Jakob Špicar
Jakob Špicar was a Slovenian folk playwright, theatre actor and organizer, director and translator. He was born on October 27, 1884 in Skočidol (Zgornji Rož, Gottestal in German) in Carinthia, and died on February 17, 1970 in Ljubljana. In 1905 he founded the Sloga Association in Podravlje and revived the tradition of Slovenian folk plays in Carinthia. He successfully run the Sokol stage both in Jesenice and Radovljica. He wrote mainly for the Carinthian newspapers (Mir) and later for other liberal Slovenian periodicals. On his initiative, a theatre association was founded in Jesenice in 1910, of which he was the president, and since 1912 an honorary member. He wrote around 80 theatre plays and scenes. He published them in the magazines Mir and Mladi rod, and also as radio plays. His most important works are the adaptations of the literary texts Miklova Zala (J. Sket) and Bukvice od Matjaž (A. Šuster-Drabosnjak) to dramatic form. Many of his works are territorially and thematically situated in the Carinthian region. He was a good friend of the Slovenes of Carinthia and was constantly involved in the struggle for their rights.

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