Number of hits: 853

Journals - form
= Karst Research Institute at ZRC SAZU (1)
= National institute of Biology (1)
= ZRC Publishing (2)
Aerosol (1)
Association of the Geographical Societies of Slovenia (1)
Biotehniška fakulteta (1)
Biotehniška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani (1)
Botanično društvo Slovenije (1)
Calcutta printed, and London reprinted for Geo. Kearsley ... (1)
Carniolan Tourist - Office (1)
Center EMUNI, University Centre for Euro-Mediterranean Studies (2)
Centro di ricerche scientifiche della Repubblica di Slovenia (9)
D.A. Teixeira da Costa Ribeiro (1)
Društvo antropologov Slovenije (4)
Društvo učiteljev geografije Slovenije (2)
Društvo za primerjalno religiologijo (1)
Društvo za stereologijo in kvantitativno analizo slike, Medicinska fakulteta (3)
Extrade (1)
Fakulteta za arhitekturo (2)
Fakulteta za družbene vede (2)
Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo (1)
Filozofska fakulteta (129)
Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za arheologijo (1)
Generalštab Slovenske vojske (2)
Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU (92)
Hrvatsko geografsko društvo (1)
Institute for Ethnic Studies (1)
Inštitut IRRIS za raziskave, razvoj in strategije družbe, kulture in okolja (10)
Inštitut za geografijo Univerze Edvarda Kardelja v Ljubljani (32)
Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja (2)
Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU (1)
Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo (1)
Istituto IRRIS di ricerca, sviluppo e strategie della societa, cultura e ambiente (10)
J. Botić (1)
J. Cary Engraver & Map-seller (1)
K. Kuščer (1)
Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts (1)
Logatec : Občina (1)
Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo (2)
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica (1)
Oddelek za geografijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani (89)
PAZU (1)
printed and sold by Allin and Ridge; sold also by G.G.J. and J. Robinson ... and J. Stockdale ... London (1)
printed at the Logographic press; and sold by J. Walter (1)
printed by and for W. Richardson ... also for J. Robson ... and N. Conant ... (1)
printed by G. Scott; and sold by J. Robson (1)
printed by J. Nichols, for T. Cadell ... (1)
printed by J. Ruthven, for G.G.J. and J. Robinson (1)
printed by James and Johnson (1)
printed by T. R. for Benj. Tooke ... (1)
printed by W. and A. Strahan: for G. Nicol ... and T. Cadell ... (1)
printed by W. Mowbray, and sold by Mr. Jordan (1)
printed for A. Strahan and T. Cadell: and sold by T. Cadell jun. and W. Davies (1)
printed for A. Strahan, and T. Cadell Jun. and W. Davies ... (1)
printed for B. White ... J. Robson ... P. Elmsly ... and G. Robinson (1)
printed for Benj. Tooke, at the Sign of the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard (1)
printed for C. Dilly ... (1)
printed for Charles Stalker ... (1)
printed for Cullen and company ... (1)
printed for E. and C. Dilly ... and J. Almon ... (1)
printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson (3)
printed for G. Nicol (1)
printed for G. Robinson (1)
printed for G. Robinson ... and C. Elliot ... (1)
printed for G. Robinson ... and Pearson and Rollason ... (1)
printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson (1)
printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson ... (2)
printed for J. Debrett (3)
printed for J. Debrett ... (1)
printed for J. Johnson (2)
printed for J. Johnson ... et al. (1)
printed for John Stockdale (2)
printed for R. Blamire ... (1)
printed for R. Morison and son ... G. Mudie ... and T. Vernor ... London (1)
printed for Richard Phillips ... by J.G. Barnard (1)
printed for Stanfield Parkinson, the editor (1)
printed for T. Cadell (1)
printed for T. Cadell ... (2)
Printed For The Author (1)
printed for the author and sold by J. Edwards ... (1)
printed for the author by C. Clarke (1)
printed for the author by Robert and Andrew Foulis (1)
printed for the author, and sold by E. & C. Dilly, London (1)
printed for the author, and sold by Thomas Payne ... (1)
printed for the author's widow; and sold by T. Payne ... (1)
printed for the editor ... (1)
printed for the proprietor; sold by H. D. Symonds (1)
printed for W. Faden ... J. Robson ... and R. Sewell (1)
printed for W. Faden ... J. Robson ... and R. Sewell ... (1)
Printed for W. Innys, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, E. Comyns, D. Browne, T. Longman, H. Whitebridge, C. Hitch, J. Hodge, S. Austen, R. Manby and H.S. Cox, A. Millar, J. and J. Rivington, and J. Ward (1)
printed for W. Lowndes ... (1)
printed for W. Strahan, and T. Cadell ... (1)
printed for W. Strahan; and T. Cadell (1)
printed for William Lane (1)
printed for, and sold by the editor; J. Ridgway ... and W. Button ... (1)
reprinted for J. Johnson ... (1)
Robinson (1)
Slavistično društvo Slovenije (8)
Slovene Anthropological Society (2)
Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO (1)
Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti (229)
Slovensko društvo za primerjalno književnost (5)
Slovensko sociološko društvo (2)
Societá storica del Litorale (33)
sold by G. Nicol ... and J. Sewell ... (1)
sold by J. Robson ... I. Owen ... and Balfour, Edinburgh ... (1)
sold by Richardson et al. (1)
University of Primorska Press (1)
Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstvenoraziskovalno središče (8)
Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Univerzitetna založba Annales (1)
Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije (4)
Vega, Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije (1)
W.S. Orr ... (1)
Založba Univerze na Primorskem (1)
Založba Univerze v Ljubljani (14)
Založba ZRC (219)
Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo (2)
Zavod za gluhe in naglušne (1)
Zgodovinsko društvo dr. Franca Kovačiča (2)
Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko (41)
Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete (85)
Znanstveno raziskovalno središče Republike Slovenije (9)
Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU (3)
Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Geografski inštitut (28)
ZRC Publishing (1)
ZRC SAZU - Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Založba ZRC, Anton Melik Geographical Institute (1)
ZRC SAZU, Biološki inštitut Jovana Hadžija (4)
ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC (1)
Zveza geodetov Slovenije (2)
Zveza geografskih društev Slovenije (54)
Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije (1)
Search in (853)