Vojvoda, Metod (1988). Norden-Man and Environment, Geographical Society of Northern Finland and Department of Geography. University of Oulu, Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin - Stuttart 1987. Str. 535, fotografij 79, kart in kartografskih risb 308, tabel 110..
Geografski vestnik, volume 60, str. 175-176.
URN:NBN:SI:DOC-2EOZLZQJ from http://www.dlib.si
Vojvoda, Metod. "Norden-Man and Environment, Geographical Society of Northern Finland and Department of Geography. University of Oulu, Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin - Stuttart 1987. Str. 535, fotografij 79, kart in kartografskih risb 308, tabel 110.."
Geografski vestnik volume 60 (1988) str. 175-176.