Informatica : časopis za računalništvo in informatiko : journal of computing and informatics

  1. 1977

  2. 1978

  3. 1979

  4. 1980

  5. 1981

  6. 1982

  7. 1983

  8. 1984

  9. 1985

    številka: 1 (1985)
    številka: 2 (1985)
    številka: 3 (1985)
    številka: 4 (1985)
    VME vodilo v večračunalniških arhitekturah (Str. 50-53, 1985)
    Računalniško podprto načrtovanje pulznih usmernikov (Str. 248-250, 1985)
    Poenostavljena napoved nastopa napak pri testiranju programske opreme (Str. 128-129, 1985)
    Nekatere izkušnje pri delu z računalniškimi mrežami (Str. 301-303, 1985)
    Izbira jezika za podatkovno vodene računalnike (Str. 94-97, 1985)
    Jezikovno modeliranje procesov (Str. 198-199, 1985)
    Povečanje informacijskih pretokov s tranzitnim pretvornikom (Str. 311-314, 1985)
    Efficiency of multiple bus structure (Str. 54-57, 1985)
    Komunikacijski krmilnik (Str. 296-300, 1985)
    Podatkovno vodene računalniške arhitekture (letnik: 9, 1985)
    Funkcionalno programirani sistemi (letnik: 9, 1985)
    Mikroračunalniško vodeni TL analizator (letnik: 9, 1985)
    Osnovna načela DF sistemov (letnik: 9, 1985)
    Barvanje točk grafov (številka: 1, 1985)
    Metodologija testiranja magnetnih mehurčnih pomnilnikov (številka: 1, 1985)
    Postopki za prilagodljivo numerično integriranje (številka: 1, 1985)
    Napredna logična kartica terminala Paka 3000 (številka: 1, 1985)
    Reduciranje simpleksne tabele splošne metode simpleksov (številka: 1, 1985)
    Komunikacija operaterja z lokalno konzolo (številka: 2, 1985)
    Govor v komunikaciji med strojem in človekom (številka: 2, 1985)
    Logični modeli računalniških struktur (številka: 3, 1985)
    Podatkovne zbirke (številka: 4, 1985)
    Relaxation mesh dynamics in the method of finite differences (številka: 4, 1985)
    Načrtovanje in proizvodnja izdelkov (številka: 4, 1985)
    Operacijski sistem CDOS (številka: 4, 1985)
    Realizacija protokola X.25 - LAPB za digitalno naročniško zanko (številka: 4, 1985)
    Algoritmi za reinverzijo bazne matrike v linearnem programu (številka: 4, 1985)
  10. 1986

  11. 1987

  12. 1988

    številka: 1 (1988)
    številka: 2 (1988)
    številka: 3 (1988)
    številka: 4 (1988)
    A survey of most important and outstanding methods for software engineering (12 (1988), 2 ; str. 24-30, 1988)
    An analysis of information systems design methodologies (12 (1988), 3 ; str. 39-46, 1988)
    Grafična komunikacija VAX - Iskra Delta Partner (12 (1988), 3 ; str. 68-70, 1988)
    O recenzijah (12 (1988), 4 ; str. 78-79, 1988)
    Temporal logic - a tool for system modelling (12 (1988), 4 ; str. 21-24, 1988)
    Standards in computer graphics (12 (1988), 2 ; str. 18-23, 1988)
    IBM - enchanced grafhic adapter (EGA) kartica (12 (1988), 3 ; str. 63-67, 1988)
    The normalization of relational database (12 (1988), 3 ; str. 12-15, 1988)
    Proving the correctness of digital hardware design using Prolog (12(1988), 1 ; str. 13-16, 1988)
    Man-machine communication (12 (1988), 1 ; str. 6-12, 1988)
    Source code analysis (\4, 1988)
    Paralelni vektorski procesorji in njihova uporaba (letnik: 12, 1988)
    Stohastični pristop k analizi učinkovitosti večprocesorskih sistemov (letnik: 12, 1988)
    Zasnova rahlo sklopljenega porazdeljenega sistema za vodenje industrijskih procesov (letnik: 12, 1988)
    Sinhronizacija v porazdeljenih računalniških sistemih (letnik: 12, 1988)
    Sistemski uporabniški vmesnik za 8-bitni UNIX združljiv operacijski sistem (številka: 1, 1988)
    Interna struktura UNIX združljivega 8-bitnega operacijskega sistema (številka: 1, 1988)
    Možnosti zaščite programske opreme na mikroračunalnikih (številka: 1, 1988)
    Reconfigurable multi-microprocessor systems (številka: 1, 1988)
    Deriving protocols from services in the finite state machine representation (številka: 2, 1988)
    A critique on parallel computer architecture (številka: 2, 1988)
    Approaching the limit of classification accuracy (številka: 2, 1988)
    Terminologija programiranja v prologu (številka: 2, 1988)
    Večopravilno okolje za delo v realnem času na računalniku IBM-PC (številka: 2, 1988)
    A simulation approach before using the industrial microcomputer controller (številka: 3, 1988)
    Compound modules as goals (številka: 3, 1988)
    Computer program for determining an optimum solution in long-term forest exploitation process (številka: 4, 1988)
    Quo vadis informatizacija poslovnega odločanja (številka: 4, 1988)
  13. 1989

    številka: 1 (1989)
    številka: 2 (1989)
    številka: 3 (1989)
    številka: 4 (1989)
    Upravljanje porazdeljenih sistemov (številka: 1, 1989)
    Syntactic parsing and plotting of mathematical expressions (številka: 1, 1989)
    Transputerji (številka: 1, 1989)
    Informational logic III (številka: 1, 1989)
    Modeliranje podataka (številka: 1, 1989)
    Possibilites of parallel information procesing in the 1990s (številka: 1, 1989)
    Verjetnostni model računanja (številka: 1, 1989)
    Ocena informacijske škode stroškovno in dohodkovno transformiranih proizvodnih sistemov (številka: 1, 1989)
    Porazdeljeni elektronski imenik (številka: 1, 1989)
    Izbor programskega orodja četrte generacije (številka: 1, 1989)
    Relational schema description language (številka: 1, 1989)
    Reliability prediction of parsys hypercube architecture (številka: 2, 1989)
    Survey of the MAP project (številka: 2, 1989)
    Upravljanje z imeni v porazdeljenih sistemih (številka: 2, 1989)
    An adaptable parallel search of knowledge bases with beam search (številka: 2, 1989)
    Rekurzivni postopek testiranja večnivojskega komunikacijskega sistema (številka: 2, 1989)
    Nevronske mreže (številka: 2, 1989)
    Integral, Implicity intelligent systems (številka: 2, 1989)
    Informational logic IV (številka: 2, 1989)
    Why Informatica cannot be covered by the SCI? (številka: 2, 1989)
    Komunikacija človek - računalnik v regulacijski tehniki (številka: 2, 1989)
    Interconnection network analysis and logic design (številka: 2, 1989)
    Informacijski principi in formalizacija (številka: 3, 1989)
    Merjenje paralelnosti algoritmov (številka: 3, 1989)
    Implementacija poizvedovanj v mrežnih datotekah (številka: 3, 1989)
    Design and testing of homogenous single bus tightly coupled multiprocessor system for real time simulation (številka: 3, 1989)
    Neutral network based parallel expert system (številka: 3, 1989)
    Mogućnosti proceduralnog programiranja u programskom jeziku PROLOG (številka: 3, 1989)
    ISDN user-network interface layer 3 (številka: 3, 1989)
    An informational theory of discourse (številka: 4, 1989)
    Synthesis in complex problem domains (številka: 4, 1989)
    Assuring numerical stability in the process of matrix refactorization within linear programming package on PC (številka: 4, 1989)
    Fraktali - znanost ali umetnost (številka: 4, 1989)
    Formal verification of distributed systems (številka: 4, 1989)
    Characterization of circuits in grid obtained by regular and semiregular tessellations (številka: 4, 1989)
    Primena metoda inženjerstva znanja u obrazovanju (številka: 4, 1989)
  14. 1990

  15. 1991

    številka: 1 (1991)
    številka: 2 (1991)
    številka: 3 (1991)
    številka: 4 (1991)
    Izvedba in uporaba posebne funkcionalno zasnovane računalniške tipkovnice za mrežo osebnih rčunalnikov (številka: 1, 1991)
    O vzporednem množenju matrik (številka: 1, 1991)
    Implementation of denotational semantics (številka: 1, 1991)
    Significance level based classification with multiple trees (številka: 1, 1991)
    Informational models of dictionaries (številka: 1, 1991)
    Structured object-oriented system decomposition (številka: 1, 1991)
    Case tools - software development ans maintenance aid: a survey (številka: 1, 1991)
    Monitoring of real-time systems (številka: 1, 1991)
    Določanje položaja teles v prostoru iz ene same 2-D slike (številka: 1, 1991)
    Neutral nets: Survey and application to waveform processing (številka: 1, 1991)
    Hierarhični večprocesorski sistem (številka: 1, 1991)
    Algoritem za pretvorbo telesa predstavljenega z ovojnico v predstavitev z osmiškim drevesom (številka: 2, 1991)
    Računalniški podprogrami za računanje lastnih vrednosti in lastnih vektorjev (številka: 2, 1991)
    Meaning, understanding, self-reference (številka: 2, 1991)
    Parallel implementation of VLSI hed circuit simulation (številka: 2, 1991)
    Informiranje stvari (številka: 2, 1991)
    Algoritem Ohlajanje (Simulated Annealing) (številka: 2, 1991)
    The principle of multiple knowledge (številka: 2, 1991)
    Zvezne Bayesove nevronske mreže (številka: 2, 1991)
    "Slonček", program za geslenje slovenskega teksta (številka: 3, 1991)
    Informiranje stvari (številka: 3, 1991)
    ER jezik: prijedlog proširenja (številka: 3, 1991)
    Primerjalna analiza treh orodij za izgradnjo in uporabo baze znanja ekspertnega sistema (številka: 3, 1991)
    Analiza zmogljivosti mehanizma za kontrolo pretoka v mrežah za prenos podatkov (številka: 3, 1991)
    Algoritem za določitev povezovalnih funkcij krivulj B-zlepkov in NURB krivulj v polinomskem času (številka: 3, 1991)
    Design, implementation and testing of a primal-dual interior point method for solving linear programs (številka: 4, 1991)
    Povezava osebnega računalnika z robotskim krmilnikom ASEA-IRB (številka: 4, 1991)
    Pattern recognition using Kohonen maps and multi-layer perceptrons (številka: 4, 1991)
    Uporaba predznanja v induktivnem učenju (številka: 4, 1991)
    Formal informational principles (številka: 4, 1991)
    Digitalizacija in vektorizacija črtnih risb velikih dimenzij (številka: 4, 1991)
    Dinamično dodeljevanje procesov na polju transputerjev (številka: 4, 1991)
    Možnosti za vodenje sistemov s pomočjo metod umetne inteligence (številka: 4, 1991)
    Ocenjevano učenje v nevronskih mrežah (številka: 4, 1991)
    Planiranje s prologom (številka: 4, 1991)
  16. 1992

    številka: 1 (1992)
    številka: 2 (1992)
    številka: 3 (1992)
    številka: 4 (1992)
    FDDI - lokalna mreža prihodnosti (številka: 1, 1992)
    RRL - an integrated environment of robot programming (številka: 1, 1992)
    Uporaba Yourdonove strukturne metode v idejnemu projektu procesnega vodenja pri analizi obstoječega stanja (številka: 1, 1992)
    Naive Bayesian classifier and continuous attributes (številka: 1, 1992)
    Slogi uporabniških vmesnikov (številka: 1, 1992)
    Zasnova integriranega informacijskega sistema za preprečevanje onesnaženja (številka: 1, 1992)
    Trends of computer progress (številka: 1, 1992)
    Predikcija časovnih serij z nevronskimi mrežami (številka: 1, 1992)
    SCADA and energy management (številka: 2, 1992)
    Informacijski sistem izobraževalne dejavnosti na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko in računalništvo v Ljubljani (številka: 2, 1992)
    An introduction to structured systems analysis (številka: 2, 1992)
    Sinhronizirana podatkovna pretokovna računalniška arhitektura (številka: 2, 1992)
    Predvidljivo dinamični princip razvrščanja opravil v realnem času (številka: 3, 1992)
    Integrity in the relational data model (številka: 3, 1992)
    O preslikavi HADFG na TAS (številka: 3, 1992)
    Basic informational axioms (številka: 3, 1992)
    Understandability of the software engineering method as an important factor for selecting a CASE tool (številka: 3, 1992)
    Sinhronizirana podatkovno pretokovna računalniška arhitektura (številka: 3, 1992)
    Genetski algoritmi (številka: 4, 1992)
    Metodologija načrtovanja namenskih RT sistemov (številka: 4, 1992)
    An introduction to informational machine (številka: 4, 1992)
    Explanation of neural network classification (številka: 4, 1992)
    Vpliv načina časovne razvrstitve izvajanja modulov algoritma na pospešitev porazdeljenega sistema za procesno vodenje (številka: 4, 1992)
    Learning qualitative models with inductive logic programming (številka: 4, 1992)
    An informational approach of being-there as understanding (številka: 1-3, 1992)
  17. 1993

  18. 1994

  19. 1995

  20. 1996

  21. 1997

  22. 1998

  23. 1999

  24. 2000

  25. 2001

  26. 2002

  27. 2003

  28. 2004

    številka: 1 (2004)
    številka: 2 (2004)
    številka: 3 (2004)
    številka: 4 (2004)
    Representing agents and their systems (številka: 1, 2004)
    Assessing the potential impact of an electronic grade system to the school environment (številka: 1, 2004)
    An XML-based serialization of information exchanged by software agents (številka: 1, 2004)
    The parameters tuning for evolutionary synthesis algorithm (številka: 2, 2004)
    Using finite-state transducer theory for representation of very large scale lexicons (številka: 2, 2004)
    Algorithms for drawing polyhedra from 3-connected planar graphs (številka: 3, 2004)
    A spectral approach to graphical representation of data (številka: 3, 2004)
    Informational design of conscious entities (številka: 3, 2004)
    Grammar-based systems: definition and examples (številka: 3, 2004)
    Improved error recovery in generated LR parsers (številka: 3, 2004)
    A system for evaluation of human upper extremity (številka: 3, 2004)
    Computer education and social changes in Slovenia (številka: 4, 2004)
    Conducting the Wizard-of-Oz experiment (številka: 4, 2004)
    eGovernance (številka: 4, 2004)
    Shortest-path semantic distance measure in WordNet v2.0 (številka: 4, 2004)
    Information systems integration process model (številka: 4, 2004)
    Evolutionary balancing of healthy meals (številka: 4, 2004)
    Optimizing production schedules and energy consumption with an evolutionary algorithm (številka: 4, 2004)
    Software development with grammatical approach (številka: 4, 2004)
    Visualization of news articles (številka: 4, 2004)
    An agent for categorization and geolocating news articles (številka: 4, 2004)
    Morpho-syntactic descriptions in MULTEXT-east (številka: 4, 2004)
    Multi-attribute modelling of economic and ecological impacts of cropping systems (številka: 4, 2004)
  29. 2005

  30. 2006

    številka: 1 (2006)
    številka: 2 (2006)
    številka: 3 (2006)
    številka: 4 (2006)
    Issues in multiagent resource allocation (številka: 1, 2006)
    Researchers and development - young researche!s (številka: 1, 2006)
    Self-organisation and emergence in MAS (številka: 1, 2006)
    Applications of self-organising multi-agent systems (številka: 1, 2006)
    A formal framework supporting the specification of the interactions between agents (številka: 1, 2006)
    Eye-tracking adaptable e-learning and content authoring support (številka: 1, 2006)
    A review of modular multiplication methods and respective hardware implementations (številka: 1, 2006)
    Bio-inspired mechanisms for artificial self-organized systems (številka: 1, 2006)
    A survey of programming languages and platforms for multi-agent systems (številka: 1, 2006)
    Integration of acssess control in information systems (številka: 1, 2006)
    On self-organising mechanisms from social, business and economic domains (številka: 1, 2006)
    Plan sharing (številka: 2, 2006)
    Actors as a coordinating model of computation (številka: 2, 2006)
    On integrating conversations into web services composition (številka: 2, 2006)
    Beyond term indexing (številka: 2, 2006)
    Semantic search in tabular structures (številka: 2, 2006)
    An overview of slicing techniques for object-oriented programs (številka: 2, 2006)
    Dissipationless waves for information transfer in neurobiology - some implications (številka: 2, 2006)
    A semantic kernel to classify texts with very few training examples (številka: 2, 2006)
    An integration rule processing algorithm and execution environment for distributed component integration (številka: 2, 2006)
    A PC-based decision support system for optimal cutting of logs in veneers production (številka: 2, 2006)
    Expected case for projecting points (številka: 3, 2006)
    Coloring weighted series-parallel graphs (številka: 3, 2006)
    On the crossing number of almost planar graphs (številka: 3, 2006)
    Deterministic soliton graphs (številka: 3, 2006)
    Unsupervised feature extraction for time series clustering using orthogonal wavelet transform (številka: 3, 2006)
    The spectra of Knödel graphs (številka: 3, 2006)
    A three-phase algorithm for computer aided siRNA design (številka: 3, 2006)
    Credit classification using grammatical evolution (številka: 3, 2006)
    An overview of multimedia content-based retrieval strategies (številka: 3, 2006)
    Integration of bargaining into e-business systems (številka: 3, 2006)
    Isolated words recognition system based on hybrid approach (številka: 3, 2006)
    A study of fairness of information distribution and utilization in a mobile agent-based adaptive information service system (številka: 3, 2006)
    "ADDIZIONARIO" (številka: 4, 2006)
    A system generating CV through intelligent agents and Apache Cocoon (številka: 4, 2006)
    Modern methods for stimulating creativity in education (številka: 4, 2006)
    AddizionarioPLUS (številka: 4, 2006)
    New and old technologies (številka: 4, 2006)
    Statistical dependency parsing of four treebanks (številka: 4, 2006)
    Surfing hypertexts with a metacognition tool (številka: 4, 2006)
    Knowledge vs. simulation for bidding in tarok (številka: 4, 2006)
    Don Quixote 1605-2005 (številka: 4, 2006)
    Cognitonics as a new science and its significance for informatics and information society (številka: 4, 2006)
    SI-PRON pronunciation lexicon (številka: 4, 2006)
    How learner's proficiency may be increased using knowledge about users within an e-learning platform (številka: 4, 2006)
    Fully automatic assessment of speech of children with cleft lip and palate (številka: 4, 2006)
    Morphosyntactic tagging of Slovene legal language (številka: 4, 2006)
  31. 2007

    številka: 1 (2007)
    številka: 2 (2007)
    številka: 3 (2007)
    številka: 4 (2007)
    Designing new ways for selling airline tickets (številka: 1, 2007)
    Introducing open source software into Slovenian primary and secondary schools (številka: 1, 2007)
    Stopping criteria for a constrained single-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm (številka: 1, 2007)
    Semantic web based integration of knowledge resources for supporting collaboration (številka: 1, 2007)
    Entropy-driven parameter control for evolutionary algorithms (številka: 1, 2007)
    Novel broadcasting algorithm of the complete recursive network (številka: 1, 2007)
    Usable collaborative email requirements using activity theory (številka: 1, 2007)
    A novel roll-back mechanism for performance enhancement of asynchronous checkpointing and recovery (številka: 1, 2007)
    An efficient chaos-based feedback stream cipher (ECBFSC) for image encryption and decryption (številka: 1, 2007)
    Discriminatory algorithmic mechanism design based www content replication (številka: 1, 2007)
    A general brokering architecture layer and its application to video on-demand over the internet (številka: 1, 2007)
    Discovering hidden knowledge from biomedical literature (številka: 1, 2007)
    Approximate representation of textual documents in the concept space (številka: 1, 2007)
    Facilitating shared knowledge construction in collaborative learning (številka: 2, 2007)
    A model and framework for online security benchmarking (številka: 2, 2007)
    Mobile ticket control system with RFID cards for administering annual secret elections of University committees (številka: 2, 2007)
    Mobile location-based gaming as driver for location-based services (LBS) - exemplified by mobile hunters (številka: 2, 2007)
    Preliminary numerical experiments in multiobjective optimization of a metallurgical production process (številka: 2, 2007)
    Computational trust in web content quality: a comparative evaluation on the Wikipedia project (številka: 2, 2007)
    A fuzzy classification model for online customers (številka: 2, 2007)
    A group learning management method for intelligent tutoring systems (številka: 2, 2007)
    Reliability, availability and security of wireless networks in the community (številka: 2, 2007)
    Intelligent decision support for architecture and integration of next generation enterprises (številka: 2, 2007)
    Development of a Hungarian medical dictation systems (številka: 2, 2007)
    An approach to extracting interschema properties from XML schemas at various "severity" levels (številka: 2, 2007)
    Supervised machine learning (številka: 3, 2007)
    An overview of content-based spam filtering techniques (številka: 3, 2007)
    Multi-resolution parameterization for texture classification and its use in the scintigraphic image analysis (številka: 3, 2007)
    Comparative study and techno-economic analysis of broadband backbone upgrading (številka: 3, 2007)
    Dynamic distribution of Java applications (številka: 3, 2007)
    Web-based decision support system for the public sector comprising linguistic variables (številka: 3, 2007)
    Efficient constraint validation for updated XML databases (številka: 3, 2007)
    A formal framework supporting the specification of the interactions between agents (številka: 3, 2007)
    Study of robust and intelligent surveillance in visible and multimodal framework (številka: 4, 2007)
    eGovernment in Slovenia (številka: 4, 2007)
    A qualitative decision-support model for evaluating researchers (številka: 4, 2007)
    Growth of eGovernment services in Macedonia (Online sophistication of eGovernment services) (številka: 4, 2007)
    A method for calculating acknowledged project effort using a quality index (številka: 4, 2007)
    An approach to knowledge transfer in software measurement (številka: 4, 2007)
    eGovernment services in Bosnia and Herzegovina (številka: 4, 2007)
    Prediction of missing data for ozone concentrations using support vector machines and radial basis neural networks (številka: 4, 2007)
    Survey of eGovernment services in Serbia (številka: 4, 2007)
    Intelligent high-security access control (številka: 4, 2007)
    Modeling eGovernment processes with UMM (številka: 4, 2007)
    Information society and eGovernment developments in Croatia (številka: 4, 2007)
  32. 2008

    številka: 1 (2008)
    številka: 2 (2008)
    številka: 3 (2008)
    številka: 4 (2008)
    Augmented marked graphs (številka: 1, 2008)
    Contextualizing ontologies with OntoLight (številka: 1, 2008)
    Recent developments in the evaluation of information retrieval systems (številka: 1, 2008)
    A system for speaker detection and tracking in audio broadcast news (številka: 1, 2008)
    Intermediate representations of mobile code (številka: 1, 2008)
    Semantic Grid Platform in Support of Engineering Virtual Organisations (številka: 1, 2008)
    Study of robust and intelligent surveillance in visible and multimodal framework (številka: 1, 2008)
    Estimation of individual prediction reliability using sensitivity analysis of regression models (številka: 1, 2008)
    Urban-rural life setting as the explanatory factor of differences in fertility behaviour in Slovenia (številka: 2, 2008)
    Efficient hierarchical identity based encryption scheme in the standard model (številka: 2, 2008)
    A global k-means approach for autonomous cluster initialization of probabilistic neural network (številka: 2, 2008)
    Clustering of population pyramids (številka: 2, 2008)
    Geometric-invariant image watermarking by key-dependent triangulation (številka: 2, 2008)
    eGovernance: information and communication technology, knowlede management and learning organisation culture (številka: 2, 2008)
    An intelligent system for classification of the communication formats using PSO (številka: 2, 2008)
    Methodology for the estimation of annual population stocks by citizenship group, age and sex in the EU and EFTA conutries (številka: 2, 2008)
    Demographic analysis of fertility using data mining tools (številka: 2, 2008)
    A simple algorithm for the restoration of clipped speech signal (številka: 2, 2008)
    Demographic pressure on the public pension system (številka: 2, 2008)
    Late fertility trends in Europe (številka: 2, 2008)
    Robust speech recognition using perceptual wavelet denoising and mel-frequency product spectrum cepstral coefficient features (številka: 3, 2008)
    Dynamic slicing of aspect-oriented programs (številka: 3, 2008)
    The modelling of manpower by Markov chains - a case study of the Slovenian armed forces (številka: 3, 2008)
    Balancing load in a computational grid applying adaptive, intelligent colonies of ants (številka: 3, 2008)
    Recognition of on-line handwritten arabic digits using structural features and transition network (številka: 3, 2008)
    Content-based watermarking for image authentication using independent component analysis (številka: 3, 2008)
    Solving engineering optimization problems with the simple contrained particle swarm optimizer (številka: 3, 2008)
    Analysis of an immune algorithm for protein structure prediction (številka: 3, 2008)
    APC semantics for Petri nets (številka: 3, 2008)
    A distributed multilevel ant colonies approach (številka: 3, 2008)
    A role-based coordination model and its realization (številka: 3, 2008)
    Improving part-of-speech tagging accuracy for Croatian by morphological analysis (številka: 4, 2008)
    Improving morphosyntactic tagging of Slovene language through meta-tagging (številka: 4, 2008)
    80th birthday of prof. Anton P. Železnikar - congratulations to the founder of Informatica (številka: 4, 2008)
    An approach to extracting sub-schema similarities from semantically heterogeneous XML schemas (številka: 4, 2008)
    On interchange between Drools and Jess (številka: 4, 2008)
    DNA algorithms for Petri net modeling (številka: 4, 2008)
    A heuristic search algorithm for flow-shop scheduling (številka: 4, 2008)
    The cross-entropy method for policy search in decentralized POMDPs (številka: 4, 2008)
    Automatic streaming processing of XSLT transformations based on tree transducers (številka: 4, 2008)
    On the compilation of programs into their equivalent constraint representation (številka: 4, 2008)
    A readability checker with supervised learning using deep indicators (številka: 4, 2008)
  33. 2009

    številka: 1 (2009)
    številka: 2 (2009)
    številka: 3 (2009)
    številka: 4 (2009)
    Balancing load in a computational grid applying adaptive, intelligent colonies of ants (številka: 2, 2009)
    Robust Hinfinity control of a doubly fed asynchronous machine (številka: 2, 2009)
    Historical impulse response of return analysis shows information technology improves stock market efficiency (številka: 2, 2009)
    Improving part-of-speech tagging accuracy for Croatian by morphological analysis (številka: 2, 2009)
    Applying SD-tree for object-oriented query processing (številka: 2, 2009)
    Steganography combining data decomposition mechanism and stego-coding method (številka: 1, 2009)
    Indexing and retrieval of multimedia metadata on a secure DHT (številka: 1, 2009)
    Detection of stego anomalies in images exploiting the content independent statistical footprints of the steganograms (številka: 1, 2009)
    Multi-modal emotional database (številka: 1, 2009)
    Efficient morphological parsing with a weighted finite state transducer (številka: 1, 2009)
    Visual security assessment for cipher-images based on neighborhood similarity (številka: 1, 2009)
    Blind watermark estimation attack for spread spectrum watermarking (številka: 1, 2009)
    Recent advances in multimedia information security (številka: 1, 2009)
    Secure, portable, and customizable video lectures for e-learning on the move (številka: 1, 2009)
    Fall detection and activity recognition with machine learning (številka: 2, 2009)
    Churn prediction model in retail banking using fuzzy C-means algorithm (številka: 2, 2009)
    Routing scalability in multicore-based ad hoc networks (številka: 2, 2009)
    A multi-class SVM classifier utilizing binary decision tree (številka: 2, 2009)
    Rajan transform and its users in pattern recognition (številka: 2, 2009)
    Improving design pattern adoption with an ontology-based repository (številka: 2, 2009)
    An exquisite mutual authentication scheme with key agreement using smart card (številka: 2, 2009)
    A Petri-net approach to refining object behavioural specifications (številka: 2, 2009)
    Similarity measures for relational databases (številka: 2, 2009)
    Online WordNet based tagging system for social sharing and retrieval of imageson visited pages (številka: 3, 2009)
    Run-time manipulation of programs in a statically-typed language (številka: 3, 2009)
    Comparative study of tripartite identity-based authenticated key agreement protocols (številka: 3, 2009)
    Optimization of actions in activation timed influence nets (številka: 3, 2009)
    Two-way mapping between object-oriented databases and XML (številka: 3, 2009)
    Semantic graphs derived from triplets with application in document summarization (številka: 3, 2009)
    Rate distortion manifolds as model spaces for cognitive information (številka: 3, 2009)
    Dialog system for open-ended conversation using web documents (številka: 3, 2009)
    A general purpose software evaluation system (številka: 3, 2009)
    Coordinated UAV manoeuvring flight formation (številka: 3, 2009)
    Robustness and visualization of decision models (številka: 3, 2009)
    Improving HTML compression (številka: 3, 2009)
    Identifying learning robust to low quality data (številka: 3, 2009)
    Eyeball localization based on angular integral projection function (številka: 4, 2009)
    Secure convertible authenticated encryption scheme based on RSA (številka: 4, 2009)
    A pseudo random bit generator based on chaotic logistic map and its statistical testing (številka: 4, 2009)
    Transformation of XML data into XML normal form (številka: 4, 2009)
    Simulation and performance analysis of distributed internet systems using TCPNs (številka: 4, 2009)
    Realization of UML class and state machine models in the C code generation and execution framework (številka: 4, 2009)
    Extended symbolic mining of textures with association rules (številka: 4, 2009)
    Computational reduction of Wilson's primality test for modern cryptosystems (številka: 4, 2009)
    Systematic construction of software architecture supported by enhanced first-class connectors (številka: 4, 2009)
    Improvements to a roll-back mechanism for asynchronous checkpointing and recovery (številka: 4, 2009)
    Multi-attribute Decision Analysis in GIS (številka: 4, 2009)
  34. 2010

    številka: 1 (2010)
    številka: 2 (2010)
    številka: 3 (2010)
    številka: 4 (2010)
    Finding maximal sequential patterns in text document collections and single documents (številka: 1, 2010)
    Towards multi-stream question answering using answer validation (številka: 1, 2010)
    Assigning Library of Congress classification codes to books based only on their titles (številka: 1, 2010)
    Cascaded regression analysis based temporal multi-document summarization (številka: 1, 2010)
    Recent advances in computational linguistics (številka: 1, 2010)
    Paraphrase identification using weighted dependencies and word semantics (številka: 1, 2010)
    Automatic identification of lexical units (številka: 1, 2010)
    Challenging issues of automatic summarization (številka: 1, 2010)
    Named entity recognition using appropriate unlabeled data, post-processing and voting (številka: 1, 2010)
    Using bagging and boosting techniques for improving coreference resolution (številka: 1, 2010)
    Low-bias extraction of domain-specific concepts (številka: 1, 2010)
    Grammar of ReALIS and the implementation of its dynamic interpretation (številka: 1, 2010)
    A simulation study on the impact of mobility models on the network connectivity, hop count and lifetime of routes for ad hoc networks (številka: 2, 2010)
    Planning to discover and counteract attacks (številka: 2, 2010)
    Strategic modeling of information sharing among data privacy attackers (številka: 2, 2010)
    On the security of two group signature schemes with forward security (številka: 2, 2010)
    A study of analysing it digital coping strategies (številka: 2, 2010)
    A risk management system to oppose cyber bullying in high school (številka: 2, 2010)
    Application of microsimulation to the modelling of epidemics and terrorist attacks (številka: 2, 2010)
    Parsing with intraclausal coordination and clause detection (številka: 2, 2010)
    Piecemeal journey to "HALCYON" world of pervasive computing (številka: 2, 2010)
    A framework for evaluating deployed security systems (številka: 2, 2010)
    A web-mining approach to disambiguate biomedical acronym expansions (številka: 2, 2010)
    Fast scalar multiplications on hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems (številka: 2, 2010)
    Separating interleaved HTTP sessions using a stochastic model (številka: 2, 2010)
    Improving morphosyntactic tagging of Slovene language through meta-tagging (številka: 2, 2010)
    Enhanced relevance-based approach for network control (številka: 2, 2010)
    Text mining for discovering implicit relationships in biomedical literature (številka: 2, 2010)
    Obtaining status descriptions via automatic analysis of hospital patient records (številka: 3, 2010)
    Applications of semantics in agent-based manufacturing systems (številka: 3, 2010)
    A fast convex hull algorithm for binary image (številka: 3, 2010)
    Theory of K-representations as a comprehensive formal framework for developing a multilingual semantic web (številka: 3, 2010)
    Cryptanalysis of a simple three-party key exchange protocol (številka: 3, 2010)
    Corpus and web (številka: 3, 2010)
    Wikipedia2Onto - building concept ontology auutomatically, experimenting with web image retrieval (številka: 3, 2010)
    Using meta-structures in database design (številka: 3, 2010)
    An LPGM method (številka: 3, 2010)
    The role of the semantic web for knowledge management in the construction industry (številka: 3, 2010)
    KP-Lab system for the support of collaborative learning and working practices, based on trialogical learning (številka: 3, 2010)
    Using genetic algorithms and dominance concepts for generating reduced test data (številka: 3, 2010)
    A service oriented framework for natural language text enrichment (številka: 3, 2010)
    Multisignature scheme based on discrete logarithms in the plain public key model (številka: 4, 2010)
    Context-based global expertise in recommendation systems (številka: 4, 2010)
    BREM (številka: 4, 2010)
    Dynamic process integration framework (številka: 4, 2010)
    A reflection on some critical aspects of online reading comprehension (številka: 4, 2010)
    Earth observation data processing in distributed systems (številka: 4, 2010)
    Ontology extension towards analysis of business news (številka: 4, 2010)
    Expanding mental outlook with the help of concept maps (številka: 4, 2010)
    Accommodating learning styles in an adaptive educational system (številka: 4, 2010)
    Trusted reasoning services for semantic web agents (številka: 4, 2010)
    An investigation and extension of a hyper-heuristic framework (številka: 4, 2010)
    A software system for viewing and querying automatically generated topic maps in the E-learning domain (številka: 4, 2010)
    Enhancing DDoS flood attack detection via intelligent fuzzy logic (številka: 4, 2010)
  35. 2011

    številka: 1 (2011)
    številka: 2 (2011)
    številka: 3 (2011)
    številka: 4 (2011)
    Factors affecting acceptance and use of Moodle (številka: 1, 2011)
    An aspect-oriented approach for supporting autonomic reconfiguration of software architecutres (številka: 1, 2011)
    Model-based dependable composition of self-adaptive systems (številka: 1, 2011)
    A framework for automatic generation of processes for self-adaptive software systems (številka: 1, 2011)
    An identity-based mediated signature scheme without trusted PKG (številka: 1, 2011)
    An overview of independent component analysis and its applications (številka: 1, 2011)
    Resource control and estimation based fair allocation (EBFA) in heterogeneous active networks (številka: 1, 2011)
    Component reconfiguration in presence of mismatch (številka: 1, 2011)
    Order statistics bayesian-mining agent modelling for automated negotiation (številka: 1, 2011)
    Identification and prediction using neuro-fuzzy networks with symbiotic adaptive particle swarm optimization (številka: 1, 2011)
    Realizability and dynamic reconfiguration of chor specifications (številka: 1, 2011)
    Tuning chess evaluation function parameters using differential evolution algorithm (številka: 2, 2011)
    Online motion planning for humanoid robot based on embedded vision system (številka: 2, 2011)
    An extended TOPSIS method for multiple attribute group decision making based on generalized interval-valued trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (številka: 2, 2011)
    Real-time action scheduling in pervasive computing (številka: 2, 2011)
    The state of information and communication technology in Hungary (številka: 2, 2011)
    Programming the story (številka: 2, 2011)
    A sequential three-stage integer goal programming (IGP) model for faculty-course-time-classroom assignments (številka: 2, 2011)
    Performance comparison study of multicast routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks under default flooding and density and mobility aware energy-efficient (DMEF) broadcast strategies (številka: 2, 2011)
    A data model and an XQuery extension for concurrent XML structures (številka: 2, 2011)
    Expression-robust 3D face recognition using bending invariant correlative features (številka: 2, 2011)
    A shadow dynamic finite state machine for branch prediction (številka: 2, 2011)
    Fault diagnostics of centrifuge pump using data analysis in spectrometric method (številka: 2, 2011)
    Optimal decision tree based multi-class support vector machine (številka: 2, 2011)
    Analysis of results of ecological simulation models with machine learning (številka: 2, 2011)
    An efficent cross-layer scheduling with partial channel state information (številka: 2, 2011)
    Distributed multi-ant algorithm for capacity vehicle route problem (številka: 3, 2011)
    Mutant hierarchies support selective mutation (številka: 3, 2011)
    Mutual information and cross entropy framework to determine relevant gene subset for cancer classification (številka: 3, 2011)
    Query preserving relational database watermarking (številka: 3, 2011)
    Content-sensitive approach for video browsing and retrieval in the context of video delivery (številka: 3, 2011)
    Multivariable generalized predictive control using an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm (številka: 3, 2011)
    Regression test selection techniques (številka: 3, 2011)
    Improved ID-based ring signature scheme with constant-size signatures (številka: 3, 2011)
    An intelligent indoor surveillance system (številka: 3, 2011)
    Learning predictive qualitative models with Padé (številka: 4, 2011)
    Grammar checking with dependency parsing (številka: 4, 2011)
    Aspect-oriented reengineering of an object-oriented library in a short iteration agile process (številka: 4, 2011)
    A query expansion technique using the EWC semantic relatedness measure (številka: 4, 2011)
    Experiments on preserving pieces of information in a given order in holographic reduced representations and the continuous geometric algebra model (številka: 4, 2011)
    Short signcryption scheme for the internet of things (številka: 4, 2011)
    Geographic knowledge discovery from Web 2.0 technologies for advance collective intelligence (številka: 4, 2011)
    Must-work (številka: 4, 2011)
    Evaluating the effectiveness of mutation operators on the behaviour of geneticalgorithms applied to non-deterministic polynominal problems (številka: 4, 2011)
    Message-optimal algorithm for detection and resolution of generalized deadlocks in distributed systems (številka: 4, 2011)
    Examining whether highly e-innovative firms are more e-effective (številka: 4, 2011)
    Improving Amazon-like review systems by considering the credibility and time-decay of public reviews (številka: 4, 2011)
    Distributed representations based on geometric algebra (številka: 4, 2011)
    Human detection based on large feature sets using graphics processing units (številka: 4, 2011)
  36. 2012

    številka: 1 (2012)
    številka: 2 (2012)
    številka: 3 (2012)
    številka: 4 (2012)
    Privacy aware recommender service using multi-agent middleware - an IPTV network scenario (številka: 1, 2012)
    IPTV services personalization using context-awareness (številka: 1, 2012)
    An RTSP proxy for implementing the IPTV media function using a streaming server (številka: 1, 2012)
    a rate distortion theory perspective on the dynamics and symmetries of genetic coding mechanisms (številka: 1, 2012)
    Secure key exchange scheme for IPTV broadcasting (številka: 1, 2012)
    Multiple attribute decision making method based on the trapezoid fuzzy linguistic hybrid harmonic averaging operator (številka: 1, 2012)
    Times limited accountable anonymous online submission control system from single-verifier k-times group signature (številka: 1, 2012)
    Local graph embedding based on maximum margin ceiterion (LGE/MMC) for face recogition (številka: 1, 2012)
    Rapid ontology development model based on rule management approach in business applications (številka: 1, 2012)
    IPTV evolution towards NGN and hybrid scenarios (številka: 1, 2012)
    Physics markup approaches based on geometric algebra representations (številka: 1, 2012)
    Ensembles for predicting structured outputs (številka: 1, 2012)
    Information technology for management and promotion of sustainable cultural tourism (številka: 2, 2012)
    Graph theory algorithms for mobile as hoc networks (številka: 2, 2012)
    Linguistic model propositions for poetry retrieval in web search (številka: 2, 2012)
    Optimal allocation of rates in guaranteed service networks (številka: 2, 2012)
    Issues in energy optimization of reinforcement learning based pouting algorithm applied to ad-hoc networks (številka: 2, 2012)
    Analysis of a single-agent search (številka: 2, 2012)
    Simulation of multiphase thermo-fluid phenomena by a local meshless numerical approach (številka: 2, 2012)
    Computer-aided educational intervention in teenagers througs internet social networking (številka: 2, 2012)
    A contribution to cognitonics to secure living in information society (številka: 2, 2012)
    Using M tree data structure as unsupervised classification method (številka: 2, 2012)
    A market based approach for sensor resource allocation in the grid (številka: 2, 2012)
    The experiences of landscape social perception as a remedy for plunging into virtual reality (številka: 2, 2012)
    Editors's introduction to the special issue on "The human being in the digital world" (številka: 2, 2012)
    Optimized rostering of workforce subjecr to cyclic requirements (številka: 3, 2012)
    Autonomous push-down automaton built on DNA (številka: 3, 2012)
    Hardware-software co-design for reconfigurable field programmable gate arrays using mixed-integer programming (številka: 3, 2012)
    Optimal motion paths in ambient fields (številka: 3, 2012)
    Discovering comfortable driving strategies using simulation-based multiobjective optimization (številka: 3, 2012)
    Privacy-preserving two-party rational set intersection protocol (številka: 3, 2012)
    The state-of-the-art in visual object tracking (številka: 3, 2012)
    Adaptive random testing based on two-point partitioning (številka: 3, 2012)
    On similarty-based approximate reasoning in interval-valued fuzzy environments (številka: 3, 2012)
    Design and implementation of a caching algorithm applicable to mobile clients (številka: 4, 2012)
    E-health oriented application for mobile phones (številka: 4, 2012)
    Web GIS Albania platform, an informative technology for the Albanian territory (številka: 4, 2012)
    NLP web services for Slovene and English (številka: 4, 2012)
    Systematic literature review on regression test prioritization techniques (številka: 4, 2012)
    Usage of Holt-Winters model and multilayer perceptron in network traffic modelling and anomaly detection (številka: 4, 2012)
    A discrete Fourier transform approach searching for compatible sequences and optimal designs (številka: 4, 2012)
    Evaluating the performance of LSA for source-code plagiarism detection (številka: 4, 2012)
  37. 2013

    številka: 1 (2013)
    številka: 2 (2013)
    številka: 3 (2013)
    številka: 4 (2013)
    The child machine vs the world brain (številka: 1, 2013)
    Information visualization using machine learning (številka: 1, 2013)
    Orange (številka: 1, 2013)
    Network anomaly identification using supervised classifier (številka: 1, 2013)
    DEX methodology (številka: 1, 2013)
    Explanation and reliability of individual predictions (številka: 1, 2013)
    Automatic text analysis by artificial intelligence (številka: 1, 2013)
    The advantage of careful imputation sources in sparse data-environment of recommender systems (številka: 1, 2013)
    Considering autocorrelation in predictive models (številka: 1, 2013)
    Data stream mining (številka: 1, 2013)
    Relational and semantic data mining for biomedical research (številka: 1, 2013)
    Mining big data in real time (številka: 1, 2013)
    Enhanced time-bound ticket-based mutual authetication scheme for cloud computing (številka: 2, 2013)
    Semi-supervised learning for quantitative structure-activity modeling (številka: 2, 2013)
    Qos prediction for web services based on similarity-aware slope one collaborative filtering (številka: 2, 2013)
    Quaternion based fuzzy neural network classifier for MPIK dataset's view-invariant color face image recognition (številka: 2, 2013)
    CroNER (številka: 2, 2013)
    A comparison of hadoop tools for analyzing tabular data (številka: 2, 2013)
    A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for job scheduling on computational grids (številka: 2, 2013)
    Design science perspective on NFC research (številka: 2, 2013)
    Building cloud-based biometric services (številka: 2, 2013)
    An evaluation engine for dynamic ranking of cloud providers (številka: 2, 2013)
    Usability and privacy aspects of Moodle (številka: 3, 2013)
    Pruning the computation of distributed shortest paths in power-law networks (številka: 3, 2013)
    Fingerprint local invariant feature extraction on GPU with CUDA (številka: 3, 2013)
    A load balancing strategy for replica consistency maintenace in data grid systems (številka: 3, 2013)
    Influence of CNF encoding of AtMost-1 constraints on UNSAT-based PMSAT slovers (številka: 3, 2013)
    A benchmarking algorithm to determine the sequence of stable data gathering trees for wireless mobile sensor networks (številka: 3, 2013)
    Web phishing detection based on page spatial layout similarity (številka: 3, 2013)
    Bit-projection based color image encryption using a virtual rotated view (številka: 3, 2013)
    Searching for credible relations in machine learning (številka: 3, 2013)
    An enterprise digital right management scheme with anonymous trust for mobile devices (številka: 3, 2013)
    An ASM-based model for grid job management (številka: 3, 2013)
    Random search algorithm for the p-median problem (številka: 3, 2013)
    Decision-making in determining the level of knowledge of students in the learning process under uncertainty (številka: 3, 2013)
    Usability testing tools for web graphical interfaces (številka: 4, 2013)
    A novel similarity measurement for iris authentication (številka: 4, 2013)
    An ultra-fast approach to align longer short reads onto human genome (številka: 4, 2013)
    A fast implementation of rules based machine translation systems for similar natural languages (številka: 4, 2013)
    Mining web logs to identify search engine behaviour at websites (številka: 4, 2013)
    Informal multilingual multi-domain sentiment analysis (številka: 4, 2013)
    Biologically inspired dictionary learning for visual pattern recognition (številka: 4, 2013)
    Intuitionistic fuzzy Jensen-Rényi divergence (številka: 4, 2013)
    Fuzzy logic based delamination detection in CFRP panels (številka: 4, 2013)
    Algorithmic tools for the transformation of Petri nets to DEVS (številka: 4, 2013)
    Network topic detection model based on text reconstructions (številka: 4, 2013)
    Frequent spatiotemporal association patterns mining based on granular computing (številka: 4, 2013)
  38. 2014

    številka: 1 (2014)
    številka: 2 (2014)
    številka: 3 (2014)
    številka: 4 (2014)
    SOAROAD (številka: 1, 2014)
    Semantic searching of biological documents using gene ontology (številka: 1, 2014)
    Automatic detection of antisocial behaviour in texts (številka: 1, 2014)
    Artificial immune based cryptography optimization algorithm (številka: 1, 2014)
    An imperative of a poorly recognized existential risk (številka: 1, 2014)
    User annotations as a context for related document search on the web and digital libraries (številka: 1, 2014)
    Leveraging user experience through input style transformation to improve access to music search services (številka: 1, 2014)
    Bilinear grid search strategy based support vector machines learning method (številka: 1, 2014)
    A unified framework for detection of suspicious and anomalous beahviour from spatio-temporal traces (številka: 2, 2014)
    Word sense disambiguation using an evolutionary approach (številka: 2, 2014)
    Using semantic clustering for detecting Bengali multiword expressions (številka: 2, 2014)
    On the inverse problem for generalized one-sided concept lattices (številka: 2, 2014)
    The unexpected hanging paradox from an AI viewpoint (številka: 2, 2014)
    A fast chaos-based pseudo-random bit generator using binary64 floating point arithmetic (številka: 2, 2014)
    Multi-class image classification based on fast stohastic gradient boosting (številka: 2, 2014)
    Optimizing the classification cost using SVMs with a double hinge loss (številka: 2, 2014)
    Smart-home energy management in the context of occupants' activity (številka: 2, 2014)
    A metaheuristic approach for propagation-model tuning in LTE networks (številka: 2, 2014)
    Future proof access networks for B2B applications (številka: 3, 2014)
    Using cognitive tunnels in a new approach to building social elevators in the information society (številka: 3, 2014)
    Semi-automated knowledge elicitation for modelling plant defence response (številka: 3, 2014)
    Genetic algorithm with fast greedy heuristic for clustering and location problems (številka: 3, 2014)
    A cognitonics approach to computer supported learning in the mexican state of Oaxaca (številka: 3, 2014)
    A database-based two-phase algorithm for efficient and complete detection of siRNA off-target homology (številka: 3, 2014)
    The architecture of distributed database system in the VANET environment (številka: 3, 2014)
    Use case of cognitive and HCI analysis for an e-learning tool (številka: 3, 2014)
    A model-based framework for building self-adaptive distributed software (številka: 3, 2014)
    Prototype implementation of a scalable real-time dynamic carpooling and ride-sharing application (številka: 3, 2014)
    A chaotic charged system search approach for data clustering (številka: 3, 2014)
    Tiny low-power WSN node for the vehicle detection (številka: 3, 2014)
    The inherent context awareness of natural user interfaces (številka: 4, 2014)
    The role of hubness in high-dimensional data analysis (številka: 4, 2014)
    Foreground-background separation separation by freed-forward neural networks in old manuscripts (številka: 4, 2014)
    Visualization and concept drift detection using explanations of incremental models (številka: 4, 2014)
    Automatic Android-based wireless mesh networks (številka: 4, 2014)
    An online compression algorithm for positioning data acquisition (številka: 4, 2014)
    Machine learning approach for emotion recognition in speech (številka: 4, 2014)
    Incremental hierarhical fuzzy model generated from multilevel fuzzy support vector regression network (številka: 4, 2014)
    Semantic annotations for workflow interoperability (številka: 4, 2014)
  39. 2015

    številka: 1 (2015)
    številka: 2 (2015)
    številka: 3 (2015)
    številka: 4 (2015)
    An efficient algorithm for mining frequent closed itemsets (številka: 1, 2015)
    A rule-based system for automatic de-identification of medical narrative texts (številka: 1, 2015)
    Swarm Intelligence and its application in abnormal data detection (številka: 1, 2015)
    Probabilistic 2D point interpolation and extrapolation via data modeling (številka: 1, 2015)
    An approach for context-based reasoning in ambient intelligence (številka: 1, 2015)
    The slWaC corpus of the Slovene Web (številka: 1, 2015)
    Discriminating between closely related languages on Twitter (številka: 1, 2015)
    Call routing based on a combination of the construction-integration model and latent semantic analysis (številka: 1, 2015)
    Experimental comparisons of multi-class classifiers (številka: 1, 2015)
    An exact analytical grossing-up algorithm for tax-benefit models (številka: 1, 2015)
    Comparing evolutionary operators, search spaces, and evolutionary algorithms in the construction of facial composites (številka: 2, 2015)
    Towards crafting an improved functional link artificial neural network based on differential evolution and feature selection (številka: 2, 2015)
    A high resolution clique-based overlapping community detection algorithm for small-world networks (številka: 2, 2015)
    Data mining-assisted parameter-tuning of a search algorithm (številka: 2, 2015)
    Using a genetic algorithm to produce slogans (številka: 2, 2015)
    History-based approach for detecting modularity defects in aspect oriented software (številka: 2, 2015)
    Parallel implementation of desirability function-based scalarization approach for multiobjective optimization problems (številka: 2, 2015)
    Implicit and explicit averaging strategies for simulation-based optimization of a real-world production planning problem (številka: 2, 2015)
    Differential evolution control parameters study for self-adaptive triangular brushstrokes (številka: 2, 2015)
    Heuristics for optimization of LED spatial light distribution model (številka: 2, 2015)
    Multimodal score-level fusion using hybrid GA-PSO for multibiometric system (številka: 2, 2015)
    Inter programming models for the target visitation problem (številka: 3, 2015)
    The random hypergraph assignment problem (številka: 3, 2015)
    PGO - DLLA (številka: 3, 2015)
    Fast heuristics for large instances of the euclidean bounded diameter minimum spanning tree problem (številka: 3, 2015)
    Relaxations in practical clustering and blockmodeling (številka: 3, 2015)
    Modeling semantic compositionality of Croatian multiword expressions (številka: 3, 2015)
    Strategic deployment in graphs (številka: 3, 2015)
    The information fragmentation problem through dimensions of software, time and personal projects (številka: 3, 2015)
    Designing effective mobile augmented reality interactions (številka: 3, 2015)
    Denoising human-motion trajectories captured with ultra-wideband real-time location system (številka: 3, 2015)
    Barrier resilience of visibility polygons (številka: 3, 2015)
    Cervix cancer spatial modelling for brachytherapy applicator analysis (številka: 3, 2015)
    Detection of ground in point-clouds generated from stereo-pair images (številka: 3, 2015)
    Efficient multimedia data storage in cloud environment (številka: 4, 2015)
    Adaptive bandwidth allocation strategy under cloud platform (številka: 4, 2015)
    Stackelberg surveillance (številka: 4, 2015)
    Advances in the field of automated essay evaluation (številka: 4, 2015)
    Asynchronous adaptive delay tolerant index cache using in-memory delta cell (številka: 4, 2015)
    A churn resilience technique on P2P sensor data stream delivery system using distributed hashing (številka: 4, 2015)
    An experimental approach to examine a multi-channel multi-hop wireless backbone network (številka: 4, 2015)
    Design and implementation of advanced bayesian networks with comparative probability (številka: 4, 2015)
    A novel scheme for improving quality of service of live streaming (številka: 4, 2015)
    Privacy-preserving cloud-based personal health record system using attribute-based encryption and anonymous multi-receiver identity-based encryption (številka: 4, 2015)
    Parallel fuzzy rough support vector machine for data classification in cloud environment (številka: 4, 2015)
    Evolutionary multiobjective optimization based on Gaussian process modeling (številka: 4, 2015)
    Data-intensive service mashup based on game theory and hybrid fireworks optimization algorithm in the cloud (številka: 4, 2015)
  40. 2016

    številka: 1 (2016)
    številka: 2 (2016)
    številka: 3 (2016)
    številka: 4 (2016)
    Drupal 8 modules (številka: 1, 2016)
    PCARD platform for mHealth monitoring (številka: 1, 2016)
    Secured storage for dynamic data in cloud (številka: 1, 2016)
    AgentPlanner - agent-based timetabling system (številka: 1, 2016)
    Editors' introduction to the special issue on "Engineering and applications of software agents" (številka: 1, 2016)
    Evaluating the dual randomized Kaczmarz Laplacian linear solver (številka: 1, 2016)
    An ontology-based context model to manage users preferences and conflicts (številka: 1, 2016)
    Parameter tuning of PI-controller with bat algorithm (številka: 1, 2016)
    Jason Interpreter, Enterprise Edition (številka: 1, 2016)
    A novel video steganography algorithm based on trailing coefficients for H.264/AVC (številka: 1, 2016)
    A distributed security mechanism for resource-constrained IoT devices (številka: 1, 2016)
    Expressing GMoDS models into object-oriented models using the event-B language (številka: 1, 2016)
    HTML5-based mobile agents for Web-of-things (številka: 1, 2016)
    Modular integrated probabilistic model of software reliability estimation (številka: 1, 2016)
    Learning sentiment dependent bayesian network classifier for online product reviews (številka: 2, 2016)
    A distributed algorithm for monitoring an expanding hole in wireless sensor networks (številka: 2, 2016)
    FuAGGE (številka: 2, 2016)
    A multi-criteria document clustering method based on topic modeling and pseudoclosure function (številka: 2, 2016)
    Protected elastic-tree topology for survivable and energy-efficient data center (številka: 2, 2016)
    A mixed noise removal method based on total variation (številka: 2, 2016)
    MISNA (številka: 2, 2016)
    PrefWS3 (številka: 2, 2016)
    Editors' introduction to the special issue on "The Sixth International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology - SoICT 2015" (številka: 2, 2016)
    Software features extraction from object-oriented source code using an overlapping clustering approach (številka: 2, 2016)
    IJCAI 2016 - The best AI times ever? (številka: 3, 2016)
    Editors' introduction to the special issue on "Virtual reality in cultural heritage" (številka: 3, 2016)
    Virtual assistant platform (številka: 3, 2016)
    Tie persistence in academic social networks (številka: 3, 2016)
    A temporal perspective on the paradox of pinocchio's nose (številka: 3, 2016)
    Statistic-based dynamic complexity measurement for web service system (številka: 3, 2016)
    Recommender system for virtual assistant supported museum tours (številka: 3, 2016)
    Using mixed reality and natural interaction in cultural heritage applications (številka: 3, 2016)
    Rough-mereology framework for making medical treatment decisions based on granular computing (številka: 3, 2016)
    An interactive digital storytelling approach to explore books in virtual environments (številka: 3, 2016)
    Adaptive coherence-enhancing diffusion flow for color images (številka: 3, 2016)
    Building a 3D interactive walkthrough in a digital storytelling classroom experience (številka: 3, 2016)
    In memoriam of Marvin Minsky (številka: 3, 2016)
    Using a natural user interface to enhance the ability to interact with reconstructed virtual heritage environments (številka: 3, 2016)
    Design of an asynchronous processor with bundled-data implementation on a commercial field programmable gate array (številka: 4, 2016)
    OD-matrix estimation based on a dual formulation of traffic assignment problem (številka: 4, 2016)
    Analysis of emotions in real-time Twitter streams (številka: 4, 2016)
    Optimizing parameters of software effort estimation models using directed artificial bee colony algorithm (številka: 4, 2016)
    A secure and fast chaotic encryption algorithm using the true accuracy of the computer (številka: 4, 2016)
    Agile methodologies in software maintenance (številka: 4, 2016)
    Performance comparison of featured neural network trained with backpropagation and delta rule techniques for movie rating prediction in multi-criteria recommender systems (številka: 4, 2016)
    Editors' introduction to the special issue on "Applications in information technology " (številka: 4, 2016)
    Motivating cultural heritage artifacts presentation using persuasive technology (številka: 4, 2016)
    E-turist (številka: 4, 2016)
    Mathematical equation structural syntactical similarity patterns (številka: 4, 2016)
  41. 2017

    številka: 1 (2017)
    številka: 2 (2017)
    številka: 3 (2017)
    številka: 4 (2017)
    Weighted majority voting based ensemble of classifiers using different machine learning techniques for classification of EEG signal to detect epileptic seizure (številka: 1, 2017)
    Aggregation methods in group decision making (številka: 1, 2017)
    Distributed fault tolerant architecture for wireless sensor network (številka: 1, 2017)
    Software architectures evolution based merging (številka: 1, 2017)
    Combined Zernike moment and multiscale analysis for tamper detection in digital images (številka: 1, 2017)
    Identity-based signcryption groupkey agreement protocol using bilinear pairing (številka: 1, 2017)
    Dynamic protocol for demand management of heterogeneous resources with convex cost functions (številka: 1, 2017)
    Performance evaluation of lazy, decision tree classifier and multilayer perceptron on traffic accident analysis (številka: 1, 2017)
    An improved gene expression programming based on niche technology of outbreeding fusion (številka: 1, 2017)
    A hybridwavelet-shearlet approach to robust digital image watermarking (številka: 1, 2017)
    Hidden-layer ensemble fusion of MLP neural networks for pedestrian detection (številka: 1, 2017)
    Editors' introduction to the special issue on "End-user privacy, security, and copyright issues" (številka: 1, 2017)
    Editors' introduction to the special issue on "Information and communication technology" (številka: 2, 2017)
    Another look at radial visualization for class-preserving multivariate data visualization (številka: 2, 2017)
    Improvement of person tracking accuracy in camera network by fusing WiFi and visual information (številka: 2, 2017)
    Emotional contagion model for group evacuation simulation (številka: 2, 2017)
    Persons-In-Places (številka: 2, 2017)
    Application for sexually transmitted infection risk assessment (številka: 2, 2017)
    Key-Value-Links (številka: 2, 2017)
    Image processing procedures based on multi-quadratic dynamic programming (številka: 2, 2017)
    Defense strategies against Byzantine attacks in a consensus-based network intrusion detection system (številka: 2, 2017)
    Individual classification (številka: 2, 2017)
    Formal development of multi-agent systems with FPASS (številka: 2, 2017)
    SK-languages as a powerful and flexible semantic formalism for the systems of cross-lingual intelligent information access (številka: 2, 2017)
    Improving visual vocabularies (številka: 3, 2017)
    Improved lane departure warning method based on Hough transformation and Kalman filter (številka: 3, 2017)
    Bipartivity index based link selection strategy to determine stable and energy-efficient data gathering trees for mobile sensor networks (številka: 3, 2017)
    Classification of vegetation in aerial LiDAR data (številka: 3, 2017)
    Optimization, modeling and simulation of microclimate and energy management of the greenhouse by modeling the associated heating and cooling systems and implemented by a fuzzy logic controller using artificial intelligence (številka: 3, 2017)
    Decision tree based data reconstruction for privacy preserving classification rule mining (številka: 3, 2017)
    Accelerating xml query processing on views (številka: 3, 2017)
    Power and limitations of formal methods for software fabrication (številka: 3, 2017)
    An output instruction based plc source code transformation approach for program logic simplification (številka: 3, 2017)
    An effective meta-heuristic cuckoo search algorithm for test suite optimization (številka: 3, 2017)
    Superintelligence as a cause or cure for risks of astronomical suffering (številka: 4, 2017)
    M-learning programming platform (številka: 4, 2017)
    A watermarking algorithm for multiple watermarks protection using RDWT-SVD and compressive sensing (številka: 4, 2017)
    Landmarking-based unsupervised clustering of human faces manifesting labio-schisis dysmorphisms (številka: 4, 2017)
    Conceptual-linguistic superintelligence (številka: 4, 2017)
    The technological landscape affecting artificial general intelligence and the importance of nanoscale neural probes (številka: 4, 2017)
    Mammalian value systems (številka: 4, 2017)
    Computational intelligence algorithms for the development of an artificial sport trainer (številka: 4, 2017)
    Modeling and interpreting expert disagreement about artificial superintelligence (številka: 4, 2017)
    Editor-in-chief's introduction to the special issue on "Superinteligence", AI and overview of IJCAI 2017 (številka: 4, 2017)
    Artificial intelligence in life extension (številka: 4, 2017)
    A hybrid approach from ant colony optimization and k-nearest neighbor for classifying datasets using selected features (številka: 4, 2017)
    Robust computer algebra, theorem proving, and oracle AI (številka: 4, 2017)
    Guest Editors' introduction to the special issue on "Superintelligence" (številka: 4, 2017)
  42. 2018

    številka: 1 (2018)
    številka: 2 (2018)
    številka: 3 (2018)
    številka: 4 (2018)
    Computational creativity in Slovenia (številka: 1, 2018)
    AlphaZero - what's missing? (številka: 1, 2018)
    Towards creative software blending (številka: 1, 2018)
    Load balancing for virtualworlds by splitting and merging spatial regions (številka: 1, 2018)
    An inter-domain study for arousal recognition from physiological signals (številka: 1, 2018)
    A segmentation-recognition approach with a fuzzy-artificial immune system for unconstrained handwritten connected digits (številka: 1, 2018)
    Early machine learning research in Ljubljana (številka: 1, 2018)
    Arguments in interactive machine learning (številka: 1, 2018)
    Prediction of sentiment from macaronic reviews (številka: 1, 2018)
    Microscopic evaluation of extended car-following model in multi-lane roads (številka: 1, 2018)
    Explanation of prediction models with ExplainPrediction (številka: 1, 2018)
    Application of distributed web crawlers in information management system (številka: 1, 2018)
    Quantitative score for assessing the quality of feature rankings (številka: 1, 2018)
    Graph theoretical view on text understanding (številka: 1, 2018)
    Semantic annotation of documents based on Wikipedia concepts (številka: 1, 2018)
    Continuous blood pressure estimation from PPG signal (številka: 1, 2018)
    A modification of the Lasso method by using the Bahadur representation for the genome-wide association study (številka: 2, 2018)
    A pairing free secure identity-based aggregate signature scheme under random oracle (številka: 2, 2018)
    Fast artificial bee colony for clustering (številka: 2, 2018)
    Research on intelligent English oral training system in mobile network (številka: 2, 2018)
    Persistent homology and machine learning (številka: 2, 2018)
    A multi-agent based approach for simulating the impact of human behaviours on air pollution (številka: 2, 2018)
    Counterexamples in model checking - a survey (številka: 2, 2018)
    The decision model for the optimal configuration management of knowledge employees in enterprises (številka: 2, 2018)
    Application for viral hepatitis infection risk assessment - HEPY (številka: 2, 2018)
    Static and incremental overlapping clustering algorithms for large collections processing in GPU (številka: 2, 2018)
    Evaluation of medical image algorithms on multicore processors (številka: 2, 2018)
    Probability matrix decomposition based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm (številka: 2, 2018)
    Weighted density center clustering protocol for wireless sensor networks (številka: 2, 2018)
    PSO with crossover operator applied to feature selection problem in classification (številka: 2, 2018)
    Empirical study on the optimization strategy of subject metro design based on virtual reality (številka: 3, 2018)
    USL (številka: 3, 2018)
    Qualitative and quantitative optimization for dependability analysis (številka: 3, 2018)
    Time-stamp incremental checkpointing and its application for an optimization of execution model to improve performance of CAPE (številka: 3, 2018)
    Cancelable fingerprint features using chaff points encapsulation (številka: 3, 2018)
    Bio-IR-M (številka: 3, 2018)
    IJCAI 2018 - Chinese dominance established (številka: 3, 2018)
    SHIOT (številka: 3, 2018)
    Using semantic perimeters with ontologies to evaluate the semantic similarity of scientific papers (številka: 3, 2018)
    Alignment-free sequence searching over whole genomes using 3D random plot of query DNA sequences (številka: 3, 2018)
    Special issue on "The eighth International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology - SoICT 2017" (številka: 3, 2018)
    Efficient trajectory data privacy protection scheme based on Laplace's differential privacy (številka: 3, 2018)
    Spectrum utilization efficiency of elastic optical networks utilizing coarse granular routing (številka: 3, 2018)
    Defect features recognition in 3D industrial CT images (številka: 3, 2018)
    Effective deep multi-source multi-task learning frameworks for smile detection, emotion recognition and gender classification (številka: 3, 2018)
    A hybrid particle swarm optimization and differential evolution based test data generation algorithm for data-flow coverage using neighbourhood search strategy (številka: 3, 2018)
    Improved local search based approximation algorithm for hard uniform capacitated k-median problem (številka: 3, 2018)
    KAIRÓS (številka: 4, 2018)
    Feature extraction trends for intelligent facial expression recognition (številka: 4, 2018)
    The impact of online indexing in improving arabic information retrieval systems (številka: 4, 2018)
    Integrated speaker and speech recognition for wheel chair movement using artificial intelligence (številka: 4, 2018)
    Blur invariant features for exposing region duplication forgery using ANMS and local phase quantization (številka: 4, 2018)
    Automatic estimation of news values reflecting importance and closeness of news events (številka: 4, 2018)
    Enhanced V-model (številka: 4, 2018)
    The heteroskedasticity tests implementation for linear regression model using MATLAB (številka: 4, 2018)
    Clinical decision support systems (številka: 4, 2018)
    A category-theoretic approach to organization-based modeling of multi agent systems on the basis of collective phenomena and organizations in human societies (številka: 4, 2018)
    Analysing RPC and testing the performance of solutions (številka: 4, 2018)
    Entropy, distance and similarity measures under interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy environment (številka: 4, 2018)
    Automated self-learning chatbot initially built as a FAQs database information retrieval system (številka: 4, 2018)
  43. 2019

    številka: 1 (2019)
    številka: 2 (2019)
    številka: 3 (2019)
    številka: 4 (2019)
    Collaborative strategy for teaching and learning object-oriented programming course (številka: 1, 2019)
    On embedding degree sequences (številka: 1, 2019)
    Microworlds with different pedagogical approaches in introductory programming learning (številka: 1, 2019)
    Facial expression recognition based on local features and monogenic binary coding (številka: 1, 2019)
    The student-self oriented learning model as an effective paradigm for education in knowledge society (številka: 1, 2019)
    Towards a UML profile for the simulation domain (številka: 1, 2019)
    An energy efficient architecture of IoT based on service oriented architecture (SOA) (številka: 1, 2019)
    Application of the support vector machine algorithm based gesture recognition in human-computer interaction (številka: 1, 2019)
    Editors' introduction to the special issue on "MATCOS conference" (številka: 1, 2019)
    A self-bounding branch & bound procedure for truck routing and scheduling (številka: 1, 2019)
    A new variant of teaching learning based optimization algorithm for global optimization problems (številka: 1, 2019)
    Packing tree degree sequences (številka: 1, 2019)
    An empirical study for detecting fake facebook profiles using supervised mining techniques mohammed (številka: 1, 2019)
    Noise-tolerant modular neural network system for classifying ECG signal (številka: 1, 2019)
    Implementation and evaluation of algorithms with ALGator (številka: 1, 2019)
    A review on CT and X-ray images denoising methods (številka: 2, 2019)
    A comparative study of automatic programming techniques (številka: 2, 2019)
    Mutual information based feature selection for fingerprint identification (številka: 2, 2019)
    On the properties of epistemic and temporal epistemic logics of authentication (številka: 2, 2019)
    New re-ranking approach in merging search results (številka: 2, 2019)
    Agent-based modeling of society resistance against unpopular norms (številka: 2, 2019)
    Physical match (številka: 2, 2019)
    A CLR virtual machine based execution framework for IEC 61131-3 applications (številka: 2, 2019)
    Benchmark problems for exhaustive exact maximum clique search algorithms (številka: 2, 2019)
    Some remarks and tests on the DH1 cryptosystem based on automata compositions (številka: 2, 2019)
    Evolving neural network CMAC and its applications (številka: 2, 2019)
    A new ensemble semi-supervised self-labeled algorithm (številka: 2, 2019)
    Design of intelligent english writing self-evaluation auxiliary system (številka: 2, 2019)
    A novel agent based load balancing model for maximizing resource utilization in grid computing (številka: 3, 2019)
    A computational multiagent model of bioluminescent bacteria for the emergence of self-sustainable and self-maintaining artificial wireless networks (številka: 3, 2019)
    Modeling the negotiation of agents in MAS and predicting the performance (številka: 3, 2019)
    Consistency in cloud-based database systems (številka: 3, 2019)
    Machine learning for Dengue outbreak prediction (številka: 3, 2019)
    Super-resolution reconstruction of noisy video image based on sparse representation algorithm (številka: 3, 2019)
    Mining multi-dimensional intra and inter-association patterns of call records for targeted advertising using multi-granulation rough sets (številka: 3, 2019)
    Twitter-based opinion mining for flight service utilizing machine learning (številka: 3, 2019)
    Research on dance teaching mode based on flipped classroom in the Internet +age (številka: 3, 2019)
    Multi-objective comprehensive optimal management of construction projects based on particle algorithm (številka: 3, 2019)
    Research on development mode of intelligent rural tourism under digital background (številka: 3, 2019)
    Study on the multivariant interactive teaching modes of college English under the information technology environment (številka: 3, 2019)
    Output analysis in voice interaction in AI environment (številka: 3, 2019)
    Research on the simulation design of humanistic landscape optimization in urban residential area based on computer technology (številka: 3, 2019)
    Performance analysis of modified shuffled frog leaping algorithm for multi-document summarization problem (številka: 3, 2019)
    A solution to the problem of the maximal number of symbols for biomolecular computer (številka: 4, 2019)
    AMF-IDBSCAN (številka: 4, 2019)
    Determination of blood flow characteristics in eye vessels in video sequence (številka: 4, 2019)
    Study of computerized segmentation & classification techniques (številka: 4, 2019)
    Refin-align (številka: 4, 2019)
    Feature augmentation based hybrid collaborative filtering using tree boosted ensemble (številka: 4, 2019)
    Decision tree algorithm based university graduate employment trend prediction (številka: 4, 2019)
    Recurrent neural network training using ABC algorithm for traffic volume prediction (številka: 4, 2019)
    An adaptive image inpainting method based on the weighted mean (številka: 4, 2019)
    The use of collaboration distance in scheduling conference talks (številka: 4, 2019)
    A novel approach to fuzzy-based facial feature extraction and face recognition (številka: 4, 2019)
    The MAP/G/1 G-queue with unreliable server and multiple vacations (številka: 4, 2019)
    Predictive analytics on big data (številka: 4, 2019)
    String transformation based morphology learning (številka: 4, 2019)
    Improving flow lines by unbalancing (številka: 1, 2019)
  44. 2020

    številka: 1 (2020)
    številka: 2 (2020)
    številka: 3 (2020)
    številka: 4 (2020)
    Interactive synthesis and visualisation of vast areas with geometrically diverse trees (številka: 1, 2020)
    Application of algorithms with variable greedy heuristics for k-medoids problems (številka: 1, 2020)
    Comparison of the community structure partition optimization of complex networks with different community discovery algorithms (številka: 1, 2020)
    Design optimization average-based algorithm (številka: 1, 2020)
    Hybrid nearest neighbors ant colony optimization for clustering social media comments (številka: 1, 2020)
    Feature level fusion of face and voice biometrics systems using artificial neural network for personal recognition (številka: 1, 2020)
    Creation of facial composites from user selections using image gradients (številka: 1, 2020)
    Evaluating websites of specialized cultural content using fuzzy multi- criteria decision making theories (številka: 1, 2020)
    Improvement of the deep forest classifier by a set of neural networks (številka: 1, 2020)
    The Iris dataset revisited (številka: 1, 2020)
    A robust image watermarking scheme based on the Laplacian pyramid transform (številka: 1, 2020)
    Colour-range histogram technique for automatic image source detection (številka: 2, 2020)
    A novel method for determining research groups from co-authorship network and scientific fields of authors (številka: 2, 2020)
    Knowledge redundancy approach to reduce size in association rules (številka: 2, 2020)
    Privacy preserving visual log service with temporal interval query using interval tree-based searchable symmetric encryption (številka: 2, 2020)
    Cycle time enhancement by simulated annealing for a practical assembly line balancing problem (številka: 2, 2020)
    A web server to store the modeled behavior data and zone information of the multidisciplinary product model in the CAD systems (številka: 2, 2020)
    Multi-Objective Artificial Bee Colony algorithms and chaotic- TOPSIS method for solving flowshop scheduling problem and decision making (številka: 2, 2020)
    Dialogue act-based expressive speech synthesis in limited domain for the Czech language (številka: 2, 2020)
    Data mining approach to effort modeling on agile software projects (številka: 2, 2020)
    Research on resource allocation and management of mobile edge computing network (številka: 2, 2020)
    Special issue on "The Tenth International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology - SoICT 2019" (številka: 2, 2020)
    Hybrid bees approach based on improved search sites selection by firefly algorithm for solving complex continuous functions (številka: 2, 2020)
    Computing dynamic slices of feature-oriented programs with aspect-oriented extensions (številka: 2, 2020)
    Artificial intelligence methods for modelling tremor mechanisms (številka: 2, 2020)
    Research on the detection of network intrusion prevention with SVM based optimization algorithm (številka: 2, 2020)
    Designing hybrid intelligence based recommendation algorithms (številka: 3, 2020)
    Reminder of the first paper on transfer learning in neural networks, 1976 (številka: 3, 2020)
    Automatic image segmentation for material microstructure characterization by optical microscopy (številka: 3, 2020)
    Investigating algorithmic stock market trading using ensemble machine learning methods (številka: 3, 2020)
    Similarity measure of multiple sets and its application to pattern recognition (številka: 3, 2020)
    Association rule model of on-demand lending recommendation for university library (številka: 3, 2020)
    Performance assessment of a set of multi-objective optimization algorithms for solution of economic emission dispatch problem (številka: 3, 2020)
    Research on data transmission optimization of communication network based on reliability analysis (številka: 3, 2020)
    Minimum flows in parametric dynamic networks (številka: 3, 2020)
    Increasing the engagement level in algorithms and data structures course by driving algorithm visualizations (številka: 3, 2020)
    How to define co-occurrencein a multidisciplinary context? (številka: 3, 2020)
    Smart design for resources allocation in IoT application service based on multi-agent system and DCSP (številka: 3, 2020)
    Stock market decision support modeling with tree-based adaboost ensemble machine learning models (številka: 4, 2020)
    Teeth segmentation of bitewing X-ray images using wavelet transform (številka: 4, 2020)
    E-learning in business practice, a case study during COVID-19 in Croatia (številka: 4, 2020)
    Probabilistic weighted induced multi-class support vector machines for face recognition (številka: 4, 2020)
    Research on recognition and classification of folk music based on feature extraction algorithm (številka: 4, 2020)
    Decision tree for classification and regression (številka: 4, 2020)
    Face recognition based on deep learning under the background of big data (številka: 4, 2020)
    A hybrid discrete artificial bee colony for the green pickup and delivery problem with time windows (številka: 4, 2020)
    Formal verification issues for component-based development (številka: 4, 2020)
    Data protection impact assessment case study for a research project using artificial intelligence on patient data (številka: 4, 2020)
    Research on recognition and classification of folk music based on feature extraction algorithm (številka: 4, 2020)
    A semi-supervised approach to monocular depth estimation, depthrefinement, and semantic segmentation of driving scenes using a Siamesetriple decoder architecture (številka: 4, 2020)
    Predicting the causal effect relationship between COPD and cardio vascular diseases (številka: 4, 2020)
  45. 2021

    številka: 1 (2021)
    številka: 2 (2021)
    številka: 3 (2021)
    številka: 4 (2021)
    Risks analyzing and management in software project management using fuzzy cognitive maps with reinforcement learning (številka: 1, 2021)
    Study of fuzzy distance measure and its application to medical diagnosis (številka: 1, 2021)
    A method for combining classical and deep machine learning for mobile health and behavior monitoring (številka: 1, 2021)
    Penalty variable neighborhood search for the bounded single-depot multiple traveling repairmen problem (številka: 1, 2021)
    A novel borda count based feature ranking and feature fusion strategy to attain effective climatic features for rice yield prediction (številka: 1, 2021)
    Information visualization analysis of public opinion data on social media (številka: 1, 2021)
    Prediction and estimation of book borrowing in the library (številka: 1, 2021)
    A comparative analysis of machine learning algorithms to build a predictive model for detecting diabetes complications (številka: 1, 2021)
    Green computing approaches (številka: 1, 2021)
    A new hybrid LGPMBWM-PIV method for automotive material selection (številka: 1, 2021)
    Data quality strategy selection in CRIS (številka: 1, 2021)
    Extraction and evaluation of software components from object-oriented artifacts (številka: 1, 2021)
    An analysis of emotional tendency under the network public opinion (številka: 1, 2021)
    An approach for automatic ontology enrichment from texts (številka: 1, 2021)
    A generative model based adversarial security of deep learning and linear classifier models (številka: 1, 2021)
    Research on emotion recognition based on deep learning for mental health (številka: 1, 2021)
    Estimating clique size via discarding subgraphs (številka: 2, 2021)
    Statistics-based chain code compression with decreased sensitivity to shape artefacts (številka: 2, 2021)
    Value-based retweet prediction on Twitter (številka: 2, 2021)
    Impact of data balancing during training for best predictions (številka: 2, 2021)
    Method for estimating tensiomyography parameters from motion capture data (številka: 2, 2021)
    Analysis of deep transfer learning using deedConvLSTM for human activity recognition from wearable sensors (številka: 2, 2021)
    A full cycle length pseudorandom number generator based on compositions of automata (številka: 2, 2021)
    Effects of pooling in ParallelGlobal with low thread interactions (številka: 2, 2021)
    Performance analysis of test path generation techniques based on complex activity diagrams (številka: 2, 2021)
    Three methods for energy-efficient context recognition (številka: 2, 2021)
    Stock market prediction with Gaussian naive Bayes machine learning algorithm (številka: 2, 2021)
    Load balancing mechanism using mobile agents (številka: 2, 2021)
    IBchain (številka: 3, 2021)
    Machine learning with remote sensing image datasets (številka: 3, 2021)
    Automated planning with induced qualitative models in dynamic robotic domains (številka: 3, 2021)
    Heterogeneous face recognition from facial sketches (številka: 3, 2021)
    Possibilities for applying blockchain technology (številka: 3, 2021)
    A classifier ensemble approach for prediction of rice yield based on climatic variability for coastal Odisha region of India (številka: 3, 2021)
    Determining of the user attitudes on mobile security programs with machine learning methods (številka: 3, 2021)
    Some picture fuzzy aggregation operators based on Frank t-norm and t-conorm (številka: 3, 2021)
    Extreme learning machines with feature selection using GA for effective prediction of fetal heart disease (številka: 3, 2021)
    Detection and recognition of abnormal data caused by network intrusion using deep learning (številka: 3, 2021)
    Towards NoSQL-based data warehouse solution integrating ECDIS for maritime navigation decision support system (številka: 3, 2021)
    Formal verification of emergent properties (številka: 3, 2021)
    Categorization of event clusters from Twitter using term weighting schemes (številka: 3, 2021)
    Cybersecurity awareness (številka: 3, 2021)
    Developing an efficient predictive model based on ML and DL approaches to detect diabetes (številka: 3, 2021)
    Relation extraction between medical entities using deep learning approach (številka: 3, 2021)
    A blockchain and nlp based electronic health record system (številka: 4, 2021)
    Modeling and performance analysis of resource provisioning in cloud computing using probabilistic model checking (številka: 4, 2021)
    Skeleton-aware multi-scale heatmap regression for 2D hand pose estimation (številka: 4, 2021)
    Index dependent nested loops parallelization with an even distributed number of steps (številka: 4, 2021)
    Evaluation of multimedia user interface design method for m-learning (MobLearn) (številka: 4, 2021)
    Formal verification of pipelined cryptographic circuits (številka: 4, 2021)
    A practical framework for real life webshop sales promotion targeting (številka: 4, 2021)
    Impact of Gaussian noise for optimized support vector machine algorithm applied to medicare payment on Raspberry Pi (številka: 4, 2021)
    Clustering of variables for enhanced interpretability of predictive models (številka: 4, 2021)
    An intelligent decision support system for recruitment (številka: 4, 2021)
    Layered architecture for internet of things-based healthcare system (številka: 4, 2021)
    Textual entailment for modern standard arabic (številka: 4, 2021)
    Reduced number of parameters for predicting post-stroke activities of daily living using machine learning algorithms on initiating rehabilitation (številka: 4, 2021)
    Performance of malware detection classifier using genetic programming in feature selection (številka: 4, 2021)
    Keyphrase extraction model (številka: 4, 2021)
    Regional network education information collection platform for smart classrooms based on big data technology (številka: 5, 2021)
    Attribute reduction algorithm based early warning model of sports injury (številka: 5, 2021)
    An optimized deep learning based technique for grading and extraction of diabetic retinopathy severities (številka: 5, 2021)
    Research on machine translation of deep neural network learning model based on ontology (številka: 5, 2021)
    Health care expert's readiness to implement National Unified Medical Records (NUMR) system in the United Arab Emirates (številka: 5, 2021)
    BigNFC (številka: 5, 2021)
    An improved pattern mining technique for graph pattern analysis using a novel behavior of artificial bee colony algorithm (številka: 5, 2021)
    Optimized training for convolutional neural network using enhanced grey wolf optimization algorithm (številka: 5, 2021)
    The effect of visual attention on stereoscopic lighting of museum ceramic exhibits (številka: 5, 2021)
    Computer-implemented inventions and computer programs (številka: 5, 2021)
    Research on estimation of paddy field area index based on UAV remote sensing images (številka: 5, 2021)
    An improved lag-time compensation technique in distributed networked control system based on smith predictor (številka: 5, 2021)
    An intelligent information management system for retinal image storage and recognition in chronic disease using digital signal and image processing (številka: 5, 2021)
    CNN based features extraction for age estimation and gender classification (številka: 5, 2021)
    Impact of emotions in social media content diffusionreal power loss reduction by blue noddy and european night crawler optimization algorithms (številka: 6, 2021)
    Dynamic artificial bee colony algorithm with hybrid initialization method (številka: 6, 2021)
    Impact of emotions in social media content diffusion (številka: 6, 2021)
    An optimized recognition algorithm for SSL VPN protocol encrypted traffic (številka: 6, 2021)
    Supply chain optimization of agricultural products in the internet environment with blockchain (številka: 6, 2021)
    ESPS (številka: 6, 2021)
    A fast prototype for modeling IP cores using in SoC with UML Marte (številka: 6, 2021)
    Fast corner detection in augmented reality learning management of the corpse (številka: 6, 2021)
    English semantic recognition based on an intelligent algorithm (številka: 6, 2021)
    Acceptance of consumer-oriented health information technologies (CHITs) (številka: 6, 2021)
    A review on performance analysis of PDE based anisotropic diffusion approaches for image enhancement (številka: 6, 2021)
    Early prediction for at-risk students in an introductory programming course based on student self-efficacy (številka: 6, 2021)
    Towards finding active number of S-boxes in block ciphers using mixed integer linear programming (številka: 6, 2021)
    An enhanced online learning environment in the time of COVID-19 (številka: 6, 2021)
    Understanding higher education institution-wide CMC systems implementation (številka: 6, 2021)
    IoT based traffic congestion control for environmental applications (številka: 7, 2021)
    Recurrent neural network techniques (številka: 7, 2021)
    The effect of luminance contrast between sign and surrounding object on gaze behavior (številka: 7, 2021)
    Deep learning based techniques for sentiment analysis (številka: 7, 2021)
    Effective image representation using double colour histogram for content-based image retrieval (številka: 7, 2021)
    Wind sounds classification using different audio feature extraction techniques (številka: 7, 2021)
    ResNet-34/DR (številka: 7, 2021)
    EveOut (številka: 7, 2021)
    Optimized support vector regression for predicting Leishmaniasis incidences (številka: 7, 2021)
    Diagnosis of gastric cancer using machine learning techniques in healthcare sector (številka: 7, 2021)
    Hierarchical modified fast R-CNN for object detection (številka: 7, 2021)
    Generation of heterogeneous semantic annotations of XML pages (številka: 7, 2021)
    A modified binary firefly algorithm to solve hardware/software partitioning problem (številka: 7, 2021)
  46. 2022

    številka: 1 (2022)
    številka: 2 (2022)
    številka: 3 (2022)
    številka: 4 (2022)
    Using semi-supervised learning and wikipedia to train an event argument extraction system (številka: 1, 2022)
    Personalized health framework for visually impaired (številka: 1, 2022)
    An illustration of rheumatoid arthritis disease using decision tree algorithm (številka: 1, 2022)
    A novel fuzzy modifier interpolation rule for computing with words (številka: 1, 2022)
    Towards a feasible hand gesture recognition system as sterile non-contact interface in the operating room with 3D convolutional neural network (številka: 1, 2022)
    A global COVID-19 observatory, monitoring the pandemics through text mining and visualization (številka: 1, 2022)
    Automatic fabric inspection using GLCM-based Jensen-Shannon divergence (številka: 1, 2022)
    Network security situational level prediction based on a double-feedback Elman model (številka: 1, 2022)
    Intelligent course recommendation based on neural network for innovation and entrepreneurship education of college students (številka: 1, 2022)
    Innovative application of recombinant traditional visual elements in graphic design (številka: 1, 2022)
    A complete traceability methodology between UML diagrams and source code based on enriched use case textual description (številka: 1, 2022)
    Improving modeling of stochastic processes by smart denoising (številka: 1, 2022)
    Evaluating public sentiments of Covid-19 vaccine tweets using machine learning techniques (številka: 1, 2022)
    A novel term weighting scheme for imbalanced text classification (številka: 2, 2022)
    A hesitant fuzzy multiplicative base-criterion multi-criteria group decision making method (številka: 2, 2022)
    Exploring the parametric impact on a deep learning model and proposal of a 2-branch CNN for diabetic retinopathy classification with case study in IoT-blockchain based smart healthcare system (številka: 2, 2022)
    An efficient procedure for removing salt and pepper noise in images (številka: 2, 2022)
    Formal approach to data accuracy evaluation (številka: 2, 2022)
    Unsupervised deep learning (številka: 2, 2022)
    Deep reinforcement learning-based anomaly detection for video surveillance (številka: 2, 2022)
    Tele-collaboration system in CVLab (številka: 2, 2022)
    A prestudy of machine learning in industrial quality control pipelines (številka: 2, 2022)
    Investigating energy efficiency of mobile ad-hoc network routing protocols (številka: 2, 2022)
    Remote monitoring of lab experiments to enhance collaboration between universities (številka: 2, 2022)
    IoT-enabled remote monitoring techniques for healthcare applications (številka: 2, 2022)
    An empirical study to demonstrate that EdDSA can be used as a performance improvement alternative to ECDSA in blockchain and IoT (številka: 2, 2022)
    A study of stressed facial recognition based on histogram information (številka: 2, 2022)
    Computer-aided architectural design optimization based on BIM technology (številka: 3, 2022)
    Design and study of urban rail transit security system based on face recognition technology (številka: 3, 2022)
    Design and implementation of a new intelligent warehouse management system based on MySQL database technology (številka: 3, 2022)
    IJCAI-ECAI 2022 (številka: 3, 2022)
    Big Data intelligent collection and network failure analysis based on artificial intelligence (številka: 3, 2022)
    Application of interactive genetic algorithm in landscape planning and design (številka: 3, 2022)
    Construction of lean control system of prefabricated mechanical building cost based on Hall multi-dimensional structure model (številka: 3, 2022)
    Intelligent engineering management of prefabricated building based on BIM technology (številka: 3, 2022)
    Chaotic association feature extraction of big data clustering based on the internet of things (številka: 3, 2022)
    Automatic classification of document resources based on naive Bayesian classification algorithm (številka: 3, 2022)
    Intelligent analysis and processing technology of big data based on clustering algorithm (številka: 3, 2022)
    Application and study of artificial intelligence in railway signal interlocking fault (številka: 3, 2022)
    Improved artificial electric field algorithm based on multi-strategy and its application (številka: 3, 2022)
    Recent trends and advances of informatics in e-commerce (številka: 3, 2022)
    The application of internet of things and Oracle database in the research of intelligent data management system (številka: 3, 2022)
    Smart curriculum mapping and its role in outcome-based education (številka: 4, 2022)
    An iot-based pill management system for elderly (številka: 4, 2022)
    Ranking effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions against COVID-19 (številka: 4, 2022)
    Semi-supervised learning for structured output prediction (številka: 4, 2022)
    OMCOKE (številka: 4, 2022)
    EEG signal feature extraction and classification for epilepsy detection (številka: 4, 2022)
    Applications of the Insieme Platform (številka: 4, 2022)
    Parametrized MTree clusterer for Weka (številka: 4, 2022)
    A novel group mobility model for software defined future mobile networks (številka: 4, 2022)
    Estimation of parameters in regresion analysis based on QR decomposition of rectangular matrices by householder reflections (številka: 4, 2022)
    A novel method for multiple object detection on road using improved YOLOv2 model (številka: 4, 2022)
    How can online resources for cancer patients be useful? (številka: 4, 2022)
    Focus web crawler on drug herbs interaction patterns (številka: 4, 2022)
    An improved bagging ensemble in predicting mental disorder using hybridized random forest - artificial neural network model (številka: 4, 2022)
    Recommending relevant services in electronic and mobile health platforms (številka: 4, 2022)
    AI and Games at IJCAI - ECAI 2022 (številka: 4, 2022)
    Dynamic terrain data exchange in a collaborative terrain editor (številka: 4, 2022)
    Hand gestures detecting using radon and fan beam projection features (številka: 5, 2022)
    Evaluating employee performance with an improved clustering algorithm (številka: 5, 2022)
    A combined approach for predicting employees’ productivity based on ensemble machine learning methods (številka: 5, 2022)
    Evolving and training of neural network to play DAMA board game using NEAT algorithm (številka: 5, 2022)
    Comparative analysis of performance of deep learning classification approach based on LSTM-RNN for textual and image datasets (številka: 5, 2022)
    An ontology – based contextual approach for cross-domain applications in Internet of Things (številka: 5, 2022)
    Cloud computing-based m-government (številka: 5, 2022)
    Cultivating service knowledge models for IoT-Based systems adaptability (številka: 5, 2022)
    Evaluating group degree centrality and centralization in networks (številka: 5, 2022)
    New approach of KNN algorithm in quantum computing based on new design of quantum circuits (številka: 5, 2022)
    Finding influential users in social networking using sentiment analysis (številka: 5, 2022)
    A framework for air pollution monitoring in smart cities by using IoT and smart sensors (številka: 5, 2022)
    Linear random early detection for congestion control at the router buffer (številka: 5, 2022)
    Image segmentation based on color dissimilarity (številka: 5, 2022)
    OLAP mining with educational data mart to predict students’ performance (številka: 5, 2022)
    Efficiently secure data communications based on CBC-RC6 and the overflow field of timestamp option in an IPv4 packet (številka: 6, 2022)
    Iraqi e-voting system based on smart contract using private blockchain technology (številka: 6, 2022)
    Expert API for early detection of TB disease with forward chaining and certainty factor algorithms (številka: 6, 2022)
    A modified on-demand vector distance routing protocol incorporating alternate vehicle-RSU-vehicle and vehicle-RSU- RSU paths (številka: 6, 2022)
    Multimodal machine learning for major league baseball playoff prediction (številka: 6, 2022)
    Performance analysis of communication model on position based routing protocol (številka: 6, 2022)
    Color Distortion and Edge Feature for Perceptual Quality Assessment (številka: 6, 2022)
    A review and comparative analysis of sentiment analysis techniques (številka: 6, 2022)
    Epileptic seizures detection from EEG recordings based on a hybrid system of Gaussian mixture model and random forest classifier (številka: 6, 2022)
    Arabic sentiment analysis using naive Bayes and CNN-LSTM (številka: 6, 2022)
    Learning the pattern-based CRF for prediction of a protein local structure (številka: 6, 2022)
    Metamorphic testing and serverless computing (številka: 6, 2022)
    Geo-spatial disease clustering for public health decision making (številka: 6, 2022)
    Sentiment analysis of Algerian dialect using machine learning and deep learning with Word2vec (številka: 6, 2022)
    Hybrid-MELAu (številka: 6, 2022)
    The usage of internet of things in agriculture (številka: 7, 2022)
    Evaluating the impact of computerized accounting information system on the economic performance of construction companies in Iraq (številka: 7, 2022)
    Perceptions and needs of health professionals concerning health information systems (številka: 7, 2022)
    Improved Salsa20 stream cipher diffusion based on random chaotic maps (številka: 7, 2022)
    Fuzzy data aggregation approach to enhance energy-efficient routing protocol for HWSNs (številka: 7, 2022)
    Network performance analysis using packets probe for passive monitoring (številka: 7, 2022)
    Optimizing the quality of predicting the ill effects of intensive human exposure to social networks using ensemble method (številka: 7, 2022)
    A multi-label classification of disaster-related tweets with enhanced word embedding ensemble convolutional neural network model (številka: 7, 2022)
    Detect and mitigate blockchain-based DDoS attacks using machine learning and smart contracts (številka: 7, 2022)
    Automatic question generation using RNN-based and pre-trained transformer-based models in low resource indonesian language (številka: 7, 2022)
    An approach for collaboration between different stakeholders to strengthen the public health system (številka: 7, 2022)
    Citrus diseases recognition by using CNN model (številka: 7, 2022)
    Research on weighing of concrete aggregate pile based on binocular vision (številka: 7, 2022)
    Risk prediction of enterprise credit financing using machine learning (številka: 7, 2022)
    Fuzzy based decision support model for health insurance claim (številka: 7, 2022)
    Software (številka: 9, 2022)
  47. 2023

    številka: 1 (2023)
    številka: 2 (2023)
    številka: 3 (2023)
    številka: 4 (2023)
    A novel method for human MRI based pancreatic cancer prediction using integration of Harris Hawks varients & VGG16: a deep learning approach (številka: 1, 2023)
    A multi-channel convolutional neural network for multilabel sentiment classification using Abilify oral user reviews (številka: 1, 2023)
    Setiment analysis and machine learning classification of COVID-19 vaccine tweets (številka: 1, 2023)
    A prediction model for student academic performance using machine learning (številka: 1, 2023)
    Threat model and risk management for a smart home IoT system (številka: 1, 2023)
    Implementation of multiple CNN architectures to classify the sea coral images (številka: 1, 2023)
    On integrating multiple restriction domains to automatically generate test cases of model transformations (številka: 1, 2023)
    Prediction of heart disease using modified hybrid classifier (številka: 1, 2023)
    Predicting students performance using supervised machine learning based on imbalanced dataset and wrapper feature selection (številka: 1, 2023)
    Assessing mental health crisis in pandemic situation with computational intelligence (številka: 1, 2023)
    Enhancement of NTSA secure communication with one-time pad (OTP) in IoT (številka: 1, 2023)
    Learning the structure of Bayesian networks from incomplete data using a mixture model (številka: 1, 2023)
    Design of ecological land remediation planning and remediation mode based on spatial clustering algorithm (številka: 2, 2023)
    Design and development of mobile terminal application based on android (številka: 2, 2023)
    Predicting the usefulness of e-commerce products’ reviews using machine learning techniques (številka: 2, 2023)
    Detecting temporal and spatial anomalies in users’ activities for security provisioning in computer networks (številka: 2, 2023)
    Automatic detection of stop words for texts in the uzbek language (številka: 2, 2023)
    Dynamic cost estimation of reconstruction project based on particle swarm optimization algorithm (številka: 2, 2023)
    Improved genetic algorithm in multi-objective cargo logistics loading and distribution (številka: 2, 2023)
    Optimization of personalized recommendation strategy for e-commerce platform based on artificial intelligence (številka: 2, 2023)
    EU smart cities (številka: 2, 2023)
    Application of adaptive artificial bee colony algorithm in reservoir information optimal operation (številka: 2, 2023)
    A hybrid modelling framework for e-commerce supply chain simulation: complex adaptive systems perspective (številka: 2, 2023)
    Potential impact of climate change on groundwater level declination in Bangladesh: a mathematical modeling computation (številka: 2, 2023)
    An integrated approach for analysing sentiments on social media (številka: 2, 2023)
    Locus (številka: 2, 2023)
    Logistics distribution route optimization based on improved particle swarm optimization (številka: 2, 2023)
    A two phase ultrasound image de-speckling framework by nonlocal means on anisotropic diffused image data (številka: 2, 2023)
    Tradeoffs in using blockchain technology for security, privacy, and decentralization (številka: 2, 2023)
    Khmer-Vietnamese neural machine translation improvement using data augmentation strategies (številka: 3, 2023)
    Lightweight multi-objective and many-objective problem formulations for evolutionary neural architecture search with the training-free performance metric synaptic flow (številka: 3, 2023)
    Personalized recommendation system of e-learning resources based on Bayesian classification algorithm (številka: 3, 2023)
    An automatic labeling method for subword-phrase recognition in effective text classification (številka: 3, 2023)
    Designing a permissioned blockchain network for the insurance claim process using hyperledger fabric and composer (številka: 3, 2023)
    AHP algorithm for indoor air pollution detection and evaluation system design (številka: 3, 2023)
    Analysis platform of rail transit vehicle signal system based on data mining (številka: 3, 2023)
    Comparative study of missing value imputation techniques on e-commerce product ratings (številka: 3, 2023)
    A hybrid deep learning approach to keyword spotting in vietnamese stele images (številka: 3, 2023)
    Complaints with target scope identification on social media (številka: 3, 2023)
    Computational analysis of uplink NOMA and OMA for 5G applications (številka: 3, 2023)
    Deep learning-based CNN multi-modal camera model identification for video source identification (številka: 3, 2023)
    Motion embedded images (številka: 3, 2023)
    Low-cost GNSS receivers for geodetic monitoring purposes (številka: 4, 2023)
  48. 2024