Josipina: Vicinity of remoteness
Josipina Turnograjska (1833 - 1854) was an extremely talented, exceptionally well educated and a broad-minded woman. She wrote more than thirty stories, and was the first to deal with the subject of Veronika Deseniška. However, only a few of her poems are preserved. She was a good piano player and a composer as well. She published her works in the Slovenska bčela monthly and the Zora newspaper. Before the age of twenty, she was already known and respected; her works were translated in some other Slavic languages beyond borders of the Hapsburg monarchy. She wrote only in the Slovenian language.
Josipina Urbančič - Turnograjska and Lovro Toman - at that time he was a law student, met in August 1850, and in autumn, when Lovro returned to Graz, they began to exchange letters. They soon confessed love for each other. Lovro visited Preddvor and the Turn Castle during vacations and on public holidays, staying there for a couple of days. They went on trips without any escort, which was a courageous action for that time. Their relationship, especially their passionate correspondence, provoked gossip in Preddvor, Kranj and Ljubljana. Some people were so curious that they opened the letters and many had been lost. Lovro was very proud of Josipina, he appreciated her knowledge and admired her literary activities - he often spoke about her.
In autumn 1852, Lovro began his legal practice in Kranj, and the planned marriage was less than a year ahead. Because of the land registry's disengagement, Lovro got insight into the financial situation of the Turnšek noble family. Josipina was surprised that he demanded quite a high amount of money from her family. He insisted on selling the Turn Castle and on division of the property among Josipina and her brothers. Josipina was hurt by his conduct. The wedding was postponed until her uncle, in order to avoid shame, added to dowry a considerable sum. Lovro and Josipina were married on 22 September 1853. The family moved from Turn to Graz.
Josipina Turnograjska, the first Slovenian poet and writer, died there on June 1, 1854, presumably due to complications at childbirth. Lovro grieved over her death for a long time and he dedicated many of his poems to her. He left Graz and stayed at the Turn Castle and his native Kamna Gorica. In 1863, he moved to Ljubljana and married Luiza Altman. After a long illness, he died in August 1870.

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