Image analysis & stereology : official journal of the International society for stereology

  1. 2000

    Image analysis for modelling shear behaviour (številka: 1, 2000)
    Stereological estimates for roughness and tortuosity in cementitious composites (številka: 1, 2000)
    How many lobsters are in the sea? (številka: 1, 2000)
    Probes, populations, samples, measurements and relations in stereology (številka: 1, 2000)
    Relative distance (številka: 1, 2000)
    MIB-1, AgNOR and DNA distribution parameters and their prognostic value in neuroendocrine tumours of the lung (številka: 1, 2000)
    Total number: a brief review of its importance and its use in assessing cerebellar damage in the rat following early postnatal alcohol exposure (številka: 1, 2000)
    Total cell number in fetal brain (številka: 1, 2000)
    On the variance of local stereological volume estimators (številka: 1, 2000)
    Three-dimensional observations on thick biological speciments by high voltage electron microscopy (številka: 1, 2000)
    Fractal analysis of trabecular bone (številka: 1, 2000)
    Caveat on the error analysis for stereological estimates (številka: 1, 2000)
    Experimental evaluation of stereological methods for determining 3D grain size and topological distributions (številka: 2, 2000)
    Glomerular capillary growth and cellular hyperplasia in a model of focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (številka: 2, 2000)
    Biochemical and histological effects of tetracyclines on spontaneous osteoarthritis in guinea pigs (številka: 2, 2000)
    Efficient and unbiased tools for quantitating Leydig and Sertoli cells in the testis from testes biopsies (številka: 2, 2000)
    A stereological analysis of the effect of early postnatal ethanol exposure on neuronal numbers in rat dentate gyrus (številka: 2, 2000)
    Assessment of particle packing characteristics at interfaces by space system (številka: 2, 2000)
    Fractional trend of the variance in Cavalieri sampling (številka: 2, 2000)
    Stereological analysis of the cochlear nuclei of monkey (Macaca fascicularis) after deafferentation (številka: 2, 2000)
    Measurement of root length density in intact samples using x-radiography and image analysis (številka: 2, 2000)
    Analysis of structural plasticity in the honey bee brain using the Cavalieri estimator of volume and the disector method (številka: 2, 2000)
    Evaluation of inhomogeneities in histological structures (cartilage, retina) (številka: 2, 2000)
    On the sampling of serial sectioning technique for three dimensional space-filling grain structures (številka: 2, 2000)
    Quantification of biofilms in multi-spectral digital volumes from confocal laser-scanning microscopes (številka: 2, 2000)
    Estimating total glomerular number in human kidneys with a physical disector/fractionator combination (številka: 2, 2000)
    11 years of biostereology in China (številka: 3, 2000)
    Stereological correction of mineral liberation grade distributions estimated by single sectioning of particles (številka: 3, 2000)
    An attempt at an algebraic theory of crystal structure (številka: 3, 2000)
    Modelling the position of cell profiles allowing for both inhomegeneity and interaction (številka: 3, 2000)
    Accuracy of estimates of volume fraction (številka: 3, 2000)
    Stereological estimation of tubular length from thin vertical sections (številka: 3, 2000)
    Estimating volume distributions using maximum entropy (številka: 3, 2000)
    Deep focus; a digital image processing technique to produce improved focal depth in light microscopy (številka: 3, 2000)
    Stereological quantitation of Leydig and Sertoli cells in the testis from young and old men (številka: 3, 2000)
    Spatio-temporal data analysis with non-linear filters (številka: 3, 2000)
    Nephron number in the offspring of rats fed a low protein diet during pregnancy (številka: 3, 2000)
    Estimating number density Nv - a comparison of an improved Saltykov estimator and the disector method (številka: 3, 2000)
  2. 2001

    Brain volumes of the lamb, rat and bird do not show hemispheric asymmetry (številka: 1, 2001)
    New concepts and test methods of curve profile area density in surface (številka: 1, 2001)
    Fibrin-type firbinoid in human placenta: a stereological analysis of its association with intervillous volume and villous surface area (številka: 1, 2001)
    On the estimation of distance distribution functions for point processes and random sets (številka: 1, 2001)
    Effect of histomorphometric parameters on compression strength of vertebral bodies (številka: 1, 2001)
    New method for fast image edge detection based on subband decomposition (številka: 1, 2001)
    Metric characteristics of various methods for numerical density estimation in transmission light microscopy - a computer simulation (številka: 1, 2001)
    A new, other than acoustic, quantification method for endocardium detection in echocardiographic images (številka: 1, 2001)
    Rectilinear and Brownian motion from a random point in a convex region (številka: 2, 2001)
    Prediction of the extremal shape factor of spheroidal particles (številka: 2, 2001)
    Review of recent results on excursion set models (številka: 2, 2001)
    Morphological granulometric analysis of sediment images (številka: 2, 2001)
    Intergranule fusion in rat pars intermedia cells (številka: 2, 2001)
    Computation of normal vectors of discrete 3D objects: application to natural snow images from X-ray tomography (številka: 3, 2001)
    Image analysis dedicated to polymer injection molding (številka: 3, 2001)
    Wavelet-based multifractal formalism to assist in diagnosis in digitized mammograms (številka: 3, 2001)
    Geodesic reconstruction, saddle zones & hierarchial segmentation (številka: 3, 2001)
    Segmentation and grain size of ceramics (številka: 3, 2001)
    Estimation of fibre orientation from digital images (številka: 3, 2001)
    Damage morphological parameters (številka: 3, 2001)
    Spatial statistics for simulated packings of spheres (številka: 3, 2001)
    Evaluating the Euler-Poincaré characteristic of a set using a spatial tessellation (številka: 3, 2001)
    Quantitative 3D reconstructions as identification tool in heart development (številka: 3, 2001)
    Spatial repartition of current fluctuations in a scanning tunneling microscope (številka: 3, 2001)
    Calibration of densitometry in radio-isotopic in situ hybridization (številka: 3, 2001)
    The application of stereology method for estimating the number of 3D BaTiO3 - ceramic grains contact surfaces (številka: 3, 2001)
    Domain size distribution of Y-TZP nano-particles using XRD and HRTEM (številka: 3, 2001)
    Roughness characterization of an indoor environment (številka: 3, 2001)
    Renal glomerular number and size in Australian aborigines, African Americans and white populations from the same locations (številka: 3, 2001)
    Bayesian image segmentation through level lines selection (številka: 3, 2001)
    Measurements of strain fields due to nanoscale precipitates using the phase image method (številka: 3, 2001)
    Multi-scale simulation of spherical aggregates (številka: 3, 2001)
  3. 2002

    A quantitative method for analysing 3-D branching in embryonic kidneys: development of a technique and preliminary data (številka: 1, 2002)
    Stereological estimation of Ito cells from rat liver using the optical fractionator - a preliminary report (številka: 1, 2002)
    Quantitative analysis of fatigue fracture surface in the duplex steel (številka: 1, 2002)
    Improving methodological strategies for satellite cells counting in human muscle during ageing (številka: 1, 2002)
    Granulometric maps from high resolution satellite images (številka: 1, 2002)
    Image analysis characterization of highly oriented freeze-drying porous materials (številka: 1, 2002)
    Colour image in 2D and 3D microscopy for the automation of pollen rate measurement (številka: 1, 2002)
    The morphological pyramid and its applications to remote sensing: multiresolution data analysis and features extraction (številka: 1, 2002)
    A new high resolution optical method for obtaining the topography of fracture surfaces in rocks (številka: 1, 2002)
    Videogrammetric reconstruction applied to volcanology: perspectives for a new measurement technique in volcano monitoring (številka: 1, 2002)
    Semiautomatic detection of tumoral zone (številka: 1, 2002)
    Wavelet transform and lip model (številka: 2, 2002)
    Nuclear morphometry in African breast cancer (številka: 2, 2002)
    Physical and chemical caharacteristics of neurological injury in an avian model of primary generalized epilepsy (številka: 2, 2002)
    Bridging the gap between neuroimaging and neuronal physiology (številka: 2, 2002)
    Observing tumor vascularity noninvasively using magnetic resonance imaging (številka: 2, 2002)
    Use of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging data in planning focal radiation therapeies for brain tumors (številka: 2, 2002)
    Interpretation of mercury injection experiments using a minimum set of porous descriptors derived by quantitative image analysis (številka: 2, 2002)
    Quantitative image analysis of microstructure evolution during solid state sintering of W-Cu (številka: 2, 2002)
    Auto-shape analysis of image textures in fractography (številka: 2, 2002)
    Magnetic resonance water self-diffusion tensor encoding optimization methods for full brain acquisition (številka: 2, 2002)
    Estimation of the number of neurons in the hippocampus of rats with penicillin induced epilepsy (številka: 2, 2002)
    Cross-correlation analysis of the spatial interactions between tissue compartments of the renal corpuscle (številka: 3, 2002)
    Gray tone filtering on ERS-SAR images applied to change detection and mapping (številka: 3, 2002)
    Recognition of patterns on fracture surfaces by automatic image analysis (številka: 3, 2002)
    Topological localisation of defects at atomic scale (številka: 3, 2002)
    Separation of the inter- and intra-particle porosity in images of powder compacts (številka: 3, 2002)
    Mathematical morphology in the CIELab space (številka: 3, 2002)
    Characterization of bivariate size-orientation distribution on circular plate particles (številka: 3, 2002)
  4. 2003

    Quick determination of crystal size distributions of rocks by means of a color scanner (številka: 1, 2003)
    Quantification of angiogenesis on the rat aortic ring assay (številka: 1, 2003)
    Dynamic particle systems for object structure extraction (številka: 1, 2003)
    An application of the relative warps analysis to problems in human paleontology - with notes on raw data quality (številka: 1, 2003)
    The Euler number of discretised sets - surprinsing results in three dimensions (številka: 1, 2003)
    Stereological studies on fetal vascular development in human placental villi (številka: 1, 2003)
    Influence of mechanical errors in a zoom camera (številka: 1, 2003)
    Morphological quantification of aortic calcification from low magnification images (številka: 2, 2003)
    A parallel architecture for curve-evolution partial differential equations (številka: 2, 2003)
    Supervised automatic histogram clustering and watershed segmentation. Application to microscopic medical color images (številka: 2, 2003)
    Application of image analysis to assessing critical pore size for permeability prediction of cement paste (številka: 2, 2003)
    Recognition and statistical size distribution of microdomains in TEM-images of polyimide films during their processing (številka: 2, 2003)
    Modern stereological evaluation in the aging human substantia nigra (številka: 2, 2003)
    3D simulation study of inhomogeneous microstructure and its evolution (advantages of visual simulation techniques in stereological analysis) (številka: 3, 2003)
    Stereology of neuronal connections (myelinated fibers of white matter and synapses of neocortex) in human brain (številka: 3, 2003)
    3D morphological analysis of composite materials with aggregates of spherical inclusions (številka: 3, 2003)
    Estimation the intensity of germ-grain models with overlapping grains (številka: 3, 2003)
    A new method for quantification of regenerated bone tissue on x-ray images of elongated bones (številka: 3, 2003)
    Dynamic computer simulation of concrete on different levels of the microstructure (številka: 12, 2003)
  5. 2004

    Generalization of the cooccurrence matrix for colour images: application to colour texture classification (številka: 1, 2004)
    Automatic multilevel image segmentation based on fuzzy reasoning (številka: 1, 2004)
    Analysis of deformation processes of magnesium alloy at elevated temperatures by orientation mapping (številka: 1, 2004)
    Evaluation of plant histology by automatic clustering based on individual cell morphological features (številka: 1, 2004)
    Unbiased stereological estimation of different cell types in rat cerebral cortex (številka: 1, 2004)
    Analysis of porous structure in plasma-sprayed coating (številka: 1, 2004)
    Modelling a food microstructure by random sets (številka: 1, 2004)
    Automated construction of 3D statistical shape models (številka: 2, 2004)
    Stereology and 3D microscopy: useful alternatives or competitors in the quantitative analysis of microstructures? (številka: 2, 2004)
    Review of recent developments in cone-beam CT reconstruction algorithms for long-object problem (številka: 2, 2004)
    Morphological sampling of closed sets (številka: 2, 2004)
    A prelimary approach for the automated recognition of malignant melanoma (številka: 2, 2004)
    The effect of rare earth elements on Cr precipitations in a Cu-0.8WT%Cr alloy (številka: 2, 2004)
    Spatial extrapolation of anisotropic road traffic data (številka: 3, 2004)
    A time-optimal algorithm for the estimation of contact distribution functions of random sets (številka: 3, 2004)
    Plasticity of skeletal muscle studied by stereology (številka: 3, 2004)
    Cell separation and gene expression analysis in a tumor-stroma interaction model (številka: 3, 2004)
    Serial sections through a continuous fiber-reinforced polymer composite (številka: 3, 2004)
    Cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay in human glioma cells exposed to radiation (številka: 3, 2004)
  6. 2005

    On the volume from planar sections through a curve (številka: 1, 2005)
    Adaptive skin detection under unconstrained lighting conditions using a bigaussian model and illumination estimation (številka: 1, 2005)
    Automatic estimation of size parameters using verfied computerized stereoanalysis (številka: 1, 2005)
    Image registration based on maximization of gradient code mutual information (številka: 1, 2005)
    Global deformable surface optimization using adaptive constraints and penalties (številka: 1, 2005)
    Capillary network in slow and fast muscules and in oxidative and glycolytic muscle fibres (številka: 1, 2005)
    Optimal resolution for automatic quantification of blood vessels on digitized images of the whole cancer section (številka: 1, 2005)
    Characterization of diesel spray images using a shape processing methodology (številka: 2, 2005)
    Systemic kanamycin treatment has no effect on cell numbers in the mouse utricular macula (številka: 2, 2005)
    Stereologic estimation of Ki-67, caspase 3 and GSTP1 positive cells in prostate lesions (številka: 2, 2005)
    Control of low-resolution scanning of ovarian tumor stromal compartment (številka: 2, 2005)
    Gaussian radial growth (številka: 2, 2005)
    A microstructural model by space tessellation for a sintered ceramic: cerine (številka: 2, 2005)
    Analysis of endoplasmic reticulum of tobacco cells using confocal microscopy (številka: 3, 2005)
    A case study on point process modelling in disease mapping (številka: 3, 2005)
    Quantification of angiogenesis in the chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) (številka: 3, 2005)
    First use of stereology to quantify the survival of fat autografts (številka: 3, 2005)
    Spatially adaptive morphological image filtering using intrinsic structuring elements (številka: 3, 2005)
    Deciphering the finest imprint of glacial erosion: objective analysis of striae patterns on bedrock (številka: 3, 2005)
    Estimating the section elevation angle of cubes on a cubic mesh. Application to nickel microstructure size estimation (številka: 3, 2005)
  7. 2006

  8. 2007

    Characterization of mammary gland tissue using joint estimators of Minkowski functionals (številka: 1, 2007)
    Evolution of neuroendocrine cell population and peptidergic innervation, assessed by discriminant analysis, during postnatal development of the rat prostate (številka: 1, 2007)
    Limit distributions of some stereological estimators in Wicksell's corpuscle problem (številka: 2, 2007)
    Adaptive crossing numbers and their application to binary downsampling (številka: 2, 2007)
    Computation of Minkowski measures on 2D and 3D binary images (številka: 2, 2007)
    Gradual transition detection for video partitioning using morphological operators (številka: 2, 2007)
    Cell proliferation and volume-weighted mean nuclear volume in high-grade pin and adenocarcinoma, compared with normal prostate (številka: 2, 2007)
    Unbiased estimators of specific connectivity (številka: 3, 2007)
    Three dimensional complex shapes analysis from 3D local curvature measurements (številka: 3, 2007)
    Local geometrical analysis of 3D porous networks based on the medial axis (številka: 3, 2007)
    Percolation of random cylinder aggregates (številka: 3, 2007)
    Self-healing capacity of concrete - computer simulation study of unhydrated cement structure (številka: 3, 2007)
    Characterization of diesel spray images using the logarithmic image processing framework (številka: 3, 2007)
    Morphological segmentation of hyperspectral images (številka: 3, 2007)
    3-D study of vessels in peripheral placental villi (številka: 3, 2007)
    3-D imaging, analysis and modelling of porous cereal products using X-ray microtomography (številka: 3, 2007)
    Automatic segmentation and classification of cells from broncho alveolar lavage (številka: 3, 2007)
  9. 2008

    Modelling and simulation of a neurophysiological experiment by spatio-temporal point processes (številka: 1, 2008)
    On the determination of the shape-type of particles (številka: 1, 2008)
    Mean values for homogeneous stit tessellations in 3D (številka: 1, 2008)
    Region merging via graph-cuts (številka: 1, 2008)
    Nuclei shape analysis, a statistical approach (številka: 1, 2008)
    Comparative precision of the pivotal estimatiors of particle size (številka: 1, 2008)
    3D multi-scale segmentation of granular materials (številka: 1, 2008)
    Visual perception based automatic recognition of cell mosaics in human cornealendothelium microscopy images (številka: 1, 2008)
    Polar modelling and segmentation of genomic microarray spots using mathematical morphology (številka: 2, 2008)
    Application of stereological methods to study the white matter and myelinated fibers therein of rat brain (številka: 2, 2008)
    A new method for estimating the 3D size-distribution-curve of fragmented rocks out of 2D images (številka: 2, 2008)
    Blind contrast enhancement assessment by gradient ratioing at visible edges (številka: 2, 2008)
    A tessellation model for crack patterns on surfaces (številka: 2, 2008)
    Local study of defects during sintering of UO2: image processing and quantitative analysis tools (številka: 2, 2008)
    Fractal image feature vectors with applications in fractography (številka: 2, 2008)
    Sampling concrete by too small elements; what should we do to get reliable information? (številka: 3, 2008)
    On estimation and hypothesis testing of the grain size distribution by the Saltykov method (številka: 3, 2008)
    Sampling intensity with fixed precision when estimating volume of human brain compartments (številka: 3, 2008)
    A simple methodology to segment X-ray tomographic images of a multiphasic building stone (številka: 3, 2008)
    Neuron and glial cell numbers in the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus in brains of schizophrenic subjects (številka: 3, 2008)
    Segmentation of 2D and 3D textures from estimates of the local orientation (številka: 3, 2008)
  10. 2009

    Modeling of multiscale porous media (številka: 1, 2009)
    Labeling of N-dimensional images with choosable adjacency of the pixels (številka: 1, 2009)
    Stereology and some structural correlates of retinal and photoreceptor cell function (številka: 1, 2009)
    A stereological unfolding method for the study of the mitochondrial network (številka: 1, 2009)
    Velocity field computation in vibrated granular media using an optical flow based multiscale image analysis method (številka: 1, 2009)
    The pivotal tessellation (številka: 2, 2009)
    Moments of the length of line segments in homogeneous planar stit tesselations (številka: 2, 2009)
    Miles formulae for boolean models observed on lattices (številka: 2, 2009)
    Efficient restoration of variable area soundtracks (številka: 2, 2009)
    Image segmentation: a watershed transformation algorithm (številka: 2, 2009)
    Microct and preparation of beta-TCP granular material by the polyurethane foam method (številka: 2, 2009)
    Mesh free estimation of the structure model index (številka: 3, 2009)
    Placental stereology: spanning the levels from molecule to whole organ (številka: 3, 2009)
    3D morphological modelling of a random fibrous network (številka: 3, 2009)
    Size of boehmite nanoparticles by TEM images analysis (številka: 3, 2009)
    Capacity distributions in spatial stochastic models for telecommunications networks (številka: 3, 2009)
    Touching grain kernels separation by gap-filling (številka: 3, 2009)
    Error bounds for surface area estimators based on Crofton's formula (številka: 3, 2009)
    3D directional mathematical morphology for analysis of fiber orientations (številka: 3, 2009)
  11. 2010

    Stereological challenges when working with heart muscule fibres (številka: 1, 2010)
    Stereology of nano-materials (številka: 1, 2010)
    Variances of length and surface area estimates by spatial grids (številka: 1, 2010)
    Convex bodies and Gaussian processes (številka: 1, 2010)
    Advances in multidimensional size theory (številka: 1, 2010)
    Measurement of the shortest path length; distance estimation within the 3D borders of a tissue of interest (številka: 1, 2010)
    Combining WLI and SEM techniques to obtain a 4D surface image of A ppHDMSO/AlCeO3 nanocomposite (številka: 1, 2010)
    Image analysis of pearlite spheroidization based on the morphological characterization of cementite particles (številka: 2, 2010)
    Statistical analysis of tomographic reconstruction algorithms by morphological image characteristics (številka: 2, 2010)
    Quantitative analysis of banded structures in dual-phase steels (številka: 2, 2010)
    Stereological estimation of surface area from digital images (številka: 2, 2010)
    Second moment measure and K-function for planar STIT tessellations (številka: 2, 2010)
    Strategy on simulation of arbitrary-shaped cement grains in concrete (številka: 2, 2010)
    On the specific area of inhomogenous Boolean models (številka: 2, 2010)
    Semantic image analysis using a symbolic neural architecture (številka: 3, 2010)
    New mean values for homogeneous spatial tessellations that are stable under iteration (številka: 3, 2010)
    Inhomogeneity in spatial Cox point processes - location dependent thinning is not the only option (številka: 3, 2010)
    Imaging of fluorophores in chromatographic beads, recontruction of radial density distributions and characterisation of protein uptaking processes (številka: 3, 2010)
    Content-based autofocusing in automated microscopy (številka: 3, 2010)
  12. 2011

    Computation of the perimeter of measurable sets via their covariogram (številka: 1, 2011)
    On the dilated facets of a Poisson-Voronoi tessellation (številka: 1, 2011)
    Indirect measures of neuroprotection are parameters to avoid (številka: 1, 2011)
    A multiscale approach to the representation of 3D images, with application to polymer solar cells (številka: 1, 2011)
    Porosity evaluation of flame-sprayed and heat-treated nickel-based coatings using image analysis (številka: 1, 2011)
    Testing histological images of mammary tissues on compatibility with the Boolean model of random sets (številka: 1, 2011)
    The use of fractal geometry for the assessment of the diversufication of macro-pores in concrete (številka: 2, 2011)
    Generalized fractal transforms and self-similarity: recent results and applications (številka: 2, 2011)
    Fast computation of all pairs of geodesic distances (številka: 2, 2011)
    Structurally adaptive mathematical morphology based on nonlinear scale-space decompositions (številka: 2, 2011)
    Segmentation of anatomical structures by connected statistical models (številka: 2, 2011)
    Intensity estimation of stationary fibre processes from digital images with a learned detector (številka: 3, 2011)
    Spatial dependence of random sets and its application to dispersion of bark beetle infestation in a natural forest (številka: 3, 2011)
    Minkowski-additive multimeasures, monotonicity and self-similarity (številka: 3, 2011)
    A segmentation problem in quantitative assessment of organ disposition in radiotherapy (številka: 3, 2011)
    Fractals and self-similarity in economics (številka: 3, 2011)
    Transformation kinetics for nucleation of random planes and lines (številka: 3, 2011)
  13. 2012

  14. 2013

    številka: 2 (2013)
    številka: 3 (2013)
    Improved estimation of fiber length from 3-dimensional images (številka: 1, 2013)
    Statistical analysis of the local strut thickness of open cell foams (številka: 1, 2013)
    Estimation of tortuosity and reconstruction of geodesic paths in 3D (številka: 1, 2013)
    Automatic segmentation and structural characterization of low density fibreboards (številka: 1, 2013)
    Extraction of curved fibers from 3D data (številka: 1, 2013)
    Lévy-based error prediction in circular systematic sampling (številka: 2, 2013)
    Characterization of the formation of filter paper using the Bartlett spectrum of the fiber structure (številka: 2, 2013)
    Automatic object detection and segmentation of the histocytology images using reshapable agents (številka: 2, 2013)
    Quantitative characterization of microstructure of pure copper processed by ECAP (številka: 2, 2013)
    3D reconstruction and analysis of the fragmented grains in a composite material (številka: 2, 2013)
    Exact simulation of a Boolean model (številka: 2, 2013)
    The Euler number from the distance function (številka: 3, 2013)
    25 years of the polish society for stereology (številka: 3, 2013)
    Multiclass pattern recognition of the gleason score of prostatic carcinomas using methods of spatial statistics (številka: 3, 2013)
    Collage-based inverse problems for IFSM with entropy maximization and sparsity constraints (številka: 3, 2013)
    Stereological evaluation of brain magnetic resonance images of schizophrenic patients (številka: 3, 2013)
  15. 2014

    A comprehensive framework for automatic detection of pulmonary nodules in lung CT images (številka: 1, 2014)
    Planar sections through three-dimensional line-segment processes (številka: 1, 2014)
    Models of covariance functions of Gaussian random fields escaping from isotropy, stationarity and non negativity (številka: 1, 2014)
    3d gray-level histomorphometry of trabecular bone - a methodological review (številka: 1, 2014)
    Unsupervised data and histogram clustering using inclined planes system optimization algorithm (številka: 1, 2014)
    Numerical simulation of Al-Si alloys with and without a directional solidification (številka: 1, 2014)
    The character of planar tessellations which are not side-to-side (številka: 1, 2014)
    3D reconstruction of a multiscale microstructure by anisotropic tessellation models (številka: 2, 2014)
    A quasi-likelihood approach to parameter estimation for simulatable statistical models (številka: 2, 2014)
    Numerical experiments for the estimation of mean densities of random sets (številka: 2, 2014)
    Quantification of the 3D morphology of the bone cell network from synchrotron micro-CT images (številka: 2, 2014)
    Structure tensor image filtering using Riemannian Lsup1 and Lsupinfty center-of-mass (številka: 2, 2014)
    Interrupted in-situ compressive deformation experiments on MMC foams in an XCT (številka: 2, 2014)
    Inclusion ratio based estimator for the mean length of the Boolean line segment model with an application to nanocrystalline cellulose (številka: 2, 2014)
    Conditions for exact Cavalieri estimation (številka: 3, 2014)
    Surfaces of hard-sphere systems (številka: 3, 2014)
    Automatic detection and classification of retinal vascular landmarks (številka: 3, 2014)
    A methodological approach to the characterization of brain gliomas, by means of semi-automatic morphometric analysis (številka: 3, 2014)
    Exploiting 3D ultrasound for fetal diagnostic purpose through facial landmarking (številka: 3, 2014)
    Feedback on a publicly distributed image database (številka: 3, 2014)
  16. 2015

    Parameter estimation in non-homogeneous Boolean models (številka: 1, 2015)
    Estimation of Minkowski tensors from digital grey-scale images (številka: 1, 2015)
    Multiscale image analysis based on robust and adaptive morphological scale-spaces (številka: 1, 2015)
    Multivariante mathematical morphology for DCE-MRI image analysis in angiogenesis studies (številka: 1, 2015)
    Spatial-variant morphological filters with nonlocal-patch-distance-based amoeba kernel for image (številka: 1, 2015)
    A mixed Boolean and deposit model for the modeling of metal pigments in paint layers (številka: 2, 2015)
    Flowing bilateral filter: definition and implementations (številka: 2, 2015)
    Quantitative approach to assist neuroblastoma assessment by measuring I-123 mlBG uptake in scintigraphic images (številka: 2, 2015)
    Column tessellations (številka: 2, 2015)
    Methodology for porosimetry in virtual cementitious composites to economically and reliably estimate permeability (številka: 2, 2015)
    Mathematical morphology based characterization of binary image (številka: 2, 2015)
    Geometric analysis of planar shapes with applications to cell deformations (številka: 3, 2015)
    A PSO model for disease pattern detection on leaf surfaces (številka: 3, 2015)
    Intelligent detection and classification of microcalcification in compressed mammogram image (številka: 3, 2015)
    The invariator design: an update (številka: 3, 2015)
    Variability of manual and computerized methods for measuring coronal vertebral inclination in computed tomography images (številka: 3, 2015)
  17. 2016

  18. 2017

  19. 2018

    ARFBF morphological image analysis - a application to the discrimination of catalyst active phases (številka: 1, 2018)
    Metrics for image surface approximation based on triangular meshes (številka: 1, 2018)
    A shape-context model for matching placental chorionic surface vascular networks (številka: 1, 2018)
    Image analysis & stereology (številka: 1, 2018)
    3D non-invasive inspection of the skin lesions by close-range and low-cost photogrammetric techniques (številka: 1, 2018)
    Line segments which are unions of tessellation edges (številka: 1, 2018)
    A history of the strereology in China (številka: 1, 2018)
    SAR image compression using adaptive differential evolution and pattern search based k-means vector quantization (številka: 1, 2018)
    Fiber segmentation in crack regions of steel fiber reinforced concrete using principal curvature (številka: 2, 2018)
    Plant specie classification using sinuosity coefficients of leaves (številka: 2, 2018)
    Morphological modeling of cold spray coatings (številka: 2, 2018)
    Image analytical determination of the spherulite growth on polypropylene composites (številka: 2, 2018)
    Solving problems in stereology without mathematical formalism (številka: 2, 2018)
    Lip-reading via deep neural networks using hybrid visual features (številka: 2, 2018)
    No-reference image quality measure for images with multiple distortions using muti-method fusion (številka: 2, 2018)
    Volume estimation from single images (številka: 3, 2018)
    On the precision of the isotropic Cavalieri design (številka: 3, 2018)
    Parametric blind image deblurring with gradient based spectral kurtosis maximization (številka: 3, 2018)
    A 3D stochastic model for geometrical characterization of particles in two-phase flow applications (številka: 3, 2018)
    A study of area and thickness compression of paraffin sections (številka: 3, 2018)
    New bacteria foraging and particle swarm hybrid algorithm for medical image compression (številka: 3, 2018)
    Spot detection methods fluorescence microscopy imaging (številka: 3, 2018)
  20. 2019

  21. 2020

  22. 2021

  23. 2022