UDK 539.3:534.1 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni članek MTAEC9, 44(4)219(2010) A NEW SOLUTION OF THE HARMONIC FUNCTIONS IN THE THEORY OF ELASTICITY NEKATERE ZNAČILNOSTI HARMONIČNIH FUNKCIJ V TEORIJI O ELASTNIČNOSTI Chygyryns'kyy Valeryy Victorovich1, Shevchenko Vladimir Grigorovich1, Ilija Mamuzic2, Belikov Sergey Borisevich1 1Zaporozhskyy National Technical University, Str. Zukovsky 64, Zaporizz'a, Ukraine 2University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mettalurgy Sisak, Str. A. N. heroja 3, Sisak, Croatia mamuzic@simet.hr Prejem rokopisa - received: 2008-11-21; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 2009-08-17 A new approach to the solution of a plane problem of the theory of elasticity with the use of two harmonic functions with a Cauchy-Riemann analytical link is developed. The analysis of the harmonic functions shows that some allow a new approach to the solution of problems of the theory of elasticity. For the solution of linear differential equations a fundamental substitution is used, written in the general form ip(x,y) = y = C„ • exp 9, with 0 = 0(x,y) as a function of the strain centre. The transformations are explained with the properties of harmonic functions, where the Cauchy-Riemann relations can be used. The considered variants extend the possibilities for solutions and, if necessary, to obtain suitable functions for predetermined tasks. The new method is universal and can be effectively used when the fields of stresses and strains are described with trigonometric expressions. Key words: theory of elasticity, harmonic functions, Cauchy-Riemann expressions. Razvit je bil nov način reševanja ravninskega problema teorije elastičnosti s Cauchy-Riemanovo analitično zvezo. Analiza harmoničnih funkcij pokaže, da nekatere omogočajo nov način za rešitve problemov iz teorije elastičnosti. Za rešitev linearnih diferencialnih enačb se uporablja temeljna substitucija, zapisana v splošni obliki z \p(x,y) = y = C„ • exp 9, z 9 = 9(x,y) kot funkcijo središča deformacije. Transformacije smo razložili z lastnostmi harmoničnih funkcij, pri katerih je dovoljena uporaba Cauchy-Riemanovih povezav. Upoštevane variante razširjajo možnost rešitev in, če je potrebno, omogočijo, da dobimo rešitve za vnaprej načrtovano uporabo. Nova metoda je univerzalna in se lahko učinkovito uporabi, če so polja napetosti in deformacij opisana s trigonometričnimi odvisnostmi. Ključne besede: teorija elestičnosti, harmonične funkcije, Cauchy-Riemanovi izrazi where ^(x,y) is the coordinate function of the strain 1 INTRODUCTION AND FORMULATION OF centre; A is the constant determining the elastic state of THE TASK a deformable medium; F is the coordinate function characterizing the allocation of contact shearing The analysis of the peculiarities of the harmonic stresses; a is the slope angle of an element. functions shows that some of them allow new In place of equations (1) and (2), the biharmonic approaches to the solution of problems of the theory of equation (4) can be applied: elasticity. Let us consider a plane problem of this theory. d 4 (p d 4 (p d 4 (p We have a set of equilibrium equations1. V4 p = —-+2--—+—- (4) dx4 d2x-d2 y dy4 dox dtxy = dTx^ do^ = dx + dy "0; dx + dy "0 (1) with p as a stress function. The expression fulfils the boundary conditions (3) The equationof joint strains t^ = ^p(x, y) - sin(AF) (5) V (o x +oy) = 0 (2) The stress difference in (3) is determined with The stresses'boundary conditions o -o = 2 - y) - cos(af) (6) o x - o y :—---sin2a-txy • cos2a (3) 2 SOLUTION OF THE TASK Applying these expressions, the harmonic law of the The fundamental substitution is often used during the distribution of contact stresses is determined2, which solution of linear differential equations4, which can be formally coincides with that in3: written in the following general form t n =-^(x, y) - sin( AF-2a) ^(x,y) = ^ = Co •exp 9 (7) with 6 = 6(x,y) being the unknown coordinate function of the strain centre. Let us examine the harmonic functions AF and 6. The analytical link between them is admitted by the Cauchy-Riemann expressions4,5 6 x =±AFy 6 y =±AFx (8) After the derivation of equation (5), consideration of equation (7) and substitution in the equilibrium equations we obtain do x -d^T+Co ■ 6y ■ exp 6 • sin(AF) + +Co ■ AFy ■ exp 6■ cos(A6)=0 do y -dy-+Co ■ 6x ■ exp 6 ■ sin(AF) + +Co ■ AFx ■ exp6■ cos(AF)= 0 with 6y, AFx as the partial derivatives of the appropriate functions of the coordinates y and x. Passing from one variable to the other with the help of (8), we obtain, after integration and simplifications, the normal and shearing stresses ox = Co ■ exp 6 ■ cos(AF) + f(y) + C ^ = Co ■ exp 6 ■ cos(AF)+f(x)+C (9) y ^ ^ = C o ■ exp 6 ■ sin( AF) Substituting f(y) = f(x) = 0 in (9), we obtain the relation (6) that fulfils the boundary conditions for equation (3). Considering (9), the sum of the stresses is o x + o y = 2C and the equation of joint strains (2) is automatically fulfilled. It is interesting that during the evaluation of the Laplacian for each value Co ■ exp 6 ■ cos(AF) and the substitution (8) the identity 0 ^ 0 is obtained. Using this peculiarity, the sum of stresses can be expressed as a product of the functions o'=ox + oy = n ■ C ■ exp 6 ■ cos(AF) (10) with n as the number that defines the influences of hydrostatic pressure on the medium of the stressed state in the strain zone. By substituting (10) in (2) we obtain V'(ox + oy) = V' [n ■ Co ■ exp 6■ cos(AF)_ = =n ■ C o ■ exp 6{[6 ^^ +(6 x - AFy )(6 x + AFy)+ +6yy +(6y - AFx)(6y + AFx)]■ cos(AF)- - 26AFx + 26yAFy + AFxx + AFyy ]■ sin(AF)} (11) It is clear from the analysis of the differential equation (11), that it turns to identity under the condition of 6 x =±AFy 6 y =±AFx This is the relation (8), which was introduced as an assumption during the solution of the equilibrium equations. Differentiating further, we obtain =±AF,„ ^xy =±AFyy =±AF^ =±AF, The last relations convert equation (11) into identity. The last expressions show that the indicated functions are harmonic, i.e. :+ 6 yy = 0 AFyy = 0 It is remarkable that the operators of the trigonometrical functions are equal to zero. This peculiarity shows that the function (10) also fulfils the biharmonic equation (4). Considering equation (10), the Laplace of the equation has the form V=V' [co ■ exp 6 ■ cos(AF)] = =Co ■exp6 '6xx +(62 - AFy' + 6 yy +(6 2 - AFx cos( AF )- (2 ■ 6 xAFx + 26 yAFy +AF + AF,„ sin(AF) =0 + 62 - AFy + 6yy +62 - AFx Let us introduce the symbolisms L(x, y) = L =( M(x, y) = M = 2■ 6x • AFx + 26y • AFy + AFxx + AF^^ Then, with consideration of the symbolisms, the accurate form of the Laplace equation is obtained a(x, y) = a = L■ cos(AF)- M ■ sin(AF)= 0 If the factors in the trigonometrical functions are equal to zero, also the operators L = M = 0. For a more integrated analysis let us write a Laplacian for the function a(x,y) d4 ^ d4 ^ d4 (p V4 p = d2 dx4 d2 ^ d2x■d2y dy4 (L■ cos(AF)- M ■ sin(AF = V4a = d 2 2 = (Lxx - L ■ AF^; - 2Mx • AFx - M ■ AFxx + L.^ - L ■ AFy; - -2My • AFy - M ■ AFyy) ■ cos( AF )-(2Lx • AFX + +L ■ AFXX + Mxx - M ■ AFx + 2Ly • AFy + L ■ AFyy + +Myy -My ■ AFy2) ■ sin(AF) It is expected that the partial derivatives from zero functions are equal to zero, thus, V4 a ^ 0. Let us write the partial derivatives of separate operators and track the mechanism of the turning into identity of the harmonic functions L. = (6xxx + 6yyx)+(26x 6xx -2AF.AFyx + +(26y 6yx -2AFx AFxx) Following (8), we have Ö =-AF 6„ = AF^ ?xx =-AFyx ^^ =-AFyy 6 yy = AF^ 6 yx = AFxx 6_ =-AF 6.....= AF„ = AFxxx (12) Let us substitute (12) in the operator Lx. d (0xx + 0yy) + [20x 0xx - 2(eX )(0xx) ]+ L = dx '20 y 0 yx - 2(0 y )(e ^x )]- 0 We have obtained the identity, "quod erat demonstrandum". The same approaches take place during the evaluation of the operator Lxx. Let us write it as Lxx = (0xxxx - 0yyxx ) + (20xx 0xx - 2 AFyx AFyx ) + +(20x 0xxx -2AFyAFyxx)-(2AFxxAFxx -20yx 0yx)--(2AFxAFXXX -20y 0yxx) Substituting (12) into the expression for Lxx and factoring out a flexion on x from the first brackets, after conversion the identity 0 ^ 0 is obtained. Thus, the operators Lxx = Lyy = Mx = Myy = Lx = Ly = M^ = My = L = M = 0 demonstrate that the function (10) fulfils the biharmonic equation (4) and it can be used for the evaluation of the components of the stress tensor. It is necessary to ensure that the field of stresses and the stress function are described, as a matter of fact, with identical expressions (9) and (10) linked analytically6 with ^ = d2