat pa da pomaga potrebnim tlanom tet za platevanje aaeamenta, teaa« Je Inl iMikujtu flan v prerrjlnjl meti dole len Ptedlofenk je tiadalje ptoinja od Jorelyrtr Kdwaida, tlanice diuttva Mev 322 ki je imela operacijo na m>gi in v amialu plavil m bila «te-letna tedne opetarijaki |Hidpoit- Po aktlNti pt« utitvi »hii*«j« p /akljute-iio da ae na) pi«-dlutijo Imljk infot matije o potiebl omenjene flautet Brat tajnik poroda da je v ut«du nova upoalenka Veta Kad trk kl im« tri leta tzkulnje v piaarniakem delu Dogovoril te Je ra zetetno pl« t*i |3I na t«*d»n Porotilo jt vzeto na znanje in odobr* n<* Brat diroktm mladinakrga oddel-ka ptedloll vabilo od dttiSt« v tt I3R m SŠ* ki bueUt »kupaj alavili M 10 letnico mladinskega oddelka dne iN 2.1 in 24 oktobra ter telita niega za tlavnoatnegs gtivomika Z*klju-(4no je. d« ae vabilo ugtidl Nadalje pfaota. da ae »e uatar il nov kiotek v Expoitu. Pa., M pri- poroča obitajno nagrado f2ft.00 za pospelevanje aktivnoati. Porotilo je vzeto na znanje in priporotilo odobreno. Priporoča daljo, da ae odobri primerna vsota za nagrade naj bo) j tih krotkov na razstavi mladinskih ročnih del ob priliki Narodnega dneva SNPJ v Milwaukeeju. Odobri se znesek $35.00 za tri nagrade. Na priporotilo glavnega zdravnika so odobrene naslednje podpore: Dr. «4. Inte «lana t vsota 11 rranee« MlhalCiZ. operacija IM 00 IM Robert Marttntsk M HM 141 Tom Karskuda " H 00 304 MerUn Setko " H JU 312 Andrew Botlt " 33.00 3M Do torea Stope r " 3» 00 »47 Anna Maaksllk " HM MU Rasa " SOM 7M Mar» Jsnkovl« " 3» M 130 Angel s Pueslj, odákodnlna 300 » 174 John Hribar, veteran ratuna za atletiko za nagrade East-Oolf uradna odlkodnina S10SS Brat mladinaki direktor porota, ds bo letos drultvo. ki bo zmagalo v tekmovanju za narodno prvenstvo v iogometu. upraviteno do 1190.00 za jopite poleg pokala ali trofeje, ter priporota, da ae pripravi zadevni lak in Isroti zmagovalni skupini ns konferenci ob priliki Narodnega daeva SNPJ. Priporočilo se odobri. S tem je dnevni red Iztrpan in seja zakljutens oh 3:Ift popoldne. |gl 00 za negrede narodnega tekmovanja v golfu v Milwaukee ju. Seja odobri obe priporočili. Mladinaki direktor dalje porote. da je odbor za atletiko ns svoji seji 3. M-ptenubra v Milwsukeeju zaklju-til piiporotlti izvrlevalnemu odboru »premembo v prejšnjem zaključku glede dnevnic, do katerih so upravičeni člani tega odbora, namreč, da naj bi bili upravičeni do istih dnevnic kot drogi zunanji glsvni odborniki. to je po $30.00 na dan. Po kratki razpravi se U zaključek odobri. Dalje poroča glede konference, ki te je vrlila 6. septembra v Milwaukeeju ob priliki proslave Narodnega dnevs SNPJ. Zastopanih je bilo 20 drultev in konferenca Je dobro izpadla, smatra pa. da Delavski praznik ni primeren za take konference. ker mnogo zunanjih posetni-kov že odpotuje domov. Pravi« da ae bodo bodoče konference vrlile en dsn prej, kakor je bilo na seji pri-porotano. Poroča tudi, da so se tri okrožja potegovala zs prihodnji Narodni dan SNPJ. in ker je delegacija iz Girarda, Ohio, prepričala navzoče, da bi bila njihova naselbina najbolj primerna za bodočo tako proslavo, Je bila zaključeno, da se praznuje Narodni dan SNPJ leta 1040 v Girardu pod pokroviteljstvom Federacije drultev SNPJ za vzhodni Ohio in federacije drultev SNPJ za : apadno Pcnnaylvanijo. Poročal Je tudi. da je bils razstava ročnih izdelkov mladinskih krožkov nepričakovano privlačna in dobro zastopana ter da so obiskovalci pohvalili krožke, ki so sodelovali v razstavi. Glede programa, ki se Je vrli) v soboto» pa omeni, da mu Je precej škodovala odredba zdravstvenih oblasti, ki zaradi rassaJanja otroške paralize ni dovolila otrokom vstopa v javne prostore. Brata Cainkar in Kuhel sta tudi podala svoje poročilo glede proslave Narodnega dneva SNPJ v Milwaukeeju, kjer sta kot govornika zastopala jednoto uradno. UpravitcJ jednotinih publikacij poroča, da se Je udeležil 0. septembra proelave 40-letnice društva It. 68 v naselbini Moon Runu, Pa. Priredba je bila dobro obiskana in je prepričan, da je bil dosežen moralen in gmoten uspeh. Brat pomožni tajnik poroča, da prosi Midwest Committee for Protection of Foreign Born za oglas v programu i knjižici, ki bo izdana ob priliki veselice dne 2. oktobra. Odobri ae oglas za $10.00. Dalje predloli seznera novih prosilcev. ki so upravičeni do starostne podpore za plačevanja aaeamenta na podlagi kon venčne resolucije. V zvezi s tem je zaključeno, da se objavi V glasilu celoten seznam vseh članov, ki prejmejo tako podporo. . Brat predsednik.nato zaključi sejo ob 3:Ift popoldne. VINCENT CAJNKAR, gl preds F A. VIDER. gl. tajnik 14S Mag Paustet Ich 911 141 Class »t M. art 330. (Tai aale 147 Mary IM Anna Petrekevteti 134. LM Tareatg SuktC HS. Andrtw Bor leak y ' SM JO VMtaaei «fcerl Sil. Auto« Hat-nor «31 IS« Joaept SM Eraaik MS Anton Slam kargar Iii >11 Msrr Bom Ste MS Johanna Señar 317JS. Martin Oolob IM. Mary J«r«»c SM. Pelor Janko IS MS Prank Btreaty «M frank Bokar SM MS Jaaek VaUcor ||»M 341 Mary Carraza SM MS John Brovtok «14 M SM Praneao Vorhovaak/MB. Anton Kenia $30, Anton K^ian 17«. francos BU lak 117 JS sä Mario Minor S3o John NOVak IM. francea Hnlda »73. Jakob Je Prank Faulte 317 te, V «um t IM. frank Kovak 344 M7 Jacob Turk S». Jacob Turk |M. Ja- aaph Zola |M m Prank Banko 17, Anton Oovaak SSI. Katharina dodat 314. John Skubic 331. Jahn Shags SS4 Z7S John SimonIck ML Mira Blbich 114. Tnnmš Vrane« M. James Blaring III. 171 Isidor Cmkevich MS 174 fraak K raje 914 t*7 Anna Spon tak IM Harry Mandak 917. Joaoph Orubar 9te Joaaph Crukor SM. John Sala 91730, John Baja 333 IM William Shuatriek 911. Btevo Horvatu 9M. franee« Tillman 941. Ardkoo Leonard! IM 30, Erad ZlaUr 9M. VaUntln Nagro I». Petar Sclplonc |M. Ml SopbU Puakarun 111. Mlcheal Watch 130. Mary Bregar 343. Camilla Gabriela 914, Prank Pecnak 367, Anton Bea-nlk 90S. Pío Beaeiila 97, Peter Karla-' u¡4 tm. M6 Martin Oruden 147. Joaaph Je rab 9I7JS, Mary Curl 9*0. Joaaph Vardl-neck M. Joaaph Jarab 917 50 Horaoak |3S Turkevlatt |M 300 William Saja 340 Prank Baja 139, Prank Kvartah 11730. Anten K ude M. Mika VkkebratovUh MO. Mary Kajzer HI. 304 Margara! K umik |41. Antonia Tarka vac IM I'hiliu Shoryat 939. John Pav-Ilaich 35«. Joaaph Koanig 9100. Cvltan PrHel» 919. Mary Mervar 9M 3 IS JoMaph 0 ab lock 940 MO Antonia Podobnik 9BI IS! Mary PakU MJO, Anna Baaarleh 114 90. Ann Paternal MS. Anna Zlek-nlk 313 M. P ranea» K ochavar 943. Mary Mramor SIS. Kala Pattek 94S, Mary Holkar 913. Mary Briakl 911. 33) John Mlhaleic 91« 30. Erank SuHgoJ S")u H septembra 194« Bral predsednik je odprl sejo ob nsvzotnnsti vseh tianov odbora ob 1. popoldne. Zapisnik prejlnje seje je bi) titan in sprejet. Biat predsednik porota, da je zg-pianik zadnje polletne seje gl. odbora pripravljen za tiak. Seja od loti, da ae oba zapisnika, slovenski in angleški, natisneta v posebni prilogi obligatne številke Prosvete. Brat predsednik dslje porota, da se zamudi precej časa s prenašanjem gradiva ir uredništva v prvem nadstropju v tiskarno v put litju ter da je priporotljivo, da se izgradi posebna priprava za prenašanje tega gradiva «kosi odprtino v stropu. S tem hi se prihranilo veliko taaa in poapetilo delo, obenem pa odpravilo obilo tiepotrebne hote gori In doli po stopnicah. Sklen|eno je, da «e priporotilo odobri In brat predsednik vzame v svojo oskrb izvršitev tega dela ^ Brat glavni tajnik predloži7 sledeče zadeve: > Zadeva poamrtnine pokojnega člena Antonu &kufcc, tlana društva št. 748. Ii-ti nerešena le pet let. Omenjeni je pi 1 ribolovu utonil, toda truplu ni bilo nikoli najdeno. Ko-ristnikt so njegovi atarli. ki pa «o potni II. Na podlagi zapriaetene izjave jt tiv le brat, ki zahteva po-smitntno Višje sodilte v okraju King, država Washington, )e progi tkilo brata Antona Škufco mrtvega od 3 julija 1143 naprej Brat gl tajnik tudi pojasni, da je vpra-ta! za «vet jednotlnega odvetnika, kalni smatra, da se ta posmrtnina lahko varno izplata na podlagi sod« nij«ki ga pt oglasa in pa dejstva, da je bila piita navzoča, ko je pokojni ftkulr« padel u tulita Na podlagi t*s* pojasnila trt po kiatki ratpravi te gl tajnik pooblašten, da Itplats zavarovalnino htatu pokojnega Antona Aktifee liital tajnik tudi vpraša glede lep-nih koledarčkov, ki jih je ta odbor | te prej tKlobrtl za leto 1040 Sporo-|č« d.» je naiotll rtabo. ki aimbolirs 4 S let meti naš«- jednttte. obenem pa i.i Ml ti«k \ dveh Imi vab Sm«ti« da su topni kolfdartkl riMjixiljft« aiedstvu za oglašanje jed-noti s« )H »oglaanu sprejme to pri-ptnotilo obenem pa rakliučl. da ae natum 5 mm m ne 3 000 izvodov Tainik bolniškega oddelka predloži /ad» vt |Miknjnega Matte Oustin« ^K1« <^1 dr uit v a štev pusti« 1 POROČILO O IZPLAČANI BOLNlfiKI PODPORI 19. aaplaaabra I9M BEPOBT OP SICK BEMEE1T PATMENT S apt am kar 19. IMS 1 Laopoldlna fa rak Ite. Muhaal Kndar II» Hilda Marcal 191, John Tasak 134. frank Rakovtc 133. Mika Stfrar 143. Anion Kukman IM I Poari Mangua IM. Antnn Stari« 133, Jsrry H*i«n 117 M. 4 Mary Plahuta 111. Maty Shubat |M I Mary Kuvaeti Mft. Vasa Nikuiuh |3S 50 francea OConnall III. Joaaph Bar-hue k IM Marllsn Badnlc IM. Matilda TurUo |3X Batlola Sljtvaneanin 141, II Mary f»rantael! MO. Vlnraat Raum, kar 114 13 Daniel Bradač |Sa, franeaa MlhalcU MS. frank DoUne II«, frank Doianc SM. John Pintarlih MI. Johanna bolj MS Stan lay HimoncU 114. 17 Anna Lampe SM. I.oulaa Matutc 134. Mary Oartwe 117 te. John Dougan M Angela Simonu IM. Mary LavraneU SIS. John Piocntk 117 M. Mary Cetnl lac Mi te M Dorothy Pacltavar MO. Anion 'BalU 94«, John Knstott SM. John KaUtc Sil 14 Erneattnr Orlic IM. Erank KrmUnlk 914. Prank Vodiaak 970 M Anna Vouk III. Anno Vouk M. John Udovtalt IM Joint Raaa III. Anthony Moatar 133 John K romar IM. Ai Grebene 110 John farkul 111 M Erma Bra> MO. WilUam Vaiduwk Ml Wilkam Vartlinak »MM. Andarw Vtd mar MI. Anion Vidmar 133 337 Mary Youag IM. 341 John Kovach.417. Elizabeth Lulek 939 SM Mildred Tlahman »II. 301 Halan Stagnar IM. William Yataa 919. Anna Masak 991 frsnk Oorshln 930. frank Oorsltln MO M9 Maria Zaman 917. 171 Mary Zevart 917, Joseph Smargut 9M, Joaaph Smergul IM 371 rrank P anta IM MI Joaaphlna Curgaa MI. Louis Zmrsel 11330. Steve Bibmla SM. Slava Hl »on la »30, 3M Mika »Ugmrtn M». Prank Kolar MI. John Small IMJ0 407 Julia Kolenc ISO. Helon Rudnlcky III 30. Matthew Rrvan IM. Matthew Raven |M. 414 Mala Vwkie SM. 41« Valentin Mogerl IM. John Bozlch 9M. Prank Boslch M Anton Umak 9M. Anton l'inak «36. Mary Radlsek 134. Msrtln Prasnlkar M7. 4M Paulina Omalls M». Praneea Koran Ml M. 4M Petar Ljaaevlch IM.M. 443 flora net Za lok ar «II. Mary Pika 113 447 Michael Jark IM. Lovla Pleanlcar 9I7.M. I Ml Anton Smodile |17. frank MahnU 117.M. rrank Mahnte IM 4M Anka Kfrln SM. Mkn Blapaak M4 •« 494 Nikola Janoaia* 990 John ValaneU 914. 474 Ignac VarMc Ml 300 Antonia O each »te. Jaaaph Pungart-nik 113. Joaaph Pungartntk 113. Paul So mar« MS. 3U Anton PlnUur IM Joaaph KaatelU IM. ¡V40 Pater Paalka |1M. SM Anna Cach IM, Ivana Kutane III. AM Gooiga Kasels MS. •»*' 5M Naomi Owen MO »70 John Branlsal IIS. Prank Kastelle 117 M. Edward Shlna M« M3 Halen Dabin IM Idj Blanc MO, Ann Suaack IM. Marcsila Ruatawakt MS. John Yauoh IIS. Jannla Tomate 117J0. Jotut Luba Jr »MM. Philip BalU «SS ate franca« Oaeka 9M. «10 Andrew Jarkovlc 914. John Oolob 9M SI« Anton K Riga «4fl M |>atar Yurlk 914. A4» AKrau spangentiars IM SM John Tagler MO, John Kolar IM. Rudolph Kamin WS. Erank Ctstnlk SM bM Anton Hrvstln I19JS. Joaaphtne Bu- kovltx IM, Petar Mrva t In «M (>M Henrietta Calln M 7M Andrew Abran» MB 711 Lorana Logan IM. Janpta Kukullnsky MS. BHa MB. Anna kptk Ml 741 Mary Barloisttl 111. 7M JennU Humphrey SM RKUPAJ-TOTAL 9I9.MS00 LAWRCNCa GBADISEK. uj bol oild -gae'y t. B Dept. NOVOFRISTOPU ČLANI a Dorothy Spadin frank 4A0 kI Je ze- n. kaj l> ilniike ptidpore To •lo zahtevajo njegovi otlOCt, ki med IX. If flit Jo t k i bell tm njegs priporočilo bolniškega tajnika je zahljuteftn da »e predala ne bolniške !»• 'I|u"«re izplava oftokom !>n. kt.»epmna M. za.r.uah Anna B ^ Portor Margart: ..... PoHü .«'«a. « b Streu Ckarlaa --------- ■ tir«./in«kl Motan ... 919 Orlll Mm k Prank 1M997 LOM 9M Mukava* Balan A. IIMIS Ml «Kauahlek Angelina Oet rente CkrMtuis 711 Lie tak Richard S.......1 Bud teh Dorothy « I JO 1.M 1M DU 9M la9 I13441 BBS W Letanls - C* jr*» Menirnu žung v> »a« 3M GesaaU Viola E. ... mi Kompers Edward J Komeara Mary A. ,. HI Deblock Dorothy N Ml Temaxln Ann B. ... I Rüper Charlotte M 113 Obide t Mary C -MI Bevor Harry A. Sever Lydia G. .... ■ Ur hank Edward .. 333 Krub frank J. Jr. M7 gutlch Sophia .. 3S1 La vary Mary 3. — Scant vino Mai o in 1M ADM. JULY L IMS 10 fermellja Edward 1M4M M Vlies John W 11 IM V ra tricar Marte E. .;. 141 PodeknBi August W. Ml lskrs Prank ........ Dak Roben MO BdanUton BoOort E «71 Bi Un Nevanka ADM. JUNS 1. HM «41 K rs wear Jesn ASM. APR. L IMS rt A. h loo ije IJ9 IM IM 113441 1M4M 113303 lMSM I U3M1 MS ... 133330 1.000 1 JS 1H637 M0 IM4M 1.9M IM 1M Oberleitner John Joe El 2345« 900 U34S7 H34W 123500 P. A. Vider, gl. tajnik—Bupr. Dia IM 'f. 3M Orepek Rudolph -Jr. IMftOI 4*7 Stipandich Paul .... 1M9M «M Vukovich Irana J. 1M9M 4M RuMeh VtolM ... IBM« 311 Nadoff Peter A....... 11360« M4 K Uber Lo ra ine UMI« fertle Alphont« L. UMU Johnston Virginia . 123512 K ru tlak i Agnes M. ISMU Meyers Haien --------ISM14 Ml Turk Htrbert M 1IMU •73 MaUia WUBam H. IMS 17 17« Kralnz rrank I. ... HMH IM Anzur Edwatd J..... 1M9I0 M0 Mahal 1c Charles ... IM4SZ PaUrt Hkre« .......... IMM3 SM CTlfford Mabel C. . IMM4 Hartman Bdward J. IM9M Kiivac Agne* ...........IBM Multse Prank J.....19B917 PoUnc Harnice ------ 1M9M «M Kerthner Rota ..... 1233» 414 Bradač Joe A. IMM0 III Cimtnelli Guido ...... 1MM1 Polil Sam J............ 113533 PapiHI LouU PI.......I33M3 Poms Yoalnds ......... 1SM34 «14 Jonsten Dorothy A. 123606 , Siebert Mitten ......... 13MM 9M Koricieh David L. 133640 7M Bedey Prank W.........123541 719 Batehan MUhaal f lSMM 719 Veza «k i SylvetUr .. 113941 TM Vldergsr Daniel f......UMM TM Helmen Emma M. .. HM47 Patton Sarah S......... 1M94S TM Mull Hugh A......... 1M9M TM Marinaro RoaatU M. UMM Valentine KUsabet - H3M1 Valentina Jsmes A. 1MM1 Widmar Marian E. .. 1M9M 7M Otaek Eduard V..... 123664 JkDM. AUG. 1. 19M 9 Mrvatln Halen M..... 123413 97 Urslc Msry ............ 10431 IM Luc Ich Dorothy A. 1M446 117 ZaUr Rose J........... 1M44S IM Likar John W........... 1M4M 197 Ruzich Koaalta ---------lIMft 300 Ovca Edward J..... 1SS4M 300 Novoaal Mary ...... 1M4S4 114 Gorjup Margaret D. IM4M S7I Marn Thomat ....... 1M4M 600 1J0 tas 100 1.000 1.00 1J0 ZA STARI KRAJ Mraz in zima bosta Um potrebe le povečala in pomnoiila in zato bo vala pomoč toliko bolj dobrodoila. Denarne pošiljke: Mi pošiljamo denar v Jugoslavijo, Italijo in vse druge doiole. Vse naše pošiljke so garantirane proti zgubi. Tudi vam preskrbimo potrdilo od prejemnika. —Pristojbina za vse poiiljke do $50 znala: zs nsvadoo polto $1.29, za srečno polio ft .M h» breoJavM $4.28. Pri snesklh nad $50 ie pristojbina zvila za 2ftc pri vsakih nadaljnjih $ft0. Blagajne poiiljko: — Oskrbujemo tudi blagne poiiljke (moka in druge jestvine. obleka, zdravila itd.). Sporočite nam, kaj hočete poalati, pa vam bomo poslali potrebne pojasnila. Potevanjei—Prodajamo karte za potovanje v Evropo in od tam sem po originalnih cenah in sicer sa par-nike ter eroplane,—Sedaj odpluje vsak mesec eden ali več parnikov v Trst in Reko. Druge sadevot Ako telite našega posredovanja v drugih zadevah, smo pripravljeni storiti za vas, kolikor dopušesjo obstoječe razmere. LEO ZAKRAJSEK Ponorel Travel lervteo. Inc. 302 C. ?2nd BL. New York 21. N. Y. ABM. SEPT I. 1*4» 1 Setln» Audrey Ann Zokal Jahn 3 Parpa« Mary Gaydo« Biehsrd H. Vuietu Edwsid VuletU John I Stonteh Henry 7 Shtay rrank I Koroaac Dragiea . Livateh Juhn M Bautor Jiaiuiu Q. I t larra tt Wa*ne M Podbev.rh Altea te Geueainit k llaUn 43 Karuh Peter P M Bppuk Alma D M Pavne Msrt D M Joaak Anthony J. j 07 Nolmrui rrank M Pouch Anna M Kolar Dotuthy JLl# ltf\4»lt i l'tgrghNM IM Damahai Anthony f IM Sherilei Jeanatto .. laueher Ralph IM Katar Itotota« K 110 Banta Melvtn B 111 Truden tud» IM Builslt W alta i I. . l^iurtha td»ard IM Prudta Cdwaid B Put Jaan Turman Mary IM Koklnh Evatyn S IM Knsutt Jnaryl 147 Miabu fdware MlabU Virginia IM Maeko* Joaaph L Maekoa Mary A IM »tetina l*«nard IM t Uy Bakert C M«ki» Margaret •a» «vtgel Ptank J Jg. IM Ja»lew I Hitan M Ladtka Pelet Jt Ptoear Sw M Otee* H.inunx Manan 1M4M I HS4I0 113411 ISS4II 130411 I mu MO UM MO 1 300 I JO MBU! IM4IS IM41S 113431 I 000 1000 I.«M SM 1.0M »M I.Ote I SM SEZNAM PRIREDB DRUŠTEV k s« k« f. j. Tet, KUdeie 0070 Slovenska pokanja Ml špecializiramo v raznem pecivu; TORTE ZA SVATBE in drugo pecivo in slaščica. Sa priporočamo J0SEPH KADIVNIK S4N W. Monlrooe AvBm išče slovensko t služkinjo srednje stsrosti do 50 let stsro. da bi mi pomagala pri delu največ v kuhinji. Ker Jaz «em polovico časa zaposlena v moževi trgovini. Delo je labko in plača po dogovoru. Ako katero veseli delo v majhnem mestu, nsj pile ns na«lov: Mrs. ANNA ŽAGAR. P.O. Bo* 41, La Barge. Wyoming. —(Adv.) ZAPRTNKA Mnogi, Id trpe vtled aaprlniee vale, da po-tladieg lega vaikrgt vključuje: ncrvognoit, glavobol, eadlgseje šal odra, naprebevnoai, sgnbo «pum a In apetite, plina la sabata-M h auiese dmgs smeti g rssnim u»pe-koas, — sedaj »1 nabavita ateklanice dolgo-lasno dokasane fórmele, Trinerjeve Grenko Vino. 2e od leta 1187, Je te dekra posnsnav snativeno priprsvljana ames is na ra en Ik korenin, seliits in rvetja, J treqoe odbijala sapru Blco In pemacala nje ' ilmptenom. Nabavite ti le dane« steklenico toga pretkaieaega Trlnerjevefa odvsjsles sa vas. (Opom-4»si sko vam ni mofote dobiti Triner-jevega vina v vaii klišaii pordajalnl, leda! poiljtle 11.50 % natlovom vašega prodajalni na natlov t Jot. Triner Corp. 4035 V. Flllmors, Chiesgo. in vaša II etu velika ateklanlea, vsa k« odposlana poilnine prosta), Trinerjevo Grenko Vino B02IČNI DAROVI ZA STARI KRAJ Kakor v preteklosti «e bodo tukajšnji rojaki gotovo tudi lete« openmlH svojcev v starem kraju s primernim denarnim ali blafevnim darom. Sedaj Je les. de miakije na to. ZELO VAŽNO NAZNANILO ZA DENARNE PO&ILJKE:—Za vsak dolar, ki ga sedaj pošljete v Jugo-slavljo svojcem v podporo, tam pravsaprav pee)mejo 100 dinarjev vrednosti. Prejemnik namrai dobi »0 dinarjev sa dolar kakor do sedal, a poleg tega dobi le poseben kupon se M din. Tako na printer sa $10 prejmejo 1000 din. vrednosti. Poleg tega po Una peejenuslk am. dolarjev le lo prednoat. de sa prejeti denar lahko kupi vsakovrstne blago v dr* lavnih trgovinah po nizkih (vied-nib) cenah. Take ima prejemnik veliko, os. dvakratno korist od dolarske poiiljke. Vse naše denarne poiiljke sa Jugoslavijo so odposlane v dolarjih in njih prejemniki se tako upravičeni do gori omenjenih ugodnosti. Poleg tega se vse nate pošiljke garantirana proti iagukl in pošiljatelj prejme od nas od prejemnika podpisano potrdilo—Pristojbina se vse potttjatve do $10 snele: ta navadne peite $1.25. sa srečne polto $1^0 In po braojavu $44*. BLAOOVNE PO&ILJKE: Oskrbi, mo tudi blagovne poiiljke (moka Itd.). Sporočite nam, ka) hočete poslati pa Vam bomo poslali potrebna pojasnila. LEO ZAKRAJSEK General Travel Service, Inc. 202 E. 72nd St., New York. N. Y. Dr. «Mu» J. Zavortnik PHYSICIAN S SURGEON $724 W, 20th Street Pkane Cvawtaed MU IP mo ambwbb CALL mfitm SMS OPTICS HOURS IM te I P. M.—9J9 M I*. P. K. Saturdays and Reeldencof 2210 S, Rldgewsy Ave. POZOR! KDOR ZELI poslati SVOJCEM NAJNOVEJŠE ZDRAVILO STREPTOMYCIN IN NAJ SE OBRNE ZA TOČNE INFORMACIJE VI, KI STE NASTANJENI IZVEN KEDINJENIH DRŽAV. LAHKO POftLJETE TA ZDRAVILA PREKO NAS J. FABRIS Sl CO. 4M Wgst 23rd Street - - - Now York 11. N. Y. JESEN 113434 PRIREDITVE CHICAAKE rEDEBACUK a v.p. j. DRUŠTVO ST. I MNPJ letnico e nedelje 10. SNPJ dvorani. PROGRESIVNE SLOVENKE, lue-lok It. 0. priredbe v nedelje 24. oktobra e dvorani 8.N.PJ. DRUŠTVO ST. M SNPJ plesne veselieo v sokole, I kra. e Aldlne KalL $11 Avk v DRUŠTVO ST. 2$ MIPJ prMl bra, v dvorani SNPJ. DRUftTVO ST. $ SNPJ peteedl DO-MAČO bra v e L O. a dvorani na Iti« A SNPJ SB II I Stell mm um I0SOM MS Jesen Je tujtaj in z njo fe zopet prične redno iivljenje v družini. Zlasti od gospodinj In kuharic se pričakuje, da so točne kakor ura v mnogih in teikih nalogah, posebno v pripravljanju hrane. Pri tem delu vam bo v veliko pomoč znana, velika, praktična in lahko razumljiva kuharska knjiga— t SLOVENSKO-AMERIŠKA KUHARICA Ta knjiga obsega skoro 900 strani in okrog 1200 receptov za pripravljanje vsakovrstnih ameriških in starokrajskih jedil, še danes si jo naročite, ako je le nimate. Stane $5 s poštnino vred. Pošlje se tudi COD.—Naročilo pošljite na: IVANKA ZAKRAJ&EK 301 E. Ttnd St., Nom York 21. N, Y. S POŠILJANJE MOKE velikih in malih paketov preko Reke v Jugoslavijo A.) Nadaljevanje S pošiljanjem STANDARD GOTOVIH PAKETOV It, 1. 2, 2, 4A. I. $A, 0. 0A. 7 in $ vsak v svojem lesenem zaboju In naslovljeni ne prejemnika SESAJ «S ZOPET LAHKO POŠLJE PO 100 rUNTOV MOKE NA VSAKO OSEBO KOT PREJE, AU NAJVEČ NA PET RAZNIH OSEB S ENIM IN ISTIM PARNIKOM PAKET iT. I vsebuje: 100 funtov NAJFINEJŠE MOKE (Tan-cy XXXX Enriched Flour), vreča v lesenem zaboju-------------------------$13.7$ PAKET iT. $ vsebuje: 40 funtov špagetov. 2S funtov rila. 30 N funtov sladkorja in 30 funtov zelene kave ___________________.........______________$30.00 PAKET ST, I vsebuje: 100 funtov BELE EKPORTNE MOKE v dvoetročnl vroči (močna debele vreča) ----------------------------JllJI S temi vso tem i mi sa vas v naprej plačamo prevoz do Reke in zavarovalnino poiiljke proti isgubitvi celega ca boja ali vreče de prtsnitve. Pakete a $ in $ ali $ la $ se lahko polije skupsj. drugače samo en paket na vsako ooebo s enim in istim pa mikom DENAR SE MORA POSLATI Z NAROČILOM. B) Ako gornje vam ne bi odgovarjalo, potem lahko po svoji volji naročile večje poiiljke iz nalaga cenika, ali pa potljete svoju brano, obleko, obuvala, stroje, orodje, barvo itd C.) Pri naa lahko naročite tudi razne manjte pakete (do 44 funtov). Ceneje koš poleni golte in peketi so zaverovani. Vprašajte sa 1 letino teh paketov Biagn k upu te te ad naa e New Torku In toke gattoni vate Iaatel9te*. v| aanu poStlete. M mi as ta vas blago ianl M eotiljatette Me pod togi toga mi poal " e Waahingtonu O C ne eeekOi štirinajst dni a Vsak polil letel j J. FABRIS m west urd street * CO« NEW YORK IL N. Y. Avella News AVELLA, Pa —O u r get-well wishes go to Anton Resnik, Paul Likar, Frank .Steklancic. Chas. Brzinski, Camello Qabriel, Pete Kartalic and Mary Bregar. By the way. Michael Weineh doesn't want • to be sick any more. He is back at work again. Our congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Puskarich on the birth of a big bouncing boy. The allegation is that he looks like Joe. Ha! I hope when he grows up he don't pitch softball like his Daddy. We also want to congratulate Stanley Szc2epanik on his new venture on the sea of matrimony. His first mate is the cute Peggy Lukacko. Happy landings, kids, and we wish you smooth sailing. Congratulations tp the Morning Stars for bringing back the softball championship. Let's keep it here' in the E. S. Federation until some one better takes it away. Our Avella boys really made a great battle of the * Federation league. They really lost a heart-breaking fight for the league championship losing the playoff game with Pittsburgh. The boys were on the top rung of the ladder with Pittsburgh but Avella fell off when the rung broke. For their reward the boys will be sporting new jackets. Wc also congratulate the Universal golfers for winning the golf championship. "Irish" McGovcrn, our local pro, is organizing a golf team, so lookout you duffers. Avella will ¿>6 out next year tearing up a little sod. • - . Attention Dan Fabec. The boys of Lodge 292 Avella under the lead-unship yf Irish McGivern challenge the Morning Stars to a game of M>pc?r. Game to be played at Avel-Ja on Armistice Day, Nov. 11. The booty, a keg of suds. AH players are to be members of SNPJ. You guys of Sygan stay out of this. We might play you if you spot us a few goals. . Avella 292 will be represented in Federation bowling and all bowlers who wish to participate get in touch with Art Nunn or Polly Debelak. Grapevine reports are that Library will be the team to beat. Somebody forgot thut Avella is still in the league. So let's hope that we have a successful season in bowling. An invitation is given all to meet yotrc new Stewart, John Cotely. Just call him Butch. The other day some one said. "Pete, , you re nuts!" Now who would want to walk up to the bar and ask for a pack of peatites. Silly, isn't it? Byt this silly. One of the best ways to be a good member of the SNPJ is to pay dues «romptly. So see our Sec'y Polly 'ebelak. It takes nothing but your e (and money) and very little of at *>f ydd 1M dd It Wick'.' ' ' " FRANK ZRIMM, 292 Excelsiors News ALIQUIPPA, Pa,—The Excelsiors are again reminding everyone that they are holding their 18th Anniversary Dance this Saturday, Oct. 9. at the S.O.I. Hall in West Aliquippa. Frank Klemencic and his Slovenes will furnish the music. The Juvenile Circle 66 Jolly Quips certainly are a proud lot since the Juvenile Handcraft Exhibit was held during the recent National SNPJ Day celebration. The reason is that their display was judged a tie for second place with Circle 4 of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Not being able to see the Juvenile Handcraft Display in person, the juvc-nils will see their work as it was arrange^, in the near future, bv having a showing of the Technicolor Film taken of this display. Recent transfers from the juvenile to the adult department are Lawrence Habich. Richard Llptak. and Dorothy Rudich. The SNPJ has lost a very capable leader with the passing away of the Supreme President Vincent Cainkar The Excelsiors are one of the many in expressing their sympathy to Mrs. Vincent Cainkar ami family. MIKE ZAKRAJSEK Jr.. 721 This and That By Peter EHsh Lewis Marches On No man in public life has received the verbal brickbats that John L. Lewis, the fighting president of the United Mine Workers has received during his long and active career in the labor movement in America. He has been attacked by most newspapers, editors, columnists, announcers and by government officials. No insults, no invectives have been spared. Cartoons have depicted him from an ogre to a missionary from Moscow. It was, indeed, refreshing to hear John J. Kane, Allegheny county's able commissioner, state the other evening thst Lewis has done more for the American labor movement than any other man. Whether we agree with Lewis' politics or not. that is true. We, too, may disagree with some of his methods, but the end results of his efforts have brought to his miners, and to the labor movement a better life. The abuses that the miners suffered before his union became strong, are familiar all of us. From the depth of poverty and virtual slavery, Lewis has led his men to the highest paid workers in our nation. Their hours of labor, and their working conditions have been improved. Now, under the welfare plan all miners who have worked 20 years in the mines, and are 62 years of age, receive $100 monthly pensions. The widows and children of miners are provided for under the welfare plan. Recently the United Mine Workers contributed $.675,000 for research to cure and prevent silicosis. It is gratifying to know that thia dread ed disase is being bropfht under control. New hope has been brought to thousands of its victims. Underneath a gruff exterior, a warm heart beats for the welfare of the miners. And in years to come Lewis' stature will grow as a leader in the advancement of humanitv and social justice. Spartan News Juvenile Circles I ef the SNPJ CLEVELAND —At every Spartan meeting arises the question, "Who is going to write an article for the Prosvetg." There are always manv promises but no action, so here's hoping this column will start the ball rolling. First let me report on our very ruccessful meeting-wiener rosst combinaUon held Sept. 18, which ARMA, Kens.—Final arrangc-climased our outdoor meetings of nents have been made and pre-the year. This is the second year parations are under way for the Circle No« 11 Marks 10th Annimiary that we've held our summer meet ings outdoors, from June to September, and will continue to do so in the future years since they attract sp many of our membfcrs. Our! Jolly Kanaans' iOth Anniversary being celebrated on the 10th of October at the Franklin Community Hall in Franklin We will be looking forward to capablp Vice President Sun Stokel meeting former members aad lead-provided the gang with plenty of ers of the Circle, who will be our FLASHES Continued from page 1) east, just like Ute Americans have, the dollar bloc. Truly, it is interesting how the Americans so often guess the wrong 'way. Tber? isn't any doybt,. but that the gold for Russians will be used to get k better deal for the common people, whereas the Americans always ufo it to get more profit for the fewer people. • • * Now something sbout that October 15 5 Progressive Party Rallv, ■wwerrwitrbe-hiit! id rm^wfrWMrd,1 It is the first time since 1896 that a presidential candidate will speak In our ward. Fortunately, we will haw both Henry Wallace and Senator Glen H. Taylor of Idaho on the hitie platform. Indeed, the Club Metro will put on an excellent show between the speeches. Admission tickets are printed and svailable. All 22nd Ward party members have them, including Frank Japich, Louis Zorko, and the undersigned. We invite all of you to reserve the evening and help arouse the interest of others for the meeting. Plsn to vote in November and vote for that which you want, a new deal for the common people. The. kind of a new deal that can only come from progressive people —We received a nice card from Andrew Spolar from Cortec, Fla., where he has gone for another of his many trips— Msrtin and Mary Krzan were honored bv msny friends at a silver wedding anniversary, Sept. 25 Little Fort Lodge WAUKEGAN, 111.—1The Little Fort Lodge 668 SNPJ is holding a Harvest Dance on Saturday. Oct. 23, at the SNH. 10th and McAlister, starting at 9 pm until 1. a. m. and featuring the music of Stan Oregorin and his orchestra. Price of admission 75c. Tickets can be secured from Ann at the Tenth Street Co-op Ftore and from Scotty »t the SNH barroom. Several of the lodge members have tickets also or call me on Ontario 3653 I will be sure to have some tickets for you The next meeting will be Thursday. Oct. 21. at the SNH. at 8 pm —(Ed. note: Late delivery prevents publishing the entire letter; omitted pert will appeal neat week). DOROTHY GABROSEK. Rec See Strabane Pioneers STRABANE, Pa—The Strabane boseball club will give a banquet Saturday. Oct t. at 7 30 pm. at the SNPJ hall, in honor of the ball play ers for making such a swell record in this past season —< Ed note Too let« to include the entire article In this issue; It will appear in nest week's issue). MARY KOVAL 589 Young Americans DETROIT, Mich—The SNPJ Lodge 664 are sponsoring a Feather Party on Nov. 21, taking place at the SND. 6 Mile at John R. So be there promptly 6:30 p. m. sharp to join in the fun. Try your luck at winning one or maybe two (why not) of our lovely turkeys or chickens. Oh yes' There will also be a door prize. This is just the beginning of what we have in store for all Young AmeAcans for the winter season. Flash! Keep these dates In mind or some place close by so you won't forget Second Event: Y. A dance Bnd drawing being held Dee 4. All members will be notified on the loestlon of the hall Stop, look, and listen 1 What's in store? 'We are giving away a beau tlful television set that will be on display at the SND Come and look It over. It's really a prise worth winning Third Event: Y A meeting and movies New officers will be elected, so what you say, guys and gals, let's make it a good showing Let's prove wK have a good group of club mem hers Don't be slackers. I do mean you' Immediately following the meeting there will be fro vies and a donee Oh yesf Refresh mem ■ too I bei you'll be there now Won't you* Fourth Event: Jan 29 Y A. An ntversery dance More about this event In the near future This is just a brief review of what we have in store for you, so just watrh the Pro» vet a Stanley Kisovlc reallv thought he was going to walk away with liquid refreshments, , wieners and hamburgers, BUI Schlarb furniahed the music With a juke box, Dorothv Schlara served coffee (from her electrif percolator) and delicious cake donated by Dorothy and Joyce Plemel, and the rest of the gang cooperated in song and dancc. The surprise of the evening was when a car drove up to the fireplace, surrounded by the gang roasting wieners and hamburgs, and out jumped Rose and George Jeran from Ashtabula! About midnigh', the rain came down in torrents, but that didn't stop the Gabrenjas, thev just opened an umbrella and continued with their wiener roast. There certainly were plenty of laughs, the adagio dancing by Vic Lunder and George Jeran was hilarious and then finully at 3 u. m. the gang was homeward bound, tired but happy. October Mooting Our next meeting will be cslled to order by Pres. Charlie Koman on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 17, at 3 o'clock in the SNH old bid«, room 3, Let's maintain the good record of attendance in the winter months as we've had during the summer, Bowling.—There are 2 Spartan Men's teams entered in the SNPJ Men's league and 3H Girls' teams in the SNPJ Girls' League. The men have their shirts on order ond the girls will blossom out in new dresses in a week or so. Incidentally, the SpSrtan girls' team 3 shellacked team 1 by three points last week. Better we change those numbers of the teams? Spartan boys' team 1 has an ardent fan which follows them wherever they go. It's a piggy donated by Stan Centa, proprietor of Genta's Floral Shoppe, located on Hayden ave. The boyi must feed the pig (piggy-bank) whenever they comrhlt a mis», foul, gutter ball, beer frame, etc.. with "sheckels" and he feels heavy al-ready. Milwaukee BNPJ Day Rose Rozanee and I extend a be- AtonicfVW to the Milwaukee gang for their hospitality and a wonderful time over Labor Dav weekend, especially Mr. and Mrs. Ermenc and Frank Ermenc. We certainly enjoyed every minute of our viait and what a joy it was to see so many familiar faces, Travniks, Jerniks, Blakes, Jo Spendal. Joe Golia, Stromars from Detroit, Vi> ders, Mil ko Kuhel. Don Lopluh. Frank Lotriches. Max Kalan. Joan Koprivec, Miti Chernich, Milan Medvesek, and Mike Vrhovnik from Chicago; Kumers, John Richter an<^ Max Kumer, John and Dan Fabec, John Ujcich from Pcnna; Frank and Mary Rezek from G! raid, O., France« Debelak, Marie Ermenc, Tony Verbiek, Johnnie Maren from Milwaukee and manv others. See you all in Indianapolis next spring. Bro. Vincent Cainkar It was very shocking news when we heard of the sudden death of our Jate SNPJ President, Bro. Vincent Cainkar. Our ambitious leader for so many years. His death means a great ioas to our organization and he will be missed by all. Our deep est sympathies to his family. Miscellaneous Heartiest congratulationa to a couple of grand people, Stan Stokel and Dorothy Prebil on their recent engagement. Wedding date is set for Nov. 13. Best wishes and loads of good luck and happiness to botli of you. Many Spartans are vacationing late this year, Alva Marks just returned from a month's visit in California. Frank Jordan and his family also motored to California and visited his brother-in law, Bill Sitter. a Comrade Mary Minge turned the opposite way and drove to New York for a week Caroline Suha-dole changed her place of residence droit Koboken. N J. to Aurora. Minn, and en route stopping in Clevelsnd to see her many friends. ANN OPEKA. Secy honored guests of the day; will be hoping our guest tables will be filled to capacity. With the full cooperation of the SNPJ Federation we know it will be a daylong to be remembered. We are grateful for this fine interest and help shown by the SNPJ Federation toward the Juvenile Circle. Our former sdvlaer of the Circle. Miss Mary Shuier, will be present. We have her listed as our featured speaker on our program. We know all members will be anxious to meet her again. She is teaching school at present, -but for the past summer Mary, her sister Bpse and brother I*so were counselors of a young people's camp in Minnesota. We are alko planning on the presence of a few former officers of Circle such as Lcp Mocevur end others to take part in our program. All in all It should be a grand occasion. Just don't forget the date# October 10. « jOSEPllINfe LANGFORD, Director Circle 58 Will Meet October 17 DETROIT, Mich.—October has finally rolled around this year and it means loads of fun for Circle 68. I would like to say once again that from now on our meetings wiN be held at one o'eloek instead of three. Our next meeting will be held Oct. 17 and we would like to see every member there as we have plans to make for a special surprise. We need everyone there so they can contribute their Ideas. From no^v on we should try and have better attendance at our meetings, as the more members we iiave the better our Circle will progress and the more fall and winter activities we can have. We realised during the suirfher that everyone was going on a vacation and now that vacation time la over let's ail try and make it to all of the meetings. I would like aljfc to invite anyone who might like to join our circle. We would like very much to have some new members and I am sure you'll enjoy being with us. MARGARET DEVYAK. Pres. the honors of bowling a 300 game. Sunday. Sept 26. but didn't quite make It, but did pretty good at that. He came through with s 268 Good shooting, Sun Now Henry K iso vu has something to beat What about it. Hank? Congratulations newly weds. Mi Al fW-rnick and Dorothy Karun. now Mrs Beinick. married Sept, It The bride sure looked lovely, and tlie groom very handsome Circle 3 See Puppet Show CLEVELAND-Circle 3 held a short meeting on Saturday, Oct. 2, for all Its members. After the adjournment of the meeting the Circle proceeded by streetcar to the Slovenian National Hall on St. Clair Ave., where they attended a puppet show, "Jack and the Beanstalk*' The entire Circle enjoyed the pre. rentalion. The favoriU puppets were the cow which Jack sold for magic beans and the huge gaint. The price of admission wss paid for by the Federation. On Saturday, Oct. 9, the Circle will go bowling at the Slovenian Workmen's Home on WaUrloo Road. The price of one game for each member la 16 cents plus 10 cents for bowling shoes Meet promptly at 12:30 in Room 8. ALICE PIKE, Secy Junior All Start Resume Activities MILWAUKEE, Wts.-The polio quarantine is over and it will be of utmost interest to all Jr. All Stars to learn the fall activities that have been planned The regular monthly meeting will be held October 16, from two till five at Rebernisek's Hall. 6th and Bruce. On the businesa agenda we have to plan to hold our play complete with the dancing and singing as previously tehearsed for SNPJ Dav celebration. Committees will have to be selected to hold special entertainment for November and Decembei meet ing». Mi. and Mrs. Churk of Sil ver Lake have estended an invitation to Circle No. 4 members to hold an outing at their resort. If these items Intel est you. you will sure want to lie there and not miss out on ail the good times ArrsngemenU have been made with Mi Frank Verblch of Silver City for the bowling teams to bowl on trn beautiful alleys on Sunday mornings fiom ten to twelve Bowl ing will begin Ociobet 17 Every one who bowled last year is anxious ly awaiting to bowl again We will weleome any membei who SNPJ Wolverines DETROIT. Mich.—The death of our Supreme President Bro. Vincent Cainkar. was a great shock to all SNPJ membetl here In Detroit. We here in Detroit join with all the SNPJ metnbeis throughout the country in mourning the leas of this popular pioneer and leader of our Society. Now that our aoftball team have put away their uniforms after a very successful aeaaen. we wunt to congratulate each and every member of the team for their fine play. Also thanks to our hard working manager Al Padar for his expert guidance of the team throughout the season. Also coming In for a bit of credit Is Al Bernick who did a good job getting the team organised. Fred Marks, our star pitcher, was the sUndout player as he pitched our team to many victories. He has been complimented for his good sportsmanship. win or lose. The Wolverines have everything set fur that annual Halloween Masquerade dance and drawing to be held al the Slovene Workers Home, 437 S. Livernois, on Saturday, Oct. 30. We will have that ever-popular Rudy Mass|i and his orchestra on hand to furnlah the best in music. Rudy has promised us a 4-piece band for this gala event. The committee invites all of you that possibly can to come dressed In Hallo-wean costume as cash prises will be given to those selected as winners by our judges. Tickets can be had by cunUcting our super saleslady Helen Kuniulchic or her expert assistants Ann Serdoner, Julia Kum-ulcliic and V. Ocepek. Vic Stromal-and Al Padar are heading the drawing with valuable prises tu be given away. So why not get behind .thia committee and sell mere tlck-eU. Remember, this money will be used as an athletic fund for our soft-ball, bowling, and other Wolverine teama In other sports, so get behind this drive. Jusl contact Vic or Al for more tickeU for our Wolverlae athletic fund. Again the Slovene National Home at John R Is going ahead with plans to have music for dancing at the Club. Starting Oct. 1, the committee base gone ahead to give dancing another ohance. Last year we had gone to big expens* to charter music for Saturday nites and numerous times we had only the musician present. So we aak you members to come on down to the Home and show the committee that you want music and dancing on Saturday and Sunday nites. The only way that we can continue with this type of entertainment is thm your attend« uncc at these weekend sessions. Unless you members support these events we will be forced to discontinue music. HANK RUPERT, 677 Ramblers' Spotlight OAKMONT. Pa.—All aet to |oln us on October • at the American Legion Hsll in Oskmont? Of oourae, you haven't forgotten the occasion. It's anniversary lima for the lUm-biers Lodge 713 SNPJ of Hernial-villa, The Vagabonds from Sharon will be on hand to furnlah the music—so what do you say, folks? Come on and help us celebrate. Best wishes to Mary and Joe Kaus and to Virginia and Paul Kaus who are having wedding anniversaries this month. May you have many, many moie. Strike! That sounds quite familiar. You bet, bowling season has finally gotten under way, If you haven't as yet gotten out with the Sang, make It your point to be at the Acme Bowling Alleys every Tuesday at 7:16 p. m. You won't lie sorry! We'll be looking for you DOROTHY, 711 Export Marines —BNPORT, Pu.—First of all I want to send out our thanks to Yukon 117. Special thank« goes t»> Mi and Mrs. Kirk and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Kovacic and a few others. 1 wish to thank you all for the enjoyable evening we had there. You sure make a person feel right at home and that really makes one feel good. I'm very glad that the Juveniles take a lot of intereat in their Circle. They turned out lOOr* attendance. I hope they keep up the good work and attendance. Come to the meetings and express your opinions openly to your officers and members. It is the duty of each and every mem be* to attend meetings. There are some who haven't attended one meeting this year. Come to the meetings and express your likes and dislikes. Wr really have a lot of interesting things to discuss, important to all of you, and to the benefit of out organisation as well. All the Juvenile members of Lodges 317 and 232 interested to join this Circle, please attend the next meeting Oct. 19 at 2 o'clock at the home of Juvenile Director Fi t do Rogins. la addition 'to Ihi1 meet ing» we have a door prise, jackpot, games nee played, and refreshments are served. We have another big 'dance planned for you all, (jet. 16, at Mance's Hail. Muslr will lie fur-nithed by that popular artist, Frank's Trio, so come on out ami spend an enjoyable evening with us again. This is not only a dance, but our big 9th anniversary dunce, I bet a lot of you members didn't know this. See whsi I mean when you don't attend meetings) There's something else, a lot of you don't know. That Pres. Fred Eecker has held hi! office for V long years; he is the only member who has held his ufflce for these long' years. I think congratulations are in order and I wish to sitv thanks a lot, Freddie, and I hope you continue to held that office for the years to eome. You really do a good |ob and particularly take Interest In everything that helps to Badgerland News (Continued from page 1) Lilly had a 168 and Mamie 166 Lilly Hammel had her first good series as she posted 461 with a 158 game Vug Hettig had 468 With a 171 game. Frances Debelak and Marlon Stuckcrt tied with 438 and Joan Glavsn 434 and 174. The four sponsors of the girls' teams are tne Pflugradt Healing. Silver City Rec. Max Kodels Tap and the Collins-Meyers VFW Post Don't forget that these sponsors go to make the league possible and you should pat* ionize them whenever you can. In nther leagues around the eltv In which our boys and gals bowl. Al Jeray showed the way in the Remlc 900 us lie blasted the setups for a big 662 Joe Gtavun helped the Walter Mkt. team In this circuit •et the tesm record of 2916 with his honor score of 646. Al Jeray came liack in the Thursday 900 al the Kugfttsch drive* with s 617 set. The big boy of the week was Rudy Pu-gel as he posted three honor counts. In the Jugoslav league he cracked a 682 for the season s tops. In the Thursday night Allstar wheal he Busted 632 In the Friday night's usineu* Men's League he crocked another nice total of 686. By the way, what was your Tuesday night total nf this week? We are onlv asking, Rudy. SALTY. 684 make a good organisation I wish we had a lot more like you. Thank« again, Freddie We have a few new members. Murray (Tiny) Thomas, and Joseph (Tucker) Ptasfkiewies. Both take a lot nf Interest In the [.odge ar tivities, Congratulations to both. Then we have Jacob Turk Br., Mary Turk! The new juvenile members ate Jacob Turk Jr. Patty Arilc, Nicky Arllc, and Sharon Wraeker. Congratulations to you all. We really need your cooperatinn. if we want to get «head and I'm sure that we do, so won't you try to attend meetings, snd your danee to attend meetings, and your dances aa well. A MARINE GOB. 788 In Loving Memory of our dear beloved mother snd sister, AGNES MEJASH, wko passed away s year sje en October 1 1147, In our hearts yeui memory lingers. Always lead sad true. ihsrs It nel s day dssr mother sad staler, that we do nel thiak of you. Badly missed by her brother, Remoa Leakeshek, sad hsr dsughlar. Mary. Agnes, snd Frances, sad I heir families. Prairie view, Illinois. The highlight of meeting Oc tober 16 will be Halloween party to lie held right after the business meeting. Come all dresaed in youi favorite costume; prizes, games, sur prises of all kinds, topped off with delicious refreshmenU and even cracker jack Practice up on your apple-ducking Don't forget your membership cards, Voice of Youth, costume and the date Is Oct. 16 On behafl of the Jr. All Stars snd myself we wish to extend our deepest sympathy in tlie recent I'm» of Bro Vincent Cainkar, Supreme President of the SNPJ, to the family in their beieavement and to the Society for losing a great leader. MARIE ERMENC, Director ^ POH SALE Two 120 Haas Chromatic Accord!* on». Iulo American make Foi in. formation write to JACK PERSIN 1661 Woodbine BE., Warren, Ohio - -(Adv ) IN ME MORI AM of Mr. VINCENT CAINKAR; who passed away on Sept. 24, 1948, wo •x press our heartfelt sympathy to tho bereaved family and members of tho S.N.P.J. Chicago Ctochoêlovah Typographical Union No. 330, U.U. Best of luck and happiness always 1 wants to bowl Insti urtlons will be We can also add: Mr, Stanley given to all beginners We are look Kraintz and Sue Kos«, now Mrs ing forward to another juvenile Kraint*. who were married Sept bowling tournimenl with two years 26 are now on a short honeymoon ' of experience behind us Missing Good luck and lots of happiness • from our team will be Eugr-n* Bo We'll be seeing vou sll si the zieh who is s Badger membei now Y A. monthly meeting Oct 8 at Gene, we hepr you come to see us 7 90 p m a I the SND Ion Sunday mornings and bring VICTORIA RIBOVIC, 664 'Rusty with you IN LOVING MEMORY ef my beloved Father ANDREW KOCJAN who pasted sway two years age en October 2nd. 1846. In my hear! your memory lingers. Always lend and lrt»e. f ^ There Is ne« a day. dear Father. Thal I do net think of yea. I dsughlar Ka Mary Ceeoet. Freolenee, columbia records Slovenian and Croatian Selections ALL SINGLE RECORD» 71c EACH FRANKIE YANKOVIC AND MIS YANKS with JOHN PECON 12342 F Dreamer's Waltz Three Yanks Polka 12359 F Just Because A Night in May 12376 F Oh. Marie On I lie Beach Album-Bel F-4 IS M MARY UDOV1CH and JOSEPHINE LAUSCHE 36169 F Ne lain, se n otila Mm nat 26191 F Ta Maiela Men vse »no je MOYEB TBIO 26136 F Veseta Urtka valCek Miben'an Urban polka 26190 F Veseli iudar)i Bladki spemini BECOBD ALBUMS-HOLD 12-16 INCN BBCOBOB 96c BACH-BED TAN, ORBEN SUMAC HARDWARE IIOU OAKLAND DETROIT S. MICH. (A Member of Young Americans 664) SKEBTICM BBOTHEBS TAMBUBICA OBCHESTBA ISSU F Pod moelom K)e so rno)e roll ce 1246 F Porxrf kad dodje Jagoda polka 1263 F Oj Susana polka Hercules WalU 1266 F Üolublea (walte) Oj jeaenske duge ruxV I26S F Mois rvjezdles Pjesmu Ii pjevsm • MANY OTHEBS Bend 1er eur Iree Catalogue Ret or da mailed lo any part o! the United SUies. S« nd Money Order or C 0 D el II progressive party platform Peace - Freedom • Abundance! (Continued) End Social Inequalities rates for Dairy product» end cor Recognising "the varied contributions of ell nationality group« to American cultural, economic, end •octal life" the platform further advocate* rap »el of discriminatory inv migration leers and indemnity for Japanese Americans unjustly interned during the war. In addition to the abolition of Jim Crow in the armed forces, the platform demands an end to social inequalities between officers a enlisted personnel and revision in procedures Of military justice, including the adequate participation of enlisted men in court-martials. The Progressive Party also calls for a constitutional amendment providing for direct election of the President and Vice-President by popular vote, Home Rule and full suffrage to the District of Columbia, admission of Hawaii and Alaska as states, and the declaration of all election days as holidays. It declares iu Intention "to maintain the traditional American separation of church and state and protect the freedom of secular education." 1 _______ The platform calls for controls to a0alntt them. 3. Extension of the priee guar an lee program to all beak crops. 4. Compensating payments subsidies to encourage consumption without endangering farm Income, and consumer assistance through food stamp and hot-lunch programs. 9. Insurance of essential crop«, against hazards and direct payment» to farmers for soil conservation, crop adjustment, and rodent control. 6. International commodity agreements through the UN Food and Agricultural Organization to maintain stability in world markets and to move farm surpluses to deficient areas. 7. A long-range national land policy designed to discourage the growth of corporate farms and absentee ownership. 8 Programs for agriculture to be administered by democratically-elected farmer committeemen. f. A graduated land tax, 180-acre limitation in the use of public irrigation, support for farmer and consumer co-operatives, and opposition to the Sig Business tax drive reduce and keep down the prices of food, shelter, clothing, and other essentials of life, and basic materials "Such control," it declares, "should squeese out excessive profits, provide for the payment of subsidies to farmers wherever necessary to maintain fair agricultural prices, and allocate materials and goods la short supply." The Platform calls for "strengthening of rent controls and protection against evictions." Endorsing "the principle of democratic economic planning," the platform pledges to establish a Council of Economic Planning for high production, full employment and a rising standard of living. It calls for development on the TV A pattern of regional planning authorities in the major river valleys to achieve cheap power, rural electrification, soil conservation. flood control and reforestation, and to accelerate the growth of undeveloped areas. It urges, through public ownership and long range planning, "the peaceful uae of atomic energy to realise Its great potentiality/* . Break Monopoly'» Grip Declaring "monopoly's grip on the economy must be broken if democracy is to survive," the platform calls for placing the largest banks, railroads. merchant marine, the electric power and gas industries and "In-d us tries primarily dependent upon government funds and government purchases" under public ownership. It pledges to strengthen and enforce the antl-truat laws, calls for abolition of discriminatory freight rates against the South and West, and Federal control of Tidcland oil resources. Holding "that every American who works for a living has an inalienable right to an income sufficient to provide him and his family with a high standard of living." the Progressive Party demands: 1. Repeel of the Taft-Hartley Aet and the reinstatement of the prtn ciples el the Wagner and Morris La Ouardia acts. S. Establishment of collective bar gaining machinery for Federal em eloyees. and Ike rieht of collective bargaining in publl dustries 3. Support of wage Increases for wage and salary earners. Including Federal employees, a minimum wage of 31 an hour, extension of the Fair Leber Standards Act to cover all workers, equal per for equal work, and elimination of regional wage differentials. 4 Opposition to government strike breaking through seirure. ft Enactment and enlorcement of Federal and Stale health and safety standards for all workers <1 Amendment of the Hallway Labor Art to provide railway work ers with the right to «trlke. collec live bargaining, and amendment of the Hallway Rrlnement Act lo pro vide pension of 910(1 after 30 years service or at 00 veais of age, legislation Is also requested to improve living standards of white collar workers and professional employees To Aid Farmer» 9 Inclusion of agricultural work ers and farm processing worker» under the protection ol social and labor legislation. Recognising thai "the welfare ol farmers is closely lied lo Ihe living standards of consumers.' Ihe Pro gresalve Party pledgvs "to develop within the framework of an econo my of abundance, a long ran«« pro gram of full agricultural production combined with necessary safeguard» for the security of farmers and for the conservation of our natural re 10. Flood control protects and the rapid expansion of generating facilities, river-valley power and Irrigation projects tor the universal electrification of all farms. To "encourage and safeguard independent business" the platform proposes working capital and development loans at low Interest, tax relief, a fair share of government contracts, and provision through and expanded government research program of "the know-how essential to efficient operation." Emergency Housing The platform proposes to "guarantee the right of every family to a decent home at a price it can afford to pay" by a federa* emergency housing program to build within the next two years four million low-rent and low-co»t dwellings, with priority to veterans, and a long range program to build 29 million new homes in the next ten years to include subsidized housing for low income families. II recognises "that ^o accomplish these objective» it will be necessary to curb non-essential construction, te »Hocete scare materials, and to reduce the cost el land, money, and building material»." The plaMerm supports reorganisation of the building Industry to provide yeer Spartans 'Viewing With Alarm' CLEVELAND. O—We have been viewing with growing alarm the many articles of a controversial nature appealing in the Pro»veta within recent months. Whatever happened to the "Good Ole' Days" when it was a joy to pick up the paper and read of the various doings of aU our members, both near and far? It was through pur paper primarily that we felt a cloaer bond with one another, personifying our policy of a truly fraternal organization, for which we have long been noted. However, the use of our "so-called official lodge organ for publishing personal opinions and prejudices, particularly those on political and religious subjects, is causing a great deal of disaension among our own merr.bers, defeating the very purpose of our newspaper's existence, namely, to unite us into a strong, tolerant, democratic, and progressive organization. At our last meeting, we, the members of Lodge Spartans, No. 976, Cleveland, Ohio, even though we are of varied beliefs, both political and religious, voted unanimously to send this protest to the editors of Prosveta. We do not wish this move to be misinterpreted as either agreeing or disagreeing with various statements made by contributors to this paper; rather, we are stressing the fact, inasmuch as this paper should be representative of the policies and views of the greater percentage of the members of SNPJ, only such articles as are of interest to all should be included in the allotted space. If, however, certain articles, expressing a contributor's personal opinions on any controversial subject, are printed in the Prosvet», then, by all means, a note by the editor should be added to the effect that the opinions expressed arc those of the writer only, and not those of the organization or Its members. We feel that the editors have not used sufficient discrimination in selecting articles for publication up to the present time, and we sincerely hope that such discretion will be practiced in the future. Respectfully submitted by: DOROTHY LOU PREBIL, Lodge Soartan», No. 973 CHARLES F. KOMAN, President, ANN OPEKA. Secy, JOYCE E, PLEMEL, Trea». (Note: See Editor's comment in his column.) round employment for its workers. | NMU Leaders to File The platform calls for extension . Tn fI.Mofllgy Affidavits of social security protection to WmnmW »"»mnw i-very mSn, women, and child In I NEW YORk.'—(FP)—Top officials the United State». Recognizing the, o/ Nltl Maritime Union (CIO) service of the Town»end Plan In have voted ^ fj), Taft-Hartley non-hringing the plight of senior clti-, Communist affidavits and will sub- tens to the fore, the platform pledges support for a national old-age pension of 9100 a month to all persons over sixty, and calls for a Federal program of adequate disability, sickness, and unemployment benefits. It further calls for maternity benefits for working mothers, allowances for children under 18, and adequate public assistance for all persons in need Supporting "the right of ovary American to good heelth through a national system of health Isurance" the platform favors Federal funds for public health and dental care. , . . medical and dental education and publicly owned in- ( rM#,reh and lookl |orward "to the eventual transfer of the entire coal of ihe security and health program to the government as an essential public service.' Women'» Right» "The Progressive Party proposes to remove all social, economic, and political restrictions on women, to extend fair labor standards for wort en, to gusrantee healthful conditions, to guarantee medical rare for mother and child prior to, dunng mihI ufler birth, and the r> tablikhmriit of day care centers or the children of working moth ers " Tli« platform rails for: the right to vole at eighteen, enforcement and extension of thild lalx»r laws, and Federal and stale expenditures foi recreational facilities, part leu larly in needy rural communities. It« cognizing "the veteran's spe rial »at i if It «•» and contr ibutions in ihe nation's most citttcal period." ihe Progressive Party demimds prl I only for veterans in obtaining home» .i i*edeiuI In.nun based on 1« ngtli of M-ivice, and expansitm of I he VA program and tncteaaed G i In nefiU "The Progressive Party demands ovarhaul ol lha lax structure according to ihe democratic principle of ability to pay' by eaempling I torn personal incom* la a as all those whose i»toman fall below a decent standard of living, effective oxceos orotil» ond undistributed profits tsse» isaallen ol capital gains at the tan,a rata as ordinary income, doting of las loop holes, by working toward elimination of Federal eietse Isxe» on basic necesalttea. and npposUion lo all state and local tala» lasos ""> The PwarW mlt their decision to a membership referendum to begin Oct. 4 and end Nov. 2. Before NMU Pres. Joseph Cur-ran'» recent victory over his left-wing opponents, the NMU had been ranked with the United Steelwork -ers and United Electrical Radio 8c Machine Workers as among the strongest CIO critics of the affidavit requirement. A suit challenging constitutionality of the affidavit was Initiated by Curran. but the U. S. Supreme Court refused to rule on It. NMU Sc.-Treas. Neal Hanlcy said that while the officers still found the affidavit requirement repugnant •nd were signing under protest, the non-compliance policy had put the union at a disadvantage with the NLRB. the upper crust the washington scene ; By Richead Sasuly LARGE NEEDLE. SMALL HAYSTACK You might almost think the members of the 80th Congress are having a hard Line finding out the cause of high prices. A couple of weeks of a special session called to deal with the co»t of living have produced* nothing. __• ■ u:it'i. m fiA ii' 1'" — sets instead of the shares of stock* The FTC was not giving away a secret when it told the public about "How awful I Stealing food from cata!" «i * vorumrseh^h ' By ISRAEL EPSTEIN—Allied Labor New» The Marshall Plan for Europe has been running into serious trouble. The 17 countries slated for aid, which were supposed to agree on its allocation and use through their joint Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), have consistently squabbled instead of cooperated. The chief bone of contention has been the amount of assistance to one of these "countries" which la not a country at all—the combined U. S.British occupation zone of Oermany known by the zoological-sounding name of Bizonia. Bizonia, or in other words western Germany, Vas both no vplce in the OEEC and the strongest voice of all. This sounds like nbnsenae but is actually a fact. Since Germany is still an enemy nation, no peace treaty having been signed, no German votes in the OEEC deliberations. Speaking for Bizonia »re American officers representing Gen. Lucius D. Clay who commands the U. a occupation, ihe same man who now seem» to have It In his power to decide for peace or war at Berlin. Thus it comes about that west German claims are made with authority that brooks little opposition. The same gimmick injects a U.S. representative dinectly into inter-European planning tor the internal use of Marshall plan funds, despite Sec. of State Marshall's repeated assurances that the west Europeans would be allowed to work out these things for themselves. Moreover, the American representative in these supposedly purely civilian discussions does not speak for U. S. Civil government. He speaks primarily for the U. S. ai med forces and Brass Hat strategy for World War III. What worries former U. S. allies in western Europe about this arrangement, apart from the infringement of former promises, Is that— j within Europe—these officers plump for rebuilding Oermany. The Marshall plan, which was supposed to help nations invaded by Nasi Germany get back on their feet, now ussumes quite a different shape. Eastern neighbors whom Germany it asked on Sept. 12: "Will the U. S. which on the one- hand lectures to Europeans on cooperation, be a continual obstruction to cooperation through its German administration? 1» the European Recovery Program or the special problem of western Germany the primary consideration of American policy ... It seems very likely that the present difficult ties are leading up to a major crisis . . In othef words, both the hapless Marshall plan countries of Euorpe and observant conservative Americans have come to the conclusion that the plan has turned Into something quite different from the product originally advertised. Instead of aid to Europe as a whole, it makes Europe into a bahv. for rebuilt Germany. Instead of being non-polit-leal, it is plainly strategic. Instead of being help to Europeans to help themselves, it Is a form of dictation. ; Yet to Uiten to bipartisan election speeches in this country, the scheme is still a giant piece of philanthropy, a matter of the heart which only the heartless and subversive can criticize at all, a lofty undertaking on which no two men of good will can possibly disagree. The legislators gave a fair imitation of men going through a haystack for the proverbial needle. They should now be told that the needle is very large. The haystack is barely big enough to cover it. Certainly monopoly is ¿me of the basic causes of high prices. Mo nop -lies are forrred for the express purpose of jacking prices up. And if any Congressman who helped kill price control is interested, he can easily find out for himself that corporate monopoly is tightening its grip on our country. The fads are set forth in four recent reports from the Federal Trade Commission. ' Government economists get hit on the head by Congressmen so often that they cover up their most important news in a sort ef wooly style which makes everything read like a weather report. But, given half a chance, the facts will speak for themselves. The FTC says that since 1940, more than 2,490 independent firms have dlsappared from the American scene. They were swallowed whole by monopolies, through merger. With them into the maw of the corporate giants went assets valued at more than 39.2 billion. With the 2,490 independents who diaappeared also went another part of the dwindling hope that monopoly can be checked by present laws. Many things the monopolies do, ending in most caaes with higher prices, are against the law. The Sherman and Clayton antitrust acts are still on the books, even though they are violated every day in the year. However, the FTC reports show that a big part of the growth of monopoly is being accomplished by legal means. The Clayton act says monopolies cannot swallow up smaller concerns by grabbing their capital stock. But. it is within the law to knock off competition in a mucJ? simpler way—by buying up the small company's physical as- the legal way ouild monopolies. The method is old. The FTC itself has been trying to close the loophole in the law Against mergers for several years. In both the 79th and 80th Congress Sen. Joseph C. O'Mahoney (D, Wy.) and R«p. Estes Kefauver (D, Tenn.) introduced bills to outlaw mergers based on acquisition of assets. Neither bill has ever gotten to the floor for debate. The Congress which was eager to pass the Taft-Hartley act would not even con-aider a bill which intefered with the free and easy ways of corporations. Sen. William Langer (R, N. D ) pushed the O'Mahoney bill part way through the Senate judiciary committee in May 1948 but that was all the progress made. Instead, the existence of the FTC itself was threatened by a couple of bills. The most serious thing in the FTC reports is the fact that the tightening of the monopoly grip is increasing. The big corporations have both the will and the means to keep on wrecking small business. According to the FTC, the 78 latest manufacturing corporations in 1947 had "sufficient net working capital to buy up the assets of some 99,000 manufacturing corporations of less than 31 million assets each, representing more than 90% of all manufacturers in the U. S." The FTC report ends with what is, for a government agency, a daring note of prophecy. It »ays: "If nothing is done to check the growth in concentration, either the giant corporations will ultimately take over the country, or the government will be impelled to step in and impose some form of direct regulation in the public interest." japanese big business bankers continue control of economy NEW YORK—(FP)—Six mass rallies to protest the U. S. military government's commutation of the life sentence of Use Koch, who made lampshades out of the skins of Buchenwald prisoners. w»re , T O K Y O—(ALN)—Two related items—the abandonment of American plana to reform Japan's banking i system and the increasing squeeze on small and medium enterprise—indicate how successfully Japan's big banks have survived the postwar years. Early In August,, plmost simultaneously, with Gen. Douglas Mao-Arthur's letter to pientief HUoahi Ashida suggesting that government workarc .be deprived of collective bsrgailng rights, Allied headquarters announced that plans to decentralize Japan's five largest private banks had been discarded. This decision was one of the sharpest reversals of American oc- scheduled in the 18th congressional district here by the Citizens Committee for Lee Pressman. The former CIO general counsel is running for Congress on the Progressiv» party ticket. of Federal scholarships without dis Poland and the USSR. of course get no aid at all. And the Germans are getting priority over their western adult education, and establishment < of a Department of Education with a Secretary of Cabinet rank Recognizing culture as a potentially powerful force in the moral and spiritual life of our people, the Standing "for «he family type farm »s the basic unit of egricultuie." tin platform p»'i*»»«-» 1 Expansion of the Farmers Home Administration to providr low cost credit for tenants. »hareert»t> per», and veteran», assutance to marginal farmers, tb« provision el, th« supplementary employment to fern /bine needed and tlx goal «»f ntmum farm family !iw*»me «•! ers w a mini But less than 9* 000 a ye at t. A ft-yeor program ef prtco sup ( ports fee all ma jet crops al no loos and Kettet «I Uuil«i n« teach*«» IMtprm. srh-ioU »tat« than Ml pa i tan! ot partly, and high I it, •• l'.ntv calls for >tab|i»lmrnt of un integrated grant in aid putgram to * »«boots, librar lea. raise abd librarians' »alarle», in On,it y and %e««mdaiV • nd asatkt mono ipallties < to < t.,I.Ii h fu-e colleges •i .i, it «ail» fot j system platform supports establishment of al Department of Culture to promote the at la It calls for the w "enactment of legislation to promote »clence, including human and social science», so that scientific knowledge may be enlarged and uaed for the benefit of all people." It oppoaes military control over scientific expression and communications The Real Choice The Platform concludes "The Progressive Party has taken root as the party of the common m»n. It has arisen in response to, and draw» growing strength from, the demand of millions of men and women for th«* simple democratic right to vote for candidates and a program which satisfy their needs It give» voters a real choice. "Purpooeful and deeply., incap*. the program <»f" the Progressive Party ctrrtiH forward the pnheifti of Franklin R«*»»cvelt and the a* pi rat ion» of Wendell Wilkle and holds forth the promise of a reborn democracy ready to play ite part in one world The Ameiican people want such a program They wi!l »upport it. "Under the 1« ad« i-sbip A Wallace and Glen H greet new people » movement ta on the march Under the guidance of Divine Providence the Pingreaolvr P»rty. with sti«»ng ami active faith move« forward to peace, freetiom »lid abundant c " SNPJ members and Slovenian people in Fontana and any community and city where they gather and practice the truth of things. JOE RICHTAR. JOHN JANC Strabane Progressive Slovene Women's Club ---------lane ««j me Biivja. nn c, . . A J L have been made to make it a sue- STRABANE. Pa —The Progre»- This principle Was established by j cwgfu, l)0wHng ^„on. Look out. ,lve Slovene Women's Club of a decision to which all 19 non-Oer- , ^^ M5 of 1am Angeles. we »re Strabane held its monthly meeting Oat California Way FONTANA, Calif—Our bowling season Is In full swing. Oct 9 opens the winter season. Our turnout Is indeed encouraging: 32 members in good standing answered our call. Every Friday evening at 0:49 wo take to the alleys. All engagements have been made to make it a successful bowling season. Look out. « man Marshall plan countries, under double-hart cled U. 8. pressure, were to on Sept. 11 It was supp«m«fd to represent a com-promts«' between U. S. claims for Germany and the claims of non-German countries. U. S. Marshall plan Administrator Paul G. Hoffman made the final "impartial" award." The nature of the pressure can be seen fr«»m the declaration of one of Clay's officers, supposedly a German representative in OEEC He said that "if Hiaonia did not get what it wanted, the U. 8 Congreoa could not be « xpected to continue appropriating funds for European recovery" (New York Times. Sept. 12. I04A1. The contend of th«- "compromise" between Clay and lloffman. which Europeans had no choice but to approve, wa» that Germany will grt S 'direct Mat «hall plan dollar grant of 9444 million for 1948-49. apart fr«»m other forms of aid In return, she must ship 110 million worth of giiods to lite lemetning Marshall plan nation» That la a profit of 94n «tul By HUGH DEANE cupation policy to date. MacArthur himself once described the breakup of the banks as essential to elimínale Zaibateu (family monopoly) control of Japan's economy. This view apparently yielded easily to combined American and Japanese business pressure. Now the'five major banks which ka*e 899 branches and trangact Close to 40% of all commercial banking business, have carried out a nominal reorganization. They dropped thfcir Zaibatsu-tainted names In favor of new ones. Thus Mitsubishi is now Chiyda, Yasuda has become Fuji and Sumitomo is known as Osaka. Seemingly assured of American support, these banking tycoons can assume that their supremacy over induatry will remain unchallenged. An index of their power is the increasing presure on small and medium business. The Tokyo Shimbun, a conservative newspaper, reports "an increasing number" of such plants are being closed down in the Tokyo area, "throwing a considerable number of employes out of work." Since May. the paper says, a machine shop, drug plant, ball-bearing factory and an electric appliance plant have been closed The top bankers maintain their grip on the economy through their control of the Reconstruction Finance Bank. Set up in October 1948. this official bank has provided key Industries with government subsidies, thus ensbling them to survive the debacle of defeat. At the same time, the finsnciers are able to control industry by these loans. The inflationary function of the bank can be seen from the tact that its capital has • been rapidly in-creaaed from an initial 10 billion yen to 139 billion yen. Today RFB bonds have a value one and a half times that of all other Japanese bonds, national, provincial and private. RFB loans were supposed to capitalize industrial rehabilition. But a recent survey showed that less than half the money distributed is earmarked for that type of investment The remainder la for "operational loans." a term known to include large sums used speculatively by certain industries to get quick profits. More than 90% of the money invested in capital goods went to the cool industry to the great advantage of the Zeibatau owners who uaed much of it for black market profiteering Meanwhile, one out of four coal miners is killed or injured yeerly bee a uae of lack of safety equipment One of the major beneficiaries ol the RFB was the Showa Electric Vm.. In which Premier Aahtda is reported to have a personal interval and which la now th« r