KINESIOLOGIA SLOVENICA 4 {1998)1 : 17-21 17 Venceslav Kapus Boro Štrumbeli Boian Leskošek Jakob Bednarik AN EXTENDED TWENTY-TWO TESTS SYSTEM FOR IDENTIFYING CHILDREN TALENTED FOR SWIMMING Dorka Šajber-Pincolič RAZŠIRJENI DVAINDVAJSET TESTNI SISTEM ZA IDENTIFIKACIJO OTROK, TALENTIRANIH ZA PLAVANJE Abstract In this article an information system is presented w hose purpose isto discover children talented for swimming and help include them into swimming schools or clubs in which they w ill have the possibi- lity for further developmentof thei r talent into a suc- cessful carri er, if they so desire and have their pa- rents' support. The system is based on the sports educational chart, which is practised in practically all primary and secondary schools in Slovenia, with the purpose of evaluating and monitoring the morp- hological and motor developmentof the child ren. A rough assessment of their suitability for swimming, on the basis of the eleven tests from the Sport card, is made by the physical education teacher with the help of the »Talent« system. The children that show talent for swimming (four types: sprint, long distan- ce, breast and medley) are invited by the teacher - in co-operation with the swimming clubs - to a be- ginner' s swimming course. The pupils that respond are involved into an extended twenty-two tests sys- tem fortalentassessment, with additional tests. The- se additional tests are: anthropometric (weight and spec. weight, vita! capacity) and motoric (flexibility: barextended beh ind head; feet flexibil ity: toes poin- ting, toes curling and foot turn. outwards; dynamic power: sit-ups and pu li force on land; special moto- ric: slide length, pu li force - in water and swimming speed on 50 m). Used methods: normalisation of original measure- ments, assessment of basic criteria both quantitati- vely (ND) and qual itatively (DEX), balancing the fi- nal assessments between the various swimming types. Keywords: swimming, talent, identification system University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Sport, Go rta nova 22, 51-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia phone: ++38661140-10-77 fax: ++38661 448-148 e-mail: Izvleček V članku je predstavljen informacijski sistem katere- ga namen je iskanje otrok talentiranih za plavanje. Slednj im se omogoča vključevanje v plavalne šole ali klube v katerih bodo imeli možnost nadaljnjega raz- vijanja talenta v uspešno plavalno kariero, če tako tel ijo in imajo podporo staršev. Sistem je osnovan na Sportno-vzgojnem kartonu, ki se izvaja v praktično vseh osnovnih in srednj ih šolah v Sloveniji, z name- nom evalvacije in spremljanja morfološkega in mo- toričnega razvoja otrok. Grobo oceno primernosti za plavanje, na osnovi enajstih testov športno-vzgoj- nega kartona opravi učitelj športne vzgoje s pomoč­ jo sistema imenovanega »Talent«. Učenci, ki kažejo nadarjenost za plavanje (štiri zvrsti: šprint, dolge pro- ge, prsno in mešano) so povabljeni v povezavi s pla- valnimi klubi na začetni plavalni tečaj. Učenci, ki se odzovejo so vključen i v razširjeni dvaindvajsettestni sistem za ugotavljanje talenta z dodatnimi testi. Ti dodatni testi so: antropometrijski (teža in specifična teža, vitalna kapaciteta) in motorični (gibljivost: za- klon s palico; gibljivost stopala: ekstenzija stopala in rotacija stopala; dinamična moč: dvig trupa v sedu, poteg z rokama na suhem; specialna motorika: dol- žina drsenja, sila potega v vodi in hitrost plavanja na 50 m). Uporabljene metode: normalizacija originalnih me- ritev, določanje osnovnih krite rijev kvantitativno (ND) in kvalitativno (DEX), uravnoteženje končni h odločitev med različnimi plavalnimi tipi. Ključne besede: plavanje, talent, sistem identifikaci- je 18 Venceslav Kapus, Boro Štrumbelj, Boian Leskošek, Jakob Bednarik, Dorka Šajber-Pincolič AN EXTENDED TWENTY-TWO TESTS SYSTEM FOR IDENTIFIYING CHILDREN TALENTED FOR SWIMMING lntroduction The knowledge about onese lf and one' s abi lities goes hand in hand w ith securing the qual ity of life and employment for the individual and the ent ire society. It remains an undisputed fact that the com- plex web of sports activities, and particularly physi- cal education itself, play an important part in that process. According to the publication Guidelines for Physica l Education in Schools(12,4), the ultimate goal of physical education should be seen in »metho- dical stimulation of and search for individuality and talent for a particular sport«, which a young person can grow fond of and improve later in his/her life. Discovering individuals with talent for sportand their join ing in train ing of that sport wh ich suits their cha- racteristics, abilities, capabilities, and interests best of al l, are part of the basic, expertly and organisatio- nally extremely demanding processes dealt with by the modem sport science and profession (1 ). The consequences of wrong decisions are numerous and often painfu l. The w rong choice of a sport and unrealistic goals, especially those set too high, often show only after years of intensive training and nu- merous sacrifices made by the young athletes and their families. Facingthe reality can in such cases end in bitter d isappoi ntment and may cause psychologi- cal traumas. Competitive sport is a field of activitywhich is relati- vely highly valued in Slovenia. Considering the size of its population, Sloven ia is one of the mostsuccess- ful countries in the world as far as sport is concerned. In Slovenia, great importance is attributed to com- petitive sport, and consequently to the fie ld of selec- t ion and orientation of ch ildren talented for sport. With this aim in view, the Faculty of Sport in Ljublja- na has for severa! years been carrying out a project named Computer-Aided System of lnitial Selection and Orientation of Chi ldren to Sports, in collabora- tion with the Jožef Stefan Institute, the Faculty of Or- ganisational Sciences as well as numerous coaches and PE teachers (3,5,9, 11 , 13). The aim of the pro- ject has been to develop procedures of initial selec- tion and ori entation to sports and employ these in practice. The system builds on lnformation System for Monitoring Motoric and Physical Development in the School Youth in Slovenia, w hich has al ready gained ground throughout Slovenia (12). Methods Multi-attribute decision models forthe evaluation of children ·s talents for swimming on the basis of the eleven tests (three morphological and eight motoric tests) have been developed and tested in pract ice. Table 1. : The example of decision model based on ND method . (Swimming-shortd istances) Utilitv fu11ction (scores) Weight Correla Cham- 12 20 30 40 so 60 70 80 88 tion pion with sucess SCORE 100 + ANTHROPOM 32 +height 19 K 69 o 9 20 41 61 82 99 88 80 +MASS 13 + rel.weight* 8 K 53 20 36 55 75 94 80 51 23 o +skin-fold 6 p 12 100 89 76 63 50 37 24 11 o +MOTORICS 68 IN FORM COMP. 19 + forward t. bend. 6 N 80 o 11 24 37 50 74 98 100 100 COORDIN 13 + polygon 4 p 19 100 100 93 72 50 37 24 11 o + tapping 9 N 82 o 11 24 37 50 70 90 100 100 ENERCY COMP. 49 +POWER 36 + bent arrn hang 9 N 79 o 11 24 37 50 75 100 100 100 + DYN. POWER 26 + sit-ups 2 N 83 o 11 24 37 50 68 86 100 100 + long jurnp st. p. 24 N 84 o 11 24 37 50 67 83 100 100 +60 rn run 13 p 12 100 89 76 63 so· 37 24 11 o +600 m run o p 22 100 100 100 87 69 51 33 15 o * rel. weight = weight / height Venceslav Kapus, Bora Štrumbelj, Bojan Leskošek, Jakob Bednarik, Darka Šajber-Pincolič 19 AN EXTENDED TWENTY-TWO TESTS SYSTEM FOR IDENTIFIYING CHILDREN TALENTED FOR SWIMMING Decision models have been developed forfourtypes of swimmers: sprinters, long distance swimmers, breast and medley stroke swimmers. The model s are transparent and presented both in the quantitative (ND models) (9) and qualitative (D EX models) (3) forms. Normalisation of original measurements, as- sessment of basic criteria, assessment of deri ved cri- teria both quantitatively (ND) and qualitatively (DEX) and balancingthe final assessments between the va- rious swimming types have been made. For th is purpose the Talent expert system has been developed, a computer program (source written in Delph i) for personal use running under Microsoft® Wi ndows ™ 3 .1 orla ter versions. Results In table 1 the example of basic decision model (11 tests) based on quantitative (ND) method is presen- ted. lnstructions for explanation of the decision model On the left side of the Table there is given the struc- ture of the decision criteria. The tests are wri tten with small letters, whi le the abiliti es measured by these tests, or nodes are written with capital letters. The highest node represents the score of the performan- ce potentials of a candidate in the chosen branch of sport. Then there follow weights wh ich show the re- lative signifi cance of individual tests, or nodes for the performance of candidates. For each test the follo- wi ng data are also given: • the correlation between the test resultand expec- ted performance in respective branch of sport: N means growing mutual relation (higher test result value means better performance), P- fa iling rela- tion (lower test result value means better perfor- mance) or K = combined relation (the optimum result is somewhere in the middle, while the worst either extremely high or extremely low results); • the champion model, i.e. the values of an »ideal« athlete in the chosen branch of sport expressed in T-values (standardised and normalised values with m = 50 and s= 10); • the normalisers, i.e. test results which determine the utility function, or mark for the respective re- sult attained by an individual pupil (expressed in T - values). In table 2 comparison between qualitative (DEX) and quantitative (NO) method for a randomly selec- ted children is presented. We have developed also decision model on the ba- sis of extended system for talent assessment (twenty- Table 2.: Comparison between ND and DEX met- hod. (Swimming- short distances) NO DEX Res. T Ded i. Mark SCORE 58 16,2 77 exc. exc. +ANTHROPOM 59 13,4 76 exc. exc. ! +height 141 ,0 61 8,0 84 exc. exc. i +MASS 57 21,1 66 good. good. +rel.weight 0,266 60 7,0 80exc. exc. +skin-fold 10 52 40,0 47 sat. good. tMOTORICS 57 17,5 77 exc. exc. +INFORM COMP. 56 21,5 71 good. good. j +forward t.bend. so 63 17,0 81 exc. exc. -i-COORDIN 53 23,4 67 good sat. i +polygon 12,5 41 22,0 70good sat. i +tapping 31 58 24,0 66 good sat. + ENERGY COMP. 58 16,0 80 exc. exc. +POWER 68 14,9 81 exc. exc. j +bentarm hang 59 59 20,0 73 good good + DYN. POWER 71 13, 1 85 exc. exc. +sit-ups 35 55 28,0 59 good exc. +longjump st.p. 186 72 12,0 87 exc. exc. +60 m run 10,1 31 19,0 75 exc. exc. +600m run 138 32 10,0 100 exc. good. two tests), which also ta kes into account special mo- tor and functional abilities and morphologic charac- teristics important forthe success in swimming. The- se additional tests are: a) anthropometric: spec. weight and weight, vita l. capacity; Specific weightand weight have influence on swim- mers buoyancy (7,8) . With better buoyancy the swimmer is able to swim w ith less energy loss (8) . This energy can be used for creation of propu lsion instead for keeping buoyancy. Vita! capacity also inf- luence buoyancy (7,8). However, for the swimmers is well known that have higher vital capacity than po- pulation (15). With highervital capacity they are able to increase their aerobic capacity since ventilation seems to be one of the limiting factor during swim- ming (13) . b) motoric: • flexibility: bar extended behind head; • feet flexibility: toes pointing, toes curlingand foot turningoutwards. Flexibility is one of the most important factors, which influence success in swimming (6,7) . The swimmers with better shoulder flexibi li ty are able to ach ieve better stroke characteristics (i ncreased stroke length) in front crawl, butterfly and backstroke discipl ines, wh ich resu lts in faster swimming (10,8). A good shoulder flexibility also allows to the swimmer more 20 Venceslav Kapus, Bero Štrumbelj, Bojan Leskošek, Jakob Bednarik, Dorka Šajber-Pincolič AN EXTENDED TWENTY-TWO TESTS SYSTEM FOR IDENTIFIYING CHILDREN TALENTED FOR SWIMMING efficient energy ut ilisation because of better co-ordi- nation of agonists and antagonists duringsingle stro- ke. A good extension of ankle (measured with toes pointingand toes curling) is very important for an op- timal leg kick of swimmers in butterfly, front crawl and backst roke d isciplines. On the other hand a good rotation of the foot is necessary to obtain so cal- led propeller effect o f the foot w hich is very impor- tant in breaststroke kick (1 5). • dynamic power: sit-ups and puli force on land; Today's technology of measuring force duringswim- ming is very complex (2). Because of that we inserted two tests for measuringdynamic power on dry land. A pu li force capacity of sw immer on land has very good correlation w ith success in sw imming on short distances (2). Sit-ups allows us to have a better check-up of sw immers cond it ion and training status w ith other tests (8). • special motoric: sl ide length, puli force - in water and swim. speed 50 m. The length of the swimmers slide in the water, puli force and maximal swimmingspeed on 50 m allows us to est imate some hydrodynamic characteristics of the swimmers important to orient a single swimmer in the most adequate discipl ines for him (8). The formal structure of decision model (Table 3.) is the same as the structu re of basic model Table 1.). Table 3.: The example of extended decision model based on NO method . (Swimming- long distances) SCORE +- ANTHROPOM i +- height i +- vital. cap i +- MASS +-rel. weight +-skinfold +- spec. weight +-weight +-MOTORICS +-BASIC MOT. +- INFORM COMP. , i +-FLEXIBILITY Weight 100 25.6 3.5 7.0 15.1 3.5 2.3 7.0 2.3 74.4 57.0 32.6 26.7 = = 1 +- forward t. bendingS.8 , ' i +-bar extend.b.head7.0 , ' +-FEETFLEXIBILITY 14.0 ! +-toes pointing 7 .O i +- toes curling 3.5 i +-foot turn.outward3.5 +- COORDIN 5.8 ' ! :=~a0~~f~; ~:! +- ENERGY COMP. 24.4 1,. +- POWER , +-bent arm hang +-DYN. POWER 15.1 4.7 10.5 +-sit-ups 3.5 +- long jumpst.p 2.3 +- puli force on land 4.7 i +-60 m run ! +- 600m run +- SPECIAL MOT. +-slide length +-puli force - in water +-swim. Speed som 2.3 7.0 17.4 7.0 5.8 4.7 Correla Cham- tion pion with sucess K N K K p p N p p N N p N N N N N p p N N p 60 73 56 53 73 71 67 73 73 58 58 60 69 68 63 63 63 74 82 73 68 63 12 o o 20 20 100 100 o 100 100 o o 100 o o o o o 100 100 o o 100 20 9 11 36 36 100 100 11 100 100 11 11 100 11 11 11 11 11 89 100 11 11 100 30 20 24 55 55 93 93 24 93 93 24 24 93 24 24 24 24 24 76 100 24 24 100 Utility function (scores) 40 50 60 41 37 75 75 72 72 37 72 72 37 37 72 37 37 37 37 37 63 87 37 37 87 61 so 94 94 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 69 50 50 69 82 74 80 80 37 37 74 37 37 74 74 37 70 75 68 67 67 37 51 67 67 51 70 99 98 51 51 24 24 98 24 24 98 98 24 90 100 86 83 83 24 33 83 83 33 80 88 88 80 100 100 23 O 23 O 11 O 11 O 100 100 11 O 11 O 100 100 100 100 11 O 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 11 O 15 O 100 100 100 100 15 O Venceslav Kapus, Bora Štrumbelj, Bojan Leskošek, Jakob Bednarik, Dorka Šajber-Pincolič 21 AN EXTENDED TWENTY-TW0 TESTS SYSTEM F0R IDENTIFIYING CHILDREN TALENTED F0R SWIMMING Discussion The basic aim of the Talentexpert system has been to bring expertise in swimming talent identification to physical education teachers and coaches, to pupils and thei r parents. The system does not deal with identification of talent swimmers that might even- tually lead to world-class sport results, but deals pri- marily w ith counse lling children who have no wish or abil ity to take up competitive sport. The Talent sys- tem should encourage physical education teachers to deepen thei r expert work and support them in their judgements and advice to pupils who are choo- sing their sport. In our case the children that show talentfor swimmingare invited bythe teacher in co- operation with swimming clubs - to a beginner's swimming course. The pupils that respond are invol- ved into an extended system far talent assessment, which also takes into account special motor and functional abilit ies and morphological characteristic. The children with the bestobtained results and w ith will to practice after additional testing are included into special groups which train in as best possible conditions as can be organised fortheir further deve- lopment. Conclusion In conclusion we would like to emphasises that no decision model and thus no computer program can with certainty predict a child 's talent and even less the future sport results. The complexity of human being, his/her w ishes, w ills, and, naturally, the envi- ronment in which he/she lives and works, (un)fortu- nately cannot be entirely mirrored by forma! models. That is why ali results of the Talent system should me- rely be used as guidelines, as they have been desig- ned only as an aid in advising children. In the future a twenty-two tests system has to bete- sted with measurements far single age category of swimmers and eventually corrected on the basis of obta ined results on the sample of Slovenian swim- mers. References 1. BednarikJ., Kapus V. Odnosi med nekaterimi morfološkimi ter osnovnimi motoričnimi in plavalnimi razsežnostmi mla- dih plavalk. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za telesno ku lturo, 1988 2. Bednarik J., Kugovnik O., Kapus V., Stroj nik V. 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