161 Original scientific paper  MIDEM Society Design of Fault-Tolerant Reversible Floating Point Division A. Kamaraj 1 , P. Marichamy 2 1 Department of ECE, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, India 2 Department of ECE, PSR Engineering College, Sivakasi, India Abstract: In semiconductor industries power dissipation and the size of the computational devices are playing a major role. Size of a single transistor may limit the scaling of semiconductor devices. In turn, an alternative technology is needed for computational devices; one such technology is Reversible Logic. In this paper, a new set of reversible gates named as KMD Gates are proposed, they are capable of producing many logical functions compared to the conventionally available reversible gates. The proposed gates satisfy the reversibility and universality properties of reversible logic. In addition, these gates are having parity preservation, so they are fault-tolerant. A n-bit fault-tolerant reversible floating point division unit (FTRFPD) is designed in IEEE 754 single precision standard using the proposed fault-tolerant KMD reversible gates. This FTRFPD has parallel adder, latch, multiplexer, shift register, rounding and normalization register. All the functional blocks are fault-tolerant in nature as they are, they are constructed from the Fault-Tolerant Gates. The FTRFPD is capable of dividing two numbers using the non-restoring algorithm. Quantum Cellular Automata (QCA) is incorporated for validating the functionality of the reversible logic gates and division unit. The QCA based simulation results confirm that the designed unit is having reduction in Quantum Cost by 9.85%, in Delay by 29.63% and in Number of Gates by 33.54 % over the existing designs. Keywords: Reversible Logic; Quantum Cost; Delay. Načrtovanje proti napakam odpornega reverznega deljenja s plavajočo Izvleček: Poraba moči in velikost računskih elementov igrajo pomembno vlogo v polprevodniški industriji. Velikost posameznega tranzistorja lahko omejuje velikost poprevodniške naprave, zaradi česar je potrebna drugačna tehnologija za računske elemente, kot na primer reverzibilna logika. Članek predlaga nov set reverzibilnih vrat kot KMD vrat, ki omogočajo več logičnih operacij kot klasična vrata. Vrata zagotavljajo reverzibilnost in univerzalnost reverzibilne logike. Poleg tega predlagana vrata ohranjajo polariteto, kar pomeni, da so odporna proti napakam. Enota za deljenje s plavajočo vejico (FTRFPD) je načrtana v IEEE 785 standardu z enojno natančnostjo z uporabo predlaganih KMD vrat. FTEDPD ima paralelni množilnik, zapah, miltiplekser, pomikalni regiter ter zaokroževalni in narmalizacijski register. Vsi funkcijski blogi so odporni na napake saj vrebujejo proti napakam odporna vrata. FTEDPD lahko deli dve števili brez algoritma obnovitve. Za validacijo vrat in deljenja je uporabljen QCA (Quantum Cellular Automata). QCA simulacije potrjujejo zmanjšanje stoška kvanta za 9.85%, zakasnitve za 29.63% in števila vrat za 33.54% glede na obstoječe dizajne. Ključne besede: reverzibilna logika; strošek kvanta; zakasnitev. * Corresponding Author’s e-mail: kamarajvlsi@gmail.com Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 161 – 171 1 Introduction In modern VLSI technology, size and power dissipation are the major challenges to computational devices. The size reduction of a transistor scaling has its own physi- cal limits. Also, smaller transistors dissipate more pow- er, and it has other second-order effects, which affect the functionality of the circuits. Landauer has proved that the irreversible computing devices dissipates heat energy in the order of KTln2 Joules for the loss of a sin- gle bit of information (where K is Boltzmann’s Constant = 1.3807 x 10 -23 J, T is room temperature) [1]. However, Benett has shown that the reversible computation us- ing reversible gates is the solution to this issue [2]. It has two approaches physical and logical reversibility. Logical reversibility is the ability of the device to re- trieve its input and output from each other logically; 162 whereas Physical reversibility is provision to reverse the input and output in electronic or quantum circuits [3]. Parity checking is one of the common mechanism adapted to detect the error in the transmission and data logic. During the computation, if the parity of the input data is preserved, then there is no need for checking the intermediate stages. Thus, the parity- preserving functional units can be constructed with parity-preserving reversible gates [4]. The division is one of the most complicated func- tions of computer arithmetic. In this paper, we have proposed fault-tolerant reversible logic gates to con- struct division unit. n-bit fault-tolerant reversible float- ing point division (FTRFPD) circuit is constructed with these gates. The proposed design is vulnerable to er- rors, and it is better than the existing ones in terms of quantum costs, garbage outputs and constant inputs. The entire paper is organized as follows: in Section II, the basic definitions and performance measuring pa- rameters are discussed. Section III discusses the rel- evant work previously done by various researchers in the same field. Section IV & V deal with the proposed new fault-tolerant reversible gates and fault-tolerant reversible floating point division unit. Finally, in Section VI the results obtained for the proposed division unit are being discussed. 2 Basic definitions In this section basic definition of QCA, QCA clocking and performance measures commonly used are dis- cussed. 2.1 QCA Basics The basic element of QCA is a cell, which represents a bit of information as in Fig.1a. Each cell has four metal islands known as quantum dots. In quantum dots, two electrons occupy the four dots in “diametrically oppo- site” positions to polarize the dot. Logic ‘0’ or Logic‘1’ is represented by the polarization position of dots as shown in Fig.1b[5]. The polarization can be computed as, P= ((P 1 +P 3 )-(P 2 +P 4 ))/(P 1 +P 2 +P 3 +P 4 ), where P i = Charge in the i th quantum dot. 2.2 QCA Clocking QCA circuit’s information flow is controlled by the Ben- nett Clocking scheme. It has four phases to process the information which is a switch, hold, release and relax as in Fig. 2. Each clock zone is 90-degree phase-shifted, which enables the computation to be carried out in a sequential manner [6]. Figure 2: QCA Clocking with four phases 2.3 Performance measures Four Performance measures encountered in this work are listed below: - Quantum Cost: Quantum cost is calculated as the total number of 2*2 primitive gates required to derive the given reversible logic function [7]. Here the primitive gates refer to the conventional gates. They are Feynman, Toffoli, Fredkin and Pe- res gates. (a) (b) Figure 1: (a) QCA cell; (b) QCA cell polarized with logic ‘0’ and logic ‘1’ A. Kamaraj et all; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 161 – 171 163 - Garbage output: The unwanted output of the re- versible circuit is known as garbage output [7]. - Constant inputs: The input set to a stable value throughout the computation of the reversible cir- cuit is known as constant inputs [7]. - Number of gates: It is defined as the total number of reversible gates that are utilized to obtain the desired reversible logic [7]. - Delay: The delay of the reversible circuit is equal to the total number of gates in the circuit. [8]. In other words, the maximum number of gates be- tween the input to the output of the function is the delay of the reversible circuit. - Simple Reversible Gates: Fredkin, Feymann (CNOT), Toffoli and Peres are the most popularly used reversible gates. Toffoli is known as univer- sal reversible 3 input gate, from this any reversible circuit can be derived [9]-[12]. - Other reversible gates: There are many other au- thors who proposed their own reversible gates such as DKG gate, MRG gate [13], NFT gate, TR gate and BVF gate [14]. Since, except NFT other gates are not fault-tolerant and the circuits de- rived from those gates are not fault-tolerant. 2.4 Fault-tolerant reversible logic A Gate is said to be fault-tolerant reversible logic gate only when it satisfies the following three properties: - Reversibility: In reversibility, input and output functions are uniquely derived from each other and vice versa for a reversible gate [15]. - Input Output - Universality: When a reversible gate is able to re- alize NOT, NAND / AND & NOR / OR functions in the output, it satisfies universality property [15]. - Fault Tolerance: Nowadays, a reversible circuit is expected to be reliable under all environmental conditions. In other words, it should be vulner- able to the fault occurrence. A gate having the same parity as in equation (1) in its input and out- put is said to be a fault-tolerant gate [4]. I 1 ⊕I 2 ⊕I 3 ….. ⊕I n = O 1 ⊕O 2 …. ⊕O n -------- (1) where, I i = Inputs and O i = Outputs of a gate 3 Related reversible logic works A new reversible Half adder, Full Adder, Ripple carry Ad- ders are being built using the proposed reversible logic gates. These gates satisfy the universality and revers- ibility conditions as a fundamental requirement for a reversible gate [16]. Fault-tolerant full adder (FTFA) is proposed using two Islam Gates (IG) which have 3 garbage outputs and 2 constant inputs. A carry skip BCD is designed with the proposed FTFA functional unit [17]. A fault-tolerant reversible adder (FTRA) is proposed in [18] and ripple carry adder (RCA), carry skip adder (CSA) and n-bit ALU are constructed using FTRA, which are fault-tolerant [18]. Low-cost parity-preserving reversible adders such as Carry look ahead adder (CLA), Carry skip adder (CSA) and BCD adder are constructed with less quantum cost and garbage output using LCG gates [19]. A fault-tol- erant reversible decoder (n to 2n) is constructed using Double Fredkin and RDC gates [20]. A signed multiplier is designed with MNFT gate which is fault-tolerant. The operating speed of the multiplier is improved using Wallace tree structures [21]. A revers- ible single precision floating-point square root is pro- posed using a modified non-restoring algorithm with Reversible Controlled-Subtract-Multiplex [22]. As an initial step towards the sequential circuit design, the latches have been designed with reversible gates. RS Flip- flop is proposed in [23] with reversible gate BME and Pe- res. Also, D, RS and JK latches and flip-flops have been de- signed using MFG, FG and Toffoli reversible gates in [24]. Two approaches are proposed for n-bit fixed point division unit. Here, fault-tolerant reversible gates are utilized to make the entire division unit fault-tolerant. Both the approaches utilize nearly equal number of resources (quantum cost, garbage output etc.) [25]. A reversible floating point division is carried out with two different approaches which are conventional division and high-speed division. The results confirm that this approach is better than the previous [22] architectures in terms of quantum cost, garbage output [26]. A new fault-tolerant reversible RR gate is proposed to design a reversible division unit with fault-tolerance of n-bit. The module is constructed to meet the IEEE 754 for- mat, which includes rounding register and normaliza- tion unit. Also, the division unit consumes less number of quantum cost, garbage output and number of gates than the previously available designs [8]. 4 The proposed logic gates A new reversible gate is introduced in two different methods: one is heroic act on the existing reversible gates and another is the creation of new gate to per- form the desired operation. Fault tolerant 3*3 revers- ible gates are proposed to obtain the full adder func- tion using Feynman and Fredkin gates [19]. These gates may not satisfy the universality property of a reversible gate. A. Kamaraj et all; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 161 – 171 164 Here, we propose 4 reversible gates, namely KMD gate 1, KMD Gate 2, KMD Gate 3 and KMD Gate 4 as shown in Fig. 3 (a-d). These gates satisfy the fundamental requirements (reversibility and universality) of a reversible gate [15]. In ad- dition, they are fault-tolerant in nature, i.e. EXOR function of the inputs and the outputs are equal (parity preservation). (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 3: Block diagram (a) KMD gate 1 (b) KMD gate 2 (c) KMD gate 3 and (d) KMD gate 4 4.1 Fault-Tolerance, reversibility, and universality The fault-tolerant (parity preservation) and reversibility characteristics of the proposed gates are satisfied for the proposed gates. The inputs and the outputs of KMD Gates are having the same priority. So, the EXOR of In- puts and Outputs gives always zero for a fault-tolerant gate. Reversibility can be defined in two ways; one is, the computation overwriting the input vector with the output vector, and the other is, an unmodified copy of the input vector available elsewhere in the design [15]. For universality, a reversible gate must be able to pro- duce NOT, AND & OR functions of 2-input format or it must be able to generate NOT, NAND / NOR functions of 2-input format [15]. The universality property of KMD Gates is represented in Table 1. From the above table, it is evident that all KMD Gates satisfy the universality property as stated in [15]. The proposed reversible gates can be constructed with fewer cells and occupy less area as shown in Table 2. Moreover, DKG and MRG are not fault-tolerant gates [13] [14]. But KMD Gates are fault-tolerant reversible gates. Thus, the construction of reversible circuits us- ing these gates will have efficient fault-tolerant revers- ible circuits. 5 The Proposed methodology In arithmetic operations, the basic operations are ad- dition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Of them, the division is the most challenging arithmetic Table 1: Universality property of KMD gates S. No. Reversible Gate Constant Input Logic Function Expression KMD Gate 1 A=1; C=0 / 1 Q=NOT (B) Q = R’ C=1 Q = NAND (A,B) Q = A’ + AB’ C=0 R = OR (A, B) Q = A + A’B KMD Gate 2 B=C=0 R = NOT (A) R = A’ C=0 Q = NOR (A,B) Q = A’B’ = (A+B)’ C=1 R = AND (A,B) R = AB KMD Gate 3 B=D=0; C=1 S = NOT (A) S = A’ B=1 R = OR (A, C) R = A + A’C C=0 R = AND (A, B) R = AB KMD Gate 4 B=C=1;D=0 Q = NOT(A) Q = A’ B=1 Q = NAND (A,C) Q = A’ + AC’ B=1; D=0 C=0 T = OR (A,C) Q = OR(A,C) T = AC’ + C Q = AC’ + C A. Kamaraj et all; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 161 – 171 165 operation in computer architecture design. A dedicat- ed hardware module is incorporated into the division as part of the processor. It is a fundamental issue to identify the efficient division algorithm as per the IEEE 754 standard [27]. A complete division operation is a compound of sequential basic operations. A proposed fault tolerant floating point division unit consists of the following elements: multiplexer, Parallel In Parallel Out (PIPO) left shift register, adder/subtrac- tor unit, and rounding and normalization registers. All these functional units are designed as fault-tolerant. There are two possible methods available for the divi- sion of integer numbers. They are restoring and non– restoring divisions. In both the methods, the base operations are addition/subtraction and shifting the variables [28]. For n bit D is a dividend (2n bits to store remainder and quotient after division), V is divisor, and Q is quotient register, Restoring Division: 1. Shift the D (2n) to left one position. 2. Subtract V (n) from D(V-D) and place the result back in D. 3. If the Sign of D is 1, set MSB of Q 0 to 0 and add V back to D (Restore); otherwise, set Q 0 to 1. Non-Restoring Division: Step 1: (n times) 1. If the sign of D is 0, shift D left to the one-bit posi- tion and subtract V from D; otherwise, shift D and add V to D (V+D). 2. Now, if the sign of D is 0, set Q 0 to 1; otherwise, set Q 0 to 0. Step 2: 1. If the sign of D is 1, add V to D (V+D). In the restoring division, the left shift and subtract op- eration are equivalent to 2D-V. If D is negative, restore D and left shift, then subtract V which is equivalent to 2D+V. The latter case is used in the non-restoring divi- sion; which reduces the number of logical operations. The following significant changes are made in the above algorithm and flow diagram which are shown in Fig.4: - In the normal division, the dividend is shifted to the right side, here in the proposed method, it is left shifted. - The shifting is advanced to the first place rather than after the subtraction. - The remainder and quotient register are com- bined to form a single dividend register. The complete flow diagram of restoring division is shown in Fig.4; in the case of non-restoring, and the path is slightly changed as combining 3a and 3b of Fig.4 without restoration. In addition, to meet the IEEE 754 standard of floating point representation, the rounding and normalization are carried out. Algorithm: Inputs: D (Dividend); V (Divisor) and Sel=0. Outputs: R (Remainder) and Q (Quotient) Steps: 1. Initial: Clk=High; SP=0; Sel=0; Count=0; D=0; V=0 (Registers are Initialized) 2. If (Clk) If (SP= =0) n-bit Inp uts are parallel loaded in operand registers(D & V). 3. Else if (SP= =1 & Hold = = 0& Count =n) If the result is negative; restore D and do rounding and normalization. 7. Dividend register MSB = Remainder; LSB = Quo- tient. 8. End. 5.1 Working Principle The complete data path of fault-tolerant floating point division is shown in Fig.5. The significant units are mul- tiplexers, registers (F2G), parallel adder, rounding and normalization units. The necessary control signals are Table 2: Comparison of the proposed gates Gates Number of Cells used Quantum Cost Area (in µm2) Fredkin gate [13] 187 5 0.19 DKG gate [13] 752 6 1.24 MRG GATE [13] 456 6 0.52 NFT gate[14] 128 - 0.142 KMD Gate 1 169 10 0.19 KMD Gate 2 121 10 0.13 KMD Gate 3 116 6 0.19 KMD Gate 4 244 12 0.42 A. Kamaraj et all; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 161 – 171 166 Clk, load, sel, SP , set q 0 , shift and hold. These signals are released from the control unit at the appropriate time based on the Clk timing. Figure 5: Fault-tolerant floating point division unit When Clk is available and load & SP signals are high, the multifunctional registers are parallel loaded with ‘0’ in ‘A’ register, and dividend in the Q register and di- visor register are already loaded. In the next Clk, the dividend and divisor are loaded into (n+1) parallel ad- der. The adder performs the 2’s complement addition, and the partial results are again stored back to higher order bits of the multifunctional register. In the mean- time, left shifted (via F2G register) dividend is loaded back through the multiplexer and the MSB bit is serially shifted to the ‘SO’ of A register. Here, non–restoring division is followed in order to reduce the number of computations [28]. So, it is not necessary to restore the dividend after an unsuccessful subtraction (ie. the partial result is negative). Instead, the partial result is 2’s complemented via F2G register bank and an FRG register during the next cycle. The sign bit of the partial result decides the Q 0 value (ie. Q 0 =0, if sign =1; 1, otherwise). The same procedure is repeated for ‘n’ Clk cycle. After n-cycle, if the result is negative, restoration takes place; otherwise, register Q contains the quotient and ‘A’ register contains the re- mainder of the successful division. 5.2 Key elements of reversible fault-tolerant division unit The major functional units of reversible fault-tolerant division unit are multiplexers, operands registers, ad- der/subtractor, PIPO register, rounding and normali- zation registers. These functional units are being con- structed using fault-tolerant gates; thereby the circuit becomes a fault-tolerant one. Multiplexer: KMD Gate 3 can be configured as a multiplexer with ‘A’ input as select line and others (B & C) are input data. The 3 rd output provides the selected data. Fig.6 rep- resents the 2 input multiplexer; when Sel=0; then C is selected; otherwise B is selected. The n-bit multiplexer can be derived by cascading the single bit structure. Here, the input D=0 provides ‘sel’ to be passed on to the next stage. The quantum cost of the n-bit Mux is 7n, and it has 2n garbage outputs. Figure 6: 2-input n-bit multiplexer Reversible Parallel In Parallel Out (PIPO) Shift Register: D latch can be derived from KMD Gate 3 as shown in Fig.7a. The 3 rd output of the gate generates the neces- sary Q for the latch. A n-bit Parallel in Parallel Out (PIPO) is constructed by cascading the D-latches as shown in Fig.7a. The quantum cost of the n-bit PIPO is 7n, and it has ‘n’ garbage outputs. A multifunctional register is designed using D-latch and multiplexers. It acts as a left shift register; PIPO reg- ister, SISO register, and normal storage register accord- ing to the control signal. Fig.7b shows the multifunc- tional register with control signals hold & SP and data signals SI (Serial Input) & PI (Parallel Input). The symbol of the register is shown in Fig. 7c. n-bit register has the quantum cost of 21n, number of gates 3n and 4n gar- bage outputs. Figure4: Flow Diagram of floating point division A. Kamaraj et all; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 161 – 171 167 Figure 7: (a) n-bit PIPO Register (b) Construction of Multifunctional Register and (c) Symbol of Multifunc- tional Register The output behavior of the multifunctional register is tabulated in Table 3 which is derived from equation (2). Here, the parallel load operation selects the external in- put, and the serial input transfers the previously com- puted data to the next register. Q i + = Hold’SP’I i + Hold’SP .Q i-1 + Hold.Q i ……. (2) The proposed D-latch using KMD Gate is having less of quantum cost, garbage output and gate count com- pared to the available latches as from Table 4. From the table, it is observed that the number of reversible gates used to construct D-latch in [8] is 7 which lead to high quantum cost and more garbage output, whereas the proposed design consists of one gate and least quan- tum cost of 9. Table 3: Truth table for multifunctional register Hold SP Qi+ (Next Output) 0 0 Ii (Input Loaded to Register in Parallel) 0 1 Qi-1 (Left Shift & LSB receiving input from Serial Input) 1 X Qi (Maintaining Previous Value) Fault Tolerant Reversible Adder: The reversible fault-tolerant adder is being construct- ed using KMD Gate 4 with the quantum cost of 24 as shown in Fig.8. So, an n-bit adder consists of 21n quan- tum cost, 2n constant inputs, and 3n garbage outputs. Table 4: Performance analysis of D-latch Parameters [22] [23] [8] Proposed design Improvement % w.r.t [22] [23] [8] Quantum cost 14 10 47 9 35% 10% 80.8% Garbage outputs 4 2 6 1 75% 50% 83.3% Gate Count 3 3 7 1 66.6% 66.6% 85.7% Number of Cells - - - 116 - - - Area - - - 0.52µm 2 - - - Clock Zone - - - 4 - - - 6 Results and Discussion To perform the comparison between different revers- ible division logic circuits, few chosen parameters are, (a) (b) (c) Figure 8: n-bit Fault-Tolerant Reversible Adder A) (n+1)-bit Multiplexer B) n-bit Multiplexer C) (n+1)-bit Shift Register D) n-bit Shift Register E) Rounding Register F) Normalization Register G) Parallel Adder Figure 9: 2-bit fault tolerant reversible divider circuit A. Kamaraj et all; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 161 – 171 168 major components are derived from KMD Gate 3, F2G, and KMD Gate 4. Since KMD Gate 3 is utilized to con- struct the multiplexer and multifunctional register, the uniformity of the divider is majorly improved. Table 5b-e shows the comparison of quantum cost, number of gates, delay, and constant inputs of the divi- sion unit for 2 bits to 256 bits. From those tables, it is observed that the conventional and high-speed divi- sion array is exponentially increasing of Quantum Cost, Delay, and Constant Inputs with respect to a number of bits. But the proposed methodology is having linear relationship with the number of bits. So, proposed divi- sion unit can be utilized in any of the processor design. It is inferred that quantum cost, number of gates and delay are improved on a significant level compared to [25, 26]. For example, for the 256-bit division unit, the best available method has 3346 number of gates and delay [8]; while the proposed method has only 3076. The pictorial representation of the consumption of quan- tum cost, number of gates, delay and constant inputs are shown in Fig. 10a-d. It is evident that the proposed method is having linear relation with number of bits, while the exist- ing methods having quadratic relation with number of bits. Table 5a: Performance measure calculations of individual modules of the division unit S. No. Module Number of Bits Gates Used Number of Gates Delay Quantum Cost Garbage Output Constant Input Multiplexer n KMD Gate 3 n n 6n 2n n n+1 n+1 n+1 6n + 6 2n+2 n+1 Multifunctional Register n 3n 3n 18n 5n 3n n+1 3n+1 3n+1 18n+18 5n+5 3n+3 Divisor Register n F2G n n 2n 2n n Parallel Adder n+1 KMD Gate 4 n+1 n+1 12n+12 3n+3 2n Register n F2G n n 3n - n n+1 n+1 n+1 3n+3 n+1 n+1 Other Gates 1 Fredkin 1 1 5 2 1 Total Cost 12n+4 12n+4 68n+44 20n+13 13n+6 Table 5b: Comparison of quantum cost for the existing and the proposed division unit. Number Of Bits Existing [25] Existing [26] Proposed Restoring Non-Restoring Conventional Division Array High Speed Division Array 2 210 203 33 82 180 4 360 353 74 165 316 8 660 653 204 415 588 16 1260 1253 656 1251 1132 32 2460 2453 2328 4267 2220 64 4860 4853 8744 15675 4396 128 9660 9653 33864 59995 8748 256 19360 19253 133256 234651 17452 quantum cost, garbage outputs, number of gates and constant inputs. The QCA realization of the above functional units and entire division unit is done using QCADesigner 2.0.3 tool as shown in Fig.9. The structure consists of multi- plexer, registers, adders, normalization and rounding off units. All those modules are integrated to form the fault-tolerant reversible floating point division unit. Single bit multiplexers are combined to form the 2-bit and 3-bit multiplexers which receives dividend and ze- ros. At the same time, divisor register receives another divisor. The operands are then forwarded to the mul- tifunctional register. This register is constructed using D-latch and multiplexer as in Fig.7. Then the operands are forwarded to the reversible adder. In the adder after every clk signal, the partial output is shifted one bit left. After n (number of bits) clk pulses, the adder output is forwarded to the rounding and normalization register to normalize the division as per the IEEE 754 single pre- cision standard. The cost and other parameters calculated for individual units of the n-bit division unit is shown in Table 5a. The A. Kamaraj et all; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 161 – 171 169 Table 5c: Comparison of number of gates for the existing and the proposed division unit. Number Of Bits Existing [25] Existing [26] Existing [8] Proposed Restoring Non-Restoring Conventional Division Array High Speed Division Array 2 59 57 13 34 44 28 4 95 93 33 69 70 52 8 167 165 79 175 122 100 16 311 309 251 531 226 196 32 599 597 883 1819 434 388 64 1172 1173 3299 6699 850 772 128 2327 2325 12739 25675 1682 1540 256 4631 4629 50051 100491 3346 3076 Table 5d: Comparison of delay for the existing and the proposed division unit. Number Of Bits Existing [25] Existing [26] Existing [8] Proposed Restoring Non-Restoring Conventional Division Array High Speed Division Array 2 54 52 24 12 43 27 4 88 86 54 27 69 51 8 156 154 150 85 121 99 16 292 290 486 297 225 195 32 564 562 1734 - 433 387 64 1108 1106 6534 - 849 771 128 2196 2194 25350 - 1681 1539 256 4372 4370 99846 - 3345 3075 Table 5e: Comparison of constant inputs for the existing and the proposed division unit. Number Of Bits Existing [25] Existing [26] Proposed Restoring Non-Restoring Conventional Division Array High Speed Division Array 2 36 34 5 20 32 4 58 56 13 39 58 8 102 100 41 95 110 16 190 188 145 279 214 32 366 364 545 935 422 64 718 716 2113 3399 838 128 1408 1406 8321 12935 1670 256 2830 2828 33025 50439 3334 Table 6: Comparison of performance measures for n-bit division unit Parameters Existing [25] Existing [26] Proposed Restoring Non-Restoring Conventional Division Array High Speed Division Array No. of Gates 18n+23 18n+21 3(n+2)2+2n/4 (n+2)(3n+11)/2 12n+4 Delay 17n+20 17n+18 3(n+2)2/2 - 12n+3 Garbage out- puts 12n+18 12n+16 (n+2)2/2 (n+2)(3n+22)/4 20n+13 Quantum Cost 75n+60 75n+53 4(n+2)2+n/2 (n+2)(7n+27)/2 68n+44 Constant Input 11n+14 11n+12 (n+1)2+1/2 (n+2)(3n+14)/4 13n+6 A. Kamaraj et all; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 161 – 171 170 The estimated performance measurement of n-bit divi- sion unit is tabulated in Table 6. It is observed that the dependency factor ‘n’ – the number of bits is greatly reduced by the proposed method with respect to the existing [25, 26]. For example, conventional and high- speed division array have exponential relation with ‘n’ , whereas the proposed method has a linear relation- ship. Moreover, the additional constant cost involved in ‘n’ is also reduced for the proposed method. From the last column of Table 6, it is observed that, the worst case additional cost is 44, but in the existing method, it is up to 60. 7 Conclusion In this paper, we have proposed a new n-bit fault-tol- erant reversible floating point division unit (FTRFPD) which functions according to the non-restoring algo- rithm. The proposed division unit is being constructed (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 10: a. Number of bits vs Quantum cost; b. Number of bits vs Number of gates; c. Number of bits vs Delay; d. Number of bits vs Constant inputs by the fault-tolerant reversible KMD Gates. The number of cycles and the number of computations required to complete the division is drastically reduced. Here, KMD Gate 3 is utilized to construct multiplexer and multifunctional register, for maintaining uniformity in the entire circuit design. The comparative results prove that the proposed method has greater improvement in the number of gates (12n+4), delay (12n+3) and quantum cost (68n+44) with respect to the existing methodology. Also, it has significant improvement in garbage output and constant input. The entire work is functionally verified using QCADesigner 2.0.3 tool. Furthermore, the efficient division unit can be incorpo- rated into any ALU for floating point operation. 8 References 1. R. Landauer, “Irreversibility and heat generation in the computing process” , IBM J. Research and De- velopment, Vol. 5(3), July 1961, pp:183-191. A. Kamaraj et all; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 161 – 171 171 2. C.H.Bennett, “Logical reversibility of computa- tion” , IBM J. 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