Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 65(2019)10, 585-598 © 2019 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. D0l:10.5545/sv-jme.2019.6312 Original Scientific Paper Received for review: 2019-09-02 Received revised form: 2019-09-24 Accepted for publication: 2019-09-25 Study of Influential Parameters of the Sphere Indentation Used for the Control Function of Material Properties in Forming Operations Roman Satošek1 - Michal Valeš2 - Tomaž Pepelnjak1.* University of Ljubljana. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Slovenia 2Czech Technical University in Prague. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Czech Republic The uncertainties of modern, adaptable sheet metal forming systems are classified into model errors and disturbances. To improve the control of production, disturbances in the forming process need to be reduced. For this purpose, a new data flow system was introduced. It connected the data flow of all influencing material parameters into the "material property control function". To control on-line the forming production line and acquire necessary material data, an indentation test was implemented. The main parameters to follow in this test are pile-up or sink-in values after the embossing of the ball-shaped tool into the material where the innovative approach of fully anisotropic material description was used. To set-up an optimal indentation test, parametric studies were performed with material data of AW 5754-H22. Finite element simulations were used to evaluate the influences of indenter diameter, contact friction and forming history of used the material. Fully anisotropic material behaviour was considered. Novel to this approach were a) the linking of the linear correlation of pile-up with the indentation depth described by gradient k, and b) the linking of gradient k with different pre-strains by a new power function. Keywords: indentation test, anisotropy, on-line control system, forming process, parametric study Highlights • A new set-up of the control function influenced by the material properties, which is intended for the direct control of the sheet metal-forming production process via on-line indentation testing. • Influential parameters of indentation testing at different indentation depths shows following scientific innovations: • The pile-up effect is dominant when the spherical indenter is embossed into AW 5754-H22. • A linear relationship exists between pile-up and indentation depth at different indenter diameters, in which the pile-up value has a smaller gradient in the case of a bigger indenter diameter and vice versa. • If no elastic region exists under indentation, the observed relationship between indenter diameter and pile-up value is not linear. • The relationship between Coulomb friction coefficient p and pile-up value expresses larger values of the linear gradient at a smaller value of friction coefficient p. • A linear relationship exists between the pile-up and indentation depth at various values of normal anisotropy. Examining the cold roller anisotropic material, it was found that the pile-up at 8 = 45° has the nearest slope to the isotropic one while at 8 = 0° the slope is increased and, vice versa, at 8 = 90° it is lower as in the case of isotropic material.. • The most important contribution to the research of indentation is a novel definition of power function correlations among strain hardening, anisotropy and pile-up. 0 INTRODUCTION The autonomous operation of modern metal-forming processes is essential. An appropriate response of the flexible sheet metal forming lines can only be provided if the properties of the incoming material can be identified online. All deviations of the finished part from the design are coming from the uncertainties of the forming process. Allwood et al. [1] have described in an overview paper of this research field those uncertainties in metal forming processes and divided them into model errors and disturbances. According to this classification, the model errors include all process design errors (necessary forces, friction, etc.) while disturbances include all those uncertainties that are not included in model errors (variations in input material thickness. equipment vibration. temperature differences. differences in the material forming properties. etc.). One of the major goals in designing modern metal forming processes is to have the majority of all influential parameters described as model errors and to minimize the amount of disturbances. To follow major goals in designing the modern metal forming processes. we need to move uncertainties caused by the changes of metal forming properties from disturbance to model errors. This transition can be made with the implementation of the indentation test. A spherical indentation test is commonly used for determining the hardness of the material. However. with special approaches. we can also make evaluations with its constitutive properties. fracture toughness. *Corr. Author's Address: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Aškerčeva 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, 585 Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 65(2019)10, 585-598 residual stresses, and creep properties. The indentation test is classified as a non-destructive [2] or quasi-nondestructive [3] localized test that can be used for nonstandard specimens. Indentation test is a simple test but extracting the aforementioned properties from a specimen is far from easy. The biggest challenge is non-uniform strain beneath the indenter. This paper evaluates the constitutive properties of the material based on the indentation test. Such evaluations with similar methods have been done by several authors [4] to [17], and they have used the strain-hardening coefficient n based on the Hollomon hardening power law (Eq. (1)). = C afl = Rp + i -Aaf. (7) (8) As mentioned, when defining material properties of the AW 5754-H22, the presented paper uses the Swift approximation power low due to better fitting of its material properties. Finally, no indentation test method considering the Swift hardening power law was found in the literature. The indentation test at different forming steps i was simulated using the Swift hardening law. Since at 300 250 200 Oh S150 teT 100 300 250 CTf45 200 fin Rv 150 ¿T 100 50 0 a) <7. „„.t^^ p-t-0-- ÄP Pre-forming (sheet metal rolling) Forming (deep draw) • • Annealed —Pre-forming - - Forming 3 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 ^e.p [/] b) ^ — ** „ _ i = 60 % ^flOO f m 9 * 70 % '' = 85 % Aof i = 45 "/ ; = 30»/ / = 15 % Virtual shift -•-Initial -»- ¡ = 45 % 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.0 Se.p [/] 0.1 Fig. 12. Material property of- ee,p curve: a) production life cycle b) usage in FE simulation 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 £e,P [/] Fig. 13. Material property history described with of- £e,p curves compression loading significantly higher strains can be reached prior to material failure, as in the case of tensile loading, the maximal plastic strain of the initial material in all FE simulations of indentation test were set to £e,p,max = 1. The su versus h correlations at rolling direction (0 = 0°) obtained from FE simulations are presented in Fig. 14a. The maximum values of each obtained line correspond to the obtained value of selected maximal plastic strain. However, the factors Study of Influential Parameters of the Sphere Indentation Used for the Control Function of Material Properties in Forming Operations 595 Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 65(2019)10, 585-598 i are connected to the percentage of pre-strain values presented in Fig. 14a for these pre-strain values, the maximal attainable plastic strain was decreased, as shown in Fig. 14a. It can be observed that the indenter depth depends on percentage i of the pre-strain, where at higher forming percentages i lower indentation depth h is reached. The present study shows that percentage of the pre-strain i increases the gradient of the linear correlation describing the su-h relationship (steeper slope). Fig. 14b is an example of the increased gradient of the su-h line due to the pre-strain difference between initial and i = 45 % pre-strained material. It is also evident that anisotropy does not influence the gradient increase if pile-up in different directions (8 = 0°, 8 = 45° and 8 = 90°) was observed (Fig. 14b). function. An entirely new correlation is introduced, as shown in the Eq. (9): o 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 h [mm] Fig. 14. Influence of strain history on ball indentation test a) complete pre-strain range and b) only initial and i = 45 % For each FE simulated set of data points at particular pre-strain, the linear trendline was approximated in order to obtain the parameters of linear correlation, and the gradient k was extracted. Fig. 15 presents the relationship between gradient k and pre-strain values. It is evident that the relationship k versus ee,p can also be described with a power k = a •( +sc,v ) (9) where a is the constant of the introduced power function, f initial shift regarding the coordinate system and b the function's exponent. Particular parameters of the determined power function are shown in Table 5 for all three directions regarding the material rolling. The introduced function is valid for the AW 5754-H22 material and its generalization needs to be further analysed. However, this function can be introduced into the DFMCF system. Table 5. Power function parameters 8 [°] a [-] f [-] b [-] 0 0.372 0.0214 0.186 45 0.339 0.0239 0.222 90 0.3 0.0211 0.242 Fig. 15. Relations between the k (gradient of the linear trendline) and true strain e. e,p 5 CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions can be stated from the presented study: a) To reduce disturbances (Allwood classification) in the sheet metal-forming process we, introduce the concept of DFMCF aimed for the feedforward controls of sheet metal production lines. This data flow has three groups of modules among which one is designated as knowledge build-up. The present study focuses on the FE simulation module as a part of knowledge build-up group. If we are following the material properties control function data flow for FE simulation, the material properties have to be experimentally acquired. In the presented work, the uniaxial tension test for 596 Satosek, R. - Vales, M. - Pepelnjak, T. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 65(2019)10, 585-598 aluminium alloy AW 5754-H22 was conducted and approximated with Swift hardening power law. b) The pile-up effect is influenced by indenter diameter D and corresponding indenter depth hp. The combination of indenter diameter D, indenter depth hp and material thickness 5 was analysed to select proper dimension D for experimental work, for which the existence of the elastic area under the indenter must be present. The relation between indenter depth hp and the value of the pile-up 5u have to be linear for quality measurements. The slope of the linear relationship 5u - hp depends on indenter diameter D its smaller value leads to a steeper line. In the case of the missing elastic area under the contact surface (e.g., when the material thickness 5 is too small), the relationship between indenter depth hp and pile-up value 5u becomes non-linear, and the gradient of the curve starts to decrease. Material AW 5754-H22 with a thickness of 5 = 3 mm and the indenter with diameter D = 1 mm were selected for experimental verification. c) Friction has significant influence on the pile-up effect, and it decreases the pile-up value 5u. Therefore, for the numerical simulations a proper friction coefficient needs to be inserted into the FE models. Comparative analyses among FE simulations of the indentation process and experimental work have shown good fit for friction coefficient of f = 0.2 being used for all consecutive numerical analyses. d) The anisotropic behaviour of material properties plays a significant role in pile-up mapping. In the case of anisotropic material, the pile-up values are directional dependent. Evaluating the relationship 5u - h, it was found that the pile-up at 6 = 45° has the nearest slope to the isotropic one while at 6 = 0° the slope is increased and, vice versa, at 6 = 90° it is lower as in the case of isotropic material. In the future research work, the indentation test will be integrated into the sheet metal forming process, and the relation between pile-up values and Lankford's r-values will be determined. e) The forming history can be recorded with the indentation test shown on the case of aluminium alloy AW 5754-H22. Various material pre-strains caused by cold rolling deliver steeper 5u - h lines, and the target true equivalent plastic strain ee,p is reached at smaller indentation depth h. f) An entirely new correlation of the slope of the linear relationship of 5u versus h as a function of pre-strain was introduced, leading the AW 5754- H22 material to the potential equation correlating the factors k, ee p and new introduced parameters a, f and b. g) Further research work is oriented towards the design of an experiment to establish the connection between the knowledge build-up group and control function generator group and experimentally prove the presented on-line forming process feed-forward control function. 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This paper is part of research work within the program Nr. P2-0248 entitled Innovative Production Systems financed by the Slovene Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. The authors are very grateful for the financial support. 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