Typographia Joannis Manlii

Printer, bookbinder, and bookseller Janez Mandelc (also Janez Mandelc, Hans Mannel or Joannes Manlius) came to Ljubljana in the spring of 1575 at Jurij Dalmatin and Jurij Khisl's invitation. As soon as he obtained the permission to set up a printing press by the States, he issued Johann Salicetus's speech against the Turks, while in the autumn of 1575, he also published Dalmatin’s translation of Jesus Sirah. Because of the tense religious and political situation, Archduke Karl banned printing in Ljubljana in 1851. Amidst the preparations for printing Dalmatin's translation of the Bible, Mandelc was banished from Carniola. He left the Duchy in the spring of 1582, and continued his activity in several towns in western Hungary, Burgenland, and Croatia. Although his press operated only for a short time, it was crucial for the introduction of the black art in the Slovenian territory. 28 Mandelc's Ljubljana prints are known today.

A selection of Manlius's prints that are kept at the National and University Library's collections and were suitable for digitization, as well as one copy from the Danish Royal Library is presented in the collection.

Number of hits: 83

Source type
books (83)odstrani
Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za zootehniko (1)
Društvo slušateljev Filozofske fakultete (1)
E. Škulj (1)
Gospodarsko in izobraževalno društvo za dvorski okraj (1)
Gospodarsko napredno društvo za šentjakobski okraj (2)
in der J.G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung (1)
Inštitut za zgodovino Cerkve (1)
Izdal In Založil Kn. Šk. Ordinariat (1)
Jugoslovanska tiskarna (1)
Jugoslovanska Tiskarna (1)
Kat. Bukvarna (1)
Katol. Tiskarna (1)
Kmetijska založba (1)
Knjižnica (1)
Knjižnica gospodarskega in izobraževalnega društva za dvorski okraj (1)
Knjižnica Ivana Potrča (1)
Krajec (1)
L. Schwentner (1)
Lipa (1)
M. Brgoč (1)
M. Pivec-Stele (1)
Matica Slovenska (1)
Muzejsko društvo Škofja Loka (1)
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica (1)
Narodna Tiskarna (2)
Okrajna učiteljska knjižnica (1)
Onkološki inštitut (4)
Organizacija knjigarjev Dravske banovine (1)
Osrednje društvo Slovenskega planinskega društva (1)
Partizanska knjiga (1)
Planinska zveza Slovenije (2)
Prosvetna Zveza (1)
Provincialat slovenske province Družbe Jezusove (1)
R. Šeber (1)
samozal. (1)
samozal. Andrej Šalehar (1)
samozal. I. Matko (1)
Samozaložba (1)
Slovenska akdemija znanosti in umetnosti (1)
Slovenska matica (2)
Slovenska Matica (1)
Slovenski gledališki inštitut (1)
Slovenski gledališki muzej (6)
Slovensko umetnostnozgodovinsko društvo (1)
Š. Lah (1)
Študijska knjižnica (3)
T. Habermut (1)
Tiskarna družbe sv. Mohorja (1)
Učit.Tisk.Vlj (1)
Učiteljska Tisk. (1)
Udruženje univerzitetski obrazovanih žena u Jugoslaviji (1)
Založba "Ivan Grohar" (1)
Založba ZRC (2)
Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU (3)
Založila Ljudska Knjižnica V Škofji Loki (1)
Zgodovinsko društvo (1)
Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete (2)
ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC (1)
Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije (1)
Zvezna Tisk. (1)
Public (83)odstrani
Search in (83)