Igor Krivokapič the composer : a collection of music scores and audio recordings
Igor Krivokapič belongs to the middle generation of Slovenian composers. During the last thirty years, he has composed numerous compositions for various musical groups and attracted renowned Slovenian musicians to perform them. His large orchestral ensembles include four symphonies, three concerts, and music for brass orchestra. He pays special attention to the selection and testing of less recognizable and even overlooked musical instruments, thus fulfilling his mission, which is reflected in his many chamber compositions. He revived the helicon trumpet once used by cavalry, and he encouraged the creation of a family of these instruments, which he also successfully teaches as a professor at the Conservatory of Music and Ballet in Ljubljana. As a contemporary composer, he believes in the ancient roots of musical language - through generations, on the level of the unconscious, they continue into the future in his work as well. The future is guaranteed due to his careful and responsible attitude towards musical record, and willingness to exhibit his compositions without any restriction.

Number of hits: 383

[s. n.] (6)
C. kr. dež. šolski svet (1)
Collegium musicum (1)
Delavsko bralno društvo (1)
Društvo Musaik (1)
Društvo slovenskih skladateljev (10)
Društvo za zgradbo učiteljskega konvikta (1)
Družba sv. Mohorja (4)
DZS (1)
Glasbena matica (86)
Glasbena Matica (5)
I. Kleinmayr in F. Bamberg (1)
Imprez (8)
J. Blaznikovi nasledniki (2)
J. Kovačič (1)
Javni sklad Republike Slovenije za kulturne dejavnosti (2)
Jugoslovanska knjigarna (6)
Katoliška bukvarna (16)
Katoliška Bukvarna (1)
Katoliška knjigarna (1)
Katoliška tiskarna (1)
Katoliško tiskarsko društvo (1)
Knezoškofijski ordinarijat (1)
Knjižnica (1)
L. Osterc (1)
L. Schwentner (5)
lastna založba (1)
lastnina skladatelja (1)
lastnina skladateljeva (1)
Litografija I. Ogrin, ml. (1)
M. Modic (2)
Mladinski pevski zbor Vilhar (1)
Musaik (1)
N. Štritof (1)
Naklada Saveza kompozitora Jugoslavije (1)
O. Fischer (3)
Pavel Debevec (1)
Pevski zbor Glasbene matice (1)
Pevsko društvo Ljubljanski zvon (2)
Pevsko društvo 'Ljubljanski zvon' v Ljubljani (1)
Pevsko društvo Slavec (1)
Pevsko društvo Zvon (1)
prodaja Kat. bukvarna (1)
prodaja Katol. bukvarna (1)
prodaja Katoliška bukvarna (1)
Roman Pahor (1)
samozal. (9)
samozal. F. Volarič (2)
samozal. J. Bartl (1)
samozal. J. Sicherl (1)
samozal. M. Gvozdenac (2)
samozal. R. Sabo (1)
samozal. S. Osterc (1)
samozal. skladatelj (15)
Samozaložba (2)
Selbstverlag des Conventes (1)
Slovenska Sokolska zveza (1)
Styria (3)
svojina kompoziterova (1)
Šentjakobski pevski zbor (1)
tisk in založba Egerjeva (1)
tisk in založba R. Eger (1)
Učiteljska tiskarna (1)
Učiteljska tiskarna v Ljubljani (4)
Učiteljski pevski zbor (1)
Umetniška založba 'Treh labodov' (1)
Universal-Edition (2)
Zadružna tiskarna (1)
Založba Avsenik, T. Avsenik (81)
Založba J. Blasnikovih naslednikov (1)
založil Ant. Kunšič (1)
založil in prodaja J. Giontini (2)
Zveza slov. pevskih zborov (1)
Zvezna knjigarna (1)
Zvezna tiskarna in knjigarna (1)
Ženski akademski pevski zbor (1)
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